#and all i know him as is the 11th doctor so. YEAH NO.
foone · 1 year
Random thought brought on by seeing a veterinarian sign on the drive to Coffee Land, but I think Jesus would really appreciate people localizing his parable of the Good Samaritan.
Because, like, it's a good story, right? When the administrator-guy and the holy man wouldn't help the injured, the Samaritan went out of their way to make sure the injured man was able to get the help they needed, paid out of their own pocket. And that's good and all, but what even is a Samaritan? Do you know?
Well, they're a ethnoreligious group from northern Israel who follow Samaritanism, which split from Judaism sometime around the 11th century BCE. There's only about a thousand of them left. But around the time of Jesus, they were not very popular with your average Hebrew. Remember the Seleucid empire that was oppressing jews? There's a yearly celebration about it, involving a candle that lasted for 8 nights. Yeah. So at the time the Samaritans had taken the opportunity to point out they're not Jewish, they're Samaritans, so they wouldn't be persecuted. So they were seen as, like, selling out their brothers and sisters in the faith. Then by the time the Romans took over the whole area, the province of Judaea contained Samaria.
So basically the Jews and the seen-to-have-sold-them-out Samaritans were stuck in the same province, thanks to some Romans consolidating the areas they'd conquered. Tensions between the two groups were high, and I don't imagine either of them liked each other very much at all.
To a Jew of the first century CE, a Samaritan is basically the worst kind of person you could be, and that's exactly why Jesus used them in the parable of the Good Samaritan!
The parable isn't about Samaritans. It's about how the worst person you can imagine is a better person than the people you idolize and uplift, if that person takes care of their fellow man. It's about how you should love your neighbor as yourself, and who is your neighbor? Everyone. All people are your neighbors. Help them when they need help!
And that's why I say it should really be localized. You should tell this parable differently than it was told in AD 29 or whenever. Do you hate Samaritans? Probably not! You probably barely know who they are, even after I did some explaining up there. So why use them as your example? If Jesus was here, I don't think he would have done that.
So like, if you were giving a sermon on the good Samaritan in the 1960s to a white church, you should be like "so the policeman walked past, and the pastor walked past, but then a poor black guy saw the injured man, and got him help at the local hospital."
In the 80s, his rescuer is Soviet. In the 2000s, they're a Muslim, from Afghanistan or Iran.
Today? Maybe they're trans.
As an American, there's been many times that "Mexican" would have been the best choice. Maybe even today, especially if you specifically make them an undocumented migrant.
But yeah, the point is that you pick the group of people most hated by the audience you're talking to, and make the point that THEY ARE A BETTER PERSON THAN YOU and ALL THOSE YOU UPHOLD AS PILLARS OF THE COMMUNITY if they help their fellow man. If your worst enemy is lying injured in the street, you call the ambulance, you pay their doctor, you get them help. That's what Jesus says you should do. That's loving your neighbor, that's the Great Commandment.
And in the Roman province of Judea back in the first half of the first century, when talking to a Jewish audience, that meant the rescuer was a Samaritan helping a Jew. That was just the context for that one particular telling of the story. It shouldn't be told the same way today, or in the future. It should be an evolving parable, always changing, always adjusting the nationalities and situations and genders and everything. It's not a story about a specific event, it doesn't pretend to be history, it's a metaphorical lesson about what makes you a good person.
This parable is basically in the form of an "X, Y and Z walk into a bar" joke, and just like jokes, it should be updated over time. Those don't stay funny though the decades, as cultural attitudes shift. And this parable hasn't been updated in nearly two millenia, so it's long overdue.
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specialagentlokitty · 8 months
11th doctor x reader - it would always end this way
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Could I get 11 in the scenario of "it would always end this way"? (Least i think thats the title... ive checked back on it 5 times, im done-) Really love that concept and it's just been sending me- - @krismas0arson
The doctor wasn’t paying much attention, not really paying attention to anything aside from the console as he banged a hammer against it.
Then he heard the song that Clara was humming to herself as she walked in and he snapped his head up, banging it against something.
He rubbed his head and stepped away from the console, and Clara stopped singing to look at him.
“What were you singing?” He asked.
“I heard it on the way in, just up the street.”She smiled
“The street?”
“Yeah, a busker.”
“Take me!”
The doctor ran to the door and he gestured for Clara to do the same thing, and she sighed and followed him outside.
“It’s just a song.”
“But it’s not just a song.” He said.
Clara led him down the street then pointed across the street and the doctor walked over, standing with the small group of people who were also listening.
Clara walked over and stood next to him.
“It’s just a song, I think it’s from a film.”
The doctor carefully listened to what the words were and he furrowed his brows a little bit.
“But it’s wrong.”
“How can it be wrong doctor?” Clara laughed.
The doctor turned to look at Clara and he took her back to the TARDIS, pulling up the screen he began to flick through videos throughout time.
“All the timelines past, future and present, the song is nearly as old as time itself, it says that a deadman called out for his love to flee.”
The doctor pulled up another video, a beautiful face filled the screen, smiling from ear to ear, and he pointed to the laughing person.
“This is the original story.”
Clara looked confused.
“The deadman did not call for his love to flee, it was the deadman’s Love who called for him to flee and took his place.”
“Oh don’t be silly doctor, it’s made up. A story.”
“It’s not just a story Clara !” He snapped.
He spun around and he looked at the screen in desperation.
“It’s the story of how my spouse died…”
“You were married…?”
The doctor nodded and sat down on the table, holding a hand over his mouth as he looked at the screen.
It was replaying the same moment over and over again, the only moment he had of you.
Clara slowly walked over and sat next to him.
“It was the last days of the time war, and they were going to punish me. They knew what I was going to do and had to stop me…”
“Prophecy, but there was one thing the high council were missing.”
The doctor sent the TARDIS into flight, nowhere special in mind, just flying around aimlessly.
“What happened to them doctor…?”
“A prophecy, one that the high council couldn’t even foresee, something that was always going to happen. The time war was always going to end, and (Y/N) knew this. They had foreseen this as well, and they had foreseen my death. They couldn’t let that happen, so at the last moment they took my place.”
“Then what…?”
The doctor sighed, wiping a few of his tears.
“(Y/N) was locked in a time lock on a planet, nobody can access it. The time lords didn’t want to kill them because they were to be the next prophet.”
He turned to Clara.
“That song is the story told by the time lords on the last days, passed through time and space, turned into a silly little song. It’s the last moments of (Y/N)… the last moments of the person i swore to look after…”
“Can’t you find them?”
“You can’t get past a time lock even if I could I can’t get past it.”
Clara reached up and she hugged him tightly, and the doctor gently hugged her back.
“I’m sorry…”
He sighed and looked back at the screen, and he saw that the imagine had changed, showing a map of the universe with one spot flashing.
“What?” He asked.
He got up and looked at it.
“What’s going on?”
“The TARDIS has decided to take us somewhere…”
He looked at Clara.
“I don’t know…”
When the TARDIS stopped he ran out and he looked around the planet, it wasn’t much, just dust and dirt. He stepped out fully, and he looked around confused.
“Why would it bring us here?” He asked.
“It’s just a barren planet.” Clara mumbled.
“No, no there has to be more.”
He began scanning the area, trying to find anything, and when he looked at the screwdriver, he furrowed his brows.
“It’s picking up something, a sound wave.”
He made his way back to the TARDIS and Clara ran after him.
She could hear the voice but she couldn’t make out the words.
“Why can’t I understand it?” She asked.
“That’s impossible…” he whispered
“What? What is it?”
The doctor turned to Clara with wide eyes.
“Its Gallifrian… it’s why the TARDIS won’t translate it…”
“But I thought you were the only one?”
He looked back at the console and ran outside again, trying to pinpoint the sound.
“It’s not coming from here, but it originated from here, I can trace it!”
So that’s what he did, he traced the sound to the start of time, to the end of its reach, to the past and future of earth until he landed in the present once more.
“Its coming from here…”
They both stepped outside and they looked around, and the doctor could faintly here the song, so he followed it He ran after it, chasing it all around London until finally he found himself at the top of a building, gasping for air.
He slowly stood up and he began to looked around.
“Doctor look…” Clara whispered.
She pointed and the doctor looked, Clara smiled, placing a hand on his arm.
“I’ll wait downstairs.”
She left and the doctor just stared at your back as your voice radiated softly and quietly, a frequency only for him.
You slowly stopped singing and you turned around a gentle smile on your face.
You took a step forward, and you slowly lowered yourself to the floor as your legs threatened to give way.
The doctor ran over to you, and he knelt in front of you, placing his hand in the side of your face, looking you up and down.
“I’m okay.. I’m okay…”
Tears ran down his face and you looked up at him, gently brining your fingers up to brush against his skin.
“You’ve changed my love…”
“Yet you’re still as beautiful as always.” He smiled.
You laughed softly and shook your head a little bit. You breathed deeply and he looked at you in concern.
“It’s okay.. I just… I used a lot of energy to get here…”
“Let’s get you back to the TARDIS..”
He swept you into his arms, and you rested your head against his chest, listening to his heartbeats.
The doctor kept flicking his gaze to you, making sure you were still there, still okay He got to the bottom and Clara looked at him.
“I need you to open the doors.”
“Of course!”
She ran to open the doors and let the doctor and you in.
“Come and find me later.” She smiled.
With that she left and the doctor laid you down on the chairs and he covered you up with his jacket, brushing his knuckles against your cheek.
“Get some sleep…”
You nodded your head.
While you were sleeping he did all the checks he needed to on you, making sure you were actually you, checking your mind, listening to your hearts.
It was a few days until you woke up again and you finally sat up, pulling your husbands coat over you and you looked around.
The TARDIS doors were open and you got up, walking over to the doors you stepped outside and looked around.
The TARDIS had moved, and you were in a park, and he was sitting on a bench.
“Ever the thinker…” you spoke softly.
He looked up at you and quickly stood up, rushing over to you.
“You’re real. I checked.”
“I’m hurt you’d ever doubt me.”
He laughed softly and he cradled your face between his hands.
“How did you get out of the time lock…?”
You sighed.
“The time lock was designed to be done every so often… it wasn’t strong enough to hold me, they couldn’t make it strong they needed their strength.. so.. it broke…”
“That song, you planted it didn’t you?” He asked.
You smiled a little bit.
“All throughout time and space so I could find you… so you could find me…”
“I saw the prophecy before they did, so when I vanished before that day, I was planting that songs all over the universe, for this moment.”
The doctor smiled a little bit, and he let out a soft laugh.
“My ever wonderful (Y/N)…”
He ducked down, and he kissed you like he had never done before. Every ounce of love and sadness and grief and happiness all into one kiss, and every time you pulled away he leant forward to kiss you again.
And finally you gave in, and you kissed him back.
You were time locked, frozen in time, so it hadn’t been as painful for you like it had been for him. He pulled away and pressed his forehead to yours.
“I love you…”
“I love you too my dear darling…”
He smiled and you closed your eyes, smiling back as he hugged you.
This was where you were always going to end up, this is where you were always going to find your way back to. You had seen it, it was why you did what you did.
You had seen the future it had been foretold that you would find your way back to the doctor, and he would find you, and you would stand right here holding him.
That’s where your vision had ended, you never saw more than that, it’s where you visions stopped once you reconnected with him. But that’s all you needed.
It’s all you ever needed to know that you weren’t going to leave him for good, even if you could never explain it to him, it was enough for him that you were here. That was all the doctor needed to know, that he you right by his side, and he could hold you again
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yeehawbrothers · 5 months
Inverted PB&J-11th Doctor x Fem! reader
I'm alive guys.
This was a request from a lovely fellow 11th lover, I wrote it platonically, but if you ignore a few words it could be romantic. I also wrote the reader as American, just because I am. (I also zoned out while writing this and do not remember most of it)
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“Do you think it could be considered a federal crime to eat inverted peanut butter and jelly?” She asked, hands covered in grease, sparks flying almost catching her hair on fire, and her best friend beside her, in the same state. “Inverted?” He looked up from the wires in his hands, his grease and dirt covered face, also covered in confusion. “Yeah like,” an explosion of sparks behind her interrupted her statement, before she spun around and used her sonic to tame it momentarily. “If you put the peanut butter and jelly on the bread normally, right? And then instead of putting them like, face to face, you turned them outward.” She stared at him as he seemed to process her words. “Oh, yeah. That’s absolutely a crime” he nodded, as they both went back to what they were doing. 
Behind them, Amy and Rory stared at them in question, before turning to each other with faces of pure bewilderment. 
Amy slowly stood and walked towards the two timelords, crouched under the ball of wires. “Inverted peanut butter and jelly? Where on earth did that come from?” A shot of sparks erupted in the timelords face as she stopped her work momentarily, the metaphorical cogs in her mind visibly turning. “Boston, I think. In like, 1901.” She said, with a small smile. “What?” She tilted her head slightly, “You asked where peanut butter and jelly came from, Boston. In the early 1900s.” She paused, “But if you’re asking about inverted peanut butter and jelly, I don’t know that. I’ll find to find out though.” She turned back to her work, as Amy shook her head and walked back to where Rory was sitting watching the scene unfold. 
“What was that about?” Rory said as he watched his wife flop down on the makeshift bench beside him. “Who knows.” They turned back to watch the two timelords who were now bickering over the wire placement, before all went silent as the lights flickered and a pounding was heard on the metal doors. The two timelords looked towards the door, before turning to each other and immediately standing up. The Doctor began quickly scanning the room as his right-hand woman ran to where Amy and Rory sat. “Hey so, we should probably start running.” As if on que, the metal doors flew off the hinges into the room. “Right, let’s go.” The Doctor ran over, grabbing her hand as they began to run down the hall to the Tardis.
 They stopped, allowing their two companions to run ahead into the welcoming blue doors of the tardis. The Doctor lightly pushed her ahead of him into the box, running in last and slamming the doors behind him. The two ran up to the main console and began flicking switches and pulling levers causing the Tardis to take off with a violent shake, before stilling. “wow that was-“ Amy began, before getting cut off by a certain timelord.
 “Why would you use the purple wire for the highest current?” The Doctor froze, looking over at his companion. “Well I-“ The Doctor began stuttering over his words. “No, seriously. It only had the capacity for 5 voltage, and it was running at 25. No wonder the doors were faulty.” She stood, hands on her hips staring him down. “Well if YOU,” he pointed at her, shaking his finger, “Hadn’t gone off about inverted peanut butter and jelly-“ She gasped, “Do NOT blame me Mr.! That was an incredibly valid question. Right?” She turned to the two humans watching the scene unfold. “Well-“ Rory started. “Don’t get them involved!” The Doctor said, “You know what, it doesn’t even matter. Because everyone knows peanut butter and butter is better anyways.” She stomped her foot in detest, “You take that back!” He shook his head, crossing his arms as he looked down at her. “You’re the British one, eating beans on toast or whatever it is, so you have absolutely no credibility on what’s good.” He gasped lightly, “EXCUSE ME? The British one???” She nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. “Yeah, I got lucky and am a proud American.” She stood in a fake salute. 
“Listen,” Her hand coming to rest by her side, “All I’m saying is one fried Oreo will change your life.” His tongue stuck out in disgust as he considered the notion. “You American’s and your fried stuff. It’s so unhealthy for you.” She scoffed, “At least we don’t eat like we have no access to real food.” They stood like that for a moment, in a standoff of sorts, the Doctors face one of disgust, and hers smug as could be. Before bursting out in laughter and pulling each other into a tight hug. 
When they broke apart, she wacked him upside the head, hearing Amy snicker and watching the Doctor rub his head. “Don’t ever do that again though, I’m doing the wiring next time.” She pointed, hand on her hip. The doctor stood quickly, taking his turn at coming to a false salute. She shoved him jokingly, before turning back towards the console. “SO. Where to now?” The doctor thought for a moment before running around the console causing the TARDIS to shake and launch into takeoff. All the passengers grabbed a hold of the metal bars circling the console. “I know this amazing place in the Amedromia galaxy! Its- WHOA WHOA WHOA” He was interrupted quickly. “You know I’m banned.” 
Silence fell among the Tardis, “Your-your banned?” The doctor tilted his head slightly. “Yeahhhhh…. So, I accidently stole this like super important religious piece from one of their temples cause I thought it was a free sample.” The doctors face dropped into one of annoyance, “ARE YOU KIDDING ME?” She became defensive quickly, “Listen- at least I’M not the one who stole that guy’s eye cause he thought it was a Halloween costume.” “HEY, YOU SAID YOU WOULDN’T TALK ABOUT THAT AGAIN-“ As they both launched into yet another bickering session, Amy and Rory sighed and shook their heads. “Here we go again.”
Thanks for reading, and thanks to @dinofromspac3 for the request. <3
All the love-A.
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pt IV doctor who but i've never watched it but i know loads about it for sure
It's half past 4 am and I definitely remember everything that you maggots yelled at me about this show I definitely do
There is a slutty head preserved in a jar that had many babies
There is a Doctor who was an OG doctor and his name was Wren or something no WILF RIGHT YES SOMEONE SAID THE DILF THE MILF AND THE HOLY WILF
Michael Sheen is a sexy planet with a mouth
Neil Gaiman wrote some episodes and it was very cool I think he made Michael Sheen the sexy planet
David Tennant I know you all love David Tennant well FUCKING HERE THEN TUMBLR DAVID TENNANT
There are time lords and they are the doctor and everyone was very cross when I asked that because apparently y'all periodically forget you follow me because im dumb
It's like gay or something at some point
Andrew Garfield is a dentist who gets flirted with like you too babygirl or whatever the 10th doctor says
Oh yeah the doctors are the doctor but there are 14 of them and they all go poof and then boom new actor except for 14 where david tennant re-emerges YEAH TUMBLR HEAR THAT I SAID DAVID TENNANT
oh and THEN the fifteenth doctor arrives but he fucking girlbosses a bigeneration and so escapes trauma or something and you all get to keep david tennant YEAH I SAID HIS NAME IF THIS HELLSITE HAD AN ALGORITHM THIS POST WOULD BE TRENDING SO QUICK ISTG
Oh the TARDIS is blue and not fucking yellow sometimes my brain gaslights me and also it can be anything it is a tree but it is a police box because it wants to be due to a glitch that the doctor hasnt fixed coz hes too busy hanging out with donna or being gay or being trans which as I know from experience are both full-time occupations
Theres like an intro or something it goes DOOWEEDOOOO and when i mentioned it people started singing it in the reblogs so like nostaglia hit ig
10th doctor is kinda bitchboy and we love him for that apparently
12th doctor is girlbossing prideful or maybe it was 11th or 9th WHO'S THE ONE WHO CALLS THE POTATO A POTATO
There are rhinos and they're police they're called Zookas and they transform people into something for their sins
I think it was the rhinos but someone looks like gollum had sex with a dead horse and got impregnated
There's a potato dude (gn)
There's a Meep and Meep's pronouns are Meep which is fab
There's a dude named Harry in the original doctor who
Shitty effects are beloved here
Someone installed a ramp on the tardis
there is someone named rose and the 9th doctor did something with a timeline and lost her to another 9th doctor and everyone's sad about it coz he knew he couldnt give her the life or something
Rose is kissy smoochie with doctor
Donna noble is played by catherine tate who knows less about the show than i do (which isnt saying much clearly im an expert)
The doctor is not actually a doctor it's something about yelling DOCTOR and they say DOCTOR WHO and it's like FUCK YEAH BABA GRIL NAMEDROP
Is this show title a knock knock joke like Knock knock. Who's there? Doctor. Doctor who? Yes now let me in.
one last time for you sluts DAVID TENNNANTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
you're welcome.
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t0ast-ghost · 1 month
I will not shut up about Star Trek TOS yet and you’ve decided to listen in on that. So welcome to my thoughts on the 11th episode (The Corbomite Maneuver):
- starting off strong with these camera angles and movements
- *sees a spinning colourful cube in space* just go a bit to the left (he is not up for shenanigans today)
- can’t wait for Checkov to be introduced, I hear he gets a gun or smt
- WHAT IS THAT PHYSICAL CHECK??? Why does he have to lie on his back?? And why does he have to have his shirt off?
- if I were Spock trying to call the captain and he picks up and all I’d see was his tits… all I’m saying is he keeps a really good straight face
- OMG we got a “what am I a moon shuttle conductor or a doctor?”
- Sulu laughing at Spock’s sense of humour
- the close up on Kirk’s ass as he leaves the room is so intentional
- Bones sitting on the railing…
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- how many surfaces can I sit on competition but my opponent is Leonard Bones McCoy
- just to prove my point the next scene starts with him sitting on a table
- god I feel bad for Scotty having to sit between McCoy and Spock in some of those meetings
- Sulu was cool as a cucumber
- “do you ever tire of questioning me on things you’ve already made your mind up about?” “it gives me emotional security” they are each others emotional support guy (Spock & Kirk)
- Kirk saying“navigation, you’re timing was lousy. Same with engineering, Helmsman” then Bones immediately after “you’re timing was lousy”
- how can you sit in a chair like that even (bones)
- Alexa play tik tok by Kesha
- (okay now I’m just imagining Spock dancing like one of those spider-man memes but completely straight faced (also Spock now listens to Kesha canonically but like in my head))
- Bones is so caring, he has so much fucking compassion I won’t shut up about him
- “you now have seven minutes left” but there’s 23 minutes left in the episode. Guess a lot of it’s just gonna be dead air… er space I mean (yeah I can come up with a better line than this later (edit: no I can’t I’m tired))
- SPOCK IS SO SAD. He truly thinks this is a hopeless situation.
- Bones is about to die in four minutes and he’s threatening Kirk because of the fact that he put Bailey’s health at risk… I love this man
- “Anytime you can bluff me, doctor” I can’t legally say what I thought was said but maybe the ancient archaeologists will know from context clues
- I don’t think Uhura has spoken to most of the bridge crew up to this point, she barely has had plot or even dialogue, I can’t wait till they give her an episode or just even make her more central
- Spock going to Kirk’s side after the bluff for emotional support
- Spock is so proud when talking about his mom :)))
- Your science and medical officers usually shouldn’t stand so close to your chair and clutch at it while leaning over you. It’s not normal behaviour.
- Okay I’d like to mention how calm Sulu has been and how much I love him, can we please get more of him in future episodes?
- wait so Bones is just gonna let Bailey go back to work? Like I get they apologized to each other but that doesn’t change that it’s still a bad idea to have him there
- Spock, Kirk, and McCoy immediately after the death threat is gone: guess it’s time to start flirting again
[Video description: Spock stands on the bridge, he says, “A very interesting game, this poker.” Kirk sitting in his captains chair replies, “It does have advantages over chess.” McCoy smiling at Spock adds, “Love to teach it to you.” Spock smiles back at him. End description]
- he’s got a twinkle in his eye
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- The shake on the bridge as the tractor beam tows them is so funny if you watch Spock and McCoy (it continues to be funny for the next couple minutes)
- "Captain request to-" "Denied. If it's a trap.. If I'm wrong, I want you here" awwe he wants him safe (idc that this is not what the writers are trying to say, HE WANTS SPOCK SAFE)
- they all have to bend over on the transporter pad but when they get transported Bones isn't even bent he's just standing at his normal height slightly hunched
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- HOLY CRAP I HATE THAT THING... I'm so glad it's a puppet
- nope okay I don't know what's happening, I can't. I'm. What.
- that is apple cider, they are sitting around this guy trying to drink apple cider
- McCoy doesn't know what the fuck to do right now and neither do I
Now imagine, if you will, Spock dancing
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Thank you, and have a good day.
Master post of past/future episodes
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a-usernamelol · 3 months
11th Doctor Matt Smith Gifs I think represent my Hogwarts Legacy MC, Allan Waite quite well :) just for funzies
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Also this 13th Doctor one because it also fits and she’s my favorite :)
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Okay, so, wrapping this up, I’ve never ACTUALLY talked about this lil shit’s personality and now that I see mutuals thinking about him interacting with other MCs I feel so bad because there are misconceptions 😭 Love you all I’m just vague and lazy and the brainrot doesn’t ever escape my brain usually SO we’re fixing it today and I’m actually going to talk about Mr. Pink Hair And Pronouns LMAO
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This is him :) he’s my bbygirl :)
if I were to put it in DND terms he’s very Chaotic Good. Can he be pushed to evil? Yeah but it takes a LOT to sway him, and he’ll fight tooth and nail (I have an AU called the Goblin King AU where this actually happens ;) )
He can be a prick in good fun. He’s polite until you get to know him and he’s SURE you’re okay with his sass
He can be a lil kooky but that’s just his sense of snark
Wholesome bean. Probably ace idk I never asked my brain before 🤷‍♂️
Will try as many nonlethal measures first before causing harm.
sneaky! He’s in and out before you notice!
Nice guy, just don’t piss him off (Sebastian learned that the hard way)
Silver tongue. Very clever with his words and can often make himself sound smarter than he is. Not that he isn’t smart, he’s quite the “puzzle solver” so to speak!
Again, no shade, just avoiding mis characterization :)
@honeybadgerdontcare394 @heyitszev @theladyofshalott1989
tagging the moots for this one, gotta get the whole gang cuz we got LOOOOOORE
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raz-writes-the-thing · 4 months
So I was thinking about something the 11th doctor says in cannon “Good men don’t need rules, now is not the time to find out why I have so many”
The doctor knows the depth of darkness he is capable of. Because even the ‘good’ version of himself isn’t really inherently good. He has to actively choose to create and follow rules for himself. (Tbh I’m pretty sure that’s how being a good person works regardless but bear with me for a moment)
The idea of a universe in which the doctor simply chose not to create a rule set for himself is flipping terrifying but also incredibly intriguing. You can see the stuff he pulls when he loses control of himself. But imagine the scale of damage those times would have created if he had never bothered to try to reign himself in, if he actually went out of his way to cause more harm simply because someone pissed him off.
Imagine him methodically destroying every weeping angel one at a time because of what they did to Amy.
him stepping back and not involving himself in events that will lead to mass destruction without his influence because he finds the destruction and fear beautiful.
Oh yeah- the Doctor is well aware of what he can do. What he chooses not to do. He has dark thoughts like the rest of us but 2000+ years is a LONG time to do things. He's definitely done things he's not proud of, and things he'd probably do again if he got pushed too far.
I mean, he has to know at that point just how far he'd take things.
Oh yeah- the Daleks? Wouldn't stand a chance. He'd chase them and the Angels down one by one until there were none left. Hell, he'd probably do it for fun.
The Doctor in a universe where he understands what he's capable of and doesn't fucking care what he does or what the consequences are- he's not someone you wanna mess with. He'd be capable of literally anything. LITERALLY anything at all. And given his access to time and space to do whatever he wants- that makes it that much worse, too.
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bluegekk0 · 5 months
Manifesting the biggest hug for you. I don’t know if you’re still having a hard time, but just in case, I’m going to offer some words of encouragement. I’m not the best at this sort of thing, but imma try. Just know this: everyone who’s stuck around for this long adores you and what you contribute to the Hollow Knight fandom. We wouldn’t be here if we didn’t. You’re loved and appreciated, and while we are simply the gay little people on the other side of the screen or even the other side of the world, we’re here to back you up and support you in whatever you do.
What was the design process behind the modern clothes for the FPK family? Lewk in his onesie is absolutely adorable. Holdable. I’d love to know how you arrived at each fit! They all look amazing!
;; thank you so much, this really means a lot to hear. i really do appreciate everyone who's here to support my silly little au, and words like these really brighten up my mood. thank you
as for the question, i think it all mostly came down to finding combinations of clothes that would fit their personalities. in general, most of them prefer comfortable clothes, so that's why you see a lot of loose shirts and pants. also, most of them have buttons or zippers on their clothes, primarily because it would be difficult for them to squeeze their large heads with all kinds of horns and spikes into a regular tshirts or other clothes like that
i'll start in the order they appeared on the drawing, so that means lewk is the first one. i had a lot of trouble with his outfit due to his wings. they connect to his body all the way from the shoulders to the tail, and that significantly limits clothing options. i couldn't give him pants with a built in tail sleeve or a band extension/back hook, like i did with fpk, since the wings would get in the way. similarly, the top part of his outfit was just as problematic, especially since pants were out of the equation. so instead, i chose a zipped onesie with a tail sleeve, and two long slit type sleeves for the wings. and i'm very glad i did, not only does it fit the fact that he's the kid of the family, but it also makes him look really adorable hahah
as for grimm, i knew from the start that i wanted him to wear a loose, half unbuttoned shirt. it's just what he's like, he's the flirtatious type, of course he's going to go for this kind of look. i imagine he'd wear suits quite often, but since this is what their everyday clothes are like, he instead opts for something more comfortable. not sweatpants kind of comfortable, that's not his style, but still relatively loose. comfortable, but stylish. that's what he aims for
for fpk, it had to be something that would make you go "yeah, he's an awkward nerd". my friend suggested suspenders, and my mind immediately went to the 11th doctor. and so that was my man inspiration, particularly for the colors. naturally i left out the bowtie, cause that would be too on the nose, but the colors are very similar to one of his outfits. as for his pants, they include a tail sleeve with buttons at the top
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(something like this)
now, holly. i knew they would like very comfortable clothes, so i went with a loose shirt and sweatpants. i also knew i wanted the sleeves to be quite wide, so that they have no trouble putting it on with their prosthetic arm on (since it has the junk aesthetic as opposed to a more sleek and modern look, it has a lot of parts that would inevitably get in the way). and, of course, the shirt is buttoned. there's no way they would fit that giant head into a button-less top hahaha. as for the colors, i wanted to keep the green of their regular cloak, so i went with greenish brown pants and a light shirt to give it a nice contrast
hornet is definitely a bit of an outlier. she's a bit of an angsty teenager personality on the au, she's never really matured past that point, so this kind of outfit fits her. she's a bit of a skater type i imagine, she would without a doubt shred it on a skateboard. additionally, i always saw her as someone who would dislike feminine clothes and aesthetic. mostly just a personal preference, but she has a reason to. the white lady and her weren't very close, but she would still try to force hornet into more elegant and royal clothes, usually fancy (and uncomfortable) dresses. not surprising that she ended up hating anything that even resembles a dress, and why she was very insistent on calling her previous outfit a cloak as opposed to a dress. it also explains why her new outfit looks the way it is, and i wanted to reflect that in her modern clothes as well. plus i think it just really fits her personality haha
zote was a bit troublesome. i wasn't exactly sure what kind of clothes he would wear, it's hard to imagine him in anything else than his purple cloak. i wanted to find something that would give the impression of a "wannabe cool guy who gets bullied a lot", and somehow ended up with this sans-esque fit. not complaining, i think it suits him lmfao
also, both hornet and zote have shoes. it's something that's also present in their regular designs. as for the reason why, i'm not sure. part of it is probably because i don't know what their feet would look like (for hornet, i imagine it's a mix between fpk's cat-like feet and something closer to spider feet, but i have no clue about zote), but i think it also fits their outfits. who knows, maybe their feet are just more sensitive than the rest hahaha
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the-fiction-witch · 1 month
Bedroom P3
Media Doctor Who
Character Doctor (The 11th)
Couple Doctor X Lyla Ashwood (Reader Companion)
Rating Smut
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"you did?" She blushed
The Doctor nodded his head up and down while smiling at her. Her blushing was so charming to him and he couldn't help but feel a little bit proud of himself for having caused this.
"I definitely did..."
She giggled her face red with blush her thighs clenched together and tucked into her stomach "I uhhh... I uhh... Did uhh did you like doing it?"
The Doctor loved this reaction from her and it only made him even more giddy with excitement.
"I liked it very much..."
"oohh... Okay" she blushed hard "I uhh I admit... I didn't know time lords uhh... Got uhh... Well...excited…"
The Doctor laughed again but this time he laughed out loud, his laugh filling the room with its amusement. "We certainly can get excited and there are a lot of things that can excite a Time Lord… And I have to say, you're definitely one of those things that excite me..."
she gulped clearly overexcited "uhhhh this is going to sound unbelievably stupid! But... For the sake of ... Physicality. I am a human you are ... Technically an alien... Is this... Uhhh even possible? Like physically? Like this isn't gonna be like trying to shove a car key into a door lock right?"
The Doctor laughed again. he couldn't help but smile even more when he heard it.
"No, it's definitely possible... We're not that different biologically speaking... So no, this is not like shoving a car key into a door lock, it's much easier and much more fun than that..."
"good... And it's not like... Uhh dangerous? Like... Some kinda alien acid isn't gonna come out right? Or like glow blue?"
"No, I'll be honest with you, it's no different than being with another human except for the few differences that exist." He chuckled in between his words,
"such as?" she asked sheepish
"Well first of all, Time Lords are longer lived than humans and we've certainly seen more than humans have ever thought about. We're more intelligent, faster, and are able to handle more physical pain and endurance. On top of that, we have two hearts which makes us more resilient and able to keep going longer. And… don’t need to rest as long after, And that's just a few physical differences…Overall, humans and Time Lords are similar in many ways and you won't have to worry about anything strange, but if you do encounter weird things that happen let me know... So yeah, we're very similar in many ways and don't worry, I'm gonna be gentle with you…”
"you will?"
"... I swear I will..." He said with a playful but serious demeanor. It was still hard to determine whether or not this was all still a big tease for him or not but he meant every word he was saying now, he was going to be gentle with her. Because it was his first time doing this with a human, he wanted to make sure that she was totally comfortable and taken care of. The Time Lord did not want to risk anything bad happening to this precious little human.
"would uhh... You want to?"
"Oh absolutely..." The Doctor grinned widely, he wanted her so bad now and it was becoming quite evident. His eyes couldn't help but wander up and down her body as he glanced at the position she was in now. He was getting ready to claim what he wanted.
"uuughhhh.... Okay" she giggled excitedly
The Doctor couldn’t believe how easy this was for him, he had expected a bit of resistance from her but she was being so submissive and compliant, it was almost too easy but he should not complain. The Doctor’s eyes stayed on her body as he watched her giggle and be excited, her body was so responsive and he just couldn’t seem to get enough of how cute she was now.
"could uhh could I have a kiss first?" She blushed embarrassed she was even asking
The Doctor's face lit up in surprise as he could not believe she had really just asked to kiss him, it was adorable. His playful and cheeky attitude came out once more.
"A kiss?" He teased.
"yes please"
He moved his head to hers and leaned in, taking her into a slow and gentle kiss. He didn't want to push too much too fast but he wanted to keep the teasing going before he got too excited. His hands also moved, one to her hair and the other to her waist, but the contact was barely there as he just kissed her.
Lyla happily melted into the sheets letting him move fully on top of her her hands stroked up his shirt and one held him by his suspender the other cradled his neck her fingers trialing into his hair
. He took a bit of pleasure in just how eager she was for him to have his way with her, and her hands moving up his body only made him all the more turned on. He kept kissing her, although he soon broke the kiss to glance down at her for a second. his eyes staring into hers as he took his other hand off her waist and moved it down to her breasts, sliding his fingers underneath her cotton top and starting to caress them. She was already so sensitive from his touch and after what he had done to her in her sleep, her nipples reacted instantly to him touching her again. The Doctor was in heaven now, he couldn't believe how good this was going.
she moaned loudly but tugged him back to kiss her as she touched her moaning until his mouth as their kisses become a heavy make out full of lust and passion
The Time Lord would not let her deny him the satisfaction of taking control of her once again. He pushed her back underneath him, letting his weight sit heavily upon her lower body as he continued to kiss her forcefully. He was getting more and more turned on with each and every second, he couldn't resist the desire that he was feeling for her. He was not going to let her keep control for long, he was going to do everything he wanted with her.
she happily gave him control breaking the kiss breifly to let him pull of her shirt leaving her completely exposed to him
The Doctor wasted no time in taking advantage of this opportunity that was being presented to him. His eyes quickly scanned her exposed body with desire, he was so excited at the sight of her now. His lips found hers once more as he began exploring her body, he couldn't keep his hands off of her. At this point, he was going to let his urges take over and take her in whatever way he desired.
The Doctor loved this reaction from her more than anything else, he could feel his excitement growing and growing with every moan and every noise that she made. Her body was so responsive and it was almost too much for him. The Time Lord was so turned on now that this was turning into something more than just a tease, it was turning into real pleasure now and she was just so much more fun than he had anticipated she would be.
she whined slightly and her hands began to push on his suspenders trying to plead without actually taking control
The Doctor was enjoying this little act of power play she was trying to play without him knowing, he could be in total control and she wouldn't be able to stop him unless he let her. He smiled as he noticed her hands pushing against his suspenders and he pushed back to keep her pinned down.
The Doctor had her exactly where he wanted her now, completely helpless and pinned beneath him. He began to kiss her neck and her collarbone as his hands started to move all over her body. His fingers moved across her belly and then down to her hips, he couldn't help but touch her everywhere and this was just making her body more eager and sensitive, it was so much fun for him and he didn't want to stop.
she began moaning and screaming her body squirming against his grip in pleasure all that fell from her lips where moans, his name and pleads for what she wanted
The Doctor could not believe how good this was looking from his perspective, it was almost too perfect. The Time Lord kept touching her body and kissing her all over, she was so sensitive and so turned on by him that it wasn't even funny anymore, he was in heaven now. She was so hot and so ready for him and he couldn't keep his hands from exploring her body and touching her everywhere. Her begging now only made him want her more
His finally moved his hands to her thighs before starting to move them upwards to her hips, he had to touch every inch of her body and he was only getting more turned on by the second. The Time Lord had a bit of a devious smile on his face now as he wondered just what he should do to her first. He was not going to take his time with this at all, she was his and he was going to take her.
His hands slid up her thighs and started to move slowly along her hips before finally making their way towards the small of her back. His fingers began to explore up and down her body and the more he touched her the more turned on he got. That was exactly how he was going to finish her now, make her sweat and make her orgasm over and over again...
The Time Lord kept moving his hands from one spot to another, touching her body all over. His fingers now explored her, until he began to use more pressure. His fingers moved up her back and down her skin And with every moment he wanted her more and more, his hands were becoming more insistent of touching her, rubbing and touching without mercy on her until she squealed loudly and orgasmed for a second time her body trembling against his sheets as she did
He couldn't believe how much pleasure he was finding from her satisfaction. She was already getting so turned on and satisfied and she was only just getting even more turned on from him. So much so, that she had already orgasmed twice from just his attentive playing. That just made him feel even more turned on, he wanted to hear her make noises of pleasure all night now. And judging by the way she was still moaning and squishing her body against his sheets, he had not finished yet… His fingers began to brush up against her sensitive spots and this was getting her so hot, she was moaning and squiggling against him with every stroke. His hands were becoming more insistent of exploring all of her while he was still on top of her, he wanted to make her keep feeling good.
her moans became more throaty more lustful as she was already overstimulated and overwhelmed so much so she began being for mercy on the edge of her third orgasm
his hands moved more quickly, she was so sensitive now he had already taken her to the edge of a third orgasm she would soon have enough. Her begging for him to stop just made him feel all the more confident, he knew that she was so much more than he originally anticipated and he wasn't going to stop until he was fully satisfied in his own right. Her body was so responsive now, the smallest touch was enough for her to moan and gasp and squirm.
she hit her third quickly screaming his name and her body reacting with shaking, arching, and liquid flooding the bed before she laid collapsed and exhausted trying desperately to gasp for breath "s-stop... Stop please..."
The Doctor was impressed, she hit her orgasm so fast this time that it nearly took him by surprise, but now he was feeling satisfied in a different way. For her last orgasm he stopped and just let her get her breath back and for the rest of the night he planned to let her rest to recover from everything they had just done.
"Are you okay?"
He asked while running a hand through her hair.
"yeah... I uh... Whoa.... Uhh... You do know human girls like... Rarely get one right? Three is kinda a bit much"
"I was gonna keep going but I think I'll let you rest... We wouldn't wanna tire you out now, would we?"
"keep go- uhhh until what?"
The Time Lord joked slightly as he watched her try to catch her breath. “I guess human girls need to be taken a little slower and gentler? I was going to keep going until we got high tens atleast.”
"ohh my... I uhh I think three is about all I can handle for now..."
"... Maybe I could try and give you one more... If that's all you think you can handle..."
The Doctor teased, seeing as he was in a playful mood he wanted to have a little more fun with her before the night was over...
"..what about you?"
"What about me?" a slight smirk forming on his lips. He was ready to tease her further but before he could speak further he was interrupted by the way she suddenly looked at him and her questioning look.
"it's hardly fair I get three possibly four and you don't get anything"
The Doctor smiled as he saw that she had a sympathetic side towards him as well, that was unexpected but a welcome change in attitude. He didn't mind her questioning him now that he knew what was behind it.
"I can easily give myself one or two later when you're asleep."
"... Yourself or... Using me while I slept?" She smirked a little
This remark and her smirk certainly caught the Time Lord off guard. He had never thought about doing that before but it was a tempting thought. He took a second to consider it before finally deciding what to say in response.
"Is that something you want me to do? I suppose I could always use you while you're exhausted and barely conscious..."
she blushed hard at the meer idea "well... I've had three and you want me to have more ... You haven't had any. How about you just... Use me until it's all fair?" She smiled stroking his shirt and playing with the clasp on his trousers
The Time Lord's smirk widened into a full-on smile when she started to play with his shirt and his pants, he could not turn down that offer even if he was trying. He was suddenly starting to feel even more turned on than before and he hoped that he was not going to get himself too carried away now that she was going to let him use her for as long as he wanted.
"Hmm... That sounds like a lovely offer... I will take you up on that then."
The Doctor had a mischievous sparkle in his eyes now that he knew what was on the table. He was going to have fun with this for sure. He reached down to his pants in response to her playing with the clasp and started to undo his belt.
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dapper-nahrwhale · 7 months
Been rewatching doctor who again and I've been thinking, so the 9th doctor mentions at one point hes been around for 900 years, and the 11th doctor says at one point hes around 1103, and now I'm thinking about how old each regeneration is, now it would make send for each to be around 100 years or so, what with the math of that making sense in the surface for each doctor to have around 100 years per regeneration, but that doesnt really work, because 11 was with the ponds pretty consistantly even if he did go off on his own adventures without them for a few years he never did go too long without popping in with them, and I've always sort of assumed 9 was only around for a for a few years or so seeing as when he meets rose it's the first time hes seen his face, although who knows how long the time war went on for with the war doctor and how he had aged significantly, and how how the doctor had not considered the war doctor apart of him, he probably didn't count those years either, and of course there are specific discrepancies too, like the time war could have gone on for a very long time throughout both war and 9, and I haven't rewatched classic who recently enough to remember exactly when the doctor mentions his age, because he has had to in the past at some point although I'm sure i could just look it up somewheres, but seeing as how most of the doctors adventures had a steady stream a revolving door of companions with quite a bit of overlap in them there were very rarely stories involving the doctor alone and out of time and his companions had rarely aged too significantly, even being not all that strictly chronological ther just aren't enough times for each regeneration to have 100 years per one, but the 1st doctor, now I cant recall exactly what his age was, but that might have been most of it and the war doctor would have had a big portion of the remaining years if we count that, which seeing as it's not too likely that 100 years really did go by with each regeneration, that would make sense to do, but yeah I had a point what was the point, I don't remember the point I had anymore now, oh yeah it was about how old each regeneration is and the answer is I dont know
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vickyvicarious · 6 months
So while Seward is not hearing the whoosh sound over his head and thinks that Mina's good health at Noon is Good News, and reacts to Jonathan's behavior with a descriptive fantasy of him cutting vampire head off, what do we think about Van Helsing? Does he clock that this is all worrying?
kjflsdfjsl yeah, let's leave Jack to his fantasy hour and talk business, shall we?
I just was thinking about this a moment ago for the last ask I answered. We know everyone's read at least up through around the end of September, and that Van Helsing went off to study all the documents before their big meeting on the 30th. Which makes sense, he'd been out of the country and hadn't gotten to read Jack's account at all until then. But I also think he would definitely be one to keep returning to the collected stuff, studying it over and looking for what information from his outside research is supported by other points, or possible important details he may have missed before.... I suspect the Professor's copy of Dracula Daily is full of scribbles. Ye Olde Victorian sticky notes and highlighter equivalent, lots of bookmarks, et cetera.
And while Jonathan and Mina gathered up everything until 4 October, and the meeting on the 5th was written up specifically to keep a record (as well as the 11th and Jack's latest entries), I'm not sure if they shared all of it with everyone else. Like, Jonathan's journal on 3 October has some stuff that would certainly provoke a raised eyebrow at the least. And Jack's last couple entries have private conversations between the doctors which aren't meant for other eyes. That said, I don't feel like the suitor squad (including Jack) would be seeking out/rereading the documentation anyway. They've got time to kill but they also know the basics of vampires by now and have a plan in motion, and a lot of the account is extremely emotionally devastating, so I could easily see them all avoiding it. If anyone other than the Harkers has read as much, I'd say it would be Van Helsing. This could mean that he is very aware of the possible danger from Jonathan should things with Mina not go smoothly, and isn't mentioning it because he doesn't want to sow discord/knows Jack wouldn't be able to keep calm and quiet about it if he realized.
And a similar thing could easily be going on here with Mina. I think if Van Helsing recognizes the suspicious timing, and other signs like today's fog, he may be keeping quiet about it until he can speak more confidently about what they mean. That's certainly something he has done in the past! And if he is aware that Jonathan is super tense and ready to protect Mina then holding off on saying anything to contradict Mina's current not-actively-harmful behavior (all she's done is get a bit worked up then sleep, all she's said is that the ship is still moving on the water) and suggest she is possessed or lying... well, it could make sense. He has zero proof to contradict Mina or evidence to ensure she was affected - just reason to suspect. And there isn't really anything actionable about it if he does bring it up. They could stop hypnotizing Mina, but that would just be depriving themselves of a bit more information. She's already being left out of all discussion. They can't hunt down the ship any more than they already are, and Arthur's network of informants is still there to act as confirmation wherever it may be. There's not really a benefit to mentioning any suspicions he has right now; all it would do is add stress to a situation they want to keep as calm as possible.
He's been exchanging significant looks with Jack, though. And maybe he thinks that Dr. Seward is also aware of the nuance here, and is expecting that to go into the record he wants him to keep (if so it wouldn't be the first time that he expected him to make further connections than he did). Maybe not. All we hear of him in private is that he was worried over her noon lethargy. Perhaps his agreement that the sleep was good for her was a conversation happening in front of others who he didn't want to tell everything just yet. Or even if it was private with Jack, that was still more to him keeping mum on his own suspicions for now.
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sora-art-513 · 5 months
IAM SO OBSESSED WITH YOUR AU OF HELLUVA BOSS!! Your Redesigns looks so well done! I Have so many Questions!! about Your version of Stolas because I love him already! 1 did Stolas cheat with Blitz? 2 What’s with Stolas being the Replacement Heir? How many Stolas is where they’re? How did they Die!?
Ahhh! Thank you so much!! that really meant a lot to me😭 and I really appreciate it so much that you like My AU♥️ and I’m so Glad you asked!!😆🙌🏼✨
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I Loved The Stolas that we had in The Pilot along with his voice🤩 don’t get me wrong I liked the voices that we currently have in The Series they have done an Amazing job with them🙌🏼 but it doesn’t have that much flair to it like in the pilot, I don’t know maybe it’s just me lol 🤔 (So my version of Stolas would be based on and inspired from the pilot Stolas)✨
Well my HeadCanon Version of Stolas does cheat but it’s not with Blitz but instead with another bird like Goetia because he was bored with a simple family life that he has and doesn’t appreciate of what he have now, he loves his family and doesn’t want to hurt them even though he doing without realizing that, in this Au Helluva Boss would also focusing on the Goetia Family separately from IMPs(because This Au would be more focusing separately of the Goetia and IMPS to see on about IMP’s killing business and what their motivations and perspectives👀✨)
and yeah in this version Stolas is the 12th Replacement Heir. If you wondering how is that? and what happened to the other Stolass? I like to think that the Original Stolas was dying young in Hell after the results of fighting in the war. In this version only Imp can grow old but won’t die while the sinners remain the same, stuck in the age that they died and If Sinners and Imps gets killed in hell that would be Permanent there’s no coming back from it would be their final Death “The End” however for Stolas it’s like a yesss and a No, The original stolas used a spell(only for him) on himself in order to prevent Death from coming to him, So he can still walk in Eternity and to still live on however the original Stolas would not be here but instead would be replaced by a new version of himself  (so it’s basically similar and inspired by Doctor Who’s Regenerations), so the time and time again Stolass have been killed, some Stolass more hard to kill and some not so much and other Stolass where crossing the lines that would gets punished and sentenced to death which result to being replaced all over again that’s actually what happened with others Stolass Specially the 11th Stolas he slept with an imp but one Imp give him the pleasure that he never had ultimately becoming too obsessed with Lower imp causing him to lose all Everything that he ever treasured his reputation and including his own Wife(Btw They did not have Child. making Stolas The 12th the first one to have a child named Octavia) would be no more and all he can do is play with his IMp toys And all that because he didn't appreciate which cause him to take his own life after in the process
and that’s 12th Stolas was Born and is about to have similar fate to his Family and that happened with the 11th Stolas (Btw The 11th and 12th are the only ones that have a family)🤔✨
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tree0frog · 2 years
wrong timeline
11th doctor x gn reader
It was a quiet day not too cold and not too hot but still sunny you found yourself at your local library trying to find books for your upcoming uni classes, you had been there for an hour or so and had started your work checking your phone every so often checking the time 15:39pm light up your screen, you sighed going back to work.
you looked up when a woman with long ginger hair and a man with short blond hair sat at the other end of the table you gave them a polite smile which they both returned until the woman looked confused " y/n" you were confused " I'm sorry to do I know you" you asked confused at the cupel or at least you thought they were, "yeah it is me Amy and Rory" her Scottish accent something throw slightly more, putting your pen down you looked at the two confused "I'm sorry we haven't met before I think you must have me mixed up with someone else"you said quietly as to respect the other people working before going back to work your self.
Every so often you noticed the two looking at you but chooses to ignore it until you felt a pair of arms wrap around your shoulder, looking up you were met with a mop of brown hair and green eyes "hello my love"you blushed slightly have no clue as to whom this man was and then looked over at the cupel "can someone tell me what's going on I'm sorry sir but we haven't met how do you three know me "you asked removing his arms from around you.
The man looked upset looking at the pair in front of him " doctor they don't know who we are " Amy said you were still looking at this man who was some type of 'doctor' before his green eyes went wide "ahh its too early for you wrong timeline come along Ponds this never happened "you man rambled trying to get the pair away from you all you could do was laugh and hoped you would meet again.
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13docwriting · 5 months
'Ello! It's me again, giving my VERY long live stream review of Doctor Who, the Wild Blue Yonder.
(I don't do trailers or ANY spoilers for episodes, so it's an honest, gut reaction review RIGHT out of the gates for this one haha)
Once again, my first essay is this: I really, really miss watching it "live" with other fans. And, after a whole week of being active with the fandom, I've realized that spoilers are INSTANT. I couldn't watch this episode right when it was released on Disney plus and I was spoiled JUST by opening Tumblr to start this post. Could I have blocked the tags? Yeah, but I was going to watch the episode only three hours after it had went up, so I assumed I could avoid the worst of it. ANYWAY, my point stands... I'm really going to miss watching it with other fans because I have to make posts like this AND because spoilers are a problem.
2."But don't worry. He's got a time machine, which means he can blame me for all eternity." Donna Noble, stay sassy forever.
3. I CALLED NEWTON. Heck yes!!!!
4. Donna's and the Doctor's chemistry really reigns supreme to me. Now, I wouldn't necessarily pair Donna with 11th or 12th, the dynamic would be wildly different (huh, one day I'll write an essay about that), but the tenth Doctor needed Donna and the fourteenth Doctor appreciates that. It's really, really interesting and so lovely to see, honestly.
7. "The TARDIS played us a war song". Woah boy, here we go, PLOT.
5. It would be the Doctor to mess up history to THAT sort of extreme, wouldn't it lmao. "Mavity" to "gravity" is just too great. Aww, bye Newton! I wish we got more of him.
6. Yo the TARDIS is PISSED!!! Jeez, of course it's possible to have literally ANYTHING happen to the TARDIS, but I never consider "giant flame the likes of which a rocket could fly from" on the docket.
8. Ya know, I can't remember if I've ever seen the TARDIS's top light go on. And also, kudos to the TARDIS for the adorable "ding" noise when it did so, made me smile.
9. Bu-bu-budget. Holy. Cow. The space ship looks so good! Just insane.
10. Donna: "Was it me, or was Isaac Newton hot?" The Doctor: "He was, wasn't he... Oh, is that who I am now?" .... Donna: "well it was never that far from the surface, mate." RTD, as always, SAID "GAY RIGHTS" and I'm here for it. Very much reminded of the Doctor's infamous Shakespeare episode with Martha. "56 academics just punched the air"! But really, if I had heard a conversation like this when I was younger, I would be sobbing. Even if I'm a woman, just having a casual conversation in terms of liking the same sex is so valuable.
11. Why are we constantly losing the TARDIS. 13's era was also infamous for it.
12. Aww them fighting hurt... And you know what hurt more? Watching the Doctor comfort Donna. I mean, it was perfect, but it took SO LONG for the Doctor to be wiling to get there. I love character growth, even 15 years later.
13. "Go and kick its arse" HECK YES, DONNA. You got that right!
14. Doctor: "I know 57,000,000,205 [languages]." MY HEADCANON. Oh, my good old headcanon. So the TARDIS translates for humans but the Doctor knows the languages! I MEAN. It's confirmed!!! AH. I feel like some people would be disappointed by that but it's still cool to know that the Doctor DOES speak different languages. (Yo, my Academy Era fans, could you imagine the Doctor learning all that with the Deca? The Master is losing his mind as we speak.)
15. Once again, a million gold stars to everyone who did the music. It's so FULL.
16. This is a personal thing, but I love when the Doctor has moments that make the title "Time Lord" make sense. The whole "maybe time slowed down?" "No, I'd feel it in my bones." Like, YES, a Time Lord feeling that kind of thing makes sense, thank you!
17. "Allons, as idiots say, y!" oh my god Donna I'd marry you, I swear. Thank you for the sass. Also love the fact that Donna is driving the cart. No idea why, it just makes total sense.
18. Donna: "That's my family over there [one hundred trillion years away]". I have words about Donna having a family, I swear to you, but mostly it's this... Donna's dedication and love for her family is exactly what she needed in her life and I support her whole heartedly. It's beautiful, and perfect, and I do wonder how much of that dedication to keep her family safe comes from the Doctor.
19. I don't know if it's specifically a call back, but 14 licking the "dangerous" thingy felt like a 13 moment and I damn near teared up. Now, him faking being hurt by that? That was either 9 or 12, I can't decide lmao.
20. I'm about 25 minutes into the episode but I sincerely don't know what way this plot is going. We got a goal of "find the TARDIS by removing the danger", we've changed the word "gravity" to "mavity", and we're stuck at the edge of the universe... Love a good mystery, but I'm really wondering where this episode is going.
21. I'm unsure if David Tennant filmed the second season of Good Omens before or after DW, but I JUST saw Crawley's iconic swagger as he was walking away from Donna and I'm here for it haha.
22. I'm getting "half the ship inside a warm hole / Missy, the Doctor, and Bill's" plotline vibes. Does time move differently throughout the ship, just as Donna thought?
23. Donna: "Do you miss home? Gallifrey?" Doctor: "I suppose... But that got complicated." SAY IT, DOCTOR. Please, please, PLEASE. I'd love to hear that parts of 13's plotline live on, PLEASE. I know that's my desire, personally, but I'd kill for it. *Sigh*... But by being cryptic, it might make fans go back to watch her era, and I'd love that too.
24. Hmmm going off of #22... I'm thinking clones instead? OH NOT CLONES. NOT CLONES. Aliens! For sure aliens!
25. Can we talk about the cgi? I mean, it's pretty damn good considering what we had in the past. How crazy is that? Good cgi? Also, kudos to our main leads for their acting here! Always fun to see actors doppelgange themselves lol
26. I am SO FREAKED OUT RIGHT NOW. I didn't know this was a horror movie thing! It's December!
27. WE KEPT THE FLUX. WE K E P T T H E F L U X. We have the Timeless Child AND the Flux! We have the Doctor being so, so heartbroken about the Flux, out loud! Oh my god, I could cry. Really, I could give a great big shout. I know RTD mentioned that he was going to keep it, but he didn't have to do it so blatantly and make it a plot point! That's so, so g r e a t. AND- AND it leaves no room for discussion about 13's era! It still has continuality - it's engrained into the Doctor, even with a new writer and the next new writer and the next Doctor!!!! NO ONE CAN TAKE THE TIMELESS CHILD ARC FROM ME IF IT MEANS IT LIVES ON IN ANOTHER DOCTOR. HA.
I will write more about that because, really, it's so important to me. It such a small thing, but 13 Doctor fans can have a good cry tonight. It's so validating.
28. Oh wait, nope, hold on... Not done with point #27. The Doctor punching at the walls after hearing about the Flux and the Timeless child again? Screaming in rage, in pain, in everything that 13 couldn't do - that 13 refused to do, because she couldn't let anyone know she was hurting? 13 kept her walls so high that she tried to convince herself that everything was alright. 14 is the effects of that, a complete change, a metamorphous into that pain and I am LIVING for it. 13 couldn't scream, not properly, but 14 can.
29. Hehe. The Doctor's biggest strength, their intellect, needed to be squashed to save the day? Nope, no way, not in a million years could ANY Doctor do it. One single question and they've gotta solve it until it's done. Side note, if any reader can't tell, I am having a GREAT time. I may not have expect to be scared, but I'm loving it!
30. WILF. WILF. OH MY GOD. Aww wow, just amazing. Just amazing.
Summary: It's nothing like I ever expected. No one was given any hints about this episode and I find myself... Pretty happy with it. It's a convoluted plot, that's for sure, but it was fun as all heck. Scary! I mean, heart pounding, VERY close to the Midnight episode scary, but good! Random! Oddly randomly, I really don't know where to rank this episode. It feels a bit like it was thrown in just to have an episode, but that also doesn't necessarily make it bad.
I do think a lot of it was cushioned by some really good acting and characterization. The plot was slow going in a strange way, once again cushioned by nostalgia and everyone's need to see the tenth Doctor and Donna again. BUT, episodes like this make me excited (and nervous) to see how RTD is going to handle a brand new Doctor.
I will have a speech about RTD keeping the Timeless Child. A very long speech. But know that I, personally, am very thankful.
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
Zevon's Application;
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Requested by @idontliketomatoesleavemealone .
Name: Zevon Sorcerer.
Known Aliases: Yzma's son, Cedric the Sorcerer's son, Zevon Groove, Tantrum, The Potion Master, The Sorcerer, and Llama boy.
I hate those nicknames.
Hey, they asked ya to put them down so of course we have to put 'em down.
Oh like we have to put down your name Cal--
Don't you dare finish that sentence!
Or what?
I'll tell Yzla to slip you some Llama potion again--
Nicknames or Other: Zev, Zevy, Twerp, Cedric Jr, and Yzma Jr.
Whyyyyyy did you have to out those?
Either I put it down or you do you're own application.
Yes ma'am.
Date of Birth or Best Guess: November 11th, a year after Mal was born.
Mal this, Mal that. Will you shut up about Mal?
Oooo someone is Jealous.
Shut up Freddie.
I know you did NOT just tell ME to shut up.
Place of Birth: Gee, take a WILD guess.
Zevon, don't be sarcastic on your application.
Why shouldn't he be? It is a stupid question.
Yeah, I agree.
Because you two can't come to Auardon if you keep misbehaving.
Well that sounds boring.
You can say that again.
Favorite Color: Black and Teal.
What a surprise.
You can't talk Mrs. Red, white, and Black.
None of us can. We all wear our favorite colors all the time.
Favorite Activity: Potion making, pulling pranks, and rowing.
Ah, fun times.
We did alot of dumb stuff.
And Yzla, Lil Yaz, Reza, and I tried to stop you from doing the dumb stuff!
Oh don't act all innocent.
Yeah, you four use to get in just as much trouble as we did.
Favorite School Subject: Werid science. It's like potion making.
Of course you'd say that.
Be quiet.
Father's Name (or alias):  Cedric the Sorcerer.
Mother's Name (or alias): Yzma.
Father's Profession:  Royal Sorcerer of Enchancia.
Mother's Profession: Scientist/potion master.
She's nicer than you'd think. All of his family are.
What's that supposed to mean?
You're also wrong. His grandma is a bitch.
Who is your favorite of the first wave of VKs? There is no wrong answer.
Mal or Freddie.
In your own words, tell us why you want to come to Auradon. There is no wrong answer.
Because I want to see Freddie again. I also want to see my dad more often and want my sister to be able to get off the isle to. I also want clean clothes and water, and fresh food and access to my magic. Oh and to be able to spread my brother's ashes in Auardon because he always wanted to be there. But couldn't because of you.
No, let him finish.
--because he died because we didn't have a doctor to take him to. Because you people made sure of that.
Now get me and my family the hell out of here before my mom or sister or cousins or Cj or I die here too. Hell, before my grandma dies here. None of us deserve to die here no matter what we've done.
My sister and I deserve to be free with our family. With our cousins at least. And we deserve to know our family. To know our grandparents, Goodwyn the Great and Winifred the Wise. To know our aunt. Cordelia the Conjuror and cousin, Calista.
That is never not gonna be werid to hear.
Quiet Cj.
Hell, my sister and I even want to know Kuzco, since he's kind of our brother. Foster brother. Whatever. And Kronk because he's basically our uncle.
We did nothing wrong. So why fo we have to suffer?
Why did my brother have to die for my mother's sins?
Zevon Sorcerer.
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