#and i have work tomorrow
69hertz · 4 months
Jumping straight into the burning dumpster of my TMAGP era, yay!
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some of these tags don't even make sense to me and I'm the one writing them.
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sneakyspades · 4 months
stomsch hurts super bad which js great
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nonbinary-octopus · 9 months
unfortunately I suffer from Wanting To Sleep At The Wrong Time Disease, where I go to bed at 11pm or midnight but can't fall asleep until like 2am because my body says no, and then I am tired all day and want a nap in the middle of the day
it is 1:22 am and I went to bed two and a half hours ago. I have spent most of that time with my eyes closed. I have taken a melatonin. please I am so tired.
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lazykeeneye · 7 months
Prompt Idea
More like a concept but I don't really know how to fill it out at the moment.
Essentially it ties into ghosts having more eldritch forms, but those forms are there actual forms. Instead of the appearance they have in the show their bodies are difficult to perceive even at the best of times and unfortunately human minds can't perceive these true forms and as self defense mechanism the mind just says nope that is not what I see at all and rejects the reality of what you are looking at. That is what we are seeing because when it's not blocking it out humans usually go mad, or die of shock/fear/etc.
Danny though is a halfa. He sees it some times and when he does, in those moments he is more ghost then human, he is different and eldritch and his form is rejected by the minds of those humans who look at him, no exceptions for anyone that is human still at any level. When he is more human though he similarly has this reaction of not being able to perceive those true forms of the ghosts around him. Though since he is a halfa it does also allow humans to more easily perceive these changes. The changes themselves though aren't making it easier to perceive as much as hitting with the same amount of force but the human minds around him can't block it out.
Think about how disorienting that would be for him when that perception changes and how everything about his existence would affect his relationships with people around him. How he unintentionally is driving his family mad around him. Sam, Tucker, and Jasmine being the most effected mentally and have moments of extreme terror, murderous thoughts, deep anguish, hysterical joy. How he reacts to ghosts who simultaneously want to help him because he is a baby but know that there appearance is driving him mad and hurting him too. They have to balance helping him learn to exist but also staying near him and it in many ways was still not enough.
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shinyvibrava · 12 days
It's gonna be fuckin 2am by the time i get home at this rate bc my lazy ass doesn't wanna make the drive back
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keepinventory · 29 days
i was planning to look at a car today but nooo i got hit with a mystery illness -_-
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itsjaywalkers · 8 months
literally just went through security at the airport and suddenly i got a message telling me my flight has been delayed . 2 hours . 😐
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just-rogi · 4 months
Guys… I know this is shocking to no one at all but I’m just so pissed about how horribly teachers are treated in this country. I do so fucking much and I can’t even afford to live on my own but on top of that I’m 21 and I’m frightened because my physical health started rapidly declining and I have to go to loads of doctors appointments and my joints hurt and I’m exhausted and standing and walking causes me pain now and I don’t qualify for PFML because GUESS WHAT!! Educators don’t qualify!!! Like at all!!
Like , I get paid shit. I am exposed to insane abuse on the daily. Im working in - I kid you not LITERALLY- mouse infested classrooms, I don’t get paid during the summer so I have to find other work, and I don’t even qualify for PFML so I’ve got to juggle THAT on top of being twenty one and paying rent in Boston and going to all my new doctors appointments and idk being in pain? And we can’t even strike about it because striking is ILLEGAL!!!! It’s literally illegal for teachers to go on strike here. I’m fucking tired of this shit I love my job I love teaching I love the children I love the classroom- this is what I’m passionate about and I’m fucking good at it and look at how we are being treated. This whole country is fucking SHIT! How do you have so much fucking money for war but you can’t pay your fucking teachers and get the goddamn rats out of the classroom. My kids don’t deserve rat shit all over their class and so do I. Fuck you.
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deityofhearts · 2 months
hhhh today is just. such a blah day
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salvatorelizzie · 11 months
going to see the david bowie ziggy stardust show cinema thing w my mum today 🙏🙏🙏
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ah-bright-wings · 2 years
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Close up of a late night wip
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crazypantsjewels · 1 year
I can’t believe I pulled an all nighter finishing Love Between Fairy and Devil and then finally crashed at around 11:30 am.
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arkham-ayden · 9 months
I finally updated again.
I have the silly little gay people in my fic being angsty again. Check it out if you love gay people or are sad beyond mortal comprehension! I will say, I ended at a slightly weird note, but there is a reason, all to be revealed next chapter. Have I got yall interested yet?
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Nah but for real, I'm actually going to try and be more consistent because I love this fandom and I'm proud of what I've created and what I'll continue to make. I'm not planning on giving up on this fic anytime soon, even if updates are sporadic right now.
In other news:
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Let me know what you think! Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated! Just don't be mean about it; I'm sensitive, Audrey!
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ieatmarbles · 9 months
Heya folks, nice to meet you! Welcome to the unorganized chaos of death that I like to call my Tumblr page. Here, you can find content of my OC's, rambles, written things, and a bunch of other stuff that I'm sure I'll lose track of. But before I get into the logistics, let's do an introduction! You can call me Mar! I'm a 19 year old college student, I use She/They pronouns, and I do a lot of things in the creative department: writing, digital art, music composition, singing, video editing, world building, you name it! My main story I'm focusing on right now is called Our Unspoken Bonds. While I'll definitely still talk about other OC's and worlds I've written, just be ready to hear a lot about this specific one! It's one I hold very close to my heart. If you'd like to read more about said story, you can find content under the tag #ourunspokenbonds . If I talk about other stories, I'll be sure to update the information here to create a list for future reference! If you'd like to hear some more information about me, I'll put it in the read me. Thanks for stopping by! TLDR: welcome to my personal hell <3
Some of my friends and family know me by the username @declineofmysanity, and that's still me! But because that account has been on hiatus for who knows how long, I thought it'd be a bit weird to just suddenly hop back on it and throw out random OC stuff when I had only been posting Steven Universe AU content at the time. Therefore, I decided to make this side account!
While I'm definitely no professional when it comes to writing or story telling, these things have always been huge passions of mine ever since I was little. I mentioned that the main story I'll be talking about on here is Our Unspoken Bonds, and that was actually the first story/set of OC's I ever made! While their story has changed quite a lot, I'm happy to see that these characters of mine still hold such an important place in my heart. I hope that they can make an impact on you, as well. When it comes to my other stories, I have a LOT of them. None of them are as developed as OUB (abbreviation for Our Unspoken Bonds), but they all have their own characters, worlds, and stories to tell. I might talk about them someday if I ever work up the courage! Overall, you can thank my sister for my reappearance back here. She's always been one of my biggest supporters when it comes to my writing and characters, even when I felt like they weren't that important. It's definitely a big step for me to start sharing a lot of their stuff publicly, but my sister gave me confidence to give it a shot-- so here I am. (Speaking of my sister, you should check her out: @my-cursed-prince , she has some SICK writing and stories that really delve deep into the painful realities of the world and the fight to change the parallels present in this fictitious story)
If you've read this far, I applaud your attention span! Thanks for giving my stuff a listen, and I can't wait to share these characters with you!
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here-kittykitty · 7 months
okay kinda tmi warning for under the cut (periods and Lux horny whining)
im on my period and i get really REALLY fucking horny on my periods but also I (autistic) actually hate touching bodily fluids that arent cum or blood lmao so I cant touch myself rn and I (autistic) hate touching myself in the bath/shower and I (paranoid) can't wear tampons so I'm stuck rubbing myself through this stupid fucking pad and everything hurts but it hurts less when i cum but i CANT because i cant TOUCH MYSELF PROPERLY and HEY TURNS OUT EDGING ISNT FUN WHEN YOURE ACTUALLY BITING YOUR PILLOW FROM FRUSTRATION.
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