#and im good at writing essays
this-should-do · 2 years
okay i should be trying to force my body to sleep rn but i just wanted to say how much of a weak point the zoo and the antlions are in hla are
the zoo is short and uninteresting outside of the admittably unique setting, and the antlion in comlarison to both their predecesors and the rest of the enemies are underwhelming (i dont think ive ever taken a single point of damage from one), even if the way to fight them is unique compared to most enemies and a natural progression of the tactic used to deal with armored headcrabs,
like these parts of the game arent bad thwyre just not nearly as good as the rest of the game and feel like an after thought used to fill an extra space before the end as the zoo is either the shoetest map or close to it (this effect is likely aided by how easy it is to distinguish it is from other parts) and the antlions are the last introduced enemy type and have, if memory serves me correctly, exactly 6 individuals that are its slightly more difficult version of itself and disappear after half a chapter because you, you know, reach the endgame
i dunno i played that part earlier this evening and just had thoughts when thinking about my expectations of them when i first played vs what i got and my feelings now tbat im playing a second time
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forecast0ctopus · 5 months
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I reject absoIuteIy revenge, aggression and retaliation….
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mysticalalleycat · 5 months
I think something really interesting about TMA vs TMP so far is the different use of suspense, which I actually think "the cake scenes" (as I've started to call them in my head) are really good shorthand for.
In TMA, we spend four seasons very slowly getting the hang of things alongside the protagonists. We take all of that time to slowly understand how the world works, how fucked up it is, and how fucked up it can get. The narrative waits until we have a deep understanding of that (although maybe not entirely complete yet), until the characters and world have hit a new, very deep low. Then it throws us back to the start. It gives us cake scene number one (Jon's birthday) and says "Hey remember how when this started they were all (mostly) happy and just regular people working a kinda weird job and they were all friends and had joy?" And it hurts! Because we know how bad it is now, so the sharp contrast to how it was before it all started hits hard!
TMA's suspense is built on the audience not understanding what's happening alongside the characters, so the depth of tragedy happening to them can only be understood in retrospect.
TMP doesnt rely on TMA entirely, but it's written with the understanding that the majority of its listeners will have listened to TMA. It knows that a lot of the audience may not know exactly what's going on here, but they know the general shape of the world and they know exactly how bad it can get (thanks MAG200).
Because it's writing for (mostly) that audience, TMP doesn't have to write about its tragedy only in retrospect. The suspense comes both from not knowing what's happening (like TMA) and from knowing exactly what's happening while the characters don't (whooo dramatic irony). The audience knows what the fears are and how they can effect the world--Sam and Alice don't.
So TMP's cake scene (Teddy's going away party) happens at the start. "Look at all these people being (mostly) happy and just regular people working a kinda weird job and all being friends and having joy! Doesn't it hurt knowing exactly how bad things could get for them?"
And it does. We are two episodes in and nothing has happened to Alice and Sam, but it's already very clear that we are audience to a tragedy. Even if they don't end up totally fucked, it's clear that their arcs will be tragic.
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fayzart136 · 8 months
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This is not for you.
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cowpokezuko · 1 month
Fuck it Wilson dancing to Against the Kitchen Floor by Will Wood.
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lorephobic · 6 months
literally nobody asked for it, but here's my list of saltburn essays that i've slowly been drafting over the course of the last week which WILL be required reading for anybody trying to engage with me about this movie. my very personal saltburn 101 syllabus just dropped
A Wolf in Deer's Clothing: Saltburn's Attempt at Innocence
an examination of party costumes and our character's last attempts to masquerade as something they're not: felix—an angel, all-forgiving and all-knowing, something to be worshiped; and oliver—a prey animal, prey to class-divide, prey to saltburn, prey to felix.
thoughts about oliver specifically are loosely organized in my #bambi tag
A Midsummer Night's Mare: Farleigh Start as the Ultimate Victim of Saltburn
a farleigh character study, about the ways he was mistreated and manipulated at saltburn, about fighting to stay alive and the scars left behind by knowing when to give in
alternatively titled "QuickStart", may be adapted into a conclusive essay specifically focusing on oliver and farleigh's relationship
The Eye of the Beholder: On Saltburn's Voyeurism & Violence [working title]
how wealth and class pushes the catton's toward the volatile reality of being able to look, but not touch. on desire and the lack thereof, and portraying yourself as an object to be desired
may end up as two separate essays on wealth and aestheticism but i'm pushing toward a conclusive essay about the intersection of the two, which i feel is at the heart of saltburn
alternatively titled "Poor Man's Pudding: A Melvillian Approach to Saltburn's Class", again, may be adapted into it's own essay
Gender-Fluid: A Study in Sexuality and Saltburn's Desire to be Dry
a deep dive into the bodily fluids of saltburn and how oliver upsets the standard of men who are just so lovely and dry. on the creative choice to lean into the messy wetness of sex and desire and the audience's instinct toward repulsion
a celebration of the grotesque and an examination of why we would label it as such
least developed of the four, heavily inspired by @charnelpit's lovely post about the fluids in saltburn
if anybody is actually interested in any of these, i can work toward something closer to a finished piece instead of just bullet points and quotes in a google doc, but mostly this is so i can share my very brief takes on a multitude of themes in saltburn that have been haunting me
edit for people seeing this in the future: all posts about my essays are being organized into my #saltburn 101 tag if you’re interested in following these through to development!
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kadextra · 7 months
q!Bagi’s analysis of q!Bad’s ability to keep secrets
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solarpunkani · 6 months
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hootiee · 4 months
After re-watching the new Blue Exorcist anime episode (ep.4) I can't stop thinking about how this arc should have been adapted soo many years sooner. it came out 10 years ago. And THIS is the true quality writing this series is known for and what truly pushes fans into really getting into it. Yes, this series is a slow burn/in-for-the-long-haul and the waiting always pays off tremendously, but I still believe it should not have taken THIS long for it to be adapted into an anime.
And it just sucks. It sucks even more that even the biggest anime-only fan's sole interaction with this series was nothing more than the mere introductory premise and never got to the true plot of this series for over than a decade since the first season. I can't help but pity them, at least in the manga it took around 5(?) years for this arc to start, it should not have taken any longer than that after the kyoto saga adaptation imo.
This series has soo much to say with so many stories left unexplored in the anime and yet the wider anime community still calls it "mid" based off the shitty non-canon season 1 ending that unfortunately left everyone with false impressions of this series. It says A LOT how the majority of people who have read the manga agrees it's phenomenal, miles better than the anime.
And it just frustrates me because Blue Exorcist could have still kept up the huge audience and the reputation & recognition it deserves for it's level of quality writing, especially for shonen. Instead of bearing the fate of its audience whittling away over the years due to the anime's mistreatment and the only fans remaining are the loyal manga fans. This series deserved better treatment years ago, but late is better than never.
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joneevarts · 21 days
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Of course this mf (affectionate) was gonna be my fav
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catboygirljoker · 10 months
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i started listening to a new podcast. what if john...muppet
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sea-buns · 2 months
hey to a gorgug liker what do you think about his nightmare section from sophomore year? cause I feel like the horror there is less “ah my grandparents were racist” and more “fuck am I being a stereotype? are the people who hate me right about me?” cause wrt to his having to modulate between barbarian and artificer in fhjy it’s like. idk
oh boy do I have thoughts
Tbh, I had zero recollection of the racism stuff until reading this. It was just SO MINOR. His trial in the forest felt really lackluster to me. I feel like everyone else's really dug into an issue at the core of their character and his felt more like "everyone is getting a trial, what do we do for gorgug?" And idk if that was just a bad delivery/call on Brennan's part or if it could have been helped by Zac engaging more in it but it just. Didn't feel like anything. It was a lot more about the dice than the horror of the claustrophobia and the bugs and you've never fit in anywhere you live to make yourself smaller wherever you go you're just the loser who hits hard. Like yeah I guess there was an overarching theme of Gorgug gaining confidence in himself but it was done very poorly imo.
And I think his trial in the forest was wrong for putting such an emphasis on his intelligence. I think that would have been much better suited in fy, back when he was still being heavily bullied, but beyond that it felt like a quick and easy thing for them to grab. Yes, he had insecurities about his intelligence with all the complications with Zelda. But, to me, the focus of fhsy was his HEART. It put a spotlight on how his social circle has grown, and his bully is his friend now, and he's not alone anymore. His interactions with Ayda, the friendship book, trying to help Fabian, I believe in you spring break, it's Gorgug keep going. I made a post earlier in the season (including a great addition by another user) that I think articulates that emphasis on his emotional intelligence very well.
Fhjy HOWEVER. I think it's doing everything that sy failed at. It's giving him space to have an inner conflict. It's addressing lots of little issues and conflicts he's had over the campaign and combining them into one coherent piece. Like, guy was in a relationship pretty much all of fy, and then dealt with the fallout in sy, but I don't think we've EVER seen as much quality relationship development with Gorgug as we have in jy. He and Fig spent an entire summer together trapped in a tour bus and no season has indicated that bond and friendship more than this one. He and Riz have found something to bond over, meanwhile in previous seasons there was pretty much zero one-on-one personal interaction between them. Fabian expressed sadness over Gorgug leaving the Owlbears, because it was the only thing they had that was just for them to hang out and be friends.
Just with that, we're already doing leagues more with Gorgug's character than we ever have. And I haven't even STARTED on his barbificier journey, oh dear god lmao.
Gonna preface this bit with a post I made before the season even started. It was about Zac's steady improvement in his performances with every PC, and how I was predicting that it was gonna culminate into a Gorgug that does him the justice he deserves. It was initially supposed to be a criticism, but I got a little lost in the sauce of loving my boy lol. Still very relevant to the topic of this ask!
God, where do I START?? Addressing his relationship with rage? I'll be honest, I didn't think that would ever be used as a character arc. And I'm not even sure why I've felt that way. I just didn't think... I didn't think about how he might've had a dislike for his own rage. Like, the WAY he rages isn't bad by any means, but I don't think it ever crossed my mind how actually harmful his lessons to sing to combat rage were. No, I did not like the way Porter went about teaching him (a bit too unsupportive of his capabilities and reminiscent of shitty teachers for my liking). But his point about EMBRACING anger; that rage is not bad and does not— should not— need to be stifled. THAAAAT. That opened up such an interesting dialogue for Gorgug.
I do appreciate the beginnings of Gorgug's interest in artificing in fhsy. I think the crumbs of it back then did a great job of leading into his larger commitment to multiclassing. And I think what he's been doing with it this season is exactly what was lacking in his section of the nightmare forest. His trial was a puzzle, based entirely on die rolls, where his solution after failing even when he's assisted by the enemy is to essentially give up. I understand that facing their fears was the whole point of the trials, but his section came off as incredibly anticlimactic and unfulfilling. Just the fact that it was a trial based on stat numbers more than the development of the character itself.
Where junior year succeeds in actually showcasing his intelligence and the evolution of the worth he holds in himself is with the hands-on approach it takes. Yes, the academic rolls are still dice and stats, but there's a physical manifestation that wasn't there before. Gorgug is smart when it comes to getting his hands dirty. It is in the practical applications of his skills that his brand of intelligence shines the most.
And while, once again, I did not LIKE Porter's heavy resistance to multiclassing....I have to admit that I don't think Gorgug would have had such a boost in confidence without that struggle. Even if my boy had trouble expressing it to Porter verbally, HE STOOD UP FOR HIMSELF. Instead of simply rolling over and agreeing that he wasn't built for a technical class and it was stupid to try– he was DEFIANT.
The kid who said "I'm a dumbass. Eat me you stupid bug." took on FOUR CLASSES. Three school years worth of artificer simultaneously. AND stayed with the Owlbears. AND went along on party missions to help Kristen's candidacy. AND was always on deck to help the party with the overarching plotline.
AND HE ACED IT!!! THE FIRST BARBIFICER THAT THE AGUEFORT ADVENTURING ACADEMY HAS EVER SEEN!!!!! He is paving the way for every unprecedented multiclass that follows.
Just in comparison to who he was in the previous season, the amount of drive and self-worth he's gained is astounding. In my eyes, it's done more than enough to makeup for the way his development fell flat in sophomore year.
i hope this fulfilled the ask in the way you were hoping! i told you i'd get carried away lmao. writing a bunch about any of zac's characters is always such a joy. gorgug had always been my favorite of the bad kids but i always found myself wishing he went deeper, y'know? and now it's real. my precious anxious boy has been handled so well. and watching zac's growth as a performer has been such a blast.
thanks for the ask! :D
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math-is-math · 7 months
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I am DYING to know what everyone (i.e. the peanut gallery) was thinking during this moment in World Tour
Everyone hates this girl, which is why they only bother to continue to see her on a surface level. They see the Heather that doesn't care about the feelings of others, who's selfish and prioritizes herself. She's someone with no emotions, no warmth. A single good bone couldn't possibly be in her body. There's no point in giving her the time of day if that's all she is: a purely evil ice queen.
But now here they are watching her be openly vulnerable, they see more of her heart. They’re now able to see a Heather who's capable of having warmth in her heart, who's able to care about someone who's not herself. They see she's capable of actually loving someone.
Did they start to realize hey wait a minute maybe we've been going about this all wrong? Maybe she's an actual person and not the heartless villain we've all imagined her to be? Maybe she wasn't born this way and something in her past caused her to become like this? Maybe we should extend some grace to her because this end result of her character wasn’t necessarily her fault?
I can't stand this mutual hatred for Heather between all of them, I need some justice for my girl they all need to be a family <3
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waitineedaname · 2 years
the kageyama brothers are so funny to me tbh. I love that ritsu is supposed to seem like the more normal one between the two of them, but you look just a little bit closer and you're like oh something is Wrong with him. one of them is the quiet awkward kid who accidentally demolished a middle school. the other one is an athletic honor roll student who's decently popular at school. the one that's most likely to try and kill you with his brain is not the one you'd expect
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eisthenameofme · 27 days
Reading the Sabbat: The Black Hand v5 book, and it is apparently impossible for me not to see the Sabbat through a Queering Vampirism lense with some of the ways they're describing it. It's very obviously not what they're Trying to do, but that's the impression I'm getting anyway.
Like they start by saying the Purpose of the Sabbat is fundamentally to challenge the status quo, right before calling them fundamentally evil/monstrous antagonists and right after describing how scared all the other kindred are of them and how inscrutible they find their motivations. And then they go right into talking about the philosophy of embracing the Beast and fundamentally Cainite traits and inhumanity/monstrosity (what they are and what seperates them from the rest of society, the Other, which in this reading is also Queerness), to the horror of everyone else, and it's considered fundamentally an aspect of self destruction (see: how people act about trans surgeries). Also, treating something otherwise extremely taboo (ex. diablerie) as a "sacrament", like treating what is normally taboo/reviled as divine isn't also incredibly queer. Also alienation from society and difficulty forming connections.
You couldn't create a queer allegory more like catnip to me if you tried, is what I'm saying
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please answer this is for research
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