#and i was like 🧍🏻‍♀️
greg-montgomery · 1 year
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anantaru · 8 months
# all genshin impact weekly bosses so far
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victimized-martyr · 2 months
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Sorry I never gave a proper update on tumblr——
here’s some brainstorming doodles from Keo and me on the white board and some examples Keo made in my notebook. I won’t forget it, one of my harshest note was “NEVER draw Kenny in 3/4!! Trey hates that!” 🤣 The story leads stressed that Trey is very particular with acting decisions and poses, most of which don’t translate into the animation. It’s for him at the editing stage, to “make his voice sing”. Getting into Trey’s head, funnily enough, requires FEELING. Feeling what he’s going for in terms of delivery, to learn what not to take literally in his script (when trey says “kathleen kennedy is like terminator” it’s not what you initially think it means), what emotion or gesture to put in to elevate a joke, to get the message through. It’s so fascinating!
In short, I didn’t make the cut. I was “too fresh”, and needed more experience with the technical aspect of storyboarding…. but I was complimented by Keo for my intuition, something that can’t be taught. I was over the moon when I was told I got the style of the show, whereas other trainees with 10+ experience couldn’t. Some of them tested but don’t even watch the show!! That’s crazy, but I guess that’s to be expected. My knowledge of the show and deep love for the characters got me this far, but I need to work on my actual story boarding skills (keo said my struggles are in composition and scaling) to stay!! 💪🏼 I’m taking this… as a not yet, not a no. I’m already on their radar, in their database, I’m incredibly lucky I got to make my THIRD connection in the studio, I just need to work on myself until I can arrive. I’m so grateful for all the support from friends family and industry moots to get me this far, it’s only the beginning of the year but I don’t think anything could top what happened to me this March!!!!!
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yesikerrr · 3 months
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Happy Mario Day ⭐️ ❤️
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feelslikegold · 15 days
ah….. it’s a video 🧍🏻‍♀️
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hearts-hunger · 30 days
evergreen — part one
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Read on AO3 | Masterlist | Cabin Fever Masterlist | Join my taglist here!
Series Summary: Jake takes you on your first vacation to the cabin the gang stays at every year. When memories of past relationships loom heavy, will this vacation send cracks through the foundation of safety and trust you have in each other?
Chapter Summary: Jake picks the worst room possible to share with you.
Pairings: Jake x Reader, Josh x Baby, Sam x Danny | Genre: fluff, angst, emotional h/c | Word Count: 3.5k | Warnings: drinking, sexual innuendo, mentions of infidelity
A/N: Hi it's me again with another Cabin Fever fic :)) I've had this one bouncing around the ol' noodle for a while now, and I'm finally trying my hand at it. It's a direct sequel to Cabin Fever and No Strings Attached, set about a year after No Strings. I don't know how many chapters it's going to have, but I hope you like this first one! ♡
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“God, am I glad we decided to drive together. No way the boys would have let us stop for drinks so many times.”
You looked over at your best friend and smiled, cradling the peppermint mocha you’d gotten at the last Starbucks you'd come to before you truly left civilization. She was holding a latte in one hand and steering Josh’s jeep with the other, humming along to the playlist you'd put on.
“You don’t think we could have convinced them?” you asked. “We do have some feminine charm at our disposal.”
She grinned. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. And since Danny’s driving, and he can't say no to either one of us, we probably could have gotten away with it.”
You propped your feet up on the dashboard, enjoying the scenery of the winding road through the woods as she drove. You were headed to the infamous cabin you’d heard so much about, the one they’d vacationed in each fall for the past two years. It would be your first time there — you and Jake had started dating a few months after they went last time, and you were looking forward to being a part of the friendship lore the trip held now that you were a part of the family.
Baby gestured to her bag in the back. “Grab my notebook out of there,” she said. “It’s got a list of things I want us to do this week. Look it over and add stuff that I missed.”
You did as she said, perusing her neat handwriting and seeing things like make breakfast together and have a movie marathon. At the top, with a little smiley face by it, was a neatly penned item reading break the bed.
You laughed. “Ah, I see where your priorities are.”
She glanced over at the list and gave you a smirk. “It’s tradition. Nobody bats an eye about it. I can guarantee you it’s high on Jake’s list too.”
You felt a dull blush creep up your neck at that. It was no secret that you and Jake were intimate, but there was something about this trip that made you a little nervous, perhaps foolishly so. The last time they’d all come, Jake had brought his ex, Izzy, with him. That had been before she cheated on him and he broke up with her, but they’d no doubt broken the bed that trip when everything had seemed fine between them.
“Are you sure it’s okay that I’m coming?” you asked.
She waved you off. “Of course. Don't even ask. You’re in the Kiszka-Wagner clan now, sparrow, and it wouldn't be a family vacation without you.”
You wondered briefly if she’d said the same to Izzy last year. Of course she would have been kind to Jake’s then-girlfriend, but you wished that you'd gotten to be the first girl Jake brought to the cabin.
She looked over at you and smiled. “I’m really glad you’re coming. I would be bored to death if it was just me and the boys.”
“I don't know,” you teased. “Judging by this list, you’d have kept busy.”
She laughed. “Well, maybe. But I want to spend time with you, just as much as I want to spend time with the guys doing whatever they can cook up.”
You smiled, deciding to forget your worry and just enjoy the trip. “Speaking of,” you said, “we should add that cooking show competition thing to the list.”
“Oh, yeah!” she agreed. “Write that down. We're definitely doing that.”
You penciled it in where you could find space, and the two of you spent the last few minutes of your trip coming up with ideas for things you could do over the week. Songwriting was the most important to the boys; Baby said they usually took a lot of time to work on new songs when they had the time and leisure to play around with them in a low-pressure environment. 
“Lunch has got to be the first thing we do, though,” she said. “I'm starving.”
“Me too,” you said dramatically. “Should I text the guys and ask them to throw a pizza in the oven or something?”
She turned onto a long dirt road. “Maybe we got lucky and they already did,” she said. “Because.... ta-da! We're here!” She pulled into dirt driveway that led up to a big, snug-looking cabin nestled into the trees. Josh and Sam were unpacking Danny’s truck, and you parked next to them.
“Well well well,” Josh teased, giving his girlfriend a quick kiss hello. “Look who finally showed up.”
“Had to get coffee, honey,” she insisted. Josh opened the back of his jeep and started pulling out your bags. “We can do that, though. You guys just unloaded all your stuff.”
“Don't worry about it,” he said sweetly. “Come on inside. Danny's got lunch going.”
“Oh, thank god,” she sighed. She followed Josh as he took her bags inside, and you stood by the jeep, a little shy about walking in by yourself, wondering where Jake was.
Before you could start feeling too lonely, you were swept up in a bear hug from behind. You squeaked in protest as your feet left the ground, giggling when you realized who it was.
“Just me, sparrow,” Jake teased, setting you back down and kissing your cheek. “Not a wild animal, I promise.”
You smiled, feeling much more at ease now that you were with him. “How was I supposed to know? All the way out here in the woods, anything could happen.”
“Nah, I gotcha. No bear attacks for my best girl, if I can help it.” He took your bags from the trunk. “You ready for the grand tour?”
You took his arm when he extended it to you in a very gentlemanly fashion. “Lead the way, Mr. Kiszka.”
He showed you inside the cabin, pointing out the kitchen, the living room, and the back porch.
“Basement’s down there,” he said, walking you past another door on your way to the bedrooms. “We’ll get that set up after lunch so we can work on some music later.”
The cabin was cosy and rustic, the perfect place for a getaway with your best friends and your boyfriend. You hugged his arm as he led you down the hall, and he showed you the bunk room and three other bedrooms, each with a single, big bed.
He ushered you into the last bedroom and started unpacking your bags, putting your clothes neatly in the dresser drawers next to his things.
“You don’t have to do that,” you said, a little guilty. 
“It’s no trouble, sweetheart.” He finished and nudged the drawer closed with his hip. “How do you like our room?”
“It’s lovely,” you said sincerely. The king sized bed was spread with colorful quilts and pillows, and it reminded you a little of the cabin you’d shared when you got together. You scooched close to him. “It’s romantic.”
He smiled. “I’m glad you like it. Anywhere would be romantic with you, but I like it too. I staked my claim on this room last year, mostly because it’s the darkest, and you know how I get about sleeping with any lights on.”
Your heart sank a little, any amorous thoughts dissolving as quickly as they’d come. So this was the room he’d shared with Izzy the last time he was here? You knew it shouldn’t bother you, but you’d be lying if you said it didn't.
“Oh,” you said, not sure what you should say. 
He read your discomfort. “What’s wrong? You don't like it?”
You shook your head and tried for a smile. Obviously it didn’t bother him, and you didn’t want to cause trouble your first five minutes there. 
“No, it’s great,” you said. “I love it. You have very good taste.”
He kissed you. “I know,” he said pleasantly. He took your hand. “Come on. Let’s see what everybody else is doing.”
They were in the kitchen making lunch, chattering on about memories the cabin held for them, and you felt the weight of your discomfort a little more sharply. You didn’t know any of these inside jokes, nor the antics that had gone on here at the cabin; you tried to remind yourself that you’d make plenty of memories with them this week and tried not to let it bother you.
After lunch, you all made your way down to the basement, where you helped get things set up to the boys’ satisfaction. Christmas lights were strung overhead, amps and instruments set up, comfy couches and chairs rearranged.
“Hey, do you think you can teach me some new stuff this week?” you asked, venturing over to where Jake was taking his guitar out of its case. You weren’t the best at guitar, but Jake was always patient with you, and under his kind direction you’d improved more than you’d ever hoped you could.
He smiled. “Sure, honey. I’d like to.” He nodded towards Sam and Danny. “I think your boys are trying to rope us into a hike right now, though.”
“We just got here,” you said, amused.
“You know Sammy,” Jake said. “Always looking for some adventure to get into.”
You went to talk to “your boys” and found that Sam was, indeed, planning a trek into the woods. Danny seemed perfectly willing to go along with his boyfriend’s scheme, as he generally always was, but told you that there was no pressure to join them.
“Aw, you don't want to miss it, sparrow,” Sam protested. “You have to see the waterfall.”
You’d heard of this enigmatic, hidden waterfall, and your curiosity was piqued. 
“Fine, but somebody’s making me apple cider when we get back,” you said.
Sam gave Danny’s shoulder an affectionate slap. “Dan’s got that covered. Don't you, babe?”
Danny rolled his eyes and smiled. “Yes, I’ll make sure sparrow has a festive little drink as a reward for putting up with you.”
“Good man,” Sam said cheerfully.
Baby and the twins were cajoled into coming with you as well, and you set out into the chilly woods together to find the waterfall. You huddled into a flannel jacket you’d stolen from Jake forever ago, enjoying the crisp autumn weather and the company.
Jake, Josh, and Baby were leading your group; you hung with Sam and Danny a few paces back, thankful for Danny’s steadying hand when you came to overgrown parts on the trail.
“Did you guys pick a room yet?” Danny asked, holding your hand as you stepped over a fallen tree trunk. “Sam was too excited to get outside for us to decide on one, but I guess we’ll just go with the same one we had last year.”
You gave him a rueful smile. “Well, Jake picked ours. Care to guess which one?”
“Probably the last one on the right,” he said, frowning a little. “He picked that one last time, but... oh, I see what the trouble is there.”
Sam found a sturdy walking stick in the brush. “Jake can be kind of an idiot sometimes.”
“Yeah,” you said, a little more bitterly than you’d intended. “Not the smartest choice, I thought, but hey.”
“Just tell him,” Sam suggested. “He’s not that much of an idiot that he’d make you stay there once he knew why you didn't want to.”
“Oh, I don't know,” you said, hesitant. “I don’t want to be annoying. It’s just a bedroom, after all.”
“Yeah, with a big, comfy bed he’s shared with someone else.”
Danny elbowed him. “Not helping, love.”
Sam looked a little abashed, then, but his easy, incorrigible smile won out.
“Sorry, Sparrow. I'm kind of an idiot sometimes too. But I do think you should just tell him.”
“You can have mine and Sammy’s room,” Danny offered.
“And I can guarantee that Jake hasn’t slept with either of us in there,” Sam added. You laughed, and Danny shook his head. 
“Samuel Francis,” he said, chiding and affectionate. “You’re terrible at this sort of thing, you know?”
He shrugged, a lazy grin spreading over his face. “Got a laugh out of her, anyway.” He slung his arm over your shoulders. “Don’t fret, my pet. Once you get this bedroom thing sorted out, this week’s gonna be great. Not least because...” He pointed ahead of you with his walking stick. “We’re almost at your waterfall.”
The six of you came through the trees to a beautiful swimming hole and the accompanying waterfall, and you had to admit it was very nice. Jake was looking for skipping stones along the water's edge, and you joined him.
“Hiya, sweetheart,” he said. “Did you have a good time with Sam and Danny?”
“Yeah,” you said truthfully, thankful for their kind advice and help. You handed him a perfectly flat stone to add to his collection. “How’s this one?”
“This one,” he said, holding it up to inspect it, “is a winner. C’mere.”
You did, following him to the bank, and watched him skip your stone an impressive five times across the water. 
“Here, you try,” he said, handing you a few. 
“I’m not very good at it,” you said hesitantly.
He grinned. “Sweet!” At your confused look, he softened and pulled you snug against him, your back to his chest. “Gives me an excuse to get real close and teach you how it's done. I didn’t know how I was going to convince you to let me teach you if you were good at it.”
You smiled and snuggled close to him. “Don’t worry. I would have pretended not to know.”
Giving you some pointers, he stretched your arm out and showed you how to move your wrist just so. He did it with you a few times, sneaking kisses here and there, and you probably would have been more successful if you hadn't been so distracted by his warmth and affection.
“Okay, you try,” he said, letting you go.
“No, one more,” you said, wanting him close.
He chuckled. “How about some incentive? I'll give you a kiss for every skip.”
That was motivation enough, but you tossed the next stone with such vigor that it skated straight under the water without so much as one skip.
“Aw, super,” you said. You looked to Jake. “Can that count?”
He kissed your nose. “Half a point. Try again.”
You did, several times, and earned kisses for each paltry one- and two-skip attempt. Then, finally, your stoke skipped four times.
“Ha!” you said, exultant. “There. Four kisses, please.”
He smiled and obliged you, giving you an extra for a job well done. 
“See?” he said. “You’re pretty good after all.”
“And now you've Pavloved me into expecting kisses every time,” you teased. “That won’t ever get boring.”
He hummed and gently butted his head against yours. “You’re right. It won’t.”
Warm with his affectionate attention, you felt brave enough to bring up the bedroom situation, sure he would understand.
“Can I talk to you about something?” you asked.
“Always, sparrow,” he said gently. “What’s up?”
“Well... I was just wondering if we could switch rooms.”
His brow crinkled. “I mean, sure, if you want. Any reason in particular?”
You bit the inside of your cheek.
“Because, well...” You couldn't make yourself say it, wishing he’d just realize what it was instead of you having to spell it out. You didn't want to make him feel bad, and you definitely didn't want to be the one to drag the memory of his ex into your vacation. “I just want to. I think a little variety would be good for you.”
He gave you a bemused smile. “Okay, honey. Suits me.”
You hugged him, needing him close, and he hugged you back with a tight squeeze.
“I sure do love you, sparrow,” he said with a happy groan. “I’m glad you’re here.”
“Me too,” you said contentedly. “For both things.”
When the sun started to sink and the air got colder, you made your way back to the cabin and started getting the bonfire going. Sam and Jake got the grill on, serving up a round of hamburgers and Sam’s very artfully crafted veggie sliders, and Josh made drinks while you and Baby helped Danny with the fire. Helped was a bit of a strong word, actually, given that Danny did most of the work, but he was grateful for your efforts all the same.
By the time the sun had set, the six of you were well on your way to being drunk. Josh was nothing if not a craftsman of strong drinks, and you all hung around the fire, tossing the football around and lounging in your camping chairs, talking and laughing and intermittently breaking out into song. The playlist you and Baby had curated was expertly tailored to the musical taste you shared with the boys, and none of them could resist a good tune.
“Listen to his tone on that,” Jake said to you, his accent slipping into tellingly British territory. He gestured with his cup, sloshing a bit over the rim. “I woke up and pressed my lips to a cup full of comfort, wrapped in the bliss of a golden shroud,” he sang, his voice raspy and warm. “God, that guitar sounds so cool.”
You smiled up at him, pleasantly buzzed and dreamy. “Not as cool as yours, honey.”
He grinned and gave you a kiss. “I like you. I think I’ll keep you.”
“Suits me, Jakey.” You draped your arm over his shoulder and let him sway you to the music. Your breaths came in silverly clouds, and you were thankful for his warmth in the chilly night. 
He nuzzled against your jaw, breathing you in, humming along to the tune. “You smell good, sparrow.”
You giggled when his hair brushed against your neck. “Thanks. It’s just soap.”
“It’s you,” he said. “Sunshine and fresh air.”
“Well, I have been out in the sun and the woods all day,” you reasoned.
He kissed a loved mark against your neck, and you lost yourself in his touch. 
“I have a theory,” he said after a moment.
You hummed. “What’s that?”
“You let me make love to you,” he said, “and I’ll make you the best love you ever had.”
You laughed. “That’s not a theory,” you protested. “That’s... a bargain, maybe, but not a theory.”
“Whatever,” he said. He pulled you close. “Bargain, theory, call it what you want. What say you, lassie?”
“Oh, there’s my pirate Jake,” you said, coy and affectionate. “I missed him.”
“He’s all yours, sparrow. Just say the word.”
You looked around the bonfire and saw Sam and Danny playing a card game, both of them laughing far more than any card game could make a person laugh sober. Josh and Baby were entangled in Josh’s camping chair, looking like they might very soon cross out that thing at the top of her list of things to do this week.
You had a mind to cross it off too, and as you’d been promised, Jake was more than amenable.
“Very well, Dread Pirate Kiszka,” you said, swaggering and posh. “As you wish.”
He grinned, wasting no time finishing off his drink and taking you inside. You were giggly and clumsy as you made your way through the dimly lit cabin, and you weren’t paying attention to where he was taking you until you passed the bathroom.
“Hold on,” you said, disentangling yourself from him. “Two seconds. Be right back.”
Going to find him after, you realized with a pang of chagrin that he was in the room he’d said you could move from. What’s more, he was absolutely dead to the world, spreadeagle on the bed with his shoes still on. You would have found it sweet and amusing — apparently even the promise of drunk pirate sex wasn’t enough to combat an unremembered number of tequila sodas — if you hadn't been so unhappy about where he’d fallen asleep.
You swallowed your feelings and gently took his shoes off, setting them neatly against the wall. Surely you could handle one night in this room; you wouldn't dream of bothering Jake by insisting he get up and move when he was already sleeping, not when the reason would be something as silly as your emotions. Getting undressed yourself, you got into bed next to him, trying very hard not to think of another girl who'd done the same thing in this very bed.
He roused just enough to move close to you, draping an arm over you.
“My love,” he mumbled, soft and sweet.
For some reason, you felt like crying. Couldn't he have called you his nickname for you, one you knew had never been used for another?
“I’m here, Jake,” you said softly. You pressed close to him, hiding your face against his shoulder, wishing you could forget every reason not to relax against him completely. Feeling the sting of tears that you knew you wouldn't be able to stop but would try to keep quiet, you weren't sure how successful you would be.
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taglist: @viagvf @allieisacrybaby @itsafullmoon @spark-my-nature @anthemheatwave @xserenax-13 @musicspeaks @mountain-in-springtime
and some cabin fever besties who were excited for this one :) @shutupdevvie @gold-mines-melting @earthlysorrows @brooke-gvf
join my taglist here!
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f1reacts · 1 month
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lovereadandwrite · 2 months
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the traveling minstrel & his medieval stray dog👹🕯️🪕
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pjs-everyday · 4 months
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lord help me I am drawing anime boys again 😭💔
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scrunkalicious · 18 days
Feeling kinda bleh rn,,, thankfully I'm drawing unbothered in orchestra class rn bc we have nothing to do,,,
Take this,,, chat did I cook?
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caramellashton · 8 months
5sos should start walking off stage when they chant pizza
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layla-carstairs · 5 months
Andrew Blackthorn is a very... perplexing character to me because we know next to nothing about him but all his kids seemed to like him as a dad... and yet some of the only things we do know about him are that he a) gave Helen & Mark childhood trauma via Keats instead of having a normal conversation and b) he used to restrain Ty in order to "train him" to the point it made him throw up. like idk if there's a particular intention behind his character being good or bad (in general) but I definitely hate him lmao
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banditsregina · 1 year
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keanuthot · 9 months
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Saw a band last week… all I could do was take photos of my boyfriend playing the bass.
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anantaru · 6 months
jean is my qiqi
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feelslikegold · 4 months
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save me girl jake
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