#and i want to buy now that there is a sale
kybercrystals94 · 2 days
Neon Warfare
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Summer of Bad Batch 2024 | Week 1 | Main Prompt: Water Gun Fight | Alt. Prompt: "It's not what it looks like."
Rated: G | Words: 3109 | Summary: Wrecker buys two little water guns. What's the worst that could happen?
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“Hey, look at this?” 
“How much do you think something like that costs?” 
“They call that art? I’ve blown up things that ended up looking nicer than that!” 
“If we could get one of those, would you want red or blue? I know red is part of our colors, but blue is nice.”
Crosshair tries to ignore Wrecker’s incessant commentary as they cut through a district of novelty shops. Keeping Wrecker on task during slow paced missions is like herding wild tookas: impossible and incredibly annoying. 
“We’re not here to sightsee,” Crosshair finally snaps. “Are you even watching for our contact?” 
“I thought you were watching,” Wrecker says, “I’m just backup.” 
Crosshair rolls his eyes. “So help me…” 
Wrecker gasps, and Crosshair turns to see what has distracted his brother now. Small, neon colored, plastic pistols. “What are these?” Wrecker asks the shopkeep. 
“Water guns,” the man says. 
“What do they do?” Wrecker asks before Crosshair can haul him away. 
The man looks unimpressed with the question. “Shoot water.” 
“They’re so tiny,” Wrecker croons. “You just fill ‘em with water? Simple as that?” 
“Simple as that.” 
“Wrecker, come on,” Crosshair growls. 
“They’re on sale, two for a credit,” the man says. 
“Sold!” Wrecker whips a credit out of nowhere, drops it in the vendor’s waiting hand, and snatches up a green and a pink pistol from the basket. 
It takes every shred of patience for Crosshair to keep his mouth shut until they move away from the cart. “Put your toys away, we’re busy,” he hisses. 
“We’re always busy,” Wrecker says, ignoring him as he fiddles with the tiny orange stopper at the top of the pink pistol. Once he dislodges it, he hands the green pistol to Crosshair. “Hold this.” 
“I’m not holding your toys!” Crosshair cries, taking the pistol anyway. 
Wrecker gets out his canteen and tries to delicately dribble a stream of water into the hole at the top of the gun. Most of the water ends up in a puddle on the ground. 
“I’m not sharing my canteen with you when you’re thirsty later,” Crosshair mutters. 
Wrecker either doesn’t hear him or doesn’t care. “There!” he says, triumphantly, poking the stopper back into place. Before Crosshair can react, Wrecker points the gun at Crosshair and pulls the trigger. A spurt of water splatters harmlessly across Crosshair’s visor. 
He’s annoyed nonetheless. “Ugh! Grow up, Wrecker!” 
“Here,” Wrecker says, unperturbed, reaching for the green pistol, “let’s fill yours up.” 
“It’s not mine!” Crosshair says, thrusting it into Wrecker’s hand. 
“Sure it is! I bought it for you.” 
“I don’t want it.” 
Wrecker’s shoulders slump. “Aw, c’mon, Cross. You’re no fun.”
“We’re not here to have fun. We’re here on a mission. Now, put your kriffing toys away.” 
Crosshair starts walking, and hears Wrecker start trundling along behind him. And then he feels it. Something wet on the back of his neck.
“Ha! That was a good shot!”
Crosshair sighs. This is going to be a long patrol. 
Surprisingly, Wrecker seems to lose interest in the water guns the moment they come within sight of the Marauder. He shoves them in one of his pockets and goes about his chores without a word about his newfound toys that he’d been harassing Crosshair with nonstop. 
Crosshair isn’t complaining. Maybe the stupid water guns will be forgotten, lost in a crate somewhere…or found by a certain sniper and shot out the airlock while in deep space. 
However, Crosshair’s hopes are dashed when he opens his firepuncher case the next cycle and finds that someone has put a neon green water gun inside. A torn piece of flimsi is folded beside it. Crosshair picks it up and opens it. Got plan. Practice. Secret. - W. 
Shaking his head, Crosshair picks up the tiny pistol. He can tell by the subtle weight that Wrecker has already filled it with water. With a scoff, he aims idly at a bolt in the wall and shoots. The spurt of water misses by at least nine centimeters to the left. Crosshair’s jaw drops. He missed? He adjusts the pistol in his hand. Shoots. Five centimeters too low. 
Crosshair swears under his breath. 
Squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt…
Miss, miss, miss, miss…
He’s about to throw the water gun across the ship when a rumbling voice says behind him. “Harder than it looks, huh?” 
Wrecker’s pink water gun appears in his hand, comically miniscule in his massive fingers. He aims for the exact bolt Crosshair was aiming for. 
Direct hit. 
Crosshair actually chokes on his gasp of shock. He’s coughing so hard that Hunter comes back to check on them, Wrecker slapping Crosshair on the back as if that’s gonna do anything to help.
“Everything alright?” Hunter asks. 
Wrecker grins. “Yeah, he’s just fine, sarge.”
Hunter quirks an eyebrow at Crosshair, and Crosshair can only nod. With one last bewildered look, Hunter retreats back to the cockpit. 
“That’s why you gotta practice,” Wrecker says loftily. “Otherwise, I’ll just be a better shot than you with a water gun.” 
Crosshair glares at his largest brother, seeing the shameless goading for exactly what it is. And yet, he will not be outdone by Wrecker, not even with a stupid little toy water gun. “Oh, you’re on.” 
Echo is tracking their flight plan when he hears Wrecker start sniffling behind him. He ignores it. 
“Sure is dusty in here,” Wrecker comments offhandedly. 
“Whatever you say,” Echo mumbles. 
More sniffling. “My nose sure feels funny. It’s like a sneeze is stuck in there.” 
Echo grunts in vague sympathy. 
Then comes the shuddering breath of an attempted sneeze, loud and exaggerated…and prolonged. 
“For force sake, Wrecker, if you’re gonna sneeze, sneeze!” 
Wet droplets shower the back of Echo’s neck. His reaction is immediate. “Wrecker! Did you just sneeze on me?” Echo squawks, standing and whirling on the giant. 
Wrecker doesn’t look the least bit ashamed. In fact, he looks alarmed and frantic as he tries to shove something bright neon pink in his pocket. Echo is faster when he’s annoyed or angry, and it pays off now. He snatches the mystery item out of Wrecker’s hand. A tiny, cheap water pistol. 
“You shot me with this and made me think you sneezed on me?” Echo demanded. “That’s disgusting!” 
“It’s called a prank,” Wrecker says, sounding offended by Echo’s evident lack of humor. 
Echo rolls his eyes. “A childish prank.” 
“It’s called fun,” Wrecker says, holding out his hand. “Now give it back. I still need to shoot Hunter and Tech with it.”
“Do you honestly think that’s going to end well?” Echo asks, deadpan. 
Wrecker smiles. “Not sure, but I’m willing to find out.”
Echo hesitates, weighing his options. If he returns the kriffing toy and Wrecker pranks Hunter and Tech with it, Echo risks being called complicit in the crime. 
If he keeps the toy…
“C’mon, Echo,” Wrecker whines, making a grabbing motion with his outstretched hand. “It’s water. It’s not like it’s gonna hurt them.”
The manchild does have a point. 
Echo sighs. “Fine. But so help me, you shoot me again with this thing, I’ll send it out the airlock.” 
Wrecker grins almost apologetically and snatches the toy up the moment it’s placed in his hand. “Ah, it was a good prank. You can’t actually be mad.” 
He’s not, but Echo narrows his gaze anyway. “You wanna bet credits on that?” 
“Fine! I won’t shoot you with water again,” Wrecker grumbles, folding his arms, hiding the water gun from view. Echo shakes his head and turns back to finish his calculations. He chooses not to react when Wrecker mutters, “Killjoy.”
Hunter is on the very cusp of sleep on one of the bunks when something hits the side of his face. Something cool and wet. He jerks awake with a gasp, hand flying up to touch where the attack occurred. His glove comes away damp. Turning, he sees Crosshair, polishing his rifle. 
“What was that?” Hunter demands. 
Crosshair looks up. “What?” 
“Someone splashed me with water,” Hunter says. 
“Someone splashed you with water,” Crosshair echoes. He rolls his eyes. “Sure they did.” 
Hunter glares at him. “You did it.” 
“How?” Crosshair asks. 
“Easy. You threw water at me.” 
“Where did I get this water?”
“Your canteen.” 
“Does it look like I have a canteen on me?” Crosshair asks, glancing around himself pointedly. “Maybe you’re just imagining things.” 
“My glove is literally damp!” 
“Maybe it’s sweat. Between that mop you call hair and that bandana, you must be roasting alive.” 
“I’m not sweating!” 
Crosshair shrugs, returning to his task. “Whatever you say.” 
Hunter watches him a few more moments before he closes his eyes, keeping his head turned toward his brother, and tries to resume his nap. 
Another water strike, square in the middle of his forehead. Hunter’s eyes fly open, and Crosshair is still there, not looking at him, polishing his rifle with the same leisurely ease as before. 
“You did it again!” Hunter cries, sitting up. 
Crosshair meets his gaze. “What are you on about? I didn’t do anything!” 
“Yes you did! You’re the only one in here! There’s no other explanation!” 
“How the kriff did I do it then? Explain it to me!” 
Hunter grits his teeth. He can’t explain it. But he knows it’s true. “You’re the one doing it, so you tell me!” 
“I’m not doing anything! I’m cleaning my rifle. Maker!” 
Hunter stands up. “You know you’re the worst sometimes?” 
“So I’ve been told,” Crosshair muses, going back to his task.
Hunter starts to storm to the cockpit when something hits the back of his head. He whirls around and Crosshair is still at work, an almost imperceptible smirk twitching at the edge of his lips. Hunter growls a curse under his breath before making his retreat. 
“What are you doing?” 
Wrecker and Crosshair startle and look up to find Tech standing over them. The casings of two water guns are on the floor between them, taken apart, amongst a plethora of spare parts from Tech’s stash for his projects. A stash he has very deliberately told his brothers not to touch without express permission. 
And neither of the clones in front of him had any such consent.  
“It’s not what you think,” Wrecker says. He has the decency to sound guilty.
Tech frowns. “What I think is that you are modifying toy pistols using my personal collection of parts.” 
Crosshair shrugs. “Then it’s exactly what you think.” 
“Put the parts back immediately! They are meant for serious projects, not hobbies.”
“Ah, c’mon, Tech,” Wrecker complains, “this isn’t just a hobby. It’s for science.” 
“How so?” Tech asks, unimpressed. 
Crosshair holds up a data pad with crudely designed schematics. “We’re going to increase the weapons’ accuracy by approximately one hundred and five percent.” 
Tech takes the data pad and examines the modifications. “No you are not.” 
“Because I am not giving permission to use my parts for these modifications. Give them back.” 
“Maker, Tech, don’t be stingy,” Crosshair protests.
“It is not being stingy to say that these parts are for specific purposes. Not a single one of those purposes include water guns. Put them away.” 
“Or what? You’ll tell Hunter on us?” Crosshair snarks. 
Tech glares. “You are being immature.” 
“Fine!” Crosshair says, “We’ll put your precious parts away. We don’t need them.” 
Wrecker frowns. “Yeah, we do.” 
“No, we don’t,” Crosshair says. He scoops up the spare parts and dumps them back in their box. He hands the box over to Tech, now a jumbled mess to be sorted. 
“You are behaving like a juvenile,” Tech says irritably. 
Crosshair smiles, but there is no friendliness in the gesture. “Oh, you haven’t seen juvenile yet.” 
“Is that a threat?” Tech asks. 
“Of course not,” Crosshair says, lifting one shoulder in a shrug. “Just something to think about.” 
Tech calls a meeting between himself, Echo, and Hunter, closing the cockpit door while Crosshair and Wrecker are distracted with cataloging inventory. At least, that is what they said they were doing when they disappeared into the upper hold. 
“Something has to be done about Wrecker and Crosshair,” Tech says. 
“What do you mean?” Hunter asks. 
“Are you talking about their stupid little water pistols?” Echo asks, rolling his eyes. 
Hunter’s jaw drops. “That’s how Crosshair got me!” 
“And Wrecker got me,” Echo says. 
“I caught them trying to modify them to have better accuracy,” Tech says. “I stopped their attempt, but it is only a matter of time before they find alternate means.” 
“I told Wrecker if he shoots me with water again, I’ll send his water gun out the airlock,” Echo says with a shrug. “I say we follow through.” 
Hunter shakes his head. “No. We should fight fire with fire.” 
“Water with water, as it were,” Tech chuckles. 
“Please no,” Echo entreats. “Let’s end this before it gets out of hand.” 
“I’ve been doing some research,” Tech says, bringing out his data pad. “I believe I have found the perfect solution.” 
“We have four standard hours of shore leave,” Hunter says, “That means you’re all back to the ship in three and a half. Got it?” 
“Yes, sir,” Crosshair snarks with a lazy salute. He and Wrecker saunter off, leaving Hunter, Echo and Tech without a backwards glance. 
Once they are out of earshot, Hunter turns to Tech. “You got those coordinates?” 
“Affirmative,” Tech says, pulling up the directions on his data pad. 
“Are we really going to spend hard earned credits on water guns?” Echo asks.
Tech frowns. “These are not simply water guns, Echo. They are classified as super soakers.” 
“Cross and Wrecker won’t know what hit them,” Hunter murmurs almost gleefully. 
“Do you even hear yourselves right now?” Echo cries. 
Hunter ignores him. “We need to head out. We have to be back here and in position before the targets return.” 
Echo rolls his eyes, but follows Tech and Hunter anyway. 
They turn more than a few heads when they walk into the toy store; however, Crosshair ignores the incredulous stares of the other patrons. He walks straight to the counter, Wrecker at his shoulder. “We had an order for pickup,” he says.
“Sure, what’s the name?” the clerk asks. 
The clerk disappears into the back room and returns with two packages. “Two special order water guns?” 
The burning sensation of embarrassment creeps up the back of Crosshair’s neck. “Yes,” he says. 
“Aw, yeah! I can’t wait to try ‘em out,” Wrecker crows. 
“Can you be quieter,” Crosshair hisses at him. 
The clerk rings up the order and accepts the payment before relinquishing the packages to the soldiers, fully armored sans helmets. Wrecker takes them both eagerly, tucking them under one arm. They leave the shop and nearly collide with three more armored figures about to walk in. 
“What are you doing here?” Hunter demands. 
“Nothing!” Wrecker cries, sounding panicked, shoving the packages behind his back. 
“We could ask you the same thing,” Crosshair counters. 
Hunter crosses his arms. “We were following you.”
“We’re suspicious.” 
“Of what?” 
“Of what you’d be getting from a toy store.” 
“How did you know we were coming to a toy store?” 
Hunter doesn’t have a comeback for that, and changes the subject. “What did you get?” 
“Nothing,” Wrecker reiterates guiltily, “It’s a surprise.” 
Tech adjusts his goggles. “Which is it? Nothing or a surprise?” 
“How about,” Crosshair says, stepping in front of Wrecker, “none of your business.”
“This is ridiculous,” Echo grumbles.
Crosshair reaches back and grabs Wrecker’s arm. “C’mon. We’re leaving.” Dragging Wrecker behind him, he shoves through the suspicious trio. 
“See you lot back at the ship,” Hunter calls after them. 
“Not if we see you first!” Wrecker hollers back. 
“Shut up!” Crosshair growls. “This is bad enough as it is.” 
They watch until the suspicious duo disappear into the crowd. 
“Those packages were definitely within the dimensions of super soakers,” Tech says. 
Hunter nods. “We should have known they’d do something like this.”
“We’re doing something like this!” Echo exclaims. “I never asked to be part of this. I’m never going to be dry again!” 
“Stop whining, Echo,” Hunter says, opening the door of the shop. “It’s three versus two. We’ve got the advantage. They might have started this, but we’re going to end it.” 
When they return the Marauder, the ramp is down, but it is quiet. Too quiet. Hunter holds up a fist, and Echo and Tech immediately stop short. Hunter’s eyes rove over the ship’s exterior. 
“Are we within range?” he asks Tech, a whisper over his shoulder. 
“If Crosshair is positioned on top of the ship, affirmative. He will have gravity on his side.” 
Echo groans. “Need I remind you all that we are in public?”
“We split up,” Hunter says, voice low, gripping his colorful weapon and holding it in ready position. “Circle the ship.” 
Echo sighs and takes the left side while Tech goes right. Hunter bravely takes center. He barely makes it four steps forward before he is hit in the face with a stream of water. 
And that’s when all hell breaks loose. 
No one says anything until the Marauder is settled in a hyperspace lane. The only sound is the hum of the ship and the faint sound of water dripping off five drenched commandos. 
“They had no right to confiscate our weapons!” Wrecker grouses. 
Echo huffs. “It was that or the city putting in an official complaint with the GAR.” 
“I find it a little extreme to be prohibited from an entire planet. No one was injured,” Tech says. 
“Crosshair shot a child point blank with a super soaker and made them cry,” Echo points out. 
Crosshair chuckles darkly. “In my defense, I thought it was Hunter. They were similar heights.” 
Hunter scoffs. “You are such a liar.”
“Wait, who was it that then shot an officer sent to investigate the disturbance?” Crosshair asks, tapping his chin thoughtfully. “Oh, yes. It was Hunter. That’s what got us in real trouble.”
“Now wait a minute,” Hunter starts indignantly. 
Echo stands up. “I just want to go on the record and say I didn’t want to be involved in any of this!”
“This is true,” Tech agrees, “Although you are the one who soaked the second officer.”
“That was an accident.”
“That’s not how the officer saw it.” 
As the bickering escalates, Crosshair catches Wrecker’s eye and holds out his hand, mostly fisted, but open enough that the demolitions expert sees a glimpse of pink and green. He grins, looking back at Crosshair. Crosshair puts a finger to his lips. Wrecker nods. 
The war is far from over. 
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Finally got my first prompt fill done for my own prompt event 😂 It's been an absolute joy and delight to see all the fills so far! I dedicate this story to @just-here-with-my-thoughts' kiddo 😉 A lot of work went into getting this prompt in the top 13 🤣
12 more weeks of Summer of Bad Batch!! Can't wait!!
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Tag List: @followthepurrgil @amorfista @mooncommlink @arctrooper69 @nagyanna424 @proteatook @ezras-left-thumb @maeashryver
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berryhobii · 2 days
this is so LFW couple coded https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2kkbOYo8jj/?igsh=MXZrY3JsNDAwcWVkZA==
Thanks for your request and I’m sorry it took so long!🩵🩵🩵still hope you enjoy
Jungkook emerged from your huge walk in closet carrying a shoe box. Now, your husband loved to spoil you; he’d buy you whatever you wanted and whatever he wanted you to have. You could just glance at something in a store and best believe it would be in your lap days later. You always appreciated whatever he did for you, thanking him immensely and doing anything to reciprocate that love.
You also had a remarkable memory which meant you could look at something and determine if Jungkook had gifted it to you.
But you’ve never seen that shoe box before. Just the color told you they were YSL.
“Where did those come from?” You inquired as he dropped on his knee in front of you, placing the box down next to him.
He sent you a cheeky grin. “I picked them up while I was out earlier. I thought they’d go well with your dress.” He removed the top of the box along with the tissue paper that covered the shoes.
You gasped as he pulled out the pair of pumps; shiny black and open toed with a gold plated YSL as the heel.
“Jungkook, you didn’t have to get me these.” You gasped, still in shock. You personally only owned a few pairs of luxury shoes and Jungkook purchased almost all of them. Name brands didn’t matter that much to you since you prioritized comfort and durability over price. You also loved H&M and Nordstrom Rack because sales were like drugs to you so super expensive shoes never really pulled your attention.
Those gorgeous doe eyes locked with yours, full of adoration and respect for you and you were sure you were looking at him the exact same way.
“You deserve it, baby. I want you to have all the nice things in the world.”
You smiled, reaching out to cup his cheek and running your thumb across his cheekbone as he nuzzled into your touch. “I have you. That’s all I need.”
He lifted your foot, sliding the shoe on and then going about securing it to your foot. After placing a kiss to your leg, he did the same with the other shoe. He stood to his own feet, holding out a hand for you to take so you could stand.
You twisted your leg to get a good look at the new footwear. Then you turned back to him, lifting your arms to wrap around his shoulders and his went to your waist.
“They’re beautiful, Jungkook. Thank you.” He could feel the sincerity rolling off your tongue. Jungkook knew you could be a little bashful and your humble nature meant you weren’t very materialistic but he just couldn’t help himself from spoiling you. He married you, not only because he loved you dearly(which he did) but also because he wanted to give you the life you deserved.
One side of you was a dedicated professional, educated and self sufficient; he knew you could take care of yourself and get the job done.
Then you had that other side of you that he had worked hard to pull out; the side that allowed you to put down your workload and relax into your femininity. When you could be a little ditzy and absentminded because you knew your man had your back. He applied that pressure all throughout your relationship, letting you know that you could depend on him. Not necessarily financial wise even though he could but also emotionally and mentally.
He truly brought out a side in you that you didn’t even think you were capable of expressing and you loved him so much for it.
“Anything for you, my pretty girl. I love you.”
“I love you too.” Tugging him down, you connected your lips in a passionate kiss—intimate and loving.
“Would it be too forward if I asked you to sit on my face right now?” He whispered against your gloss smeared lips, hands wandering down to squeeze at the fat of your ass through your dress.
You breathed out a chuckle. “We’re already late. I promise I’ll sit on it later though, okay?” You pecked his lips one last time, patting him twice on the cheek before strutting away in your new shoes. Jungkook’s eyes followed your hypnotizing backside, dreamily sighing.
He had really hit the jackpot with you and hopefully he’d be able to hit something else later.
“Kookieeeeeeee, my feet hurt!” You whined loudly, your pinky finger barely holding onto Jungkook’s hand as you two walked the 2 blocks to the car but they felt a million miles long at this point.
You trailed slightly behind him as the pain in your feet forced you to slow your ass down.
“You’re the one who wanted bubble tea. I told you we could go to the place closer to home but you insisted on walking up that hill.” He chastised but there was no real heat behind his words, a smile perpetually on his face from the few drinks he had and your antics.
“It was disgusting too! The girls on Instagram make it look so delicious! Why did you let me do that?” You complained, stomping your feet but then regretting it when your toes said no thank you.
“I told you not to get the matcha one. You hate matcha.”
“Stop combating my complaints with facts!”
You slowly came to a stop which made Jungkook stop too. He turned around, an endearing expression crossing his face at the sight of your pout. You had released your natural hair from the cute, curly bun it was wrapped up in earlier. He remembers you pulling about 100 Bobby pins from the tresses as the heat of the club started to get to you. The fullness was now packed into a claw clip that he helped you secure.
You looked adorable.
Sighing and shaking his head, Jungkook took your purse from you and looped it over his arm before bending down and picking you up.
You immediately relaxed in his hold, wrapping your arms around his neck and snuggling closer to him.
Placing a sweet kiss to the side of his neck, you, you murmured, “Mmm, thank you baby. I promise I won’t fall asleep before I get to sit on your face.”
Jungkook snorted. “Whatever you say. Let’s just focus on getting home.”
“I’m serious. I never break a promise.”
“Neither do I.” He soothed, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
He promised he’d always care for you. That he’d always love you.
That he’d be everything you needed and give you everything you deserved.
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falmerbrook · 5 months
the way you buy dlc for eso is so stupid. why can't i just pay with real money on steam or something
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risingsunresistance · 21 days
wha... hey for those of you who have told me you've never played minecraft, or you have bedrock but not java... minecraft is. on sale? this thing NEVER goes on sale-
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mintbees · 2 months
Ordered a bunch of Korean skincare (a fixation of mine for the past month) for 40% off today
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angeltannis · 2 months
HEY they finally listed (or re-listed?? no idea if these ever actually launched) those Forspoken pins from the old promotional images on the PlayStation Gear store?? With a release date of June??
Are they actually coming out?? bc these DEFINITELY were not listed when I looked there after finishing the game a few months ago
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sailermoon · 5 months
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bought these veggie crumbles without looking at the reviews
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weaponizedmoth · 23 days
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My print shop is finally updated! Yay!
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rosicheeks · 1 year
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🚨A few of my paintings are on a 15% off sale right now until the end of the month (2/28)🚨
Check out my shop 💖
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party-lemon · 1 year
Maybe it's just me, but I associate most MCR fans' financial capability with myself, who is practically dirt poor, so it always blows my mind when some of you guys can actually purchase any merch, guitars, etc. that are over like $30.
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innielove · 4 months
why did no one warn me that crocheting can be such an expensive hoarding hobby 😭
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imwritesometimes · 15 days
laptop shopping is kinda ridiculous in this day & age like I appreciate a lightweight and easy to carry/lift design but some of these straight up look like they'd snap if, say, a 10lb+ cat walked across the keyboard which is..... a concern I definitely have
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victorluvsalice · 22 days
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-->Anyway – back to Retail Time! And to the infamous lag on this lot, unfortunately. :( Based on what I saw today, it seems to be primarily tied to Sims actually BUYING stuff, as it seems to happen most often when people are waiting to be rung up or right after they’ve been rung up and they still need to grab their item. Maybe it's because I have a lot of mod-added items for sale? *shrug* Fortunately it wasn’t too bad today, with only a few significant instances, but still – meh.
Despite the game doing its best to stop them, though, the trio persevered, chatting with various customers and doing their best to get them to buy stuff – and succeeding pretty admirably! Victor talked a guy named Patrick into buying a block of beeswax for $18, then immediately rang up visiting teenager Ren for the same thing, while Smiler helped a kid named Wren buy a small $5 lettuce and some dude named Aarush grabbed an avocado from the veggie stands for $25. Alice, meanwhile, was working over an elder named Samuel – but as he found her unattractive (as per Wonderful Whims), I don’t think her attempts to get him to buy stuff worked very well. :p She thus went to ring up Agnes Crumplebottom for a $68 bag of fresh bread instead – fortunately distracting the woman from noticing Smiler lay a cute cheek kiss on Victor. XD Smiler then headed to the center aisle and let off a happy blast to try and improve everyone’s moods –
-->And at this point, everything started getting a little chaotic, as a bunch of people suddenly wanted to be rung up at once! Alice took care of a lady named Giovanna despite the lag’s best efforts, ringing her up for a $70 jar of honey, while Smiler discovered Alice had been more successful at convincing Samuel to buy than she’d realized and rung him up for a box of blackberry jam for $455. They also went around and rung up a kid named Taka for a box of vegetarian MREs for $482 (must be buying them for his parents). Victor, however, was the real winner of the selling spree, managing to sell a Happy Scent perfume to a “loiterer” named Joey (who REALLY had to go to the bathroom) for a cool $1,174! Maybe I should keep that in mind when I think about the future of the store...
-->With that taken care of (and a lady named Fetia snagging herself a $5 Cereberry in the background), Victor went ahead and did some more Scruberooing of shelves and fridges while Smiler and Alice kept attending customers – Smiler ringing up the kid Pierce for a $206 box of canned green beans, and Alice (after an ANNOYINGLY long wait) teen Sofia for a $517 box of strawberry jam. Alice then headed into the break room to make some hamburger sliders, as she was feeling hungry, and I noticed that Victor kind of needed to pee and sent him into the bathroom –
Only for another wave of “hey I would like to buy things” to hit the store! I quickly had Alice stop her sliders (though she DID insist on taking the cutting board all the way down the stairs...then all the way back up again -.-) and Victor stop his attempt to use the toilet and sent them out to help Smiler on the selling floor. Between the three of them, they managed to get Javier a $44 jar of mayonnaise; Liberty Lee an $86 butterscotch cupcake; the returning Ren a $734 chocolate pie; and Makoa a $29 jar of mushroom conserve. Oh, and Aarush came back and bought a plasma fruit for $10. XD Talk about a last-minute rush!
-->And it was indeed the last-minute rush, because I looked over at the retail UI, realized the shop had been open nine hours, and decided it was probably time to close up. So, after an aborted attempt to get Smiler to befriend a customer so she would let them have her plasma (they now know that Kasandra likes the color green), I had them shut up the shop while Alice went and finished her sliders and Victor finally got his bathroom break. By the time they closed at 6:30 PM in-game, they’d made a nice profit of $4,174 on everything they’d sold! :) Yeah, I know Alice and Smiler can make more than that just in royalties on their books and videos, but it’s still pretty good considering I have everything on "sale" prices. Anyway, Alice called everyone down to the basement to eat, and she and Victor enjoyed some sliders while Smiler had a plasma fruit and bred some frogs to create an additional plasma pack to drink. Alice then went to clean up her plate –
And for some reason headed upstairs to do so. Following her, I realized that what she was doing was clearing some rotten raw meat out of the “butcher” display – and that a lot of the remaining meat was ALSO going rotten as she did so. D: Cue me trying to coordinate her and Victor’s efforts to clean up all the spoiled food from both the meat display and the fridges (which lead to a lot of "placing a pile of dirty dishes on the nearest consignment shelf," annoyingly) while Smiler went around and removed a bunch of the “out of stock” signs from the shelves. Eventually, though, everything was cleaned up, with Victor and Smiler finishing things off while Alice caught a few winks on the break room couch (her werewolf instincts were demanding a nap) –
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anissapierce · 24 days
My yearbook collection grew by three this weekend ...-
'49,'50 and '51
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myriadsystem · 25 days
Tumblr media
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spikeisawesome456 · 1 month
#I might delete this later but I'm feeling a bit disheartened and want to just put this out there into the world but not super publicly#But like#The worst part of being overweight in my opinion is that it's so so hard to feel cute or pretty or even decent looking#I'm going to Japan with my older brother next week and I've been curating a cutesy Lolita-esque style outfit for the trip and I finally#got the last of the pieces so I tried it all on. And it's just... no matter how hard I try I can't really see myself as cute in it#I don't know maybe pink isn't my color and this just isn't my style. But.#I tried really hard to make an outfit I'd feel cute in and it's devastating to not really see myself as cute#And it's not really that I think I look bad per se it's just...#I don't know#Not what I wanted it to be I guess#And I know that if I posted pictures people would say ''wow you look great!!!'' because people always say that kind of thing#But I'd always think they were lying or were playing it up#Even if they really weren't#I just wanted to feel cutesy and everything and it hurts somewhere deep inside to not feel that way#I'll still wear the outfit in Japan since I spent enough time and money on this outfit but it really dampens my enthusiasm#And this wasn't the first time I've tried on the dress obviously. I've been trying it on periodically all along#But I kept hoping that once it was done and I had the makeup all on maybe I'd finally be able to see myself as cute#But no#I still don't. Not really.#It doesn't help that the dress itself doesn't even fit properly#I got it on sale which is what sparked this whole idea in the first place and it was always a size too small#It never zipped properly but I was able to work around that with an outer corset that held it closed#And a lace shrug that helped hide the weird bunching in the back#I can sometimes get the dress zipped now since I've lost a little weight#But it's a struggle and I can only do it about half the time and it feels like I'm going to break the zipper each time#I'd think to buy a new dress but a) that would cost even more money and I've already spent way more than I had wanted in my endeavor#to feel cute in this dress. And b) all of the accessories are tailored to this dress specifically#It would be hard to find a good replacement and there is no guarantee that would even help#So I just... I don't know#It's just hard.
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