#and i did not expect to be immedately called out in such a personal way
ckneal · 3 years
So, there’s this one angel story in the back of my head that I know I wont write. I wont write it, because it’s utter nonsense, with very little regard for the canonical timeline of Supernatural, and a willfully blurry view on what is and is not “in character.” It’s fluff. It’s all fluff, in the form of a bunch of smaller stories that gradually weave together, following the Love, Actually style of storytelling, but instead of problematic love stories, it’s all about angels playing hooky from Heaven after the Fall.
(Seriously, there is no substance here, I swear.)
Stories include Abner, living out the first half of the movie Family Man, struggling to figure out how to be a good father and house husband after he steps into the life of the raging alcoholic who agreed to be his vessel. There’s also a very minor story about Esther (not to be confused with Hester, who is not in this story because she never deserted her post in Heaven) learning to play the part of a little girl and navigating schoolyard politics, but kids can be mean and Esther learns the hard way that Michael’s approach to asserting dominance in Heaven does not translate well. There’s also Daniel and Adina, who both settle into vessels in the same movie theater where a romantic comedy is playing, and fall into a very innocent, play-acting sort of love after they leave the theatre—like little kids pretending to be in love, recreating the scenes from the movie, but at the same time not really understanding it. Balthazar, Gabriel, and Anael each trying to roll with the luxurious high roller life style, and awkwardly running into each other at VIP poker games, exclusive spas and clubs, and the occasional orgy that they promptly leave IMMEDATELY after running into a sibling (don’t give me weird looks, Balthazar and Gabriel canonically include that sort of thing in their definition of luxury, and the whole thing of their story is their siblings keep cramping their style). Tyrus is in there bowling, somewhere. Benjamin’s playing arcade games with his wife. And then there’s Thaddeus, my pet favorite minor angel character, realizing what’s happening as he’s falling with all the other faithful angels during the Fall and seizing the opportunity to abandon his life as a guard and torturer, settling into a pop star for his vessel—initially for the sake of the cushy lifestyle, but then gradually looking back, before the garden and Lucifer, before everyone was assigned a job in Heaven, like it or not, and the options were to adapt or to be smote, and remembering that back then, he could sing.
And of course, Michael and Adam get a story too—in which Michael lowkey gets into a pissing contest with death, as he and Adam travel the world, hitting up hospital after hospital to heal people. Because the first thing Adam wanted to do after getting out of the cage (okay, second thing—burgers came first) was go to the nearest medical center and start healing people left and right. And at first, they’re having a great time. Adam steals a white jacket he finds in the breakroom somewhere, and anytime someone says he looks a little young to be a doctor (Adam still looking nineteen years old, because I say so), Michael wipes the poor sap’s mind. But eventually—sometime after they’ve cleared out the children’s ward, the cancer ward, the cardiac ward—Billie shows up, sniping at them that they can’t just go around healing people who are destined to die, because there is an order to life and death that cannot be shoved aside. And Billie tries to make a show of it, as Terra did with Dean, by having several people who Adam had healed over the course of the day inadvertently cause several massive accidents. The news suddenly comes pouring out of the television, channels flipping as newscasters talk about tragedies occurring in several different parts of the city they’re currently in. The sound of approaching ambulance sirens fills the air, as in the hospital hallway, doctors and nurses begin hurrying to receive a rush of ER patients.
Adam’s horrified.
Michael does not take kindly to this. He snaps his fingers and makes it so that the carnage has never happened. Because he is the archangel Michael, only two steps away from being a god, and if he says that all of these people are going to live, then they are going to live, and he WILL NOT be intimidated, especially by an amateur reaper whose only qualification for her position was dying at the right time.
Billie in turn lands Michael with a cold stare, and points out that the order to life and death is beyond even God’s authority, let alone daddy’s blunt, sniveling instrument.
As Michael’s eyes start to glow, Adam steps in and says, “So, to be clear, you want us to stop healing people on the verge of death? We can do that.”
After Billie leaves, Michael is outraged, but Adam says, “No, Michael, THINK about it.”
We then cut to other stories, where newscasts in the background reveal that ailments that are not IMMIEDATELY fatal (AIDs, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, etc.) are mysteriously disappearing overnight, worldwide.
Billie is not amused, and tells her reapers to be on the lookout for an archangel at every major hospital in the world.
Cut to Michael throwing open the door of the bunker, muttering aloud to Adam that he’s going to do it, he’s going to bind Death, just like Lucifer did—how hard can it be? Sam and Dean see him as he goes stomping off toward the cabinet where they keep all of their magical dry goods, but Michael snaps his fingers and the two of them are abruptly half drunk in Dean’s man cave, sitting in front of Dean’s flat screen TV, watching some campy monster movie, because that’s lowkey what Michael and Adam assume they do all day.
As they’re raiding Sam and Dean’s supplies though, Adam says, “Wait, I have an idea.”
Cut to Abner looking up while pushing his vessel’s daughter in a park swing, and literally seeing Michael and Adam chasing an ambulance, so they can technically heal the person inside before reaching the hospital.
Yes, I’m aware that Abner was dead by the time Michael and Adam got out of the cage. But see, this story? This story is like when someone gifts you a goldfish unexpectedly, and you put it in a bowl, checking in to feed it a couple times a day, lowkey expecting it to die. But it doesn’t die, it gets bigger. And you’re not a cruel person, so you put it in a bigger tank, but it just gets bigger again, and you don’t really know what’s going on, but you know, you just kind of keep checking in, meeting the minimum requirements but not really getting in there as a guiding force because it’s a goldfish and it’s surely going to die any minute now—but then you look over and there’s giant tank taking up your living room, and you’re thawing out bloodworms twice a day, and looking into tankmates to keep Charles company, and realize that “Oh wow, I guess this is a thing now.”
In short, the story says we’re ignoring the timeline, and it’s calling the shots. I’m just keeping the tank clean.
The angels all eventually wind up running into each other. Abner and Esther happen upon one another in a park, where Esther is morosely realizing that she is terrible at being a human child but she does not want to go home to Heaven, and it just happens to be the same park where Abner goes with his “little nibblet” once a day to let her toddle around the playground while he chats with nannies and other house parents. Anael, Adina, and Daniel meet up when the latter two’s game has reached the point where they’ve decided to get married, and they apparently need to buy something new—preferably blue—as per this very important rhyme someone told them about. Esther and Gabriel run into each other in an ice cream parlor. Thaddeus gets recognized while doing an interview on TV that everyone sees. And, while out joyriding in a Lamborghini, on their way to meet up with the growing community of angels who decided to opt out of their responsibility to Heaven and their father’s legacy, Balthazar, Gabriel, and Anael are all startled to see Michael land on an ambulance stopped next to them at a red light.
Balthazar and Anael are both terrified, as if they’ve just been busted by a parent, because Michael, of course, is the guy who enforces the rules, and isn’t he supposed to be in Hell? They both shoot Gabriel looks as if to say ‘what the hell are you doing’ when Gabriel, watching as Michael climbs down and matter-of-factly wrenches the ambulance doors open, calls out, “Hey, Mike! Is that you?”
Michael looks over, freezes for a second—not prepared to be suddenly thrust into a social situation in the middle of his self-imposed mission to spite death—then his eyes flash and Adam takes over. “Oh hey, you’re Michael’s family? What a small world! I’m Adam, I’ve heard so much about you. Wait, hang on—”
The light starts to turn green, but Adam snaps his fingers and it promptly reverts to red.
Three jaws drop in the luxury car, and they don’t even hear Adam politely explain that he and Michael are in the middle of something, as he ducks into the ambulance, because Michael’s evidently letting a tiny human use his powers like it’s nothing, and what does that mean?
“Sweet dad in the unknown, Michael’s shagging a human. . .”
“Hey, kid, you like weddings?”
At some point in the story, all the MIA angels are together, and Benjamin or someone comes running in saying, “Quick, they’re coming! Everyone hide!”
And everyone scatters, except for Michael, who stands in place, saying, “Gabriel, we’re archangels, two of the most powerful beings in existence. Why would we—”
And then Gabriel picks Adam up like a sack of potatoes and sprints off, calling back, “Trust me, you do NOT want to get involved with them!”
Being a projection, Michael is obligated to follow.
Team Free Will then walks by, looking constipated from whatever Big Awful Thing is currently threatening to destroy the world.
The story, of course, culminates in the wedding of Adina and Daniel, who still don’t quite understand what marriage is beyond promising to love each forever, which of course they will, after all, they are the very best of friends—which is about the same concept that most of the other angels present have. Adam is the first one to actually approach the big awkward question, upon finding out who the bride and groom are.
“Wait, aren’t they brother and sister?”
To which Serafina’s Adam, (who is of course there since Serafina was the original angel to play hooky) whose sons married his daughters, and all the angels, who do not understand what that has to do with anything, all cock their heads in unison and respond with, “So?”
Adam struggles to find words, looking into so many innocent faces. Then Benjamin’s wife puts a hand on his shoulder, whispering, “Shhh, let them have their fun.”
Benjamin’s wife and the two Adams wind up sitting at the venue’s bar, where they order nachos from a very confused bar tender, and watch as the angels go about setting up a wedding. But given that most angels haven’t been on earth regularly in roughly two thousand years, none of them have a clear grasp of what a human wedding entails.
“I heard it’s traditional for the father to give away the bride.”
“I think they’re supposed to kiss over bread.”
“Do humans still slaughter cows at these things?”
“I’m pretty sure someone is supposed to break a glass—”
Several angels promptly throw glassware on the floor.
At no point do the angels ask the humans for advice.
Occasionally, Gabriel knowingly throws out obscure details to keep the confusion going.
“You know, the groom needs to stand with the right arm to the aisle in case a sword fight breaks out.”
“Right! . . .How do we know which one’s the groom?”
At the bar, Adam open’s his mouth to say something, but the original Adam shushes him.
“No no, son, let them get there.”
The angels agree that being the better fighter, Adina should be the groom.
They’re nearly ready to start when Michael suddenly doubles over with his hand over his mouth. It coincides with the sound of Adam pounding the bar top, having just eaten a Carolina Reaper pepper on dare. Michael’s eyes quickly flash silver-blue as he straightens, and both he and Adam are abruptly fine—even if their eyes are still watering somewhat. But a different sort of damage has already been done, as Anael, Balthazar, and Gabriel all abruptly turn toward the triad of humans, having been reminded that the Michael walking around with them is actually a projection. In actuality, Michael is anchored to the human ex-college student sitting at the bar.
All three of them rush toward Adam, but Serafina gets there first, asking Adam if he’s ever tried mushroom tea.
Balthazar gets there next. 
“Adam, was it? We didn’t get to talk in the car, let’s fix that. Are you over twenty-one? You know what, this is a family affair, don’t worry—CAN I GET TWO SHOTS OF DON JULIO OVER HERE?”
From that point on, any time Adam turns around, there’s one of Michael’s siblings, wanting to get to know him—by consuming some sort of beverage. Because Adam and Michael are sharing body—and that means they share a liver too. A bet ensues as to how much it will take to get God’s alleged favorite wasted.
Gabriel’s actually one of the first out, having been convinced that Michael would be a lightweight. Little does he suspect that Benjamin and his wife caught onto what was happening soon after Adam was fed his third long island iced tea and second jager bomb, and began quietly cleansing the alcohol from his system through casual shoulder pats and high fives.
Adam does not know what to make of any of this, but it’s Michael’s family and he wants to make a good impression, so he just goes with it.
Thaddeus, of course, is in charge of music, Gabriel and Esther consume the majority of the cake, and Michael catches the bouquet (he may have cheated after finding out what the bouquet toss is for).
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triforceangel13 · 4 years
The Werewolf’s Mate Ch. 1 (A BakuDeku Werewolf Au)
Chapter 1: Spooky Season
When you hear the typical stories of vampires and werewolves, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Dracula, the wolf man. Creatures of the night that people would deem just terrifying monsters, nothing more, nothing less.
Sadly these creatures are never given a second chance. They are deemed evil and banished into the darkness from where they had come from. Sure there are those that are what people believe them to be. Ones that do not care for humanity and simply only exist to take.
There are humans like that as well however.
But what if there were ones out there that only wanted to exist among everyone else? That one small difference had them hiding who they truly were just to have a “normal” life among everyone else in the world.
This is a story of one wolf who fell for the boy next door but because of the stigma of those who are even a bit different, he keeps his deepest darkest secret from emerging as well as his feelings for the one he was meant to be with.
That is until one fateful Halloween night.
The smell of wet leaves drifted in the air, the slight chill running through everyone and causing them to shiver. The fall season was one loved , and sometimes hated among many. It all just depended on who you asked.
Izuku Midoriya, a college student who always had his faced buried in his notebook, scribbled down little things into the margins of his notes that he had just taken in class as he walked down the sidewalk, unaware of his surroundings. He always tended to go over his notes after class to add a more of a personal touch to remember information so it would stick better.
He mumbled to himself as he walked, not paying attention to where he was going or the fact that there was someone snickering in the tree that he was passing.
“Boo!” came a sudden voice in front of him. Izuku's green eyes widened and he let out a scream as he saw Katsuki Bakugou, his best friend and long time crush, hanging upside down from the tree in front of him.
Jumping back and dropping his notebook Izuku frowned up at him.
“Kacchan, don't scare me like that,” Izuku said with a huff, crossing his arms bitterly and turned himself away from the blonde. Not able to help himself Katsuki let out a laugh, jumping down from the tree he had been hanging from.
“What, don't like being scared nerd?” he asked, ruffling his hair hard and playfully shoved him as Izuku started to storm away from him.
“No I don't, you know that,” Izuku said with a grumble. “Especially this time of year. I hate getting scared.”
He had nothing against the holiday, he tended to like the unique costumes that came out this time of year and there were very cute movies that came with the season like Hocus Pocus or Corpse bride to name a few.
He just hated that it was an excuse used by many, espcially Katsuki, to scare the wits out of him. He hated getting scared.
“Aw come on you damn nerd,” Katsuki said with a roll of his eyes, catching up to him in a few short strides of his long legs and dangled his precious notebook in his face. “I didn't scare you that bad now did I?” Izuku blinked green eyes up at him with a small pout. The blonde flushed a bit and turned his head away.
Damn that was too cute for words.
“Alright, I guess I had.”
The notebook was quickly snatched from his hand and Izuku giggled a bit as he stuck out his tongue out at him.
“Well yes you did. You know how much I hate getting scared,” he scolded his friend, falling into step with him this time as they walked away from the main campus.
“Such a scaredy cat,” Katsuki scoffed playfully. “What are you going to do on the actual holiday? Werent you invited to round face's halloween party?”
“Well yes, we both were though,” Izuku said. He hadn't originally planned on going but after much much whining from Uruaka, Izuku said he would go. “But you said you would be going too. You can protect me.”
Katsuki paused a bit. “I um...yeah, sure I'll be there.”
Izuku stopped at his car. He held his breath as he looked at Katsuki. He was just so perfect, so gogreous. He had never seen someone as handsome as him before, or he had but he immedately compared them to Katsuki and they paled in camparisson.
They had been friends since they were kids and Izuku had watched Katsuki grow from an awkward little kid to a handsome young man.
And he had a crush on him ever since they were little. There was just something about him that drew Izuku to him.
Piercing red eyes, blonde hair which was always tucked under a hat. Now hat he thoguht on it, he was sure he had never seen his friend without one or without his usual slightly baggy jeans he tended to wear all the time.
The only weird thing that occurred was Katsuki always disappeared on the full moon. He always assumed it was because he was super stituous so he always let it roll off his back. Everyone had their weird problems, that one just happened to be Katsuki's.
“When is that again?” Katsuki asked him then. “Is it soon?”
“Tommorow night remember? Tommorow is Halloween.”
Katsuki hestitaed a moment and then shrugged a bit. “Sure why not. What are you going to go as? A bunny again?”
Izuku rolled his eyes. “Actually I was making a costume this year. You'll just have to see what it is when you pick me up for the party.”
“We'll see about that short stuff,” Katsuki said with a small smirk. Izuku rolled his eyes and laughed softly, heading further towards his car to head home.
With his back turned Katsuki smiled softly, loving eyes looking at the green haired boy walking away from him. Ever since he was but a little pup he had wanted nothing more than to tell Izuku all of his secrets and to choose him as his mate.
But all those rules of not sharing the secret no matter what unless you followed through with the consequences always tended to hold him back.
Maybe one day he would tell Izuku how he felt. But what if that one day was this party that they were going to?
As he watched Izuku drive off in his car Katsuki gave a short wave. Maybe now was the time to do it. Izuku was smart. Why couldn't he be a part of his world?
Going to the party together was sort of like a date too wasn't it? Perhaps that was why Izuku was hoping he really would be there.
As Katsuki arrived home however his happiness was dashed. Every month in bright red ink he would circle the day that would be a full moon.
The day that he would be changing into the beast he really was. And as his luck would have it, the full moon was the next night. He wouldn't be able to go to the party like he wanted. He wouldn't be able to go on the date like he had promised in a way.
With a heavy sigh he pressed his hand to his forehead. He didn't want to disappoint Izuku but he couldn't go out the next night no matter how much he wanted to.
This would break Izuku's heart even if it was just a costume party. He would have to break it to him easy so it didn't hurt too much, but he really wasn't sure how he was going to go about doing such a thing. He'd was bound to ask why.
Another sigh passed his lips and he pulled the hat from his head, blonde fuzzy ears springing up from his head, he then pulled out the tail from his baggy pants, shaking it out to get the stiffness out from being tucked in the back of his pants all day.
“One day Izuku,” he said with a sigh. “Just not tommorow. That is the worst day for you to find out the truth about me.”
Izuku sighed a bit as he stood in Uruaka's home dressed in his patch work ghost costume. Music thumped around him, other costume clad friends of his mingling with one another. He tried to have fun, putting on a smile but deep down everyone could see was he was upset. In truth he really was despite all the fun around him.
Katsuki had said he was running late and he would meet him at the party.
But so far he had yet to show up.
“Hey Izuku!” came Uruaka's voice as she found him. She was dressed as a witch, the costume working perfectly for her. “Why the long face?”
“Kaccha's hasn't shown up yet,” Izuku sighed. “I wanted to show him my costume.  I worked so hard on it this year...”
As his words died off Uruaka nodded her head a bit. It was obvious that this wasn't just about the costume. It wasn't hard to see that Izuku had a crush on the blonde. Everyone was able to see that...except for Izuku and Katsuki themselves for some reason. The two of them were so out of tune that it was laughable. Just one day someone should just jump in front of them and confess for them so they could ease the pining.
Despite that Izuku was a little proud of his costume it was clear that it was hand made. He had wanted to impress Katsuki but instead he had messed up several times and even used different fabric to hide some mistakes he had made in his sewing process. While at the time of making it he thought it was endearing and fun but now it was just obvious of what he was trying to hide underneath the colors pieces.
Maybe he should have just worn the store bought one instead that he had seen in the shop the week prior.
“Well here,” Uruaka said, taking Izuku's phone and snapped a picture of him. “Now we have a picture in case he doesn't show up.”
Izuku pouted a bit at that but nodded his head. Katsuki had never lied to him about something like this before. He expected him to be there. But he was late. He hadn't even sent him a text aside from the one earlier.
A quick glance at his phone showed he was very late. As in the party was almost over and Izuku would be heading home soon.
“Maybe I should just go home. I don't think he's coming,” Izuku said. Uraka grabbed his hand and pulled him to sit down on the couch next to her.
“Give him another call?” she asked. Izuku sighed but nodded, pressing his number in again and held the phone to his ear. Instead of ringing this time the phone went right to voice mail. Hanging up Izuku frowned at the phone.
“His phone's off,” he said. “Why would he do that...?”
Uruaka rubbed his back. “I'm so sorry Izuku. I know how much this meant to you. Maybe it's that full moon thing? You said he's always skittish on a full moon.”
Izuku paused. “It's a full moon tonight?”
“Yeah. It's why everyone showed up tonight because...well I don't know, extra spookiness?” she said with a shrug. “If I didn't know any better I'd say oh he's turning into a werewolf and that's why he's afraid of the moon.” The two of them laughed a bit but Izuku's was half there. Katsuki was just superstitous. He could have told him that there was a moon that night. He would've understood.
“You should go see him. Maybe keep him company,” she said, nudging him with her shoulder. “Maybe even a litte...more?”
Izuku rolled his eyes at her as he stood up. “Oh please. Kacchan doesn't like me like that. But I will go to his house.”
“Okay, have fun,” she said giving him a smile. “And thank you for coming.”
With a wave Izuku left the party and went to his car, driving away in the direction of Katsuki's house. Maybe he could spend more time with him and watch some movies. Maybe give his mind an ease on the whole moon thing.
But as he got his house he noticed something off. All the lights were out but Katsuki's car was in the driveway.
With a pout on his face he stepped up to the door, knocking on it. After several moments with no answer he tried the door to find it open.
“Kacchan? You home?” Izuku called out into the house, closing the door behind him.
A low deep growl sounded from down the hall sending chills down Izuku's spine.
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noodlesrgucci · 5 years
A Sudden Realization
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Summary: Y/N has always been in love with Bakugou, and she doesn’t really try to hide it. All of her flirting and flatttering has been rejected or ignored. Afterall, Bakugou doesn’t have time for someone like her, right?
Warnings: Bad words (Duh, it’s Bakugou), female pronouns, angst, fluff, grammar mistakes and bad writing (LOL) My first writing in this blog
Words: 2051
                                                                                                                                           Y/N did not exactly know what was it about Bakugou that made her lose every sense of reasoning. When it came to him, she’d do anything. He had ignited an eternal flame inside of her. A flame that she loved and cherished with her life. It was undeniable: she was in love with him. She did not know what had attracted her to him. Afterall, how can someone that is angry and yelling most of time be attractive? she didn’t exactly know what it was, but the way his eyes looked when he was determined to win, his well skulpted body, how he frowned when he was angry, and simply him always staying true to himself were enough to make her fall hopelessly in love with him.
    She loved him, no surprise there, yet he merely saw her as a “damn extra”.
Every day, Y/N would aproach Bakugo with sudden actions of affection. She’d tackle him with a hug, jump on his arms, or try to kiss his cheeks. All of these gestures were always met with a glare as Bakugou pushed her away.
“Get away from me, you fucking creep. Don’t fucking touch me”, Bakugou would usually say, but this never discouraged Y/N. In fact, it made her want Bakugou even more.
Y/N would always greet Bakugou at the school entrance only to be ignored by him or insulted. Wherever he was going she was trailing behind.
“Shithead, why are you following me?”
“Because I love You”
I love you, those were the words she would tell him every day. At night before everyone went to their dorms to sleep, Y/N would tell Bakugou how much she loved him, only to be rejected and told she needed a hobby. Everyone in class 1-A was aware of the girl’s feelings. She threw herself at Bakugou everyday, so it was hard to miss how she felt.
“Do you wanna go eating today? There’s this new restau-”
“Fuck off”
“Hey! Bakugou! let’s go to the arcade this weekend!”
“Move out of the way”
All of her attempts to get closer to him were in vain. He denied all the dates she invited him to. She befriended the people he was closest to. She talked to Kirishima and Sero in order to strenghten her bond with them. She even started to call Bakugou by his first name.
“You can do it, Katsuki!” She’d yell at him during exercises as an attemot to cheer him on. Only for him to tell her to stop because it was distracting for him. She looked up to him with complete adoration and admiration. She would always cook for him or make him some desserts to show her love for him.
“This probably tastes like shit! “ He’d yell before throwing it in the trash. 
Nothing he said to her hurted her. She knew that getting Bakugou to love her would not be easy. This was proven when she decided to ask Bakugo if he wanted to be in a relationship with her. 
 “I know I say this every day, but I love you so so so much! You are the only person I’ve ever looked at this way! Please, would you be my boyfriend?” The girl inquired, with the slight hope that the blond boy would accept her feelings.
“No... Hell no, YOU THINK I WOULD LIKE A DAMN EXTRA LIKE YOU!” He yelled and immediatly turned his back to the girl, walking away.
Instead of crying or running away in shame, the girl decided to run after him. She hugged him from behind, capturing his waist between her arms. Immedeately, Bakugou turned around and easely pushed her away.
“You will fall for me. I just know it! You have to! I will do everything I can! I know that you don’t like me, but one day you will realize how much I care about you, Katsuki!” The girl exclaimed. She was out of breath because of her previous outburst.
“Tch, Do whatever you want ” Bakugou said as he walked away.
The days continued and the girl did exactly what she said she would. She continued to greet Bakugou at the school entrance and tried to make conversation with him. Most of the times he’d ignore her or swear at like, like usual. Sometimes Y/N would dress in dresses that she’d consider cute and see if Bakugou would notice. 
He didn’t. He never did. 
Nothing she ever did amused him or made him notice her. Not even when she told him she loved him. 
Months flied by, and the girl was stuck in the same situation with Bakugo. He seemed to tolerate her presence more, but it was just a small change. It was true, she was infatuated with him. She cared about him a lot but there is just so much rejection  a person can take before breaking. 
Her final attempt to make Bakugou notice her was one Sunday night. She had made him a present. She knocked on his dorm door and eagerly waited for a response. When Bakugou opened his door, he was not surprided to see the girl standing there.
“What do you want?” 
“I bought you a present, Katsuki. I hope you like it!” 
Bakugou directed his gaze to the present at the girl’s. He looked uninpressed. Without uttering a single word, he slammed the door at the girl’s face. Y/N stood there, in the quiet hall, processing what had happened. She had spent hours trying to find a present for Bakugou the day before. Was her time really worth this much to him? Did he really not care for her at all? Y/N felt a tear run down her cheek, followed by quiet sobs. She clutched the present she had in her hand and ran to her room.
Bakugo didn’t love her. He seemed to like Kirishima more than he liked her. Her emotions were finally taking control of her. All the previous rejections came back to her like a knife, stabbing her in the heart. She cried and cried until she could barely breathe.
Bakugou did not love her, she had come to that realization.
Two weeks had passed, two long weeks and Y/N had not said anything to Bakugo. She had not talked to him, looked at him, or even cheer him on like she used to do. It was almost as if Bakugou had stopped existing to Y/N. 
These changes were not unnoticed though. Everyone in class 1-A noticed the sudden change in Y/N. They thought that she had finally accepted that Bakugou did not want anything to do with her. And it was true, for the most part. She cried from time to time. She knew her love would never be returned. That was what hurted the most.
Though she was suffering, she noticed how Bakugou did not mind the changes. It seemed like he never even noticed that she wasn’t trailing behind him anymore, and that also hurt.
One day, as she was walking to her classes, a kid from general studies whom she was familiar with asked her on a date. Though she was in no condition to accept the date, she did anyway. She wanted to get over Bakugou and she knew this was the best way to do so.
The night of the date, she was the first to arrive at the destination. It was at a Movie Theater that she had asked Bakugou to go with her. But today was not about Bakugou, it was about her overcoming her conflict.
As she was lost in thought the boy from general studies arrived. She greeted him, they made small talk while they got their tickets. They arrived at the room they were supposed to see the movie one.
A wave of awkward silence occurred while the ads played. Y/N didn't know what to say, the truth was that she didn't even want to be there. Why was she doing this? Why was she forcing herself to put on a fake smile and pretend like she was having a good time with this boy? A boy she didn't even like. It was wrong of her to use him like this. Like it was wrong of her to suddenly try to forget about Bakugou. She loved Bakugou. She has loved him for so long.
Y/N glanced at the boy next to her before sighing and returning her gaze to the screen in front of her. The movie had started.
After the movie ended, Y/N quickly said her farewells and ran towards the U.A dorms. She ignored the questions the boy shot at her. As she ran she felt some droplets of rain hit the back of her neck. After a couple of seconds, the rain started to fall from the sky. She reached the U.A dorms quicker than she expected.
She walked through the deserted halls in silence. Nobody was in the halls. Tears fell down her face as she cried, remembering Bakugou. Her tears fell like a waterfall, her sobs became louder, and unexpectedly she heard some footsteps from behind her. She quickly turned around and was face to face with Bakugou himself.
”What the hell is wrong with you?”
Y/N decided to ignore him as she’d done before. Bakugou stared at her. He had noticed her sudden change. He noticed how she was ignoring him and not showering him with affection like she used to. It felt different to him. It was a foreign feeling walking in class without her trailing like a lost puppy behind her.
”Weren't you supposed to make me fall for you or some shit? How the hell are you going to do that if you ignore me?
Y/N’s eyes widened. She stared at Bakugou with wide eyes. She was sad, but she was also angry at him.
“Shut up! I always chased after you! I tried and tried to get your attention. Did I seriously mean nothing to you? Why did you always push me away? All I ever gave you was my love and you never showed me any kindness!” Y/N was violently sobbing now. Her knees were weak as she let all her emotions out.
”Stop crying, for fuck's sake. I like a strong and determined woman. Stop being so damn weak. You'll never win me over like this!” Bakugou said even louder. A smirk was on his lips.
Y/N’s breath stopped, did she seriously heart his words correctly? Did he actually noticed her?
Bakugou walked up to her. He stood in front of her and made direct eye contact with her. Suddenly, he grabbed her waist in his arms and carried her bridal style. Her weight didn’t seem to bother him at all.
“H-Hey! What are you doing?!”
“Shut up, it’s late. I’m bringing you to your room so you can go to sleep”.
Y/N blushed. She never imagined Bakugou would act this way towards her. She leaned her head against his chest. She noticed how small she was compared to him. A smile found itself to her lips as she enjoyed the warmth provided to her by Bakugou.
Bakugou reached her bedroom and while holding her with one arm, he opened her door with the other and finally put her down.
“Carry me longer!”
Y/N smiled as she made her way to her bed. She wrapped herself around blankets and stared at Bakugou. Her eyes were gazing at all his feauture. All the features she loved. She loved his soiky hair, his cocky grin, his runy eyes. All of those features made her be head over heels for him. She knew that as long as she knew Bakugou she would never stop feeling this way. And whether he liked her or not was a mystery. But she knew she had a chance. Today he had showed her he cared a little bit about her, and that was enough. She blinked a couple times and before she knew it, she was asleep.
“I’m sorry, dumbass. I love you.”
546 notes · View notes
Anagapesis (Chapter 6)
pairing: the shield x reader
word count: 7, 534 (it’s a long one, sorry)
summary: Anagapesis (n.) no longer feeling any affection for something or someone you once loved. After three years, you’re officially the manager of the Shield once again. But, things aren’t quite the same as they used to be.
warnings: cursing, mentions of betrayal, trust issues
playlist: spotify
chapter one / chapter two / chapter three / chapter four / chapter five / chapter six / chapter seven
You pulled up to the diner and put the car into park. A purple luminescence shined off of the neon sign that hung above the front door and filtered into the car via the windshield, creating a soft violet glow. When you took the key out of the engine, the car slowly hummed to a stop.
You sat like this for a minute or two, taking in the aesthetic atmosphere of the place before you opened the car door and got out. The brisk January air hit you quickly and sent a chill down your spine. You wrapped your arms around your body for warmth and crossed the parking lot.
When you entered the diner, the familiar feeling of comfort built up in your chest. You tried to compress your smile, but flashed it anyway when you had reached the podium where the hostess stood.
“Hi, I have a reservation under the name Angle?”
The lady’s eyes flickered down to the paper in front of her, then back at you.
“Oh, yes. Follow me.”
You nodded and followed her as she ventured further into the diner. She brought you over to the back right corner of the diner where another man sat, presumingly Jason. He looked pretty generic and what you expected him to be, the muscles of his arms clearly visible through his brown colored suit. You opened your mouth to greet him, when something dawned on you. He was the guy that was fighting with Dean earlier this morning.
The hostess noticed your hesitation and gave you a concerned look.
“Is everything okay, miss?”
You quickly snapped yourself out of it and painted a reassuring smile onto your face.
“Uh, y-yes. Sorry.” You quickly sat down in the empty seat across from Jason.
“Your waitress should be with you shortly,” The hostess then began heading back to her podium, leaving you sitting there with a rather perturbed facial expression. Jason, on the other hand, looked amused with the whole situation.
“Well...can’t say I expected this,” You finally sighed. “But I’m willing to let the comments from earlier on go and pretend like this is the first time I’m meeting you.” You extended your hand towards him. “Y/n L/n.”
Jason gave your hand a firm shake before letting it go.
“Jason Jordan. Don’t take anything I said to heart, really. Just a way to get Ambrose to remember the new guy.”
“You’ve certainly made a strong impression, but the damage is kind of already done.”
Jason’s brow furrowed, but he flashed a pearly smile.
“What do you mean?” You debated on not telling him, but he would probably figure out Monday once Seth had a separate match from Dean and Roman.
“The Shield is going to have a different dynamic from now on.  Same group, they’re just going to be going after different titles. Speaking of titles, which one are you after? Universal? Do you have a tag-team partner? Do you need a tag-team partner?”
“I appreciate that you’re so eager to start the business talk,” Jordan shook his head. “But let’s get to know each other a little bit, yeah?”
You nodded, there wasn’t really any reason you could go against the idea. Plus, you were a manager that focuses on the personal life of someone, not just the professional. Who knows, maybe you would actually find the time you spent with Jason enjoyable.
“Alright, first off: how old are you, anyway?” He looked at you with an odd expression as you said this. “Don’t look at me like that. I swear, one wrestler found the Fountain of Youth a long time ago and just passed the secret down to all of you.”
“How old do you think I am?” He was way too amused with this conversation.
“Twenty-five?” You guessed after observing his face.
“See? At least I was right about you being younger than me.”
“You must have learned the secret too,” He remarked. “How old are you?”
“I’m a year younger than Rollins.”
“How the Hell am I supposed to know Seth’s age?”
“Exactly the point.” You smirked, which caused Jason to chuckle.
“I’ll find it out one way or another.”
“Alright. Have fun doing that.”
* * *
The next morning, you sat on the edge of the ring provided at the practice center. You had managed to convince Jason to show up earlier than your appointment with Seth, with a big enough gap that Seth wouldn’t see Jason and get suspicious. This way, you could get both analyses out of the way. You even tried to get Roman and Dean to come after Seth’s appointment, but Dean shut down the idea straight away.
You had already been there for roughly twenty minutes with Jason walked into the building. He sat his backpack down onto the wooden bench pushed up against the wall. He pulled off his shirt and looked at you with raised brows.
“So, how’s this going to go?”
“I called in a friend for you to have a surveillance match with.”
“I can take on your Shield boys any day.”
You scoffed as his comment but decided to refute it.
“It’s not any of the Shield.” You looked to your left, where a hallway was located, and saw the person you had recruited approaching the area.
“Who is it then?”
“See for yourself.” You shrugged as Finn entered the room, already prepared for the training. You looked over at Jason to see if there was a flash of recognition on his face, but you saw none.
“So, you’re Angle’s son?” Finn asked while sizing up Jason.
“Yup. Jason Jordan.” Jason took a step forwards and held out a hand for Finn to shake. Finn nodded and introduced himself while shaking Jason’s hand.
“Finn Balor.”
“Balor..where have I heard that name before?” Jason rubbed his chin when the two stepped back once again. “Wait, aren’t you the guy who was the first to win the Universal title?” A smile came onto Finn’s face, but it immediately dropped once Jason spoke again. “And then proceeded to lose it twenty-two hours later?”
You stifled a laugh at the sudden remark. There was a large part of you that knew condoning Jason picking a fight with your best friend was wrong, but the look of utter shock on Finn’s face was priceless. When you saw Finn open his mouth to retaliate, you quickly clapped your hands together to gain their attention.
“Alright, moving on! Only way to win is by pinfall. I’ll be doing the three count from out here, so try to pay attention. Any questions?”
“Got it.”
The two men went to separate sides of the ring and climbed in. You made sure you were far enough from the ring to the point where you could still see what was going on, but not in the way if they wanted to take the fight outside of it. You picked up the clipboard that you had put on the apron earlier and prepared a pen, ready to take notes.
“Alright, whenever you guys are ready.”
Finn and Jason started by circling the ring, their eyes locked into each other. You watched intently, waiting to see who made the first move. It turned out to be Jason. He leaned forward and thrusted himself towards Finn. Finn went to go counter him, but Jason managed to grip Finn’s waist before he could and swept him off of his feet and onto the canvas. Finn was quick to recover, though. He rolled backwards and pushed off of the canvas to propel himself off the floor, successfully kicking Jason in the face as he did so.
This sort of cycle happened for awhile, leading you to write down that Jason seemed to focus on doing moves such as bucklebombs and a large variety of suplexes. These moves were aimed to put more stress on the chest and back, which you found interesting since Finn had a somewhat a similar style with using moves like the shotgun dropkick.
Jason had managed to pin Finn against the canvas, but Finn kicked out by the time you had got to one. Finn got up and went to go perform a sling blade, but Jason caught him by the torso and did another German suplex when he put Finn into the correct position. Once he hit the ground, Finn grabbed his opponent's ankle and dragged him down onto the floor and put him into a roll up pin. However, Jason kicked out at two.  
While Jason recovered, Finn pulled himself off of the floor and went to the corner. Using the turnbuckles, he climbed up to the top rope and jumped off it, hitting Jason’s midsection. You couldn’t help but cringe at the move. Whenever Finn did the Coup de Grace, you’ve always felt pity for the person on the receiving end, even if you weren’t particularly fond of them. Jason immedality rolled onto his side, clutching his stomach, but Finn placed him onto his back and went for the pin.
“One! Two!”
Jason didn’t move, he just laid there with a look of pain on his face.
Finn, obviously satisfied with his win based off of the giant smile, hopped onto his feet. He offered a hand out Jason, who accepted it, and helped him stand.
“Sorry about that, bud. Payback for your Universal title comment.”
Jason let out a small chuckle.
“You’re good. We even?”
As sweat dripped down their bodies, the two men exited the ring. You took a minute to let them catch their breaths. However, you couldn’t help but to notice Finn slowly inching his way towards you. You already know what he was about to do, so you quickly shot him a glare.
“Finn,” You warned. “Stop it, I know you’re trying to hug me and get me coated with your sweat but don’t even think about it. You’re gross.” Obviously this wasn’t the first time Finn had tried to do this.
“Now, y/n, why would I do that?” Finn looked at you with an innocent expression.
“I hate you. Anyway,” You turned to Jason. “Great job. I’ll go over the notes and talk to you about possible match ideas probably tomorrow.”
“Sounds good. Nice meeting you, Balor.”
“You too.”
Once Jason collected his stuff and walked out of the building, you turned to Finn.
“What time is your press event?”
Finn looked at his phone.
“In about thirty minutes.” You looked at yours.
“Seth will be here in forty. Mind sticking around for a little?”
“I mean, you hate me…” Finn acted as if he was going to pack up his stuff and leave. You rolled your eyes at him.
“Okay, fine. Love you. There.” You sighed and placed your clipboard down onto the apron. “Will you stay now?”
“For about ten minutes, then I should leave to get ready.”
“It’s better than nothing.” You and Finn headed over the bench and sat down together.
* * *
The sound of the door being pushed open caught your attention. Seth walked in, his equipment in hand.
“You’re here early,” he commented.
“Finn wanted to work out earlier, so he gave me a ride here and I gave him some company. He just left like twenty minutes ago to go to a radio interview.”
“I was wondering why you weren’t in bed this morning, but I just assumed you’d get here somehow.” He placed down his stuff and turned to you whilst stretching. “What’s the plan?”
“Good question.” Finding a practice partner for Jason was easy. Seth, not so much. Finn was your only RAW representative, since everyone else you weren’t exactly on friendly terms with. If you could, you would have called a member of the New Day or someone else from Smackdown, but they were currently four states away. And, to top everything else off, using Roman or Dean completely went against the whole point of this exercise. “Throw yourself around the ring and I guess we’ll go from there. I’ll shout out directions, you can act like Samoa Joe is there and try to dodge it.”
Seth blinked slowly at first, then rapidly as he tried to wrap his head around the concept.
“Or I could just practice with you?”
“What?” You laughed, before realizing he was serious. “Absolutely not! Practicing with me wouldn’t help you at all, anyway.”
“C’mon why not? You know the basics of wrestling and you’ve done it before. As for Joe, I’ve beat him once and I can do it again.” Your silence was enough of a hint for Seth. “Alright, fine. Let’s do your idea.”
Seth called into the ring looking annoyed, but followed along when you began to call out directions.
“He’s on your left and going in for a stiff kick.” This type of interaction happened for a few minutes. “Great, now he’s trying to pull you into a suplex on your right.” Yet, Seth didn’t mood. “Rollins, I said right.” He just stood there with his eyebrows creased. You sighed and went closer to the apron, your movement finally catching his attention. “Okay, first off, he would pummeling the shit out of you right now. Second, what’s wrong?”
“I can’t fucking do this, y/n. For starters, I can’t dodge something I can’t see. And, I probably look like a dumbass! This is a waste of time!” He was about to exit the ring before you stopped him.
“Alright, alright. I guess bad practice is better than no practice.” You let out a deep sigh. “I’ll practice with you.” Seth nodded in satisfaction, a smile coming onto his face. “But, let me procrastinate a little bit first. Let’s sit in the middle of the ring and talk strategy for the real fight, just so we have a least something prepared.”
“Okay,” You and Seth sat down in the middle of the ring and begun to plan.
“We know Samoa Joe seems to favor doing power moves-”
“So, I have to focus more on agility to get him tired out.”
“Exactly. Same thing with Elias, too.”
“Trust me, I’ll be able to handle Joe.”
* * *
You stood in the center of the ring with Seth, him waiting on your cue to start. He was right, you had received basic wrestling training from each member of the Shield a few years ago, primarily for self defense, but it spiraled into you doing a few practice matches with them or Lana when there was downtime between shows. But, that didn’t exactly mean you were a hundred percent confident in your ability to wrestle and not break any body part in the process. The higher ups at WWE had a history of convincing managers to become Superstars, but you were perfectly fine with the idea of never stepping into the ring professionally.
“Alright, go.”
You and Seth circled around each other, each one trying to figure out who was going to strike first. It took awhile, but Seth finally realized that you weren’t going to attack and decided to rush you. You attempted to move out of the way, but he managed to grab onto your arm.
You automatically flinched, the same burning sensation like you had felt when he had hugged you after the first match took over your body like a spreading fire. It was a very harsh reminder that you had been forcing yourself to interact with Seth all this time. You didn’t a hundred percent trust him, but you still put yourself in situations like this where it was only him and you in an area.
You quickly snapped out of your thoughts and launched into your first instinct, which was to flip Seth over your shoulder and down onto his back. When Seth’s back made contact with the canvas, you heard a large breath escape his mouth.
“I was going to go easy on you, y/n.” Seth got onto his feet and rubbed his shoulder. “But after that, I’m not so sure.” You steadied yourself both physically and mentally.
“Good, you weren’t supposed to.”
The fight continued. You actually managed to get a few hits on Seth, and even pulled off a spear that you think Roman would be very proud of. Seth wasn’t lying when he said that he wasn’t going easy on you anymore, because by the four minute mark, your body was already aching in pain.  
Some circling occurred again before a sudden smirk was on Seth’s lips and in the matter of seconds, he had you in an arm bar. You quickly took in a breath, the feeling of your arm being locked into a place where it naturally should not be growing more painful by the second. You tried to twist out of it a few times, but to not avail. Eventually, the pain grew to be too much and you rapidly hit the canvas below you. It took Seth a few seconds to realize what you had just done.
“Did you just tap out?”
“Yes, I just tapped out! Can you let go of me now?”
“Oh shit, yeah. Sorry.” Seth quickly released you. You slowly stood up and rotate your shoulder
few times to make sure it still functioned correctly. Seth sat in a criss-crossed position on the canvas, his bare chest rising and falling quickly as he tried to catch his breath. “I didn’t hurt you, right?” The concern in his voice almost made you wince.
“Uh,” You tried to hide the awkwardness in your voice. You still weren’t used to Seth being nice to you after what happened. “No. I’m fine. Let’s call it a day, alright? I think you’re fine to go against Joe on Monday.”
* * *
You sat in a quiet corner of the hotel lobby, staring blankly at your laptop. Today was the last day to send in match requests and even though you had already put one in for Seth vs Samoa Joe, you still hadn’t set up anything for Roman and Dean or Jason. In the plan binder you had, Roman and Dean were set to fight Gallows and Anderson, but they had already set up a match against Heath Slater and Rhyno for Monday.
“I thought I saw you over here,” You looked up to see Finn approaching the red leather chairs where you sat.
“Yeah. I’m just trying to figure out match placements for everyone else but Seth since I already set his up.”
“Aren’t those due today?”
“Yes, which is exactly why I’m freaking the fuck ou-wait I just had an idea.”
“Oh no.”
You sent him a glare but replaced your annoyed expression with a sweet smile.
“Finn, do you happen to have a match set up for Monday?”
“No, I don’t but I know where this is going-”
“Do you? Do you really?”
“You’re going to ask me to have a match against Jason Jordan.” Finn plopped down in the chair across from you.
“Nope. You’re wrong, I’m going to ask you to fight with Jason and have a tag team match against Roman and Dean.”
“Huh, didn’t see that coming.”
“I think what you’re trying to say is ‘yes, y/n, I would love to be the greatest best friend in the world and be Jason Jordan’s tag team partner against Roman and Dean’.” You mimicked him, complete with a (very badly done) Irish accent.
“Really now?” Finn laughed at your poor impersonation with him. “Say if I do agree to this, which I’m not saying that I’m going to, what’s in it for me?”
“I don’t know. C’mon, Finn! Please?  I’ll do anything at this point. I really don’t need any more stress in my life.” You imagined what people would think if they saw you right now, someone who built their whole career off of being diplomatic and was once called ‘one of the best managers Raw has had to date’ by Kurt Angle, begging for help.
“Okay maybe not anything…”
“Too late, you already said it.”
“Okay, fine. Anything, like anything anything.” You sighed. Finn placed a hand on his chin and he thought the offer over.
“Alright, I’ll do it.”
You quickly shot out of your seat and rested your laptop on the seat before throwing your arms around him.
“Thank you so much! I promise you won’t regret it. I love you.”
Finn laughed and returned the hug but held up a finger once you pulled away.
“But, this is only a one-time thing. Okay? I need to work on my own title shot.”
You sat back down into your seat and quickly began typing up the match request email as you continued the conversation.
“Oooh, what are you going after? IC or Universal?”
“Not exactly sure yet. Can your manager brain whip up any recommendations?”
“As Seth’s manager and all, I should convince you not to go after the Universal title….but as your best friend, I’m not going to do that.” You finished the sentence you were typing before giving Finn advice. “Okay, so with the Universal title, you’d have to fight Brock. No offense, but I really don’t see that going well. I know the Universal title means a lot to you, but I think it might be worth it to wait that one out and go after it when a more suitable person wins it. Someone you’ve fought before and know you can win against.”
“So, wait until Seth gets it.”
“That’s not really want I meant but technically, yes. Kevin Owens has the IC title right now and there’s no doubt in my mind that you can take him, so I think that might be the safer bet.” You went back to typing after saying this.
“Plus, that gives me the opportunity to beat the shit out of Miz.” Finn chimed.
“Miz is going after the IC title again? How many times has he had it so far?”
“Seven.” Finn quickly explained why he knew that information once you casted him a weird look. “Miz sat behind me on the plane ride over here and would not stop talkin’ to Bo Dallas. By the way, did you know Maryse was pregnant? I know the two of you don’t really get along, but she was with you on New Years, yeah?”
You looked at him in shock for a few seconds before the pieces started to click together in your brain.
“Wow that...that makes a lot of sense, actually. It explains why she wasn’t drinking at the club and her absences from Raw.”
“Can you imagine Miz as a dad?”
“Oh God, please don’t put that image in my head. That man is a baby himself most of the time.” Meanwhile, you had just finished typing up the email. After quickly reading over it, you pressed send. “Annnd done. Match request is in.”
* * *
A few days later, you stood in the gorilla with Dean and Roman, moments away from their match against Jason and Finn. Seth was also there, stating that he was going to be watching the monitors closely in case he had to intervene.
“We’ll be fine, bro. Focus on pumping yourself up for your match, alright?” Roman clapped his hand onto Seth’s shoulder and gave it a squeeze.
“Alright, alright. It’s just weird seeing you guys about to go out there without me.”
You had to admit, it did feel very strange that the boys had two separate matches tonight, meaning you had to avoid being hit in the crossfire twice as much than usual. It felt even weirder seeing them in their own custom merch and not the tactical army vests you had come re-accustomed to over the last few weeks.
“Ew. Okay, no.” Dean grunted. “We’re not doing this sappy shit. We’re going to go out there and kick some ass. So are you. Stop acting like we’re breaking up or something. We’re still the Shield.”
Seth opened up his mouth to retaliate, but Dean’s music erupting from the speakers stopped him. Dean gave a three finger salute before rushing out onto the stage. After a few seconds of Dean’s music, it cut over to Roman’s.
You and Roman shared a look, him flashing a smile in your direction before the two of you pushed past the curtains and walked to the ramp. Your eyes scanned the crowd, confusion evident on some of their faces. Roman made his descent down the ring, you following not too long behind. The two of you joined Dean, who had already made it to the outskirts of the ring by this point. Roman held open the top and middle rope for you. You mumbled a quick thank you as you stepped into the ring. As Dean and Roman got into the ring, the arena was overtaken by darkness and Finn’s theme song begun to play.
When the lights came back on, it was occupied by a considerable amount of fog. Finn was now stood on top of the ramp, a giant smile on his face as he grabbed the sides of his jacket. He walked around, giving high-fives to fans before a familiar sound played on the speakers. You followed along with the motions in your mind as Finn threw up his arms, corresponding with his song. After that movement, he looked towards the entrance of the gorilla, indicating that it was time for Jason to make his debut. In all honesty, you had to admit that you were kind of intrigued about what his music was going to sound like.
I’m the next generation of great, the next generation of great…
You tried not to scoff at the lyrics as Jason walked out. You heard Roman make a confused noise next to you.
“What’s up, Ro?” You turned to him, ignoring Finn and Jason making their way down the ramp.
“Who’s that? I’ve never seen him before.”
“Dunno-” Dean shrugged in response before quickly doing a double take. “Wait, it’s that punk! The one that was shit talking us earlier!”
You squinted, pretending as if you had not been in contact with Jason since then.
“Huh. Yeah, it is.”
Dean was already starting to pace around the ring by the time the two other men entered. Dean was ready to get up in Jason’s face then and there, but Roman’s hand clasping down onto his shoulder stopped him.
“How about I go first?” Roman offered, knowing fully well that releasing Dean into the match was going to start chaos too early. However, Dean had another idea as he shook off Roman’s hand and stepped forward.
“Or I could go first and shove a kendo stick up this dude’s ass-”
“Dean!” You quickly snapped as you stepped in front of him, blocking his path to Jason, who decided to rile Dean up more by making dog noises, an obvious nod towards the first conversation you two had with him. You deeply sighed and rolled your eyes. Not helping, Jason.
“Ready to start the match?” You heard the referee ask from outside of the ring.
“Please.” You answered. You sent Dean a warning glare. “Apron. Now.”
“Fine, fine.” Dean huffed before following you over to the side of the ring. When the ref climbed
into the ring, Finn and Jason began to discuss who should go first and ended up deciding on Finn.
When the bell rang, Roman was the first to move. He landed a few hits onto Finn’s side, but Finn was quick to retaliate. You stood there in awe, not even paying attention to Dean’s comments, and watched the match. In the ring were two people who you considered to be great friends to you and were also considered to be greatly talented at what they did. It was a honor to see them fighting, honestly. Every move was fluid, even the way Finn propelled himself over Roman’s towering body looked magnificent. You admired the both of them endlessly.
Finn went into for the pin, but Roman kicked him off effortlessly. You really wanted to cheer for Finn at a few points, but knew it would set a bad image. So, you just cheered loudly in your head every time Finn made a move. The two grappled for a little bit more until Finn jetted over to where Jason Jordan stood and tagged him in. A smile blossomed on Jason’s face as he got into the ring and grabbed a hold of Roman. Roman quickly reversed the hold and launched Jason over his shoulder.
This was intriguing to you in a totally different way. Roman had been in this industry for years and this was Jason’s debut match. They were opposites, and you tell just by the way their moves were calculated. Roman’s a powerhouse, and he knows it, so his moves revolve around the concept of forcing his opponent onto the ground as quickly as possible. The person can’t react because they have no time to. Meanwhile, Jason’s moves are more position based and can easily be broken out of, which Roman did plenty of times by this point. Jason would have to take a few seconds to adjust every time he picked up Roman to perform a suplex, giving Roman just enough of a time frame to interfere. Plus, Jason’s moves were also time consuming in another way, since they were designed to gradually weigh down his opponent by conflicting pain onto certain areas. You did have to applaud Jason for his ability to quickly recover, though. Every time Roman would throw him down onto the ground, he was quick to jump back onto his feet. Eventually, Roman tagged in Dean.
“Took you long enough.” Dean commented as he slinked into the ring. In normal Dean fashion, the first thing he did once he got a hold of Jason was Dirty Deeds.
“He’s going to tear that poor kid apart.” Roman chuckled as he watched the fight progress. “By the way, do you know why Finn would have partnered up with him? I mean, you guys are pretty close, right? I doubt he’d want to go against you willingly.”
You licked your lips and made an inward note of this conversation. You didn’t really think Roman, or anyone for that matter, would have picked up on that.
“Don’t worry, there’s no bad blood between him and me all of the sudden. He came to me earlier this week and said that Stephanie asked him to do a tag team match with a newbie in order to get the new guy to look good. Apparently he has some connections or something. Anyway, I woke up with this match just in my inbox. Stephanie probably set it up against us because she’s not exactly our biggest fan.”
“Makes sense.”
With that, the two of you put your focuses back onto the match. Jason had climbed out of the ring to regain his breath, but Dean immediately flung himself between the ropes and took down Jason. Dean picked Jason’s body off of the floor and slid him into the ring before putting himself back in. Dean went to go cover Jason go for the pin, but Jason quickly pulled him into a roll up.
One! Two! Three!
Neither you, Finn, or Roman moved out of shock.
“Did-did they just win?” You asked, not believing what had just happened.
“Uh, yeah.” Roman shook off his shock and went to go retrieve the broken Dean, who was sitting on the canvas with his mouth hung open. Finn also recovered from his shock and went to go celebrate with Jason. You too went into the ring, foreseeing the shitstorm that was about to happen when Jason was handed a microphone.
“Did you decide to take my advice, Ambrose? Did the Shield finally split?”
Murmurs erupted from the crowd.
“Can I get a microphone?” You asked a stagehand outside of the ring. They quickly turned on a mic and gave it to you.
“Here comes to the dog trainer.” Jason snarkily said.
“The Shield didn’t break up and isn’t going to any time soon.”
“Huh, really? Where’s Seth, then? Plus, I don’t see you guys all dressed up in that swat get up anymore. Jeans and a tank top,” He referenced to Dean’s outfit. “Doesn’t really represent all that justice mumbo jumbo that the Shield stands for to me. Finn, what do you think?”
Finn quickly shook his head.
“I’m staying out of this.”
Jason didn’t look fazed by Finn’s answer. Instead, he turned to the crowd.
“How about you, WWE Universe? Do you think these guys are representing justice right now?” Jason was met with a few yells from the crowd, supposedly agreeing with him.
“It doesn’t matter what we’re wearing. Hell, we could be out here in damn bunny suits. The Shield is still the Shield, end of story.” Now Dean had a microphone. Great.
“Now that I’d pay to see.” Finn lightheartedly commented.
“I thought you were staying out of this, Balor.” Dean stated. Finn smiled, but took a step back so he could rest on the ropes. Roman took the microphone away from Dean and looked at Jason.
“Who are you anyway, man? You’ve got a lot of balls to just pop out of nowhere and start attacking us.”
“The name’s Jason Jordan. Remember it.” Jason smiled and dropped the microphone. His music hit the speaker, signifying that you all were officially done there.
* * *
You wanted to confront Jason for starting more drama the moment you stepped into the gorilla, but you were informed that Seth’s match versus Samoa Joe had been moved up a time slot by production. This meant that Seth’s match was next.
You tilted your head back and let out a sigh, but quickly put on your game face. As Joe walked out onto the ramp in tune with his music, you went over to where Seth stood near the curtains.
“Rollins can you do me a favor and make this quick?”
“Managing us is a whole lot easier when we’re together, huh?”
“I never thought I’d miss a hotel bed this much.”
Seth let out a chuckle. His music begun to play.
“After you,” Seth smiled as he held open the curtain. You nodded in acknowledgement and walked out onto the ramp with Seth in tow. Joe watched intently as the two of you came down the ramp. You slowed down your walking and allowed Seth to go in front of you. “Scared of Joe, are we?” Seth teased as he entered the ring. You stood on the apron, and leaned onto the ropes.
“Nope, it’s you he wants. Not me. I don’t want to get stuck in the crossfire.”
Seth ignored your comment and rolled his shoulders. The two men stared at each other until the bell rang, then launched into fighting. You recoiled when Joe’s arm connected to Seth’s bare chest multiple times, leaving his skin temporarily pink.
At one point Joe had been on his hands and knees, recovering from a suplex Seth had delivered, when you noticed Seth run to the other side of the ring. Your face drained it’s color as you watched Seth run towards Joe, your brain connecting the dots on what was about to happen.
Seth jumped into the air and brought one foot down on Joe’s head, sending him into the canvas. Whilst Joe laid flat on the ground, Seth quickly pinned him and won the match. Seth looked towards you with a giant smile when his music hit, expecting a different reaction than the one you gave. You rolled your eyes, hopped down from your position on the apron, and begun walking back up the ramp. Seth’s brows furrowed as he quickly followed you.
“Y/n? What’s wrong? What did I do?” When you turned around to face Seth back at the gorilla, you expected to see a posse of cameras following him, but there surprisingly were none. This was probably due to the temper tantrum Joe was having back in the ring. However, there were some people giving you confused looks as they continued their jobs around you.
“What’s wrong? What do you mean what’s wrong? I don’t know about you, Rollins, but the last time I checked, the Curb Stomp was banned from WWE!”
Even a company such as WWE, where the main focus was people beating the shit out each other, had rules. One of the those rules are wrestlers are not allowed to perform any moves that are on the “banned” list for their own safety and the safety of others. Moves like Seth’s Curb Stomp, something that can permanently damage the neck and result in paralysis or death, were on that “banned” list.
“No one stopped me, though! I even got the win! Maybe Hunter and Steph just had a change of heart and saw how awesome the Curb Stop really is?”
“Or they decided to let you get away with it and then just hit both of us with thousands of dollars in fines! I’m supposed to be the one who advises you not to do crazy shit like that!” You we’re ready to go off on Seth some more, but once you saw Jason walk by and turn the corner into another hallway, your anger switched targets. You took a deep breath and looked at Seth, devising a plan. “Ugh. I just-I just need to calm down. We can deal with it later. I’m going to take a walk.”
With that, you walked past him and went in the same direction Jason had went. You found him about to turn into the males’ locker room. You quickly caught his attention.
“Oh hey, y/n.” Jason was all smiles when you approached. You looked around the hall, not wanting to get caught being on friendly terms with him. You spotted a meeting room down the hall and gestured Jason to follow you. You knocked to make sure no one else was in there. After a minute of silence, you opened the door and brought Jason into the room. The moment Jason shut the door you looked at him with a bewildered expression and threw your hands up for emphasis.
“What was that?”
“I don’t know! I just saw an opportunity and pinned him! Crazy, right?”
“No, not the win!” You sighed before backtracking. “Even though I’m super impressed and kind of confused on how that exactly happened, no offense. I was talking about the whole ‘Shield Split’ thing. I thought we were over this!”
“Y/n, it’s just a-”
“Just a way to get them to remember the new guy. Yeah, I get it.” You seethed.
“Wow. You’re all sunshine and rainbows right now, aren’t ya?”
You shot Jason a glare and settled down into one of the chairs around the meeting table. You took a second to run your hands through your hair before slumping your shoulders.
“Okay look, I’m sorry for snapping but I’m just under a lot of pressure right now. Managing you and The Shield are hard enough but pulling Finn into all of this? You starting shit that is ultimately going to set Dean off? All the way back to the gorilla he was telling me to schedule a rematch for next week. And then Seth had to go and perform an illegal move-”
“What?” Jason interrupted with a shocked look on his face. “An illegal move? Really? What was it?”
“His stupid Curb Stomp. So now I just have three giant monkey wrenches in my plan.”
“Y’know, you always don’t need a plan, right? Sometimes you just have to go with the flow.”
“Y’know, you always don’t need a plan, right?” Sometimes you just have to go with the flow.” Seth popped his head over the top of your couch, completely ignoring the Transformers movie he begged you to buy playing on the television.
“Have you ever met me, Seth?” You responded with a cocked eyebrow.
“Sadly, yes.”
“Reminder that this is my house and I can kick you out at any minute if I want to.” You chuckled before looking back at your laptop screen.
You two had finally received a few days off, which was enough time for you to finally fly home and sleep in your own bed for once. Seth decided to join, which wasn’t really uncommon between the two of you. Every now and then, you would take turns going to each other’s house to continue the ritual of ‘Shield Sleepovers’. Granted it was more like ‘Seth and Y/n Sleepovers with sometimes a guest appearance of Dean or Roman via phone call’ but ‘Shield Sleepovers’ had a better ring to it.
You and Seth were actually supposed to play video games that night and you were actually thinking that tonight may be the night that you would beat Seth in a Madden game, but your activities were put on hold when you got a email stating that the individual flights to London, the next place for the RAW tour, you had booked for you and Seth, along with Dean’s, had been canceled. You managed to find another flight for you and Seth that was pretty much a red-eye flight, but at least it was something. You two would be able to still get to the hotel at a reasonable time. However, you were struggling to find Dean a flight from his town to London that would be within a decent time frame. You went to go click on a connecting flight that would require Dean to switch airports at Dublin, but your laptop suddenly closed in front of you and was taken away. You made a noise of confusion and looked up to see Seth with your laptop tucked under his arm.
“Okay, this needs to stop. You’ve been at this for two hours now and I can tell you’re starting to get beyond stressed.”
“What? No I’m not.” You tried to cover up the strain in your voice with a chuckle, but Seth didn’t buy it.
“I’ll text Dean and tell him that he can book his own flight. This is supposed to be your night off.” Seth’s voice got quieter and he exited the kitchen and ventured down the hallway.
“It’s Dean’s night off too!” You called out to him, wherever he may be.
“Yeah but Dean’s job doesn’t really require him to book flights, meaning he can do it on a day off. That’s basically in your job description, so you can’t.” When he returned, the laptop wasn’t in sight.
“Did-did you just hide my laptop from me? In my own house?” You sputtered.
“Yes, yes I did.” Seth came behind you and put his hands onto your shoulders. He lightly guided you onto the couch and sat you down. “Now, let’s just relax so I can beat your ass in Madden.”
Seth started up the game and you two begun to play, but after a few minutes, Seth realized you were barely touching the controller.
“You’re still stressed aren’t you?” He paused the game and turned to you.
“Knowing Dean he’s going to forget or-”
“Y/n. Stop.” The serious tone in Seth’s voice caught you off guard and forced you to listen. “Dean’s perfectly capable. Lately you’ve been stressing yourself out so much that I’m starting to worry about your health. You’re always working and you pull all-nighters more than anyone I know. I know you think you can do everything yourself but you need to let Dean, Roman, and I give you a hand sometimes, okay? We’re not going anywhere, I promise.”
You opened your mouth to refute him, but realized he was right. The dark circles under your eyes proved that.
“Alright, alright. I’ll lay off the work for a little bit and try to relax.”
“Good!” Seth beamed. “By the way, I’m always here if you need to talk about anything. And don’t give me that ‘you can’t promise always because scientifically there’s going to be a time when-” shit. I mean it when I say always.”
The sound of Jason’s panicked voice brought you back to reality. When he saw you come to, Jason let out a relieved sigh.
“You were turning really pale. I thought you were going to pass out on me.”
You casted him a smile and tried to hide your shaking form from the memory you just had.
“I’m fine. By the way, I’m sorry that I yelled at you.”
Jason looked at you with a confused expression.
“You’re good.” He looked down and noticed the way your leg was bouncing rapidly. “Y/n, are you sure you’re fine? Did your blood sugar drop or something? Do you want me to go get the medics?”
“No, no. I’m fine. Just remembered something that’s all.” You pushed yourself out of your seat and did your best to smile. “But I am going to go walk around for a little bit to get my head on straight. De-stress, y’know?”
“Yeah...I guess....I'll see you later?”
You quickly nodded and slipped out of the room to go find either Finn or Roman to help calm your nerves.
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v0rd1g4n · 6 years
The Thunder Games
This is it, the last episode of the Thundermans. I wanted to write this the day after I watched it, but I needed more time to write all I had to say about it, and it’s pretty long so... let’s start.
This episode begins right after the previous one, with Max and Phoebe impatiently waiting for President Kickbutt’s call to announce if they made it to the Z-Force championship, and of course they did, so they immedately celebrate in their own way.
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The twins got prepared and right before teleporting to the Z-Force facility in Metroburg, they gave us a very interesting scene of Phoebe staring at Max,which made me think: “Find someone that looks at you the way Phoebe looks at Max”
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And what’s the first thing they do once they arrived? Being so close to each other like they always do, of course.
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There’s a short scene where Phoebe tries to be friendly with one of the girls, but she didn’t react the way she expected. There was a time when I mentally said; “What the hell?” What is this girl doing in a Hero contest? Is this girl a hero or a villain? I don’t know but we got one last chance to hear Phoebe’s recurring joke of faking her voice, something I always loved xD
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Then a guy from the Z-Force appears in the room and presented the heroes to the first test. I don’t know about you, but I hated this guy since the first time I saw him. He’s not even funny, but I guess that was the purpose of this character.
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After the heroes escape from a dangerous situation, they meet a new character called “The Gamer” (Balfour), who immediately flirts with Phoebe. Of course Max was not gonna let that happen, so he started to make fun of him.
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This guy proceeds to demonstrate his powers (which turned out to be body controlling via a gamepad) and after a funny situation, Max and Phoebe decided to team-up with him.
I’m gonna be sincere with you guys, I didn’t like this new character, but trust me, it doesn’t mean I think it’s a bad character, no, not at all, it’s just my opinion. Somehow, he reminded me of Link.
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Once I cleared this up... Back in the Thundermans house, Billy and Nora try to replace Max and Phoebe as the protectors of Hiddenville, but there’s somehting I immediately noticed: they looked younger than they looked in the previous episodes, at least one year younger. I know this is because of the order they filmed the episodes, but at least they should’ve tried to delay this all they could. Again, just my opinion.
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As I was saying, Billy and Nora tell their parents what they were planning to do, but of course they underestimate them and decided to protect the city without them.
Back in the Z-Force facility, Max, Phoebe and the rest of the competitors are facing the second test, which consisted in a tough fight against each other. The twins were really close to lose but they’re saved by their new friend, The Gamer.
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Let’s make a pause here to talk about the fight. It was a pretty cool scene I know, but I personally believe that Max and Phoebe could’ve ended the battle a lot faster. They both have a very advanced telekinesis, I mean... they stopped a meteor in mid-air. I’m sure they could’ve thrown a telekinetic wave and push everyone out of the green circle.
It’s a competition guys, and if I was in a situation like that, I wouldn’t risk to lose just because I don’t want to win the easy way, but yeah, that would’ve been so boring xD
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Once the final competitors are selected based on the results of the test, we can see a funnny scene, where the writers showed us how they get rid of a non-important character xD Again, what is this hero-villain girl doing here?
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When Balfour tells the twins about his sad story, they decide to invite him to their house for dinner, but did you see Max’s reaction? I don’t think he’s very happy with him being so close to “his Phoebe”, but let’s pretend it’s just my imagination :)
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Back in the Thundermans house, Max and Phoebe arrived with their new friend, and they quickly get along together, but not before Hank insisted to tell one of his classic stories, and one of them reminded me of the episode “Who’s your mommy?” I think he mentioned the same villain back then.
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Max and Phoebe made it to the lair, and then there’s an incredible reveal;  Balfour is actually Dr. Colosso’s son. I don’t rememer who said here in Tumblr that Dr. Colosso would have a son in one of the last episodes, but by the time I was watching this scene I totally forgot about it, so it was a big surprise for me.
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After the dinner, Billy and Nora finally demonstrate their parents that they’re not the little kids they think they are, and are capable of being good heroes too. Oh I almost forgot, Bradford was there too xD
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Back in Metroburg, after the final test has began, Balfour reveals how mad he is at the Thundertwins for ruining his life, and he quickly shows his trully hate by betray them.
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But Max and Phoebe were smart enough and managed to defeat him in the last second, which only make him more angry, to the point of yelling he will get his revenge.
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Max and Phoebe are so happy for getting in the Z-Force, but the dream of spending so much time together immediately vanishes, when that annoying man says that they have to fight against each other in order to chose one of them.
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Did I mention that I hate this guy?
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Max and Phoebe talk about what they have to do. On one hand they don’t want to fight their “partner in crime”, but on the other hand they really want to get in the Z-Force, so they agreed to fight so one of them could fulfill their dream.
And this is another moment that should not happen in this episode. In a perfect world the twins would never fight to each other just to be part of an elite group of heroes, but I understand that there must be a confilct so... yeah.
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Far away from there, Balfour arrives at the Thundermans house and he immediatelty controls everyone with his powers, just to have fun and get his revenge, but he also turned his father back into a human, which is really cool because we haven’t seen him since the episode “Better Off Wed”.
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In the meantime, Max and Phoebe’s fight begins. Thanks to this annoying guy, we get to see the Thundertwins fighting against each other, and we finally see how skilled they are. It was a pretty cool fight where they had to use all of their powers to win the battle.
Personally, I’ve been waited a long time for a fight like this, but I didn’t want to see the twins fighting against each other like that.
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And yeah, in the heat of the battle, we could hear Max’s recurring joke about Phoebe’s pointy elbow one last time xD I still don’t know how they came up with this, but it’s cool they did.
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Once Phoebe takes control of the fight by telekinetically lifting Max in the air, everything seems to be coming to an end, but then something happens.
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Phoebe is having doubts with the idea of defeating her twin brother, and seems to lose her concentration.
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Suddenly Max uses this on his favor and quickly breaks free from her telekinesis, and then he throws Phoebe out of the battlefield, winning the battle in an epic way.
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But after seeing his beloved twin lying on the floor, finally defeated, he starts regretting for what he did. That’s when he realized that proving he was better than his sister all along, is not what he thought it would be.
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Just look at his face, he genuinely looks so worried about Phoebe, but it’s too late for him to go and see if she’s okay, because he’s practically dragged out of the place by all those people..
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After the though fight at the Z-Force, Phoebe returns to Hiddenville High and explains Cherry what happened exactly. She stated that her hand got hurt during the battle, but then we see that’s not true.
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All right, at this point I’m sure of one thing, Max did win the battle. Some of you may disagree with me, but that’s what I think. I know that Phoebe said she let him win because she didn’t want to take Max’s dream away from him, but all he did was seeing an opportunity to defeat her, and that’s what he did.
He was focused on the fight and she wasn’t. He didn’t put all those feelings in the battlefield and she did. So in my opinion, Max earned his place in the Z-Force legitly.
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Phoebe arrives at the house but she’s quickly controlled with one of Balfour’s micro-chips, and in a pure act of evil, he decides to put them all in a big cage, just like the one where Colosso used to live.
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Max is finally in the headquarters of the Z-Force, and at some point he finds out what Balfour has done, so he wants to save them, but when that annoying guy tells him to put aside his family, Max realized that the Z-Force is not as cool as he thought, so he leaves the headquarters to save his family.
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Once Balfour realized that Dr. Colosso seems to love Max more than him, he turns him into a rabbit again. Then Max arrives and tries to save his family, but he’s captured in the cage too. 
There was a time where Dr. Colosso disagrees with Balfour about Max’s fate, and that was very interesting because after all they’ve gone through, I knew Dr. Colosso would never hurt his best friend. He even prefered Max over his own son. That’s a friendship.
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The villain explains his cruel plans to all of them and that’s when the family knew it was over, they would never be the same after this, so they began to cry and say good bye to each other. Everyone starts holding hands but when Max and Phoebe do this, something happens. (Yeah, they hold hands!)
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Their hands start to glow and suddenly their twinpower is activated, which turned out to be some kind of electric wave that destroys the cage and the micro-chips at the same time.
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They quickly escape from the cage and defeat Balfour in just a few seconds, but when Barb explains what could’ve unlocked their hidden twinpower, Phoebe tries to convince them about never holding hands before. Yeah, right.
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As a punishment for his acts, Balfour is turned into a rabbit, just like his father, but you can clearly see (for waht he says to Max) that he’s still evil, even more evil than his father but... that’s how they solve the problem.
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If you ask me, I think they should’ve sent him to Metroburg Superjail. Dr. Colosso is just a guy who likes to annoy people, but he’s not really that bad. On both season 2 and season 3 finale, he demonstrated how important is Max for him, but Balfour is dangerous, and deserves to be in prision, not Juvenile Jail.
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And yeah, the twins share another look, just like old times. Please, just look at their faces and tell me that’s not love :)
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During the last scenes of the episode, Max and Phoebe hold their hands again, but it’s clear that they have to practice how to use their new power. (Yeah, they hold hands again!)
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Soon after, President Kickbutt arrives to explain that she fired this Commander guy, but re-hired him as her new assistant. Sometimes I love that woman xD
Evelyn proceeds to announce that Max and Phoebe are going to be the head of the Z-Force, but they’re not planning to work alone. 
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Some time later, the whole family is ready to save the day, but that’s not an excuse for Max and Phoebe not to look at each other, like they always do. (Please, look at them!)
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And right before running out of the house, Max forces me to change a big part of my fanfic Cornerstone, because he decided to rename the Z-Force to T-Force, and so other details too. Thanks Max, thanks.
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And then we finally see the last scene, of course it was all we’ve been hoping for. An awesome way to end with an awesome show.
Overall, I really liked the final episode. Yeah, there are some things I didn’t like but that doesn’t mean it was bad. Like I previously said, I didn’t like the main antagonist, I would’ve prefered to see a powered Dark Mayhem fighting the thundertwins again, but just the two of them in a more dangerous battle.
I’d like to say that this is my favorite episode but I would be lying, my favorite is still Thunder in Paradise, but that doesn’t take away how awesome this season was. I didn’t call it the “Thundercest season” for nothing.
Thank you so much if you read this far. I’d like to read some opinions here :) Eveyone can write a comment, come one... they’re free! xD
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