#also just imagine all of sunset curve as bodyguards
innytoes · 2 years
the Trope Mash-Up: 14 + 48 + Willex please? <3
Bodyguard AU + Fake Dating
Willie's been an expert at slipping away from his private security since he was twelve. It was just that they never let him do anything fun, and most of them were sticks in the mud about following his dad's rules. Which was boring. He didn't want to schmooze with rich investors or their stuck up kids. He didn't want to 'sneak off' and do cocaine in the bathroom while a bored security guard stood outside the door and pretended not to know what was happening. He wanted to raid the kitchen for desserts and then slip away to go skating.
He knew his dad had enemies, just as he was vaguely aware that not everything he did was on the right side of the law. But he never really paid it any mind. It was all just boring contracts and schmoozing and meeting shady people in his home office while Willie tried to annoy his latest security guard into going away by playing Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing On Rainbows on a loop while he painted.
Which had worked. Only when he snuck out of the house to go skate, a bag was put over his head and he'd been taken away. Everything after that was just a confusing blur of images he tried not to think about too much.
He'd woken up in the hospital to a face and a torso full of bruises, and a missing pinkie finger. He'd woken up to the sound of Caleb Covington’s ice cold fury as he told whoever was on the other side of the line that if the people responsible weren't mysteriously found dead by the end of the night, then maybe their daughter would be.
Willie didn't slip away from his security after that. Not even after his eighteenth birthday a week after he came home from the hospital, when technically he could refuse having them at all. Hell, he didn’t even leave the house for a couple of months, until dad forced him into therapy.
Eventually, he started to feel better. He was able to leave the house without a panic attack. He’d gotten used to holding a paintbrush with a finger less. He’d even started to annoy his bodyguards again. Dad was a lot quicker in firing and replacing them if they showed even the slightest hint of leaving him alone just because of his taste in music (five hours of uninterrupted Nyancat) or just if Willie said they gave him the creeps (that one muscle dude who made incredibly intense eye contact and muttered under his breath every time Willie ate something sugary).
Which was how Willie had ended up with Alex. Alex, who was only a few years older than him. Alex, who didn’t wear a suit and tie and those ‘try me, punk’ sunglasses, but a pink hoodie and a fanny pack instead. Alex, who hummed ‘Pink Fluffy Unicorns’ under his breath when Willie went to go get lunch after painting for two hours with it on in the background.
Alex, who had casually taken out what turned out to be a paintball gun from his waistband and had sniped a photographer’s camera when he’d snuck onto the property to try and catch pictures of Willie, before chasing him down and handing him off to his dad’s security detail.
Willie kind of adored Alex.
Out in public, Alex didn’t act like a body guard. They’d had a long talk about it, about how Willie (and Caleb, but Alex had spent the entire conversation looking at Willie, not his dad) wanted to handle it. They’d discussed the press, who had had a field day when the news leaked that Willie Covington had been kidnapped, and had tried to both vilify him (he was a troublemaker who deserved it) or tried to make him a Precious Little UwU Bean (while also sensationalizing what had happened to him).
Having visible security would only serve as a reminder of what happened to him. It might even paint a target on his back, both for his father’s enemies who would take it as a challenge, and for paparazzi to run more stories about how poor Willie Covington was too much of a baby to go anywhere alone anymore.
So when they were in public, Alex acted like he was his boyfriend. His slightly anxious boyfriend who always checked all the exits, and who sometimes leaned in to whisper things (status updates, including warnings about the press being nearby and any cute dogs in the surrounding area) into his ear because he was a bit shy. They held hands and got ice cream where the press could see them, and when Alex offered Willie a taste of his, and then laughed and gently brushed away the whipped cream from his nose, well, Willex was soon a trending topic on certain corners of the internet.
For the first time since the kidnapping, Willie felt safe. Not only safe, but happy. He and Alex could talk for hours and still find new things to talk about. If he started to get anxious or triggered when out of the house, Alex took him somewhere quiet, and safe, and knew exactly what to say or do to keep him in the present. Turned out his little fanny pack not only had a miniature med kit and a scary looking knife, he also had some grounding items, like a citrus lip balm and a fidget toy.
So Alex went with him on trips to the art store, to museums, to the beach. One time, to Knott’s Berry Farm, because Alex confessed he’d never been and Willie just couldn’t let that stand. He hung onto Alex’ arm at galas and events his dad had told him he didn’t have to go to, while also implying it would be pretty beneficial if he did. When Willie finally felt ready, he asked Alex if there was a way he could go skateboarding again. And honestly, between Alex in his tiny running shorts jogging next to him, and the wind in his hair as he sailed through the streets again, it was the best day he’d had in a long, long time.
When they got home, Willie felt exhilarated. He was pleasantly sore, slightly out of breath, and he felt so free. So when he leaned over and kissed Alex, it felt natural. It felt right.
Until Alex gently pushed him away, face flushed. “I need to talk to your dad,” he said, and Willie’s world came crashing down.
“Shit, Alex, I’m sorry,” he said, even as Alex pulled away. “That wasn’t cool, you didn’t- you’re working and... I’m sorry, please don’t tell my dad, I won’t do it again, I promise, I’m so sorry.” If Alex told his dad, surely he’d get fired and sent away, and then Willie would get some other goon security guard and he’d be miserable again. He could tamp down on his crush on Alex, if it meant not losing him.
“Willie,” Alex said gently, cupping his cheek. “I need to resign.” He ran a soothing thumb over Willie’s cheekbone, wiping away a tear. “Because I can’t kiss you while you’re still a client.”
Willie never did get a new bodyguard, but he did move in with his boyfriend Alex a few weeks later.
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blush-and-books · 3 years
Is there a jatp au that you would love to write but just don’t know how or have the time?
oh, oh god, this question unlocks a vault, truly. the triad chat (me, @lydias--stiles and @bluefirewrites) is an au factory. i've gotten lots of inspo for fics that probably will never be written by myself, lol!!
But here's a solid starter list:
Beauty and the Beast AU - Sunset Curve was cursed by a witch (Rose) to be ghosts haunting the Orpheum theater until their souls are destroyed forever. Luke took it the hardest while Reggie and Alex are more focused on searching for a solution (like a Beast x Cogsworth and Lumiere dynamic). Their "timer" instead of the wilting rose is actually on Luke's guitar strap that has the skulls and roses, and when each rose has transformed into a skull like the rest of the figures, their time is up. When Ray Molina goes to photograph the abandoned theater, the boys hold him for disrupting their peace - only willing to let him go in exchange for his daugher, Julie, when she comes to find them.
10 Things I Hate About You AU - Someone has done this, I am sure of it, but I haven't personally seen it and also think it would be fun to do one of my own. Alex isn't allowed to date until his older brother, Luke, finds his own date - enter Willie, who is willing to do anything for the chance to ask Alex out, including bribing the school badass, Julie Molina, to hit on Luke. (Triad Collaboration Idea)
Below Deck AU - For anyone who hasn't seen the show, it would be the gang all working as crew on a charter yacht in the Caribbean. Julie would be a stewardess, Luke would be the bosun, and they would spend six weeks dealing with crazy rich people, crew drama, and boatmances.
Lucid Dreamers AU - Julie and Luke use lucid dreaming to escape their realities (Julie is coping with her mom's death and Luke is coping with his toxic household) and while they dream, they somehow find each other. While at school, they don't know if the other remembers any of these dreams; but in their dreams, they form a close bond while dreaming together. (Triad Collaboration Idea)
Vampire AU - We talk about fucking vampires in our chat all the time. So many vampires. It's beautiful. Also terrifying. Obviously a Collaboration Idea
Footloose AU - In a town where music is banned, the new kid, Luke Patterson, is looking to shake things up. Good thing he has the help of the preacher's daughter, Julie Molina. (Minor Triad Collaboration Idea)
Pride & Prejudice AU - Trust me when I say I think about this every day, how I would do it, who would be who... And then I get tired
The Bodyguard AU - Not just any au, but one based off of the movie The Bodyguard. Julie Molina is an award-winning singer and Oscar-nominated actress who has been receiving death threats, leading her team to hire Luke Patterson.
Environmental Enemies to Lovers - This is a joke but imagine Luke owns a gross, fossil-fuel-emitting corporation and Julie is the activist that makes him figure out the error in his ways. Almost was written as my env sci final because I was getting desperate
Teachers AU - No plans for this one, no designs. They're just high school teachers. She's the choir director and he's the band director, they flirt, end of story (Triad Collaboration Idea)
There's more. There's also some that I'm working on right now that I literally may not have out for a long time, but I won't list them here for shock factor, lol.
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londontheatre · 7 years
After the resounding success of Rodgers & Hammerstein’s State Fair (Cadogan Hall November 2016) and the sell-out concert of Alan Menken & Lynn Ahrens’ A Christmas Carol (Lyceum Theatre, December 2016), with numerous five star reviews for both performances, The London Musical Theatre Orchestra is delighted to announce the full casting for its first concert of the 2017 season, the hit Broadway musical Honeymoon in Vegas.
Joining previously announced principal cast members Samantha Barks (Betsy) and Arthur Darvill (Jack) will be Maxwell Caulfield (Tommy), Rosemary Ashe (Bea), Nicolas Colicos (Johnny) and Simon Lipkin (Buddy), with supporting roles played by Daniel Amity, Maisey Bawden and Hywel Dowsell.
Following the huge success of A Christmas Carol, Shaun Kerrison will be returning to direct the production (biog at end of release).
Cast announced so far: TOMMY: Maxwell Caulfield – UK Theatre includes: Guys and Dolls and Singin’ In The Rain, Sir Peter Hall’s Bedroom Farce (UK National Tours), Chicago (London, West End). In America: La Cage Aux Folles, My Fair Lady, A Little Night Music , Pirates of Penzance, Sweet Bird of Youth, Inspector Calls (Broadway), My Night with Reg, Mysterious Mr.Love, Salonika (Public Theatre), Class Enemy and Entertaining Mr. Sloane. Television and Film Includes: Grease 2, Empire Records, The Real Blonde, The Boys Next Door, Casualty, Emmerdale, The Colbys (ABC) and The Elephant Man.
BETSY: Samantha Barks – Samantha is best known for playing Eponine in Les Miserables, a role she played in the West End, the 25th Anniversary Concerts at the O2, and in the 2012 film adaptation. Recent theatre credits include: Cathy Last Five Years (St James Theatre); the title role in the world premiere of Amelie – A New Musical (Berkeley Repertory Theatre), Mallory/Avril in City of Angels (Donmar Warehouse), Velma Kelly in Chicago (Hollywood Bowl) and Sally Bowles in Cabaret (UK Tour). Recent film credits include: Interlude in Prague (Stillking Films), Bitter Harvest (Devil’s Harvest Productions), The Canary (Pioneer Pictures), the voice of Miss Acacia in Jack & The Cuckoo-Clock Heart (EuropaCorp) and The Christmas Candle (Pinewood Studios).
Arthur Darvill
JACK: Arthur Darvill – Training: RADA. Theatre includes: Treasure Island (National Theatre), Once (Bernard B.Jacobs Theatre NYC and Phoenix Theatre UK), Our Boys (Duchess Theatre), Soft Cops (RSC), Doctor Faustus (Shakespeare’s Globe), Swimming With Sharks (Vaudeville), Terre Haute (Trafalgar Studios, National Tour), Stacey (Arcola), Terre Haute (Assembly Rooms, Edinburgh). Television and Film Includes:Legends of Tomorrow (Berlanti Productions), Danny and The Human Zoo (BBC), Broadchurch (Kudos for ITV), The White Queen (BBC), The Paradise (BBC), Doctor Who (BBC), Little Dorritt (BBC), He Kills Coppers (Ecosse), The Verdict (RDF), Robin Hood (Imagine Entertainment), Sex, Drugs, Rock N Roll (Lipsync Productions), Pelican Blood (Ecosse). Other work: Arthur is also a composer, his credits include: Fantastic Mr Fox (Nuffield/Lyric/Curve), I Want My Hat Back (National Theatre), Been So Long (Young Vic, Traverse), Lightning Child (Globe), The Frontline (Globe), Stoopud Fucken Animals (Traverse), Crazy Love (Paines Plough), Is Everyone Ok? (Nabokov), Artifacts (Bush).
BEA: Rosemary Ashe – Rosie has just completed a national tour of Sister Act playing Sister Mary Lazarus. West End Theatre Includes: Carlotta, the Prima Donna Les Miserables (Queen’s Theatre – original Cast), Widow Corney in Oliver!, Cunegonde in Candide, Manon in Bitter Sweet, Forbidden Broadway, Felicia Gabriel in The Witches of Eastwick (for which she was nominated for a Laurence Olivier Award for Best Supporting Performance in a Musical, Miss Andrew, the nasty nanny in Mary Poppins, & Lottie Grady in When We Are Married. Recently she has been performing her one woman tribute to Ethel Merman: ‘Call Me Merman’, to great acclaim, played Betty in the Great American Trailer Park Musical (Waterloo East Theatre) and has created roles in 2 new British musicals: Grandma Mole in The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13 & ¾ (Leicester Curve) & Miss Bleacher in Crush (The Belgrade). She has appeared with English National Opera, Opera North, Scottish Opera, Sadlers Wells Opera, Opera Northern Ireland & Carl Rosa in many different roles including Musetta in La Boheme, Helene in La Belle Helene, Frasquita in Carmen & Despina in Cosi Fan Tutte.
JOHNNY: Nicolas Colicos – UK theatre includes: Buffalo Bill in Annie Get Your Gun (Sheffield Crucible), Joe in I’m Getting My Act Together… (Jermyn St. Theatre), The Soldier in Sunday In The Park with George (Royal National Theatre), Mitch in Streetcar Named Desire (Bristol Old Vic), Curly in Oklahoma(National Tour), Wreck in Wonderful Town! (Queen’s Theatre). Originated roles in The Bodyguard (Adelphi), Sister Act (Palladium), The Producers (Drury Lane), Mamma Mia! (Prince Edward), Whistle Down The Wind (Aldwych), Sunset Boulevard (Adelphi), Joseph and The Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat (Palladium). Television and Film work includes: Kingsman 2, Strasberg in Rude Boy (BBC), Mackenzie in Hot Metal (LWT), The New Statesman, The Detectives (LWT), Henry Savage in Wodehouse On Broadway (BBC), David Kessler in Not A Penny More, Not A Penny Less (BBC), Hugh Clegg in Bomb Story (BBC), Hank in That’s Love (TVS), Lt. Green in Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, Reuben in Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat, Paul in Superman IV, Connors in Iron Eagle II.
BUDDY – Simon Lipkin – Theatre includes: Nathan Detroit in Guys and Dolls (West End); Bill Sykes in Oliver! (Grange Park Opera); Lou Lubowitz in Miss Atomic Bomb (St James Theatre); The Lorax in The Lorax (Old Vic Theatre); The Proprietor in Assassins (Menier Chocolate Factory); Touchstone in As You Like It (Southwark Playhouse); Barlow in I Can’t Sing (London Palladium); Lonny in Rock Of Ages (Original West End Cast); Galahad in Spamalot (Original West End Cast); I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change (Arts Theatre, London); The Wedding Singer (Original UK Cast); Willard in Footloose (UK Tour); A Christmas Carol (West End); Alice In Wonderland (Nuffield Theatre); Austentatious (The Landor); News Revue (Canal Café) and Leopold in Never The Sinner at the Kenneth Moore Theatre. Film and TV include: Show Dogs, Muppets Most Wanted for Disney, The Harry Hill Movie, That Puppet Game Show and Nativity III, Harry Hill’s Alien Fun Capsule, Doctor Who, Harry Hill’s Tea Time, The Bill, Casualty, The Royal Variety Performance, Children In Need.
Other roles in the production will be played by members of the LMTO chorus, including: Will Arundell, Lizzie Bea, Austen Garrett, Alice Gruden, Charlotte Kennedy, Richard James King, Emma Kingston, Lauren Lockley, Laura Messin, Oliver Stanley and Sam Thomas
Synopsis Based on the hit 1992 film starring Sarah Jessica Parker, and Nicholas Cage, Honeymoon in Vegas tells the story of mild-mannered Brooklynite, Jack, who haunted by the fear of a promise to his dying mother never to get married, avoids proposing to his new girlfriend Betsy. He finally summons the nerve and takes Betsy to Las Vegas only to have his plans compromised by a dashing gambler with an eye for luxury and Jack’s new fiancée.
The New York Times called the Broadway production “[a] bright and bouncy…real-live, old-fashioned, deeply satisfying Broadway musical in a way few new shows are anymore.”
Honeymoon in Vegas— book by Andrew Bergman and score by Tony-Award winning Jason Robert Brown (Parade, Songs For A New World, The Last Five Years and The Bridges of Madison County) — ran on Broadway at the Nederlander Theatre –this concert will see it performed in London for the very first time.
The 30-strong London Musical Theatre Orchestra will take to the London Palladium stage on 12th March 2017 under the baton of its first guest conductor, the show’s composer Jason Robert Brown, to honour the stylish and swinging score of Honeymoon in Vegas which marks another much anticipated UK Premiere for the orchestra.
Jason Robert Brown said: “Honeymoon in Vegas is the show I always aspired to write. All of these sounds – the swing, the samba, the disco, the boogie, the rock’n’roll – make up what I hear in my head when I think of what a ‘Broadway musical’ should be. I’m so gratified to have actually written it, and thrilled to get a chance – finally! – to present it in London. And to know that the music will be brought to life by the sterling musicians of the LMTO and a glorious cast is such a delight and a privilege. I’ve had so many sensational experiences in the British theater that it feels like coming home. I cannot wait to get started!”
In keeping with the long term aim of the LMTO, the fully orchestrated concerts aims to not only make orchestral performances accessible to brand new audiences, but also to bring the exciting repertoire of musical theatre to a more classical audience.
Show: Jason Robert Brown and Andrew Bergman’s HONEYMOON IN VEGAS Venue: London Palladium Date: Sunday 12 March 2017 Time: 7:30 pm Tickets: £75, £45, £30, £24.50, £20, £16.50. Booking: 0844 412 4657 / / http://ift.tt/2kndnxh
http://ift.tt/2kGBtzg LondonTheatre1.com
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