#and at the time the laptop was super high performing
bigfatbreak · 4 months
make a post featuring ur donation links and patreon!!!
I'm ok currently! I've been really fighting to bulk up my savings so I have enough to afford a dinky little replacement, it was just REALLY bad timing, considering how recently the crisis with the fridge was... im half expecting my roof to be carried off by a vulture tbh
284 notes · View notes
lily-blue · 4 months
13 reasons why | reason no.12: they care about their customers' health
☆ characters: barista!seokmin & uni student!you (Dahee - ‘99 liner) ☆ genre: coffee shop au, slice of (uni) life ☆ summary: after a failed mock-test makes you realise that you aren’t ready for your midterms, you do everything you can to cram the curriculum before your exams; even if it means consuming too much sugar and caffeine that Seokmin simply can’t turn a blind eye to ☆ words: 8,7k ☆ taglist: @dat-town​​
➼ chapter index
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You were the first person in your family who had gotten into university or decided to pursue any kind of higher education, really, once they received their high school diploma. Hence, the pressure to perform exceptionally had been huge from the moment you had submitted your application. Not because your mom and dad were the typical Asian parents who tried to live their life through their children, demanding success where they had failed, but because most - if not all - of your extended family members thought that the money your parents spent on your education was a waste. And they never failed to bring the issue up during birthday celebrations and other family gatherings that for some reason none of you were allowed to skip. Feeling too young and powerless each and every time, your good grades were your only weapons with which you could shut them up.
However, recently, you had gotten pretty immersed in your new hobby, which obviously had a negative effect on your studies. It had started out innocently: about a year ago, this lovely coffee shop you and a few of your university friends frequented had thrown a free open mic night and you had performed an original song. Obviously, the lyrics had been heartfelt albeit amateur, the beats hadn’t always blended together nicely and your singing voice had never been trained, but you had enjoyed every second of the show and the audience’s supportive reaction. The staff had also been super nice, hence you hadn’t hesitated to sign up for the next occasion. And the occasion right after. If you had wanted to be honest, there couldn’t have been more than two events throughout the year that you hadn’t attended. You loved writing and singing your own songs too much.
Your improvement was undeniable, but it had taken a lot of effort and time, which you didn’t always have. Or more like… You shouldn’t have had if you had still taken your studies as seriously as you had done at the beginning.
In your defence, you hadn’t noticed how far behind you had fallen in your theory class until your professor had given you all a mock test two weeks before midterms and you had gotten back your results five days before your actual exam. You had scored twelve points out of fifty. Yet, even with the proof on your desk that served both as a reminder and a motivator, even a day later when your initial shock should have died down, you still couldn’t believe how miserably you had failed.
You let out a groan as you flipped another page of your notebook, trying to find those notes that could have helped you understand the slides on your laptop to no avail.
Why had you thought it had been a good idea to draw musical notes and treble clefs in your Theories of Applied Chemistry notebook? At least, the half-finished lyrics made some sense; you could never know when inspiration hit.
Trying not to mull over the horrible life choices you had made in the past few months four days before your midterm exams, you turned another page and sighed. You reached out to your cup with your eyes on your messy handwriting and took the paper straw between your lips, resisting the urge to chew on the soft material between two sips. This action wasn’t as de-stressing anymore since plastic straws had become a public enemy. You would have rather not had the paper melt in your mouth quicker from your saliva.
The unmistakable sound of the end of your straw meeting an empty cup genuinely surprised you even though, in the back of your head, you knew you had been in the coffee shop the whole day and it must have been over an hour since your last order. Cramming and not falling asleep from how boring these theories were didn’t fit into the same sentence without caffeine.
It would have been easier to raise your voice and ask for a refill like you had done numerous times already that day, but your body could have used some exercise, so you decided to stand up and walk towards the end of the line in front of the counter. This way, you could also take a look at their pastries and sandwiches, soothing your hunger past your usual lunch time. You had been so focused on your useless notes, you hadn’t even noticed you had unintentionally skipped your favourite meal of the day.
The line in Coffee Carat was a bit longer than usual as it was a beautiful Saturday afternoon when many locals spent their time in cute coffee shops whether with friends, potential lovers or partners. For a brief second, you let yourself wonder when you would have the time to go on lovely coffee dates with a guy who awoke butterflies in your tummy, but you pushed it aside way before it was your turn to order. You didn’t have time for relationships. Your hobby had already taken up a lot of your non-existent free time and look where that had gotten you.
‘Excuse me, miss. What can I get for you?’ The barista behind the counter cleared his throat, making you realise that it might not have been the first time he tried to get your attention. Still, the smile on his face looked genuine, hence you pushed your slowly growing anxiety down and offered him an equally honest albeit tight-lipped grin. It was the best you could do under pressure.
(One of the customers behind your back made sure that you knew that unlike the barista, he wasn’t paid to be patient. Jerk.)
‘I’d like to have a Vanilla Sweet Cream cold brew and two pieces of ChocoLate,’ you pointed at the chocolatey cupcakes behind the glass display, smiling as you skimmed through all the creative names they had for their sweets. It was just another thing you liked in this particular coffee shop.
One could have said that staying at the same place that had caused your demise was stupid, but you really liked the atmosphere of Coffee Carat, and the small stage in the corner actually kept you motivated: looking at the equipment, you knew exactly what you might have needed to give up on if you hadn’t put yourself together. You would have rather never sung again then let your family members roast your dear parents for paying for your university just so you could fail your classes.
You really hoped things wouldn’t have gone that far, though.
‘If you do not mind my suggestion, let me recommend you one of our decaffeinated drinks instead or something with less sugar and caffeine. I could not help but notice that this is your sixth cup today and while it is none of my business, consuming so much…’
Although the barista’s voice was gentle and he used formal language, his lengthy analysis on your coffee consumption made you feel as though you were at one of your obligatory family gatherings, hence you zoned out for a second.
‘...they are both very delicious. What do you think?’ His question reached you in an unstable state of mind, your head full of memories of your aunt Yeojin comparing your future career options with your Chemical engineering degree to those who worked at Olive Young. Like you would only be able to sell perfumes and scented body lotions with the knowledge you were trying to acquire while you were a university student.
‘I think your boss wouldn’t be too happy to hear about you refusing to give your customer what she ordered and getting all personal with her,’ you spat, a tad dramatic even to your own ears, but it was already too late. The words were out of your mouth and they weren’t kind. No, they were nasty like you were one of those entitled Karens you liked to laugh at when you were watching Youtube videos.
‘Actually, I am pretty confident that Seungcheol hyung would also refuse to give you your sixth cup of cold brew in less than six hours,’ the barista insisted, and you pressed your lips together to avoid saying something you most probably would have regretted the next second. Especially because you liked chilling and studying at Coffee Carat and you loved performing your songs on their open mic nights. If this Seokmin guy had been on a “hyung-dongsaeng” basis with his boss, you should have tried to refrain from getting on his nerves.
So you cleared your throat and softened your voice, determined to save what could still have been saved after your bitchy comment.
‘Look, I appreciate your concern and your boss’ concern, too, it’s touching, seriously. But next week is midterms week and I really need to shove months of skipped lessons into my brain this weekend if I want to be able to study for my other tests as well,’ you pleaded, and it should have been ridiculous, how you needed to beg for that vanilla-flavoured cold brew you had just ordered when it was one of the more pricey items on their menu. Shouldn’t they have been happy that you were willing to pay for it six times on the same day? (Another life choice you were most likely going to regret in the near future.)
‘Well, I’m also a uni—,’
‘Dude, can you just shut up and do your job? Give her her freaking coffee and let us move on with our lives. I don’t have all day,’ the same jerk from before spoke up, leaning closer to the counter and simultaneously invading your personal space by putting one of his palms on the wooden surface.
You were about to remind this impatient dude of public manners when the look on Seokmin’s face filled your throat with guilt, rendering you speechless. He looked so defeated, you had this inner urge to apologise for this whole scene your actions had created and ask if he had been still okay with preparing you one of the low-caffeinated drinks on their menu, but it was too late. He sucked it up and nodded with an obviously forced smile. Then, he turned his back to you and started to make your cold brew.
The entire time you were staring at the barista’s back, there was this teeny-tiny voice inside of your head, nagging you to apologise, but a part of you also felt that saying sorry might have made things more awkward and you hated the thought of making the situation worse. Therefore, you shut up and swallowed your own discomfort in order to help everyone forget this unnecessary ordeal easier.
‘Thank you,’ you mumbled under your nose when you eventually put your hands on the tray that had your coffee and chocolate cupcakes, then slid the small amount of change you had gotten back into the tip jar they had next to the cash register. You usually didn’t entertain the tipping culture even at diners where the food was otherworldly because it wasn’t part of your culture, but this money went for the events they organised in the coffee shop - including the yearly charity gift exchange in December -, so it did make you feel a tad better.
Though, you were relatively under the weather during the rest of your stay at the homey café. You kept stealing guilty glances at the busy barista and at one point you became so distracted by the self-blaming thoughts in your head that you ended up going home hours before closing time, which had been your initial plan for the day.
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You would have liked to say that your shame kept you away from Coffee Carat until the next open mic night, but the atmosphere at the coffee shop was perfect for studying and a lot more motivating than your dorm room or the school library could have ever been. Therefore, after a more or less relaxing good night sleep, you gave yourself a peptalk in your tiny bathroom and left the building before your roommate woke up.
You took a seat in one of the corners half an hour after opening and started your day with a big cup of Coconut cold brew and a chicken-mayo-tuna sandwich that was closely the best sandwich you had ever tasted in your entire life. You had three whole PPTs to relearn that day and while the amount didn’t sound too draining at first hearing, each one had at least thirty slides, so you knew there was another long day ahead of you.
Taking a sip from your drink, you let out a content hum and opened the first document. It was useless stressing over inevitable inconveniences, so you decided to get down to work. The less you pondered over the seemingly impossible task ahead of you, the easier it became to concentrate on your studies. If you had learned anything since you had started university, it would have been how taking one step at a time worked best for you. You got overwhelmed so easily whenever your focus was on how much more you needed to do instead of just working through your endless to-dos slowly yet steadily.
Three hours and close to forty slides later, you decided to take your first study break and ordered yourself a slice of well-deserved mango cheesecake along with your third cup of caffeine-infused refreshment. Since you hadn’t seen the barista from the day before when you had arrived early in the morning you didn’t think too much into how unhealthy your order was until someone put them on your table and you took a quick sip from your drink. It was subtle, but it tasted sweeter; upon close inspection, it also looked a shade darker than it had done the first two times.
The furrow between your brows deepened as you took another tentative sip. It took you a few seconds to realise what the problem was. Though, the realisation did hit you the moment your eyes met the barista who had served you.
‘Look, if I fall asleep over my laptop and fail my exam, not only me, but both of my parents will be dragged through the mud at every family gathering for at least a decade, so please, for the love of God, bring me the cold brew that I ordered,’ you begged, a little dramatic and a year ago, when your grades had been a lot better, you might have called the barista out on caring about your health a bit too much (or maybe on taking an interest in you), but right now you weren’t so entertained by his behaviour. Sure, too much caffeine was bad for you, it wasn’t like you hadn’t known it before he had mentioned it the day before, but it was only for one week. You only had to pull through this one week and then… Then, you could have come up with a better study method than cramming at the last minute and drowning yourself in a dangerous amount of cold brew.
Agrr. Why was this guy so difficult? It was only your third cup that day, and you hadn’t had that much of a hard time falling asleep last night. These should have meant something!
‘I obviously don’t know too much about your situation…’ Seokmin started, tentative with the way he chose each and every word as though he could sense that it was a very sensitive topic for you and you weren’t just throwing around big words to justify your obsession with these drinks. You gulped and didn’t cut him off, which he clearly took as encouragement, because his smile turned from solemn to caring. ‘But I’m also a university student. I’m currently doing my masters, so I know how these weeks can be. Especially when you care about your performance.’
Stealing a glance at the black screen of your laptop, suddenly you felt like your break was taking too long even though you knew it wasn’t true. You had been working hard in the past three hours and you couldn’t have pushed aside your studies a mere ten minutes ago. Still, the reminder of how much more you needed to force into your schedule today if you wanted to score high on your tests made you more anxious than anything. You had no idea where this conversation was going, but you didn’t like it one bit.
You wanted to tell him to get to the point and leave you alone. You also wanted to get a new drink, but you demanded neither. Mostly, because you felt like the latter was a waste of your breath and the former would have sounded like something your aunt Yeojin would have said and that thought alone unnerved you a lot. You just wanted to be left alone.
You put your empty hand on your keyboard and pushed a random button. The screen with the second PPT on came back to life immediately.
‘What I’m trying to say is… there are better and more effective ways to study last minute,’ the barista said and you sighed, disappointed with the way your coffee’s sweet taste lingered in your mouth. You liked sweets. You believed that consuming sugar kept you energised, but it was still off-putting. Most probably because it wasn’t what you had wanted to reward yourself with and only a few were cool enough to like these kinds of unexpected surprises. You definitely weren’t one of those go-with-the-flow girlies. Especially when you considered how much money you had left at Coffee Carat in the last twenty-four hours.
‘This is what’s working for me,’ you retorted half-heartedly, with one eye already on the next slide about LCP theory. ‘I don’t have time for experiments.’
You were harsh, you didn’t need to be a genius to be self-aware, but every word that had left your mouth was true. The last weekend before midterms wasn’t the most ideal time to find those study methods that worked best for you. You had to push through these upcoming days with what was familiar and most importantly, with what was working for you.
‘I could help with that. Not to brag, but I’m pretty awesome at time management, too,’ Seokmin said with his full chest, which kind of made it sound like bragging, but you didn’t call him out on that. Instead, you cut off a bite from your mango cheesecake with your fork and lifted it in front of your slightly parted lips.
You slid your gaze from your laptop to the barista as you pulled the dessert off the cutlery.
‘I have seven exams next week. It’s too late to chance tactics,’ you claimed, overly sure in yourself. What he was offering you might have helped in the long run, taking he was telling the truth and wasn’t exaggerating, but you had too much on your plate at that moment to even play with the thought of considering it. ‘Knowing myself, I’ll order some more in an hour or so. Please, make sure to prepare my drink correctly.’
Inwardly, you were proud of how calm your request sounded despite the unwanted attention this barista was constantly giving you that weekend. He was nice, you had to give that to him. Your mother would have definitely liked him for looking out for you even after you had refused to listen to him (and not just because she preferred green tea over coffee every hour of the day), but at that moment, a knight in shining armour was the last thing you needed. It didn’t matter that he was handsome.
Where that last thought came from, you had no idea, but you quickly shook it off. Whether he was easy on the eye with his sharp nose, puppy eyes and that lovely mole on his cheek didn’t matter. Your studies did.
Hearing the barista’s defeated sigh, you fought the urge to praise him for finally getting the memo. You would have liked to think that you were a nice person and it was only your nerves being on the edge that turned you into such a menace. You would have also liked to think that Seokmin was partly at fault. He was too nosey for his own good.
Whether he was so pushy with other customers, too, you didn’t dwell on it. These details had no significance to you, because they could have only led you to massive overthinking and the capacity of your brain was already close to its limit. Ligand close packing theory; you had to focus on ligand close packing theory.
An hour and a half later you were still very much awake when you got the low-caffeinated version of your beloved coffee and a sugar-free croissant on the side; however, close to eight in the evening, when your eyes became way too heavy to keep them open without some extra help, you welcomed the espresso on the house with a satisfied smile on your face. As you were taking one small sip after the other while hovering over your notes, you noticed that cutting back on your daily coffee intake helped with its effectiveness a tiny bit. Not that you would have ever said that out aloud.
You refused to say that out aloud.
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You had one written exam on Monday because you had taken Western European business and management as one of your electives that semester,  and you were happy to start with such an easy, computer-based exam as the instant results - you scored 95 points out of 100 - gave a huge boost to your confidence. You felt almost invincible as you waltzed into Coffee Carat around two with your laptop and your notes for tomorrow’s oral exams.
‘I’d like to have a decaf vanilla latte and three of those Unstoppaballs,’ you said as soon as it was your turn in front of the counter, your mouth watering at the sight of the white chocolate and orange flavoured balls.
‘No cold brew this time?’ Seokmin’s sassy question was more shocked than teasing, and you just shrugged with a hidden smile in the corner of your mouth. You still didn’t feel like you could admit that sometimes less was more, but your order could have been taken as a white flag, so did you really need to spell your surrender out to him to understand? Nah, he wasn’t stupid. Pushy? Hell the freaking yes. But not stupid.
Based on what you had seen of him since you had become a regular at Coffee Carat, he could pick up on social cues just fine as well. 
‘I’m feeling energised today,’ you decided to entertain him a little while you were looking for your wallet in your backpack and received your order with the same, subtle smile on your face before you took a seat at one of the empty tables in the back where you could study in relative peace. Sure, you couldn’t have made people stop talking around you like in the uni library just because you were sitting in the corner, but you preferred the light background noise to the silence anyway. It helped you concentrate; whereas, your thoughts were usually all over the place when you had nothing to shut out.
Doing a silly little dance on your chair as you were waiting for your laptop to turn on, you allowed yourself one sneaky glance from above your shoulder at the barista, who was busy preparing the next customer’s drink, then fished your notebooks out of your backpack and got down to work. If you could successfully answer all three questions at the end of each one of your slides by eight, you would have two extra hours to prepare for your Theory of Applied Chemistry test on Wednesday. Not an easily achievable goal per se, but you wouldn’t have called it impossible, either.
Dead set on your goal for that afternoon, you had already worked through two third of your notes when your stomach gently reminded you that you needed more fuel to keep up the good work. However, before you could have finished up the quiz you were using to test how much of the lesson you remembered, someone placed a Chocolate latte and a banana cupcake between your laptop and your abandoned tray.
‘I didn’t order these,’ the words were out of your mouth before your brain could have made the assumption that both the drink and the snack were on the house, because things like that never happened to you. Sure, you were pleasant to look at in a gentle, less outstanding way if your parents and friends’ opinion was anything to go by, but in today’s society it was rare to approach someone just because. Meeting strangers was easier online, and most people still met their future significant other through friends. 
You shook your head when you realised you were overthinking it. A future significant other? What were you thinking?
‘I know,’ Seokmin gave you a sunny smile, his cheeks a tad rose-tinted close to his ears. ‘I was just thinking… So, you are doing so good so far without deliberately poisoning yourself. What else could deserve a reward if not that,’ the barista semi-asked, semi-exclaimed with a soft giggle, making you feel less offended than you had been when the word “poison” had fallen from his lips. Tsk, as if a week’s worth of excessive amounts of coffee had ever killed anyone. He was such a drama queen material, it was laughable.
‘Thanks?’ You tried to show your gratitude without making it sound like you were suspecting him of doing something inappropriate, like spitting into your chocolate latte because you had been talking to him from such a high horse the last two times you had crossed paths. ‘Isn’t it too much sugar, though?’ You raised a brow while you reached out for the drink.
You put the straw between your lips and took a huge gulp from the latte. It tasted delicious, a lot less sweet and a little colder than you had initially thought. Neither of these two was a real complaint, though.
You didn’t expect the genuine laugh that Seokmin gave you when your unintentionally sassy question registered in his brain. And you anticipated it less when your lips curved upwards due to how dorky he looked with his crescent moon eyes, all thirty-two of his teeth more or less on display.
‘I made sure to get you one of our new, sugar-free cupcakes. And the sweetest thing in your latte is the chocolate itself. A mix of cocoa powder and melted chocolate actually,’ he said, his smile not wavering as he added: ‘I do like to think that I’m a man of my word, so no, it’s not too much sugar. I wouldn’t do that after all that scolding,’ he reassured you as he lifted his hand to his neck and scratched the sensitive skin under his ear a couple of times.
‘It does sound less hypocritical now that I heard your explanation,’ you agreed with a soft hum, offering him a bite from your cupcake that he declined with a light shake of his head.
You were contemplating whether you should have A) asked him what you could have helped him with as he was clearly stalling by your table, B) said thank you for the freebies once again before the silence could have stretched too long or C) reminded him that your midterms took an entire week, hence you still had a lot of studying to do that afternoon.
In the end, due to your indecisiveness, it was Seokmin who broke the silence first.
‘I actually have something for you. Let me grab it real quick, it’s in the changing room,’ he said, and before you could have objected or even acknowledged his words, he was on his way to the staff only area.
Since you had read many YA books when you had been in elementary and high school, you had a couple of ideas of what could have been going on, but all of your groundless fantasies failed you when the barista rushed back to you and your gaze finally fell upon an ordinary albeit new-looking notebook. Confused, you looked up at Seokmin with deep furrows on your forehead and between your eyebrows.
‘What’s this?’
‘Study materials,’ he stated, like it should have been obvious. You reached out for the blue notebook with half-curiosity, half-scepticism and skimmed through the first couple of pages. There weren’t many texts in it, but the pages that were filled were filled with an unexpectedly beautiful handwriting. ‘You said you don’t have time for experiments, so I made sure to pick the most effective study methods for your exams.’
‘You made this for me?’ You asked, and in any other situation, you might have felt stupid for asking about something so obvious, but at that moment you were incapable of forming any other sentence. He had mentioned it earlier that he was also a university student, which meant that his midterms were either around the corner or at the same time as yours. He was also working at Coffee Carat in his free periods, which left him with less free time than most students in your program had.
Yet, he had put great effort into searching for healthier studying methods for you: an almost complete stranger with non-existent coffee addiction. His thoughtfulness, albeit unnecessary, pulled on your heartstrings.
‘Yeah. I think you should start with the Feynman Technique even if you don’t have anyone to talk to, because that works for the majority of people and we wouldn’t want you to lose time on techniques that might not work for you during your exam week, but I made lists of pros and cons at the end of each technique with a short summary, so you can choose whichever you like, obviously,’ he rambled as he stepped beside you and leaned a tad more into your personal space, so he could flip the pages of the notebook in your hands, showing you what he was talking about.
You especially liked the little drawings around the pros and cons lists. 
‘I…’ you cleared your throat, looking for the right words. ‘I don’t know what to say.’
Seokmin offered you an understanding smile and upon realising how close his face was to yours, he straightened his back and took a step further from your chair. Or so you assumed because you didn’t want to think of the possibility that he might have put distance between the two due to your gaze unintentionally falling on his lips. Nah. You had not done that, you had just not.
Had you?
‘You don’t have to say anything. I just hope it’s helpful, and that I didn’t cross any boundary. Again,’ he assured you at the same moment a female barista called for his name from behind the counter.
Seokmin snapped his head in the petite girl’s direction, then looked back at you and the blue notebook in your hands. With a smile, he bowed slightly, urging you with his eyes to go back to your latte and studies.
The cute, balled up fists the barista gave you left you speechless.
And as determined as you were to not waste any time that afternoon, so that you could have some extra hours to prepare for your Theories of Applied Chemistry exam, as badly you had lost track of time after your conversation with Seokmin. You were aware that it hadn’t been his intention to burst your serene bubble, but you couldn’t help yourself. You just had to see every page, study every study method he had picked for you before you would have gone back to your notes.
This was how you had royally messed up your study schedule once again. Just when you had gotten on the right track after long weeks of procrastination. A shame, really. You were kind of disappointed in yourself when around closing time, you eventually left the coffee shop.
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So to say, you were surprised when you got back your test results and you managed to score at least a B on each one of your exams would have been an understatement. You were beyond speechless and absolutely thrilled at the same time. It was almost overwhelming.
It was also most definitely the result of both your hard work and Seokmin’s help with finding the right studying technique, because those endless slides you needed to work your way through had become much easier and faster to memorise after you had started to explain the topics to your rabbit plushie in the simplest way possible. You had also adjusted the famous Pomodoro Technique to your own aims and needs and had taken a ten-minute-break after every fifty minutes of cramming/studying. It had been intense, but it had been worth the back pain and the temporary sleep deprivation.
Since most of your professors had opted for paper-based written exams, it had taken a whole week to get your grades, but that meant that the day you heard back from your results, you were more or less back to normal: you drank only one cup of coffee every morning and ate less sugary goods despite how much you loved their taste. You also tried to sleep at least seven hours each night after you had spent the previous weekend in bed (safe for those inevitable occasions when you had needed to eat, drink and use the bathroom). Long story short, you had enough energy to take a small detour on your way home, visiting Coffee Carat with one purpose in mind.
You wanted to thank Seokmin and maybe brag a little about your academic achievements.
Practically vibrating once you realised that the barista was indeed working, you waited for your turn in front of the counter impatiently yet respectfully. You had already shown this guy your shameful Karen side; you didn’t want to remind him of how you could be on your worse days. Especially not on a fantastic day when nothing should have been able to ruin your mood, not even the long line at your favourite coffee shop.
‘Hi,’ you greeted the barista immediately, your happy smile wider than he might have ever seen, which should have been a warning sign to tone it down a little; however, you were too thrilled to act like a normal human being with a healthy amount of inhibition.
Luckily, instead of looking at you weirdly, Seokmin decided to match your vibe. 
‘Hi there. Are we having a good day today?’ He inquired despite the smaller crowd behind your back. ‘What can I get for you?’
‘An ice chocolate, please, and a mango-peanut butter sandwich,’ you ordered and waited until he reached for the metal tong to grab your sandwich before you casually added: ‘By the way, I passed each one of my exams with flying colours. Your notes helped a lot. Thank you.’
And just like that, the easy part was out in the open. However, it was only a tiny part of the real reason you had come to the shop on a day when you had no classes to study for, no open mic night to sing at and no friend to hang out with. Obviously, your gratitude was bigger than a few nice words.
‘I’m happy to hear that. I could tell you were working really hard,’ he praised you, making you feel not only better in your skin, but more confident as well. Therefore, even though you had had the perfect plan (giving him your number by writing it on the napkin you would get), you simply blurted it out:
‘Do you want to grab some food together after your shift ends?’
You didn’t take it into consideration how flirty it might have sounded until the word actually fell from your lips and one of the customers gasped behind your back. That, completed with the shocked look on Seokmin’s face, gave you a reality check.
You cleared your throat and made a poor attempt at concealing your embarrassment with a forced chuckle.
‘I mean, to celebrate. The food is obviously on me, but I don’t expect anything in return. It’s just a friendly hangout, two university students bonding over their exams and such… Yeah, no biggie. Just some street food if you like street food…’ your ramble went on and on, losing its sense because come on! Which Korean didn’t like street food? You were so ridiculous.
‘I like street food,’ Seokmin cut you off with the most adorable, amused smile while he put your sandwich on a tray and started to work on your drink.
You pressed your lips together, cheeks heating up in embarrassment and gratitude. So he was down for it, that was good. That was awesome.
‘And I finish at six, which means…’ He looked at the clock on the wall, moving his lips a bit, indicating that he was counting under his nose. ‘In one hour and thirteen minutes. Is that okay with you?’
The best thing in post-midterms week was that most of your professors turned their classes into a huge discussion about your typical errors, therefore you didn’t have any or had very little homework. Thus, you had, for once, all the time in the world.
‘Sure. I’ll be sitting there, catching up on some Thai series,’ you informed him, and quickly paid for your order before you took the tray and walked up to your usual spot, in the corner of the customer area.
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Your little celebration with Seokmin had been more than nice. You enjoyed talking with him a lot more than you had anticipated actually, because initially you had thought you wouldn’t have had many topics to talk about besides school and coffee. 
How wrong you had been!
The guy was wonderful. He had matched your excited energy about the smallest wonders in life such as bumping into a random kpop concert in the street, sung his heart out with you when the trainee-looking teens covered songs you both liked, hadn’t made any comment when your eyes had craved the food more than your tummy and even eaten your leftovers like MVPs did instead of telling you to stop buying new stuff when you still had food in your hands. Your wallet might not have been particularly happy about this habit of yours, but your heart had fluttered throughout that night. Seokmin was amazing.
An amazing friend, and someone you could have pictured falling in love with with time.
And that was the main reason why you encouraged the slowly building bond between the two of you instead of taking a step back. You texted him at the most random times of the day about the most random things you saw, you listened to him when he needed an outsider’s opinion instead of someone’s from their enormous friend group and slowly became an active part of his everyday life. 
That was why it didn’t surprise you when during the next open mic night at the coffee shop, he walked up to you before your performance to wish you good luck and took it upon himself to give you the first compliments as soon as you walked back to your table, enjoying the rest of the show.
‘The bridge came out very nicely, I wouldn’t have guessed you were still struggling with it on Monday if you hadn’t told me,’ he offered you his most brilliant smile, taking a seat by your table and sliding a slice of cinnamon cheesecake towards you right after.
You cut a biteful off it with your fork and lifted the first bite in front of his mouth. Smiling, he leaned in to take it, but instead of wrapping his lips around the sweets, he took your wrist in his hand and redirected the cutlery, so it would be facing you. After a snort, you dived in for the dessert with an amused eye roll and completely destroyed it.
‘Thanks,’ you mumbled with your mouth full of cake. ‘For both,’ you added as you wiped your lips clean with the back of your hand and stubbornly offered the second bite to the boy. As much as he liked to point out that he could eat and drink at his workplace for free, you also liked to emphasise the fact that it could only be free to you too if he had taken at least one bite or sip. It put your mind at ease.
Getting a shy smile instead of a response, you finished the slice in relative silence, because neither of you wanted to disrespect the artist on stage with a full on conversation, then you let Seokmin go as he had to finish his shift and help the others with packing up the equipment before he clocked out for real. Usually, his shift ended around six when he was taking the afternoon shift - sometimes sooner when he couldn’t work full-time due to his classes -, but one of his coworkers, Minghao, had gotten sick this morning, hence he had promised to stay an extra hour and help with the event. His reasoning? He would have checked your new song out anyway.
‘Wanna grab dinner with me tonight?’ You asked him when he jogged back to your table half an hour later in his street clothes, the light shade of pink on his cheeks deepening more because of his hard work than because of your question. After all, it had been two weeks since your first dinner together, so he had had plenty of time to get used to your more relaxed behaviour.
You were a whole other person when you weren’t constantly on edge because of your poor grades and the mental image of the disappointed look on your parents’ face didn’t haunt you. You were a friendly person. Not as extroverted as Seokmin and nowhere near as funny as his friend, Kwon Soonyoung, but nevertheless a pleasant company.
‘Sure. It’s on me tonight. I want you to try my favourite dumpling shop,’ he agreed easily, waiting for you to pack your stuff comfortably before he took your tote bag from you.
Your heart fluttered when the boy even held the door for you on your way out despite his noisy friends’ hollering.
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If you had been a regular at Coffee Carat before, you basically moved into the building once your friendship with Seokmin turned into a crush. Not necessarily because the barista felt the same way about you, but because as soon as you had acknowledged your feelings, texting with him daily hadn’t been enough. You needed to see his face, the way his eyes lit up at the smallest wonders of the world - such as the little girl with the adorable pigtails who dared to pick a fight with Seokmin’s lawyer friend because of a joke he made about Joshua, or the first piece of perfectly baked chocolate brownie -, the way he smiled at every customer even when they were rude and entitled and of course, the way he looked at you when you chose a less extreme drink for your second coffee of the day than your go-to cold brew.
You had fallen too deep.
And yet, you made absolutely no attempt at getting out of the hole or pulling the guy down as well, at the bottom of the pit. Instead, you busied yourself with your notes as you always did and chose to concentrate on your upcoming finals. There were two more weeks before the first exam; however, this time you wanted to be more organised and prepared. 
‘Hey there, how is it going?’ Seokmin’s question reached you before his steps came to a halt at your table; the ease he pulled the chair next to you out for himself doing funny things to your heart.
After a quick glance at the clock on your toolbar, you realised that it was already time for his lunch break, which meant you had been at the shop for almost four hours. You shouldn’t have taken as many breaks as you had allowed yourself that morning. You still had so much to go over according to your new study schedule, argh.
‘I think I overestimated myself,’ you confessed with an inaudible sigh, pushing your plate with your leftover cupcakes on it towards the barista despite the food container in his hands. You had bought more than you could eat with him in mind, as the blueberry cupcakes always sold out within an hour, and you knew he loved them a lot.
‘How so?’ He inquired while he reached out for a cupcake, shoving it into his mouth with a content hum before he even opened his home-packed lunch. In the back of your head you wondered whether he could cook or it was someone else who had made it for him, but you quickly pushed that thought aside. It didn’t matter. You knew for a fact that he was single, so whether it was one of his friends or someone who might have had a soft spot for him just like you did shouldn’t have concerned you at all.
You refused to let the possibility make you bitter when he deliberately spent his lunch break with you.
‘I put too many things on my to-do list for today. I barely finished one third of it and it’s past one already,’ you decided to focus on your conversation, pouting slightly as you took a sip from your cold lemonade. It was more sour than you preferred, but you had wanted to give it a try when you had seen the recommendation on the counter.
‘You still have weeks, though, right?’ He inquired, his worry only evident in his voice due to how familiar you had grown with his habits in the past few weeks. If it hadn’t been for that time when you had accidentally knocked the porcelain plate off your table and reached out for the broken pieces on instinct, you wouldn’t have been able to tell just how serious Seokmin’s question was.
He was anxious on your behalf, worried that you might not have had enough time to revise without pulling those awful all-nighters most university students did. That you might have had to break your promise and go back to your old habits to make more free time where there wasn’t any.
‘Two. I know I can make it, it’s just… I’m a little distracted today. I overestimated myself, that’s it,’ you were quick to reassure him, refusing to turn back to your laptop like you had done so the first couple of times the barista had invaded your personal space during your studying sessions. Back then, you had thought he was annoying, but nowadays labelling his persistence cute sounded more fitting.
He made your heart flutter.
‘Does that mean you might have the time to go on a week-long vacation with my friends and me after exam week? No retakes?’ He diverted the topic smoothly, making you let out a scoff somewhere between an actual scoff and a chuckle.
‘Hopefully. But aren’t all of your friends in a relationship? Why would you want us to be the twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth wheel in the group?’ You teased, even though you had never spent enough time with his friends and their significant others to know how they acted around other people. Were they into PDA? Were they comfortable with intimacy only in private? As far as you could tell, Soonyoung was the only one who couldn’t keep his hands to himself when his girlfriend was around, and Eunseo rarely left her own shop during open hours.
‘If you ask me, Joshua and his new girl might not even last until our finals week. Anyhow, everyone having a partner is exactly why I want you to come with us,’ he explained between two bites, finally opening the baby blue food container and diving into the homemade kimbap rolls. They looked appetising.
‘Oh? So I’d be your partner?’ You teased him further, genuinely enjoying the fact that you could get more information about how he felt about you without acting suspicious. It worked out perfectly for you, hence you would have been stupid to let an opportunity this amazing go just because you were lowkey afraid of him getting the wrong (correct) idea and head on rejecting you. ‘Shouldn’t you have asked me out on a date first?’
If you wanted to be honest, you were unsure where your overflowing confidence was coming from, but it wasn’t like you were a coward in the first place. It was just new that you showed any interest in someone, and based on how movies and dramas portrayed young love, you kind of expected to be more insecure about the truth. Still, here you were, raising your brow at Seokmin in challenge as though it wouldn’t have hurt if he had laughed in your face.
The choking sound that escaped the boy’s mouth pushed your heart into a slight palpitation, but he put himself together before you could have reached out to him and patted his back a couple of times to help him spit out the food that stuck in his throat. 
‘I mean…’ he started once he gulped down a huge amount of water from a water bottle you hadn’t even noticed before, too distracted by his home packed lunch. 
Seokmin’s beautiful eyes were red and shone with unshed tears as he looked at your face, the subtle smile on his lips almost bashful even without him lifting his hand to his nape to scratch it out of embarrassment.
‘I was planning to ask you out after your finals, so I wouldn’t distract you unintentionally, but for some reason Hoshi hyung is in charge of the reservations and he wants to know whether you come or not,’ he explained under one breath, pointing towards the edge of the counter that was closer to the staff only area.
Despite your unhealthily high heart rate, you turned your head towards the direction the boy was showing you and there he was… Kwon Soonyoung in all his glory, staring at the two of you with his phone in his hand like he was about to record your interaction in any minute. You furrowed your eyebrows when your eyes met and he wiggled his eyebrows. Weird.
‘He said he would ask you himself if I didn’t man up and I just… You might not believe it, but he would totally do something like that, and I didn’t want you to hear it from him that I have had this embarrassing crush on you since our first open mic night and…’
You were speechless; meanwhile, Seokmin kept rambling, repeating bits and bobs of his cute and most probably accidental confession here and there. He told you how touching he had found your first song, how he had doubted for a very long time that someone like you could still be single, and how the closer he had gotten to you, the more afraid he had been to lose your friendship.
You were speechless, and he wasn’t.
Unsure where it would have been appropriate to cut him off, you decided to take control over the situation quite literally and took Seokmin’s hand in yours. Then, the combination of the firmest gentle squeeze you could manage and your sweet, encouraging smile did the trick: the world quieted down around you with the barista’s mouth hanging open.
‘Would you like to grab some food with me after your shift? This time, as a date,’ you asked, enjoying the confidence that came with knowing exactly how Seokmin felt about you. The lack of fear of rejection was deliberating.
And so was the eager ‘Yes’ that followed your question not even a second later.
Giving another squeeze to the boy’s hand, you stole a glance at the deeply invested Soonyoung by the counter and made a mental note to thank him for his unintentional match-making before the two of you left the coffee shop that afternoon.
He deserved your gratitude, all the praises and maybe, a free brownie, too, for turning the likely impossible possible for you.
➼ next reason
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lucifersimp333 · 1 year
MC the College Student
Scenario: Between juggling the schoolwork at RAD, the antics the brothers drag you through, the weird experiments Solomon has you perform with him, and setting time to bake with Luke and Barb, you somehow squeeze time to do you schoolwork in the human world. Diavolo made it possible for you to own a laptop hooked to a special wifi so you can complete your human assignments. He doesn't want you falling behind when you return to the human world.
You sit on top of your bed, stressed out at the assignment your professor gave you. You're burnt out from all the schoolwork given, rubbing your face in defeat. Your favorite demon walks in the room and see's the burden on your face.
LuciferXmc, MammonXmc, SatanXmc
~ Originally came in your room to ask questions about Mammon's recent antics but stopped in his tracks seeing your eyes glassy from stress.
~ "Is something bothering you, MC? Are you doing your schoolwork from the human realm?" He stands before you, peering over the screen to see what the assignment is. You explain the class your taking and how its needed for your degree. You then explain that your professor is super strict when it comes to grading assignments and that this subject isn't your strong suit.
~ He sits next to you on your bed and lets out a sigh. He puts on his old man glasses that were tucked away in his coat pocket and holds out his hands. "Give it here." he says in a stern voice.
~ Proceeds to read the rubric for your assignment and closes the laptop. He stands up and tucks the laptop under his arm. " I'll have it done by tomorrow." he says to your surprise. "Lucifer, you don't ha-" you try to say, but he raises one hand in the air to cut you off and says " I don't want to hear it. I wouldn't normally do your work for you, as this is an important subject to learn, but you have a lot on your plate right now. I want you to study for your potion making class instead."
~ "Th-thank you" you say, without saying a word he walks out and closes the door behind him.
~ Like he promised your assignment was finished and turned in, earning an A. You tell him the grade that was earned on this assignment and thank him once again. " You're welcome, MC. Please don't tell the others. I don't want them thinking I will be doing their work for them. This stays between you and me"
~ Barges in your room like usual and sees you pulling your hair from stress. " Human, you good? Whatcha doin'?" He flops next to you on your bed and looks over your shoulder at the screen. " The fuck is that?"
~ You explain it's your human world schoolwork and you've been freaking out over this insanely hard assignment. "Damn, that blows. I would help ya, but I ain't got a clue what the shits about." he says as he lays down on your bed, arms behind his head. "Want a distraction?"
~ He isn't the best at helping with schoolwork, but he's great at giving you a distraction to ease the stress. He takes the laptop off your lap and tosses it on the bed, grabs your wrist " Ya coming with me!" he says as he pulls you out the door. " I think you're stressin' too hard. When I'm stressed, I like to go have a lil' fun!".
~ He brings you to his car, puts the top down and you guys cruise the streets of devildom blasting music and singing with each other. He lets you pick the songs the whole entire time, enjoying your company.
~ After your drive around Devildom you're back in your room. With a clear head and the much needed time to relax, you're able to complete your assignment. You show Mammon your grade and he grows the biggest smile " Hells yeah!! I told ya! Spending time with The Great Mammon always ends with somethin' good!" he proclaims as he gives you a high-five.
~ Comes in the room after a polite knock to give you the book you asked if you can borrow the other day. " Are you alright, MC?" he asks, resting the book on your nightstand. You explain to him that your human world school work has been stressing you out and how you struggle with this specific subject.
~ "Hmmmmm." he places a his thumb on his chin and thinks for a moment. " If I recall correctly, I may have a book on this subject, I think it may help you. Give me one moment.". He leaves the room and comes back about 15 minuets later. With a book in hand, he sits down next to you and opens it up. With his slender fingers dancing across the pages, he finds something that will help you with your assignment and reads it to you.
~ He stays with you as you type out your assignment, reading to you certain pages in the book he thinks you may find helpful for your task.
~ When you show him your passing grade, he gives you a closed mouth smile" I'm glad to hear that, MC. I knew you could do it. If you need help with schoolwork, whether Devildom or Human world I'm always willing to help."
~ Whenever you tell him what your assignments are about, he'll look through his endless library to find books to help you succeed.
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garaksapprentice · 8 months
Review: the Daedalus Falcon e-spinner
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Originally posted on my blog: https://garaksapprentice.blogspot.com/2023/09/review-daedalus-falcon-e-spinner.html
(There's a ton of photos in this one and much as I love you all, I cannot brain moving them all over here. So if you want all the pics, please check the blog.)
I confess, this is a departure from my usual "let's do things with the least amount of money we can get away with" style. In my defence, I strive to be frugal rather than cheap. I don't mind spending the money to get a good quality, durable product, if it's something I know will get a lot of use. An e-spinner definitely fits that category for me, for several reasons.
One, I fall well on the frog hair end of the spinning spectrum, something most traditional wheels just aren't designed to accommodate. I actually found it faster (and easier on my legs) to use a spindle for the kinds of fine, high-twist yarns I prefer to spin. But, there are limits to how fine I can comfortably go on a spindle - anything past about 50 WPI and I have to concentrate just on the spinning. Not good when you typically use a spindle on the go.
Two, I have a lingering knee injury that doesn't like the treadle action of most spinning wheels (something I find hilariously frustrating given I ride a cargo bike anywhere I can't take the train).
Three, I spin mostly to weave. Much as I love spinning, I like it to end eventually so I can move onto the weaving part of the equation.
After three straight months of research, the Daedalus Falcon came out as the hands-down winner for my goals of speed, fine yarn, and product durability.
Why Daedalus?
Daedalus manufacture high-end e-spinners and spinning accessories. All their products are designed to need little to no maintenance, and to last 20+ years - they're seriously well put together.
They make five different e-spinners to suit just about any spinning preference, from super bulky art yarn to ultra fine frog hair. The Falcon is specifically designed for production spinning of fine yarns - it can reach speeds of 4,200 RPM, over twice what I could get from my Ashford Traditional wheel.
I'll be honest, I spent a long time thinking about which model, and whether to order a Daedalus at all. These beauties are high-performance machines built to last. But, that means they come with the price tag of a high-performance machine. Plus currency exchange. Plus postage. (Yikes.) In all, I spent just under AU$2,000 on my Falcon set-up (I ordered three extra bobbins at US$90 and some yarn control cards for US$24).
At the time I ordered (November 2022), there was an estimated wait time of 12 months or more. Luckily for me, if not my bank account, Daedalus expanded their production capacity over the 2022 Christmas break. I reached the front of the Falcon queue in June 2023 (seven months from sign-up). At the time of writing (September 2023) there is no queue for the Falcon, and the Daedalus team are working to banish their waitlists completely.
The package
My Falcon came party disassembled, cradled in bubble wrap. (I wasn't thinking about writing a review when I ordered it, so I didn't take pictures.) The flyer assembly was individually wrapped for transport, as were the speed controller, inverter, cables, and welcome pack/spares bag.
The inverter is a standard laptop style pack. It comes with a US-ended jug plug, but that's easy to change out for whatever your local plug end is. I dove into my box of spare cables and leads and had a compatible jug plug in less than two minutes. If you don't have a box of old computer cords lying around, what century did you time travel from plan ahead and buy a new one.
Importantly, the inverter outputs 15 volts! Make absolutely sure that you've got the right one when you go to spin! Most laptops nowadays run on 20 volts - you don't want to damage the motor by running it faster than it's designed for.
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The extension cable for the speed controller, and the power end on the motor itself, is some non-standard end that I've never seen before. (It's probably very common among people who know things about electronics; I'm not one of them.) It's similar to USB-A connectors in that the ends are directional; if you don't get them the right way up, they won't connect. The cord itself has a protective, braided outer and feels very sturdy.
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From top to bottom: the outside of both ends, the female end, and the male end.
The Instructions
The guidebook (also available as a PDF on their website) is beautifully designed, and clearly written. The parts diagrams are clearly photographed and labelled. I've found the instructions easy to follow, even with a scattered brain.
It includes:
getting started
fine tuning the tension
how to use the speed controller
a page of "handy tips"
how to change the bobbin
an RPM speed table
changing settings in the speed controller menu
flat packing for travel
the Daedalus battery (purchased separately)
Daedalus' social media and contact details
The first page has a QR code that takes you directly to the Daedalus YouTube channel, where you can find videos on how to assemble and disassemble each model. My one quibble here is that the QR code takes you to the channel as a whole, rather than to the specific playlist for the model you bought. The videos themselves are short, to the point, and well shot with clear lighting and narration.
Also, the manual states that the speed controller has been limited to 50% max speed in the settings - mine wasn't. I've seen other folks on social media also say their controller wasn't speed limited for this model, so it's something to watch out for.
About that battery
Daedalus offer a battery bank that's designed to work with all their e-spinners (yay!). Unfortunately, due to issues with postage, they don't mail them outside the continental US (boo!).
While their website does say that they'll help you find a compatible battery that you can purchase in your country, this is complicated by the part where all their stuff runs on 15 volts. In Australia at least, 15v battery banks with a standard laptop cable input simply don't exist. I spent six weeks trying to find somewhere to buy a battery - I eventually gave up due to my brain frying any time I tried to look at listings.
While I'd like the option of a battery eventually (it would be much easier to set up in the back yard that way), for now I've made peace with needing to lug extension cords anywhere I want to spin.
Spinning Experience
So far I've only spun commercially prepared wools, so this won't be a thorough review of the Falcon's performance over a variety of fibres and preps. (I'll attempt that later, when I get the chance. And finer wool cards.)
It's quiet. Really quiet. At least two people at every guild meeting I've taken it to have commented on how quiet it is. Most of the noise comes from the flyer rotation, and considerably less from the motor. I'm quite sensitive to noise, especially higher pitches, so I was concerned about this. Luckily it hasn't been an issue. (If you're the sort of person who can hear electricity, it may bother you. I've lost that mysterious ability as I've aged, for the most part, so I can't say for sure.)
I have noticed that the noise changes/gets louder at speeds above about 70% - again, this is simply due to the fact that the flyer is turning at ~3,000+ RPM. At worst I have to turn the laptop up slightly to better hear the video I have playing. The breeze off the flyer sure helps with air circulation on a warm day, too.
The size of the hooks (loops, really) and the inner part of the orifice make threading a breeze. I do occasionally struggle with very fine, high twist threads, especially when I'm rethreading after a break. That's partly finding the right angle to hold the thread at so that it catches in the hook, and partly my fingers not always co-operating.This is the position I find works best for threading the orifice.
I wouldn't want to try it with a non-Daedalus orifice hook, though - there's quite a bend in the hook, and it's there for good reason. Luckily the Falcon body has magnets on it to always keep your hook nearby.
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The magnets + hook combo is great for holding the end of the thread when you're not spinning, too. I just wrap it around the middle of the hook a few times and stick it back on the magnets.
Take-up and tensioning
The take-up is wonderfully light, and can be ridiculously fine-tuned to match what you're spinning. When take-up drops below an acceptable level (once or twice per layer of bobbin filling), a tiny adjustment (less than a quarter turn) is usually enough to get things back on track.
I've filled four part-bobbins so far (two I'm still working on, one I ran out of fibre), at ~65 WPI, 45 WPI, and ~85 WPI. On each empty bobbin, I started with the spring completely compressed and the cord just barely tight/without slack. It took a few minutes of trial and error with each fibre to dial in the correct tension, but once I did, it was basically hassle-free for each spinning session thereafter.
That being said - I found correct tensioning quite tricky to dial in at first, because the hook and dial had shifted on their arms during shipping. If you put your wheel in something to travel with and find the tension is all screwy next time you go to spin, that's something to look at.
This circumstance isn't covered in the guide book, so it took me a while to work out why my "maximum tension" on the dial still wasn't enough to draw on the yarn I was spinning (it only became apparent about a third into the bobbin). Once I realised that the tension dial had rotated on the shaft in transport, I was able to reset it by simply rotating it back to a more vertical position.
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This is an extreme example, but both the tension dial and the spring hook opposite it can rotate like this if you're not careful.
At first I didn't think I'd need the foot pedal extension cord - surely I'd just be able to bop the controller on and off with my hand while I was spinning?
I was quickly disabused of this notion partway through my second bobbin. When things go wrong while spinning a 60 WPI single at 2,500 RPM, they go wrong fast. Being able to turn the Falcon off with my foot, while frantically trying to salvage whatever's gone wrong, is essential.
A really nice bonus to the foot pedal is that I'm not stuck in one position while spinning - I can sit, stand, rock from side to side, even crouch or kneel. I have back and shoulder problems and an old knee injury, so being able to freely change posture is a godsend for keeping my muscles happy.
And the soft stop/start - oh. my. Dog. I did not realise how much nicer my wheel spinning life could be. A soft stop is built in to spindle spinning by default, and I genuinely didn't realise how much I missed that on a wheel until I started spinning on the Falcon. I sing its praises whenever the thread breaks - the end stays loose and easy to find on top of the bobbin. No matter how gently I tried to stop my treadle wheel, more often than not the thread end would be buried somewhere in the hills and valleys on the bobbin, and there would be much swearing during retrieval.
Bobbin size
Daedalus advertises the Falcon bobbin as holding "two ounces (60 g) of 30 WPI singles". After plying a couple of bobbins of sock yarn with it, I would call this a conservative estimate. I managed to fit 70g of a 32 WPI, two-ply yarn on one bobbin - and it wasn't even well packed!
I've included a couple of in-progress bobbin shots, and what the singles on them currently measure/weight, below. None of them are even close to full, unfortunately - this is the order I spun them in, and right now I need to concentrate on the last one since it's due by December.
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Sliver from Bendigo Woollen Mills. ~75 WPI, 31g. 19.5 micron merino top from Nundle Farms. ~82 WPI, 29g.  Handpainted 20 micron merino from Kathy's Fibres, ~82 WPI, 12g.
Final thoughts
This powerhouse is not for everyone. It's made for a specific purpose, and it fulfils that purpose beautifully. But it would probably suck at doing things it's not designed for.
While I'm sure you could spin 20 WPI or even 10 WPI singles with it, it won't do the job as well as an e-spinner designed for that. The other Daedalus offerings are worth a look, if you're not as into spinning frog hair as me.
But if you have a deep, abiding love for spinning lace-weight and finer yarns, this is an e-spinner worth looking at. Expensive though it was, it's one of the best fibre-related purchases I've made. (It easily beats the sewing machine and the overlocker combined.)
I'm definitely an outlier here - I have the not-at-all-typical goal of one day having a completely hand-spun, handwoven, and hand-sewn wardrobe. As such, production spinning is my jam - I want fine, high-twist yarns, that commercial mills simply can't replicate. And I want them as fast as my skills will let me go. With that in mind, the Falcon makes complete sense for my spinning goals.
Obligatory disclaimer: I'm not affiliated with Daedalus, and this post isn't sponsored (not that I'm against that, mind. This apprentice has to eat). All opinions are my own.
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goopi-e · 1 year
Finally got a semblance of free time to play the Recently Released Videogame! No plot discussions happen in this post, I just gush about the little things.
My experience is, uh. Suboptimal. I am grateful my laptop can emulate Switch at all, but when your average FPS is around 5, only gets as high as 12 and has a tendency to go into decimals or freeze, fast-paced combat gets hard.
Despite that, the gameplay is fun! All the abilities are such a blast, and compliment one another nicely: for example, I cheesed one part of a certain shrine by Ultrahanding a platform in one place in the air for a bit, then effectively Stasising it with Recall, then Ascending on top of that still-Recalled platform, and then getting additional height by shield-jumping on a shield fused with a spring. Just for funsies. The intended solution was to essentially shield-surf on a short straight rail.
God I love fusing springs to shields. Revali who. My Bomb Flower count is criminally low, as I haven't figured a way to dupe them w/o exploding, and I don't have consistent source of rockets yet, but the springs are relatively early-game and do their job pretty well!
You know what I love even more than that? Glitches :^). And they're finally easy enough for me, a total noob, to perform. I only duped materials so far, timing a frame-perfect weapon dupe on my suboptimal setup sounds hard... but I wanna try and transfer the legendary MsgNotFound one of these days. I was so lucky to find a diamond in one of the caves tho!
Did you know that the shrine lobby (a tiny area seen through the entry portal) can serve as a cover for your campfire during rainy weather? It made more sense in BоTW, as Shеikah shrines were more material, but beggars can't be choosers.
So far my playthrough fits the "feral Lonk" stereotype. Towns are laggy, so I mostly wander around the wilderness aimlessly. The overall plan is to grind the full second stamina wheel + activate a few towers, then go get the Heart Container from the Great Plateau quest, get the Master Sword, grind shrines for hearts and only then hit a couple of dungeons. After that, joining the Yıga is a must. I'm not even sure I'll be able to fight the dungeon bosses or G-man with how hard even the basic combat currently is, so my only hope is to be able to tank through damage.
I wanted to get the Lobster Tunic so badly, but the guys at Lurеlin keep kicking my ass :^(.
Sadly, it seems you cannot skip the first memory. The puddles just aren't anywhere inside the geoglyphs.
Fujibаyashi-san loves to put the "temporary equipment loss moment" in all of the series entries done under him (except MC), and in TоTK alone there's soooo many. It's a whole shrine subset now, not to mention the dedicated pantsless quest in the gazette storyline. Wonder how's the Еvеntide doing these days - judging by a chasm, it doesn't seem like a similar event will take place here.
Speaking of chasms on the islands... Remember the PH-themed archipelago in the wetlands? There's a chasm on Mercay island. You know. The island where the Temple of The Ocean King is located. Something about the way BоTW/TоTK genuinely appreciates DS games feels very vindicating. First Monster Cake being a chancellor's favourite dessert, then the Phantom armor being one of the most OP sets, and now this chasm.
I saw Flowerblight :з.
Ang got owned by the Floormasters Gloom Hands once. Not touching them with a sturdy-stick-stick before I get s'more hearts, I know what comes after.
The guy with the sign! Such a cute concept, and the rewards are always so generous!
Depths are weird. The flora is super cool, and the landscape is twisted to a degree that merely figuring out how to get from point A to point B becomes a nontrivial challenge. Collecting Poes is fun, and I love getting the uncorrupted weapons from the ghosts of the past. Everything else scares me shitless. Mostly
Catching a Star fragment mid-air feels downright magical. I know they were probably coded with exactly that method of aquisition in mind, but it always feels like such a lucky catch.
Saw Nауdra once. Got the scale. Fused it to a spear. Now the spear looks like a comically large spoon, and I can't keep a straight face when this thing pops across half a screen, so I never equip it, but don't unfuse it either out of respect for the comedy aspect. The only funnier weapon that I've got so far is the honeycomb boomerang I got from a monster camp (the idea is genius, and I have honeycombs to maybe recreate it later), which is currently fused to a surprisingly high-damage Boko arm.
Yeah, I'm not unfusing my comically large Nауdra spon until I get a camera and take a selfie with it.
I always feel bad when fighting the apple-collecting Bokos. They have tiny Boko baskets on their backs :^(. They're just little guys :^(.
Purаh is the prettiest woman to grace this world.
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daisyishedwig · 6 months
Darren Criss songs I think you should hear
These are all songs I personally have saved on my laptop and phone that I've collected over the years by ripping them off of youtube. Some of them I've had since 2011 so I cannot guarantee that they are still available.
@vistars was specifically curious about this and then I got hyperfixated on it and did more than just his original but unreleased songs. I also shared fun facts and my personal opinion on lots of the songs. Below a cut because, just like Darren, I talk a lot.
Original songs without studio recordings
Another Love Affair (Performed once at Market Days in Chicago and never performed again, but there are dozens of recordings of it on youtube, so take your pick.)
Any of Those Things (Performed on the Listen Up tour in 2013 and not performed since. Not sure which specific show I have the recording of, but there are lots of recordings from lots of shows so you might have to search for the best quality)
Categories (There is a really old recording of Darren performing this pre-Glee, so he’s largely being ignored and theres a lot of chatter over him, but I think it’s cute to see how far he’s come. He also performed it once on the Listen Up tour, so you might be able to find a better audio quality there)
High School Rock Out (Written when he was in high school, he used to perform it pretty regularly, but not so much in recent years. I usually recommend recordings from Joe’s Pub but there should be multiple recordings of it you can choose from)
The Muse (The first recording of this to exist was on some sort of student talk show at UMich, but then he also performed it at the Homework Release Party in 2017. I have them both saved, but the latter is probably “better” but the first has a lot of nostalgia)
Once Upon a Time (I fucking love this song, if there’s one song on this list I say you /have/ to listen to, it’s this one. Performed on the Listen Up Tour, same as Any of Those Things)
Pheremones (Same as Any of Those Things)
Picture Perfect (Sam as Any of Those Things)
Sophomore (A classic high school Darren song that he used to perform all the time but just doesn’t anymore, this song makes me so giddy and gets me so pumped, you have no idea)
Stutter (I recommend to version of this songs, because it’s probably my favorite Darren song even to this day. So, one is from Market Days in Chicago, it’s the easiest to find one with good quality audio and Darren also goes and has a little drum solo that’s really fun. The other one is from Joe’s Pub in 2011, there used to be a really good audio version of this but I /cannot/ find it anymore, but lesser quality ones do still exist. I love this one specifically because there’s this part where everything gets really quiet and it’s just Darren singing and then it builds and gets really intense and it just scratches my brain super well)
Words (From the Listen Up tour, same as Any of Those Things. This is the song I most think Darren would record if is ever allowed to (Pretty sure there’s weird legal issues around most of the Listen Up songs) because he did use a snippet of it in a medley during the Australia tour. Also just a fantastic song)
Original songs with studio recordings but I prefer a live version of it
Don’t You (From the Human EP but I really like the live performance from the Homework Release Party in LA in 2017)
Human (From the Human EP, same as Don’t You)
I Don’t Mind (He performed this for the first time as a bonus song on the Listen Up tour. I don’t necessarily prefer this version, but I have a lot of nostalgia for it since we didn’t get a studio recording for another four years)
Jealousy (From the Human EP, same as Don’t You)
Not Alone (From the Human EP, same as Don’t You. But also, Darren did record a fully orchestrated version at one point, but for legal reasons was not able to release it normally. So instead he sold tshirts and sweaters with Not Alone lyrics on them and sent the song out as a “free gift”. I don’t know if anyone has uploaded this version to youtube, but if you can get your hands on it, it is very good)
Sami (From the Human EP, same as Don’t You)
Covers of songs performed live that I highly recommend
Cabaret from Cabaret (Performed at Elsie Fest multiple years, I personally think 2016’s is the best, but you can search around if you like. For anything coming from Elsie Fest, I highly recommend looking up Jenn the Broadway nerd, she always has the best audio quality)
Color with Todrick Hall (Performed at Elsie Fest in 2016)
Drive It Like You Stole It from Sing Street (Performed at Elsie Fest in 2016)
Falling Slowly with Lea Michele (Performed on the LMDC tour in 2018, performed at every stop so there will be lots of options to choose from)
Frank Sinatra Medley with Michael Feinstein (Performed at a New Years celebration, but I forget what year, really fun little mashup though)
If I Were a Rich Man from Fiddler on the Roof (He did this series of performances in 2016 (I think) with Seth Rudetsky and he performed this a couple of different times during those.)
Middle of a Moment from James and the Giant Peach (I think this was performed at some sort of UMich event, but I’m not sure. There was once a fan recording of it, but now I’m pretty sure the only version that exists is one where he’s noticeably been autotuned. Still cute, but not quite as live as I would like)
Midnight Radio from Hedwig and the Angry Inch (Performed at Elsie Fest in 2019 with Lena Hall and John Cameron Mitchell, I was there, I cried, and I will forever have extreme nostalgia for this performance)
Opening Doors from Merrily We Roll Along (Performed this with Jeremy Jordan and America Ferrera for Six by Sondheim many years ago. Not a live performance, but also not available to purchase or listen outside of youtube and HBO)
Part of This World from The Little Mermaid (He’s sung this a lot, the specific version I recommend is from a performance at Joe’s Pub in 2011. There’s this weird audio glitch at one point that makes him sound like he’s underwater for a little bit and his response to it is really cute)
Proud of Your Boy from Aladdin (He performs this on a special feature for the special edition of Aladdin that was released a while back. But you can also find it on youtube)
Sincerely Me from Dear Evan Hansen (Performed at Elsie Fest in 2018 with Grant Gustin and Will Roland)
Teenage Dream by Katy Perry (Darren has his own arrangement of Teenage Dream that he’s been performing since 2013 and it is an absolutely stunning arrangement. My favorite recording of it is from Elsie Fest in 2016)
Unconditionally by ???? (Performed with Mia Phirrman at Trevor Live on year)
Wait For It from Hamilton (Performed at Elsie Fest in 2019)
Waving Through A Window from Dear Evan Hansen (Performed at Elsie Fest in 2019)
Your Song by Elton John (I have no idea where he was when he sang this, but it appears to be a party and he’s just jamming at a piano and if feels very chill and Darren)
Starkid things
Goin’ Back to Hogwarts from A Very Potter Musical (Specifically the version performed at Azkatraz in 2009. This was the first time Darren ever heard fans singing his lyrics back at him and he gets so emotional it’s so sweet)
I Still Think from Little White Lie (Can be found on spotify, I just really want to make sure everyone knows this song exists because I adore it)
It’s Over Now from Little White Lie (Someone took the version from the album that was pitched to sound like Nick Lang was singing an pitched it back down to be recognizably Darren’s voice, can be found on youtube)
Status Quo from Starship (Performed on the Apocalyptour, you can find a lot of fan recordings of this and other songs he sang on both Apocalyptour and Space Tour but there’s also a really nice profession recording of specifically this song on youtube. Also, if you haven’t watched the Space Tour version of Goin’ Back to Hogwarts from the night Darren was there, you need to because it’s fucking adorable)
To Have a Home from A Very Potter Sequel (I have a really strong soft spot from this song, so anytime he performs it live I have to listen. My favorite is from the Homework Release Party in 2017)
We Don’t Wanna Be Sued (When AVPM (then called HP the Musical) was first posted on youtube, Starkid faced the possibility of being sued for copyright infringement. So they removed it, edited it, and reuploaded it later once they’d gotten everything figured out. In the meantime, they posted a video explanation of why the show was gone, and at the end, Darren came in and sang a song)
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witchysethharper · 1 year
Seth planned for heat week like a snow storm – he’d stocked up with groceries and supplies over the weekend to ensure that he could avoid leaving his suite at any time for the next several days. All of his work documents were scattered over the long dining room table with his work laptop coupled with cables and wires hanging in mid-air between the wall outlets and the devices set on the table. Absolutely no way would he stepping a single foot outside his living space while heat was in effect and he’d ensured no one would be bothering him by locking and warding his doors. 
Course by the second or third day he’d started getting lonely. And then he started feeling bad knowing about the human slave down in the Undercroft. Straight men were a hot commodity in Krovs and every time one came around, the masters and staff of the castle liked to take bets on who could pop that cherry and get him to turn first. Seth personally found it super gross and he tapped his finger on the image of the slave, Duncan Strong, displayed in high resolution on his iPad as he debated performing a good deed or staying out of it. 
What would be the harm? He had the money to rent a human no problem for the maximum amount of time and it wasn’t like Seth would hold him to expectations. And bonus, at least one guard was on duty and not in heat; he at least trusted Hwan enough to not let heat affect the duties of a slave or any rentals. Manny...god, he hoped the shifter wasn’t working. He finally sent in the request for Duncan and then received his confirmation a minute later that the slave was on his way up. He had to give the castle props for efficiency and staying up to date on modern technology like this. A few minutes later there was a knock on his door and he ran to answer it, promptly thanking the guard who dropped off the slave and tugged Duncan inside before anyone in heat rolled past. 
“Sorry, uh, I realize this is probably weird for you or...something, I don’t know,” the witch rambled like he always did when nervous. “I’m Seth. Thought you might like to get out of the Undercroft for a bit with heat happening. I, uh, know how much it sucks to be surrounded by that. You want something to drink or, like, eat maybe? I’ve got water, tea, coffee, beer, vodka, and some eggs ‘n’ shit to eat. Probably better off seeing if anyone in the kitchens can do room service.” He could cook, but he was certainly no Shade in the kitchen. 
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Nude Celebs Videos – Check How Beautiful They Are Inside Out
Are you very much interested to watch out your favorite celebs without clothes? Well, these cute and super hot actresses and models look so amazing when they are not wearing their shimmery clothes. https://heroero.com/actress/marion-cotillard-nude/
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komca · 1 year
your gifs are so hd!! omg how do you do it?
hiii, tysm i do try !!
i don't know how to be concise so bare with me if i ramble too much please !
i'm going to assume you know how to gif already bc i'm mostly going to explain how i use adjustment layers. but i listed the softwares i'm using here + links to gifmaking masterposts !
the process™️details under the cut :
the obvious answer would be to use high quality videos for hd gifs but i work with lq or faux hq videos all the time, so it's all about faking it ngl... my goal is to have a good contrast and full blacks.
tl;dr : play with sharpening settings, boost your black with curves/levels/selective colour, flatten&brighten then fix the contrast, exposure and voila !
also, make sure your monitor / laptop screen is probably calibrated bc i've had bad surprises lol
unsharp mask -> my go-to settings are 30/30, 40/20 or 60/10. i adjust the amount/radius depending on gifsize and subject size. holy grail, it WILL add depth and dimension to your gifs just trust.
smart sharpen -> usual amount/radius : 10/10, 30/20 or 40/10. highlights are very sensitive to this one so i adjust accordingly.
smart sharpen -> for finer details, i do 500/0.3 in general, but for some fancams i put through vapoursynth 300/0.3 is less harsh
noise (optional) -> uniform > 1,5-3%. sometimes you just need texture to fake good quality lol, adding noise to flat lq gifs does magic. would also recommend if you use gradients but don't like the "smooth look". the only downside is that it makes your file larger. and i never add noise to fancams.
high pass (optional) : radius 2-5 > 30% opacity > soft light ; if you want a glowy finish, this is your filter. if i use unsharp mask i dont do high pass tho, it's just too much...
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how i use adjusment layers for contrast and depth, no particular order, i freestyle it 90% of the time :
curves/levels : use black and white points mostly, pretty intuitive to use. recently my default values in levels are (0 ; 1,27 ; 230) in rgb. both to brighten and fix contrast. i can use up to 3 of each on a single gif ngl bc do this in increments to avoid something too harsh.
channel mixers : not particularly relevant to the depth/hd thingie but it does perform witchcraft to remove tinted filters. HOWEVER, sometimes you look at your gif and you wonder why it's flat and it's because the dominant colour of your gif is tinting the rest, channel mixers is here to bring back balance and dimension !
colour balance : same reasoning as channel mixers, i try not to touch midtones and focus on highlights/shadows, but i like cold toned gifs so i'll always add some blues/cyan in there
selective colour - the star of my show, i use it 1) for colour manipulation, 2) tame harsh lights, 3) undo whitewashing -> for 2&3 i set sc to multiply > set black values to black in all tabs except white and neutral > adjust white and neutrals until i get a neutral skin colour or natural lighting, and/or good contrast. , 4) boost the blacks (2nd to last layer), +10 black values in black tab, sometimes i also add +5 black to neutrals
exposure (last layer) : the final pop, up to +0,60 ; sometimes i go with a layer mask to only target the subject/faces. sometimes i also adjust the gamma value but not often
black and white gradient map : also good for contrast, it will also reduce the number of colours on your base gif. if you have a super saturated original gif with heavy contrast this is v nice to play with to fix that
a tip specific to colourful gifs : if you're transition from vastly opposite colours, do it in increments, and have a solid colour layer of your dominant colour somewhere set to soft light or overlay (or both) on a 20-40% opacity to uniformize all that good stuff and make the blending look natural, it will prevent your gif from looking flat or hazy trust me. sometimes i also do this with a either colour balance shadows or a selective layer set to hue/color.
if you're working with timeline, say goodbye to exporting directecly from tl and reopening to fix the frame delay bc it causes quality loss. instead, flatten back to frames and reset the frame delay before exporting, that will save you headaches and time. -> here's a link to an action for this !
my preferred combo is adaptive/pattern
i don't know which gifset made you send the ask but here's a before/after comparaison from a gif i made from an IGTV/Reel, so not the best quality or hd finish but yeah.
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hiijet · 2 years
hey y’all! i’m peyton (she/they, 20, cst) & i’m here with moon eunsang, a character i’ve had for quite a while now so y’kno... maybe you’ve already seen him somewhere???? ummm he’s a basketcase in the process of learning how to behave like an average person and that’s really all there is to know about him, but some other info will be below the cut ^^ no pages for now because i haven’t had the time to get them together yet LMFAO
born as the youngest of two boys in a middle class family on feb 9, 2001 - aka he’s a twenty-one year old aquarius! ummm his brother is 6 years older & was always the more outgoing & ambitious of the two
has had anxiety since he was very young but didn’t get diagnosed until later in life, so there were a lot of questions regarding him? why he never played with the other kids, why he was so quiet, why he got so flustered/upset over teachers simply asking him questions in class when they KNEW he had the answer, etc
stuck to himself, got very “comfortable” in solitude tho i would still say he did want to be close to other people, but didn’t know where to start
super intelligent. didn’t do much aside from read & study, so he was always at the top of his class, made perfect grades. the people in his life expected really great things from him, often saying his brain was their ticket to better days - if he could work with his brain instead of his hands, he’d be golden
anyway! he was a mama’s boy, spent a lot of time with her & she always made him feel more normal abt himself or whatever...
lost his mom when he was around ~13, retreated even further into his shell and his grades started slipping. never really came back up
he did sorta cope by fucking around with a guitar she’d left behind and this was the beginning of his love for music ^^^
ummm fast forward! he started making his own music, built up a small following on tiktok under the username “bugluvr3000″ where he tease/s/d snippets of songs he was working on & posted covers - not super active on tt right now because he’s trying to focus on “real life” and take a break from sns... has taken to busking locally tho!
he hardly graduated high school tbh so his family kinda thought he burnt out and that he wouldn’t get into college but he’s currently enrolled in [university tbd, not a good school really so no biggie] as a biology student. not suuuuper passionate abt education, really just went because he felt like he had to and because he knows he can’t count on music to pay his bills - w his current career path, he’s aiming to be an entomologist (bug scientist)
still pretty nervous & introverted, but he’s in a healthy, committed relationship that has helped him feel more grounded / confident and he’s working on feeling capable as an individual too! therapy every other thursday y’all
if anyone’s curious abt his music, i’m drawing reference from goopy & boyhood! he des experiment w his sound quite a bit in private, has many many many demos on his laptop that will never see the light of day because they’re underpolished and overplayed but idk i think he’s really trying to find his niche
his anxiety is a big part of the reason why his music hasn’t actually taken off yet - he does busk & he occasionally posts his songs online, but when he starts doubting himself, he goes through “dry spells” where he won’t perform and he deletes most of his stuff. insecurity holds him back for suurrre but also i mean it’s not like he’s the next justin bieber or anything
works part-time jobs here & there to keep the bills paid. gravitates towards oddball jobs like costumed mascot work, setting pins at bowling alleys, cleaning rollerskating rinks - anything that’s to-the-point and not super social. can’t hold a job, has gone through 37 job interviews (and counting) and still gets nervous every time.
working on being more social. goes to parties/goes clubbing on occasion but 9/10 times he gets overwhelmed and has a breakdown in the bathroom so yknow it’s really just self-sabotage at this point!?!?!?
obsessed with bugs, classic teddy bears & clocks
ummm detailed ideas coming soon tbh but people who follow him on tt, casual fans of his who always stop & watch him busk, some guy he met in a club bathroom and eunsang was crying so ur chara started crying too because of how stupidly drunk they (both) were, other students he studies with often because they go to the same spots anyway so Might As Well, someone he walks home from work because he’s usually free & they mentioned not feeling super safe??? whateva! 
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chinatest8 · 2 years
Taurine Improves The Spatial Learning And Memory Ability Impaired By Sub
There are many fun, simple and even delicious ways to improve your memory. Berries are particularly high in antioxidants like flavonoids and anthocyanins. Strengthen your memory and may even reduce the risk of dementia. Binge drinking is a pattern of drinking that raises your blood alcohol levels to 0.08 grams per ml or above. Studies have shown it alters the brain and results in memory deficits. The testing effect is different from re-reading because the information being learned is being practiced and tested which forces the information to be drawn from memory to recall. Memo Surge Reviews allows for information to be recalled over a longer period as it is used as a self-testing tool and aids in having the ability to recall information in the future. This strategy is effective when using memory recall especially for information that is being tested on and needs to be in long-term memory. Bacopa has been used in Ayurvedic medicine since ancient times to improve concentration, learning abilities, and memory. One study conducted in Australia involved 46 subjects between the ages of 18 and 60. Divided into two groups, one group received a placebo; the other group was given 300mg of bacopa every day. It makes melatonin hormone levels to decrease and gives you less sleep time than the one you initially need. The old methods you used at school could become the best way to revitalize your memory. Everyone who starts his day consuming orange and grapefruits juice has more carotenoids in his blood. Most people are always fond of having conversations about their past. The discussion will activate the synapses of your nerve cells in your brain acoustic area, where your memories may store. You will have the opportunity to work with your body and find the perfect balance you need. Become self-conscious about the error and then work slowly to replace it with the right information. When we intend to remember without having confidence that we can remember, the intention is weakened into mere hoping. Use written notes as a prompting device, but form the habit of trying to rely on your memory before referring to your written reminders. For this study, individuals 60 to 80 years of age were recruited. The researchers hypothesized that the novel and three-dimensional environment of Super Mario™ would confer more cognitive benefits upon individuals than those conferred by a familiar two-dimensional game (i.e., Solitaire). Despite being two-dimensional in nature, Angry Birds™ gameplay was also poised to confer cognitive benefits due to its novelty for this older population. Study participants in each of these three video game conditions played 30 to 45 minutes per day for four weeks. In order to better understand the impact of caffeine at different times of day, we compared participants in the morning and afternoon testing sessions on wakefulness measures and memory measures. Brain training uses workout sessions to target weaker skills and improve your overall cognitive performance. At LearningRx, we offer 1-on-1 brain training programs (in-Center and virtually) that target and strengthen weak cognitive skills that might be causing a child or an adult to struggle with recalling information. Brain training is the practice of strengthening the core skills needed to memorize new information, recall information, learn new things, read proficiently, stay on task, and process information quickly. Everyone knows that exercising is healthy for your body and mind in a variety of different ways, but many individuals struggle to find the time and motivation to get exercise in on a daily basis. Bad Brain Health Habits Good brain health depends on exercising regularly, eating well, and getting enough sleep. Get the latest tips, news, and advice on preventing Alzheimer’s, treatment, stages and resources. We live in a world where it’s perfectly normal to have a laptop on your desk, a tablet in your bag and a smart phone in your pocket. When you’re in the mood to play a game, you can — all you have to do is open an app and start playing.
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trandingpost1 · 16 days
iPad Pro 2024 Review: So Very Nice, and So Very Expensive
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Is the iPad Pro 2024 the ultimate tablet, a game-changing productivity machine, or a luxurious tech toy? This review dives deep to explore the latest iPad Pro, dissecting its cutting-edge features, mind-blowing price tag, and whether it lives up to the hype.
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A Familiar Facelift: Evolution, Not Revolution
The 2024 iPad Pro retains the sleek, minimalist design language that's become synonymous with Apple products. It's still incredibly thin and light, feeling almost impossibly so for such a powerful device. However, fans of the home button might be disappointed by its continued absence. Build quality, however, remains top-notch, with premium materials that exude a sense of luxury.
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Display: A Feast for the Eyes
Apple equips the 2024 iPad Pro with a stunning OLED display, a significant upgrade from previous models. This translates to incredible brightness, perfect for even the sunniest days. Colors are vibrant and accurate, making it a dream for creative professionals. The super-smooth refresh rate ensures buttery-smooth visuals, ideal for gamers and anyone who appreciates a fluid experience.
Performance: A Beast Unleashed
The heart of the iPad Pro (2024) is the brand new M4 chip. This powerhouse delivers desktop-grade performance, making it a breeze to multitask between demanding applications like video editing and 3D rendering. With this much power under the hood, the iPad Pro feels future-proofed, ready to handle even the most demanding tasks for years to come.
Apple Pencil Pro 3: The Perfect Partner?
The Apple Pencil Pro 3 boasts improved pressure sensitivity and responsiveness, offering a more natural and precise drawing experience for artists and designers. While there aren't any revolutionary new features, the Pencil continues its seamless integration with the iPad Pro, making it a valuable tool for creative workflows.
The Magic Keyboard: A Worthy Investment?
The Magic Keyboard remains a fantastic accessory, offering a transformative experience by turning the iPad Pro into a near-laptop replacement. Typing is comfortable and responsive, thanks to the well-designed keyboard. The addition of a function key row further enhances productivity. However, the Magic Keyboard's price tag remains a significant hurdle for some users.
iPadOS 16: A Software Symphony (or a Stumbling Symphony?)
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iPadOS 16 arrives with a slew of new features, including enhanced multitasking capabilities. While these features aim to bridge the gap between iPad and Mac functionality, some limitations remain. Multitasking can feel cumbersome at times, and iPadOS 16 still lacks some of the flexibility and power found on a traditional desktop operating system. Also Read:Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max: Still the King of the Hill (for Now)
Battery Life: Can It Last a Day?
The iPad Pro delivers all-day battery life under typical usage, easily lasting a workday or a long flight on a single charge. When it comes to charging, the iPad Pro supports fast charging, ensuring you're quickly back up and running.
Cameras: Not Its Strong Suit
The camera system on the iPad Pro is good enough for casual snaps and video calls, but it's not the main selling point. If you're looking for a powerful camera system, you'll be better served by a high-end smartphone. The iPad Pro's focus lies on its productivity and creative capabilities.
Who is This iPad For?
The iPad Pro (2024) is ideal for creative professionals like artists, designers, and video editors who can leverage its powerful performance and stunning display. Professionals and students who prioritize productivity might find it a compelling laptop replacement, especially with the Magic Keyboard attached. However, for casual users who just want a tablet for browsing and entertainment, the iPad Pro might be overkill, especially considering the price tag. Check Price
The Competition: StWorth the Splurge?
The iPad Pro (2024) starts at a hefty price tag, and that's before factoring in essential accessories like the Magic Keyboard and Apple Pencil Pro 3. The cost can quickly balloon depending on the storage configuration you choose. Whether it's worth the splurge depends on your needs. If you're a professional who demands top-tier performance and a seamless creative workflow, the iPad Pro might be a justifiable investment. However, for more casual users, there are more affordable options that offer excellent value.
The Final Verdict
The iPad Pro (2024) is a technological marvel. It boasts a gorgeous OLED display, unmatched performance thanks to the M4 chip, and a slew of improvements that make it even more versatile. However, its biggest strength is also its biggest weakness: its price. For creative professionals and those who demand the absolute best in a tablet, the iPad Pro is a dream come true. It's a powerful machine that can handle demanding tasks with ease, and its beautiful display is a joy to behold. However, for the average user, the cost might be difficult to swallow, especially when you factor in the expensive accessories. Here's a quick breakdown to help you decide: - Get the iPad Pro if: You're a creative professional who needs top-notch performance for tasks like video editing and graphic design. - OR You prioritize portability and a premium tablet experience for work or productivity. - OR You're a die-hard Apple fan who wants the absolute cutting edge in mobile technology. - Skip the iPad Pro if: You're a casual user who just wants a tablet for browsing, streaming, and social media. - OR You're on a tight budget and can't justify the high price tag. - OR You value desktop-class software and a more traditional computing experience. Ultimately, the iPad Pro (2024) is a niche product aimed at a specific audience. It pushes the boundaries of what a tablet can be, offering a powerful and luxurious experience. But that luxury comes at a cost. Whether it's worth it depends on your individual needs and budget. Read the full article
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laptopsmart · 21 days
Microsoft Surface Laptop 5 (2022): Power, Style, and Endurance in a Perfect Package
For those seeking a laptop that seamlessly blends performance, portability, and elegance, the Microsoft Surface Laptop 5 (2022) in 15-inch with a blazing-fast Intel i7 processor is a dream come true. This powerhouse device doesn't compromise on any front, offering an incredibly thin and lightweight design alongside long-lasting battery life that keeps you productive throughout the workday (and beyond).
The centerpiece of this laptop is undoubtedly its stunning 15-inch PixelSense touchscreen display. With its sharp resolution and vibrant colors, it brings your work and entertainment to life. Whether you're editing photos, crafting presentations, or unwinding with a movie, the visuals are simply stunning. The touchscreen functionality adds another layer of convenience, allowing for intuitive navigation and interaction.
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Under the hood, the 12th Gen Intel i7 processor coupled with a whopping 32GB of RAM ensures the Surface Laptop 5 tackles any task with ease. Multitasking becomes a breeze, allowing you to run demanding applications simultaneously without experiencing any lag. From running complex spreadsheets to editing high-resolution videos, this laptop handles it all effortlessly.
One of the most impressive aspects of the Surface Laptop 5 is its battery life. Microsoft boasts up to 18 hours of continuous use on a single charge, which is truly remarkable. This translates to freedom from constantly searching for an outlet, letting you work or play wherever you go without the worry of a dying battery. Whether you're a student attending back-to-back classes, a busy professional on the go, or a traveler exploring new destinations, the Surface Laptop 5 keeps you powered throughout the day.
Storage space is not a concern either, with a massive 1TB solid-state drive (SSD) providing ample room for all your files, applications, and media. The SSD also translates to super-fast boot times and overall system responsiveness, making the user experience incredibly smooth.
The sleek and stylish design of the Surface Laptop 5 is another major selling point. The signature Alcantara fabric keyboard deck in black exudes sophistication and comfort, while the overall thin and lightweight build makes it a joy to carry around. It's a laptop that complements your personal style and makes a statement wherever you take it.
An additional perk is the inclusion of Microsoft Copilot, your AI-powered assistant on Windows 11. Copilot helps streamline your workflow by anticipating your needs and suggesting helpful actions. From grammar checks while writing to intelligent search suggestions, Copilot becomes your invisible productivity partner.
In conclusion, the Microsoft Surface Laptop 5 (2022) with a 15-inch touchscreen display is a phenomenal choice for anyone seeking a premium laptop that excels in performance, portability, and battery life. It boasts a beautiful display, a powerful processor, ample storage, and a comfortable design, making it a true all-rounder for work, creativity, and entertainment.
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govindhtech · 25 days
AtomMan X7 Ti, Minisforum’s New Intel-powered elite Mini PC
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AtomMan X7 Ti mini PC
The AtomMan X7 Ti is a high-end micro PC with a 4-inch touchscreen display and Intel’s Core Ultra 9 processor, which was unveiled by Minisforum. The X7 Ti is designed to appeal to a wide range of users thanks to its impressive specifications, which include a 16-core CPU, an 8-core Arc Iris Xe iGPU, and numerous connectivity options like OCUlink for eGPU compatibility.
The AtomMan X7 Ti, the newest Intel-powered high-end small PC from Minisforum, is set to go on sale officially on May 20 at 19:00 PST.
Driven by Intel’s Core Ultra 9 185H CPU, which has a maximum boost rate of 5.1 GHz and 16 cores and 22 threads, the X7 is quite powerful. Ten efficiency cores based on the Crestmont architecture and six performance cores based on the Redwood design make up the 16 cores. The way the system manages its heat, which Minisforum has addressed by using triple copper heat pipes in conjunction with a cooling fan, will determine how well this CPU performs. Independent testing, however, will paint a clearer picture of how well it performs in actual use.
The Arc Iris Xe iGPU, which has 8 Xe cores (128 EUs) and 8 RT cores for hardware-accelerated ray tracing, is the only graphics processor used by the X7 Ti. Although it’s not primarily intended for gamers, its performance, similar to that of an RTX 2050 laptop GPU, may fall short of their expectations, even though it’s impressive for an iGPU. However, consumers looking for more GPU power can turn to eGPU solutions like the OneXGPU 7600M XT eGPU (curr. $835 on Amazon), as OCulink offers transfer speeds up to 64 Gbps.
Memory and storage options include dual M.2 2280 PCIe 4.0 slots that can hold up to 4 terabytes of flash storage and dual DDR5 5600 MT/s SODIMM slots that can support up to 96 GB of memory. Numerous connectivity choices are available, such as three USB 3.2 Type-A connections, one SD card slot, two 5G RJ45 ethernet ports, HDMI 2.1 and DisplayPort 2.0 for up to four 4K external monitors, and a 3.5 mm headphone socket. Additionally available is an integrated 1080p camera that supports Windows Hello.
Regarding wireless connectivity, the X7 Ti has both Bluetooth 5.4 and Wi-Fi 7. Remarkably, the device also has a 4-inch touchscreen built into the chassis that provides features like personalised themes and system monitoring, adding to its overall attractiveness even though it is a bit of a gimmick.
AtomMan X7 Ti mini PC features
Intel Ultra 9 185H CPU Al Mini PC
4-inch flexible touch screen LED display
Fast Network 72x5G RJ45 WiFi
Quad-Screen Display DP2.0+2xUSB4 + HDMI 2.1
Video Conferencing Assistant with Dual Audio and a 1080P camera
Cold Wave System: 65W TDP Phase-change cooling
Independent OCuLink eGPU with high performance
Windows Hello Fingerprint | Face ID
Generous Capacity Dual M.2 SSD | SD Card
Native Al Core Power IntelCore Ultra 9
Impressive characteristics characterise the new IntelCore Ultra 9, which offers considerable power and efficiency for high-performance computer operations.
Process Technology Intel 4
22 Threads
Maximum Frequency: 5.1 GHz
65W TDP maximum
3D high-efficiency Hybrid Building Design
16 Cores
24 MB L3 cache
The new Intel Arc graphics can significantly speed up operations for live streaming, video editing, 3D rendering, and creating masterpieces for 3A games.
Eight Xe-cores
Eight New Ray Tracing Devices
Two-Time Graphics Performance
AV1 Codec
128 EU
Super Sampling with XeSS
The low-power operation of Al apps is supported by the new AI NPU. Together, CPU, GPU, and NPU make up the three main Al engines that propel creators into the AIGC age.
20 billion or more parameters LLM
Text-generated Maps in 1 second
365 Copilot AI PowerPoint
Gigapixel Al Topaz Image Enhancement
System of Cold Wave Cooling
With the help of three cooling copper tubes, a large-diameter silent cooling fan, and an exclusive patented compact phase-change cooling module with small size, high efficiency, and long lifespan, it can achieve a stable 65W performance release, giving consistent power for demanding creative work and high-performance gaming.
Adaptable Touch Display
Has the most potent 4-inch touch screen in the business, making it user-friendly and feature-rich. To help you understand the host’s operational state in real time, support features including system monitoring, performance adjustment, time display, and personalised theme switching are available.
Assistant for Videoconferences
The X7 Ti boasts a 1080P HD camera that can be turned on and off physically to preserve privacy. It also supports studio effects and Windows Hello. Moreover, it can be tilted using a stand that has two digital microphones for superior sound quality, making video conferencing a highly collaborative experience.
Big Storage and Memory
Two memory slots, two M.2 ports, and a slot for an SD card An extensive array of resources for filmmakers and artists
Supports up to 96GB of DDR5 5600MHz high-frequency memory via dual-channel DDR5 SODIMM slots.
Two PCIE4.0 M.2 M.2 SSD slots 4TB SSD storage maximum.
One slot for an SD expansion card Plug in and go at up to 100MB/s.
Quick Networks
With link aggregation capabilities, the dual 5G wired connections provide fast and constant connectivity for network storage and online gaming.
Four-Screen Display
Four 4K@120Hz screens can be linked concurrently to two USB4 ports, an HDMI2.1 interface, and a DP2.0 interface to create a four-screen display and reveal a new, more productive office concept.
Separate OCulink Port
With support for up to 64Gbps of transmission bandwidth, the Mini PC can be quickly transformed into a workstation to handle the computational demands of high-end gaming, professional production, and Al work. It is also simple to enhance the higher performance of additional desktop graphics cards.
Does not take up any M.2 interface space.
Next-Generation WiFi7
outfitted with Intel’s upcoming WiFi-7 wireless card, which has a 320MHz channel bandwidth and a maximum theoretical peak rate of 5.8Gbps.
Minimal Latency
Lower WiFi latency with a larger channel bandwidth
Accelerated speed
With a maximum theoretical rate of 5.8 Gbps, the BE200 can achieve speeds more than twice as fast as existing Wi-Fi 6E modules.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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idiosys1 · 2 months
The Art of Fitness App Development in 2024
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In a world where wellness is a priority and smartphones are our constant companions, fitness apps have become indispensable. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or a fitness enthusiast with a vision, embarking on the journey of creating a fitness app is both exhilarating and challenging.
In this blog series, we’ll unravel the intricacies of fitness app development—from ideation to launch. We’ll explore the fusion of technology and health, dissect the anatomy of successful fitness apps, and guide you through the creative process. So, grab your dumbbells (or laptops), because we’re about to break a sweat in the world of code and crunches!
Welcome to the treadmill of innovation—where pixels meet push-ups, and algorithms flex their muscles. Let’s lace up our virtual sneakers and dive into the dynamic universe of fitness app development!
Keeping Your Data Safe
Imagine you’re logging your workout, heart rate pumping, feeling like a champion. Suddenly, a notification pops up: “Congratulations! You’ve just won a million bucks!”  Hold on a sec – that sounds a little too good to be true, right?  Well, in the world of healthcare and fitness apps, security is like a superhero’s cape – it’s essential.  Web developers need to build high-tech defines around your sensitive information. This includes things like your heart rate, blood pressure, and even the GPS data you track during outdoor runs. Think of it like creating a digital vault to keep your health data safe from any prying eyes.
The Wearable Woes of App Integration
These days, our smartwatches and fitness trackers feel practically glued to our wrists. But getting these gadgets to chat seamlessly with your app can be a frustrating experience.  Imagine this: you finish a killer workout, all pumped up, ready to log your progress. But then your app throws a fit because it can’t find your smartwatch!  Web developers face the challenge of untangling this mess of wires (well, not literally, but you get the idea). They need to understand how different apps “talk” to each other (using fancy terms like APIs or Application Programming Interfaces) to make sure your hard-earned workout data gets recorded smoothly.
Keeping Users Engaged with Application
So you’ve convinced someone to download your app – that’s a win! But how do you stop them from relegating it to the app graveyard on their phone, gathering dust alongside forgotten games?  This is where web developers must tap into their inner cheerleader and design an app that’s as fun and engaging as your favourite workout buddy.  Imagine an app with a super user-friendly interface, features that make you feel like you’re levelling up in a game (that’s called gamification!), and personalized workout plans that keep things challenging and exciting. After all, if your app feels like a chore to use, chances are you (and everyone else) will ditch it faster than a free gym membership after New Year’s.
The Accessibility Challenge
Imagine someone with limited vision struggling to navigate your app, or someone who can’t perform certain exercises due to physical limitations.  Web developers wear a special hat when it comes to accessibility – they need to make sure everyone has a fair shot at using their app and reaching their fitness goals. This means incorporating features like screen readers for visually impaired users and offering alternative workout options for people with physical limitations.  Because at the end of the day, a truly great app should be like a yoga class – open to everyone, regardless of their experience level.
Keeping Up with Change
Just like your workout routine shouldn’t get stuck in a rut, the world of health and fitness is constantly evolving. New research, trends, and even regulations pop up all the time.  Web developers need to be like fitness fanatics themselves, constantly learning and updating their apps to reflect these changes.  Think of it as keeping your app in tip-top shape, ready to tackle whatever the ever-changing world of health throws at it.
So, the next time you open your favourite fitness app, take a moment to appreciate the web developers behind the scenes.
All this talk about challenges might make building a fitness app seem impossible. But fear not, fellow fitness enthusiasts!  App development companies are full of talented web developers who are passionate about creating apps that help you reach your goals.  They’re the ultimate gym buddies, working tirelessly to make sure your app is secure, user-friendly, and keeps pace with the ever-changing world of fitness.  So, if you have a killer app idea brewing, consider reaching out to an app development company.  Together, you can turn your vision into a reality and empower people everywhere to live healthier, happier lives!  After all, there’s no better feeling than crushing your fitness goals with the help of a fantastic app by your side.
Check out our new blog post: https://shorturl.at/jlFHV
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arunsinghsucces · 2 months
Enhance your Wix website's performance with our complete SEO services.
In today's digital world, having a strong online presence is important for the success of any business or brand. One of the most effective ways to do this is by optimizing your website for search engines using SEO (Search Engine Optimization) services. If you have a Wix website and you want people to find you easily, that's where SEO (Search Engine Optimization) comes in! It's like magic that helps your website show up higher in search engine results.
What's SEO?
SEO (Search Engine optimization) is the process of improving your website's visibility on search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo. When your website ranks higher in search engine results pages (SERPs), it's helping to increase organic traffic, enhance visibility, attract more customers, and achieve your online goals.
Complete SEO Services on Wix
Here are some of the key things that helpful to high rank of your wix website:
Keywords: Identify Keywords and phrases that search for products or services related to your business. When customers search about your business on search engines, they will find you easily.
Meta Tags: Meta tags are like little labels that describe what your web pages are about. Wix lets you easily add meta tags to each page, which helps search engines understand and rank your site better.
Link building: Build high-quality backlinks from reputable websites within your industry to improve your website's When your website shows up in search results, you want people to click on it.  Wix lets you write page descriptions that attract people to visit your site.
Responsive design: More and more people are searching the internet on their phones. Wix makes sure your website looks great and works well on mobile, tabs, Macbooks, computers, laptops, and all types of devices, which is super important for SEO.
Site Speed: Page speed is an important factor in both the user experience and search engine rankings. Use Wix's built-in tools and plugins to optimize images. Wix helps make sure your site loads quickly, which  keeps visitors happy and improves your website's loading time.
Regular Content Updates: Consistently publish fresh, relevant content on your Wix website to keep your audience interested in search engine results. Utilize Wix's blogging platform or content management system to create and publish blog posts, articles, videos, and other types of content.
In Conclusion
By using SEO strategies on your Wix website, you can enhance your website's performance, improve its search engine rankings, and ultimately achieve your business goals. So go ahead, sprinkle some SEO magic on your site, and watch it rise to new heights on the internet!
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