#and because such acts had always been my 1 favorite way to travel. :) I also had a really great bus ride in june. We went back into the te
sbnkalny · 1 year
My favorite way to eat white bread is this. 1, Toast it after spread honey on it. 2, Spread butter on the honey-toast. 3, Spread honey on the buttered honey-toast, again. 4, Toast it again. The final one should be a toast soaked in the honey you've spread on it first.
If it goes well, the toast will be soaked in honey & fluffy the upper inside, & crunchy on the bottom. Also you sprinkle little Chinese pepper/Sichuan pepper (not black pepper) on it, will make it really sweet & hot. This is fuck!
The amount of honey is less than you'd think. :]
Yeah, this is f( ´・ᴗ・)k
I love trains too! they've always been my #1 favorite way to travel. :) i loooooove hummus!. 1, 25, 24, 8, 20, 7. That’s right, we put peanut butter on the corn. Hello my Honey. On fallout 4, do I keep Dogmeat or do You mean seals and Sea lions when they want. It's your first.. Can I get a crunchy mixed meme on half?. I look at it is, friends! the ugly truth! we are the most shady, like the shadiest bot I had some really sweet asks a while back but I still have. Fits And spurts! demand spurts that fit! demand fits that spurt! fuck fuck fuck!. How to take bake an ask is less than half an Hour.. :]. Yeah, yeah..
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kimhargreeves · 9 months
Saved Again-Sanji x Fem Reader (One Piece Netflix)
Summary: You've been Luffy's friend for years. Being the first member to join Luffy's crew, together they are off to become pirates,.later on a certain chef has his eyes on you. And a fond memory of you and a boy after a shipwreck comes to mind when arriving at the Baratie.
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(A/N: I'm so excited for the One Piece live action do I decided to write this!! I'll start on a Part 2 once the series is released. I absolutely love Sanji and he's my favorite of the Straw Hats. I relate to him a lot too since I was training to become a chef as well…anyways the one shot might be slightly changed once I watch the series.)
(A/N: Oh and also the reader is often confused as a boy but Nami and Sanji know she's a girl.)
"That's why I'm gonna be king of the pirates!!" Luffy exclaimed enthusiastically, even though we were in the middle of nowhere.
I turned around and frowned looking at him being too cheery and loud as usual. "Can you be any louder?' I glare before pulling my head out of the small boat we were in and I continued to throw up out into the ocean.
I heard a hum coming from Luffy and saw him tilting his head a bit. "Are you sure you're okay?"
This is the downside of wanting to become a pirate and sail across the Grand Line. Well, not many people get sea sick and start to pour their guts out.
I wipe the sweat off my forehead and sighed. "If only Coby didn't accept in becoming a Marine. He would've maybe given me some of the medicine he was carrying."
"He did offer some yet you said you'd be alright without it." Luffy reminds me making me groan.
"Don't make me throw up on you." I warn.
"Will you two shut up already?" I glared and looked back at the green haired man who I forgot had joined us.
"Huh? Why don't you make me, Zoro? Our friend here might be dying." Luffy said patting my back a bit too rough.
Zoro looked at us with a bored expression on his face and went back to closing his eyes. "You guys are insufferable, would've been nicer if I was still tied up."
I point and glared at him. "You should be thankful that we saved your ass."
"Luffy was the one who did. You're too weak to save anyone anyway, kid."
"I'm not a kid! I'm older than you think believe it or not!!" I shout getting defensive and forgetting that I had be throwing up.
"Then why are you acting like a kid?!"
"Guys will you stop arguing for once?" Luffy said stepping between us and calming Zoro as well when we saw an island up ahead.
Idiots are they really dumb and don't know I am secretly a girl. The reason why I like to crossdress if for fun, but mostly because I've seen the way pirates who are men are more respected.
I once had cut my hair short but decided to let it grow and use a wig instead, besides being in disguise had helped me with stealing from people.
Luffy with his devil fruit power stretched all the way until his feet hit the sand and he looked around in enthusiasm.
"Wow this island seems so cool! But why is it so quiet?!" He asked loudly.
"Maybe this is an island inhabited with ghosts." I muttered and heard Zoro scoff and began to grab his swords when the boat hit the sand below us.
Zoro jumped off of the boat and began to follow Luffy. "Hey, (Y/N). Are you coming or staying?"
I raised my head and tilted my head looking at Luffy. "You guys can go on ahead. I'll catch up with you."
He nodded and I saw both guys beginning to walk further into the island. Slowly I got up on my feet and jumped out of the boat as well. I was deep in my thoughts imagining what it will be like to travel across the world and get to know other famous pirates.
Luffy's dream has always been to become king of the pirates and his number 1 person he's always looked up to was Shanks, maybe Gold D. Roger in second place.
As for me..I really don't have a dream. I've just been following Luffy around. I don't have a family. Shanks was the one who raised me along with Luffy, I came along later in the picture and don't have any memories of my past, only a few glimpses here and there but maybe it's just me reliving someone else's dream.
"So he's also a devil fruit user?"
I stopped walking and ran to hide behind a building and I looked over and saw a group of pirates, my eyes were set on the one between all of them. Buggy the clown. I've seen his Wanted poster.. wait!
My eyes widened and then I glared when I spotted Luffy in a cage. Are you serious?! He got caught..huh? I looked and saw someone else with them too, a red headed girl.
Where is Zoro anyways?
I frowned even more when I saw he and Luffy were caught. God damn it. It's up to me now, now all I gotta do is find out if this girl is an enemy of ally.
I got out of my hiding place and prepared to face the gang of pirate clowns…
"Hang on!!"
Someone shouted and tried to reach for my hands but I was pulled away by the harsh tides of the sea. My eyes and lungs began to sting, I felt like it was the end for me. Just a few minutes ago I was with my family, are they dead? Will I die as well and meet them again?
I couldn't swim so I felt myself sinking lower into the dark cold sea. I wanted to cry but couldn't and right when I was ready accept my death I felt someone grab onto me and I was being pulled up again.
I gasped along with the person who had saved me. A man about the same age as my dad saved me, I continued to gasp and began to cough up the salty water I had in my lungs.
The sky was dark with clouds covering the sky, it was heavily raining with thunder.
"Don't die just yet kid! Hold onto this." The man exclaimed.
The man could swim with ease and he had placed me on top of a wooden piece of what I assumed was part of the ship that had exploded. I looked to my right and saw a boy my age, with blonde hair and green eyes, his eyes seemed scared as well.
Are we the only survivors?
My answer was clear the more we got away from the shipwreck and landed on an island. The man easily picked us up and placed us on his shoulder, but the more he continued to walk the more I felt he was struggling, it wasn't until we made it inside a cave that I realized he lost his leg.
I was about to comment on it but didn't when the man seemed angry at something. The boy and I exchanged looks and didn't say a word, we only saw the man lighting up a small fire place as we continued to hear thunder and lightning.
I don't know who this man is, this boy surely isn't his son…mom..dad…my eyes began to sting and I began to cry out loudly with tears running down my face along with a runny nose.
The man didn't say anything and the little boy seemed to stiffen and I saw a few tears forming in his eyes as well and he began to silently cry…
By the next morning the man, the pirate who saved us said he wanted to be alone so he left the boy and I a large bag of food. "We refuse to eat this because you're a pirate and pirates are bad people!!" The boy had shouted earlier.
The man said almost nothing and left me alone with the boy. The boy and I looked at each other and we both didn't say a word about the man.
"Umm do you think we can make a boat somehow and leave the island?" I quietly asked nervous and shy to ask this stranger for help.
"Does it look like we have a way out of this island?! The boy shouted glaring at me. "What would a girl know about sailing anyways?"
I began to cry again and I did the first thing that came to my mind, and I had punched him. "All I want is to see my parents again!"
The boy seemed surprised by my action and began to hold onto his swollen cheek. "H-hey don't cry. You're gonna make me cry again!"
It was too late. He was crying again….
It had been many days until the three of us were rescued. An odd boat with some friendly men were the one who saved us, the man who rescued the boys and us took the boy in as his own in a way, and he was about to send me off to live a normal life with someone who was willing to raise me.
The man somehow got a nice dress for me to wear, as a last send-off he had done a dessert for me. A strawberry cake I came to love at first bite.
He along with the men on the ship all were outside ready to say their goodbyes to me. I even saw a man or two begin to cry.
"I always wanted a small girl."
"You can't even feed yourself properly how are you supposed to raise a kid." I heard one of them say to another.
"You ready, kid?" I heard the man ask making me turn to look at him. I shook my head and the man sighed and patted my head once. "You'll soon understand why I'm sending you off. You'll have a proper life."
My eyes wandered over to the man and over to the small boy I was saved with. The boy stiffened when I looked at him, and I saw his pale cheeks turn to a pink color.
"I-I…" I didn't know exactly what to say, that's until he spoke up.
"I d-do hope you enjoyed the cake I made with help! Next time if we meet again I'll bake you a whole lot more..also…if we meet again I'll make you my wife!!" He exclaimed.
The men behind the boy groaned and one of them lightly hit his head. "That's no way of a send-off!"
I shyly smiled at all of them and the boy….
"Usopp!! Nami!! Are we there yet?!"
"How many times do we have to say, no!!"
I squinted my eyes when I opened them. "That was a strange dream." I muttered to myself and glared at the three who woke me up.
Few days have gone by since he fought Buggy and his crew along with a few more pirates. Usopp was the new crew member. He's a bit odd and a scaredy cat but he means well. If it wasn't for him. Luffy wouldn't have his new and proper ship, officially presenting himself as a pirate.
The sailing ship was huge and fitted with us do well. Luffy named it the Going Merry. A fitting name for a ship.
I looked to my left and saw Zoro fast asleep, I felt envious that he could sleep through this much talking and noise. I made sure my wig was still in place and I got up to join Nami up front. At least it's nice to have another girl around.
"So…you don't have trouble with sharing a room filled with guys?" I asked and saw Nami giving me an odd bur serious look.
"No?" She squinted her eyes looking at me and looked back at the tides.
Weird…It's a shame I can't talk about girl things with her.
Luffy said he was searching for the last member to our team. Luffy is Captain, we have a navigator..well kinda that being Nami, the main fighter being Zoro, Usopp as the sniper and I fix anything on the ship
Since none of us are cooks. Luffy suggested on finding a chef. I offered to be the one to fill everyone's stomach, but everything I cook always ends up burnt.
The rest of us began to get things done on the ship until a fight began with another ship and the Going Merry crashed into a ship. My mouth fell open when we crashed and accidently directed a cannon ball into the ship that wasn't even attacking us.
"Crap…Luffy!" I shouted and saw him smiling shamefully.
All of us walked closer to the deck and saw the great damage the other ship received. "We better head in there and talk to the person in charge. And you are going to apologize." I said grabbing onto Luffy's straw hat and he quickly grabbed it back and placed it on his head.
He said nothing and began to follow us. We got onto the other ship and read the ships name, The Baratie.
I looked around and this seemed familiar. "You okay?" Nami stopped and asked glancing back at me.
"Yeah.. everything's fine." I said still looking around and ran over to her side and began to follow the rest of the crew.
We all entered the ship and wow was it beautiful and extremely fancy. "Wow..this is something else. It doesn't feel like we're in the middle of the sea." I said in awe and stared around.
Everything looked so expensive. I saw people around sharing their meals and couples smiling at each other and drinking fancy wine. Not to mention the smell, I wonder how the food must taste!
I was practically drooling when I saw a huge meal in a table. Nami had grabbed the back of my clothes and dragged me away from a couple who was staring at me weirded out.
"Get a hold of yourself, (Y/N)." Nami muttered and went to sit down on an empty table.
I nodded at myself then went back to checking the place out. This seems so familiar…I started to walk around and peeked over and saw many chefs cooking the meals and they seemed to make it so easy.
"I have an order for a large plate of seafood rice, potato pallie and medium sized bowl of sea pork soup. I need it done in less than 10 minutes!" My mouth began to water even more.
"All have it done in 5." Someone said on the other side with a British accent.
"(Y/N)!" Someone hissed my name and I quickly went over to sit next to Nami and Zoro. Luffy came in as well while we sat down and patiently waited to talk to someone.
I had excused myself after waiting for a bit and went to the bathroom. When I returned I saw Nami still sitting down and she raised an eyebrow looking not pleased when a man began walking towards her.
I felt my heart race when I saw a tall figure standing just a few inches away from her. A handsome man with blonde hair with one of his eyes being a bit hidden by it. He was wearing a dark suit with a blue and white striped shirt under it with a black tie and matching dress pants.
"Would the lady like something sweet?" I saw a smirk spread across his face and Nami just stared at him and rolled her eyes.
Who is he?? And does he know Nami? The man was clearly flirting with her.
"You gotta be joking." I heard Nami ssy. She then turned to look at me.
I didn't know what to do or say. I simply stared at her confused then looked to see the man look at me, he glanced for a second then once again and was now looking directly at me. He immediately walked away from Nami and began to walk towards me.
I began to take a few steps back and I gasped when he took hold of my hand with both of his hands and saw him get down on one knee.
"You are the most gorgeous being I've laid my eyes on. A sight no other I've come across in the Grand Line.."
Thank goodness Nami couldn't listen but it was quiet clear to anyone that this man was flirting with me.
"Y-You've got it all wrong!" I said trying to pull back and felt my cheeks turning red. I can't let anyone know at the moment that I was crossdressing as a guy!!
"I'm never wrong. My eyes never fail when I see a beautiful lady as yourself."
If I weren't in this situation I would be falling on my knees. He's so cute and handsome! My lips began to quiver and I felt my entire body freeze. I've never met a man who shameless at flirting with a stranger.
The man rose up to his feet now towering me and smiling down at me. "I-I…"
He smiled and Introduced himself. "My name is Sanji."
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I plan to make many posts about Bridgerton season 3 but I have to say first that I will be a Colin defender until the end of time. I’ve seen a lot of hate for him because he didn’t “beg” or “grovel” and people know nothing about him or his motivations.
I’m sorry. Are we watching the same show?! They have been building his character from season 1. Part of his development is he hasn’t even figured himself out fully yet. In season 1 he was thrown all over the place. He went off and traveled to find himself. And he always thought he had to be the typical man in society. And he’s now figured out that’s not him. He’s still finding a purpose for his life. He’s been a lost little puppy and the first four episodes is him finding some clarity while also being tortured in the process.
Now onto his comments at the end of season 2. I fully believe the writers have tried to explain this as him being a people pleaser and telling people what they expect to hear. Is it right? No. Do I believe he’d intentionally hurt Penelope? No. Was he genuine with her about his explanation and apology? Yes. He is his true self around Penelope and only around Penelope. That is when he is most genuine. His apology to her felt almost like a love confession as he expressed his favorite qualities about her.
People are hating that she just accepted his apology and everything was good. Wouldn’t you have? She’s loved the man for years and she’s told herself she’s over him and convinced herself he’d never reciprocate her love so why not accept his apology and have him as a friend again in her life especially since she’s lost Eloise?
As for the begging and groveling in a way he did. He chased after her in a carriage and begged to come in. And once he was in and asked her “what if I do have feelings for you?” the man was ON HIS KNEES. Thats what all the haters expected in the first place. I was extremely happy to see it. The way the whole story has played out so far I think is a great departure from the book. I love that he realized he loved her earlier on than he did in the book. And King Luke Newton acted it so brilliantly. There’s not a ton of dialogue but the nonverbals are amazing. I could tell the moment he realized his life was changing. I could tell the moment he knew he was going to ask her to be his wife.
The only thing I hated was the brothels. Could’ve completely known he was trying to be something he wasn’t without having to see that. I’m sick of the rake storylines. Every romantic male lead thus far has had scenes like this and while it was common in those times I’m sick of that same storyline.
Anyway more thoughts to come from me but I had to get my love and defense for Colin out there.
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vemaro · 5 months
under these circumstances
[PART 1]
Link to PART 2!
Summary : Astarion got roped in by the tieflings to come and see their former leader. And by roped in, Karlach literally dragged him up from the Underdark. Against his will. It’s not that he doesn’t want to see Tav. Of course he wants to see her. He wishes she never left his sight. Astarion just has absolutely no desire to see the woman he’s madly in love with living a lavish life with someone else.
Pairing: Astarion x Tav (female Tav) // also minor Karlach x Dammon
Word Count: ~ 1120
Notes: I was going to write out a whole spiel to give context, but I’m suddenly feeling lazy. Fair warning, this is a super elaborate, highly specific AU I came up with a week ago. It’s been a brainworm (hah) in my head ever since. It’s canon-divergent, at least when it pertains to the romance with Astarion. But also Karlach’s heart. They pull a deus ex machina and she doesn’t have to stay in Avernus because reasons. Tav needs their Mama K.
My Tav’s name is Robyn, but I switched it to Tav when posting. I don’t go too much into detail about appearance so feel free to imagine your own character in her place. Though, I mention she a druid a few times, and she has heterochromia. Apologies if this is makes absolutely no sense. I haven’t written anything in a long time. And this is my first time posting here. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. I’m dying to talk to someone about this.
Also, I do have a second part I plan to post in the next couple of days.
Enjoy (:
Tav starts backing out of the room. “Wait right here. I’ll fetch Callum. He’ll be thrilled to see you.”
As soon as her back is turned, she sighs. Thank the gods that Terrick has gone on another of his business trips. While her husband and old travel companions are civil (mostly), there is a stifling tension in the air whenever a friend pops in and Terrick is home. On one hand, Tav’s the same person she’s always been; the optimistic, fun loving druid who became the defacto leader of their merry band of misfits. Now though, she’s part of the highly respected Solariz clan, a noble family who holds a large influence within Baldur’s Gate. And a Solariz must act as such. She must mind her manners, dress in a way that befits her status, and worst of all, not go gallivanting up and down the Sword Coast looking for adventure. At least whenever Terrick isn’t around, she can let loose a little. Thankfully, her husband isn’t around too often.
Instead of walking straight through her son’s open bedroom door, Tav stops just outside and leans on the wall. She’s fighting back laughter because her day’s been made, but her son's month is about to get better. Tav loudly clears her throat and holds her hand up to project. “Oh, Callum,” she says in a sing-song voice. “Guess who’s here to see you.”
There’s a gasp from inside the room, followed by a thump, then followed by the sound of socked feet racing towards the door. The little boy spots his mother hiding behind the wall immediately and starts hopping up and down. “Who, Mama? Who’s here?”
She uses her mismatched eyes to point down the hallway. “Go look in the kitchen. They’re waiting for you.”
“Okay!” And he’s off.
Tav lets out a soft laugh. She loves that boy more than she’s loved anyone before, blood relations be damned. Finding him was the single greatest adventure of her life and she’s never, not once regretted taking him in, especially with moments like this, when he’s so happy. When they’re both so happy. Tav had no idea a part of her found family was missing until coming across Callum.
Speaking of found family …
When Tav reenters the kitchen, her red tiefling companion is kneeling down with her arms thrown out, sporting the biggest grin from pointy ear to pointy ear. “There’s my favorite little soldier!” Callum races towards her, throwing open his own arms as he jumps. Karlach pretends to almost fall over when she catches him. “Oh my gods, kiddo. Have you gotten bigger since I last saw you?”
Callum buries his face in her neck, soaking up as much of the barbarian's warmth as he can. “I missed you!” he exclaims into her shirt collar.
Karlach swings side to side, squeezing him tighter (but not too tight). “I missed you too, Callum. Been taking care of your mum, yeah?”
He pulls away and nods vehemently, making his blue curls bounce with the movement. “Yeah! I protect Mama from the scary monsters!”
Karlach ruffles his hair. “Good job, Callum.”
The second visitor slides in behind his partner. “On the subject of protection, I’ve got a little something for you.”
“Hi, Dammon! I missed you!”
Dammon, too, ruffles Callum’s blue locks. “Missed you too, kid.” The blacksmith reaches into his satchel and pulls out something wrapped in a cloth. Callum automatically leans forward out of curiosity, letting go of Karlach altogether. “Maybe you could use this to fend off those scary monsters.”
“What is it?” he asks.
Dammon removes the the cloth and crouches down to the Callum’s level. “Why, a sword, of course.” Karlach and Tav give a chorus of oohs and ahs. “The perfect weapon for a warrior of your esteemed caliber.”
Callum flaps his hands, jumping up and down, excitement radiating off him in waves. “A real sword?” he shouts. “For me?”
“If your mum will allow it.”
Callum whirls around, clasping his hands close to his cheek and brown eyes wide, a lethal combination meant to weaken the heart of their target. “Mama! Can I? Can I have the sword? Please?”
It doesn’t take a trained eye to know the weapon is fake. It’s made of wood and the blade is painted silver. The hilt’s adorned with dyed twine and a few faux gems for embellishment. To a small child, this is as real as it gets. Tav walks over and cards her fingers through his already messy hair, a scrutinizing pout adorning her face. “I don’t know,” she sighs. “Swords are very dangerous.”
Four year olds are not above begging. “Please, Mama! Puh-lease! ”
It’s fake, of course she’s planning to let him keep the gift. Tav still acts as if she’s thinking it over. “I suppose,” she says, dragging out the words. “As long as you say thank you to Dammon for making it.”
Callum whoops. “Yay!” Then he faces the tieflings again. “Thank you, Dammon!”
Dammon looks up to Tav and winks. She winks back. The hyperactive child quickly recaptures their attention by bouncing yet again. “Alright then.” Dammon then gets down on one knee and bows his head while holding out the wooden sword. “It was my deepest honor and pleasure, Sir Callum.”
Oh, Callum is eating this up. The newly minted knight looks back at his mother one more time, making sure he still has permission. A quick, encouraging nod from Tav lets him know he’s good to go. Callum gingerly reaches for the sword and takes it into his hands. “Wow …” he whispers.
“What do you think of the sword, soldier?” Karlach asks.
Words cannot properly express what Callum is thinking. He’s barely four years old after all. So Callum takes the sword by the hilt and holds it high above his head, shouting, “I have a sword!”
“Yes, you do,” Dammon agrees.
Karlach jumps back into her feet. “Hey! Let’s say you and I have a spar in the courtyard later, yeah?”
“Yeah!” With that, Callum starts showing off his swordsman skills, slashing and jabbing in a way only a child could. He even provides the sound effects. Tab, Karlach, and Dammon laugh along at his antics.
A scoff from the third and final visitor has everyone looking in his direction. “Wyll had better watch out,” croons a familiar voice. Tav digs her finger nails into her palms. “Our little bird here may be coming for his title as the Blade of Frontiers.”
If they thought the boy was excited at the previous company, they are immediately proven wrong. Callum’s smile shines so big and so bright, the sun may turn green with envy. It’s almost too bright for the pale elf. “Asty!” he cries.
“Hello, dear.”
Thanks for reading!!!
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thevoidscreams · 6 months
Sweet red wine
Chapter 1 Things get steamy as you help your favorite astartes experience more things. No smut yet but there's plenty of need. and kissing.
Pairing: my Blood Angel oc Cornelius X Reader
Another day, another list of chores to do. No matter how much you wanted to stay in bed. But that was life, especially if you were a serf to the Legiones Astartes. And here on the Sword of Baal there was a never ending stream of tasks that seemed to need doing. But by far the best task, in your humble opinion, was armor duty. Most of the marines liked to keep theirs on while you cleaned and polished those precious metal plates. And there was no marine better than Cornelius. He was a kind soul who was gentle and never abrasive towards the serfs, the same wasn't always true about the higher up aboard the ship. 
But what did that matter to you? He was also very noble and handsome and he let you alone polish his armor.
He said he favored the way you cleaned it over the others. But in truth it was just that he liked you. You would never shy away from him or act meek as you go about your tasks. Your bright smile always made his day just a bit better and he'd seek you out when he could, just to see it. And you spoke to him as you worked, sharing the latest bit of drama with him.
"Good morning Cornelius."
The space marine turned his head up and smiled.
"Hello." He returned and set aside the book he'd been reading.
"Are you done with all of your chores already?"
"I am. I did them as quickly as I could without leaving them unfinished. I need time to make sure I get your armor spotless after all."
Delighted, the marine sat still on his stool. Waiting for you to start. "So what's the recent drama?" 
Taking up your first rag you sighed dramatically.
"Well, someone took Andreus's bottle of cleaner from his cubby in the closet and he insists it's Lania. But she swears it's not her. But here's the thing, we've caught her doing it before. I tell you Cornelius, she's a cleaner thief. And "why?" You might ask. It's because she doesn’t want to go all the way down to the main supply closet and get a new one like the rest of us."
Cornelius nodded along and hmm'd at appropriate moments. The serf drama was almost always harmless squabbles triggered by someone being lazy and not quite pulling their weight. 
Cornelius refrained from chuckling so he wouldn't disrupt your work. His shoulders and torso were the first place you started. Top to bottom was key unless it was just a spot cleaning. He watched your hands work circles against his plates and allowed himself to almost become entranced by the sound of your voice, focusing on the meanings of every little word. He hadn't been to battle or to drink in a while. He could practically feel your pulse as you hovered near him. He knew he couldn't hurt you even as his fangs pricked at his lower lip. He'd have to drink soon. The hunger was so sharp. His gaze wandered. Traveling up your arm past your shoulder to your neck. Hidden behind the high collar of your shirt.
You shivered, your focus disrupted as you felt a chill run up your spine. The kind that you got when you saw picts of Tyranids or other monstrous xenos lifeforms. The pricking of fear of being stared down by something predatory. 
But that wasn't what Cornelius was. He wasn't a monster, he was an angel. A son of Sanguinius. Sure, you'd heard rumors about the legion in your years serving them. But those were stories….right? Older crew who'd been serfs much longer than you had warned you of bleeding around the Astartes of the blood angels legion. But it hadn't been an issue before. 
Suddenly you felt very self conscious, hyper aware of every movement your body made. Of every potentially sharp edge of his armor. However despite that, there was also an underlying thrill to it all. 
"Is everything alright?" 
You glanced up at his handsome face, smiling but still self conscious. 
"Yes, all is fine. I just want to do the best job I can."
He nodded, the fine curtain of wheat gold hair swaying as he continued to stare with those slate gray eyes.
Your heart thumped against your ribs. He really was so handsome. It was ridiculous.
Everyone knew the sons of Sanguinius were almost inhuman in their beauty, but most didn't actually desire them.
It was almost impossible for you to understand them. How could they not desire the Astartes around them? Your reason for feeling self conscious suddenly shifted and you felt the need to take a quick breather. But that might make him suspect something was off.
'Just keep working, just calm down.'
However, that was going to be hard to do with your panties soaked. Every moment a new fantasy would spring to your mind and the room seemed to grow warmer and warmer.
A gauntlet clad hand startled you as it came up to lift your chin, concerned gray pools scanning your face.
"Your face is very red. Are you sure?"
"Y-yeah." You squeaked, "just uh, feeling a bit warm is all."
"Oh, you should remove your shirt then, you're wearing another layer underneath, correct?"
True, you were, but only a tight under shirt that was keeping your chest secure so it wouldn't jiggle as you worked.
That made a whole new category of fantasies spring to life in your mind. But you did as he suggested, and the suddenness of cool air on sweaty skin helped a bit.
"How is that now?"
You nodded. "It's better."
You took up the rag again and applied fresh cleaner to the plates of ceramite.
The undershirt didn't leave much to the imagination, it was more of a cropped top.
Cornelius had begun to suspect that you were not being entirely truthful. Your heart was pounding and he could hear it. He could also smell the subtle shift in your hormones, his plate prevented you from seeing that it affected him too. Especially now that you were practically half naked behind such flimsy bits of cloth.
The Astartes reached for you again. Tucking a strand of hair behind your ear with one red finger. The red of his armor was so striking against your skin. It reminded him of blood, and of urges he was too ashamed to admit. Not even the chaplain understood, when he'd mentioned having urges he'd simply chalked it up to the thirst. But this wasn't like the red thirst or the ever present threat of the rage. This was different and his brothers seemed oblivious to this need. It felt wrong but also so incredibly human. It made him feel like a teen again. In those times long passed before he'd been taken up and raised above most of his fellow humans. He remembered seeing the pretty girls around him and feeling this warmth. This need. His secret shame was feeling it for you, his favorite serf. His favorite human.
You were pretty, more than that even. He wasn't blind, he knew what most people would consider attractive, but he was terribly inexperienced with women. He and all his brothers were, after all it wasn't his job to seek comfort or pleasure. He was the emperor's righteous fury, the light in the endless darkness. But oh how he wished for just a short time he could be the one protected by another's light. It's why he insisted on you, his favorite serf, coming everyday to polish his armor. To touch him and fill him with that light. 
Your small wide eyes searched his expression for some explanation as to his sudden touches. But he just smiled and pulled you in close with one large arm. You practically fell into his lap as his arms encircled you. Your heart fluttered like a bird caught in a cage.
"Cornelius?" The sound of your voice was so small and unsure of what to make of this.
"I-i am sorry." He stammered, "I do not know what came over me. I just needed.." needed what exactly? He couldn't say, but holding your small form on his lap felt like a step in the right direction. But he wasn't sure how to proceed.
What he knew of affection, or at least the affection that wasn't platonic between his brothers and himself, was the few brief glances he'd seen of the human crew sharing intimate moments. Touches, kisses, and such. He knew what sex was, of course, he wasn't stupid, but he'd never touched a woman.
His cheeks grew hot. Not that that was going to happen, not without you wanting it too. He'd never force that on to anyone. But oh how he longed to know what that kind of passion felt like.
Cornelius was startled out of his contemplation by the touch of your bare hand on his cheek. "Are you feeling okay? You're acting very strange."
His hands felt unusually shaky as they trailed up and down your back.
How should he say this? What if he scared you off? Or even scarier still, what if he didn't. He wasn't sure what he was more afraid of.
"I want…" He scolded himself for not having the words. "I want to, uh.." He wanted to do the things he'd seen with you. To hold and kiss you and, oh Emperor preserve him, to do even more if possible. His plates would have to come off for that. 
"To? I need you to tell me Cornelius, I want to help you." 
His expression turned bashful and you were surprised to see him blush.
"Kiss me!...please. I want you to kiss me. The way others do. The way…lovers do." His confession was abrupt and it left you feeling like your brain had just fallen out of your head.
"Kiss? Like us, kissing?.. Yeah I think I can. I've never kissed an Astartes before. Am I even allowed to do this?"
Cornelius shrugged, there were no rules against Astartes having physical relations, at least none he knew of. And besides, it'd just be a kiss. At least to start out it would be.
Well, nothing to it, but to do it, as your mother used to say. Trembling you leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek to start. You'd need to work your way up to actually claiming his lips. His skin was smooth and firm, like a marble statue. But it felt nice, so you kissed his cheek again, this time closer to his lips, but not quite.
Cornelius could feel frustration and some other unnamed feeling rising in him. But he made himself content with holding you and letting you work at your own pace.
You hadn't been anticipating being in a make out session with your favorite space marine. But it wasn't the worst turn of events.
Gathering your courage you, taking his cheek in your hand, pressed a kiss to his lips.
Cornelius had to fight the urge to tighten his grip on you. It was like clicking a piece of a puzzle into place. As your lips pressed sweetly to his, he wasn't sure what to do next. He let out a soft groan of frustration as you pulled away and looked at him.
"Is this your first time kissing?" You asked, serious in your inquiry, but not in a mocking manner.
"Yes." Cornelius felt an unusual pang of worry. Had it been that bad that it was so obvious.
"Okay, well I know where to start off then. When you kiss there are a few ways to go about it." Your cheeks bloomed with red. 
"How should we go about it?" The Astartes seemed almost excited. "Well that depends on what you want or like."
Cornelius sighed and looked around the room, as though the ornate walls would hold the answer to the question.
Gingerly he picked you up, it was an odd feeling for you both. For you it was odd to be carried around as though you weighed nothing. And for him it was the pleasant feeling of having you in his arms.
He walked the short few paces to his cot and set you there. The material wasn't quite comfortable but it was no less unpleasant than the mattresses in the serfs quarters.
He doffed his armor rather quickly, returning to the cot as eager as you'd ever seen him.
"May we begin?" His lower body was warmer than yours, pleasantly so, you noted. "Sure."
He scooted closer, waiting for you to continue. You cleared your throat and went on. "You mentioned kissing the way lovers do. But that doesn't narrow it down so much."
Cornelius's fingers drummed on the cot. Perplexed. "Perhaps you could show me the way you like to be kissed, and we could move from there?" He suggested.
That was doable. You stood to straddle his lap, his hands came up to cup your rump and back.
Shivers of delight accompanied the touch. Cornelius leaned down his lips brushing over yours happily, you kissed him back, pressing in with tender need. Your hands came to rest on his cheeks as your touches and kissing became more eager.His lips were softer than they looked, perfectly warm and pliable. They melded together with yours as if they were made to. It sent tingles of pleasure up and down your spine and you moaned softly into the kiss. Cornelius pulled away startled by the sound. “Are you alright? I didn’t injure you in my excitement, did I?” His steely eyes were so sincere it stopped any laugh you might have produced. “No, Cornelius, it just felt..” you grasped for a way to describe it without being too lewd. “Very good. It felt so good I couldn’t help myself.” This seemed to lighten his mood again and he pulled you back in, closing the distance between the two of you. Everything about him was intoxicating and getting lost in him would be so easy to do. His lips caressed yours, tender and allowing you to take the lead again. Which you did with much enthusiasm. A natural rhythm was worked out silently as you both grew more confident. The sensation of it all was electric and left you feeling even more needy as your hands roamed up to glide through his soft golden locks. His own hands began to explore your sides and hips and even your thighs. Squeezing with gentle pressure, as he moaned into the kiss.
Time seemed to slip by as the two of you stayed in each other's embrace, lips locked in with amorous intent. “Cornelius..” You sighed breathless as you came apart to breathe. As you did he leaned down to press his forehead to yours. “That was wonderful, thank you.” He smiled and relaxed into you. “Was it everything you hoped it would be?” You nuzzled his nose with yours, the differences between the two of you completely forgotten. “It was, thank you. We will have to do this again.” He assured you. It made a deep excitement bloom in your chest.
“I would like that very much.” You replied, as he kissed your forehead. He sighed in relief and found that strangely his hunger was far less severe than it had been before and made a mental note of it. He’d have to have this special time with you more often.
When you left he got back up and donned his armor again the red thirst was slated strangely enough but as he dwelt on it during his meditation he felt a different urge surfacing. It was hot and distracting. He’d have to make a note to ask you about that the next time he saw you.
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chaikachi · 29 days
since you're caught up on the Locked Tomb, I thought I'd send some asks your way because I'm kind of curious:
1) I've gathered Cam and Pal are your favorite characters, but do you any particular favourite moments/quotes of them? Or just why you love them as characters in general?
2) any plot twists you didn't see coming but liked?
3) any dark horse characters that grew on you over the series or that you'd want to see more of?
EEEE I SURE DID!! Okay, warning for anyone that is not caught up with it or plans to read it, that there are going to be spoilers below. You have been warned!!
Yes, they are my favourites.😔 Friends specifically told me to read the books because they are "very much my flavour" and they were right. Which is very rude of them, tbqh :/// As for the why, it's a lot of things, I think. From a character design perspective, I've always been a sucker for scholarly types like Pal, and you can never go wrong with short hair and double swords like Cam. I like that they have a decent amount of contrast and are quite different from each other in some ways while also being soooo alike in others. From a thematic perspective, all the bits and parallels around devotion, identity, and responsibility. How just by knowing someone, we add 'indelibly to their weight'. How this is explored both as a positive and negative thing. How just by knowing someone else - dare I say, to tame or be tamed by another 👀- can change us irreversibly. How burdening those we care about is something we have to come to terms with, and that being burdened can in and of itself be an act of care. How these themes are exacerbated and mixed with plurality and merging. The ever important question of 'where do you end and i begin'? For moments and quotes, a lot of my favourite things about them are just how they interact with one another (or with other characters). The sort of relationship where words often aren't necessary. How so much of their connection is conveyed in actions. "Tell Cam... never mind, she knows what to do." and the "what to do" is her collecting the fragments of his skull off the floor?? that she glues back together with her own hands?? then travelled millions or billions of light years to meet with the one person that can pull his soul back into it??? Her carrying him, despite the risk and harm it poses to herself, because he doesn't have a vessel anymore??? Pal asking Nona to "give this to Cam" and it's a kiss to the back of her hand???? Sick!! Twisted!! I demand financial compensation for damages!!!! Cam had every right to go sit in the bathtub about that!!! What the hell man!!! But I would be remiss not to mention the conversations they have across the voice recorder when they can't speak face to face, the co-fronting/synergy thing that happens when the protect Nona at the beach, and of course: "Life is too short and love is too long."
I'll admit I was spoiled a bit to some things going in so that skews this answer a bit. There were certainly some things I predicted incorrectly but then was like "OF COURSE THAT'S HOW IT HAPPENED, HOW COULD I HAVE ASSUMED DIFFERENTLY". I was not expecting that many people to die in the first book tbh. What happened to the Fourth and Fifth houses hit particularly hard. Was not expecting Gideon to find a decapitated head in Harrow's closet. I think the most surprises I had were in the second book though. Kept asking myself what the heck was going on. The narrator reveal was such an unexpected and pleasant surprise. Like, I kind of figured that was the case but I wasn't expecting that to be how we found out. Camilla showing up somehow out of nowhere?? The full extent of Harrow and Gideon's origins had me at a loss for words. Also the epilogue leading into Nona had me soooooo confused.
Yes. I absolutely adored Augustine. Big fan of his whole vibe; i miss him. Also really liked Magnus, Abigail, and Ortus in the second book. Especially them stepping up and being the Responsible Adults™ Harrow never really had, but always deserved. Also Polyamory Win with both whatever Pyrrha and Dulcie had respectively going on with Cam and Pal aha. Very big fan of Dulcinea in general. From her appearance in htn to popping up in The Unwanted Guest. I don't know how we could see more of her, but I would not be complaining if we did. Muir is really good at characterization tho, i don't know that there have really been any characters I've actively disliked. 🤔
Thank you for asking! I'd love to know some of your fave characters/plot twists too if you feel like sharing!! no pressure tho uwu
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laceymorganwrites · 2 years
Livin´ on a prayer
Kinktober day 1: switching
Pairing: Ogata x fem!reader
Word count: 5,547
Warnings: mild gore, oral (fem! receiving), written in 3rd person
A/N: whoop whoop! I´m finally backkkkkk (let´s hope I can manage to finish everything tho lmao) and we´re starting the month with my favorite wildcat^^ I´m so excited for season 4 aaaah
Song: Livin´ on a prayer by Bon Jovi
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Things have been rough for Ogata after Karafuto to say the least. Ever since he decided to do things his own way for once, think for himself and just do whatever he wanted for a change. And now there really was only place for him to go, it was the only thing he had left, the only thing he wanted in his life, the only thing keeping him sane. Well (Y/N) wasn´t a thing, she was a person. A person that was very important to him. He couldn´t tell if it was love since he never experienced that in his whole life, neither on the giving nor receiving end. So he didn´t want to call it that as long as he himself didn´t understand it fully.
He actually felt relieved when he entered the backdoor of her establishment, he couldn´t risk being seen and pulling her into his mess. She already did so much for him, she didn´t deserve the consequences of his actions. (Y/N) was about the only person he´d be considerate towards to.
The two of them always have been close, they hit it off as soon as they met. It was to be expected since brothels were always his home, though to be fair he still figured out what that even meant. But she really helped him with all of that, with his emotions, she didn´t look at him full of disgust and hate when he told her how he never felt guilty for his kills. And she was also the one who always listened to him, he trusted her enough to tell her all about his gruesome deeds in war.
Sometimes when he had a particularly bad day he´d even sleep over at her place. Most of the times he couldn´t sleep but he noticed that he was calmer in her arms, he liked cuddling a lot and she especially made him feel safe. Like nothing would happen to him. Because she wouldn´t let it. And that was because she actually cared, a lot more than she let on. Ogata saw her as a friend because he was too scared of anything more intimate even though they crossed that line a long time ago. And (Y/N) wanted to give him all the time he needed to figure things out on his own, she didn´t want to pressure him into a relationship just because she caught feelings.
As soon as she saw him she smiled slightly, already looking around the rooms to see which of the women were free currently. “Ah, no need.” he said as he noticed what she was doing. He appreciated it, she always had the prettiest women serve him but to him that was her. Especially lately on his journey when he laid awake at night, all alone. He just couldn´t stop thinking about her. “Alright, do you want some tea?” she asked, her gentle smile on her lips as always. He nodded as he took off his coat and put it on some chair where he sat down, running his hand through his hair to keep it out of his face.
During his travels he learned how to snipe again, he might have gotten just a tad bit better if that even was possible, he also put in his fake eye already, not really wanting to gross her out too much. When (Y/N) came back with the tea she noticed that he seemed to be deep in thought, which wasn´t uncommon for him but today it seemed especially serious. So she just sat down next to him, sipping on her cup of tea and waiting if he would say something. She didn´t mind the silence with him, she knew he wasn´t that big of a talker. Though sometimes he did surprise her.
“I´m glad you´re back, I missed you” her voice was quiet as she said it, it was the first time actually admitting her feelings for him, he was gone for quite a bit and she was so scared of never seeing him again, she just couldn´t keep it to herself any longer. She didn´t care if he didn´t feel the same but she couldn´t just act as if there was nothing between the two of them anymore.
He wordlessly blinked at her, needing some time to process what she said and come up with a sarcastic remark to hide his actual feelings because intimacy scared him.
“Aw come on, I´m not that good in bed” he smirked, she rolled her eyes chuckling but then looked him straight in the eyes, well eye… “Yes you are and you know it” she shot back, a sly grin on her face, knowing he knew that it wasn´t all there was to it. Even if he wasn´t ready to face it yet, he couldn´t escape from the fact that she liked him more than she should anymore. And maybe he did too. It was most probable but he pushed that thought to the back of his mind. It was too late for him anyway, there was no chance in hell she´d still want him with his injury. But he was quite surprised she didn´t say something about that earlier. She must´ve noticed as soon as she saw him, but he appreciated her not saying anything, giving him enough space and room to address it on his own if he wished to. But (Y/N) was someone who would never force anything out of him so even if he´d stay quiet for the rest of the night she would never hold it against him.
But he did end up saying something about it. That cocky attitude soon being washed away by his insecurities as he stared holes in his tea, he had both of his hands holding onto his cup to warm up.
“Maybe I was once but I don´t think I am anymore” he quietly mumbled. When he felt her warm hand against one of his, still cold on the outside, he looked up slightly to see her kind and gentle expression. Even after all these years it was still new to him. How anyone could look at him with something else than hate and distrust. Disgust and shame. But there were no such things in her eyes, they were so warm and empathetic, loving even. If being loved meant being safe like he was with her, being looked at like that, he so desperately wanted to be able to express the same to her. Because in that moment he knew he felt it too. Being with (Y/N) was like coming home, having a home in the first place, he never wanted to leave. But at the same time he did, he wanted to leave with her and go on adventures, settle down at the same time, conquer the world and withdraw to the farthest corner with her. If being in love felt like this he understood how greedy and gruesome people got for it. All things considered he already did in his life and didn´t feel guilty about, he´d do things tenfold worse than that if it meant seeing her smile at him for just a moment. Because in that moment everything was fine, everything was peaceful, perfect, calm and … pure. In a sense that was almost comical considering the fact they met and presently were in that same brothel.
Ogata let go of the cup so he could properly hold her hand, not quite facing her just yet but his eyes were fixated on their interlocked fingers now instead of the hot tea. He was quiet for a bit but eventually told her all about his journey and injury. As he realized that she wasn´t judging him for what he did and just listened closely to him, softly caressing his hand at the parts that were hurtful to talk about to him, he felt so secure. He didn´t have to hide the pained expression as he thought about the pain, about the consequences of his actions, about the fact he did something for himself for the first time, not just following orders of a mad man that was too far gone at this point. Parts of his journey felt freeing even, but he paid the price for that. However if that was what it took, what it cost to be reunited with (Y/N), he´d do it all over again. And because he felt so safe with her, knowing she would never judge him for the fact he couldn´t express his feelings as others could, knowing he overall had trouble with emotions, he felt safe enough to tell her how proud he was to be able to call himself a sniper again, that he felt more alive again, like himself, like a breathing human being. Though he didn´t associate the last part with himself before knowing her.
“Really? That´s great,  but then again I didn´t think you wouldn´t be able to. I mean being a sniper is in your blood, it would be tragic if you wouldn´t be able to anymore” she told him, that honest to a fault smile on her face again. That smile he could look at for hours, knowing everything was going to be fine. No matter what went through his mind right now, screw the self destructive thoughts and all the doubts, questioning whether everyone who called him a wildcat was right, none of that mattered when he looked at her.
“You´re making it sound like I can actually be a man again” there it was, his self hatred, that dark chuckle that sounded more like a cry for help for her. She held onto his hand a bit tighter, gently caressing it. “Because you can. You never were anything less to me” she told him, this time averting her eyes. She was getting too bold. He was here for sex, to be a man again like he said. Not for her and her stupid feelings he didn´t even reciprocate. She should just stop it and so she did. (Y/N) wanted to get up and get him the prettiest woman she could find, if she had to continue her work herself. He deserved only the best. And she´d make that happen no matter what it took. But Ogata held her back, holding onto her hand like it was his lifeline because in a sense it was. “No. Stay. I don´t want meaningless sex tonight, I just want you… and I hate that you just made me say that but I know what you´re trying to do. And don´t. Just don´t. I thought we were past the point of sugar coating words so just say it. Say you don´t like me the way I like you and let me leave. Or say you feel the same and never let me go” (Y/N) wasn´t the only person unsure about her and his feelings, but the journey to Otaru made him hyper aware of his own. In a way that almost hurt.
Now it was her turn to wordlessly look at him. She just got a confession. Of his feelings. For her. By none other than Ogata Hyakunosuke. Now that was a rare occurrence if she ever saw one. Before thinking too much about it she pulled him close by the collar of his uniform to kiss him passionately. In this moment Ogata felt himself relax, much more than he already did whenever he was with her. Maybe it was because for once something good happened in his life, for once someone liked him for him, not his sniping abilities, not because of his mother, or his brother or father, not because he was in the 7th or anything like that. No she just liked him for… his personality? It sounded crazy to him to be honest so he thought that it might have something to do with the fact he gave incredibly good head. But maybe that was just because her cunt tasted the sweetest. He kissed her back eagerly, his tongue playing an all too familiar game of catch with hers, leaving him utterly breathless but he didn´t care. He did care about the little coffee table that was in the way between them so he pushed it to the side so he could wrap his arms around her, pulling her as close as humanly possible. She did the same, desperately clinging on to him and there was so much more emotion in the kiss than both of them were ready for, so much piled up feelings that have been repressed far too long.
She softly bit his lip like she always did and he couldn´t help but smile and then slightly chuckle into the kiss, his hands wandering all over her body and undressing her in the process. He used the moment when they broke apart for air to undress himself too, he knew she could get quite impatient in moments like these. When he was done he let (Y/N) marvel at him, she always needed that too. To touch him up like that, feel up his muscles and abs, she especially loved touching his inner thighs, maybe because she knew he was the most sensitive there. He´d hate it with anyone else, hate knowing they knew his most vulnerable spots and all his secrets, but sharing those things with her was much more intimate than he was ready for. But could you ever really be ready for love? Wasn´t that just the thing about it? That it hit you without any warning and then left you breathless?
She herself hated definitions when it came to feelings, you couldn´t explain them, that was the whole point. Instead she showed them with actions, of course she loved him. She knew him well enough after all those years but she still wanted to know even more. She wanted to know everything about him, experience everything with him, she just wanted all of him to herself.
Strangely enough Ogata felt the same about her. Nothing ever truly belonged to him, much less voluntarily stayed with him. But he was so sick of being used like a chess piece because he didn´t feel worthy enough to act on his own impulses, he didn´t really have any besides sex and shooting things. Until she came into his life. Somehow making her laugh was more satisfying to him than making her cum, though he always felt the proudest when he made both happen at the same time.
Just thinking about it and her made him dizzy in the best ways possible.
He hovered over her a bit, resting one of his hands on her cheek and the other on the floor to support his weight as he gently laid her down on the floor. Both of them couldn´t wait long enough to go to a proper room with a bed in it and both of them didn´t want to break their physical connection right now. Ogata was already half hard and normally it took him ages to get to that point so he really must´ve spared himself for her. It made her smile slightly, slowing down the kiss to make it more gentle and meaningful. It ended up being more tongue than lips but they always seemed to end up like that anyway, it was a routine she looked forward to every time.
Slowly but surely she felt his hands wander down to her hips which she spread for him, he broke the kiss to nibble slightly on her neck, leaving his marks this time. He usually didn´t leave any because he was too considerate of her not getting into trouble with other costumers but this time he just didn´t care. He´d much rather have her to himself anyway. And in the end he´d always been a selfish bastard, everything he did was for himself. And he wanted her too. Wanted to claim her as his own, maybe in a possessive way too but definitely not a harmful one. If he knew she didn´t feel the same he´d never have come back in the first place. Though maybe he would. He wouldn´t approach her, but he´d certainly watch her, wallow in his anguish of knowing she´d never love him back. Like all the others. And somehow that would bring him peace, knowing she wasn´t a freak like him.
But he knew better now. He knew that she was just as normal as him, she knew that they were two of a kind and finally he didn´t feel alone in this world anymore, he found a sense of belonging. It was so nice to be free of all the ties that bound him, of all the social status and faking smiles and respect, playing along with whatever sick thing Tsurumi had planned, pretending he didn´t know he was getting manipulated. It was all over now. None of that was on his mind when he was with her, she was his angel, purifying him in a sense. Purifying him in the dirtiest way they both knew. That thought made him grin, gently sliding two fingers over her wet cunt. “What´s so funny?” she smiled down at him, raking her fingers through his hair, spreading her legs even more for him. She loved the way he touched her, he wasn´t rough but also not soft. He was teasing, to an extent where he had her crying, begging him to stop and for more all at once. “Mhm, who knows. Maybe the fact that I got you all to myself now, that even though you get fucked every day I´m still the one who makes you scream the loudest” he whispered in her ear, nibbling on it slightly. She was already panting, how cute. Maybe all the smoking did him some good after all. It was no secret she had a thing for his voice, he never truly understood it but certainly made good use of it. Ogata was never one to talk much, or rather like to talk a lot. It really depended on the topic. He could taunt people for hours but casual talk? That wasn´t so much his forte, well he just didn´t care for it. Unless it was with her. With (Y/N) he could talk for hours on end. Especially if it meant teasing her in this state. He´d never get tired of that.
“My, my… so wet already~ I didn´t even do anything yet, are you that desperate? Can´t say I blame you though” he chuckled darkly, ghosting his fingers over her thighs, never giving her what she truly desired. It was too much fun watching her writhe in his touch.
“Fuck you” she moaned and his grin widened. “Oh come on, can´t even do that on your own? You want me that badly? Want me to make your legs shake with just my tongue? Make you cry out my name so that everyone knows exactly who you belong to? Fuck you so hard you can´t even think for yourself? Just say the word, we both know you want it, there´s no shame in it” he purred, how badly she wanted to wipe this smirk off his face, but she knew well enough that he wouldn´t let her tonight, there were too many emotions boiling over at this point, he was so unhinged, that hungry look in his eye she loved to see, at this point she´d let him do everything he´d damn well pleased, even let him fuck her in front of everyone to see but she knew he was too impatient himself for this right now.
“Just fucking do it” she groaned, not putting up with his teasing tonight, it´s been far too long for him to have an attitude like that. He let it pass since it was her. She wouldn´t be able to formulate coherent sentences in a bit anyway, so it didn´t really matter. “Fine, fine, you´re no fun” that didn´t stop him from teasing her a bit more though, his fingers lazily tracing patterns all over her skin before rubbing over her pussy, grinning as he put them in front of her mouth. “Go on, taste yourself for me”
She blushed, he was always so bold and yet she didn´t dislike it one bit, being obedient for him and opening her mouth so she could suck on his fingers. “Good girl” he grinned, starting to stroke his cock for her to see and dipping down to taste her for himself. Hyakunosuke always liked giving oral more than receiving it, he was the one in control, the one who held the power. And oh how immense it was. The second his tongue hit her clit she cried out his name. He had made her wait so long that now everything felt much more intense, a shiver went throughout her body, making her ache for him. Ogata looked up at her like she was a work of art. Not that he´d ever be interested in some boring pieces of painting. No, he meant the art of the battlefield, the art of his craft, the art he could understand and worship, the art he could relish in. She was an artform that only he could grasp and understand completely, just like he was for her, two outcasts of society, dancing and laughing in the bloody rain all alone while everyone else whispered among themselves just how fucking insane they were. And yes maybe they were, but did that really matter? The way they viewed the world was just so much more fun. They got everything they wanted after all, not being on any sides, just doing whatever they felt like whenever and craving chaos and their touch most of all.
Being with Ogata was pure ecstasy. It wasn´t even just sexual, (Y/N) and him felt completely and utterly understood for the first time in their lives. He chuckled darkly as his grip on her hips became that much tighter, as he felt the fiery passion only she could ignite in him, she was his driving force and only for her he wasn´t selfish. Eating her out gave him a weird sense of peace and belonging, for the first time in his life the voices were quiet, he was calm, her scent and taste calmed him down so much it was almost unbelievable. He always was so rough at first, diving his tongue and fingers in and out of her, overstimulating her clit in the process, but every time he had those almost romantic epiphanies in which he slowed down to appreciate the way she would look down to him, those beautiful eyes she could barely keep open, that mouth hanging wide open calling his name, those hands on his head, gripping his hair, tugging at it just the right way…
He grinned widely and sped up the movement of his tongue just enough to make her legs shake before moving away completely, making her whine and leaving her hanging. Ogata liked teasing her way too much. Maybe because he hoped she would take revenge one day. He liked playing with the thought of her completely and utterly dominating him and paying him back for every time he teased her a tad too much. But for now he simply kissed her with a softness that was so unexpected from a man like him. This gentleness she only experienced with him, the way he deepened the kiss and wouldn´t let go of her waist all the while. The way his fingers traced her stomach and then rubbed against her wet folds, slowly slipping in. He started to move them immediately, slowly at first since their kiss was still so gentle. He did crave those silent and quiet moments of inner peace he only found with her. She moved her hips along with him, with every curling motion of his fingers she panted heavier. He chuckled against her lips and hovered over her a bit, adding another finger that he just knew wouldn´t fill her up enough. He knew it and he anticipated it, anticipated the moment he would finally be able to give her what she really wanted, to feel those tight walls around his cock, he wasn´t a religious man but fuck if that wasn´t what heaven felt like. He groaned slightly at just the thought which was something he never did. Be vocal about his own pleasure and desires that was. But she made it so easy. Like it wasn´t something to be ashamed of, like he was normal. He hated feeling like an outsider, like the weirdo, like an abomination his parents always reminded him he was. But he never felt like that with her, she didn´t let him. She just made him feel like a man. And recently she became more bold, making him feel like a king instead. Hell, a god even. She really did love him, huh?
Love was such a foreign concept to him but with her he felt like he could actually grasp it. It was in the way her moans grew louder as he added another finger, driving her insane, she was just so impatient he loved every second. He liked to think that he was always in control in his life but she made him lose it all. He looked forward to it every damn time.
“Please… Hyakunosuke… I can´t wait much longer” she looked up at him with such pleading, irresistible eyes. How could he say no? Especially when she moaned his name so sweetly? He stroked his cock a few more times before he spread her legs even more, finally becoming one with her. She smiled up at him, watching every inch of him disappear inside of her, filling her up like nothing and no one else could. It filled Ogata with such an immense amount of pride, it was almost sacrilegious. It was in moments like this when they became one that she felt truly at home, it was the most natural feeling in the world to her and yet it was the most amazing one every damn time. Only with him could she feel this way. More than that she wanted to feel like this only with him. If there was ever someone else who wanted to steal those moments and feelings from her she´d beg Ogata to shoot them all down. And he would. Because for her he´d do anything. Especially if she was watching with those kind eyes of hers, that smile to show him she was proud of him…
And he was a greedy man, as if he´d ever let another bastard touch her the way he did, moan for him like she did for him, look at him like she was so in love she couldn´t even think straight anymore, look at him the way he looked at her. He grunted as he started moving, slower than usual, he wanted to savor every moment. She really was made just for him, clenching around his cock so deliciously. And then it hit him, she was just as greedy as he was. The thought made him moan and grin like a madman. In his euphoria he started moving faster, not even caring about the very thing he was scared of the most until it finally happened. At a particularly hard thrust of his, his fake eye fell out and landed on her stomach. Dread didn´t even come close to what he was feeling in this moment. He expected everything, her to scream, yell at him and run for the hills. To absolutely hate and despise him, to laugh at him, to throw up from how ugly he was now… but he didn´t expect her to smile up at him. He didn´t expect her to rest your hand on his cheek, stopping for a moment to kiss him softly and look at him full of worry.
“Did it hurt?” she asked quietly, putting the eye back in gently, maneuvering him so he laid on his back now. And he let her. They were still connected, maybe it was fucked up but her kind and gentle soul, her genuine kindness went right to his cock. He chuckled at her question and decided not to ignore it like he initially wanted to. No, with her he could be honest and vulnerable. Hell, she was the only person in this world who wouldn´t take advantage of it. “Actually I didn´t feel anything, got shot with a poison arrow” he said so casually and watched her lips twitch upwards as you laughed a little. Cute. “Lucky you. But the poison didn´t spread out much, did it? So… you can still feel this?” she accentuated her last question with a roll of her hips, propping herself up and leaning back just a bit so she would tighten beautifully around his cock. He bit back a groan and grinned up at her. “Feel what? I guess you´re gonna have to try harder to suck the poison out of me” it was a dare and he knew it, he also knew that she could very well just stand up and walk out of the room in just this instance to leave him to take care of himself. He knew that very well and still he craved to walk this thin line with her, testing the waters, no they were beyond that point now. He was slowly wading through her ocean just to the point where he couldn´t stay anymore and then he´d tease her to the moment he was completely underwater, seconds away from drowning. And then he´d behave again. Because fuck did he need her, cumming without (Y/N) wasn´t any fun. For some reason she let him every single time. Well no, she did punish him quite a bit which to be fair he always looked forward to a little too much. She sat on his cock, throbbing inside of her and stared him down, arms folded over her chest. She was waiting, testing how long it would take him to lose his mind. But both of them knew that he had been beyond that point for a long time now. Without any warning she lifted her hips off him until only his tip remained inside and then bounced down, taking all of him once again. She planned to be gentle with him today since it´s been so long since they last saw each other. But (Y/N) was getting impatient. And he was getting too cocky.
“Oh fuck, yup I definitely felt that one” he smirked up at her. “Good boy” she said sweetly and his smirk widened. He always was putty in her hands, he usually hated following orders but with her it was more than okay. She always took such good care of him. And hearing her praise him made it all worth it, all he wanted was to do a good job for her. He just wanted to be hers completely. She grinned down on him and he was in heaven. With every movement and thrust of her hips he became utterly lost in her, as if he wasn´t already. He wasn´t a religious man by any chance but if he could choose his deity it would be (Y/N). Hyakunosuke had a feverish look on his face as he watched her ride him, his hands gripping herr hips tightly, guiding them. Not that she needed any guiding but he felt like he would lose his mind if he didn´t touch her as much as he could. He had long since put any shame aside and moaned loudly now. “Please… please” he whispered, her name hanging from his lips like a prayer. “I know, baby, I know” she cooed, picking up pace all at once, her hips snapping and rocking against his, taking the breath out of him. He looked so irresistible underneath her, how could she hold back? Not when he looked up at her like she was a goddess. (Y/N) felt a rush go through her as she saw the way he looked at her, knowing she was the only one who ever saw this much emotion in him, being the only one he was so devout to. “Fuck...Fuck!” he groaned, he was close and he felt her tightening around him as well, he always tried to cum second but she made it especially hard today. His eyes rolled back as he dug his nails into her hips, thrusting up into her like a madman until he finally felt release. She felt it spill out while he was still inside. As always his voice was what brought her over the edge, the way he moaned herr name like the only thing that mattered. It was just perfect. She didn´t stop moving, instead opting to ride him slowly until she was exhausted as well, overstimulating him just a bit. He was still delirious from the pain and the medicine he took not to die, but she was the only thing he saw clearly. Ogata waited until she climbed down from him before he pulled her close to kiss her deeply, his hands roaming over your naked form. “I should visit more often” he mumbled, closing his eye, feeling at peace for the first time in years.
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ambasingresident · 1 month
Cooking something good right now, so while I busy multitasking with that along with the whiteboard drawings, here's some facts about my oc, Vasily Shaska.
Facts about Vasily:
(Based on my TNO AU, Green Scissor Black Shashka)
1. Vasily is born to a family of cavalrymen, sailors, musicians, ballet dancers, and artist in Kansk, Former Soviet Union.
2. Because he was taught by his family, Vasily is a skilled horseman, prolific drawer, great ballet, and is best at playing the accordion and anything that is a chordophone.
3. Vasily's favorite songs are Katyusha, Gandzia, Yablochko, Dorogoi Dlinnoyu, Chernoglazaya Kazachka, Tjomnaja Noch'. Although he sometimes have PTSD whenever On the Hills of Manchuria is played.
4. Vasily learned to speak English from his maternal uncle, who was a composer who traveled to the UK and the US from time to time. Thus how he can speak with Ellio.
5. Vasily was a former personnel of the NKVD in the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet, where during his time was forced to commit horrific acts to supposed traitors and cowards of the Motherland. One time he was ordered and forced to shoot most of his friends in the army during a battle as they had refused to obey the orders of Vasily's commander during the Siberian War.
6. Vasily's close family were all executed by the NKVD after his father and mother are suspected of supporting the enemy during the Siberian War. Thus his defection to the Siberian Black Army and his hatred towards the NKVD. He would, from time to time have visions of the same incident.
7. Vasily can relate to Ellio due to their almost similar conditions they had in the past.
8. Vasily's favorite food are Russian and homemade meals. He's also a big fan of vodka and other alcohols. Although not a fan of matcha due to it's taste, he still buys it in communal markets just for Ellio and tries to make Russian-style matcha pudding with the things available in the city.
9. Vasily is very protective to Ellio and treats him like a young sibling to the point of always having his side pistol (Makarov pistol) ready to defend him whenever they go outside as for him, Ellio is the only "company" he had outside of military life.
10. Although straight, Vasily claims he like both men and women as he does not care about the concept of gender (bourgeois invention).
11. Vasily sometimes suffers from PTSD due to his past as an NKVD personnel. Despite that he still tries to help Ellio's deteriorating state in any way he can.
12. Vasily is very skilled with using swords and is great with guns because of his father and the military training he had back in Irkusk.
13. He has a brown horse named "Makhno", he named the horse after a Ukrainian anarchist.
14. Vasily's real surname is Akan, Shaska is just a fake surname he goes with when he joined the Siberian Black Army.
15. He mainly kisses people who are close to him in the cheek than shaking hands or hug as a friendly gesture. Vasily would kiss Ellio on the cheek or head from time to time as a form of gesture.
16. Vasily has no idea what a "Toppat" is whenever Ellio brings them up, his initial thought about it is that they are just a bourgeois club because of how they wear (or at least how Ellio described them). In relation to this, Vasily does not have an idea about some of the modern things Ellio would say because of the time difference, but he's interested and willing to learn about it.
17. Despite consuming alcohol almost on a daily basis, Vasily rarely gets drunk as he has been used to the effects. Except when he's with Ellio and certain seasons where he instead drinks hot drinks.
18. Vasily's usual equipment are the Mosin–Nagant (Model 1891/30), the Makarov pistol, a shashka saber, and a scissor.
19. Vasily shares his cabin with Ellio, even offering him to sleep in his bed where Vasily would just sleep in a mattress on the floor, but because of the embarrassment of such hospitality given to him, Ellio would request Vasily to sleep on the other half of his bed from time to time.
20. Vasily is taller than Ellio by an inch (which made him sad), but he's also younger than Ellio (Vasily is 23, while Ellio is 25).
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fizzbot · 3 months
alright, you, this isn't a choice ANSWER ALL OF THE QUESTIONS OR I WILL EXPLOTE!!!!!!!!!!
AHHHH NO DONT EXPLOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok this got kind of long, so im answering this hellaverse critical ask game under the cut!!!!
1. Explain, not necessarily a criticism, but a nitpick that you have for whatever reason. oh i LOVE to nitpick <333333 i really fucking hate that the sinners cant leave pride. thats literally the dumbest shit ever. guys, that would SOLVE THE OVERPOPULATION PROBLEM????? exterminations straight up would not be necessary (or at least could be way less frequent) if the sinners could travel. some other little things.......i hate that mammon is the only sin that acts like a sin. the REASON lust and gluttony are considered ""deadly sins"" isnt to say 'sex is bad' or 'eating any more than you need is bad', its about how you partake. lust is a sin when you use sex for your own gain, and disrespect others boundaries. gluttony is a sin when you overindulge, taking from the needy and hoarding what you need. bee is an alright character and i LOVE ozze, but why do they care about being respectful???? theyre not really sins if they only show the good aspects of a sin right?????????????????? whats sinful about how ozzie partakes in sex. OH OH OH ALSO. VEGA WAS CAST OUT OF HEAVEN FOR SPARING A CANNIBAL CHILD. A HELLBORN SPECIES. THEY ARE PARDONED FROM THE EXTERMINATION, WHY DID SHE GET KICKED OUT FOR THAT,,,,???? idk JKLSDFHJKLSDF i could list nitpicks all day, i gotta move on
2. What's your favorite and least favorite design in either show? for helluva boss, i gotta give "best design" to striker. i am incredibly biased because hes one of the only characters i like im choosing to ignore western energy and oops but i really like it!!!! its simple, effective, and i think that really lends to the twist in harvest moon. like, yea, this cowboy might be evil, or he could just be a cowboy. for WORST hb design its Bee. no question or context whatsoever. her colors are so fucking bad. for hazbin.....i think my favorite design is probably mimzy!!!! again, real simple, but conveys 'flapper' super well. this is honestly not saying much bc i really dont LOVE her design but i like the trim on the chest a lot and her palette isnt totally eyebleeding. rosies is also pretty good!!! i also like missi's but im a little biased towards the scenecore look JHKLSDFHJK as for worst design.......ugh i might have to give it to val. it makes me so fucking angry. WHEN HE OPENS HIS WINGS HIS DESGN IS GREAT. THE GOLD, THE BELT, THE OPEN SHIRT. BUT THEYRE ALWAYS CLOSED INTO AN UGLY ASS ROBE THAT MAKES NO SENSE. also alastor sucks but thats a given im not even gonna mention it
3. What character do you think has the most wasted potential? Why? ok this isnt really an answer but......every female character. all of them. i am not exaggerating. vega's angel twist couldve been so good but was so stupid. she has no character traits other than "charlies overprotective girlfriend". the exact same thing is true for millie. most of the mom characters die or are bitches. stella is the worst example of this as there is nothing to her at ALL other than evil (earlier i was watching some of the early eps and you can see so many photographs in the bg of her, stolas, and via looking like a happy couple. whered that go). charlie is the princess of fucking hell and yet is completely and totally useless and is worlds biggest pushover. velvet is usually ignored in favor of the 2 male vees, even in (or even ESPECIALLY in) fanworks. why is nifty like that. also honorary male character: PENTIOUSSSS PENTIOUS PENTIOUS PENTIOUS. SO FUCKING WASTED. it genuinely makes me so fucking angry that HE got the redemption when he HAD NO ARC. NONE. HE DID NOTHING WORTHY. BUT THEY HAD PLENTY OF TIME TO GIVE HIM SOMETHING AND JUST?? CHOSE NOT TO??
4. What are some aspects of the shows you actually enjoy? .....uhhh..... JHKSDLFHJKLSDFHSDJKL im blanking. honestly im not sure why i enjoy watching them so much. maybe i like them mostly to riff on??? but there was a time where i did enjoy both?? i think i just like watching the little ""arcs"" play out, even if theyre executed horribly. i might come back to this one to think of a better answer
5. What's a redesign from the crit community that you enjoy? i dont think ive ever seen an alastor design thats WORSE than the og. every single one ever is an improvement
6. What's a ship you hate and why? oh. so many. if were talking canon ships, i fucking HATE stolitz. absolutely awful no redeeming qualities ever which SUCKS because i totally think you COULD MAKE IT WORK AND THEY CHOSE NOT TO. its weird slimey fetish bait and i hate it and it totally ruins any stolas development for me bc i just despise him. i also really hate cherrisnake. i think they coulda made it work? but also it was a ship i didnt like even before it was canon, so the awful execution just left a bad taste in my mouth. as for noncanon ships, i hate all alastor ships, but radioapple has a special spot in hell imo. idk why it fills me with so much rage JKLSDFHJKSDHJKL other than that, most canon ships are boring and i dont care about them ether way
7. What's a ship you enjoy? BLITZKER SWEEEEEEP!!!!!!!!!!! fuck that random bot for taking the blitzker user in 2012 i should be me!!!!!!!!!!!! blitz x striker is so real to me. if viv wants toxic yaoi in her shows so goddamn badly at least make it COMPELLING. cowboyfriends are SO compelling. to me. i also do like fizzmodeus, theyre pretty cute!!!! uhhh. some others i like are polyvees, one-sided radiostatic, zestmilla, mammon x adam, anddd.....i think with some SERIOUS re-writing, huskerdust could work. weve done a great job of it in our fix-verse so far 😎
8. If you had to rewrite a ship in canon - which one and how? ALL OF THEM. LET ME SAVE THIS SHOW. stolitz and huskerdust are the big ones though......for stolitz, i would get rid of their little quid pro quo deal. i know a lot of critics hate it, but i think you could make the "childhood friends" thing work, if, as adults, they rekindled that friendship first. no weird sex deals/manipulation on EITHER end. let them bond over something else. with huskerdust, i also think it could work if husk didnt start really getting interested/involved with him until AFTER angel did some healing. husk shoudlnt have to be the one to fucking save him, he should give angel a wake up call so he knows hes continuing the cycle of abuse. i think maybe after angel makes amends for all the sexual harassment, THEN they could become friends. THEN they could become lovers.
9. Doodle / write request! Asker gives you a (non-NSFW) prompt to draw / give a drabble for! you didnt include this in your ask but i asked you over discord and you said kitty!!!!! fitting, since shes a fizzbot :}c here you go!!!! a little skatch of her!!!!
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10. What's a theory you have for future episodes of either show? i think we kinda nailed it when we had that conversation over the phone about the full moon ep in helluva. "blitz is gonna take stolas giving him the crystal as a sign that stolas DOESNT like him, and hes gonna feel all betrayed and sad and hurt. im not mad about this because i think its stupid, im mad because i KNOW its stupid, and i KNOW its gonna be what happens". also i think adam is gonna come back as a sinner but so many people have said that one first
11. Asker gives you a ship to rate and give your perspective on. again you didnt give me one so i asked you over discord and you said BLITZKER!!!!!!!!!! i love these stupidass cowboyfriends 9/10!!!!!!!!!!!! i could literally talk about them all day. their relationship is like, the only thing that stays semi-consistent in western energy in oops so thats all those eps have going for them. but i LOVED their energy in harvest moon. striker seems so pleasantly surprised to find someone about at his skill level!!!!! blitz is the ONLY one who can make sex jokes around him, and have striker NOT be mad at him for it!!!!!! you could argue hes just manipulating blitz SURE but i like to think there is at least some attraction there. calling him "bossman" is just gay as hell IM SORRY. losing points just because. i hate harvest moon and oops striker i HATE HIM I HATE HIM. THEY RUINED HIM . MY BOY :(((((((((((((
12. What media do you enjoy or are critical of? like. what other things do i enjoy?? i enjoy a lot of things :PPP i keep everything else i like/am critical of over on @cloudyscollections <3333 but the most similar relationship to this show i have would be my one with miraculous ladybug. at least that one can get away with being a show for children
13. If you're doing a rewrite - asker offers an inquiry or suggestion about your rewrite. i dont think this is applicable bc you co-own the rewrite anyway HJKLSDFHJKLDF
14. Free space!
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blitz sitting like field mouse
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goatsorcery · 4 months
>:3 Alright Frank, my turn. Please share your bg3 brain worms (tadpoles). Favorite character(s)? Preferred companions? Do you have a consistent party? If not, how do you choose your members at any given time? I am very curious if it’s the latter because as I mentioned, I don’t really ever switch it up.
you said in the tags of your answer to write as many paragraphs as my feelings can fill… and well… it’s a lot haha :)
i love all the characters so much! they're all so unique, interesting, and charming in their own way. i'm only in act 2 myself (about to finish it though i think) so i haven't gotten to see everyone's full stories yet. narrowing down a favorite is so hard! i change up my party every once in a while, but consistently i still always bring wyll or shadowheart so I guess they would be my favorites!
i love wyll so much, im always a sucker for characters who are able to stay postive and optimistic even through the worst of times. I also love characters (especially in fantasy) who are primed to be the main character either from their backstories or narratively (alistair in dragon age and aragorn in lord of the rings are other examples); wyll, who is a monster hunter but is first and foremost a protector of the people, (there are other details about him that I wont spoil for you that also lend to this) has all the makings of a classic fantasy protagonist, but he never expresses the desire to be the leader (i guess, unless the player plays as him haha) or to get any recognition for helping cure the tadpoles. other possibly-spoilery tid-bits about him that break away from or invert fantasy character archtypes help to really round out his character in an interesting way.
I loved shadowheart pretty much instantly (shadowheart and lae’zel being the first two companions you meet is everything, i love them both and their dynamic so much) shadowheart is a bit of a mystery, even to herself, which is fascinating to me. I find her whole story, so far, really interesting, and I’m excited to see where it goes and what else is learned about her through the rest of the game. i love characters who are so dedicated to one goal to the point that it’s all that matters to them and it’s all they are, but then the story challenges their dedication or pulls them from it for a larger cause.
i switch up my party every once in a while, but its usually just to swap out characters for quests that are relevant to them or that i think will prompt dialogue or approval from them. i think my game is a bit bugged, because i didn't even realize there was party banter until very late into act 1 (also just might be  because i fast travel a lot) so i've been switching out characters more to see what conversations they can have.
my go-to parties in act 1 were wyll, shadowheart, and lae’zel or wyll, karlach, and lae’zel (this was mostly because of combat game play, karlach and lae’zel with their extra attack or shadowheart as an extra healer was so helpful when I was still trying to learn the combat system).
in act 2 my go to party is wyll, shadowheart, and karlach, or wyll, shadowheart, and halsin depending on if im just exploring/doing side-quests or if i know I’ll run into heavy combat. karlach regularly one-shots enemies with 30+ hp and having her extra attack is the only way i get through combat most of the time (even on the easiest difficulty, combat continues to kick my ass).
when I reach act 3, I plan on mixing up my party more, depending on what’s in store for act 3 (I have surprisingly not been spoiled on anything that happens in act 3).
combat is the main reason why i don’t switch up my parties more since i get used to having certain spells or abilities. on my second play through (which I’ve already started planning even though im not close to being done with my first lol) i plan on trying to mix up my groups more to get more banter and to spend time with other characters I haven’t had much chance to. I rarely take gale or astarion with me (unless there is a relevant quest) but only because of combat, i feel like other characters have more useful abilities then they do. which is a shame because i like them both a lot, and want to get to know them better. my tav is a cleric, so that also factors in to party make-up. gale’s party banter is always bugged for me as well which is a bummer, the captions will pop-up but his voice lines never play.
one thing i like so much about the characters is that they all have interesting interpersonal dynamics. it really only comes up in banter and the occasional camp conversation but its enough to make it feel like they're all actually interacting in camp. whether or not they fully get along, they still all seem to care about each other which i love! its the friend group you'd never expect (most of who would probably not get along or get the chance to interact if the circumstances were different) but they all end up being close in some way or another. shadowheart and lae'zel's dynamic is especially a favorite of mine, i always love characters who don't get along on the surface but are actually "no one's allowed to be mean to them except for me". shadowheart and astarion are a bit like this too, with each other, and astarion with the rest of the companions as well. another one of my favorite party dynamics is wyll, shadowheart, and astarion; three people I wouldn’t have expected to really get along but the first time i had them all in my party I triggered like three conversations in a row where they were flirting with each other (my favorite of their banters is astarion saying he’d drink from wyll if he could chose anyone in camp after shadowheart asks him and then her sounding disappointed that he didn’t pick her. in my play through shadowheart then asked astarion if he was single less than a minute later lol).
my favorite character dynamics are:
wyll and karlach
wyll, astarion, and shadowheart
shadowheart and lae’zel
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absolxguardian · 2 years
I’ve recently started playing Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous and I’ve fallen in love, same as I did when I played Kingmaker. And I’m wondering if there are any isometric RPGs I should pick up during the Steam Summer Sale that can scratch that same itch. But I don’t think I’ll get the luck I’d want going through store pages and reviews to try to figure out what games are most similar to the Pathfinder ones in the ways I most like them. Should I get one of those Divinity or Pillar of Eternity games I’ve heard about. Or should I go back to the oldies that the Pathfinder Adventure Path adaptions are trying to be the spiritual sequels to. So I’ve decided to write out what my favorite parts of the games are, so people on tumblr can give me recs.
1. Companions. I’ve gotten a sense that some isometric RPGs tend to be solo adventures, or you can only have one companion follow you at a time. When I looked up “isometric RPG” I got the original Fallout games, and I know you’re not traveling around with a party. I want a game that’s you controlling several guys when you explore and fight, basically a way to play a Tabletop RPG on your own time. 
2. Story. This is my other essential. I don’t care about voice acting or graphics. But I want a story rich game, one that doesn’t have a high suspension of disbelief and a good amount of nuance. And for the main PC, either let me build a personality for them and influence the story with my choices, or have the game provide me with a personality. Don’t give me your Dragon Ages, where to my understanding, the fans are always cringing about the writing and its bad implications. I can understandably accept some stuff that didn’t age that well from the old Dnd ones, but that shouldn’t be a big part of the story- such as if there’s racist Orc worldbuilding, it should only be featured in a sidequest. I’ve already played Disco Elysium, loved that as well. 
3. No “permadeath” (permadeath is in quotes, because with the default settings in the Pathfinder games, you can still use resurrection spells). I have no idea how common this would be in these games, it might just be Pathfinder trying to transfer its punishing reputation into its default settings. The Pathfinder games have a lot of difficulty settings, and one is changing the death mechanics from how they normally work in the system to have your characters revive at the end of an encounter. I really do need it. But the main reason I turn it off, is because unlike a TTRPG, the game can’t properly react to a companion dying. You won’t get a new character to replace them, and you might miss out on their companion quests. In general a highly customizable difficulty would be nice, but not required. 
Those are my essentials, but here are the things that I’ve loved about the Pathfinder games.
4. A sense of a wider world. The Pathfinder games and the Adventure Paths they’re based on feel like they’re set in so much more real of a world than other games I’ve played. When a character references another nation, that place has also been developed. The use of the wider Golarion setting can be felt. My first thought was that I would be only able to find this in the DnD based games, but the games with original settings could also feel like they exist in a wider setting- one created with care. Disco Elysium, with all its references achieved a similar effect. 
5. Complexity. Again, this made me think of the DnD based games. You can end up with a lot more content with someone else already made the base mechanics for something else. But I don’t really need full Pathfinder level complexity. I’ve never played the game IRL. What I really want are a lot of classes and a lot of spells. 
And this last one is the most optional:
6. And extra element in addition to adventuring. The two Pathfinder Adventure Paths that have been adapted- Kingmaker and Wrath of the Righteous have both had another element, probably why they were chosen- they were the ones that would be able to benefit the most from the pros of a computer GM. Kingmaker has the management of the aforementioned kingdom you’re trying to found, and Wrath of the Righteous has you managing a crusade- there are tactical RPG and city building elements in this one. I enjoy this extra variety to the core gameplay loop and the wider perspective this requires you to have. So if there’s another game where you have to manage something like that- a kingdom, an army, a guild, that would be a nice bonus.
I’m excited to hear your recs. Also you should play Pathfinder Kingmaker and Wrath of the Righteous, it’s got all the stuff I just described. Don’t let the complexity of Pathfinder scare you off, the computer takes care of most of it.
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dilesxpressions · 4 months
Justin Rakauskas
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1. Name, Year, Major, and Hometown
Justin Rakauskas (Pompompurin’s Poopoo Pudding Pals), 2nd year Human Development major, Los Angeles 
2. What’s your roman empire?
My “roman empire” is lowkey food because I think about it all the time. From the moment I wake up in the morning to when I finish a meal, I am already thinking about what I want to eat next. 
3. What is the best compliment you have ever received?
The best compliment I have ever received is when people confuse me for a 3rd or 4th year because I look and act more mature than I really am. Even though I am still 18 as a 2nd year in college, some people in the frat thought I was already a 3rd or 4th year, which is crazy to me because I am probably one of the youngest actives. Being told I look and act more mature than my age makes me incredibly confident in who I am. 
4. If your life was a movie what genre would it be (comedy, horror, drama, etc.) and what actor would play you?
If my life was a movie, it would definitely be a drama because I love being involved in drama. I AM THE DRAMA >:) I love tea and will always be down to listen to people gossip hehe. I would probably play that problematic side character because I usually am never directly involved in drama, I just like to stir the pot and get a good laugh out of it. 
5. What is something on your college bucket list?
Something on my college bucket list is studying abroad with friends because I want to learn about a specific subject in another country with people I know. I do not want to be alone in that experience and I would be super excited to travel the world with my besties. 
6. What’s your guilty pleasure? (song, movie, food etc.)
My guilty pleasure is peanut butter. I love peanut butter so much and when it is mixed with chocolate, you will have me eating for ages. I literally eat out of the peanut butter jar because of how good it is. DEBATE: SMOOTH IS BETTER THAN CHUNKY! 
7. What are your bad habits?
My bad habits include procrastinating on all of my homework because I am lazy as fuck, I pick at my fingers and fingernails when I am nervous, I interrupt people sometimes because I am having too good of a conversation with them, and I can be stubborn at times because I do not want things to not go my way. 
8. What are your favorite song lyrics?
Currently, my favorite song lyrics are “bitch I said what I said, I’d rather be famous instead” from the song Paint the Town Read by Doja Cat. That song, specifically those lyrics, have been stuck in my head for about 2 months now and I do not know how to get them out. So, I have just learned to deal with it and now sing the song 24/7. 
9. Defend your unpopular opinion/ hot take
My unpopular opinion/hot hate is I do not like leftovers because they do not taste as good once they have been put in the fridge. I like it when the food I eat at restaurants is fresh, and the moment they are put in the box, I just do not like it anymore for some reason. The only acceptable leftover I will eat is cold pizza in the fridge because it lowkey slaps. 
10. Describe a time where you had to step up and be a leader?
A time where I had to step up to be a leader was when I was on the varsity cross country team in high school. In high school, all of my senior friends graduated and moved on to go to college. That meant that it was my time to step up as one of the senior cross country and track runners. My responsibilities included showing the new freshmen runners the correct form on how to run, the correct breathing techniques and strategies, how and when to warm up and stretch, and how to be respectful to their fellow teammates and competition. I really enjoyed being one of the leading members of my team because it tested my knowledge and capability of being an experienced runner myself and how I could act around the new members who relied on my expertise. I also really enjoyed being a leader with my friends who were also varsity seniors because we all were able to collaborate together and show the new kids the ropes. It furthered my understanding of the sport and taught me collaboration, teamwork, dedication, and friendship. I remember having to teach one of the youngest members on the team to keep his own pace and not compete with the better runners when starting on the team. He would always try to keep up with us, but when I told him to manage his own pace and challenge himself by not competing with the more experienced runners, he learned to maintain his breathing and energy throughout the rest of the practice. I was really proud because he took my advice and became a really good runner in the long run.
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asphodelical · 5 months
The Great Anime Rewatch of 2024 - Part II
Trinity Blood
First watched: I have no idea.  Rewatched: December 2023
Original rating: 6 New rating: 4
I first watched Trinity Blood when it was on Adult Swim. It was so long ago I only remember the name of the protagonist, Abel Nightroad, vampires and the church, and that’s it. I don’t even remember if I actually watched the whole thing. 
Jumping into this felt like a blast from the past, both tonally and visually. The narrow, elongated faces of the characters have not been in fashion for ages. And coupled with the dark, edgy and over the top atmosphere, those kinds of anime aren’t really made anymore. (For better or for worse.) I was thoroughly disappointed that Abel’s characterization was basically identical to Vash the Stampede’s. When he actually becomes threatening, it’s hard to take him seriously when his hair goes all DBZ. 
You know what? The show itself is hard to take seriously because it’s such a tonal disaster. I’m not invested in a single character, and I’m not interested in the story. I lasted seven episodes. 
Space Dandy
First watched: winter/summer 2014, original airdate Rewatched: December 2023
Original rating: 8 New rating: 8
I forgot almost everything about Space Dandy. But I did remember the dub is good. (Except for Colleen Clinkenbeard because she makes the same choices all the time. But I digress.) For some reason, I was anticipating Space Dandy being worse than I remember and not aging too well. I’m so pleased that I was wrong. Sure, its episodic nature means that not every story is a winner. But the highs are really high. 
First season highs: the zombie episode, the plant episode, the racing episode, and both episodes centering on Meow and QT. Even if an episode as a whole isn’t great, there’s usually a memorable scene. (I.E. The Dandy vs. Dandy game show in the chameleonian episode.)
Second season highs: The alternate versions of the protagonists, the time traveling river/tsunami, the style and animation in the fish planet episode, the high school musical, Major Attaway voicing the disco alien, the limbo episode, the animation of the 2D dimension, and the supporting cast teaming up to save Dandy in the finale. 
I wouldn’t call Space Dandy one of my all time favorites. Scarlet’s episodes were always the weakest, despite the attempts to make her likable. (Part of that is due to Colleen’s acting—she delivers lines in the way that make her sound condescending at all times.) The second cour’s focus shifted mostly towards Dandy, and both QT and Meow were sidelined. But it was absolutely worth revisiting. This is easily the most fun rewatch I’ve had this round so far. 
First watched: June 2012, original airdate Rewatched: December 2023
Original rating: 7 New rating: 5
The scariest part of Sankarea is the titular heroine’s fucked up relationship with her father, and her zombiefication. Everything else is mid as hell, that ranges from forgettable to annoying. Rea was the only character I remotely gave a shit about, but she is not enough to make up for the rest of the show. It’s also a lot more perverted than I remember. I didn’t find myself enjoying this upon rewatch and skipped a lot of scenes. I lasted six episodes. 
Kimi ni Todoke 1 & 2
First watched: Winter 2010 and winter 2011, original airdates Rewatched: December 2023
Original rating: 7, 7 New rating: 5, 5
Kimi ni Todoke was one of the most popular shoujo romances back in the day. Newer anime fans seem to regard it as average and vanilla. With the third season finally on the horizon after a thirteen year gap, I figured now was a good a time as any to revisit it. 
Revisiting stories after such a long period of time is one of the best way to see my growth as a person and a storyteller. One aspect of media that I’ve always leaned towards are good characters—I much prefer character driven stories over plot driven ones. No matter how interesting a story is, I won’t care about what’s happening if I’m not engaged with the characters. This is also exemplary in my own writing, where I have my protagonists have clear goals they wish to achieve. This is heavily influenced from my years steeped in musical theatre, where “I Want” songs are crucial to the story. 
All this to say that with Kimi ni Todoke, I don't know what these characters want, aside from romantic relationships. It doesn’t make me care about them, or look forward to what’s going to happen. I understand that not every story or every character needs to be driven. But it gives me little to cheer for when the main couple in shoujo romances inevitable get together by the end. 
The other main issue I have is that all conflicts come from outside sources. Or rather, an outside source: Kurumi. Then when her time is up, the story doesn’t know where to go with Kazehaya and Sawako. So it shifts to the other protagonists. There’s also an excessive amount of internal monologuing from Sawako. A lot of it is relatable—dealing with loneliness, not sure if people you consider friends genuinely like you, being worthy of love. I take some comfort in that, but there have been other characters who have expressed it better. For the first season, I watched through episode 19, then skipped to the final episode. I didn’t feel like I missed much. 
As for the second season….it was infuriating. Having both of your romantic leads cause drama by sheer stupidity and lack of communication is just weak ass writing. Plus the author, once again, relied on a third party (Kento) to actually make things happen. I don’t remember much about the rest of the story after this, and I don’t know if I’m up to watching the upcoming third season. Kurumi is the best character, and cheers to Yano for having some fucking sense. 
Future Diary
First watched: April 2012, original airdate Rewatched: January 2024
Original rating: 7 New rating: 5
Enough lovey dovey shit. Time for some insanity. With that said, I forgot the sheer lengths of insanity Future Diary went to. I also forgot every character who wasn’t Yukiteru, Yuno, Akise and Minene. Most of them weren’t worth remembering. In fact, by episode eight, my motivation to continue watching was super low—mostly because I don’t care about anyone (except Akise). But also the action and gore are so crazy, but the characters aren’t suffering any physical or mental consequences. No one’s broken a bone, or sprained an ankle, or fractured a rib. And I get it, Future Diary is big dumb fun. But the stakes remain stagnant and I don’t care to see it through. I lasted twelve episodes. 
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miajolensdevotion · 9 months
Have you missed out on something important to you during the past week? (Example: your favorite TV show, work deadline, quiet time, famiky activity, DGrouo meeting, etc) How did you feel about it? Did you make time or found ways to make up for what you have missed? How? 
Acts 20:1-16
Through Macedonia and Greece
20 When the uproar had ended, Paul sent for the disciples and, after encouraging them, said goodbye and set out for Macedonia. 2 He traveled through that area, speaking many words of encouragement to the people, and finally arrived in Greece,3 where he stayed three months. Because some Jews had plotted against him just as he was about to sail for Syria, he decided to go back through Macedonia. 4 He was accompanied by Sopater son of Pyrrhus from Berea, Aristarchus and Secundus from Thessalonica, Gaiusfrom Derbe, Timothy also, and Tychicus and Trophimus from the province of Asia. 5 These men went on ahead and waited for us at Troas. 6 But we sailed from Philippi after the Festival of Unleavened Bread, and five days later joined the others at Troas,where we stayed seven days.
Eutychus Raised From the Dead at Troas
7 On the first day of the week we came together to break bread. Paul spoke to the people and, because he intended to leave the next day, kept on talking until midnight. 8 There were many lamps in the upstairs room where we were meeting. 9 Seated in a window was a young man named Eutychus, who was sinking into a deep sleep as Paul talked on and on. When he was sound asleep, he fell to the ground from the third story and was picked up dead. 10 Paul went down, threw himself on the young man and put his arms around him. “Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “He’s alive!” 11 Then he went upstairs again and broke bread and ate. After talking until daylight, he left.12 The people took the young man home alive and were greatly comforted.
Paul’s Farewell to the Ephesian Elders
13 We went on ahead to the ship and sailed for Assos, where we were going to take Paul aboard. He had made this arrangement because he was going there on foot. 14 When he met us at Assos, we took him aboard and went on to Mitylene. 15 The next day we set sail from there and arrived off Chios. The day after that we crossed over to Samos, and on the following day arrived at Miletus. 16 Paul had decided to sail past Ephesus to avoid spending time in the province of Asia, for he was in a hurry to reach Jerusalem, if possible, by the day of Pentecost.
As we learned in the previous chapter of Acts, Paul was the epicenter of a riot in Ephesus, so he left & moved on to visit & encourage other churches he previously planted. Paul has taken the gospel, made disciples & planted churches in key cities from Turkey to Greece. Those churches in turn have sent people out who did the same in all the surrounding areas. Now the apostle returns to encourage them, knowing that he may never see them again. We can learn four principles from Paul that we can apply in our lives as we fulfill the mission God has given each one of us: DISPLING THE NATIONS.
From the beginning, God had a clear plan for Paul’s life. We see this in
Acts 9:15-16
15 But the Lord said to Ananias, “Go! This man is my chosen instrument to proclaim my name to the Gentiles and their kings and to the people of Israel.16 I will show him how much he must suffer for my name.”
when God instructed Ananias to visit Paul, “But the Lord said to him, go for he is a chosen instrument of mine, to bear my name before the Gentiles & kings & the sons of Israel; for I will show him how much he must suffer for my name’s sake.” Paul was called to pioneer, to take the gospel where people had never heard it. 
Romans 15:20
20 It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known, so that I would not be building on someone else’s foundation.
By the end of the 2nd century, almost all of the Roman Empire had heard the gospel because of the faithfulness of Paul to the challenge & mission God had given him.
Acts 26:19
19 “So then, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the vision from heaven.
Likewise, our real ambition as a church is to reach out to people who do not know Jesus, to take the gospel where it has not been preached. We all know somebody who does not know Jesus yet; our loved ones, friends, officemates, classmates, neighbors. But we should also realize that all over the world, there are people who literally have never heard the name of Jesus. What has God called us to do? Our mission is to glorify God & make Christ Committed Followers who make Christ Committed Followers. Our vision is to see a movement of millions of committed followers of the Lord Jesus Christ meeting in physical & online SMALL GROUPS & transforming lives, families, communities & nations, for the glory of God. This is what God has called us to do as a church & this is something worth living & dying for.
The journey of Paul was not easy; he needed to overcome a lot of challenges. Because of the gospel, he was driven out by the Jews in Pisidian Antioch, faced a plot of stone him in Iconium, stoned & left for dead in Lystra, beaten & jailed in Philippi, driven out of Thessalonica & Berea, attacked in Corinth & escaped from a riot in Ephesus! Yet he went back to these very places where he was mistreated so he can encourage the believers there & build them up in the faith. Like Paul, we also have to overcome challenges in order to do what God has called us to do.
The names listed in 
Acts 20:4-6
4 He was accompanied by Sopater son of Pyrrhus from Berea, Aristarchus and Secundus from Thessalonica, Gaiusfrom Derbe, Timothy also, and Tychicus and Trophimus from the province of Asia. 5 These men went on ahead and waited for us at Troas. 6 But we sailed from Philippi after the Festival of Unleavened Bread, and five days later joined the others at Troas,where we stayed seven days.
were people from different places & they were all disciples of Paul, representing the different churches. We usually think of discipleship as a weekly meeting where we study the Bible, fellowship & eat a lot of food. But for Paul, discipleship was much more than this. He travelled with these people for days & weeks & months; he knew their family issues, weaknesses, strengths & how to develop them. Paul made disciples by spending time with people through life on life discipleship. The great need of Christianity today is to rediscover our disciple making mission 
Matthew 28:18-20
18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
to become TRUE DISCIPLERS. Sadly, many Christians are not disciplers. Many are not Christ like to model transformed lives that appeal to others. A DISCIPLER is a follower of Christ who makes disciples intentionally by sharing the gospel (SALVATION) & modeling obedience to all (TRANSFORMATION) to their family & friends, resulting in transformation unto Christ like maturity (CHARACTER) that ushers in God’s presence (FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT) & therefore, spiritual multiplication (CREDIBILITY) for the glory of God.
Paul had been given clear instructions from God to go to Jerusalem. He was sensitive to the Holy Spirit to obey His direction. He was told many times that going to Jerusalem was dangerous; he was sure to be arrested. But he knew that, that was exactly what God wanted him to do. So he obeyed. He never hesitated. Likewise, when God speaks to us, we should IMMEDIATELY OBEY what He tells us to do. Discipling the nations is everyone’s mission. This means to disciple people from all cultures, of various family background God has called us to do something incredible; to expand His kingdom. He takes very ordinary people like us to be able to make an eternal impact for Him around the world. This is a privilege that we do not ever want to miss. So take part in the challenge to make disciples of all the nations! 
1. Are you obeying God’s commission to disciple? Why or why not?
Answer: I am obeying God’s commission to disciole; because I really love God that why I obey Him 
2. What has been the price you paid for making disciples? What were your difficulties & challenges?
Answer: The price that I paid for making disciples is my time & effort; the difficulties & challenges is making time manage to have our online bible study 
3. Based on the definition of a DISCIPLER, in what areas do you need to improve on? What steps will you take so you can help in discipling the nation? 
Answer: Based on the definition of a DISCIPLER, the areas I need to improve on is to explain properly the meaning of the verse in my disciple; the steps that I will take so I can help in discipling the nation is through praying 
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sportsandideas · 2 years
Why We Watch: Notes on World Cup Fandom
I’m convinced that if an alien social scientist from another planet was studying all the strange dimensions of human behavior, soccer fandom would be one of the standouts. The simple fact that we soccer fans spend so much time and treasure watching other people exercise, sometimes taking joy from a scoreless draw, is odd on its own. But then add in our rituals of fandom, the costumes we’d never wear in daily lives, the songs we sing off key, the bipolar outbursts of ecstasy and anger, the temporary bonds we form with total strangers, and it really becomes hard to jibe with all our other norms of social behavior. Which makes it all the more fun to try to think like that alien social scientist.
That’s exactly what I asked my ‘World Cup in Mind and Society’ students to do last week for our collaborative blogging. We tried to defamiliarize fandom, starting with an overview of relevant theories, going heavy on social identity theory, the team identification - social psychological health model, BIRGing (basking in reflected glory), collective effervescence, theories of nationalism, and the like. And then the students took to the field - interviewing someone excited about at least one of the upcoming World Cups, and crafting short case study summaries of what motivates them to watch. 
It wasn’t an entirely systematic sampling, and our methods were the best we could do in the second week of class, but it did unveil some useful proofs for our concepts. The ultimate question was less how to explain soccer fandom, and more how the strangeness of soccer fandom might say something about people and society. So here’s five themes that could help our alien social scientist make sense of the strange.
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(Photo from dw.com)
1) We watch because global soccer reinforces our cultural and national identities. As the famous Eric Hobsbawm quote suggests, “The imagined community of millions seems more real as a team of eleven named people.” World Cup soccer is a rare space where nations are made incarnate, put on display, and sorted by performance. Combine that with rituals (such as the signing of national anthems), emotions (embedded in the joy of victory and the agony of defeat), and media investment in national stories and you have a potent brew of emotional nationalism that can be both dangerous and delectable. 
In one case study, for example, a student astutely pointed out the way a USWNT fan emphasized “we” in describing a team of distant celebrity players: “I am a huge USA fan, I know you’re asking about the men’s World Cup but the women’s team is my favorite. We are the best in the world and we’re always the team everyone has circled. I have a bunch of jerseys and scarves and stuff from games I’ve been to, and I am obsessed with the players.”
In another case study, a student concisely observed both the way we embody nationalism through our clothes and our social connections - observing that her case study participant “likes to dress in ‘America-themed clothes’ and support the USA with her friends, or support England with her English friends.” As the fan described it: “it’s such a cool way to bring a country together.”  (reported from an interview conducted by Olivia Duboise)
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(Photo from scoop.upworthy.com)
2) We watch because global soccer allows us to express and explore cultural affinities. Even beyond helping to define our actual citizenships and heritages, the global scope of soccer gives us a rare chance to identify the places and people we admire. We kind-of also do this with our preferences for foods, travel, clothes, art, music, etc.. — but those often involve acts of consumption rather than feelings of identification. Soccer fandom gives us the rare opportunity to root for the other, and that experience often helps us situate our own selves.
The idea is that these affinities are different from our actual affiliations — one fan, for example, enjoyed supporting a team with which she had no direct connection:  "I've always loved Argentina. I love Leo Messi. Even though I know nothing of Argentina, I still find myself compelled to support the country through soccer" (reported from an interview conducted by Mia Aguilar). This example also hints at the personal affinities that compel us, as when another fan talked about liking the US Women’s National Team because she “grew up watching Alex Morgan and Megan Rapinoe and I looked up to them a lot when I was playing soccer.” (reported from an interview conducted by Sydney Cathersal). 
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(Photo from abcnews.go.com)
3) We watch because global soccer gives us an excuse to go “crazy.” Fandom of many sorts offers people a liminal space where the expectations for conventional behavior become loose — when supporting a team we can say things, wear things, and do things that would rarely be part of the rest of our lives. Something about this feels good — psychologists sometimes call it ‘eustress’ or ‘catharsis’, and while it is not always healthy it does have a strange primal appeal. It seems remarkably common for fans to talk about the experience as an enjoyable version of going “crazy.”
As one fan described “My old teammates and I would go to someone’s house and we would have a party where we all would watch the World Cup together. We would get crazy and sometimes I would catch myself screaming at the TV, which is something I would never do anywhere else. But, everyone else was doing it so it didn’t really matter and I didn’t want to be that one person just silently watching.” (reported from an interview conducted by Abigail Echavaria) 
Another fan described the pleasure as an “adrenaline rush that we get from not knowing what is going to happen in the game and you’re yelling along with thousands of other people.” When asked if this was a good thing the fan replied “it’s just what makes the game fun. Obviously, there is a line drawn and it shouldn’t get violent, but this type of conduct is what is expected and allowed at pro games.” (reported from an interview conducted by Taylor Schindler)
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(Photo from mirror.co.uk)
4) We watch because global soccer helps us engage our families and communities. Fandom is by nature a social experience - it requires some identification with others. In many cases, those others are people in our neighborhoods or even our own houses — an event such as the World Cup gives us an excuse to get together and celebrate with people who broadly share our interests. In cultures that value individualism, that excuse allows us to connect to our social natures. In cultures that value interdependence, that excuse allows us to reinforce our social ties.
One fan again used ‘crazy’ as a descriptor: "The sense of community in the soccer world is crazy. The people I watch it with, my teammates, my friends, and family, it creates my own world cup environment and I get to see favorite players that I have been watching from a young age perform on the biggest stage in the world."  (reported from an interview conducted by Jayde Harris)
For another fan it was less about the global spectacle, and more about the local connections: "The community that was made through the youth soccer leagues gave me a sense of belonging with the other parents and kids that [we] grew up with." (reported from an interview conducted by Colin Bui)
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(Photo from discover.hubpages.com)
5) We watch because global soccer puts human excellence on display. Anybody who has ever tried to cultivate a skill (which means pretty much everyone) can appreciate the artistry, aesthetics, and craft of players who are the best in the world at what they do. There is something magnificent and inspiring about peak human performance, and many fans watch the game with a connoisseur's eye.
Fans often use aesthetic terms to describe this motivation; as one explained: “it’s beautiful to watch each team's strategies and how they navigate the field.” (reported from an interview conducted by Jenna Blevins). Or, as another articulated, “As opposed to [gridiron] football, the art of the game can be seen with every pass….for the average fan, football gets exciting in the red zone (the last couple of yards where it is very possible something exciting will happen)...In soccer, every pass/ play carries weight, everybody is moving constantly and, from both sides of the ball, art is being formed.” (reported from an interview conducted by Justin Tucker)
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(Photo from canadasoccer.com)
So what would all this tell our alien social scientist about our strange species? First, as a sociological lens can confirm, we are intrinsically social beings — craving both imagined and real communities that help us make meaning of our own places in a complicated world. And second, as a psychological lens might endorse, we are pleasure seeking beings — craving both raw emotional stimulation and more nuanced aesthetic engagement. Soccer fandom is a rare space where we can do all that (and more) at the same time.
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yourmidnightlover · 3 years
the nickname
Summary: reader convinced spencer to let her take the reins in the bedroom... or does she?
TW: oral (male recieving), fingering, mention of overstimulation, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex, penetrative sex, riding, scratching, use of nicknames (princess, love, etc.), hints at sugar daddy!spencer, age gap (not specified but i’m thinking around 10-15 years). *let me know if i missed anything*
WC: 2,912
A/N: this hinted at sugar daddy!spencer (not really hinted so much as saying it outright). I also wrote this for @anxiousblanketqueen ‘s fic contest for her birthday! i believe it’s prompt number 21. i hope you enjoy :)
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you had been together for a while, now. maybe 13 months? you bet spencer could recall - more like knew he could.
you had met when you were one of his students. you're going to georgetown on an academic scholarship because no way in hell could you pay for the full tuition when you still couldn't afford it with the scholarships.
he took a liking to you - how could he not? you were a hard worker and proved yourself to be extremely determined. on top of the obvious intelligence, you had a beauty that radiated around you. and that beauty had a touch of... innocence. and maybe that innocent beauty is what initially attracted him to you, but he'd like to think it was just your personality as a whole.
you were never one of the students who would come to his office after hours for help you clearly didn't need. you would use your colored pens and highlighters to help organize your notes, so it took a while to pack everything up to leave.
one day, when there weren't any students lined up out his door, he went to your seat as you were cleaning up. you looked up, rather surprised that your inappropriate crush was standing right by you.
"uhm... hi," you smiled at him as you put your pencil pouch in your bag, breaking eye contact for the briefest of seconds before returning your attention back to him.
"hi. i was uhm..." he cleared his throat, "i was wondering if you had any questions? you never come to the office hours for questions and i was just... just making sure," he stuttered out.
"oh," you chuckled a light, airy laugh that spencer wished he had recorded so he could replay it over and over and over. "i don't have any questions. i guess that just means that you're a really good professor - very thorough," you stood up and flung the bag over your shoulder, still incredibly shorter than him.
"than-thank you," he smiled. "i'm happy to hear that you're actually getting something out of the lessons," you began walking out of the classroom, looking back to ensure that he was following you.
"yes, i truly do," you agreed. "i'm also pretty sure i'm one of the other people who isn't auditing the class," you added.
"correct, you are," he enthusiastically gestured, another laugh leaving your beautiful lips.
"i mean, you can't necessarily blame them for just taking the class," you chuckled as he held the door open for you, you gave him a subtle 'thank you.'
"what do you mean?" he asked in a soft tone.
"i mean you- you're..." you trailed off, gesturing to his entire body in hopes to convey what you meant. he just looked at you with a confused taste, letting you know you needed to elaborate. "you're very... attractive, professor reid."
"oh-that's very... thank you," he blushed as you halted by the bus stop.
"of course," you turned around, looking up to meet his eyes. "so... wait, what time is it?" you asked rather frantically.
"it's," he looked at his silver watch adorning his wrist, "6:27."
"shit," you swore for the first time in front of him, underneath your breath.
"wha-what is it?" he asked, perplexed as to why you would be so frustrated.
"the last bus leaves at 6:15 and i've missed it," you huffed out, trying to compose yourself before checking your bag and realizing, "i forgot my key and my roommate is at her girlfriend's house."
"is there anything i could do?" he asked concerned.
"no i can... i can just stay at the library. i should probably study up anyway," you tried to laugh it off although you knew it was pointless... he was a profiler for christ's sake.
"the library? y/n, this might seem a bit inappropriate but i have a spare room you could stay in until your roommate gets back," he offered kindly.
so, you took him up on his offer.
you slept in his spare room after he got you both takeout. you laughed and talked for what seemed like meer minutes but turned out to be until 1 a.m. you talked about string theory and the leonard euler's paradox. he gave you interesting facts about tortoises and achilles.
that little hangout session turned into countless hangouts over the span of three months. and then he asked you out on a real date once you finished at the top of his class - and not just because you were his favorite.
the first time with spencer was... beyond delightful. he was captivating with the way he worked against and for your body. it was almost as if he felt like his sole purpose on earth was to please you. he was eager, yet patient with the way his tongue flicked and sucked at your skin.
he was such a dominant personality in the bedroom, which was extremely appreciated since you didn't have much experience in that arena. but now that you were more versed in that world, you wanted to experiment a bit more.
casually, he began to pay for your things. it wasn't so head-on at first. it would be paying for your groceries, or buying all of your college books for you. but then it got a bit bigger. when your roommate couldn't give you the necessary half of the rent that was due and was beginning to be a nuisance, spencer quite literally let you move into his place. he would pay for your car's repairs and bought you jewelry consistently.
one time, as a joke, you called him your sugar daddy - mostly because that's how he acted. he just didn't like the term. he felt as though it made your relationship together seem one-sided when you were, in fact, very in love with the man. you came to realize it also made you seem like a gold digger, which you weren't - even though the money is a nice plus. so, you relented and didn't say that again.
spencer never really had much time off now that he was working back at the bau and traveling but now, you had him to yourself for a whole week. you had been planning this since he told you when he'd be off.
step 1: look sexy - you always looked sexy to him, but feeling sexy would also be a plus.
step 2: surprise him while looking sexy - absolutely devious.
step 3: seduce him - when doesn't he want you? exactly.
it was foolproof.
you had gotten the text 15 minutes ago that spencer was on his way back to his place, wanting you to meet him there once he had settled in. little did he know that you were in a sexy little white number - the white reminded him of your innocence which really got him going - lying in wait for him in a pair of heels. you sat in one of his reading chairs, deciding to pick up a book until he got home.
when you heard the jingling of keys coming from the other side of the door, you assumed your position. the chair was turned toward the door, you sitting pretty with one leg crossed over the other.
spencer walked through the door, hanging his coat and briefcase up before finally noticing you. his eyebrows shot up, looking your body up and down hungrily.
"wow," he smiled a wicked grin as he slowly made his way to where you were sitting. you stood up, heels clicking as they hit the floor and walked closer to him.
"i wanna try something," you placed your hands on his chest, pushing him back slightly until he was forced to sit down on the couch.
"and what would that be, princess?" he asked, hands stroking your hair that was cascading down your back.
"i..." you bent down to whisper in his ear, "i want to be in charge tonight," you placed a soft kiss below his earlobe, feeling his body shudder subtly at the proposition.
"are you sure you can handle that?" he chuckled, hands roaming to your waist and grinding your hips down on his.
you almost gave up. almost. you grasped his hands, placing them on the arm of the couch before getting close to his face. your lips were almost touching before you whispered, "no touching today, pretty boy."
you felt his hips rut up against your core, you chuckled at his eagerness. you decided to throw him a bone and ground down, hard, against his hips. the groan he let out was low and enticing, nearly enough to allow you to give him whatever he wanted.
"bedroom," you whispered against his neck before getting off of his lap, allowing him to scurry to the room. "take off your clothes while you're at it!" you giggled under your breath as you heard his clothes shuffling, telling you that he was obeying your request.
you waited a couple of minutes until you went into the room, wanting to have him go a bit insane like he normally did to you. when you walked in, he was laying on his back on the bed, just like you wanted. his cock was already red and leaky, prominent as it bounced on his tummy.
"good boy, spence," you giggled, walking over to him and straddling his legs.
once you were settled, you pressed a chaste kiss to his lips before trailing them down his torso, leaving the occasional hickey scattered on his chest. traveling kisses down his happy trail, you traced the vein on his dick and watched it twitch up and hit his stomach once again you giggled at the reaction.
"now i understand why you like so much responsiveness," you chuckled as you pressed a soft, barely-there kiss to the tip of his cock, he hissed once again from the contact.
you slowly took his cock in your mouth, agonizingly slow, and flattened your tongue at the base. one you got him as far down you could manage, you began bobbing your head just as slow. his hands flew to your hair, trying to force you to go faster until you swatted them away.
"should i tie those up?" you threatened, your hand working at his member as you spoke.
"are you fucking kidding me?" he swore, clearly agitated by your antics.
"no," you squeezed his dick for punctuation, the way he grunted made the wetness pool in your underwear. "i'm not kidding you."
you took him in your mouth once more, bobbing your head far more vigorously than before this time, just to spite him. hollowing your cheeks, you swallowed around him and began gagging around his dick before coming back up for air.
"fuck," he whispered underneath his breath, not wanting to let you know just how much of an effect you had on him.
you smiled to yourself and continued your antics until he was spilling all down your throat. you didn't stop there, you came back up and let your hand continue pumping his member slowly.
"shit," he hissed from the stimulation.
"shhh," you put your free finger up to his lips.
you gave his dick a few more strokes, curses leaving his lips delightfully before you drew your hands up his body once more before straddling his lap. after moving your panties to the side and slicking his cock with your arousal, you ground against him leisurely, trying to tease him a bit more. you unclasped your bra, throwing it somewhere in the room. finally, you reached between the two of you and lined him up with your entrance.
"are you sure you can do this?" spencer asked, not to entice you, but to make sure you were alright.
"there's a first for everything," you chuckled, knowing you had never been on top before.
you had never been on top before - you'd like to blame your lack of experience. you knew it might be hard to keep up the pace, but you were determined to make not only yourself but also make spencer feel good. that's all you've ever wanted. that's what you're meant to do - make him feel good. so no matter what it took, you'd make it happen.
you slowly lowered yourself onto his dick, being wary of how much bigger he felt from the new angle.
"shit," you whispered, your hands resting on his chest in attempt to ground yourself. "oh god..." you trailed off, feeling your dominant personality fade away as the pleasure overtook you.
"keep going, princess," he spurred you on, his hands finding your waist and rubbing gentle circles on your skin. "you've got it."
so you rose on your knees until only his tip was inside of you for you to lower yourself once more. you whimpered from the feeling of him re-entering your body, your pussy clenching around him as if he were an intruder.
"doing so good for me," he grasped your waist a bit tighter so he could help you rise and fall on his cock. "fuck, it's so good."
"d-doctor, i-" you stuttered, the persona nearly entirely gone and nowhere to be seen as he continued to move you up and down.
when you learn forward, your face hovering over spencer's chest, he took the opportunity to wrap his arms entirely around your waist. before you knew it, he was slamming his length into your pussy over and over and over and over again.
"oh! oh my god," you moaned, your voice reaching a higher octave as he drilled into your body in the most pleasurable way imaginable. "don't stop! don't stop! ple-please!" you screamed out, your hands wrapping around his torso and squeezing his body to ensure that he was there - present.
"i won't, princess. just let go. let go for me," he pressed a kiss to the top of your head so sweetly in contrast to how he was fucking you.
"i'm cumming! oh god, i'm cumming, spencer!" you cried out as you released the tension from inside of you.
only spencer wasn't done yet, so he took himself out of you, and he placed you on your back before reentering you. he moved in and out of you at a godly pace, trying to get himself to his climax before you would become too overwhelmed from the overstimulation.
"spen- spencer," you scratched at his back, surely leaving red marks for him to ogle once you were through. "i-i'm close," you sucked lightly at his earlobe before he moved his hand between the two of you, circling the little bundle of nerves at your crest.
"my little insatiable bunny, huh?" he smiled as you whimpered into his ear, nearing your second release. "loves my cock a bit too much, huh?"
"please! fuck!" you shouted out as you came on his dick, pulling at his hair. the clenching and fluttering of your pussy finally sending him over the edge, his hot release flooding your insides.
"fuck," he groaned into your ear as he carried the two of you through your releases. "good job, princess," he pressed a kiss to your neck as you stroked his hair, playing with it as you were still coming down.
"i'm sorry," you frowned once he pulled out, finally making eye contact as he lay down beside you.
"what for?" he asked incredulously.
"i just... i wanted to make you proud and i couldn't even finish without your help," you explained in a whiney manner, not allowing yourself to meet his beautiful eyes.
"hey," he grasped your chin to force you to make eye contact. "i love it when i have to help you reach that high. that's not something to be embarrassed or upset about."
"i know but i wanted to ride you and i couldn't even do that," you rolled your eyes.
"it takes time to get used to doing that," he chuckled. "and besides, riding someone on the bed is never a good way to begin. the couch is always better - that way you have the back of it to hold onto."
"really? so it's not that i'm just terrible at being a top?" your eyes widened with hope, he smiled at your eagerness.
"i think you could be a switch but it needs a bit of work, my love," he brushed your hair behind your ear before seeing your disappointed gaze and adding, "but i'll bet that with enough practice i could start calling you my little bunny, yea?"
"really?" you perked up at the proposition. "i want you to call me that."
"well then, i guess we better start practicing," he grinned before leaning in and giving you a sloppy kiss, his hands flying to your waist as he stood the both of you up to go to the couch.
needless to say, with spencer's guidance you were able to master the art of riding him. and you got that special little nickname, too.
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