#also i like to think craig would lightly tease him about it if he found out what his whole name is
steakout-05 · 5 months
he is not amused.....
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#barry steakfries#jetpack joyride#sketch#barry after you call him barreth for the 50th time and he's past the point of embarrassment and is now just grumpy about it#i'm in love with the fact his name's comically long and ridiculous#fuckin barreth mcsteakington friesenhausen.#one of the characters in AOZ has a ridiculous name as well (miss rubenstein sexypants) so i'm happy they kept that going in the vlog#i feel like he dreads going to family gatherings specifically because of that name because it's embarrassing#and he just has to put up with it for a night and a half#also i like to think craig would lightly tease him about it if he found out what his whole name is#he'd think it's actually kind of a cute name but also make fun of barry for it because it's funny seeing him get embarrassed#also speaking of that episode of the vlog: as an queenslander barry's mum is incredibly accurate to how quite a few people here are like#like her story about her friend getting hit by a bus after using the internet feels like something i'd hear a weird aunt or neighbour say#i think most of halfbrick's fans aren't australian so i find it really funny when people call barry british or get confused at certain term#and i have seen some people call barry british before and i feel this mixture of amusement and confusion about it#because 1. that's just really funny that people tend to immediately assume that pronouncing stuff like tomato as “tomahhto” = british#but also 2. have you even heard a british person. i assure you they often don't sound like us australians#especially with the many different variations in their accents depending on what area they come from#anyway.... barry grumpy :3#i like how i always end up going on long tangents in the tags about random loosely related shit#it's the autism brain going off
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secretkeeper13 · 3 years
Flirt- bonus chapter
I was overwhelmed by the positive response to this story! Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to read and leave such lovely comments.  I truly appreciate it! 
As soon as I finished writing this fic, I wanted to write Harry’s reaction to hearing the story of poor Criag’s misadventures in trying to flirt with Ginny.  I hope you enjoy this bit of (very dialogue heavy) fluff as much as I enjoyed writing it.  Bonus chapter also on Ao3! 
He flopped onto the bed, completely exhausted from the day. Well, really, from James, who was now (thankfully) sleeping in his cot after a mildly disastrous bath time in which he’d managed to get soapy water all over Harry’s shirt, trousers, and the entire bathroom floor, causing Harry to slip in his haste to grab his wand to do a drying charm. And then bedtime, when James climbed out of his cot three times before finally, blissfully falling asleep.  
In the stillness, he heard the door to the study close softly, the creak of the stairs, and footsteps approaching the doorway of their bedroom. He looked up as she crossed the room and sat on the other side of their bed.
“James wear you out today?” she asked, with a knowing smile.
“Yes, I’m exhausted,” he groaned. “I feel like I’ve been through one of Oliver Wood’s training sessions. I don’t know how you do it, honestly.”
She grinned. “You chase dark wizards for a living, but five hours alone with our toddler did you in?”
He smiled sheepishly. “It isn’t like when he was a baby, and you could turn your back for a second to do something and he’d still be in the same place. He’s so bloody fast now. I told you about the incident with the toilet. Not to mention the climbing- I pulled him off the third shelf in the scullery not a half hour after you left!”
She laughed. “He probably just wanted a biscuit. Caught him at it last week, found him on the second shelf holding the biscuit tin. I moved it up higher, but I guess that didn’t work.”
Harry shook his head. “How do you even use the loo? I was afraid to leave him alone for a second.”
She laughed again. “I haven’t used the loo alone during the day for the past couple weeks.”
“He’s not a baby anymore, really,” he said wistfully, thinking of their once tiny newborn, who was now saying words, toddling about, and causing all sorts of mischief.
“No, he isn’t.”
Harry sighed. “Did you get your article finished?”
“Yes, all done and sent to my editor in time for tomorrow’s paper. It practically wrote itself thanks to the Magpie’s seeker. Not every day someone catches the snitch in under a half hour in his first game.”  
“I can’t wait to read it.”
She smiled at him.  “Thanks for bringing James up to Hogsmeade after. I’m glad we got to see Neville.”
“Me too,” he said, and then he grinned up at her. “Speaking of, now do I get to hear the story of how a bloke fresh out of Hogwarts ended up buying you a drink?”
She laughed. “I knew you’d ask again.”
He’d asked as soon as they’d walked away from the bar, of course, his curiosity getting the better of him, as always.  But she’d simply raised an eyebrow and mouthed, “Later” in response to his murmured, “What was that?”
“Hmmm, you’re very interested in this story,” she teased, running her hand lightly down his chest and sliding closer to him on the bed. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were jealous of my new friend Craig.”
He laughed and shook his head. “Hardly. The poor boy looked like he wanted to die. I just want to know what you did to him.”
“And why do you think I’m responsible?” she said feigning innocence, giving him that wide-eyed, playful look that still made his heart beat faster.
“Well, I’d like to think I know you pretty well after nearly a decade of being with you,” he replied dryly.
She laughed. “Alright. Well, if you must know, I was at the bar, minding my own, when my new friend came up and introduced himself to me,” she said, her eyes glinting with mischief.
“That’s bold.” He looked at her shrewdly. “And did you introduce yourself to him?”
She smirked. “I told him it was a pleasure to meet him.”
He chuckled and shook his head. “I knew it.”
“What, I should’ve said, ‘Hello Craig, I’m Ginny Potter; yes, the one married to Harry Potter. Oh, he’ll be here momentarily. Yes, please make a scene and ask for a photo so the whole pub is in a frenzy by the time he arrives with our son’?”
“Alright, you’ve made your point,” he said, chuckling harder.
“Anyhow, it was clear he didn’t recognize me, so I decided to just... let it play out. Be a good sport, but not encourage him too much. And if I got a little amusement from it along the way, well, that was just a bonus.”
“How were you sure he didn’t recognize you?” he said, thinking darkly of all the unwelcome advances he’d fielded over the years, despite the entire wizarding world’s knowledge of he and Ginny’s relationship.
She snorted. “Harry, he asked me, very earnestly, if I followed Quidditch, and then followed that up by asking which team I supported.”
He cringed, but laughed. “Merlin. Poor bloke.”
 “That’s not even the best part.”
“Oh no,” she said, her tone becoming increasingly dramatic (a trait which he found adorable and endearing). “The best part was when he unknowingly was slagging off Percy to me.”
“Come again?” Harry spluttered.
“I’d love to later, but I’d like to finish my story now, thank you.”
“Gin.” He was laughing so hard his shoulders were shaking. “You know, one day, that joke won’t be funny anymore.”
“And yet, you’re still laughing.”
He raised an eyebrow at her. “Percy?”
“Right, so after I mentioned that I’d recently had a career change, he told me all about his friend, who apparently took a job right out of Hogwarts in the Ministry in the Transportation Department. And his boss, the Deputy Head was, and I quote, ‘a real stickler,’ who was impossible to work for so much so that he changed jobs.”
He laughed in earnest. “And what did you say?”
“I told him I knew the type.”
Harry roared with laughter. “How did you keep a straight face?” he gasped.
“With great difficulty. So, then the barmaid showed up, and he offered to buy me a drink. I tried to politely decline, but he insisted, and the barmaid was getting annoyed, so I just went with it. I started to let him down gently after that, but then you showed up with James before I could tell him.”
“Poor Craig,” he said, shaking his head, still chuckling.
“He was very sweet.”
“I’m glad you bought him a round, the kid deserved it after that.”
“Oh, you’re team Craig, are you?”
He laughed. “Yes. I hope he finds a girl his own age though, instead of chatting up my wife.”
She took his hand and then paused for a moment, playing with their intertwined fingers. She looked down at him through her lashes.
“You know,” she said, her tone softer and more thoughtful. “It was refreshing, honestly. I don’t think someone who didn’t already know who I was has approached me in years. And it was flattering. I mean, he thought I was his age.”
Harry swallowed. He hated that being with him made her life harder. He hated that she’d had to give up any semblance of ever having a private life or anonymity by marrying him. As if she knew what he was thinking (and she probably did, he thought), she reached down and gently stroked his cheek. He closed his eyes at her touch, and when he opened them again, he spoke.
“I’m not sure why you’re surprised a bloke would want to chat you up. You’re beautiful, Gin, in more ways than one.”
She leaned down and gave him a swift kiss, then sat back up, and smiled at him, still holding his hand.
“It made my day, really. To feel like I’ve got it back after being pregnant and having James.”
“You can’t get back something you never lost.”
She beamed at him and shook her head. “Harry Potter. That was a line.”
“Well, I’ve got to keep up with Craig.”
She laughed, then leaned down to kiss him again. He deepened the kiss, pulling her on top of him and running his hands through her long, silky hair.
After a moment, she pulled back and reached for the hem of her shirt. “You sure you aren’t too tired for this?” she teased.
“I may not be eighteen anymore like your new friend, but I’ll manage, trust me,” he said, looking up at her, his eyes dark.
“Well, I’m glad you aren’t eighteen anymore,” she said as she pulled her shirt over her head and he groaned appreciatively. “Because this will last a lot longer then.”
He laughed, and that was the last either of them thought of Craig that evening.
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jinxedambitions · 6 years
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Treading Water
Deran/Adrian Rating: Teen Summary: *Takes place after the scene at Adrian's place in 3x07*
Deran knows he should go. He has things that need his attention, but he can't tear himself away from this couch...away from Adrian. Their timing may suck, but that doesn't somehow make Deran any more capable of resisting the pull toward him.
[Read on Ao3 ]
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spaceoutlawjbug · 7 years
Give Me A Chance
For @waffle-walks 
Shiro watched as Lance rambled to Hunk about something from the kitchen as he sipped at his coffee, missing the first half of the conversation that was happening in front of him. He knew he should be at least eavesdropping if he was watching secretly, but he couldn’t help but stare as the lights from above illuminated Lance in a way that seemingly made him glow.
Shiro would admit that he may have had a small crush on the Cuban if asked...Okay so maybe it wasn’t all that small as he would do anything for him, even go to ends of the universe and back to give him the brightest star. So what if he was being cheesy and cliche? Let the man dream.
Everyone in the house, besides Lance, seemed to have noticed his pining seeing as how they would tease him about being a lovesick fool. But could you blame him? How could he not fall for the way he lit up while talking about his family and the things he loved or how he would do anything for those he cared for?
Yeah, Shiro was far gone.
Shiro kept staring dreamily at Lance until a sentence snapped him out of his stupor.
“Oh man, and then Craig is just so dreamy~!”
Shiro blinked before drawing in his eyebrows. Craig? Who the hell was Craig? How come he never heard of him before?
Hunk sighed, “Lance, if you like him so much why don’t you just ask him yet?”
Shiro felt a feeling flare up in him. One he hasn’t felt for a while. Jealousy. He swallowed down the feeling that crawled up his throat as it churned in his stomach.  
“Uh-huh, nope.” Shiro let out a sigh of relief as he went to take a sip of his drink, “Not yet at least. I don’t know how to seduce him yet.”
Shiro nearly dropped his cup and a startled yelped left his throat as the coffee burned his skin, causing the two that were on the couch to look up at him in confusion and concern. He cleared his throat and a small, shaky smile appeared on his face, “Sorry, the um, coffee burnt my hand.”
Lance stood up immediately as he walked over to fuss over the wound before Shiro could even protest, a blush taking over his features as Lance went grab the first aid-kit even if the burn wasn't that bad the brunet made it out to be.
Hunk stood near him, studying him for a second before a knowing look flitted across his features and a teasing smirk replaced the look. Shiro could only clear his throat before looking away as Lance returned and dressed the wound in one of the burn soothing packets for the skin.
After Lance was done, scolding him lightly to be careful, Hunk spoke up, “So Lance, I have some advice on Craig if you’d like to hear-”
Shiro stood abruptly, clearing his throat and making up a half assed excuse to leave the room, not noticing the perplexed look Lance sent him as Hunk shook with silent laughter.
The next time he heard about this ‘Craig’ was when everyone was in the living room, all relaxing on their personal devices. Lance caught Shiro’s attention as he groaned out, the sound of his laptop closing.
“I bet Craig could bench press me. Boy, do I really want him to,too..” Lance said, getting lost in thought for a few seconds.
Pidge snorted, “Are you sure you don’t mea- OW!”
Lance had thrown one of the pillows from the couch at the tiny girl, hitting her in the face and shutting her up, a triumphant smile made his way onto his face.
Shiro swallowed as the feeling from before returned, not noticing he was pouting unconsciously as he barely listened to the two bicker, missing the lighthearted jabs at each other that probably had to do with Craig.
Soon the two were throwing different things at each other, but Shiro could care less as he sunk further into his seat as he thought about who this Craig guy could be and what he had that Shiro didn't.
I could bench press Lance...
Shiro chewed on the end of his pencil as he worked on his assignment for a class he didn’t even need for his major, yet he was forced to take the stupid thing. He groaned and laid his head down on the table, not caring the paper was getting crumbed.
He didn’t notice, in the middle of his self loathing, that Lance had returned home until he heard Lance’s voice humming an unfamiliar tune. He lifted his head slightly to watch the boy sit across from him, a playful smile on his face.
“Need help?”
Shiro sighed, sitting up, “No, I just need something to do to get my mind off of this awful subject.”
Lance tilted his head in thought before lighting up, “Did you know that Capybara’s are a large rodent native to South America?”
Shiro blinked before he started laughing, snorting from time to time. He didn’t know why he was, maybe it was because that was the most random fact he had heard come out of Lance’s mouth yet. When he looked up after his laughter quieted down, his breath caught in his throat as Lance was smiling at him gently, a faint blush dusting his cheeks.
His own cheeks caught aflame as he looked down at his paper. He cleared his throat before looking up once more, this time prepared for Lance’s look that was directed at him.
“So, uh, where’d you learn that fact?”
Lance hummed, grabbing Shiro’s paper, the older letting him before he absent-mindedly spoke as he scanned the contents of the essay, “Craig.”
Shiro’s smile slowly melted off his face, Lance not noticing as he looked over his paper, and let out his own hum of acknowledgment, the tone a little harsh. Lance’s gaze flickered up, confused at the change of Shiro’s tone but he had missed Shiro’s deep frown as it was now replaced with a strained smile and a twitching eyebrow.
Lance only saw Shiro like this once before and that was when he had to deal with an indecisive customer at his work. He had come home quite mad, raving about a guy named Slav, every attempt to calm down had nearly backfired until Lance started to distract him with a t.v. novella and ice cream later that night.
What was weird though, Shiro was usually a patient and calm guy, so what had he done to set him off? Before he could even ask, Hunk had entered the house, distracting Lance with talk of dinner later that night.
When Lance looked back to ask Shiro what was wrong, he was gone, leaving Lance to frown in confusion.
Early morning jogs were Shiro’s favorite past time to help blow off steam. The way his legs burned and his breathing would come out labored. It helped take his mind off of things.
Like the mysterious Craig Lance wouldn’t shut up about. Just the other night Lance was rambling about how great Craig was and how much Craig was such a bro. Well, the guy could ‘bro’ right off.
Shiro also found out the said man was a father.
Not that Shiro had anything against that, no of course not, just he was confused as to why Lance would want to date a father when a perfectly fine bachelor was in the same house as him. Was it because Lance liked kids? That had to be it.
Shiro could be a dad…
He sighed as he downed the bottle of water he grabbed out of the fridge when he arrived home.
Maybe he was being ridiculous.
Footsteps echoed into the kitchen, knocking him out of his thoughts, and Shiro watched as Lance entered and yawned. He stretched his long limbs, causing his shirt to ride up some, exposing the skin to his stomach slightly. Shiro may or may not have drunk more of his water after catching the view.
While Lance grabbed one of the juice boxes Hunk bought specifically for him, Shiro spoke, “So, what are you doing waking up early for?”
“Hm?” Lance rubbed at his eye sleepily before eyeing the time, “Oh... I haven't gone to sleep yet. I stayed up all night talking to Craig.”
Shiro could only gawk at Lance as he left the kitchen with a small ‘goodnight’, not noticing the poor water bottle in his grip was spilling all over onto the floor with how tight his grip was on it.
Shiro groaned, burying his face into his hands as Pidge sat on the couch next to him. The younger spared him a glance, her eyebrow raising in question. She didn’t even get to ask what was Shiro’s problem before said male was locked his eyes on her.
“Do you know who Craig is?”
Pidge’s mouth nearly turned up in amusement at the tone Shiro used when saying the game character’s name but caught herself, “Craig? The guy Lance is talking about non-stop?”
“Yes, him.”
Pidge had to physically pinch herself on the leg to stop laughter coming out, “I do, why?”
“What does he have that I don't?”
A cackle escaped from her involuntarily, causing Shiro to frown, no wait he was pouting, “I’m being serious!”
The short girl could only walk out the room cackling louder, leaving Shiro to sit in confusion at her words, “I don’t think you have to worry all too much about him.”
The next morning, after an awful night's sleep, Shiro was practically asleep at the kitchen counter. Hunk and Keith already left for their job before class and Pidge was somewhere asleep. Meaning him and Lance were left alone for the morning.
“Are you okay Shiro? You look...tired.”
He gave Lance a sleepy look, “I didn't get much sleep last night.”
Lance gave an understanding nod, “Same, stayed up late last night as well, trying to figure something out with Craig.”
Shiro’s eyebrows drew in with irritation. He was too tired to deal with another rant about Craig, so he only gave out a hum. He didn’t look up until Lance had gone silent so he casted him a curious look.
Lance was staring at Shiro curiously, “Do you want to go get brunch later? Like as a date.”
Shiro frowned, despite his fluttering heart, he pouted and mumbled, “What about Craig?”
A loud laugh startled Shiro as Lance as Lance’s body shook. “A dating sim can only do so much, Shiro.”
Shiro blinked owlishly, “A...A dating sim?”
Lance’s body shook with even more laughter, his eyes shining with amusement, “Yes, a dating sim. Wait, you thought Craig was real!?”
“Yes…” An embarrassed blush spread across his cheeks before he cleared his throat and looked away from the boy in front of him, “Alright…I’ll go to brunch with you.”
Lance could only reply with more laughter as he fell out of his chair.
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