#and also as soon as the well stopped? id get dropped like a hot potato and antagonized and mocked by those people
yuridovewing · 10 months
Basically like. Onewhisker definitely has a point in wanting to keep relationships good when WindClan is just now setting up it's borders. Mudclaw instantly jumping to "no we gotta hate the other clans and beat the shit out of them if they look at us NOW" isn't productive and would have been a terrible beginning for WindClan. But also Onewhisker is definitely vulnerable to being taken advantage of. If he's too giving, then that's something the other leaders can exploit and hold over his head. Firestar in particular, cause they're besties, and they're both like "oh windclan owes thunderclan soooooooo much! we HAVE to give them everything or else we're ungrateful brats!" at this point. It's one of the reasons he doesn't bode well as a leader. I find it perfectly believable that he snaps so hard in the other direction when ThunderClan DOES take advantage of his kindness AND he nearly gets assassinated by half of his clan over this. Like goddamn I'd be throwing hands too.
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charredbrie · 4 years
Kurobas Valentine’s Day Event 2020 Day 7: MuraMido side AoKi
OMG I can’t believe I’ve already finished with this event and I am so happy to be able to participate in this event. Pardon the late post, I am in deep with The Untamed Fandom, I am quite distracted and it actually takes me quite a while to decide on which pairing I am going to use. For this, I’ve decided to use the LDR theme just because I certainly know how it feels to be in this type of relationship. Been there, done that and never again lol But this one comes with a happy ending. So without further ado, here’s the last installment. This event isn’t possible with @vanilla-daydreams and @theuglycrybaby, many thanks to you guys <3
Day 6 Prompt: Free (MuraMido side AoKi Future Fic, College Students AU)
Title: Valentines’ Promise
Summary: College students Midorima and Kise ponder about their long-distance relationship with their respective partners, the struggles of being in a long-distance relationship. 
Rating: T 
Also on Ao3
Shintaro stirs from his sleep induced self. The sun rays are peeking through his window as his alarm clock starts to ring. Slowly, he tries to sit up and snooze the alarm, grabs his glasses with his right hand as well as putting it back on his face, also with his right hand. He removes his nightcap and stretches his arms for a bit before standing up and unveils the curtains. It is a nice and sunny day but Shintaro can’t help but feel that this is gonna be a good day for Cancers. Carefully, he goes downstairs and fixes himself some breakfast. 
He is living alone in a condominium now for two years after he has graduated high school. Ever since he is a child, he always knows that he has wanted to be a doctor although he has to give up playing basketball. During his last year in high school, he has been offered to go pro to America. However, his father is against it and tells him that he should go to medical school instead of playing on the big stage. He has been heartbroken by that time. The other members of the Generation of Miracles get an offer too. Aomine and Akashi are currently in America playing on the big stage as well as Murasakibara. In Kise’s case, he has decided not to go because it is his lifetime dream to be a pilot so he has persuaded it instead. 
The two of them, Kise and him, have been attending the same university and he doesn’t know how it happens but both of them become close, closer than they’ll ever be. Maybe it’s for the reason that they both give up their dream of playing in the big stage as well as the fact that they are both in a long-distance relationship with their partners. 
He should be used to it by now given the fact that he and Murasakibara have already been through that stage back in high school. Him, being in Tokyo and Murasakibara at Akita. However, the proof of his long lost absence is the fact that before, he is just one train away but now, he is on the other side of the world. He also notices that before, he can just call him anytime after school or practice but now, because of the time difference as well as their intense training being the contributing factors, they haven’t really talked that much and it makes him upset. He knows he doesn’t need to blame Murasakibara for he knows that the taller guy needs his rest too. But sometimes, he just can’t help but feel that he has already forgotten about him. If before, they couldn’t go on a day without talking or messaging each other, but now, they can go on weeks without talking or messaging each other. 
And he misses him so much that it hurts. 
His classes have just ended when he receives a text from Kise saying that he will come to his house once his class is done. He replies okay to him instead of his usual “die” because he, himself needs some time to unwind and Kise is the perfect friend for it because he knows how he feels, in fact. Quickly putting all his stuff inside his bag, he smoothly goes out of the room as he is bidding goodbye to his colleagues on the way. He stops by the grocery store to buy ingredients for dinner or else, both Kise and him will starve to death because the blonde doesn’t know how to cook, much less handle a knife. He has been bad at cooking before but now that he has been living alone, he manages to learn with the help of Takao because he has gotten so sick of eating to-go food and finally convinces himself that cooking is not too bad, in fact. 
When he gathers all the ingredients for Nikujaga, he pays for it and proceeds home. He enters his quiet place and kind of sinks into loneliness again. He misses his sister’s boisterous greeting as well as his Mom’s gentle yet sarcastic attitude. He closes his eyes for a bit, trying to whisk away his thoughts. He strides towards the kitchen and starts with the preparation of the dish. An hour later, when the scent of the Nikujaga is filling the air, his doorbell rings, signaling that Kise has arrived.
He is greeted enthusiastically by the blond as he makes himself feel at home. 
“Kise, dinner is going to be ready soon. I am just reducing it.”
“Thank you, Midorimachi! What did you cook?”
“Nikujaga. Wait here, in fact. I will grab drinks. Do you want soda or tea?”
“Soda please.” The blonde answers as he goes to the kitchen to prepare their drinks. He hears Kise sighs loudly from the living room. He frowns a bit. Knowing his long time friend, Kise seldom sighs unless he is really bothered by something. Quickly, he fixes their drinks and goes to his friend. He puts the drink in front of the blonde as he sits opposite him.
“Let me guess, Aomine?”
He looks up at him as he reaches for the soda while silently mutter thanks. He looks at his friend, trying to read him. His eyes are a little bit swollen and he has dark circles under his eyes.
“Tell me, Midorimachi, when was the last time you speak with Murasakibarachi?”
Shintaro stops and tightens the grip on his shiruko can and thinks. When was the last time I talk to him? Suddenly he remembers their conversation that is a month ago.
Shintarou is getting ready for bed after hours of studying for his midterm exam when he hears his phone buzzes. Already cursing who the caller is in this wee hours at night. He looks at the caller id and his heart skips a beat seeing his long time boyfriend’s name. With shaking hands, he answers the phone.
“…Mido-chin? I’m glad you’re still awake.”
He tries to compose himself from saying everything on his mind. How come you only called now? I know you’re busy but can’t you see that my thoughts are filled with yours all the time? Why only call now? Why can’t we be like before? Why are you not here by my side? I’m getting frustrated because I don’t know what to do anymore.
How does this fool remain calm is definitely unthinkable when he has so many thoughts creeping in all the time. But instead, he answers in a calm manner as possible.
“I-I’m studying for my midterm exams and I just got done, in fact…How are you?”
He hears a long sigh from the other line before Murasakibara speaks, “…Mido-chin, I miss you.”
He tightens his hold on his phone, afraid of breaking out from all of his hidden emotions. “…Really?”
“Are you angry with me?”
“Why would I be angry?”
“Because we haven’t been talking for more than three weeks now.”
“Look, Murasakibara, I know you’re busy, in fact. You don’t need to feel guilty, in fact.”
“But…I want to talk to Mido-chin more.”
“I do too, in fact. Our time difference is a big factor and it’s not a walk in the park in the medical school as well. We both have our responsibilities and I don’t blame you for it, Murasakibara.”
He smiles as he hears the purple head munches on something, probably potato chips and lets out a heavy breath before speaking, “But Mido-chin, I want to cuddle with you! I want to see you so bad. The school here sucks and Mine-chin snores so loud! Training is also so hard! I wanna go back…”
“Murasakibara, what did you promise me before you leave?”
“…That I will see to it till the end? But Mido-chi-,” he cuts off his whine and says instead, “Didn’t you want to do it for me? That you’d reach my dream of being a pro in my stead?”
“…Fine. But keep your promise from me too, okay? Go sleep now, Mido-chin. I’ll go to school now. Love you~”
Suddenly, he feels his face getting hot by his statement. No matter how long they have been together, he can’t get used to Murasakibara conveying his feelings out of nowhere.
“F-Fool, of course, I will keep the promise. Behave at school and just sleep earlier than Aomine if he snores so loud, in fact.”
“Okay~ don’t you have something to say to me too?”
A long-suffering sigh, “Can’t you drop your tsundere self for a bit?”
“S-Shut up, it’s not that I don’t want to say it, it’s just that you surprised me, in fact.”
“Really, Mido-chin? After all these years?”
“‘Kay, I won’t force you. Good night, Mido-chin.”
“W-Wait!…I..love..you too..”
Then he cuts off the call, not really waiting for Murasakibara’s reply because he knows that the taller boy will just tease him. Only for tonight, he will sleep with a peaceful mind.
After that, Murasakibara tries to call him at least every three days. And it is only this time that he’s been missing in action again as it drags on for two weeks without calling each other because the latter has a training camp.
“Two weeks ago, before he goes on a training camp.”
Kise gapes at him and asks, “Is Aominechi with him?”
“I think so, in fact.”
Kise slams his hand on the table with an obvious fury. Shintaro just looks at the blonde with bewilderment but reprimanded him nonetheless. “Kise, stop taking out your anger on my table.”
“T-That Ahomine….he hasn’t been calling me for a month! He didn’t even tell me that he’s going on a training camp!”
“Maybe he’s busy, in fact?”
“Midorimachi! He’s in America! Most of the ladies there are well endowed! What if he is cheating with me? What if he will get someone pregnant? Oh my gosh!!!!”
He tries to calm his friend down who is getting hysterical. I’m surrounded by idiots.
“Kise, calm down! I don’t think that Aomine is capable of doing that, in fact.”
Kise wails as he jumps to him and cries on his chest. Shintaro, being the tsundere that he is, is lost on how to calm the blonde down. He thinks that he can already pacify Kise in his every mood but he is too naive to think that. He groans painfully as he awkwardly pats Kise’s head for comfort. He waits for the blond to finally calm down before he lets go of him, helps him stand up and seats him comfortable at the couch. He goes to the kitchen to get him water and also check the Nikujaga. Once he sees that it is ready, he takes out two sets of plates and utensils and arranges the table. He calls Kise and he is thankful that the blonde is being obedient in spite of his outburst earlier. Together, they eat in silence. However, the blonde is still sniffing his tears. Not taking it anymore, Shintaro finally speaks.
“You know, you just have to trust on Aomine, in fact.”
“H-How? I mean, we don’t talk much. As well as you and Murasakibarachi.”
“Let’s just say that Murasakibara and I made a promise with each other.”
Kise’s ears perk up and divert his full attention to him.
“What is it?”
“It’s only between the two of us, in fact.”
“You know, Midorimachi, I don’t know how you do it but all these times, you’ve been in a long-distance relationship but have you ever thought of giving up? It’s hard to maintain.”
“Yes, it is, in fact. However, we both trust each other and I also know that Murasakibara is too lazy to flirt with others. I trust him that’s why I don’t have to know what he is doing all the time, in fact. Knowing his personality, he doesn’t want to be oppressed by what he wants to do. Although sometimes it makes me upset because I yearn for his presence but I can’t do anything about it, he is on the other side of the globe. It is hard to wait, in fact. I’ve thought a number of times that he might have been forgotten about me. I won’t even deny that, but as long as I know that his feelings are still the same, then I don’t have anything to worry about. It’s just harder now because of the time difference.”
He looks at the blonde who is in deep thinking. He speaks again in order to gain his companion’s attention, “I won’t say to you to do the same but you just have to trust Aomine. After all, you know him better than I do, in fact.”
Finally, he sees the blonde smile and looks at him, “Thank you, Midorimachi. But wow, I never knew you felt that way. You just look at me with a sour face every time I talk to you about my problem.”
He pushes his glasses up as he tries to hide his face from embarrassment of being pointed out, “S-Shut up, Kise! It’s not because you need some advice that I said that. I’m saying that because I don’t want you to have another outburst again, in fact.”
He hears the blonde chuckles as he continues to eat his dinner, “Whatever, Midorimachi! Such a tsundere~”
“Shut up and eat!”
It has been a week since his heartfelt conversation with Kise and he still cringes every time he thinks about it. Given, he just wants to cheer his friend up but it doesn’t occur to him that he will embarrass himself in the process. They still meet up regularly though, sometimes for coffee or for dinner. It has also been three weeks since he last hears from his lazy boyfriend. He is kind of worried if the taller boy hasn’t been taking care of himself lately. He misses him so much that even hearing his voice and making sure that he’s alright is enough to ease his worries.
And now, Valentines’ Day has arrived and Kise and himself have decided to have dinner together after school. Both of them have been feeling pensive. For the last two years, it is always been the two of them who spend the cursed day together in order to diminish their thoughts of their far-away partners, even for a while. Usually, they just go about the good old days and talk about senseless things. Throughout the years, Shintaro has learned by now that he has to be more open with other people but he only has a few of them who he can fully open up with and one of them is Kise.
After their class, they have met up with each other and go to a fancy Italian restaurant. They have accidentally met with Hayama Kotaro and Miyaji Kiyoshi in the middle of the date in the same restaurant, much to the dismay of his old senpai. Kise has been animatedly talking to Hayama and tries to pull him away as he can see the displeased expression of his senpai for being interrupted. They bid their goodbye and proceeded to have their own little world. 
After they’re done with their dinner, they both decide to separate since Kise has an early shoot tomorrow and he needs his beauty rest, much to the annoyance of Shintaro. But accepts it nonetheless. But before he goes on his way, Kise stops him and tells him, “Happy Valentine’s, Midorimachi! I’m glad you’re here. Didn’t even think we’d be this close thinking back.”
Shintaro gives him a small smile and turns around, afraid that Kise might see his ears getting red. “My pleasure as well, in fact. Take care.”
They both go on their own way with a smile plastered on their faces.
When Shintaro gets into his condominium complex, he noticed a capped boy crouching in front of his door. He can only make up his appearance from far away and also notices a big duffle bag by the mystery man’s feet. As he moves nearer, his heart is suddenly pumping faster as he fully recognizes the looming figure. The boy then looks at his direction when he senses his nearing footsteps and stands up, removes his cap to show his face and smiles lazily at him.
The man waiting for him is none other than Murasakibara Atsushi. His hair is longer and he has gotten a few inches taller yet again. His face is not quite the same for he has lost some baby fats on his cheeks and it makes him quite mature and more dashing, in fact. He still wears that bored expression but his purple irises are twinkling when he finally sees him.
And Shintaro can’t help his tears flowing freely from his eyes for it has been too long since he last sees him.
With heavy steps, Murasakibara moves closer to his side and hugs him tightly, “..Mido-chin, I miss you…” He whispers as he buries his head on the top of his head as he does the same but on the crook of his neck and inhales the always present smell of lavender and candy. They stay like that for a whole minute until they let go of each other and gaze lovingly at each other.
“W-What are you doing here, in fact?”
“They gave us two weeks of vacation after that intense training camp, so here I am, Mido-chin.” He takes Murasakibara’s arm like a kid and pulls him inside his condominium. He motions the taller boy to sit and he dashes straight to the kitchen to prepare tea as well as to calm himself down. He serves him the tea and he chooses to sit on the opposite single couch and looks at him, still not believing the fact that he is, in fact, here in front of him.
The taller boy sips on his tea and scrunches his face because of the bitterness. “Ne, Mido-chin, can you serve me anything sweet? You know bitter tea is not really to my liking.”
He still keeps his straight face as he continues staring at him as Murasakibara awkwardly squirms under his gaze.
“Ne, Mido-chin, are you not gonna say anything?”
“Eh? ‘Coz I miss you, isn’t it enough?” The taller boy’s face is crestfallen as he tries to steady himself without breaking out in another tear. True, he is anticipating the day that they will see each other again but what he doesn’t know is that his body will be a traitor like this. He has so many words to say and yet, here he is, being rooted in his place, unable to speak what is meant to be spoken.
He rolls his fist into a ball and forcefully tightens it as he gazes at the boy opposite him and tries to speak. He really wishes that he can be like Murasakibara who doesn’t have any qualms speaking his mind in the most direct way.
“I-I..I’m speechless…I didn’t think you’d appear now.”
“Why wouldn’t I? It’s Valentines’ Day. It’s been too long since I celebrated it with you.” He pulls out something from his duffle bag and Shintaro just looks at him. Suddenly, a surprise is written all over his face as he sees a Kerosuke plushie holding a chocolate bar in between his chest. Murasakibara then slowly walks until he is in front of him, kneels and hands out the plushie as he is looking up to him.
“Happy Valentines’ Day, Mido-chin~”
He blushes as he tries to avoid looking at Murasakibara’s eyes but accepted the gift nonetheless.
Murasakibara just smiles sluggishly at him and says, “Don’t I even get a welcome kiss?”
“S-Shut up, you imbecile! How am I supposed to react when you caught me off guard?”
“Eh??? No need to react so excitedly. After all, Mido-chin is Mido-chin. And comes with being Mido-chin is being a tsundere.”
Slowly, he moves his left hand to reach for his face and suddenly pinches his cheek hard, thinking that it will wake him up from this dream. After all, this isn’t the first that he dreams of Murasakibara being here with him. When he feels the stinging pain, that is the only time when he finally wakes up from being rooted.
“I’m really not dreaming, you are really here.”
“…Yes?” He sees the confusion on Murasakibara’s face as Shintaro abruptly bends his head down and gives the taller boy a sweet kiss.
“I promise you, I will wait for you no matter how it takes. Happy Valentines’ Day, Atsushi.” He murmurs on his lips after the sweet kiss, not breaking any contact as Murasakaibara speaks.
“And so do I.”
The next day, Shintaro wakes up because he feels his whole body is numb. He opens his eyes only to see that Murasakibara has yet again, made him his human pillow as his long limbs and arms are encasing him. He smiles as he studies the sleeping face of his boyfriend. It’s been a while since I’ve seen this. He is still drooling in his sleep.
Slowly, he tries to unravel himself from his strong grip but it seems to be futile. He thanks the heavens that today is Saturday and that he doesn’t have any school. With a struggle, he tries to reach for his glasses on his nightstand using his right hand and puts it back on his face. He then hears his phone buzzes and reaches for it as well. He flips it open and reads Kise’s message but instantly wants to throw his phone away after. He replies to Kise angrily and puts back his phone on the nightstand and just decides to cuddle with his big plushie today and no one can stop Shintaro from doing that.
What is Kise’s message you ask?
To: Midorimachi (つ▀¯▀)つ
From:  Kise Ryouta
Subject: OMFG
Message: Midorimachiiiiii O(≧∇≦)O Aominechi is here~ I heard from him that Murasakibarachi went straight to your condominium right after they got out of the airport…Aominechi surprised me as well~ σ(≧ε≦o) Omg I am so happy! You should be happy as well! Let’s meet up for dinner tonight at the usual place? I won’t take no for an answer! See you both later at 7! (╯✧∇✧)╯
P.S. Did you get some good v-day sexy time? (ノ≧∀≦)ノ
To: Kise Ryouta
From:  Midorimachi (つ▀¯▀)つ
Re: Subject: WTF
Message: DIE, KISE
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thepilotanon · 5 years
gardenia iii
Second Trimester
I’m sorry it’s been a while, but here it is! This is a bit longer than last time for some extra special stuff for Belle {reader} and Clyde in the journey of becoming parents, so please let me know what you thought while reading! I have more in store for next time, so I hope you enjoy!!
warning: none!
“I’m getting big.”
Hearing the voice of his wife’s voice reach his ears under the ruffling of his towel, Clyde raised his head to see her standing in front of the body mirror with a concentrated look on her face with her hands at her backside waist. Wearing his Bob Seger shirt and her underwear, hair messed at the top of her hair, she bobbed the limp bun with the tilt of her head with a sigh. As said, her belly was now showing obvious signs of growing more prominent and round, making the music singer standing on the railroad tracks tilt with the curve of her belly…
And, to Clyde Logan, his lovely Belle couldn’t look any more perfect.
Keeping the towel over his wet hair, Clyde strolled in his unbuttoned jeans and sat on the edge of their bed. He watched her bend her torso back a bit, frowning with the shape of her growing stomach and then stand straight with her hand running up and down the whole expanse of it. She obviously was struggling with her self-confidence of her appearance in the morning, yet she would eventually dress herself in one of her cute outfits and smile all proud. Clyde knew she would come out of that sort of funk eventually when they woke up that morning, but this was going on longer than usual.
“C’mere, Darlin’,” Clyde beckoned with a gentle curl of his finger, catching her attention with a turn of her head. When she made her way over, Clyde wrapped his arm around her back and used his hand to pull her closer to have her stand between his legs.
Looking up with an adoring gaze to her face, Clyde pressed gentle kisses to her growing bump before speaking. “Y’know with yer belly growin’ is part of havin’ a baby, right?”
“I know,” Belle nodded, laughing while reaching up to continue towel drying his hair. “I just - I don’t know, I feel like my belly is oddly shaped right now. All my guts and organs are shifting around to make room for the baby, and I look weird. Really weird!”
“You look beautiful,” Clyde insisted. “Really beautiful.”
Belle snorted and rolled her eyes, making him grin and lock his hold on her when she tried to step away from him. “You look just as beautiful the first time I saw ya wear my favorite Bob Seger shirt, remember that? Got caught in that rain on our walk an’ I invited ya in to warm up and stay the night, ‘cause ya didn’t have a car anymore…”
“And your license was still pending,” Belle recalled with a teasing smirk, which Clyde nodded and gave her stomach another kiss. “You couldn’t drive me anywhere, unless I had my ID, which I stupidly forgot at the time.”
“Still, I gave ya my favorite shirt, tellin’ ya it was good luck to keep ya from gettin’ sick from the cold,” he continued, his hand rubbing across her lower back. “Swear I never saw any girl more precious n’ sweet in an oversized shirt, could’a swore my heart was gonna burst when ya came out after changing. Asked if ya needed anything before I set up my bed for ya to sleep in -”
“And I said I only needed you, like those cliche movies,” Belle mumbled with red cheeks, refusing to look his way. “Then I pulled you to bed.”
“Pulled? Belle, you practically tackled me!” Clyde declared loud enough to get her squealing with embarrassment and bend down to hide her face into his shoulder, making him grin. “Was worth hitting my head on the wall, though. Still remember that night like it was yesterday, and then wakin’ up to yer pretty face sleeping the next mornin’ an’ not wanting to leave the bed.”
“You’re so warm and great to cuddle with, I wouldn’t have wanted you to leave anyway,” she gushed, nuzzling into his neck while he situated her to sit on his knee, cradling her body carefully to him in a comfortable cocoon of his naked chest and fresh scent of his shampoo and soap.
“Had the most perfect body of an angel, and still do, Darlin’,” Clyde told her confidently. “Seein’ how our lil baby bean is growing inside ya, knowin’ that their perfect and beautiful momma is carryin’ ‘em and helping ‘em grow. Don’t mind one bit if yer guts movin’ ‘round in ya, yer still my sexy lady.”
Belle laughed against him and reached up to kiss his cheek adoringly. “What if I turn out to remain weirdly shaped for the rest of my life, like a potato?”
“Still my beautiful Belle Logan,” Clyde confirmed, turning his cheek to catch her smiling lips in a sweet kiss, sighing. “If you can love a goofy-lookin’ man like me, I’ll love ya no matter how ya may look. Nothin’ ain’t gonna change it, Darlin’.”
“Okay, you’re stuck with me and my funny shaped body.”
“Yer perfectly shaped body that I can’t keep my hand or mouth off, ‘cause it’s so addicting and hot. Yer jus’ my hot lady an’ God don’t I love ya,” Clyde purred before catching her in another kiss, only deeper that made her fingers tangle in his wet hair and hold on. Feeling how her knees were pressing together, Clyde was careful to dip his wife and lay her down on the bed, hovering above her body as his lips moved to press kisses along her skin to the collar of the shirt she wore.
Belle whined desperately, pushing the towel off his head to drop to the floor. “Clyde, aren’t you going to be late for work?” she asked, yet pulling his head back to kiss him again with no plan of letting him go soon. “You need to leave soon, don’t you?”
“I own the bar, sweetheart,” Clyde chuckled against her mouth before pulling back and taking hold of the bottom edge of the Bob Seger shirt, tugging playfully. “I can be there anytime I want.”
“Can you save it for when you come home? It’s too early and I want you to be at work, where you are suppose to be,” Belle teased, stopping him from lifting the shirt up her growing belly. Holding his cheeks with both hands and stroking her thumbs against them. “Please? Then, you and I can have more fun with no one to bug us or work to do. You know once I start, I will most likely refuse to let you leave me for anything.”
Clyde sighed but gave her a soft, loving smile, nodding before kissing her forehead and helping her up and off the bed. “Alright, Darlin’, whatever you want. Just be ready for lots of lovin’.”
With her hormones changing left and right with her energetic need for her husband, Clyde has been able to pick up the littlest signs of her needs like a pro. Little behaviors of her pressing her legs together, her constant sighing or being fidgety whenever they’re sitting at home, Clyde doesn’t hesitate to tend to her needs. For him, he is enjoying the fact that the little game of catching hints with Belle gives him all he needs to give her pleasure at any time of day. Although, most of the times she will willingly go to Clyde for help, she sometimes needs some of his professional loving to get her feeling better. Clyde loved it.
Giving her a playful growl as he playfully nibbled on her neck to get her laughing, Clyde peeked down between them before he burst out a loud snorting laugh that startled her.
“What?” she giggled in confusion, her cheeks flushed while he combed her hair back lovingly. “What are you laughing about, big bear?”
“I jus’ realized,” he chuckled and gave her a deep kiss, “we match, baby.”
Belle’s face twisted with confusion when he stood straight and mimicked her stance with her hands on her sides, feet stance apart as he grinned with amusement. “Our bellies, baby. We match, see?”
When Belle looked to their bellies, how Clyde had his slightly curved belly touching her own in a mimicking manner, as if he also was carrying something inside his abdomen. Covering her mouth with both of her hands, she did her best to hide her amused grin and laughter behind her hands while Clyde laughed joyfully over the comparison, reaching over to kiss all over her face again.
“See, Darlin’? Ya don’t look weird at all, we can match while our lil baby keeps on growin’,” he offered with a bright grin. Dropping to his knees, Clyde lifted the shirt up to under her breasts and nuzzled lightly before kissing the soft skin with little butterfly kisses. “Don’t ever think yer lookin’ big or weird, Belle.”
“Okay, silly man,” Belle laughed lovingly, allowing him to cuddle her stomach. “Come on, you need to get going. I’ll visit you later, okay? I’ll bring you lunch and spend time with you on your break.”
“Lookin’ forward to it, Darlin’,” Clyde sighed happily, making her giggle at his daydreaming behavior. “Always lookin’ forward to it.”
Sam and Fish, Joe Bang’s little brothers, were special guys to say the least. At least, according to Belle. Having grown up with the two younger brothers as more on the lines of siblings, rather than uncle-figures, like with Joe Bang; they were playmates with Belle during the summers, and she grew to have more confidence in fighting her own battles with the support of both brothers at her side. However, as much as Belle loved the Bang family as her own surrogate members, she did question Sam and Fish’s intelligence when it came to construction projects and repairs around the household. Majority of the time, from Belle’s own witness testimonies and stories from her grandfather, both younger brothers were prone to creating a bigger mess than what they started out with.
Even now, walking into both of them with various tools, plywood and screws about on the unkept porch of their small home, Belle Logan was more than ready to deal with their usual doofiness.
“What are you two idiots doing.”
Both of them jumped at the sound of Belle’s monotone voice, knowing she was not the least bit surprised to find them hanging around their house on a weekend. Being that they were now ‘men of God’, they had a lot more free time to tend around their house, to make it suited (for the ladies, she assumed well enough). This, however...was something different.
“Belle!” Fish gasped, jumping up to his feet to see her holding the small ice cooler in one arm and a tupperware filled with her homemade cookies in the other. Careful with his bare feet to avoid stepping on screws, he made his way over to hug her and kiss her head lightly. “Didn’t think you were gonna make it today, Belle. We were gonna try and surprise ya!”
“Surprise me with what?” Belle narrowed her eyes at instantly noticing Fish’s voice quivering. Seeing Sam turn around on his bottom, a toothpick in his mouth, Belle saw the poorly printed out packet of instructions.
“We were gonna surprise ya at the baby shower, but thought we could’a make it better before anyone else could’a gotten it,” Sam claimed proudly, grinning. “We’re buildin’ a baby crib for the lil baby! Gonna make it cute and artsy!”
Looking between the two men and their supplies, Belle knew instantly that the wood they collected came from the junkyard - some of it already rotting, others burned or splintered; their choices in tools already mismatched from what the instructions requested...and she was sure they got it from some sort of online step-by-step website without a proper source. Sighing, Belle let Fish take the tupperware of cookies before placing her palm on her growing belly.
“That’s really sweet of you two to build a crib,” Belle started carefully, being mindful of how the brothers were already shoving cookie after cookie to fill their cheeks like chipmunks. “But, that won’t be necessary. Clyde and I are already looking at cribs that have safety locks and everything it needs. This...doesn’t look too well constructed.”
“Oh, but it is, Belle!” Sam claimed, covering his mouth so she didn’t have to see the drool and chewed up cookies when she made a face. “See? We got prints on how to make it, and we got all this wood!”
“Where exactly did you find this wood?” she asked with a raised brow. “Which store?”
“Mmm, well - not so much of a store,” Fish drawled slowly, causing Belle to place her hand on her hip. “We know you like it when we recycle, yeah? We found spots where some people dump all this good wood, so we took it and cleaned it with soap n’ water from the hose! It’s still all good.”
“Oh, boys,” Belle groaned. “That’s not how it works. When you build a crib, you get a crib set from the store, not going roadkill picking! I’m not going to put my baby in a crib made from molding wood and WikiHow instructions, you guys!”
Both Fish and Sam looked at the mess between them before to each other. It was only a matter of time before Sam shoved Fish’s shoulder, muttering “I told ya so, you moron!”
Before either of them could get started in a roughhousing fight on their hazardous porch, Belle pushed the cooler between them. She knew food distracted them much better than their own tangents. “I said it was sweet of you two to offer to make a crib for us, but we’re not going to use this. You two can probably...use the wood for bonfire nights, or something. Maybe build a birdhouse or something for the critters that come into your yard? I’m sure that would be better use, and you guys can keep building.”
“We wanted to get ya something special, is all,” Sam huffed. “What else are ya gonna need for the baby?”
Belle rolled her eyes with amusement, her head shaking with another sigh. “Diapers, for sure. Maybe some clothes or toys - store bought,” she reminded them before they could ask. “You know, some blankets don’t hurt or different sized hats and mittens for the colder months, depending how fast the baby grows.”
“Well, is it a boy or a girl?” Fish asked, actually catching her off guard for a moment.
“Well, I have a doctor appointment coming up in a couple of days to be able to tell the gender of the baby,” she answered with a shrug. “But, we’re having the results mailed to Mellie, for the baby shower.”
The brother looked at her with confusion. “Wait, so yer not gonna know the baby until when?” Sam gawked at her, making her snort.
“At the baby shower. Mellie’s going to be doing a gender reveal for us,” she explained. “Clyde and I want to be surprised, and it was her idea; I thought it was a fun idea and Clyde was into it, too, so I won’t know what the baby is until then.”
“That’s nuts, Belle!” Sam whined, looking at her belly with a worried tone. “I won’t know what to get for the lil bug ‘til after it’s told at the party; that won’t be fun or fair for us, you know!”
“Wait, what ‘bout those signs them old ladies at the church told us ‘bout?” Fish suggested. “What they say about bellies bein’ low, it’s a boy? ‘Cause of the lil willy danglin’, right?”
“Nah, it’s when the breasts get bigger, you idiot! They gotta sag!” Sam smacked his brother upside the head, earning a groan. “When the boobs swell a lot, it’s gonna be a boy. If it don’t, it’s a girl! Or, look at her hands to tell! Belle, show us yer hands!”
Belle gave them a look that made them both go quiet for a moment. “You guys are too much sometimes. I love you two, but I better not catch either of you trying to stare at my chest or feel my hands, or I will not hesitate to cut your hands and your eyes out.”
“We know,” they both said in unison.
“If you guys want to help pitch in buying a crib, I’m sure Clyde would appreciate it. I know I would,” Belle offered kindly, handing them the package that held their favorite sandwiches and snacks inside. She always had the habit of making them big lunches before they set out to helping with different kitchens and food drives for their community churches. “Or, you can talk to Mellie and ask her to let you in on the gender, so you guys can find ideas on what to get for the baby. The party is next week, so you both have enough time. How about that?”
“Guess that sounds pretty good,” Fish mumbled with a small pout.
Looking around at their little mess, Belle pursed her lips before offering them a smile. “You know, those two sisters who go to your church? The ladies who wear those pretty necklaces that always matches their shoes.” Seeing how she caught both of their attention, Belle was careful to get herself down the steps of the porch. “They always come into the flower shop and talk about how much they wish they had little bird houses or homemade flower pots for their yards, but I don’t sell those at work. Just an idea, so your wood doesn’t go to waste. Bye boys, love you!”
“Love you, Belle!” both men shouted rather joyously before getting to work, making her hide her laugh as she left the yard to where Clyde was keeping his niece amused by having her on his shoulders, letting her mess with his hair and reach tall branches with her newfound height. Once Clyde caught sight of his lovely wife coming back to his side, he became more giddy and reached with his prosthetic hand out for her to take while his real one properly held Sadie in place.
“What were they up to?” Clyde asked politely once Belle took his offer and got to her toes to kiss his cheek. “Lookin’ like they’re making somethin’.”
“They were going to try and build a crib for the baby using rotting wood,” she started, instantly resting her hand on his chest when he immediately stiffened up and turned his head. “But, I stopped them to build flower beds for some single ladies at their church, and help invest in a store-bought crib instead for a baby shower gift. They know not to try and go against my orders when I say I’m not going to put our baby in a dangerous contraption.”
“Me neither, Darlin’,” Clyde grumbled deeply, his voice dropping to his more protective growl that caused Belle to giggle and Sadie to notice the sudden change in his behavior. Belle turned his chin down to her so she could give him a gentle kiss, just to make him feel better and ease up.
“Don’t get grumpy, they’re just trying to be helpful in their own, silly way. They’re definitely more open about being affectionate than Uncle Joe,” she cooed to him, giving him another kiss. “Don’t worry, I’ll let Uncle Joe keep an eye on them. For now, I still want ice cream from that cute shop we take this sweetheart to!” Tickling Sadie’s knee, Belle grinned at seeing the little girl laugh from her uncle’s shoulders.
“Does the baby like ice cream, Aunt Belle?” Sadie asked, causing her uncle to smile.
“Well, I’m having cravings to eat ice cream a lot, so I think the baby likes ice cream!” Belle told her carefully. “Although, we won’t be feeding the baby ice cream, right?”
“No, babies are too young to have ice cream!” Sadie gasped, proud of herself for knowing this fact. “But, when the baby is old enough, I’ll be a nice cousin and share my treats with him. I’ll be gentle!”
“Thank you, sweetie. I’m sure the baby is going to love that.” Belle grinned up to Sadie, which made Clyde smile and forget his previous ‘Big Papa Bear’ instincts kicking in. “Until then, I can eat all the ice cream for the baby, which is a lot safer, right?”
“Yeah! Uncle Clyde, can Auntie have lots of ice cream? I only need one, but Aunt Belle can have one for herself, and more for the baby until he thinks he’s full - I don’t know how much a baby needs to eat, but there’s room inside Aunt Belle’s belly, right?” Sadie asked, her hands tangled in his thick hair, making him chuckle.
Holding hands on the way to the little strip mall, the trio made it to the little ice cream shop hidden between a nail salon and a thrift store that often hired high school kids to work the counters. Getting Sadie her cotton candy ice cream cone and sharing a chocolate one with his wife, Clyde eventually found himself sitting next to his wife conversing with two other mothers while their niece was running around with the other children on the nearby playground. His prosthetic arm carefully resting behind her shoulders on the bench, his flesh hand rest comfortably against her rounding belly. His thumb brushing over the fabric of her dress every time she giggled, his eyes focused on keeping track on Sadie’s whereabouts while she did all the talking.
“How far along are ya now?” a mother asked curiously, her three boys digging on the sandbox area not too far away with their Hot Wheels getting caked with tiny rubble.
“I think twenty-one or twenty-two weeks now,” Belle answered, looking down to her stomach and resting her small hand over Clyde’s, smiling. “Do you remember how long?”
“‘Bout twenty-two, Darlin’,” Clyde responded quietly, having her nod and confirm the answer to the two others. He didn’t indulge himself in the conversation, feeling a bit too shy and focused on his niece at the moment with strangers jumping in and asking questions.
“Oh, how darlin’! Yer practically glowin’ right here, sugar!” the other mother, her daughter currently playing with Sadie on the jungle gym, praised excitedly.
“Well, I think after all that hormonal moments when I cry too easily don’t make me too bright,” Belle confessed with pink cheeks. “Although, I have been getting more happy afterwards, and the walks help.”
“See, that’s the big thing ya gotta keep doin’, ya gotta keep yer perdy smile on to be glowin’!” she responded quickly, as if dishing out important information. “Ya don’t get that too often with first time mothers. Hell, I was nothin’ but a snooty brat and wanted to eat everythin’ in sight; didn’t wanna get off the couch and got headaches too easy.”
Belle nodded carefully, finishing her cone politely before Sadie called for her attention. Wanting to show her aunt how brave she is to jump off the bright orange tube tunnel, Sadie kept waving to Belle until she excused herself to stand up. Clyde immediately jumped to his feet to help her, even though she insisted that she didn’t need help, Belle excitedly held his hand before calling back to her niece to proceed. Once Sadie focused herself in an acrobatic pose and jumped off the three feet tall “cliff”, Belle clapped excitedly when the little girl came running to them.
“Did’ya see me? I was up so high and I jumped all the way down!” Sadie proclaimed proudly, earning Belle to hold her cheeks and kiss her forehead.
“You’re so brave, honeybun!” Belle praised sweetly, stroking her niece’s blonde hair when the girl rest her cheek against the top of her tummy. “I saw you climb onto the tunnel and I couldn’t believe how brave you are!”
“And I didn’t hurt my knee or nothin’!” Sadie grinned, then looked to Clyde. “We won’t tell Momma ‘bout this, right? It’s our secret day!”
“You bet, sweetie,” Clyde nodded, getting ready to scoop her up and place her on his shoulders for the walk home, leaving Belle to bid her goodbyes to the other mothers. However, hearing their whispers caught his attention.
“Your man may be the quiet type, but I can tell he’s very excited for the baby. He’s probably glowing as much as you are, if I may be honest.”
“He’s such a gentleman, you can tell he’s so excited to be a daddy; I wish my boyfriend was the same with my firstborn, since he wanted to have a baby first. He is gonna be so protective and lovin’, you can see it on his face!”
Feeling his cheeks grow hot, Clyde cleared his throat and kept his head down while leaving the park hand-in-hand with his wife and Sadie holding his hair for support. He knew Belle didn’t miss it, her cute, little smile on her face remaining the rest of the way home and until Jimmy came to pick up Sadie, which left them alone for her to cuddle up to Clyde’s side. Clyde eventually ended up a blushing mess with Belle’s hand gently rubbing up and down his chest and her lips giving him gentle kisses along his jaw and cheek.
“Have you thought of any names lately?” she asked him after a while of cuddling against him, making him blink in realization and blush a bit. “Everyone has been suggesting names and guessing what the gender is, even though only Mellie knows.”
Clyde hummed softly, turning his chin to kiss the top of her head. “Lil bit,” he admitted. “Not much, though… Keep thinkin’ of generic names, but I dunno if I want it too generic.”
“Tell me some,” Belle grinned, making him chuckle and wrap his arm behind her, keeping her warm while cuddling on the couch.
“Thought of Daniel, George or Georgie, maybe Peter, for a boy. Then, Elizabeth, Mary or Kimberly...not really good name ideas, huh.”
“They’re not bad,” Belle defended, yet he knew by the small wrinkle of her nose that she wasn’t a huge fan of them. “I’ve been thinking we should find a name that’s special for both of us, or has a good history… How did your parents name you, handsome?”
His memory kicking in to when he would go to his mom and dad, asking the very question, Clyde smiled softly when he rest his cheek against her. “I’m named after me n’ Jimmy’s godfather. His name was Clyde and he was my dad’s best friend...and was actually my ma’s first boyfriend.”
“What?” Belle gasped, looking up at him and he laughed.
“Well, if you count fourth grade an’ datin’ for ten minutes as a first boyfriend,” he snorted. “Anyway, he was my ma’s best friend, then became dad’s in junior high. They all grew up together and all that; he was the best man in the weddin’, the whole deal. Apparently, he was really handsome and funny - blond, muscular and a cute dimple with some nice blue eyes.”
“He sounds like a nice man,” she complimented and he nodded in agreement. “How come I haven’t met him?”
Clyde exhaled. “He died before I was born, actually,” Clyde confessed, feeling Belle frown against his shoulder before cuddling closer to him. “He was a volunteer fireman when Jimmy was a kid, and one day he got stuck in a burning building, rescuing a lady who was trapped. He managed to get her out to safety, but the roof collapsed and he got pinned. Ma asked if they could name me after him, n’ Pa agreed right away; I was gonna be named after my dad’s pa, but they weren’t close.”
“That’s sad, but also very sweet. Naming you after someone special to the both of them, that’s wonderful,” Belle smiled sadly, snuggling her head against him, her head on his chest. “I’m sure you lived up to his name well: You’re a very handsome, strong and wonderful man who helps people for good.”
“Thank you, Darlin’,” Clyde cooed. “Since ya asked me...where did the name Rosabelle come from for yer folks?”
“Ah...my grandparents named me actually.” Adjusting herself to curl more comfortably against him, she gently tugged Clyde’s arm from behind her to wrap around her shoulder. Clyde simply wrapped both of his arms around her and cradled her properly into his lap, not minding the bump that shield their unborn baby. “They named me after the nurse who found me, after my mom left the hospital with me still in the room she was stationed in.”
“Ya serious, baby?” Clyde frowned, his brows knitting together with his growing irritation. When Belle nodded, Clyde huffed. “Jus’ a lil newborn, and she up and left? What kind of mother does that to a lil baby that was jus’ born?”
Belle shrugged, mostly uncaring of the mention of her mother. Between them, it was always like this: Clyde having this bewildered expression at something her biological parents have done, and she didn’t care. To her, they weren’t parents, but strangers. “Anyway, there was a nurse named Rosabelle Brown who heard me crying because I was hungry, and she came to the room to find that my own mother cut the IVs and wires hooked to her, stole some supplies and left me behind. She called my grandpa and both he and grandma came with the cops.
“Rosabelle was the one to feed me my first bottle and made sure I was safe until my grandparents came to get me. She told them how well-behaved and sweet I was to her, despite being a newborn,” Belle grinned and rolled her eyes a bit. “They thought it was only right to name me after her, but I did get to see her a lot when she retired, and she would join my grandmother with her pageant events. She was a very sweet old lady. Very beautiful. She had this pretty dark skin and curly hair that she had a favorite headband on to decorate it; she was always smiling and had the most prettiest hazel eyes, too.”
“Still,” Clyde exhaled with a sort of sorrow, catching her attention to look up. “For anyone, even if she didn’t want to keep ya...to just leave ya like that, all alone.”
Belle’s eyes softened and she snuggled closer to him. “I was what my mom called a ‘mistake’, because she couldn’t hide her pregnancy from my grandparents and they held her in place up until I was born - she originally wanted to go off with my father to California, or something, but they didn’t let her. She didn’t even tell them she was in labor when she was suppose to be under ‘house-arrest’ or whatever,” she rolled her eyes. Her hands coming to rest against her growing belly, a warm smile spread on her face. “However, I know this precious little angel is nowhere a mistake. I can’t wait to see this little baby’s eyes open when they’re born, and tell them their first ‘I love you’ when I get to hold them, and tell them how special they are…”
Clyde’s only hand joined hers on her tummy, his lips instantly kissing her head, shoulder, neck and cheek. “Baby, you weren’t a mistake - you were a blessin’, no matter what yer mother said. You were a blessin’ to yer grandparents and Joe Bang; a blessin’, sweet angel and most special gift to me,” he told her honestly, nuzzling his nose to her head. “Makin’ me fall in real love n’ lovin’ me back, now givin’ me a family, all that, it’s jus’... Yer gonna be a great momma, Darlin’.”
Hearing a familiar groan, Belle leaned away from her husband and carefully turned around to find him with tears in his eyes. Frowning, Belle reached to hold his head with both hands, wiping a falling tear off his cheek. “Clyde, what’s wrong?” she asked quietly, only for him to shudder and pull her into his embrace again.
“Yer jus’ gonna be a wonderful mama, baby girl,” Clyde told her in a thick voice, hiding his face into her hair as she lightly rubbed his back. “This lil baby of ours is gonna know how much mama loves ‘em, how much you want ‘em and make the world feel wonderful, like ya did with me.”
“Oh, honey,” Belle aww-ed softly, lifting his ace to give him a gentle kiss, which he returned rather desperate and needing to express his affection for her. Belle smiled against his kisses, massaging his temples carefully when he pulled back to try and breathe. “My sweet man, you don’t need to cry over this, my handsome husband,” she cooed, kissing his cheek and jaw. “Of course I will be loving our little baby, but you know for a fact you’re going to be such a spoiling daddy. Gonna spoil with kisses, and treats - even when you know dinner is about to be ready in just a little bit. You’ll tell stories well until they’re knocked out and play so much.”
Clyde nodded. “Y-yeah,” he sobbed, a sort of airy laugh leaving his lips when he saw how brightly his wife grinned, knowing him so well. “Yeah, y-ya know I would… You would catch me sneakin’ treats, tellin’ me how naughty I am and our kid laughin’ at me, huh.”
“Our happy little baby, which parents who love them sooo much,” Belle corrected carefully and Clyde sniffed and nodded with strong enthusiasm. “Like how I was loved by my grandparents, and how you were loved by your parents.”
“Yeah, maybe more than that - gotta lot of love to give to such a tiny, tiny lil thing,” he insisted and Belle smiled and kissed his big nose. “Gonna have to spoil you and the baby, so much.”
“I think we both look forward to it.”
Clyde chuckled through his tears, burying his face into her neck and kissing any exposed skin he could get ahold of.
“So much love, sweetheart,” Clyde insisted lovingly, holding Belle and their unborn baby as close as possible. “So much. So much love…”
Fun fact: Despite knowing the gender of the baby between Week 16-19 of the pregnancy, parents have the option to wait and have the gender concealed in a thick envelope and mailed to wherever you want!!
taglist: @ayatimascd @kyloxfem @kylo-renne @damndriver @formerly-anonhamster @oh-adam @redhairedfeistynerd @rosalynbair@deliriumdoll @bellaren18
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forlornmelody · 5 years
Double the Trouble Chapter 14 -- A New Name
Rating: Explicit (previous chapters have smut)
Ship: FemShep x Femshep Clone, Femshep x Kaidan, Femshep x Femshep Clone x Kaidan, OT3
AO3 Link: Here
Summary:  It’s Shepard and Kaidan’s anniversary, and they invite Jane over for a special dinner. 
Note: Two years and a prequel later, here’s the final chapter. Hope you all enjoyed my crack fic as much as I did writing it. 
Anniversaries with Kaidan are always a tricky thing. Should they celebrate the anniversary of the night they committed mutiny and banged on the way to Illos? Or would it be more fitting to dress up and eat a fancy dinner one year after their first date on the Citadel? One thing’s for sure--neither of them want to remember the date they ran into each other on Horizon.
Somehow, it’s decided that their official anniversary happens every 365 terran days after the day the Normandy returned to Earth. Neither of them is super eager to go out. Besides, how are they to explain the third person on their reservation? So, they plan a candlelit dinner inside Kaidan’s apartment. Shepard picks up a white tablecloth and candle sticks, and Kaidan plans their menu. They schedule a time with Jane and wrap a very special gift inside a black box with a red satin ribbon. Before Jane arrives, they start a playlist on the radio--arguing over whether the music should be club music or jazz. Their argument devolves into “Hey, I saved the galaxy three times” and “I stood up for you when everyone thought you were a traitor” and “No, Anderson didn’t” and lastly “Anderson doesn’t count.” Somehow, Shepard wins the argument--Kaidan isn’t remotely surprised. “Next time we’re listening to jazz.”
“Hey, I brought some treats for Jeff. Hope you don’t mind.” Jane closes the door behind her, dropping a small bag next to the hamster cage. “Whoa. You weren’t kidding.”
“Too much?” Kaidan sweeps Jane up into a kiss as Shepard limps her way over. Shepard’s mouth is on hers as soon as Kaidan’s is out of the way.
“No. Though I’m still surprised you invited me to this. Isn’t this your night?”
“You mean a lot to us, Jane. And we couldn’t wait.” Shepard sits down at the table, already set with plateware, glasses, flatware, wine, and steaming hot food. Kaidan pulls out a chair for Jane.
“Wait for what?”
Kaidan and Shepard share a knowing glance, and the former reaches over to the coffee table, pulling out a box and handing it to Jane. “Open it.”
Shepard leans forward, fingers and biotics itching to open it for her--to make the process go faster, but she holds back.
Jane blinks at what she finds inside. She holds up a driver’s license to the candle light “ID? I thought everything was digital?”
“It’s more for sentimental value...and those low-tech places without readers.” Kaidan serves them both steak--unburned steak, for the record-- candied asparagus, and garlic mashed potatoes.
“What Kaidan means to say is that wanted to give you--”
“My own name,” Jane says it softly, reading the name on the ID card. “Allison Gunn. Who is that?”
“Keep digging.” Shepard grins widely, not touching her food, as delicious as it smells. She doesn’t want to miss a single moment.
Underneath a birth certificate, obviously forged, and a Social Insurance Number, printed on a letter--also forged, Jane finds a mint-condition Badass Weekly. On it, Jane finds a familiar face. “What the hell is this?” She smirks over at Shepard.
“A name isn’t anything without a reputation, right?”
Jane thumbs through the magazine quickly, nearly ripping the edges as she races to the correct page. She skims the words while Shepard starts to wonder if this was the best gift idea. “But why go to all this trouble? I already have both.”
Shit. This is why Shepard never gives gifts. She always ends up sending the wrong message. Is it too late to take it back?
“What Shepard means to say--is that we wanted to give you a name that was your own.”
“I only used it once.” Shepard says quickly, sitting up. “On Beckenstein.”
“What the hell did you do?”
Leaning forward, Shepard eyes her Clone with the most confident grin she can manage. “A heist. And shot up a crime lord and all his shit.”
“Damn. You never do things the easy way, do you, Shepard?” Jane runs her finger down the image of “Alison”, obviously photoshopped. Shepard would never wear her hair that long. Especially for when this magazine was published. “This was when you were with Cerberus?”
Shepard bristles at the mention of that name. “Yeah. I was helping a friend.” Kasumi still wrote her emails--heavily encrypted ones. One of these days she should write her back. “Same friend who helped make the ID for you.”
“For me? Or you?”
“For you.” Kaidan taps the picture on her ID card. It has Jane’s undershave, and her sun tattoo peeking out over her shoulder. And then Kaidan grins. “Actually. That’s Shepard’s gift for you.” He pulls out a second box, deeper than the last. Jane glances at Shepard, to find her equally dumbfounded.
“Don’t look at me.” What could have Kaidan found for Jane? Is it something related to their coffee dates? Shepard watches closely as Jane lifts the lid.
Jane gasps as she pulls out a well-worn journal, made from skin of some sea creature--likely an alien one. Tears spring from Jane’s eyes, and Shepard glances at Kaidan for explanation. He smiles. “How’d you find this??”
“Took some digging. But we still have connections to Thessia, especially now that coms are back up.” Kaidan frowns. “We...we couldn’t save everything. And a lot of things her parents wanted to keep. But they sent this. For...” he scrunches his nose as he searches his memory. “...Ana…”
“Fields.” Jane’s voice is thick with emotion as she traces the sun design on the front. With a jolt, Shepard realizes it’s the same one that rests on Jane’s left shoulder. Distantly, her clone looks up at Kaidan, a tear slipping down her cheek. “Did they say anything?”
Kaidan shifts in his seat, clearing his throat. “Well, they said she’d want you to have them.”
Jane tears the journal out of the box, digging for what lies underneath. She finds brushes and pencils, erasers, and a straight edge. A sob escapes her throat before she can stop it. “Thank you. Thank you both.”
Shepard reaches over, squeezing her hand once it’s free. “I wish I could have met her.”
Jane’s voice is thick. “Me too.” 
So lost in running her thumb across Jane’s hand until her sobs subside, Shepard doesn’t notice Kaidan leaving the table. She doesn’t think much of it. Jane’s telling her some story about the hijinks her and Dreya got up to, and they’re both stirring their potatoes instead of eating them. Glancing over at Kaidan’s empty seat, Jane brightens, and Shepard sees a spark in her eye that makes her suspicious. Her clone never had a good poker face. “Jane? Is there something I should know?”
“Mm?” Jane says innocently, suddenly shoving potatoes into her mouth.
N school taught her to trust her instincts, and right now Shepard’s instincts are telling her that Jane is compensating. But for what? She scans the room, finding nothing particularly out of place. The hamster’s been fed. Nothing is on fire in the kitchen--for once. Kaidan’s chair has been empty for a while, though. “How long has Kaidan been gone?” She assumed he went to the bathroom, but even that diva didn’t take that long.
Jane shrugs.
“Shouldn’t we check on him?”
“He survived the Normandy crashing on an uncharted world, being run over by the Mako, and a Collector attack--I’m sure he’s fine.”
“Hey, Shepard,” Kaidan says softly from behind her. Shepard turns around to see him shyly watching her like with his hands behind his back--well, if she’s honest--like the first time he saw her naked. How far they had both come--and yet how little had changed.
“Hey, Kaidan.” Oh yeah. Something’s definitely up, but Kaidan is adorable like this so Shepard plays along. “What’s up?”
“I got something for you.”
A fork flips off Jane’s plate as she leans in closer to watch. Jumping at the noise, Shepard gathers herself and looks back at the man she loves. “Oh? What is it?”
“You... uh. You might want to turn your chair around.” Kaidan swallows hard, and a neuron fires in Shepard’s brain...only to miss its target. Something’s off-- but what. Shepard turns around anyway--and Kaidan sinks to one knee. Her heart plummets into her stomach.
“Jane Shepard, will you marry me?”
Shepard’s brain short-circuits. Her eyes catch on the sparkle of the gemstone as Kaidan pops open the box. Distantly she remembers ranting about the stupidity of diamonds when they passed a jewelry store on the Citadel. “Garnet?” She mutters.
Kaidan’s eyes widen and his mouth falls open. “Uh--sorry. I thought that was what you liked. Shit. Maybe I….” Her lover tailspins in a spiral, and Shepard’s jaw drops open as she finally realizes what’s happening. Link established.
“You’re asking me to marry you,” she says out loud. The words sound foreign coming out of her mouth. Marriage...always seemed to be something for other people. Better people. Not that Kaidan is a bad person--he’s amazing, better than her in so many ways. Kaidan would get married one day. But not to her.
“Yeah. Sorry. I thought maybe--” Kaidan puts on a brave face, but he could never fool her.
“Kaidan.” Shepard hooks her finger under his chin, turning his face toward hers.
“Shepard,” he whispers, his eyes wavering. An image flashes in Shepard’s mind of him looking at her that way--dressed in a tuxedo on an altar overlooking English Bay. Or maybe his family’s orchard--away from the Reaper’s destruction. The image scares her, and yet it thrills her to think the man she loves might look at her like that for the rest of her life.
Shepard should probably say something, but she doesn’t trust herself to speak. Not with the torrent of emotions raging through her brain. Instead she pulls him into a kiss--not unlike the one they shared when he hobbled off the Normandy after being MIA for months on end. Kaidan trembles at her touch, holding her gently as if she might slip away like cottonwood in the breeze. Squeezing his hands, Shepard kisses him harder, trying to say with her kiss what feels impossible to say with words. I love you, I love you, I love y--
Jane, or should she say--Alison, clears her throat. “Is that a yes or--?”
Kaidan’s smile slips again, and Shepard steals a quick kiss to reassure him. “Of course!” She is not good at this. But she wants to be better.
“Good. Cause I got to know if I need to get a nice tux.”
“Oh, so we’re inviting you?” Shepard swats Kaidan as he falls apart into laughter.
“Of course, she’s invited!” Somehow their playful argument dissolves into wrestling on the floor, and when Shepard has pinned Kaidan to the rug, she looks over to see her Clone brushing her fingers across her new ID. Alison Gunn, indeed.
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atravelersseoul · 7 years
Flight and First day in Seoul
Our flight to Toronto left Columbus around 10:30. It was a fairly small flight, seating no more than 50 people. It was a pretty fast and easy flight, which was lucky because the bathroom was broken on that plane, so that could have been disastrous.
We got into Toronto and the airport may have looked small from the outside but the inside was very big, fancy and artsy; they had mini art galleries and shopping boutiques; there was a coach store and a Victoria secret store. Our connecting flight to Seoul was delayed by about 25 minutes so we all decided to get some snacks and whatnot since we were all hangry.
After about an hour and a half we boarded the connecting flight to Seoul and the take off preparations/safety instructions were very interesting; they were repeated in about 5 languages: English and french because we were in Canada, and then Korean, Chinese and Japanese because we were flying into Seoul. i can’t really remember, but there might have been Spanish too, for some reason. For about the first few hours we were very excited about the flight: the food, the mini television screens that had everything you could want on them. We all watched a movie together but towards the end of that one I was starting to doze off every now and then. During that movie we got our first meal which was a dinner. It was surprisingly very good, especially for being airplane food. The main part was rice with marinated beef, cabbage and lettuce. There was also a salad, bread, and a brownie.
 At this point it already felt like it had been forever since we had been on the plane even though it had only been roughly 3 hours, so I decided to try and get some sleep even though we had all been playing on staying up so that we could been on the time zone when we got there. It was not a very deep or comfortable sleep but I did what I could. When I woke up I looked through some more movies and shows and found some episodes of the middle so I watched all of those. I then found an episode of fairly odd parents and watched that. With nothing much else to do I watched the latest bourne movie. Somewhere in the middle of that we got a small snack that had a mini sandwich, pretzels, some type of cracker/cookie, and I ended up getting some coffee to help me stay up. I finished the bourne movie and finally picked a Korean movie to watch. Id heard that it was really good so I decided to watch it…I ended up crying at the end, it was sooo sad…even though it was in the comedy section. towards the last few hours of the flight we got a breakfast and that was even better than the dinner. We got an omelet with sausage and potatoes and a spinach sauce. There was also a fruit cup and bread.
The descent and landing was a bit rough; there was a lot of turbulence, probably the most I have ever felt. There were a few times that you could actually feel the plane drop for a second or two and you could feel your stomach drop. It was almost like we were on a roller coaster. The landing itself went pretty smoothly though.
After we landed we had about 3 hours until the shuttle bus left to take us to the dorms so we exchanged currency, got some food and other little things we needed to do. at that point we were all just so exhausted and wanted to get back and sleep as soon as possible. once we got on the shuttle we had about an hour drive from Incheon airport back to the dorms which are about half an hour outside the very middle of Seoul. The drive there was very interesting, the way people drive here is insane, especially the bus drivers. People just weave in and out, and change lanes so fast and seemingly without a care. When we got to around the campus the driver had no idea where our specific building was or where to drop us off so he just stopped the bus in the middle of the road to call someone and ask where to go…that was very mind boggling. When we eventually figured out where to go, walking to the building was a whole other adventure in itself. I don’t think there is a flat piece of ground anywhere in this city, so we had to lug our bags up and down multiple hills to get to the dorm. On one very steep hill one girl accidentally let go of her bag and it went flying down the street and almost took someone out. that gave me so much second hand embarrassment, it’ll last me enough for a lifetime.
We got to the dorm around 10pm and had to do some stuff for check in and whatnot. Once we got to the rooms we realized there were several things that we were all missing, so we all went down to the convenience store that is right around the corner. Let me tell you, the convenience stores in America have nothing on the ones here, they are amazing. They literally have everything you could need and everything is so cheap. They have an entire section just dedicated to different types of ramen and they even have a ramen making station, complete with a microwave. They know what they're doing here. One big thing was that none of the rooms had toilet paper so we bought two giant packs to share with pretty much the entire hallway, but we have not really given them to anyone yet so I currently have about 15 rolls of toilet paper sitting under my desk.
Once we got everything we headed back to the rooms because everyone was pretty tired. I ended up just taking a shower and then going to sleep. Another thing that is awesome is the shower. The whole bathroom itself is pretty much the shower; the floor in the bathroom is about an inch or two below the floor in the rest of the room, and there is a drain in the shower but also in the middle of the floor outside of the shower door. That way, it doesn’t matter if you get water everywhere…it stays in the bathroom and drains.
Waking up the next day was kinda hard because we had to meet the program staff outside the building at 8am sharp to head to our orientation at the program office in the city. The trek there was the first time we were all going to be taking public transportation to the city, and the transit system here is very intimidating at first. In the Seoul metropolitan area, I believe there is a total of 18 subway lines and I don’t even want to think about the buses. Despite it being scary, the transit system is sooo nice and it works so well, so much better than in the US. To ride the subway and buses you have to buy a card, called a “T-Money” card. You basically just load money onto that card every now and then to scan and pay at the stations. Whats really nice is that if you need to take the bus after the subway, it doesn’t charge you for the bus if you get on it within 30 minutes of getting off the subway.
So getting to the office wasn’t too hard but it was really frustrating. The third party program that we went through that brought us to Korea University had a total of 66 students in it. taking 66 american students on the subway is very complicated and very headache inducing. Especially when a lot of these students are heavily reinforcing the stereotype of loud obnoxious Americans by being so loud to the point of being disrespectful. But we mad it there in one piece without being scolded so I guess that’s a mission accomplished. From the subway we had to walk quite a ways to get to the building and it was scorching hot. From what I recall it was around 85 degrees with 80% humidity: I was literally dripping sweat. While we were all dying of heat, there were so many people that we saw walking that were in pants or long sleeves that looked perfectly fine, not a drop of sweat on them.
Once we got to the building they told us that the office was on the 11th floor, which was somewhat shocking. That is one very cool thing about the city, everything is just stacked on top of each other. Since Korea itself does not have a lot of land, (apparently the entire country is smaller than Minnesota), things are built upwards instead of outwards. The building however only had one elevator and only took like 6 people at a time, so at some point we just decided to take the stairs, which was a bad idea. By the time we got to the top, I felt very American. I was sweating buckets, breathing like I’d run a marathon and it made me realize how long it’s been since I last exercised.
The orientation itself wasn’t too interesting, just going over stuff we needed to know about classes and safety and whatnot, and it lasted way too long. After we got done, they took us to Gwanghwamun market that was nearby for lunch. We didn’t have a lot of time so we found a little place to just stop by and get some food at. We got some ddeokboki which is spicy rice cake and I got naengmyun which is a buckwheat noodle soup. It took longer than expected so we had to leave before we could finish all the food so we felt pretty bad, but we were gonna be late if we didn’t.
after lunch we headed to Gwanghwamun square that is a big plaza in the middle of an eight lane highway that leads up to Gyeongbok Palace. In the square, there are two statues, one of Admiral Yi Sun Shin and one of King Sejong, who invented hangul, the written alphabet during the Joseon dynasty. Across from the square in the main gate of Gyeongbok palace, which was the royal palace of the Joseon dynasty and was built in 1395. It was really just incredible to see this beautiful old palace right in the middle of the city among huge modern buildings. Inside the palace it was amazing to see a lot people in hanbok, which is the traditional Korean dress. It seemed like a lot of people, especially couples go there to take pictures in their hanboks. The architecture was absolutely breathtaking and it was hard to take in how big the whole place was. It really made me wonder about what it would have been like when it was built and what life was like inside of it. everything about it was just so beautiful and incredible, it was so amazing to be able to walk around and experience it.
one funny thing was we actually met someone from ohio while we were walking around. We wanted to take a group picture next to one of the buildings and the person we asked to take our picture was from here. He was actually a part of the broadway tour that was performing the musical Chicago in seoul, so that was just very interesting to meet someone coincidentally like that.
After touring the palace, we went to a shop that rented out hanboks and had sessions for people to try them on and take pictures. It was definitely a new and interesting experience, but it was towards the end of the day so we all were tired and sweaty and probably smelled really bad. but after we finished there, we were done with group activities so they just released us into the city to do whatever and then find our own way back. Amanda has a friend who lives in seoul and owns a brewery/restraurant so we headed to one of his restaurants in Hyundai Mall for dinner around 6. I ordered some chicken and ended up getting what seemed like 2 whole chickens, I think there was around 20 wings, so I definitely did not finish them all. While we were eating we saw a mini stand that was serving drinks in lightbulbs. It was the cutest thing and we simply could not pass it up. It was called “Bulb Smoothie” and for some reason that just cracked us up. The guy working the stand was very cute and charming so that made it even better hehe. We ended up staying until the mall closed at 9 and then made the long ride back to the dorms and pretty much knocked out as soon as we got in our rooms. We had early morning the next day for another orientation so we all wanted some good sleep.
I think i’ll save the next day for a different post so this one doesn’t turn into a novel, although it’s already pretty long by now. So if you made it this far, all the way to the end I applaud you.
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meadowstoneuk · 4 years
All about hedgehogs
Let's use National Hedgehog Week to learn about and save these wonderful garden animals, says Ruth
We are lucky enough to have several hedgehogs in our garden
We seem to have a week for everything these days – National Potato Week, National Sausage Week, National Get Outraged About Something Really Strange Week.
Yesterday we talked about International Compost Awareness Week, which is something worth highlighting and today we are bringing National Hedgehog Week to your attention – and this is definitely worth promoting.
One of the hedgehogs in our front garden on Monday night
We are lucky to have three – we think – hedgehogs locally and they seem to congregate in our garden at the same time each night. This is – coincidentally – around the time we take out small bowls of hedgehog food for them!
Here at AG we can’t do enough for hedgehogs. They are our best-loved native animals and the gardener’s greatest ally, yet their numbers are in steep decline because we seem to be doing our best to get rid of everything that keeps them safe.
Over the past few decades we have built walls they can’t scale and roads they get squashed on trying to cross. We manicure our gardens to barren perfection and spray them with chemicals because insects don’t fit in with our picture of horticultural paradise.
Luckily things are changing and people are now aware of the hedgehogs’ plight – hopefully not too late – and doing what they can to help them.
Create a wild area or leave an area of garden to grow untidily as a sanctuary for hogs and other wildlife
And this is where you come in. Gardeners are key to the survival of hedgehogs because the little plots we call our own are havens for the beleaguered beasties as the countryside gets built on and agriculture intensifies to feed ever more hungry mouths.
It’s easy to make your garden hedgehog-friendly. Start by leaving an area slightly unkempt, with a log pile, long grass and somewhere they can hide, forage, breed and hibernate.
When you are tidying the rest of your garden. Check long grass before strimming or mowing – hundreds of hogs are left with hideous, often fatal, injuries each year after being caught by garden machinery.
Check long grass before trimming or mowing as garden equipment can cause fatal injuries to hedgehogs Image: Alamy
Reduce, or stop completely, the use of chemicals. If you kill off all your ‘pests’ it creates a huge gap in the natural food chain and leaves nothing for hedgehogs, bats or birds to eat.
Instead of killing pests, deter them instead using effective products such a those made by Grazers (grazers.co.uk; 01768 800555). That way your plants will be safe, the bad guys will look elsewhere but still be around to feed local wildlife.
Give fresh water and hedgehog food to supplement their diet
Leave out fresh water and food each night. Proprietary hedgehog food is widely available and they also like meat-based cat and dog food. If you have hungry pets, or there are local foxes, that will also eat the food, protect it by making a feeding station that can be accessed by hogs but nothing larger.
Do remember though that hedgehog food is only supplementary, as most of their diet should be made up of invertebrates they snaffle from the garden, many of them pests!
Never feed hedgehogs mealworms as they cause a fatal bone disease
Never leave out bread and milk or mealworms for hedgehogs. They are lactose intolerant so will be very ill if they drink milk, and mealworms weaken their bones by taking calcium. If you do feed mealworms to garden birds, scatter them on the bird table, not on the ground where hogs can get them.
Hedgehogs are largely solitary animals but you may get several coming to your feeding bowls. This can spread diseases so always give them fresh food each night and wash the bowls up each morning and consider having more than one feeding point in the garden.
Hedgehogs travel long distances at night searching for food and love and they can’t do this if we box in our gardens with walls and impenetrable fences. If there is nothing linking gardens together, hogs are forced to travel by road, which is why so many end up pancaked on the tarmac.
Cut a CD-sized hole in your garden fence so hedgehogs can travel between gardens without risking busy roads
You will be doing them a huge favour if you cut a CD-sized hole at the bottom of a fence (ask your neighbour first) to allow hogs to travel freely without needing to cross any roads.
For further ideas about how to help hedgehogs and bring them back from the brink, visit the British Hedgehog Preservation Society at britishhedgehogs.org.uk, call 01584 890801, or join the UK’s 70,000 hedgehog Champions at Hedgehog Street (hedgehogstreet.org, call 01584 890801).
If you find a sick or injured hedgehog, carefully place it in a box with a warm – not hot – hot water bottle wrapped in an old towel. Place it somewhere quiet and call 01584 890801. Someone will put you in contact with a local hedgehog helper or animal sanctuary.
  We are here for you
Although many people are coping well with self-isolation, others are really struggling and feeling completely forgotten and alone.
Here at AG we are doing our best to keep connected to our readers though the magazine, this website and also through social media.
AG’s agony uncle John Negus is still answering your questions and solving your problms
Our gardening ‘agony uncle’ John Negus is also still working hard. Send him your problems and questions, with pictures if you can, and he will get back to you with an answer withing 24 hours, as he has been doing for decades. Contact him using the AG email address at: [email protected]
We already have thriving Facebook page but are also on Twitter and Instagram. These sites are a brilliant way of chatting to people, sharing news, information, pictures and just saying hello – we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Best of all, as gardeners are generally lovely folk, more interested in plants, hedgehogs, tea and cake than political shenanigans and point-scoring, so the chat is friendly and welcoming.
So please drop by, follow us, ‘like’ our posts and say hello – the Instagram feed is in it’s really early days so the quicker we can get that going with your help and support, the better!
You can find us at:
Facebook: Facebook.com/AmateurGardeningMagazine
Twitter: Twitter.com/TheAGTeam
Instagram: instagram.com/amgardening_mag
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