#and i'm not there yet
queenlua · 21 days
it's kinda wild how i've had a partner i love very much for the past eight years
and i'm still surprised, each and every time, at how, if i'm feeling down, i can go hang out with him for a bit &
without fail, every time, whatever i'm feeling down about feels 800% less intimidating and awful afterwards
and i'm always like Wow Why Didn't I Think Of Doing That Earlier
like bitch that is the whole point!!!! that's why you married this dude!!!! but also: hey, at least i'm never taking it for granted lol
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melusine0811 · 4 months
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howtowhumpyourhiccup · 7 months
Wanna write about Hiccup vibing with Fishlegs in a zen area post an intense possession/dark!Hiccup arc in my Magic AU that only makes sense to me because I know the context.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
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Must be a Sugondese joke.
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brick-brooke · 9 months
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leupagus · 1 year
It's really fucked up when you treat characters like people and people like characters.
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mizgnomer · 9 months
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Parallels - Good Omens Seasons One & Two - Part One
Links to [ Part Two ] [ Part Three ] [ Part Four ] [ Part Five ]
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renthony · 1 month
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hylialeia · 1 year
love when emails start off with “DO NOT REPLY”. like oh yeah way ahead of you brother
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wolvesbaned · 6 months
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please, keep talking about Palestine. Especially during the holidays. keep calling and keep protesting. make every life lost unignorable.
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polarsirens · 1 year
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This is death itself. This is the biggest and baddest thing in all of fairy tale, and you want to set it free.
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lazylittledragon · 6 months
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dorian and astarion obtain a Son
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milaeryn · 29 days
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I don't care, he is my new babygirl
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lemeduartes · 2 months
My lil sister just showed me the Mystery Shack she build from scratch using pizza boxes and I'm literally so proud of her that I have to share it here
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xan-from-space · 3 months
Senshi is probably the most fandomized character in Dungeon Meshi, and while I don't exactly mind it, I do think he has more depth than that. I find all his little quirks and idiosyncrasies to be fascinating; he's very stubborn and set in his ways about things that seemingly don't matter, he thinks about things that other people don't, he has a deeply set value system that informs everything he does. He cares A Lot, like, this man cares So Much. That's the kind of person you have to be to drop everything to help a random group of adventurers save one woman. But because he feels so strongly about things, he can also be surprisingly immature at times (although he's also the character most likely to admit he was wrong about something). I think part of that is because he's lived in the dungeon on his own so long that he's not used to working with other people. He will extend empathy and friendship to almost anyone, but he does things his own way, and he doesn’t always feel the need to explain his way of thinking because again, he's usually on his own. He's both incredibly wise and kind of childish in ways that seem contradictory at first, but make more and more sense the more we learn about him. Major kudos to Ryoko Kui's writing and pacing to make that transition so seamless and have all those details from his backstory click into place perfectly. And on a wider thematic level, Senshi is kind of a perfect counterpart to characters like Thistle (or any other dungeon lord). Senshi understands the dungeon in ways that even its creator doesn't. Although everyone is scrambling to take control of the dungeon, Senshi is the one who actually takes care of it. He's the one who thinks about things like nutrition and proper sleep and the ecosystem, all those things that it's easy to ignore when you get swept up by the grandeur of it all. He's the most important character to have present in a story that explores life and death and hunger. His constant, invisible presence holds everything together.
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purrassicjet · 2 months
Thinking about the Bad Parents this episode because like, imagine your child, who's constantly burdened with the fate of the world, comes to you after school and says it's not enough. That they have to take the Last Stand exam and it's tomorrow. You have no time to take time off work to be with them, to be able to wait for them when they get home.
And then the next day you say goodbye in the morning, you kiss them on the head and tell them you love them. But you know that the next time you see them they will have died. You know that all the day you're at work, your child is fighting for their life in a drastic last stand. How do you focus with that knowledge? How do you move on, wondering if your child is already dead? That while your working or doing chores, your child could be lying on a sandy flood, dead, while all their friends fight for their lives?
How do you move past it? How do you live out that day?
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