#and also fuck the monarchy
blog-of-frontiers · 3 months
The thing about Wyll is that he Gets It. He knows the story. He knows the kind of man his father is and the kind of man he was supposed to be. He knew what Mizora was when he made the pact. He knew what it meant. And he was just a kid, and his city needed saving, so he did it, and he paid that price, and even knowing all of that he still tried to appeal to his father for understanding and forgiveness.
He sold his soul to do the right thing. And he was cast out. And he knew what character that should have made him.
He knows the story he's in, and every day he chooses who he wants to be instead.
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gayforbagels · 2 years
Pouring one out for Afghanistan and Anguilla and Antigua and Aoteoroa and Barbuda and Australia and the Bahamas and Bahrain and Bangladesh and Barbados and Belize and Bermuda and Botswana and Brazil and Brunei and Canada and the Cayman Islands and Cornwall and Cyprus and Dominica and Egypt and the Islas Malvinas and Fiji and Gambia and Georgia (the country) and Ghana and Gibraltar and Grenada and Guyana and Hong Kong and India and Iraq and Ireland and Jamaica and Jordan and Kenya and Kiribati and Kuwait and Lesotho and Malawi and Malaysia and Maldives and Malta and Mauritius and Montserrat and Myanmar and Nauru and Nigeria and Pakistan and Palestine and the Pitcairn Islands and Qatar and St Lucia and Saint Kitts and Nevis and Saint Helena and Ascension and Tristan da Cunha and St Vincent and Grenadina and Scotland and Seychelles and Sierra Leone and Singapore and the Solomon islands and Somaliland and South Africa and Sri Lanka and Sudan and Swaziland and Tanzania and Tonga and Trinidad and Tobago and Turks and Caicos and Tuvalu and Uganda and United Arab Emirates and United States and Vanuatu and Wales and Yemen and Zambia and Zimbabwe tonight
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castielsprostate · 9 months
it's been one nasty gay sex year since the queen dropped dead!! reblog for charles to slut drop into the grave!!
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fayrism · 1 year
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a study of The Accolade by Edmund Leighton ft. malevolent
ID in alt
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kissingwookiees · 2 years
with all due respect to dragon age awakening and queen anora, i would not, as my tabris, kneel to her.....
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4fl0tsam · 2 years
Had to get on this quickly 🧍
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Charles lurking in the back:
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lmao not people getting angry at a fucking meme in the comments, like fuck off, you didn’t even know her💀
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sinusoidaldysfunction · 3 months
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Blister. Twisted Sister.
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p0rchc0ll4ps3 · 14 days
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7am, morning, in your small apartment's even smaller kitchen
usually you'd make instant coffee, but it's a saturday and you don't have to be at work and you shouldn't even be up this early. you'd be asleep right now if you hadn't spent all night awake, unable to sleep, your thoughts too many and too loud.
so instead of going back to sleep, you get up and you make coffee in the ibrik and you smoke the first cigarette of the day watching the water and the coffee and the sugar boil to a froth as your thoughts slip away from you, the song on the radio in the background too quiet to keep you here, to keep you grounded
you're distantly aware you've turned the heat too high
or: face cafea la ibric 😭
close-up fridge photos with explanation under cut
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top to bottom, left to right (was gonna put numbers but its hard so youre just gonna have to guess, sorry)
top left is harry and kim at the precinct, top middle is jean's brother archer when he was a kid + jean kid, top right is harry and kim at the river istros in jamrock (my hc)
next row is harry stella maris in '50, then harry and jean when jean was first partnered with harry feat jean buzzcut jumpscare (in '47 or so)
then 3rd row from top is jean + harry in front of jamrock / bay of revachol, then fidéle (jean's horse) + judit at the stables at precinct 41
second to last row is miklós (judit's older son (he's 16)) + judit + théodore (judit's younger son (he's 14)), then archer (jean's brother) at a rave with jean (who's taking the photo; archer dragged him to it)
last row is Enzo Tetreault (jean's friend from police academy who was too dangerous for the rcm who works for la puta madre now) and Björn Dayal (jean's friend from childhood who was, according to jean, "so delusional about becoming rich that he made it happen"). they're at the horse races bc jean likes to go to horse races and bet on horses
other things to note, the little square magnets are from kids' yogurts that jean likes to collect. they're directly based off danonino magnets we had in romania in the earlier 2000s (idk 2010s??) except with elysium countries and a mouse instead of a dinosaur
the codes are phone numbers. archer's is VIE-6612, harry's new house address is CEN-9985 (it was supposed to be 9855 but i fucked up), and Minot's is 4531
oh also the little handwritten note up on the top row bw the kim and harry image and the jean brother + jean kid image is the landlord's number. it reads Hubert Daviau (i think), CEN-1138, Propriétaire.
his list reads Eggs, Detergent, CHEESE, Call Archer, Call Harry, 7PM Harry Mon
oh and the scroll on the right is a wall calendar. something something samaran wall calendar from the outdoor market jean goes to to get his groceries (it's called a piață in romanian but that doesnt translate. it's kinda' like a farmer's market but it happens every day. like an established Thing.)
the kitchen is based off romanian commie apartment kitchens!! apartment blocks outside his window and everything. also his plants on the windowsill bc he has plants, ok. (and the square white space to his right of the stove is um. the washermachine.)
i think this pic takes place after the events of my casefic if i ever get around to it. basically jean's a lot more settled and happier
OH AND his shirt reads "i'm not shy, i just don't fucking like you"
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My parents are watching the coronation while I’m in the room and I’m here to report back:
It’s just as gaudy and white and crusty as you think it is
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misalpav · 2 years
the kohinoor was originally 186 carats of diamond. then the british cut it down to 105.6 carats. if and when the british finally get their shit together and return the kohinoor, please remember they still owe 80.4 carats of diamond <333
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thelostgirl21 · 8 months
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That moment you realize that, technically, Radovid is more of "elven blood" than Ciri herself is...
I've also noticed that Radovid would never have been Prince, much less King, if it wasn't for Falka's rebellion.
Since I didn't put all the children's names in the family tree (only those that inherited the throne), basically, what happened is that Radovid III and Vizimir I were brothers, and Radovid III inherited the throne after their father, Radovid II, was lost at sea.
When Radovid III died of meningitis at age 49, his son, Vridank, became King.
King Vridank had a daughter, named Falka, with Beatrix of Kovir, but divorced her when he fell in love with Cerro, and sent her and their daughter back to Kovir.
King Vridank and Cerro then had two sons together:
- Prince Heltmult, and
- Prince Denhard.
They also adopted Riannon, the daughter of Lara Dorren and Cregennan of Lod (Ciri's ancestors).
So, normally, after King Vridank's death, Prince Heltmult or Prince Denhard should have inherited the throne (depending on which one was the eldest).
But Falka murdered her father, Queen Cerro, and the two princes during her rebellion, and caused Riannon to go mad (plus, she was already married to the King of Temeria at the time).
So, the still living uncle of King Vridank, Vizimir I, inherited the throne from his nephew at age 52, and went on to rule until he was 96!
And King Vizimir I is the ruler that Vizimir II and Radovid V both descend from.
Then, there's also the whole story with their father, King Heribert, having chosen to marry a noblewoman against his father's wishes, with the clerk having documented the union as a morganatic marriage.
So technically, had that note on the marriage documents been respected, Prince Vizimir II and Prince Radovid V should never have been allowed to inherit the throne...
But their mother apparently did something to that note to make it look like it was just some scribble on an old dusty document or something...
I don't know if either princes were ever told of it, though.
Could you imagine Radovid finding out, and showing up with the documents proving that his father and mother's morganatic marriage was meant to prevent any child of hers from inheriting anything from their father and going "Sorry! According to this I can't be king! Bye everyone! I'm out!"
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degreeofdisorder · 3 months
as someone who's both a staunch anti monarchist irl and yet is obsessed with fictional modern royalty stories, it is truly one of my greatest pleasures to know that they all end with the same conclusion: monarchies are unsustainable in the modern era and they're bad for everyone involved. and the happiest ending possible is freeing the royals from their shackles. bonus points if they abdicate for love. it's just so good. i eat it up every time.
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llitchilitchi · 1 year
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quick sketch of a dream-quackity confrontation from way later in monarchy restoration’s canon, I’ve been rotating these two in my brain for days now
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
Do you think Ace would put photos of him holding Luffy like a lasso on his tinder profile
Yes. And I also think Ace would put photos of him doing the stupidest things on his Tinder profile. And also lots of nudes and gym bro style types of pictures. He's a fucking loser. I don't even like men and I don't even use Tinder but if I ever saw him there I would instantly think he's a fucking idiot. Which he is. Wouldn't date him even if I liked men (basing this on his Tinder profile only). He's obsessed with making thirst traps and looking hot and somehow it works for him because he has the biggest transmasc and older brother rizz ever. That doesn't make him any less of an idiot though.
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fairyhaos · 10 months
the idea of teacher!seokmin being a bright and down-to-earth lovely bumbling teacher at a modest state school is cool and all but i just think the idea of teacher!seokmin somehow managing to land himself at a fancy-as-fuck private school with no idea how he did it is funny as hell
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you know I think that King Charles portrait would really fucking work if… it was literally anyone else.
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