#almost caught up though!
alainas-sims · 6 months
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Character Moodboard: Helen Eudora Coates
- Partner of Gen5 Heir Consuelo Huntington Morales
Read Helen’s story here.
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xulips · 16 days
Do you like given by any chance
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..do i
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expelliarmus · 1 year
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mikeystrawberry · 8 months
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ep31 work doodle
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stablecrayon · 2 years
So I’m genuinely very curious- could any f@tt fans reblog or comment on this with what the first arc of the show they listened to was? And also why they gave it a chance then?
..bonus points if you want to add what your listening order for the podcast was from there on :)
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tswwwit · 2 years
Bill being forced to say the truth is such a fun concept though. I imagine Ford's the most likely candidate to hit Bill with a truth spell. Now he can expose Bill's nature once and for all! And find out what secret evil plans the demon has involving his nephew. 😠
Only it completely backfires because Bill acts the exact same as he usually does? After all, Bill usually doesn't have a reason to lie to the Pines family. Will he omit the truth? Totally! But rarely does he outright lie.
(But anyway, the plan backfires and Stan and Mabel are not convinced. "Yeah Bill's a jerk but he's not actually harmful", they say, with no knowledge of the countless atrocities he's committed.)
So Bill continues to act like his usual asshole self, completely unaware that he's under the influence of a truth spell. Until he sees his husband do something smart/cute/whatever. Before Bill even realizes, he's saying the sappiest, most gooey sedimental shit any demon has ever heard. Like "You're perfect, I love you so much". Completely unfiltered thoughts. The stuff he even lies to himself about. "You make me so happy. I'm so glad I met you".
The best part is that the situation is even worse (for Bill) the angrier he gets. "I hate you" comes out as "I love you". "You're the worst thing that ever happened to me" comes out as "The best thing". At one point, he accidentally says you're lucky I love you when he meant to be threatening. Everything is terrible. Dippers trying to figure out a cure and Bill can't help because he's to busy throwing up his organs. All the sedimental bullshit is making him sick.
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#This much sincerity is terrible for a demon like Bill#It's like he's got a terrible cold as well as throwing up all the time as his organs rebel against the honesty#Bonus: Ford DID learn Bill's horrible plan for his nephew. Eventually#Except what Bill ended up saying was something like#'I'm going to keep him until the stars burn out of the sky and this entire galaxy crumbles into dust AND YOU CAN'T STOP ME'#He hissed it out while hugging Dipper to his chest so tight that he almost squashed the guy#Trust Ford to focus on the 'can't stop him' part and not the rest of that statement#Dipper absolutely caught the rest of the implication though#Dipper already knew he was in love himself but hearing all of this is just. So Much.#It's so so nice. Really nice! But also waaaaay overwhelming for him#Anxiety and overthinking go hand in hand. Stress from Ford being around and trying to fix Bill exacerbate it#He knows it's honest but it leaves him confused#What the hell did Dipper do to cause this? (deserve this)#Is there way to fix Bill?? (is he ever gonna change his mind)#He's happy and he's worried. Again he's overthinking#He's flustered and he fumbles and wow he *really* should cure this before they both die of embarrassment somehow#I bet these two assholes still find a way to miscommunicate during a bout of magically-induced honesty#But THIS time it's all on Dipper#SMH my guy he's your husband and he loves you#Too bad overthinking gets in the way of enjoyment.#Also Bill puking a lot. That puts a huge impediment in the way when Dipper can't find an outlet for his feelings#His FIRST impulse was to kiss Bill senseless but since he couldn't do that his brain got stuck in a loop of unexpressed emotion#What a shame; he probably wants to do it so very very much#answers#Once Bill is cured he's grumpy. Turns out he loves Dipper even *more* because his human doesn't want him to suffer just to hear ily#How Dare He love Bill back so purely. He's never going to escape for that sentiment
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ectonurites · 6 months
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#tragically had to skip the 'are you afraid of me' exchange i love at the start bc. this scene is Long#super dark times#josh templeton#zach taylor#sam edits#btw i'm firmly in the 'Josh didn't kill John' camp. bc to me THIS scene is the point that... makes the most sense as Josh's breaking point/#'villain turn' if that's what you'd want to call it. because this is really when Josh... sort of 'officially' loses Zach. from early on in#the movie it becomes clear how much Zach is like... an anchor for him—the way Josh is just fucking *chanting* his name in distress during#the Daryl accident. The way Josh begs Zach to believe him that it was an accident. The way Josh turns to Zach for answers/clarity/direction#Like even if we want to take a cynical approach and think of it as Josh just latching onto Zach in the Daryl situation because he was There#rather than that being an established thing w/ them... in the aftermath of that same incident Josh is still looking to/depending on him!#Josh self isolates at first... but after they talk & Zach tells him they shouldn't act weird Josh goes back to school. (yes#he lashes out there because He's Dealing With The Crushing Guilt but *all* of 'em are acting off then—Charlie specifically calls attention#to the idea they all probably are) Josh goes to the party just like Zach said they should and is *visibly confused* when Zach seems mad to#see him there. He goes to Zach's house to talk and you can SEE how caught off guard he is by what Zach says. Even though the script version#of this scene is VERY different from the final version I do think this one bit of description from it is... insightful: 'Josh seems sincere#almost vulnerable. But Zach is too focused to see it.' LIKE in this scene Zach is already convinced Josh has lost it! He's trying to act#more neutral about it (claiming they could just 'draw a line') but we saw his phone call with Charlie. Because of his own guilt-fueled#paranoia—something shown pretty clearly through the assorted dream sequences and like tht scene of him walking in the hall hearing people#gossip about Daryl—it seems like everything lines up too well! that '*of course* it's Josh and what if it's *been* Josh all along and well#then the role *I* played in the situation really isn't *my* fault because it was all *Josh* and...' etc. even if that's more subconscious#But like... this scene is really when it hits Josh! from the moment he asks if Zach's afraid of him now like... there's a shift. although#Zach says he isn't... i mean he fucking stumbles on the word 'afraid' (like... he hangs on the 'f' sound a moment too long to sound natural#its very subtle but like Noticeable). But Josh sees right through him. Zach doesn't trust him anymore. Zach thinks he's the bad guy. the#monster. Josh feeling like he lost the last person he had in his corner feels like the most realistic thing to... push him over the#edge. like that's a compelling tragedy to me—the idea that these two poorly coping with the Daryl situation in these separated ways where#they *aren't* talking/communicating ends up CREATING the feedback loop that makes everything get worse and worse.#But for that to be the case... it wouldn't make sense for Josh to have just randomly killed John before this scene. I think it's a more#interesting story if certain things really ARE just coincidences but it's that Zach's paranoia won't let him see that 🤷
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Martin's always a carer, a protector, a helper... Someone who's willing to jump in and do what's needed, someone that watches out and tries to predict what's going to happen so he can help, so he can stop things from going wrong.
I don't need to tell you that this is probably a product of his mother's behaviour; if he kept everything in check then what reason would she have to hate him anymore? It never worked, of course, but that's besides the point.
We see it too in early seasons. Anyone would be eager to impress their boss (particularly if they're in love with them), but Martin's eagerness is always filled with such care, such desperation to please. Just because a trait came from a bad place, does not necessarily mean it is a bad thing.
Along with this, his Web-like desire to keep things under control makes him irreplaceable, a valuable person to have around, because he's entirely unable to conceive that he could be valuable solely as himself. He's so devoted to others that committing himself to the lonely to save them was an obvious choice, which says more on the matter than I ever could.
These traits all shine through particularly visibly when things are out of control, like during Daisy's appearance in season 5. From the beginning of the situation it's clearly not going how it's supposed to, and Martin finds himself alone faced by a monster that he can do nothing about.
Without Martin there, there's a chance that Basira and Jon could've missed Daisy altogether, so as usual he's responsible for holding things in place, but as the situation degrades so does his handle on it. Of course his kindness makes it hard to deal with, makes him flinch at the wrong moment-what's another thing to blame himself for?
But when Daisy attacks Jon, that's when things really fall apart. Seeing his partner at risk and in pain after the comfort of his resistance to injury? Attacked not only by a beast, but one that was a friend at some point, if she ever really was... Perhaps this was what was in front of him the whole time but he never could bring himself to look hard enough.
Jon trying to sacrifice himself, Basira trying to take action, Daisy uncontrollable; all Martin has in him is to yell! To scramble for control and some semblance of survivability. And there's no relief at Jon's release, the mess carries on.
The injury is bad. The type of wound that makes you feel the blood drain from your face, that makes you want to burst into tears, but no, there's no time for that. Feeling emotions is not as important as regaining composure. But God, there's barely enough time to even help Jon, Basira needs guidance too, if she can't go through with this who knows what will happen?
Basira and Jon are living through the experience whilst Martin tries to control it, but some things cannot be controlled and there's simply no use trying to fight against the tide. Nothing could be done to change the outcome, but if Martin doesn't try then of course it's his fault.
Whatever he did, things would end the way they did. You can hear him reaching out though, desperately trying to keep the group tied together; being bound by the archives was awful but at least the group was kept together to some extent.
But here there's nothing he can do. Their paths have parted, things play out the way they always would, and they're sent marching towards their awful fate.
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the-blackjay · 5 months
Healing your inner child sometimes means binge reading the books you got bullied away from.
Watch the damn shows and movies too, life's too short not to watch Avatar a third time.
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thebramblewood · 9 months
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You win some, you lose some! August's oversized pumpkin received first place, but Rowan's pie didn't end up placing at all. As they dig in, the entire family agrees she was totally robbed. In fact, her pie is so delicious it's almost worth the trouble of trying to wrangle two sugar-filled toddlers into bed. Almost.
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journeythroughtherain · 10 months
Reading through all those 911 fics on my chronological buddie fic journey (I've finally reached s6 part 2) has taught me two things:
1) what a passenger princess is, and
2) that Eddie Diaz is one, is a generally accepted fanon.
Unfortunately I haven't much of an artistic inclination (when it comes to drawing anyway) because ever since I was introduced to the concept I haven't been able to get out of my head the image of Eddie rocking a t-shirt that says, in some sort of classic graphic tee style,
"Passenger princess in the streets
Pillow princess in the sheets"
(and right next to him, Buck in a shirt that says "<- I'm his ride")
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deva-arts · 3 months
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☆ Nathaniel Wilson ☆
I Really Like Nathaniel because the guy embodies Hope and Positivity without forcing it down the gullets of everyone around him.
He looks like he'd be a pleasant individual to actually be around at 7 am. Even before his coffee. [ Sera should be too, she doesn't seem like an unbearable person to be around in La Matinée ( the Morning ) . But still, she is alot grumpier than her other half. ]
With that said. Insert Happy music here. Nujabes or Smth.
Submitted by @mettamorphoses!
Love the way you drew Nate here! such a clean style and serious face :> He's my favorite little quadfocal guy... friendly, polite, and a good conversationalist! You're absolutely right, he's one of the easiest people to get along with. It's almost like he knows exactly what to say to people.
Sera isn't grumpy so much as she is disinterested and dismissive. She heads to work without bothering to make small talk besides a basic "Hello." if she passes you by. Not the worst outcome, really, if silence doesn't bother you.
#submission#yeah. i'm in Tags too. wassup witchu#Aight but seriously i wonder how literally anyone would be like at 7 am.#Deva's tags start here =>#If he's home for the day he will always be a good conversationalist and offer breakfast or coffee on a morning#This is literally so cool#queued post#As for people at 7 am...#Sera is up by 4 AM unless Nate doesn't have work. By 7 she has already had breakfast and gotten ready to work on her projects.#If you catch her it is likely after she returns from a morning flight. She'll be civil but it can easily come off the wrong way. aw.#Nate takes a lot of long shifts that stretch into the night. Due to this he and Sera have very contrasting schedules.#If you see him in the morning it is usually only because of the weekend or whatever other days he takes off. He is a very tired guy#Vincent has a very erratic schedule and he is always out and about doing things that fancy him#He is also a HEAVY sleeper. Nothing can really wake him except for a very specific noise#Said sound makes him wake up in a horrendous mood. Most mornings are thankfully safe from this sort of temper.#It is hard to say what new bizarre thing he will get himself into next. Like doomcrying while hidden on the roof of a religious congregatio#Sonia is not up by 7 AM without a good reason to be. She is down at the kitchen in a bathrobe by 9 to eat some breakfast.#Which made her the unknowing first victim of Vincent's newly founded pyramid scheme#Amon is a late riser since he is still used to his old schedule from his time at the Ricciardi mafia. Sleeps late? wakes late!#If it's a weekday he will always be up at 6 AM regardless of the amount he slept to take Adra to school.#Eric tends to wake up early but often gets caught up in personal projects. He loves music and editing his tracks but it really eats his tim#So Eric will be going to sleep at 4 and see Sera making herself coffee whilst Nate is also coming home from work and crashing on the couch.#Not even Amon heads in that late. Maybe Vincent does though. If he's “Traversing the night.” Like he says he does.#Vince can't see very well at night anymore. And the sun is almost blinding now. But it's nothing to an immortal like him! ha! bow before hi
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in-tua-deep · 1 year
man i have really been thinking about worldbuilding and exposition in books recently
when i was like, i don’t know, twelve-ish, I picked up this book about a teenage girl in a spy school. and i absolutely fell in love with it - I thought it was incredibly neat how the book just seemed to drop me into the middle of the story, even starting in the girl’s second year. in fact, the main character frequently referenced events from her first year (falling in love with a civilian, things ending badly, finding secret passageways, losing her mother’s trust etc.) 
and I actually really enjoyed the fact that the character had a rich and vibrant life outside of what i had read and that the book didn’t go out of its way to explain her past in flashbacks or anything. i understood the main takeaways and why she was reacting to things based on what i gleaned, and more than that i understood the growth of the character, why she was cautious in certain places but reckless in others, etc and i felt smarter for not being handed the answer on a silver platter
anyway it wasn’t until i finished the book and realized there was a sequel that i looked it up and found out that. in fact. i had started with the second book in the series.
#i will say i genuinely read the sequels and NEVER went back and read the first book#it genuinely felt like i understood the takeaways from reading the second book#it almost felt like i would be doing cammie a disservice by going backwards and undoing the progress she had made#anyway i just remember thinking about how cool it was that the author didn't go out of their way to explain exactly what happened#and yet i was able to understand what happened just by her reactions to this new guy#the oh. OH. of realizing she hadn't fallen in love with a civilian so much as fallen in love with the idea of civilian life#her life being made much more difficult from the loss of trust by her mother and teachers#kind of want to go back and reread it but i feel like reading ur childhood books again sets you up for disappointment#probably not the masterpiece i remember reading#but man it made so much sense bc of COURSE cammie wouldn't just like. give me info about how the world worked. her mum was headmaster.#ofc she knew how the spy world worked smh#so when they were like FUCK the secret passageways we used to sneak out are blocked off bc we got caught last year#we need to figure out either a) another way out of the school unseen or b) find more secret passageways#and i was like !!! yeah! of course! that makes total sense and adds an obstacle for the main character to get though!#and now i also know that cammie a) was sneaking out to see her boyfriend which means it was b) a secret worth hiding for some reason#idk that second book was the only bitch i respect
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purpleshadow-star · 2 years
I love the theory of Mike’s unsent letters to Will being signed "love, Mike" and Mike giving Will the letters and Will seeing the sign off and realizing what it means, but let's be real, neither Mike nor Will would notice the difference if it wasn't mentioned before hand.
Mike would only be thinking about it because El brought it up in the past, and he'd realize he signed Will's letters "love, Mike" so when he gives the letters to Will, he's super nervous for Will's reaction but Will just goes, "aw this is so sweet I didn't know you tried to reach out to me. Thanks for not forgetting about me even if you never sent the letters. Sorry for getting mad at you. You're such a good friend."
And Will wouldn't acknowledge the sign off at all because most people don't notice that kind of stuff. In Will’s mind, a sign off is a sign off, whether it said "Mike," "your friend, Mike," "from Mike," or "Love, Mike."
He'd just be happy to know that Mike didn't forget about him in the first place.
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devilfruitdyke · 1 year
the she/theys vs he/theys and wlw vs mlm posts are symptoms of a larger problem within the queer community 👍
#1. lack of consciousness of beauty standards 2. no grasp of intersectionality 3. focus on online discourse and not queer theory#'discourse' used very literally there. this is not a sick dunk on Minors These Days#anyway we as lgbtq people are very focused on ourselves as oppressed that we dont realize how we are perpetuating/internalizing...#... oppressive beliefs#see how all 'g ender envy' is almost exclusively skinny *white* conventionally attractive cis people#i saw someone say something like 'dont tag as gender envy be yr own person' the other day#and that really opened my eyes ?#we can be so caught up in the politics of being trans (usually as yr only minority group)#that it basically turns into 'skinny white cis men are the ideal of manhood dont ask me why though idk'#its deeply internalized#same goes with the 2 posts i mentioned#ps. i KNOW gender envy is what you personally find enviable and you shouldnt forced to change yr attraction for political reasons#but its the same shit that cishet beauty standards have been for centuries#very similar to how the only models in magazines are skinny white cis women#they dont say that fat people/trans women/woc arent worth their pages. its implied.#we just need to think about what we're implying every day as a community.#also i have a personal thing against gender envy culture because you guys forced me to see FUCKING V OMITBOYX EVERY DAY IN LIKE 2020#/JOKE I SWAER. unless i get told one more time that im not really trans because i dont want short hair over my eyes. then i snap#<3
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zestyderg · 10 months
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Looks like someone's little plan to take back their vivosaur medals didn't work after all
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