#jahee kang
zens-ponytail · 15 days
tell me why,,,, I just decided to replay mystic messenger in 2024,,, 10000/10 recommend, I'm having a blast <3
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rayalisnesa · 2 months
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this is funny to me and me alone who's hand will you take. old woman or old woman.
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mysteriawrites · 9 months
An: an (extremely) last minute entry for a writing contest im in for @mysticmessengerenglish enjoy! (Sorry if it flows weird it’s been a long time since I’ve written dialogue and didn’t have time to proof read)
Tomorrow would be the day I had been waiting for. The day we had been waiting for. Tomorrow i would finally tie the not with the love of my life. I was so excited i could barely sleep. Suddenly there was a knock at the door of my hotel suit.
“Come in,” I called out quietly as to not disturb the neighbors at such a late hour.
In came my beautiful fiance Jahee Kang. Her caramel eyes were warm as always despite only being illuminated by the moonlight, and her chocolate hair was tied up in a cute little ponytail. She wore a simple sill night gown that made her look like a goddess.
“What are you doing here love you know they say it’s bad luck for lovers to see each other before their wedding day,” I tease.
She raises her hand to her mouth and let’s out a quiet giggle.
“I know my love, but i just couldn’t sleep without you especially with wedding jitters,”
“I know the feeling,”
The two of us gaze into each other’s eyes lovingly for a moment before i speak up again.
“Why don’t we talk until we get tired won’t to go to sleep. I won’t tell I saw you if you wont,”
She let’s out another adorable chuckle,
“Alright sounds like a plan,” she replies as she sits next to me on the bed.
“So what’s the first thing you want to do once we’re finally married,” I ask.
“Well of course i want to spend our honeymoon enjoying your company and enjoying the view from the balcony of our suite in paris”.
I hum in acknowledgment “that sounds lovely”.
“What about you,”
“Me? Well i want to do that thing they do in the movies where i bridal carry you past the threshold of our new home,”
“Waking up to each other every morning, cooking you breakfast in bed.”
“Opening that cafe you’ve always dreamed of.”
“Rainy nights cozying up to each other in front of the fire.”
“Date nights on the roof.”
“Food fights when cooking dinner.”
The two of us laugh at our fantasies, seeming to get more riled up instead of winding down.
“What about a kid?” I ask cautiously looking to her face for a response.
“A kid?”
“Yeah, I know we’ve talked about it, but I would really like to raise a kid with you Jahee,”
She sits in silence for a few minutes and i think I’ve overstepped and am about to call it a night, but she cuts off my thoughts with a smile.
“I think a kid would be wonderful,” she smiles.
“Would we have our own or adopt,” she asks
“I’m not sure I guess that’s something to think about later,” i reply
“Think of all the cute outfits we could have them wear.”
“And decorating their room.”
“Reading them bedtime stories.”
“Playing pretend with them.”
“The first day of school.”
“We would be right there for them to make sure they aren’t scared,” I say taking her hand.
We look into each other’s eyes and just sit there with our fantasies of the future. No matter what we ended up doing: where we lived, where we worked, whether or not we had a kid even, we knew that as long as we had each other every moment of our new lives would the most magical moment ever. The ups and the downs.
So when my wonderful Jahee walked down the isle the next day in her beautiful beige wedding gown, lace veil, and bouquet of roses surrounded by all our friends I knew the next chapter of our lives would be my favorite of the whole story.
The two lovers sealed their beautiful wedding vows with a kiss and lived happily ever after.
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trashie-kun · 2 years
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mystichanjumin · 1 year
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agoldenluckycat · 2 years
Jahee *plopping down on the couch in Jumin’s office next to MC and sighing*: I think Mr.Han is really stressed and he’s been talking about his previous cat projects. I’m so worried I’m in for more work 😩
MC: Don’t worry, Jahee, I’ve got you. I’ve noticed he’s been stressed too. I’ll take care of it.
Jahee: Oh if you can I’d be so grateful 🥹
A couple of days later
Jahee *whispering to MC*: He hasn’t mentioned one cat project. I’m so grateful! But I am curious what you did.
MC *a feline grin on her face*: Do you truly wish to know?
*Jahee nodding aggressively*
MC *leans toward Jahee’s ear*: I told him I had a little cat project of my own and wore cat ears and a tail during sex.
Jahee: 🫥
MC: Now when he thinks about cat projects, his mind goes to something else.
Jahee: I am grateful and disgusted….
MC *leans back into her seat and smiles brightly* : You’re welcome.
Suddenly Jumin walks in to the room
Jumin: MC, we should go home and discuss the- the cat project.
Jahee, internally: don’t be suspicious, don’t be suspicious 🫣
MC, smiling up at Jumin: oh darling I’ve been hoping you’d ask that all day.
Jahee then pretends not to notice the blush on Jumin’s cheeks as they walk out.
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kang-jahee · 1 year
I wish the Milky Way was visible from my window. Or from anywhere in this city. For some reason I really feel like star gazing right now. It just feels... right. I'm not exactly sad, but I feel slightly off. I think a warm cup of tea and a vast sky above me would heal me. Or at least offer some form of relief. Instead I am stuck inside a city where the only lights on the horizon are artificial. It seems cruel, that the white and yellows that dot the mountain opposite of my kitchen window mimic stars so well, when they are the reason heaven is empty. And when I look out my bedroom window, I see the Babylonian skyscrapers steal the starlight, and my light too. Tomorrow I will go to them and my boss will give me orders in a foreign language, and I will speak words I do not understand, and he will hear and he will not hear. The only time I feel like me is in the evenings, my apartment being my only refuge, but what good is being me when there is hardly any left?
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lamyaasfaraini · 11 months
Saturday, where to go??
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Pagi-pagi sabtu mager bagi bapak dan anak, ya seperti biasa~ mau cari sarapan, diputusin aja nyarinya sampe ke tahura (jauh amad!). Pas kesana di jam2 bareng para pesepeda istirahat gitu kan hampir gakebagian tempat duduk tp beruntung pas kita order ada yg cabs pergi. Alhamdulillah..
Dan kita kalo sarapan di warung tahura ya harus disitu tempat langganan dan beneran selalu penuh, teh lemon angetnya niqmadh aja gt ditemenin sama gorengannya. Kalo kmrn suami ordernya teh herbal judulnya mah teh pake jahe dan sereh daaan enak jugaa. Jadi mau jauh2 kesana teh da worth it atuh, ya enak ya murah pula sambil lanjalan aja yakan.
Maksinya, eh bukan maksi sih late lunch pisan sesudah ashar. Karena kudu mampir ke sekolah suami yg lg jadi literally operator, memantau guru2 yg ngisi raport online. Ada trouble yg mengharuskan kesana sambil solat dzuhur setelah ngasuh nemo ke playground haratisan di taman fotografi jalan apasih lupa.. Dan susah berhenti, ngebujuk utk sleseinya sengit bgt bestie~
Asalnya mau mie soobek gara2 viral di tiktok dan pikabitaeun bgt, pas ke tkp weydan penuh tp tempatnya ngga menampung. Cuma ada 2 meja yg lainnya duduk tanpa meja. Malesin kan.. Diurungkan aja deh lain kali lg huft. Cussss ajalah ke bakso samanhudi. Aku sih suka, kata suami jg enak tp tetep lebih suka bakso yg di margahayu teaaa, apayah namanya lupa. Emg sih kuakui itu enak bgt, kuahnya gurih, sambel bawangnya enak, setelahnya ngga enek.. Haduh molagiiii~
Penampakan yg ngasuh dan yg diasuhnya
Enjoy bgt ngga sih paksu @sagarmatha13 katanya saking enjoynya pgn ngalenyap eey.. Mana suasananya ngga panas, teduh bgt. Tempatnya bersih ukuran playground kota haratisan cuma mayan jauh yhaaa dr rumah wkwkwk. Ya begitulah suasananya, anak2, para ortu, kang dagang dipinggir jalan, iguana pun ada haha! Yang pasti anaknya happy dan seperti biasa selalu menjalin pertemanan tiap ada di playground, kayanya anak kita teh extrovert bgt ngga sih sejauh ini haha. Susah pisah sama hallo-goodbye friend nya, sama kesenangannya..
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Sempilin foto potram, sesudah ngasuh sebelum ke sekolah
Btw, potram setelah kurleb 2 tahunan. Panjang bgt kek hampang setelah di potong pendek sependek2nya huahahaha kek buang siyal. Suami blg mirip polwan wkwkwk sebel!!
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prefixsstars · 1 year
My favs from mystic messenger so far are ZEN, Jahee Kang, and Jumin Han!!!!
More so the first two
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apotekazzahramedika · 7 months
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Jual Obat Panu Di Wajah, Harga Obat Panu PerumahanGriyaWirokertenIndah, Obat Jamur PerumGriyaWirokertenPratama, Obat Panu Ketoconazole PondokPermaiBanguntapanResidence, Obat Anti Jamur Kulit JlJejeranPleret, Obat Panu Salep Wonolelo Pleret
Panu merupakan infeksi jamur Malassezia. Obat Panu Alami adalah : 1. Yoghurt 2. Lidah buaya 3. Minyak kelapa 4. Bawang putih 5. Kunyit 6. Tea tree oil 7. Cuka apel 8. Madu 9. Jahe 10. Nanas
Obat Panu Paling Manjur Dan Aman di Apotek 1. Salep Kulit 88 2. Nosib Salep 3. Kalpanax Salep 4. Formyco 2% 5. One Med Salicylic Spiritus 6. Kalpanax Krim 7. Ketoconazole tablet 8. Daktarin Krim 9. Tong Kang Shuang 10. Canesten 11. Gadjah Salicyl Spiritus Lot 12. Heltiskin Krim 13. Muzoral tablet 14. Omefulvin 125 mg 15. Mycospor Krim 1%
MENGATASI PANU MANJUR DAN AMAN BANGUNTAPAN PLERET IMOGIRI JETIS BANTUL Apotek AzZahra Medika 24 Jam Jl. Pleret KM2 Genengan Potorono Banguntapan Bantul WA 0821 3592 8716
#caramengatasipanudimukajlplakaranutamabanguntapan, #caramengatasipanudiwajahjlngablakpiyungan, #saleppanuperumahancepokogriyaindah, #obatantijamurfortunamansionwonokromo, #caramengatasipanukulitsecaraalamimuktibanguntapanresidence, #obatkulitpanujlwiyorokidulbaturetno, #obatpanuwajahwirokertenbanguntapan, #obatpanupalingampuhperumpesonakertopleret, #obatkurapagatamaregencybanguntapan, #obatpanuanakdiapotekperumazzafira
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apotekazzahra24jam · 7 months
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Siap Antar Obat Kurap, Obat Panu Di Wajah Paling Ampuh Di Apotek Perum Srimartani Indah, Obat Panu Anak Di Apotek Perumahan Dirgantara Asri Berbah, Obat Panu Di Wajah Piyungan Bantul Jogja, Cara Menghilangkan Panu Di Wajah Dalam 1 Hari Muntuk Dlingo, Cara Mengatasi Panu JL Jogja Wonosari
Panu merupakan infeksi jamur Malassezia. Obat Panu Alami adalah : 1. Yoghurt 2. Lidah buaya 3. Minyak kelapa 4. Bawang putih 5. Kunyit 6. Tea tree oil 7. Cuka apel 8. Madu 9. Jahe 10. Nanas
Obat Panu Paling Manjur Dan Aman di Apotek 1. Salep Kulit 88 2. Nosib Salep 3. Kalpanax Salep 4. Formyco 2% 5. One Med Salicylic Spiritus 6. Kalpanax Krim 7. Ketoconazole tablet 8. Daktarin Krim 9. Tong Kang Shuang 10. Canesten 11. Gadjah Salicyl Spiritus Lot 12. Heltiskin Krim 13. Muzoral tablet 14. Omefulvin 125 mg 15. Mycospor Krim 1%
Mengatasi Panu Manjur Dan Aman Piyungan Prambanan Berbah Patuk Dlingo Klaten Jogja Apotek AzZahra 24 Jam Jl. Piyungan - Prambanan Km3 Mutihan Srimartani Piyungan Bantul Jogja WA 0821 3485 1327
#obatantijamurkulitsrimartanipiyungan, #caramenghilangkanpanudengancepatperumgriyatamansaripiyungan, #caramenghilangkanpanubokoharjoprambanan, #obatpanupalingampuhnglegipatuk, #saleppanuperumbarujogotirtoberbah, #obatkurapjlgendengprambanan, #obatpanuuntukanakputatpatuk, #hargaobatpanuprambananslemanjogja, #obatpanupalingampuhtabletjlpiyunganprambanan, #caramenghilangkanpanusampaikeakarnyajlopakrayaprambanan
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zens-ponytail · 12 days
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On Yoosung’s route rn and I’m SICKKKKK MY HEART!!!! I forgot how heart breaking his route is and V!!!!!! Just taking the blame and comforting Yoosung!!! ASDFGHJLK
….im fine…. im cool….
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demonichikikomori · 2 years
How are you ?
Welcome back!! Today I sat in my basement after a long nap and then I stared at my PC, dreaming of Jahee Kang having a romance route instead of being friend zoned... The misery... But, I am still a Hikikomori. One day I will leave my room. But until then, I shall write and do all my favorite things!!! <3 <3 <3
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electrified-love · 2 years
I will write for the following characters:
BNHA [Heroes] Bakugo Kirishima Izuku Shinso Denki Shoji Jirou Tokoyami Todoroki Momo All Might Aizawa Present Mic Hawks Endeavor Gang Orca Midnight Mirko Hound Dog Selkie Snipe Fatgum Tiger Mt. Lady
BNHA [Villains] Mr. Compress Dabi Twice Overhaul Kendo Rappa Big Sis Magne (She/Her) Toga Shigaraki
Helluva Boss Blitzo Stolas Millie Moxxie Asmodeus Loona Verosika Vortex
Hazbin Hotel Lucifer Lilith Charlie Vaggie Angel Husk
Black Butler Grell (She/Her) Sebastian Claude William Ronald Angelus Bard Mei Rin
Mystic Messenger Jumin Han Yoosung Zen 707 Ray Jahee Kang Rika V
Fullmetal Alchemist Ed Al Greed Lust Envy [They/Them] Roy Mustang Winry
Tokyo Revengers Mikey Draken
Undertale Mettaton Undyne Alphys Asgore Toriel
Ouran Highschool Host Club Tamaki Suoh Kyoya Ootori Huni Senpai Mori Senpai Hikaru Hitachin Kaoru Hitachin Kassanoda Haruhi
The Arcana Lucio Julian Asra Portia Nadia Muriel
Sk8 the infinity Reki Langa Joe Cherry
Marvel Dr. Otto Octavius Norman Osborne Spider-man (specify which) Loki Thor
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abri-chan · 2 years
Mystic Messenger Jaeheee's ending:
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kang-jahee · 1 year
Tonight I dreamt that Zen was gay. It was kind of a nightmare, kind of not? In parts of the dream I was happy for him, but then later I felt sad and disappointed. And in the end, he didn't get together with his love interest anyway. I also had sushi except it was strawberries and churros. But somehow still sushi.
I hate having an emotional turbulent night of sleep. And getting ready for work while I really need to sit in a quiet room and think about the previous night. My chest feels all weird now but it'll have to get in order before I arrive at the office.
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