#alyn oakenfist
abiiibabejpeg · 9 months
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A troubled Marilda, barely even 18, holding young Addam and Alyn. She recently gave birth to her youngest. Little did she know that one of her sons will rule over Driftmark.
(Commissioned art. Thanks so much for trusting me! 🥰)
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ride-thedragon · 4 months
Favourite Romantic Pairings
As much as I've become a dettles girl recently, I feel it's only right to give my favourite What ifs with my crackships
Nettles × Alyn Velayron: Lord and Lady of Driftmark after the dance of the Dragons.
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2. Daeron Targaryen × Nettles: A marriage to rebuild the realm.
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wweskywalker · 2 years
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“There she sought out her cousin, the Lord of the Tides, and poured out her woes to him. A fortnight later, Alyn Velaryon and Baela Targaryen were married in the sept on Dragonstone. The bride sixteen, the groom nearly seventeen.”
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horizon-verizon · 1 year
Addam and his brother, Alyn (one year younger), had been born to a woman named Marilda, the pretty young daughter of a shipwright. A familiar sight about her father’s shipyards, the girl was better known as Mouse, for she was “small, quick, and always underfoot.” She was still sixteen when she gave birth to Addam in 114 AC, and barely eighteen when Alyn followed in 115. Small and quick as their mother, these bastards of Hull were both silver of hair and purple of eye, and soon proved to have “sea salt in their blood” as well, growing up in their grandsire’s shipyard and going to sea as ship’s boys before the age of eight. When Addam was ten and Alyn nine, their mother inherited the yards upon her own father’s death, sold them, and used the coin to take to the sea herself as the mistress of a trading cog she named Mouse. A canny trader and daring captain, by 130 AC Marilda of Hull owned seven ships, and her bastard sons were always serving on one or the other. That Addam and Alyn were dragonseed no man who looked upon them could doubt, though their mother steadfastly refused to name their father. Only when Prince Jacaerys put out the call for new dragonriders did Marilda at last break her silence, claiming both boys were the natural sons of the late Ser Laenor Velaryon.
Fire and Blood by GRRM, pg 442
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Ser Alyn Velaryon
"Alyn Oakenfist"
Rider of The Cannibal
For @ghostlydarknight
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houseofpendragons · 1 year
Still confused and a little angry about the whole Laenor faked his death thing
Still wondering what they're going to do about the whole Laenor faked his death thing. Like what, Laenors gonna come back next season pretending to be Addam of Hull and Qarl is going to have bleached his hair to pretend to be his younger brother Allyn?
Are these grown ass men gonna come back pretending to be teenagers?
Is no one gonna be like "hey you look alot like Laenor Velaryon, he's gotta be your dad fr"
Like I get it Yay Laenor but a dragon can't have more than 1 rider at a time so like...wtf you gonna do?
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sare11aa11eras · 2 years
*checks notes*
Alyn Velaryon was 35 years older than Elaena, who is estimated as being 21-26 when Jon and/or Jeyne were born.
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wallboys · 1 year
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I love jon having like. one big childhood hero and every time he tries to bring it up to someone they tell him his fave was actually kind of a flop. energy of a little boy that became obsessed with a sports player who only had one good season and who wrote an exaggerated memoir about it
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highgardenart · 1 year
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Lord Alyn Velaryon
“[he] would carry the scars of the encounter on his back and legs for the rest of his long life. Yet he counted himself fortunate, for he lived…”
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stromuprisahat · 7 months
Little has been written in the Common Tongue about this strange and extraordinary adventurer, Racallio Ryndoon ... He was six-and-a-half feet tall, supposedly, with one shoulder higher than another, giving him a stooped posture and a rolling gait. He spoke a dozen dialects of Valyrian, suggesting that he was highborn, but he was infamously foul-mouthed too, suggesting that he came from the gutters. In the fashion of many Tyroshi, he was wont to dye his hair and beard. Purple was his favorite color (hinting at the possibility of a tie to Braavos), and most accounts of him make mention of long curling purple hair, oft streaked with orange. He liked sweet scents and would bathe in lavender or rosewater. That he was a man of enormous ambition and enormous appetites seems clear. He was a glutton and a drunkard when at leisure, a demon when in battle. He could wield a sword with either hand, and sometimes fought with two at once. He honored the gods: all gods, everywhere. When battle threatened, he would throw the bones to choose which god to placate with a sacrifice. Though Tyrosh was a slave city, he hated slavery, suggesting that perhaps he himself had come from bondage. When wealthy (he gained and lost several fortures) he would buy any slave girl who caught his eye, kiss her, and set her free. He was open-handed with his men, claiming a share of plunder no greater than the least of them. In Tyrosh, he was known to toss gold coins to beggars. If a man admired something of his, be it a pair of boots, an emerald ring, or a wife, Racallio would press it on him as a gift. He had a dozen wives and never beat them, but would sometimes command them to beat him. He loved kittens and hated cats. He loved pregnant women, but loathed children. From time to time he would dress in women’s clothes and play the whore, though his height and crooked back and purple beard made him more grotesque than female to the eye. Sometimes he would burst out laughing in the thick of battle. Sometimes he would sing bawdy songs instead. Racallio Ryndoon was mad. Yet his men loved him, fought for him, died for him. And for a few short years, they made him a king.
Fire and Blood (George R. R. Martin)
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Conflicted feelings and children beliefs
Rhaenys in one of the streets of Spicetown (a few months after Aemma’s birth) : what are you doing, Addam?
Addam: I search a gift for the prince and princesses grand-sorry, Lady Rhaenys, her Grace told me she believed I could get them something worthy of them.
Rhaenys: Oh really, well, I didn’t expect my good-daughter to trust you for something like that, maybe I could help?
After having found fitting gifts*
Rhaenys: Now lad, tell me what all of it was about, Rhaenyra is not one to ask a boy to procure gifts for her children.
Addam: Actually, I wanted to find them gifts, her grace allow me to be trained by her knights, to dine in her halls and to be alongside her children. I know she tells me it is normal, as I am “her husband’s blood”, but I want to do something, to be a good older brother to Jocelyn, Alyssa, Aemon, and Aemma, not just “the bastard leech”! 
Rhaenys: Gods be good I only intended to help find gifts for my grandchildren, not dealing with my husband’s bastard’s emotional issues. Listen boy, Rhaenyra does not see you as a leech, and it’s all that matters, do not listen to those who call you a leech, and focus on protecting your blood.
Addam, feeling better : thank you grandmother *hugs Rhaenys* I am going to bring the gifts to them.
Rhaenys internally: confused emotions noise
Later, after having offered the gifts to his “half siblings”
Addam: Grandmother helped me find them 
Alyn: I really don’t understand why father pretend to be our brother, it’s so obvious it’s a fabrication, why would grandmother do that if she was our stepmother?
Jocelyn, with all the wisdom of a 4-5 years old: Grown-up are dummies 
Laenor talks to Marilda
Laenor with a stiff expression and tone: Hello Marilda, I would like to know how my brothers are doing. 
Marilda, as stiff but with a lot of embarrassment: they are well my lord, I would like to thank you again for caring for them 
From the children’s POV:
Addam:  how much they were on bad terms when they stopped their relationship? Father look really upset.
Alyn: IDK, but better have father being upset than her grace, at least we are his blood. 
Addam: bro, don’t be creepy. 
Alyn: just saying, you imagine if her Grace despised us or mother ? That would be terrifying. 
Addam: … Yeah, you have a point. 
A little something because reading once again the story reminded me of the Hull brothers and made me wonder how they felt about their odd family situation, especially with being bastards.
No way Laenor didn’t had coldness toward Marilda for example, especially at this point, and Rhaenys feeling conflicted is nice. The part with Rhaenys and Addam was a lot longer then initially planned. 
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abiiibabejpeg · 1 year
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A commissioned art of Addam Velaryon and Alyn Velaryon
"What is a title if I lost a brother in the process. Driftmark is not supposed to be mine to begin with."
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ride-thedragon · 3 months
Day 5: The Three Dragons of the Dance.
Favourite Romantic Pairing:
Baela x Alyn.
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Poor little Jaehaera :(
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horizon-verizon · 1 year
Mushroom tells us there were two men on Dragonstone that night who drank to the slaughter in a smoky tavern beneath the castle: the dragonriders Hugh the Hammer and Ulf the White, who had flown Vermithor and Silverwing into battle and lived to boast of it. “We are knights now, truly,” Hard Hugh declared. And Ulf laughed and said, “Fie on that. We should be lords.” The girl Nettles did not share their celebrations. She had flown with the others, fought as bravely, burned and killed as they had, but her face was black with smoke and streaked with tears when she returned to Dragonstone. And Addam Velaryon, lately Addam of Hull, sought out the Sea Snake after the battle; what they spoke to each other even Mushroom does not say.
Fire and Blood by GRRM, pg 448
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thevelaryons · 4 months
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Returning to Hull to gather his fleet and take on provisions for the long journey, he said his farewells to his wife, the Lady Baela, who sent him on his way with a kiss, and the news that she was with child. — Fire & Blood, Under the Regents
There, before the eyes of tens of thousands, Lord Alyn Oakenfist beheld his daughter, Laena, for the first time. After kissing his lady wife, he took the child from her and held her high for all the crowd to see, as the cheers fell like thunder. — Fire & Blood, Under the Regents
Artist: Jota Saraiva (deviantart/instagram)
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