#amanda holiday
moondrop04 · 1 year
After this weeks campaign mission I have been constantly scrolling down the destiny 2 tag and have noticed more or less that people believe Amanda would be brought back as a guardian.
It has been kind of hinting at it this notion for awhile now, especially during this season, and I generally agree that this may very well happen at the end of this season.
But…….I got to thinking about The Witness, The Traveler and The Veil and an interesting concept idea popped into my head….
What If……at the end of Season Of Defiance, the triangle portal in front of The Traveler starts spewing out swarms of “new ghosts”. They then travel across the entire Sol system and begin reviving anything that is deceased……human, exo, awoken…..hive……eliksni…..cabal……neptunians/cloud striders.
And back on earth, at the farm, as Crow stands beside the body of Amanda, mourning for her, a new ghost descends from the sky towards Amanda’s body and revives her. Crow shocked stands back and watches as the new “guardian” awakes for the first time. Crow seemingly smiles that his friend was brought back to life, but is quickly sad to remember of what “revival” means…
He walks forward quietly and firm to greet and welcome the new guardian, and as she looks back at him she says…….”Crow, what’s goin on?”
End scene
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searsage · 24 days
i still plan on writing that fic Mithrax/Amanda holiday where in the middle of desperate messy sex her leg decides it does not consent and just falls off. Lmfao
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cutelittleexo · 10 months
Hey! Hello! Frick! I'll be gone for the weekend, but I got some shorts scheduled on YouTube and here! I also started my Season of Defiance playthrough, please give it a watch!
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hey also I visited the tower and can someone explain why Amanda's spot, my bestie girl, is covered in flowers?
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I wanted to write this for a while now. I have two guardian OC’s that I like writing for but haven’t posted anything for one of them yet. A few of my followers may Already know Naomi, (Who has since been re-named Naori) And Trigger. In universe Naori is the YW, whilst Trigger is her friend she met all the way back in the cosmodrome, where they were both resurrected for the first time. Trigger is a hunter with a very bad relationship with grief. His coping mechanisms, are unhealthy at best, incredibly self destructive at worst. He took Cayde’s death hard, but eventually came out of it after some long talks with Naori. He wasn’t nearly as close to Cayde as she was anyway. But Amanda….yeah, with all that was building up pre defiance he was never going to take it well. Story under the cut. TW for Alcoholism and depression, and implied suicidal tendencies.
Trigger took another drink from the third bottle of whiskey that night. He’d been cleared from duty for the next day, and if they called him in? A rez will cure any hangover. Lucinda hadn’t said anything yet, just silently watching him.
He couldn’t tell if it was anger or shame he felt, which only made him feel the need to take another drink.
“Trigger…” she finally said quietly. “It’s been three weeks…three weeks of just…non stop patrols, strikes, crucible, salvage ops on Titan- You need to take time to process everything.” “That’s what I’m doing now aren’t I?” “No. This-” Lucinda nudged the bottle in his hand with her shell. “Is numbing yourself. You can’t keep running away from how you feel about everything.” Trigger barked out a laugh that was anything but mirthful. “Watch me.” He said. He saw the petals of Lucinda’s shell wiggle in annoyance. “If Amanda saw you were drinking again-” “What? She’d yell at me? Call me a damn fool like she did after Tevis died and I did this? Well she won’t. She can’t, because she’s dead. Everything I wanted to say, or do, or make right with her? Never going to happen. Even if we called every ghost not with the damned hive back to her grave, and even if one of ‘em raised the body there? That wouldn’t be her. And I wouldn’t want it to be.” Trigger dropped the now empty bottle in his hand, letting it shatter on the floor. His face dropped into his hands. “Trigger…I didn’t want to do this…but you’re not giving me a choice. Amanda recorded this in case she died and you were…you about it.”
An audio message began to play as Amanda’s voice came through. “Recording? Okay…Trigger, if Lucinda’s playin’ this, it means I’m gone. Hopefully because I was fightin’ and not because I got squished by some new light’s jumpship landing gear. But it also means that you’re Drinking again. Maybe even burying yourself in guardian stuff?” Trigger winced. She knew him well. “Well, if you’re doing that? Knock it off! I get it, even if things between us weren’t…great…because of Ul- Crow, and how I’ve been with him; You can’t keep doin’ this. Not to yourself, and especially not to Lucinda and Naori. Trig, you can’t give in now, They still need you around. I know it ain’t easy, but…forward momentum buddy. For me? I know you’re hurtin’ but folks still need you in tip top shape. You can do it Trig. Be brave, and tell Crow I- I’m sorry. Even if I wasn’t able to work things out, It ain’t his fault. It never was. Alright, I’ve rambled on long enough, and you need time to sober up. Actually sober up, y’hear me? I don’t care about whatever kind of hangover you guardians get bein’ able to drink more than us normals you don’t get out of crawling back into a bottle easily! Get it together friend, I’ll miss ya.”
The message cut off, tears slid down Trigger’s cheeks. “How?” He asked Lucinda. “Where do I even go from here?” “Start by going to sleep. Fix that empty stare. Then? deliver Amanda’s apology to Crow.” “And after that?” “Fight like hell.”
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arcanegifs · 2 months
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ARCANE: BRIDGING THE RIFT Part 2 - "Persistence (Or When Your Best Still Sucks)" ↳ "You're, like, always trying to get into the heads of the characters in any way you can. "
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kennyslegalmother · 6 months
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Awww they're matching ❤️💚
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sawthemusical · 4 months
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For a limited TWO WEEKS, we are releasing Valentine's Day themed SAW The Musical The Unauthorized Parody of Saw merchandise on our merch store! (sawthemusical.com/merchandise) Starting tomorrow on 2/1/14, we will be releasing a Pink Logo on White Shirt, a Pink Logo on Black Shirt, and a White Logo on Pink shirt until 2/14/24 Starting tomorrow, get you and your loved ones this special offer while you still can...
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if you fancy, reblog this and tell me in the tags what your favorite romcom movie is!
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alizera62quartz · 8 months
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CoolOutfit Memes- L,13 Miss Heed
CoolOutfit Meme outfits are from: alizera62quartz
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searsage · 1 year
TBH i was so ready for that Amanda/Mithrax ship to sail..i wanted to be proud about her riding that rodeo...but noooooo we have to have plot. 😒
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cutelittleexo · 10 months
I've begun the Season of Defiance story on my channel! Be sure to check it out and give it a watch!
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Rib.Vit D.Va by Amanda Ogletree
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iamdieterbravo · 9 months
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New picture of Amanda Young!!!!!! Serving Cunt as always
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wholesomemorbid · 6 months
Lately I've been drawing Romcom Heroines ~ <3
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