#and comparing doctors to nazis
mx-paint · 11 months
Never get tired of blocking fascists but claiming that trans genocide is good because it stops gay genocide isn't the serve you think it is
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mariocki · 11 months
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Simon Templar meets his match in the shape of Roger Delgado, as Peruvian police chief Captain Rodriguez in The Saint: Locate and Destroy (5.12, ITC, 1966)
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cryptotheism · 8 months
Tell us about the wellness to fash pipeline tho
Here's a recent piece from the guardian on wellness communities and Qanon, so don't take my word for it.
"Wellness" is not just alternative medicine, it is essentially a theory of the body which posits if something makes you feel better, you are better in some meaningful way. I would argue it one of the most commonly held nonreligious magical beliefs in the modern world.
Wellness as a concept has its genesis in the 1950s with "workplace wellness" programs, a sort of budget alternative to offering employee healthcare benefits. This was an era soaked in itinerant business preachers offering classes on things like "hypnosis at a management level" and "yoga to improve leadership abilities". I am exaggerating for effect, but not by much.
The capitalist medical system regularly abandons people. We've all heard stories of profit driven pharmaceudical companies holding the ill hostage for extreme markup on life-saving medicines. People have real, legitimate, reasons to mistrust medical professionals.
Let's say you have chronic pain, and everything your doctor offers you is either ineffective, expensive, or addictive. You are desperate for literally any release, so you start looking into other solutions. You will find an OCEAN of snake-oil salesmen willing to sell you "the secrets doctors don't want you to know."
What is frustrating, is that pain is actually partially psychological. Some wellness techniques may have an actual, medical, benefit on some patients. The worst thing a conspiracy theorist can have is a point. So now you actually do kinda feel better, and you have a sense of loyalty to the grifter selling you 300$ Sumerian Cock Oil Pills. These people are the core of the wellness industry. They are the examples that everyone else points to and says "Well it worked for them!"
Reactionary thought blooms in environments like this. If the medical industry can't be trusted, what else can't be trusted? At any given time, you are two clicks away from "vaccines cause autism." Three clicks away from "Cavemen were 15 feet tall because they only ate meat." And four clicks away from "The medical industry is controlled by The Jews to drain our wallets and keep us sick." Echoes of Nazi attitudes towards German-Jewish doctors are a common backbeat.
Wellness itself is relatively harmless, (compared to the things it is adjacent to) but it acts as a sort of idealogical airport that exposes the curious to a deluge of potentially radicalizing communities. The longer you spend in communities like this, the higher the chance you'll come across something that meshes perfectly with your own biases.
If y'all wanna learn more about wellness and pseudomedicine grifters, I highly recommend the podcast Maintenance Phase.
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violet-lavender-fem · 1 month
Don't mind me just dropping receipts of JK Rowling engaging in holocaust denial~ Tee hee! :3
so i’m 1 minute and 16 seconds into the video and this man is saying that the fact jkr is expressing shock in the first tweet is due to the nazis burning books abt sex reassignment / gender
and not due to being basically called a nazi for being a feminist
let’s continue shall we
okay 5 minutes in and he still hasn’t proven that she was denying nazi book burning and not just ,, balking at being called a nazi, which is a serious fucking accusation
no sir (5:30) the “only good faith reading” of this tweet isn’t that she’s ignorant it’s that she’s taking offense to someone saying she follows nazi beliefs
(6:28) being opposed to the medical experimentation being performed on gnc people is not “being aligned with nazis” it’s called a nuanced issue that people come to separate conclusions on for different reasons. feminists are anti-porn bc we see it as rape on tape. conservatives hate porn bc they think women should never have sex. vaguely similar conclusions, completely different motivations and arguments.
(7:12) simply calling lgb alliance an “anti trans lobbying group” is a bit disingenuous lol
(7:59) y’all are abt to downplay eugenics and sexual inversion theory aren’t u
(8:35) yep
(8:52) still haven’t convinced me she said the book burning never happened
(9:45) a quick dig at the guy’s appearance, great, totally normal
(10:16) has this man never heard of paraphrasing as a way of making a statement more concise. jesus fucking christ
(10:30) ok the smallest possible acquiescence to paraphrasing as a concept
(12:00) yea he was definitely racist and a eugenicist :/ we’re not gonna dwell on that tho <3
(12:45) actually we’re actively going to downplay it <3 let’s just call him vaguely “problematic”
(13:32) or because he believed gay people were “born in the wrong body” — that lesbians were secretly part male (hence the searching for sperm), and the opposite for gay men
(14:09) so ur telling us what he ACTUALLY meant. like owowowoow it’s a dog whistle don’t listen i did all the thinking for u type shit
(14:51) is vaginoplasty not a form of sterilization. ur cutting the patient’s balls off aren’t u. so like. ? but i do concede to this one minor point.
(15:27) “yea he was a horrific torturing nazi. but like. not in the way u specifically said so this is all wrong.” so he was the guys coworker and he was a nazi doctor. just not this exact fucking way so it’s all moot??
(15:58) and now he’s directly comparing jkr to a real life nazi again. for making tweets he doesn’t like.
(16:40) STILL not convinced that she was referring to the book burnings as the fever dream
(17:17) THATS NOT SHIFTING THE GOALPOSTS THATS SOMEONE ELSE TRYING TO CONTINUE THE ARGUMENT AND FAILING BRUHHHHH sry someone pulled an argument out of their ass and jkr responded to that nonsense instead of the exact tweet u still seem to wanna talk abt. sorry conversations continue without u. someone ELSE shifted the goalposts FOR u.
quick timeline for ur benefit
> someone: ur basically a nazi
> jkr: what fever dream did u get that from
> someone else: yea trans ppl were literally the first victims of the nazis and every single piece of info on trans ppl was burned
> jkr: what
> someone ELSE: books on transsexuality were burned (something she didn’t deny, just put into historical context that y’all don’t like)
> jkr: are u not gonna mention the person that is doing actual holocaust revisionism here
> malcom: agreed?
(18:37) tweet didn’t say “this book burning was the first act against transsexuals” it said “trans ppl were the FIRST VICTIMS of the nazis” that’s u shifting the goalposts babygirl
(18:50) now ur claiming she said dora never died girl she wasn’t even brought UP in the CONVO
(19:21) but it is the view that this one specific person, whom jkr is specifically rebuking, holds
(19:47) girl this is what i’ve been saying this whole time. normal ppl don’t like when u call them nazis. they may even call ur logic a “fever dream.” weird huh
this is pissing me off fr how dare u call someone an actual nazi holocaust denier based on ur sickeningly bad-faith reading of their fucking TWEETS
(21:05) literally what ur doing right now
also can i point out that the reading of the tweets in such a pissy contemptuous tone of voice is of course going to make someone’s arguments sound stupid. half of ur “proof” here is her tone and what you think she’s saying, not her actual written words.
(21:31) nice actual nazi dog whistle
(21:33) i don’t trust eli erlick bc he is a rapist. he rapes fellow trans people. but carry on i guess.
(21:37) much of what ur referencing is compiled by someone who has raped trans people. great.
(21:50) transvestites are not the same as todays trans people. but carry on i guess.
this is wearing me out man
(24:47) yes absolutely visibly gender nonconforming people were persecuted and tortured and even murdered. a number of them likely experienced dysphoria and may have undergone surgery. does that mean all of those people would identify as transgender if they had that terminology? the citation continues to refer to these people as both transvestites and transgender, as if those are equivalent interchangeable terms. i don’t remember what source this is from. was this passage written by eli erlick, or by an actual holocaust historian?
(26:38) so now we’re actively equating the terms transvestite and transgender. this youtuber simply claimed that the two are the same without proof. i call presentism.
(28:47) gay men were referred to as homosexual. “Homosexuell” (“homosexual”) which is a direct synonym of gay. “transvestite” is not a direct synonym of transgender.
(29:16) miriam ezagui is an orthodox jew who describes her life and her jewishness. she has addressed the role of goblins in jkr’s works, saying that the history of them in folklore may be rooted in antisemitism, but jkr’s characters are goblins. not jews. she describes it better than i do idk find her account.
30 minutes in and we’re defining holocaust revisionism and denial. ok man
(31:32) is that a feminist or just a random dipshit on the internet
(31:43) is that a feminist or just a random dipshit on the internet
(31:46) is that a feminist or just a random dipshit on the internet
(32:27) yep
all done
not convinced. calling someone a holocaust denier is a serious accusation, and this entire video is all either actively choosing to believe she is saying something that she didn’t or taking offense at history being complicated and not fitting into your current worldview.
the nazis targeted jewish people, people of color, the romani, homosexual men, political dissidents, and people who were transvestites. likely more groups of people that i forgot to list. would some of those people identify as trans today? maybe. but you cannot decide that for them.
nazis committed disgusting atrocities at a scale that’s practically unimaginable. and to call a woman a nazi or a holocaust denier because of the way you read her tweets is sick.
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Kanye claimed he's autistic "Like rainman" and I have to explain why this is a Nazi dogwhistle that's being normalized with modern autistic media.
In Nazi Germany, there was Nazi doctor that sorted autistic people into two groups. The "high functioning" autistic people be labeled "Aspergers" and they were the "useful autistics" so they got to live. The "low functioning" autistic people got thrown into camps. The doctor's name was Asperger and it's a large reason why the modem autistic community doesn't like functioning labels. They have root in Nazi Germany and eugenics.
Why is Kanye comparing himself to rainman a Nazi dogwhistle? Because there's an alt-right pipeline in the autistic community rooted in Aspie supremacy (aspergers supremacy). And said pipeline has become more normalized in modern media with TV like Rick and Morty and The Good Doctor. Where the autistic representation are the "good autistics" or the "useful autistics" with savant syndrome.
You cannot have this idea of high vs low functioning autism without also acknowledging that this idea only exists because Nazis put those labels on people to eugenics the autistic community.
So yeah. "Kanye did Nazi shit" is a tired point to make in 2022, but I had to point out that his normalizing the idea of autistic people being a super genius is itself a Nazi dog whistle. And it's a dog whistle that's being increasingly normalized with autism in media unit being portrayed as super geniuses with savant syndrome.
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I'm just... WOW
Jay taunted the General into breaking his tooth.
"Pain? Pal, this is nothing compared to the last time I was captured. They hit me so hard my molars came out. You... You're a lightweight."
God, speedsters are so good at pissing people off on purpose. It's a skill and a talent and they use it well.
Jay got what he wanted from the interaction. The General lost his cool and knocked one of Jay's teeth out. Which he apparently wanted because his plan was to spit that tooth with the force and velocity of a gunshot.
Jay's molar pierced the Doctor's metal plated, armored vest and shattered the speedforce connector inside. He then used the Doctor's frozen body to escape his restraints.
Jay is going full Die Hard on an alien ship right now. Jay is Sigourney Weaver in Alien. When they took the 'old guy', I don't think they were prepared for the war vet who was a prisoner of war in World War II, regularly fought against Nazis and forged the way for modern superheroes as we know it. Jay is a friendly guy but you better hope to hell and back that you don't piss him off because he is an absolute beast when he's in war mode.
I'm so excited to watch this Grandfather tear some aliens apart.
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akajustmerry · 5 months
people in the tags of my dw article like, "wow. chibnall might be worse than moffat" for fucks sake get some perspective Chibnall tried to frame the Doctor being a Nazi as empowering!!!!!! like actually wrote the Doctor using literal bonafide Nazism against her FRIEND, sending a person of colour to Nazi death camps on PURPOSE and framing it as a triumphant moment. It does not compare even remotely to Moffat's boomer gen x Madonna/whore sexism. It's the difference between some shitty sexist subtext and actually having a white character use white supremacy for fun and explicitly signal to your viewers of colour that violently disposing of them is "heroic". Also, if youse actually cared to fucking read what I wrote or bothered to watch the show to see for yourself, Chibnall's writing was sexist too. The 13th Doctor constantly endured condescending gendered writing and even gendered violence within the show that Chibnall barely acknowledged, but consistently enacted. A lot of youse think hating Moffat is peak criticism, but actually caring about this show is recognising that the reason Moffat got away with driving this show into the ground is because sexism, and white supremacy are baked into this fucking show and ALL showrunners have enacted it. Yes, including Davies. I am on my knees begging for you guys to stop looking at media through the lens of auteur theory, and actually critique media on what it's representing as its presented. I'm so exhausted with people "bad appleising" media, like one person is the source of all that's wrong and if we get rid of them everything is fine. media is the product of people working within systems and media reflects those systems as much as the people. stop bad apple-ising because it makes you uncomfortable to admit something you care about is inherently bigoted.
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hero-israel · 5 months
I just want to say that I really appreciate your tumblr account! I have been utterly appalled by the antisemitism, especially in leftist spaces and how difficult it is to find any information on this conflict that isn't deeply polarized. I cannot even begin to fathom your anger and your frustration because I'm not Jewish. I don't have to constantly defend my existence!! But I'm absolutely horrified that some of my friends who call themselves staunch feminists refuse to believe testimonies of rape and sexual assault from October 7!! That some still call the atrocities Hamas committed "liberation" and that Hamas are just freedom fighters!! That they support the right of Palestinians to self-determination but refuse the same right to Israelis and completely ignore large parts of the shared history of this land. Don't get me wrong, I want the suffering in Gaza to end. I am heartbroken watching videos of parents weeping over their dead children, of doctors (I am a doctor myself) valiantly trying to SOMEHOW provide care to people without any of the tools and drugs we take for granted, of all the suffering and all the dead and all the destroyed places and hopes and dreams. And I am appalled by some of the language coming from right-wingers, how some people refuse to see the humanity of Gazans, comments comparing the people there to animals and Nazis and generalizing an entire population as terrorists. And I feel helpless in the face of so much hatred. But dehumanizing either side is definitely not the answer. I'm sorry for everything you are going through. And I am very grateful for the content and nuance you provide and educating us even though this is not your job and even in the face of all this antisemitism and hatred. And I'm so sorry this got so long!! I hope you have a good weekend.
Thank you so much. That sense of appalled tragedy, and careful devotion to not making the tragedy even worse on one's own by magnifying voices of racism and hate, is the proper response for everyone to feel. Maybe soon we will have a chance to feel something else. Maybe by then, some of those "activists" will have matured enough to start feeling the way the rest of us have for 2 months.... but I doubt it.
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fancywordology · 1 month
We exist because there are others to both perceive us and to compare and to contrast ourselves with
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Because others are able to perceive me, and because I’m able to perceive them, we exist. One’s identity does not exist in a vacuum. Only with comparison and contrasting against others, interactions with others, and through others’ perceptions of me am I able to recognize myself. We cannot create a true identity in a vacuum.
Not to mention, no matter how we identify what our true selves are on the inside, that doesn’t negate that we are often perceived by others in a different way.
Others’ perceptions are a part of us and a part of our identity. There exists different perceptions and different people that we perceive ourselves as and what others perceive us as. We are all fluid in our being in this way. No one is exempt from this.
To be extreme, Hitler saw himself as the savior of Germany and the only people who thought so too were other Nazis. Everyone else thought he’s the worst villain to ever exist, the furthest thing from the hero he probably identified himself as. Most would say he’s delusional to think so and not recognize that he was a villain to most others.
Others’ perceptions do matter when it comes to who we are in reality. It helps us to grow and be self-aware and recognize how we are by comparison.
For example, by comparing and contrasting others is how psychiatrists and doctors are able to determine the difference between a person having normal levels of trauma and a person having PTSD. Or it’s how one can know how usual or unusual one’s actions, behavior, or thoughts are. When a person recognizes their trauma may not have been as severe as they thought, it can give them a sense of grounding to realize that their situation may not be so bad after all and that they can continue on with happiness.
While we shouldn’t let it impede us in being ourselves, it’s still a reality nonetheless because we wouldn’t realize we existed if others weren’t there to perceive us in the first place.
We are an amalgamation of perceptions of ourselves and perceptions of others and how they perceive us.
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nobrashfestivity · 1 year
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Hans Van Meegeren 
Vermeer forgeries
In May 1945, Van Meegeren was arrested, charged with collaborating with the enemy and imprisoned. His name had been traced to the sale made during WW II of what was then believed to be an authentic painting Vermeer to Nazi Field-Marshal Hermann Goering. Shortly after, to general disbelief, Van Meegeren came up with a very original defense against the accusation of collaboration, then punishable by death. He claimed that the painting, The Woman Taken in Adultery, was not a Vermeer but rather a forgery by his own hand. Moreover, since he had traded the false Vermeer for 200 original Dutch paintings seized by Goering at the beginning of the war, Van Meegeren believed he was a national hero rather than a Nazi collaborator. He also claimed to have painted five other "Vermeers" as well as two "Pieter de Hoochs" all of which had surfaced on the art market since 1937.
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Van Meegeren painting Jesus Among the Doctors in 1945
Personally, I never understood why the art world was fooled by these. Van Meegeren is such a primitive painter when compared with Vermeer
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raspberry-gloaming · 3 months
I'm currently at a point where because I've got into Gallifrey, I follow or have at least browsed people's blogs who love other dweu stuff. And I thought it might be fun to say what I currently think and know about eu characters/companions so when I have in the future delved deeper into the eu I can look back and compare and laugh and see how much is accurate! There's gonna be a "read more" here because this gonna get Long.
Also please let me know what I've got right and not and also tell me more about these characters if you are fans of them!
Benny: starting off strong i know some stuff about her! she's an archeologist from the future (wonder if she ever met River) and she travelled with... one of the doctor(s)? Possibly Seven? She is besties with Brax and sometimes works for him and his collection. Probably must be able to put up with bullshit because of those last two points. Has a husband called Jason and at least one kid, which, iconic, female adventure and action protagonists should get to be mums more often its always the childfree so big up Benny for that. made a cameo at the end of Gallifrey IV.
Evelyn: I have heard her. A little. I basically skipped through the apocalypse element because I wanted to understand some of the reasons that Romana is the way she is in Gallifrey, but didn't listen properly because I got bored. Is an old lady, which is great - its great to see ages mixing it up a bit, instead of the 19-25 year old girl primary companions we consistently get in nu-who. Travelled with Six and is/was a professor at a university. Not sure for which subject though.
Fitz: Canonically bisexual and wears a leather jacket. I've seen A Lot of shipping him and Eight, and these shippers seem to have a similar vibe to Two/Jamie shippers. I don't know much else, except that his time with the doctor is probably fucked up because from what I have gleaned, Eight's companions Go Through It like big time.
Compassion: Faction Paradox which I believe is in an alternate universe (also the faction paradox timelines seem to have have a different vibe of names to the main universe ones, every time I'm on the "Individual Time Lords" category on the wiki and see a name that seems out of place it turns out to be a character from Faction Paradox.) Is a person (human i think?) but is also a TARDIS? Like you can go into her and travel? Where tf is the door this is very cursed. Also used as a breeding machine to make more TARDISes as well? By Romana? Idk but this seems pretty fucked up in an icky way. And fucked up in a non-icky way too. I'm just confused tbh. Not sure which doctor is involved in this one.
C'rizz - Possibly people can't say his name right? Is that him? Alien boy, travelled with Eight and Charley. That's about all I know.
Chris Cwej: I know even less about him, hes the other possibility for people mixing up his name or something. Think he travelled with Seven. Idk why but he gives me dick vibes.
Hex Schofield: Travelled with Ace and Seven. Is from 2021 or something and says "sus." Which yh that was a thing but he was made before among us existed that's a cool coincidence that it turned out like that.
Liv and Helen: They exist. That's it I know nothing more.
Molly O'Sullivan: Also exists. Travelled with eight?
Charley Pollard: Has a Nazi for a sister - Blind Eye my beloved. Calls herself Edwardian even though she's from the 1930s, idk if its like a character point or an accidental fuck up by the writers. Has a romance with the doctor in some form. And also a pretty messed up relationship with him i think. Actually just a pretty messed up time. Especially because I think she was in Scherzo which I hear Wild Blue Yonder was inspired by. So good luck girl you're gonna need it.
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By: Nickolaus Hines
Published: Oct 18, 2021
In 2016, the famous nun Mother Teresa was declared a saint by Pope Francis — but many people say she doesn't deserve it.
Ever since the Vatican made Mother Teresa a saint in 2016, the response has been controversial and polarizing.
In order for Mother Teresa to achieve sainthood, the Vatican had to recognize two miracles that the famous nun performed after her death. Pope John Paul II recognized the first miracle in 2003, just six years after she died in 1997. And Pope Francis recognized the second miracle in 2015.
The popes claimed that Mother Teresa performed miracles when she cured one woman and then one man of their respective tumors. However, these “miracles” have been disputed by some — especially since a doctor who worked on the woman’s case said that she had been treated with drugs.
But debates over Mother Teresa’s miracles didn’t dissuade the Vatican from moving forward with its plans. Pope Francis officially proclaimed Mother Teresa a saint on September 4, 2016. But the decision remains controversial, and the dispute over her miracles is just one small part of it.
Of course, Mother Teresa’s sainthood may seem well-deserved to some. After all, she cultivated a mostly sparkling reputation as a selfless humanitarian while she was alive. But in recent years, her image has lost its luster. And when you take a closer look at her story, it’s not hard to see why.
Inside Mother Teresa’s “Selfless” Intentions
Mother Teresa was intent on converting as many people to Catholicism as possible, even at the expense of the poor and sick.
No one builds a church purely for the love of God — especially in places like India where critical services, like hospitals, are lacking. Religious groups that erect churches in these areas do so not just out of the kindness of their hearts, but to increase the number of people who believe in their faith.
Like those missionaries, conversion — the Church’s key to survival — was Mother Teresa’s primary goal. And in the context of the Catholic Church, charity can be viewed as a self-interested act.
“It’s good to work for a cause with selfless intentions,” said Mohan Bhagwat, the head of a Hindu nationalist group. “But Mother Teresa’s work had ulterior motive, which was to convert the person who was being served to Christianity. In the name of service, religious conversions were made.”
And when The New York Times reviewed the British documentary Hell’s Angel, a film that highlighted some of Mother Teresa’s flaws, the paper concluded that she was “less interested in helping the poor than in using them as an indefatigable source of wretchedness on which to fuel the expansion of her fundamentalist Roman Catholic beliefs.”
Still, some argue that even if Mother Teresa had ulterior motives, at least the people she cared for were better off for it. But others who have actually visited and worked in her medical centers wholeheartedly disagree.
The Horrific Conditions At Mother Teresa’s Medical Centers And Missions
Though Mother Teresa’s medical centers were meant to heal people, her patients were often subjected to conditions that made them even sicker. In the same documentary, an Indian journalist compared Mother Teresa’s flagship location for “Missionaries of Charity” to photographs that he had seen of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in Nazi Germany.
“Workers washed needles under tap water and then reused them. Medicine and other vital items were stored for months on end, expiring and still applied sporadically to patients,” said Hemley Gonzalez, a noted humanitarian who briefly volunteered at Missionaries of Charity.
Gonzalez continued, “Volunteers with little or no training carried out dangerous work on patients with highly contagious cases of tuberculosis and other life-threatening illnesses. The individuals who operated the charity refused to accept and implement medical equipment and machinery that would have safely automated processes and saved lives.”
It wasn’t just volunteers who criticized Mother Teresa’s treatment of patients, either. In her hospice care centers, Mother Teresa practiced her belief that patients only needed to feel wanted and die at peace with God — not receive proper medical care — and medical experts went after her for it.
In 1994, the British medical journal The Lancet reported that medicine was scarce in her centers and that patients received nothing close to the treatment that they needed to relieve their pain.
Meanwhile, some doctors took to calling her missions “homes for the dying” since her Calcutta home for the sick had a mortality rate of more than 40 percent. But in her view, this wasn’t necessarily a bad thing.
In response to all the criticism, Mother Teresa allegedly said, “There is something beautiful in seeing the poor accept their lot, to suffer it like Christ’s Passion. The world gains much from their suffering.”
However, when it came to her own suffering, Mother Teresa apparently took a different stance. When she began experiencing severe heart problems, she received care in a modern American hospital.
The Questionable Company That Mother Teresa Kept Throughout Her Life
While neglecting the needs of the sick, Mother Teresa was also called out for rubbing elbows with several wealthy — and corrupt — world leaders.
This included Haitian dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier, who was eventually charged with crimes against humanity for his abuse of his fellow Haitians.
At one point, 60 Minutes released footage that showed Mother Teresa praising Duvalier’s wife Michele. In the footage, Mother Teresa said that she had “never seen the poor people being so familiar with their head of state as they were with her. It was a beautiful lesson for me.”
That wasn’t the only friendship that raised eyebrows. Mother Teresa also received $1.25 million from her friend Charles Keating.
Keating was one of the key figures behind the 1980s savings and loan crisis, brought about by housing market and loan speculation, which cost American taxpayers $124 billion. And while he was on trial, Mother Teresa wrote to the judge presiding over his case — seeking clemency for him.
“I do not know anything about Mr. Charles Keating’s work or his business or the matters you are dealing with,” she said. “I only know that he has always been kind and generous to God’s poor and always ready to help whenever there was a need. It is for this reason that I do not want to forget him now while he and his family are suffering.”
Though a co-prosecutor of Keating actually responded to Mother Teresa after his conviction — and pointed out that one of the people Keating stole from was a poor carpenter — he never got a response from her.
And that wasn’t the only issue related to Mother Teresa’s finances.
The Enduring Mystery Of Where Mother Teresa’s Money Went
Countless well-meaning Catholics gave money to Mother Teresa’s charitable organizations throughout the years, but many of them would never see their generous donations go toward good works.
Keating’s $1.25 million donation alone would seem large enough to lift all of those in her care out of poverty, but one volunteer said that “even when bread was over at the soup kitchens, none was bought unless donated.”
Once, after running up an $800 tab at a grocery store to feed people at her charity, Mother Teresa refused to get out of line until someone else paid.
A 1991 report in the German magazine Stern also estimated that only seven percent of the millions of dollars she received were used for charity.
But seven percent of what total figure, exactly? The world will never know. Nirmala Joshi, the leader of Missionaries of Charity who succeeded Mother Teresa, said the donations were “countless,” and there was only one person with the actual numbers. “God knows,” Joshi said. “He is our banker.”
One is left to wonder where all of that money was actually going — and what happened to it after Mother Teresa’s death.
Mother Teresa’s Views On Reproductive Rights
Though it’s not surprising that a Catholic nun would be against abortion, Mother Teresa still raised eyebrows when she discussed her stance while she was accepting the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.
In reference to Bosnian women who had been raped by Serbs and who were seeking abortions for their unwanted pregnancies, Mother Teresa said, “I feel the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a direct war, a direct killing — direct murder by the mother herself.”
She also rallied against birth control, claiming that “natural family planning” would solve the woes of women who were not ready for a child.
What Mother Teresa did promote in the realm of family planning — like abstinence — didn’t help anyone, either. And despite abstinence-only education being proven ineffective, she still stuck by her claims.
But even though she gained some critics for views like these, Mother Teresa was mostly successful at avoiding controversy while she was alive. However, a glimpse of her “dark side” would slip through the cracks every so often — especially when it came to her infamous homes for the sick. 
In hindsight, these issues are hard to ignore today. And it’s also difficult to understand why the Catholic Church decided to make Mother Teresa a saint. She may have been revered for helping the poor and the sick, but her practices ensured that they were mired in pain until their final moments.
Reminder: Mother Teresa was a sadistic fundamentalist.
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Camp Hero in Montauk Point, New York- a former military base abandoned in the 1980s, and the alleged site of sinister government experiments. Its buried sinister past was the inspiration for the show “Stranger Things.” 
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Today, Camp Hero is a New York State-run public park with nearly 800 acres of wild beaches, dense forests and wetlands. But dotted around the park you will find the ruins of its past life, that we’re going to look into, today.
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From its beginning, Camp Hero was built with deception in mind. It was the height of subterfuge, disguised as a fishing village to fool Nazi reconnaissance.
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Concrete military buildings were painted with fake wood sidings and false windows to resemble cottages.
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But Camp Hero would soon become overshadowed by whispers of something much more sinister: A series of highly top secret, government run experiments, known as the Montauk Project.
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US intelligence embarked on a fiercely aggressive program to track down as many Nazi scientists and technicians as possible. Codenamed Operation Paperclip, nearly 1,600 captured Nazi scientists were secretly relocated to the US, and put to work on a wide range of  projects. (A lot of them are smiling.)
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But, apparently the covert Operation Paperclip also included German scientists & doctors who worked on biological research and medical treatments, such as  the use of mescaline – a powerful psychedelic comparable to LSD. Their mission: To create a powerful new weapon that could control human minds.
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A sealed entrance to Camp Hero’s alleged underground facilities. It is claimed the subterranean floors were flooded with cement once the project was shut down in the early 1980s.
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Most of Camp Hero’s conspiracy theories center around the enormous 126 foot radar dish, that is perched on a windowless concrete monolith that towers over the other abandoned buildings in the park.
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The giant radar would give the United Sates a 30 minute warning should the unthinkable happen.
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Around New York City alone, there were 19 secret and heavily guarded Nike missile sites, part of what the US Army called a ‘Ring of Supersonic Steel.’ (An abandoned silo is pictured above.)
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Nike missile control room.
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But the giant radar dish had a peculiar side effect: It produced a signal as high as 425MHz, a frequency that routinely disrupted TVs and radios in the homes of  residents. It was also a frequency that was rumored to disrupt the human brain.
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According to the 1992 book, The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time, the facility had 12 levels under the radar station, where psychological warfare techniques using electromagnetic radiation on homeless people and runaway teenagers, known as ‘the Montauk Boys,’  ranged from mind control to psychic abilities and even time travel.
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One explorer said he discovered an underground tunnel at the end of which was a “heavy door, and it had a heavy wheel, like a bank vault.” Alongside other sealed entrances, he uncovered rooms decorated with highly psychedelic patterned wallpaper.
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Most intriguingly of all, he found records of vast quantities of food being ordered to Camp Hero in the late 1980s, at a cost of $80,000 a month, years after the US Military had decommissioned the base.
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Sceptics, however, should delve into the documents entered into the public record by a 1977 Congressional investigation into a CIA run project called MK- Ultra.
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Approved by CIA director Allan Dulles in 1953, Project MK-Ultra conducted hundreds of experiments under the title of “Research In Behavioral Modification.” Some of the participants in the experiments were volunteers. In one study, volunteers were given LSD for a consecutive 77 days. Other experiments in ‘mind control’ would use electro-shock therapy, hypnosis and radiation.
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Even more disturbing, the CIA would often drug US citizens and conduct experiments on them without their knowledge or consent. These experiments in mind control caused at least one death that we know about.
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The MK-Ultra project was swiftly shut down in the wake of the Watergate scandal, and CIA director Richard Helm ordered all files to be destroyed. The gruesome project might have never come to public light were if not for 20,000 documents that were discovered in a financial records building.
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When the deeds to Camp Hero were handed over from the gov’t to the New York State Dept of Parks and Recreation in 1984, they stipulated that New York State would own everything on the surface of the base (what is today the public park), but the gov’t retained ‘ownership of everything below the surface’ – indication of a larger facility lying hidden beneath…
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I saw a review literally comparing the Barbie movie to nazi propaganda and saying that "Goebbels would have thought this movie is too on the nose". The Barbie movie. Because it has women in leading roles.
ah yes -
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-where would we be without some making light of the atrocities of the NS-regime.
What boggles my mind (spoilers btw) is that the Barbie movie actually gives Ken a lot more sympathetic motives for acting the way he does than there are for misogyny in the Real World.
Ken actually comes from a gender-inversed world where 'the Kens' were side-lined and ignored (and I hate that I'm taking the character motivations of Ken from the Barbie movie seriously rn). The reason he's so excited about the patriarchy and immediately gets in over his head in that ideology is that he comes from a 'matriarchy' and seeing stuff like men as bankers, as CEOs, artists, businessmen, men as politicians, men as doctors (men riding horses..........) is something that is absolutely mind-blowing to him and it's actually understandable that he wants to have some of that.
The whole point is the deep personal impact it has on a child to grow up and learn about the world at large and learn the way power is constructed, that most politicians are men, that most famous historic figures are men etc etc etc. The reason why Ken is so excited about this is the same reason why Gloria and Sasha react the way they do to Barbie-land.
So it's deeply ironic that these people can see the 'evils' of Barbie land and sympathise with Ken and saying that the world that this movie has created is sexist and cruel - but cannot see how the world we live in is deeply sexist and cruel and alienating to girls and women.
Somehow, they manage to watch this movie and can go 'wow isn't it horrible that this world glorifies only having female leaders, only has women in roles of authority and influence, only has women as academics and doctors etc' - - - - but not realise the very obvious message (even with Greta Gerwig literally spelling out that it is a film about the experience of growing up as a girl) that...this very traumatising realisation of society is something that every girl has experienced since the beginning of time which makes them question their own intelligence and strength and value as a person.
I guess the part that they're not understanding is that Barbie-land isn't supposed to be good and ideal (which is also something that the movie spells out by saying that the Kens are just as well-established in Barbie-land as women are in the Real World and since the Real World isn't ideal, neither is Barbie-land) but seriously, it's mind-boggling how they can sympathise with Ken as a victim, but not understand the point it makes about what it means to grow up as a woman.
Anyway. It's the Barbie-movie and they're paying tickets just to get mad lmao
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The deputy leader of the B.C. Green Party has been fired after liking a social media post that compared provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry to Nazi war criminal and doctor Josef Mengele, who performed heinous experiments on Auschwitz concentration camp victims during the Second World War. Dr. Sanjiv Gandhi also resigned as the Green candidate in the Vancouver-Renfrew riding for the 2024 provincial election. On social media, Gandhi explained that he "inadvertently" liked the post in question, which was written by a person he doesn't follow on X, formerly known as Twitter.
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Some thoughts on anti-choice rhetoric, and Jewish motherhood during the Holocaust
One reason I get so viscerally angry about how anti-choice predominantly right-wing Christian groups compare abortion to the Holocaust is because... [majority of this post beneath cut; contains disturbing information about gendered violence in the camps and ghettos, including info about very violent deaths, and medical experimentation + further content which may be deeply triggering for those struggling with fertility issues]
during the Holocaust, Jewish women aborted pregnancies at a massive rate. Many killed their newborn children as soon as they were born, and more more begged ghetto nurses to mercy-kill their children when there was still morphine at hand. Many more Jewish doctors in the ghettos and camps would perform abortions, or immediately kill any live-born baby to save it from certain death without consulting the mother. 
These would-be mothers--typically very young, and often newly married--did not want to end these pregnancies, and or mercy kill their children. It was a horrific, heart-wrenching choice for them. They did it to protect their children from the hell of being a Jew during that period; to spare them death in the camps; and because the sounds of a small children could doom an entire group of hidden Jews. 
Survivor testimonies from these women show that they never recovered from the trauma of having to snuff out these lives, potential and otherwise. And that’s not even to speak of trauma caused by live births and abortions carried out in secret without anesthesia or properly sanitized environments. Some couldn’t emotionally connect with the children they gave birth to after the Holocaust--if indeed they were still able to give birth. Zivia Lubetkin became pregnant in 1944, and chose to abort the pregnancy because she couldn’t bear the thought of bringing innocent life into the horrific world she inhabited.
Jewish women were specifically singled out by the Nazis because they were the vessels through which Jewish life continued, and they were sent to the gas chambers in greater numbers for this reason: because they could give birth, and because they refused to leave their children. [Another reason Jewish women were killed in greater numbers because younger women who could have fled chose not to leave their elderly parents, and so died.]
In the death and/or concentration camps, access to abortion could mean the difference between potential survival and certain death; the minute the camp guards found out that a Jewish woman was pregnant, she was dead--some were even thrown alive into the crematoria. 
And some Jewish women were forced to undergo abortions at the hands of Nazi “doctors” over the course of the various experiments related to fertility and sterilization they conducted on Jewish women in the camps. And these experiments, needless to say, were not carried out with anesthesia, or any concern for the “subject’s” comfort--some of the more difficult material I’ve worked with discussed that this medical....stuff was a source of sadistic sexualized pleasure for the Nazi “doctors.”
Abortions, forced and otherwise--and the general topic of dead babies--are inextricably tied to gendered violence, suffering, pain, and trauma (not to mention intergenerational trauma) during the Holocaust, and for contemporary “religious*” groups to compare the potential lives of aborted fetuses to the Holocaust is just, beyond disgusting. So many women made impossible choices about the lives of their living or would-be children, under circumstances that these “Christians*” could never possibly begin to imagine. We don’t know how many additional Jewish lives were lost during the Holocaust because of these tragic factors which led to abortion and infanticide during the Holocaust It’s offensive. It’s insulting. It’s painful. It’s rage-inducing. I could go on.
And for the record, I am pro-choice in all situations--some of the language I used may have made it seem otherwise. Moreover, I refer to abortions as “lives snuffed out” not because I believe that abortion is/was murder, but because these would-have-been-mothers deeply wanted these children, and only terminated their pregnancies under the above circumstances. 
*Scare quotes because I’ve read the New Testament, and a lot of what those people do bears very little relation to what Jesus had to say about shit.
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