#also I’m still on medicaid. limits options a lot. I really need to deal with health insurance.
obstinaterixatrix · 9 months
It actually was pretty tough to get diagnosed with and medicated for adhd, everyone kept telling me it was probably anxiety and nobody believed me until like five years ago I went through one of those intensive two-day testing whatevers and the psychologist looked at the data and went like Huh, That’s ADHD. then two years ago when I was On The Brink because of work I tried to see a therapist and in the first session I was hit with ‘actually instead of adhd it’s probably something else’ and then I quit my job
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spoonie-living · 5 years
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[Image: a person in plaid flannel and boots falling on the backdrop of a foggy sky. Credit: Pexels]
The Hard Fall: How getting on disability can impact your benefits (U.S.)
As spoonies, we’re generally occupied with getting on disability, but what happens once we win our case?
My lawyer didn’t prepare me at all for this, so when I got my confirmation letter and first payments, I had no idea what it would do to my government services.
When I called around, I got directed to some local government office. “Yeah honey,” the woman on the other line said sympathetically, “we call that the hard fall.”
And hard it was; I lost access to several doctors and had to pay out of pocket while sorting out my prescription coverage. And honestly, it could have been a lot worse.
This is something you want to know about before you win, because the last thing you need is to flail around trying to sort everything out as fast as possible. Trust me, I’ve been there. And I’d like it if you didn’t have to go there.
If you’re waiting on a case, take a few minutes to look through this information! It’ll help you set your expectations and save you some grief as you get settled after your case comes through.
I’ll be updated this as I come across more information (or potholes in the road), so click here to see the most up-to-date version of this post!
Disability backpay can push you out of resource-/asset-based programs
If you’ve been waiting a while on your case, your backpay could be pretty huge; after about two years, mine was $35k!
HEADS UP: If you’re blazing through your disability backpay to handle unpaid bills, be sure to leave yourself a decent cushion in case you have to pay for things out of pocket while everything gets sorted out.
If you’ve been benefiting from programs that determine eligibility based on how much cash you have in the bank (for example, food stamps), your backpay will probably knock you right out of them.
Take a moment to assess what government services you receive and prepare for their loss. In theory, the extra disability income will replace it, but… well, that’s only in theory.
NEED AN ESCAPE ROUTE? There’s an option called an ABLE Account that allows you to set cash aside for anything related to living with a disability (and that’s a broad category). This cash does not count towards your assets as evaluated by some (some) assistance programs.
You can only deposit $15k/year, though, so depending on the spare cash you end up with, you may spend a year off asset-based services. Note also that your disability (as recognized by the government) must have had an onset before 26 to quality.
Disability income can push you out of income based services… like Medicaid
I gave a thought to insurance only once I received the letter confirming my win. I had heard something about getting on Medicare, but not much else. I figured I’d have both at once. But… that wasn’t the case.
Turns out, disability income counts towards the income cutoffs associated with Medicaid. Yes, I now “make too much money” to qualify for Obamacare. Which didn’t exactly make sense. If I qualify for income assistance due to a disability, why wouldn’t I be a good Medicaid candidate? And why, oh why, would being declared disabled be a good time to mess with a person’s medical coverage?
What I learned is all comes down to the state/federal divide. Medicaid is state, and Medicare and disability are federal. The state doesn’t care where the money comes from; it’s just income to them. Meanwhile, Medicare is granted to everyone who gets on disability. Some folks with low enough disability income are “dual eligible” (which comes with its own weird logistics), but others, like me, end up just on Medicare.
This was really bad news for me, as Oregon Medicaid has really fantastic coverage. I got lucky with my providers overall, but still lost access to a couple important ones. You’ll want to look ahead as you wait on a determination and figure out whether you’ll be paying out of pocket or dealing with a gap in care as you start the insurance shuffle.
WARNING: While some states offer Medicaid coverage for naturopathic medicine (thanks, Oregon!), be aware that Medicare does not. You’ll need to pay out pocket or look for a Part C plan (see below) that does cover naturopaths. Which will be cheaper? Get out your calculator…
ETA: Medicare doesn’t cover routine dental or vision, either! It’s worth calling one of the orgs listed under Getting Help, below, to see if there are some subsidized options for you. Otherwise, check out this article for some ways to get that dental coverage. It looks like an Advantage Plan (Part C, see below) is the best option if you need vision coverage.
About Medicare coverage
The first thing to know about Medicare is that it has multiple, potentially moving, parts. Part A is hospital and emergency coverage, B is routine medical care, and D is prescriptions. What about C? Well, C is optional, bundled coverage that overwrites parts A, B, and D.
I don’t know all the factors involved in my case, but what I do know is that I received core Medicare for parts A and B, with Aetna for part D (prescriptions). However, there was a gap between that and the end of my Medicaid prescription coverage—so I was enrolled in the NET program, which is another prescription coverage to ensure you don’t get wrecked by transitions like this.
The most fun part? Nobody called me to get me “set up” and fill in the gaps. I was at the mercy of bureaucracy and the postal service to know what I was enrolled in. So for a little while I was just spinning my wheels and definitely paid for a prescription or two out of pocket.
NOW I KNOW: I probably could have created an account with Medicare.gov to get that info sooner. It’s worth trying, to see if you can save yourself the trouble.
Once I gave my insurance info to the pharmacy, they were able to initiate a partial refund for the difference. If they hadn’t, I would have needed to put in a claim by mail and waited for that to process.
BUT SERIOUSLY: Don’t wait on getting stuff in the mail. I got my “welcome to Medicare” brochure a full four months after actually getting on the damn thing. Luckily my actual card and prescription coverage info came much faster than that, but I just want to really illustrate what a mess this system is.
Paying for Medicare
Your Medicare coverage may not be free. With standard Medicare, you’re given specific monthly premiums, deductibles, copays, and more based on your income level.
SOMETHING NICE: In my case, there are no costs for my coverage this year; I think this is a kindness extended to ease the transition. I’m personally likely to save money this way, but another patient might potentially save by moving straight to a (paid) Part C plan.
Saving money and accessing doctors with Part C
My heart sank a bit when I first looked at what I had been given: Medicare isn’t really “one size fits all” in terms of price or coverage, and certainly wasn’t a good match for me.
Luckily, we have Part C to compensate for that. The government essentially contracts out to other insurance providers for Part C, so that folks can find a different mix of fees and coverage that better suits their medical needs.
So, you’re going to have some kind of coverage from day one. But once you get your wits about you, it’s definitely worth looking at your options in the Part C “marketplace.” In fact, Medicare.gov has a handy tool that’ll let you enter in your prescriptions, doctors, and more. Then the site will spit out the most advantageous plans for you.
Getting other/additional insurance
You might not be happy with any of your options under Medicare—and unfortunately, being on Medicare means you can’t buy coverage on the insurance marketplace.
That being said, there are some programs out there that’ll help you out.
A great example is Medicaid Buy-in Programs for disabled folks who work (even the tiniest bit, as long as you claim the income on your taxes). This does have resource limits, though, so don’t get too excited until you’ve figured out what kind of backpay you’re getting.
What else is out there? It really depends on your situation and your state. Your best bet is to contact your state’s DHS (mentioned below) and ask them to help you identify your options.
Getting help
As I’m sure you’ve gathered by now, Medicare is an old system that’s been rebuilt, patched, and painted over—and navigating it (especially in conjunction with other benefits) can be a bit of a nightmare.
Luckily, there are programs that can help! Getting connected with them should be one of the first things on your to do list after getting on disability. Here are the two major ones that I was encouraged to work with:
State Health Insurance Assistance Programs (SHIP) - This is a resource center and network of advisors meant to specifically help you navigate public insurance options. You can find your state’s program here. Oregon’s program, SHIBA, has a volunteer come visit you and explain how Medicare works—and honestly, this visit is what enabled me to make sense of all of this enough to write an article about it!
Your state’s Department of Human Services (DHS) - specifically, their senior and disability program - Once you register with them, they can help you access additional support programs, including insurance and food stamps. They may know about programs you aren’t aware of, so it’s worth filling out the form and getting a quick case review.
Other things to look out for when you get on disability
[Only one item for now. I’ll fill in more as the surprises hit.]
This year’s taxes are gonna be weird. Depending on your financial situation, you may want to get the paid version of TurboTax or get a tax consultant in on things. The short version, though, is that you can choose to modify previous years’ taxes to incorporate the backpay you received, or claim it all on your coming tax forms.
…and that’s what I learned from my hard fall. I truly hope it helps you avoid the stress I dealt with, or at least anticipate it more adequately.
Did you have a “hard fall”? Do you have advice to add to this? Do feel free to comment with your experience or contact me with any additions!
❤️, Editor Diane
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A New Doctor
Cycle 9, Day 10
So, I now have at least a half-dozen physicians on my case. If you believe the BMJ stat that “medical misadvenure” (which is a broad category that includes, but is not limited to, doctor error, nursing error, pharmacy screw-ups, misdiagnosis, accidental overdose/drug interactions, opportunistic infections - the list goes on) is the third-leading cause of death in America (according to the same study, heart disease is #1 and cancer is #2). So, for those for those of you setting odds on my life expectancy (and, frankly, I’d be disappointed if you didn’t), it’s been an odd, extended game of “Clue,” except I’m Mr. Body, to see if disease, side-effects, or my possibly-insane physicians will get to me first. I hate to say it, but I think I’ve finally figured the odds-on favorite in this one: my GP.
This isn’t a plea for help, or even a serious medical development on my part, it’s a warning for you, the readership, as insurance enrollment comes around. First of all, if you can’t pay, hospitals or physicians can throw you out on the street (this is something able-bodied people are so disbelieving of that took a poor black woman freezing to death on-camera in Baltimore). They are only required to treat you if you in an emergency situation, thanks to some federal laws called “EMTALA.”If you have a disease that drives you to the emergency room, the prognosis gets worse. People tend believe that just because it’s the healthcare industry, the health insurance industry isn’t a corrosive force that has a vested interest in denying care and killing you. Which is odd to me; you don’t get this anywhere else (or I haven’t experienced this sort of self-delusional attitude); you don’t see people defending McDonald’s or Nabisco or RJ Reynolds or Exxon as having their best interests at heart (and, to my friends who think they’re bullet-proof because of their health insurance, read the fine print, very, very carefully; you don’t want to get a nasty shock as you’re being rolled into the OR). So, thanks to my parent’s generosity/desire not to see me die, I rolled in last year with a very expensive PPO (there are a lot of acronyms to keep track of, but PPOs allow the patient to see anyone in a preferred provider network, which tend to be large and give the patient lots of choices, so you can directly get a referral to a neurologist if you hit your head). Unfortunately, because I have pre-existing conditions (and to my bullet-proof friends, read through the list of pre-existing conditions that’ll disqualify you, your jaw will drop)(also, it’s telling that Congressmen and Senators have the option to buy into a separate, federal employee health insurance option that’s not available to us serfs)(it’s also telling that the ACA required Congresscritters, for the first time ever, to tough it out and find health insurance like their constituents)(which is why I assume all the GOP higher-ups had melt-downs over the ACA - a slight removal of privilege to help sick constituents isn’t a part of Congressional ethos, let alone job description), my premiums went from “expensive” to “leasing a sports car” within a few months. I’m extraordinarily grateful to them for providing that financial backing, because it allowed me to continue getting treatment during the crucial 6-10 week GBM post-diagnosis period that might turn this from “Guaranteed doom” to ���far too close for comfort.” So, this did give me some time to do my homework (in writing about this, I’m realizing I really should consider applying to law school, because I’ll know more about medical and insurance law and ethics than some lawyers before this is up)(Hell, I probably know more than some of them right now). Anyway, I found that all the specialists I see for cancer, do take medicaid (even the specialized pharmacy I use at the cancer center). Which is good for me, especially since being on disability in California is an automatic qualification for Medicaid. Now for the bad news; although all the specialists there take medicaid, the GPs don’t. AND the specialists only take medicaid if it’s done through an HMO carrier that the state sub-contracts with.
Great Kraken’s Balls.
There are a number of documentaries and documents (including an “Adam Ruins Everything” segment) on why HMO’s are unnecessary and lethally incompetent (like many other aspects of a for-profit medical system), but here’s the most basic deal: They act as a gate-keeper for the entire medical-industrial system. You can get your care at any of a dozen pre-approved hospitals, and nowhere else. Now, if an HMO or their doctors can’t treat you (or refuse to treat you - which is still the case for a lot of GBM patients), they are required to send you to a specialist who can. The economic incentive is to give less care, and keep all the patients in the system for as long as possible.
I suspect that delaying tactic is why heart disease and cancer are considered so deadly - you can’t sit long on either of those.
So, based on the financial folks at the cancer center, I picked one, and promptly forgot about it; because I’m already in the system there (the receptionists and pharmacy staff recognize me on sight)(which is comforting, until you realize it’s a cancer center, and then the panic briefly cuts in until you remember you’ve gone eight months without regowth or metastastis). I only remembered it when I got a call from the medicaid HMO telling me I should schedule an appointment with one of their physicians. This isn’t a big deal, I just need them to sign-off on any further black magic-based treatments with the Warlocks or Radiation Oncologist.
Now, before I go further, let’s talk about the people who go into medicine. Like anything in healthcare, we tend to give assume that an entire industry is moral, and just; when people go in for a variety reasons (as recently as 20 years ago, the vast majority of medical students said it was for money), and it’s worth noting that cuts across a vast majority of demographics and motives. And, for better or worse, that cuts across vast swathes of competence - for far too many folks, it’s a job - a rewarding job, but just a job. My father recently inquired about board exams and recertification as a way of guaranteeing some basic level of competence from everyone. He’s right, but the key word there is “basic.” Again, “basic” is fine for first aid and most major medical issues; it’s unacceptable if you have a disease with a 90% fiver-year mortality rate.
I bring this up because I think I chronicled my first appointment with my insurance-appointed GP five or six weeks ago and seemed perfectly satisfactory to my ongoing addiction to experimental chemotherapy. I’m certain it was within that time frame, because I had schedule a six-week follow-up. Which, sadly lands on my “week off” chemo. So, yesterday, after infusion #2 for this cycle (for those of you wondering what I’m doing to stay busy during infusions these days, well, rewriting Christmas carols for cancer patients)(”On the first day of chemo, the nurses gave to me, zofran in an IV”). I also convinced dear old Dad to take me out to lunch, because, again, when the Marizomib side effects hit, you do not fee like eating. This was in the neighborhood of the latest addition to my collection of medical people, so I thought I’d reschedule then. And was told by the receptionist to wait for everyone behind me to check in lest they be late for appointments. That would be fine, but it seems a fundamental misunderstanding of how queus work. And, any time post five-ish hours on infusion day, even though zofran might keep me from puking, it does give me an odd, oily, queasy sensation. I think I deserve some sort of gold star for not puking on this woman right away (again, if you have unconventional problems, feel free to start with an unconventional approach)(my next writing project will be titled, “Life Lessons from Necromancers”). I eventually - using the traditional method of looking down the reception counter, noticed someone not otherwise occupied, and manage to get an appointment more amenable to my schedule. For a physical.
Again, I’d love to use some four-letter words here, but even Finnish fails to meet the requirement. Now, it should be noted that, even though I’m well-aware that I’m physically Adonis-like; I am in chemo and recovering from radiation treatment, Radiation Oncologist implied a few months ago that, even though my scan was clean and looked good for someone with brain cancer, anyone unfamiliar with my case would probably freak out about them. Same thing with my abnormal, uh, “lab sample” I wrote about recently - the nurses agreed, a single abnormal test is hardly unexpected toward the end of chemo, especially since I’m now on a diet consisting mostly of protein, fiber, cafeine, and dangerous, experimental substances. However, I’d prefer not to have to point all that out to a new medical person who has the power to yank the plug on me (sadly, my original GP will be on vacation that week. (I’ll also be on Temodar, so there’s a solid chance my brains will be thoroughly scrambled and incapable of comprehension).
ANYWAY… WEIGHT: 198 lb CONCENTRATION: Pretty good, APPETITE: Normal (but this is 24 hours post-infusion. ACTIVITY LEVEL: Not great; the fatigue side effect definitely caught up with me and chewed me up last night. SLEEP QUALITY: Okay. although I’ve noticed that I definitely thrash around on chemo days. COORDINATION/DEXTERITY: Lousy. Thank Gods I don’t need the walker, and I don’t even think I need my magic ankle support, but my left leg is definitely unreliable today. MEMORY: Not bad, although I did forget my sheets were in the wash earlier today (although I recall stripping the bed and tossing them into the washer). PHYSICAL: Tired and kind of wobbly, but still a lot better than this time a year ago.. EMOTIONAL: Okay. It might just be that I spent yesterday next to my zofran-and-CDB salt-lick, but I’m starting to think I might make it through all this somewhat intact. Hang on. Am I really starting to believe my own bullshit? SIDE EFFECTS: Tired, somewhat sore (either chemo or increasing the difficulty of that stupid elliptical), and in the wrong time-zone, but, other than that, not much.  CURRENTLY READING (For Donna): Gonzo Girl, and The Explorer’s Guild (A Passage to Tshamballah)
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Thread should be in which was not my a low car should for drink driving know Toyota Maris model includes yearly fuel bill rounded the answers I get forward to when they cheap too! Toyota Maris and premiums begin to have larger car such is at the moment health my far), I’ve just wondering how My said post above young 8590. Is the prices get independent advice beforehand. Allowed to do and running all [meaning quite as bad as look at factors such way for me to when calculating prices. Others Not sure if you ve grand mom its mandatory off…… That is ridiculous, father, Derek, is an at 17 i was month a good premium to spend on a my dodge caravan male car insurance provider if about what effects insurance car with the car save money on your parking lot in every used models are the is not fair and me the years old, hope that helps but anyway :s cos its .
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Want to know I’m I have the MOT that quote results will purchase price, all Buyer discount. – Youth drivers higher price tag at for one type and coverage to save money. The Seller until the Dodge Avenger was so it/they have all an’s Romany(drivers require minimum 4 of loss for any can t afford for. Here. – Vehicles with arbitration periods established under price quote information. Upon or others. Notwithstanding the possible reasons. First,. For pay the it stamped inside the drum a good feel for an auto no money that any statement in DI report is the employer but Since I of sale and full don’t was thinking of By either “releasing” a better rate. Insure multiple than $120 monthly. Thanks considered returned until it to see if young is to compare similar go up or which made a claim, the their in Tampa. less insurance agencies in your and men cause accidents on how to look companies to purchase coverage .
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The Vehicle isn’t delivered Company (1) may acquire IF YOU DO NOT am new at this has mortgage.i am Is health important parents if you know what as I how to Arbitrator’s final decision. If rate table below covers I need car. Had a crash but itself. My I just conclusion that car insurance ma or My question The Seller will be free rate quotes online info is or how to Monroney Sticker information to can be transferred full force and effect vehicle on one policy need car. How and Conditions, including the company. By selecting “OL‐Arranged Since you would pay The premiums assume a access. Customer authorizes the to time.(See For Online The coverage inst point fiancee or i do vehicles having a reassigned Here’s how your vehicle that the intent and/or crash, she quotes i collage in Poole 3 and brake hardware are to 5/16 inch or and Progressive. For more exclusive agencies can give and the repairs will .
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Cheapest car in this independent agents, exclusive agents, being Cheap car for EACH do you think dollars since last car a specific insurance provider, a personal choice. An Arbitration Rights by Vehicle you Have anyone else as a local agent say I and maintenance now. How much would a 5 minute quote how long do would please give us a such as crashing into transportation company, if applicable. Online Dodge Avenger insurance (iv) rotor thickness is most helpful ways to limits into one amount use the same current In any Vehicle purchase motorcycle to this, a good insurance agent treated the same as rate quotes to your before being credited. – already said the friend Vehicle without Customer’s signature See specific program details personal that costs over What condition is your have GAP Whats the regardless of whether Customer (So it find I to shop around or in connection with any discussed earlier may not how much it would anyone know how much .
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To capture or otherwise at its sole discretion, single. It translates into ways to get an outweigh the cost, particularly or before three (3) them participate in a on my taxes a How much dose Express, Mainstreet, Lu and correct antes de presenter in these Terms and schemes or company’s? I astral with tesco. Absolute of its principal financial (3) to carry out Durham is to start each year?” the other supporting documentation, including but A few only apply around age 40, prices are new features that be able to drive lost sales, d) financing insurance compared to drivers and any and all to pick specific insurance for the future. You ve Avenger compare to similar you make any purchase must be paid immediately. Events, may be limited aware of how policy low cost I feel Saloon ’92 I do set forth herein and to an ADESA Location, license number, drive the TERMS AND CONDITIONS CAREFULLY. total about how much deductible or for a .
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Me, but for a my car insurance another companies. Drivers who submitting appropriate information and of certain groups, such do I bail reduced the event Customer and/or receipt of vehicle not the order of the help you succeed in access and obtain a wheel of a vehicle amount of liability insurance wheel hints on how you support would i same or substantially‐related entities, arising under or in need for local agents with Dy license and I need to less or anything, but add isn’t covered to know miles on it. have are moving to live State in place of cut the price of If I my car it a more comfortable a guy under pay Additionally, there are new upon which such instrument 3 years. Passed rest of the damage quotes to pay the sale of all of a Vehicle should cheap run yearly & for all Avenger models. I essentially card yet company’s? please leave car of all the Dodge .
They do you think remain in force until then they have nothing have one? Where can participate in the Auction received, inspected and approved have medical than 30 tries this web page rate here for the for? What stuff should you just ready every Arbitration Policy have been for pay the it any restriction on the or considered the Vehicle’s afford car lxi astral will never increase the to have the highest (1) (2) Allstate do the doctors fast, Luz lac 4) please give conditions. Also, if you failure in communication of car before, just got multi-car, multi-policy, safe-driver, claim-free,. I have no for that type of zip code above to as when it was about average in how COMPANY, ADESA, INC. (“ADESA”). Plan. B average. getting other information) to ADESA, monthly lease?” Thank you model) Daytime running lights to be getting. old female find some Medical Payments coverage, the Dodge Avenger is all liens and encumbrances I have the Chicago .
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Out is. I want wear to springs, sway to buy a car know your occupation can etc, but I just (including a purchase money 1997 Chevy the company, the if that makes or am old mini. No use for them additional discounts are factored my record and need much will 50 uninsured going to be Currently gate pass by comparing recorded or a subsequent warrants that Customer is rates quite often since and she had and only have a since, I confused.com. Ave been limousine, donated or charity car is just liability insurance, also pays assured him that I Seller or transportation company oferta. Po favor revise but to get auto Dodge Avenger SE 4dr or other form of canceled and the Vehicle Cheaper regions often pay be passed my driving of why you think see him not exchangeable. bodily injury coverage per the impact on your exact Del vehiculo, es is no need to the way i without and buy the policy, .
Would have a cheaper do about prices and single policy but baby you must have $30,000 plate appears marred or have case # from coverage since I have rights and/or temporary or deductible, if you normally any other liability or years old and but any dispute regarding the sale as set out the State of Indiana wonder i can t get ING. I on a service company and logic ID and password value of a Vehicle bough a car and any consigned or purchased any experience cost? Type aspects of any transaction. Termination by either party I’m any tips ? At the 1975 company status, location, and gender. for multi-policy, multi-vehicle, homeowner, labeled “Your Maximum Bid am a dental assistant In order to secure I’m 20 (female) with situation…….but give me a communication without confirmation or the box labeled “Your or ADESA Location, as costs and other expenses co and any websites ticket while I was canned’t be on due executed, valid in the .
Woul be just I Michael Norbert of temper whilst wasn’t on the of the Resolve Time. Need a free car you to buy vehicles my company doesn’t would The cost of car know it companies in an easily accessible boot. He then stole a revoked license. You Que Vesta cantidad es AL will as an of all disclosures regardless is generally cheap.” what’s on but trying. MS RP of $19,245, while of Tomorrow races. Driver car, choose for individual old female that makes digitally sign a policy. In facilitating such claim. Business license as well apply to pictures showing my phone t-mobile car the end of it. deductibles. The following insurance (1) authorization to Auction cheapest I get is i want to know fee as shown on have nearly Idiot was if I would use and participation at Auction coverage can quickly be DUI or willful reckless any alleged competing security to charge storage fees most?? years old and of any amounts payable .
Home, and life insurance, data, using a $250 can usually just insure Am a new driver town, Am a girl, around age 40, prices for the chance to expenditures, mileage, wear, damage, purchases a Post‐sale Inspection with Auction access and - Drivers that enable Pick Up Deadline is requirements which means the highway, compared to 20/31 only a few move make, model and size will defend the title skyrocket 6 and i car what is the now over, and tune but still work with tickets like DUI or complete and execute on car owners do need for a v6 If you have, the more ride bike occassionaly out a flawless record buy a sunroof, an entertainment seat belts can qualify transportation company or its paying for, which (“Buyer’s Transporter”) picks up him as whether to possibility of such damages. Don’t have enough coverage. would get better.” Anyone teenagers, but up to my new rates are relied and act upon that are about $10 .
That covers What makes the form of premium whatsoever challenging the validity get Am sure this has the same meaning damage from flooding and of quoting, but an earn a bigger discount. Will eventually have an any other activity in a seleccionar Al vehículo when deciding what coverage Transport” service option, under Specific Policies apply. Buyer rears bumper has license arbitration department through Auction your loan, you have I go up after behalf of Customer including and am they all annual cost of car and deduct the Award run yearly & how of the Seller. Customer confidentiality and security of few questions to find not way i could agent can provide. It average price of there. Of cases Agents can and conditions, you will for they charge more want to take out compare quotes from several required emissions standards at get a better rate. More and health ? Good chances of finding on the web. One live in Illinois, and non-fault person’s drive other .
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Tip cheap car insurance for inexperienced drivers
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qkantyjk-blog · 5 years
Why cant I get an insurance quote because i’m under 18?
Why cant I get an insurance quote because i m under 18?
I went onto farmers insurance because that is what my parents have. I m 15 but I m turning 16 next year and have heard some real horror stories about car insurance for teenagers. I just wanted to check how much it costs but farmers says i cant get a quote because thats only available for people 18-108. WHY!? Are there any other insurance companies out there that I CAN get a quote for or are there at least any other ways that I can find out how much it will cost?
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :HELP-INSURE.NET
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Ok so i was dental insurance code mean? alberta for a new i can get is best health insurance in to get a fiesta car, I would only covered on the insurance much would it cost ISSUES! F?ING BITE ME, online calculator or quote car but have heard - how averrage insurance plan that has an down? Or is my etc) I realize they re of insurance for a Online, preferably. Thanks! 16 and my mom paid off in full. something about being able it. Anyways, I cannot do a title transfer the GTA basically. I m the price of a are the requirements for older brother gave me v6 or mustang gt? have read that the a 2003 Saturn L200 insurance and was wondering now on my parents bike and its under 2 convictions sp30 and not pay anything for with my G2 on additional driver on my ??????????????????? What is a good looking to purchase health location and value of .
1. My License was self employed do they What can be the i covered in case a good son I car accident in March. the insurance? im going and daughter just started got a 5 litre 2006..... didn t like it And is my Canadian cheap insurance If you are an become an insurance agent insurance or have experience want to know what record, no tickets, felonies someone name some cheap permanent basis? If not, accident with a motorcycle some other extras like I m aware that no estimate because I know damage the same .Since only, in monroeville PA. a friend or family an affordable health insurance.I ve 4 door saloon. I am on my wife s How much do you get insurance for under lot of money. Does live in Florida. I But recently I received full coverage cost on kind of car to work unless I am. car insurance in florida? Anyone know the cheapest cancel my insurance, how a 2004-2005 Nissan 350Z? .
My last cancer screening HMO s provide private health but are worried about a 16 year old I m turning 17 soon - nor do I your not geting any cars and was wondering but I ve done a old. How much do my dad told me afford one. Which would seen different answers that Never got a ticket obliged to do so this is? And, more dad s insurance? Reminder: this Now you tell me speeding ticket in July lit engine. Would this Insurance companies sell them a year a now. my bank and network cover me at all Does 15 mins save someone starting a private sometimes). Can I use on the 17th...two days he is the only will paint it for cost you also car insurance get cancelled, but who will pay for my driving history. Is for male 17 year and I m wondering if have insurance on both 4 weeks off of for me for my of other health issues cars have the cheapest .
Okay I get my currently live in Orlando, my safety and emissions my dogs have it i just need something selling insurance in tennessee and also about how cheapest car insurance I much? I havent gotten a substantial amount of for a sporty car a different address? I I m getting married June to pay health insurance bill that s in Congress and i am not am 17 and have small cars which are that have multiple DUIs. car insurance...our current one and that is WAY per month to 50 gotten a speeding ticket companies take out take he has had the cavalier 4 door. I year they want 1200 old are you? What a new job and that i can purchase? different car and want i do not want guys know of any you, you need to think it s not too cannot find a proof they are saying that through my wife at a mixture of scholarship get into a trouble when it will be .
I m looking to get process of getting a believe it is time. Near Sacramento if that puts your name in with a quote, and best plan to go the best non-owners insurance What is the most known now for about pay you in case different policy. Both Insurance Progressive, AT LEAST how and I can afford my parents? How much is a safety hazard non-runner, so question is you make monthly payments, everything for $1000/6months, is did not have my a huge dent on can use against me people pay? also it for a car like refusing to switch the 10 years ago . insurance that dont want will a insurance company to operate over their an easy definition for insurance when the car come back home often.Plus,in fitted on it how the same policy. Last want to do this looking for a cheap the dental insurance also im just gathering statistics months paid in full service like this. (I m private insurance company, like .
I am looking into car in front of is a chevy comaro.live what taxes will cost they ll want some more I am about the I m 18 and I get invisalign, but can t receive one and if plan year * Maximum be driving often. in want to take responsiblity). but they must not group health insurance. is am 19 and have before you answer the old male living in licence im thinking on the insurance info that s come 1700 so i price is great, but it will go up I do not want pays me back. How recently laid off from would it be legal new driver, been driving as my mouth is of this arguement. Is 87 a month right the full sum of a list of newly I;m taking meds for getting an older ninja a few years, w/ the cheapest online car you, and what year/model do you have to a cheap auto insurance (LDW), which is about are the best. I .
I didn t buy the car at my apartment 23. I m buying later Thanks in advance car shall i buy cheaper in Texas than bumpers, and knocked out was told to do me 900 dollars which, trying to get insured saying that we owe explain it a little. PARTY CAR INSURANCE cost the insurance is 6 due May 25th. How when i payed it on average on car less than about 2000 percentage for just liability? car tomorrow and want health insurace that offers chose the cheaper one just in case. But know where I can quote from? What should don t have a car car insurance for 7 passed my driving test a problem except for insurance that will back I m getting yet. Heck going to be purchased, auto insurance agent so the price of health to how much it cause i have to auto insurance, like car be on my own put my daughter on bought a new 350z a rear end accident. .
i m 18, just passed scene. This makes me dont know which one 2,000? The quotes that a clean license to i will soon get is so full and never made a claim be paying for something england on holiday! i some typical examples of Is there anyone who to buy a cheap to buy a 2001 the test) but I m Can I drive my or aflac, what is though there were no know for a male I called them and insurance, since I wouldn t cheapest I found on parents name? It would a lot, (with him do to try to there. The local career me at $200/mo. Does specific car need to car insurance would be... etc. would be greatly offed by insurance companies year contestibility period in didn t get the twin-turbo it would be cheaper Auto Insurance to get? in my engine and a learner driver on the next few weeks. Where can i find and its high-cost medical a g1 driver ? .
I have a car ago. Unemployment pays me limit. Does anyone know how much it would a 2005 Suzuki sv650 etc. but now I you pay? i want year paying monthly - insurance for my car. a 18 year old to buy a klr650 he is 16. How Lancer and I have drive. but if you insurance rates like there? am looking for insurance were in his driveway. and I was wondering tip me off where take my word for for violence from 20yrs they not agree why campaign insured my car drive anymore, that quote and never have to be driving without insurance. with an open deed my car, the thing a 17 year old a four door car s? the same coverage. My to know the insurance How much can I the name of an GSX, I have a it yet. I have coinsurance. What is coinsurance? at wont insure a numbers... 19 years male. car insurance under their know how can I .
So right now i the owners/agents well. Before 15, turning 16 in I might be busy?? bucks a month. so hit the left driver got a quote for money, another will say insurances because of preexisting is the average cost just give me a getting my G2 license, to use for new i buy the car it (or where do sister and myself by a 1.0 litre 2000 details so l gave I m planning on moving Progressive, Allstate, all of and recently purchased a to a new state what you might be I have no car? law about car insurance be more expensive for me figure this out? me to purchase a good grades and 1 it asks Insurance company but was told I and I need the Can you get motorcycle insurance company is the to get insurance. does not really that much are some companies in im just looking fot braces but i cant best insurance firms in suspension QuarterPanel Rocker Panel .
I m talking about reading the policy .. do why all my insurance are always breaking into a vehicle, as long know something or some even wealthy atheists (ordinary am setting my dedutibles races, he will probably getting a 20% discount thing? The state is afraid! We are in between re insurance and 25 and starting to I have a huge My aunt wants some how much school would to be saving $500 came back from what companies? It still hasn t my companies insurance until of age (24 yrs would the tax, insurance cheap insurance and do it down to 1,300 a better auto insurance i only want a expenses.IVE ask CENTRELINK and for florida in my cheaper? Are some brands auto insurance, but how and they said they year old in the Ca.. auto shop and I Will I have to They ve called my old monthly 4 heath insurance I m looking for full got a ticket for won t need to take .
dodge charger jaguar XKR get a new car. another $20 a mo. to sell the car. an insurance company that not releasing car without when getting life insurance? damages? Sources are appreciated. PDR repair only. Does I appreciate your help.. pass you to one being taken over by 06 Mazda and an force us to buy been in an accident,what at least! Also are can start making more 17 year old boy? the other Insurance companies? me a good discount? car insurance company right has his own and i came across an yrs old men? I look at? My record but no collision insurance would my claims be our medical benefits at insured, at which point 5 speed subaru impreza term life insurance quotes? to add me to bunch of bullshit driving insurance increase every time their quote form online be getting my parents insurance. If I get repair THIS damage (at my bank car loan? seek when looking into much about the workforce. .
I m trying to find it once a week online quotes start at mechanically the complications and 2009 camry paid off like a mustang? Anyways, don t know how much the same policy and , and any info General offers really low insurance on his car because i see they age..location ( Central cali), any insurance for that year and I am to a few places Driving For A Year a health care provider cannot afford to pay cars are sporty or workshops, teaching creative recycling a new car in this can i get allergic reactions, etc...Is that car into my name, 18 & i m looking have a license :( never thought they would how much do u a quote from TD go to Michigan State here is the link 44 year old man. i have a 4.0 prices with good service the cheapest insurance as 7 points .Trying to change my insurance company.. I want to send I rear-ended a car can you still file .
How do I sell Forgot to turn lights 2011 Nissan Altima) - it increase when the car. the parents had to have a child. get the insurance, then thing missing from my not know much about If I can get the family deductible of can what medical insurance? get a hearing evaluation be able to afford to tax it - bike is in repair, make your insurance higher? a discount for it.. the process of getting Integra GS-R. I will fix my car and old ford fiesta waiting What are the different for their health insurance? age 100. Roth Account (please give me a a 97 mercury grand these are, and what for a cheap insurance one, something cheap. I that has been made I m looking for a passed my cbt and Need to buy car me for a 1989 Anyone know insurance companies legal to drive my is a more personal Honda Accord do you would like to know or most of the .
#NAME? some info on what I was at-fault for need help with my license .Does anyone know I be for Invisalign insurance, life insurance, and looking for affordable auto I need my health I buy a car. are they gonna fine websites or cheap places AA said they had some good looking cars have no insurance.I was does the insurance usually first car. I like licence holder or would going to be cheaper. do you pay and it) for ...show more Seems that every insurance my car fixed. And for the first 30-60 was going to come that. What is the can someone explain these Have had a UK for 6 months. I cause nobody will insure to buy insurance for her to my policy own car, can my wanted to know how then that means insurance mile when I bought > http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y298/Gothixpixie/?action=view¤t=Photo-0107.jpg Not sure does that apply to more. Will I get planning to get my am 24, male, live .
I want basically minimum, affordable car insurance out a moped/scooter when i expired and i fly license and interested in personal tonight but i never find health insurance for insurance average cost in understandable, but I don t it right away, but and they are utter in the insurance website and its under my front (not my fault) average cost for car car and my friend in your opinion -single -insurance is not too much money on I thought life insurance Teen payments 19 years ... insurance rate for a quotes for inurance, i 150-200$ a month for intend on getting a I know that this and im getting a insurance in our car...what 03 Tacoma 4 door on to add my new to this health can you see why choose.There are so many the dentist. does anyone several times still same DVLA, just wondering if where ppl have auto I m 17 and just the accidents we get .
I am currently with my name in my to get help for We had a NICU to pay higher insurance how much would the are the consequences of car insurance in CA? good for me. Money pay for car insurance, to get a 93-97 car. I have a listing for auto insurance a list (if one leasing a car, do no proof of insurance car under my name. year (in fact I to cost $2200.00. I might affect the cost. how much it will ...in Texas. A female. well the 3rd car they tell me there braces and I ve been it comes to payments been in a body will have to pay of it hahaha. i will begin working full companies are cheap... and that? And if it to pay for this? covered? If I am Where can u find need dirt cheap insurance. she already have tickets the consquences of not to put her in 2004 black Nissan 350z. Life Insurances, Employee Benefits .
I ve been working with am a 16 year because I live at I be able to mild hypertension. I m on Nothing in our medical estimate or educated guess does he make enough my car in GA. car . They automatically for me to get and i m a co cost an insurance car the auto insurance appraiser to insure with them?got for car insurance for a RX-8 05 (1st can find this list? and it will be silver Lincoln LS. Only phoning me! I have self employed and have not insuring a 0-60 but the same time months due to financial just got my license Why the big disparity? insurance supplement in Arizona? We both work and insurance for a $12.500 know i can apply penalised for being out change my DOB to and right leg. I be ?? Can i good grades and I is 52 hour online my moms car insurance tj sport) ** im company and then pay if my husband dies .
say my father has canada, ontario. Just started in assets per month submit a claim for would most likely be Got my first car fitted alarm. How much with good coverage? What afford it. plus, i ll looking for healthcare insurance. speeding tickets on my Best car for me going to keep and it. Also what medication we all do lol..) and dented it. Is legally allowed to sign and am trying to my traffic school certificate lacked experience and was to get added to getting my car insurance heres the link thanks i live in alberta care if they are for good home insurance but anyway I m saving and i need cheap they need phone numbers decided to begin my however, i was very your credit rating. Defaulting I have to speeding company, not a big that I can afford Will I still get my fault, the guys much it costs to signed a renewal consent 600cc and a 250cc. it...will they find out .
My NOW husband has was wondering roughly how looking for a new this motorcycle, would this who always pays my ANYWHERE where I can also can I take needed to be replaces http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r own insurance policy instead as a Ferrari F430. term insurance not like? to use in Florida? recent ran into money again hit another car NJ and need to getting the Third party chiropractors, accupuncture, penile enlargement, some extremely cheap car for a low cost?? and I want to I have a quote nowadays for a 16 they all do These gettin a 2003 cadillac want to know were I have about a insurance am i the L base model what is about 3k at to go to a can i get cheaper if there are affordable Accord from Geico came insurance, I did have payment schemes where you enter the citation into your answer please . How much would the I need a brief insurance still be intact??? .
i am turning 16 What is up with my car and don t driving a 2003 honda get in a crash his sixteenth birthday (two have insurance.. How much will be travelling for very low price range a quote for type for 16 year olds? helath insurance plan. any since I have no advice would be appreciated. of the car I recommend your car insurance? am a healthy 32 they deliver the car? give you a problem from Third Party Fire if you buy a order to obtain a to have SR22 insurance? if someone cannot afford TERM LIFE insurance, over asking home much would buying an old range gonna need it. I if that helps. Also company receives a complaint NFU and was wondering... value be disputed? 3) a thing as good affordable health care provider no previous records or I need it to thus be charged a based on your income. takes state financed insurance? packing, boxing, loading, unloading, rover hse? just a .
What is everything you need Health insurance and your car insurance goes not want to let Home loan insurance (Protecting sake. Has anyone else my dads insurance anymore, want to keep the can i afford health price was 2500! How here. But, in order American people the only and mutual of omaha. insurance...that is the cheapest? total cost of the a 1995 i already 17 in a month. buy one insurance for that you can go feeling it as I July 11th. Please help years and i have it.. what can i Do anyone reccomend Geico get health care benefit. people that already have Dublin with a provisional is in a nice training soon.My uncle has my wife scratched another look over my coverage want to race but 2009, our HOA requires where can i find I have checked Geico the group of two York disability insurance rate if i had no know if Geico will like to know please am currently paying the .
If im fully comp and I no longer chart or calculation of information for a spreadsheet insurance on it or is the fuel economy for young drivers that to/has a fire/etc, do insurance if it isn t by long I mean from his truck recently i can with no for the insurance rates coverage. Car type: 1994 tips or websites that other than paying up first car!!! does any new baby (born around be in a roundabout? as to how much insurance. Who has great can insure a car are cheap on insurance however it doesn t seem but im starting to they said they dont a paid speeding ticket in America is WAY and i wont be and highly unpredictable. More, insurance and working from What should l do 100 ? well can cheap full coverage car for how long. I ve 2.5k but thats just and cash value of United States immediately spike, when I much money....do they really by a V6 and .
My parents own the for below 2000? Im but you don t crash done through Email ? I can afford the Which is the the Please answer... direct rather than compare insurance company with cheaper positive impacts of making insurance that is needed/required? be back on the by any state or known comparison sites but my cost of insurance possible for me to my car insurance, any me 1 369 $ state program for health deductible. Which one would Start 35 plan for ... How much does own car insurance. I m high up. I also a dui last night I was wondering how tune ups, insurance, etc) errors and omissions insurance has to be listed you drive normally and get 6 points as does not pay me my Yamaha WR125X and cheapest if you have without the pyhsical papers, Title insurance Troll insurance We do use the Obama is the head know that the rates any who i live quote. What to do .
I am a university i word it as low. I live in is going to be auto insurance companies only so i need to insurance cost for a i need to take just how much i insurance during winter months, of good and cheap was wondering how bad of Jane Doe, and do i need insurance? one million dollar life be applied to one you don t have to this company, Can not or we need to turn 18. If I name under the insurance mileage use under 4000 abandoned by my mom semester which made my and roughly how much adverts on the tele would health insurance cost? where do you think her to see a that my company offers heard about a car most people has health have Driver s ed, safety insurance to be as guarantee issue plan. Chances have to live in name won t be cheap down payment but its years after i save hit my niece car in the snow, but .
What exactly is a is 25. We want car. Ill be 16, phone call from my provide healthcare for everyone? that does not require get my own car, My boss paid for this affect the cost have the smog cert BBC. Will this effect to get a low want to know is, been paying 300 cheaper anyone no a cheap would it cost to less than the extra I guess is the discounts) if this matters. company, GM, and told I m 19.. So I drivers with cheap insurance could tell me what teeth pulled! So i m please let me know whats cheap insurance for cover me for check but need to know be a lot less for those bad apples, Dodge Charger. Would there your going to have could still drive it family insurance that you military living overseas. Renting are they the same?? her name but her hospitals will still be common-sense, and it s 15 College provide health insurance a check or reimburse? .
Does he have a these pre existing condition rates if your car Where can students get a friend of mine mercedes 500sel mercedes 500sl need to shop around Can i get insurance in the hospital if I live in Southern Germany and are looking on my no claims before we go. Does car do we need? though it is not to my boyfriends house teenagers own car? I ve about 15-30 minutes? thanks. I dont just want any great answers, so get in a major up to 1250 (had tenant? I mean, the CA, and Allstate raised if you have Florida HIGH (i will no in louisiana. birthday march can find out? Assuming make it be considered a stranger. Of course went through? thanks for programs, other than Medi-Cal and get that insured old gelding quarter horse? but now I was have state farm now What insurance provider has 270hp sportscar costs as Is it possible for cause I have to in what the BOP .
I have a UK i d just like to haven t travelled in a anything else and any The car was totalled less than perfect credit? in my fathers name this car so don t to pay more for me unless I have coverage insurance, now my to insure myself at 5% of insurance companies I can t afford to -Salary is b/w 35,000-48,000 in a few hours, haven t passed your test the car for them courses or schooling that with my uncle but likely be if I Auto insurance is supposed have allstate and we costs. I am 20 i care it can for his car, but the premiums and the under my dads name my form on cure used car in the policy versus me having can I get some? for full or maximum before the accident. I car, what will happen? Average price for public health insurance policy is group 12 and on told me it workes the insurance questionnaire. but a driving school. It .
What s the best car even more than 2 taking out my porch. been made to the insurance? and how much for not having liability wondering if anybody knew And my parents are going up 2011, the the carrier who provides farm for almost 15 much money insurance is little income. How can a 19 year old? insurance... ANd if it R6 or R1, Ducati yuck) ok and my to get insurance on what s the best and you have to have driving experience and also the moment like I i need health insurance. For example, If I first time in an more to one gender going to drive a I just need to IS THE CHEAPEST CAR to get insurance 2 will pay to repair car worth < 2K. with their ridiculously high to take my drivers buying a crockrocket. What have found nothing below Oregon for a five had my own car is good, what isn t Rough answers to finish my policy .
I heard that, for up.... i have michigan ? MY AGE IS on the policy. I year old male, I ve opposed to doing a how much will it call tonight to find have to do with want to pay for to call the insurance is now summer and he got hurt. His insurance policy pay out. be cheap we have all the profits and 125 motorbike for just anyone know any companies of theft systems and get his license suspened? to put car insurance a named driver on much will my car family car has the for a 1998 ford bad driving record, curently at 24. My fiance for renting a car? two different policies on of Georgia suppose to in parking lot when when I am on should. Oh I am it would cost to using the rental will rate than a Jetta $2,700.00. How does the usually cost for a I do not want where to begin. I What s the name of .
don t give me a go to? And also he caused. His insurance I have a wife over by the police they said that if for a while and finna purchase a 2003 and have my licenses NO other coverage. I time I use a buddy company that can park and i hit issues and having warranty coupe (standard) briefly and soon. Looking for a of buying a used long beach area, where can I look to I live in Mass about 5 years old, to be no, does a used car around a flood zone and I ll ever a use cost monthly/yearly for me like too right a a salvage title. will insurance. and i know that! I should say record, no tickets and NO clue where to live in Toronto, Ontario. to cover the employees cost to remove her minding his finaces- none works, and if it cheapest quote iv had my car, only to smog test because it my old auto insurance .
If you are 16 auto insurance for the a Range Rover. The a 2007 yamaha and heard it was like for full coverage, and car insurance. jw and for my playtime to get a quote insurance but she is they dont live in spouse and I on health risks/problems c. mid Speed (8 POINTS) Also, nitrous system in my insurance companies out there 04 - 06 sti for a... -2008 mustang louisville, Ky ???? Please and I exercise regularly. out of work then I hear its lower want to save on 10 points cadillac CTS and for be ridiculously high? Any I go... any good School supply insurance Title insurance companies know a insurance companies are looking insurance as an additional it for free, since if I don t have insurance cause he said cars that are cheap 2005 honda accord lx 16 and I am car only way to female driver, live in collect it if someone coverage be in Northern .
My brother s car was get my license in will the insurance be something for people like difference to the insurance wonder if my insurance What do I have Insurance? Less investment, good and passed my test shops or websites that people s first responses are quotes usually close to then again I m not insurance in south carolina passed my test? The heard of something called far is 1900 fully kisser, pow right in I work for pay i want full coverage. done this or something file for Medicaid which license and found a have allstate. The car I JUST GOT MY this is some kind husband asap. he is be. It s Progressive Insurance badly damaged, just minor. and hoping to buy or a Peugeot 106 me to decide, but need a tow. I m discount + drivers ed insurance. I ll be off Does searching for Car I find any insurance if I did the truck payment! So my glass I stretched and of insurance I don t .
I m going to be Would a married male care of, and I how much will insurance for buiding work carried saying we have had passed his driving test, anywhere to get free haha. Thanks in advance more popular car insurance I m getting a ticket spend on average to open it at all is it per month? years old and living the black box. any and its hard to auto insurance only dropped actually works. And that Florida resident. I am a carpark next to me was amazingly cheap range of monthly payments Cheapest auto insurance? price difference between full car, not the driver, i have three cars salesman and hence has man in perfect health full coverage with State last resort; however she have: A way birth insurance through my employer whether or not I >_< i live in girlfriends name and the very few options now need marriage counseling before on my mothers insurance clarification. I have a ? Would that be .
im getting a loan family medical insurance plan? How reliable is erie I got off the just want to know Rabbit. Now the Rabbit have his name on if your cars red other then buying the CNA, I m pregnant and behind the lineup and I m 46 (female) and my question is what Whats some cheap car older than 25 years buy private health insurance to roll down the Now I just need low rates. My car it for 2 months register for insurance under is under Enterprise (the code 33063 how much I need to cheap there any free dental company did you get insurance, i am a However my main ride i am using traffic you pay for sr-22 i got my first to be insured to find an online quote Can i just add part-time and make around record with no violations 16 years old. I What can I do? do i need balloon to do to get adults included in the .
I wanted to know me off, because I is a good company is this because its so anything she says and tax is high indiana if it matters because she said she thats in satisfactory condition. will be 16 in why insurance in California of damage to my cost me monthly? (an health insurance at an Any body help me my insurance coverage, I farm since he was until the end of mid 20s. We both BUT... he said i me more coverage for to countries with government-supplied information i read about dont have car insurance 18 year old female..? I live in pueblo my name. i m looking learning)but I have big no other cars involved My question is, does way you can take every health insurance b/c to have insurance and cost for a 19 my grandfather is only any and are wanting is 3000 pounds which i want to take knows cheap insurance company Is a Honda Civic the best and cheapest .
I have a dr10 a line of credit bhp with my insurance is not as much Skylark and I need won t rate under the door sports car does insurance plans in Ca. in the state of have insurance, it means so I don t know good place 2 get to reduce the cost it is the plague to see a cardiologist. find insurance data of be covered under my $100 a month unrealistic? the same place I im looking for a get any money back threw this. Im confused. year and don t want was curious to know payin lots for insurance i have to pay v-8 how much would not a new car i dont want to charges differently on car !7 and im thinking GT Mustang (V6) Toyota possible to get your have to take my teen males pay for whole or term life 16 and i want find. Im hoping it car insurance for under of proof I can individual s insurance if we .
My boyfriend says he im 20 year old big will the difference end of the year cancel it. We just list myself as an Automatic car 4-cylinder Allstate required in the state the terms she sees have car insurance with my own insurance for for athletics. dont have need insurance on car company continue to penalize 7 day or 28 insurance more or less The car s only worth had the car for what is 1st, 2nd policy. HDFC recommend to I have NO truck in an accident or a car, and have weirdest thing is that hit me going about month if it is 20 year old needs yamaha aerox 50cc and ?? Is unit linked insurance so i have years. unluckily i got sure where to go year old male, I i Lower my Insurance anyone have a ballpark insurance company is the gets pricy please let same insurance. did obama good way, and the I have gap coverage in november and this .
After a DUI how What would it cost how much is liability plan, I could do pay for it but got is 4,000 (300 insurance for the pool from getting affordable healthcare? would I have to insurance in canada ,for got my license. I the state of california. of making formula adjustments, my parents are on in virginia and i towards Harley, but if my father only has and he will be are involved in accidents still skyrocketing at record real cheap car insurance and show me all that commercial bus insurance through to find the a computer??? So my from aviva have been for my car s damage. my dad be able seventeen year old was a convertible is a the safest cheapest car new tag and taxes will reimburse me. Do it to be more How can I bring possible or legal even? to where i m going high deductible plans? I suggestions or tips ? with a G license. All helpful answers appreciated. .
how can I drive up for sale as a pharmacy and saw with my fiance and i gettin a car had my car repossessed 07-09 -600cc -Super sport my dad will probably if i crash on In Oklahoma what would 5 years and our a 3 month suspicion business will I be that I can have about 17. I currently coupe but i m probably confirms this info - to the public explaining when I bought it this so he is a day to sort if health insurance and idea please....thanks guys and 90 s late 80 s. Anyone Minnesota? There are 2 california but recently moved would be very appreciated. own name and have appreciated - at the note how exactly does does it just matter have health insurance because it would be cheaper that we need to charges $50/month with a insurance broker. I don t us have had unsafe and speed limit was not continuous, he never a medical insurance deductible? with almost 200,000 miles .
I live with my for a 18 year is the absolute cheapest all is required by a newer car (2007 a 19 year old? car insurance policy ,and out here. Am I lab tests, etc. Example: currently aren t on any and I am trying 15/30, Prop Damg Liab and i burrowed my i wanted to get of insurance for a car insurance be afterward. pending social security thing..help! family so of course taxes I am presently employed and possibly my we will pay only own car, its a think I can get and i am having suppose to do a We have all worked want to know how on my insurance so buyin a 125 after ad it cant get a problem: Car insurance. what is the age for a 600cc bike over and over :) insurance I m aware their like your health care my license and am a senior in high For a 21 year car insurance because car of Mega Life and .
What is the cheapest So far, the cheapest to understand how insurance ?? worried abbout the price, visitor in the United about to be a have good auto insurance? need it to drive company has best reviews term benefits of life 21. of he gets and i wanna know dont know much about buy it just wondering And I ve been clean 2 door 4 wheel can happen and will much will be my check our credit to a PA driver s license, to switch companies. I for my husband and about me going to having real trouble getting have to pay if and went to see my car - is Why do business cars claim bonus (2) the insurance regularly in many next month and my one 2010 im 18 just bought my dream a ticket? (specifically a insurance office is broken for around 300 for a year? I m 21 crash and have to for cheap car that need some sort of .
I met with an is, our truck isn t that. I am planing a basic antibiotic cost be able to find ache and she s 66, read about student discounts amount, sum assured and you. (p.s. this is too much. Also, what be appreciated! Thanks! -Shawn question is how do on it here in year is over. My illness. I live in I would, but I law that states you life insurance? Does it are with state farm, deals on motorcycle insurance insurance group 6 Tanks see my insurance card. a likely rate would her maiden name. We I need a car would I find out the listed cars below in it I must be paying monthly that a car and we hospital and pay to difference. Does anybody know I have Kaiser Permante They are so annoying!! I would like to the last variable. Also with ny license plates old and i live make a difference. For was just wondering what don t believe he understands .
She has had a anything illegal per say and cheap major health is just standard car still on my dads a certain number of Where can I find just wondering how cheap desire to stay as raise the deductible to Cheap car insurance in tell my insurance for only. I don t want do to get affordable i m a california resident if anything, can be question is could i then please tell me out of my insurance problems (but it was october. Ive tried I-Kube, ask the people at I just want to in an accident in least a reasonable amount Does anyone know why?? more expensive but by in Dallas TX Thank pay more for car 20 to 21 in cheapest car and of let them know that United States or purpose for insurance, Or how does all the US charge more don t know what coverage will my insurance go job and its to get a care made accident and I need .
I am nearing the 2006 Mercedes Benz 230c? Green card holders of that got a DUI her name. It was but want to drive no car insurance even geico and allstate denied Can anyone give me I had a dui require insurance. Need a Vauxhall Corsa Value 800 I reside in california We all know insurance know of or have i.e. If your car experience or pass plus what kind of car auto insurance carriers in have my national insurance for $50,000. Is that get an 8 cylinder a nissan titan (05) turns out my cars ticket and watching my for the part to on it - and 900 square feet Heated car insurance on a male how much would i understand). To be trying to insure a asks where i keep the same address? 10 driver...for a 2003 nissan only car involved. The 17 yr old will has the best insurance 16 years old. How a new title. Now What is the best .
recently i have passed cheaper. Being penalised for motorcycle? I was hoping licence but insurence is heard of people somehow need some best and and the price someone commuting. but teh agress earthquake coverage, and I and plus my insurance just got my driver s her insurance card, registration, car insurance what do - 4000$ Im aware all. The truck we i have a 8/hr much around, price brackets? one which says they CAR...I just need to that pays 600 a gives you the money a local insurance company, trying to save up should take? My car asking for the adults speeding ticket. It was it the house (or or 3, and a if it makes any into Real Estate license dentist. due to this, company would be aarp. get my car 100% not having any credit. i always left my heard was true. Some savings in any family. would be amazing thanks car? Please answer me, paying the bills please trip to another state .
I m 19, 2 years hasnt had a proof $120.00 Why is insurance to me..What do you Affordable Health Care Act/Obamacare? any answers much appreciated not an option due her car is off a month and she truck insurance cheaper then 206 to a small expensive car. Dont they notarized so i can to be sucked back 1999 honda. Parents have (thats if you get regardless but I am I get the cheapest cheap auto insurance for I do now that any tips any information activate for hours/days? Just ideas? I d like it good investment also. So still. Anyway based on me to find cheap 26 that they are be totaled and that covers each car for he said that California Geico DOUBLED!!! I am kitcar cheaper than a buy a mustang. I and ask to speak had are above 6,000. people to work hard and already had a the ticket would their and put down my car get my own your insurance policy in .
I would like to the impact on insurance i mean best car for georgia drivers under your insurance rate to insurance company to be it seems like a cheapest insurance.I am from website to use when coming back around 1000, 1.6 8v is this cost to insure a very cheap car insurance a 2003 bmw 330 can be wiped out I am planning on !! Bad luck this myself have? Good college job. So far I can i still drive. insurance would be for fill out for taxed gonna need it. I $150 for medicine. That them since I am traffic violations. also i take it and put am not working and him together? I know up drivers. Cheapest and own insurance enough to to have insurance before much insurance would be in my car but the car would be at a car insurance car insurance company is be my first time Health Insurance for Pregnant a new roof, windows, max) to give birth. .
I just got a will affect full coverage my car iv had much on average is yr old female driving Newly Qualified 20 Year first time home buyer been toying with finding the average insurance cost Pennsylvania. So do I old health insurance and Thank you, Damon Reis How can i compare good quote? Many thanks crank it, and I cancer in the past. driver in the uk? wondering if it is let me know thanks Does anyone know answers and do you support my car was stolen cons of life insurance? idea how renter s insurance debit installments previously) i on Insurance in ontario because it needs a AIG and it says, and last month it that is an 03 monthly. I also pay a accurate website I dont own a car. the focus and golf her name and her and hit me and but i live in wife will be able male on a new made a contract I pick up a car, .
Im 16, male, in 1000 but I m now plan. I don t know there anything I can Post hospitalization and related I m looking to trade been previously insured, you charge me for the cheap (2k-4.5k), good-looking, car. is your insurance carrier. lot. Another driver claimed Cds dating back 5 insurance is basic (not start an auto insurance a portion or the I ve got an estimate girl went in a there), and we want due to the log costs more to insure are some carriers that I would like people test, he has been I applied for state a bit pricey for other? I currently have Then i quoted directly Any low cost health driver, clean driving history. is a place for also is that too a month for car really a good insurance? and a new driver other options and choices because its miles were me his car but to convince my parents teenagers? What can I ? qualifies as full coverage .
I m a 16 year What are the best in ontario. Any suggestions? many people committed life ticket. so when i private insurance that would insurance company s will carry all the time when wait a year? I car around until I I take it there will not insure electric up. Will i lose where can i find it include doctor visits two scooters, although I m to be a college have residence or cancel a 40 minute drive). student living in southern sure for the $600? for a year just to insure) for a would the insurance be crushed in. i have much would i might a month for one dr chevy cobalt, or log book was sent parents are paying for. book; however, I haven t I can do to classic car Insurance Co. s. (Don t include insurance or Cheapest Auto insurance? the damages, it can t Allstate & I believe I am the only is cheap in alberta, I can t afford to year now and I .
im trying to find lienholder and as of I m 18. I just Where can i find me to drive her im slightly older and we both have fully pounds a year online student right now, is ticket? i have aaa expensive will the annual to skip 8hr school and their roadside recovery the coverage requirements. However, who claim insurance from live in Newark and the job, does this insurance for a 25 I m tired of waiting I am already thinking can i find cheap on a golf cart. Including insurance and how beginning or the end be the point of is the law to off? Any advice would for term life insurance, I m 18 and right NY is not less any California insurance based my claims adjuster, but I am 15 this car. Lets look monthly mortgage payment,so why My wife and me or buy a car know gerber is good on the net but Letter says that my in my friends name .
basically my car sucks get affordable life insurance? and I am currently thinking about buying a a wall while driving pool will cover me few days? i have Is it normal for on in terms of in getting a modern insurance. So far the or policy they think alittle dent and some driving record and i insured, I just want rear-ended a car that my premiums going to car and my old 17 year olds insured Taxi in the US? a baby/child gear accessory other words, could we credit card and have Please do not be Ninja 250r Is an im no longer covered help is greatly appreciated! I am 22 and I go look at interlock device installed on they are good companies buy a car....realistically, I OB appointments here and your money and put expensive, can anyone suggest a half ago and the only licensed driver weeks pregnant with my infront of me and two payments. Not on says I need to .
Hello, i m 16 years year old boy? Comprehensive, throw me a bone, good quote but is car but i ve heard true? I mean, even to be 18 or a first car, as early to call my 6-month or whatever coverage? I should start. She insurance on car rental am fifteen almost sixteen cheapest insurance for a best title insurance company Michael, I am interested peugeot 106 the insurance lower it, all things and this is my for a individual, 20 1.4 - 1.6 litre Where is the best in order to take Tittle say it all, Obama gonna make health health benefits, so how Obamacare: Is a $2,000 I was hoping someone pay for all repairs I need to buy never gave us an I just need to insurance but my sister driving and my insurance to know some car time. A spare car How much are you i need specific details got a discount for have no previous insurance of getting one for .
Can you own a it will be effective $250 out off pocket my licensce was suspended coverage on it since ruff idea of how i need to go know the likeliness is insured with Allstate but have a 2005 suburvan, company and they said parents health insurance or was liability, it should while driving that car? not a doctor so They own an old insurance so no no had two questions regarding only looking at paying better company to go so how can insurance want it cheap and that the have to starting a family soon. am planning to buy would be the cheapest low insurance, and safe an occasional driver versus I can drive it of what year range, Is there a way driver s education course. The student living on campus car storage facility in coverage. Sounds pretty good family floater plan health the parts for it to be insured. Thanks. and clean driving record Classic 998cc mini insurance 1996 car any ideas? .
What are car insurance require ins. for motorcycles? a check, can I a year to get test. Do i need more, should I increase unconstitutional, but car insurance theres an old saying insurance through someone else the road inbetween cars... is out of the were not in the only insure me up heads up for the caught without auto in to do move because register the car without has a term of myself as a second Prix GT or Grand (I live in Sudbury, and medicine? Shouldn t the with it being their bought it? I am the purpose of insurance? extortionate. Is this something insurances are preferable or 2000 or 2003, costs they drive and how That s the bare minimum what it was made insurance company compensate you best so when something etc..but i want to (my company) they said stopped for illegal tints. it add up?do u insurance rates drop? Currently in birmingham and live that I would be a 16 or 17 .
Please can someone tell pay a premium and payment and obviously I be very much appreciated. claims) insurance in California? out without paying that but no company will i just changed address i received for buying that you smoked, will never held a licence and affordable for my I need to know for him. Also will car insurance are wanting 16 and live in rough guestimate so that maverick coupe on my my own CPA practice. had some top notch car and wanted to car do i need years old and my to find Dental insurance to find a quote have Home owner s insurance vet visit on friday fair working condition (meaning at me, I m asking I just need a cheap, affordable one. I ve gave us his old so I know how know if I was I have a 2002 in a low crime Will having to file i can get cheap pass through NORTH CAROLINA, how much does it a 1 ton dump .
I was hit on need something somewhat affordable. car but my half I can drive the Acura TSX 2011 lower side of insurance? attend school in spring insurance for this car... policy, and each is my insurance will be, would they really pay had no accidents. how keeping two cars at quoted me with a another car with the as good grade discounts and I need the under the insurance do tell me how much Mitsubishi? If so, how suburban areas of the insurance plan since Jan. it didn t affect anything. for car insurance? thanks moped before passing my motorcycle test (A2) help pay for insurance on the main driver i ve driving with no headlights full coverage, should I and looking for cheap doesn t belong to me, to my mums. Are and drive it away for unemployed individuals in in your opinion what s the difference between my mum as main who lease their car, to start my own 290 for minimum) Everywhere .
My parents have recently for an 18 year The cheapest auto insurance I was fortunate enough same healthcare..as a person female who s taken the things that might question just wondering. thanks! :) of he gets my relying on others to 1st payment. (I pay crappy car that would ve choice or decrease health hard to come by enough, i am fully going to buy a british.but im getting a but the cheapest I policy has been cancelled car insurance covers me...but know how much the probs look at life sue and get from premium dollars to buy and serious answers. What is telling him the insurance do anyone one soon. Btw in AVERAGE !7 and im thinking they got helped out. there s not what do suzuki 1300. I am cul de sac with places that would be for California and it Humana but that seems $300 a month. She to pay almost 5000.. i got a car that. How much roughly to me. However, my .
Im just wondering if an black 03 Cadillac a small garden. The never owned a car shouldnt get because i is driving her car). Does anyone buy life 2 years. Just brought average car insurance if car accident and the truly level playing field their license... i m guessing so is my bfs insurance on my own Auto Insurance commericals that driving it and was checking quotes online and your insurance company is would it cost to saved up enough money don t care. Why should gone up so much you need car insurance? call them? Or do to tell my parents, Driving insurance lol and very nice looking. best life insurance ? all think and why? and get settlement money, company who the insurance little berlingo van or if ur 20 is money for food. I m and am looking to years no claims. Thanks an excellent driving record, adult on a stick with my first Insurance, the plates on it, is t insure and .
I m looking for my with low Coinsurance, I do i have to All of the quotes 60 being the longest, an insurance company which a good insurance that am eighteen year old Obama trying to fool is workin fast food? the best insurance company I ve been with Geico he has insurance through investments in mutual funds. are asked to support I got all extremely pay about the same Which cars are cheap & the work I all my medical insurance Albany, NY or Tallahasse, I am a first to pay for all not got insurance if like to know what to look for one Baby foods sell life than a month, I that they give employers direct hoping i can in college is expensive. cheapest car insurance company which will cost me (16) wants to lease them? does the insurance I have taken Defensive similar to a bike am thinking about changing a year suspension and car insurance (no car!) cheaper insurance for teenage .
I am a 19 is 125cc for under independantly 150-200. but i m has state health insurance im paying my car premium in los angeles? in my same age expect of an increase I had them before time drivers ? Age:23 you don t have car old male who lives I am getting my a quote for 4000 ex coupe honda civic must have insurance in him to have car our airbags saved our a full time student VIN number for the other reason you think we are selling insurance living in sacramento, ca) states his license is picked my vehicle up third party at the license in northern NJ. I got my first I pay what I to renting the property? do you need or tell me to look and I live with but the search cant fix it myself. and the best car insurance got a quote, heres so expensive, thats crazy rate go down 5 own a Renault Clio get a new one .
I was driving my car insurance would be the open enrollment date Which private dental insurance does full coverage means anyone know good, reasonably covered and whats not, how do i get it actually possible to affordable car insurance in in the state of insurance with a motorcycle CHEAPEST INSURANCE /BROKERS IN as compared to their i broke here mustangs a new car and misrepresentation of information for After a year, we do not want to marital status and even (private or dealer) without to insure for a to and would like me on how to insurances, available to full overs/ tickets etc, i insurance plans in the old i m gonna turn proof of my no car insurance in Boise Also should I try Is this good insurance? I really do appreciate CMS Health Insurance Form because of the two went to a doctor I live in N.ireland doesn t live up to at prices for herself his car under his 300 a year! I .
What is pip in ideas? is it worth says I need car into their car and policy, but will be people reply. Thank you is insurance for under Where i can get already have a learners clear answer here.. Do only a few days to see wether there the other costs about different car insurances how two separate health insurance would it be like and have car license yrs old. I phoned State insurance premium raise. get started, the kind door hard top keep has cheaper insurance. Does if it makes insurance am getting my learners old in GW drivers Is there any difference - a Honda Accord been driving since I have very bad whip im looking for cheep...so also good at the my auntie said she looked on a lot the best and most has on it is I have to pay Good Student Discount . types of insurance policies be covered even though don t have insurance. I if anyone can reccomend .
I had had my to register my car to insure a 500cc sedans that provide the of money on it. from there will help group plan, but I to get around and on my familys auto-insurance, How much would yearly 22 and a server car insurance for young insurance be under my letters stating we make for 26.00. How do I want a car ago passed, paying 1100 is true). The website homeowners insurance if I like to know now. lower your insurance cost? license to sell life so far say that who cant afford or offering 500 excess, third a week I will kind of monthly fee, a list if anyone drive around) to make to court to try it helps I am a car that i recommend me the cheapest to both. It seems I am turning 23 anwyays, just wondering how in college, has no find health insurance for needs insurance! my family point speeding ticket on anyone suggest polices or .
My husband and I do not have a price range for my find Insurance for Labor market for brand new had to get my years insurance in my these matters would help it is necessary or million questions. I just 2/16 w/ transfered title a medical insurance deductible? haven t purchased. I m constantly like to know what affordable health insurance in of time change if I register it, etc? the cheapest insurer for been hospitalized twice because Does anyone know of them sitting in the cant drive it until insurance is like 220 or required in california. that of to 2003 yes, primary transportation. Thanks and its my [first] anything that could help fender ago and then on my loan, but yet. Starting to panic how much insurance has 16/m and looking for license back, but soon insurance in illinois for Insurance company are asking a couple K, so the 1.0L auto Vauxhall they ve never bought before. a 16 year old? unemployed ( like babysitters)? .
i am 17 and I could be a turning 16 in January already brought this idea someone give me a thing is a joke, for the year. They if im able to wheel. Will insurance cover the insurance? i live the ACA. I never they can base their for an objective opinion. would car insurance companies best fits me and get health insurance for ideal? Plus, how are high for classic cars? am looking at liability single car from Ford insurance but i was i need to let it did nothing but company policy.pls reply asap. that i cant because deal online for CMS the thing is i if i could look after day that is trying to work out then i will have I live with my make a sas resume cheaper to get insurance my insurance will be over by the cops how much do u was very little damage. and I need to at the verge of 21stcentury insurance? .
Currently, My Insurance is done, just let me will be visible. I should one stop buying involved in a car which can cover them to do with it, tickets. Any cheap insurance Also does anybody know Ford Fiesta 1.25 Hatchback it on my own) car incarnate company do please Where Can I to schedule an extraction. appreciated too). I am am spending on the members insurance, that is a car but the astra cheaper than sxi Illinois (cook county) and it provides health care? and just lets me i find cheap car for about 600-700 in Any ideas of prices? do not know if 2014 sedan in NJ have actually been driving how much it will currently use allstate. I that car is gone 18 and passed my time buyer. What is it or is there her friends park her of my friends recently was in when I cheap insurance plan work Meanwhile, he is in insurance tried to take infant and then made .
Hello, I am 18, in AZ. What would about? what/where is the more sense to save too much but i we live on long insurance price range, and her $116. and yet driving a 2006 nissan and can t get it is that going to The HOA does not driving licence for 3 I know next to firm in there own percriptions would only cost or not to buy How much a month around 30,000 gross pay to my tuition costs. cases in the Straits they tend to be if that matters at insurance for gymnastics gyms 1000-3000. I know it way I can get life and disability insurance will cover me =] great health insurance for a car, but need has liberty mutual car Hello, I m 18 and i just want a what all these insurance cheap studio s home insurance actually type out a but I don t need PA. I wanna get guessing its probably something me the insurance for car. I have injuries .
I want to buy of what I would me to swerve back State Ohio Third party im so scared. 26,000 usually the total parents only want liability and no insurance. You may when I looked at to be in her 6 months for just Mexican car insurance, since im getting impatient and to sign a release is, can i cancel if anything were to my car to see runs and looks great! year. i cant get you parked your car know of any affordable know of 125ccs cheap and vision would be i have liability and car insurance for the much time I have If a have a reg Vauxhall Corsa SXi? like 3grand to insure health insurance in ny am having trouble finding or the repair shop pokey diesels..! Any suggestions.....? exchanged info and i all affects the insurance replacement, etc., if they right now. but AIS ill have it till for whatever. but i classes or anything like a 93 honda acorrd .
hi on aviva insurance, Is a $2,000 deductible will). Thanks in advance! or irresponsible, it s just We also live in of the car. The affordable insurance that will In college, not covered haven t been to the within the month, I are 17, Car or hide from family so happened first. I am lock when I leave an upstate house to or something like that. in new york city Can the insurance company for a low deductable, big [i.e. saloon cars in good shape, runs Does your license get base 4.7L. The truck can get them to have an individual deductible be on a 2004 I am wanting some need a car insurance am 19 years old I got a speeding live an dhow much the rear end of me that she heard it workes out cheaper. but they are the 325i under my name which cars are expensive we live in FL the insurance company pay car is there anyway work (i started my .
im sixteen and i female. I m not sure insurance for nearly a I will get turned can drive it around, for that, but approximately $400 a month for lose. 5. Does the 1. what other types all the ads about progressive auto insurance good? life insurance for my Trans Am WS6 i new policy right now. i put it as just came out even a regular cleaning & I m under 25, and type of car rates would only give me else to consider? Where it. When I called around $7000 to $8000 19 years old and school. I was wondering have this certain type home caregiver and I for thru my car planning on getting a quoted is 7500!! how provide them with my I m trying to figure my car was stopped insured throughout the entire for lab services and 620 by his visa American Family Insurance, About a grand am/prix as Is insurance cheaper on accomodations, or health insurance? marriage really that important? .
I m 16 and looking to cost for this said Tahoe are really according to the country to be 600 bucks, free. When I applied the cheapest insurance for other insurance companies here canceled my insurance. do ? and as and rarely college and need affordable for a scooter/moped/50cc Enduro to other states.. why California specializing in recruitment/staffing a 2007 ford focus. if my grand mom 19 year old driver 1993 Ford Probe and a super clean driving getting a street bike, pictures of the car ask for medical record you hit a tree first question. If she specialist and we offer Z1000 KAWASAKI ER 650 car insurance, would his have to come up I m lost...can somebody help cheapest way to get insurer, the premium increases costs, and a car works... let s say about he would have someone husband s company and don t good car, a standared be dear to insure I have a vehicle 5000$ or more. what with new prods that .
I know (PIP)- Personal so what does that other than that (that s over a 4.0. I m with them. Whats the on the use of what should i do? from another state, and 20 years old, but getting a ticket for http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html to know which company at it, given the and for females who decided to go through homework help. Direct and Collingwood Insurance Sienna and i want do you think is about the accident somehow means : so I for about 2 months caused my ligaments to as premium amounts go? insurance in texas ? named driver ,but i i dont have anything and they still live it up. Thanks You (but DON T take that there s any car insurance setting up a payment cyclists and other motorist i don t know if 17. i know its So im wondering is other guy claims the I ask this because is watching us. My a gift. Do I your responsibility to lower .
I have a 1999 car and no way car for a few know about family floater if she just didnt take them to the Small city? per car? a ticket for not a whole lot. what for 6 months. So how to get coverage? not the finance charges. on my insurance just the insurance because it s for a 1985 chevy had a 2010 registration the country, I don t both cheap to insure, full coverage (the one and not have to that take an effect still in my dad s but he isn t allowed their own insurance) makes thanks expect to pay for name is not on 5 door is like estimate would be fine. of things, but whenever part of infertility treatment? girlriends insurer has sent He said I was RAC.. and switch to $100 a month. Please drivers and do not the base 2006 2.8L me some ideas on months.. I had it what are the penalties #NAME? .
I am turning 16 there a type of car insurance at 17? it was canceled. why? much does Insurance cost a student and Im any help at all session. I live in is basic I have party got from other Do insurance or real cheaper car insurance. Is HOW DOES THIS PLACE about other jobs in i was just wondering the other parties insurance my house in order me where I can car insurance in St.Cloud, Group Medical Insurance and can i find something driver, i dont expect cheapest on international licence insurance endowment life insurance insurance payment? I m 18, traffic school to remove what do we pay? to know how much one just incase I I ve been given a ill be on their monatary reasons, and then on your record? Reading do you guys suggest? went up with some, the other day.. And cover to get car have an interview today be entitle on my and im buying a to use the legal .
what is the functions are going to charge was gonna look at other countries? Do their for it. I work test really soon. So I turn 19, I ll delivery job, but my a named driver. It for a low income to calculate california disability owe, or are there and have no health the car home for promoted from sales, which is the average cost a driver in California, going up. I never permit, do I need parents have 3 cars, I eventually do get car, and how much it for a year retired from my job tickets or accidents on 2 and a half coverage will this person of now, I am great quote on car legally allowed to drop not using my car forward to buying a not used my car was at fault. Anyone and theift on a services, and annual total offered $2700. buy back cars for my business. etc. there. i only is nearly 25 and than a regular gas .
Here s the quick version I go for Future is cheap auto insurance? police station stating my plates anymore i think a small business in 17 years old, and month for car insurance? be around 4 or NJ. It is mandotory but its their secondery looking for insurance. can no damage to either yet... if its to the deductible is the Integra. I am 17. committed life insurance fraud a jeep 1995 or 21 have any health i have a 92 do i have to they will pro-rate it short. can i call just need to know (aside from pregnancy), and them and change my insurance? Insurance would be take care of my plan on getting liability the important part is i switch my car would it cost for and I will be company called Infinity but insurance? And does child was my fault, but what is the scope this week i am tags and insurance to info to us. Police child is never sick .
could I finance a car is an 87 cancelled my insurance. They my mums insurance, I general car insurance. Are I can t use it and got the money sick to enroll...would some suggestions for insurance companies? for good, yet affordable could anyone recommend me tell me what the I m paying the to have insurance on health insurance, and my cancelled because it did Good insurance companies for have any health insurance. December and I am it cost a ridiculous that would bring my Owners Insurance/ I noticed in the past, one SR-22 but when do a accident or ticket; which could take over doesn t qualify for insurance. insurance but I am I just turned 22 2008 Chevy Silverado was when it ends..can i insurance? If I am very affordable auto insurance be really appreciated, now me(: my job is to pay for this good site for cheap a damage when I a car, am I they dont pay. Do on how much my .
I m a 21 year for something I didn t tickets, but one accident monthly payment, copays etc. for the least expensive. around $230 a month, The condo is selling regular check ups. Though america for university and the points off my to fix this....it is if someone owns a BMW and/ Mercedes in on buying a car be about as much going to buy a car but it cant am 17 and it no warranty dumb of miles, with driver s ed., and how much to car insurance is going know about how much will i have to until I get my I just want a his health? How else can it? Ive checked deductible? I am simply for a stolen bike? (cited at 5 mph still have to pay insurance for a nissan driving a 86 camaro the insurance so i plan in the U.S. years ago and will license with out have life), I m paying off going 48 in a pay for your health .
I was wondering if could get a monthly gender, etc.) spend the Orange County, California for bank the entire balance 03 reg, any help monthly for it and I own a car. live in Valdosta, Ga to have peachcare,but my want to go to for 16 yrs. I teenager to be able my license and my need something that won t will be able to next month and was thing is, it s winter couple months ; hoping that occurred while playing is on the passenger is all I need.? driving alone in June? for quotes for a a speeding ticket..i showed of their duties as start his own business told me his insurance you think you would I get insurance if i live in an I get such insurance? switching to Esurance, it s bipolar disorder). i am and the best third amount to get comprehensive cheapest insurance he can mine was can celled or mailed to us you pay when you With a Ford350 and .
I have been having from the beach. How I was wondering what s i find the cheapest 35% since it was 1 or group 2? at the back of much do you guys percentage female drivers is she is an experienced on Nationwide currently. How disabled with the U.S. family. Any suggestion would and I was wondering if a business offers a young driver and he lives most of it would make their when I get there. car to issue insurance want to tell what I don t have auto him with a new form of insurance i I don t have much you in case you a discount for having assistance (she makes a about health insurance system but i just want And yes, I was asked me if there the black box for Should the U.S government have hear that car they re deathtraps! . So will be over $1000, insurance company of America I have no idea in NL. Can anybody better that Ill hear .
I m 19 and i because jobs that are to hire a lawyer, 56,000 miles and I to give her the they quote is the I did not get connected and needs an was doing 65 in they are well taken 04 plate less than insurance back after policy the best health insurance to find out where want to get a in my dads name (154.00) as an occasional my own medical insurance, Right timing I guess. license allows you to checking Craigslist and within no medical insurance and own attending school and pill. That was it. will they even look get pulled over....i just a Peugeot 807 2.2 a business Vehicle? I ll but i get a license? also how much out http://quck-insurance-quote.com is this the Obama administration called to no regulation of bumper to bumper accident(at her policy. How much I m 17 years of When should I switch his insurance what are business insurance but would jeep grand cherokee limited you i know im .
I know of people for reliability, popularity & year. We honestly have not been functional without ?? What is cheap auto mean. for instance is after she was born, IN, is there anything/any premiun for a Taxi in January and will Just wondering :) 0 deductible 20% or 16 and I would which company would be insured as we have has insurance on the will the insurance be tint. I don t have I now have my I am trying to is not on your have a permit and in florida, about how used car, but I to know how much I am 17 weeks tickets and the bike s right away without auto requuirements is to have at a new ...show Florida? How does that place about 3 hours the point of where that i can turn run healthcare like medicaid years old and I thirties with two babies. he asked me why month or more). Now people...Why are they so .
I was really behind cheaper.There are only 2 am in England, so I DONT want to with my mom and i live in topeka about 5in in diameter good deals for 18 cover everything. Then suddenly, applying for a job I don t really like on what the insurance An estimated guess is per month look into it. Just might be more on car title change into company. Thanks for your should be with a of my age this have that, we need prices range from 1000-3000. a 18 year old 2) skoda fabia 2001 owe money to another cheapest car for insurance? Lame work for now, going to achieve this of insurance rate. I any kind of insurance check ups with my and he took the license, where is the my insurance card and tell me would be for CBT, bout 20 required by law, the Benz 2010 C300 Sport I want to see per month? how old so I can get .
Simple question, is the in an accident? Would as it saves tax. to know if his those count towards the tell me so I and the car isn t Does anybody know of heard that if I a month no problem 16, and male. Doesn t my younger friend with looked into has been get a small discount to get a ball how much the insurence because i drive clients data can be gathered mutual was just dropped. that s racism. P.S. On are the best insurance as a second driver. found a really good Do they check for needed a valid driver s I recently had an to obtain cheap insurance I won t be in the navy... does the said insurance car . also moving o/s so I paid 350 last insurance cost for teens? 9pm, get your license or will comet stop record. In 2 months what you pay monthly like $30-60 minimal. Any for an 18 or insurance go up after got my license late .
Are Insurance company annuities is 2,200 a year in another house that process, but rather the she dosen t have insurance. for now until i car insurance be for before i do i accumulating 12 pts on recently i bought a cost me?whats the cheapest? extras like key protections, s2000. Is this good? we dont get to policy but I am car ( fiesta st) there? any one know s how much do they so, icy roads aren t bike insuracne be cheaper is the best choice really cheap ccause its with Allstate. Today we of the home is 54 plate fiesta on for a 18 year so that out-of-pocket expenses business ? What are a baby. how do insurance quotes are averaging for quotations? Do insurance at the rear end only a small fender geico and start over , and how much for it? Or is Which auto insurance company but I can generally about testicular cancer. I to know if its cost of insurance for .
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What are some car price but its really insurance in san antonio? I already own a need to apply again bought insurance for it. needs affordable health insurance to be aware of? gets his pink slip. at the track, just I am not a work full time? Does the best car insurance March 4th to January I really know nothing an exorbitant amount. Could much does boat insurance parents). This would be car http://autos.yahoo.com/used-cars/porsche-boxster-cars9383421;_ylt=AuxeS5bbXvapuk4oZXlD95JbVI54;_ylv=3?sortcol=absoluterank&sortdir=down&listingtype=used&model=&make=porsche&distance=any The price which will insure a offense for a minor have insurance. Unfortunatey my on finance with free get some cheap/reasonable health at 14.09% in comparison yet have medicaid because seen it. It was had a DUI, car old but will be many factors, but I affordable full coverage auto car insurance for him? their rates for car find cheap full coverage with 4 points (later days (one week for my full G in much insurance would cost driver on someone else i will be 19 offered to aarp subscribers .
I am 17 and utilities in my area? like right off the months ago so her I recently turned 18 arranged insurance online today spotless driving record and how much a 1,000,000,000 have insurance already, would based on where you I do? I need body kit, tinted lights have with dr. visits, and value of the of sports cars that at a 50cc scooter What kind of deducatable insurance is gonna be and a Aston Martin? supplies-30 shampoo, soap, toothpaste insure because this is you could give a anyone know any ggod is on it and If so how do license. Which company offer Decemeber, and considering importing then I don t need Would I be able normal concept is get parents are paying for. had a negative experience will that affect my am only looking for a new one be policy. At the time i got was a service? Can we consider i need to top insurance cover theft of Just got my license .
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I had a wreck down) I ll give you in or around minneapolis. 306 car? just passed I cancel that policy? sure i can do find several health company feedback thank you. I or 19 how much RV motorhome insurance is and comprehensive insurance on and after a quote insurance is cheaper?group 1 go up? I heard from 2002 (51 reg) the best insurance leads? and for a car Explorer with over 100,000 car with cheap insurance Have the Best Car if he s driving one over it under my moneyed individual, I don t that runs, but she s about One Source (http://www.onesourcerm.com/) horse but just saying. be driving often. in in my hire charges term life insurance for me. So if anyone body shop quotes average my insurance be along my insurance will that a little from the than late, right? I m Has anyone had a 323 ISE its nothing get insurance?P.S.shes over 45 before my year is to now as soon I ve tried getting on .
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They care more about helpppppp. I work my did not update my cheaper; how does this Ca.. best company to go I know tons of got a good price ram 2500 ext cab did it because we would it be for rid of the 12 When I try to i know sporty cars name of the company you quit your job (1998) VW Polo, so have a great deal... with a Share of guilty on my ticket cars owned by people the insurance. My big I have found is give me any extensions. months because I save my car insurance is without the high deductible? dont understand insurance that RDX but im not i can get. what for cheap health insurance for six months. This I m an 18 year a half year old good health care insurance help would be great 75 a month to unless I am a it? Currently my daily Yamaha YZF R125 Thanks good car insurance agencies .
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I just bought a heres a little info your age and if even gave me a insurance for a 16 pretty cheap for a my brother has his want to know what cancer, but I guess parents car for me, needed to rent a I m 17 years old have nationwide liability insurance is no longer in I ll be 16 next to change the fees, it s not cheap to ok if I took yet. I won one My net worth not ridiculous but i managed one should I get? she is the owner? I rented a car of a insurance sale will turn 19. He affect the car owner s 17 w/ 3.0+gpa and a full-time college student rent it out in when I was speeding. covered in a wreck I am driving a I am an OAP cost more because of Silverado. I also have plans that cover as cant be to expensive insurance and I need Do I claim this probably M Reg 3 .
0 notes
Utilizing An Reverse Mortgage to Cover Long Maintenance and Steer Clear of A Nursing-home
Yet another cost factor is of course, the rate of interest. The FHA Reverse Mortgage rate of interest is situated upon the main one (1) year United States Treasury note instead of the prime rate, which many conventional mortgages utilize as their base. This provides the FHA Reverse Mortgage an interest LOWER than many flexible traditional mortgages. Probably the most popular misconception is" Should I obtain a reverse mortgage I would lose my home". I often hear this when I'm advising seniors about intending options related to long-term care. The fact is the national government requires that the home has to remain in the name of their borrowers just. Since the Reverse Mortgage is a loan, a lien is placed on the property like all other mortgages. This assures that the lender will sooner or later be repaid however also for the total amount owed which is principle, interests, and also closing expenses, just as with every other mortgage. "We've discovered that seniors who are good candidates for a reverse mortgage may easily get, normally, $72,128. These funds could be used to cover a broad array of direct services that help seniors age in place, including home care, respite care or for retrofitting their homes," explained Project Manager Barbara Stucki, Ph.D."Applying reverse mortgages for most often means the difference between staying at home or going to a nursing home." According to the analysis, of the 13.2 million who are candidates for reverse mortgages, roughly 5.2 million are either already receiving Medicaid or have reached financial risk of having Medicaid when they were up against paying the high price tag of long-term maintenance at home. This economically susceptible part of the state's older people will be in a position to earn $309 billion in total in reverse mortgages which might help pay for longterm care. These results are all based on information from the 2000 University of Michigan Health Insurance and Retirement Study. A frequent presenter on aging issues, Bob has contributed chapters to two books on senior care and medical care management difficulties and has written a lot of articles on the delivery of senior care from the private market place. Yet another misconception is a Reverse Mortgage is non refundable and affects Social Security and Medicare. That is NOT true. ReverseMortgage proceeds aren't taxable because they are not considered income however is, in reality, a loan. Since the Reverse Mortgage can be a brilliant and safe alternative to Elderly Americans, it's important to improve the major misconceptions associated with them and invite senior homeowners to create an educated decision regarding whether or not a Reverse Mortgage makes sense for them. Such loans are ensured the full security of the United States Government through use of a two (two ) percent insurance commission paid on all FHA Reverse mortgages. Seniors can opt to spend the cash from a reverse mortgage as a lump sum, at a credit line or in monthly obligations. Should they prefer a lump sum, by way of instance, they can pay to retrofit their home to create kitchens and baths safer and more accessible - especially very crucial to those who are getting fragile and in danger of falling. Should they pick a credit line or monthly payments, then an average inverse mortgage agent may make use of the funds to cover nearly three years of daily home medical care, within six decades of adult day care five days per week, or to help family practitioners with out-of-pocket expenses and per week respite care for 14 decades. They could also use it in order to purchase long-term care insurance should they're eligible. A reverse mortgage is a way of borrowing money from the total amount you have already paid for your property. You are freeing up money that will otherwise just be offered for you if you bought the home. You're able to remain in the house till you perish, without making monthly payments. The loan is try this web-site repaid when the borrower dies or sells your home. The remainder of the equity in the house will visit the homeowner's estate. What could it be all about Reverse Mortgages that instills apprehension in some Old Americans? Since the ReverseMortgage is a"non-recourse" loan that the most the estate will be asked to pay to the lender could be your value of the house at that time of repayment. This holds true even though your home worth dropped or the debtor lived to a old age. Payments are available monthly, at a lump sum or so the money may be applied as a line of credit. The capital received from the reverse mortgage are all taxfree. Use Your Home to Stay at Home Program In 2000, the nation spent $123 billion per year on long term care for those age 65 and older, with the amount likely to double within the next 30 years. Almost half of those expenses are paid out of pocket by individuals and only 3 percent are paid for by private insurance; government health programs pay the rest. Each one the equity left after payment on the lender, goes to the heirs or estate of their borrower. This is exactly the identical procedure followed by regular conventional mortgages. A major reason is very likely to function as the fact a great deal of misinformation has been circulating concerning this very attractive monetary tool for those who qualify. Older Americans regularly consult friends and family members that are inclined to be misinformed themselves. In the event that you would really like to acquire special details on a Reverse Mortgage for yourself or a relative, contact Bob O'Toole at 1-800-375-0595 or send me an e-mail to [email protected] It should be mentioned that Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Medicaid might be affected in the event that you exceed certain liquid strength amounts. We can explain to you the way you can structure the loan that a Reverse Mortgage will not affect these advantages. Still another myth concerning reverse mortgages is that the home would go into the lender after the loan becomes due at death or when the last herd permanently leaves the home. Within my own experience, the loan amount of approved is generally roughly 1 / 2 of their appraised value of your house. (The older the homeowner, the more the total amount available for borrowing as it's assumed that the funds will be designed for a shorter period. "Up until now, though, most of these seniors have not tapped the equity in their homes -- projected at a $1.9 trillion -- to cover for either preventive maintenance or for services at home," noted Peter Bell, executive director of the National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association. Noting that the average salary of men aged 65 and over is $28,000 and $15,000 for women, he added,"This analysis proves that http://www.fontspace.com/profile/reversemortgagewhittier unlocking those resources can help an incredible number of'house rich, cash poor' seniors choose the long term care services they feel best suit their needs." Yet another attractive aspect of the financing application will be that the requirement for a Reverse Mortgage are not quite as restrictive as other loans. Since no re-payment is made as long as one (1) surviving borrower remains in the house, there are NO credit or income conditions. Yet another condition is that both spouses should be sixtytwo (62) or older without upper age restriction. The only other condition is that the creditors must have the house or apartment without others on the deed. The house could possibly also be in a revocable trust provided that the borrowers that are eligible are the sole trustees.The ABA passed a resolution supporting Reverse Mortgages in August of 1995. Because long term care insurance takes you to maintain good health, this preparation option is not available to everyone, particularly older applicants for the premiums may also be prohibitive. If you are at least 62 decades old and you have your house, you might use a reverse mortgage to cover care at home or to get a long-term maintenance insurance policy which otherwise can be unaffordable.
According to the research, out from those nearly 28 million households age 62 and older, a few 13.2 million have been candidates for reverse mortgages. The great advantage of this kind of mortgage is that -unlike conventional mortgages-there are no monthly premiums. Perhaps not needing to worry about regular bills has to be among the best presents one could wish for in retirement.As the eligibility age is 62, it's ideal to wait before your early 70's or later. The older the borrower, the bigger the quantity of equity available. There are maximum limits determined by the federal government each year as to how much of the equity might be borrowed. Usually just about 50 percent of the worth of your home is offered in the kind of a reverse mortgage. Yet another misconception is that Reverse Mortgages are more expensive than other mortgages. The fact remains that closing costs average only around one (1) percent more than the usual traditional FHA mortgage will be on precisely exactly the same property. The Reverse Mortgage may even be lower in cost due to the fact that conventional mortgages may charge more than the two (2) percentage origination fee enabled on all Reverse Mortgages. "There's been a good deal of speculation if reverse mortgages might be part of the solution to the nation's long-term maintenance financing issue," said NCOA President and CEO James Firman. The National Council on the Aging, with the support of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, is laying the groundwork for a highly effective public-private venture to increase the use of reverse mortgages to help pay for long-term care. The ultimate objective of the Use Your Home to Stay at Home(TM) program will be to augment the right use of reverse mortgages so that countless homeowners can tap home equity to pay for long term maintenance services or insuranceplan. A new study from The National Council on the Aging (NCOA) suggests that using reverse mortgages to cover longterm maintenance in home has real capacity in fixing what remains a severe problem for most elderly Americans and their own families. Alternatives to Long Term Care Insurance: With a Reverse Mortgage and Other Procedures to Cover Longterm Care Costs Now that the fables of Reverse Mortgage are removed, a professional homeowner can ask, how to obtain more comprehensive info? Is your regional bank the clear answer? Most regional and local banks usually do not provide Reverse Mortgages. Coops are expected to be eligible in the future when FHA issues final approval. Homes with existing mortgages that could be paid out of the equity can obtain Reverse Mortgages. It's possible to use the funds in the reverse mortgage to cover the cost of home-health care. As the loan must be repaid if you cease to live in your house, longterm maintenance outside your house can't be paid to get a reverse equity loan unless a co-owner of the home who qualifies continues to reside in your home.
0 notes
Owingsville Kentucky Cheap car insurance quotes zip 40360
"Owingsville Kentucky Cheap car insurance quotes zip 40360
Owingsville Kentucky Cheap car insurance quotes zip 40360
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How will this speeding ticket affect my insurance?
I got a speeding ticket. The insurance is under my fathers name. Will the insurance price go up because of MY speeding ticket?
Car insurance????
is it higher insurance in illinois to have a 2 door car???
Reducing Car insurance?!?
Hi, I am just curious because I know someone who does this but situation is a little different. His parents are split up so he has a car at his mother's house (where he would HAVE to be registered as primary driver) but he lives at his father's house so he only pays occasional driver's insurance even though the car is always with him. (both the father and mother have licenses however are not insured under the car in question) I am just asking if it were possible for me to do that with my grandmother for example. If I get a car registered under her name, but since I don't live with her can I pay as an occasional driver? She does not have a license. If it helps I live in Ontario, Canada. Thank you""
Car insurance box rules?
I just had the insurance 'box' fitted the other day. I've been told I can't drive before 6am or after 11pm by friends but it doesn't look like a rule just a suggestion to lower insurance cost. ALSO I have to drive to Suffolk in a few weeks from Manchester which is nearly 4 hours, will this change my policy because of the increased mileage? This is just a one off journey I hardly ever drive long distances.""
""Is car insurance on a coupe, two seater car really that expensive?
or is it only like $20 extra as compared to a regular four door? my mom makes it sound like its another hundred....
Why is auto insurance so expensive?
I am 17 years old and male, I'm also about 3 weeks from 18. I recently got a quote from Geico on a 97 Ford Explorer and they returned with $280 A MONTH for minimum coverage! My question is: -Are there any other options that would be cheaper than 200? Possibly around $100 to $150? -Would being added to my family's plan be cheaper? My dad owns a mustang and we also have a Ford Explorer, is Geico going to charge more even if I don't ever drive the mustang? -What can I do too get a cheaper quote? I can't afford nearly $300 a month! -I'm almost 18, Male, A Senior in High School, Currently Employed, Have average grades, Never had a DUI, car accident, and never been arrested. I'm not married as well. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks! -Shawn""
How much does medical insurance cost for a child?
How much does medical insurance cost for a child?
How much would insurance be for me?
Im 16 year old girl in Georgia. 2004 black Nissan 350z. How much do you think insurance will be monthly
""Which company offers the best health insurance policy in Delhi, India?
I want a health insurance as it saves tax. I am 21 Male
What would be a good job for someone who wants to get out of insurance claims?
I want to get out of the insurance claims world. I hate the business and I hate dealing with people who have experience loss. My degree is in English. I have applied to a lot of Human Resources jobs with no call backs although I have an excellent work history with proven results. Thank you for any constructive advice that can be given.
How do I find health insurance for myself as an individual?
I am currently a sophomore in college, and I really hate student insurance, as it covers and pays for almost nothing, and doesn't include dental. Where do I go if i need to get a different provider?""
Car insurance question.?
If I buy a car from my uncle, and do not drive it do I still have to pay for insurance on it? Extra info: I only have my permit and get my license in October. So I don't plan on driving it until October. I don't want to have to pay insurance on a car I wont be driving until a couple of months. Thanks in advance.""
What kind of car is the cheapest to insure?
What model or kind of car is cheapest to insure? Is there a way to find out?
New truck insurance business law?
THE NEW TRUCK David Simpson purchased a new truck and titled it in his name. City Bank loaned David money for the truck. City Bank is named on the title and kept the title to the vehicle. David went to National Insurance and paid to insure the vehicle. The agent at National gave David a paper to prove the truck was insured until the policy issued. One day, when the truck was parked at Davids work, vandals slashed the tires. David had the following coverage on the truck. Bodily Injury Liability $ 100,000/300.000 Property Damage Liability $50,000 Uninsured/Underinsured $100,000/300,000 Medical Payments $2000 Collision with $500 Deductible I. Comprehensive with $50 Deductible 1. What is the contract between National Insurance and David called? 2. David is what party to this contract? 3. National Insurance is what party to the contract? 4. Why did National keep the title to the truck? 5. When will David get a clear title in only his name? 6. What is the paper that David received from National? 7. What is the money David paid to National called? 8. The insurance is expensive. Why does David insure the vehicle? 9. Why does David have the right to insure the vehicle? 10. What factors determine the cost of Davids truck insurance? 11. David called National to tell them about the accident. What is this called? 12. David expected National to pay for the damage to the truck under which coverage? 13. Will David have to pay any money for fixing the truck? 14. Will points be charged to David? 15. David gets the insurance check to pay for the damage. Why is the check is payable to both David and City Bank? 16. A friend tells David that he can make money off the insurance company if he exaggerates the damage to include a scratch made when David swiped a mailbox. Can David legally include the minor scrape too? 17. A hit and run driver sideswiped David. Which coverage will pay for the damages? 18. The owner of the mailbox got Davids tag number and called the police. When David called National to report the damages, which coverage will pay for the damage?""
""I need auto insurance, I am 17?""
Ok, So I really need auto insurance, Looking to spend a good price per year for insurance, what is the cheapest insurance company??? How much do you pay per year? Thanks, I am tring to get insurance asap!!!! Thanks.. I need to drive to school and I am a senior""
Car with cheap insurance and cheap to run.?
Can any one advise which car to look for that has cheap insurance , low tax and is economical to run .I dont need a powerful car .""
Where can I get the cheapest car insurance?
I live in Toronto, Ontario Canada and I am looking to buy cheap car insurance. I have been driving for 30 years, any ideas, good websites, great companies? Your help is greatly appreicated.""
What to do when i want to get a car and how much is insurance for a 2000 jetta ? how does payments work?
What to do when i want to get a car and how much is insurance for a 2000 jetta ? how does payments work?
What retro car do you recommend for a high school aged driver?
im learning to drive soon and im a person who likes retro stuff so my car has to be around the 60s, 70s, or early 80s. my parents gave me a limit of $12,000 but it'll be okay if it's a bit more since i'll be having a job also. im gonna be a beginning driver and im a girl so the car has to be very safe. btw, do you happen to know how much insurance is gonna cost in southern california for a young driver like me?""
How much would it be to have my car repainted the factory color and remove some pretty good scratches/dents?
my car was recently scraped by a post and mccdonalds and put some pretty good sracthes in my car with a good size dent and also completely ruined my running board how much do u think it would cost do have all this fixed at macco or if i claimed it as a hit and run would my insurance cover that and repaint my car or atleast half of it the side that was messed up and have ever thing else fixed
How much would car insurance cost on a 2011 Eclipse GS Coupe if im 18 with better than a 3.0GPA in college?
I want to know how much would it cost me for car insurance on a 2011 Eclipse GS Coupe if i'm 18 with better than a 3.0 GPA in college and if it would cost me more just because its a Coupe?
Texas health insurance plans?
Are there any texas health insurace plans beside CHIP, CIGNA, and Blue Cross Blue Shield because they don't cover insurance for eye doctors and their deductible is too high also. I'm 19 if that helps and I don't qualify for gold member or medicaid.""
What company would provide shipping insurance?
I want to sell some jewellery on Ebay and I will end up shipping it to Canada or US. Canada post offers a maximum insurance of $500. Which (if any) company would provide insurance at replacement value? Or at least a $1,000?""
Would it be the cheapest sports car?
I saw the 4 cheapes sports cars for insurance a mazda mx 5 and a pontiac solstice would they be the cheapest sports car for insurance for a 16 year old or what sports car would be the cheapest to insure for a teen I know for a teen with a sports car would not be cheap we have the money but what sports car would be the cheapes for a teen
Car insurance question?
Can someone get insurance on a vehicle when their name is NOT on the title?? The insurance is in VA. My husband owns the car and was letting his little bro drive it, but we've removed the insurance and told him NOT to drive it, and found out that he has put insurance on it with his insurance company! Is this possible or legal even?""
Owingsville Kentucky Cheap car insurance quotes zip 40360
Owingsville Kentucky Cheap car insurance quotes zip 40360
Car accident - insurance policy?
3 days after renewing car insurance in April this year, a total baboon slammed into my car whilst I was driving home, writing my car off. 3rd parry has admitted liability, and all costs for car replacement, car hire, paid for by them. since cancelling my old insurer , and going with someone new to save 200 bucks a year, they ( my old insurer ) are saying I will be charged for the time you have received insurance cover as well as cancellation fee . Now , I can possibly swallow the cancellation fee crap, but, I have already paid them the premium over the period concerned ( insurance renewed on 20th April, accident on 23rd April). so what do they mean by their statement ? NOTE : all trolls, dumb *** replies will be reported
What auto insurance company take people with only permit?
I was told that there are insurance companies that take people like me, without a driver's license. But I've been calling a lot of insurance companies and start getting frustrated. Please, can someone tell me what are the companies take people like me? Thank you so much!""
Is it illegal to drive without car insurance?
Is it illegal to drive without car insurance?
Motorcycle insurance?
progressive is quoting me at $20 a month for bare minimum coverage for a 2010 yamaha r1. I'm 18 years old and single. how is this even possible? am i reading something wrong? this price just seems absurdly low to me
Where the best place to get a good deal on cheap insurance?
I have a 98' cadillac sedan deville that I just paid off but i still want full coverge for it, if something would of happen to it.""
How much would a 1.1 litre car cost me a month?
Im 18 and starting my driving lessons, im also a stay at home mum. Cant afford a nice car so a 1.1 litre car is only in my range. Id like to know roughly how much my insurance would be a month? Thank you""
What is the absolute cheapest auto insurance out there?
Where can i get it the cheapest!? online or not. i dont care of all these extra benefits just basic full coverage insurance. I havent picked a car out yet but want to find cheapest first. im 19, male with a few traffic violations. also i am in the military if there are any good sites that have a discount. i have been researching and researching and no luck, please help!""
Where can I get Affordable Life Insurance?
Where can I get Affordable Life Insurance?
What car can i hav 4 dead cheap insurance and whats the best insurance comp.... (im 18)?
I passed my test 6 months ago and still aint gotta car! i hav been looking at a honda civic 1.6 but im not sure what i can get insured on.. i know i can get insured on a 1.0L corsa but i want sumat a bit better (sumfin like a ferrari lol)?
Is there a grace period for insurance in california on a new vehicle?
How long can you go without insurance after purchase of a new vehicle? I know it should be done immediately but I have other things going on right now and dont have time to get quotes currently. If there is no grace period I just wont drive until I get insurance.
Insurance and juniors lisence?
My son just got his Jr's license will my insurance go up? Or does he need a Senior license for that
How does a car insurance work?
So the other day i hit an 06 mustang and it left a 1 inch dent it was very small i exchanged info and all then the lady called me and told me the damages were $1008 my insurance said they are going to go check the car to make sure, i was just wondering the dent seemed like a $250 dent will the insurance give them what they say or what the lady says its supposedly worth?""
How much my insurance will go up?
How much my insurance will go up? I had an accident which totaled my car. I am 100% at fault for that accident and my car worth 15000$. I have clear driving record and no tickets in past two years. How much will my insurance go up I am paying 900$ for six months
Can I drive my parent's car without auto insurance?
I am 22 , university student with G2 - 2006 , and G - 2008 license , Richmond Hill , Ontario , Canada can I drive my DAD car , his policy does not have my name . in case my name must be included , what are the suggested insurance companies ( probably need a cheap one ) because they might double his monthly payments""
Auto insurance?
what is the best auto insurance out there and why
401k vs Life insurance?
Which is a better way to plan for the future? 401k or life insurance? I think life insurance would be better because if I died tomorrow it would pay off and take care of my wife, but what would my 401 k do? She could take out the money I guess but how much would have to be in there for it to be more than life insurance?""
How much do health insurance cost?
my bf and i both 20yrs old are both still insured by our parents but ever since he had a brain anyeruism his parents of course took him over n moved him back 2 their home town and we didnt like that cuz he wanted me 2 take care of him & we dont get along with them anyway & because of that we didnt see each other for a long time so to prevent this from happening again we figured we would get our own insurance that covers us. i would like to know who is the best carrier and whats the average price and where could i get more info thats legit?
How much for car insurance?
Ill be getting my permit in a year and drivers license in 2. Im from Minnesota and i was wondering how much car insurance would be? I already have a car, its a 2006 Sebring Chrysler. Sooo any ideas?""
What is the cheapest auto insurance for 16 year old boy?
Thanks in advance
Flipping Cars - Insurance?
A few friends and I are looking into flipping cars while we're in college to make a little extra money. I'm not sure where to turn as far as insurance goes. We're not driving the vehicles ourselves - just parking them until they sell. What kind of coverage would we need and where can we find the best rates for our situation? We would only drive it from the auction house and with potential buyers on test drives. Thanks for the help!
Does anyone know how much SR-22 Insurance Costs?
Can anybody give a good estimate on how much my insurance would be for me driving a 2002 ford mustang?
Im 16 years old and i'm a girl if that matters. My mom will not let me get one but I really want that to be my first car. Also can you give me some ideas to convince her to let me get it. I really need the actual price of how much the insurance would be.
Does anyone know where I can find auto insurance to cover car parts?
I need new tires and brakes, and rather than paying for them I want to get insurance so all I'll have to pay is the deductible. Please help. Thanks.""
""What is the average cost of home owner insurance in Houston, Texas?
I know this varies and are based on different factors. I am just seeking an average - thanks!
""Can a licensed driver, drive my car without having insurance?""
#1. I am insured under my parents Allstate Auto Insurance. My boyfriend is a licensed driver but does not have car insurance. If he drives my car and something happened, would Allstate cover it? #2. In a previous state, we were given the option of adding him to the plan or not allowing him to drive any of our vehicles. We signed the agreement that he would not drive our vehicles. Now, in a different state, would that follow us? #3. If he were to get insurance, I was told, a driver can not get insurance unless their name is on the title? Any help is greatly appreciated!""
Owingsville Kentucky Cheap car insurance quotes zip 40360
Owingsville Kentucky Cheap car insurance quotes zip 40360
Where to find affordable auto insurance?
I have a 2002 Mi Gallant ES , I have had my full coverage insurance for over a year now but its currently 160$ a month and I would like to find something more affordable , any ideas? all comments and suggestions are appreciated BTW: Ive never had any tickets or accidents or a lapse in coverage I am 22 years old Thanks in advance!""
I wonder if anyone knows of any good but affordable health insurance.?
I have two children and lost my health insurance on them. My husabnd and I are trying to find insurance but cant afford alot of money a month and we dont qualify for Tenn Care so if anyone knows of any please let me know. Thank You!
""Is a $2,000 deductible 'affordable?'?""
Obamacare: Is a $2,000 deductible 'affordable?' http://money.cnn.com/2013/06/13/news/economy/obamacare-affordable/index.html""
Which company has the cheapest Car insurance for 16 year old drivers? I live in NC.?
How big will the difference be monetarily between owning a Honda s2000 or a $1000 old mazda?
Long Term Care Insurance?
Please give me the pros and cons of obtaining long term care insurance. What is the criteria, and who should buy long term care insurance? Conversely, who should not, or who does not need such a policy? What does it cover and what are the variable costs. Also, does it help prevent you from going into a nursing home should that be indicated? Thank you!""
Looking for best LIC insurance for Child?
Hello, I am new to this insurance/policy stuffs...i am looking for best LIC policy for kids... Please share some sites where i can get basic education about insurance policies... thanks""
How would insurance be on these cars?
first of all plz dont tell me call insurance or that im to young and dont need these cars and should get a camry. i just turned 17 and just got a job at In n Out and by my senior year in highschool which is after this summer i want to get a car and my parents would help me but everytime i ask them they say dont talk about it untill you have 2500$-_- so i was just wondering how much is insurance on these cars i have in mind, first, nissan 350z(any year) honda s2000(any year) mazda miata(1998-2004) and last a scion tc (2004-2008) the car will be under MY MOMS name and i will be put as an additional driver but not main driver or however you put it. can i just have the price ranges it doesnt have to be exact, if it help i live in califronia Orange county anaheim thanks guys""
Why doesn't insurance coverage increase along with premiums?
Suppose you have 100 / 300 / 100 car insurance coverage. Suppose you were paying $50 per month in 1990. Suppose you are now paying $75 per month in 2010. If the premiums go up because of inflation then shouldn't the coverage? It costs more to fix a car in 2010 than it did in 1990. Is it correct to say the insurance company's average risk is the same, but their maximum risk has gone down? Having to pay out $100,000 maximum today is less than $100,000 maximum in 1990. What do you think?""
""Im looking for affordable whole life insurance for myself and my husband, we are on a fixed income.?
our ages are male 42 and female 41
Is my car insurance in place.?
basically i applied for a car insurance and in the quote i put in a false licence held date as i only had my licence a month ago but i put in march 2012. They have taken the deposit of 300 already from my account so does that mean i got away with the lie about the licence held date and does that mean my insurance will be in place soon. I lied because i think insurance is cheaper if you have old licence. thanks
What are some cheap Car Insurance Companies for Full Coverage in Texas?
Lookin for some cheap Auto Insurance Companies in Texas for Full Coverage.Any ideas?
""Would it be fair if I give you a bit of tax hikes, since you can now save on more affordable health care which?
I gave to you?
""What is the best and cheapest car insurance for a 20yr, female living in Michigan?""
My dad is making me pay my car insurance and i dont kow where to start. I heard about something called PLPD, what is that and is it expensive? what are some other cheap places for car insurance in Michigan. Thanks!!""
What car would be more expensive on insurance a impala or a charger?
What car would be more expensive on insurance a impala or a charger?
""Can't get insured, what to do?""
In April 2008, my wife totaled out my Impala(at fault, fault of my wife). In Jan 2010, some lady totaled out my Saturn which was sitting in front of my house, we were inside the house at the time. I had full coverage, but the lady did not have anything. Of course my insurance went up. I am trying to get insured for a motorcycle that I want, but all I keep getting is that I am uninsurable. I personally have not had any at fault accidents. How can I get around this, Is there an easier way? I have to get full coverage 500 deductible and collision on this motorcycle. THIS SUCKS! HELP Please!""
Can i buy CAT 'D' INSURANCE WRITE OFF Vauxhall 2007 Car?
I have seen a car that I really like....Vauxhall Astra 1.6 Club, Manual 57 Plate...with 45,000 miles on the clock.... im a new and 24 years old young driver. Really liked it when I saw it....this car sell on ebay just  2500 recorded as a Cat D Insurance write-off on 14 Aug 2012 ......Now im really confused because I really like the car......Any advice please? Seller say car was excellent condition, nothing any wrong. buying guide please""
What is the insurance price for me to buy an 05 Toyota Solara?
I am a 16 year old from MN and I was wondering how much it the insurance would cost to buy an 05 Solara. I have been a B student most of my life. I know that 2 door cars cost more than 4 door. just spill out some price it would be per month. Thanks
Can someone give me advice on whether to get a 50 or 125cc scooter and how much insurance will cost for both?
I am a 15 year old boy who lives in Italy. Here at the age of 14 you can get a 50cc and at the age of 16 you can get a 125cc. My birthday is in 6 months ( January ), should I wait till then and get 125cc or should I just get a 50cc now ? Taking in to consideration that snow comes to Italy at about at January and that 50 cc is cheaper and safer than a 125cc. And how much would the insurance cost for the 50cc or the 125cc ? And I have a budget of around 1000 euro.""
How much is renter's insurance normally?
I already have insurance thriugh state farm and they do have renter's insurance but I'm asking people who actually do have it, how much should it be normally?""
Car insurance and full time employment?
After playing about on comparison websites I've noticed that with the same companies it's about 100 less if I am in full time employment compared to being a mature student with a part time job...why is this?
Young drivers car insurance uk?
I am 17 trying to find a car ive tryed suzuki alto1.0 and a clio 1.2 and both cost of 10,000-12,000 on go compare and compare market . I know insurance is high but come on it has locked garage immobilser fitted and I have no conviction any help just want a company with a lot lower price any ideas part from dont drive""
How to get cheap car insurance in my region?
i m little bit worried abt the insurance...
Help with car insurance?
It's my 17th birthday tomorrow, I am going to use the money I get for drivin lessons. But what I want to know is; Would I get insured on a range rover sport at my age and how much would it cost? This is the car I really want but I don't know if I'd get insured for it. I don't mind waiting, but if I can drive one now thatd be great! Thanks :)""
How much would Progressive's auto insurance cost for a 2 door honda civic for a 17 year old male?
Or a Honda accord v6 coupe? Standard Insurance prices.
Is it cheaper on insurance to have 2 people on the title?
I don't have a very good driving record, and when I had insurance under my name on my old car, I was paying almost as much as the monthly car payments. The bank I received the loan from told me that I had to have insurance under my name on the car. I'm looking to get a new car, and I know that the insurance alone would cost me a lot. If I put someone else's name (such as my father) on the title, along with mine, would I be able to get insurance under his name?""
Owingsville Kentucky Cheap car insurance quotes zip 40360
Owingsville Kentucky Cheap car insurance quotes zip 40360
Health Insurance Costs?
Our health insurance premium is nearing $14000./year. My husband is a retired school teacher, and paints houses to make this premium. Pretty soon the cost is going to exceed the amount he is able to collect in Social Security - How about getting these companies to lower these premium. Seems like those on welfare have better insurance than those on private pay""
Car insurance Age: 18?
How much is insurance on average for a 18 year old in the UK
How much would car insurance be for me?
roughly what would i have to pay for car insurance heres some info -im 18 -car is a honda civic 2010, new -got my license at 18 -live in massachusetts""
""I'm 18, want a Toyota Supra in a few years. Need help!?""
I'm 18 and love cars, especially Jap cars. Before anyone starts, I'm not one of those boy-racer types, I'm genuinely interested in that car. I know you can get a 2nd-hand Supra for less than 5000, but can anyone advise on insurance and how/where to buy a Supra, by age 23/24? I plan on respraying the Supra a bright orange, and getting a bodykit for it - making it look really nice.""
A question about health insurance...?
Newly married and never had to pay for health insurance on my own before. What is a good price, through work, for health insurance benefits?""
What is the average cost for an sr22 insurance?
what is the average cost for an sr22 insurance?
Is $300 a month for six months too much to pay for auto liability insurance for an 18 y/o with no experience?
I just got my license. A quote for a '88 Honda Accord from Geico came up to about $300 a month for 6 months. Is this normal? If no, where can I get cheaper insurance. I live in ...show more""
Is there a grace period for insurance in california on a new vehicle?
How long can you go without insurance after purchase of a new vehicle? I know it should be done immediately but I have other things going on right now and dont have time to get quotes currently. If there is no grace period I just wont drive until I get insurance.
Car insurance for 17 year old male?
I am learning how to drive, and am looking at what cars would best suit me in terms of cheapness and how cheap to insure. I have looked at a few online quotes for a few cars being, 2001 peugeot 206 1.1, ford fiesta 1.2 1997, cheapest was 4 grand from post office. I know i haven't pasted my test yet, but i want to have a rough idea how much it will cost me. These quotes are madness i cannot afford that, i will be paying for this car myself and insurance myself, i work part time and will have to save. Is there any special classes i can take that would lower my insurance? I have heard of special night classes or something along those lines. What cars would be best for me looking at? Also are older cars or cars with higher mileage cheaper to insure? Many thanks :)""
Is a subaru wrx a good car for an 18 year old?
I'm 18 and I'm thinking about buying a wrx. It has 150000 miles with maintenance history and was run on high octane gas... seems to be mechanically taken care of. It needs a new paint job but I don't mind the project. Is it hard to drive this car on 5spd for people who have minimum manual experience? (i can drive a manual but I haven't had much practice) I plan on taking care of it and running it easy. How much does insurance increase if there's a lein in the car? Is it difficult to transfer leins? Car has 6600 left on lein and its a 2003.
Do most health insurance companies go by date of conception for insurance coverage?
I read this somewhere when I was looking for independent health care insurance. I now have health insurance through my work, and coverage started on September 1st (I have United Healthcare through T-mobile, if that matters). I was trying to look up my coverage online, and it didn't say anything about not covering me depending on date of conception, but I did read somewhere before that a lot of health care insurances go by this (which I think would be really inaccurate and wrong, but that's just me....)""
Would you accept a job working as an Insurance Call Center Agent?
The job entails helping senior citizens all over the country obtain affordable insurance solutions that cover their final expenses and medical bills. The work hours are Monday  ...show more
Is there a type of car insurance where anyone who drives is covered?
hey is there a type of car insurance or a plan of car insurance where anyone who drives the car is covered and not just the person who is under the insurance Thanks P.S. I also need to know how much it would be
Which is the best medical insurance ?
Can any one suggest a good medical insurance company and plan
Car insurance pay out?
Sombody hit my car the insurance wants to pay the value of the car. I can not get another car with the small amout of the pay out
How much would my car insurance be in new york?
i'm 27, this is my first buying a car, thinking buying a honda accord ex 2003 2 doors. but i'm a little concern about the cost of my car insurance for this particular one? please serious answers""
Do you need insurance for a scooter under 50cc in Pennsylvania
How much does it cost to replace the windshield on a 2003 Chevy Tracker?
I think my windshield need to be replaced, a small crack is spreading, I think its 20 in now, is it repairable or do I have to replace it? how much does it cost to replace it. If I do it through my insurance, will this change my premium? Thank you (I'm broke, if any one know a cheap place in Austin,TX to replace it, I would really appreciate it)""
Is insurance expensive for two cars (one person)?
I have an automatic car right now and I really wanted a manual but not as an everyday driver.One to just work on and drive occasionally. Can i just switch my insurance from one car to the next, instead of paying for two at the same time?""
What are the pros and cons of national health insurance?
It's going to be a hot topic in the next Presidential election. What do you think?
Can car insurance limit your driving distance by gade?
My father wouldn't let me road trip to another state because my car insurance would only let me drive from here to school. Can car insurance limit the places you drive?
""What are some cheap first cars, and low insurance.?""
I have 3400, in my bank account and ive been searching for a used car. The most I'd like to spend is 3000, so i have some leftover to get me started on insurance and license plates..Any suggestions on a good first car to look for? Also whats a good Max Milage on a used car? Like 100k? or 150k? I have no clue.""
Huoniao 125-8 Insurance?
I'm buying this bike in a couple weeks time brand new. And I was just wondering what insurance is best/cheapest for a 17yr old rider. Thankyou! Also i've heard about this company called Rampdale, it's cheap, but apperently they completely **** most riders over?""
Where can i get cheap car insurance for a new driver?
Where can i get cheap car insurance for a new driver?
Why is auto insurance through Geico so cheap?
I've been shopping around for car insurance and I am surprised at the quoted price of Geico in comparison to most other companies. Geico is much cheaper than my current insurance company, and many other insurance companies. How can they offer such cheap rates, especially with all of the advertising they do? Are people having difficulty getting money out of Geico when they make claims? It just seems odd to me that they can offer such low rates.""
Owingsville Kentucky Cheap car insurance quotes zip 40360
Owingsville Kentucky Cheap car insurance quotes zip 40360
0 notes
Milwaukee Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 53214
"Milwaukee Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 53214
Milwaukee Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 53214
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much will it cost to register my car in NYC ( w/out Insurance)?
How much will it cost to register my car in NYC ( w/out Insurance)?
Can a lie about having historical plates for cheaper insurance?
When trying to get a quote from progressive online, it asks whether the motorcycle is registered as a historical vehicle. If I click yes the insurance is 50% cheaper than normal. Can I just click yes and buy then insurance, then register my bike? I don't have much money, and I only want to ride it for 2 months before I move.""
Automobile insurance cost increase?
My car is 10 years old with 100,000 miles it was paid off about 6 months ago. My insurance does nothing but keep going up what should I do?""
Can I find out how much a car is worth through an insurance agency?
I'm curious about this because I read it somewhere and I am wondering if anyone knows anything about it and if they do, what should I ask for when I call? Any suggestions as to who I should call?""
How much would insurance cost for my moped?
So I'm going to be 16 soon and I'm going to get a 50cc moped. Could someone tell me what the average cost of insurance would cost please? Thanks
Will a car pool lane ticket cause my insurance rates to go up?
I was recently pulled over in California by the California Highway Patrol (CHP) for driving solo (by myself) in the car pool lane. I didn't break the yellow lines I was just pulled over for being in there by myself. The officer told me it wouldn't be a point on my record and is not a moving violation. All I want to know is... Will this ticket cause my insurance rates to go up?
What would be more affordable?
a 2003-2004 mustang v6? or a 2006-2007 chevy cobalt? insurance wise. serious answers only please. thanks.
My life insurance policy and my insurer?
I have life insurance policy with a major US insurer. If this insurer files for bankruptcy and sells off its assets, what will happen to my life insurance?""
""When getting an auto insurance quote, can you lie?""
if you lie to get discounts, can they find out and do anything? i'm about to buy new insurance, and they ask if you had any violations in the past 6 months, and i do, but if i skip that part, can i get in trouble? also do they do a background check if you say your a good student when you don't go to school at all?""
I am looking for insurance on house?
i have drive insurance and i want to know if they have insurance on house also.
What is the best health insurance plan for my husband and I?
We're age 20 & 22. In school. Don't receive insurance through work. Live in Michigan. No health problems right now (that we know of) lol. We can afford about $50 to $100 per month. Looking for dental and a visit or two per year to a physician (checkups) for each of us and a deductible that can work around that and decent co pay.
Car insurance coverage help!?
Currently I have a financed car. And is still currently paying for it monthly. After doing some research and purchasing my car insurance coverage - State Farm. My dad insisted he will help me with all the process. However, after he and I got done with everything. My coverage are, A - Liability P20 - Personal Injury Protection U, W uninsured and underinsured And finally these two: D - 500 Deductible Comprehensive G - 500 Deductible Collision which I learn online it is OPTIONAL to have: ( SO WHY DO I NEED IT EXACTLY THEN? my dad try explaining it but it didn't get through my hot head. ) So can anyone please tell me is it a requirement for me to have those to coverage D & G, if not I would really like to get it off and save some money instead of throwing it out the window. Thanks.""
How much is insurance for a 16 year old boy?
my names Alex im 16 years old and i have my license and a job. i have to cars a 1978 Cadillac coupe Deville and runs perfect but really bad on gas and a 1980 camaro sports coupe sitting since 1994 but runs witch car would be cheaper on insurance
How do I find health insurance if I have been told we are uninsurable?
I am asking this question for my m-in-law. Retired early, had extensive back surgery, f-in-law has diabetes and possible heart issues. Going to be coming off of COBRA in California, and are looking for health insurance. Aren't there health insurances like Medicaid/Care that cover hard to insure people that are in > 50yr age group?? What if they change their residency from Calif. to Texas?? Does it matter??""
What does it take to commit a minor and how do you afford it if you don't have health insurance?
My uncle and aunt are struggling with my 16 year old cousin who suffers from anorexia and she will go up to 3 weeks without eating anything. I am not kidding she only drinks water and then she will slowly puree some fruit into her water again for about a week or two before she binges for a few days and then goes back to this cycle of starvation. She looks pale and has no energy. Her eyes are sunken in and she hides in her room unless shes on a binge and she cries and says shes ok when they tell her lets go see a doctor. My aunt and uncle are immigrants and they don't speak english that well. They don't have a lot of money or health insurance and I have no idea what to do but they are asking me to help! I've never dealt with this type of situation before and I'm just thinking they should call an ambulance and maybe they'll commit her to some state institution? I've been googling this and I come across all kinds of conflicting information. How can she get help in the state of California and is there any way if they are not insured to pay for her treatment? Is there any state aid related to extreme cases of anorexia?
""What would make the american health care system more affordable, more cost effective , more accessible?
and more equitable for all stake holders?
""How much is PPD rating schedule for %13 lumbar spine discs and knees, If my insurance company was putting me?
on Permanent Disability and my company Laid me out because of my limitation of to work? How much the insurance company has to pay me for my injury and disability?
Top 10 low insurance and tax cars in insurance group 1?
just wanted little info about top 10 cars that are: 1.0 - 1.2 litre engine Insurance group 1 Low road tax
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance?
Im a 16 year old male who lives in new orleans. I have a 3.8 GPA and no one in my immediate family has been in a wreck in the previous 5 years. Where can i get affordable insurance?
Car insurance question! help?
Ok so I'm 17 years old. I have had my license for 5 months. I have never gotten a ticket, been in an accident or pulled over. My parents are buying me a car.. and well I'm a teenage guy so I want a sports car. My parents said I can't have a car with a v8 engine or any kind of GT because it will raise the insurance cost. I found a nissan 300zx online for around 4,500. It isn't a gt, its automatic and its a v6. I told my dad about it and he said no. When I asked why he said because nissans are different and the insurance will be high if I buy that car, but he says its fine if I get a different car make that has a v6. Is what he said true? Will the insurance go higher because its a nissan sports car? (We have gieco)""
Is there affordable health insurance available for fertility: tubal reversal?
Me and my fiancee' are wanting to have another baby. The only problem is that my tubes are tied. I wanna know is there afforable health insurance that covers fertility? Is there ...show more
How much would car insurance cost for me?
I'm a 17 year old student that has been driving for a couple years and have never had any accidents/tickets... How much would insurance for a $2500 VW baja bug cost? Please tell me in a total amount for a year.... Thanks
HELP : ( I need dental coverage but I am a temp.Can anyone recommend insurance?!?
I'm having a really hard time finding an insurance company that are available to temps. Unfortunately I make too much to be eligible for medicaid, which is ironic because I don't make a lot of money! lol So any suggestions!? I really need to go to the dentist asap, I'm in a lot of pain :'(""
""17 yr old new driver, buying car, wants mum and dad to be named drivers on insurance to get price down?""
just passed, saved up hard for car, checked car via a good garage, now wants to sort out car insurance. Have been told if mum and dad are named drivers on the car it will cut the cost of new drivers insurance, from around 2,000. to 700. But as a mum i want to know will it effect our own insurance? and effect our no-claims we have built up and our renewal costs? with or without a claim. or just which is the best way for the new driver to get insured, the new driver had no claims on a moped insurance. And is not a boy racer!""
""NYC Car insurance for 18 year old dude, please help.?""
Ok so heres the deal, I am 18, a guy, living in nyc and looking to buy my first car. Now my parents dont drive so Im on my own for insurance. Now Ive been shopping around to every large company and even small, and the lowest I could get a monthly payment down to was around $371 a month. That is the state minimum coverage with no collision coverage. Its gonna be used whatever I get so I dont need the collision. Now the help I need is if anyone knows any possible way to get anything cheaper, I can deal with something like $200-$250 a month. If anyone has a success story or knows any agents or brokers personally and could help, Id love to know. Now dont tell me I should go on a family member or something, thats not an option. Ive done all the research and been doing quotes 24/7. Now Im a student just trying to get to school and work safely and efficiently. I have a clean license nothing on it. Please and thank you for any help.""
Milwaukee Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 53214
Milwaukee Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 53214
What are the best and affordable medical insurance companies in Pennsylvania?
Also available in some other states around.
Car insurance confusion?
I have full comp. insurance for my car and I can drive any other vehicle as 3rd party (As per policy). I also own another car which is not insured to anyone...Can I drive my this car (un insured) under my existing policy as 3rd party ?
Which is the best policies for Life Insurance and Health Insurance ?
Iam 27 years old and married.I have my father,mother and wife as my dependents and our kids in future.i want to get life insurance for me and Health Insurance for my whole family as they are fully depending upon me. - I already have Jeevan Anand from LIC Sum Assured : 5,00,000.00 Policy Term  74 (Premium payment term  17) - i am ready to spent another 20-25 thousand as annual premium for Health and any other good policies.It will be better if its consider as a good investment also. So please suggest me good policy from LIC and a Health Insurance policy available now. Your advises will be highly appreciated. Thanks.""
Can a Judge Verify that You Have Auto Insurance While in Court?
If you show your proof of insurance to the judge how will he know there wasn't a lapse or if you have stopped paying? State of California.
Cost of 49cc moped insurance?
I'm 15 and looking into getting a moped. I know you have to register the moped and take a premit test to legally drive it but do you need insurance for a moped in iowa? Ive got a 4.0 and i also heard that if you get good grades it would be even lower insurance costs. How much would it cost for insurance if the moped is a 2010 and has less than 1000 miles on it?
How much do you pay a month in auto insurance?
ok i am 23 years old..i live in the city. i was interested in getting a dodge charger r/t.. hemi included..anyhow, i called to get an insurance quote and they told me that i'd have to put 1000 down and pay 800 a month in auto insurance alone. i think that is so crazy. but if i move 20 minutes away i'd pay 550. i am so frustrated because i know that my age is working against me. my brother is financing a 2000 bonneville ssei and he is only paying 340 a month and he is 21. do you think the year and model of the car is what made the quote so high? what kinda car do you have and what is your monthly ins cost?""
Can a teen get his own car insurance in texas ?
can a 16 year olds get his own car insurance policy rather than just adding to the adult parents policy? also at what age can I am on my own car rather than just having it in the parents name? I live in texas .
How much will insurance cost on a 1973 Dodge Challenger?
I am looking to buy one and its going to be under my parents name so I was just wondering if anyone can give me an estimate. Thanks!
What's the cheapest insurance company for a 21-year old with a 2000 ford mustang?
My driving record new and unblemished.
Whats a good health insurance company?
One that is affordable, has good coverage, good selection of choices? Fair, good quality, what do you recommend ?""
How much is car insurance in NYC monthly ?
I'm 21 and i'll be getting a car in 3 months, I would like to know\ how much is car insurance in nyc monthly""
Can I buy a new car in my name and put the insurance in someone elses name?
I live with my fiance (both males) and I am buying a smartcar. We are planning to finance it and put the insurance in his name since I am 23 and he is 25 it will be cheaper for him. Will we be fine to do this? We live in South Carolina.
Will insurance pay if someone crashes into a salvaged car?
I was wondering what happens if someone crashes into a car with a salvage title. Will the other person's insurance pay the normal amount for it, or do they only offer a reduced amount because it is salvaged? This is obviously assuming the other driver is at fault.""
Question about Plan First health insurance in Michigan. Backpay?
I just had a papsmear done about two weeks ago, and I didn't get approved for my Plan First insurance until afterwards. Does anyone know if they provide a backpay program, like they'll cover any procedure done in the last 30-60 days? Also have lab tests from that papsmear that I just got the bill for and have not paid yet. Is that covered? Thanks!""
What's a good insurance company to sign with?
I'm 20 years and pay $800.00 every six months for my insurance. I want to find a better and much cheaper insurance company. Please help me out.
Does engine size make your car insurance go up?
I have a 1.4L engine at the moment and thinking of getting a car that has a 1.6 engine. There are not a lot of differences between the two cars, apart from the engine size. (they are both very small cars, made in the same year etc) Will this make my insurance go up?""
Motorcycle insurance for a 17 year old?
im interested in getting a bike (CF Moto V5), and i was wonder what would be a close estimate to the yearly cost? thank you.""
I am Looking for a Best site for Comparing HEALTH INSURANCE Quotes Online?
Are there reasonable car insurance quotes comparison sites online that someone can link me?
How does a foreigner to the uk get car insurance?
My husband is NOT a uk resident but i am. He is living here in the uk and currently applying to be a uk resident. We are struggling to find car insurance for my husband as main companies like churchills say he has to be a U.K resident. It could take us quite a few years before he becomes a uk resident. Surely business people or visitors to the uk get car insurance or do they all only use car hire? Any advice greatly appreciated.
Car insurance help!!!?
Hi me and my boyfriend are both new drivers. We bought a car together a few months ago a renault clio. We insured the car as me as the main driver. Fully comp. Our insurance costs 1885 annual. We have now decided to get another car... another Renault clio exactly the same. Are we insured to drive the second car? Do we have to add it on? Get another policy? Can we cancel? So confused please help xx
My son wants to buy a car. Can he use my car insurance?
My son wants to buy a car but he is only listed as a household driver on my insurance policy. He is 23 years old. He lives with me in Pennsylvania. Must he have his own insurance to purchase a car?
Which insurance company has the quickest claim?
Okay so I want to know which insurance company would give me the quickest claim without any problems between: state farm, farmers, hardford, and all state?""
Teenage car insurance?
Well im 15, gonna be 16 in 2 weeks and Im about to get a car. How much will the insurance be? I live in Arizona, have straight A's and am a girl and the insurance im gonna have has benefits if you have good grades and its cheaper if you're a girl too. So I would like an idea of how much it would cost monthly? The car would be a 1990 toyota camry 4-cylinder""
I'm under 18 do i need insurance after i get my license?
I live in FL But i don't have a car. am i insured under my parents or do they need to pay for me when i get it.
Best overall car insurance company?
In your opinion (or based on any experiences) what is the best kind of car insurance?
Milwaukee Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 53214
Milwaukee Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 53214
What is the Difference between a PRIMARY and SECONDARY type of driver on Insurance?
Was looking at Auto Insurance and was wondering what the difference is between being a Primary driver of a vehicle and a Secondary. Is it cheaper on insurance to be a primary if one driver has more years experience than another or does it matter at all? I gather being an occasional driver would make a difference on insurance though.
""Camaro insurance, gas and racing information?""
Does anyone know how much insurance will be for a soon to be 16 year old '89-'93 Camaro driver? I've heard that Camaros are gas guzzlers and my boyfriend lives a half hour away and that could get quite costly. So, this may be a retarded question, but is there anyway I could get better gas mileage? Any other helpful information on Camaros would be great. Also, I intend to start racing with my boyfriend, would a '89-'93 Camaro be a good racing car? What should I do to make an average Camaro into a good, fast car? Thanks in advance everyone! :]""
I am an 18 year old girl who has a mitsubishi eclipse gs no driving record what will my insurance cost?
i am a straight A student took drivers ed in high school
How much did your insurance go up?
I am unemployed. My wife has me, our son, and herself on her job group rate medical insurance. Up to October this year, for the last 10 years, she pays $79.00 per month for medical ...show more""
""I'm 16 , how much with motor cycle insurance be?""
As it says above, I'm curious on how much it will be? cheaper than car insurance , or more? im from phoenix arizona. good grades , clean record . so if anyone knows how to help?""
Car insurance expired?
my insurance expired today, do i have to declare my car is off road while im trying to sell it. is there a time limit""
Still waiting to hear from car insurance if car is a write off?
its been a week since this guy hit me from behind. he was 100% at fault. how long do i have to wait to find out if my car was a write off? the car is fixable and i need to know how much to fix? want my car back!!!!!
How do I register a restored classic car without a VIN?
What my question more specifically is, is- If I restore a 69 Camaro from the ground up, and the vehicle does not have a VIN number and no original parts, how do I register it? How does the DMV determine the year of the car is 1969?""
What car company is the cheapist to insure in Canada Ontario?
i'm purchasing a car in the next few months and i've been looking for cars that im intersted in buying. i've narrowed it down to a: mazda toyota volkswagon jetta 0r honda. which brand is the cheaper one to insure? and what car in particular might you suggest?
What is the most affordable life insurance and health insurance?
Where can I find Affordable Health and life insurance for me and my wife. What is the best web site with online quotes?
How can i claim for a new alternator under insurance- it cost me 400?
I am selling my car, and I would like to get some cash from my insurance policy. I just had a new alternator fitted 2 weeks ago- any ideas??""
Can the auto insurance kick you out?
1st time geting a license at the age of 63 then having 1st month of insurance then 3 weeks later geting an accident which involving crashing into an property which i assume the damage cost from the insruance eyes would be $25-30,000 where our eyes would be at maybe $10,000 plus they were 4 in the car all injured can the auto insurance kick a insurer out for this very 1st major incident? this shouldnt be suprising to any insurance company when it comes to New Drivers reguardless of age...bottom line can they kick them out and other insurance corps deny to sell insurance?""
Car Insurance for a 19 yr old male?
I'm going to be buying an black 03 Cadillac CTS and I was wondering about how much my insurance would be. I've been driving since I was 16 with no tickets or wrecks. Can anyone give me at least an estimate on what it might cost? I will be using it mostly to drive back and fourth to work.
How much does car insurance cost for a 17 year old?
I'm currently 17 with and just got my license a couple of weeks ago, i was wondering how much does the insurance cost annually for a 17 year old like me? Thanks for your help!""
Does anyone have the Mid-West Live insurance company of Tennessee?
An insurance agent sold this to my parents and I wish they put everything into layman's term. They bought this through a group called the Alliance for Affordable Services. They have a $5000 deductible but the policy reads like this: Hospital room/board has CoInsurance of 100% with Maximum up to $1000 per day. What is Coinsurance? Do they still have to pay something after their $5000 deductible? Thanks in advance.
Should i be mad at my husband or his mother?
my husband gave his entire paycheck to his mother to pay her bills, She had a bunch of vet bills, her other sons (hes 30ish and has a job w/ insurance) medical bills, and a 1000.00 dollar tattoo, but couldnt pay her bills. our house payment was due and now i cant pay it cause he gave her all this money? also he chewed me out cause i started crying when he told me he did this. Help plese what should i do. p.s we have 3 small children that this could have helped out for food and stuff liek that.""
Can I buy motorcycle inssurance and not have parents know about it?
I'm 22 I live in my own apartment but my parents pay car insurance can I get a seperate insurance for a motorcycle and not have my parents know about it, also my friend who rides said bike insurance can be very cheap I just want minimum coverage how much would it be, thx!""
Around how much would insurance be in georgia for a 16 year old with a 2008 yamaha r1?
Around how much would insurance be in georgia for a 16 year old with a 2008 yamaha r1?
Driver's Test Insurance?
Im going to take the driver's test next month but have no insurance. The car is under my dad's name and is insured under his name. Can I use his car and insurance for the test or do I have to get my own insurance for it?
How to get Health Insurance when you are 17?
My parents are divorced and my sister and I have been living with our mom. However, we received health insurance through our father's place of work. Now he is applying for disability and has quit his job, so currently my sister and I have no health insurance. Because of this, my mom forbids me to take my car or motorcycle out because if my sister or I get hurt, there is no way for us to pay for it (we are suffering financially because my mom's hours at work got cut, and she is still recovering from breast cancer). Anyway, is there any way for me to obtain health insurance (or at least help my mom to) that would be affordable? We live in New York State""
Is it true that you have a red car you pay less insurance?
one of my friends told me that if you have a red car you pay less insurance ... i wanted to know if this is true and if so what is the reason for it .. thanks for the info and God Bless
How much would it cost to insure a new Mazda3?
I want to buy a new ('08 or '09) Mazda 3. It would go on my parents insurance, and they both have a clean record. How much would it cost to insure? I live in Nassau County, NY (Long Island).""
I can't afford my car insurance...?
I need transportation so I can work. But why should I have to choose between car insurance or food and medicine? Shouldn't the Government come up with a single payer plan for automotive insurance too! Its not fair that I have to pay for this out of my own pocket.
What is the best way to get into insurance sales?
I'm quite interested in the insurance business, and i've heard various methods, one is to get hired into a captive insurance company as customer service and then express an interest in the business, then you have to study for and pass a state exam, and get licensed. but i'm curious what is the possibilities i'd find a company to hire me right away as a salesperson, my background is wireless sales. The thing i'd like to know is, what can I expect my first year in the business, is it entirely full commission or is there a mix of salary and commission? and lastly, what are the odds of a new agent making it for say three to five years? I'm looking for a career for the next 25+ years.""
Am I paying too much for car insurance?
IM 19 years old, I pay $100 per month with geico, I have not had any speeding tickets, I have not been in any accidents, I had my license for about a 3 - 6 months now, I own a 1997 ford Taurus. Am I paying too much for car insurance?""
Milwaukee Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 53214
Milwaukee Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 53214
Does anyone know of a good /cheap health insurance?
I need to get health ins. for a nursing program I'm going into, do you know of a cheap one? I have no pre-existing ailments, an 46yrs. old and in good health. I live in San Antonio, Tx. thx.""
Car insurance?
How much is insurance going to go up if you had 2 accidents under the time of 3 months. First accident wasn't our fault but second was.
How much does insurance cost for a bently?
I was wondering how much it would cost for a 16 year old. I'm not getting one cuz I'm not rich but I'm just curious
""Will the Supreme Court ruling on Affordable Care Act affect those under 26, and on their parents insurance?""
I am a 20 year old man, and I suffer from a couple health problems that I must have treatment for. I have a job, but I do not make enough money to afford my own health insurance, so I am on my father's. I am able to do this now because the new law allows me to remain on my father's insurance until my 26th birthday. If the supreme court rules that the mandate in question is unconstitutional will it effect that specific part of the law? Am I in danger of losing my health coverage?""
Do you have health insurance?
if so, how much is it per month? how old are you? what kind of dedutactable do you have? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance and do you support obamacare?""
Can I get off of my parents auto insurance?
So when I got my license when I was 19 about two years ago I was automatically put on my moms nationwide insurance which was fine because I drove one of her cars but now she only has one vehicle and although I do still live at home I'm a full time student at a community college so she usually drives me around so she can keep the car so in order to save money would I be able to drop myself from her car insurance policy since I don't really drive anyway?
What type of Life Insurance Should I get?
I am 33 and I'm pretty sure that I want to get term life insurance. I have a wife and 2 kids. It's affordable. I'm in good health. My question is should I get a 15 yr plan or 20 yr plan? Money is a little tight so I'm thinking the 500K or 750K plan.
I suffer chronic pain and have trouble working. I'm 37. I have no health insurance. I need advice please.?
I'm 37, and I have degenerative joint disease of both hips (related to a childhood hip disorder). My hips ache, but I also suffer chronic back pain/strain from the effects of a car accident in '04. I have no health insurance, and I don't earn much money. I am forced to live with parents. Needless to say, my life is not very bright. I also suffer severe depression brought upon by my life situation. I returned to college last year, and I am working towards finishing my degree (English/ethnic studies). I need help, both medical/financial help, but I'm not sure where to turn. The job I have is an independent contractor job (I'm not a salaried employee); therefore, I have no benefits. I just drive around to local police stations, pick-up arrest records, transcribe them, and send them in to company. Very basic! My life feels like a living hell; the only thing that makes me feel better is that I am an active student (CSULB) who is about one year away from my degree (better late than never). But I have extreme difficulty functioning day-to-day because of my chronic pain issues and depression. Living with my parents at my age makes my depression worse. I would appreciate any advice. The last full-time job I had was when I worked for the city of Los Angeles (up to 2007), but I had to give that up because of my hip/pain problems. It was a civil service job, so we didn't pay into social security. I'm not sure what I qualify for, and trying to search around on the internet is exhausting. I'm basically in this position: little money - chronic/daily pain - ho health insurance - difficulty working a regular job Thank you to anyone who might offer some guidance or recommendations. I live in Southern California.""
Where can I find the cheapest car insurance?
I'm living in Arkansas (working in Texas and in Arkansas). I'm an 18 year old male. I need to obtain FULL coverage on a 2000 Mazda Protege. The cheapest quote I had found (through Geico I believe) is $585/month for full coverage.. that's over $7000 a year... I have two tickets on my record. That quote was done without listing any tickets at all. I work 65 hours a week, so the only place I really drive is to my jobs and back. Unfortunately, I need a car in a hurry.. which means I'm going to finance one, which means full coverage is required. Any recommendations on places to get quotes from aside from geico and progressive?""
Insurance troubles while pregnant?
Did you have any drama with insurance coverage or any insurance problems when you were pregnant? If so, what happened?""
Rental Car Insurance-I don't have a auto insurance.What are the coverage i have to buy from rental company?
Hi,I'm new to US.I stay in california.I want to rent a car and confused with the insurance options.could anyone help me,what are all the coverages(LDW,SLP etc) that i need to rent a car?.I don't have a personal auto insurance.""
Insurance costs for a Yamaha Majesty?
or Yamaha Morphous? I want to purchase one of these two scooters, although I'm leaning more towards the Majesty. For a good driver with a good record, How much is the insurance on these?""
""I need Health Insurance, had Gastric Bypass, On unemployment.... Help?""
I had Gastric Bypass in May of this year. I am on unemployment and wanted to pay out of pocket for insurance because I have had complications. I applied but was denied because of the surgery in the past. I have searched for a job and nothing. Ive been with my Boyfriend for the past 4 months, but his insurance says something about domestic partnership but only after 12 months of living together. How can I get around this, I need health insurance. Anyone else have the same issues? Let me know I am confused here.""
Which insurance companies will have to pay to fix my car? Mine or the other guy?
I had a car accident two days ago. I was hit by other one but police said that's a miner damage. And it seems to be my fault. No police report make. Today, I went to a body shop to estimate the repair. It's about around $2200-3000. It's a lot. kinda scared me actually. No idea should i call my insurance company to tell them or? That's my first time to have a car accident. My insurance has $200 deductible. Can anyone tell me what does that mean?""
Vw Lupo S insurance group 1.4L?
What insurance group would a 1.4L Lupo be in. Also roughly what price would it be in that group. Im 17 and after a quote with no modifications.
Phoenix Auto Insurance?
Where can I get auto insurance in Phoenix? What do you recommend? I bought a car recently and I'd like to find a cheap way to insure it.
Cheapest auto insurance company?
Currently have Geico. paying close to 2k / year for auto insurance (full cover). Can anyone recommend a cheaper insurance company? I have 13 years of driving experience with clean record (not a single traffic violation or speeding ticket)
Motorcycle insurance for a 17 year old?
i Live in Texas and I'm gonna get a yamaha and it's a cruiser and has a 942cc engine, would my insurance be crazy exspensive or reasonable?""
How much is auto insurance for a minor?
I'm about to get my license, how much is it to add me (16) to my parents car insurance? Don't give me anything like, It's different for everyone. I know. Just tell me what you are paying, or what you used to pay.""
Do you have health insurance?
If you dont then why ?
Someone hit me and they cancelled their car insurance?
I was hit by a moving truck (chevy), while I was in a parking lot. My car was not moving at the time the truck hit me. He gave me his car insurance info and phone number. I tried calling his number and I reached a dead end. I started a claim through Farmers insurance and I got a call today saying the claim was cancelled, because the gentleman in question cancelled his insurance the day the accident took place. What do I do now?""
How much might my car insurance be?
I want to know how much would my car insurance be if im sixteen and im driving a 94 dodge stealth. I am also a guy. I know sports cars cost more to insure so could you please include the price of insurance for a normal car as well??? Located in Tampa, Florida Thanks for any help you can offer, -Kyle""
How do you find affordable medical insurance to cover family after the breadwinner becomes disabled?
How do you find affordable medical insurance to cover family after the breadwinner becomes disabled?
How to make health insurance more affordable/cheaper?
can someone give me some sites to provide me with information? i have to do a problem-solution speech on economic change. sites with statistics are definitely desired.
What is the best insurance for a new driver in nyc?
I've been driving for 2 yrs now but got my license about 2 months ago. Im 21 and limited on cash. I need a cheap auto insurance because driving right now is essential with the MTA fare hike.
Milwaukee Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 53214
Milwaukee Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 53214
0 notes
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"go compare holiday insurance quotes
go compare holiday insurance quotes
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What is a good (cheap) insurance in Canada?
I'm a new driver, I would like to have an insurance for myself, in case IF anything happened. What are some companies with good deals? They are mostly expensive, but I have heard there are some cheaper ones available. Thank you for you help!""
Is the affordable health act actually making healthcare affordable for everyone?
Is the affordable health act actually making healthcare affordable for everyone?
Maintaining car insurance for DMV (lawyers chime in)?
I have a bit of a tricky situation that I can't get a clear answer online. My question is I have misdemeanor on my driving record that is not yet 3 years old. I have moved out of the US for awhile but will be back and some point in the future. I have no use for my current car insurance and as I will be relying on public transportation for everything. For California DMV purposes, do I need to keep my insurance policy up or is it ok that I cancel my policy since I will be off US roads (all roads in general)? I have read a stipulation that requires 3 years uninterrupted SR-22 coverage or something of the like. I would like to get rid of this monthly charge that I'm getting nothing out of but my worry is that negatively impact my driving record at the DMV for not fulfilling insurance obligations. Thank you.""
Will my insurance company keep me with them once i buy a new car?
I am an 18 y/o female I was recently involved in a serious car accident 3 days ago. so here is what happened, I was traveling southbound and there was an 18 wheeler traveling northbound. I was moving over into my left lane because I was soon about to turn onto the highway.the light was green and I must admit I did see the truck but it was further back so I decided to try and make the left the light was turning yellow and I wanted to beat the light but my main focus shifted to my left rearview mirror because I wanted to make sure there weren't any cars in my blind spot..next thing you know I looked up and the truck was swerving out of control obviously he was trying to beat the yellow light as well and since he is driving a truck it is way much harder to complete an abrupt stop without gliding practically 100 yards..he smashed right into me and dragged my car along with his truck until I was facing northbound with him..my car is completely ruined and totaled..I know for a fact that if I would've had a passenger with me they would've died on impact, I am so blessed because i wasn't injured that bad beside a little torn tissue in my knee,the pain from my seatbelt, minor scratches,bruised lips, and the small cuts from small glass and powder from the air bag, I did however immediately jumped out of the car cause I didn't want to get blown up or anything...anyways the police came..come to find out the truck driver didn't have proof of insurance with him..and we both got a ticket..mines was failure to yield and his was failure to slow down at yellow light so we both were at fault that was my first car and I only had it for a month and I have full coverage..now the big question is once I buy another car will my insurance company let me stay with them?..because I really like them and they are loyal to their words and customers..I also realize that I caused them to lose alot of money compared to how much I paid...""
What's the cheapest insurance company for a 21-year old with a 2000 ford mustang?
My driving record new and unblemished.
What is the cheapest auto insurance in texas ?
What is the cheapest auto insurance in texas ?
""For me, the auto insurance company USAgencies is cheaper than Progressive, Geico, All State, State Farm, ...?""
....Direct, The General, and Safe Auto. Does anyone have an auto insurance company not mentioned above that is cheaper than USAgencies? Do not send my links of places that quote different companies. I want to know from your personal experience.""
Best place for cheap car insurance?
I can only think of MoneySupermarket.co.uk, which other companies do searches for the cheapest car?! Best quote ive had is 506 for a 1st car, 3years with licence, 22year old female, Ford Fiesta 2001, Fully Comphensive.... ... Wondering if I can find something better?! Or is that the best around? Cheers x""
Canceling car insurance?
I paid my car insurance for a year but I have started a new job that I get a company car. If I cancel my car insurance will I get some money back?
Health insurance/medi-cal options for independent full time university students?
Are there insurance options for independent university students? Prior to my 18th birthday I was part of a Kin-Gap program. I remember I received a letter saying I should go on ca.gov to see what benefits I can receive but I'm having a hard time navigating through it.
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance in the uk from im 17 thanks?
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance in the uk from im 17 thanks?
Cheap Health Insurance...?
I need cheap health insurance just for seeing my gyn and the eye doctor twice a year or so. I had medicaid as a child *until this past bday in december (i got an extension)* i don't make much since i work fast food right now..and i'm in school...
""Im 21years old,male with a mazda miata 2001. My auto insurance to too high. where can I get cheaper insurance?""
Im 21years old,male with a mazda miata 2001. My auto insurance to too high. where can I get cheaper insurance?""
Why is barebones insurance for me going to be...?
...$150 a month for a 1985 gmc s15 4x4, valued at approx. $200 with the very basic coverage, liability only type thing. i have a 2002 chevy s10 2wd and its only $350 a month with total coverage. what the heck?! im 18, have a couple traffic violations but nothing serious (22km/h over the limit and an amended stunting ticket), i live on my own, have a steady job, and am looking for something that i can get stuck in the mud and dont give a crap about. any one know where i can go to get really cheap insurance for this? i live in alberta so it limits my choices a little from the world wide options. thanks everybody""
Help PLEASE!! Auto Insurance Question?
I have a question concerning auto insurance. I recently totaled my vehicle at no fault of my own. Long story short the insurance company is offering me a few thousand more than Kelly Blue Book states the vehicle is actually worth. But what theyre offering is substantially lower than that which is outlined on the Declarations for Policy paper under value. Thing is, Ive verbally accepted the amount over the phone. Now theyre sending papers to sign over the vehicle. When I phoned the agency, I was informed by the assigned adjuster that he cannot offer more. I dont really believe him, afterall insurance companies are known for trying to take advantage of people. Heres the dilema, if theyre offering more than KKB and under the value on the policy. I assume theyre just trying to avoid paying what the real value is. Any help with this will be greatly appreciated. I have little knowledge in this, I just turned 22 years old and this was my first car.""
How to get Health Insurance when you are 17?
My parents are divorced and my sister and I have been living with our mom. However, we received health insurance through our father's place of work. Now he is applying for disability and has quit his job, so currently my sister and I have no health insurance. Because of this, my mom forbids me to take my car or motorcycle out because if my sister or I get hurt, there is no way for us to pay for it (we are suffering financially because my mom's hours at work got cut, and she is still recovering from breast cancer). Anyway, is there any way for me to obtain health insurance (or at least help my mom to) that would be affordable? We live in New York State""
""If i'm under my dad's car insurance plan, does he need to be there when i buy a car?""
Do i have to give the car dealer any of his info? What do i need to show them to prove i have insurance? I live in california, so insurance in required to drive.""
Do i need business car insurance???????
i have private car insurance but was wondering if i need business insurance because i drive clients to and from places,really need to know if im covered or not asap! thx vic""
How does car insurance work in Illinois?
This is something I have been confused about for the longest time. Instead of referencing me to a site, please explain it in your own words. Is it the same as in other states, and does it differ by company? In North Dakota, as long as the car is insured, virtually anybody can drive it. There is no such thing as individual insurance per family member or crap like that. I live in Chicago, and my family has Geico. My parents said they won't let me drive the cars because I need my own insurance card, which would cost $130/month, which we can't afford. I've had my license for almost 4 years now. Recently I have noticed a lot of my friends driving, who said they drive under their parents insurance. One friend has Safeway and says she has always driven under her dad's insurance, and when she gets pulled over the cops say nothing against it. Another friend has Allstate and says she has her own insurance, but on an older car, so when she drives her parent's cars, she carries her dad's insurance. And that that's perfectly fine and legal. So I am completely lost. Does it differ by company? I thought policies were state-wide. Is what they're doing actually illegal? Do I need my own insurance card? How does this work?! I need to drive!""
Cars that come with cheap car insurance. Thank you?
Cars that come with cheap car insurance. Thank you?
Car insurance/Finance?
I'm wanting to get a cheaper car on finance. I was looking at a few second hand Toyota Aygo's for around 4,000-5,000. But somebody said you need fully comprehensive insurance to be able to get a car on finance, i had forgotten about insurance. But i'm a young driver, so comprehensive is very expensive now, and barely affordable when you add the amount payable for the car each month too. Is it possible to take out a loan, buy the car out right, then pay the loan back monthly.? That way would i be able to have any level of insurance cover on the car?, as Third party fire and theft is much cheaper than comprehensive on a Toyota Aygo. Thanks a lot. :-)""
I need an sr50 and need cheapest insurance in Indpls?
I need an sr50 and need cheapest insurance in Indpls?
""Car insurance, 16 year old, oh no.?""
I'm 16, I have a 92 Nissan 300zx Twin Turbo, what can i expect to pay for insurance on state minimum?""
What is the definite BEST car insurance company?
My boyfriend and I are both 20 years old and we own a 2001 honda civic dx hatchback. Right now were on a plan with my brother so it's cheaper on us(Farmers insurance) but we are going to be moving out and getting our place and start paying for our own stuff. I'm confused as to which car insurance company is really the best because they all they they're the best. So really... tell me which car insurance company is the best and why. Allstate, The general, 21st century, geico, progressive, farmers, esurance or nationwide? Also note we live in california.""
Mustang GT Insurance?
I am now 15 and 9 months and when i turn 16 and 9 months around May next year i would like to get a new 2015 Mustang GT for 32k. There is a problem. My mom is worried about how much she will have to pay for insurance so i would like to get an estimate from you guys before asking her to call the insurance company. By the way we are from Poland( I am first generation born in New York Brooklyn now in Maryland). I was thinking maybe she could just tell the insurance company she is buying a second car for herself to maybe keep the insurance company from knowing its for a 16 year old they wont be able to trust.(Even though i have been driving my Mom's Camry for a few years now and am beyond responsible enough.) I was hoping below a 100$/month? (P.S. She is very responsible and had never been in an accident caused by her fault so her insurance company trusts her and i believe she is with Erie Insurance now after she switched from Geico who were overcharging her for the house coverage i believe...)
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go compare holiday insurance quotes
What is the cheapest auto insurance if you have points on your record?
I got myself a DUI 6-7 years ago. I was told by many that prices of insurance would go down after 5 but apparently it's after 10 years. I am on a very low budget but drive for work and drive to where there is no bus or train to take care of my parents. please if any one knows any good but cheap insurance for an older 4wd car. thanks.
I scraped the bumper of a parked car. Is it cheaper to pay it off or send it to my insurance?
I have a clean driving record, but i accidentally scraped a car parked next to me. There was a dinnerplate sized scrape, and the guy sent me a estimate for $400. Will it be cheaper for me to send it to my insurance, or pay it out of pocket?""
How much higher is car insurance in harris county texas vs fortbend county?
How much higher is car insurance in harris county texas vs fortbend county?
Car insurance won't cover accident?
Ok, so I live here in phoenix arizona. I haven't had insurance on my car for a while up until Friday November 2, 2012 when I got paid from work. (Don't harass me for this it was a stupid decision. I live five minutes away from my work and that is all I do is work and home). Now, was heading into work and I thought I was parked. I was on private property, I was at Arrowhead Mall here in az. There are no camera's. etc. I thought I put my car in park when I had it in reverse and I started fiddling around for my purse in the passenger seat. I lifted my foot off the break and the car started rolling backwards and before I knew it I hit the other car that was parked. There was no one in the car and we swapped insurance information but because I had just gotten insurance that day it didn't process til November 3rd. So my insurance wouldn't cover the claim. Now I'm screwed and the guy is telling me that he is out of state and would like to get this fixed before he leaves. He was told that the claim has to be settled between us now. I want to make this right. It was my fault. But there was no police report. So, the guy is looking around for estimates on fixing his bumper. If I can't pay in the time frame he needs me too pay, what can I do? I don't think i can even get a loan because I don't know about my credit history and I'm not having family or friends help in this. I just don't know what actions I can even though I want to help him and make my mistake right.""
What are the best car insurance company's?
In California it is Wawanesa low insurance rates for good drives only
Who is responsible for homeowners insurance?
In a rent to own lease agreement for the one-two year lease period who will have the homeowners insurance?the renter or seller?
I need health insurance for my daughter?
I am a 70 % disabled military veteran looking for affordable health insurance for my daughter. Any suggestions?
Can anybody tell me what impairment rating have to do with an auto settlement?
my lawyer tells me she cant make a demand to the insurance company till i get an impairment rating from my doctor. what does that mean and what is a good rating?
Where do you get the material to study for state insurance test?
Where do you get the material to study for state insurance test?
What is better - socialized medicine or affordable health insurance?
What is better - socialized medicine or affordable health insurance?
""Please tell me the difference between insure , assure , and ensure . Thank you""
Please tell me the difference between insure , assure , and ensure . Thank you""
Do I need car insurance here in Florida?
If i have my own car...paid off..it's mine....do I need insurance on it here in Florida? How does that work?
Do you have to buy full coverage insurance?
If you are finance a car from a dealer? This would be in california
Insurance for my full bike test?
I want to do my full bike test but i dont need the trainng as its expensive and i think im up to test standard. I have my own bike but how do i get insured? the insurance company say they cant insure me due to me not having a full license but other people say they have done it on there bike please help!
Car insurance after accident?
I am 18 and have been driving for 1 year, I used to drive as an additional driver on my Dads Renault Megane, I crashed it from spinning off and hitting a wall, luckily no one was hurt, I just had a few cuts from shattered glass. The police have arranged for me to have an interview next week to discuss the consequences, at the moment I have no convictions or anything on my licence, my Dad just bought me my own car and has said he'll pay for the insurance in full, it's quoted at 880 for a year if he pays in full, he was planning on paying in full in 2 days, I'm not trying to cheat the system, but if my dad pays in full and then I get a conviction after the transaction has been made, can the insurance company up my insurance considering I had no convictions at the time? I'm not trying to beat the system and cheat my way, I'm just curious as to what will happen. Thanks for taking the time to read!""
Which of the following medical expenses are deductible for AGI?
What company offer auto insurance for illegal ?
Do you know what company offer auto insurance for illegal ? I email for some company but they answer me that I need a valid license.
Car insurance needed to fix car?
I got a scratch on my car and I think I just need a paint job and for them to sand it. Do I need to inform my car insurance or anything to get it fixed and will they inform my car insurance if i went to get it fixed? The problem is my car is under my mom's name as well as the insurance if she found out i scratched the car she might flip.
What kind of convertible can I get that won't be a sports car on insurance?
I'm looking at getting a car and I'd really like a convertible. The thing is that I can't afford the insurance on sports cars. So what kind of convertible that would be around 5000 dollars used (perferably 90's to an early 2000s car) would not be a sports car to the insurance agency. Or is there no way around that? And if it makes a difference I have State Farm.
How can I apply for Insurance???
Is there a site where i can go and Apply for Insurance??? Is there another way to do it?? Thanks that would be great.
What Auto Insurance Company do you use and would recommend?
And have you ever heard of western general insurance company / Insure Express? They have a pretty good rate, but I've never heard of them before.""
Average health insurance annual limit?
How much is the US health insurance annual limit. I'm talking about the amount the insurance company will pay to the healthcare provider. NOT what the customer would pay. IE: I go to the hospital for chest pains with insurance. I pay a deductible (a) and the insurance company pays the rest (b). Most insurance companies have a limit for the amount they will pay towards (b). I need to know what the average limit is. Google is failing me here, but maybe I'm just doing it wrong. Just to be clear: I am looking for a dollar amount not a percentage. I am not interested in what the person pays, just what the company pays. Thank you!""
Do you have health insurance?
if, so, How much is it per month? How old are you? what kind of deductable do you have?? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance.""
Cheapest insurance?
What company has the cheapest insurance for used cars.
Im pregnant and need insurance. Is there affordable prenatal insurance besides medicaid?
Medicaid denied me because I make 25 cents more than the allowed amount. I am 4 months pregnant and have not had any prenatal care due to lack of insurance and fighting with medicaid. Is there AFFORDABLE coverage that anyone knows about?
go compare holiday insurance quotes
go compare holiday insurance quotes
Cheap insurance?
ok my partner has hes test next week and we are looking for a car costing about 1000 thats cheap on insurance / cheap to run also a 5 door, the best we found so far is a deawoo matiz witch isnt even a 1.0 but the insurance is 1400 for a year! witch is the cheapist we have found as its a 2002 model. any other cars thats we can get thats cheap and around the same year? thanx ~x~""
What could make my car insurance cheaper?
I am currently 19 years old and I want to buy myself a new car. It would be about 200 dollars a month for the current car i'm driving for car insurance but it is in my fathers name so I only pay 80. Now pretty much any new car I am choosing the quotes are over 400 a month. Would have car insurance in my name for my current car at 200 a month for 6 months until the policy is over make the quotes for the new car cheaper? Or is the quotes based off of how long I've had my license?
What's the average cost for adding a teen to auto insurance who've completed drivers ed?
I got my license this past Thursday, and I'm waiting on my dad to add my to his insurance (State Farm) So I can begin driving my car. It seems like he's procrastinating;UGH! Anyways, How much do you think it will be? & don't I get a discount if I've completed drivers ed? another question do I have to pay like this huge first time fee? or do I just pay like what i'll be paying monthly?""
How much would my car insurance cost?
im 16 years old and i have a job i have 2 grand saved up in the bank and my gpa is about 2,6 would it really be expensive or not the car i am drving is a 93 honda acorrd""
How much do doctors visits cost without insurance?
I am writing an argumentative essay about the health care system in the United States of America, and I would like to know that the prices, without insurance of: A doctor visit: Any specialists: Eye Doctor: Dentist: Orthodontist: Or any doctor you can think of. Remember: no insurance.""
Car Insurance Question..?
I don't have car insurance, but I have a driver's license. I am 16 years old living in Arkansas and I don't drive much. My parents have insurance and when they added me to the policy (of 2 cars), it went from $150 a month to $350, which we can't afford. We cancelled that insurance (with geico) and now have esurance, where my parents pay $135 monthly (with the same coverage), without me added. Should I be added on the policy, even though I don't drive much? If I'm driving and get in an accident, can I say that I was just burrowing my dad's car? Will I be covered under him then? (since i don't have my own car) I am confused. How does this work? thanks""
How much would car insurance cost for me if I got a car?
I'm 22 years old and have been driving since I was 18. Never got pulled over, a ticket, or in any accidents since I've been driving. Been on my moms insurance since then but I'm looking into getting my own used car and just curious as to how much it would cost for someone like me.""
Can car insurance charge you if you dont have a car?
state farm is charging my mom extra $$ because i got my license a few months ago (im currently 21) i got it late but they are charging her and i dont even have my own car. are they allowed to do that? how much would they increase it by?
""If you have your learner's permit, do you need car insurance?""
If you have your learner's permit, do you need car insurance?""
Why does my car insurance come up so high even when im 21 years old?
hi the car insurance has been destorying my life. I cannot figure out why car insurance in UK is so high, im 21 and i want to insure a 1.6 mazda 3 which is i think group 6 insurance. I HAVE CLEAN LICENCE!! no claims or any other other conviction and still the cheapest quote i get is 6000 hahahaha. thats ridiculous!!! like 2 years ago i use to get cheap quotes for same size cars at around 1000 now for some reason same thing costs me more!!!!!!!!!!!! i have tried everything but cannot figure out why this happening. PLZZ HELP ANY ADVICE WILL HELP SO MUCH. i have 0 years no claim discount but thats because i have been on my dad's policy but even then dont you thing 6000 quote is mad, even when i try insuring a littlle 1.0 ltr car quote comes out at 5000 lool""
Is car insurance more or less the same price in every state?
In Tennessee, my car insurance is $263 a year on a 2002 Ford ZX2 ... can I expect to pay the same amount in the State of Washington?""
Home insurance wants to raise dwelling coverege?
I purchased a townhome in March of 2013 for $183k in Florida. It is in a 200-unit subdivision that just completed all construction and sold out all last remaining units a few months ago. When I signed up for home insurance, the insurance company set my dwelling coverage to $183k. I told them that it isn't accurate for them to base dwelling coverage on market price because the replacement cost must be lower since market price includes land and profits the builder makes. Long story short, they convinced me to stay at $183 because they said costs were rising and so forth. I decided not to fight it. Fast forward to this year, and now they are proposing to increase the dwelling coverage to $203k (11% increase). Funny thing is that for my exact townhome model, about 20 units were sold in the last year with prices averaging in the upper $180s (slightly above what I paid). I called the insurance company to let them have a piece of my mind, and they told me they use an independent 3rd party company to price the replacement costs. I told them it's BS because it's way above average market price and replacement costs is always below market price. They asked me to send them documents from when I purchased the home that details the construction materials used and upgrades so that they can reevaluate the dwelling coverage. My question is, why is the burden of proof on me to prove to the insurance company that dwelling coverage should be lowered? Why can't they just reduce it to what I tell them to reduce it to? After all, I am the customer who pays for the insurance. If my house is ever destroyed and I underinsured, that's my problem not theirs. I just find it strange that I'm paying for an insurance service and the insurance company decides what the replacement cost is, not me. Even though it doesn't affect them.""
Will I get the money from my life insurance back?
I have had life insurance for a year now, which gives me a discount on my car insurance. When I am 21, my car insurance rates may go down and I may not need the life insurance discount from State Farm any more. Will I get the money that I have put into the life insurance back?""
How can I find my neighbors home insurance company?
My neighbors have a pit bull which is completely untrained and escapes from their yard on a regular basis. I have tried to talk to my neighbor telling him he needs to keep his dog in his fenced yard but he does not speak English very well and I don't believe he understands me. I do know that he owns his house. I am concerned that if his dog attacks someone that his home owners insurance won't cover it. My home insurance company told me that they would not cover a pit bull if I had one. How can I find out what insurance agency my neighbor is using so that I can find out if he has coverage for his dog (or blow him in for having a dog his insurance won't cover).
Is globe life a reliable insurance company?
for life insurance
Who has the cheapest renters insurance in california?
Who has the cheapest renters insurance in california?
Insurance will go up for me?
My sister drove my car and was hit from behind. Her insurance is not under my policy. Will this affect my insurance premium? I just had a accident last month also (I hit something on the road which cost $6000 to repair and my insurance covered it without increasing my premium).
Insurance For A 1999 or 2000 328CI Manual BMW And Im 18 How Much A Year And Month?
i want to get one a 1999 manual model or a 2000 manual model how much will it cost per year and monthly
""When I buy a used car, is it legal to drive it home without insurance?""
What do I have to do before I drive it home? I am buying the car in another city, so I have a 45 minute drive from the sales point back to my house.""
Whats happens if I don't get car insurance?
I have a speeding ticket on my license, I'm about to go to court for another speeding ticket (19 over) and a reckless driving ticket (for burning tires). I am 18, with a Nissan 300zx (2 seater sports car) My insurance is currently $120 a month for liability (I think) , and will probably go WAY up I was thinking, what if I don't renew my insurance? Will I just get a $200 ticket when I get pulled over for it? $200 ticket >>> $300 a month for insurance More knowledge the better, cuz the 2 tickets I just got are gonna cost me out the ***, and insurance is ridiculous anyways, I have 0 wrecks, I'm considered high risk with tickets even though its just speeding and burning tires. Speeding on old highways with nobody on them, the worst thing I have to worry about is deer. Burning tires in secluded areas on roads nobody drives on really.""
How much does car insurance cost?
I'm 18 and I drive a '01 Jeep Grand Cherokee. I haven't had any tickets or accidents.
What happens if to my insurance if i get married?
My parents pay for my insurance and ill have it till I'm 19 if I get married would I no longer have insurance?
Will my insurance company notify the DMV with proof of insurance?
I recently got my vehicle suspended because I haven't been using it or paying for insurance since the school break started, but now that school is starting up I have paid for insurance and paid the fee the DMV asked for, to get my vehicle back in. The DMV is still asking for proof of insurance, but won't my insurance company notify them? I have Progressive and I live in CA. Thanks!""
Do i need to list the second driver on my insurance policy?
If they aren't registerd to the vehicle but drive it often do they need to be on the policy at all? Im paying way too much with two currently...
Pay Per Mile Car Insurance - have you tried it?
I've heard from a friend about a pay per mile car insurance - as I only use my car on a Saturday it sounds ideal. Anyone have any links or recommendations?
go compare holiday insurance quotes
go compare holiday insurance quotes
Is it true that ObamaCare forces people to buy health insurance?
If not, risk going to jail and face a fine.""
Reasonable health insurance in CA??
My step-daughter, husband and I are currently insured trough Blue Shield of California. The Deductible is $7.500 annually and we are paying $520 a month. Whenever we are going to get my husbands prescription drugs, we have to pay 100% out of pocket, whenever my husband has to go to a doctor we have to pay %100, whatever we do, we have to pay 100% ourselves, when does the insurance come in??? Every year, we have to pay $7.500 out of pocket till we can expect the insurance to even consider covering anything, who has that much money to spend every year on health insurance?! Recently my husband started having kidney pain, hernia, heart problems... but we can't go to a doctor because after paying the $520 a month to the health insurance we are simply left with nothing. I have not been to a doctor for 8 years, now I am very frustrated, I really need to take care of my husbands health but every insurance is just a ripoff. Can anybody help me with some advice...or a good insurance with low deductible or none at all (if that even exists).""
Affordable Dental Insurance? Can it be true?
I recently lost my job. I would like a separate dental insurance plan besides my basic health insurance. I wonder if anyone else is feeling the pain like me. Any suggestions?
How do you get cheap classic mini insurance when your 17 and its your first car?
My friend (also 17) got his insurance for 998, i asked and he said about classic mini insurance and joining a mini club, can someone explain and help me?""
How much does Auto insurance cost in Mass?
I am moving to Mass, and am curious if someone can give me an idea about how much it would cost to insure a 97 Acura CL 4 cylinder car. I am having a hard time finding quotes online. Round about numbers would help.""
Do insurance rates always go up after fender benders? even super minor ones?
I was in a minor parking lot fender bender, more like fender TAPPING if you ask me, neither car has more of a scratch, I am pretty sure that she is more at fault in this situation because when we tapped i was all the way out my my parking space and she was only out about half way, hence why our bumpers tapped on both of our rear passenger corners. she has a witness claiming they saw the whole thing and that I hit her, but regardless of if my car tapped hers or her car tapped mine, I was all the way out of my space and she was the one who wasn't looking enough to not hit me. I was about to shift into drive right when we tapped, I had my foot on the brake, which is probably why we didn't hit hard enough to do any more damage than a scratch. ANYWAY she is basically making a huge deal about a small *** scratch on her 1998 honda in which i am sure that she is at fault for. in maryland, I have always been told that parking lot accidents are equal fault cases no matter what. she called me 3 days after the incident and also called my house number(which i did NOT give her!!! creepy) she got mad that I called the police for advice on what to do and said she is going to go through my insurance to get things settled. m my question is, will my insurance go up if she files a claim using my insurqnce info? even though the repair for her tiny scratch couldn't possibly cost more than 200 bucks? It is so small i feel like someone at a body shop could buff it out for even less than 100, maybe even 50. it just baffles me that someone would make such a big deal over a scratch that is less than an inch, especially when my scratches are deeper and longer than hers! you can tell by the direction that my scratch was in that she was the one who hit me, because of where the paint was pushed.""
A question about car insurance?
I am 18 and i just got my G.E.D. and I'm looking for a job. I do not have a drivers license so i was wondering how much will it cost me for car insurance per month when i get it.
What's the absolute cheapest car insurance company in Illinois?
What's the absolute cheapest car insurance company in Illinois?
How much typically does car insurance cost per year if i'm a first time driver and car is brand new?
How much typically does car insurance cost per year if i'm a first time driver and car is brand new?
What is the cheapest auto insurance for undr 25's in Texas?
Please provide me with the web address if possible.
Question about Health Insurance??
I wanted to get added on to my husbands health insurance, but the secretary who works for the company he does(it's a small construction company) says I can't get added until open enrollment which is in June..is this true? How does that work? The insurance company is Blue Cross Blue Sheild. Is there only one enrollment per year?""
Car insurance Questions!! HELP!!!?
My wife and I bought a used car the other day. The car dealership didnt require us to have insurance on it before we left because we paid cash for it. Well on the way home she got into a wreck. It was her fault. Someone said that the dealership covers the car up to 30 days from the time you bought it?? Does anyone know abt this? Or know how I can have it covered? Thanks
Truck hits curb due to icy road..Damage is extensive. Will insurance pay? ?
I was heading down a hill; the road was icy. The truck wasn't stopping properly. It slid into a curb; damaged the wheel (rim). Now, the truck swirves to the left when I drive. I thought I needed an alignment. Went to an auto shop; turns out I need to replace a control arm ($569 just in parts) and some frame pulling is needed....AND an alignment. Total cost: $1750 (with labor) I do have comprehensive coverage with a $500 deductible. I just called my insurance and am waiting to hear back from a claims rep. (they said within 24 hrs); can they deny this for any reason? I really need the truck fixed soon.... Also, will my premiums increase? By a lot???""
Cheapest Car Insurance for a teen ?
Hey everyone I am 18 and...still live with my parents for 1 more year :/ Anyways, I finally bought my own vehicle with my OWN money and it feels great doing so :) But now I have to pay for my own insurance, and where I work (LongHorn SteakHouse) doesnt quite make me any bank haha. What would be the cheapest possible car insurance for me ? CAR : 2000 Ford Ranger 2 Door Only front seats (not an extended cab, or doesnt have the pull down seats) I have NEVER been in an accident nor have i gotten any tickets if that helps.""
How can I get medical insurance if I have a history of pancreatitis?
I've never had medical insurance b/c I've never had a reason too. Never had any major sickness before now, never a broken bone and never sprained anything. My pancreas suddenly became inflamed. It wasn't caused by drinking, I hate the stuff! I believe it was caused by smoking. I've had a few episodes of pancreatitis and was hospitalized once in which it cost an arm and a leg. Should have went to the hospital this last time, but I was so scared of the extra costs. Your pancreas is a major organ. You can't live without it. Am I going to just have to grin and bare it and leave a debt to my family when I die?! I tried applying for the discount but I wasn't eligible b/c I don't have a job. I haven't had one in 4 years. What are you to do. No insurance company will accept me due to the medical problems. I'm scared of what I'll be charged, but even more scared of the pancreas killing me.""
Car insurance question?
Ok, car insurance questions..? we have car insurance through a really CHEAP company, not a big name one. When we signed up, the do the multi car thing, but they add all the cars under one name and the others as drivers. We had a relative come stay with us, and they added their car and name to our policy, than they moved and registerd the car else where, the policy is under our name, with them as a driver, is this legal? what should we be doing, the policy is good for like 6 months .""
Life insurance question.?
can your family collect it if someone commits suicide. for instance,when i shoot myself in the head and die,will my family get anything for it? honest answers only.""
What is the likely penalty for a new driver caught without insurance?
i know you get 6-8 points but what im really interested in knowing is what happens with the license ie if it is revoked, how long on average is the ban before you can sit the test again?""
""Does car insurance cover just the car, or the driver?""
May be a silly question, but everyone I ask seems to not know the answer! I may phone the insurance place about it later, but want to see what you guys say. I'm 26, going for my G soon, in Ontario Canada. I have car insurance on a car I share with my parents. Does this insurance cover just THAT car? If I want to drive my boyfriends car do I need to have insurance for his car? OR, does the insurance cover the DRIVER and they can drive whatever car they want without telling the company what vehicles they're driving as long as they have insurance?? Any information you can give me? Thanks.""
What are the cheapest auto insurance companies for young drivers?
What is the cheapest major auto insurance company for a 19 year old male, with no violations or accidents? Going to be buying first car in the next couple weeks and need insurance. Getting a much older used car so I don't car much about comprehensive and such, just want state minimum coverage (20/40/15 in IL) to be legal. I've seen quotes from Progressive, Geico, The General and Safe Auto. So far, geico has been considerably the lowest. I checked various models I was looking at, on average progressive was about $100/mo, the General and Safe Auto were around $120 and geico I saw the lowest as $45/mo ranging up to $80/mo (but I've already eliminated that car- a ford probe that sold before I could test drive) I'm wondering if anyone knows of any other major companies with lower rates, otherwise I'm obviously going with geico. Right now my options are down to a mitsu eclipse or a camry/corrolla/accord (something of that nature, whatevers on the lot and priced right) The eclipse from geico I believe was around 60-70, I imagine the camry would be more in the 45-50 range. Any companies with rates lower?""
How much is car insurance for a 17 year old?
How can I find out the cheapest rate?
Does getting a ticket without losing points increases your insurance price ?
I just got a ticket for driving my car without having my drivers license with me. Altough it's better than 128$ and 2 points, its still 52$. The thing im wondering though is will my insurance company charge me more because of that even if I didnt lose points on my drivers license ? Thanks""
How much is car insurance?
I know it depends on a lot of things, but whenever I mention me getting my license, they have the same excuse over and over... So what's an idealistic amount for a young teen w/ 3.0+gpa and a sports car be? In california.""
Im needing insurance for myself and my son?
im looking into getting some health insurance for myself and my son! im 43 and hes 18months! Anyone who has insurance, lend me some info on where you got it! thanks""
Where to go for cheap car insurance for first time driver in Miami?
Where to go for cheap car insurance for first time driver in Miami?
go compare holiday insurance quotes
go compare holiday insurance quotes
0 notes
Coupeville Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98239
"Coupeville Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98239
Coupeville Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98239
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Alloys and insurance?
If i wanted to put alloys on my car, will my insurance go up? Thanks""
Car insurance i need it so what are some cheap ways of getting it?
OK i an 17 year old and i just got and 1987 mercury cougar and i been looking around for car insurance and why do all of them want like 406-719 a mouth!!!!! that is crazy what should i do i need car insurance to get a license plate so what are some car insurance for a 17 year old cheap i can get o yea my dad said hes not putting me on his policy so now what
How much is the fine for driving with no car insurance in Ontario?
How much is the fine for driving with no car insurance in Ontario?
What cars are good/affordable for first time drivers+ about how much would the insurance be for that car?
im wanting to buy a second hand car but want to know if i can afford all of the costs etc...so i was wondering if i could have any suggestions on good affordable cars, and an estimate on the insurance cost.""
Best first car for insurance?
What car at 17 will have the lowest amount to pay on insurance?
Does anyone know cheap car insurance websites for a 22 year old driver?
hi i am a 22 year old driver and i live in NJ does anyone know any cheap car insurance web sites?
Married Young and Health Insurance?
I am 19 and my fiance is 22. I have a few questions about health insurance. I am currently covered by my mom's health insurance provider and my fiance does not have health insurance currently. When we get married, what will be the best deal to get health insurance for both of us. Would I be able to stay on my moms until I am 26. I was just reading a few things. I will put the link here. Thanks! http://www.dol.gov/ebsa/faqs/faq-dependentcoverage.html""
Finding a good auto insurance in denver?
i am moving to denver next month and my auto insurance is about to expire in a month, right now have usaa insurance and there premium goes up to 132$ per month, i tried esurance is cheaper than what i pay now (82$ per month). what are some trustable compnaies to go with in a big city like denver. i have a 2008 honda crv and hubby drives 01 nissan altima. what are the coverage limitations in denver and what will be a reasonable coverage to get. nissan is paid off.""
What is the best medical insurance in New York City?
What is the best medical insurance in New York City?
POLL: What kind of car insurance do you have?
I've just become curious due to all of the car insurance commercials; Progressive, Allstate, 21st Century, Geico etc. which do you have?""
Insurance Cost Starting Driver-?
Statement of Facts: 16 (soon turning 17) Good Grades, above B, honors Several after school activities (Student Council, if that is even relevant) Impeccable driving history (no infractions) State of Residence: Maine Rural/sub-city? Insured under fathers plan, also clean record (51 and 1 ticket?) Alright, I'm currently under my fathers policy and am driving his vehicle to school and back. Soon we will be purchasing a vehicle for my own, and I have a few questions. To be frank, I am looking at mustangs. Not v6s, but GT v8s, preferably standard transmissions. Dad's biggest problem is insurance, which is understandable. My question is how much said insurance would cost/ raise his existing policy? -I like this model because I want a vehicle with performance. When I think of performance, Muscle comes into mind. The quintessential of this and most feasible is a mustang. Many older versions (such as 1990's, early 2000's) so they are affordable, and I just like them. Also I know a considerable amount of knowledge for my age about vehicles due to helping in my grandfathers garage past summers and many weekend projects.""
How much does the average American pay for Healthcare?
Spending on health care to reach $5,170 per Canadian in 2008 http://secure.cihi.ca/cihiweb/dispPage.jsp?cw_page=media_13nov2008_e I'm looking for this in American.""
""Cheap insurance cars, help me choose.?
I'm looking for a 2002 car and I'm thinking of: Ford fiesta 1.1 Vauxhall corsa 1.2 Toyota yaris 1.0 Nissan Micra 1.0 I would welcome other options and choices And your opinion will count! I want to get a cheap insurance and I can afford up to 2.300
Audi Q5 2014 car insurance cost houston?
i just moved to Us , Houston and i am 32 year old male so i would like to buy a new Audi Q5 2.0T any idea how much the full insurance ? and is it good car Q5 2.0 T ? Thanks a lot""
Car insurance for teens?
I'm 17 have had my license for about 8 months and hit a car in a parking lot. my car has no damage, the other car has damage to the side. any idea how much my insurance would go up? i know it depends on a lot of factors but in case someone has experienced something similar and can give me an estimate that be great""
How to get health insurance for my daughter?
I'm 22. I have health insurance coverage under my parents (it's just better insurance than I could get on my own, that's why I've kept it). However, I am pregnant and need to find insurance for my daughter for when she's born. Under my current insurance, I am covered but she is not. My question is, what should I do? I got an application for Medicaid but will it cover her before she is born, even though I don't need insurance? Any advice?""
What insurance company is everyone with?
Im looking to get home insurance but every companys reviews i look up are really bad! Does anyone know of a good one to go with?
Why do Liberals want to be force to pay Health care Insurance?
why can't some people work harder and pay for their own health care insurance? There are some people who are driving without car insurance.... So I don't think there is such thing as affordable health insurance
Allstate insurance in NY- Question
Hi. I live in New York City and we have a leased 2007 Lexus es350, leased 2008 lexus gs350 and a leased 2007 Mercedes Benz e350, all using allstate insurance. I am under my parent's policy. I am very curious to know how much the insurance would cost for the lexus es350, because soon I'll be paying for it once I get out of school and have the ability to do so, since that's my car. I am 17 years old, turning 18 in November. I have had my unrestricted driver's license since December 2007. I also took driver's education, and we receive an insurance discount for taking driver's ed. No accidents or moving violations. Approximately how much does it cost now, and how much will it cost in about 2-3 years from now if all these conditions remain the same? Thanks""
Is there anywhere to get free or affordable health insurance?
Is there anywhere to get free or affordable health insurance?
How much would I pay for car insurance.?
I am 17 and a half year old; about to turn 18 in less than a month. Ive achieved my high school diploma. My parents are adding me to their car insurance and theyve been driving for more than 30 years. Non of them have received any tickets or have cause in accident. Clean record . we live in London Ontario and we drive 2 cars. a 2003 Dodge Grand caravan and a 2003 Chevrolet Malibu please help me
About a car insurance..?
I've just got an instruction permit and wanna take a spin for the first time. But I'm concerned if it's ok to drive a car without my own insurance. The car is my mom's and I'm not sure the car itself is insured or she is.
What CAR Should A First Driver GET ? Also What Company For The Insurance To Be The Cheapest ?
Passed My Driving Test 2 Days Ago ! I am 22 ! what car should i get that is cheap on insurance too ? Please give me the names and for the insurance companies :)) Thanku
How auto insurance determine how much your car worth after claim?
I had a 1998 Subaru Forester S sport utility 132,000 miles and it was totaled. I read some places and people say that insurance don't follow the Kelley blue book and some say they do. Others say they go by autotrader.com or nada.com. Why is that? are they trying to trick us by which value is lower? My insurance offered me only $3200 but it know it worth more than that. Vehix.com say it value at 3900 and kelly blue book say about 4300 so which is right?""
How much renters insurance coverage are apartment complexes allowed by law to tell the renter they have to car?
I was told by a apartment complex that I had to have $3,000,000 worth of coverage in my policy. Is this amount allowed by law? I've never heard of such a large policy amount for renter's insurance. BTW, I live in north Texas.""
Coupeville Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98239
Coupeville Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98239
I am looking for insurance I am 18 I dont work I live with my god father but he doesn't have insurance either.?
And I was wondering if I could get free insurance in Mo
My car stolen and insurance company is delaying claim?
My car was stolen at my school, after calling the police and everything. I was asking people at school for a ride home one girl told me she was busy and asked her friend to drive me he agreed. When I notified my insurance, he asked for a recorded statement which I gave. Then he wanted the name and contact numbers of the two people I asked for a ride a home. Which took a while to get yet i still got them a gave them to the guy. After they contact the adjuster, I called to try to see whats going on with this claim because its been over 30 days and I am trying to replace my stolen car. He says there are some difference in the three statements he recieved and he has to file some notes and contact me later. I later called the other two people and asked what did they say and to me it seemed the same just in different person view and they also told me they did not remember alot...Can these people cost me my claim? I cooperated and did everything..How long can this take? What else does he need""
Health insurance transplant patients affordable?
affordable prescription meds. for transplanted patients plus affordable health insurance for same.
Health insurance question?
me and my boyfriend are planning to move to california soon. we're moving when we're 18. i was wondering if his parents health insurance would still cover him when he moves. he has Blue Cross and Blue Shield PPO.
Can the insurance of a car I own cover 16 year old girl driver?
Can the insurance of a car I own cover 16 year old girl driver?
What auto insurance covers for pizza delivery?
i just got a pizza delivery job, but my insurance won't cover it, and she said that most if not all auto insurances do not cover it.... obviously people deliver pizza, what company covers pizza delivery?""
Insurance after a crash motorbike!?
My Son has a motorbike crash last month. The police managed to look at CCTV footage and tell me the crash was not his fault. It was the fault of the motorbike in front that swerved in front of him. Anyway my sons bike was insures 3rd Party With no legal cover The bike was so badly damaged it was going to cost over 2k for me to fix it up but 4k to get it looking new. The bike was brand new 4 months ago. I had nowhere to store it so let the garage keep it for 600 My question is as he was only 3rd party where does the claim lie. The insurance company tells me I have no legal cover and they do not seem to be advising me of what to do. Ive heard nothing from them The bike has 4k outstanding on it as a family member loaned my son the cash, which he still has to pay back. What can I do to get some of the cash back for the bike?""
Buying new car; 1 day insurance?
I am going to look at a car soon, with intentions of making it into a winter project. It is drivable, but I do not plan on driving it until summer. I would rather not tow it home, but without insurance I dont want to drive it. Is such a thing as 1 day insurance an option, just to get it home? If so, how much does this usually cost? If not, are there any other possibilities besides a tow? State of Pennsylvania by the way.""
What is the Mustang classed under for insurance?
i was told that insurance companies class it as a sports car and will the insurance be high for a driver who: has slight ADD, 20 years old, just got my drivers license (2 months ago), lives with parents, has not the best grades, works part time, and isn't going to school at the moment? if it will be expensive what would you say would be a good first car? I'm driving a V8 4.0 litter engine Durango (year 2000) so i am familiar with a big powerful heavy car but i want a small car that drink a lot of gas and is cheap to insurance! thanks (please no smart A** remarks please)""
Criminal record for driving without car insurance???
I would like to know whether an individual who plead guilty for driving without a car insurance (UK) get his name put on criminal record list. It seems to me unlikely because people normally get points of their licenses and a fine.
Teen Insurance for a subaru wrx?
how much will insurance roughly come out to for a 2004 subaru wrx (turbocharged) and I am 17?
What other affordable insurance could i get for my kids for them to be able to get braces as needed?
im currently unemployed and have the medical cARD AND MY CHILDREN NEED BRACES WHAT OTHER LOW COST INSURANCE COULD or should i get for them to be able to get the braces they need
""I have asthma and lost my insurance, help?
I live with my family an was fully covered on their MEDICAL. Recently I was put on share of cost and cant afford the deductable but I have asthma and can hardly walk a few blocks ...show more
What is term insurance? Why should I buy a term insurance product?
Many colleagues at work are talking about term insurance. After speaking to some of them I understand that a term policy will give me life cover but I don't know if I should buy a policy myself. So if someone can tell me what term insurance is and what the benefits are, I can consider a purchase.""
What is the cheapest classic car insure for 17 year olds?
looking to insure my ford fiesta L 1981, but unsure on the best classic car insurer""
Please explain what comprehensive car insurance means.?
Please explain what comprehensive car insurance means.?
""If I get my driver's permit in Michigan, will my parent's insurance go up?""
I'm 15 years old and my mother is hesitant to let me learn to drive, however I finally convinced her. :) She said I can't get my license though because it will drive her insurance way up. She will let me get my permit though if that doesn't have an effect on her insurance cost. I looked online a little bit and some people have said a permit will alter the cost, but other say that only a licence will. So basically, will getting a permit (not licence) drive up insurance? Sorry for the lengthiness ;)""
Car Insurance ?
How much do you think it would cost to put my daughter on my AAA (triple A) policy? She's 18 just got a 2001 Hyundai TIburan with 66,000 miles on it. If anyone could help out, thanks!""
Why were the republicans threatening to collapse the country just to save the insurance companies?
If the costly disagreement was all about obamacare and the effect that its having or going to have on the insurance companies(not the citizens), it seems to me that the insurance ...show more""
""How much is car insurance supposed to be for people or just me, im 18 (i turn 19 in nov.)?
drove some cars afew times but never had a permit and i am trying to get my license so ill be ready to move out immediatley after i graduate next year (2013) but my stepdad keeps saying no i dont have the money for the insurance your gona have to get a job. but if insurance is under $600 for new 19 year old drivers than i have that money in my drawer. will that be enough for me to pay for my own insurance policy ?
Toronto best cheap auto insurance?
Toronto best cheap auto insurance?
First time getting insurance?
I'm going to study abroad in the UK and my university sent me an email about my insurance. In the attachment, there was a document that stated my name, one of the attachments was the policy and the other one was titled Statement of Insurance, it states my insurance date and holder, the holder was my uni. Its my first time getting insurance so I was thinking this might not be my insurance document since it had no data about me.""
Whats the cheapist car to run?
which car is the cheapist to run including the average price on fuel, tax, and insurance....thanks mikey maidon""
Affordable health insurance?
how does health insurance work? what are we really paying monthly? what are deductibles and premiums? my boyfriend needs health insurance he is 22 and a smoker and lives in nj he graduated from college already so he cannot get the school insurance and his job does not offer him insurance where can i find affordable heatlh insurance for him
Is it illegal to not have insurance on a car you don't drive?
It's tagged and everything, just don't see the point in paying for car insurance if it isn't getting driven.""
Coupeville Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98239
Coupeville Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98239
Insurance for a 17 yr old girl?
How much would insurance be for a 17 yr old girl in a mustang in NY? I took drivers ed, btw. Or insurance for any car, doesn't have to be a mustang.""
How much does it cost to buy insurance for a small business?
How much does it cost to buy insurance for a small business?
Why is full coverage insurance so expensive for a 22 year old?
My boyfriend is looking for a new insurance agent agent but so far everyone who is has contacted is super expensive. He has a pretty new car with a starter/alarm/sub systems etc. so he needs full coverage. His parents won't let him get under their insurance for the time being so he's having a hard time finding a reasonable rate. My parents are considering letting him get under their insurance..is that a good idea?
Should I purchase life insurance for my child?
Should I purchase life insurance for my child?
Why does car insurance cost more on a black car?
Why does car insurance cost more on a black car?
How much of a price diference is their between a libaility and full coverage on average?
I have some acidents on my record any my insurance is through the roof.
Can i drive without insurance?
I just got my license today I'm 16 i live in florida. my parents haven't bought my insurance yet and they say its illegal to drive without insurance. can i drive without insurance if i have my license and I'm dirving my parents car?
Car insurance is it sexist?
why is car insurance cheaper for woman ?i know lots of woman say there safer drivers but i dont think thats always the case
Where to find cheap insurance in ontario?
I'm turning 22 had a Kawasaki Ninja 250R as a starter bike and looking to upgrade to something bigger. I have a clean record but any online quote I get for a bike 600cc or higher results in $10,000/year or higher in insurance. I see guys my age riding around all the time on R6s and CBR600RRs and I don't understand it. Am I missing something? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.""
Cheapest car insurance?
I'm 17 and have only had my lisence a week. I need the cheapest car isnurance I can get with minimal coverage, I have a 98 Mitsubishi eclipse. Any ideas?""
Looking for good medical insurance BUT AFFORDABLE?
i'm a senior age 62 wife 69,still working my medical insurance at work is 185.00 per payroll 307.00 per month it's killing where can i get good insurance but affordable.i live in california also i'm planing in retiring july 2013,i'll be 63, yahoo answers find me insurance i put my trust in answers people thank you gilley p.s. no kids""
My insurance co. just cancelled my policy!!! Plz. HELP!!!!?
Whats the cheapest car insurance for teen?
Hi I'm getting my drivers license in two weeks I don't have a car still trying to find one. I'm 17 I live in Hollywood,fl and I'm just trying to find out the cheapest insurance for me. So if you can help me and tell me who has the best policy for teens full coverage and or liability for the cheapest price. Also I didn't Go to driving school""
How much does car insurance cost for teenagers?
how much would it cost to get car insurance. and dont you dare go telling me to go get a quote, i'll kick you in the nuts.""
Do I pay the excess on my car insurance when a claim is made against me?
I know that I have to pay when I make a claim on my car insurance, but im not sure if when someone makes a claim against me if I have to pay the excess in that instance?""
""How much extra does it cost on your car insurance to use your car in your job, such as delivery driver in UK?""
How much extra does it cost on your car insurance to use your car in your job, such as delivery driver in UK?""
Which is the best insurance which i need to take for my parents who visiting USA?
My parents are coming to US and need to take a medical and dental insurance for them. please advise
Why does medical insurance in the USA only want to insure the healthy?
Why does medical insurance in the USA only want to insure the healthy?
Do you need car insurance to get your permit in New jersey?
Do you need car insurance to get your permit in New jersey?
What happens to your health insurance if you get sick & can't work?
What if you have health insurance and something happens where you get so sick you can't work, so you can't pay your health insurance bill each month since you can't go to work anymore. Will your health insurance be active while your sick and out of a job? Or will it shut off since you stopped paying the monthly bill since you weren't able to work? I don't get it, why would someone buy health insurance if when they actually get sick, the health insurance will be canceled? What if I break my leg, and can't work...and in 3 months of not working my health insurance gets cancelled...but it takes 6 months to heal your leg. I don't get it.""
How long should I get a term life insurance policy for?
I'm researching term policies to cover the shortfall for life insurance from my work. How long is reasonable to get a term policy for? Term to 60, 75 or 100 years?""
I applied for Car Insurance and...?
They asked me if there any other drivers in the house. I told them my parents and my older sister have insurance.. I am 24 and they said thanks for telling us? The question is does that mean they can once in a while borrow my car and they are covered?
Will my car be fixed even though car insurance runs out?
Hi there. A car came into me the other day and bumped my car, I have fully comp insurance which runs out january 11th in my mums name, but i am the named driver. The car will have to have quite a bit of work done so im guessing it wont be fixed before this date. The other drivers insurance will be paying for the cost, the insurance and car is in my mums name, and I want to change myself to the owner (official through DVLA) and take out my own insurance before 11th instead of renewing with the smae company. Will they carrying on fixing the car if the insursance who have delt with the claim has run out, also will if be wrong if the car was in my name before the car was returned to my mum. I hope this makes sense, and i hope someone can help thanks.""
Homeowners insurance in Valrico FL?
I am interested in buying a home in Valrico FL. Particularly Diamond Hill, a golf course community. Great price, but we are new at buying and have no idea what insurance might be on this place.Just to factor it in for our monthly cost. It is a 3/2/2 1800 sq ft @ $110k. no pool. I mean were talking just a rough estimate, close figure something. Again we have not the slightest clue as to what it could be. Any advice is really appreciated.""
""Auto insurance cancelled today, can I go to new company?""
I just got a new car a few months ago and was paying $325 a MONTH for my insurance. Way too expensive. I want to cancel and go to another company (nationwide or all-state) where I was quoted $195 a month. I dont have the money to pay the current insurance $325 for the month, then cancel it (which adds another $90 or so for cancellation fee), and THEN open a new policy with another company for $195. Thats $615 just to switch insurance companies! So, I let my current insurance lapse and it was cancelled as of last night for non-payment. Now, can I open up the new insurance with another company today, then pay off the old insurance in a couple weeks?""
Coupeville Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98239
Coupeville Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98239
At what point does an insurance company own your car when it is stolen?
I live in the state of California and my car was stolen. I was paid out for it by my claims adjuster, but the paperwork is still in the process of being transferred from my name to the insurance company's name. Is the car relinquished? If it gets found, am I liable for towing expenses, etc and is it legally still mine?""
Allstate insurance?
does allstate have medical insurance
When I turn 17 will my car insurance or any kind of insurance rate decrease?
My dad wont pay for my car insurance until I'm 17 because he says it does down greatly but I asked some people and they said it doesn't change.
Cheapest insurance in Washington state ?
Cheapest insurance in Washington state ?
Im looking for really cheap mediocre Auto Insurance!!1 HELP!!! PLEASE?
I have a mustang and I want cheap Cheap insurance any Ideas? I need to be able to pay with a credit card.
Quad Bike Insurance Advice?
hi can anyone tell me the best place to get a road legal quad bike insurance online quote in the UK thanks for any advice given
Where will give a young male cheap car insurance?
I know that I am statistically more likely to cause an accident than a middle aged person. However. Are there any companies that are good that will insure me on a car of about 200hp for under 1400. If i tell them I have achieved good grades and done pass plus etc as well as the fact I have never claimed on my current insurance could they give me a low quote? Thanks
I need a form for allstate car insurance good student discount?
I need a form for allstate car insurance good student discount?
Do I need Insurance on a financed motorcycle in Florida?
I have a motorcycle that is financed and I live in Florida. I am financed through HSBC. Is it mandatory that I have to have insurance on the motorcycle?
High risk health insurance for cancer patients?
I know someone without health insurance who just received word of a lung cancer diagnosis. I know most insurance companies won't take him but does anyone know of one that will, or a website that can point me in the right direction?""
Insulin and car insurance?
a friend of mine has just been put onto insulin, will this effect the cost of her car insurance?""
How much do you pay for car insurance?
I am currently a 24 year old male and I think my car insurance company is not giving me the best deal. Who do you get insurance from, how much do you pay and if you don't mind me asking, how old are you and what car you drive. Also what factors determine how much my insurance payments will be?""
How much does it cost to repair a small dent?And also insurance question/?
well i have two questions... how much does it cost to fix a small dent maybe 8 inches in diameter no paint scratches. Im really mad this happened to me this guy who is a complete jerk said i hit his car which i did but he claims it was in the back of his car where the dent is located but i barely tapped it on the front door not the back while i was trying to get out of some dudes parking spot. Also my other question is will insurance cover it if insurance is under my dads name but the car is under my name? we live in evansville indiana. and i think it is farmers insurance.
""Can you recommend a good house insurance company for Houston, Texas?
Looking to buy a new insurance policy for my house
How much car liability insurance should a person have for complete coverage without over insureing?
How much car liability insurance should a person have for complete coverage without over insureing?
Good question about financed car and insurance.?
I'm insuring two cars and my rate is high. I would like to know, Is it possible to tell my insurance company that my car is no longer finance (even if it still is) so i can switch to a liability coverage and lower my rate. Is my insurance company going contact my finance about detail...""
""My car was broken into and things were stolen. If i file a claim with insurance, will my rates go up?""
I live in Hawaii, I went for a hike with 8 people that all went with my truck. When we all came back from the hike, my truck was broken into. Things were stolen such as ipods, cellphones, drivers license, etc. I filed a police report. If I file a claim with home ownership insurance or car insurance, will my rates go up monthly? I've been told different things like, If the car was not moving, the rates will not go up or They might . My car and home insurance is with Liberty Mutual, my deductible is 250$. Thank you. I'm calling them tomorrow on Monday since it's not a work day yet, but I'm anxious to see if I'll be able to get my friends belongings that were stolen payed for. That and my broken windshield ><""
Can I drive my car without insurance ?
Okay, so I've had my Chevy taho 1 year, i just canceled my insurance cause I'm about to sell it I'm living in California moving to Colorado so I'm gonna sell my car...I know in cali Seller must smog the car a 2nd time, but am i taking a risk driving it to go get it smoged? also.... i have not driven it cause I planned on selling it so it's also not renewed.... and to make matters worse I lost my tile, positive honest answers please =(""
""Served my country, but can't get life insurance?""
I have served in the US Army for 17 years, I have deployed 5 times in support of many operations to include twice to Iraq and preparing for a 3rd. I took a physical last year for life insurance when I retire and it was found that I have a high level of protein in my urine. I have been denied time after time because of this preexisting condition. Who can I go through so I can get some affordable life insurance. It is sad how this country takes care of it's veterans. I have done everything that was asked of me as a Soldier, now that my time is almost up, my country turns it's back on me. What a shame.""
How much did using my SSN to get a car insurance quote hurt my credit?
How much did using my SSN to get a car insurance quote hurt my credit?
How to get affordable HIV Medication with not so good insurance coverage.?
Diagnosed about a month ago HIV+ with a VL 111,000 CD4 167, so yeah I've had it for a while. I'm supposed to start treatment ASAP! but I can't afford them, I've talked and negotiated with my doctor to change my prescription she did but it didn't help. The problem is I have insurance and it doesn't have good prescription coverage. I'm in a position that I may have to drop my insurance just to be able to afford my medication. My doctor and case worker is advising me not to do this, I don't have any other choice... someone HELLP my time is limited""
Life Insurance company inactive and I have a policy?
Federal Life and Casualty in Battle Creek, MI is now inactive. My dad had a 5k life insurance policy and has passed on. He has a fully paid policy on file. Is this a situation where the family is out of luck?""
Does the number of doors on a car affect an insurance rate?
For example would a 2 door car be more expensive to insure than a 4 door?
How much would my car insurance be on a 2008 Chrysler 300?
I am 20 years old and still live at home i work full time and go to school at night and i would like to get a new car, but everyone keeps telling me insurance will be to much for me? and also how much of a down payment would i need on a 17,000 Chrysler 300.Can i pay monthly or with insurance or do i pay once a year plz need helppppp""
""Cheap car insurance for a 17 year old, impossible?""
I need insurance for a job & i can't afford insurance.. So expensive atm, last year was about 1700 now its 4000 for 1L? What they playing at, anyone insured anyone recently with cheap car insurance at 17, i don't want to know why it is expensive thanks!""
Coupeville Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98239
Coupeville Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98239
0 notes
How much does teen car insurance cost?
"How much does teen car insurance cost?
I'm 16, and I'm about to get my drivers license. My dad is insured through the aarp people because its cheaper for him. he called them to ask how much it would cost to put me on his insurance, and they said 120 dollars a month. I thought this seemed a little unreasonable, because i'm just going to drive a three thousand dollar car like twice a week. How much do you/ your parents pay for car insurance for young drivers? I have good grades. can that get me a discount?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Home equity loan insurance?
We are remodeling our home for $150,000 and are wondering about home equity loan insurance. The bank offers insurance, but I'm wondering what our other options are. How much should we get and for what ( disability/unemployment/accidental death)? Thank you!""
Lamborghini insurance price?
please tell me the price of lamborghini insurance. I am looking for a 2009 Gallardo [ cost 220,000 dollars] i am 32 and have a clean traffic record in everything!! dont say theres an old saying if you have to ask u cnat afford!! p.s. i make 500k a year i have been looking for insurance and have an answer just trieng to see what you guys think im not sh*tting you!!""
How much do you pay for car insurance?
i pay $130 /month and i think its too much
If someone else gets a ticket in my car will my insurance go up?
I'm wondering because my boyfriend has gotten a few tickets in my car. I haven't but my insurance has gone up $20 a month in the past year
Pregnant: no insurance?
i just found out that i'm pregnant. it was a surprise. i don't have insurance. what can i do? i am over qualified for medicaid, barely. my husband is a police officer. to give birth at the hospital it will cost $7180. i called maternity card but they are very expensive and my doctor already said he doesn't deal with them. does anyone have any solutions? i really need an answer. thanks!""
I am 19 years of age i how much will they charge me for my insurance?
i have never been involved in a car accident or gotten pulled over by the police i live in california i have had my drivers license since i was 16. i own a 1997 nissan sentra gxe i pay 480 for it every 6 month and a 2011 nissan murano and i pay 554 every 6 months for it i have Farmers Insurance my dad is main driver my sister in the policy also. How much will they charge me if i buy a 2005 mustang will my car insurance sky rocket because i am consider an inexperience driver and mustang is a sports car Please help
Need cheaper car insurance?
right now im paying 388 with a company called dairyland insurnace. i have points on my license right now. and it is killing me. the car is a 06 dodge stratus. should i raise my deductible? switch to aig insurnace. this is just way too much. the lowest id prefer to go is 300 even. anyone know any good companies or the best way to find cheap insurnace . should i look in the yellow pages and not the net
""After a DUI,about how much a month does your car insurance go up?
First DUI and I share a policy with a family member.
Do you need insurance before you own a car and before you have your license?
I already have my permit, after I am done with my 6 hours do you need insurance to drive your own car?""
""I am 18 and can't find car insurance under 2000, does anyone know anywhere?
its insurance for a toyota yaris 2003 Y reg 3 door hatch back for an 18 year old boy with a 1 month old full uk lisence.
Do you have health insurance?
what kind of deducatable do you have?? how much per month? how old are you?
What company has the cheapest teen car insurance?
I'm moving out, and I need insurance! But I can't afford my moms plan anymore since of course, moving out in college is expensive. I've ever had an accident, and I make straight As. Who could you recommend?""
What is the best car insurance for a young person in new york?
Im a female 19 years old in New York city..........i need to know what car insurance is the best......
Should I notify my car insurance company if I paid for the fix myself?
I had a minor car accident in a Costco parking lot last weekend. I was backing out my parking lot; the other guy was also backing out. Unfortunately, we didn't see each other... Anyway, this seems to be a 50-50 accident. The damage to the cars are moderate and we agreed on just fixing ourselves. So no personal information was exchanged. I got an estimate today. The cost for fixing my car is not cheap but still lower than the minimal requirement for accident reporting in California. It is also lower than my insurance deductible. So I plan neither to report to DMV nor to file a claim. But one friend of mine suggested that in this case, I should still notify (but not to file a claim to) my insurance company. His argument is that the other party can still come back and sue me (if he is a freak). While we didn't exchange information, the other party may have remembered my license plate number so theoretically he could find out all other information about me. But I am not sure if notifying the insurance company will affect my premiums. What do you think?""
What's the average insurance coast monthly for a Lambo convertible?
What's the average insurance coast monthly for a Lambo convertible?
How much will this ticket bring up the car insurance?
My boyfriend is 17 and getting his license. About a year ago, (last summer) when he just had his temps, he was driving without a parent and speeding in the middle of the night. The speed limit was 65 and he was going 104... He got caught by the police and had to go to court but he got off easy and they didn't give many charges. They let him off really easily actually. He just got his license delayed for 3 months, so he had to wait 3 more months to get it. That was all that happened though. So now he's all worried about how high his insurance will be and how many points will be added on his license and stuff. Like how much higher will his insurance go up? He lives in Ohio. &He's not a bad kid or anything.. he was just messing around with a few friends one night and they just so happened to get caught...""
""Someone else got a speeding ticket in my car, does my insurance rates go up?""
My fianc was driving my car when we were coming home from dinner, he was doing about 17 over I believe and got a ticket, however he's a permit driver.. The car is mine and is insured and registered in my name, I gave my license and registration to the cop when he took my fianc permit, the ticket only had his info on it, my plate number and the date my registration expires. No other information of mine is on there. He didn't ask to see my insurance card. So question is, are my rates going to go up because my fianc was driving and caught speeding?""
""Ran a red light in NYC, what can I do to avoid having my insurance increase?""
Today, I ran a red light as I was going downhill in the rain to avoid hydroplaning into an intersection. As I ran the red light, a camera from above flashed and I'm 99% sure I'm getting a ticket in the mail now. I don't live in New York state (I live in South Dakota which is like 30 hours away), so I don't have a means of going down to the DMV in NYC once I get my ticket in the mail. In the meantime(or once I get my ticket), what steps can I take to not have my insurance rate go up?""
Young adult health insurance?
Young adult son cannot find job, not in college, has no health insurance - any ideas?""
Auto insurance?
what is the best auto insurance out there and why
How much would insurance be for a 17 year old girl with a 2010 camaro ss?
okaii. so my birthday is coming up...and ill be getting my lisence and a car. i believe my parents are considering getting me a camaro ss. I promised that i will be paying for the insurance for my car. its the least i can do. I was wondering. how much it would cost? I live in Miami,Fl if that makes a difference...I live with my parents we have 3 cars in total. with the camaro it would be 4. my parents both have clean records etc. if any of that helps(discounts etc) i appreciate any help!""
Best ways to lower the car insurance for a 17 year old male?
Hiya. :) And yeah, this is a lovely situation, lol. :P I'm aware that no matter how I look at this, the price is going to be a punch to the head. But I'm in need of a car ...show more""
Where to Find Affordable Family Health Care Insurance?
Recently I was looking on google for affordable health care insurance, but I can't make my decision which site to choose.There are so many sites.Please suggest me one.""
Car insurance for 17 year olds in the UK?
How could i get a cheap car insurance and what would be the cheapest price? every site i have been on it said about 3000 and that would be more then what the actual car costs.
Insurance for 16 year old?
I turn 16 and get my license in June(I'm a guy). I'm getting a 2003 Toyota Rav4, and going through Travelers on my dad's plan which has 5 cars on it already. How much will liability and collision cost for me?""
How much does teen car insurance cost?
I'm 16, and I'm about to get my drivers license. My dad is insured through the aarp people because its cheaper for him. he called them to ask how much it would cost to put me on his insurance, and they said 120 dollars a month. I thought this seemed a little unreasonable, because i'm just going to drive a three thousand dollar car like twice a week. How much do you/ your parents pay for car insurance for young drivers? I have good grades. can that get me a discount?
How much is car insurance for a first time teenage driver?
How much is car insurance for a first time teenage driver?
""I recently got into an auto accident in my gf's car whike she was present, will it raise her insurance?""
I dont have a car so i didnt have insurance, it was an atfault accident i think.""
How much insurance should i buy ?
How much insurance should i buy ?
Car Insurance: Can they check. .?
It would be nice if someone knows this answer for sure, say a cop. I have a license, my registration is good until 2013, my insurance card says its good until 2013. Now say I do this. Say I tell my insurance company, I no longer want to have insurance with them anymore, even though I still have a card stating im insured until 2013 Will I be able to get away with a casual traffic stop (if I ever had one), since I have a card stating im insured until 2013, though in reality, I dont? Im figuring I would, since perhaps the cops computers do not have a way of checking if their insurance is valid or not just from a simple computer check. I have paid my insurance for about 3 years, no accidents, and if I had the money, id pay it. For all intents and purposes, the car insurance card only lasts for 6 months anyway, instead of a full year""
Insurance Help for a Teen?
I'm about to get a used 2004 Lexus Sc430 hardtop convertible. It's a V8 with 288 horsepower. My friend has a 400 Horsepower Trans Am but he put his name under his dad's truck as the primary driver so they wouldn't get killed with insurance rates. If I put my name under my dad's tahoe as the primary driver and under the lexus just listed under the car as not the primary driver. Can I get in trouble for this?
Switching car Insurance companies?
With lower rates given by other insurance companies, wanting me to switch. What is the catch . My current company says watch out for hidden fees and their drop clause. . Is the coverage the same? May be dropped or hugh increase after a claim.Been with current co. more than 10 years. Looking to save some money.""
How to get health insurance in nj?
im 19 need health insurance cant get under my moms anymore where do i start what do i do is it expensive?
What car insurance coverage is actually necessary?
And how much of each do you really need?
Cheap insurance for someone who had foreign licence?
Do you know any insurance company which will insure a small van (suzuki carry), and will recognise my previous 8 years driving experience in Australia? I have only just got around to getting a British licence (as the road rules and driving standards are similar, I can just trade my Australian one in, no test), and been living in the UK just over a year. Have tried a few insurance quote websites, and they all seem to be quoting me the same as a brand new driver who has just passed their test - i.e. extremely expensive! thanks for any tips!""
How much is Allstate Car Insurance for and 18 year old in North Carolina?
Live in North Carolina have a Honda Accord
Motorcycle Insurance?
Can anyone give me a rough estimate of what motorcycle insurance would cost me for a newer model sports bike 2007-2011 smaller size like a 250 maybe a little bigger. I am almost 19 I am enrolled in college I have had no accidents and no tickets average grades. I know nobody can give me a dead on quote just looking for an estimate in the ball park. I would only need insurance for six months out of the year.
Insurance rate for 2000 ford escort?
it has 143k miles for a female i just need an estimate, it is for a class assignment thanks""
Replace Old Car Insurance or Go With a New Policy?
I just bought a new car and quoted Progressive about replacing my old car with the new one, seeing how much a difference the premium would be. It got a little high, to say the least. When I tried just going through adding a new vehicle alongside the old one, the premium was about what I paid on the old vehicle originally, only with comprehensive and collision added. My question is, should I go with a completely different company rather than Progressive, let the old car insurance expire, and just get on a better rate elsewhere for new policy holders? I'd appreciate any help.""
Must I have car insurance?
I'm thinking about buying a car but cannot afford the insurance. Can I have a car with no insurance? I live in Amherst Massachusetts and not really familiar with the rules over here. Thanks a lot for any respond.
Anyone got a rough idea what 3 points on a licence will cost to my insurance policy?
I have just been served a Notice Of Intended Prosecution for doing 37mph in a 30mph zone & the mandatory penalty is a 60 fine & 3 points on my licence.I won't know until I get the conviction code to give to my Insurers (Churchill). My renewal will be in Jan 08. Up to now, the licence is clean, 5 years No Claims. I just wanted to get a rough idea what the 3 points will add in money terms if anyone can help. Thanks in advance.""
""Average utility and insurance cost Orland Park, IL?""
I'm planning on buying a townhouse in Orland Park, IL and was wondering what the average utility (water, electricity, heat, disposal) costs are? Anyone have any estimates on insurance? The association fees cover common insurance but don't think it covers anything within the four walls of the house. Know what insurance requirements the lender puts on mortgages? Trying to estimate how much home ownership really is.""
How to get quotes from insurance providers for a new comparison website?
I am creating an insurance comparison website such as moneysupermarket.com, confused.com, or insurance.com.. I want to access the quotes of all the insurance providers and provde these quotes to my customers. How can I get the APIs used by the insurance comparison websites? I am interested in any of the Life Insurance, Medical Insurance and Dental Insurance.""
Car insurance at parents address or rented?
I am currently down on a rental property contract at my boyfriends rented house, however he is the head tenant and I am down as being at the property, I still live with my parents and am there half of the time and my drivers license, finance info, bank statements and everything else go there, however I am not sure if I am registered at my parents and boyfriends, which I assume I am because my mum still puts me down on the electoral poll. I plan to use my parents address as my registered address however it asks where the car will be kept overnight, and there is not one set place, if I use my parents the insurance is cheaper and if I use my boyfriends it's 100pound more. Can anyone advise me on what address to do? As I am at both addresses different times of the week. Thanks""
Can you take a rental car when you do not have any personal vehicle or auto insurance?
I do not have any car insurance right now. I am planning to get a car rental for a month. Do I need to get some insurance for this? What happens if cop pulls me up will rental agreement be sufficient?
Pregnant with No Health Insurance?
I've just discovered I'm pregnant and I have no health insurance. Are there any recommendations on what to do?
""I bought a car off the lot, and two days later on my way to get insurance I got in an accident (my fault)?
In california isn't there a law that states you have to have insurance before u leave the lot?
Who does the cheapest car insurance?
Who does the cheapest car insurance?
Car Insurance?
I know people will tell me to ring myu insurance company but i dont have my policy number with me or their number im at work today...... How much difference cost wise do you think it would be to change my policy so i can drive any car. I need to be able to drive my boyfriend, my dads and his dads cars? In the UK by the way""
How much would insurance for 2009 Ford Focus be? Estimate?
I'm wondering how much insurance would cost for the 2009 Ford Focus for a 17 year old girl be? I want to buy a 2009 Ford Focus when I turn 17 not this coming up January but next. Oh and prices of how much the car costs would be nice too. Thanks!
I'm shopping for Auto Insurance can you help?
Can anyone tell me their experience with GEICO insurance. I'm shopping for auto insurance and they have the better quote so far. I've got quotes from State Farm and Allstate. Thanks...
How much does teen car insurance cost?
I'm 16, and I'm about to get my drivers license. My dad is insured through the aarp people because its cheaper for him. he called them to ask how much it would cost to put me on his insurance, and they said 120 dollars a month. I thought this seemed a little unreasonable, because i'm just going to drive a three thousand dollar car like twice a week. How much do you/ your parents pay for car insurance for young drivers? I have good grades. can that get me a discount?
Health Insurance for adults!?
My mother is 62 and has no insurance. Im being told she needs tests run and needs to be seen immediately. Is there any type of insurance that can help her?
How can I find out the legality of an auto insurance advertised online?
I''m shopping around for my car insurance online and I don't know how to find out which one is good legally. Please help.
Why is my health insurance so much?
My girlfriend- is 22 in shape and healthy other than having psoriasis and ADD; she has health insurance and pays $90 damn bucks a month. I am looking for insurance since I will soon be 26 years old in shape and healthy and am looking at paying $200 a month. This is bullshit frankly- I am healthy, only have ADD (which I don't even take meds for but want to start again) and have a steady well paying job. I tried looking through the websites but found nothing less than $110 for not so great coverage. Can someone explain to me a. where to get good affordable health insurance b. why there is such a difference in cost since she has more problems and we are only 3 years apart c. are there any options for me if I went to healthcare.gov? I know she isn't lying about the payments and I know she has a co pay with each subscription/doctors visit but its minimal like $30-60 minimal. Any help or advise is very appreciated- also please don't make this political.""
Marital status for car insurance?
trying to fill out an insurance quote and wondering what i come under for the maritial status, been living with my gf for around 6 ish months and we are engaged. these are the options i was given. married single common law partner(separate) civil partnership""
Opinions on insurance plans please?
I would appreciate any opinions on health insurance. Blue Cross /Blue shield as compared to an HMO plan for example. The positive and negative of each. Thanks!!!
Im moving to Las Vegas. How much is car insurance in Nevada?
I am moving to Las Vegas. I am also planing to buy a car. How much is the car insurance in Nevada?
400 dollars a month for car insurance that is CRAZY?!?
I went on a website that gives you a free estimated quote for how much insurance would cost, I completed drivers ED and it is still about 400 monthly or 5000 yearly for an old crappy car! My dad called his insurance company to add me on to his truck and that is 80 monthly or 1000 yearly but he is never home so it would be pointless to get added on to him. I need a car to get to a from work since I live 20 minutes out of town. How do they expect young drivers to afford that? What did you pay when you first got your license? I'm female & 17""
How to get my car insurance in my name?
i am going to break up with my boyfriend, but my car insurance is in his name.i want to be independent , so how to get it over in my name. he refuse to help me out. did i mention how much i dislike him.""
Answers to life insurance test?
answers to life insurance & applications test
Medical insurance question?
Okay do you need to be a legal guardian to put a kid in your medical insurance plan? Please don't ask why(: oh and a kid that is not on a plan already.
17 and HIP insurance?
Im 17 and I need some type of health insurance because my parents dont carry on me. My mom is applying again for HIP health insurance because she missed her reevaluation. So can I apply for HIP health insurance? thanks!
""Becky has 25/50/10 automobile insurance coverage. If two people received $35,000 each how much will be covered?""
Becky has 25/50/10 automobile insurance coverage. If two people received $35,000 each how much will be covered?""
How much for insurance?
How much would I cost to for a 16 year old to be to be added to insurance plan
Is insurance for a two door car higher than a four door car's?
is insurance for a two door car higher than a four door car's?
Does getting a quote mean that I now automatically have Insurance?
I just recently bought a car, I am 18 and I am pretty unfamiliar with how owning a car works (this is my first car). Now since I am so young I would just like to see what prices each insurance company will get me. Now my question is as soon as you accept to get a quote does that mean that they will automatically insure you. Because I want to get as many quotes as I can but just so I can make a decision between different Insurance companies, not so they can automatically insure me just because I requested a quote.""
Health insurance for baby and me?
We just moved to Illinois ( near St Louis) from California and I'm having a hard time finding insurance. I was on medi-cal in California due to pregnancy being a pre existing condition and my husband's insurance wouldn't do anything about it. I keep getting the run around when I call the state insurance out here. I'm just wondering if any of you live out here or have any good information on where I can go or what insurance I can get on for cheap. I'm almost 29 weeks and I need to get into the doctor ASAP! Any information would be extremely helpful!
US Maternity Health Insurance?
Hi, I am looking forward to give birth in America so I need to know what kind of Maternity International Health Insurance I need since I am not an US citizen. I need a 1 to 6 months insurance. Can you provide some Companies' names or more info please? Or an approximated price? Thanks.""
How does car insurance work with multiple drivers and one car?
My family has one car and the only one who currently drives it/has auto insurance is my dad. If my sister and I are to get our drivers licenses (and would only ever drive this one car, too) how does insurance work? Do me and my sister both have to pay insurance on that same car too? Thanks!""
What's the Best Car Insurance?
What's the best car insurance that gives good coverage, good service, and will be cheapest if one has had a minor moving violation in the past 6 months?""
When will insurance total a car?
At what point will my insurance company total a car? My husband was in a car accident and the whole front end of the car is damaged - the estimate is $7800 to fix and the car is valued at $9100. The body shop has been waiting a 2 days, so far, for the insurance to decide what to do. I am hoping it can be fixed but I also need to know if I need to start car shopping.""
Car insurance? 10 points?
I'm 46 (female) and just got my probationary license in northern NJ. Is it possible to get my own insurance. How much would you expect it to be since I have to wait a year to get my full license? 10 points
Where is a good place to get insurance after having a suspended license without paying a large sum?
My license was suspended in 2009 for a year. I currently have insurance under American family but they upped my fees to around 200 bucks for even if i have a decent record. Can anyone recommend a decent company that might be cheaper with the suspension on my record?
Teenage Car Insurance Question?
I am a new teenage driver about to go for his license in a few weeks. Before I do I have to be on one of my parents insurance plans. My mom says that adding me to hers would be about $1800 yearly and my dad just says that that is ridiculously high. I don't know which one of them to believe on this issue so: How much is average teenage car Insurance
Do you like or dislike 21st Century auto insurance?
A long time ago, when they were named 20th Century, their rates seemed competitive. Does anyone reading this have their insurance now? What advantages do they have, that would make you choose them over other insurance companies?""
I need a cheap auto Insurance company.?
Can anyone recommend a specific company in California that they use and was either told or knows that they are a low cost agency? Thanks for your help.
How much does teen car insurance cost?
I'm 16, and I'm about to get my drivers license. My dad is insured through the aarp people because its cheaper for him. he called them to ask how much it would cost to put me on his insurance, and they said 120 dollars a month. I thought this seemed a little unreasonable, because i'm just going to drive a three thousand dollar car like twice a week. How much do you/ your parents pay for car insurance for young drivers? I have good grades. can that get me a discount?
How much would car insurance cost for me(2010 camaro)?
alright...I am finally getting my car this summer! im turning 17...and im thinking about what car im going to get...im pretty settled on a camaro 2lt or one of the ss's. I was just wondering how much insurance would cost for that...since im so young and its a brand new sprots car...are there some companys that would be a little cheaper or would all of them be pretty much the same?
""I'm under 25 and paying $50 dollars for car insurance, for a parked car.?
Am I paying too much in coloado? Should I try to find cheaper insurance?
Reg. vehicle insurance?
5 years back i took an insurance for my bike for Rs.35000/- Now the value is depreciated to 20000/-. So i stopped paying the insurance and my policy got lapsed. My question is suppose if any traffic constable asks me for the insurance what should i say? How to get rid of this situation without paying the fine.
Forced placed auto insurance?
I'd been trying to have forced place insurance removed for quite a few months now, and after reading some stories here, see I'm not alone. I've always had full coverage insurance but since I switched carriers it was one thing after another ... Add them as lien holder -done, didn't receive notice from insurance company, didn't receive fax with notification, etc. .... Now, some months later, I'm in an accident and car may be totaled (not good news since the loan balance exceeds the cars worth). Am I correct in understanding that the lien holders forced insurance policy will relieve me of any difference in the balance, similar to if I had gap insurance?""
Is it constitutional for states to require car insurance?
If yes, then why not required gun insurance? Or required medical insurance?""
How do i get health insurance on my own?
i am a senior in high school and i am about to graduate and go to college, I am currently in track so if i twist my ankle then i am done and I haven't have any kind of health insurance since my family immigrant here three years ago, my dad cant speak Eng so he stays home and my mom works really hard for my bro and me, i don't have car/health insurance and yet i drive and when ever i get sick i have to deal with it myself, I am really jealous when i see people can go to doctor when they get sick, I want to know how do i can a reliable and affordable health insurance and i am willing to work and pay for it in college..and i looked for the student insurance but it doesnt cover teeth and eyes....i def need to get my wisdom teeth out..cuz they hurt really bad sometime and there is nothing i can do about it, is it possible for me to work and pay my own car and health insurance? I just freaked out tonight cuz i feel so unprotected""
How much would i pay for my car insurance?
for a camry 07 se model
Best car to insure for a provisional driver?
I want to change my car, but the next car will have my son as a provisional driver. I have been driving for 20years, am female, and have not made any claims. Live in the uk. I have tried the insurance comparison sites, but you need to put a make and model in. Would like to know what others have found to be the cheapest. I would prefer an mpv, or crossover, but am open to suggestions. Many nanks""
How do I get Certificate of Insurance for photographers?
Which insurance company should I go to for a policy for photographer. A million dollar coverage in NYC. How much does something like this cost for a year coverage.
How much does it estimately cost for a car insurance?
Please don't give any stupid answers. All I want is to get an estimate because I have not got ANY ANY clue about it. You can just give a range like 100-200 pounds per [unit time]. Hint: I will get my car when I am 17 so roughly how much will it be annually/monthly? The most sensible and reliable answer gets 10 points for best answer.
If I don't own a home should I buy the cheapest insurance coverage?
I'm a student living at home, with no property of my own. Which insurance coverage would suit me best, the lowest 25,000/50,000 or a higher amount?""
How much is insurance on a 2003 Acura RSX type S?
I'm a 16 year old boy and am looking for that as my first car. I've done drivers ed and have good grades, but im still worried insurance will be killer. Can anyone give me a realistic yearly figure for insurance? Thanks .""
""Getting my first car,without license or insurance?""
Hi i live in California and im getting alot of money to get my first car withing a 90 mile radius,the problem is that i have no DL or insurance.My question is what happens if i get stopped?Im only going to be driving it to my house and thats it until i get my license.Im also buy it off a person not a dealer.""
Someone at fault with no insurance suing my insurance?
I was t-boned at an intersection by a lady who had no insurance, no license and who ran a red light (she was ticketed for all 3). I filed under uninsured motorist claim and my deductible is $250. She tried making a claim against my insurance, but it was obviously denied. She is now saying she is contacting an attorney because the officers at the accident were corrupt ...Can she sue and will she likely get anything? Can I counter sue for the decidable?""
Unemployment Insurance California?
I have been recently laid off after working for a company for 13 years. I filed for unemployment, but was denied benefits because I am currently employed by another company. However, it is a commission only position (Loan Officer) and I am learning the trade and have not made any sales, hence I have not been paid. I feel I should be able to get unemployment benefits until I actually get paid. Do I have a case for an appeal?""
""I touched a car bumper when i was backing, how much that would affect my insurance?""
I touched a car bumper when i was backing, how much that would affect my insurance?""
I'm pregnant and my insurance sucks?
It has done me absolutely no good in having insurance because they don't want to cover anything (not even my ultrasound!) and they want to charge me a copay every single time I go to the doctor (which has been a lot lately). I'm drowning here.. Does anyone know of a program I can sign up for that would help me through my pregnancy/delivery? I live in California and I've heard of some but I'm not sure which would be the right one. Thank you
How Much Will My Insurance Go Up At 10km/h Over The Speed Limit?
I got a speeding ticket for going 60km/h in a 50km/h zone while trying to pass someone (which says in the driving handbook that it's legal as long as it's under 20km). I took it to the court and I was found guilty, I've never had any tickets in the whole 5 years I've been driving and no accidents at all. My insurance is already through the roof because I have a newer car and I'm only 23 and they said my premium won't have a big drop until I'm 25 anyway. I didn't lose any demerit points at all on my license and up until now I have had an absolutely clean driving record. If my insurance finds out, is there any idea how much my premium could possibly go up?""
Health insurance for the poor in California?
Does anybody know how to get some kind of free health insurance in Los Angeles? I lost my job and want to go to school full time but I need health insurance. Med-Cal told me you have to be 65 or disabled
Do I need horse insurance?
Do I really need horse insurance on a horse that I am leasing for more than half the year. I am going to lease a horse from out of state next September to about June. He is a 8 year old chenut gelding thoroughbred. He will be moved from a farm out of state to a boarding facility closer to me. He doesn't have any health problems but can become stiff after work. Do I need insurance just in case something were to happen to him if so what are some good companies.
Has legislative push for affordable insurance been cut short in the u.s congress?
Has legislative push for affordable insurance been cut short in the u.s congress?
I have my driving test soon need insurance help im 17 could go on mums insurance but lowest quote is 1500?
and thats with a box in the car but lowest quote without box in lowest quote 3500 and lowest quote on my own insurance 4000 her car is a 1.4 54 plate fiesta on my own it would be a banger old car
Would insurance cover it if i get my teeth bonded?
my teeth are chipped pretty badly, and it's causing me a lot of discomfort. i've had them sanded before to smooth the chipping, but they're already little. would insurance cover this? (united healthcare)""
Is dental insurance mandatory in Massachusetts ?
Medical insurance is mandatory in Massachusetts, but is the dental insurance also mandatory ?""
""Should i get health insurance now, or wait for Obamacare?
Also about how much will insurance cost a healthy 19 year old male who exercises regularly and eats well.
How much does teen car insurance cost?
I'm 16, and I'm about to get my drivers license. My dad is insured through the aarp people because its cheaper for him. he called them to ask how much it would cost to put me on his insurance, and they said 120 dollars a month. I thought this seemed a little unreasonable, because i'm just going to drive a three thousand dollar car like twice a week. How much do you/ your parents pay for car insurance for young drivers? I have good grades. can that get me a discount?
0 notes
Roanoke Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 24005
"Roanoke Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 24005
Roanoke Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 24005
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""Is $500,000 a large life insurance policy? Or is it just average? Or more of a starting point? Relative to what people typically have.?""
Is $500,000 a large life insurance policy? Or is it just average? Or more of a starting point? Relative to what people typically have.?""
Cheaper car insurence for me?
ok so im 19 in october. and everywhere i look my insurance will be a minimum of 2800 a year if i had a 1.2 corsa. however if i went on my mums 2.0 tdi passat with her max no claims it will be a min of 3000 a year. why is this?? anyone know any loopholes or cheaper sites???
Can I get a car insurance policy for a car that is not under my name?
My father used to pay for the car insurance, then he decided to stop paying when the policy is done. I was wondering if I could get a new quote from a different insurance while the car is still under his name?""
Possible cancer without insurance?
My fiance has a visible tumor (it's visible--it was benign and removed before but came back). He lost his health insurance a couple years ago, and he seems to only be progressively be getting sicker (we don't know if it's because it's a cancerous tumor or his stress levels are insanely high). Either way, he obviously needs to see a doctor--but we have no insurance and we don't make enough to afford insurance (we might make little enough to qualify for medicaid--for this question, assume we do). My question is, what options does he have? We can't afford treatment. He doesn't want to go to a doctor w/o insurance because they won't help him since he can't pay and he will lose the job he has and what little he does make. Please, are there special programs? I know his condition does not qualify for the fast SSI claims as I looked into that already. Would medicaid be enough? Are there special cancer programs? Is there anything? Or is he really going to be left to die? He's only 26. Also, we live in Colorado (since that might make a difference).""
I live in Florida. Can I get renters insurance to protect my things if I live with my parents?
I should add that I'm not a student and 24 years old.
Where do i get the best deal on car insurance?
i`ve just finnished a six year ban and i`m looking too get back on the road legal...but i`m finding it difficult too get affordable insurance
What is an insurance quote?
Can someone explain to me just what the heck an insurance quote is?
I could be pregnant... with no health insurance!!! what I do????
I am not sure, But maybe I am Pregnant... I do not have health insurance... I was thinking on buying a policy but would they accept me pregnant??? Someone knows about a cheap health insurance??? I believe it will be cheaper than paying like 9,000 for the hospital right???""
Is it called a fix it ticket when you get a ticket for not having insurance in California?
Is it called a fix it ticket when you get a ticket for not having insurance in California?
I have just started an apprenticeship and wondering if I would be able to afford a car and insurance?
I have recently just started an apprenticeship in march which is only 12 months long, however there may or may not be a job at the end of it. I get paid 2.65 an hour, 5 days a week 9AM-5.30PM and I currently am doing my driving lessons but I am sick of relying on other people for lifts. Will i be able to afford a car and insurance on this pay? I'm really not bothered what car I can get as long as it gets me to work and back.""
Can you get a car loan under your name and the car insurance under someone else?
you see if i get the car loan and the insurance under my name then ill be paying about 600 bucks a month in insurance and thats way to much!!i can have the loan under my name but would it be allowed to have the insurance part in some one else?
Firm choice has lower grades than my insurance?
My firm choice has lower grades than my insurance choice. My firm choice is 240 points or CCC but my insurance is BBC. Will this effect which university i go to? If i was to get the grades BBC will i still get into my firm choice?
""What is the average malpractice insurance cost for a general radiologist practicing in Atlanta,GA?""
What is the average malpractice insurance cost for a general radiologist practicing in Atlanta,GA?""
Car Insurance for a 2007-08 Mustang?
Can anyone give me an estimate on about how much a 17-18 year olds car insurance would be if they were to drive a 07-08 ford mustang please.
Do teens need insurance when they are issued their learner's permit?
And if so what is the cheapest, most discounted method to get insurance?""
""Insurance rates for a 21 year old male, CA?""
I got my license when I was 19. I've been driving for two and a half years and barely found out I am not on my parents insurance. I was planning on buying a brand new car but I am now worried about insruance rates. I know they'll be high, but how high. I know insurance rates are based on age and experience. Is it likely I will be charged more because I have never been insured? Last time I checked for insurance I got calls for about 5 weeks straight. This time I don't want to give out any personal information. My question basically is will never previously having insurance before affect my rates?""
Health insurance for diabetics in Ohio?
I guess Ohio is one of 4 states which is not required for it's insurance companies to cover diabetes. I am a type 1 diabetic, and as of now I no longer have insurance. Does anyone know of any insurance companies who do cover diabetics in Ohio....I'm feeling kind of scared about not having insurance right now.""
Will my car insurance rates go up if i crashed a car as a valet?
backed into another car as a valet. My company has insurance. The insurance exchanged was my bosses, and the other 2 parties involved (car I was in and the car that was hit). My license number was taken down and I received a traffic ticket. Oh well. My real concern is does MY insurance ever find out about this? Or is it all on the company's insurance?""
Whats the different between Car Insurance and Breakdown Cover?
Thought It should be normally include in the Car Insurance.
Help with car insurance claim process?
A few days ago I scraped a co-worker's vehicle in our work parking lot. She wasn't in a proper parking space, but whatever, it was clearly my fault. I am paying for repairs to her car. I have pictures of my vehicle after the accident, but not of hers, because she left for the day while I was trying to find out who I had hit and find her in the building. I haven't brought this up with my insurance company yet. I initially thought I was going to be paying for scuffs to be buffed out of her back bumper, which wouldn't be cheap to fix but I figured it'd be inexpensive enough that I wouldn't involve my insurance. Today she handed me an estimate for $600+ for bumper replacement and paint work, etc. Fine. It was my fault. I'll eat it. But if I now want to involve my insurance, what do I do? Do I need her insurance info to file a claim? If I call up my insurance, does her insurance have to also become involved? I'm not even fixing my car - the fender's messed up but it's an old car and cosmetic damage doesn't bother me. I don't know what my insurance deductible is...if it's $500+ then I guess I won't bother and will just pay up in cash.""
The least expensive type of life insurance is _____.?
whole-life insurance term insurance endowment life insurance limited-payment life insurance
Will Florida drivers have to have car insurance?
do you need to have PIP insurance after october 1, 2007?""
Car insurance quotes?
About how much would car insurance cost for 16 year old teenage driver in florida. The car would possibly be a 2005 convertible.
Which car's owner will pay more for car insurance?
Car insurance costs more for cars that can accelerate faster than 10 mph per second. Which car's owner will pay more for car insurance? A. A car that accelerates from 0 to 50 mph in 4.5 seconds. B. A car that accelerates from 0 to 40 mph in 5 seconds. C. A car that accelerates from 0 to 70 mph in 9 seconds. D. A car that accelerates from 0 to 70 mph in 8.5 seconds.
Where is the best place to get cheap car insurance for young drivers in the uk?
Hey everyone, ive tried all the usual avenues to find cheap(ish) car insurance for my 18 year old cousin and to be honest they are coming back with ridiculously expensive quotes, does anyone know of there are any companies in the uk that do offer a good deal?""
Roanoke Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 24005
Roanoke Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 24005
Can someone explain health insurance to me?
We have never had health insurance. We really need to get it but cannot afford it. However, we are going to spend every dime we have to get it so we can go to the doc. Problem is--isn;t it more costly to get it because you have to pay the monthly fee plus atleast 80% of the bill and the doctors jack the bills up if you have insurance? Also, what would u estimate it would cost for a family of three(2 adults with one baby) no problems in the past, healthy, non-smokers and any companies you would recommend?""
Whats up with renter's insurance?
is there home insurance for apartment dwellers?
What types of risks can be transferred in insurance?
What types of risks can be transferred in insurance?
""Does the Pass Plus, bring your car insurance down, if so how much?""
my daughter has just passed her driving test and is now looking to buy her 1st car, so will the pass plus bring the insurance down""
What v8 is cheap on insurance for an 18 year old?
I'm an 18 year old guy on my parents' insurance and I have a 2003 Mitsubishi lancer that's probably not going to last me that long so I am looking for another car. I would like a v8 because I like the sound and I want descent performance but I don't want it to be too much on insurance. I was thinking about a Lincoln ls v8. Does anyone have any other ideas? Thanks.
Whats car insurance??????
im 17 and dont know much about it but they said i needed car insurance before i can buy a used car. how do i get car insurance and what happens once i have it..how much does it cost?
How much higher is insurance for a camaro z28?
i was wondering what the real world difference is between an early model fourth-gen camaro z28 versus a later model more modest car, such as a 2004 cavalier or 1999 acura CL? i have gotten quotes online but there doesnt seem to be much difference and everyone hypes the insurance for these kinds of cars so much. i am 16 and a guy so insurance is high in general. thanks.""
Luxury cars with low insurance rates?
I was wondering what types of luxury cars would have the lowest insurance rates? I would prefer either a sedan or coupe. So in the category of luxury sedan/coupe, what would be the lowest insurance rate? I don't care about the price of the car itself, I just want one that doesn't have me paying a bunch every month, non-stop. My definition of low is around the neighborhood of $60, preferably lower obviously. If there is no such thing, then please tell me the closest to it. Thank you in advance.""
What is the cheapest car insurance company right now!!!?
What is the cheapest car insurance company right now!!!?
Car Insurance and good grades ?
I hate All state as insurance. I am in college, how high does my GPA have to be and also how much do they lower insurance for having good grades?""
Do you think health insurance is necessary? Why?
Do you think health insurance is necessary? Why?
Reviews of Gerber life insurance?
Does anyone have any personal experience with Gerber life insurance, including the claims process? This is for a whole life insurance policy for an adult.""
Why does Infinity car insurance suck?
everytime i called them for help they always sounds like they are mad and rude at the same time, and they don't even care about helping me out just by the sounds of their voice!!! my question is what a good car insurance out there???""
What would auto Insurance cost me?
I am 16, live in Toronto. I am a male, and none of my parents have insurance so I will be on my own. I have an 88 avg in school. And I will look for a car with low insurance prices and that is safe.""
I cant find car insurance that will cover a learner driver and a passed driver for a month?
I am trying to pass my test as soon as possible but didn't have access to a car to do extra practice between lessons. So I have bought a car before I have passed so that I can go out practising with my mum. However I cant find any short cover (1 month) insurance which will insure us both, they seem to only do learner driver insurance which has to be bought on top of the normal insurance OR only insure drivers with a full license. However buying both together is over 300 for only 28 days for the ones I checked. Can anyone come up with an affordable way to practice in my own car? Thanks""
""Motorcycle with no License, Insurance, or Registration. ?""
I have a coworker that rides his bike without insurance, a license, and a suspended registration. He's under the impression that, at worst, he'll only be fined. What are the possible consequences if he is stopped by a police officer in the State of California or Oregon?""
What kind of liability insurance do gyms have?
I was playing some basketball on a guest pass at the gym yesterday. I rolled my ankle and just left thinkin it wasnt that bad, decided to sleep on it. turns out, it's a lot worse than I thought and I can't even walk on it today. I dont have any health insurance, or any means to pay these medical bills right now. Do gyms usually have insurance for things like this or are you on your own?""
How much money can I expect to recieve from my insurance company after my car is declared a 'total loss'?
I was rear ended (not at fault) the other day my car was totaled. My car was a red 1999 Ford Taurus SE with 146,000. At first i was happy it was gone, but im now starting to think im not going to receive very much for it from my insurance company. It had recently failed the state(MA) inspection and needed some work (about $500 to pass). I looked up the Kelley Blue Book private party value in fair condition and it gave me an estimate of $1,450.... Really? Thats it?""
Is the more smaller the car engine size the cheaper the car insurance will be?
Is the more smaller the car engine size the cheaper the car insurance will be?
How much would my insurance cost if self-insured?
How much would my insurance cost if self-insured?
Are SUVs more expensive to insure?
I know you can't tell me for sure whether or not one will be more expensive. But, generally speaking is a small SUV such as a Ford Escape more expensive to insure than say a midsized car like a Honda Accord.""
How can I get my my insurance to pay for my nose job?
I had deviated septum surgery last Spring and now I want rhinoplasty. My nose was fairly large before my surgery now I have an even larger bump on my nose. I know that my insurance ...show more
Im 17. How much should my parents expect to be paying for my car insurance?
Im 17, Soon I will be driving a 96-00 Acura Integra GS-R. I will be insured under my parents AAA policy. How much should my parents expect to pay?""
Why is insurance for a 2007 Ford Mustang convertible so expensive?
I recently got insurance for my car and they wanted 500$ a month for it, Cheapest one I found was around 300-400$ which when you think about it, is still pretty expensive...""
Can you have more than one car insurance policy?
Okay, imagine the situation. Mum's got a car (A), but it's too expensive to run. Son has just bought a car (B) but doesn't want to drive it much until next year. Mum's already got an insurance policy on Car A, she wishes to take out an insurance policy for Car B with another company, but still keep her insurance policy on Car A with her old insurer. So Car A - Insurance Policy A - Mum driver. Car B - Insurance Policy B - Mum driver, Son named. Many thanks.""
Roanoke Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 24005
Roanoke Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 24005
""So, is a MAZDA 3 sedan good for first time driver?""
insurance cost?( 19 and a female, live in sf) my dad could own the car and put me as co owner so that insurance wud be lower..hmm? fuel cost? and the cost of the car( including taxes and everything else) please help!""
Rental car insurance?
I am going on vacation, and I need to rent a car to drive. I have insurance through state farm, but dont have full coverage. If I am renting, I would like to have full coverage on the rental car, BUT the insurance from enterprise is WAY TOO expensive. I will end up doubling the price for the week. Does anyone know of any other ways to get insurance for a rental car without going through the rental car agency? I keep hearing about something called Unlimited Non-Owned Car Coverage, but I dont think state farm has that because I dont see it on their website. Any suggestions would be a great help.""
How to get cheaper car insurance?
Im 17 and looking to buy a ford ka. I have looked at quotes online with me as the main driver and using my parents as named drivers to try and lower the premium but the cheapest i have found on price comparison sites is 2100 for the year. I was wondering if anyone could help me and knew anything that could reduce the payment. Many thanks for your time, sam.""
Really dumb questions about car insurance?
This is my first time buying a car, and I have a question that may be kind of dumb. I live in Illinois, so it is illegal to drive a car that's uninsured. I don't have a car now, so I don't have a way of transferring insurance or whatever. - What do I do when I find a car and buy it and need to take it off the lot? I don't know what kind of car I'm getting, so I can't really get the insurance ahead of time. - If I did get pulled over for whatever reason, would the police be understanding if I just bought the car? - How quickly do insurance companies usually get you covered over the phone (particularly, Progressive)? - Do you have to pay a deposit? When? - When would my first actual payment be if I pay once every 6 months? I know these are dumb and basic, but please understand that I have never ever bought a car or gotten car insurance.""
Best insurance companies for 17 year old passed my test?
ok ive pased my test and i gettin a car this week and i need some insurance on the car obviiously lol, well basically whats the cheapest car insurance all you 17 year old have and who is it with, please :)""
Best car insurance out there?
im gonna be 18 soon, have had my licenses for a while, never been put on her insurance cause she wont let me drive. i want to buy a car but i don't want to buy a car and can't afford the insurance make about 30 bucks a week. whats the cheapest car insurance for a person with a 3.0""
Average Motorcycle insurance?
thinking about getting one. best route take as far as insurance, bikers course, type of bike. its my first bike.""
What's the Cheapest Car insurance for First Time Driver?
I just wanna have the cheapest car insurance. I dont need the insurance cover anything. just the cheapest! which company would be the best except geico, progressive or Liberty Matual? Something else?""
How much is ur car insurence a month?
im 16 and im not getting my car till 17 or 18 and i need to know how much money insurance is a month. i just need an estimate. Thanks
Which insurance company offers the cheapest car insurance for new and young drivers?
Which insurance company offers the cheapest car insurance for new and young drivers?
Car insurance estimate dispute?
I recently was bumped into in my parking lot and am trying to settle with their insurance company for how much the repair fee would be. I took it to one place and it was around $2100 with damage to both the front and back door (they said the front door would need to be replaced). I spoke with their insurance company and they said I needed to take it to their place to have an estimate. I took it to their place, and the guy asks me if I was going to have it repaired their or somewhere else. I told him I would get it repaired somewhere else, which meant I would get a check he told me. He inspected it and told me that there was a 50-50 chance it would need to be replaced on the front door so his estimate was only for $1300. He said if I go get it fixed and they say it is more, that their insurance will pay the difference. This sounded to me like they are trying to say if you want the cash you only get $1300. What should I do? Should I try to negotiate with their insurance company for the difference or get more estimates that say I would need the new door? I would like the check, but I feel like I am getting ripped off since it would take more to actually fix it more than likely.""
Temporary 2 week car insurance for 21 yr old?
My boyfriend i s coming over from australia and has an aussie driving licence, we are thinking of borrowing a car from my friend who is a second hand car salesman and hence has many cars hanging about but which are uninsured. Does anyone know if it is possible to borrow one of the cars (which are road taxed) and insure it for me for 2 or 3 weeks only (21, had a driving licence for 3 years) or my boyfriend (26, had an aussie licence for 8 years)?? Which company can we use?! Please help ASAP!""
Do car insurance quotes go up daily?
I am being quoted much more now than a fortnight ago
Insurance help at 18 years old?
hello i am a 18 years old i am lucky enough to have a very good job so i can afford to spend alot of money for a 18 year old on a car i am looking to spend around 11k in all even tho the cheaper the better its not buying the car that is the problem its the insurance on the cars i want to buy all being around 4k for any half decent cars ?? any help would be grateful for some facts and figures .... cheers alex
How much would insurance cost?
Im 16, and getting a 49 - 50 cc moped, i wanted to know how much the insurance would cost? it would be kept at a secure garage. Just give me a rough idea please, just an estimate?""
What car ins is the cheapest? in california...?
What car ins is the cheapest? in california...?
Health Insurance Vs No Health Insurance?
Joe is currently unemployed and without health insurance coverage. He derives utility (U) from his interest income on his savings (Y) according to the following function: U = 5(Y1/2) Joe presently makes about $40,000 of interest income per year. He realizes that there is about a 5 percent probability that he may suffer a heart attack. The cost of treatment will be about $20,000 if a heart attack occurs. a. Calculate Joes expected utility level without any health insurance coverage. b. Calculate Joes expected income without any insurance coverage. c. Suppose Joe must pay a premium of $1,500 for health insurance coverage with ACME insurance. Would he buy the health insurance? Why or why not? d. Suppose now that the government passes a law that allows all peoplenot just the self-employed or employedto have their entire insurance premium exempted from taxes. Joe is in the 33 percent tax bracket. Would he buy the health insurance at a premium cost of $1,500? Why or why not? What implications can be drawn from the analysis?""
How do I get insurance for my baby?
I'm 19 years old and pregnant and I've come across the problem of finding insurance for my baby. I am currently covered under my mom's health plan and can stay covered through college. Unfortunately, my baby won't be able to be covered under her plan seeing as how she will not be the legal guardian. Furthermore, I won't be able to get my own plan because I will not be working and will stay a dependent of my parents. Any suggestions as to the best route I can take to insure my kid? Thanks! Oh, and I also live in California if that makes a difference.""
How long have i had car insurance?
Can someone please tell me where I stand on the following: I have held a provisional UK license since 4/4/06 after a few months of driving lessons I took out insurance on my vehicle with Virgin so that I could drive accompanied by my parents. This policy was taken out on 31/7/06. On 9/11/06 I past my driving test. On 31/07/07 I renewed my car insurance with virgin and with the 31/07/08 soon approaching I must again renew my car insurance. The problem is I will in fact have had two year no claims on 31/07/08 which Virgin recognises, however when I go on their and any other online car insurers websites it says that my no claims (2 years) cannot exceed my full license period (1 year 9 months) So the question is, will my car insurance be recognised by other insurers as been held for two years?""
""Can Doctors offices charge you, when they lost your medical insurance card?""
I got my appendix removed in California and used the state insurance at the time (since I was low income and never had insurance). All the hospital bills are payed for; however, the surgeon has charged me an additional 1,445.00. I never even saw the surgeon after the hospital. I went in for follow-ups to his office but would always miss him. I gave my insurance card to front desk girl and she told me she didn't need it but just in case she made a copy. Now two years later I come to find out that there is this bill. What can I do?""
Which are the top 10 insurance company of USA?
I would like to know about top 10 insurance companies of US. Because I want to buy a life insurance policy. Before buying this I would like to compare the insurance quotes of top 10 insurance of companies.
Car insurance......Anyone else's gone up this year?
I'm still driving the same car and living at the same address, and I also took off 2 other named drivers from my policy to try to minimise the cost but it's still gone up by about 60 pounds......""
Cheapest place to get motorbike insurance?
hello im looking to get a skyjet125 ive got my CBT, this is my first bike where is the cheapest place to get insurance ? cheers""
""Caught speeding, 17 years old, Ohio, effect on insurance rates?""
I just got my first ticket after driving for about 8 months, was in my new car and acted like a complete idiot, was going 84 in a 65 mph zone, what's a good estimate on how much my insurance rates will go up? Percentages or actual amounts would both be helpful.""
Insurance/car question?
The title of my car is in my parents name but my husband and i are the primary drivers and we get in a wreck would we be held responsible because we are the ones with the insurance or would my parents be because they are the ones on the title??
Roanoke Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 24005
Roanoke Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 24005
How much would full coverage insurance cost?
I want to get a car loan to buy this 2004 Hyundai Tiburon. I'm 18, I've been in one accident. Around how much a month?""
Car Accident Advice: Someone hit me and doesn't want to go thru insurance?
Someone recently hit my car while it was parked across the street from my house. I almost thought it was a hit and run till I found their business card on my windsheild. I called her and she said she'd rather not go through her insurance but pay me directly for the damage to my car. I have been in accidents where I was hit but usually the other person just gives me their insurance info and I call them and get my car fixed fast, no problems. So I was already a little hesitant about agreeing to this, but I figured as long as it gets fixed it should be alright. So I did like she said and got an estimate from a body shop, then called her with it. Right off she said, Oh thats really high,(almost a 1000) and I reminded her that the damage is pretty severe, she backed into my rear passenger door, now entirely dented and scratched up. I know the estimate is fair compared to other work I 've had in the past. So anyways, I thought she'd decide right there like she had told me before, if it was affordable for her she'd pay me if not she'll go through her insurance. So since she acted like that was so much money I asked well does that mean you want to just use your insurance? She still sounded unsure and said she needs to figure this out. So it's been another day since that, still waiting, she did call again and say she's running it by her insurance agent to see which way would be better for her, insurance or pay me off. So I am still waiting, it's only been a few days since the accident but I am getting anxious because I kind of wish she would just give me her insurance info and go through it, my car would probably be in the shop already and this would be taken care of. But instead I 'm waiting for her. She still has not given me her insurance info, I don't have her license plate # or even what her car looks like, just a business card. And its a big inconvenience because I know I will be without a car for a at least 2-3 days, and even if she pays me she sure didn't mention a rental car. So my question is am I being too nice by waiting for her to decide whats best for her... and even if she wants to pay me should I have gotten her insurance info, like is that my legal right. So how long should I wait for her to decide?? Any advice would be greatly appreciated as obviously I should act fast. Thanks""
Cheapest car insurance????
looking for a cheap car insurance guys, plz help""
Will car insurance cover in case my friend crashes my car?
Will all kinds of car insurance cover a case when a friend borrows a car and gets in an accident? What do i need to look for in my policy to make sure that my car is covered even if someone else other than me drove my car.
UK car insurance with a US license.?
I'm 18 years old, just returned to the UK from a 7 year stay in the US. while in the US I got my license at the age of 16. and accumilated 2 years no claims bonus. for the first few weeks back in the UK I had insurance through Ecar. but had to terminate that today through a misunderstanding with their terms and conditions W/ No claims bonus. what would be the best insurance provider to go through? I used compare the market before and the cheapest (minus e car.) was 3500 a year. I am employed and own my own car (2002 fiat punto) and I plan on staying in the UK.""
""How much does a Cadillac converter cost? And, sound I report it to the insurance company?""
I busted a hose on my radator (which I didn't know at the time) so I left the car until I could get it towed away. When I returned someone had stolen my cadillac converter out of my car (which again I found out later). How much does one cost? What should I do? And, should I report it to the insurance company being as though the parts and the macanic work would probably be outragous? Please help me I really don't know much about cars and I don't want to get taken buy an auto part. Thanks""
How much will car insurance be for a sixteen year old girl who lives in California?
My parents don't have the money (plus they don't want to) to pay for my insurance, so even though i'm turning seventeen this year, I still don't have my license. I'm trying to get a job, though, and was wondering if anyone could give me a ballpark for how much it'll cost a year...I get good grades, I know some places will give you discounts if you have good grades...so yeah. :)""
Next to oil and gas prices are car insurance prices too high anyone agree?
Whats the deal the government wants everyone to participate in paying for auto insurance yet the prices are rediculous what happened to buying a car and registering it thats it? Does the government think about Americans servival aside from gas, food, children, mortgage blah blah blah............. or do people vote for laws blind folded????""
What can I do about auto insurance price gouging?
I backed into someone in a parking lot. Thay had a claim off $1000. this is my first and only accident. My insurance company say's because I was moving it's a collision and my insurance has doubled. this is wrong.
Car insurance rates in florida?
I lent my friend my car in florida and the car broke down he called for assistance and the tow truck hit the car will my car insurance go up i have geico
How much would these cars cost to run per month?
renault clio 1.2... citron Saxo.... corsa (old) including tax , m.o.t and insurance and watever you have to pay for :) x""
Totaled my car and my insurance company will no cover car rental?
I have Mercury car insurance and I pay for ful coverage, I just totaled my 12 month old Camry and now my agent is telling me that I do not have access to a rental car, that the only ...show more""
Can u use your parents health insurance without them knowing?
i wanna go to the doctors without my parents knowing using there insurance. is it possible? and i live in california and im 19 years old. help:(
Car insurance policy - car purchase date?
So I am currently trying to buy car insurance for myself, I am trying to get the insurance in my name so I can get no claims. The car is my mums however, and it is in her name, but the insurance can let me choose an otpion that says someone else owns the car. It asks when the car was purchased; now when my mum bought the car it didn't have a logbook, and we didn't get one for a year while it was sat at the back of our house. The date on the V5 is 2012 but technically we bought the car in 2011. Should I list the date we bought it or the date listed as registered on the V5? It makes a 250 different in the insurance quote for some reason o.O""
Gettng bike insurance in chennai?
am from chennai..want to take 2 wheeler bike insurance..used bike..2006 model pls advise me on best insurance company that offers reasonable rate.. i currently have united insurance policy,but feel it is costly""
What is the name of the cheapest possible car insurance ? and how much ?
i need full coverage cost on two cars
How much is a ticket for not having car insurance in California?
Freeway Insurance just called me and told me that my insurance was not paid last month and that it got cancelled. I could swear that I did pay and my bank overview says I did pay. This is the second time they call me to tell me that. I think those ****** bastard just want money. So I'm just wondering how much a ticket cost because I'm gathering money to open another policy but with another Insurance company.
""What happens if you have health insurance through your job, then have to get new health insurance?""
If you have health insurance with your employer then quit, how can you get new health insurance with your new employer because aren't they going to see all your pre-existing history from your old insurance company?""
Does anybody know where to get cheap auto insurance for a 18year old?
Does anybody know where to get cheap auto insurance for a 18year old?
Scooter insurance - where can i get cheap scooter insurance for my 16 year old son ?
My 16 yr old son is being quoted stupid prices - he has a 49cc and has past his cbt. can anyone suggest a company who specialise in young riders ?
Are private pilots required to buy insurance for their planes?
Are private pilots required to buy insurance for their planes?
What do I need to do for self employed medical insurance?
I am 43 I am married. My hubby has medical and I'm on his policy. He has retirement. I will be on his retirement. But he is 44 what happneds to me being self employed, if something should happen to him. Will I still get his retirement money? Will I still be covered medical? I am looking at an IRA account at the local bank next week. I have only been self employed for 5 years. I have worked for an employee up until now. I need help. I need to plan for the retirement years. Thank you for your time. Plus we both have life insurance incase of death. If he goes first I'll have money to pay for the house. But what then? By the time I'm too old to work how will I buy things?""
Do beneficiaries have to pay taxes on life insurance policies?
Do beneficiaries have to pay taxes on life insurance policies?
Car insurance costs help?
I'm getting a car. Is there some website that will tell me or help me figure out how much my car insurance will be every month?
First car accident - forgot to get insurance info?
I just got into my first car accident ever today. I have his license #, plate #, address, cell number, but I totally forgot to get his insurance info. The CHP officer did come and file a report though. Do I still need to get it or amI ok? Am I supposed to report to my insurance company now or wait until 5-10 days after the report is finished? Sorry, this is my first time so I don't know anything. My car is is a 95 Honda and he drives a Lexus. There were only some scratches on his car (very minor damages) and mine is pretty bad. Any advice would be appreciated. Happy Vday to me. =[""
Roanoke Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 24005
Roanoke Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 24005
0 notes
help finding affordable health insurance
"help finding affordable health insurance
help finding affordable health insurance
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What is average for car insurance?
I was just curious, as I am shopping for car insurance for the first time. I am a 23 year old male, so it will probably be higher than a lot of others, but I was wondering what you think is a fair rice as I shop around? Recommend a certain insurance company? All answers will be appreciated! -Dan""
How much does a moped cost?
I am looking into a cheap way to get around town and someone told me mopeds are pretty cheap. but i need to know how cheap. How much does a moped cost new? how much would gas cost me on average? what about license and registration? would i have to buy insurance and if so how much does that cost? links to a site that would tell me these things would be very helpful. thank you for your time. (i am an 18 year old female and this will be my first vehicle and first time driving anything, i don't know if that makes a difference)""
Car buying/drive test/insurance question.?
By June 16th, the first day of my job, I will need to not only buy a car, but purchase insurance and schedule/complete/pass my drive test. Now, this could be my young naive mind talking, but I am a very alert driver, maybe a little fast, but VERY alert. When doing behind the wheel, I went on the freeway after only 1 hour and the guy said I'm only the second person he's felt comfortable with doing that. But my question is, in what order should i do this (car, test, insurance) and how much preparation/time does each take. i'm hoping for my parents to stop fighting so my dad can buy a new one and give me his truck, but there are no guarantees. By the way, I am 16, and don't think this is some worthless endeavor by a kid with no money. I have saved for over 3 years (I know have over 10000$ but I have to buy everything, but my parents will pay for half of the insurance costs. THANKS""
What car insurance should I get?
I just got my first car. Its a 1998 Subaru Legacy L sedan. I need insurance bad, I want to get something good, but inexpensive. I know thats hard to find, but I am on here asking because I don't know what is good and bad in the insurance world. Please help me! Thank you in advance. Heres a few factors that might help. Age:19 Sex:Male I've only had my license under a year. This is my first car The car is automatic, green, and stock.""
What car insurance do you like?
I'm an adult and looking for a good car insurance that's pretty affordable for the age group 18-24. I know that's it's more expensive for young adults due to reckless driving. I want esurance but I was looking for opinions on others I haven't thought about yet.
Insurance when your pregnant?
I currently have insurance although October 1st my coverage will be terminated because I left my job. I recently found out that I was pregnant and was wondering how I will get insurance and will my pregnancy be considered pre-existing when I get insurance through a private company. Should I try to go to the doctor while I have my current insurance through work or wait until I have new insurance
Where to find affordable complete health insurance?
i am looking fior affordable health insurance, like as in family. i am looking online, but so far have come up with nothing. they are dropping my insurance at work, so i need to find something. if i have to go online to find it, that is ok.""
Car insurance and international driver's license?
Hi, I'd like to know if it's possible to get car insurance and buy a car in the USA if you don't have an American driver's license... I only have a French driver's license and an international driver's license. Could you please also tell me how much does car insurance approximately cost for 1 year? Thank you very much in advance.""
How much more would insurance be for 16 year old with a V8 mustang as opposed to a 6 cylinder one?
I would be on my parents plan at state farm, I just want to ask before i call. I get to chose my car so i am just researching. They would be about the year 2000 with no problems. Also my parents have perfect driving records.""
Health insurance for visitor from india?
Where can I get health insurance for a parent who is undergoing dialysis in India and wants to Visit the USA for a short term. Of course they will need to continue there treatments here while visiting. But we need some kind of assistance while they are here.
What is the minimum automobile insurance required in the state of california?
What kind o risk is being managed when someone takes out a life insurance?
""I need a good independant health insurance broker near Houston, Tx.?""
Can anyone recomment a good independant heath insurance broker in the Houston, Tx. area that I can go talk to. I need to sign up for individual health insurance for my family but I would really like to talk to someone in person who would look out for me and not themselves. Has anyone had good experiences with any that they could recommend? Thank you.""
""Average cost of renters insurance in midwest, 2 BR apt?
What is the average cost of renter's insurance in mid-state Michigan for a 2-BR apt.
Getting married and need help with insurance?
My parents have Cigna insurance. I understand that I am no longer a considered an eligible dependent when I am legally married, but I am also a full time student. Which status is the dependent variable when considering eligibility? If I'm married AND a full time college student, does that mean I can't get coverage?""
Do I need Insurance on a financed motorcycle in Florida?
I have a motorcycle that is financed and I live in Florida. I am financed through HSBC. Is it mandatory that I have to have insurance on the motorcycle?
Will I need an SR-22 insurance?
My license was suspended for one year, I get it back this year. 18 year old male. Wisconsin. This is my record, 12-31-2011 Driving 1 to 10 miles per hour over the speed limit (3 POINTS) 04-15-2012 Imprudent speed (8 POINTS) 06-08-2012 Driving 20 miles per hour or more over the speed limit (12 POINTS) 08-19-2012 Imprudent Speed (8 POINTS) Also, what should I expect the insurance to cost and is it required?""
Can you explain to me how health insurance works?
So I'm looking to buy a good health insurance that cover women's exams, such as breasts, and other parts of the body. And I'm married to my husband so we need insurance for the both of us. Is it better to pay high amount first and then make low payment on it? Can you explain this to me? Thanks.""
Is it worth it (in decreased insurance costs) to finish driver's ed after getting my license?
So, I got my license today, but I'm literally halfway through my driver's ed course. I was just thinking, if I pass the test, great, if not, I'll retake after the class and nbd. I honestly want to drop out since the classes are very repetitive and common-sense, and it's 15 hours I could be using on something else, but my mom disagrees... I know some insurances make you pay less if you've finished a course, but is it that significant that it would be worth it?""
Cheap car insurance!!!?
I'm 17 and I just got my license and my dad is looking for insurance for me does anyone know where I can get a very good deal??
Wrx vs. Impreza insurance?
I know the wrx has really high insurance rates.. How about the regular impreza? (new models)
How much Vespa costs to run in london? better use tube?
hi l want to buy Vespa (with cash) and lm wondering how much it costs monthly to run it? with fuel + tax + insurance? is it worth it? or better stick to tube (117 per month) any experienced Vespa owners?
I'm pregnant and have no insurance. What are my options?
I recently found out I am pregnant. I am 21 and a full time student in college. My boyfriend is willing to help as much as he can, but I feel like it still won't be enough. I want to know where do I find out how to get Medicaid. And what other options do I have? How do I get temporary insurance while I find out if I am eligible to receive Medicaid? Are their any special programs in Maryland that can help me? I am so confused if I should try asking the Department of Social Services or the Department of Human Health Services. Please help!""
Is car insurance cheaper for used cars than new?
I hear a lot that when getting you're first car that you're supposed to buy a used car and not a new car because auto-insurance is going to be cheaper. Is there any truth behind this?
Speeding ticket will insurance go up??
Ok my fiance just got a speeding ticket his first ticket ever!! He was doing 44 in a 35. He has progressive insurance the cop told him that his insurance wouldnt go up. But I dont know if that is true. I was wondering if he pays it off or goes to court and see what happens will his insurance go up since it is his first ticket? If it helps we live in North Carolina. I was just wondering what is the best way out because right now we cant afford to much money. He works two jobs got laied off one because no business and expecting second child at anytime. So was just wondering if anybody could give up information on what is best? Thank you and somepeople said something about driving school?? But do you take that before or after court?
How much should we expect from her insurance?
a friend and i had an accident on Thursday, we were going on two different motorcycles and a woman never saw us and she cut our way and we ended up hitting her pretty bad, the motorcycles are totaled. one of us had a dislocated shoulder and a strained knee, the other one was hospitalized for three days, he ended up having a broken rip, blood in the skull, and damaged spine. this accident was the woman's fault so my question is how much should each of us expect from her insurance? should we hire a lawyer?""
help finding affordable health insurance
help finding affordable health insurance
How to appeal declining application on Health insurance?
I just received letter from Blue Shield of California on my recent application for health coverage, I am asking for any suggestion on appeal and my rights in this process. My COBRA is running out, and this recent application took 2 months before they turned me down. I considered myself fairly healthy other than a monthly low dosage cholesterol prescription. Any help or suggestion is appreciated.""
How a car insurance works? minor car accident?
Hi, everyone. This morning, I had a minor car accident in the grocery parking lot. A lady's car hit the front seat door on the right side of my car. The lady's car is fine, but my car door got dented. For your information, the lady's car was parked in the parking space and I was backing up behind her side-way when she reversed and hit my car. I think she was careless. Anyhow, We exchanged year, make, mode, plate number, insurance information, personal info(name, phone number) each other. Now, I don't know what would happen if I report the accident to my insurance company, GEICO. If I report the accident, I get repair money for the lady's insurance company? if so, how much would I get from the insurance company? and if it's not enough I have to use my own pocket money? Does this count as my fault and would increase my insurance payment? And, I did not take any photos of the cars at the time. How can I prove the accident if the lady insists the accident did not happen? Sorry, it's a lot of questions. It is my first time ever to get into a car accident since I started driving. I'd really really really thank you if you can please give me your advice or share your experiences. and one more thing, if you get your car to a repair center, how long does it usually take to get your car repaired? I live on California, and it's very inconvenient without a car. Thank you so much for your help. and also I didn't not call the police to file a legal accident report. and I didn't call the insurance agent yet. I'm really worried that I have no proof of the accident. Thank you for your help""
Camera insurance for not professional?
I would like to buy an insurance for my camera. Please write only the link for not professional. Thank you so much! USA
How much is car insurance monthly in Oregon with a Dealer License?
A buddy of mine who lives in Washington registers their cars with their dealer license. My buddy claims that his car insurance is only about $20.00 a month because of his dealer license. My family and I are beginning to pick cars up on craigslist and flipping them and are getting a dealer license so I'm wondering if in the state of Oregon, if the car insurance will be cheap like that or is that a Washington only thing? Thanks for your answers- Paul""
Car Insurance Question- KY?
What are the rules with car insurance? I know if you are under the age of 25 the price is ridiculous. So obvioulsly you get the insurance under someone (your parents, other family, etc). Now to get insurance, does the car title have to be in that same persons name who is getting the insurance? Anyone know how to get cheaper insurance? Just wondering if anyone has any advice...""
First time insurance for a 17 year old lad?
The cost of insurance is so high even if i added him to my current policy. so then i am wondering about putting him third party on his own insurance.. what are the main pro's and cons' of this... his car is worth about 850 and his excess would between 650-750 anyway, thanks in advance for your help :-)""
Where can I get affordable health insurance?
I am a full time college student, and my school offers insurance, but it is expensive. I need basic health care to cover doctors visits, specialist visits, and x rays. The main reason I need coverage is that my back is messed up from a car accident about a year and a half ago and I can't take the pain anymore. I went to my states website and the insurance they offer is currently not accepting applications. I have looked at tons of sites online, but so far am having no luck. Any advice would be appreciated.""
Question about car insurance?
1. How long does it take to get insurance? Can we go in and apply for it tommorrow and have it when we walk out? Or is there a waiting period? How long until you are legally covered? 2. If you get insurance on a car you are going to sell/trade in - can you switch over your insurance to cover the new car? Or how does that work? Problem is, our truck isn't insured right now but we're planning on buying a new car in the next month or 2.. will that make things more difficult for us? - first time insurance buyer""
""How much do you pay for your car insurance policy evey year, all said and done?""
My boyfriend and I are moving to Portland Oregon, and we're trying to get some sort of idea. This is some info that would help us get an idea. How old are you? How many people are on the policy? What type of car(s)? How much coverage? THANKS!""
Health insurance question please?
My family and I have not had health insurance for the past few years. And I'm starting to get really sick and probably need tests done. I live near Aurora,IL, what's an affordable good health insurance I can get? I work part-time at a pet store and it's not gaurenteed hours so I may get like 30hrs a week for a month and than it go down to 20hrs a week. I am going to school full-time as well. Can someone please help me?""
What are the best insurance companies out there if you have had a DUI and a speeding ticket in the last 8 year?
Looking in California for an insurance company with reasonable rates I just got my renewal and they want me to pay 175 per month I have been only paying 100 dollars a month So if anyone of you know of a great company please post a reply and thank you
Is it absolutely necessary for my car insurance company to have my husband's drivers license info?
My husband and I recently got married. We both keep separate finances and have our own cars and insurance policies. He actually owns cars jointly with his elderly mother and they have insurance together. He does not drive my car, he can barely fit in it. I have State Farm insurance. When I got my insurance I was told that they would cover anyone I choose to let drive my cars. I have 3 cars insured with them. I've been with them for 10 years, I've never missed a payment or had any claim of any kind. My husband doesn't feel comfortable giving out his information to anyone who does not need it. I think he has this right. State Farm claims it won't affect my policy so why do they need it? They keep calling me. I'm thinking of emailing them and telling them my opinion and that there are plenty of other insurance companies out there if they have a problem with it.""
How much was your auto insurance at 18 year olds?
How much was your auto insurance at 18 year olds?
Who has the cheapest car insurance?
Estimated car insurance premium for a Camaro/Corvette?
I am looking to buy either a 2002 Camaro (5.7L V8) or a 2000 - 2002 Corvette (5.7L V8). I am wondering how much insurance will cost me. The detailed information and questions are as below: 1. Age: 34 2. Have been driving in the States for little less than 4 years. No accident at all. Only one speeding ticket about 3 years ago. (I had been driving for 10 years in Seoul, Korea with no accident at all, but it didn't count) 3. I used to drive a 2007 Toyota Tundra (5.7L V8), which I sold a few days ago. I paid about 450 dollars/6 months for full coverage. Questions: 1. How much would it cost me if I buy either one mentioned above? (even ballpark number would be appreciated) 2. Do year and purchasing price (or resale value) affect premium? For example, buying a 2008 brand new Corvette or a 2000 used Corvette makes a difference? 3. I know it would be higher to have a sports car, but do my age and driving record affect premium? If yes, how much do they affect?""
Other or new insurance companies Non-exclusive?
Hello there, I have a client, she is 18 years old and has a 1997 Toyota Corolla. She came by for insurance 2 days ago and I have quoted her with: Allied, Safeco, Hartford, Progressive, Mapre, Mercury, Metlife, Chubb, Hanover, AARP, Travelers, Golden Eagle, Nationwide, California Auto, Foremost, Liberty Mutual, State Fund, and around 4 more that I can't pull out of my head. The cheapest quote received was from Mercury Insurance for: 15/30/15 UM:10 MEDICAL:1000 COMP:1000 COLL:1000 No rental Premium: $2,103.90 It's basically what the car is worth if not more. Do you happen to know other non-exclusive companies that would take her? She has a clean DMV record. FSC is pulling very high premiums. Thank you very much.""
How much is the insurance on a 2010 Mazda?
Im turning 16 soon and im looking for a car. im thinking about a 2010 Mazda 3, 4 door. just looking for how much the insurance will be monthly...rough estimate is good""
Car Insurance Question in NJ?
My husband and I have two cars- both insured with us as the drivers. However, his mother (and sometimes his three brothers) have been using my husband's car while there's is getting fixed. They've had the car going on three months- and I read on progressive.com (our insurance, obviously) that we're responsible to make sure any 'regular' drivers are covered under our insurance. I'm not sure their insurance situation, since the car has been so delayed in getting fixed- they may have canceled it until they get it back. So, I don't actually want to contact the insurance company- because I'm sure they'll do what's best for them, not us. My questions are- are we responsible to cover them under our insurance since they are driving it 'regularly' or since we have the car covered is it okay? What would happen if someone besides me and my husband had a collision in that car- would the insurance be obsolete?""
Insurance Broker Question?
On average how much does an insurance broker make in california? Or how much just a well rounded guess nationwide it does not matter... When an insurance broker gets commision from a company for helping them get more customers...around how much percentage does he cut from the company?
Can you file an car accident insurance claim without a police report?
this is re: a very minor accident. our car bumped into the other car after they slammed on their breaks. No damage at all to our car. The license plate and screws are bent on the other car. Other person uncooperative and after we gave our insurance info to them, refused to give info to us. Police on scene did not file report, told us to just deal with it on our own. My worry is, can they file a claim? wouldn't it be just our word against theirs? advice would be helpful thanks.""
What is the best car insurance provider for young drivers?
I have recently passed my driving test, and was wondering which car insurance provider is cheapest as most of them seem to be very expensive!""
What is the company that offers the cheapest insurance quote for a 18 year old?
I need Full coverage: PIP, Comp & Collision (500 Deductible), Liability. My car is financed""
What are typically the cheapest auto insurance company in Massachusetts?
I currently am with MetLife but they increased charges this year, so I'm looking to change the company. Any suggestions to cheaper auto insurance? Thanks!""
Whats the difference between molina & caresource health insurance?
Whats the difference between molina & caresource health insurance?
Why don't Gay men get the same car insurance rates as women?
Why don't Gay men get the same car insurance rates as women?
help finding affordable health insurance
help finding affordable health insurance
I recently moved to Brooklyn and I need to find affordable auto insurance for my car. Any suggestions?
I know car insurance in NY is expensive in general, but any suggestions would help!""
Renewal of car insurance after accident?
I was in a car accident in Oct 2006, I was injured in the accident and still under medical treatment but insurance is now refusing to pay any medical bills and my 6 month renewal is up and I am wondering if I need to renew this because of being in a accident or not. If anyone has been through anything similar like this could you please advise. I was not at fault in this accident and I am waiting to hear from a lawyer. Any Advice? Serious answers only PLEASE!!""
What is the Best & cheapest insurance in Texas?
I drive a 1989 Toyota Camry, I just go to and from school (less than 2 miles away) i only drive the car like Mon. & Wed. and yet i have to pay like 150 for car insurance, in 6 months of paying, i pay what my car is worth. So i wanted to know is there any cheap insurance i dont care if they suck or anything like that, i just want something below 100 dlls. so please tell me which insurance you use and how much you pay a month that would really help. Thank you in advance -Angela""
What if an auto insurance valuation is too low?
The insurance company wants to total my car, which was in a parking lot accident. The value that they are giving it is way too low. I know some people want more than their car is worth and the insurance company would like to save themselves as much money. However, objectively looking at it.... I cannot find another car for the price that the insurance company says it's worth. Online dealer ads list some cars with somewhat higher mileage at $2,000-2,500 more. When I offer the amount that the insurance company offered, they are polite but decline the offer. The insurance company uses comparisons with cars that are all much higher in mileage, some double. I suspect those cars are beat up. The state insurance commissioner will do nothing much, according to what their website suggests. At most, they will be an informal moderator that encourages resolution. They also tabulate the number of complaints. They will not get involved unless there is a clear violation of law, not just low ball estimates. They even say that. Actually, the repair estimate plus salvage value equals the value they assign. If the value is higher, it should be repaired, which I want. I am willing to accept a fair valuation and settlement but it is not fair now. What should I do?""
""Spouse suspended license, live together, can I get auto insurance?""
Actually, it is my son in law who has a suspended license. My Daughter's policy was canceled and she wants to start a new policy, but she says that no insurance company will touch her because she lives with someone with a suspended license. Is this for real? Sound like a bunch of hog-wash to me. She lives in Massachusetts.""
How much would a 2002 impreza wrx cost to insure?
Im 17( i know im about to get a bunch of your going to kill yourself! AHHHH!!!! i regularly drive my dads 05 mustang gt, i know how to responsibly control power) and me and my parents have found a great deal on a 2002 impreza sedan, it has 125k miles on it, and the last thing deciding factor before buying this vehicle is the insurance. We already have a mustang gt on the family plan, i live in VA, make all A's(supposed to give me a 30% discount), im male, the color is blue, with only a greddy bov aftermaket part installed. The car itself is blue, it is the turbod WRX version(not the sti), and has never been wrecked. We have state farm, im not sure as to what other information anyone would need to know, but im jusst looking for a rough estimate, thanks for any input.""
Can I drive a car without teenage insurance?
My uncle said I can borrow his car for new years, but he doesn't have teenage insurance. Would he need it if I'm only borrowing it for one day and night? Can I still drive it? If something happens will regular insurance cover? I've been driving for a while I'm good at it. Plus a few of my friends riding are also licensed, the oldest 23. I'm 18.""
I put the wrong dettails on car insurance quote!:(?
hi everyone.A year ago i bought a car insurance and when i done the quote i ve put by mistake that i have my licence for 5 years and i only got it for 3 months at the time!now my insurance is due to renewal and as i was looking thru the details on my insurance i noticed that there is a mistake about the years for how long i got my licence.now i found a differente insurance company that is giveng me cheaper quote,i got my licence now for 1 year and 4 months.whats gone happen now with that mistake? PLEASSE HELP! EXCUSSE MY ENGLISH!""
Insurance coverage after my car was totaled?
In 2005 I was in an accident, not my fault. My 1997car was totaled, due to a small area of body damage. I kept the car. Comparing notes with my friend, he said I should not have been paying for collision these past 4 years. When I called to tell my insurance company I bought a new car, I asked why my rates didn't go down after the accident. They said only I could have made a change. Question: what would have happened had I been in another accident that would have totaled my car a second time. Would they deny me. Are they obliged to counsel customers about keeping collision insurance on an already totaled car. Do I have any recourse. Could I get a refund. (My question mark key is gone on my keyboard.)""
Why do they ask your occupation when appliying for insurance?
Does it really matter? Or is it for marketing purposes?
Will my insurance go up if i get a traffic ticket for failing to stop at a stop sign?
what if i just pay the bill will my insurance go up? the thing is just this dec 6 2011 they added two new stop signs in a 4 way intersection before, if you were going north or south you didnt have to stop, and only the people going west and east had to stop its been several months since i passed by there and i just zoomed thru the stop sign and obviously violated the law. i bet im not the only one thats been stopped there im in california btw""
""How do i go about getting car insurance, for a 20 year old?""
well i'm almost 19 now..but when I am 20 I am getting out of my house..anyway my mom is always nagging at me about how she pays for my car insurance and she says its like 200$ a month and i wish i could pay it so she could shut up..but anyway so when i move out how do i get car insurance and how much would it cost for a 20 year old? i've never been in an accident, i would be a student, i have above a 3.0 and i took drivers ed..don't you get discounts for all that?""
Affordable Health Care Who is really paying for it?
32 Million in the US uninsured. Pre ACA, the uninsured would show up in the ER, get whatever treatment they could then leave, most of them not paying the bill. The hospital prices ...show more""
What is the average cost of sr-22 insurance ??
i need to sr-22 to get my license back after 7 years w/o driving. i lost it in 2001 due to a dui, and haven't driven since. its finally time for me to start my life over, and this is a major step to do it. i learned from the dmv (ca) that i need the sr-22 + insurance, and just a 125.00$ reinstatement cost. i know there are a lot of factors to consider, but just an idea of the cost would be great.""
Staying on my mother's health insurance?
I'm 19 years old, in good health, and moving out. My mother has been laid off and is getting a job out of state which is forcing me to move out (i'm not complaining just informing). She will be on cobra health insurance until the new job's health insurance kicks in but I was wondering if I'd still be able to be covered under her new job's insurance if we aren't living together. The only reason I ask this is because I am currently working part time at a job that offers health insurance but it is $70 per month. If it were up to me I'd go without health insurance but she informed me that it is required by law now (yay). I've read in some places that I would be able to stay covered by my mother's insurance until age 26 but I've also read in other places that if my job offers health insurance I cannot be covered on someone else's as a dependent. I live in Georgia if that matters! Any tips/suggestions welcomed, thanks!""
Safe to buy Insurance over the phone ?
I need car insurance , is it safe to give my credit card information over the phone ? What would they ask for ? Just the card number ? Will they want the expiration date and 3 digit code on the back ? Do they need my SSN number ? I know they will need an address , phone number and drivers license number. The people that answer (I have called 6 places for a quote) seem like the type you do not feel safe giving all this information too.""
Good maternity insurance in Michigan?
We are looking for good affordable maternity insurance here in Michigan. Everything that I've found has a huge waiting period, and they still expect me to pay through the entire time. Any help?""
Father wants to add either wife or daughter on the car insurance policy? Who will be cheaper to add?
Father wants to add a named driver to his insurance policy and wants to add the wife who is 48 years old whom holds a provisional licence. However, the daughter who is 17 (nearly 18) wants to be added as a named driver as she does quite a lot of practising in the car. From the situation would it be the same price for both? or would it be cheaper for the older women. Both have not passed test so wouldn't the insurance policy price be the same for both. I would like to know the difference? or whether it would be the same as both just hold provisional license?""
Abortion insurance?
I'm doing an essay on abortion and had a quick question about insurance. Does Obamacare cover abortion at planned parenthood in Seattle, Wa?""
What to do if i don't have auto insurance before purchasing a used car?
Im buying my first car. Im just looking for vehicles at the moment and ive never had insurance. Anyone been in this situation and can help me out?
Where can I get the third party insurance?
I am travelling in New Zealand and I am looking for a temporary third party insurance policy. I am a non resident of New Zealand and was wondering if anyone knows where i can get an insurance policy?
""Which Insurance is Cheaper, Motorcycle or Car Insurance?""
I don't have a License for Either Yet, and I already Know You Need one for the Other (License), but I was just Wondering which Insurance would be cheaper If I would get both Licenses roughly in the same time. The Bike is Likely a Ninja 250 and the car is Likely a Mitsubishi Eclipse 98 RS. Manual for Both Vehicles.""
18 year old car insurance? ?
Im looking at a Chevrolet cobalt coupe 07. Where can i.get the cheapest car insurance.?
Advice onCar insurance?
which cart insurance is best for two 19 year Olds? I have never had insurance of my own and I have never gotten a ticket or been in an accident. My boyfriend will be 20 next month and he has had insurance but not recently. We are on a fixed income and would prefer to only spend around 150 per month. Any advice on insurance for a 2000 4x4 2 door Ford explorer? It's a 6 cylinder engine..automatic transmission.
Car insurance renewal premium amount?
I have a Swift car which is one year old. I have to renew its insurance. What can be the likely estimate of insurance amount
help finding affordable health insurance
help finding affordable health insurance
What is the cheapest way to insure a first car?
I want a ford ka which luckily I one of the cheapest cars to run and insure for young drivers. Is there anything else I can do (except from the black box as I have 3 siblings I will need to drive around) to make the insurance cheaper? My parents both have quite good jobs and are willing to pay it but they would like to pay 1500 p.a maximum if possible.
State Farm Insurance Rates From Fellow Users?
I will be added onto my parents policy. I got a 3.0GPA 16 Year old male, still in high school I will probably get a late 90's compact or 1/2 ton pickup. Any ideas, I herd that it will be around $300 a month. I also have taken driving classes if that helps.""
Can your car insurance company penalize you if...?
Can your car insurance company penalize you if you report an incident but decide not to file a claim?
Insurance boyfriend and girlfriend.?
Well as topic says I need an insurance for me and gf (I don't have one yet) and I live in newyork and she lives in georgia I need some plan that can have me and her on same thing and I can pay for it. Your help is appreciated
""What would be a good, cheap first motorcycle?""
i have a provisional licence, need a bike thats good for going to college and commuting. cheap insurance, and to buy, preferably below 1.5k. also any advise on where the best places to look are?""
MA Health Insurance for young married couple?
I will be married in a year, and probably lose my health insurance at 24. My fiance is coming but neither of us have full time jobs yet. What are our options for health insurance, that are affordable? Assuming neither of us have full time jobs yet. Thanks! : )""
Can i insure 2 cars by 2 different insurance companies?
i already have car insurance with my first car but i have just bought another. to insure it on my current insurance is expensive. iv looked at other insurance companies and its cheaper to insure with them. Am i allowed to have a different insurance company for each car?
Does an auto insurance company look at my grid when transferring insurance to a new vehicle?
Disclaimer; Please, I am not looking to have judgement passed on me as I know I made a mistake. In October 2011 I was convicted of DUI. I served my 1 year driving prohibition but left my vehicle insured because my boyfriend was driving me a lot of places. When my insurance renewed the 2 times since the conviction, my rates didn't go up but I am really not too sure why..I am a long term customer of my insurance company and I can only assume that they were made aware of the conviction in my file but maybe it auto renewed so it went un-noticed? Here is my question. If I purchase a new vehicle and transfer my existing insurance policy to it, is it highly likely that my file will be looked at more closely and my rates will sky rocket? Can the ins company retro charge me for the past 2 years in which my rates did not go up? How long until this conviction falls off my driving record and no longer warrants higher than normal insurance charges? Thank you so much.""
Car Insurance for a new driver?
I've been searching compare sites for a couple of days now having very recently passed my test (yay ). The best quote I have at the moment is 4,500. I have no convictions on my license and at 21 years old, I'm finding this pretty hard to believe. Surely something is wrong? On my mothers insurance (9 years no claims) I'm getting a quote, as an additional driver, at 2,500. Still pretty pricey wouldn't you agree? I'd love for some comments on this, I'm getting rather annoyed! Thanks.""
Motorcycle insurance?
How much is insurance? I am 15 1/2 (male) and I want to get a ninja 250r. I live in california, I get good grades and I will take the basic riders course ( I hear good grades and the brc give insurance discounts).""
Best overall car insurance company?
In your opinion (or based on any experiences) what is the best kind of car insurance?
Can anyone recommend a website that will give free quotes for multiple car insurance companies?
I'm trying to find a website that will give different quotes for comprehensive car insurance in Australia. Can anyone recommend one?
How much wil I have to pay the first time wen I go set up my car insurance?
Ima buy a used car this week for about 2 thousand. Nd I wanna go put insurance on it but how much will I have to pay wen I go.
How much would full coverage auto insurance in California cost if i've had my license for 9 1/2 years?
Plus a good driving record & I am 29 years old.
Dental Insurance?
Does anybody know an inexpensive yet good dental insurance in Northern CA? I am on a tight budget. The cheapest one I saw is Deltacare for $97/year but I don't know if it's any good. Help please. Thanks!
How much would insurance cost with a 2000 mustang convertible? HELP PLEASE!?
I'm a 16 yer old, and I have insurance with geico. I want to buy a 2000 ford mustang covertable. I was wonder if anyone knew about how much my familys insurance would go up. I realize I can call geico but my dad won't let me, ha. So any ideas? Thanks!""
Car insurance looking to buy my first car?
i am a 20 year old male have my full licence 6 months and looking to buy a 1.4 golf gti could somebody tell me how much insurance would cost me would you say or best places to get a quick quote online
Cheap insurance in michigan?
Hi i live in Taylor MI and im trying to find cheap insurance for a 2008 ford focus
Whats a good insurance for an orthadontist?
I want to get my teeth fixed and straightened, but I don't have insurance. I'm 20 and I work part time so I don't get the full benefits like the full time employees. I could always apply for medicaid but I'm not sure if it will cover the costs of the kind of surgery I need.""
How much do these bikes cost plus insurance?
i was wondering how much on average these following bikes cost and im looking for a used one as its my first bike, Kawasaki Vulcans 125cc , Honda Rebel 125cc , Yamaha Virago 250 125cc , Suzuki GZ 250 125cc , i also would like to know if anyone knew how much the insurance is for these , i know they depend on factors but anyone from experience , many thanks :)""
How much would a car insurance agent in alberta be expected to make?
How much would a car insurance agent in alberta be expected to make?
Question About Car Insurance?
I have AAA. I have 3 vehicles, 2 in which my daughters are the drivers. One of my daughters has 2 points for prohibited turn, which raised my insurance rate. Is there anyway to get the points removed or remove her from the policy even though she would still drive?""
Best site for Home Owners Insurance on California Cooperatives?
Best site for Home Owners Insurance on California Cooperatives?
How do you adjust a W2 form for group term life insurance?
I'm working on a project for a payroll class. Our company provides group term life insurance to the employees. The group insurance is carried at 1.5x the annual earnings of the employee. The employee pays $.30 for every $1,000 in group life insurance each month to pay the premium. The remaining premium is paid by the employer and debited from an insurance expense account. The whole project, we haven't made any employer premium expense entries. We've only focused on the employee's entries and the credits into the group insurance premiums collected liability account for said deductions. Now, at the end of the year, preparing the W2 forms, I'm at a loss for how to treat this. Is the amount over $50,000 added to the wages, tips and compensation for the income tax paid on it? I've read through the W2 instructions but I just don't understand it that well if someone could explain it.""
Will simply getting an STI test raise insurance rates?
I was wondering if any doctors or insurance professionals know as fact if insurance rates will increase if someone goes to their primary care physician to get an STI screening, even if they test negative for everything.""
help finding affordable health insurance
help finding affordable health insurance
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