#and if its still hard? that hes a cat person whod name a cat something practical. like fluffy
upsidedowngrass · 1 year
see, i dont know if just not htat many people watched the interview, but literally the interview with that person has been INTEGRAL to my understanding of liam. like the fact that liam was described as a cat person, AND that he would name the cat “something practical, like Fluffy” has literally changed how i look at liam ever since i watched it
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Hey, I really like your writing! Could you do RFA+V, MC is in a relationship with one of them but one of the other member in love with her?
Edit (Jan. 28) : So, I did not change Jumin’s part but i felt shitty for not doing the rest of the gang so here you guys go
Really sorry it was overdue -P
Watching her was hard.
She was always smiling and even though it wasnt for him, he still felt like it would cure his life maybe even the entire world
It didnt matter that she had no money or status
She was a queen like no other
Yes, she was kind and sweet but he loved that she was brutal, passionate, and fierce
but above all: she was honest
The things he learned she didnt love about herself, he loved a thousand times more- no an infinite amount more
He wont lie, he hated Seven for the longest maybe still does
He took her away even though his job could hurt her
even though he could offer MC more protection than Seven and more opportunities 
he found himself hating Seven
But MC was happy
And thats all that mattered to him
Even if it meant that she wouldnt smile like that for him
She wont show him the faces she makes when shes sad, happy, angry, excited, lost in love, orgasming, and even ignoring him- he knows that it cant ever happen
But he liked to think about what it could all be with her:
How she would be the most favorite flavor he could ever taste
How shed be his favorite place to go to when he wanted to fade away from his troubles
He enjoyed having his dreams revolve around her belonging to him, being with him- him belonging to her, and them becoming something much more than a physical and mental attraction
At the beginning he didnt expect anything from talking to a strnger, he didnt see her like anyone important enough
But as the days progressed, he felt her drowning his thoughts
Hed think about the girl in the apartment whod look at her phone at ungodly hours of the night and still manage to stay awake during the day to do her work (or whatever she did)
At first he thought maybe taking on more cat projects would help to regain his focus
he felt that instead, it enhanced his daydreaming and even night dreaming of her
He felt that maybe it was something unhealthy how hed dream of her at night too and figured he needed a doctor or more time with Elizabeth III
When he realized that what he needed was her, everything in his focus dropped
He’d never felt such relief and such calm and such a high all at once- he felt alive and warm and sad all at once
Like his tangles were unraveling slowly
he hoped that she felt the same for him when they talked, but he was mistaken
when he knew it could never be like that
his heart swelled and everything warm and beautiful made his heart cry out for MC
he knew
It would always be him swimming alone in a vast clear ocean sea, with his feeling exposed and no rescue boat or life saver to come for him
It hurt.
Knowing that this love he has for her wont have anywhere else to go but to disappear into the ocean exposing him
He could find someone with status and power yet still be kind and fierce and even a model but none would ever match to MC
She became the name he whispered when he needed help, when he was frustrated, when he was sad, and when he wanted relief
He sometimes wished that they had never met or that MC was a different person with a different personality but even then, he knew 
he would always feel something like this for MC however she was
WHen Seven asked for advice on which places offered the best catering for weddings to the space station
Jumin knew he would always look at MC and Seven together on an island where they were unapproachable as he floated in the ocean that exposed him and his. Heart. Hurt.
It took her a while to realize that it bothered her for more than a few initial reasons
It was all confusing for her; granted she never had this happen before
She should have focused on her work instead of silly fantasies
But oh how she wanted for her fantasies to work out
She didnt want to become jealous of the one person she admired and followed
She didnt want to harbor any terrible feelings towards Zen
But she did
She didnt want MC and Zen to date because she didnt want MC to be with anyone at all
She did care about Zen’s career
But that wasnt the main reason as to why she wanted both of them to be single
It took her a while to realize that the feelings she had towards Zen were completely different than those she had towards MC
The one thing they both had in common was that both were gorgeous people
But towards MC she felt something else that she couldnt make herself feel towards Zen no matter how many times she tried
But ofc she didnt want to ignore their happiness and success
Zen will forever continue to be her idol
He was an amazing actor, model, singer, and person
But the one thing he had that no one else could ever be lucky to come close to in comparison was:
The love MC had for him
Even as she threw rice towards the new bride and groom
Jahee vowed she would never let anyone know what she felt and thought and instead would channel her feelings into supporting Zen’s career and MC for whenever MC would need her
She promised herself and god that she would never stop loving MC
She didnt want something so precious and pure to disappear just because it would never grow into something more than just friends
Even if she would become the godmother to their unborn child
With his rising career, he lied to himself a lot he was very good at it
Constantly repeating like a prayer that she was better off
That MC wouldn’t have to worry about crazy actresses or crazy fans making her life complicated with lies and rumors
That she could live a better life with no worries or fears or anything except for what she would wear for the day and what she should eat
Had she chosen anyone else, Zen would have objected
Bc no one could ever be good enough for the princess
But he knew
He knew that Mr trust fund would provide
Whatever MC would want or need: he would provide
And Zen would be okay with it
As long as he could see her smile and not want for anything
Zen would learn to live with watching them from afar
He would be okay with having to watch MC from atop the stage while she cheered with Jumin 
He would eventually learn how to stop drinking beer on a nightly bases and quit smoking as well 
Maybe he hoped to eventually learn to love someone other MC 
 Someone who could love him in a way that doesnt feel like its slowly tearing something from within apart 
maybe even for before the wedding 
being best man was something that took him by surprise 
but whether Jumin knew how he felt towards MC 
he would only give words of encouragement and support 
for as long as she would need it
maybe by the time they have a child, Zen would have found someone to replace MC 
even if for a little while longer he could continue to love her 
He would stay this way for as long as he could hold on
Once was fine
Once was okay
But twice?
Twice was not okay
Not after the last time
He did not feel comfortable with MC and V being together
Not after what happened with Rika; he did not condone their relationship
But he couldnt vocally oppose them
How could he?
All he knew was how to play a video game that consumed his life and came between him and being a better student
How could he offer MC a life when he couldnt even prove to himself that he could go a day without playing a stupid video game
And for what?
All because Rika died? Becuase Rika was with V who made him feel like he was hiding more than just a few details?
But he knew V would treasure MC.
The moment he saw them exchange rings, the moment they announced their pregnancy, and the moment he saw their small family together; he knew
Watching V hold their child in his arms made Yoosung feel like he should leave for a while 
Maybe go visit his parents for a few weeks 
becuase it became too much 
To watch the person you love live a life you envisioned for yourself with them was too much for him
He only came back when he heard the news 
V had died.
He should have been sad 
and he was! sure baby boi
but he was ashamed to admit it to himself that he was low key relieved
so instead he focused on helping MC and the child she had with V 
He knows he could never replace V; he was glad of it too 
but he didnt want her to feel like she was alone 
He always volunteered to help take care of the child and babysit and even coach her baseball team he fought for her to be allowed to join the boys team in the first place 
he did everything he felt a father would do 
When she called him “uncle” it made him feel like he cant ever be a father figure 
even more so when MC began to date again after 7 long years of being widowed 
Even if it wasnt with him or for him, he would always look after that child like his own and love her mother while she loved another man
707 / Saeyoung
He was okay with it
He knew he failed
The moment MC sided with Unknown, he somehow thought that she would be safer with this stranger
If he was good enough to be hidden from 707, then he was good enough to be hidden from other people;
People that would hurt MC
And that was all Seven needed
All that mattered was that MC would be safe wherever she was
He didnt like it; he didnt like not knowing where she was
Who she was with or why
Maybe she got the message after he pushed her away many times
But it would be something he would have to learn to be okay with
Becuase he was the fool to have let emotions overcome him
he was silly to have thought he deserved someone as caring and even understanding as MC 
hurting her to leave him was the only thing he knew would work 
And it worked. 
After she left with Unknown, he rarely saw her 
the times he did see her, she seemed happy 
granted she saw the other RFA members more than him 
But he was okay with it 
That was what he needed to know that he was going in the right direction 
He told himself his love was wasted on her 
But it wasnt 
if anything it was what kept him alive and sane; it was all he knew 
Alive and sane until he could find out where his brother was 
Maybe then he could find something to fill the void and emptiness MC left when she left 
But when he saw who MC was with 
He figured that Saeran wouldnt need him either 
if both of the people he loved the most had each other 
All he would need to do was to look at them from the sidelines and make sure they would be okay and safe; everything else would just be white noise 
They were the most important people in his life and nothing would ever change that. 
Even if they were also the people who didnt feel the same way he did towards them.
He told himself he would learn to be okay.
He put her in harms way 
He avoided taking in the chat for that reason 
When she addressed him, he felt warm and cared about 
When she defended him for reasons she couldnt understand herself, V felt like maybe there was love after death 
that maybe Rika wasnt his only soulmate 
And he regretted that he didnt meet MC before the rest maybe even before Rika
But with how she interacted with Jahee 
he felt jealous, which was ridiculous right?
Yet, it wasnt
When they moved in together and opened the cafe 
it was all falling into place for both Jahee and MC 
And he didnt dare take that away from MC 
She deserved someone to watch over her and he knew that Jahee needed MC just as much and he did
He should have said something before they moved in 
but he didn’t find it odd.
When they decided to adopt a dog he felt cold and distant 
When they adopted their first son, he felt heartbroken 
When MC asked 707 to be the godfather his heart was shredded 
But when Jahee asked him to be his godfather of the child MC was carrying,
he wanted to say no 
But when MC was eager to make him also a godfather he dindt have the heart to say no 
He wont ever be connected to MC like she was with Jahee
but he could at least have a reason to stay close to MC 
He wouldnt cry or shed any tears, as long as he had the chance to look after MC from afar 
and hey, even if his goddaughter looked like her mommy, he saw the truth through her 
That both of her mommies were perfect for each other and he was glad to have stepped back to allow for their family to flourish. 
Unknown / Saeran 
Unknown knew he wasnt warm or soft or loveable
He couldnt provide MC with enough reasons that would have made her be with him
Why would she have chosen him?
It didnt surprise him that MC was with someone completely opposite to him
Someone who was warm and soft and loveable
And someone who could introduce her to their family and not have to hide away the crap of a life they were dealt with
She wouldnt have to feel burdened to carry a heavy load of pain and memories he tried to suppress
She could be happy and enjoy another family and maybe talk about casseroles or baby stuff with her mother-in-law
And have political debates or maybe talk about a silly show with her father-in-law
And not have to worry about being killed or hurt or tortured or anything he went through as a child
Saeran pretended to not care that she was getting married to a vet 
Or that she was close friends to his brother 
He even lied to himself that he didnt care whether she was alive or not 
but he couldnt 
Even if she didnt know he existed or that he loved her 
Saeran wouldnt show himself before her again 
Well, thats what he told himself 
but he made his way to working on going to her work daily for a cup of coffee 
To find a way to cater at the wedding 
to work on days she would appear at the baby store 
and even work one day at the school her child would go to 
He didnt want to let MC go 
but seeing her life with Yoosung and their child;
He couldnt take her away from the happiness he could never have provided.
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