#also: someday I may actually do better at ao3 link posts with like. summaries and shit.
laundrybiscuits · 1 year
The first chapter of purify our misfit ways is now up on AO3, encompassing almost all the content posted to tumblr.
I’ve edited and expanded it a bit more heavily than usual, because I wrote a lot of the first draft while exhausted and miserably sipping an overpriced smoothie while killing six hours in my least favorite airport. Still sort of trying to figure out what I’m doing with this fic, so I may go back and edit it further, but I think it’s hit some kind of minimum threshold of acceptability and I basically wanted to overwrite the tumblr draft.
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jadeile-writes · 4 years
Fanfic Progress Update 70
Greetings, my loyal followers~ It’s Saturday, so let’s do a progress update. Stay tuned to the end of this post for a spoiler-y glimpse into the next chapter of Adventure gone Mini AND the next Radiohusk drabble I’ll post sometime next week!
Current WIPs:
Adventure gone Mini
Fandom: Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild / The Minish Cap
Summary: Sidon is given his very own Sheikah Slate, the first replica Purah has managed to make, and sets out to travel with Link with the intention of registering warp points for convenient travel in the future. However, when a malfunction shrinks them down to the size of bugs, and they meet little people called the Minish, they have to change their plans from “fun adventuring” to “getting out of this mess”. Not that those two have to exclude one another. Link/Sidon.
Progress: Chapter 40 is the current latest chapter and was posted on 17th of June. Chapter 41 is 1/3rd written and the scheduled posting date is 15th of July.
I post a new chapter every three weeks on Wednesdays. These updates always include a sneak-peek for the next chapter, slowly getting longer over the three weeks waiting period.
That month of the year
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Progress: I’m shelving this one indefinitely. It’s obviously not working out right now, so I’m better off writing something else and hopefully coming back to this at a later point in time.
Experiment in Romance
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Summary (temporary): Husk’s afterlife takes an odd turn when a drunk Alastor knocks on his door and has no intention of going to his own room for the night. It only gets weirder from there, leaving Husk with a most unexpected arrangement with the Radio Demon. Either it’ll be the best decision in his afterlife, or he’s simply out to break his own damn heart dealing with the fickle asshole. Radiohusk.
Progress: Chapters 1 and 2 are done, though I will need to check them out to see if they’re still good to go, as it’s been a while. Chapter 3 has been started, but the same applies. I’m tentatively bringing this one up here now that I’m dropping That Month, but we shall see if this becomes the project I’ll work on next or not.
Hah! Our afterlife is the most hilarious bushwa, dearest
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Summary: This is not a stand-alone story! This is a oneshot/drabble collection in the universe of “Shit, the Radio Demon is a part of my afterlife”. Read the main story before bothering with this one.
I decided to give my readers a chance to throw Radiohusk prompts at me, and had the Afterlife-verse as an option to set the stories in. Everyone liked that, so this fic is now a thing. Enjoy the extra mischief from these two dorks!
Progress: Chapter 20 is the current latest chapter and was posted on 26th of June. Chapter 21 hasn’t been started, but the scheduled posting date is 3rd of July. A sneak-peek will be posted on Thursday.
I have 16 prompts left.
This fic receives a new chapter every Friday.
Secret drabbles and ficlets!
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Summary: I’ve occasionally written completely random drabbles and shared them with a bunch of friends without posting them on AO3 or here. I’d like to rectify that and start posting them here at random for everyone to read. I won’t be posting them on AO3 because I don’t want to, so keeping an eye on this blog is even more rewarding than before for a while.
Progress: I have one drabble at the moment and I shall post it next week. I also have a few nearly finished ones that I’ll probably get done sooner or later, but since I don’t know when that happens I shall remove this thing from the list next week, unless the drabbles get done in time for this to stay relevant.
Here’s a bonus secret: I have a couple of things I won’t be posting here, because I don’t want them reblogged around - one that is unfinished and not likely to be finished at all (and which I would post on AO3 if I did finish it) and one that is slightly risque (by my very very ace standards, lol). I’ll eventually post them on the Radiohusk Discord server, if you want to see them. Asking me via DM might also work.
Other WIPs I’m not currently working on but intend to get back to someday:
PoE Drabbles (Pillars of Eternity)
DC Drabbles (Justice League)
Diaphanous Relations (Forgotten Realms, R.A. Salvatore’s books)
That month of the year (Hazbin Hotel)
That’s it for the WIPs! Here are the promised sneak-peeks into Adventure gone Mini and the random Hazbin drabble (Note: the text may end up slightly different in the fic itself due to more editing happening before publishing). Enjoy!
"I give you my tentative blessing to explore the shrine when you return, mister hero", Festari of the Abbey said once the children had been extracted from Link’s person and sent away. Again. This time Link wasn't actually expecting them to be truly gone; he liked to believe he learned from his mistakes most of the time. "However, we will have to have a serious talk about your conduct and carried weaponry when that time comes. I will not allow the shrine to be destroyed because of an unneeded exploration by a hero who isn't doing this for a grander purpose than curiosity. Are those a acceptable terms for you?"
Random drabble
"I told you to leave me the fuck alone if you're not going to buy something", Husk growled, and leaned backwards to avoid Angel Dust's grabby hands. "Oh come on! I'm not even reaching for your ass, I just want to touch your ears", Angel Dust said, and wiggled his perfectly plucked eyebrows. "I'll even let you touch this in return."
That’s it this time. See you next Saturday!
AO3    FFnet    Purple Crayon    Ko-fi     Radiohusk Discord
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Welcome post
Hello there, I’m Rae!
This blog is where I’ll be posting anything about my Arthurian project(s), and possibly any other writing projects I have going on.
In this post I’ll try to answer whatever questions I can come up with, but please don’t be afraid to message me with questions or comments, related to Arthurian content or not.
What kind of content will I be posting?
I plan to post drabbles, sketches, completed artworks, notes, pretty much anything that’s related to this project that has physical and/or digital form. This is also where I’ll reblog most of the Arthurian content that comes through my dash, as well as any writing prompts, advice or content from other creators I reblog. (though I’m sure a fair amount will still make it’s way to my main.
I do plan to keep all the content on here clean and safe. If anything contains swearing it will be tagged under ‘potty mouth’, any art or images with nudes or partial nudity will be tagged under ‘nudies’. Any other sensitive content will be under ‘nsfw’ and changes or updates to my tagging system will be posted separately as well as added to this post.
(Don’t expect the same from my main, though. There my tagging is only regular when it comes to writing resources-- most of which will be moved here.)
How often will I be posting original content?
At the moment I can’t really answer that. I’m as new to this as you are, so much of it will be learning as I go. I would like to post original content a few times a week, but I’m not making any promises and we’ll have to see how it goes.
What is my Arthurian project?
There’s a bit of a summary on this post of the three parts (which I call ‘The Merlin Arc’, ‘The Camelot Arc’, and ‘The Space Arc’), but I’ll try to explain better here and will likely put up a more comprehensive summary in the future.
It’s difficult for me to pinpoint when this idea began to bounce around my head, but I’d say it definitely picked up steam my Freshman year of high school, by which point I had begun taking notes and making a family tree. (That family tree has become a monster and it’s still not complete-- I get awed and slightly horrified looks when people glance over my shoulder to see what I’m working on.) A real kick-starter was when I decided to use the first arc as the basis for a school project where we had to make a podcast. (I think I still have the two complete episodes buried in my computer, I might post them someday. I’m actually rather proud of it-- quite the feat considering I’m not really proud of anything I made my Freshman year.)
I think it was about a year ago (but it may be more or less, my brain is terrible at judging time) when I decided to look deeper into Arthurian lore. I even joined a discord, the link to which can be found at @fuckyeaharthuriana, so go check that out if you’re interested. (Though I mostly just watch other people discuss-- I’m terrible at being regularly active on anything that isn’t Tumblr or Ao3.) Unfortunately, it doesn’t feel like that particular resolution has gotten very far. Between trying to plan out my future for the next four or five years and working to not fail in a school system where about 40-60% of my teachers aren’t prepared or willing to work with a special ed student, this may not have been the best time to take on a(nother) massive personal research project. Also, Arthurian lore is massive. t’s been growing and changing for fifteen centuries, plus there’s it’s relationship with Celtic and Welsh lore, not to mention how it interacts with real history-- so yeah, there’s a lot. I’m still very much a newbie to the Arthurian fandom-- there are people who have dedicated their entire lives to the subject and still don’t know nearly everything. But I’m nothing if not persistent, and there’s something thrilling in taking on something that could very well take my entire life.
Please note that The Arthurian Project may also be referred to as The Camelot Project or The Chronicles of Camelot, which was the name of that Freshman podcast.
What is my plan?
My plan is to eventually publish as a series of novels, though for a short period I had considered retaining the podcast format and for a while I had my heart set on a webtoon so that might change. Right now I’m continuing to write and develop. 
I’m really just trying not to stress myself out about it too much since I know far too well that I freeze up and nothing gets done if I panic. This is something I’ve enjoyed doing and would like to continue to enjoy. 
Other questions?
If there’s anything you want to know about me or my project that isn’t mentioned in this post, please message me! Even if you just want to say hi.
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flydotnet · 6 years
Surprise Meeting with Fate (and Your Eyes)
(I’m way too proud of this OS just to post it on my sideblog so here you go fellow ship buddies)
Summary: Shuichi had known for the longest time the universal rule of his world: everyone had a soulmate, and it was apparently the biggest deal ever. Cases, video games and cereals alike are all about soulmates. Shuichi also thought he didn't have a soulmate. He didn't want one. He already had many problems with people and socialization. That was, until he tried to solve the events behind the ransacking of famous pianist Kaede Akamatsu's bedroom.
Fandom: Danganronpa V3 (non-Despair AU) Pairs: Saimatsu, Makaito (implied)
Word Count: 3.2K words (one-shot)
Notes: Soulmate AU inspired by Broken Destinies: "When both of your eyes meet, your soulmate's name shows up on your wrist." I've wanted to write something not a sickfic for these two in ages, and I think I managed to do the right balance between my prompt and something new which really felt refreshing. I don't exactly know how soulmates are supposed to work, so have a rather sugary-sweet take on them.I may even continue this one as its own thing after the Everybody Lives V3 fic and the other one I have in mind featuring some Saimatsu & Makaito goodness.
AO3 version available here.
It was meant to happen, someday.
Shuichi knew about that soulmate thing, he really did. He knew, from very early on, everyone had a “soulmate” whom they would meet one day. It was “bound” to happen. Everybody and everything was dealing with it one day: from his favourite shows to cases he was helping on, there usually was something about soulmates.
Killing your soulmate because you couldn’t be with them. Arranging meeting with your soulmate. Killing your soulmate’s mate because otherwise you couldn’t be with said soulmate. Dating your soulmate. Killing your soulmate’s parents so you could be with your soulmate. Finding someone’s soulmate’s pet (yes, even if it was an alligator). Pretending to be someone’s soulmate when it wasn’t the case.
Soulmate drama. Soulmate murders. Soulmate suicides. Soulmate cereals. Soulmate stories. Soulmate merchandise. Soulmate legends. Soulmate divinities. Soulmate dating sims. Soulmate myths. Soulmate rituals. Soulmate advertisement.
Everything in this world was linked to soulmates because it was such a big deal, it seemed.
Shuichi didn’t really care about dating. Not that he was a natural loner: life just decided he would be one. He had his uncle, his aunt, and his best friend. And that was enough. He was perfectly fine with his uncle, his aunt and Kaito Momota, astronaut trainee prodigy.
And he, also, didn’t have a soulmate. Not that he even cared about that.
Sure, Kaito would tell him on a daily basis how lonely he was. And maybe it was his fault: Shuichi was, undeniably, shyer than anything that had ever graced this town. He didn’t like talking first in discussions, he didn’t dare going up to people, he didn’t know how not to fluster once asked something personal like his opinions.
Honestly, he was just scared people would eventually abandon him. He knew it was both irrational and grounded in his reality: Kaito had never given up on him, even when the astronaut had found his own soulmate, but on the other hand, he had been given up on by who was supposed to be the closest to him until he was an adult.
When, in fact, Shuichi was barely an adult, and had no real mother or father.
When he thought about his potential soulmate, he just hoped he or she wouldn’t be a fan of his parents. How many remarks had he gotten over the years about that? “The Saiharas are very famous people in the show business, how come you don’t like being in the spotlight?”.
Shuichi didn’t like acting, even less lying. He knew how to lie, that wasn’t the question, but he hated lying, because his parents were at their core filthy liars. Not because his father was an actor, or because his mother could pretend to be characters to write them better, but because they had told him they would be there for him.
When, in fact, they had never been there for him.
So, yeah, Shuichi was pretty damn happy about not having a soulmate. Someone he wouldn’t have to cry over once they were gone. Or once they would have realized they weren’t what they wanted out of a boyfriend, or even deeper, a husband. All he had was the capacity to solve murders by luck anyway. He wasn’t the Prince Charming sold by the soulmate dramas and love stories from TV and cinema.
And especially not those his parents wrote and acted in. Those were way too cutesy for the harsh reality that was a world corrupted to the core with a false idealisation of passion and unshared love.
But nobody didn’t have a soulmate. Deep down, he knew he just “hadn’t met the right person yet”.
He didn’t even know what gender to look for. Or, rather, what gender to be weary of. He hadn’t really wondered about his sexuality too much, but if something was rather clear to him, it was that boys and girls meant the same to him. Whether or not it meant he was asexual or bisexual was, also, beyond him. It was hard to tell, when he hadn’t ever really felt in love. Just felt some weird attraction to that one trickster from his high school class, his best friend, and finding some girls pretty cute here and there.
It was all just words anyway.
Because it all came crashing down on him like a person-sized thundercloud full of painful hail.
There was this one case, he was investing upon on his own. Nothing big: something precious had been stolen from a famous pianist. According to her statements, it was a pair of clef-shaped earrings offered to her by her twin sister, a pearl choker and a hairpiece with an opal in it. His task wasn’t to find out where the jewellery was: it was what had happened in the ransacked room.
His cap firmly set to avoid looking into people’s eyes, Shuichi read again the case file before starting his investigation. There was a picture of the victim, who looked quite pretty he had to admit, and all the information he already known, plus some details here and there. He just wondered, deep down, how he had gotten this case and not a famously known detective with the prestige of a royal palace.
It was clear very quickly that the culprit knew what they were doing: only her bedroom had been ransacked, with nothing touched upon other than the broken window and the violated chest of drawers in which, he guessed, the jewellery had been kept by its owner.
He rubbed his temples. That headache really didn’t want to leave, and the room was freezing. He supposed the victim hadn’t slept in there since the theft: after all, who would? The window was more or less wide opened at any time of the day and there was still a risk. He just wished he had worn more on him, even if it was a normal spring day.
The sound of heels coming towards him got him out of his thought process as he was inspecting the floor for possible hair left behind on the crime scene by the thief. Maybe the client had hired a better detective than him. That meant he could go back to bed because, frankly, being sick while investigating sucked.
He was just there because he knew that case was very important to the victim, mostly because of how emotionally charged and meaningful the stolen items were, so it was only normal of him not to let her down. It was a simple question of decency. He had just thought it would be worth it, even if it meant going to work with a harsh fever.
And just that. A fever. A fever he didn’t even feel the symptoms of before actually coming to that place. Not even a cough. Aside from the dizziness and the throbs against his temples, that was it, he was fine.
Shuichi turned his head towards the incoming person. He didn’t need to raise his gaze to know it was the victim herself, standing there, dressed in warm pinks and purples. Her legs were pretty slim, even if they were hidden under wool leggings.
“Excuse me, Mr Saihara?”
He tried his best to sound polite and, well, fine: “Yes?”
Her bust and face entered his field of vision. She was prettier than the photo was telling of her: added to her sweet perfume, her blond hair complimented her pinkish purple eyes perfectly. She really was a beautiful woman, he wondered how she wasn’t dating anyone yet. Information he knew because, when she had been interrogated, she had insisted on not having had any previous romantic partner who could have stolen the jewellery from her.
“By chance, have you found anything? The place is a mess, so I wouldn’t be surprised if you hadn’t…”
“I have one or two clues,” he replied in all honesty, “but no solid hypothesis yet. I’m sorry.”
She nodded her head with a small, reassuring smile.
“No, no, it’s okay. Don’t apologize, I know you’re doing your best. You’ve been here for a couple hours without saying a single word, after all.”
Shuichi looked at his watch, unsure. He really had spent a few hours in there. He wished he had found more than that for how long it had been, but that would have to do for the moment being.
The pianist kneeled next to him.
“Say, what don’t you have a break? It’s soon noon anyway, and I’m sure you won’t be as effective on an empty stomach.”
He wasn’t feeling any hungry, but if it meant he could slip an ibuprofen in his drink, then he’d take it.
“If you don’t mind, that is…” she added, her voice trailing off.
“I guess I have to take a break here and there,” he replied fairly. “Especially if you propose it so kindly to me.”
“Then, come with me to my living room!”
Shuichi just followed. He wasn’t sure how he was going to eat anything, even if he still had the luck to retain his sense of smell and taste, because his appetite was just completely gone. On the quick way to her living room, he just popped his inhaler and took a puff of it. Because there was no way he was having an asthma attack on the job when he had forgotten to take his medicine in the morning.
“Wait, you’re asthmatic?” she asked, noticing immediately.
Was that what they had meant by “she has exceptional hearing”? He swore he had been stealthy and that wasn’t looking.
“Oh, huh, yeah. That doesn’t prevent me from investigating though, don’t worry.”
“It’d be terrible if you got an attack on the job. Please be careful, okay?”
“I’ll do.”
Wasn’t the detective supposed to make sure the victim was safe and not the opposite way around?
They finally arrived in the living room, where she invited him to sit down on the leather sofa. Her house really was fancy: it really showed how famous she actually was.
“Would you like some tea?” she offered him.
“Sure, why not.”
Shuichi allowed himself to breathe out. A cup of tea would allow him to take a pill for his growing headache.
The pianist sat down next to him a couple minutes later, putting a small tray on the coffee table next to them.
“We haven’t been introduced properly, no? I wasn’t home yet when you arrived to investigate. I’m Kaede Akamatsu. You may have heard of me for my piano recitals. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
He had forgotten her name, because he hadn’t heard of her before this case. Oops.
“I’m Shuichi Saihara, detective-in-training. Usually, I’m a literature student, but… You can just consider me a detective, considering today’s situation. Pleasure to meet you too.”
Her face mixes both worry and joy. It’s a weird bittersweet combination of an expression.
“If you don’t mind me, I have a question to ask you,” he tells her, nervous about something.
“Sure thing! What do you need from me?”
“Why haven’t you hired a more famous detective? You specifically hired me from my uncle’s office, according to the letter I got.”
A soft giggle escaped her lips.
“I thought most detectives would accept just for the potential sum I’d give at the end. According to the agency you work for, you mostly work on the side to pay for your studies and your loan. I’m sure you’ll use this money in much better ways than anyone else I could have hired thanks to my fame.”
That made him smile.
“Thank you for trusting in my work. I’ll try not to disappoint.”
“I’m sure you won’t, Mr Saihara.”
Lunch was a bit awkward. He clearly was forcing himself to eat, taking a second headache medicine pill with a glass of water. He had to admit, this Mrs Akamatsu wasn’t half-bad at cooking. She was miles over his. It was even winning over his fever, at one point, but he didn’t know if it was his mind screaming at him to eat or else she’d ask questions or if it was genuinely this appetizing.
He let her do most of the talking. Not only was he uncomfortable saying whatever was on his mind, while she was joyfully chatting about piano and her family, he was starting to feel fairly lightheaded, as if blood was rising to his head. He was, at that point, just grateful she wasn’t requesting him to take off his cap despite the fact they were seating at a table eating lunch.
In the early afternoon, Shuichi excused himself out of lunch to investigate again. Honestly, he had forgotten most of what he had seen on the morning: his notes, fortunately, saved him. He had sent the hair and fingerprints he had found on the furniture and floor to the lab already, so he should probably investigate outside.
But when he got up from his seat, he accidentally looked into her eyes, and the blood finished reaching to his head. There were stars throbbing before his eyes. That probably wasn’t supposed to happen, but he figured it was his fever playing tricks on him.
He lost his balance, and before he knew it, his cap had fallen to the ground and his client’s arms were supporting him, gently sitting him down on the sofa again. That was way too embarrassing for him not to look away, but his head was such a dizzy mess, all he had in mind was daze. His idiot streak of rebel hair was probably either pointing up from his head idiotically or pointing down because, really, he wasn’t feeling so good anymore.
Mrs Akamatsu sat down next to him and put a warm hand on his shoulder.
“What’s wrong?” she asked, worry dripping in her previously joyful voice.
“I… I just got up too fast, that’s… nothing big…”
God did he hate to lie, but he hated being unable to solve a case more than he hated lying.
Sweat was drenching his back, sure, but there was something wrong. He didn’t know what, he just knew he shouldn’t had been so dizzy previously for just a fever and getting up a bit too fast. Breathing was difficult too, and he knew it couldn’t be his asthma.
And there was a burning pain in his veins.
And that was when Shuichi realized, he had never known how Kaito had discovered Maki was his soulmate and vice-versa.
Looking at his wrist, while muting grunts of pain as much as possible, he noticed something which wasn’t there before. Written in gold was the name of his client. Written in gold was the name “Kaede Akamatsu”. Someone he had, in short, barely met turned out to be his goddamn soulmate.
Now that was a twist he had not only not expected, but which was also destroying any hope he had in never finding said soulmate.
Once the pain had subdued, he no longer felt lightheaded. Was the fever due to him being around his soulmate? (Still, what a weird thing to think.) She hadn’t seemed to be doing too bad earlier, well, before he had worried her at least. Did it magically heal his fever? That’d be too good, and an advantage to having found the worst source of pain possible.
Shuichi looked at the blonde woman next to him. She was holding her left wrist with her right hand and staring into his eyes with glassy irises and reddened sclerae. Tears were still around the corner of her glaze.
“You…” she whispered, looking angered. Or pained? He wasn’t sure.
After all, anyone would be angry to learn he was their soulmate. She was no exception.
“Is your first name Shuichi…?”
He gulped. His throat was knotted in a noose.
Kaede sighed.
“I guess this is how it is, huh,” she said. “I never thought I’d met them today. Not in these conditions, at least.”
A small smile appeared on her face.
“At least, I’m relieved my soulmate’s a good person. I was scared they were going to be a delinquent, or abusive, or even worse, a murderer. I know you’re not like that, Shuichi. I… can call you Shuichi, at least? You can call me Kaede.”
“You were willing to help me without really knowing who I was, right?”
He looked away.
“It’s embarrassing to admit, but I didn’t know you were at all before I got the case request… Maybe I’ve heard your music before, but that’s it, really…”
“You’re a broke student according to your agency, and yet you still didn’t see the case as an opportunity to get famous or gain money. You’re something entirely different, Shuichi.”
“You’re not… offended that I didn’t see you as a celebrity?”
Kaede blinked, obviously surprised.
“Of course I’m not! Why would I be? I wish I wouldn’t be considered a celebrity anyway. I’m even happy you see me as a person more than a celebrity!”
Shuichi was astonished by her reaction. That wasn’t what he was used to, clearly. He was used to people whining about not getting recognized in the streets, not people wanting not to get recognized in the same streets. Who’d want to be incognito?
“Well… I guess my parents are another kind of celebrities altogether. They always wanted more fame and to be celebrated by fans and critics alike. I assumed most, if not all famous people were like that. Sorry for assuming that was your case, Kaede.”
“Your parents are famous? That may be why your name reminded me of something… I guess we’re both more or less linked to fame, then. Me because I got famous thanks to piano, you because your parents are famous. But I think we should push that to the side.”
He didn’t know what to say. For once, someone wasn’t asking him why he didn’t want to be famous. That hadn’t happened since he had met Maki, through Kaito, back in high school. It felt incredibly nice.
“I don’t know what’ll happen to us now,” Kaede continued. “You may already be in a relationship, after all. I wouldn’t want to ruin that.”
“I’m not. I’ve never been in a relationship at all, actually. Well, a romantic one I mean….”
She put a hand on his tight.
“Then… Why not keep in contact and get to know each other this afternoon? I’m sure you’ve investigated enough today. Even if we don’t date each other, we can still be friends. I’m sure it’ll work out well!”
Shuichi was so numbed by relief that he could only nod as he smiled.
Yet, Kaede’s face was still bittersweet. How could it be?
“Something’s wrong?” he asked.
“I’m just wondering about something… My wrist hurt when we looked into each other’s eyes, but I didn’t go dizzy like you did. How come?”
“Huh… It may be because I was…”
Shuichi’s voice stops. Should he lie again, or shouldn’t he? He decided that, as opposed to his soulmate parents, he wouldn’t like to his.
“I was running a fever when I came here. I think it calmed down, though.”
Without a word, she puts a hand on her forehead, then on his.
“You’re a bit warmer than I am, so it’s probably not too bad. Still, I don’t think you should investigate when you’re feverish. Why don’t we go out for a bit, so we can make some chit-chat? I can even play something for you later!”
“It sounds lovely… Let’s do this.”
They got up from the sofa at the same time, grabbed some outerwear and went outside.
Shuichi still took the time to make sure the bedroom couldn’t be accessed from the broken window, to Kaede’s amusement.
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Dads Against Daughters Dating
Note: This little bit here has been my headcanon for a good few months and a part of me wishes that I had posted it during Pride Month, but I didn’t because I’m an idiot. I don’t have a lot of experience with “coming out” as I don’t fall under the LGBTQA umbrella, but I do think that Emma and Killian would most certainly not care if their kid was. I was supposed to be working on a Wes request and a Harrison request, but my Beth muse was going so I decided to follow through with it. I will work on Wes tomorrow and hopefully post it by tomorrow night. Anyway, thank you @welllpthisishappening for listening to me babble on and on about these children. I would be lost without you. Available in AO3 flavor here: [LINK] Summary: Beth Jones has been going on a lot of dates, but Emma and Killian aren’t entirely prepared for the bit of news that their fifteen year old daughter drops on them over breakfast. Rating: T Word Count: 2,900+
Killian Jones loves his daughter with everything in his heart, but these days he misses when she was a little minnow in his arms who wanted nothing more than to splash around in the waves, fiddle around with his hook and giggle against his chest as they watched whales break the ocean’s surface while taking the Jolly on a joy ride.
Now, she’s a full-fledged teenage girl, no longer sweet and adorable, but clever, gorgeous and maddeningly charming with a penchant for tight fitted clothing and low neck lines that blatantly show off more cleavage than Killian is comfortable with. At fifteen years old, Beth Jones is both Killian’s pride and joy and his worst nightmare. There are days where Killian is pretty sure he’s going to suffer from aneurysm due to half of the outfits she puts on. Even worse is that he now catches men of all ages blatantly staring at his little girl. He nearly killed one of the dwarves who had been checking out at his daughter’s ass in the grocery store before his wife stopped him. It doesn’t help that she’s also aware of the staring and sometimes even encourages it with a flirty wink and an all-knowing smirk that gives him a sense of deja vu.
Now boys hound her at all hours of the day. Text messages, phone calls and little notes start cropping up all over the place. One boy who had been working as a bus boy at Granny’s even had the nerve to ask her out while they were eating together as a family. He could barely contain his look of disdain while Beth calmly told him she was unavailable and to ask her some other time. Harrison looks as horrified as Killian while Wes and Neddy tease their sister on how popular she is.
“Jeez, you cannot even eat without getting someone’s number,” Wes snickers. “And I thought I was the gorgeous one in the family.”
“Shut up!” Beth hisses under her breath. “It doesn’t mean anything.”
She says it doesn’t mean anything, but half the time she humors these idiots and lets them take her out for dinner, to the movies and even to the park. Killian doesn’t understand it and doesn’t want to. He just wants it all to stop.
“She’s fifteen, Killian, she’s allowed to date. I don’t remember you giving Henry, Harrison or Wes this much grief when they started dating,” Emma comments after listening to him rant about Beth’s latest date at the movie theater with Dean Kelleher. Dean is two years older than Beth and his parents were some sort of minor nobles back in the Enchanted Forrest. Killian doesn’t care if the boy’s parents were Olympian gods, no one is worthy of his daughter.
“That’s different!” Killian exclaims. “She’s”- “Your little girl,” Emma interrupts him with a teasing smile.
“Your little pirate princess. Your little buttercup. Your minnow. Shall I go on?” she asks him, looking every bit amused.
“Swan…” Killian gives her an irritated look.
“Killian, like I said, she’s fifteen, not three. She’s going to grow up someday. Pirate princess is possibly gonna find a pirate king in the future and you can’t handle it.”
“Pirate queen, Swan, pirate queen. Princess is a bit demeaning and I know she’s going to get older and perhaps settle with someone someday but fifteen is not old enough to be looking for, how did you put it? A pirate king?”
“Easy there, sailor,” Emma says, placing a hand on his cheek and caressing his scar. “I think my mother would be offended about your thoughts on princesses but mainly I think you’re overblowing this. Going to the movies isn’t a marriage. It’s a first date. A casual first date and you’re just gonna have to suck it up and get used to it because unless you’re planning on throwing her into the brig on the Jolly, she’s gonna keep dating.”
Killian is silent as he mulls over her words in his mind, debating the pros and cons silently of locking his daughter away on his ship. Emma seems to have caught on to his line of thought because she gives him a light slap.
“That was not a suggestion. Do not lock up our daughter, Killian. She knows how to pick a lock. It was one of the first things we taught her. She will escape and she will hate you.”
Killian sighs and drops the argument with a shake of his head, deciding that his time is better spent watching the front window until his daughter comes home rather than a fruitless argument with his wife.
Luckily for Killian, Beth comes home at nine o’clock; two hours earlier than her scheduled curfew. He watches as Dean’s car rolls up to their house and the two get out of the car. The boy is chivalrous enough to walk his daughter to the front door, giving Beth a nervous smile. They talk for a few moments, Killian strains his ears to hear what they’re saying to no avail, before Dean bends forward. Alarms go off in Killian’s head. He knows this movement. This is a goodnight kiss. This son of wannabe nobles wants to kiss Beth, the apple of his eye and the most likely inheritor of his ship. (He’s pretty sure she would kill her brothers for it so he might as well put it in his will that the ship is hers outright and save them all from the bloodshed.)
However, all the alarms are silenced when Beth turns her head so that Dean’s lips land awkwardly on her cheek rather than her lips. Killian inwardly crows. His girl seems to realize the Kelleher boy is no match for her and has found him lacking. Beth gives Dean a waning smile and a stiff pat on the arm before walking into the house.
“Watched that, did you?” Beth asks as she places her jacket on the coat rack. It’s small leather number that is similar to Killian’s own except with a more feminine cut.
“Just making sure you got home alright, love,” he replies with a small smile.
She scoffs.
“Yeah, because the whole thirty yards to the front door is so dangerous. Dean wasn’t going to murder me on the steps, Dad. I was the one packing heat, not him. Knife in my boot,” Beth replies with a roll of her eyes that is so completely her mother.
“That’s my girl, always prepared. Did you have a good time?”
She gives a casual shrug.
"It was okay. Movie sucked, though Dean was more interested in other things than the actually movie, which I don't understand why guys think pawing someone on the first date is a good idea," she comments nonchalantly.
Killian's entire body goes stiff as he digests her words. A violent urge to pay Dean Kelleher a visit and discuss his dating behavior with his sword is a near compulsion. He tries to keep a calm demeanor as rage quells inside him.
"I will kill him," he says softly.
"No, you won't," Beth replies without a hint of fear as she crosses her arms in front of her chest. It strikes him that his daughter looks like a dark-haired replica of his wife in this moment. "I'm not a damsel. I'm not in distress. You can't go killing every single person who gets a little handsy with me. I can handle it. I handled it tonight. He got the picture when I kept kneeing him accidentally in the balls. Besides, I texted his mom about it. I'm sure whatever she has in store for him is worse than anything you could do. You taught me to take care of myself. Trust me. And trust your teachings."
"Beth, I'm your father. I'm always going to worry about you and going to hate it when you date boys who aren't even worthy enough to lick your boot," Killian replies, raking his hand through his increasingly silvery hair. It almost shocks him how fast he went gray, though at the same time with the sheer amount of insanity his kids put him through on a daily basis, it’s a miracle that Killian still has a full head of hair.
"Well, you shouldn't. I'm the best sword in Storybrooke. You said it yourself," she says with a smirk that's more Jones than Swan and brimming with overconfidence.
"No, I said you were the best sword of your generation, which really isn't a large pool to contend with, so don't get head of yourself. You still have a lot to learn, my young apprentice."
She laughs and suddenly she's no longer the strange flirtatious teenaged Beth that she's become but back to being his Beth, the small girl who is more interested in sword fighting and sailing the Jolly than boys.
"Well, we will just have to see, I may surprise you, old man, and even beat you," she replies, green eyes glittering.  
Killian chuckles. Beth’s got good form and far more talent than any of her brothers, much to Killian's disappointment (and David’s for that matter. Killian will never be over Beth singlehandedly disarming Neal who is nearly five years Beth’s senior.) Her issue is that she's both overconfident and impatient, things that Killian is sure will wane in time. She's got enough dedication and determination to keep with swordplay for as long as she is able.
"I would despair if you didn't, my minnow," he smiles. "But for now, how about some hot chocolate, hm?"
“Sounds delightful,” she replies with a small laugh.
Killian wraps an arm around her and places a kiss on the top of her head as they head towards the kitchen. They spend a good few hours talking; Killian regaling her about his old pirate days and Beth pretending she hasn’t heard them at least ten different times before. He’s missed their small chats, which have been growing less and less frequent as her gentleman callers become more and more common.
Much to his relief, over the next few weeks, Beth’s dates become few and far in between. Though Rapunzel’s daughter Claire becomes a frequent visitor in the Swan-Jones household. Claire Fitzhubert is a lovely dark-haired girl with kind eyes, a soft smile and skin like soft caramel. Their friendship is a bit of a mystery to Killian since Claire is incredibly shy and soft-spoken while Beth has always been boisterous and brimming with confidence. More often than not, Killian finds his daughter smirking as she whispers something in the poor girl’s ear, which causes her to go red and blush all the way to the roots of her hair. Killian wonders what will happen first – Claire’s gentle ways tempering his daughter’s wildness or Beth’s brazen mischievousness giving Claire a heart attack.
It’s a quiet Sunday morning when Beth drops a bit of news on their laps. Killian is drinking his coffee (with a splash of rum as usual) while reading the paper, half focused on the news section, half focused on his daughter chatting away about what she and Claire got up to yesterday. Emma is barely awake, nodding her head like a bobble-headed dog on a car dashboard as Beth speaks. Neddy is away, sleeping over at some friend from baseball camp’s house. Harrison and Wes are still in bed and Killian highly doubts either of them will be up before noon considering Wes was at a party last night and Harrison, in a fit of boldness, snuck his girlfriend in through the window. Killian has no illusions that they spent the night having extremely cautious and quiet sex in hopes of not alerting anyone to Nasira’s presence or their amorous activities. He’s going to have to pull the boy aside later and remind him that he knows the house like the back of his hand and Harrison’s not nearly as sneaky as he thinks. (If Killian’s feeling cheekier about it by the time he gets around to giving his eldest a talk, he might suggest Harrison take some lessons from Wes on how to be more sly. His second son is constantly up to something, Killian more than aware of it; he just lacks the evidence to prove it.)
“So, Claire is super cute and we’ve going to the movies tonight and if it all goes well, I might actually ask her to be my girlfriend,” Beth concludes, taking a big bite out of her toast.
Killian blinks for a moment in confusion, dropping his paper and meeting Emma’s eyes across the breakfast table. Emma, who had barely looked more alive than a zombie before, is now alert and meeting Killian’s gaze with the same stunned expression.
“Wait, what?” Emma asks, seeking clarification to make sure both she and Killian heard them right.
“You know, Claire…” Beth says slowly as if they were hard of hearing. “Tinier than me...Super cute...We’ve been hanging out for a good two weeks and I really like her and want her to be my girlfriend.”
“Huh,” Emma responds, not entirely articulate and still looking a bit shocked as she lifts her hot chocolate back up to her lips in an attempt to be casual, but entirely fails as some comes dribbling down the front of her white sleep-shirt.
“I thought you were dating that Tom Rolfe kid,” Killian comments, eyebrows still furrowed together. He doesn’t have an issue with Beth possibly liking girls. That’s not the thing that puzzles him, but rather how he missed the cues. In his mind’s eye, he begins reviewing all interactions that Beth has had with the girl in question. Now that he’s looking back on it, Beth’s actions which Killian had viewed as platonic teasing were most certainly flirting.
Beth scowls and rolls her eyes in near typical teenage fashion. This is Killian’s fourth go at raising a teenager and he finds this action to be part of the uniform. He finds himself less and less impressed with it.
“I went on, like, two dates with him. That doesn’t quantify as dating,” Beth explains as if she is explaining the nuances of dating to her nine-year-old brother rather than her near three-hundred-year-old father who has been married longer than she’s been alive. “Besides, he made me pay for my own stuff and told me that I talked too much and would benefit from listening more instead of speaking so I told him to lose my number. Besides, I’ve always liked Claire more than him.”
“I didn’t realize you liked girls,” Emma responds, essentially reading Killian’s mind. “I thought you were into boys since you went on all those dates.”
“I didn’t realize liking either was mutually exclusive,” Beth responds, raising both of her eyebrows at them.
“She’s got you there, Swan,” Killian mutters, picking his paper up with a sigh.
Silence falls between all of them. Killian reads the same paragraph over and over while Emma sips on her hot chocolate and Beth continues to munch on the leftover crust of her toast. Killian finds himself wanting to say something, but it’s almost as if a spell has been cast over him and he’s become tongue tied. It’s a curious feeling considering that he’s always been so verbose; using words as sword and shield to get out of sticky situations.
“Is it okay…that I like both boys and girls…? Like, it’s not gonna be a problem, right?” Beth asks in a rare show of unsureness, playing with a lock of hair.
Beth has always been a confident girl, which both Emma and Killian had encouraged from a young age; neither of them wanted their children to be unsure and unable to stick up for themselves in a world that wasn’t always kind. It was a bit jarring to see she look so nervous and for these nerves to be over their opinion. Killian had thought at this point their opinion meant as little to her as the dirt behind her feet.
“Yes, it’s a problem,” Killian starts. “I thought I just had to beat the men away with a stick, but now I have to beat the ladies away as well. Beth, with as popular as you are, my arm is going to fall off from all of this by the end of the year and your mother is going to have to spoon feed me for the rest of my life.”
Emma leans over and plucks the newspaper out of Killian’s hand before rolling it up and giving him a loud whack on the head. He feigns pain, giving an exaggerated yelp of pain and making a show of rubbing his abused skull. Emma rolls her eyes.
“What your father means to say is that it’s okay. We love you whether that means you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend or no one at all. You’re our daughter and we love you and will learn to love anyone who you deem appropriate to spend your life with,” Emma says, dropping the newspaper and taking Beth’s hand in hers.
“No, I think I’ve made it clear that I’m pretty much against Beth dating anyone because no man or woman is ever going to be a good enough consort for my favorite pirate queen,” Killian clarifies.
Emma picks up the newspaper and whacks him again.
“Your father is a bit of an idiot but we love him anyway,” Emma remarks dryly.
Killian gives his wife an offended look while Beth laughs, the corners of her eyes crinkling and her shoulders relaxing as she watches the banter between her parents.
“I do love that about him,” Beth smiles in agreement. “But for real, you’re cool with it?”
“Aye,” Killian replies, now completely serious. “It was never a problem to begin with.”
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jadeile-writes · 4 years
Fanfic Progress Update 42
Greetings! It’s Saturday, so it’s time for Fanfic Progress Update! Stay tuned to the end of this post for a spoiler-y glimpse into the next chapter of Adventure Gone Mini AND the next chapter of Shit, the Radio Demon is a part of my afterlife.
Current WIPs:
Adventure gone Mini
Fandom: Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild / The Minish Cap
Summary: Sidon is given his very own Sheikah Slate, the first replica Purah has managed to make, and sets out to travel with Link with the intention of registering warp points for convenient travel in the future. However, when a malfunction shrinks them down to the size of bugs, and they meet little people called the Minish, they have to change their plans from “fun adventuring” to “getting out of this mess”. Not that those two have to exclude one another. Link/Sidon.
Progress: Chapter 31 is the current latest chapter and was posted on 27th of November. Chapter 32 is finished, and will be posted on 18th of December. Chapter 33 has been started.
I update this fic every three weeks on Wednesdays.
Shit, the Radio Demon is a part of my afterlife
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Summary: Husk is just your everyday demon, minding his own business and living his afterlife mostly in self-caused misery. He’s been at it for about ten years when he rather abruptly finds himself on the Radio Demon’s radar. Suddenly his life becomes a lot more interesting. For fuck’s sake, he did not ask for this bullshit.
Progress: Chapter 2 is the current latest chapter, and was published on 13th of December. Chapter 3 will be published on 20th of December. Chapters 4-11 are also ready and waiting. About 3/4th of chapter 12 and half of chapter 13 are written as well.
I will update this fic every Friday. This may change to twice a week (Tuesday and Friday) once I get the whole thing written out and no longer have to reserve writing time for it.
Radiohusk that makes me question my life choices (workname)
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Summary (temporary): Alastor and Husk make out and have pillow talks that range from cute to mildly disturbing to glimpses of Alastor’s backstory. Alastor is an awkward asexual who never really did romance because of that and now truly doesn’t know what he is even getting himself into. Basically a PWP but without smut.
Progress: I fixed Alastor’s characterization. This is about 5000 words already and the end is nowhere in sight, send help.
I still don’t know what I’m going to do with this. I think the most likely fate for this fic is to end up solely on my website and not on AO3 or ffnet at all. I don’t know yet.
Drunk Alastor (workname)
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Summary (temporary): Roles are reversed in many ways when a drunk Alastor knocks on Husk’s door and has no intention of going to his own room for the night. Why yes, the author has one specific goal to get to here (no, not that one, eww), and you guys are going to love it, mwahaha! Oneshot, Alastor/Husk.
Progress: I’d say this is... maybe 2/3rds done. Or at least half done. It’s a long oneshot anyway. Chances are I’ll post it sometime next week, but don’t count on it.
Other WIPs I’m not currently working on but intend to get back to someday:
PoE Drabbles (Pillars of Eternity)
DC Drabbles (Justice League)
Diaphanous Relations (Forgotten Realms, R.A. Salvatore’s books)
Rolling with it (Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
Possibly worth staying for (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
That’s it for the WIPs! Here are the promised sneak-peeks into Mini and Afterlife. (Note: the text may end up slightly different in the fics themselves due to more editing happening before publishing). Enjoy!
"LIBRARI GUESS WHAT!" Histori yelled, as she enthusiastically kicked the door to the library open.
Link and Sidon were dragged in, not really having had much of a choice in anything ever since the left the Magic Academy. Histori had pulled them down the hallways in a hurry and led them to the library without any hesitation or manners whatsoever. Really, maybe her name was actually Hysteri and Link had just misheard it.
"Histori, don't yell in the library!" A voice sounded from somewhere further in. Also yelling. Link snorted.
"COME HERE AND I'LL STOP!" Histori kept on shouting, and started pulling them in the direction of the earlier voice.
"Why are you like this?" The same voice asked, right before their group went around a book shelf and came face to face with the source.
Everything was shit. Absolute, complete, motherfucking pure crap.
Husk was thrown out of the casino and landed in a pile of trash in an ungraceful heap of limbs and feathers.
“Hah, serves you right, you stinking loser! Stay the fuck away from here or we’ll trash you up even worse!” his assailant shouted gleefully, and slammed the heavy door shut. Husk could hear laughter from behind it, fading away as the fuckers moved away from the door.
Mother of all whores in a shitwagon! Husk hated his afterlife more than he had hated the miserable last quarter of his actual life!
He had just lost all of his money. Every single penny, nickel, and cent. The the whole kit and caboodle. He was so broke that he wouldn’t be able to afford the cheapest fucking beer to make things marginally better, much less all the liquor he would actually need for that damn miracle.
That’s it this time. See you next Saturday!
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jadeile-writes · 3 years
Fanfic Progress Update 109
Hi. I can’t believe there’s less than a week of March left; I don’t want April to come, because of reasons. Stay tuned for a spoilery glimpse into the next chapter of Adventure Gone Mini at the end of the  post.
Current WIPs:
Adventure gone Mini
Fandom: Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild / The Minish Cap
Summary: Sidon is given his very own Sheikah Slate, the first replica Purah has managed to make, and sets out to travel with Link with the intention of registering warp points for convenient travel in the future. However, when a malfunction shrinks them down to the size of bugs, and they meet little people called the Minish, they have to change their plans from “fun adventuring” to “getting out of this mess”. Not that those two have to exclude one another. Link/Sidon.
Progress: Chapter 49 is the current latest chapter and was posted on 3rd of March. Chapter 50 is 3/4ths done, and the scheduled posting date is 31st of March. Apologies for the delay; I tried to finish the chapter on Tuesday, but writing just felt like a slog and was completely uninspired, and after giving up and mulling it over for a couple of days, I figured out why: I hated what I had written on the latter half of the chapter and my brain was preventing me from continuing the disaster. I had to delete and rewrite it during my writing hour, and now I’m happy with it again, but still missing the last fourth of the chapter. I shall get it done for next Wednesday tho, now that I’m on the right track again.
I post a new chapter every three weeks on Wednesdays, except when I don’t manage to and move it by a week. These updates always include a sneak-peek for the next chapter, slowly getting longer over  the three weeks waiting period.
Hah! Our afterlife is the most hilarious bushwa, dearest
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Summary: This is not a stand-alone story! This is a oneshot/drabble collection in the universe as “Shit, the Radio Demon is a part of my afterlife”. Read the main story before bothering with this one.
I decided to give my readers a chance to throw Radiohusk prompts at me, and had the Afterlife-verse as an option to set the stories in. Everyone liked that, so this fic is now a thing. Enjoy the extra mischief from these two dorks!
Progress: Chapter 28 is the current latest chapter and was posted on 27th of November (-sobs-). Chapter 29 has been started, and the scheduled posting date is a Friday, once I get it written. There will be a sneak-peek on Thursday when I get it done. Still no progress. I want to write at least one more chapter, so I’m not just abruptly marking the fic as finished out of the blue. That’ll have to wait until I get enough motivation to write it, however, because at this fic deserves an inspired, lovingly written last chapter; not one that’s completely forced and bad.
Note to new people who might be looking at this: I’m not taking prompts anymore.
Other WIPs I’m not currently working on but intend to get back to someday:
PoE Drabbles (Pillars of Eternity)
DC Drabbles (Justice League)
Diaphanous Relations (Forgotten Realms, R.A. Salvatore’s books)
A bunch of Hazbin chapter fics, some started, some just on the idea phase
That’s it for the WIPs! Here’s the promised sneak-peek into Adventure gone Mini (Note: the text may end up slightly different in the fic itself due  to more editing happening before publishing). Enjoy!  
Steamed beetles were officially Link's favourite food. Him being starved had probably a lot to do with, but he was also certain the cooking in the inn was simply superb and worthy of praise any day. Regardless, he had a full plate of beetle shells with juicy meat within, served with toasted sunflower seeds and a side of mixed flower petal salad dressed with bright yellow sunflower oil. He had a glass of floral wine that wasn't what he'd usually go for, but it was tasty nonetheless. He would bet Zelda would love it.
Sidon had a large bowl of thick shrimp paste on what looked like rice but was too small to actually be it. He, too, had a colourful salad with oil on top on a separate plate, and a glass of something pink-ish. Link had honestly not paid much attention to the waiter's explanation after he received his own food – he had only caught the part about shrimp and had been happy with that knowledge alone. They also had a pitcher of water that Sidon had immediately drank two thirds of before they were even close to receiving their food.
The two of them had sat in awkward silence the entire wait time, as Sidon had evidently been way too grouchy from hunger to feel like having conversations, even with Link. And now? Now they were too busy stuffing their faces to talk and Link honestly preferred it that way, because he needed his hands to shovel food into his mouth. It was only after they were about half done with their plates that Sidon decided to say things other than muffled praises for the food.
"Ahh, I feel alive again", Sidon said after a deep drink from his glass. He smiled at Link, who was beyond ecstatic to see that it was a genuinely happy look now – it was much better than the bleak smiles from the Lost Woods. "I think I'll have seconds as soon as I can catch a waiter. How about you?"
That’s it this time. See you next Saturday!
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