#also this episode might be one of my favourites
bahoreal · 18 hours
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raayllum · 3 days
I’m sorry how is arc 2 not about aaravos? Everything about the show leads back to aaravos. The whole lore of the show is centered around aaravos. And it is absolutely titled the mystery of aaravos because it does plan on dealing with the mystery of aaravos in every possible way, and that has infact been confirmed by the showrunners on multiple instances. Aaravos is just as, if not more of a main character than rayllum in the ways that count because everything going on revolves around him. 
And since he’s an EXTREMELY important character, how is it not justified for fans of him to want more screen time of him? 
I’m sorry but not everything about the show revolves around rayllum and you shouldn’t call people out just for wanting to see more of their favorite character.
God forbid something about aaravos is actually about aaravos and not rayllum for once 💀💀
Actually I can and do call people out for wanting to see more of their favourite character when it causes them to be entitled / unfair to the broader story they want to tell. If you haven't been doing those things, then that post wasn't about you, but given the way you put your best foot forward here, I might go out on a limb and guess this might be behaviour you display sometimes, and it may be worth reconsidering.
As a bit of background:
My favourite character in a TV show was once a side character who was in 1/4 seasons, and one episode in the final season, and then he never showed up again. which was Okay, because he was a Side Character and it would've been pretty silly for the show to bend over backwards to include him more. Granted, there were opportunities (him and another character were travelling together, then she showed up at a Plot Relevant location without him and it was never addressed) but the show wasn't bad or wrong for not including more. I wasn't owed more screen time just because he was my favourite character, and while any character can Technically be Levelled Up for more screen time and plot relevance, sometimes characters are just there to serve more minor specific purposes, and that's Okay. It's all about adjusting your own expectations and not being an asshole.
Furthermore, given that I posted my personal opinion on my personal blog and only used my personal tags for it, you had two options for finding this post:
It got sent to you, presumably meaning you had someone else to be salty with in a private manner that would've been far more appropriate
You follow(ed) me, in which case you are more than encouraged to unfollow or block me if I have a post/opinion you find annoying or uncouth. Please do so rather than doing whatever This Is in my inbox in the future, it'll likely save you not only time but also embarrassment
The fact you thought going into the inbox of a Virtual Stranger and getting upset about me not thinking your favourite character is the Most Important Character in TDP Ever — because he isn't — in one (1) post is truly baffling to me in terms of 1) curating your internet experience and 2) interacting appropriately with strangers directly online. I've seen a lot of shit opinions in my day, and I vent in private to my fandom friends about it 99.9% of the time, thank you very much, or post about it in my personal tags on my own blog rather than making it someone else's problem.
In the nature of analysis / debate, though, let me clear what I meant considering 4+ people got their trousers in a twist about the idea that Aaravos isn't a main character.
That said, a few quick disclaimers: Aaravos is a very interesting character to me, and I like him a lot. I've written a fair bit about him in regards to how he's a thematic opposite to Harrow, his view of children, what I think happened to his chest piece, speculation on his banishment, his parallels to Finnegrin, his mythic connections to aspects of the Fae + Egyptian and Greek mythology, his foil relationship to Rayla, his characterization and motifs/symbols. So it's not as though I don't enjoy him or don't think he's important to the story. He is, he's just not a main character nor the most important. Moving on:
Secondly: it seems maybe my meaning of macguffin is getting misconstrued. A story Macguffin is a plot device that drives the story forward. Sometimes it's a character (R2D2 in star wars has to be transported from one dangerous location to safety because he has blue print plans), sometimes it's an object (the one ring, fetch quests, etc). Either way, the story is centralized around 1) characters competing for ownership or safe guarding of said person/thing and 2) through that competition or competing needs, the characterization of the main cast is revealed.
In Arc 1, Zym is the plot Macguffin. He overall has very little personality even once hatched beyond being sweet, occasionally helpful, and scared. He is the titular character, and his existence matters, but mostly because he serves as a motivational point for the characters. Claudia, Soren, and Viren want to stop Zym from getting back to Xadia; Rayla, Callum, and Ezran, want to help him get back.
Zym himself does not drive episodes forward. He rarely makes decisions that impact the main group. His existence or fears cause them to make decisions (they go looking for help because they dropped his egg; Rayla and Callum have to go after Nyx because she stole him) but he is not likewise making decisions for the group. S4 definitely levelled Zym up into him making 1) more independent decisions and 2) having more of his own interior feelings, particularly about his father, but Callum is the one who decides to send him up into the trees; Ezran is the one calling the meeting for Zym to come to Katolis. A couple of exceptions (he has a mini arc about his mom for 2 eps, he has an arc in s2 with Ezran) do not suddenly make Zym a "I'm making decisions that heavily push the plot forward every episode" kind of character.
You'll also note, if you actually read said post you're referencing, that I specified "'the mystery of aaravos' (esp these past two seasons)" and that I never mentioned lore, either, even if I have likewise written about lore extensively (one of my more recent metas on it was about 4.8k words on lore alone, for example).
Aaravos' plot impact was a lot heavier in S2 and particularly S3 than it is in S4 or S5, as he influenced Viren's decisions more heavily and eventually came into more direct conflict with the core protagonists. This is likewise reflected in Aaravos in S2 and S3 being in multiple episodes (half the season in s2, and almost every episode at least a little in s3).
Meanwhile in Arc 2, Aaravos could effectively, unknown to his pawns drop dead after giving Claudia her final instructions pre-S4, and nothing would be affected plot wise, because Arc 2 thus far has mostly been characters fearing his impending release (the main cast) or dealing with the fallout of his actions from S3 (the Sunfire elf plot line). The only thing we'd lose on that level from a "Claudia believes Aaravos is alive and is trying to free him, but he's not actually" is Callum and Rayla's possession plot line, ironically enough given your apparent dislike of them, until the very very end of 5x09 in which he tries to goad Viren into killing SS.
I'm excited for and expecting that to change in S6 and S7, but that doesn't change what S4 and S5 currently are, either. Same thing for Amaya and Janai more so being main characters, Janai in particular, in S4 and S5, but they were not main characters in the first three seasons. That doesn't mean they're not good, meaningful, and important characters for the story, but I'd be a very poor meta writer / have very poor media literacy if I tried to claim that Janai is a main character in arc 1 over say, Callum.
For another example: everything in Avatar: The Last Airbender revolves around Team Avatar wanting to stop Ozai, but Ozai is not a main character in the show. He's there to be a minor character, an endgame big bad, and to affect his children / embody the conflict the characters are up against. The fact that TDP has so many antagonists that are also Main Characters throughout the whole show (Viren, Claudia) is actually pretty rare in media, particularly for children.
The Legend of Zelda games usually revolve around Link wanting to save or free Zelda, and while certain games flesh her out and make her more developed into a main character, the central character of the narrative is Link, because he's the character we follow the most.
Additionally, the Importance of a character in a narrative has no bearing on whether they're your favourite, or even necessarily whether they're a 'good' / 'well written' character. Rayla, for example, is my personal #1 favourite character in TDP. She is a main character; she is not The main character. That's not an insult to Rayla; she's there to be a foil, one hell of a narrative lancer, and our main elven character. But I can't (nor do I want to) magically change her role in the story to claim that it's something it isn't.
The central main character of TDP is Callum. It always has been, it always will be.
He is the character who shows up in every single episode, he's our central mage character in a show all about magic, he has the most developed relationships out of everyone, he is the POV character we follow the most. That doesn't mean he's your favourite, that doesn't mean he has to be your preference, you don't even have to like him. But he is The Main Character. The majority of the story revolves around him and the people in his life. No amount of liking another character more is going to change that, whether you're clamouring for Rayla, Aaravos, Sol Regem or anyone else.
While there are shows where I think the side lining of characters feels off (Gus and Willow in The Owl House come to mind) that's mostly because 1) that sort of side lining usually happens to characters of colour, as it did there and 2) there's no real reason for the story to sideline them considering everyone lives in close proximity and there's a s1 emphasis that the main character has never had friends before and that she desperately wants some. Therefore, she should be thrilled to have best friends for the first time, but we barely see them. See the disconnect?
Aaravos is a minor character and big bad who is well utilized in the overall minimal screentime he has, especially thus far in S4 and S5. That doesn't mean he's not important to the story, and that doesn't mean he can't or shouldn't be your favourite, but your assertion doesn't miraculously make him our main core protagonist of the entire show, because 1) he's not our central pov character and 2) that's about the only requirement a main protagonist has to have, and 3) that's just not how stories work.
I also have no clue why you brought up Rayllum as a ship, given that I didn't mention them in my OG post at all, but given that you seem to think "this character isn't a main character" is a moral or value statement, I'll assume you said it to ruffle my feathers — that doesn't really work, given that I agree with you that not everything in the show is about Callum or Rayla individually or as a relationship, because it Isn't. Even if I hated them as characters or as a dynamic, however, that wouldn't change the fact that they're two of the core 3 characters (alongside Ezran) and that their relationship has the most screentime out of anyone in the show.
And if the show decided to tone down their screen time to give other characters more time, I'd be okay with that — because I don't need my Personal Favourite to be the most important character in the source material / screen time ever in order to feel secure in liking them, thanks.
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paintingspaceghosts · 24 days
ugh her "Doug Eiffel is gone" and "it just... happened and there's nothing I can do" my heart
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ender1821 · 9 months
A Pearl and Gem clip that didn’t fully make it into their episodes, taken from Pearl’s stream (I loved this part and just had to save it somewhere)
transcript below!
Gem: I’ve put the rest of the packed ice in here for now, but we can grab it here if we need it.
Pearl: Okay, sounds good.
*moment of silence*
Pearl: Did I just say “sounds good” to you putting items in a random chest?
Gem: Yep.
Pearl: What are you doing to me?
Gem: You’re welcome!
Pearl: *anguished cries*
Gem: I’m loosening you up!
Pearl: That’s not how it’s supposed to work…
Gem: Welcome to the GeminiTay Effect, where we’re unorganised and a little bit insane!
Pearl: Who invited me to this nightmare?! Oh wait, you did.
Gem: You accepted!
Pearl: Ah, gleefully so.
Pearl: I’m currently just tweaking the path shape-o!
Gem: Uh-huh.
Pearl, reading the chat: “Not random, it’s a project chest”, okay, that does make me feel better, I’ll take it.
Gem: If that’s all it takes, I can say that about every—
Pearl: No, you can’t, because it never gets organised!
Gem: *laughing*
Pearl: There’s a difference! There’s a difference—
Gem: I mean… I dunno— There’s not— it’s a fine line!
Pearl: No! No, no no. If you have things messy all season, that’s not the same. A project chest is something you make temporarily, and you organise it after you’re done with that piece. Not the entire mega-base! A piece of the mega-base.
Gem: Mhm…
Pearl: Yeah! You know I’ve got a point!
Gem: No… I dunno…
Pearl: No, no, you know. I know you know. No denying it.
Gem: I love the way you say “no”, I just wanted you to say that more.
Pearl: Oh, it’s because it sounds Australian, is that what that is— Do you want me to say “alright”?
Gem: Yeah, ‘cause it sounds Australian.
Pearl: I know you like the “alright” one.
Gem, in an Australian accent: Alright.
Pearl: Alright, mate.
Pearl: What did you say? Oh jeez…
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catabasis · 3 days
just watched 73 Yards, and Russell T Davies never fails to deliver the most terrifying and emotionally devastating episodes. strange, scary, heartbreaking, very mysterious and almost indecipherable–which i find absolutely fascinating and i'm glad the episode doesn't really explain anything; in a way it reminded me of other mysteries like the entity from Midnight and the beings from Wild Blue Yonder–, it doesn't even feel like Doctor Who in the way is shot, it's something completely new and unique and experimental, playing with different genres and also serving as a good vehicle to showcase Millie Gibson's talent as a lead and Ruby as a character of her own without having the Doctor by her side in a similar way that Turn Left did with Catherine Tate and Donna Noble. horror sci-fi as its finest. there are questions and mysteries beyond human comprehension that are best to leave unanswered and unsolved
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youngerfrankenstein · 4 months
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nemmet · 9 months
thinking about be cool scooby doo fred on this delightful evening. he's afraid of widths. he gets emotional over a drumkit. he knows how to apply eyeliner perfectly. he's a sleep deprived, paranoid, manic danger to himself and others. he becomes enemies with a goat. his shoulders are so tense that they can break a chair. he goes to jail twice. where on earth did he get the funds to give the mystery machine all those high-tech upgrades. he hired a guy to make his epiphanies look more dramatic. the exterior of his house is an affront to god. he cannot take care of himself to save his life. he is a middle aged dad stuck in the body of an eighteen year old. he has childhood trauma related to halloween. he accidentally parked his van on a space shuttle. he is consistently aggravated by daphne’s commitment to the bit. he really needs to let go of those tiny red shorts. he's a court jester. he represents the order to his criminal father's chaos. he has control issues stemming from this but tries to overcome them for the sake of the gang and always apologises when he goes too far and knows that even when they wind him up it isn't a threat because he loves and trusts them so much and they care about him in turn even before he fully opens up to them about his childhood and—
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freckleslikestars · 2 years
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The X Files: Pusher
Living Polaroid Project: 66/219
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the-eclectic-wonderer · 2 months
Saw your reblog of the fic ask post so here I am, asking you about your fics 😂 what's the work you most love rereading (if you reread your own fics)? And is there any particular line that you wrote recently that you're proud of/particularly happy about?
Aaa thank you!!!
I do reread my fics, yes! My favourite changes from moment to moment – it depends on how much time I have and what I'm in the mood to read :) Just a couple of days ago I reread Home is where your family is and had a lovely time (I can confirm I'm still the biggest fan of Home Again, Rose!).
As for the lines, I don't want to spoil anything from my WIPs (one of them should be published either tomorrow or Thursday!), so I hope you won't mind if they're not very recent – and if I choose more than one!
I'm still really proud of this passage from i hope you do believe me / i've given you my heart:
"She pauses, waiting for Dorothy’s attention – not that it’s necessary: Dorothy has been paying attention to her all afternoon long. She’s hit with the sudden certainty that Dorothy’s never stopped paying attention to her, ever, not since that day a couple of years ago when she first walked into their home."
And I'd also like to quote this passage from the first fic I've ever posted on AO3, the sky is set to burst / the gold and the rust / the colour erupts:
"Eventually, this simple thought will become part of Aziraphale’s own happiness, another thread simply woven in the soft blanket of their love, warming his very being for all eternity. Right now, however, his mind is busy turning his world on its axis – so the warmth he feels is more similar to the heat of a thousand suns, lighting up his essence to the point where he can barely contain it. It comes out in a brilliant smile of his own and in a pang of something warm and nostalgic around his throat, and Aziraphale wonders – not for the first time – why the physical manifestations of great happiness and great sadness are so often the same, when the two feelings themselves are completely different. Because he might be tearing up, but there is not doubt in his mind that this is the greatest happiness he’s ever felt – after all, what greater happiness is there than being a source of happiness for your beloved?"
I'm sorry – I know it's more than one line, but I just love the passage so much! Possibly because that fic marked my return to writing after more than a decade of silence. I might be just a bit emotional about it.
Thank you so much for the ask, this was great fun!! <3
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found a clip of the Curse of Fenric scene I mentioned! It happens right at the end of this video and the video is INEXPLICABLY not subtitled so you basically have to read his lips, but that's what he's saying after he goes "fAaAitH!!" it won't let me put a video in an ask but here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnDXZYafR-w
just in case anybody wanted to see it!
thank you!
i watched a bit of this episode and now i really want to do like a god complex/fenric curse double feature some time bc
ACE: The Doctor never fails. I've got faith in him. Complete faith. SORIN: Kill them. DOCTOR: It can't penetrate Ace's psychic force. SORIN: Time for the one final game, then. (Sorin picks up a poison vial and holds it near Ace's head.) SORIN: The choice is yours, Time Lord. I shall kill you anyway, but if you would like the girl to live, kneel before me. ACE: I believe in you, Professor. SORIN: Kneel, if you want the girl to live! DOCTOR: Kill her. SORIN: The Time Lord finally understands. DOCTOR: Do you think I didn't know? The chess set in Lady Peinforte's study? I knew. SORIN: Earlier than that, Time Lord. Before Cybermen, ever since Ice World, where you first met the girl. DOCTOR: I knew. I knew she carried the evil inside her. Do you think I'd have chosen a social misfit if I hadn't known? She couldn't even pass her chemistry exams at school, and yet she manages to create a time storm in her bedroom. I saw your hand in it from the very beginning. ACE: Doctor, no. DOCTOR: She's an emotional cripple. I wouldn't waste my time on her, unless I had to use her somehow. ACE: No!
ACE: Couldn't even pass a chemistry exam. DOCTOR: I'd have done anything not to hurt you, but I had to save you from Fenric's evil curse. Your faith in me was holding the haemovore back. ACE: You said I was an emotional cripple, a social misfit. DOCTOR: I had to make you lose your belief in me. ACE: Full marks for teenage psychology. DOCTOR: It's not true, believe me.
this is fun!
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emily-mooon · 29 days
Me after rewatching the last naruto movie:
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digitalafterlife · 4 months
okay i am almost at jodie’s era so… here’s the definitive jamie twelvesbian ranking from best to worst of the series i’ve seen so far. reasoning in tags
9 > 10 > 4 > 1 > 8 > 3 > 7b > 5 > 6 > 2 > 7a
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pokimoko · 1 year
@pizzee Thank you for the tagging me to join in on the TV show tag game! I have the exact opposite problem to you in that I watch way too many shows. There's so many I've watched in the last few months alone that I've absolutely loved (Andor, Severance, Poker Face, The Sandman, The Last of Us, Vox Machina, etc etc) but for this I think I'll stick with the ones that I've connected to and cherished the most of the years. It wasn't required or even asked for but all of you are getting Backstory™ for these whether you like it or not. Anyway, in no particular order, here they are:
Moon Knight: Wow, I like the show that is now my defining personality trait? Shocker. But, no, seriously, I don't think I've latched onto a show or group of characters so quickly in my life, or so intensely before. This show has (as of posting this) made me write almost 200k worth of fic about it. I got bloody Discord because of this show because the brainrot was so intense. I am part of a fandom community for really the first time in my life because of this show. It's no exaggeration to say that this show has had a huge impact on me; the dinosaurs got off easy in comparison.
Lucifer: I started watching this show when Season 2 premiered way back in 2016 and I was there watching it up until the end. It was silly and emotional and heartwarming and campy, and the characters were amazing (do I own shirts that Ella Lopez wore in the show? Yes, yes I do.) and the music was excellent. This show loved the heck out of metaphors, and I am not immune to that. Or Tom Ellis.
The Owl House: I used to be obsessed with owls when I was younger (the 'Owls of Ga'Hoole' movie was my jam, and—I'm sorry Zack Snyder directed that??? What the f—ahem, sorry, as I was saying:), and while that particular interest faded over the years, I do remember I was drawn to this show because of the name, and then the premise, and then the characters (Hunter gets a gold star for making me go "argh this guy is annoying" to "I would die for him" within a span of two appearances), and then so, so many things. I've loved a lot of cartoons, many of which deserve a spot on this list, but this one just hits so many of the right notes for me. I will die mad that Disney robbed us of a full season 3, but I will always cherish what we got.
Adventure Time: The first show I ever binged in full, and essentially what kickstarted my career as a Tumblrite (my logo was Marceline for many a year—if you find my *gag* Wattpad account it'll still be there). I still have doodles for this show from when I was 14 (many of which were Bubbline, which was also my first ship). I am the silly little Tumblr fool I am today because of this show.
Avengers: Earths Mightiest Heroes: I used to watch this show on TV as a kid, random episodes here and there, never enough to truly understand what was going on but enough to know the characters. It was how I first came to know Marvel, long before I even liked superheroes, and it was the reason I watched 'The Avengers', which in turn was the reason I went and saw 'Age of Ultron' (the first MCU movie I ever saw at the cinema) and then, well, the rest is history. But it all started here, with this show. (Also, let's be real, the theme song slaps.)
Doctor Who: specifically the Eleventh and Twelfth Doctor's seasons, though I love Ten's as well (even if 'Midnight' and the following Library episodes—episodes I now adore—scared me off from the show for almost 7 years). I might have also been a little in love with Clara. This show has made me sob with true and utter grief (musical motifs that will make you cry without warning and other secrets your Doctor won't tell you!) and also made me feel like I'm taking acid. It's got the range darling.
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood: I've watched this whole thing three times. It's just…It's good. It's really good. The world, the characters, the animation/visuals, the god damn narrative. I'm still in awe of how masterful this anime was. I aspire to this level of multilayered, intelligent storytelling… and also the level of comedy. It too has the range. And god I love when shows can do that well.
Bee and Puppycat: I used to watch the YouTube series for this (along with 'Bravest Warriors' and a bunch of other Cartoon Hangover shorts) as a tween and it's just a very fond, cosy memory for me. And now there's the Netflix version and it's been wonderful to not only get more of what was already there, but more to the story in general. My childhood self is being tucked into bed and wrapped in a blanket, content in the knowledge that things left unfinished are not always over.
That really is the tip of the iceberg of all the shows I've loved over the years but we'd be here for a month of Sundays if I went on about all them, so I'll take my leave now and pass on the baton. I'm going to tag @yellowocaballero, @mockspector, @theophagism and @aster-o1d. Have fun! :3
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#okay rant time lol. spoilers for 6x18#i think i will have to say that this may have been my least favourite of all 6b episodes#haha ik i should probably give myself time to process the episode but idk i'd rather just write everything out#i just. just yesterday i was complaining about some people treating 911 like it's the buck show and today... it was the buck show?#and like! an episode being extra focused on one character is absolutely fine!! great even!! i really enjoyed 6x11!!#but in the season finale you expect each character to get a more equitable amount of focus right?#and like. even 4x14 which had a significantly less focus on eddie than one might expect had the will scene#and maddie had a bit less focus in that episode too but even she quit her job and it was obvious she was Going Through Stuff#and these slightly restricted screentimes gave jumping off points for their respective very spectacular s5 arcs#but this episode? like it wasn't that it didn't focus on other characters but it was mostly buck#and... idk man it does make sense given that he had the longest running plotlines this season but also#i just wish we had focused more on other characters as well#and like? as for buck? the couch?#i'll be honest i'm disappointed they introduced romance this season for buck at all when the season began with him choosing to be single#i really thought he wouldn't date at all for this one season at least yk?#and yeah ik we live in an amatonormative world but cmooon a guy can have his happy ending without getting together with someone#also bucktalia feels a little odd to me rn especially given the number of false starts they had#if they'd done this exact same storyline but at the beginning of next season i'd probably love it... right now tho i'm very meh over it#as in there is potential but it's like... idk mannnn why do we need him to end up with someone at allllll... i'm too aro for this shit#starting something new this close to the end of the season instead of tying off the two arcs that were already ongoing for him#was certainly a choice#aah well. at least natalia seems good for him. she came back which is the most important thing buck would want in a partner right?#still tho. i really wish we'd gotten to know more about the new henren baby than we did#i wish we'd gotten to see madney discussing plans instead of just the exact moment where they decide they want to marry on the patio#i wish we'd gotten the entire conversation that lead up to chris hyping (or snarking at) eddie to call marisol#i wish we'd gotten bathena hurriedly packing for their trip and may making fun of them as she helps#i just wish we'd gotten more of others!!#oh well. at least we still got chimney time and captain hen and cheddie working together and hen and eddie leaning on each other#you win some you lose some i guess#anyways if you actually read all the way til down here thank you for your time hehe
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oh man, if i thought eps 9-10 made me mad..... this was easily the worst episode in the entire season. 
i knew these eliminations would hurt no matter what bc i grew so attached to most of the trainees left, but haruto not even being a candidate for p0.18... im a jaystar first and foremost, but i voted for haruto every. single. day. my other picks rotated, but haruto was my no.2 pick the whole time
Chen Kuanjui, Haruto, Wang Zihao, Woongki, Seowon, i'll be following you from now on, wherever you end up!! stars like you are impossible to hide- you were born to shine for everyone to see! 
i'm actually relieved Zhang Hao was second- the last thing we need now is knetz to turn on the one g trainee they allow to thrive. If he was 1st, no doubt korean voters would have dropped him, and he'd get Xiaoting'd. Also, as a jaystar.... I'll just say this episode was rough for me and leave it at that. Honestly, Sung Hanbin has nothing left to prove (he's done different concepts, had multiple main vocal and killing parts and never even come close to losing his 1st rank), so I do wish he'd share the spotlight even slightly- but in the end, it's a competition. I do wish they’d stop angel editing him though when he’s proven to be the single most ruthless trainee on the show. Every other trainee who’s in a more precarious position has been more compassionate with parts distribution at one point or another. Anyway, congrats to Ricky on breaking into the top 9!!! 
#also shanbin stans bending over backwards to pretend their pick is being oppressed... stfu. oh nooo did u worry he might be 2nd for a sec?#someone said they had a panic attack. bc he might be 2nd.#i hate yall fr#im not a shanbin anti but this episode has kicked him out of my personal top 9#im sorry. im bored of him!#he's had the killing part or main vocal every performance#and he's still never been my favourite performer in any of them.#lmr-hui/tomboy-zhang hao/smn-matthew#also congrats to jongwoo for surviving!!! he's been in my picks since home#im voting for jay every single day but im not watching a single other piece of bp. not even the finale#boys planet#boys planet discourse#also please let the noona thing die its so fucking creepy#yujin is v talented but i want him out of the lineup because his fanbase sexualises him so much. thats a MINOR#itd be one thing if they were treating him like takuto or ollie but the way they keep making him act 'sexy'... jail! jaill!!#also lee jeonghyeon is mid and im tired of mnet pretending he isnt. jack of all trades master of none#if he wasnt korean he wouldve been eliminated for sure#i love the g trainees and jiwoong's grown on me a lot but if the top 9 debuted tomorrow...#i would not stan. it's mid!! this bepler does not stand out at all amongst the competition of other 4th gen groups at all#i might stream hao and matthew's fancams. but thats it.#like its a lineup with one decent vocalist one standout rapper and a bunch of dancers. thats every boy group now#not to mention that theyre all boy scouts. the variety shows are going to be SO boring except for maybe a close up on gyuvin's face#also ive come around so much to hui. that man is a gem#i honestly hope he goes the soloist route and u best believe i'll be streaming#phanbin also deserves to debut in an actually good group. unlike someone else i could mention he's always been the standout performer#hes never earned a high rank i disagreed with. man works his ass off
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famderfries · 2 years
AHHHHH OK OK OK Not sure if you mesn species or class but my favourite species is probably the Monstrous Nightmare because is the most typically dragon-like of at least the main bunch (although its technically a wyvern)! I think they got to develeop them as a species a good amount :)
My favourite class is easily Stoker because it has so many cool ones in it like Nightmares are Stoker class, Fireworms are stoker class (I find it interesting that we dont ever truly discover the level of sentience or sapience that fireworms have other than the queen), Typhoomerangs are Stoker class, terrors, red death?? so many good dragons are stoker class!!!!! Mystery has good ones too but mostly because they just kinda put any dragon that doesnt fit anywhere else in Mystery.
For Character/dragon interactions ummmmmmm. thats a rlly good question. In general I like a lot of the more sensative interactions that Snotlout has with Hookfang like the ones in Race To Fireworm Island!!! I like their dynamic the most out of the main group. But other than characterwise??? You cant really beat the first Hiccup/Toothless nose touch in my opinion :D
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