#also covid is rly kicking my ass
mangostar · 2 years
finished pkm journeys.. wahhh i loved it 
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saetoru · 2 years
YOUR THEMES NEVER MISS THOUGH AAHHH ur so amazing omg this one might have to be one of my favs frfr 🤭
i missed you too!! i went on a cruise for the first time a couple weeks ago & then i came back and tested positive for covid 🧎🏻‍♀️ BUT IM FEELING SO MUCH BETTER i’m back to work & school (except my first day back at school, my class was literally canceled & my prof didn’t email us abt it 🧍🏻‍♀️)
also i’m finally working more on my piece for ur “when nobody’s home” collab 🤭🤭
i hope you’ve also been well tee my darling <3 remember to take good care of yourself especially since ur taking 7 classes and remember to show yourself lots n lots of tender, loving care 💓💓
BESTIE SAJHDFJSD the way i deadass change them every 2 days now 😭 before i used to at least keep them like a week 😭
BUT OMG A CRUISE SOUNDS SO NICE i wanted to go on a cruise last spring but then my whole dads side of the family decided they wanted to do a family cruise and i was like "nope" and my mom was too so then we withdrew LMAO and then there was drama with the planning (as always) and it got canceled for everyone. BUT I HOPE URS WAS FUN and i hope u ate to ur hearts content bc i heard u can just have wtv u want on the cruise bc the food is paid for beforehand. idk tho i never been on one 😞 AND NOT COVID DEAR GOD it gets everyone eventually >:( that shit sucked covid was the worst week of my life i wasn't even that sick i just couldn't taste shit and i was pissed and grumpy KJSAGD. but im glad ur feeling better love !! and work and school can SUCK IT the first day was raining fucking cats and dogs for me and my prof didn't mention our room got moved so i had to DOUBLE walk in the rain. WHAT IS IT WITH PROFS AND NOT TELLING STUFF BEFOREHAND. they take all that tuition for what 😒
also hehe im so excited to read it OMG but make sure to take ur time !! im late myself to my own collab KJSDHF
but i have been well beloved !! rly busy this week but i been taking care of myself !! these 7 classes are a pain in the ass BUT im also rly happy w them bc i changed my major and they're so much more well fit for me and im actually happy sitting in class even if the assignments are kicking my ass SOBSOB. but i will take breaks and rest up do not fret !! and u better too >:(
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colorisbyshe · 2 years
i rly, rly, rly understand wanting to see all those bands in that festival or whatever, especially since some of them have disappeared for years, so this is like a ‘omg what if they don’t perform after this and this is my only chance’ type thing
but as someone who still has covid symptoms almost two weeks after getting it... yeah... it’s a no for me. like i am vaccinated thrice over and the weenie hut jr variant still kicked my fucking ass... i’m not traveling to VEGAS to hear some emos singing about wanting to die in th emiddle of a pandemic that very much wants me to die
like i hope to god covid is a better, less threatening situation by late october but that can’t be guaranteed if we’re all still going to massive festivals especially when those festivals covid policy is like “be careful uwu there’s a plague out there! anyways who is ready to scream out your favorite lyrics for 12 hours”
and i say this knowing a lot of people i love intend on at least trying to get tickets and have even invited me to go but like... idk besties... this one is a no for me
if you’re tired of living in a pandemic let’s do what we can to end it? blah blah government is mostly at fault, businesses are at fault, but also like... so are reckless people.
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thosch3i · 3 years
Fic Writer Interview Game
was tagged by @extraordinarilyextreme <3 thank you so much! was out all day and only got around to this now lol
name: emmy/thosch3i whatever u wanna call me, it’s all good lol
fandoms: currently, only dmbj but previously also zhenhun. most of my fics on my ao3 are still weilan but maybe one day i’ll kick my ass into gear and write more pingxie LOL.
two-shots: ......I only write one-shots i’m sorry LOL
most popular multi-chapter fic: ............i really do only have one-shots man im sorry. most popular fic in general is going viral, at 840 kudos. shen wei vs technology in covid-era online classes lol. glad all 840 of you were coping with this pandemic well(?????)
actual worst part of writing: getting ideas from brain onto paper. talking about fun angsty ideas in dms? awesome! actually writing them? uhhhhhhhhhhh [sweats] also lol finding time to write. i feel like i never have time these days but maybe my time management is just...terrible.
how you choose your titles: i write the entire fic and then panic throw a random line that sounds vaguely related as the title. idk what im doing, ever, dont ask me things. *lies down*
do you outline?: usually yeah. most of the time my writing goes horribly south from the actual outline anyway though. (everything’s fine folks i promise--) though sometimes for short fics i’ll just have a general idea and start typing. and then it turns into like 15k words and i despair
ideas you probably won’t get around to, but wouldn’t it be nice?: all of my old weilan fics lol. i had a huge 20k outline for a weilan x dbh crossover with android shen wei and Plot and Twists and Betrayal and Revelations and whatnot and honestly i was rly hyped to write it, i got 50k for nanowrimo two years ago but ehhhh i just dont have the brain for guardian anymore....im only capable of fixating on one fandom at a time. looking through my guardian wips i also have multiple other soulmate AUs, a literal ghost!sw + human!zyl AU with a whole other plot, urban fantasy demon!sw + human(?)zyl again with....more plot. lol i give up on life *shrugs*
callouts @ me: write faster and also read more fics in english instead of chinese because you’re forgetting how the english language works at this point, dumbass
best writing traits: i legit do not know. descriptions? fluff? pining? lol help
spicy tangential opinion: hmmm...mainly, i dont read much eng dmbj fanfic bc i dont vibe with most popular eng fandom fanon/characterization, sorry 😅 uhhhhh i also really hate it when people forget that xg & pz have their own friendship and relationship independent of wx......pz tends to bring out xg’s playful side at times, which un showed w their last couple eps and also there’s a novel extra where xg pranks pz (&wx but mostly pz bc wx sees through it p quickly) with a fake zombie turtle and it’s rly cute lol. anyway t3j’s relationship is the heart of dmbj and it can’t be intruded upon or broken up by others, esp by chongqi/rain village. uhhhh another spicy opinion: i vastly prefer huaxiu to hei///hua, sorry guys orz i blame tlt2...huaxiu are too cute ;;;;;; anyway ill stop there before the entire dmbj tumblr fandom blocks me LOL. (i also have too many Opinions(tm) about characterization.)
but anyway, so like im definitely a cranky judgy bastard at times, but in the end fanfic is fanfic so u can write whatever ooc crackship crack premise stuff you want, have fun with it. i certainly do too. as long as you’re having fun then that’s all that matters. tangentially related, dramas don’t have to be Objectively Good/Amazing or anything for you to like them. i definitely have very strong opinions on dmbj adaptations for example re: how they respect the novel and characterization of t3j especially, but they all have their own problems....(some far more serious than others). i could write an essay about that but i wont, to save your eyes LOL. 
(i mean at the end of the day i unironically love time raiders and that is like an objectively terrible movie.)
tagging: im so inactive on tumblr im sorry idk anyone anymore. i think lots of dmbj writers have already been tagged but also i dont read much dmbj fanfic so im not sure who else there is OTL @laireshi ik u already got tagged but if u choose to do this i wanna see :D otherwise if you’re a fic writer and you see this please feel free to tag yourself~
EDIT: im a clown sorry laire just saw u already did it lmaoooo
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ssvperboy · 2 years
fonna make myself a lil pizza & then get started on the starters I wanna reply toooo
the COVID booster is kicking my ass honestly but I am also rly inspired to write
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paint-pilot · 3 years
i don’t rly feel like journaling but a) i know i’m going to look back on these fondly someday and b) i’m lonely and bored so uhhh
to be honest like. i think the period of Rapid Change hrt-wise is over for me. i’ve stopped noticing shit so much yknow? like my voice is maybe a notch or two deeper and i have a couple more hairs on my chin, big whoop. but then i look in the mirror, yknow, and it’s just...i wish i would’ve taken pictures of my whole body before starting t, yknow? like i’ve gotten used to how i look and don’t see the incremental changes anymore, but it really is different and i think i ought to be more cognizant of that.
surgery is pretty much a no-go for the near future lol, so i guess...i don’t know. i have a consult this month, and at some point i guess i need to decide which is the lesser of two evils between missing school to do it and potentially losing out on an internship this summer. i should really look into getting my name changed too. it’s...january. i’m suddenly short on time again and i’m not sure how that happened.
tbh i’ve been super emotional these last couple of weeks? like i cried for the first time in a solid five months last week and it was weird as shit. idk if i’m finally getting in touch with my emotions again or what but it has been jarring.
idk in general i’m just kinda...stagnant, almost? i’m not sure - just, like, i see myself consistently the way i want to, which is good, but that just makes things like the name thing even more frustrating. like, okay, when am i done with this? when do i get to live my life and be a normal college kid and, like, stop having it be such a Thing? and i feel like that’s a very privileged place to come from, but also...i don’t know. i’ve always had a Thing - i had a rocky childhood, and then a ton of resulting mental garbage to combat, and when i first realized i might be trans i was fucking Petrified thinking that it was going to overshadow my entire future. and i’ve gotten past that to some degree, thanks to some really awesome people in my life, but...i don’t know, i’m tired. i honestly sometimes appreciate dumb shit like my dorm flooding and all because it feels like shit everyone goes through. even covid, in a really weird way - at least in my goddamn zoom classes nobody even got an inkling that i was transitioning. it was cool, just getting to be a Person without any qualifications to that statement
anyway, never get your t prescription through walgreens. jesus. cvs is at least nice enough to give me a few vials, but nooo, walgreens gives me One so i have to drag my ass back there Every Other Week to get more. the syringe shortage hasn’t been fun either - the substitutes i was given don’t have the like screw top i can secure the needle into, so i have to hold the needle with one hand and yank the cap off with the other. that’s a long way of saying i stabbed myself in the finger the other night. way to kick off the new year.
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