#all of us in our lives should get to write a time loop at least once so I'm happy for him
cookinguptales · 1 month
"god, I am such a slut for a time loop," I say, surprising absolutely none of my readers
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hi, so remember that one odile looping au where she was instead in sasasap? yeah, I thought more about it. There's some writing accompanying the art under the cut~! (though uh, warning of. self-harm implications at the end?? our dear odile is Not Doing Well!)
It's been a good few loops since you'd been in the House with the rest of the group. After an... event you're not going to think about, you'd spent a good amount of loops going through the Dormont library, reading through any and all books you could get your hands on.
(No familytales, which you feel bitter about. You're stuck in this hollowed out state, not allowed to progress further, but not allowed to end, and you can't even have that. You came here to try and connect with a part of your own heritage that was taken from you, tried to learn more, to hope that maybe you'd find some sense of belonging that you'd been missing. And now… Now, you're barely even living. Barely even-)
…Returning to your original train of thought, it's been a while since you made your way through the House. You hadn't seen much point in it, to be quite honest. It's not like you can beat the King.
(After all, you've tried so many times already, and nothing you did worked. Not trying to hone your skills through fighting the sadnesses scattered around the House, not through a thorough inspection of all the rooms, not through trying to outsmart the King, nothing you did worked. There's that one attack, just that one attack that the King uses, and maybe if you'd just be able to avoid it you'd be able to defeat him-)
(But you've tried. You've tried, and he always uses it, always kills you before you can even tell the Child to run. You should have never let yourself agree to bring them with you, but you can't bring yourself to try and spare them of this now. They're a part of your group, and you promised that they could come, and you don't want to disappoint them, even if you can't even beat the King, even if the first time around, the Chosen was-)
You take a deep breath. You are not facing the King this loop, you will not see it, so it doesn't matter.
(You don't know whether he kills the Chosen so brutally when you're not around. After all, in the last loop you faced him, he hadn't wasted waste any time in dispatching you at all.)
(…You're unwilling to find out how things play out when you're not there, but for her sake, you hope it's quick.)
(And it's not like it matters, when you're the only one to remember.)
(…The only one. The only one. The only one the only one the only one gems who even are you at this point something jagged and pulverized to small bits until everything feels like a blur and you can barely hold your thoughts together you don't want to be here please someone anyone get you out of this hell you don't want to see them die again you-)
You hold back a sigh. Annoying. All these thoughts and feelings are so annoying. There's something else you should be focusing on. After all, there's a reason you neglected to wrestle the lead from the Trapfinder, letting yourself trail behind the Chosen. A reason you hadn't pushed, hadn't reached for the control of deciding where to go (even if it caused the Trapfinder to feel useless, even if it made them feel unneeded, you couldn't bring yourself to care, to regret, not when you were losing your mind having to see them examine the exact same rooms, the exact same things every time like clockwork, not when you knew exactly where to go to progress and had specific things you wanted to check-) There's a reason.
After all, you know that, even without your input, the Trapfinder will find the way through the House. You can trust them to do that, at least.
This, in turn, gives you time to think. And you need that. Because for this loop? You're planning to go to the House library for the first time.
And you have to figure out a way to get your group to let you do that. Because, despite everything, you still care what they think of you on some level. You don't want them to worry about you. To know that you couldn't figure this out. To-
You do.
So you wonder. Because, you'd heard them talking about you on the way up to the House. You may not care to bother with trying to decipher what exactly they're planning to do, how much they've figured out, but you're sure they've noticed how off you're acting. And you don't think they'd allow you to stay by yourself in the library, not without having a Talk, and that's not something you can afford to have.
The Trapfinder runs into another sadness, and you don't even notice until a stray scissors attack cuts into your side. The Chosen quickly heals you, sending you a worried glance as she does so, but you don't pay it any attention because…
You think you just found your way through.
(You wonder how badly you'll have to injure yourself so they let you stay behind.)
(It's not like it'll last anyways.)
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wolfjackle-creates · 1 year
Ghost!Robin Part 8
Look at you lucky ducks! Two WIP Wednesday excerpts today! I'm afraid you won't be able to get used to it. Going forward I may update each fic on alternating weeks. I have a busy few months coming up if everything goes to plan and could use the buffer in case I can't get much writing done. We'll see, though.
I'm going to start leaving a fic summary at the beginning of every excerpt in case people find this in the wild and want to know what they're getting into.
Summary: Danny is finally going to meet Jazz's boyfriend Jason. At Jason's family's mansion. He spent weeks making sure he could have an evening off of any Ghost King business. But when he meets Jason on the steps of the mansion, he can barely pay attention to the guy because his focus is on the ghost of the dead Robin hanging off his shoulders. Who is very happy to find someone who can actually see him.
Word Count: 1.4k
First, Previous
“Right. Um… Well, I do just kinda do whatever is necessary or find someone who can. Because, um, well, I’m… kinda the High King of the Infinite Realms? There’s a bunch more titles after that but I refuse to memorize them because ugh.”
Danny looked down at his plate, not wanting to see everyone’s reactions. Jazz must’ve made sure he got a piece of pie because it sat in front of him. It looked so good. Did they even know about the Infinite Realms? Justice League Dark members did, but did Batman? Jazz reached over and took his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
Tim and Barbara’s typing seemed to get faster. And then a pair of pixie boots and legs settled on the table next to his plate. He looked up and met Robin’s eyes.
Robin reached out an poked Danny on the nose. He gave a little trill of safe, friends drawing a smile out of Danny.
At the same time, Duke exclaimed, “That’s why you have a crown!”
And Steph said, “Okay, I may be out of the loop, but what the hell are the Infinite Realms?”
Damian snorted. “Aren’t you too young to be a king of anything?”
Danny half stood. “Look, do you want to go spar or something? Is that why you keep picking fights? Because we can do that. Fighting is good for young liminals. But I really don’t think this is the time or place.”
Jazz groaned and dragged him back into his seat. “Stop it, Danny. You’re on Earth right now.” Speaking over Danny’s protests, she explained to Damian, “We wish. Managed to get them to delay until he turned eighteen at least, but his grandfather wouldn’t let us wait any longer than that.”
Danny let the fight drop, but he did notice how Damian’s grip on his spoon tightened. Looked like they would be having that spar tonight if Damian had anything to say about it. Still, Jazz was right and he had to follow human customs on Earth so he bumped his sister’s shoulder and spoke to her instead. “You know as well as I do that he would’ve if it was possible. But thanks to Pariah, there are things that haven’t been done in a thousand years and it’s been causing so many problems.”
“Steph,” said Barbara. “The Infinite Realms are the spaces between universes according to Constantine. His documentation states that the Realm’s inhabitants are all incredibly overpowered and should not be approached under any circumstances. Just one being can evade all methods of capture with standard supplies.”
Jazz nodded. “And our parents dedicated their lives to building a portal to the Infinite Realms, or the Ghost Zone as they call it, and destroying all ghosts.”
“By ‘ghosts,’” asked Bruce, “Do you mean beings from these Infinite Realms?”
Jazz nodded. “Yes. Most beings from the Infinite Realms come into being when a living creature dies in a traumatic way, with a lot of emotion, or near a large source of ectoplasm. Usually some combination of all three.”
Both Tim and Bruce tried to ask further questions, but Jason’s voice cut in over theirs. “Jazz, when you say your parents wanted to ‘destroy all ghosts,’ did they stop after Danny’s accident?” Jason’s question did, at least, cause silence to fall as everyone stared at the two siblings.
Jazz looked down and gripped the tablecloth tightly, jaw clenched. Now it was Danny’s turn to lay a comforting hand over hers.
“No,” Danny said. “They didn’t. They didn’t know what happened for several years and when they found out… Well, there’s a reason I can’t use their last name and Jazz won’t call them ‘Mom’ or ‘Dad’ anymore. But”—Danny clapped his hands—“this is a great segway into what is actually important. Does the Justice League know about the Guys in White? More formally known as the Ghost Investigation Ward? Or even just GIW?”
“That name is unfamiliar to me,” said Bruce.
Tim agreed. “Babs and I aren’t seeing anything in the JL databases.”
Even Robin just shrugged.
Danny didn’t expect the jolt of pain that sent through his chest and Jazz turned their hands around until they were gripping each other’s hands with more force than any baseline human would’ve been able to.
“I told you, Danny. They didn’t know. They didn’t know.” Her eyes were wet, but she forced a shaky smile. “You could’ve had help.”
Danny just shook his head. “Even if I had believed they didn’t know… Without meeting them, without knowing how many of their own were in danger, I would’ve never trusted them. Too many people rely on me for me to risk it.”
“Care to enlighten the rest of us?” asked Dick. His posture was relaxed, but his voice had an edge that hadn’t been there earlier.
Robin nodded from where he sat staring at Danny. He sent out a questioning Danger? pulse at Danny.
“Yeah, danger,” agreed Danny. “Barbara, Tim, if I give you a law code number, can you pull up the law I’m referring to?”
“Of course,” agreed Barbara. “Just a moment… And shoot.”
Danny gave them the code for the Anti-Ecto Acts. “The Guys in White are the government agency responsible for enforcing the Anti-Ecto Acts which classify all ‘ectoplasmic entities’”—he made the air quotes—“as non-sentient and non-sapient and excludes us from the metahuman protection acts.”
“What the fuck!” shouted Duke.
Next to Danny, Dick suddenly was sitting up tense. “That’s impossible.”
“The league would’ve noticed such an act being passed,” said Damian, though he didn’t look as sure as his words would seem.
Cass merely tilted her head and looked at him while Steph choked on her drink.
Bruce looked to Tim and Barbara. “Is this true?” he asked them.
Robin pointed to himself and mouthed the word ‘Me?’ at Danny.
“I’m afraid so. And Bruce, Cass, Steph, and Damian as well.”
Dick’s spluttering got louder. “How are they all in danger?” he demanded to know.
Before Danny could reply, Tim was speaking. “It’s all true. And far worse than Danny implied. Not only are ecto-entities not protected by the metahuman protection laws, but they are to be actively hunted and turned over to the GIW for experimentation and extermination and anyone who assists them is declared guilty of treason.”
“When did they pass?” asked Bruce.
“Four years ago,” said Barbara. “While Luthor was president. They were hidden in some laws about green energy.”
“Ghost are made of ectoplasm,” explained Jazz. “Ectoplasm is a fantastic energy source.”
“It happened a few months after I defeated the previous king but before my coronation,” added Danny.
“Why do you think myself, Damian, Cass, Stephanie, and Jason will be targeted by this Ghost Investigation Ward?”
“It’ll be easier to show you.” Danny reached down and pulled up his bag. The thing was made in Pandora’s realm and was bigger on the inside. Once open, it took him a moment to find what he was looking for. He could see Robin signing to the group next to him. “Here we are,” Danny said as he pulled out three devices. “These are all different ectoplasm detection devices. One is my own design, one is the Guys in White’s design, and one is my parent’s design. I’ll show you mine first because it’s the best.”
“Might be a dumb question,” started Dick, “but what the hell is ectoplasm?”
“So you know how all the elements in this universe came about from nuclear fusion of hydrogen in the cores of stars?” asked Danny. When most everyone nodded, he continued, “In the Infinite Realms, that base element is ectoplasm. But there’s no need for a star to transform it into anything else. It will mold to the shape any consciousness that interacts with it wants. When sentient creatures slip through, either by a portal or through death or any other means, they shape the part of the Realm they’re in to their will. The stronger the ghost, the larger the area they control.” Holding out his hands, Danny called forth a ball of ectoplasm, shaping it into a glowing-green ice duck. “Something like this,” he commented grinning around the table.
Only to be met with horrified looks as most of the table were staring at his hands with distrust. Damian had his knife out again. Jason, his gun with the other arm held protectively in front of Jazz. Bruce was standing and Cass tense.
“What’s wrong?” asked Danny. “It’s just an ice duck sculpture. Completely harmless.”
Jason’s voice was low and threatening. “It’s an ice duck made of Lazarus water.”
More alarming than his voice was the way his eyes glowed ecto-green and the fear-anger that filled the room.
Challenge: Stay on one topic for more than two sentences.
Outcome: Failed.
They keep getting side tracked with more questions. And Danny still hasn't had a bite of his pie. This evening will never be over.
Tag List Part 1
@addie-lover-of-stories, @justwannabecat, @gin2212, @amercurio, @regonold, @overtherose, @readerzj, @sjrose1216, @echoednonny, @deeterzz, @blu-lilac, @number-one-jew, @rowanaway-fromthisbs, @vythika96, @tired-yet-awaken, @themirrorghost, @emeraldcorpral, @all-mights-asscheeks, @darkhinauniverse, @blep-23, @phandomhyperfixationblog, @larkcoe1, @thegatorsgoose, @job-ross-the-second, @britcision, @lenacraft, @bubblemixer, @androgynouslordofescapism, @purefrickingspite, @leftmiraclechaos, @lizisipancardo, @starlight-sparks, @miraculousandmore, @gildedphoenix, @sometimesthingsfallapart, @letmesayfuxk, @phoenixcatch7, @skulld3mort-1fan, @abaowo, @dhampir-princess, @idkmrpianoman, @sarina-elais, @ballzfrog-blog, @undead-essence, @spookytragedyshark, @flyingpansaurus, @akintoabitch, @marivictal, @8-29pm, @justreadingthefanfics, @happybear135, @kisatamao, @spoopyspoony, @adorablechaos, @sara0055, @screamingtofillthevoid
Looks like 50 is the limit for active user tags in a post. Good to know
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thepenultimateword · 9 months
please write some fluff hero x hero as they’re trying to retire to get married and settle down 🙏🙏
tbh retirement age for hero’s must be like 30 at the latest. I don’t think they last long.
“Noooo,” Hero groaned, slapping their palms over their eyes
Other Hero paused in the middle of their dark decor, fanged mask in hand. “What?”
“You’re not hanging that in our living room!”
“How’s that any different?” Other Hero said, pointing at the candy blue cape hung on the other wall.
“It pops! Brings some warmth to the room. People like warmth not…” they made a circular wave at the dark mask, “reminders of their fading mortality.”
“Oh, right, that would be bad, we’ll just give them a headache instead.”
Hero stomped their feet together and folded their arms. “You liked it!”
“I liked it better on you.” They stepped up to their angry newlywed, tucking a piece of honied hair behind their ear. “Too big for you. So adorable and bright. It brought out your eyes.”
Their fingers trailed down their jaw.
Hero leaned in on tiptoe, noses just brushing, voice lowered to a whisper. “I don’t want the mask over the hearth.”
“Curse it!”
“But. To make it fair I’ll move the cape as well. Oh! Maybe let’s just have a show room! Dedicated to our mementos! A Hero and Other Hero collection. People would pay to see that!”
Other Hero shrugged. “They’ll forget about us soon enough.”
Hero's bright grin faded and their petite form wilted. Retirement wasn't as simple as they'd thought. It all made sense in their head; they wanted to live comfortably with Other Hero. So many times in their career they'd thought it would never happen. That one of them would meet an untimely end before they made this far. The last month had been torture. They'd probably called Other Hero's mission comm over a hundred times, checking in on them. And no, they weren't so old, but their bodies couldn't take the strain of the job anymore. They deserved to take it easy. And yet. Was that it?
They'd dedicated their life to helping this city, time, relationships, their own well-being. And it was nothing more than a blip in history. Other Hero was right. New heroes would step up to replace them and soon no one would even remember the two of them or anything they'd done.
Strong arms wrapped around their waist, and Other Hero's chin rested in the crook of the shoulder. "I'm sorry."
"Mm. Doesn't matter."
Other Hero traced the scars spattered over Hero's neck. "Yes, it does."
Hero turned around, sinking against their spouse's chest and reaching to cup their face in both hands. They roved the worn eyes, several-times-broken crooked nose, and the dark circles that still hadn't faded.
"More nightmares? You were tossing and turning last night."
"I guess I'm still getting used to not being on call."
Liar. That was one thing Hero wouldn't miss. They were going to spoil Other Hero rotten until all those inner scars faded away.
They looped their arms around Other Hero's neck. "Hey, remember when I used to sneak into your side of the agency?"
Other Hero snorted. "We got penalized at least a dozen times."
"Those dating rules were ridiculous. No relationships between departments?"
"To be fair, you were a TV hero," Other Hero said, rubbing circles into Hero's back. "You needed to be preserved. My training was to put the job above my life. They didn't want me getting attachments."
Another thing they wouldn't miss.
"I loved you from the moment I saw you." Hero grinned. "They didn't stand a chance."
The next thing they knew they were off the ground and in Other Hero's arm. "Everything is going to be ok," they murmured. "Yeah?"
Hero nodded, basking in the quiet warmth and the weight of their arms. After several moments, they said, "Should we start unpacking the kitchen? I'll make brownies. And this time we won't have to run out the door before they're done."
Other Hero kissed their forehead. "Sounds perfect."
Master Taglist:
@moss-tombstone @crazytwentythrees-deactivated @just-1-lonely-person @the-vagabond-nun @willow-trees-are-beautiful @cocoasprite @insanedreamer7905 @valiantlytransparentwhispers @whovian378 @watercolorfreckles @thebluepolarbear @yulanlavender @kitsunesakii @deflated-bouncingball @lem-hhn @office-plant-in-a-trenchcoat @ghostfacepepper @pigeonwhumps @demonictumble @inkbirdie @vuvulia @bouncyartist @lunatic-moss-studio @breilobrealdi @freefallingup13 @i-am-a-story-goblin @ryunniez @rainy-knights-of-villany @distractedlydistracted @saspas-corner @echoednonny @perilous-dreamer @blood-enthusiast @randomfixation @alexkolax @pksnowie @blessupblessup @wolfeyedwitch @thedeepvoidinmyheart @cornflower-cowboy @bestblob @a-chaotic-gremlin @espresso-depresso-system @prompt-fills-and-writing-spills @paleassprince @takingawildbreath @yindo @psychiclibrariesquotestoad @harpycartoons @pickleking8 @urmyhopeeee @goldenflame2516 @tobeornottobeateacher @talesofurbania1 @sweetsigyn
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sophsicle · 2 years
Hey Soph! I loved this last chapter of KYD (as always), thank you for giving us a bit of (almost) all our boys and generally for the great stuff you always share with us ♥️
I've already screamed about so many parts over on ao3, but I just wanted to go back to this part you've also shared as a sneak peek: There’s always shouting with Sirius. Everything that makes Regulus quiet makes Sirius loud.
Because god, I love it so much. Not only in how it so beautifully portrays the way in which their trauma manifested differently, and how the kind of abuse they had to suffer is exprienced and evolves in various ways, but also because it hints (at least imo?) to how Regulus and Sirius also hurt each other, even though they desperately don't want to. To how it's so hard for them to be there for each other. How sometimes they make it worse? You touch upon this in their POVs too and it always hurts so bad because it's just one of those things that like, it's not either of their faults, but it's still there. Idk if I'm making sense, but anyway, bottom line is, I love the way you write their relationship so much. I know KYD will have a happy ending, and I was wondering if you also plan to explore them healing their relationship as part of that?
Hello lovely! Yes! Exactly this! Sibling relationships are so weird, because on the one hand there are things about you they understand that no one else ever will, but on the other hand (depending on your relationship) they only know you in this very specific family context and therefore there are huge parts of you they have no idea about.
And like, in other areas of your life, if someone handles situations in a way you don't like you can, you know, walk away from them. But you are inevitably stuck in emotionally charged situations with your siblings. And if you process things differently that. Is. A. NIGHTMARE. Which is what you get with Regulus and Sirius. And I do think they get stuck in this loop of like, everything Sirius does to deal with this hurts Regulus and everything Regulus does to deal with this hurts Sirius and that isn't intentional on either of their parts but at the same time it's very difficult for them not to take it personally.
I wanted to really show that with the opening memory - because Sirius is the one in the fight, but Regulus is now being forced to live in this house where people are fighting and I wanted you to be able to see that it doesn't just annoy him, he isn't just angry that Sirius isn't handling this the way he thinks he should, he is very much affected by it. Like he's sitting there on the stairs trying not to have a panic attack. At the same time, you have Sirius now having to deal with these phone calls from his mother because Regulus is unwilling / unable to deal with his relationship with her himself. And you see how that really affects Sirius. One hundred percent I intend to explore them healing together. The sentiment of this story is very much that the person that Regulus needs is Sirius. And you know, the two of them finding their way back to one another. And forgiving each other and themselves. Etc. ect. ALSO THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS MESSAGE IT WAS VERY NICE :)
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lost-generation-au · 2 months
ok, just warning you tho, It's a lot. Both in length, and content.
Gen 1
Only RGB trio alive
Lives in the mall
Someone else is watching, they are calling themself “Bishop” which in name form mean ‘Overseer’
No one else is at the mall (As of right now)
Bishop: Any and all pronouns, is nice but maybe it’s an act?
Ranboo sees the anons as people.
Found a control panel that plays parts of the social experiments, so that way fun/s (Also, Ranboo saw Charlie as the slime/blood demon for a second)
Theory: The anons are ghosts and because Ranboo was dead for a while they can see us.  
 Gen 2
Ignore the Theory it’s not important THEY ARE IN A TIME LOOP (And so are we I guess)
Bishop is a bitch and is trying to blame us! (Bishop good now don’t worry)
Ranboo can’t speak 
Some of the others might be alive now (Nope)
List of people I want to stab if I get a body: The founder, Hetch, whoever is the person talking in red, Bishop’s mom (But I won’t because Bishop says no). 
Ranboo has figured it out! They all now know that they are in a time loop.
We can’t say Bishop’s name, but that won’t stop me from trying to hint at it >:)
I think they are still in the show, it is the only way to explain how they can get stuff and money for stuff. 
Can’t say any more things to them. Hide stuff better and do more hints.
Bishop is un-mind controlled now, They are good.
I accidentally revealed that to the founder, but we are going to fix that……hopefully….
Got Sneeg to help look for Checkers (What we are calling bishop now) so hopefully we find them.
Checkers looks like security to everyone but us (Sometimes) and Ranboo.
Got it fix we good
Gen 3
We are not good, the looped rest. if this happens again I’m going into my villain arc :D
No filter this time, Yippie 
Checkers says that we should stay away from Ranboo this time, at least for now 
(OOC:ask Bishop about their past at some point, Maple seems to want to rant about that :D)
Ranboo got mind control by a mask
Hetch caught on quickly, he is not mind control but my just good old fashioned gaslighting gatekeep girl bossing that’s happening, we’ll figure it out. (what was I even trying to say here? How much sleep did I get? How late did I write this?)
Gen 4
Going to be worse this time, be extra careful.
Back to talking in hints and riddles, yippie/s
Don’t know if anything changed
New(?) person, don’t know their name but they are a bitch
Checkers is missing
Ranboo got out of the box by themself and they are hurt, a lot……I really hope they remember…..(They don’t remember us D:)
Red text (The new person) is an AI,
Ranboo can’t see or feel us anymore :( I want to hug them so bad……(Head pat them, they don’t like hugs anymore)
Ranboo doesn’t want to leave this time
The power is out
Everyone is split up (Fun :D/s)
Bishop is ok :D but I want to check if they are being controlled again as soon as I get the chance (Worried about Ranboo now, Bishop is fine (Bishop is NOT fine))
Ranboo found their notebook :D
Ranboo is mind-controlled D: by the earpiece
“Ranboo” wants to cut off all the cameras, AKA, send us back to the void :(
Bishop was masked and was being controlled (Fucking called it) and we met the founder and Hetch fucking stabbed Ranboo and-
Gen 5
Charlie and Sneeg are out of the mall
Charlie finds us in their backyard
Ranboo is still trapped at the mall (I figure the same with Bishop)
No one remembers still (wHy :( (Ranboo remembers))
Charlie and Sneeg are staying at Sneeg’s old house. (I don’t think that’s the truth it way too close to the mall)
Going to go save Ranboo and Bishop (And whoever else we make our friend) after Charlie gets Sneeg.
Never mind, Ranboo is at the house now. (Still need to safe Bishop)
They all reliving the last 3 years (So like, 2026?(We in the future))
Ranboo can feel us again :D (don’t give hugs just head pats)
Ranboo has an old friend, feels like this is important, like they will be trapped as a Showfall worker or something.
New mission, make Ranboo smile and let them be happy :D
Ranboo has been forced to watch gore for the past 3 years, so if we get a chance to hurt Hetch and the founder, make sure they are at least closing their eyes.
Who I think Ranboo's friend is: an oc, Aimsey (Because Ranboo’s friend goes by any pronouns and Aimsey does as well, I think(Not Aimsey)) CrumbToast because they go by any pronouns (I checked this time) and since they have not faced reveal it makes sense that its face is covered :D (Update:IT’S FUCKING CHECKERS :D)
Sneeg and Charlie are being mind controlled or something because they are saying some shit that they would not say. (If they are not being mind-controlled I’m going to slap them, or throw myself at them, one of the two.)
Charlie locked Ranboo in a room
We are in Ranboo’s dream now :D
Ranboo’s friend goes by any pronouns
The dream was an old memory of when Ranboo found the taps, we met Ranboo’s friend in that dream but their face was blacked out, and after Ranboo stopped playing along with the dream the friend was yelling at Ranboo to say their name until Ranboo woke up
Also apparently Ranboo lied to us, not mad, tho I do want to know what they lied about.
The door to the room is unlocked
Don’t know where Sneeg and Charlie are
There are flys and bugs outside the house and in the house
There is a dead crow in the backyard, I wonder how it died….probably from a baby zombie (I’m sorry I can’t stop myself :D(never mind it was a raven I’m stupid))
Gen 6
It fucking reset again, Ranboo quickly found us and we are now figuring out what happened (Ranboo stills remembers don’t worry)
Snowfall workers hunted Ranboo around the mall, killed them, and then they would wake up the next day revived.
Wait this is the first looped where Charlie didn’t find us……bit weird but it’s ok :D
Ranboo has wires in their skin
One of the wires glows red, I think it when they lie that it glows…….I’ll feel so bad if I’m wrong :( (I was wrong fuck I’m giving them so many head parts to make up for it……and hugs if they are alright with it now(They are not, stick to head pats))
Gonna to test to see if we can still give them head pats. (We can lets go :D)
Therapy (Seriously Ranboo looks insane sometimes they need it, and I’m sure everyone else will need the same)
Went to go cause some chaos against Showfall, found something to break, Ranboo cut a wire and everything went dark for a moment but now we are with Bishop again (I thought I killed us for a moment, not going to lie)
Ranboo got killed again but they will be revived tomrower (I don’t know if it’s their time or our time)
I finally got a chance to show Bishop their fan art :D
We found a Secret tunnel :] and it leads to the revile room…..
Found Ranboo, they are currently dead so we have to wait or find a 100% safe way to speed it up.
We reviled Ranboo but some of their memories are missing (Like all the time loop ones) so we are now going to fix that :D
Ranboo still blames themself so we are going to fix it.
Talking to Checkers now while Ranboo relaxes (I swear if someone touches them while we are not there I’m haunting someone) and we going to see what happened during their past :D
Little clues from other gens that I believed hinted at Ranboo’s and Bishops’ friendship: How Ranboo was drawn to the Bishop chess piece,
Checkers doesn’t have siblings.
We going make Showfall pay for their therapy >:D
Talked to the founder.
THE FOUNDER IS OUR PARENT????? (They created the anons)
Ranboo gonna leave while the Anons and Bishop kill the founder >:D
Gen 7
There is a robot clone of Ranboo? Very weird
Bishop now knows that Hetch is their uncle.
Ranbot (Robot clone of Ranboo) is just a little guy, they are so fucking adorable, and we are going to get them out of here too :D (They were in fact, not just a little guy)
Going to try to fill in the real Ranboo of this and hope they believe me.
This is not even talking about the socail experiment, fucking hell
- 🍄 
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With Entropy Effect's Early Access version releasing in just a few hours, I wanted to go over some of what we've learned from trailers, reviews, and sneak peaks that hasn't come up while I was analyzing the character spotlights.
Of course, do take time to note that I am writing this before even the early access version has dropped. What I discuss here may prove inaccurate to the game we'll get tonight, or the full release we'll see in the future.
Let's just have a little fun with some last minute speculation and analysis!
The gameplay visuals that we've seen so far have looked absolutely gorgeous. I love the character models and the way that battles turn into a light show. I'm a very simple creature, I can always be pleased with some colored lights. The environments and battle effects also look great- this game has very strong art direction. I mean, look at this!
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Which really surprised me, and still confuses me, when compared to the artwork they've chosen to use as the face of the game.
Yeah, unfortunately we're gonna start this post with a little negativity, but it should be the last of it, so please be patient.
Or feel free to skip this rant, if you'd like to keep your coverage positive, or just read about what we know about the gameplay itself.
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But seriously. What is this key visual. This is just the Central Fiction character select artwork!
Okay, correction; it's the Central Fiction artwork for most of the characters. Poor Hibiki doesn't even get his character select artwork, he's left as the odd man out with his CF story mode battle sprite.
And then there's Es! What did they do to Es!? I don't know enough about graphic design to be able to tell what happened here, but something about her face looks like they tossed her art, and only hers, through some kind of AI filter. She's been weirdly smoothed out and she looks way paler, and more gray, than the rest of the line up. This straight up hurts to look at.
For the first few months after Entropy Effect's announcement, I thought the game was fanmade, because all the key visuals they were pumping out were (and, thus far, still are) made up of the basic official art that appears as the first images when you do a google search of the characters.
How did this get greenlit? They really couldn't afford to pay an artist? I can't even say "they couldn't afford to hire and artist" because, looking at the gameplay, clearly they did! They hired some very good artists! Why not write one more paycheck to get some cover art out of the incredible talent they already have on board?
Okay, okay, SaltFest is over. Coping and seething have been reigned in. Let's get into the fun stuff.
Trailers so far have indicated that the story of Entropy Effect is original, with no clear connection to that of the BlazBlue series- although it seems to share a significant amount of thematic elements with BlazBlue.
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The story looks kind of cyberpunk, revolving around a world filled with these little robot guys. Our main character seems to be called "ACER," though whether that's their name, a descriptor, or a title, there's no way to tell- at least, for a few more hours. Sources claim that, similar to BlazBlue's story, there are themes of a looping existence, looming destruction, and fighting to ensure the very existence of a future.
Something that stood out to me in trailers, but I haven't seen spoken about anywhere, are these things called "Phenomena Fragments." They seem to showcase scenes from the lives of human figures in this gray dust-like particle effect.
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If I had to make any guesses, I'd say this looks like a post-humanity story, with our ACER using the BlazBlue cast within some kind of simulation.
One thing we do know is that the word 'Entropy' in the title will be integral to the plot, as some cutscene dialogue warns of an "Entropy Shoreline" that may threaten to bring an end to the world our protagonist lives in. The robotic inhabitants of this world also seem to have some kind of god figure, though not all of them believe in it.
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Those who have played the game say that Entropy works as a mechanic in the game that increases the difficulty of the run as it builds. I'm interested to see how it plays into the story...!
The full truth of the story will remain a mystery, at least for another hour, but all reviews that have spoken of it so far have been very positive.
Now let's move on to take a look at some of the gameplay!
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I saw this screen a while back, with what looks to be 30 available places for characters. At first, I assumed this meant that the game would have 30 different playable characters- I mistook this for a character select screen. Keyword being mistook.
Instead, it looks like the 30 slots on this screen are to save up to 30 builds from previous runs. We see the same screen again here, with two different versions of Lambda saved on it, and the other characters in different positions than the one above. As I'll discuss later in the post, previous runs of the game will be used to pass on certain skills to your next character at the start of a new run. So this screen will probably end up looking different for all players!
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The real character selection screen loops, so there's no way to know how many characters will appear in the final version. However, the company has confirmed that there will be more than the seven we'll see in the Early Access version.
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The seven characters playable in early access Entropy Effect are Ragna, Noel, Hakumen, Lambda, Kokonoe, Hibiki, and Mai. The games animated trailer (which also looks great, I don't know what happened with the damn key visual) also shows us Jin and Taokaka, who will likely be made playable with the full version of the game. Considering Naoto is the face of the game's Twitter and YouTube accounts, I expect to see him in the final version as well.
As for characters appearing as enemies, Bang's NPC subordinates from BlazBlue's story mode have been shown to appear as generic enemies in certain stages, and both Arakune and Susano'o have appeared as bosses!
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After selecting which character you want to play as, you're taken to the screen I mistook for character selection, where you can select two characters you've played as in previous runs, called "Evotypes" in the game. You can have your new character inherit abilities from them- the number of abilities you can inherit from your chosen characters seems to depend on how well you've been doing in your runs, as each run earns some kind of grade. This explains how we've been seeing characters using one another's abilities, such as Hibiki using Hakumen's lightning, in the trailers!
While playing, you earn points called "Potential," which can be used between stages to purchase new abilities. This seems to be where characters unlock their movesets from the BlazBlue fighting games.
There's also a second type of choice players can make as they develop their run. These are called "Tactics." Unlike the abilities unlocked by Potential that seem to be exclusive to characters unless chosen as inherited Evotypes, Tactics are universal and can be purchased for and used by any character.
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In a video on his experience playing the game early, Twitch streamer Veedotme says the game rewards you for selecting Tactics you haven't used before, so consider trying out everything before you start picking favorites! Veedotme's review also clarified a lot of what I comment on in this post, so please check out his work!
Interviews claim that the game's early access version will have roughly 100 Potentials and roughly 200 Tactics to choose from, though there could be even more in the final version of the game.
It seems that the early access version will include 10 different stages, with 13 levels each, along with a few other modes of gameplay such as a challenge mode were the stage bosses become even more difficult. I've mentioned it already in other posts, but I like this 10 and 13 number theming, as both numbers have been pretty important to the BlazBlue franchise. It's another sign of serious attention to detail from the developers.
And, well, if I want to get this post out in time to be able to watch some of the first streams go live, I'll have to wrap it up now. Thank you for reading, and if you're interested, please share your own experience with the game in the coming days!
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zaftikat · 1 year
Game Review: Firmament
EDIT 2023-06-08: I have been informed that developers used so called AI tools to assist with asset and story development. Needless to say this makes my review moot. You should not give money to Cyan for Firmament if you haven't already.
There is something of a pit in my stomach when I think about my gameplay experience with Firmament. Deep in that pit, in a modest Dutch Colonial fixer-upper, lives the potential for this game. The setting has so much more story to tell than we were given. It lives in that Myst-like space where we enter a world at its nadir. Violent collapse has occurred, but we hold a glimmer of hope for what comes next. That is not an unfamiliar formula for fans of Cyan. Is our Virgil trustworthy, or is she leading us to damnation? Who are we when the game tells us that deep sleep erases memory? We’re told that we are the next and possibly last of the many Keepers. A collective whose goal is the preservation of a cooperative order that will create a livable world for the Arrivers. Our Mentor gives us a mission—activate a series of towers, and prepare the worlds for the Embrace. In order to do so we must complete a series of traversal puzzles with our handy dandy Adjunct—a device clearly designed for VR compatibility at the cost of the expected Cyan gameplay experience. Pausing for a moment to lift ourselves to the meta-context of this game, Cyan pitched backers on the notion of what I’m calling VR-first design when they reached out for crowdfunding in early 2019. I think that context is necessary to understanding the game, so let’s talk about it after the cut.
When the game first entered crowdfunding, I had come fresh off of a re-play of Obduction. Obduction is a game that by all accounts is a triumph of Cyan design aesthetics, and when I saw the project page for Firmament, I was ready to dive in right then and there. Games have development cycles, so I knew I would be waiting. Then 2020 happened. The project, by necessity, had to be scaled back from the early tech demos. A decision was made to redouble the focus on the Adjunct tool. It would now interact almost exclusively with nodes. This meant paring down puzzles that did not interact with the core mechanic. Cyan did not shy away from the fact that the game was going to be scaled back, and even spoke of it as a function of approachability. We know all this because they, throughout the development cycle sent numerous detailed backer updates. For all I may detract from the final product, I must equally praise the communication from Cyan. As a designer, I know games take time. Coding shaders, composing dynamic music, writing scripts, creating environments, there is so much that goes into creating a video game and Cyan kept their supporters in the loop on every part of the process. Nevertheless, it is abundantly clear the game was scaled back. I finished the game in 8, with at least an hour of that time tabbed out to work on personal projects.
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The gameplay, with its VR-first design, leaves so much to be desired. Instead of the interactivity we’ve come to expect from Cyan games—with even mundane objects being game entities—we instead have a far more empty world, where every puzzle is solved by the Adjunct. In late Curievale, there is a puzzle wherein you ride an elevator up and down, then connect 4 nodes after running back across the zone in order to then run across the zone again to get to the next puzzle. The tedium of trying to finesse the nodes so that your fully upgraded adjunct will do its job is an essential mechanic to the game’s limited longevity. In the subsequent Curievale puzzle, there’s a section where the game expects you to fire a node through a miniscule gap in some ice. The puzzle isn’t about how you engage with the elements of the problem, but about how you can master ways around the physics engine. A game that uses janky controls as a difficulty gate is effectively trying to frustrate you into a longer gameplay experience. And that refrain repeated a few times while I traversed the three still visually stunning worlds.
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A few months before I write this, Clayton Ashley of Polygon put out a video wherein he praises the pseudo-genre of note-taking games, and indeed does highlight their heyday by citing entries from Cyan’s game library. It bears repeating here, Firmament was designed as a VR-first game. Nothing breaks immersion in VR quite like needing to take off your headset to write things down on paper. And this fact is the truest tragedy of Firmament’s gameplay. I think fondly of getting to break out a notebook to teach myself the grid system of base 4 numbers used by the Villein in Obduction. Here, gone is the simple joy of having to learn to solve puzzles. Learning, finding secrets, and sniffing out details of the world are one of the key drivers of exploration in a puzzle game. Without that element, the worlds, despite their gorgeous and massive scale, feel lifeless. Not in the way a game like the Witness feels both lifeless and lived-in, but rather one that feels devoid of any interest. Like the world has been sanitized after everyone disappeared. It’s an empty platform on a disused subway line that has been assiduously scrubbed of any evidence of life or use. We get some bits and pieces of story, intentionally obscured by our Mentor and her agenda. Most of what we learn is told to us as a series of cryptic Proper Nouns. We don’t get a look at why until the game has been completed, twist largely untelegraphed. Myst and Obduction have bad endings that you might reach if you’re not carefully exploring and studying clues. Firmament is far too linear for that. There’s a cavernous echo where those human story elements would be in other Cyan games, and worst of all they skipped out on the FMV, an essential part of the Cyan charm. 
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So that I’m not just endlessly ripping on this game, let’s talk about what it does well. The aesthetic design and practicality of the setting is fascinating and beautiful. They have made gorgeous use of Art Deco style to produce a world that feels narratively coherent, nostalgic and futuristic all at once. The Arches combine that styling with a sci-fi megastructure to create that cohesive and stunning visual language. The Adjunct provides clear direction in puzzle solving by making obvious the possible interactions, though this is somewhat of a trade-off when puzzles become jank fights. The game leaves me wishing and wanting to know so much more about the setting, and that is the mark of compelling world design. There are also some truly fun puzzles like the greenhouse platform puzzle that call to mind that very Myst-like feeling of nostalgia. Each of those elements still feels insufficient to make this game what I had hoped it would be. I so desperately wanted to love this game, as badly as the soft-boy kindness influencer wants to be bi for clout. But like the milquetoast wishes-he-wasn’t-straight man, I just can't bring myself to swallow the nut this game offers. 
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raging-violets · 1 year
The Flash: Life on Standby | 9x12: “A New World, Part 3: Changes” | Barry Allen & Averey Moore (OC)
A/N: Kinda/sorta spoilery for the future of the Blindsided series (and spoilers for the show) but I’ve had something like this stuck in my head since I watched 9x12 and I needed to write it down, haha.
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“He said that he has the chance to change everything. That if he chooses the crystal, he could get everything he deserves." Averey screwed up her nose as Barry made another pass around the living room. “I just don’t understand. How could he want to do this? That's not Eddie. It’s not the Eddie we know.” 
Averey’s eyebrows lifted as she watched him. He had spent the whole time they had stood in Eddie’s “home” relaying everything he had just experienced with their friend. And the whole time, apart from her inquiry about where they were, Averey had been quiet. She didn’t say a word, just twisted her features in reaction to the words that came out of his mouth. 
So it really through him for a loop when Averey looked him square in the eye and said, flatly, “Shut up, Barry.” 
Barry stopped pacing, coming to a halt in the middle of the living room. “What?” He couldn’t think of anything else to say. 
“Eddie’s getting the chance to see what kind of life he’d get to have should things have been normal for at least five bloody minutes,” Averey explained, her eyebrows coming towards each other. “How do you not understand that?” 
“It’s the Negative Speed Force, Averey,” Barry reminded her. “It’s not real. None of this, none of what he wants, is real!” 
“And it was the Reverse Flash, Barry. And then it was Zoom. And then it was Savitar.” Barry let out a noise of frustration and spun on his heel to storm into the dining aera. Averey followed him, calling after him to say, “There’s always going to be someone that’ll change things – the timeline - in our lives, B. It may not be real to you, or any of us, but it’s real to him.” 
Barry made a scoffing sound, shaking his head. 
“Ah, my apologies, mate.” Averey’s tone suddenly took on sarcasm. “Guess I just never realized you were the only one who was allowed to take the chance to see how your life was different.” 
Barry whirled around to face her. “That’s not true.” 
“It is true, and you know it,” adopting his direct tone. “You’re selfish, Barry Allen!” 
Barry’s jaw dropped. The start of his next sentence died in his throat. “Unbelievable,” he said quietly. A derisive laugh came forth. “I’m trying to save the whole timeline right now,” Bary said, jabbing himself in the chest. “Our lives! Our future! How is that me being selfish?” 
“As long as it’s your mum, or your wife, then you get the green light to do whatever you want with the timeline,” Averey shot back, swinging her arms in the air to indicate everything around them. “That’s how! But if it’s anyone else, we’re not allowed to make that decision.” Barry scoffed again. Averey’s eyebrows lifted and she let out a high-pitched scoff-laugh of disbelief. “You didn’t go back in time for Cisco to save Dante, and yet you tried desperately to save Iris from Savitar.” 
“You created that Flashpoint timeline because you went back to save Miss Nora.” 
“Ok, but--” 
“And that wouldn’t have even happened in the bloody first place if you hadn’t gone back in time to save your mum from Eobard!” Barry’s nostrils flared as he expelled a breath of air in one sharp exhale. “And the funny part about all of that was, that it was pointless. Miss Nora was always going to die, and yet you kept trying.” 
“I didn’t even know about any of that until now,” Barry said weakly.
Averey put her head into her hands. Barry planted his hands on his hips and shifted his weight from foot to foot. “You don’t get it, Barry.” 
“Oh, come on--” 
“I’M NOT EVEN SUPPOSED TO EXIST!” Averey lifted her head, eyes ablaze. Barry grimaced at the sudden shout. “I’ve always wondered what our lives would have actually been like if none of this ever happened. If that original timeline, if that real first timeline played out where Nora didn’t die, I wondered how that would be.” She jabbed herself in the chest, her voice cracking. “And I don’t even exist, Barry! Either Henry never has an affair with my mum, and I’m never born, or I’m a different person and our paths just don’t ever cross and we don’t know about each other. But to you, no matter what, I’ve never existed. I wasn’t supposed to.”
Barry wet his lips with his tongue.
“I remember everything from every timeline that’s ever been changed. I remember everything before that tidal wave hit Central City.” She sniffed, using the heel of her palm to wipe at her nose, turning her head away from him. “I remember the first time I told Cisco that I was in love with him, but he doesn’t. It’s different for him. And it’ll always be that way. But you don’t care.”
Her face became hard again. “Which isn’t a far cry from anything else, because outside of Iris, it’s like nothing exists for you. Except for her.”
Barry gaped at her. “Averey, she’s my wife.”
“And I’m your sister!” Now Barry put his face into his hands. “Not that I want anything to happen to Iris, you know I don’t, but you can always get a new wife. You can’t bloody get a new sibling.” 
Barry opened and closed his mouth.
“And that kind of sucks, because it’s been sweet as getting to know you these past ten years.” Averey wiped at her eyes with her hands. “And that’s what the Thawnes tried to do. They tried to forget that Malcolm even existed, and just put Eddie into that slot. He’s had to live his life based on other people’s standards and expectations. There’s even pressure further down that bloodline as far as Eobard is concerned.” 
“That’s no excuse to act like this though,” Barry said tiredly. 
“Come on, B.” Averey turned away from him and moved to sit down on the couch. Barry stepped closer to her, reaching up to tap his fingertips against the entryway to the room. “It’s easy for you to say that. You’ve never been on that side of being compared to anybody. Because you’re Barry Allen.” A hint of a laugh rumbled in Barry’s throat at her jazz hands at his name.
“Mate, dad compared himself to Joe all of the time because he wasn’t there to raise you.” Barry blinked rapidly in response.
“Dad never told me that,” Barry said quietly, leaning his head against his stretched arms.
“You know Wally had that grudge against you when you two first met, and I reckon a part of him still feels that way.” Averey put a hand to her chest. “I know I still have issues with Iris I’m working out even now, because of how angry I was with her being. Eddie’s going through it, now, too. He’s just now feeling the weight of all of that emotion at one time.”
“And the Negative Speed Force is feeding off of it,” Barry reminded her. “I know he can fight it off. I know he can.” 
“So, do I,” Averey said. “I don’t reckon that Eddie should listen to the Negative Speed Force and take that crystal, but you’re one big ass hypocrite for trying to force him to stop something you’ve already done so many times without a second thought.” 
“Ok, ok...” Barry slowly nodded. He dropped his arms down to his sides and moved to sit down beside her. “I hear you...” 
“It’s not out of the ordinary for people to wonder what their lives would be like if things were different. Yeah?” Averey crossed her arms over her chest, settling back against the cushions. She turned towards the window, squinting towards the bright lights illuminating the street. “Like if we didn’t make this decision, or take that job, or if we just had more time…” Silence feel between them as the end of her sentence trailed off. “You’ve had all the time in the world to figure this out. Eddie has the chance to make that decision for himself right now. He’s still the same Eddie; he’s just faced with a very difficult decision.” 
“And if he chooses wrong?” 
Averey looked at him, a solemn look on her face. “Then we gotta do, what we gotta do. But we can’t make him feel like he’s evil for being human and wanting something he always thought he couldn’t have. Or what he’s told he can’t have.” 
“I just can’t believe Eddie would even consider this.”
“Please. You all thought he was selfish and into himself before this. CCPD called him ‘Detective Pretty Boy,’ remember?” A wry smile came to her face. “Or was that just your jealousy talking? Because he had Iris, and you had a lenghty date with a coma.”
Barry pressed his lips together and twisted his mouth to the side. “I...we...just didn’t know him.” 
“You know him now.” Averey bumped his shoulder with hers. “Don’t hold it against him when he doesn’t choose to act the way you would. That’s not fair to him.”
“When did you get so smart?” Barry asked. “Almost sounded like something Joe would say.”
“Being around all you smart blokes, it was bound to happen,” Averey said, her smile widening slightly. “You’re the paragon of love, Barry. Sooner or later, I’d have to throw one of these sorts of speeches back in your face, right?” Her smile slowly faded. “So, what do we do now?”
“Prepare,” Barry said, just as solemn, “to do what we gotta do.”
Tag List: @arrthurpendragon​ @andromedalestrange​ @darknightfrombeyond​ @witchofinterest​ @hogwarts-is-my-wonderland​
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topweeklyupdate · 2 years
TØP Monthly Update #158: Unplugged (6/17/22)
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So... I'm a little late to the party...
As you all (probably) (definitely) know by now, our band was featured on MTV Unplugged last week for a very plugged-in performance. However, it was still a very different performance, with Tyler and Josh using live sampling and looping to construct new versions of their songs in real time. It was pretty cool!
But since you don't really need me to tell you all this, I figure I might as well give my impressions on each of their tracks. While I wasn't head over heels for all of them, I am 100% behind the band continuing to challenge themselves, find new forms of artistic expression, and discover ways to feature Joshua William Dun on the mic. Hearing him singing while also playing multiple instruments/machines was a revelation. Growth is good, we love to see it!
"Stressed Out"- By the nature of the form, all of these tracks took a little bit to come together. This one probably took the longest to "get going", and I honestly didn't love the direction at first... at least until they stripped back everything for the bridge, which featured a duet. I never thought I'd see Tyler and Josh harmonizing, and there was something really wonderful about seeing my two music idols look into each other's eyes while singing over such a dreamy, soothing arrangement.
"Tear In My Heart"- A gentle, synth-infused version of a true underrated classic of their discography. This one just reminded me that we really need to give "Tear" its flowers; folks forget how much it laid the groundwork for "Stressed Out"'s commercial cement. This version's echoey harmonies made it probably my second favorite track from this performance.
"House of Gold/Lane Boy"- Tyler thinks he's such a comedian, but we all know that Josh is the funnier one. Incorporating the audience into the track in some way (even if they are almost completely covered up by the effects) seems like a really promising step for future shows. I love the rendition of "House of Gold", and I like the idea of using "I'll put you on the map" to link it to "Lane Boy", but it still feels like something's missing from this version.
"Shy Away"- I've seen some people compare this more stripped down version to some Self-Titled tracks, and that's a good thing for me. Love the soulful "I love you"s. That said... it really drags in the middle, the peppier repeat ending is much weaker/unnecessary, and the final impov riff on needing to pad for time is... well, kinda bad? I dunno, maybe it played better in the room.
"Ride/Nico and the Niners"- Love the crowd interactions for this. Tyler's counting methods are confusing; who the hell counts to four? Otherwise good but not especially noteworthy.
"Car Radio/Heathens"- 100/10. Holy hell. I've heard fan covers of "Car Radio" that lean into hard rock potential, but hearing Tyler do the riff and blown-out screaming himself was so metal. While I would never want them to replace the normal live version, I'm begging them to release this track.
In other news, our band is back on the road! The last time they were in Europe, Tyler was recording the superior version of "The Hype" and announcing Jenna's first pregnancy; now he has two baby girls. Time isn't real! They should be taking the stage at Pinkpop in the Netherlands literally as I write this, and they'll play at the Hurricane and Southside Festivals in Germany over the weekend before kicking off the London leg of Takeover Tour starting Tuesday.
But before they did all that, their first show after a brief hiatus was a few weeks ago in BottleRock at Napa Valley. Judging by the setlist for that show, we probably shouldn't be expecting too much different for these other summer shows other than a slightly different campfire medley. If you haven't gotten the chance to check that out, it's a good laugh (shout out to Fookie).
Finally, Jenna shared some pictures of Tyler's new studio, now featuring much more natural light and more personal touches. I don't think that means that we're getting a new album anytime soon, but hopefully it proves to helpful for his mental health while he's in work mode. For now, our band is back out on the road, where they're supposed to be, and I couldn't be more excited for what lies ahead.
Power to the local dreamer.
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sumerun · 2 years
sumeru archon quest act 2 appreciation post
HEAVY HEAVY spoilers warning, wall of text
note: i know the game said it wasn’t a time loop but for simplicity’s sake we’re keeping that phrase
honestly, i’m still riding the high of the archon quest so i will be very biased in my opinions LMAO. however from reading some friend’s and randoms’ opinions, i think we can all agree to a certain extent that this is one of the best if not the best archon quest to date. it’s such a mindfuck, wonderfully executed and so much more engaging. this is what inazuma should have been instead of the rushed mess that we got. i knew that the writing was going to improve bc MHY is no stranger to well-written stories (honkai, dainsleif’s and inazuma npc’s quests) but i certainly did not expect such drastic improvement this patch lmao.
first i want to go back and look at previous nations and why i hated the format of the missions. (to be fair i know that story-heavy live services games usually get better over time and not perfect the first few years but just using these points for comparison ;)). mondstadt and liyue, imo, is just there to set a foundation and test the waters. how the story was delivered was very boring. it’s pretty much: you walk here, read dialogue that most skip anyways, fight for 3 seconds, watch characters do the same 3 talking animation, cue cutscene, conclusion. look, i may be able to play visual novels for hours, but when i play genshin i expect something much more engaging than that okay lol. story is supposed to excite you, keep you immersed and encourage you to keep coming back to it. but i really didn’t feel that with mondstadt and liyue. most of the excitement were boss fights and cutscenes. if you asked me what happened in-between, i wouldn’t really remember much LMAO. inazuma was slightly better but followed a very similar format. i think we were all hyped from raiden shogun reveal and new region that we just kinda accepted whatever we got. Inazuma’s quests were better near the end with yae miko’s and raiden’s quest for certain though. building up to sumeru, we had a LOOOT of unanswered questions and no one seems to know or want to talk. this frustrated me a lot bc the only time we get to learn more about our sibling/khaenri’ah was through dain and that motherfucker appears like TWICE in the duration of one nation KJASEK. so as we enter sumeru we have a LOT of anticipation for something MORE, whether that’s through better quests or getting actual answers about the other sibling/abyss. inazuma is not completely flawed and is amazing in its own way but it should tell you a lot that I was already kinda done with the region by 2.4 ish.
now to actually talk about why i think act 2 was so good. i love time-loop like tropes ok? like a lot. it’s a complex trope to write and the audience can very easily get lost and frustrated trying to follow it. however, if developed with care, it’s extremely rewarding for both the writer and us pea brains gacha addicts. it’s not perfect as i think MHY could’ve done better than a “collective dream” as the reason for samsara. the conclusion was a tiny bit jarring with nilou being the host bc she barely appeared. but everything else was incredible. i appreciate that they tried to make that trope work within genshin’s lore. if anyone has ever watched madoka magica, i think it’s a great example of why time-loop like tropes are so good. simply, it’s disturbing. (madoka spoilers skip to next bold text if needed) the creator of madoka confirmed that homura has ran through at least 100 timelines to attempt to save madoka. when i watched it, i personally didn’t even get the hint that homura was stuck in a time-loop lmao. (end of spoilers). i like that the time-loop in genshin was similar to this. we sensed that something wack was going on. our memories are erased and we keep repeating the festival until the duo consistently retain their memories. nahida confirmed that they went through at least 20 time loops before realization. that is so eerie to me. i would legit question everything i ever knew about time and reality lmao. paranoia would overwhelm you and you can’t help but think if you’re truly of out the “dream”. if the duo wasn’t protected by plot armor, they could’ve been trapped there for an eternity. autonomy over your own life lost bc of some petty scholars. it’s that feeling of helplessness and trapped with no way out is what makes this quest so terrifying.
so that’s reason #1: time loop tropes are cool and it was executed well majority of the quest. reason #2: better audience engagement. aw man 100 chefs kiss to the teams that worked on this together. i don’t want to ramble but to summarize the following things really helped me stay engaged in the story:
- camera work: I might be very wrong there were some shot that utilizes actual camera techniques such as dutch angles and dolly zoom. subtle maybe but it was there. these are great for giving the feeling of uneasiness. and it was a great way to lead the audience too - dunyarzad: she was fleshed out very well! i was attached to her early on and even shed some tears during the dancing cutscene lmao she feels much more alive bc she had a purpose and relationships (nilou, dehya) that we care about. teppei lacked a lot of that and while i adored his character, i can’t deny that dunyarzad was more complex and believable - deduction mechanic: for once the player actively participates in the story!!!! it was so cool piecing things together. it helps making you feel like you’re a part of the mystery. aaaaanddd it confirms that the traveler is an established protagonist that actually speaks and not a piece of cardboard voiced by paimon. - battle of wits: we always see paimon solving issues via brute force but i think this is the first time we really get to watch them use their intelligence and observational skills to get out of this sticky situation. it was so refreshing to do a quest that was more mystery oriented. i definitely need more quests like this bc the dynamics/bonds between the duo truly shines here! - small little things such as art of young dunyarzad speaking to nahida, and mini-cutscenes of the duo time-looping to show quest progression. it helped liven the quest for me!
- traveler: traveler feels so much more human here. like I LOVED that they were mourning dunyarzad and angry at themselves for being unable to protect her. paimon has always spoken for them and we don’t really get to see traveler express their own thoughts and emotions a lot. I feel much more attached to the traveler bc of this imo. I’ve always seen them as a blank slate (and they are for the player but I see them more as an OC)
whether or not they're listening to our feedback regarding story (certainly not for character design oop), this is very exciting. i love the direction that they are going in in terms of storytelling and execution. this specific act is more story than action so it's possible that this gives MHY more leeway to be creative. but i'm gonna send them a fat feedback to make sure they keep some of the elements i mentioned bc i refuse to go back to the 40 minutes of pure dialogue and talking animations. the sumeru plot line has potential to be one of the best AND very dark thematically but will mhy actually do it??? we’ll find out in 3.1 and 3.2!
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lovecolibri · 1 year
Every time I think about 6A and the sperm donor storyline and get mad enough to want to write a rant, I just go back to two of your posts about it that I reblogged, and they just cover everything so well I don't need to write my own rant so it really saves me time and energy thank you ❤️👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
lol, you're welcome? Glad my ranting is serving a purpose! But for real this storyline makes me want to eat glass and not in a good way and at least half of that is because it COULD have given so much!! We could have gotten a really good arc for buck out of it for a few episodes in 6a, and ended with him turning them down and feeling a little lost, and then had this big arc for him in 6b but instead we already got nothing but them making a joke out of it, and now we will continue to get...nothing? It's not affecting him in any way? I just... *muffled screaming*
Let us hope and manifest that it's not actually his baby and THAT is what throws him for a loop and then we can all collectively wipe this storyline from our memories and move on.
I will never understand people who get paid do to this for a living who can't come up with even the most basic and obvious course for a plot like this to take with a character like Buck! At least it sounds like they're course correcting after it bombed so hard in 6a but like...KR has been in charge since some time in season 4 and has been involved in the show since the start (I think, and I'm not going to look it up right this second but if not the very start then pretty darn close), she should NOT still be struggling so hard to come up with plotlines that make sense for these characters (or like, any plot at all considering Chim and Bobby in particular have had VERY little focus for ages). Plus, every major plotline she's come up with for Buck recently has bombed HARD and left him tied up in random shit people don't care about with characters the audience doesn't like or doesn't care about, instead of tying him into other main character stories and putting THEM at the front for a bit. It's all just very frustrating. Here's hoping things are getting better!
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(Just real quick: the Jar Jar thing is covered in this video and I get why it's the "Title Card" or whatever for this video because that's very intriguing for a lot of people but there's a far, far better Star Wars edit in this video that's 100% worth your while).
I am actually completely out of the loop when it comes to fan edits of anything - I have a weird thing where the final product, or a "director's cut" version, is the real and authentic piece and no others should be considered - but I've at least been aware that they exist. And it's entirely understandable: almost all of us have an absolute love for some piece of art where we can also think "I wouldn't have done this part that way" or "I would have removed this" or "added that." It's perfectly understandable.
But there's something else I love about the concept of fan edits and it has to do with criticism of art in general. Now, I'm not a noted historian of art criticism but I think that what I'm about to say is mostly true.
Generally speaking anyone can have an opinion on art, just as anyone can have an opinion on anything. We may disagree but that's just literally what the internet is for (besides cute animal videos and porn). Over time there have been many methods of critiquing art, which is to say, many schools of thought, but there have also been many means of critiquing art.
One could do it verbally for themselves or anyone nearby: "Venus de Milo? With those arms? Pfft!"
One could write down one's thoughts in some manner and post or publish them for a wider audience: "The arms of Venus de Milo are perfect, it's the rest of the statue that I hate..."
One could create art in response to the art: "Here's my Venus de Smilo; as you can see she has huge muscular arms - one giving the peace sign, the other giving a rude hand gesture - and she's smiling at all you fools."
One could destroy or damage the art: "I don't think Venus de Milo needs arms at all and I'm going to remove them."*
I believe that criticism can be more than just praise or damnation by itself, or an examination through a specific lens; it can also be thought of as a conversation with the artist. Whether we're addressing the artist and their vision or their execution we use our critique to actually say "I like it!" or "I wouldn't have done this part that way" or "I would have removed this" or "added that." The artist may not want to listen but someone may be trying to push that across anyway.
In this silicon age more people have more access to more creative tools - specifically visual and auditory - than ever before, and they're more powerful and cheaper than ever. And the biggest, most attention-getting art out there are movies. And we live in a time when there isn't just one genuine copy of a movie; virtually anyone can have a copy. We might then be able to make more copies and edit them how we want, keeping them private or sharing them publicly.
Editing in itself is an artistic endeavor. Taking a lot of parts and finding the whole that you can create from them is amazing work. When you're part of a crew making a movie it's expected to have an editor, but if you're just doing it to a finished piece of work you're taking matters into your own hands. For you the movie isn't done, or at least not quite to your liking. You're a civilian editor, a "one more thing" editor...a Columbo editor? I'm not sure what the right phrase is, but you're willing to take the time and effort to edit it and put it back out there into the world, perhaps just as nervous or as satisfied as the people who put out the original version.
And here's a way of thinking about all of the above that kicks me in the head:
In releasing a personally edited version of a film the new editor is using the work itself as a medium to have a conversation about the work.
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Like, whaaaaa?
Maybe this has been done before. Maybe this isn't a unique thought. But it made a pretzel of my mind because that's such a cool thing to do! It's not just writing about it; it's not just standing outside the homes of those who made the film and shouting your opinions; it's taking what they made, changing it, and saying "No, THAT'S it."
So I encourage watching the video and other videos on the same channel. I just discovered it the other day and they're quite good.
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buckets-and-trees · 2 years
Fifty Followers
There are MANY writers out there with so so so so many more followers, but I wanted to take a beat and celebrate a first milestone for me...
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I pushed this little boat out into the water only a few months ago, no fandom friends to speak of, just a desire to get out here and write and connect with people. Mostly for me - but when I say that I mean not to like become fandom famous or tumblr famous or anything. This year I decided I wanted to get back to doing things I want to again. I wanted to write. I wanted to write fanfic. I wanted to connect with people through fandom again because I did that a long time ago in a different fandom, and some of those people became some of my best friends (still have ties, but loooong distance and the seasons of our lives have all changed).
Truthfully I didn't expect to have fifty followers yet, and it's really cool to just get the little votes of confidence that yeah I'm writing what I want to write but that some of you also think hmm yes let's see what she does next! It means something to me.
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So... because I want to really start to have fun and get to know y'all... What if I throw out a ton of questions, and I'll answer up to like 50 of them this week. If you want to ask, drop a note in my askbox with the numbers you want me to answer.
I've got a list with writer-y questions, get-to-know-you questions, media-related questions, and fandom questions, so PICK YOUR POISON!
What was your favorite childhood treat?
Tea or coffee?
EDM or Bollywood?
Fame or money?
Childhood life or adult life?
Move on or Hold on?
Cats or dogs?
What part of your daily schedule is your favorite part of the day?
What is your favorite food?
What is your favorite song that you hear on a loop?
A crime you would like to be caught for.
Which 2 things do you want after the apocalypse?
Your current favorite song?
First trip after COVID.
Where would you go using the anywhere door?
Last search on internet explorer.
A thing you recently purchased impulsively.
A fictional movie you want to experience IRL.
If I were a celebrity, I would be…?
What instrument do I play?
Which is my favorite season?
What are your top 3 most used apps?
What is my spirit animal?
What am I allergic to?
Would you rather have 10M followers on Instagram or find true love? Why?
Do you want to be famous? If yes, then for what?
What’s your most-used emoji?
What would you do if you won the lottery?
What is your favorite holiday?
What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their lives?
Does writing energize or exhaust you?
What is your writing Kryptonite?
Did you ever consider writing under a pseudonym?
What other authors are you reading, and how do they help you become a better writer?
If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?
What was an early experience where you learned that language had power?
What’s your favorite under-appreciated novel?
How many unpublished and half-finished fics do you have?
What’s the most difficult thing about writing characters from the opposite sex?
How many hours a day do you write?
Have you read anything that made you think differently about fiction?
What was your hardest scene to write?
What one thing would you give up to become a better writer?
What is your favorite childhood book?
If you had to do something differently as a child or teenager to become a better writer as an adult, what would you do?
How long on average does it take you to write a story?
Do you believe in writer’s block?
Name a book that you would cherish for a lifetime.
Name a movie sequel you wish for.
Your Favorite Series worth a binge-watch.
What is your favorite Hollywood movie, and why do you like that movie?
Who is your dream girl or dream guy working in film/tv and why?
Your anytime movie.
Who's your go-to band or artist?
What is a movie adaptation you like?
Which actor or actress do you hate to watch in any movie?
Name a celebrity you truly admire and why.
Suggest a list of movies to watch this weekend.
Do you prefer real-life TV shows or animated TV shows?
A character you would die for.
A character who could corrupt you.
What book or series would you die to see turned into a movie or tv show?
What was the last book you read?
What moment do you wish you could experience again for the first time from any book/movie/tv show?
What is the first book that made you cry?
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?*
Is there anything in fandom you used to like but can’t stand now?
Most disliked character(s)? Why?
Most disliked arc? Why?
Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased?
What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
What is the purest ship in the fandom?
What are your thoughts on crack ships?
Your current OTP.
A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind.
What was the first thing you ever contributed to a fandom?
Have you added anything stupid/cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what?
What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
What fandom was it?
What was your first fandom?
Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr.
How do you feel about the other people in your current fandom(s).
Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask for?
Your favorite fandom (for the people; not the thing you fangirl over).
Choose a song at random, what ship does it remind you of?
Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships.
What's a headcanon you have?
What are your favorite male/female ships?
Do you have any 3-way ships? If so, what?
5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms.
3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms.
A fandom you’re in but have no ships from.
What's a ship that you want to ship publicly, but everyone on tumblr hates it so you keep your mouth shut about it?
Character you want to be your PLATONIC ride-or-die.
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itsnotmandatorybee · 2 days
June 2, 2024
4:02 PM
—I'm suddenly awake, and the rain starts falling, but it only lasts a couple of minutes. My sleep only lasted a few hours. For sure, this will last for a number of days.
God knows how therapeutic the rain is and how it is associated with my dillemas, as it makes me tend to write even more. A year ago, I'm holding a beer and soy milk in the middle of the wet road while I'm all soaked and self-driven, fast forward to what happened three years ago while I'm walking as my nails turned purple—I'm thinking it'll be hard to make clothes dry faster, but it's quick to get a cup of coffee and loop in the playlist I saved. Moving backwards, my little me tends to hate the sick beat when these tiny drops of water kiss our roof endlessly.
I figured out that there's nothing new; it's the perk of living alone for three years, and I know exactly what to do. The only difference is that I'm having a hard time composing what I exactly need to write—I don't have a heart to recognise my emotional state as if it's one of the millions of emotions that I need to experience... that I'm no smart when it's the coldness that overtakes the role of my fan.
God knows how therapeutic the rain is, and now it's giving me a doubt, but I'm giving Him more chances for me to believe He was right.
It's quick for me to get this thing straight: I'm all alone when it's raining.
Each time whenever it's impossible for me not to open the journals I have had for years, all I write about are my frustrations, my insecurities, my reasons to be happy, my appetite cascading in my stomach, and the fog cascading through my lungs, 'til the moment I admit that there's nothing I can do but to live this way. Don't get me wrong—I'm not sad. People might misinterpret me the way I act, but journals never fail to interpret my apathic soul, contradicting my indulgences not to kiss but to tell.
I remember this line from someone a year ago: “I will stand with you in the rain when I no longer have the strength to hold an umbrella for you.”
This is somehow one of the sweetest words I have ever heard in my life. I never picture myself this way; like, a few weeks ago, I had this co-worker mention to me that he saw me walking in the middle of the night while it was raining. I simply gave him the reason, but there's absolutely more than that.
If I don't have someone to stand with me in the rain when I no longer have the strength to hold an umbrella, then what should I do?
Walk. Just walk. Then get a cold afterwards. Then take a few medicines until I'll get back to my own strength... and get close to what comes next.
If I don't have someone to stand with me in the rain when I no longer have the strength to hold an umbrella, I'll simply stop to think that there'll be someone who can do it for me. I'm used to it.
Regret. Just regret. Until the rain stops afterwards. Then I'll take myself out of the league 'til I can get back on the way home... and try to unlearn if possible.
If I don't have someone to stand with me in the rain when I no longer have the strength to hold an umbrella, I'll think about the days I have the strength to hold one. At least I was capable of doing it in my dog days. At least I was capable of not freezing my memory in time,
and I think it's beautiful.
0 notes
maple-leifarts · 2 months
Gen 1
Only RGB trio alive
Lives in the mall
Someone else is watching, they are calling themself “Bishop” which in name form mean ‘Overseer’
No one else is at the mall (As of right now)
Bishop: Any and all pronouns, is nice but maybe it’s an act?
Ranboo sees the anons as people.
Theory: The anons are ghosts and because Ranboo was dead for a while they can see us.  
 Gen 2
Ignore the Theory it’s not important THEY ARE IN A TIME LOOP (And so are we I guess)
Bishop is a bitch and is trying to blame us! (Bishop good now don’t worry)
Ranboo can’t speak 
Some of the others might be alive now (Nope)
List of people I want to stab if I get a body :The founder, Hetch, whoever is the person talking in red. 
Ranboo has figured it out! They all now know that they are in a time loop.
We can’t say Bishop’s name, but that won’t stop me from trying to hint at it >:)
I think they are still in the show, it is the only way to explain how they can get stuff and money for stuff. 
Can’t say any more things to them. Hide stuff better and do more hints.
Bishop is un-mind controlled now, They are good.
I accidentally revealed that to the founder, but we are going to fix that……hopefully….
Got Sneeg to help look for Checkers (What we are calling bishop now) so hopefully we find them.
Checkers looks like security to everyone but us (Sometimes) and Ranboo.
Got it fix we good
Gen 3
We are not good, the looped rest. if this happens again I’m going into my villain arc :D
No filter this time, Yippie 
Checkers says that we should stay away from Ranboo this time, at least for now 
(OOC: ask Bishop about their past at some point, Maple seems to want to rant about that :D)
Ranboo got mind control by a mask
Hetch caught on quickly, he is not mind control but my just good old fashioned gaslighting gatekeep girl bossing that’s happening, we’ll figure it out. (what was I even trying to say here? How much sleep did I get? How late did I write this?)
Gen 4
Going to be worse this time, be extra careful.
Back to talking in hints and riddles, yippie/s
Don’t know if anything changed
New(?) person, don’t know their name but they are a bitch
Checkers is missing
Ranboo got out of the box by themself and they are hurt, a lot……I really hope they remember…..(They don’t remember us D:)
Red text (The new person) is an AI,
Ranboo can’t see or feel us anymore :( I want to hug them so bad……(Head pat them, they don’t like hugs any more)
Ranboo doesn’t want to leave this time
The power is out
Everyone is split up (Fun :D/s)
Bishop is ok :D but I want to check if they are being controlled again as soon as I get the chance (Worried about Ranboo now, Bishop is fine (Bishop is NOT fine))
Ranboo found their notebook :D
Ranboo is mind-controlled D: by the earpiece
“Ranboo” wants to cut off all the cameras, AKA, send us back to the void :(
Bishop was masked and was being controlled (Fucking called it) and we met the founder and Hetch fucking stabbed Ranboo and-
Gen 5
Charlie and Sneeg are out of the mall
Charlie finds us in their backyard
Ranboo is still trapped at the mall (I figure the same with Bishop)
No one remembers still (wHy :( (Ranboo remembers))
Charlie and Sneeg are staying at Sneeg’s old house. (I don’t think that’s the truth it way too close to the mall)
Going to go save Ranboo and Bishop (And whoever else we make our friend) after Charlie gets Sneeg.
Never mind, Ranboo is at the house now. (Still need to safe Bishop)
They all reliving the last 3 years (So like, 2026?(We in the future))
Ranboo can feel us again :D (don’t give hugs just head pats)
Ranboo has an old friend, feels like this is important, like they will be trapped as a Showfall worker or something.
New mission, make Ranboo smile and let them be happy :D
Ranboo has been forced to watch gore for the past 3 years, so if we get a chance to hurt Hetch and the founder, make sure they are at least closing their eyes.
Who I think Ranboo's friend is: an oc, Aimsey (Because Ranboo’s friend goes by any pronouns and Aimsey does as well, I think). 
Sneeg and Charlie are being mind controlled or something because they are saying some shit that they would not say. (If they are not being mind-controlled I’m going to slap them, or throw myself at them, one of the two.)
Charlie locked Ranboo in a room
We are in Ranboo’s dream now :D
Ranboo’s friend goes by any pronouns
The dream was an old memory of when Ranboo found the taps, we met Ranboo’s friend in that dream but their face was blacked out, and after Ranboo stopped playing along with the dream the friend was yelling at Ranboo to say their name until Ranboo woke up
Also apparently Ranboo lied to us, not mad, tho I do want to know what they lied about.
The door to the room is unlocked
Don’t know where Sneeg and Charlie are
There are flys and bugs outside the house and in the house
There is a dead crow in the backyard, I wonder how it died….probably from a baby zombie (I’m sorry I can’t stop myself :D(never mind it was a raven I’m stupid))
Gen 6
It fucking reset again, Ranboo quickly found us and we are now figuring out what happened (Ranboo stills remembers don’t worry)
Snowfall workers hunted Ranboo around the mall, killed them, and then they would wake up the next day revived.
Wait this is the first looped where Charlie didn’t find us……bit weird but it’s ok :D
Ranboo has wires in their skin
One of the wires glows red, I think it when they lie that it glows…….I’ll feel so bad if I’m wrong :( (I was wrong fuck I’m giving them so many head parts to make up for it……and hugs if they are alright with it now(They are not, stick to head pats))
Gonna to test to see if we can still give them head pats. (We can lets go :D)
Therapy (Seriously Ranboo looks insane sometimes they need it, and I’m sure everyone else will need the same)
Went to go cause some chaos against Showfall, found something to break, Ranboo cut a wire and everything went dark for a moment but now we are with Bishop again (I thought I killed us for a moment)
Ranboo got killed again but they will be revived tomorrow (I don’t know if it’s comic time or our time)
I finally got a chance to show Bishop their fan art :D
Here it is :D sorry I didn't answer right away I was sleeping.
RAHHHH I LOVE IT HOLY SHIT also good guess on who the old friend is but its not aimsey :)
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