#i love pkm soooo much
mangostar · 2 years
finished pkm journeys.. wahhh i loved it 
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newfruits · 2 years
last night i spent probably a total of 4 hours intensely focused on working on my personal knowledge management system for my 'art and science of learning' class. i did a couple hours, had dinner, another hour, then played d&d with my group for 2 hours and it was my first combat session! it was good!! then i was very full of energy and spent another hour writing at length and doing formatting to my pkms. im gonna get such a good fuckin mark in this class. i love doing this so much and its so easy to do. im so satisfied with the work i did organizing pkms too its soooo good
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hardinanana · 7 years
Confession of Clinical Student 7-12
Stase 7-12nya dirapel banget nih? separo perjalanan koas loh.
Jarinya sudah mulai tumpul karena terlalu lama nggak nulis, mulai kaku juga karena biasa nggak nulis pakai EYD. 
Yaudahlah lah ya. Let us start the flashbacks!
Tujuh. Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat
Sekelompok berisi dua wanita dan dua pria di tempat antah-berantah yang sama-sama kita semua hindari. And realized something positive, guru disana itu bukan galak, tapi tegas dan ngajarin disiplin. guru disana itu minta kita tiap pagi dan siang absen ke pkm itu biar bisa dipantau kegiatannya karena tanggung jawab beliau ke kampus. tapi kita malah sering menghujat bapaknya dan menganggap beliau pelit. 
Di stase ini mulai jalan-jalan lagi setelah lama vakum. Mulai ke curug lagi dan jatuh kepleset. mulai berpacu adrenalinnya setiap berangkat dimana kita harus beradu kecepatan dengan bis. Ujian yang alhamdulillah memuaskan dan bisa pulang ke rumah lagi. alhamdulillah.
Delapan. Forensik
I wanna skip this station at the first. I have a mild photographic memory but had to face 4 times of autopsy, abundance of horror film, and 15 cases of traffic accident on my night shift. It was began with a granddaughter and her grandmother being killed by her boyfriend because she refused the man. Their neck almost separated from them body, and we had autopsy them five hours. I was happy that time because autopsy is like dissection time in anatomy. Until the forth autopsy, my forensic’s doctor just told us (the coass) to do anything. Yes, three times watching autopsy prosedure was enough to us to do it ourself below his supervisor. 
We had some foreign partners here, from UKDW. The first cloter consist of 6 girls that complete my forensic group before that consist of 4 girls and 9 boys. The next cloter consist of 2 girls and boys that had each hobbies and we felt more comfortable with the second. 
Full jalan-jalan dan makan. Mulai dari makan bakso dan es campur de larizo, SS, warung koboy, small world, sampai ke sikunir sama ofi, yuda, dan kakaknya ofi saat itu. So much fun but so hedon :(
Sembilan. Radiologi
Not as fun as Forensic. The 9 boys was being more dominant beause there was additional 4 boys from UPN. Not so much to tell but canteen made my weight increase :( Radiology’s resident from Undip made me understanding about this black and white and motivated me to follow them.
Sepuluh. Anak
The most favorite station until yesterday hehe (because neurology stole my heart too). 
This station’s schedule is soooo tidy.
Until 07.30/08.00 -- Follow up 1/2 patient (s)
08.00-09.30/10.00 --.Bimbingan koas/Referat
10.00-11.00 -- Visite dokter
11.00-13.00 -- Presentasi kasus
Baru di stase ini, saya (atau kami, karena mereka juga merasakan hal yang sama), kami berani mendiagnosis sendiri tanpa memerdulikan diagnosis dari IGD, bahkan berani memberikan atau mengoreksi terapi dan diagnosis IGD untuk selanjutnya didiskusikan dengan DPJP. We know how to combine theapy in usual disease like diare, seizure, or respiratory disease. We already the drug dosage and pathomechanism of the disease because we had exposed the disease everyday in presus, biko, or in bed side teaching. so much fun!
Sebelas. Kulit
I just don’t like this station. The smell, the atmosfer, and the people around  (not people in my group of course). 
Duabelas. Saraf
It’s my third week in neurology and it need so much anatomy <3
All of my doctor is caring them patients so much. One of them was very jenius about anatomy and I adore him.
And this early morning, I looked for about FK UI PPDS Neurology and I love it <3
Let me continue this part after neurology station end.
See you soon after Eid!
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