#and also realizing holy shit so many bodies are attractive it’s kinda insane
justanotherfanartist · 2 months
nothing more freeing than being attracted to midsize and fat men. sigh
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renegadesrpg · 3 years
Soulmates Part 17: Netflix and Chill.  Layla and Sean
Sean: *Looks the TV tray and evaluates its contents.* Hmmm.... Microwave popcorn? Check. Brews? Check. Raisinets? Check.... *calling out to the living room in the @ChosenDarkened * Hey, baby, what do we need for movie night besides popcorn beer, and Raisinets? I feel like I'm forgettin' something. *grinning to myself because even after all these months, this totally mortal thing of 'Netflix and chill' with my girl still feels special.*
 Layla: *smiling I peek my head out the doorway* Ummm peanut butter M&M's? The movie choice?
 Sean: Right. *gets in the cabinet and snags the M & M's, then adds the to the tray and takes it to the living room* Movie choice is yours. *smiles and sits the tray on the ottoman.* I made the popcorn.
 Layla: *smiling as I snag a few M&M's then grab the remote as I plop down next to you* I'm thinking something silly. I've heard this movie mentioned before so I want to see it. It's supposedly quite funny. *I push the buttons and hit start then put the remote to the side as the movie, Sixteen Candles, begins* The popcorn smells great Love. Not burnt this time. *I giggle remembering the last time he accidentally burned it*
  Sean: Hey *mockingly defensive as I toss a piece of popcorn at you* I may not NEED to eat but I can learn how to use a microwave. I just needed practice. *twisting the cap of your beer, I hand it to you and then do the same to my own. Sitting the popcorn bowl in my lap, I put my arm around you and settle back against the couch.* So what's this movie about?
  Layla: *I take a drink of the beer* It’s about teenagers in the 1980's. It’s my understanding it is about their various relationships and how they get along, or not, and figuring out ummm their role in life. Something like that. I was told the situations they deal with are funny. *I lean into you as we start watching*
Oh my goodness! How could her family forget her birthday?
  Sean: *Taking a sip of my beer, smiling as I get a warm armload of Layla-mine* Birthdays are important to mortals?
  Layla: Yes, it’s my understanding they are quite a rite of passage. Especially their 1st, 16th, 18th, and 21st. That's what I read anyway. Oh my, that boy is definitely odd. Do young males act like that when they wish to woo a female? Because... No.
Sean: *Laughing* It's been a long time since I was a teenage boy and when I was a boy you were pretty much considered a man by the time you were 16. Not like it is today. Male-female relationships were a lot different back then. But I will say when those hormones start flowin' initially, a guy's brains pretty much are focused in another part of his body than his head.
  Layla: *giggling* I have seen that in adult males too. Those hormones must be very strong. Gym class? Oh, exercise to stay healthy. That is important, but why are those females jealous of the naked one? They seem fit enough.
  Sean: *choking on my beer* It's not about being fit, baby. It's about the...um... figure. Chosen all live in pretty close quarters growing up don't they? Didn't you guys ever compare you're...um... "assets"?
  Layla: *my brow knits for a moment then I realize what you mean* Oh! Oh! Well um it wasn't, well some of us did as we developed but it was definitely not encouraged or spoken of.
 Sean: *laughs and kisses your temple* Of course you didn't. But you weren't in competition for males. In humans, a woman with certain well-developed assets was considered to be more likely to survive childbirth. And getting a male who was strong enough to protect them and provide for them and their young was important to females. So there was competition among them to attract that kind of male and it only makes sense to evaluate the competition. In thousands of years, that basic behavior hasn't changed.
  Layla: Oh that makes sense. Yes, female vampires are also desiring males who can provide well for them. Hopefully this female, ummm Sam, sees she is worthy despite having smaller breasts. For instance, she's been very patient with her family's forgetfulness even though it must hurt.
  Sean: A wise man realizes that a happy life is about more than their mate's "assets." Sam has what it takes to make that happen for a guy. But I think these bozos are all too immature to see it. *Laughs* I'm glad that mating dance wasn't part of my youth.
  Layla: Me too. Although my youth was good I certainly wouldn't have wanted to be involved in those games. I agree the males seem very immature. Definitely not ready for mating. Ohhhh! Her grandmahmen just squeezed her breast. I fear I would have slapped her. Respected elder or not. That was very rude and probably hurt Sam.
  Sean: Yeah....that was pretty out of line. Maybe she's got dementia? I can't think of any other reason she'd do something like that.
 Layla: Perhaps. What? Long Duck Dong? OHHHH I get that joke. *laughing hysterically* poor male. *still laughing*
  Sean: *Laughs* Oh man, he's never gonna' live that down! *crunches some popcorn*
Layla: No, he will not. *eating a handful of popcorn and M&M's mixed. We watch laughing at times, shocked at behavior other times*
  Sean: *nuzzling your ear and snickering* If we have young, this is NOT happening. If I have to keep her under lock and key.
  Layla: I'm in complete agreement Love. Holy shit! That male is showing all those boys Sam's underwear. *I cover my mouth with my hand shocked at my mouth*
Sean: And THAT would get a male dropped into the mouth of a volcano if that were our daughter. *frowns* If we have boys, maybe I'll lock THEM in their room until they're adults.
  Layla: *I lean in and kiss your cheek* I would help you drop a male into a volcano who would do that. I believe our sons would know better but if they do not behave then definitely, they get locked in their room. *a few minutes later* There are way too many people at this male's house. I can understand why he's mad. *starting to laugh* That Long Duck Dong has found a female who appreciates him.
  Sean: *snickers* I guess there really is someone for everyone. But yeah, that many young unsupervised is a recipe for disaster. Can't be too long until police come.
  Layla: Oh that female that took advantage of her boyfriend, that's what she called him, would be punished severely by me if she were my young. Oh he's letting that umm nerd young male take her home. This may be ugly as he said he has no license.
 Sean: Somehow I think she's about to face Karma. *finishes my beer* I don't think the other one is her boyfriend anymore after this.
  Layla: I agree. She ruined her chances by being so cruel and selfish. Ohhhh a human wedding, how neat! I have heard they can be crazy. *giggling at the antics of the family*
 Sean:  Humans build it up so that women sometimes turn into bridezilla's for their "big day". I never got that. Wedding feasts, sure. Wealthy families always did that, but these days its nuts. *snickers* And that poor kid is supposed to put up with all of her sisters insanity.
  Layla: Very much unfair. Her wedding is important but not more so than her sister’s 16th birthday. That was just very mean to be honest. *giggling* that is karma at its finest. That sister is now a mess at her own wedding! Foolishness to have taken so much muscle relaxing medicine.
Sean: Well let's hope the marriage goes better than the wedding. Although it might have made a funny sequel. *laughs and squeezes your shoulder.* You gonna be that nervous before our official mating?
Layla: No, because I am secure in our love and connection. That female was hiding her insecurities by being so self-absorbed. Oh Love look! That male made Sam a birthday cake. He's a worthy male.
Sean: *kissing your hair* You are my everything. *smiles* I'm glad you know that. Yeah, finally. I guess all teenage boys aren't total jerks. Is he taking her for a ride?
  Layla: He did take her for a ride to his house where he gave her a cake. It’s good to know not all those young males were unworthy. Ohhh I love a happily ever after. *smiling and sighing*
Sean:*kisses you then smiles down into your face* I'm kinda up for our own "happy ending tonight. If you catch my drift, nalla.
  Layla: Our thoughts were the same Nallum. Shall we? *I ask as I turn off the TV*
Sean: *scooping you up in my arms as I rise and smiles.* Absolutely. *mists us away to our bedroom for the night.*
#Soulmates  #Renegades #RRPG #AU #BDB #Reapers #Vampires #Angels #Wolfen #Ghosts
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jessemccowbae · 7 years
We have now officially reached the drunk enough to say shit you ort notta said part of the evening. And we have so many new people showing up, and said to myself, damn self, there are so many pretty people showing up tonight. And then I realized why: it is because LITERALLY EVERYBODY HERE IS ATTRACTIVE
I am not making this up. When objectively removing existing friendships and awkwardness and social niceties and power imbalances and general Reasons It Is A Bad Idea, I would most definitely bang everybody in this building.
So naturally before making suhc a statement I needed to double check the entire roster. And make sure I wasn't leaving somebody out or making someone feel bad. Or anything like that, because even if I didn't want to bang you all I still almost entirely like y'all and don't want to cause no hurt feelings. We're still a family and I still love you okay? But I went down the whole list and. I was right. Literally. Everybody. At Overwatch. Is like 100% bangable. Some over 100%.
For the purposes of this I am leaving Bastion and Orisa off the list. Because Orisa is a youngun and probably doesn't have a grasp on such things yet and Bastion seems to be like... three? Four maybe? Mentally? I mean given that we just had to explain porn I think there maybe issues with the concept of sex, much less consent. But it's definitely not just an omnic thing, as you will see.
So look. We're gonna go straight down the fuckin list and I will Mathematically Prove This To All Of You.
ANA. Alright, this is one of those where like I normally outside of this experiment wouldn't think about it mostly because Fareeha would murder me. But for the sake of makin' the point I will. The Captain was a fuckin' fox in her day and hasn't lost most of it. It's like 80% attitude, she could kill pretty much everyone I have ever met, but even if you base it just on looks she's got it nailed, alright? 10/10 gimme the damn time machine
HANA. I feel like I shouldn't because she is enough younger than me that it's creepy? So I will just say this: if she had been here when I was a 17-year-old recruit I would have basically tripped over my own dick trying to get her to so much as fucking glare at me. Hypercompetence is fuckin hot. */10 but teenage Jesse is like nerf me pls
GENJI. Is a hot dude. I'll just go there, alright? He is. I am also like 90% certain that some of those mechanical parts have functions that weren't in the instruction manual if you know what I'm saying, and I have watched his ass train, you would not believe the fuckin flexibility. Like if you like dudes even a little and you wouldn't fuck Genji you're lying. 11/10
HANZO. Go on and fucking laugh. Get it out of your system, I'll wait here. Okay, you done? Cause this motherfucker is carved out of fucking marble. Like I think if I punched him in the stomach I'd break my hand? And my hand is metal. Just fucking. Chiseled out of granite or some shit. Top to bottom. His face is the same too, he looks like some kinda Renaissance statue or some shit. Like even if I wouldn't bang him, which make no mistake I would, I would still want to touch him a lot to just see how he's fucking real. 13/10
JAMIE. Okay but lemme let you in on a secret. Happy fun laughing sex? Is the best sex. And if this little asshole is half as manic in bed as out you are in for a fuckin' time, alright? Plus he's tall as hell and has long ass fingers and the accent ain't bad either. Solid 8/10, probably a 10 if he could concentrate long enough to put actual effort into seduction? Either way, bring Gatorade
LUCIO. I mean, have you met this dude? He is probably the most gentle and caring and tender jackass you ever met in a bed. Will just dote the fuck all over you until you're a crying mess because you know no human can ever be that good back to him and he doesn't even care, he's just glad you're here, and then he wants to snuggle after. I mean sure, he's hot, but that's fuckin' secondary at this point. 11/10 also probably has the best sex playlist on the planet
MEI. If you have never seen Mei outside of her winter gear. Do yourself a favor. If it ever looks like she is about to take her coat off. Make sure you do not have any food or drink in your mouth. Because the first time I saw her in a t-shirt I basically snorted soda up my nose. She is a sweet and kind and wonderful darlin', make no mistake! But more prurient to the current subject her body does not even make sense. I'm shocked Winston ain't made a project of her yet because that many curves in that small a space has got to violate some laws of physics. Just... so much... EVERYTHING. All at once. Twenty pounds of bodacious in a ten pound sack. Here for it. 13/10 thighs would make excellent earmuffs
ANGIE. Okay. Look. You know all those American movies where there's this like shallow useless prop of a Gorgeous European Woman who's flirty and sexy and statuesque and golden? Now imagine they're also friggin crazy insane brilliant and like the kindest most loving person you ever met in your life and can also cook. Why do the rest of us even exist. Fuck me sideways. 11/10
FAREEHA. She is smarter than me, cooler than me, tougher than me, more educated than me, and can and has beaten me up. If you're into ladies and muscles this is your second best bet on base. And she's good at fucking everything? Which, again, I'm into, you should be too. 10/10 wear your pads
REINHARDT. Look. I'm just gonna come right out and say what we're all thinking. He's like 6'6" at least and about a yard wide at the shoulders. Even if he's just proportionally average he's still probably hung like an elephant. And hey, still got the bod after all these years, it's impressive. 11/10 I am a tall dude I've never been held up against a wall and it sounds fun
ROADHOG. You know what? Hog is a super fuckin sweet dude. I was not expecting that. But like, I got a big soft warm hug earlier just because I was drunk and sad.  And we ain't even super good friends yet. So honestly this probably goes the same way as Lucio, basically. Plus he's got big hands so hey. 10/10 why the hell not
JACK. I mean, fuck, look at him. Fuckin blond-haired blue-eyed pristine midwestern beefcake asshole. Got a fuckin' statue. You'd do him just to say you did it. 10/10
SATYA. Look, I'm normally real good at reading people and the whole aloof and mysterious thing is kinda played out? But she's working it. Like, just warm enough on occasion to reel you in a little. I dig it, very controlled, well executed. If you're into someone else taking control it's totally there. Or just insulting you, if that's your thing. And I mean, also gorgeous eyes and legs to the fuckin moon but did I even need to say that? No, no I didn't. 11/10
TORBJORN. YES I SAID EVERYBODY. Now look. Everyone wants to talk shit because Torb is small which is a fuckin disability actually, and it gives him migraines and shit and it makes everything hard and it sucks for such a good dude. But I have two points here. One: he is an engineer. I have seen him work. The level of manual dexterity is fucking astrounding. Two: He has like eighty-leven fucking kids, so he is CLEARLY doing something right. 10/10 get you some old man
LENA. Is a doll, alright? Everybody knows that. But everything I said before about happy fun sex applies here. Like yes, super cute, got it, but she's just like. Fun and happy just to be around. Lena makes everything a good fuckin time and if anything should be a good time it's fuckin', right? 11/10 maybe 12 if she brings British chocolate
WINSTON. Yeah I know. I said everybody. But like, here's the thing. There's the obvious Not A Human issues. That's weird. And weird in a way it isn't with omnics because he's a thing we normally don't view as equal but he's special and separate. So I am not gonna say this in a like, of me way.
But here's the thing. Winston is just. Good. Better than any of us, seriously. And he's the reason we all ended up back here. The reason I ended up back here when I damn well don't deserve to be. I walked away from the best thing that ever happened to me like a fuckin' idiot because I was scared and you all just. Let me back in. Like I didn't stab every damn one of you in the back when y'all needed me most.
I deserved what I had. Being alone and scratching out a meal and on the run. All I was doing was reaping what I'd sown myself and now... this. Now I'm home again and you all just act like I didn't...
And Winston gave me this. What I didn't deserve the first time around and sure as hell didn't deserve a second chance at. I owe him everything. I owe him my damn life. Winston is good and kind and amazing and wonderful and I want him to be happy and have whatever he wants, and if that includes getting laid then by God I hope he finds it.
ZARYA. Holy hot damn. Like, I understand submissiveness in bed and whatnot, I may not entirely feel it but I get it. But I've never quite gotten the like, actual physical roughness thing? Until now? Because I'm pretty sure I want her to punch me. Honestly I'm suprised Lena can hold a conversation with her without choking. 11/10
ZENYATTA. Yeah yeah y'all were waiting for this weren't you. And this was gonna be a pretty standard "lol vibrating robot parts" joke but a little while ago I was snifflin' into this shot glass and he put one of those happy orbs on me? And just... guys everything is so good. I love y'all a bunch and we're all here together, an' we're doin' good an' makin the world better and it's so good. An' it don't even feel fake-good like getting drunk and forgetting your problems, which I was failin' to do earlier. Just... like there's so much good stuff already in the world an' I just couldn't see it before. Anyway what I'm sayin' is bangin' Zen might be the path to eternal enlightenment. 11/10 align my chakras baby
AND THAT. Is the thing. Is the post. That I have spent like an hour on now? But everybody here is hot and I'm surprised I can goddamn function.
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Solangelo YouTuber AU
 you know how are there no solangelo YouTuber AU's but you know what I just wrote one so all you solangelo shippers who’ve been looking for one all three of you here’s my shitty attempt at writing one.
Nico di Angelo’s YouTube career was something he wasn’t sure was the best thing to boast about.
It had started about five years ago. He was short and scrawny, just like anyone at the age of seventeen, and had about as much experience with filming himself as he did with hitting on girls. Aka: nada. All he knew was that one button made the red light thing light up, and if you hit it a second time it would stop recording.
So, yeah. He knew close to nothing about the YouTube community.
His first video was a shit show, to say the least. He would constantly knock down the camera, couldn’t edit for his life, and had no idea what to do except introduce himself.
“Uh, hey? I guess, uh,”
Yeah, it was a trainwreck.
You could see he no longer had an ‘emo’ cut (thank god), and was trying out some sort of weird ass undercut. He was wearing a Fall Out Boy t-shirt and ripped jeans, something he would never quite grow out of, with ratty old Converse that his sister had gotten him for his birthday. His baby face was out and proud, no fucks were given, and you could see his bedroom at a really shitty My-Space 2006 angle.
His voice was down a bit, trying not to attract the unwarranted attention from his cousins Percy and Jason from the bedroom over, who’re visiting from their college in New York.
“I’m not gonna lie,” Nico told to the camera, raking a hand through his newly-cut hair and blowing out a sharp intake of air. “I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing. But, fuck it, why not try?”
And that was how his YouTube career started.
He wasn’t very popular at first since the bad camera angle with the bad editing and bad look didn’t really go together all that well. But, after puberty decided to maybe let him grow out of his five-foot-nothing and he could finally afford to buy a decent camera, he skyrocketed in the matter of about a year.
Have you heard about that new YouTuber, uh, I think it’s ‘Nico di Angelo’?
He’s kinda a stereotypical My-Space user if you think about it.
Honestly, that guy’s kinda all over the place with his videos.
First, he tried videogames.
Yeah… that didn’t go too well.
“What the fuck is Overwatch?” he asked open air, staring at the camera in front of him. He was live streaming, something he didn’t do often, just having nothing to do since his college courses were done for the day. Before much could be said about his remark some busted into the room, throwing the door open and staring daggers at the back of Nico’s head.
“What the fuck do you mean What is Overwatch?”
He was a tall guy, athletic build. His blonde hair fell in front of his face and his eyes were a vibrant blue, matching his tan skin but not his fucking furious expression. Nico blinked a few times, hand over heart, before hissing out a few not so family friendly words at his dormmate.
“Oh my God, Solace, you scared the shit out of me.”
“Well, you kinda deserved it. How, to the high heavens, do you not know what Overwatch is. Overwatch.”
Nico blinked a few more times, turning back to look at the comments underneath his stream. There were tons of comments flowing in, all about who’s the hottie di Angelo? and oh my god I ship it - s already coming in.
“Uh, I mean what is Overwatch? Possibly? I’ve never heard of it.”
The blonde’s eyes were blown open, and he put a hand to his chest as though he took personal offense to Nico’s inability to know what videogames are.
“My god, di Angelo, you’re less educated than my grandfather.”
Then he had run back into his room, and people in the stream could hear things flying. Nico raised a brow at the camera, mouthed a quick What the fuck is happening? before Will came flying back in, an X-Box controller in one hand and a CD case in the other. Nico just looked even more confused, not being able to resist when Will pushed him almost off the couch, taking his laptop and opening a new tab.
“I’m going to show you the best videogame of all time, di Angelo. And if you say no,” he stole a look at a flustered Nico from over his shoulder. “I’ll kill you.”
And that was when the infamous Solangelo tag started to spread like a virus throughout every single type of social media. Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram all became the manifesto for SOLANGELO: THE TRUE OTP.
Yeah, it was weird.
Solace started a channel for himself after that. Filled with random video games, some weird animations he made in his free time, and the occasional A Rare Nico di Angelo in his Natural Habitat: Episode XX
Anyone would be lying if they said it wasn’t amusing.
Throughout random videos or live streams, Nico would have, Will would be in the background, either seeing how much he could throw things at Nico before he would point it out, or just full on flipping off the back of Nico’s head.
It wasn’t long before a full out war started.
All throughout their college years, it was fucking insane; seeing if they could knock over someone’s tripod, or maybe hack their account and upload some weird-ass video about why you shouldn’t do drugs. There are multiple videos on both people’s channels about why You shouldn’t be watching this dickwad! You should be watching my channel, which is 110% better.
When Nico and Will finished college, though, it didn’t stop.
They both moved to the outskirts of Los Angeles, Will’s reasoning to Try and stay hip with the kids, and Nico’s being because he wanted to stalk local celebrities.
But, they didn’t have an excuse as to why they were still living together.
Nico was having another Q+A. It wasn’t often that he did them, so when he did they were excruciatingly long. His longest one was almost three hours. Three hours.
Nico looked back at his phone, where he was scrolling through Tumblr looking for questions because of quote, Twitter’s the basic bitch’s place for looking for questions, and I’m no basic bitch. I’m a badass bitch, that’s who I am.
Out of nowhere, he started laughing at the top of his lungs. Getting di Angelo to laugh was a rare thing; smiling was even more so. You could call him stoic, though it wasn’t that rare. Though, to this extent? The bending over clutching his stomach and almost coughing up his lungs laughing?
Yeah, this was rare.
Will came racing down the halls of their small home, thinking maybe Nico was getting tortured, only to find his roommate rolling around on the floor, dying of laughter.
“Nico, what the hell is happening?”
Will looked to his camera, which was hooked up to his laptop. He raised a brow at Nico, who was too busy laughing to realize that Will had entered the room, before stepping over his shaking body to get closer. Immediately the chat began filling up once more with What question did someone ask? And the occasional Someone please tell me they’re getting a screenshot of this because I need it in my life. When Will came forward everyone was asking why he wasn’t helping, to which Will waved them off his a flick of his wrist.
“If he dies I’ll get all his stuff, so I’m fine with whatever happens.”
“Hey!” Nico shouted from the ground, struggling to sit back up straight. Will just rolled his eyes, walking over and planting a hand on Nico’s shoulder.
“What the hell was so funny?” He asked, to which Nico almost started laughing again. He simply held up his phone for Will to see. Will took the phone.
And almost immediately doubled over in laughter.
For the next about five minutes, Will and Nico were rolling on the floor in laughter. Once they’d finally picked themselves up and looked back to the laptop Nico winced.
“Holy shit,” He mumbled, placing his glasses onto his head and rubbing fresh tears from his eyes. Will smiled, also rubbing his eyes, before taking Nico’s phone from him.
“Please tell me you screenshotted that,”
“Fuck yeah.”
“Send it to me, I want that as my background.”
Nico promptly agreed, and Will almost died again before walking back down the hall, snickering to himself.
Nico looked back to the chat again, which was filled with questions about What the fuck was so funny? Nico just cracked a smirk before rubbing his forehead.
“You guys will find out soon enough.”
GHOSTKING’s live stream has ended.
It was months before Nico would bring up ‘The Question’ again.
There were plenty of theories circling around about what it said. None of which were true, but Nico was happy to talk about some in a new series he had adopted called What the FUck was the infamous question of July 3rd? Starring Will the dumbass Solace
They got some weird ones and some that almost hit the dead center, in which Will and Nico would just stare blankly at the camera with no facial expression before going on like nothing had happened.
It wasn’t until he got the question again in another Q+A that he finally broke.
“Okay, okay, what the fuck?” he asked, facepalming. Will poked his head from around the corner.
“What happened? Did someone else ask for advice on how to bury a body?”
Nico shook his head, throwing his phone back over his head for Will to catch. Will did so effortlessly, stealing a glance at the screen before smiling widely and throwing it back.
“I didn’t know your viewers were that dense.”
Nico scoffed, looking back at him. “Right? God, I didn’t think I’d have to do the cliche ‘Coming Out’ thing that so many others had done.”
At that, the entire chat box stopped loading. Nico raised another brow, tapping the reload button at the top of his internet browser a few times before calling back to his tech expert.
“The chat’s stopped loading,” Nico complained, looking up at Will from his spot on the chair. Will leaned over, opening another tab with the same chat. Immediately Will rolled his eyes, hitting the back of Nico’s chair.
“Nope. Just too much information for one browser to take in at once.”
Those were all examples of the new texts now coming in. Nico sighed, taking his glasses from his face and throwing them onto the table next to his laptop
“Yeah, I’m gay. Didn’t think that needed a formal announcement, but yeah. God, and here I was thinking I was being too gay.”
It wasn’t that long after that he had the ‘Newest Announcement in Nico di Angelo News’ was posted everywhere.
First of all, he had to let the first big Coming Out news die down.
People everywhere were freaking out. Tumblr fanart were going crazy, Twitter had a seizure, and even some news sites were dying. It was everywhere, New YouTuber GHOSTKING, aka: Nico di Angelo Comes Out As Being Gay.
He didn’t think it was that big of a deal, honestly. But, the internet had different ideas.
He’d been asked to do a collab with other big LGBT YouTubers, most of which he didn’t know, and it was a bit weird. He’d gotten multiple YouTubers wanting to do interviews and stuff, and he just didn’t understand why. Yeah, I’m gay. Not that big of a change. I’m still me.
After that, his views went through the ceiling. Especially with the nonchalance of how he announced it, out of the blue and with nothing different coming from his channel after it.
“Should I change my description to Major League Gay Guy? I mean, just incase people forget?”
Nico was leaning back on his couch, headphones wrapped around his ears and phone in his hand, scrolling though his social media.
Will shrugged, plopping down next to him.
“I honestly don’t understand the big deal. I mean, you’re gay, big deal.”
Nico nodded but changed his bio on Tumblr anyways.
It wasn’t until about a week after that conversation that everything changed.
“People are asking if I’m in a relationship again…” Nico sing-songed out into the hall. He heard a loud groan from across the hall, accompanied by a disheveled Will Solace stomping out of the clear blue. 
His hair had grown out since their first video together, so much so that he could now pull it back into a ponytail without much resistance. His face had matured as well. He was a bit more buff than before, accompanied by two or three tattoos on his upper bicep.
He sat beside Nico in a swivel chair, spinning around for a second. Nico scrunched his brows together, stealing a look at his camera like Can you believe him?, before just watching him for a moment.
Nico had changed as well. He was still wearing the mostly-black, but now he occasionally wore something that was a lighter gray. His hair was still cut short, though now in a much more fashionable style than back in his first solo video. He had also gotten new shoes, something Will had to physically force him to do, and started to branch out into society a bit more, not that he really had to. Will had also convinced him to dye a stripe of his hair, but only on the grounds that Will dyed some of his the same color. Now a stripe in front of both boy’s hairline was a bright blue, much to Nico’s disliking, though Will thought it was pretty, quote, Dope as fuck. To which Nico had punched him in the shoulder, saying You ever even think about saying that and I’ll shank you.
Will eventually stopped spinning around, feeling his stomach about to come up from doing it so much. Nico just rolled his eyes, stealing a look at the camera again.
“This dumbass,” he muttered, facepalming. Will winced for a second before smirking, taking Nico’s lack of vision as an advantage, diving forward and grabbing his wrists.
“But, you’re also in love with this dumbass, so…”
Nico rolled his eyes again, though couldn’t keep the small blush that rose up his face.
“Too much of my hatred, you are right.”
And then Nico took Will by the back of the neck, pulling him forward and kissing him.
Right during the live stream.
In the middle of answering a question, truly.
After a minute Will pulled back, getting up from his chair and spinning Nico in his swivel chair for a second.
“Yeah, I think I just answered that question for you, di Angelo.”
After Nico stopped spinning he glared at Will.
“Fuck off, Solace.”
Will winked at the camera before going back to his room, only to yell back a few minutes later about how he was ordering pizza.
Nico turned back to his chat, hoping that his computer hadn’t frozen up again, before sliding his glasses back up his nose.
“So, yeah. I guess I am kinda in a relationship.” He said, just barely enough for Will to hear him.
“More like ‘am’ in a relationship, di Angelo. Unless the last three years have just been a hallucination!”
Nico smiled again, just barely in frame.
“I guess so, Solace.”
Nico reached up, hitting the button on his camera to turn it off and end the stream.
“Guess so.”
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