#and have fun with a sound board
ghost-pasta · 2 years
In regards to Sam's instruments around her room:
I keep thinking about Sam starting her own emo band tbh. Got this idea of her having this plan to do so for highschool, but then her newer buddy Danny. He uh, man he kinda. and then there were the ghosts and the secrets and the government and uh. I mean who has the time. Honestly.
Actually??? New au idea: Sam makes team Phantom into a (emo) band on the side.
Sam as lead singer (and guitarist? bassist?...violin???🤔).
Danny on drums. (source: he'd have fun)
Tucker on keyboard (and sound board??? Idk).
Jazz as the other guitarist (she owns a guitar!!!)
(only issue is Ember going: 👀✨)
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freshcut-chetney · 21 days
"The Bad Kids shouldn't have said X" "The Bad Kids were too bloodthirsty" why do people watch a ttrpg actual play if they're gonna get mad about a very obvious combat encounter that has been building up for an entire season? Who gives a fuck if TBK killed TRG, they're NPC's and the cast was obviously leaning into the bit because of the absolutely silly way K2 died in the previous episode, sometimes you say and do silly or fucked up shit while playing d&d with friends. This doesn't have to be a moral quandary some people want it to be.
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ebbpettier · 3 months
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(Inspired by I bought some deathwish coffee)
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oveliagirlhaditright · 6 months
Things that sillily make me happy: the fact that in the official Buffy chess set they released, Buffy and Angel are queen and king chess pieces.
And, I mean, it just makes sense that they would do this, of course. As it looks like this set was based on early season two, as Spike and Drusilla are the king and queen pieces for black.
But Buffy and Angel being king and queen pieces works so well, since they're paired together, of course. And equal to each other... and a battle couple. And more than anything, this is great because the queen's the most powerful piece on the board and Buffy's the most powerful character in the series, of course. And her being more powerful than Angel just tracks. Because she canonically is. And this makes me think of the many times where she saved him and he was the damsel.
#buffy the vampire slayer#bangel#i was looking at this set on ebay again. in thinking about christmas gifts for people#also i found out that there are three buffy board games. four if you you want to count that the unmatched buffy set that doesn't fully coun#but meh#i had thought there were three when i was browsing lately but now i know for sure. there's also an ats one. so if you want to count that#and not see angel as its own thing there are actually four#still bummed. though. that the ats expansion of the one buffy game got canceled on account of covid:( it sounded so cool#i'm also not counting the buffy chess set as a game: i'm meaning board games here. if you want to count the buffy chess set then#there's even more#basically (not counting the chess set) it looks like there was this one buffy game and then that game did a spinoff angel game#then after that (i think) there was a legendary version of buffy (legendary is a game series oc)#then after that there was a new buffy game that got an expansion set and then was going to have one more expansion set in the form of ats#but covid sadly ruined that plan:(#and then there's a game called 'unmatched' and there's a set you can get of that that adds buffy characters to the game. but the game itsel#isn't a buffy game#though don't quote me on this... (because i have not played the game) if you only have the buffy unmatched set perhaps it would just be a#buffy game. but it's not set out to be a buffy game or anything like that#i do know two people who have played the buffy unmatched set and really enjoyed it#me myself i've played the third buffy game i listed here (the one with one expansion and was supposed to have an angel one) and it was fun:
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bluberimufim · 4 months
The Caretos of Podence
Happy Carnaval!! Time for another cultural ramblie because I haven't done this in a while!!
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(I just think they're cool)
This was originally gonna be about multiple Carnaval traditions in Portugal, like my Halloween post, because I wanted to talk about a really beautiful festivity in my city but then I realized it was related to an entirely different holiday and I wasn't gonna scrap this idea (I'll do that one in August, I guess??). So I decided to make a post about the Caretos of Podence because I just really vibed with them.
disclaimer! None of this is from lived experience, just online research (although I tried to use sources directly related to it, specifically the Casa do Careto website). I am not from Trás-os-Montes at all and have little contact with this. Just like in my first cultural ramblie, this is just me trying to better connect with my own culture and sharing what I find with anyone who's interested. If you see any errors or want to add anything, feel free!! I'm always happy to learn!
Okay, but before we begin: what exactly is Carnaval?
You might have heard of Brazil's Carnaval. Portugal's is way less hardcore but still culturally important (although some brazillian-style Carnavais are celebrated here).
The actual day of Carnaval is the day before Ash Wednesday, but it usually lasts about a week or 3 days in more urban areas (Carnaval break is a real thing that schools have). The general objective is to have an all-out celebration before Lent starts because, after that, you're not supposed to celebrate until Easter rolls around.
The Caretos
The village of Podence is in the middle of Trás-os-Montes, somewhat between Mirandela and Miranda do Douro. It is mostly known for this celebration, which lasts for about a week.
The name "caretos" means something like "big faces" and comes from their very recognizable masks. They're made of either leather or metal and are meant to completely obscure the identity of the wearer. The costumes are made of rows of coloured wool and are usually made by the community. The red, yellow, and green pattern is not mandatory and it can have many different colours, but it's the most common since it's the colours of the flag. On top of the costume, they wear a lot of bells: smaller ones attached to the straps on their chest and 4 to 8 bigger cowbells tied around their waist.
During the celebration, the caretos dance through the town, accompanied by the jingling of their bells. Traditionally, the caretos were young men who chased after single women, but today anyone can wear the costume and chase after anyone they please. They also go around stealing any easily grabbable chorizos left hanging from smokehouses, and use wooden staffs to propel their jumps higher.
On the last day of Carnaval, the Entrudo (a giant figure of a man) is burnt to draw away the bad things of the old year and let in the next. Like this:
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This celebration has pagan roots, although none really know exactly where its origins lie. People seem to point to it being a pre-roman festivity, but we have few sources to go from. The most probable explanation is that it was a fertility ritual connected to the agricultural cycle, since this is generally the time in which farmers can start planting again after the winter.
I hope you enjoyed this little ramble. Because I very much did. Here's some more pictures:
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cape-wearing-enigma · 29 days
people love to declare a queer musician to be like. quintessential gay people music that’s absolutely life changing and so good and so important with incredible masterful lyricism and then you listen to the artist and their music sounds bad. sometimes the musician doesn’t even have to be queer!
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sisterdivinium · 7 months
In the off chance Tumblr dies for real, what if we got ourselves a WN message board like in the olden times?
Or maybe I'd just set up a Dreamwidth account (again) and talk to myself, idk. There's still so much to analyse about WN and there's no fun in doing it without sharing it.
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cryptictwaddle · 1 year
i want to try and make a pathologic inspired ttrpg to play through with my friends but the issues are i’ve never dmed anything in my life and i also don’t know how to properly make an entire ttrpg campaign completely from scratch
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gloryundimmed · 4 months
Sooo I’m alive!! I’m just surviving (or trying to?) all the deadlines that come with the senior capstone class + an honors project + an internship. I promise I’ll try to get to stuff as soon as I can, and for my mains I love u so much kiss kiss thank you for being patient !!
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dashiellqvverty · 4 months
ppl will be like "yeah im open to being poly in theory i just couldnt do it because dont want to go to ren faires and play bored games haha" well i actually DO want to do those things and still want nothing to do with the Stereotypical Poly Person so. riddle me that idk.
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hibernationsuit · 7 months
happy news btw! they managed to make a new board so I Am Finally Free From Suffering After New Year
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pagesofkenna · 9 months
anyone wanna bounce around ideas for an episodic campaign i could run
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quatregats · 1 year
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May I present for your consideration...Jack Aubrey but he’s the manager for mediocre non-league side Sophie FC
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void-kissed · 1 year
It makes me smile that everyone has said the same thing about me regarding that reblog game so far - namely, that I'm the sanest/least unhinged one that they know, or other words to a similar effect
I have officially been designated the Holder Of Sense(TM) and shall proceed to go mad with this power- wait, no
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un-pearable · 2 years
considering how long ninjago is by this point, i’m genuinely surprised there isn’t a ripoff of the supernatural-gif-for-every-situation gag yet
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sleepychaika · 2 years
do people uhh. hate on cavetown nowadays or what
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