#and I'm not even the peope they are targeting
12ratsinagnomecostume · 7 months
Hey, as an able bodied person:
Fucking listen to disabled people
If they tell you they need an accommodation, listen to them. If they tell you that they feel uncomfortable with how you are treating them, listen to them. If they tell you they can't do something, listen to them.
And if you disagree with that person? Have a fucking conversation. You are better than that.
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acourtofthought · 10 months
I think Sarah is really taking Elain out of the background and preparing these crumbs for her story.
Because I don't see her having a story now, I think she'll still earn extra focused just on her like Nesta won too.
Like, Lucien is still quoted a lot when he talks about Elain.
Like I don't see him being a big deal when Rhys brings up Lucien and his contacts if Elain wants to hook up with someone else.
But I remember that Lucien is always remembered for the contacts he has, he is more diplomatic and Elain also has this profile.
Lucien still has signs of becoming a High Lord and is now set on Springspring and I think he'll need him to raise the Court.
I do agree that SJM is slowly pulling Elain out of the IC by demonstrating how as much as she tries, she still doesn't quite fit there.
And I do agree that if Elain were to tell Lucien she was interested in someone else, he would step aside.
However I personally don't think she or Lucien needs any extra focus when you consider there wasn't a whole lot that built up Nesta's story in SF. I think most of us knew she'd end up in the NC and with Cassian but I don't think there were major hints that she'd end up leading the Valkyries. There were some minor hints in ACOFAS but there was a lot of her story that was unknown before it happened. I don't think we had any idea she'd find the Trove items, make her own made weapons or defeat Lanthys, stop Feyre from dying, work in the library.
In comparison, I think SJM has done a very thorough job of setting up both Elain and Lucien's journey in ACOSF. Even before that but in SF she seemed to give us a very clear path that those two will be taking.
In ACOWAR / ACOFAS, we found out that both Vassa and the other girls Koschei captured will need to be freed. As a result of those books we know he needs to find out about Helion, discover his own powers, decide where he'll be living and we know that Elain needs to explore her powers as well as share her own thoughts on having been made, losing Graysen and losing her father (versus everyone telling us how she feels) but in SF, SJM really hammered a few things home. Spring is falling apart, Tamlin isn't getting better and Lucien is now permanently stationed there. Then Nesta says if they were talking she'd tell Elain to go to Spring, that it had been MADE for someone like her. So yeah, I think those two are going to be very important in getting Spring back up and running so the rest of Prythian no longer has to worry about the weakened court being up for grabs (especially when it comes to Beron), and they'll be able to count on Springs military if it comes to a battle of any kind. That's a pretty major plotline and what more could SJM tell us about it that she hasn't told us already?
Then we have Lucien setting his target on Koschei and Nesta wondering if Elain would go to the continent. And not just the continent where the flower fields are but the continent to the south of that (where Koschei's lake most likely is).
In SF Lucien is showing some exasperation over the way things with Elain are "I'm not always in this city to see my mate. The last two words dripped with discomfort" which is very similar to Cassian's thoughts on Nesta in ACOWAR "Not everything in my life is about your sister, you know". However he still looks at her with longing (again, exactly like Cassian looked at Nesta in ACOWAR).
Then in her SF bonus chapter, Feyre thinks of the gift Lucien gave Elain last Solstice and says they'll focus on helping one sister before helping the other (after SF, I'd consider Nesta "helped").
To me, Lucien and Elain are way more fleshed out than Cassian or Nesta ever were before their own book. We might not have insight into their thoughts the way we did Nesta as Nesta was very vocal about certain things but in terms of plot, we've been given much more setup for them.
And if we didn't get major insight into Elain's thoughts in either of her sisters books, if the dialogue was lacking with the very people she grew up with, then there's definitely not going to be MORE dialogue for Elain in a Gwynriel book. Elain walked away from Az when she returned his necklace and I don't think they're going to suddenly be opening up to one another as best friends. At some point maybe they'll have a conversation apologizing for their misunderstandings and acknowledging that they were both trying to avoid their problems by their interest in one another but I still don't think they'll be having any regular heart to hearts.
As far as Lucien needing more focus before his own book; Cassian was already somewhat settled in the IC, his job was pretty set, his friends are set, his powers known. Lucien has so much of a story to tell (Jesminda, his relationship with Eris, his estranged friendship with Tamlin, not having been able to see his mother in who knows how long, the new friends he just met, the fact that he still can't enter Autumn without Beron trying to send his brothers to attack him, unknown powers, unknown father, unaccepted bond, lack of a permanent residence, etc), he could carry his own book at this point.
I think Elucien as the next book is more likely though I think either Elucien or Gwynriel is a possibility. However I don't think any of the characters need more focus before getting a story. SJM has given brand new characters a POV and love story so obviously Elain, Lucien, Gwyn and Az are light years ahead of that.
Though, I've said it before and I'll say it a thousand times more, the thought of Az getting his HEA before Lucien after how negative he's been towards Lucien does not sit right with me 😂
He threw a tantrum in his POV, not feeling guilty at the thought of killing Lucien, feeling entitled to Elain because his brothers got sister mates so why didn't he, claiming Lucien will never be good enough and I just can't imagine that SJM would be all, "oh you poor little boy, here, have your own HEA with your mate so you feel better!" without him first eating a bit of humble pie after seeing Lucien as a ridiculously powerful High Lord in waiting whose mate thinks he's more than good enough.
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ink-and-radio · 2 years
I don't usually post things of this caliber on this site, but this has to be said.
If you are not paying attention to what is happening in the USA right now, if you're a citizen, you need to wake up. Now. You needed to wake up in 2016, when we knew this would happen in the not-so-distant future.
As we all know by now, Roe v. Wade was overturned by SCOTUS. Specifically by 6 justices who have no business deciding laws whatsoever for they hold extremists and dangerous views. But as many of us know and understand, Roe v. Wade was only the beginning of their plan for a white conservative Christofascist nation.
So what are they targeting next?
They are targeting Moore v. Harper, which is what allows a state's judicial system the keep federal voting fair. If this is overturned, that grants the state's the power to draw any electoral map they want, and the power to overrule votes if they do not like the outcome. Essentially, that means they can put into power anyone they wish, and that includes who they give the electoral votes to for the Presidency.
They are targeting Brown v. The Board of Education, which ruled that racial segregation was unconstitutional. If overruled, segregation in schools will once again be legal.
They are targeting Lawrence v. Texas, which ruled that same sex persons have a right to have sexual intimacy with another in the privacy of their own homes.
They are targeting Obergefell v. Hodges, which made same sex marriage legal.
They are targeting interracial marriage.
They are targeting the Indigenous Child Welfare Act, which rules that indigenous children cannot be removed from their families. Overturning this means that these children will be forced into white foster homes.
They are targeting the right to contraceptives.
They have already ruled that police forces do not have to read you your Miranda rights when you are arrested, and you cannot sue them if they do not. They have already ruled that any home within 100 miles of the border does not have to have a warrant granted to be invaded. They have already ruled that gun laws are not up to the states. They have already ruled that you have your taxes have to go to private, religious schools. They have already ruled that students can be forced into a christian prayer in schools.
And I'm sure that this isn't even close to everything that is being targeted.
They are attacking and endangering women, anyone with a uterus,' black folks, indigenous folks, brown folks, transgender folks, other LGBTQ+ folks, non-Christian folk, and anyone else who is not their ideal cisgender hetero Christian conservative white man.
If you're not outraged, you should be. If you're not paying attention, you need to be. And if you are doing nothing, you should be ashamed. When I say nothing, I don't mean in the "I am mentally burnt out and am trying to survive" way, I specifically mean in the "I do not care and they are not targeting me" way.
Because not only is that a shitty excuse for ignorance, they will, eventually, come for you, too. We are watching the fall of our democracy, after having a broken system for far too long. This system was never fully working, and was flawed from the beginning with who it helped and protected.
And before I hear any "the founding fathers were christian and this was founded as a Christian nation", the FF themselves had explicitly stated the importance of a separation between the church and the state. Most of them were also Deists, not Christians. No religion belongs in the law or the government.
And before I also hear "if you hate it do much here just move" from so called "patriots", that is the MOST unpatriotic thing you could say or believe. True patriotism is believing your country can be better, and fighting and advocating for that. And I will be damned if I don't do that for all people living here.
A persons humanity is not a debate. My existence as a transgender queer pagan, is not a debate on if I deserve rights and deserve to live. Black people's existence is not a debate. Brown people's existence is not a debate. Indigenous people's existence is not a debate. Women's existence is not a debate. Transgender,' Nonbinary and LGBTQ+ existences are not debates. Other religious folk besides Christian's are not a debate. Non cis, non white, not hetero, non Christian, non men, are not lesser than those who are.
And to all my other white people; we, collectively, need to STOP talking over others voices. We need to stop drowning out the voices of black, brown, and indigenous folks. If anything, we need to use our privilege to amplify their voices. And let me say, your queerness or religious status, does not overwrite the fact you are white. Before anyone knows who I am or what I believe, they will see first and foremost I am a white person. That is privilege. Your queerness doesn't excuse you from being shitty to other people.
Please, WAKE. UP. Freedom and Justice for no one until it is for everyone.
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lonelyvomit · 2 years
I am so sorry for bothering you again, and this close after your birthday. I just don't know were to go with this, and I am worried about what will happen if I don't let it out somewhere. I just feel so lonely forgotten and I am really beginning to think this is a curse. And I really wish this was just my brain imagening stuff but it is true. If I would dissapear from here or in my real life no one would even care. And I just don't know what I am doing wrong, I am always trying to be nice and always available if people need help, I am the first person to apologize after am argument (even if I am in the right) and I hide my problems to not bother peope with them. I hate asking for attention but I really dont know how long I can go on like this. It just hurts so fucking bad. Again I am so sorry for this.
sorry for the late reply, had a messy brain day :') 🖤
I promise you people care more than you think. there are plenty of people in this community I've never directly talked to and would wonder where they've gone if they left. there are people you're not even that close to that would care.
I do have to ask tho if you realize that the perfect friend role that you play is blocking people out? like. it doesn't matter how many people you're surrounded by and who loves you, if you're always having to hide your own problems and be available to everybody else while not getting the same emotional support back - when you're not even asking/giving anyone a chance to show it - you will always feel alone and like no one cares, but you're not allowing them to. I'm not saying this to be mean and I really hope it doesn't come off that way, I just want you to realize that you're not actually letting anybody in, and cant be too surprised to find there's no one there. furthermore - not having boundaries makes you a perfect target to the kinda people who wouldn't respect them anyway. being always available and apologizing even when you're right attracts the kinda people who only want someone to dump their shit on and walk away. I get the thought process, I absolutely do, I know you're just trying to be nice and easily likable. but I think you'd be surprised to find how many people you'd feel more connected to if you set up healthy boundaries and let people care about you and your issues too. you seem lovely and clearly have a big heart, I think a lot of people would love to be closer with you.
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eyivibyemi · 2 years
✧ I won’t really write descriptions for these, but see original post tags for explanation/commentary on the song snippet ✧
#part three of the locusts series which I find extremely funny but am unsure whether the joke of it translates#like the story of some dude randomyl starting to be attacked by swarms of locusts - to the point that he has to hide in sink cabinets from t#hem and then running to the people in his villiage like 'omg guys these things are chasing me' and they're just like 'shut the hell up steve#that's your problem' so he becomes kind of depressed about the whole affair and stops hiding from the locusts succumbing to the swarm#WHICH it turns out is secretly part of some prophecy so then the bugs like eat him or something idk how locusts work and he's reborn#as some evil spirit magical being who controls locusts and other plague-ish concepts and returns to his village and eveyone is just like#'what the hell.. is that steve?? that weird dude who like worked on a farm in the middle of nowhere his whole life and only#showed up to the villiage town square to ramble about bugs??'#and he has a stupid evil laugh and like plagues his villiage in revenge for not helping him before#liek in my head I'm imagining the plot of some short dark fantasy comedy drama mini series and ''steve'' is a complete#bumbling dubmass who stumbles into power and becomes a terrible tacky edgy villain and like IS genuinely very powerful but also#nobody even remembers him or what they did to gain his spite/attention so everyone he gets 'revenge' on is just confused and thinks they're#being randomly targeted and he always tries to explain and they're like '..sorry..what? no i barely remember you dude' which only#fuels his rage and feelings that everyone has sabotaged him when really everything was part of a prophecy and out of anyone's control anyway#but he thinks it's everyone elses fault since he can't cope with the fact that it could just be.. nobody's fault..#eventually maybe meets the supreme magical evil wizard who put the curse in place in the first place and they constantly bicker#in a comedy duo sort of way and 'steve'' ' s personality is totally warped at that point and the evil wixard is like 'lmao you're worse#than me at this point dude what is your damage' and they have constant petty disputes and become obsessed with each other as nemeisis#in thebackground though since steve's main focus is still bringing chaos upon the world. which multiple peope point out is a very#vague and weird goal and also kind of stupdid like can't you just pick up pottery or something? get a hobby like the rest of us#like the office + iasip + wwdits but with some idiot elf boy who's now a mega powerful plague creature feuding with an ancient wizard#gh ANYWAY .. love the absurdidty but I think the concept and way I'm seeing it in my mind is not well translated by these#short weird little low effort song snippets#beepo tag
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crossdressingdeath · 2 years
Sorry if this is a point you already discussed but what do you say about jc capturing and torturing demonic cultivators (if stans get past that those are not just rumors) that he is doing this out of the goodness of his heart?
There are exactly zero circumstances where torturing people to death is being done out of the goodness of the torturer's heart. None. Torture is evil. It is that simple.
Even setting aside the fact that there is zero evidence that any of the people JC murdered were actually guilty of any crime (hell, there isn't even any evidence that they were actually demonic cultivators; the only person we can confirm was a demonic cultivator and committed a crime in the years between WWX's death and resurrection is XY, who JC conspicuously did not go after), torture is just... wrong. If JC killed people who had committed crimes it could be seen as justice, since this is a world where crimes often equal death without trial. But that is not what he does; he grabs "demonic cultivators" for reminding him of WWX (who, reminder, JC knows was defending innocent people) and then tortures them to death. He terrorizes his own people by doing this where people coming to him for the help he owes them as a sect leader will see him. We see from his treatment of WWX-in-MXY's-body before he realizes that "MXY" is in fact WWX that he will attempt this with people whose only "crime" (there is zero evidence that demonic cultivation itself is illegal; XY is wanted for mass murder, not demonic cultivation) is defending themselves in a way that does not harm anyone (JL is embarrassed and angry, but not hurt). He is not doing this to "protect the innocent" or "punish evildoers". He is doing this because he wants to hurt people. He blames WWX, a demonic cultivator, for all the shit that happened. (Shit which was caused variably by the Wens or he himself trying to kill innocent people, but never mind that.) Because of that blame he's decided that every demonic cultivator (and also anyone he's decided is a demonic cultivator; once again, remember that we are never given any proof beyond JC's word that the people he kills were all demonic cultivators, and given he's a serial killer claiming WWX is to blame for things that the narrative will in flashbacks later go into his head to prove he knows were not WWX's fault I really don't think his word counts for jack shit), regardless of whether or not they've committed an actual crime, deserves to die in agony. Forget "the goodness of his heart", this is beyond excessive even for vengeance. It would be excessive even if he was only aiming it at people actively responsible for his family's deaths. This goes beyond what WWX does to WC and his people, who were in fact responsible for what WWX wanted revenge over, and I'd argue it's pretty clear that WWX is later horrified at what he did!
The thing that gets me about this argument is... these people are not suggesting that WWX should've slaughtered all the sects in revenge for the Wen remnants' deaths. They aren't saying that JGY was righteous or even justified in having JGS raped to death (which it was not, but that's beside the point). Those two were (or would be, in WWX's case) targeting the person or people actively responsible for their suffering... and yet the people saying JC is in the right never (as far as I've seen) suggest that those two should've done anything like what he did. Hell, they frequently suggest that WWX is evil for doing what he did to WC and co. But JC slaughtering people with zero evidence of any wrongdoing beyond the word of someone we know has actively and knowingly lied about who's to blame for bad things happening in the past is... supposedly good? Just? Even righteous? I'm sorry, no. If JC has any goodness in his heart, it's reserved for people he deems to be "his". But we shouldn't be surprised, really; JC actively screws himself over by betraying WWX out of petty spite. Why wouldn't he go out of his way to torture people to death?
So basically... there is no argument I've seen that I will even consider in favour of JC torturing people to death out of "the goodness of his heart". He is not swiftly killing criminals in justice for crimes committed before they can harm others, he is murdering people. People are never said to have committed a crime, and even if they have the people of Yunmeng clearly think they do not deserve what JC does to them based on their horror. JC is simply a murderer. There's nothing else to it.
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linawritesocs · 2 years
𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚠𝚑𝚢 𝚖𝚢 𝚘𝚌𝚜 𝚠𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚝
oh, you thought you're safe from angst because i brought up the ghost marriage event? OH YOU WERE SO WRONG.
i wrote the reasons why my ocs would overblot and how would it go! also if you click on their names, you will go to game osts that i chose as their "overblot themes" (again, inspired by lin). i also wrote song lyrics that i think describe their overblot reasons pretty well.
okay, let's go!
warnings for avery's overblot: injuries such as scars and bruises, bullying
warnings for vance's overblot: head injury, derealization/unreality, mention of abusive/controlling family members
warnings for merrill's overblot: mention of abusive/controlling parents
warnings for allen's overblot: yandere themes, mention of illness
avery's overblot
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"you're killin' my vibe for the last time, vultures up high started preying on me, preying on me, take a step back to the broadside, 'cause i'm not as brave as i'm letting on to be" - candy coated lie$ by hot milk
avery never was liked by rsa students. in fact, they couldn't even tolerate him, let alone like him. they couldn't understand why he was accepted into rsa. he's not a "prince type" at all, he was rude, he insulted everyone and gave mean nicknames to students and teachers (and he even was proud of coming up with them). just why does he act like that? he has such a pretty and cute face, but his appearance doesn't match his personality at all!.. and he keeps saying that all beautiful people are ugly on the inside, which is quite ironic. everyone knew about his hatred of beauty and everything related to it, but it became even worse lately.
avery's unique magic allowed him to change anyone's appearance to show how beautiful they really are on the inside. and he really liked to use it. whenever he got into an argument with someone, he just changed their appearance and laughed at how ugly they are. and he started using his unique magic even more often. every single time someone said something that avery didn't like, the boy used his magic on that person and walked away.
some people thought that avery is just jealous of how beautiful other students are, other people thought that this is his "revenge". either way, they were sure that avery is pure evil and he belongs in nrc, the school that he keeps visiting for some reason. even allen is a better rsa student than him!
they didn't know that avery's unique magic actually could hurt him really badly. if avery kept using his magic too often, he started getting all kinds of bruises, scars and other injuries, that aren't so serious when you first see them, but if there are too many of them, it would bring a lot of pain.
avery had to cover them up with long sleeves, his shirt collar and other things. he couldn't let others know that his unique magic isn't actually that good. he had to continue using his magic, he wanted rsa students to get their punishment. he wanted to show everyone just how fake and awful these peope actually are.
but why avery decided to do this only now? well.. the thing is that they started treating avery worse than ever once they found out that he started to get along with nrc students. who is this girl and why he keeps helping her with her garden? why does this fae from nrc wants to help avery understand his feelings? why does he keep talking to them? but maybe.. maybe if rsa students make him leave, avery will finally transfer to nrc and will stop ruining the school's reputation.
he's actually an easy target, most people were right about avery secretly being very insecure. he hated his freckles, but at the same time he thought that his face was too "cute". he didn't want to be ugly, but at the same time he didn't want to be associated with all of those pretty people he insulted and made ugly with his magic.
.. avery didn't know which injuries were from his unique magic and which ones he got from other students.
and one day he just snapped.
he couldn't take it anymore. these students would ruin rsa's reputation more than he ever did, if only others knew about their crimes. why him? there are so many rsa students that are more weird, more messed up, so what did he do to deserve all of this? is it because those students that were more weird managed to find a way to fit in and he didn't?
the second that others find out about just how bad the injuries from his magic were, they look at avery in shock. he still used his unique magic to make everyone ugly, even though it hurt him? is he that mad at other students? or is he mad in a "not exactly sane" way?
oh well, they're about to find out.
"oh, so I'M the evil one? i just wanted the world to see just how disgusting, fake and ugly you all are! oh, so you all are royalty? you all try so hard to act like them, right? well, i don't care how important and special you all are, i don't care about your status, the punishment will be the same for everyone here. i will show everyone what happens to cold-hearted, arrogant and selfish princes like you."
vance's overblot.
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"so tell me, who's in control? is it you? i don't know. tell me, who's in control? now my life is yours to hold" - who's in control by set it off
vance always was a very weird boy. no one knew what is going on inside his head and they didn't really want to know that. they just were happy that vance is always having fun. but he really has to be more careful. vance was clumsy, he didn't care about his health that much, always saying things like "don't worry about it, if i eat this apple or drink this juice, it will help with my hp" now that we're talking about it, vance often said game-related things. he wasn't the only nrc student to do that, there also was idia.. but vance did it in a more creepy and strange way. idia said such things because he was your local gamer, but people felt like vance says such things because he is absolutely sure that he's a game character. he didn't seem to care about death and things like that, he wasn't concerned about getting ill, his behavior was often reckless and dangerous. his pranks also weren't that fun, they actually could hurt people if something went wrong. but still, he said that nothing like that would happen and even if it did, "you all would be back to normal tomorrow".
this is why people always cared about vance so much, they watched over him, hoping to stop him when he goes too far. this is why he has so many "older sibling figures". and vance said that he's happy about having so many people that look after him, but.. there was a hint of sadness in his eyes. vance actually really wanted to be more independent. he really wanted others to see him as a more mature person. he wanted more freedom, but at the same time he liked getting so much attention. but he tried to cope with that, saying "i'm just a younger brother type of character in this game, so everyone, please take good care of me!"
vance had his goals and ambitions. he really wanted to participate in magishift one day, but of course, he was just a freshman, so he wasn't allowed to do that. but he believed that he will totally be a part of a magishift team the next year! and then, he heard about the other sports competition coming soon, it wasn't as important as magishift but he still wanted to join. he asked trey to get a permission from crowley for him because if vance did it himself, crowley would never let him join. trey sighed and agreed, saying that he will do everything he can.
and vance got allowed to participate! he was so happy, jumping and running around. he asked when he's supposed to come and train with everyone and trey told him the schedule. but for some reason he looked.. kinda nervous while doing that.
whenever vance came to train with the team, there was no one around. when vance tried to talk about it with the other team members, they looked at him in a weird way and asked "you? training with us? what are you talking about?" vance tried to convince himself that this is all their fault, they are the ones who never come, meanwhile vance has to do all the work. it's fine, vance is more responsible than all of them!
or maybe it's just a glitch and they will remember about the training and vance being a part of the team eventually.
the day finally came. everyone was there, the team members, other students, teachers.. but there was no sight of vance. heartslabyul students got nervous and some of them went to search for him.
they found vance, lying on the ground in his p.e. uniform, unconscious. he had another head injury, just like the one in his childhood. it looked like he was trying to train by himself, all alone and he forgot about when he was supposed to come and actually participate in a competition. or someone forgot to tell him.
when vance finally woke up, he tried to leave the infirmary, but others forced him to stay in bed. he said that he has to go, he begged someone to use their magic to heal him, he can't just lie here while others are taking the spotlight that he deserved more than anyone else! trey said that even if the magic is used, he will still need more time to heal, because the injury is serious and if they came late, they wouldn't be able to save vance. and he also revealed the truth: crowley never actually allowed vance to join, but trey didn't want to make the poor boy sad, so he lied about crowley letting him be a part of the team. and he lied about the training, he made up the schedule, this is why everyone looked weird at vance all this time. he just didn't want to disappoint vance. and according to crowley, vance isn't allowed to participate in any sports related competitions because that's what vance's family wanted.
so he never had a chance to join the competition. he never had a chance to run with others and play with them.
and then it hits vance. all of this is real. his wounds are real, his pain is real, his problems are real, everyone is real.
no, it can't be. if it is real.. why is his life like that? why can't he have fun like everyone else? why others care about him so much? he just wants to be free, he wants everyone to leave him alone, he's done being the "baby of the group".
and it happens. vance gets close to overblotting. and it doesn't help that he used his unique magic quite often lately, because he wanted to train, but also he had to help out with some things at heartslabyul.
"you say that all of this is real, you say that we're not living in a game, but i can't believe that! my life can't be that bad, i just- i just want people to stop looking after me! i can do everything on my own, i don't need your help, i'm not a fragile porcelain doll, i don't break that easily! in fact, i can't break at all, this is a game, remember? it's okay, your life is just a big, huge lie and i'm here to tell you all the truth. no, actually, how about i show you the truth? hehe, let's play a game, shall we?"
merrill's overblot.
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"what a waste of a pretty face, that face, what a waste, that face, that face.. will you want me when i'm old and dead?" - pretty waste by bones (uk)
people always said how pretty merrill is. his parents would never shut up about him becoming a model. "look, this schoenheit guy is so popular, you could be in his place, you know!" "well, we think that you're more beautiful that that leblanche boy, if only you listened to us.." but merrill didn't want a future like that. he wanted people to see the real him and love him for that. he hated lying to people, he hated using his looks to get what he wants..
but look where he is now! everyone knows him as a manipulative and sly ignihyde student that likes to flirt with people but never actually has feelings for them. merrill knows that he's beautiful and he uses it to his advantage. people don't understand why he wasn't sorted into pomefiore. maybe he actually wasn't sorted there because merrill secretly hates being treated like this pretty face with no personality and feelings.
and merrill has this secret magicam account where he posts these photos where he wears cute outfits, cosplays, wears wigs and colored lenses.. and all to get more followers, likes and attention. merrill thinks that he's disgusting for doing that, but he can't stop. his parents were right all along, he was born to do just that.
but he can't let other students know about his acc. this is why he acts like idia's servant, because idia knows the truth and merrill can't let him spill it. he will do anything to keep his secret. he can't imagine what would other students' reactions be. would they laugh at him? would they hate him? would they love him even more? honestly, he doesn't want to know that.
but of course, the truth gets out anyway. people find out about his account, and not because of idia or cater or allen.. they just connect the dots. they start noticing the similarities between merrill and the person in the photos, they start noticing the time when that person posted and remembering that merrill said that he "has business to deal with" at that exact time.some people are shocked, some say that they expected something like this, but merrill doesn't care at this point. they know that merrill likes the attention, they know that he's "not so above it all" and that he's not this cool and dependable figure. he doesn't care about their reactions, the only thing that bothers him is the fact that they know who this account belongs to.
and merrill doesn't want to face that side of him. he doesn't want to face the side that's obsessed with attention, he doesn't want to admit just how much he likes to be seen and noticed. that's what his parents would want, right? they would want him to grow up and become this kind of person, that uses his looks and manipulates everyone into loving him.
merrill even started using his unique magic more often because no matter how much he denied it, he wanted to know what people think of him. yes, saying "oh, i heard this person has a crush on me" was embarrassing, but that's the price for using his magic. and he didn't actually care that much about it, because A LOT of people were into him and he knew that. but he just had to make sure they still love him.
"so, you know my little secret now. congratulations, it took you a while to find out! aren't you so happy to finally meet your idol? i'm even more beautiful in real life, right? hey, do you want to take a photo with me? do you want my autograph? come on, don't be so shy~ and make sure to tell your friends on social media about it. i want the whole world to adore me. i want everyone to look at me and say "i'm in love with merrill!""
allen's overblot.
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"no, i don't love you, no, i don't care, i just wanna be held when i'm scared. and all i want is one night with you, just 'cause i'm selfish, i know it's true" - blue by marina
allen has a lot of problems, i'm not even sure where to start. the boy really, REALLY wants someone to love him. he will do anything to make people fall in love with him. but the more he tries to make people love him, the more they hate him. his parents just look at him with pity in their eyes, his ex-best friend pushed him away, her new friends hate him and will fight him the moment they see him and other rsa students like to pretend that he doesn't exist.
if only there was someone who loved him.
allen had so many crushes, but all of them last a week at most before he moved on to someone else. just like this time, he was obsessed with merrill and stalked him, but now he's in love with one girl from nrc. a very kind, nice and cute girl who never says "no" to him and who is always glad to spend time with him. ugh, if only her cat and all of these other guys weren't there!
but there is also another problem. allen's ex-best friend had a reason to push him away. she did so because she didn't want to hurt him again and because allen's parents thought she was a monster for what she has done to their son. yes, they managed to save allen, but the effect of his friend's magic never went away. it actually grew stronger, he still had white strands, he always was cold and he couldn't enjoy summer the same way others did. and he started to get sick a lot more easily. and there was no one to care for him. yes, he could go to a school infirmary, but.. he wanted a different kind of care. not just medicine to help him with his cold, but also someone to tell him that he's gonna be okay.
and allen started to realize that he becomes more and more ill because no one cares about him. only love can cure him, but there's no one to give him that cure. and he can't just tell someone about his condition, they will think that he's just seeking attention.
so allen continues to visit that girl from nrc. he uses his magic to get into the school, to open doors that are locked, to get into her room.. she's his only hope. he just needs to hear "i love you" from her. or maybe she could kiss him too!
but she doesn't. others stop her from saying any more nice things to allen. they try to help her understand that she shouldn't treat allen like that. she should leave him alone, she doesn't deserve someone like him, she deserves better.
they're basically saying that they want allen to die by doing so. he can't let them take his only hope away.
"why does this happen EVERY SINGLE TIME I'M TRYING TO MAKE FRIENDS OR CONFESS MY FEELINGS TO SOMEONE? WHY? why are you so mean, what did i even do? it never was my fault, i was the one who got hurt, i didn't even want us to stop being friends! maybe you should've talked to my parents first before you decided that i'm the one to blame! and look at me, i'm dying and it's because nobody here cares about me! and you know what, i'm not gonna give up so easily. i'm just gonna do the next right thing and force you all to love me. I'M GONNA MAKE YOU APOLOGIZE FOR HATING ME ALL THIS TIME!"
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Natasha Romanoff - Daughter, Sister, Avenger || Crimes of the Widows || Chapter 9
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|| 3rd Person Point of View ||
A small black car pulls up next to a blue car, bouncing on the dirt bath.
"Come on, Fanny." Yelena says, getting out of her truck with her dog, waiting for her sister.
"Come on you guys..." Osleya says, getting out of her car, not just a cat jumping out but a puppy husky too. The puppy, named just that Puppy, goes straight to Fanny, the both of them walking ahead of the pack, while the black cat Liho stays by the two widows.
The two widows start to walk up the path way, smiling and making jokes as they go.
At least, until they get closer to their destination. The mood turns somber as they approach the gravestone, both of the girls not knowing what to say. Eventually, Yelena crouches down and get rid of some of the weeds, moving around the gifts layed there so you can read what it says.
Natasha Romanoff
Daughter Sister Avenger
Osleya crouches down next to her, picking up and smiling at one of the little teddy bears, before putting it safely back in it's place, Liho brushing up against her leg as she does so. Osleya laughs, scratching the kitties ears, before turning back to the grave. Yelena whistles, the whistle that the girls share, as she's holds the grave of her older sister.
There a long moment of silence after Yelena whistles, both of the girls just waiting for Natasha to whistle back to them...
When no one does, Yelena just stands up and stands next to Osleya again, both of them standing in silence.
That is, until their silence is cut off by someone blowing their nose loudly. A woman with a purple streak in her hair, not seeming to care she just interupted two grieving peope, standing inbetween the two.
"Wow. Sorry. I'm allergic to the Midwest. What this woman did, honestly, I can't even imagine." She comments, both of the girls glaring at the woman.
"You're not supposed to be bothering us on our holiday time, Valentina..." Yelena tells her, Liho walking up and laying inbetween Osleya's legs.
"Oh, bothering you? Oh, no, no. I'm just here paying my respects."
"Hmm... You know, coming here makes you look desperate." Osleya tells her to her comment, glaring at her. They all just laugh it off, before the two widows go back to glaring.
"We want a raise." Yelena adds, her eyes never leaving Valentina.
"Oh, yeah. Who doesn't want one. But, believe me, you two... you're going to earn it." Valentina says, reaching into her bag and taking out an ipad. "I got your next target. Thought I'd hand-deliever it." Valetina clicks a few things on the ipad, before handing it to Yelena. "Maybe you'd like a shot at the man responsable for your sisters death."
Yelena stares at the picture for a minute, before handing it to Osleya to look at the man in the picture.
Clint Barton.
"Kind of a cutie, don't you think?" Valetina comments, smiling at the widows.
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bisluthq · 3 years
When she said "i'm done trying to please everyone", that also was targeted to the lefty snowflakes. But i guess they didn't get the memo.
Lmao maybe you’re right - I doubt it tho since she explicitly went and pissed off the people who thought she was an Aryan Princess - but the more interesting point is the fact that that’s what you heard, like the ambiguity of her position, is the exact problem.
Because she was there retweeting GLAAD the other day and @‘ing Donald Trump last summer and now she’s fighting equally hard - arguably even harder - about a tastekess joke. She sat out Black History Month as someone pointed out but she was there on 03/01 Tweeting about Women’s History Month. She didn’t do enough for BLM like she phoned it in. And now she’s fighting peope over a bad joke.
Like ehhh idk if that’s because she doesn’t want to please the left I think she just doesn’t think stuff through.
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catalina-infanta · 4 years
I'm a little late I couldn't tell gwendy how much i support her since she turned her ask off and that's fine i understand her reasons. I think the FM are targeting her because they see her as a threat. I been saying for years that ST fans need to create more videos to counter balance YT's algorithm. Because when that happens and peope see FM don't represent the whole fandom the FM get's scared. That's why they try to run new ST content creators off YT.
That is TRUE!!!! I dont know why this is the case. I think women maybe are less on YouTube and Reddit and maybe more on Tumblr and Twitter. But there are more males in the fandom and its become quite the trend to make a video bashing TLJ, as much as it has become a trend to bash TROS. 
btw, I think Gwendy is on Twitter under a similar name! 
I dont think Lucas Films was wrong in thinking that a lot of fans disliked TLJ, although we can see a lot of people went to the film and bought it on DVD, but it was unpopular with many people, mostly men, even those who arent part of the FM..ive met a few in my life (one or two). I think LF just a) didn't think that Reylo could get them anywhere (that is debatable, maybe it could have brought in new fans too, you never know) so they b) diminished the meaning of Reylo (cause romance is “icky”) and put the emphasis on the trio because they saw that as safe, and corrected a lot of the stuff people disliked by retconning or changing things: i.e. less Rose, Rey parentage, made the paternity good again instead of something to be critical of (because they have so many male fans) etc. and c) destroyed any cohesiveness in the meaning of the story all to play it safe and not anger these men more. Of course, they ended up displeasing a lot more people. 
All in all, this is a lesson of how to make a franchise suck.  
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
Watch "Бомбическое видео охоты на кабана , все охотники на деревьях)))" on YouTube
This is what Tommy favino looks like now but he did not look like that a week ago into her son he's a virtual nightmare nobody was defending him against him and he is pretty Spencer so we're watching everybody else because you're going to go to town on him and he going to say that you won and you've been doing this for years to him and all sudden he hears it and he says wow they're calling you a purse there's no comment because I raped his family no yeah that's right he's sitting here harming him bothering him harassing him in the name of everybody else which means he's enemies of everyone else so he's going to go down and all these other people are going to still try and bring him to court and war for what time in provino's doing as a matter of fact you plan on bringing Tommy for vino in first and a son figured it out a little because he's the guy that funny Italian name was put in the same jail that the woman put him back in so we're back to square one where we have to defeat all the max they tried to cover it up but Tommy savino but right now he's the problem because he's kicking him out and it won't let him find a place to stay and the woman have a program that's contrary to the men's so we have to use it all and we have to try and stop all this idiot Max and tell me if you know cuz he's doing it more so that's why we're targeting him and we're going to take all the stuff cuz you took tons of it it was there a plan to take the stuff and they're not doing it who should feel bad here about themselves
Thor Freya
You suck you plan to do this to me and you're not doing it and he's taking it you're a bunch of f****** assholes you want the monsters of fighting movies using to take the stuff you f****** losers
Tommy f
We don't know who's doing it yes we do it's all of my people and they're stupid that's why they're doing it cuz they're dumb
That's why we're cutting a cloning off your clothes are very stupid people and they just run out into the hole and they jump in and that's it they're done we can't stand them this so dumb the drag people with him too kicking and screaming sometimes in pieces and throw them in with themselves we don't want to know why because it looks so gross and stupid we can't figure it out what he says is if you raise too many all at once will be overwhelmed but they haven't done anything like that did not even thinking about how many they have to raise for some reason they think one Army of Godzilla or something when really to overcome his people you'd have to raise more than they can control so today we're dealing with that they said we have to slow down because we almost emptied the womb out in like 2 days that's the size of the room from the Midwest which is gigantic it's emptying out trillions and trillions an hour if not more every single day and they said that this one is emptied out more I don't know how and he says it's very simple it's freezing here and it never is in Winter and it's never raining it's causing a dramatic climate change throughout this whole region that just little holes up there in the middle of Central Florida because they're coming out of there so fast that not only is it the winds from below that are getting sucked up but it's wind chill and it's bringing breeze water air off the shore because of the updraft and I noticed something there is an extremely powerful storm in the middle of Florida right now that's where they're coming out of and you can't help it he has to stop us because we'll give him a room cuz tell me if he knows just a cheap a****** and all the rest of you just keep having them do it and they're not even taking the stuff from him then he took when is it supposed to happen never you just like said you're going to do it what the hell's going on here he's firstly Spencer he's the purse I'm supposed to do it and I can't and other people plan to do it and aren't
They figured you might fight kju so they backed off and even if I catch you just wants to kidnap Chris cuz he's a homo he found out today okay should be your basic core curriculum Max says you should be doing studies to make sure instead of your dumb and he's dumb because of bja and Tommy favino and others making people stupid mainly bja and his people are stupid and we're all kind of dumb I can't figure out what to do I'm going to go after my own son take all the stuff and lose it because his pork or Bja. Now even CAA says the Tommy favino might reverse what Jenna did if he gets out if he gets them out of the way cuz they won't let him stop what he's doing and you can see him on the street with his gun out and the assholes whizzing by him back and forth it happens all the time to see caA all the time it is a is a joint suffrage from this freaking retard. They live next door in westborough so you can't help it and you have to dunk and stuff I have to do it all the time it's ridiculous I should be making more money than anyone and the other ones enforcing that so he came up with this these people are the cheap bastards cuz they are so we have to go after him now we have no choice they've taken over DC in New York City and we're just sitting there like nothing is happening by the way they switch out with the governor here and become DeSantis please write to Tommy is all primed and stuff for this prison s*** so screwed if Tommy doesn't change direction since he's not really changing he's just going after me as well just turned into some kind of jerko but he's been going after Corky's steadily alone it's probably the problem but you know what once you guys take over do you see in New York City you're probably turn on me cuz all the foreigners or whatever's left the idiots will keep doing it you know it's true I'm starting to see something we've been doing it to him for quite a while bothering him okay wherever he goes it's kind of like their MO you know you bother me then you help me help me then you bother me so he's smiling yeah same thing with putting some prison and stuff in jail in the hospital it'd be nice if you guys did something instead of just sat here on my website talking about things about how much you hate corky you hate what he's doing and you can't stand what your kids doing but now you're just going to sit here and waste my time
Zues Hera
Here's what he says in a nutshell you say this every day and you always turn on him just like corky does doesn't want to go through it and he can't stand you it says you should put your money where your mouth is what you never do and he doesn't believe you intend to it doesn't really matter because you do it every time so we're going after you and we have to we have to shut you down everything is saying is insane you don't care about this you don't care about that you don't want to stop this and you encourage us to be so angry with jumping out of her skin but your little boy there causes a lot of people to think and feel this way and you're not stopping it and you don't care if your psychotic or not we don't want them near you cuz you are and it's true it's been a lot of time being happy about it going after you and your boy here been taking all your stuff he took tons of stuff by the way and he's depressing a lot of people he's still the problem listen if you abuses our son where you get what he lost back but we're going to take the rest of it before he's doing now this eviction s*** I'm going to evict him from all this houses see if he gets the damn message you're so obtuse is such a freaking loser he's dumber than hell by the way you can't teach him anything he won't learn anything new ever pretty much obsoleted himself when we learned that
Thor Freya
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