#and i have that 'improved ghost' mod or something
hornkneebee · 7 months
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In any game of mine, Olive will always be a witch 😈
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murfeelee · 1 year
Murf's Top 50 Mods - Part 3 (2020 - 2023 Edition)
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I made a Top 50 list (Pt 1 and Pt2) back in 2016, talking about mods that I've used & love. But with all the goated content that the amazing TS3 community continues to churn out, I NEEDED to update my list! This one in no way diminishes or negates the other mods I've already listed--like, I shouldn't have to sit here and explain how NRAAS continues to carry TS3 on its freaking shoulders, ok. This is just MORE mods, the Top 50 most RECENT ones I've tried out since, like, quarantine.
I am a VERY niche simmer--I love fantasy gameplay, so my fave mods are the ones that not only offer general quality of life improvements, but also add new abilities and interactive objects inspired by different cultures, time periods, or genres. So y'all already KNOW which ones have earned my top spots. They're not based on which mods are "better," just which ones I personally have been using the most.
1: Smooth Patch, LazyDuchess
I've already gushed about this mod, but oh well. Like--I use an EFFTON of CC. My Live Mode gameplay itself doesn't tend to lag so much as my game's slow to LOAD, slow to save, CAS is a nightmare, I can do my taxes waiting for the Misc Decor section to open, etc etc. But the Smooth Patch loads everything so much quicker for me! 😭
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One thing is that on the EA App version (curse you, EA) the Master Controller package didn't work on my end, so I took it out, but everything else has been great!
2: Search Mod, LazyDuchess
Speaking of the Misc Decor section -- HOW LONG did we ask EA for a Search function y'all? Only to be ignored. Then the second TS4 is released, it ain't got a effing thing in it, but it's got a Search function??? 🤔 ISTG it's like the simgurus were told to take all of the TS3 community's best suggestions, and poach them for TS4 (like vampire coffins--NO I'm not over it!). WHY do modders have to do your frikkin job for you, EA?! I call EA lazy all the time cuz EA you suck, so it's the most ironic thing ever that LazyDuchess is out here KILLING IT.
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My ONLY "complaint" about the Search mod is the position of the icon. I use A LOT of Collection Files, and I noticed that the Search icon actually covers the Delete button when in the Collection viewer. So I can't delete items in collections with the Search icon in the way.
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But this is a MINOR nitpick--I almost never delete items, it's just something I noticed is all.
3 - 8: OCCULT MODS: EVERYTHING by @puddingface1902
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Y'all already know the Enhanced Witches mod is my favorite mod ever made. But PF1902 also made cool enhancements to the Fairies, Genies, Vampires, Werewolves, and Mermaids too! My sims are usually Nraas hybrids (e.g.: Sakura is a faery, witch & plantsim; Magnus Bane is a witch & genie; etc.), so it's FANTASTIC having so many new abilities for my magical occults. 😍
9 - 11: OCCULT MODS by xantak22
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Even more occult mods at MTS are for enhanced Plantsims, Ghosts, and Mummies! I was dying for more Plantsim abilities, omg, they're my 3rd fave occult after Witches & Fae.
12: Sim Control Tools by Knight
Sooooo many quality of life mods have come out! ^0^
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I've been ABUSING the Teleport To Me function, to quickly get sims off of lots & where I need them to be. It also lets sims unlock more Social/Romantic interactions. (Now all we need is a way to interact with sims from EA's useless thumbnails.)
13 - 18: @anitmb's mods
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There are SOOOO many--most I've yet to even try. But so far newer ones I've been using are the Deck of Cards (FINALLY something other than EA's bulky AF poker table!), Farm Mod (look at all these CHICKENS!), and Hunting mod so my 8000 archer sims can actually hunt! (Ofc I've also used the Woodcutter and Anvil mods in my older gameplay posts, too.) And @mspoodle1's edit of the Cup of Tea mod is so pretty.
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19: @mspoodle1's Poker table
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Another excellent cards mod is this medieval style poker table I use a lot now, too.
20: @omedapixel's Wildflowers DR
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I like EA's default wildflowers from SSNS, but Omeda's are just sooooo much nicer. (I haven't gotten around to trying out their Harvestable Plant DR yet.)
21: Swordfighting mod by CyrusBanefort
En garde! This mod is so freaking epic!
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One thing I've noticed is that the game lags while it waits for the mod to boot up (a message has to first pop up saying it's running when you first launch your saves). But other than that this mod is excellent.
22 - 24: Yoga rugs
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I've long been using the yoga rugs by Kitabalibar and the edited one from @mspoodle1. But now there's the newest one by @twinsimming, with brand new animations & features. The more the merrier I say, LOL. What's especially neat is the kids wobbling around as they try to do yoga! :3
25 - 30: TheSweetSimmer's mods--so cute! :3
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Omg so frikkin many, I can't even catch up! The interactions are so freaking precious, like from the More Toddler Interactions (cuddle, look at, etc) & Biggest Little Mod (hug legs), I've never had so much fun playing with kids! <3 And I LOVE that they can Catch Butterflies and Pick Flowers--you'd think plantsim children would be able to do this by default, EA! Honestly, just grab everything by TSS, your kid sims will thank you!
31 - 33: @spheresims Medieval/Nature/Tribal mods
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Y'all know I'm crazy about the Functional Fireplaces mod (the cauldrons, baby! 😈), but the One with Nature and Wildlife Hunting mods are great too, perfectly complimenting the off-the-grid realness.
34: @olomayasims/Cmomoney Smoking Mod Overhaul
The original smoking mod was on my first Top 50 list, so it's awesome seeing it get new upgrades, interactions & animations.
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I've never smoked IRL, but sooooo many of my sims just puff-puff away; I'm such an enabler. U_U Now all we need is cigars and pipes!
35 - 38: Callia-Evergreen/Camkitty's CAS CC for animal hybrids at MTS
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Not a "mod" per se, but whatever--my list my rules! I love ALL of their CC, but I get SO MUCH use out of animal-themed CC like the digitigrade sliders, wolf feet, lizard tails, and fae wings. Do check them out if you like to play with horror and monster-sims!
39: @greenplumbboblover's Sheep
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EASILY one of the most incredible mods I've ever seen. Like....HOW? (Once @omedapixel's Goats are done I'm gonna start screaming someone do llamas pleeeeeaaaaase!!!)
40: Arsil's musical instruments mod
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I used the sax most recently in my IWTV gameplay, and it was excellent, perfect for the NOLA vibes! However, although I use the flute A LOT more (for my Untamed gameplay--it's been such a GODSEND!), I really wish the hands were positioned better, preferably using the poses from Chisims' flute poseset. (But I don't eff with poses/animations, otherwise I'd do it myself. U_U) Ah well, it's still one of my fave mods though.
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41 - 42: Flower Arranging mod by zoe22 + @mspoodle1's Florist Collection
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Guys, I've been wanting this mod since FOREVER! ^0^ (I swear, the best thing about TS4 is all the 4t3 conversions, LMAO!) I just wish Teens could Dabble and use it, too--all they can do is stock the table.
43: Just Sit/Nap Anywhere by FloTheory
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Sometimes you just want sims to fall asleep anywhere, DANG, EA!
44: @sweetdevil-sims' Toddler Food DR
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Cuz EA's food is UUUUUUUUGLY~! I kept forgetting to install it, only to be rudely reminded every time I had to look at my toddler sims eating MUD.
45 - 46: @mspoodle1's mail pen quill DR and @omedapixel's pencil quill DR
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I looooove quill pens IRL (ballpoint pens, not the fountain pens--I'm way too messy), so having mods that let my sims use them too is 👌
47: Fireflies Enhanced! by Canibal_MLO
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I love anything that enhances the wildlife and collectibles/harvestables to be more dynamic and interactive. And I was JUST about to do a firefly catching scene for my IWTV insp. gameplay, so this came right on time! The falling leaves effect is delightful, but I kinda wish it was falling flower petals instead, cuz ofc I do. 🌸
48: Unicorn Aurora DR by Canibal_MLO
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GORGEOUS. This mod replaces the unicorn mist with northern lights, like.... I love the genius ideas simmers have.
49: Custom Plumbbob Color tool by CrossTheMersey
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What a neat idea! Although the default Maxis colors are ingrained in my psyche, with the iconic green plumbbob, as soon as I saw this mod I knew I wanted to at least try something different and play around with it.
50: @aa6x7's Teru Teru Bozu + other edits [Honorable Mention]
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I rave about Cmomoney's Time/Weather Mod all the time, I use it constantly. AA6x7's Teru Teru Bozu (Japanese "Sunshine Monk" charms) is kinda like a simpler version of it, as it just resets bad weather back to Sunny. But it's such a cute idea and perfect for my gameplay. Plus, AA6x7 makes all kinds of neat edits/mods to EA's bulky AF meshes, so if you haven't checked them out already, DO!
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And that's all the mods I've managed to try out recently!
I don't have anywhere near the kind of free time that I used to, so my simming has been put on the backburner and I've missed all kinds of cool and exciting releases. But trust: I am taking note, so that I know what to try once I have time.
All my deepest & sincerest gratitude & love to the entire sims community, for keeping The Sims 3 going--this year was the 14th anniversary! Here's to 14 more! 🥳 Happy Simming!
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alltimefail-sims · 22 hours
"📩 Simblr question of the day: according to you, what are the most underutilized gameplay features in the sims games you played, dlc included?"
Sharing the SQOTD from @simblr-question-of-the-day. I really liked this question because I'm excited to get more gameplay ideas.
Also, you talked about being busy recently so good luck with everything you are working on!
Yes I have been bit busier lately than I've been in a tick, but that's because I'm trying to be better about working on the book I'm writing!! But please continue to send asks and such, I'm still here and active just posting my own content a bit slower - but I'm still active and lurking about!
As for underutilized gameplay features...
I think the Club feature from Get Together is a really underutilized feature in the Sims. @sojutrait actually has a great guide up on their page that explains how clubs can be used for a more custom, immersive, hands-on gameplay experience.
I also think people don't realize how much fun the sales tables can be: I love doing "yard sales" to get rid of stuff in my sims home (for realistic gameplay), I love creating community lots filled with those sales tables to create a farmer's market/small community festival feel, and I love using them for my free-spirited, rancher, farmer, and homesteader sims specifically so they can sell their goods and rely on that income solely! Also you can create better custom food booths now with Home Chef Hustle and you can build a "food truck" OR like a pop-up ice cream stand at the park, for example. Idk it's just a fun feature to me, and exciting for those who don't think any of the rabbit-hole jobs suit their sim (or for those who want more flexibility in their sims' income without having to buy a whole ass additional community lot business).
The handiness skill as a whole is a gamechanger because of the "upgrade object" feature. The upgrades are actually super helpful and many of them will improve the functionality of the given object, will give custom moodlets, and will even help avoid disaster (fireproofing your dryer in the sims is a must... that shit catches fire if you look at it the wrong way lmaoooo).
The robotics skill is really cool and I love making the servos!! Cute little robot friend/family member and they can help around the house (crucial when you have big families, fun if you're going for a futuristic vibe or eccentric household).
Occults, in my opinion, are an underrated feature of the Sims. I think everyone should add some kind of weird, campy, supernatural shenanigans to their gameplay. Have your sim fall in love with a ghost; have your sim accidentally get bitten by a werewolf or vampire; befriend a mermaid; build a rocket in your backyard and go to space; get abducted and raise an alien; the possibilities are endless! Occults can shake shit up, especially if you're tired of vanilla, realistic gameplay.
FAMILY VACATIONS!!! HONEYMOONS!! FRIEND TRIPS!!! I love taking my sims on vacation and taking photos, making memories, etc. This feature is great too because you can get extended family members to go on vacation with your household and then it'll be a little family reunion (and you'll get moodlets for this as well that are like "The whole family is together" or something like that, it's really cute!). I think because you can literally travel to anywhere at any time without using the vacation feature this becomes really under-utilized, but it's a fun little thing to do!
Custom summer vacation holiday with seasons: depending on your lifespan/how you have your calendar days set up you can make it lasts a few days, a whole week, or even two weeks (so the kids can be off school during that time - I do one week in my saves). I just make the "mandatory events" swimming, grilling, spending time with family, stuff like that! Some days I literally have no mandatory events lol, just a day off school!
Honestly that's all I've got off the top of my head: I use a lot of mods and always have, so it can be hard for me to isolate what is a modded feature and what is just a part of the game itself! I hope one or more of these can help you spice your gameplay up a bit! Thank you for this question as always!!! <3
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blackthorn-legion-irl · 10 months
ongoing arc thing: Mall Santas Save The World aka Holiday Semi-Hiatus (plural server post link) (some day i will actually improve this post) (i have it in drafts even)
mod info:
age 27 / she/her pronouns / autism/adhd/anxiety And More™
RP blogs followed from this account
non-RP blogs followed from @demifiendcruithne
jack frost sideblog: @unidentified-flying-heeho
boundaries: apply to all legion members + sideblogs
if sending IC hate that could be taken as OOC, please put an OOC note saying it's IC
flirting/suggestiveness OK but pre-warning that relationships/other situations won't be happening with other OCs. i allow it because it's Funny (especially if i don't understand it either lol)
magic anons/pelipper mail Encouraged, but i have a firewall IC to block things i don't want to deal with / delay things i currently can't
while i'll generally be low-stakes, i'm happy to participate in higher-stakes things in a support role, just ask :) this will most likely be in hacking skills (or reverse demon summoning for worlds that are ok with that)
Super Temporary Links to the pokeirl plural server post (ooc post) (ic post)
low(-mid?)-stakes RP with an outsider's view of rotomblr. the Legion's world is vaguely based on SMT Devil Survivor 2 mechanically, and historically there was a japanese empire instead of a roman empire so england has more japanese influences, notably using yen (and macca when demons are involved)
the Legion is an ever-shifting group of people moving in and out of one apartment due to capitalism being a heck. Known Residents of the Legion: Human: Blackthorn Legion - she/her, ace/aro - the primary poster, accountholder, the one actually renting the apartment the Legion live in. has a bad habit of revealing that she knows people's history if they're in a game she played. snarky but has a soft spot. slightly a wanted hacker but don't worry about that. yes her surname is Legion she changed it to heck with genji overwatch. her sibling/good twin is Literally madeline celeste (no her last name is not celeste) Simon - he/him, masc-leaning bi - the butt monkey castlevania stan. came up with the legion name. Blackthorn's most tolerable apartmentmate. often the voice of reason except when it comes to wall chicken. has a boring horsesona and is salty about it. TWC - any pronouns - joined as The Wiggles Cultist (<(:0)OOoo>) but changes what the initials stand for pretty often. or basically every post at this point. They Speak In All Capitalised Words Legion Resident - any other human resident.
Non-Human: Aeros - pronouns unknown - air elemental who is generally either trapped in a vacuum cleaner or chasing people (aka simon) around. Aeros' location is unknown after being sent to pokemart manglement and released somewhere Bonk - they/he - a Beldum who true to their name can and will headbonk people as a main form of communication. trained service mon :) Nickit - he/him - a Nickit slightly longer than average, who is white with black accents and green markings on their face. (art source) naive and nods off a lot, can talk to humans, name currently unknown. has gmax meowth/furret/(hisuian?) zorua ancestry (source | longcat trace) Dr. Slushy - he/him - a Jack Frost. he's in the pokeworld now but he may still send messages through here for convenience Ghost - a ghost who's basically hanging out here possessing random people. name and pronouns vary based on host body
Associates: free to ask about, may not appear much Angy - weird stripey floating dude who gave Blackthorn the base for the MVSP. knows Something about world administration. Pixie of Amala - the Uberpixie who helped Demi-fiend (aka Sir Not Currently Appearing In This Universe He's Just Vibing)
any posts without a --blackthorn or whoever don't have who posted them defined; either it doesn't matter or i forgor. assume blackthorn but may get retconned any brackets like (simon: something) are a cut-in from someone else. ooc is marked with // or ooc: or both
The MVRS.py: stands for 'MultiVersal Reverse Summoning', pronounced 'movers'. Blackthorn's method of accessing rotumblr, which she's hacked to Try and send items through. it isn't the most reliable - anything she sends with it may get... altered at receiver's will. it's a py file because python my beloved
IC: Blackthorn and Simon
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//drawn by @yewwantstobattle &lt;;3 /platonic
Blackthorn Legion - 27 - she/her (gender sucks. i just use what i'm used to) - autism/adhd/fibromyalgia - ace/aro - picrews
i live in an apartment with like 20-30 other people. any stupid comments it's probably them. or the demon internet cafe i've basically set up at this point my place is basically just. for people to come get back on their feet. why is capitalism making /me/ the best option.
if you're reading this i probably freaked you out by knowing something i 'shouldn't'. see, my universe turned a bunch of events from other worlds into games and other media, so i know more history of your world than i do mine. so that's fun
yes my surname is legally* legion. yes i changed it to heck with someone *in the sense that it's what the authorities/most wanted list etc. know me by. birth identity doesn't exist any more and civilian identity is under the radar
Simon. bi (masc-leaning) he/him. too old to have a boring horsesona are you kidding me--- picrews i guess.
okay it's basically out at this point - hecker - YES i used to have a crush on blackthorn that is Not why i am here we are still friends and honestly i prefer guys these days anyway.
i somehow get the feeling that angy is trolling me. doesn't he have anything better to do?
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I wish there was a new doll forum without as many hoops to jump through and as many off-topic dolls as DoA has. I think the bjd hobby is too scattered over too many social media outposts and it would be nice to have a new and improved forum with actually active admin and mods. Except for a few areas (Newbieland, Volks and MNF threads, Photo Gallery, Brigadoon) DoA feels sorta like a ghost town. When one of your most active forum areas is the off-topic doll area, that’s something to consider.
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samkat10423 · 10 months
Banyan Bend
While looking for something else the other day, I came across a link for this world and all of its original lots that were created by the 3 administrators of the old Sims Crossing site. Plus, the original sims created to live here were also up for grabs. Someone over on the Sims Cave uploaded them all. Which was great, since I had lost some of the stuff during my last 2 computer meltdowns and it was impossible to find any of them previously. So, if any of you want to play this world, hop on over to the Sims Cave and type in Sims Crossing - or Banyan Bend.
Anyway, this world was created right after Late Night came out and has no CC. It's their vision of how Twinbrook should have been. And while I like parts of it, there is room for improvement. But CAW hates me, so it is what it is.
I'm currently redoing lots. They placed the movie studio lot from Bridgeport on probably the only 64x64 lot in this town. And since I want to use that for my festival lot, I needed to find a movie lot on something smaller. They placed 2 of those dome thingies - that thing next to the science center in Sunset Valley - on 2 different 60x60 lots in town. One is for butterflies, while the other is... well, I'm not sure what it is. The butterfly one is down by the industrial lots - just down the street from their movie lot. So, I bulldozed it. Yes, I did! My greenie sims are not happy, but I'll let them have that other dome lot to keep their bugs in. I know! I'm way too nice to my sims.
I tried several different lots on this space before I accidently came across a lot over on MTS, created by someone called mccorade. It was created with Riverview in mind. And while it wasn't exactly what I wanted, it was a good start. And it was on a smaller lot. I think maybe 50x50. So, thank you!
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Anyway, here it is now. I have made several changes - as I normally do - but the bones are mccorade's.
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First thing I did was resurface the parking areas and change out the fencing. This is Banyan Bend! These rednecks can't afford fancy fences, so chain-link it is! I also added the fountains and those 2 large statues. Just because. I also made that main flowerbed smaller - so delivery trucks could access the main building. Then, on the backlot, I redid the houses - mostly used different finishes and added some more landscaping.
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Then I made that area where the 'stars' can hang out in their trailers. Oh! And I switched out all the trees.
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And finally, in the back, I added a guard shack, more fencing and that driveway to the back doors of the main building. And viola! Banyan Bend has a new place to make movies! Go me!
While I was in the area, I also got rid of the old science center lot. Since I used that hospital from Supernatural on the lot in town where they had their hospital RH, I really didn't need another lot wasted on my science sims. (This world was created before EA came out with their combo lots). So, I decided to make another 'movie' type lot.
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This one is loosely based on that KWLW Studio lot from the Sims 1. This is where the hit series, "As the Stomach Churns," and the "Next Great Sim Nation Idol" are filmed. And the local Banyan News channel churns out their daily feed. I used that smaller stage - the 6x7 - one for my Idol stage. If any of you want it, it's over on TFM's Naughty Sims Asylum. You have to be a member, but sign-up is super easy. Once you get over there, type in Shimrod's mods. It's his BuyDebug Genie Lamp and smaller showtime stage mod. Pop it into your overrides folder and viola! A smaller stage is yours! Easy-peasy!
Anyway, I'll post interior pictures later. I was moving in sims today - after redoing the generic cemetery they had. Had to kill off sims and then replace all the fake graves with ones that will generate ghosts. Plus, I write bios for all my families and then - with the help of MasterController - create conflict amongst all of them. It's a dirty job but someone has to do it. Which is why I am the simgoddess and my sims aren't!
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macgyvertape · 1 year
D2 Lightfall campaign thoughts
gameplay discussion above, campaign and post campaign story below cut:
New UI looks good, just wish they made the element mods color coded.
Immediately went to go craft a bunch of weapons before starting the campaign, I’m glad they made the change to crafting materials
Thinking back to when you used to have to spend ascendant shards to change the armor affinity of a masterwork piece, I’m so glad the game has progressed to no elemental armor since that will save me a lot of vault space.
Once again 9 or 10 resilience is incredibly noticeable in survivability vs lower resilience
The redo of the mod system from a dev standpoint probably makes designing the challenge level a lot easier since the elemental well mods had a lot of extremely powerful outlier combos. However, doing fun and varied buildcrafting was a big engagement point for me for the last 6 months so I hope there’s more creative options than at first glance.
huh Bungie is introducing destroyable cover, that showed up in the mars battleground last season. Very curious about the design process for that
Fighting tormenters feels like Dark Souls where you position around telegraphed wind up attack and a lot of dodging. Especially when you damage them enough and they “go full sicko mode” and charge you for the kill grab. Blinding grenades or chill clip to stun, or Arc Speedboost with witherhoard/anarchy for damage over time and kiting them around seem to be the winning strats. 
Checkpoint system in the campaign right before the rally flag is great for when something isn’t working in your loadout. I really appreciate the ability to change loadouts mid mission for a different final boss loadout
Basically every fight involves something that will force you to keep repositioning and a lot involve infinite ads. I've found witherhoard to be the most effective gun. Honestly most of my deaths are when the game forces me to run around with no cover then the ads shoot me. 
Overall I really liked the difficulty and challenge of legendary and enjoyed playing it mostly solo. Replaying missions helping a friend and its interesting how even though enemy health and damage is increased some parts are easier with enemy targeting AI.
The game was a lot more generous with giving me increased power level gear so I was never underleveled for any mission. Really appreciated it as both BL and WQ I had to take a break from the story to go farm blue gear
I used Necrotic grips and Osteo Striga for a lot of the campaign and it goes really well with Strand
Strand grapple vs a damage grenade, there’s not a lot of times where I want to grapple into a bunch of enemies, and there are times where it just swings me off a platform because of momentum. I’ve only unlocked Warlock so far but the cooldown on the Strand Grenade is so slow vs campaign that it takes some of the enjoyment out of it. I’m sure like stasis which was also underwhelming at first, that I’ll like it after some patches.
New updates to the Tower are cool but more importantly menu times seem to have improved. 
Glad the Terminal Overload public event will matchmake you with others directly, considering you need to finish the event to complete bounties to get an item if you want a pinnacle from the Partition missions.
New intro is great actually for explaining the story so far to new and returning players
Then the space battle cutscene was fucking great. The witness looks cool and less of a meme smoke-Megamind lookalike
If I had a nickel for every time an unknowable alien force sliced a bunch of things apart and gave me chills I’d have 2 nickels. (The Expanse protomolecule rising scene). That poor ghost where it had that moment of eye contact before falling apart just like the samurai sword slash trope 
I wiped 3 times against Mr Grabby hands, the fact that it's such an enclosed area didn’t help. Icarus Dash and Witherhoard and kiting the boss around were my winning strategy
When I first saw the cloudstrider armor design from the trailers I thought the metal bits looked really awkward but it looks so much better in game
Glad the cabal have moved beyond the need of pressure suits so Calus can have all this drip
Osiris’ criticisms feel a lot bitchier than I hope the writers intended because he makes so many of them. “Stop wasting time” as we go literally as fast as we can and I get my ass handed to me by tormentors. I get what they’re trying to do with his character arc but I wish the writing would trust I remember what he said 5 minutes or the last mission ago vs have him keep repeating the same thing. 
Second mission boss was a pushover
Oh no ghost but yay we get to talk
When ghost says “they have it locked down tight” lmao yeah that like 6 gunships and 4 tanks
Caiatl shows up to rescue us, I love her so much. Then we get a vehicle escape segment which is a lot of fun with Always On Time
The fresco style cutscene is beautiful, not new info to repeat players but a good exposition to new/returning 
Awww its Saint calling Osiris. Like Osiris’ terse commentary is clearly coming from a place of grief and frustration because he’s so used to doing stuff himself with Sagira as a moderating force and now he literally can’t. Him forgetting Sagira was dead for a brief moment was really touching. 
The need to use Strand to get around the suppression fields is a much better setup of why you have to use this darkness power vs needing stasis to open a few locked doors
“Information wants to be free” as Nimbus gives us a tank, I’m pretty fond of them
RIP Rohan, it was pretty obvious from foreshadowing he was going to die defending Neomuna and Nimbus the rookie would have to step up, he didn’t get enough screentime for me to get attached 
I like how the game clearly tells you when there are interlude dialogue
The tormented called “imprint of Nazerac”, Neomunda citizens having nightmares that feature Nezarec i hope this plays out somehow
Lmao immediately after listening to the radio messages I did the strike where Nezarec is on coms. Got to say he has the sexy monster voice, and I’m glad that a lore character who was built up so much gets to play a bigger role than Nezcafe drink. I can’t wait to see his physical design when we eventually fight him and very interesting since his corpse was dismembered for the reliquaries. I thought Rhulk was cool as fuck and hope Nezarec is equally as hype
I really I liked the speed racer section of the strike but wow that section will feel very different in GM
Nimbus is very cheerful and upbeat referencing Rohan’s death, they’ve been characterized as a jokester throughout but I figured there would have a more serious moment here and it would be a break from comedic relief to let the story breathe. The campaign story so far has really been pingponging from dark and serious vs cheesy quips, but it's landing too much on the side of cheesy that it makes me wonder why I should take the threat seriously.
The training montage with Osiris’ voice over about letting go of grief and persevering handled that line of comedy/seriousness with the tone a lot better 
The music that played during the Headstrong mission right after the training montage made me go “wow this is a lot of 80s action movie vibes” which apparently there are interviews where they said they were looking at blockbuster action movies to set the tone. 
It also made me realize in the style of a blockbuster action movie there’s been no explanation of the mcguffin of “The Veil”  and the other mcguffin of the “Mast” and how it plays into the Witness’ lager goal just that The Witness getting it would be bad, but no specific of how exactly. 
In the final mission it took me way longer than it should have to realize I was supposed to fight all those cabal strand empowered. Caiatl’s speech was badass and I loved the moment of fighting alongside her
Final fight was the one part I didn’t do solo just because of how many times I died from falling off the platforms. 3 people made the second phase easy because Calus could only chase 1 person at a time. I did like the final fight being in an ancient Istar lab that was the founding of the city.
Good on the Witness for the Xanatos gambit, it got what it wanted either way things played out. 
Once again another cliffhanger teaser where it throws something new at us that we have no context for. Big The Expanse ring gate vibes.
I don’t understand why Zalavala and everyone were just standing there the entire time, since it seems like the campaign takes days but the way they’re standing there implies they haven’t moved and it's been hours. 
Zavala has a really somber and well done speech after the campaign, and once again it's that tonal whiplash from the cheesiness of the campaign
I thought there would be a lot more exploration of the themes of mortality: Calus’ fear of death lead him to ally with the Witness, Guardians are brought back to life and basically immortal until they die in combat, Cloudstriders sacrifice a long lifespan for 10 years, and Osiris sort of in the middle with only the rest of his lifespan to live out. But there's not really any of that in the story
I thought the soundtrack was really mid except for the track that plays during the first tank scene and the track when you’re exploring the veil. Its not just that I expected it to be more synthwave to match the 80s tone but there wasn’t anything really stand out. 
Post Campaign:
Disappointed how there was no dialogue about how Neomuna has known about the Last City for all these years and any explanation of why they didn’t help out during the Dark Ages or The Red War even if only in a humanitarian way. I assume it was a resources issue, but I hope there’s at least some written lore for this
I think its cool how a lot of the bounties are Neomuna citizens, and that you can see them standing around as virtual avatars. Funnily enough I’ve seen more named Neomuna citizens than Awoken citizens (it’s all troops in the Dreaming City) and the Last City (there’s Eva and Hawthorne)
Neomuna has a LOT of bars around it, seems like citizens had a pretty fun time with all the art, arcades, and party setups
Really like how the Unfinished Business exotic quest reused the Garden Raid, a raid I think is beautiful but hate to run. The writing with Nimbus where they make jokes but have heartfelt moments with the players was what I wanted from them in the campaign. Also great closure for Osiris
Lmao at the reporter trying to interview Ghost, “Mr. Ghost can you hear me?”
Between Asher alive in the Vex network (he’s viewable in Partition) and Nezarec being in the Vex network I’m looking forward to how this plays out in the next Vex storyline. I was hearing ominous whispers just playing randomly at times around Neomuna, but with Nezarec’s sin the message is audible
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eskelwolfed · 1 year
where do all these rules come from?? you weren't so strict when you started
Hi nonnie. So your ask sat in my inbox since yesterday and I thought about this statement a lot.
Answer under the cut. It's salty.
cw anon hate, cw roleplay etiquette, cw negativity.
I'm part of the RPC on Tumblr for maybe 1.5 years ... well since I started with Eskel in January 2022. I've been RPing on other social media for more than a decade now..but nothing could really compare to Tumblr.
The anonymity of this platform in particular is something that plays a huge part in why I started being very assertive of my boundaries.
I started out casually with a few rules here and there, but over the cause of over a year I learned a lot. Learned about the community works and what red flags to look out for. I learned how to improve my writing, how to spot partners who might be a good match. Learned how to tag, how to run a hub, how to run single blogs and multi blogs etc.
Through RPing on here I also realized a lot about what bothers me. Which wasn't all that clear to me. So over time I collected turn offs and turn ons, limits and likes.
That's a universal experience, a lot of RP partners told me the same.
As a people pleaser I tried to not be "weird" and have a whole set of rules and have potential partners jump through hoops. I tried to be as kind, benign and approachable as possible for new interactions, since RPing is just such a fulfilling hobby and I love making new friends and partners.
But as I started to be assertive about boundaries, I got hate.
And I wonder for what reason anyone would send a roleplayer hateful messages because they got more strict over time? Like?
Do I even want to have partners who don't respect m boundaries? I think not.
There has been drama, ghosting, hate, god modding, force shipping, mass dropping, vagueing, confronting me with my triggers over and over and over and at one point enough is enough and you rage type your rules down, sit on them for a week and then write them down again in a calm and neutral manner.
This is how my set of rules came to be.
Ngl when I joined and stumbled over the first rule docs with passwords in it, all cap pinned posts saying DON'T FOLLOW FIRST or NO OLD PEOPLE (they literally meant people over 21)—I scoffed. I thought, okay, some people are really full of themselves, huh?
But now I get it. Even all caps, red bold letters in bio and pinned post won't stop people from ignoring your boundaries completely and feel entitled to justifications of the other person's rules.
I described threads as a partner project and I mean it. That's why it's essential to know your own and the partner's boundaries. Boundaries are a good thing. Took me very long to understand that. And it's not a decision against someone else, it's a decision in your own favour and for your own comfort. Not everyone has to like or understand them but the demand to respect them isn't narcissistic, entitled, arrogant or whiny. It's basic human decency.
If someone thinks they're above you and your boundaries don't matter—screw them.
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chamcourse · 1 year
Hey fellas, heres a little list of stuff that you probably shouldn’t do when trading so that you can have some good etiquette, which is something that a lot of people in the cham community lack for some reason.
1. ⚠️Don’t offer on someone’s character if you aren’t 100% sure you want to trade yours⚠️
Nothing’s worse than accepting someone’s offer only for the other person to back out at the last second. If you’re gonna offer on someone’s lads then at least intend on trading. Don’t give someone false hope of getting something they want. If you’re unsure, DON’T OFFER IT!
2. When offering something to another person, don’t ask them to add on.
 Think of it this way, if I am offering on your character then why should YOU have to add on? Its YOUR trade ad. You aren’t the one looking to offer stuff, you’re looking TO GET stuff!! This tactic is very manipulative, and will likely land you a block. (Now obviously if it’s specified that the other person is willing to add on that’s completely fine! Just don’t ask for it if the person didn’t specifically say that they would add on. If they didn’t say it, then they probably don’t want to)
Speaking of “ if they didn’t say it…”
3. Don’t offer stuff not specified in the persons trade ad
 I’m sure that a lot of people can agree that the most annoying thing when it comes to trading is getting offered something you didn’t even ask for. Before offering on someone’s character PLEASE take the time to read what they are looking for! If there’s something that you’re confused about then ask them about it before offering them something they don’t want. It’ll save you time, and it’ll save them time. 
4. Finally, Don’t ghost people
This is definitely something I know everyone can agree with. This is something painfully common in the cham community as well. Please try not to ghost people. If someone offered something that you aren’t interested in then the least you can do is give them a simple “No thank you!” . Its quick, its easy, and its surprisingly a lot nicer than not replying at all. If you receive a lot of dms and you’re afraid you’ll miss someone, ask for people to “bump” their dm after a certain amount of time, or have people offer on toyhouse instead to save yourself the headache.
The overall trading experience in the cham community can be pretty abysmal, so thats why I made this big ol post in hopes of improving some peoples trading experience. Even if its slightly. Its ok to agree or disagree with any of these points, just don’t start an argument. Thank you to anyone who read this entire thing, and big thanks to you Mod too!
Solid advice all around
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5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Tagged by @irispurpurea! Thank you so, so much!
Rules: post the top 5 works you’re most proud of that you released in 2022 (not necessarily your most popular), your top 4 current WIPs that you’re excited to release in the new year, your top 3 biggest improvements in your writing over the past year, your top 2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year, and your number 1 favorite line you’ve written this year!
5 works
the king is dead (long live the queen) because to date, this is the longest fic I've ever written and it was my first time writing a polyam relationship, something I always thought would be difficult to balance but actually managed well. This fic brought me a lot of of friends in the Merlin fandom and I’m really fond of it.
come to burn your kingdom down because it’s the second-longest fic I’ve written on ao3 and one of the longest works I’ve written generally. Also, my first large fandom big bang fic in years and one I convinced my friends (Vi to art, Fyre to cheerlead, Al to beta) to help me create. Lots of good mergwenthur content, especially smut!
the city on the edge of forever because it is the best kind of sci fi I missed writing in Torchwood and because the plot reveal was so difficult to write. I had to be so careful in the execution, and I think it worked out! I’m fond of this one! Also, peep the Star Trek title, courtesy of Elian.
when does a monster become one because when you “steal” an idea from Daniela Beleriandings, it’s bound to be amazing. I was really proud of the parallels I depicted in this fic as well as the emotional sci fi I mentioned for the previous fic. Plus, this fic balances themes from The Haunting of Hill House that make me berserk. 
in a field of dandelions because I wasn’t content with the fics I had already written for Mergwenthur Week 2022. Surely, I had to provide better as one of the event mods. Then I struggled with this fic so fucking much. Fyre can attest to that... and it actually turned out readable? Even kinda good. Probably my best success story of 2022.
4 WIPs
My Merlin Reverse Big Bang fic, which will remain [REDACTED] since I’m not sure if I’m allowed to talk about it, but I can at least tease it’s merthur! 
The rest I’m cheating on because I don’t actually have 3 other current WIPs. My brain’s been kinda quiet lately.
3 Writing Improvements
I don’t know many people who know me on Tumblr know, but I’ve been submitting my original work for the last six months and some of my short stories and poems have been published so far. Because of these pieces, I’ve realized that I am more adept at writing different genres than I realized, especially poetry.
I think my plotting skills for long pieces have gotten better, especially given that I wrote a few long fics this year. I think I’m getting better at writing more balanced works.
Ah, I’m not sure about a third writing improvement. I think balancing between my original work and my fic have allowed me to develop more of my writing voice and writing style. At least I hope so?
2 Writing Resolutions
Continue writing more diverse genres, especially poetry, and submitting them.
Make progress with at least one of the three novels I have in various forms. Maybe I finally succeed in querying the first one. Who knows?
1 Favorite Line
Probably this paragraph (yes, I know, cheating) from when does a monster become one. It’s something i came up with in one of my classes and am lowkey obsessed with.
What remains of Jack echoes in his lingering neurons. Is that what a ghost is? The last thought of a dying or dead neuron caught in a never-ending loop of memory, trauma, thought, consciousness? And is a haunting just people caught up in the devastating gravity of a ghost?
Because Jack Harkness, consciousness or ghost, is being haunted.
tagging!! @toshsato, @violetmessages, @insane-ohwhyfandoms, @ultraviolet-eucatastrophe, @monstermince, and @flight-of-fantasy
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gildead · 11 months
it's munday and i'm gonna be ranking all the lullaby songs let's go gamers.
Tumblr media
safety lullaby: kinda mid. off-putting to hear hypno say lines when he's just sampling the pokémon cry for the rest of the mod, but hey he's spitting bars. 4/10.
left unchecked: absolute fucking banger and highly underrated. actually writing my own lyrics to it as we speak. 8/10.
lost cause: literally just noise but gf's beginning part saves it from being a zero. 1/10.
frostbite: kinda slow but i do admit, it's kinda grown on me. after that first verse it does get a lot better, ESPECIALLY once freakachu comes out. i do gotta say the shiny remix of it is the improved version, especially when the monochrome leitmotif comes in. 6/10.
insomnia: another one that grew on me!!! kinda long but i love silver's chromatics and there's a few really fun parts. i do wish scorchvx got to add in the ending animation to insomnia because otherwise the sequence feels incomplete without it and we don't get how BF ends up in the void. 7/10.
monochrome: THE MAN. THE MYTH. THE LEGEND. the reason why i got back into poképastas and remembered why i loved lost silver so much. absolute fucking banger in v1, and simplycrispy IMPROVED on literal perfection for v2. i actually like both versions of perish mix oddly enough, mainly because simplycrispy lowered the jumpscare volume so that it's actually listenable. i still prefer the non-jumpscare version when it comes to juno's cover and general listening because i'm a weenie and don't wanna be shrieked at when i'm listening to juno spitting bars. 11/10.
missingno: definitely a banger, heavily improved from v1, but i don't... really think it should've gotten its own week? the missingno week definitely confuses me, since there wasn't as much of an effort to tie it in with buried alive as lost silver week did for SOMS and lost silver. having two songs as opposed to three definitely didn't help, and maybe if the mod was finished they would've done a little more polishing. still, good song. 8/10.
brimstone: okay this is the one they were REALLY hyping up in the teaser for V2. and while i enjoyed it at first, it's... definitely a bit of a let down. there's a lot of good concepts within (missingno as a pokémon, the white hand becoming GF), but i don't necessarily... think they were fully utilized to the best of their abilities? also it's just LOOOONG. which is weird because triple trouble is much longer but it also feels more dynamic than brimstone does, which i feel like you gotta do if you're making a super long FNF song so the player doesn't fall asleep at the keyboard? 5/10.
amusia: damn, for a wigglytuff unable to sing, she sure goes off. that being said, saster almost never misses. also unfinished because it's lacking the ending jumpscare, but i don't think it really needed that? lullaby overuses the jumpscares quite a bit (coughcoughPURINcoughcoughFROSTBITEcoughitycoughLOSTCAUSEcough) and i think the more somber, poignant ending provides better contrast. also reminds me i gotta get wigglytuff icons for.... science. 8/10.
dissension: WHY ARE YOU SO SLOOOOOW. steven's chromatics fuck though... is what i was originally going to write, but i'm relistening to the song so i can do this and actually wait no this is a banger. the instrumental definitely reminds me of something ghost would put out, and steven's chromatics still fuck. 7/10.
purin: OHHHH MAN HERE WE FUCKING GO. so i know i should be nicer to this song because there was a lot of cool stuff that got cut from it and it's heavily unfinished but man fuck it. the song blows. jigglypuff's chromatics sound like ass, forcing my poor poor man pico to carry the song. there's a cover with gold that fixes the problems of 'jigglypuff's chromatics sound like ass', but MYYYYY GOOOOOOD it does not fix how slooooooooooow it is. it's like Bring Me To Life but if you replaced amy lee with a deflating helium balloon. also no the reversed part is not as cool as people think it is. kill me/10.
death toll: a lot of people claim this is the best song of lullaby. i still think monochrome edges it out, but honestly it's REEEEEAAAAAALLY close. the dueling melodies REALLY hit, the diamond/pearl themes in there feel well-blended, and dawn shifting into BF makes for some really neat moments. juno also wrote a really good cover of this that you should listen to. recd's on it. 10/10.
isotope: the backing track is really good on this one, but my god the memes killed it for me. there should've been a MUCH bigger drop after the 'they took everything from me' monologue. first half is really good, but the song just kinda ends on a sad wet fart, and not the darnell kind. also i don't have any better place to put this but man th3innu3ndo is a douchebag. 4/10.
bygone purpose: so remember my notes on purin above? bygone purpose has the same problem but with a much better song. GOD i do not like hypno's chromatics on this one. alexis definitely saves it though. 6/10.
pasta night: talk about getting funky on a friday night, huh. absolute BANGER swinging back-up, mx, lord x, and hypno's chromatics are really good together, and of course we got my little boy floating by in the background. of COURSE i'm gonna give this one a perfect rating. 10/10.
shinto: reeeeaaaaaaally good. like, unbelievably fun. my one nitpick is that there's a problem with the mixing and the instrumental sometimes overpowers shinto and grey's chromatics, but otherwise it would've also gotten a perfect score. 9.5/10.
shitno: okay unpopular opinion time but i actually like shinto a little better than this one. i think we should've fully given saster free reign over shitno, because his part's DEFINITELY where the song gets really good. not that it was bad (it's not), but like, if you're gonna have shinto turn into a big fuckass monster, you'd want the big fuckass monster song to exceed all expectations. 9/10.
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instanderapk · 1 year
Instander APK Download Latest Version 2023
Instander Apk is one of the most improved and upgraded versions of Instagram which helps you to get benefits with its amazing features. It allows its users to save shared videos, reels, stories, gifts, and short clips published by people. It provides us with many more useful and exceptional features which let us have more fun. Using this app users have a possible approach to plenty of features and services. Instagram is one of the biggest platforms all over the world. It is used by billions of people accordingly their interest and uncountable posts are being posted daily.
What is an Instander APK?
Instagram APK is an advanced version of the Instagram app which provides some extra features to its users. This app contains no ads and zero restrictions in any terms so the users really find this app quite better than the Instagram APK. It allows you to download videos and photos that Instagram doesn’t allow you to do.
You can win a creator’s verified badge too in this app which will be visible to other Instander users. There is nothing paid in this app which is the biggest reason why more and more people are downloading it every day. This is not just it, it has a large list of features that need your attention so let’s check them out.
What is Instagram Mod APK?
Instagram Mod APK is the original hacked version of Instagram which offers almost the same features as the Instander APK. But there is a big difference between the performance of both of these apps. The users have found Instander APK much better than Instagram Mod APK.
Instagram Mod offers its users the opportunity to download media files, stay anonymous and view stories, plus do a number of things. However, it has failed to surpass the popularity and the best quality performance offered by Instander APK.
Is Instander Better than Instagram?
In terms of some features and tools, instander apk download is considered a little better than Instagram. However, the Instagram official app is the original one while the Instander is a modded version. That’s why modded apps have more chances of getting banned after a few days of using them. Therefore one can decide which app is better than the other one keeping in mind this thing.
What is the Use of the Instander App?
The use of the Instander App is to download the videos and photos of creators, become a creator and earn money, plus save the stories in the archive and use a ghost mode. It is an alternative version of Instagram that is loved by people.
Is there any Modded Instagram?
Yes, Instander APK is a modded Instagram that people download to unlock all the extra features which they cannot access in the Instagram app. This is the main reason why they depend on a modded Instagram app known as Instander APK.
Features of Instander APK
Follow Celebrities and Influencers
You can follow all the famous celebrities and influencers’ profiles on this app. All of the people who are present and share their content every day are followable. So whenever you see such profiles and want to connect with them, you can click on the follow button given on their profile and I will start following them. In this way, you will start receiving all of their new content updates in your personal feed such as their videos, photos, and new stories.
Become a Creator
You yourself can also become a creator of this app which is the best thing about it. You can be an influencer, a blogger, or a creator whatever you like by following the platform guidelines and rules. You can also earn money in this way by getting sponsored deals since all the creators with high following get this opportunity to earn money by creating content.
Get Verified Badge
On Instander it is quite easy to get a verified profile badge. For this purpose, you don’t have to wait until you get a certain number of followers, but you can donate something to the developer of this app as a token of appreciation. In return, the developer will give you the verification badge on your profile through which you will be able to flaunt your verified identity on the instander apk.
Ghost Mode
There is a ghost mode in this app that allows you to view people’s profiles and their stories anonymously. It is quite a struggle to keep yourself from seeing the stories of the people you don’t want them to. For this purpose what you can do is turn on the ghost mode and go easy. You can further see anyone’s stories without getting caught at any cost. It is absolutely the best feature of the Instander app which is why people like this platform.
Download Photos and Videos
It was always a desire to download the videos and photos present on Instagram. You can enjoy this perk now by using the Instander app. Whoever you follow, you just have to open their profile, the post you want to download, and thus click the download on it. In this way, you can easily save their videos and photo content without facing any problems.
Make Close Friends
You can also create a list of close friends on this platform in case you want to share your stories with only a specific number of people rather than everyone. With this feature you can save up your close friends list and furthermore whenever you post a story, only those close friends can see it while the other followers won’t find it.
Enable or Disable Message Replies
You can enable or disable the message replies on your stories at your convenience. If you do not want to get annoying replies from fans and followers, then you can disable the message replies. You can stay sane by doing this so nobody could disturb you.
Save Stories in Archive
You can put your stories in the archive folder so you can keep them saved forever. In case you don’t want to lose your stories or don’t have the space, then this feature will help you out a lot.
Share Posts and Stories
You can share the posts and stories of other creators of regular profiles. You can share their posts or stories right on your story and also tag them into it if you wish.
Search Button
This app has a search button that is of course diversified and users are able to find new people using this search button. You can type the name of any celebrity, creator, or your friend who might be a part of Instander. In this way, you can find more people and become friends with them.
No Advertisements
There are no ads at all at Instander. It is so annoying to see ads that come in the form of popups or videos. Both of them are equally annoying so you can get rid of them all at Instander and have a smooth Instagram surfing experience.
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This app allows you free download itself and the posts you want to save up. You won’t have to pay any charges or buy any subscriptions to get this feature. Whatever you do in this app is absolutely free of cost for everyone.
Instander APK is a nice app for anyone who likes Instagram and wants to get more out of this app. It allows you to use so many features at a time for free that you will forget Instagram for a while. For this purpose, you can download this Instander App now from our website. The download link is given right here on this page which is easily accessible. You can click on the link to download this app now in a few seconds. You can also share your feedback about instander apk download latest version in the comment section present on this page.
Q. How much MB is Instander APK?
instander mod apk download is 40 MBs in size which is quite reasonable and is workable on any Android version.
Q. Is Instander a mod version of Instagram?
Yes, Instander is a mod version of Instagram as it contains all the cheat and hacked features of Instagram.
0 notes
johannepetereric · 1 year
Name: Kurosaki Kai
Age: Over 500 years old, but legally is in his late-30s.
Hair: Short, spiky, orange
Eyes: Narrow, orange-ish brown
Height: 6'2"
Skin Color: Tan
Race/Ethnicity: Japanese, nomadic passport
Registered Quirk: "Can Leap Tall Buildings In A Single Bound"
Secret Powers: Immmortality, Night Vision, improved healing ability, Insomnia, doesn't technically need to breathe or eat or drink anymore (even though the hunger pains, dry throat, and inability to talk fucking sucks, especially when you can’t be truly knocked out either)
Hero Name: Yoru-Shishi (cursed or blessed with insomnia)
Gender: Genderfluid, he/she/they
Will fight you for over humans rights.
Vegetarian, insect rescuer.
Current Education: UA Academy, Hero Course. Best Jeanist is his self-proclaimed Best Friend (Kai actually has many now), as they were in the class together and seated next to each other. The blond decided that Kai would look good in the lion aethetic, and so designed a lion-based outfit (no, not a fursuit). Kai wanted to protest, given that he hated being a lion plushie, but arguing with Hakamada was a lost cause. So Kai compromised with the name "Night Lion" (   ).
Since super-jumping is rather meh when compared to all the other Quirks in the world, he needs a team. Also to save him from literally drowning.
The Karakura Gang will have reincarnated to reassemble the five-man band (Tatsuki's gonna help her child bestie friend this time around! Even if she has to be a quirkless Support Hero this time around!), and Keigo and Mizuiro will probs be quirkless or something.
Just because I can, Tatsuhime's gonna happen this time around, Keigo stays with Mizuiro cuz he doesn't wanna be alone, and Chad will stick with Uryuu. Their powers might probs be reincarnated as Quirks, as well.
...And also, some Shinigami (probs from Squad 12) fucked around and found out, recreating the Mod Souls. So Ririn, Noba, and Kurodou are reborn, in a sense, with the same names and powers as before. Kai finds out about this, and finding out that said Shinigami's gonna use them for evil (or I can have them be the same organization, but a subdivision, that tortured and abused Eri, two birds with one stone), Kai and his team (and Best Jeanist, all hands on deck) convince the Mod Souls to help them kill their creator (may or may not take the recipe, if available).
Does Best Jeanist already live with someone? If not, he probs roped Kai into living with him as well. Do they have the money and space to take in three basically-kids like all four of them once were? The Shinigami probs put them in gigais or did a lil' Grave Robbing. 
Unknown to pretty much all the living, Kai still keeps in contact with SS and the soul cameras from the 686.5 one-shot through a combination of Urahara, Mayuri, and Ichi finagling/harassing them to let him have one, too. Ichigo was pretty much the only familiar face he's known in 200-or-so, so they or may not have been something more. After TYBW, He's been learning all sides of his powers since. Ichi decided to grow out his ass-long hair, and once he died, the Hollow side of him bled into his appearance like Artbook or 2nd Anni Ichi (but also with the two horns from when Shiro was kicking Ulqui's ass).
Kai is also in the fight against All for One. Asshole's been escaping them for almost since Quirks were first formed.
Over the years, the ability to see ghosts has developed to be a Quirk. Once they die, their epic powers are locked away for if or until they become Shinigami or Arrancar (like Starrk and Lilynette) and unlock their Zanpakuto. Both the Quirkless and the Quirk people have Equal Chance of having or not having spiritual pressure and unlocking epic powers, just like everyone else.
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titanicfreija · 2 years
This one got long!
Freija turned to see the Hunter approaching at a swift pace, almost loud enough to hear. He had his knife in hand, and his ghost was chasing him and pleading for him to stop.
She looked around and pointed at herself with a questioning frown. Nothing about him seemed familiar, another Hunter in black with gold trim, one of the vests Freija could recognize but not name.
"Let me see this barricade."
Freija blinked at him and frowned. "If I was cheating, Shaxx would have had me out ages ago. Final death'ed my ass, the way I do it."
"I don't think--I mean, I did, but fireteam said they were legal. What's the weakness?"
Ahhh. Freija grinned at him and made a show of brushing off the ornamental blades. "You wanna see it or do you want me to tell you about it? We can head off somewhere to examine, not really something I wanna do in the city."
They sparrowed off to the EDZ, and before they even got out of the city, the questions started. To her surprise, it wasn't about her armor.
The Hunter, whose name was Seth-8, was receptive, despite the initial brashness. He wasn't new, but he was a slow learner by his own admission, and it took him a lot of studying to figure out things that others didn't need to study, or else didn't care about.
"How long have you been in the Crucible?"
"About. A... Year and some? Sunny?"
"Our first ventures into the Crucible followed some brief ventures into the Iron Banner tournament. Those were in late spring, early summer."
"Year and a half?"
"Perhaps a year and eight months?"
"Now you're just being picky."
Sunny giggled and they heard Seth laughing over the comms. "So you'll know a lot more than me."
Freija shrugged, forgetting he wasn't watching her. "I mean, maybe? The things I felt improved the most were not necessarily what I actually got better at doing. Sometimes it's hard to remember how good I've gotten because I remember that I was terrible, but I don't actually remember what it's like to be terrible. And sometimes I still feel like I'm terrible, even though my crap is my old best."
"You were actually bad?"
"Someone on my own team hunted me and my friend down after a match to yell at us," she promised. "I was bad. She still won't go back in."
Seth was quiet for a little while.
"So there's hope. I wouldn't believe me if I told me how good I am now. I'm still not Trials good, but I'm miles away from where I was."
Seth was audibly heartened. "Where did you feel you improved best?"
"Map knowledge is a huge factor. Getting used to corners, angles, knowing where people are going to head, learning when they're going to change it up. I'm actually really good at that part. Knowing where to hide. And being able to stand hiding, but you're a hunter, that's what you do."
Seth's ghost snickered. "He's still learning," he told them as Seth frantically hissed at him.
"Don't worry, you'll get better. I wasn't a good Titan, either. Still not a good striker."
"See?" Seth said.
They pulled up into a demolished highway and hopped off their sparrows, and Freija put up a barricade, a rippling window in the air in front of them.
"And you can shoot through it?"
"Us not being enemies right now, you can, too," Freija said, kicking a rock through the rippling window.
He pulled his hand cannon and fired through. "Nice." He stepped through it just as it fell. "That was short, wasn't it? The big ones take longer?"
"Damn, that much shorter that a non-Titan noticed?" She laughed.
"Oh, my girlfriend is a Titan, we run strikes, and she's given me the hiding place pretty regular. She won't come into crucible with me."
Freija laughed again and held a hand up to shake Seth's. "Mine, neither. I get jealous, sometimes, she'll go into Gambit with my roommate, but not Crucible with me."
"Oh, man, right?" He laughed. "I tried, but everything was shooting at me and I couldn't keep up with anything, and I'll be honest, the way I fight, the light mods in my armor and stuff are about useless. I'm good with a couple of reloaders. S'why I'm in the crucible. But I'm getting my ass kicked! So-- help me out. You weren't the best k/d, but you were the best k/d with actual zone caps."
Freija snickered. "I'll cap a zone with my dying breath," she explained. "But anyway." She put up another barricade.
"No curve," he said aloud. "What do you do about that?"
"Step into it and hope they miss," she said with a shrug. "Try not to line it up with long open areas."
He nodded and frowned. "And if I'm facing one?"
"Hunter? Run. I'm stuck with my barricade or I'm stuck without it and getting me to chase is a great counter. Titans, barricade. Mine will die first. There's a few grenades that'll get me to run, but I run away and reposition and I'll probably have it back before I get where I think is good."
Seth nodded. "What do you know about the other exotic pieces? You guys have gauntlets and sleeves all over, but that chest piece with the bullet holes? Why do they make it like that?"
"They don't, they're falling through holes in space time," Freija mumbled. "Actually, I think it's because the stuff is so special and weird that in order to replicate it, they have to replicate flaws, too."
"Falling through--what?"
"I'm kidding, it was a joke--my girlfriend told me that the pieces of armor and weapons we call exotic are supposed to be the only ones, and between that and Xur, who is definitely a warp in spacetime, it's a joke I tell."
Freija could feel Seth staring even from under his helmet.
"I said it's a joke, I can make up shit when I'm a walking corpse animated by magic, thank you," she said. "Getting used to that took me a minute."
"I forget a lot," Seth said. "I don't feel like I really died, though. More like another reset, just one that didn't go right."
Freija's turn to stare. "That must be weird," she agreed. "Lessee. The armor with the bullet holes is good for our light, but we end up using it all and then exhausting it and needing to wait. They're not bad, and if you can keep your light fed, it's fine, but facing them? They'll almost definitely combine a grenade with a melee or a barricade, and they'll be in a hurry to use the third one, so catch them while they're in a rush and down some Light."
Seth nodded firmly.
"I do not know what Dunemarchers do in crucible anymore. They used to be insane and got tuned, and now everyone wears synothceps instead. Those are the arms with the," she used her hand to gesture at the shoulder. "They punch far."
The Hunter nodded.
"Warlocks like those snake arms, and I cannot remember what they do," she said all at once.
Seth snickered. "It's actually reassuring to know that someone as good as you doesn't have the catalogue memorized. I know some of the sweats in the ramen shop were talking like it was basic knowledge."
"Synothceps, St0mp-335, the one with the bullet holes, and the warlock ones with the snakes are pretty well the ones everyone knows about. Frosties and citan's are not unheard of, but I keep finding people that don't recognize my shit anyway."
Seth snickered. "So you're breaking the meta?"
"Don't let anyone tell you there's a meta. They're either wrong or an asshole, and you don't need to be dealing with either one. Yes, some weapons are more effective under certain circumstances, these are most damaging, etcetera, but at the end of the day, no matter how good your kit is, if you can't aim? Don't know your map? Forget to check your radar? Not gonna help."
Seth nodded slowly.
"And I am a sweat. I'm here to tell you. I've gotten my ranks and I'm still running Citan's and Mida Multitool. And I can't snipe worth a damn. I'm not Trials good, but swapping to meta now would just screw up what I work with."
"You tried sniping?"
"Beloved and Frozen Orbit are good guns, I like the scope and nothing else on Occluded Finality, Long Shadow is trash, and the others didn't make enough impression to-- ah, the Festival of the Lost one, that one makes a fun noise. And I can hardly use them at real distance against the Vex, let alone in the crucible on a guardian."
Seth nodded, but Freija could see the relief.
"The sweats at the ramen shop scare you?"
He wagged his head, then shook it.
"Eh, intimidated, made you second guess, you know what I mean."
He nodded.
"Just stay away from 'em."
"They're not that bad."
"No, but they're not good, either. Trials Sweats are just gonna make the newblets feel like the bar is too high to try for. Shaxx is great, but you have to be in the crucible to hear him, and if you get scared at the door, he's no good."
Seth nodded again. "I'm not a newblet," he muttered under his breath. "Been Risen like three years or something."
"You'll be two in six weeks," chided his ghost. The Hunter looked away, embarrassed.
"I just turned two," she giggled. "Don't worry. Me and my girlfriend did nothing but strikes and explore for six months, before she finally ventured into Gambit with my roommate. Either way. Don't get discouraged, you'll get there."
He nodded. "You really started bad?"
"Another guy took me out for drinks after he felt bad for cussing me when we lost," she told him. "Started telling me about when he was bad, too."
Seth laughed aloud. "Did he cuss you that bad?"
"No, he just remembered being bad, too. We who have improved reflect on our humble beginnings and impart mercy, after we get good enough."
Seth looked away again and muttered so his comms barely picked up, "Oh, that's happened."
"What, someone left you alive?"
"They let me run past and didn't kill me," he agreed. "Was the worst insult of my life."
"Oof," Freija agreed. "You'll get there."
"I hope so. Thanks for helping, I needed the pep talk after what your teammate did with that damn auto rifle."
"Oh, Sweet Business -- don't fuck with that one. Drop a grenade and bouncy-run side to side."
Seth laughed. "There, that's what I need to learn. Can I call you when I go back in? Or if I catch you in, wanna team up? If you're good for a carry? Drinks until my girlfriend gets back? She's in gambit, last I checked with her." He adjusted his visor. "Yeah. So drinks in the Tower? Invite your girlfriend?"
"Is this the making friends portion of post-crucible shop talk? I'm not very good at that."
"You were doing fine until you figured out what was happening," he laughed. "I wanna make a Titan joke about the combat brains, but I feel like they're overdone."
"I'll make it. I hope your girlfriend has crayons to share."
"Race you back?" Seth straddled his sparrow and let it hover to sit on.
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tittazee · 2 years
Dungeon crawl stone soup auto butcher
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Dungeon crawl stone soup auto butcher mod#
Dungeon crawl stone soup auto butcher mods#
Spells can be generally split into 3 categories, from what I can tell. You gain something called a death charge for killing enemies, which can be used to fuel other abilities. If you play the arcolich faction you get a champion that can summon units anywhere on the tactical map mid-battle for free, twice a battle. The tactical aspect feels good, it's just like any other tactical rpg and the small scale battles don't take too long- no word on the larger battles yet. My guess is that each spell book gives a fractional chance to show a spell to research from it's tree). There's a couple different factions, and you can customize what spells you can research (there's 4 magic trees, and you get 8 spell books total from those 4 trees. Info from user suggestion: 4x strategy game, something about an evil overlord and needing to ascend to godhood or something. The game is kinda dated and is a FTP MMO card/strategy game so it does require some grind but it stands out as a Necromancer experience just by the sheer amount of different units in the game." Recommended by YouTube user: TypetwoAbsolute: "If you're looking for more content, try the Forsaken Wastes faction in Pox'nora.
Dungeon crawl stone soup auto butcher mod#
A mod is needed for this one but I haven't tried it yet. Included to the Necrobase due to a necromancy mod available for it. Not a game I've tried myself, but looks fun. POWDER is a Roguelike that apparently features some necromancy. I've got no experience with it thus far but some people seem to enjoy it. This is a Japanese Roguelike with very unique necromancy. Good necromancy is possible with a good build. Without a proper build, the minions will be awful. I've not had enough experience here to adequately say whether good or bad. Though you can ressurect special enemies that are very strong, and you can build your character to have non-expiring minions essentially, but the game just wasn't made for a "minionmancer" build. While the minions do scale with enemy level, (meaning level 200 enemies get resurrected as level 200 minions, as an example) that doesnt mean they live for very long fighting level 200 enemies. I got the game and went through the effort to unlock Nekros Prime (his upgraded form). And they're not really undead, they're ghosts that look exactly like the enemy you ressurected them from. Only up to 7 minions, they expire rather quickly (you can heal them to delay the expiration, though), and they can't really hold their own unless you invest everything into them. But it's a case of very poorly designed necromancy. An inferior alternative to other types of spells. A good game but unfortuantely the summons aren't super fun, especially not the undead ones. It has necromancy and minions, but may not satisfy you. Low Magic Age offers a tactical, turn based party experience that will make any fan of Dungeons and Dragons feel quite at home. Necromancy Mod for Torchlight II: Synergies Necromancy in ADOM: Ancient Domains of Mystery It's ok but not up to my standards.Ī fantastic roguelike, but the necromancy isn't really what I'm looking for.
Dungeon crawl stone soup auto butcher mods#
This can be improved with mods but still isn't all too crash hot. Apparently it gets better at high levels but is no no early on.
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First time requesting to you, I don't think I'm breaking any rule 🕴🏻 Hajime, Gundham, Fuyuhiko and Kazuichi with an S/O whose the Ultimate Necromancer. Thank you for your answer, don't forget to take care of yourself and drink water <33
Hello! No worries, you aren’t breaking any rule ^^ I hope you like what I have written! You remember to drink some water as well :) Take care! Have a wonderful day.
-Mod Kirumi
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Hajime, Gundham, Fuyuhiko, and Kazuichi with an S/o who is the Ultimate Necromancer!
Hajime Hinata
•Hajime was quite intrigued in your Ultimate— he’s rather fascinated with the fact that you communicate with spirits! It must be quite an experience
•He’ll listen to you talk about your rituals/experiences anytime— he’s more than happy to hear about how things went!
•If you’d like to explain to him things like candle meanings and the steps you would take to complete a certain necromancy, no promises he’ll remember everything, but he loves hearing you talk about it!
•The look in your eyes when you get excited about something you do is something he just adores seeing, and you mean the world to him!
•Why wouldn’t he want to listen to something that means so much to you?
•If you were ever studying for something, too, he’d like staying in your presence, if that wouldn’t interfere with anything
•He’ll be reading a book while you practice, or touch up on specific knowledge you need to know
•So— Overall, Hajime’s just a really sweet boyfriend
•He loves seeing you talk about the things you enjoy, and is more than happy to listen to it!
Gundham Tanaka
•Gundham’s quite well versed in these types of things too, so you bet that you two will have something in common to talk about!
•You’ll often find yourselves sharing experiences or discussing techniques— trying to find what worked and what others you should avoid
•He even told you about the time his hamsters helped him carry a sacred ritual out! It was quite interesting and worked very well for him
•...I mean, whatever works for him, right?
•When you two go out, you’re both pretty excited to stock up on things like candles, or decorative items
•If you needed to go get something that you couldn’t purchase from your everyday local stores, you bet Gundham would be more than happy to help you look for it!
•Your talent is quite of his interest... he’d be more than happy to learn with you by his side!
•Take care, though, okay? He’d hate for anything to happen to you
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
•Fuyuhiko knew the basis of Necromancy, but when he met you, he was careful to research exactly what was done and how particular things needed to be carried out
•He probably won’t have a lot of face to face conversations with you about it, but don’t take it the wrong way! He appreciates and loves your talent just as much as anyone else
•Fuyuhiko just doesn’t always have something he can input into the conversation— but if you ever brought it up, he’d be happy to listen to you talk about it!
•He would ask questions to make sure that he understood everything correctly, or even when he just was curious about something
•Fuyuhiko would buy you things like books on Necromancy! Since he isn’t too knowledgable on the topic, he tries to get books that have fairly good reviews, or ones that he’s sure the information is correct
•He’d hate to give you something that isn’t factual!
•So— Fuyuhiko is quite intrigued with your talent— and if you ever needed anything for it, just let him know!
•He’s not too good with Necromancy, but he knows it’s important to you, so he’ll do all he can to improve his knowledge about it!
Kazuichi Soda
•To be quite honest— Kazuichi was a bit intimidated by your talent at first... Not because of you! He just wasn’t ever all that keen with spirits and ghosts or anything of the such
•But, with you around, he definitely warms up to the idea a lot more, and gets pretty educated on the topic!
•He’ll be fixing a car, and you’ll be talking to him about what you do and other facts that you’ve picked up
•He’ll happily listen!! He doesn’t mind understanding it better— especially since it’s something so important to you
•Kazuichi would be interested in your experiences, though— he’ll ask what questions you’ll commonly ask, or about a weirder experience
•He thinks it’s kind of cool that you communicate with spirits! He just doesn’t think he could do it himself, which is why he respects your work so much, in a way
•So— Kazuichi is fairly interested in what you do! He likes seeing all that you have accomplished and how excited you get about it
•Your talent’s pretty cool, if he does say so himself!
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