#also very happy for brendan fraser
casablancas · 1 year
EEAAO SWEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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becky5203 · 2 years
When The Whale comes out and you all see it for Brendan and Sadie but Ty Simpkins blows you away then you will see YOU WILL ALL SEE
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j4m3s-b4k3r · 6 months
Here are some pre-production drawings done for MONKEYBONE, a film directed by Henry Selick. I worked on the film very briefly, perhaps only a week or two, helping with story beat boards. It was a fun gig, in part due to the location in The Presidio.
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Nowadays The Presidio is one of the jewels of San Francisco - a truly beautiful parkland for residents to play in - but when I first arrived in San Francisco, it was still a functioning military base. It was already known that it would soon close, however. So discussion about what was next for the site bubbled for the first few years that I lived here. Would it become low income housing? Or yet another swanky property development, as seemed likely. Who else but big money could pay for the cleanup required after the military had left so many toxic cooties (asbestos etc) behind? 
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Anyway, while such things were being decided, some of the abandoned buildings would be rented out for short term projects, one being an animated/live action comedy, that was in pre-production circa 1998 (adapted from a graphic novel - DARKTOWN  by Kaja Blackley & Vanessa Chong). I worked on MONKEYBONE in the early, eager, happy, anything-is-possible phase. It may have been so early that our work was merely a proposal, before a ‘green light’. 
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Henry himself was in a great spirits, now that he was out of the shadow of Tim Burton, and Chris Columbus was his exec producer. Many of the crew were Henry’s old cronies from Nightmare Before Christmas, such as production designer Bill Boes. He’d already built models of some of the sets & locations, and these were great reference. With a tiny lipstick camera we could shoot the models from all kinds of angles, and this was enormously helpful, allowing myself & Lawrence Marvitt to bang out panels relatively quickly, under the guidance of Mike Cachuela.
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Many things had not yet been decided on, such as casting. The protagonist in my sketches here was based on Nicolas Cage, but of course Brendan Fraser got the role of of Stu. Other roles were played by Rose McGowan, Dave Foley, Bob Odenkirk, John Turturro, Whoopi Goldberg, Chris Kattan and even Breaking Bad’s Giancarlo Esposito. The final film really had an amazing cast.
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The Presidio was not yet full of dining options, but our workspace wasn’t far from the Presidio gates, where we’d have lunch at Liverpool Lil’s, a great little pub (that has recently burned down, sadly). I also remember a really fun swanky dinner (I forget now where) with the entire tiny pre-pro crew, where Henry was in a jovial mood and writer Sam Hamm was too. Both hilariously regaling us with their Hollywood horror stories (and comparing their scars inflicted by Tim Burton). Best of all, someone else picked up the exorbitant check! (I think it was Sam Hamm?)
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Years after my brief stint on MONKEYBONE I got an invite to a preview screening in early 2001. The film was madcap, weird, & even disturbing at times. Much of what I’d thought would be animated was actually handled with costumed humans in the final film, surprisingly. But it was exciting to have worked on a feature film that actually got made. This was a period where I worked on many great projects that collapsed before making it to the screen. I remember enjoying it until the very end, when I saw that I hadn't got a credit (I hadn't worked on it long enough apparently). In the lobby after the screening, there were a lot of concerned/worried/disappointed faces. Whereas I was bummed that my name was was not in the credits, many people seemed unhappy that their names were.
Ha ha!
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Sure enough, the film was a financial & critical flop and has low score to this very day (despite a tiny subset of viewers who still love it, and look back on it fondly). I learned that there had been much tussling along the way to the screen. Perhaps the guy who'd done Home Alone was not the right choice to ‘mentor’ Henry? Did things go sideways after Rupert Murdoch fired Bill Mechanic? Or was it merely typical studio meddling? My guess is it was another case of AOTA: all of the above.
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Henry himself sums up MONKEYBONE this way:
"I have two thoughts: it never would have been a big hit. It certainly would have done better if they advertised it a little... I would still like to do a Director's Cut because there's a lot of cool stuff that was removed... my main lesson learned is, I don't really do well in the live-action universe... I love my world of stop-motion... I went down a slippery slope to make Monkeybone, but the film that came out it's not my vision of what the film could've been, and I just don't thrive in that.”
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Not long after I worked there, the fate of The Presidio was finally decided when George Lucas’ proposal to develop The Letterman hospital into a media centre was accepted in 1999. And it became the mixed-use space SF residents play in today.
Just last weekend, we spent a day in The Presidio, enjoying its restaurants & bars and exploring the new Tunnel Tops park. As we strolled around, I tried to figure out which of The Presidio's many buildings we worked in in 1998, but couldn't pin it down (of course, the Letterman hospital complex was levelled to build what became ILM/Lucasfilm, so perhaps the buildings we worked in are gone).
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julesthepsychic · 5 months
15 questions for 15 friends!!
thank you to @leorajames for tagging me!!
1. are you named after anyone?
my full name has my grandma's name in it and my middle name is my mom's name, and i hate my full name so that's why i go by jules
2. when was the last time you cried?
january 3, 2024 when i watched the whale (brendan fraser) with my roommates. we all cried it was a very good movie. i might have cried since then bc i cry a lot but i don't remember
3. do you have kids?
no and i never want any i will be a cool aunt to my friends kids
4. what sports do/have you played?
none. actually i played soccer for like a week in preschool but that's it
5. do you use sarcasm?
sometimes but not really
6. what is the first thing you notice about people?
vibes/energy,, i might not always say it but i have met friends of friends with bad vibes and don't know how to say anything so i don't say anything
7. what's your eye color?
8. scary movies or happy endings?
scary movie with a happy ending!!
9. any talents?
i'm good at art (or so i've been told), i can scream well, i kill on kazoo, and i can sort of play violin! the person who tagged me in this and i were in orchestra together
10. where were you born?
pennsylvania baybey
11. what are your hobbies?
art, music,, just spending time with my friends doing whatever, hiking is fun too but sometimes i run out of breath too quickly
12. do you have any pets?
my parents have 2 dogs, simba and gypsy rose (my mom named her, i know this is a slur but it's also just her name and i can't do anything about that. also my mom doesn't care about gypsy rose blanchard even though i explained to her what she did.) i had a hamster for a few years but she died in November of 2022, rip buttons <3
13. how tall are you?
5'6". 5'10" in my demonias
14. favorite subject in school?
orchestra, i was never great at violin but i loved to play and my orchestra directors were so cool (JB is a real one). i also loved art classes whenever i was able to take those bc i was good at it and my teachers always approved of my art :3 i felt bad for the kids who weren't good at art bc the one art teacher made fun of their art, and as a preteen that would hurt a lot
15. dream job?
probably full time makeup artist. my mom crushed my dreams of being a makeup artist when i was younger, so i chose a different career path. but yeah, i'd love that
if you're tagged don't feel like you have to do this!! :) i'm just tagging mutuals
@kxbi @againstpollutions @emovhs @lilmartinscorsese @a-star-that-fell @viiperfang @dingdingdingwehavealoser @baskinsilence @electricgf @finagle-a-bagel @entropicstatic @arathibasin @4stardusts @omgwhythough @paperkingd0m
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johannestevans · 11 months
Bunch of new pieces this week!
Good evening!
Apologies for the lack of email last week, and the lack of bonus erotica episode too - I'm traveling back and forth at the moment as I try to sort out flat stuff, and unfortunately my asthma is kicking my ass at the moment and making it really hard to sit and record audio even when I have the time. I'm hoping after some rest my chest will chill out a bit and I'll be able to record by next week, but unfortunately it's not predictable.
I had a great time at Bristol Pride and met some of you guys, so if that was you, thanks so much for saying hello!
I will be at Leeds Pride in August, too, so looking forward to that.
Before I get to media recommendations and my new works published in the past two weeks, just your reminder that I am now running a trans erotica publication on Medium!
I'm reccing a favourite in my Media Recs section below, but since starting off, there's 20 new erotic pieces there to peruse, and I'm so, so excited to see a broad swathe of authors and works as time goes on and the publication reaches more people.
Trans Erotica on Medium
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Please don't feel that you have to be transmasc or MLM to submit just because I am, by the way, I'd love to see more transfem and trans woman authors, as well as lesbians and WLW, submitting too!
Here are the Submission Guidelines, and here's a basic guide to Medium to get you started if you're new to the platform. Want a prompt to get you started? Here's the July 2023 prompt set.
Media Recs
Fashioning a Fop by Damien Locke- Short fiction. An 18th century tale of a trans man discovering himself through dressing in men’s clothing for the first time. This piece is fucking spectacular, so gorgeously written and with such wonderful 1700s-style prose, very hot, very fun!
What's in the Tea? by Achilles King - Short fiction. 18+ Erotica. Cis M/M and Cis M/Trans M. This is a gorgeous little piece playing with massage and the drugging effects of a particular tea, and I love the power play in this one.
The Music Man (1962, dir. Morton DaCosta) - A musical! I've been in the mood for musicals the past few days, and I enjoyed this one a lot more than I expected - a lot of the music has really stuck with me, I love the brass band stuff and the rapid patter pace of the show, especially because I love a conman. With that said, Marian Paroo is a ridiculous name for a woman - the librarian love interest should be a man. I also watched and enjoyed Sweet Charity (1969, dir. Bob Fosse), and I never realised Big Spender was from this show! So that was fun.
I had a gay movie marathon with my boyfriend, Lewis, so first we watched A League Of Their Own (1992, dir. Penny Marshall) and Thelma and Louise (1991, dir. Ridley Scott). These are both great films, obviously - A League of Their Own is a semi-biographical story about the first female baseball league in the USA during the war, and the second is a crime drama with two besties/lovers stuck in an escalating spiral after one of them shoots an attempted rapist. Lewis was surprised that Thelma and Louise is actually gay, so just FYI, it really is actually gay! It's not a happy ending and it's not uncomplicated, but Thelma and Louise are such great characters, and I love them a lot.
We also watched a favourite of mine, which is Gods and Monsters (1998, dir. Bill Condon), starring Ian McKellen and Brendan Fraser. If you love sexy manipulative old gay men fucking with the heads of younger mostly straight men who don't know how to deal with being the object of a man's desire, who are terrified of queerness on so many levels, but are also drawn to the novel and new? Yeah, baby. This is the flick for you.
Goetia (2016) - This is a point-and-click videogame that I played on PS4, although I also have it on PC, and I just finished it today. If you're interested in demonology and you love a 20th century haunted house, this is a short game with some great character writing and a really engaging mystery - a lot of it is pretty fucking creepy, and while the ending didn't entirely land for me, I enjoyed the game enough that I do want to recommend it. This is fucking difficult as a puzzle game, though, so definitely keep a notepad and pen handy.
We also caught the Super Mario Bros. (2023, dir. Michael Jelenic and Aaron Horvath) movie, and it was grand - it was honestly very well-paced, funny, and they did a lot of creative stuff with the source material, plus I'm obviously disgustingly horny for Bowser at all times, so it was good food for my libido.
With that said, it was a bit too aggressive with the heterosexuality, and the racial politics of the whole thing are... Fucking bad. Like, there's a lot to unpack there that I'd need a whole essay to pick apart, and as a white dude I really don't know that it's my place - there's always been some racism in the franchise, like the British studio's addition of a lot of anti-Black coding in making Donkey Kong 64, but just the whole vibe of the Mushroom Kingdom's worship of Princess Peach is like... Weird.
And lastly, I watched and loved The Wicker Man (1973, dir. Robin Hardy), and I have an extensive review below.
New Works Published
June's Top Short Story: Agony and Ecstasy
June's most popular short story of mine was Agony and Ecstasy!
Erotic short. An abbot takes a stranded sailor on for… personal duties.
6k, M/M, rated E! Age difference, virginity kink, some naivety, some oral and anal, first time enthusiasm.
On Medium / / On Patreon
TweetFic: Notes of Lavender
A secretary bonding and connecting with the only male secretary at work. 1960s. Featuring lavender marriages and LESBIANS.
On Twitter
New Podcast: A Stranger's Visit: The Story, Episode 4
Fantasy short. A priest of Freyr receives a strange visitation.
3.6k, rated T. MB. Originally published May 29th, 2021. A little bit of Norse godliness versus Norse priestliness. Featuring Esben. Adapted from a TweetFic.
RSS Feed / / On Spotify / / On Google Podcasts / / On YouTube
New Podcast: Temple Service: The Story, Episode 5
Romance short. A servant at the temple to Hephaestus lusts after an olive-tender.
Rated M, 2.2k, cis M/M, some ancient Greeks! Originally publiushed June 3rd, 2022. A temple servant and a grove-worker, lots of teasing and banter and flirting.
RSS Feed / / On Spotify / / On Google Podcasts / / On YouTube
Romance Short: Sickbed Trade
One sailor tends to another in his sickbed.
Just a little M/M piece with some love and intimacy. 500w.
On Medium / / On Patreon
Film Review: The Wicker Man (1973, dir. Robin Hardy)’s Spit in the Face of Cops and Colonialism
Exploring The Wicker Man’s themes of authority and control on its 50th anniversary.
On Medium / / On Patreon / / On Tumblr
Erotic Short: Intensive Care
A paediatric nurse takes some time after work with the Head of Psychiatry.
3.4k, cis M/M. Some fucky power play between coworkers, both of them very aware of each other’s character flaws, featuring age difference, size difference, riding, oral, anal, lots of physical intimacy and affection, with a hint of overstim at the end.
CW for mentions of past trauma, implied rape and sexual abuse, and incest. None of these things are explicit or present-day, and they’re discussed in the context of unpacking a trigger and some invasive thoughts.
On Medium / / On Patreon
Essay: The Relief of a Queer Audience as a Fruity Stand-Up Comic
Explaining one's existence takes time.
I’m a stand-up comedian.
Last week, I did some comedy at a queer-run, queer-centred open mic — suddenly, a twelve-minute set fit into six, because I was in a room full of queer people who knew exactly what I was talking about...
On Medium / / On Patreon
Erotic Short: Public Performance
A vampire shows off his toy for a club.
1k, cis M/trans M. A vampire fucks his trans boyfriend in a crowded nightclub as people dance below them.
Featuring some chem sex with the drugging effects of a vampire belt, public sex, fingering and vaginal sex, overstimulation, and implications of a fevered gangbang in the aftermath.
On Medium / / On Patreon
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crawlershq · 1 year
CRAWLERS -Back in Action- Studio Day 3
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Ey up duck!!! Any of my fellow 00's babies with a love for cartoons remember this cinematic masterpiece?? This sh*t is ingrained into my brain. It's also probably the reason my humour is broken, but I digress...
How are we all?! We're on day 3 of being in the studio!! Song 1 is starting to really pull together and I've got to say, it sounds f**king TASTY!!!!
Yesterday's nap score was a grand total of..........0!!!! Yep, you read that right, CRAWLERS made it through a whole day without a nap. It's unheard of, but we did it. Can we get a little round of applause for us anemics please?
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That means your favourite bat-enthusiast is still in the lead with a total of 2 naps. I've got my money on Harry being the overall winner, but we'll all just have to wait and see.
Now for all of you who caught yesterday's studio day update, you'll remember I mentioned that we have some exciting news. If you follow us on our other social media platforms, you'll more than likely already be clued in, but for those of you who aren't, allow me to relieve you of the suspense- for my DC fans, this is going to be a big one for you. It certainly was for us!!
As some of you may know, HBO has been airing a show called Doom Patrol since 2019 (which also has Brendan Fraser casted -- did you like my little foreshadowing at the start there?? A cheeky little hint at what the surprise is?? She's not just a pretty face) and our very first single, So Tired, was chosen as a feature on the episode!!!! CRAWLERS are DC canon baybeeeeee!!!!!! Does that mean I have a chance with R Patts' Batman???? I'd buy your hats for the wedding now peeps, you're all invited.
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Cute couple, right??? Anyway...
I do have a clip of the scene in question, however it's not exactly PG-13, so I can't post it without getting banned from Tumblr, but what I *can* post is a dramatisation of our reactions to viewing the clip for the first time. I would like to give you all a bit of context though-- nobody had told us the full scene. We were only told that Jane (character) would smoke some w**d and listen to some CRAWLERS records. Jeremy Carver (writer) has explained why Jane practicing some self love is so important to the character's development and personally, I'm all for female sexuality being shown in a light that isn't p*rnographic, but it was certainly unexpected at 10am on a Tuesday.
Jokes aside, this is a big deal for us and we cannot thank the team at Doom Patrol enough for choosing our silly little eyeliner band to be a part of their creation and the DC Universe. You made some little nerds very happy ^-^
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lserver362reviews · 3 months
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This is a Valentines Day movie. "Don't hate me!/Your lips are full, your head is empty/This faded valentine is what you sent me" - The Sons of Thunder Chester "Chazz Darby" Ogilvie and Kayla, forever! Chazz does NOT put up with Rex calling her a bitch in the toy store after their first break up. He's such a softie for women. He's trying very very hard to live his dream, but with integrity. He explains to Ian the Shark at the station, "She's not like what you'd think. She's actually really cool and, well, I guess what it all comes down to is that we really care about each other and I screwed up. She's been there for me from the beginning. I think I let her down, but I still want us to be tight." You can tell they have a good time together from their cutesy message machine greeting. She does end up bringing him the tape and they both apologize to eachother. He later states, "What have I got? My guitar, my bike, and my woman. That's all I got in the world. And you keep kicking me out!-It's making me insane! I figure if I get a record contract, I can make it up to you. I'm doing this for you!" and then they profess their love for each other. It's the emotional heart of this film. This movie has the love of music, love for brotherhood, and it's about telling your partner your name is really Chester & you understand if they don't love you anymore. Plus Where else can you hear John Bender say, "super duper!"? I love Pip's meet-cute of getting hit in the face by a door by Suzzie and their ensuing romance, they just understand eachother. Even the swat leader, Carl Mace's weird martial troubles seem to be a driving force for his character and he talks with Beech about it during this hostage situation! Love is everywhere in this movie! Carter Burwell is a hero (for Twilight) and an icon (for this). This movie has such weird politics (incredibly invested in racism, ACAB, and displays how white people have a hard time engaging in their own obliviousness, but every insult is also super misogynistic) especially for a place where the logo of the station is the confederate flag. The performances in this movie are just great, Adam Sandler is so so funny, Brendan Fraser is so green and earnest, and Steve Buscemi is completely unhinged. I have a soft spot especially for David Arquette in this but really all the side characters are excellent. I am still scared of White Zombie. Happy Valentines Day!
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analogskullerosis · 10 months
@tsupertsundere said that I could say I was tagged in a getting to know you post, so here we go.
LAST SONG -- "Sweet Freedom" by Michael McDonald
This is officially my song of the summer right here. I'm having the happiest summer I've had in a long time. This shit rules.
CURRENTLY READING -- Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams by Sylvia Plath
I'm very familiar with Plath as a poet, but have little experience with her as a prose writer (I've never read The Bell Jar). I only just started it so I haven't quite dived in yet, but it's interesting so far. You read any of her work and you just get the feeling that you're reading something written by a tortured soul. I think of my friend Anisa and my first exposures to her writing in college whenever I return to Plath.
Also, it would be really great if literally anybody else on Earth was allowed to write a foreword for her work instead of her scumbag abusive husband, Ted Hughes. I don't give a fuck what he thinks.
CURRENTLY WATCHING -- Doom Patrol (2019-2023)
I've seen the series before, but I've been watching it again with my dear friend Hannah and I've been really happy that she's been enjoying it (considering she doesn't like much of anything that has to do with superheroes). The show is basically if the X-Men were really bad at being the X-Men and Watchmen without the cynicism, nihilism and douchebaggery. It's a show that's more of a psychological study on some of the most beautifully broken people you've ever seen on television and how they strive to not only try and better themselves, but each other. They also have to deal with the strangest and weirdest enemies and phenomena the world has to offer. Brendan Fraser voices the robot. I have a whole tag dedicated to the show and it's one of the best television shows I've seen in years.
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This was fun to do! I would love to hear from these people next -> @xrinsohma, @poppy-ghost, @cowgirliee, @delanore-roosevelt, @oleskellybones, and anybody else who has interest in doing this! (you can just say I tagged you) :)
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thetragicallynerdy · 2 years
saw your post on experiencing fandoms through mutuals and was wondering who your faves were of the fandoms you're not in 💜
oooooh great question anon!!
okay so for this excercise i am refusing to google any of the blorbos-in-law, because that makes it more fun!
Din Darjin (who I had to think very hard to remember his last name because I kept wanting to call him Din Dijon) and Baby Yoda - I haven't seen the Mandelorian (but it's on my list!!) but I adore this Tired Space Dad and his Weird Alien Force Child very very much!!! I want them to be together forever!! Even tho I know from aggregate information that they're not!!
Martin TMA - Okay so I actually have TMA blocked right now as a tag, because there's a whole it kind of hits some "hmmm that's not fun for my brain" type stuff, but I love Martin very much ;-; he looks very soft and I can choose to believe that he's happy with Jon and they make tea and have a cat together
LADY D - SHE'S SO BIG AND SO TALL AND SO SCARY AND I LOVE HER!! MISS VAMPIRE LADY YOU ARE THE BEST!!! (My hamster nearly got named Lady Minitrescue but I decided that I couldn't deal with explaining that she was named after a hot vampire lady from a game I hadn't even played over and over again)
The redheaded girl from the animated show I can't remember the name of - she's very hot!! And looks very gay!! And I think she fights?? And she's always covered in blood?? I don't know I don't go here I just love seeing her on my dash because she is very attractive
Everyone from the Mummy - so I still haven't seen the Mummy but Brendan Fraser and the lady who plays the lady are Very Hot and I love them?? They also seem kind of like smart dumbasses which makes me love them even more??? Also there are other people but I don't know who they are either but they are ALSO attractive and I love them. Seems like an A+++ movie.
Death - from Sandman, to be clear. She's not really on my dash all that much but I love her v much. Like would consider watching sandman just for her but it kind of feels like the sort of show I would probably not actually finish (sorry sandman mutuals).
Crowley and Aziraphale - Okay this is like, sort of blorbos in law who have been adopted, because I have by now actually read Good Omens, and have also seen Half The Show (have I mentioned I'm bad at watching tv???) but I love them very much even if I never properly finish it, they are good beans
I know there are more but I can't think of any right now - but I have SO many blorbos-in-law, it's ridiculous. Blorbos of my mutuals, I love u, and mutuals who show me the blorbos they love that I don't know, I love u too
Thank you anon, this was a very fun ask!!
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agentnico · 1 year
Most Anticipated Movies 2023
Though the COVID pandemic can still be referenced within the film realm as the recent Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery does, the movie industry itself has now seemingly fully recovered from those lockdown days and we now get to enjoy the full might of Hollywood and indies yet again. As such 2023 is proving to be a stacked yet for movies. There’s a lot of them! So many! Many of which will most likely be crap, but here I am listing the ones I am most excited for. Again, come end of 2023 and prepped for disappointment for a lot of these, but as of right now I am full of hopes and dreams! So, in no particular order...
HONOURABLE CURIOUS MENTIONS: Oppenheimer, Next Goal Wins, The Old Way, Wonka, Mission Impossible - Dead Reckoning: Part One, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
John Wick: Chapter 4 - It simply doesn’t get better than seeing Hollywood sweetheart the beautiful Keanu Reeves plays an unkillable hitman who is able to kill a man with a single pencil or a book or any item at his disposal, let alone give him a gun. Those headshots then come at the speed of a Call of Duty pro-player! So obviously I want to see what’s next for Mr Wick.
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Killers of the Flower Moon - Let the Brendan Fraser renaissance continue! It’s been absolutely adorably awesome seeing him back and looking so happy and pleased to be appreciated for how amazing he is! I mean, yes Killers of the Flower Moon also happens to be a new crime drama from one of cinema’s greats Martin Scorsese featuring a cast including Leonardo DiCaprio and Robert de Niro, but honestly I’m just happy seeing Fraser getting solid work again. Go get them tiger! 
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Operation Fortune: Ruse de Guerre - Technically this was originally slated as an early 2022 release, however due to distribution issues it has been moved a year later. Regardless, Guy Ritchie always makes slick gangster flicks, with his recent The Gentlemen being especially cool and badass, so I’m willing to see Ritchie continue making these types of films as many times as he wants, as long as his dialogue stays sharp and Hugh Grant keeps saying “Darling” during every appearance.
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The Super Mario Bros. Movie - Setting aside the controversial lack of effort that Chris Pratt is putting into that Mario voice, this animated effort from Universal and Illumination is actually looking surprisingly enjoyable. The animation looks great and there are some great nostalgic call backs to the games, and even the voice cast (aside from Pratt) are all sounding great. That Bowser voice from Jack Black - woah!! Can’t wait to hear more of that! 
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Napoleon - Ridley Scott is doing a movie about Napoleon, and Napoleon himself is played by Joaquin Phoenix. Great director, superb actor, an integrally interesting historical figure at the narrative centre... what’s not to be excited for!
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Knock at the Cabin - M. Night Shyamalamalamalamadingdong is back with another plot twist. Look, M Night is very hit-and-miss, and when he’s great he’s great, but when he’s bad he’s bad in a fun way. His last film Old was filled with plot-holes, inconsistencies and ridiculous narrative choices, yet I had a ball watching it and pointing out all the obvious foreshadowing. And then Shyamalan is also responsible for The Happening, which, well, happened. Anyway, new Shyamalan film - gimme gimme gimme!
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Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 - Before James Gunn fully takes over the running of DC films (though he already took Henry Cavill as Superman away from us the monster!!!) he still has one Guardians film from Marvel left for us. And though I was not a fan of Vol. 2, the recent Holiday Special has reinstated my hope in this ragtag space-travelling group of outcasts, and Gunn himself has been on a roll with The Suicide Squad and Peacemaker, so they’ve got this. Also Rocket has an otter girlfriend in this one so I’m ready to witness some animal loving. 
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Barbie - Okay, so it’s okay for a guy to look forward to a Barbie movie?? What’s so wrong with that?? It’s not weird! I don’t have a thing for dolls if that’s what you’re thinking. Nope, in fact I am more hoping that similar to how The Lego Movie managed to take a famous toy and create a superbly meta entertaining movie classic, Barbie shows promise to also go against conventional genre tropes and do something different weird. At least judging from that 2001: A Space Odyssey piss-take of the teaser, Greta Gerwig and Noah Baumbach have created something real unique. Also Ryan Gosling as Ken.....either the greatest casting choice or the worst decision ever. We’ll see...
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Renfield - Nicolas Cage is a worldwide treasure, and one thought that him playing himself in a movie was the craziest thing yet. Nah, now he’s playing Dracula. Yep, THE Nicolas Cage is playing THE Count Dracula! And this time he really is a vampire!
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Cocaine Bear - It’s a bear that’s high off it’s tits on cocaine and is going on a murderous rampage whilst trying to get more cocaine. I don’t need this to be a good movie. I don’t need it to win any awards. I just want there to be bears, I want there to be cocaine, and ideally those two to be connected for the entire time. What’s more is this is based on the real life story of a 175lb black bear who ingested a duffel bag of abandoned cocaine in northern Georgia in 1985. I mean yes that bear died fairly quickly, but in the movie they’ve evidently taken some creative choices (and definitely the correct ones!!) and instead this bear is simply killing everyone left and right and being high as a kite. And from that recent trailer from the very first appearance you can tell that this bear is on cocaine. That is all I want. 
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neowitcher · 1 year
Here are my final predictions for tonight’s Oscars. Not too many extra reasons and opinions this time because I am way too sick for that. Anyway, enjoy! I’ll mostly be rooting for Everything Everywhere All At Once.
Best Picture
Should win: Everything Everywhere All At Once
Will win: Everything Everywhere All At Once
Should have been nominated: Nope, Babylon, Decision to Leave, Aftersun
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Best Director
Should win: Daniel Kwan & Daniel Scheinert, Everything Everywhere All At Once
Will win: Daniel Kwan & Daniel Scheinert, Everything Everywhere All At Once
Should have been nominated: Jordan Peele, Nope, Charlotte Wells, Aftersun
Best Lead Actress
Should win: Michelle Yeoh, Everything Everywhere All At Once
Will win: Cate Blanchett, TÁR
Best Lead Actor
Should win: Brendan Fraser, The Whale or Austin Butler, Elvis
Will win: Austin Butler, Elvis
Best Supporting Actress
Should win: Hong Chau, The Whale or Stephanie Hsu, Everything Everywhere All At Once
Will win: Kerry Condon, The Banshees of Inisherin
Should have been nominated: Danai Gurira, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
Best Supporting Actor
Should win: Ke Huy Quan, Everything Everywhere All At Once
Will win: Ke Huy Quan, Everything Everywhere All At Once
The acting categories this year are tough because there are too many incredible nominations. The Michelle Yeoh vs. Cate Blanchett race is so difficult as they both really stood out this year and are pretty much equals talent-wise. Personally, I’ll mostly root for Michelle Yeoh because she made the film hers and really managed to move me the most. Likewise with Best Lead Actor, there’s too much talent. Colin Farrell is an incredible actor who perfectly portrayed his character, but Austin Butler was Elvis and my ultimate favourite Brendan Fraser made me cry while watching The Whale. There’s also Paul Mescal who wholeheartedly deserves that nomination and if he went home with the award, I wouldn’t be upset at all.
Best Supporting Actor seems obvious to me but again, Best Supporting Actress I can’t predict well at all. Judging from previous awards shows and who I guess will win overall, I think Kerry Condon has the highest chance. But really, anyone in the category could win. Hong Chau was my favourite, as The Whale isn’t worth much without its incredible acting and she really blew me away. Stephanie Hsu is my second favourite because she was able to bring such a relatable performance but that doesn’t mean I won’t scream with happiness if Angela Bassett wins because again, all such phenomenal talent. Genuinely curious as to who will win, because these are very close calls.
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Best International Feature Film
Should win: Close
Will win: All Quiet On The Western Front
Should have been nominated: Decision To Leave
Heartbroken Close doesn’t stand a chance against the clear favourite as it was the type of film that made me proud to be Belgian. Still my favourite, although I get why it doesn’t get as much international hype as some of the other films. Not nominating Decision to Leave feels like a massive mistake, though.
Best Animated Feature Film
Should win: Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio
Will win: Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio
Should have been nominated: Wendell & Wild
Best Documentary Feature
Should win: ??? (Didn’t get around to watching most of them, sadly)
Will win: Navalny
Should have been nominated: Moonage Daydream
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
what is "notworthy acting"? What is your determining factor?
Banshees is nowhere near my favourite movie and I have a few complaints especially the way I think the script is a little to robotic for me but I think Colin brings a subtelty to his performance that balances a level of pathos and absurdity of the situation while still weirdly being happy-go lucky and introspective that is not easy to do. In the same way that paul mescal who delivers a performance that while small, is still profound in the way he combines his minimalism and physicality to be able to convey the emotional state of that character. Sometimes smaller performances dont get the appreciation they deserve.
I think saying anyone can do what colin does is a bit of reach for example neither chris evans or chris pratt or leonardo dicaprio could do what colin does. I agree that his character isnt very exceptional or radical different but colin adds the uniqeness and charisma to that character that only colin could really bring even if I dont like the film I can see what hes doing as an actor. (Also shout out barry who always delivers)
In the same way austin as elvis was able to be both extravagant and add a level of humanity to elvis something I felt rami malek or taron egerton (though I loved rocketman) failed to do which is capture the human aspect of the characters they were portraying. Despite my love for austin he would not be able to do what colin does in banshees its a different type of acting that he hasnt mastered at all (as of right now) in the same way colin couldnt do elvis.
For me believability is weird criteria (for determing good acting from bad) because I only think that criteria only works when we are talking about biopics. Brendan fraser delivers an amazing performance but in no way is it believable as the whale a very exaggerated depiction if not fat-phobic. Same with michelle yeohs performance its not meant to be beliveable its abusrdist and michelle is able to play along with that absurdity (in a million different ways) but you are still able to connect with her primarily because the relationship dynamics that exist in that film are grounded in reality. (but I could write a 20 page essay why her performance is literal perfection and how she should have already won an oscar )
If we are talking about something that is absurd then its not expecting you to view these characters as believabe but finding a way to connect with them through the unbelivable shit happening around them.
what is "notworthy acting"? What is your determining factor?
Well, "noteworthy" just means something of note....something interesting...something that really grabs you... So, when I say someone's acting is "noteworthy" , I just mean that it commanded my attention, it stood OUT to ME, it was something that stuck with me for a long time... it was interesting, or even riveting. It's almost to the point where I can't even imagine anyone else in that role. That's what I mean. 😊
Someone's acting can be "good", but not really "noteworthy" (imo) to the point where it makes me say, "WOW... that was really good." 😳
For example, I personally thought Colin was "good" in the "Banshees of Inisherin" but it wasn't a performance that made me think, like "wow...he should DEFINITELY get a Best Actor nomination for this". Like I said, I've seen him do even more riveting acting jobs in other films. Jmho 🤷🏾‍♀️
For example, Viola Davis's performance in "Fences" was noteworthy to me. It really wowed me. I can't even imagine anyone else in her role. It stuck with me long after the movie was over.
Banshees is nowhere near my favourite movie and I have a few complaints especially the way I think the script is a little to robotic for me but I think Colin brings a subtelty to his performance that balances a level of pathos and absurdity of the situation while still weirdly being happy-go lucky and introspective that is not easy to do. In the same way that paul mescal who delivers a performance that while small, is still profound in the way he combines his minimalism and physicality to be able to convey the emotional state of that character. Sometimes smaller performances dont get the appreciation they deserve.
No I totally agree that smaller performances, or subtle performances don't really get a lot of appreciation sometimes. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE subtle performances. I felt like (yet again, I'll use Viola as an example) did very good subtle performances in "Fences", "Doubt", and even "The Help", where you can just tell something is bubbling underneath, but she's TRYING to keep it together and hold it all inside until one day she just EXPLODES with emotion! So, I have absolutely nothing wrong with subtlety in acting!
I think saying anyone can do what colin does is a bit of reach for example neither chris evans or chris pratt or leonardo dicaprio could do what colin does. I agree that his character isnt very exceptional or radical different but colin adds the uniqeness and charisma to that character that only colin could really bring even if I dont like the film I can see what hes doing as an actor. (Also shout out barry who always delivers)
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No you did NOT just diss Chris Evans, Chris Pratt, AND Leonardo DiCaprio all in one sentence!!! 😱😅🤣
First of all, Idk why people keep downplaying Marvel actors and their acting ability like they can't act. 🥴 They CAN act! Just because they're in Marvel films doesn't mean they can't act. They're believable in their roles right? People always look at it as fluff, but it's still acting.
Anyway lol.... I won't go far as to say that neither of them could do subtlety in a role like this because I don't really know that for sure. 🤷🏾‍♀️ Sometimes you don't really know what an actor can do until he's given a certain role. Did ANY of us think that Zendaya could play a strung out drug addict while she was on KC Undercover?? I know I sure didn't lol! 😅
So I'll never say never when it comes to actors, because sometimes they will surprise you. Plus, I've seen Chris E in other films aside from Marvel, and while he's no Denzel or Tom Hanks, I think he's done enough serious films to prove that if given the right role, he might be able to do a subtle acting job pretty well. I actually thought he was pretty good in "Defending Jacob". Jmho though.
With the Banshees movie, all I meant by saying that anyone could have done Colin's role was that they could have put another good Irish actor in the role, and I wouldn't have missed Colin's performance. There was nothing that Colin did in other words that made me think another actor would have had a very hard time filling his shoes. That's basically all I meant. I didn't mean that he did a bad job in the film (he didn't!), I just meant that I didn't see anything about him that stood out to the point where I was like: "Oh no....nobody else could have done that role but him".
For me believability is weird criteria (for determing good acting from bad) because I only think that criteria only works when we are talking about biopics.
Not at all! To me, someone being "believable' in their role just means, am I believing what you're selling me onscreen. That's literally it. It doesn't just apply to biopic films, or for films where someone is playing the role of a historical figure. "BELIEVABLE" means, is what you're portraying onscreen coming across as GENUINE to me?? When you're crying, does it seem believable? Do I feel your pain? When you're angry onscreen, do I believe your character is really feeling what you're putting out there? That's ALL "believable" onscreen means to me. It has nothing to do with how you look, what you're wearing, who you're playing, etc. It's basically, do I really believe you are your character? Are your feelings and what you're saying coming through onscreen and it's believable to me? Or does it just feel like you're just "acting"? I think Colin was believable in the role. In fact, I said that the first time! LOL 😅 I really believed he was feeling what he was feeling. I think you think that just because I didn't feel like his performance was as good as Brendan's or Austin's that I hated the movie or hated his performance. That's not true at all! I already said that I thought the movie had a strong cast, and that Colin did a great job, but I've seen better from him. That's all. The movie just wasn't that life-changing for me, that's all lol.
Brendan fraser delivers an amazing performance but in no way is it believable as the whale a very exaggerated depiction if not fat-phobic. Same with michelle yeohs performance its not meant to be beliveable its abusrdist and michelle is able to play along with that absurdity (in a million different ways) but you are still able to connect with her primarily because the relationship dynamics that exist in that film are grounded in reality. (but I could write a 20 page essay why her performance is literal perfection and how she should have already won an oscar )
My thing with Brendan's movie "The Whale" is that I actually really DID believe his character's desperation and despair. BUT, the WAY the film is shot (you're right) made it seem "off" somehow, and I think that's why to you it probably felt like it was exaggerated. I felt it too. It was almost like watching a train wreck. It definitely made me feel some kind of way, and it almost borderline made me wonder how those who are obese might view the film?
I think Darren could have done things to make the storyline or just the way the film is shot so that it didn't feel sooo "over-the-top"... I don't know what else he could have done, but to me the issue wasn't with Brendan's acting (it was quite believable to me), but the way the movie was shot made it seem like it was almost forcing you to feel a certain way, and I don't like feeling manipulated in films lol.
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astranva · 1 year
who would’ve thought that michelle yeoh would be nominated for an oscar for the first time after so many incredible performances, alongside ana de armas who dragged marilyn monroe’s name to the dirt and spit on her grave by working on blonde
Michelle Yeoh getting everything she deserves makes me very happy and I hate Ana de Armas and if anyone has seen decision to leave tang wei should have gotten that nomination. Also Austin Butler Will inevitably lose best actor to Brendan Fraser but I can’t help but laugh. I know for a fact if he was still with Vanessa Hudgens people would have loved him so much more and would have been rooting for him so much more and if he just lost that dumb accent I wouldn’t have as much
i still think austin deserves the oscar, dumb accent or not. i sure home brendan gets it, but i just think it’s worth mentioning that austin’s performance was truly oscar-worthy
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thelonesomequeen · 2 years
Guys!!! Change the subject. Could you ever imagine Chris doing a role like what Brendan Fraser has done in The Whale? I just couldn’t ever imagine him becoming obese as too vain!! His fans would die of depression but at last he gets his Oscar.
Yes yes. Moving on from the newest secret girlfriend non drama. I think we’ve said all there is to really say about it for now.
But to answer your question, no, I don’t see Chris ever doing a role like that. I think roles that need minor changes like bulking up the muscles he’s already got or a change in hair/facial hair is one thing, but I don’t see him ever doing a role that requires an extreme transformation. Those kinds of roles take months of preparation before filming, but also months of work after if the actor wants to return to how they looked before the film. However, I do get really nervous whenever an actor or actress undergoes an extreme physical transformation for a movie. If the weight gain or weight loss is not handled correctly it can be very dangerous situation for their health. And heaven for bid Hollywood just hire a plus size person to play a plus size role. And please don’t take this as me hating on Brendan Fraser, he’s getting his flowers for this movie so far and I’m just happy to see him back making movies! He’s been in so many movies that I’ve enjoyed over the years. The Whale has been getting a ton of praise and I’m looking forward to checking it out! 🦎
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greensparty · 6 months
This Month In History - November
It has been quite a month for pop culture anniversaries and here are a few I'm celebrating:
Nov. 3, 1978: Diff'rent Strokes premieres
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In Nov. 1978, one of my favorite sitcoms of the 70s/80s premiered. Here is my piece I wrote in 2018. Happy 45 DS!
Nov. 3, 1978: Outlandos d'Amour released
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In Nov. 1978 (on the same exact day as Diff'rent Strokes' premiere), the debut album from The Police was released. I wouldn't call this my favorite Police album, but it is a very impressive debut of a band announcing themselves. Earlier this year, I saw guitarist Andy Summers and bassist / singer Sting in separate concerts and both did songs off of this album. It's still an incredible collection of songs from the U.K. trio equally influenced by reggae and punk and loads of other genres. The album kicks off with "Next to You" (just try not to air drum to it) and it doesn't lose steam. Happy 45 Od'A!
Nov. 3, 1998: Mutations released
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In Nov. 1998, Beck's beginning of "Sad Beck" was released. Here is my piece I wrote in 2018. Happy 25th Mutations!
Nov. 4, 1998: Gods and Monsters opens
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In Nov. 1998 one of the best movies about a filmmaker was released. Sir Ian McKellen plays James Whale, the director of Frankenstein, in his last days and the friendship he forms with his gardener (Brendan Fraser). Both actors are at the top of their game and it showed the power of cinema and friendship. Fraser finally won an Oscar for The Whale, but this was one of his strongest performances. Happy 25 G&M!
Nov. 10, 1978: Give 'Em Enough Rope released
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In Nov. 1978, the second album from The Clash was released. I named it my #4 Clash Album in my ranking of their albums. Here is my piece I wrote in 2018. Happy 45 GEER!
Nov. 18, 1983: A Christmas Story opens
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In Nov. 1983, one of my favorite holiday movies was released. Here is my piece I wrote in 2018. Happy 40th ACS!
Nov. 22, 1963: With The Beatles released
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Nov. 22, 1968: The White Album released
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What are the chances that The Beatles released 2 classic albums on the same exact day 5 years apart! Here is my piece I wrote about With The Beatles and The White Album in 2018. Happy 60th WTB! Also - here is my album review of the 50th anniversary edition of The White Album from 2018. Happy 55th White Album!
Nov. 26, 2008: Milk opens
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In Nov. 2008, Gus Van Sant's Harvey Milk biopic was released. Here is my piece I wrote in 2018. Happy 15 Milk!
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kyasarinkishinuma · 1 year
Hey! Had to take up your offer! XD And I am so glad you loved your matchup btw! <3
If you do Star Wars Matchups, lol, who'd I get? 🧐🧐🧐
I am almost 22, Apr 1, she/her, bi, curly brown hair, and green eyes. I usually wear comfy things like hoodies, sweats, leggings, and graphic tees, and I hate dresses and dressing up. I am pretty stubborn, I sometimes hate when I know someone else was right about something. I'm pretty introverted, and it takes me a long time to get used to people. I am pretty creative, I love arts of all mediums, and I love writing and reading. I feel more 'confident' online than I am in real life, finding it hard to really bond with anyone.
Likes: Anime, manga, art, cats, sharks, snakes, Brendan Fraser movies, Disney, pop figures, plushies, collecting rocks/stones, reading, writing, writing fanfic, reading fanfic, bull terriers, rottweilers, corgis, collecting figures, ice cream, Indian food, and video games.
Dislikes: Heights, loud noises (fireworks, large crowds, movie theaters, etc.), horses, swimming, people, concerts, the cold, liars, bullies, Attack On Titan, spiders, bugs in general, getting dirty, and knives
Thank you in advance!!! <3333
Hey! Sorry it took me awhile to answer to your ask, but here's your matchup bby <3
(Lmao seeing AOT in your dislikes made me crack up but I can relate)
I ship you with...
Anakin Skywalker!
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When I read that you were introverted and had a hard time bonding with people, I just knew Anakin would be the fit for you!
In that regard, Anakin understands you very well, especially at a young age. He also had a hard time interacting with others due to his past and rougher nature. I think that would bring you two closer rather than the other way around; since you both understand that in each other, you can better understand your personal borders. With someone to finally relate to, however, you would be drawn to one another.
Honestly once you two build trust between each other and become friends, I think you'd bring that crazy side out of each other that just makes you two an unstoppable pair. Anakin is also a very stubborn person so you can be quite a tornado of energy for poor Obi-Wan to manage.
With how turbulent his life is, I think Anakin would really find enjoyment in finding refuge in your 'quieter' hobbies such as art and writing. Being a Jedi, he never really has time to just slow down and relax, to enjoy the time that he has, so he'd find it really soothing to do so when he spends time with you. However it would probably be difficult to convince him to give your hobbies a shot, what with how stubborn he is. (But I'm sure you can win him over).
You both dislike being dirty, so that's a big thing you two get along on. ("I don't like sand")
Once he knows about your love of collecting plushies and stones, he'd probably bring some back for you from the different planets he gets to explore during The Clone Wars. It would be so you 'remember him'; and I think that's when you'd notice you both feel a little something for each other... <3
Once Anakin realizes his feelings for you he would not be afraid to hide them, even if his confession would be a bit clumsy. It would be straightforward and sweet nevertheless, and he'd probably offer you something a bit more special, like a bouquet of flowers he had Padmé help him pick out. Despite the Jedi code he does think his feelings are justified and deserve to be heard, you've brought so much good into his life. However the question has been killing him, enough so that even his fellow captain has noticed he seems to have been out of the game lately.
If you tell him you love him back... Hoo boy. Get ready to receive constant gifts and to be showered in praise and gifts. <3
He'd be a very protective lover but very sweet nevertheless. He just wants the best for you and can never say no to anything you ask of him, so long as it makes his sunshine happy. While he's away you'd probably spend lots of time with Padmé and gradually warm up to her, considering her open-mindedness and wise demeanor. She'd probably figure out what's happening before either one of you tell her and promise she won't say a word. She's just happy to see Anakin and you are happy with each other. <3
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