#alis lavellan
greypetrel · 4 months
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Only krapfens for breakfast ✨🥯✨
Second day with @ndostairlyrium's Kerry (right back at you, AH!). Double because it's actually a redo with an addition of one of these memes which I really really liked. What can I say she just has the time of her life in the Hawkeverse and getting adopted by all the Hawkes.
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The things this scene does to me
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pinayelf · 2 years
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getting my drawing groove back w/ some otp art ~
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wildercrow · 5 months
Just Leave A Comment Fest: Winter 2023 Recap
We participated in @justleaveacommentfest this past week and had an absolute blast! Our grand comment total was, wait for it...
For those of you who know us: Yes, Boaty was responsible for that number. Was it because she wanted to make a 69 joke or because her competitive streak kicked in and she wanted to leave the most comments out of anyone in our system? Yes.
Either way: she succeeded.
We commented on 58 fics across 7 fandoms! We left:
42 Dragon Age comments
9 Transformers comments (6 Earthspark, 3 Prime)
7 Baldur's Gate 3 comments
5 Yu Yu Hakusho comments
4 Voltron comments
1 Monster Hunter comment (we don't even go here but we love our friends)
and 1 original fic comment
9 system members participated (that's half our system):
Boaty came out on top with 18 comments
Nuri left 15
Matt left 12
Haunt left 10
Roan left 5
Mulch left 3
And the remaining 6 were group comments made by various combinations of the above + Naeem, Sariq, and Snow
We also received 3 comments this week, and we treasure them all:
This one from @warpedlegacy
This one from @rakshadow
This one from @leggywillow
Thank you all, and thank you to the friends who cheered us on during this week's reading marathon as well! We appreciate you!! <333
We also got a 12 bingo combo (that's ALL THE SQUARES) on this bingo card we got from here!!
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See below the cut for what fics we commented on for each square! They're all good fics, so consider this our belated contribution to fic rec day.
Please heed the ratings and tags -- there's some spicy fics and heavy themes in the mix. Also note that while the majority of these fit the theme of this blog (Dragon Age and BG3), there are some other fandoms mixed in.
In the parentheses, we'll list the fandom, rating, wordcount, and main character or ship. Fandoms will be abbreviated as follows:
Dragon Age > DA
Baldur's Gate 3 > BG3
Transformers Earthspark > TFE
Transformers Prime > TFP
Voltron Legendary Defender > VLD
Yu Yu Hakusho > YYH
Monster Hunter > MH
Bingo Fics!!!
B1 - Angst: To Plant A Seed by SerialChillr (DA, T, <1k, Lavellan)
I1 - Fluff: That Night by Toshi_Nama (DA, T, 1k, FWB Fenris/Isabela)
N1 - Crack fic: Spaghetti Regretti by platonicharmonics (VLD, G, 2.5k, Shiro/Matt & Keith)
G1 - Major Minor Character Death: The Many Virtues of Failure by dismalzelenka (BG3, M, 11k, Tav)
O1 - Gen fic: Card Shark by SulkyValkyrie (DA, T, <1k, Sigrun & Isabela)
B2 - Under 50 kudos: A Betting Man by dismalzelenka (DA, G, <1k, Anders & Varric & Isabela)
I2 - No comments until now: Kadan and Kadath by brainwormterrarium (DA, M, <1k, Adaar/The Iron Bull/Dorian)
N2 - <100 works for the ship: What To Get the Elf Who Ha(te)s Everything by dismalzelenka (DA, G, 2k, Sigrun/Velanna & Friends)
G2 - WIP updated <1 week ago: Heart of Glass by delicatefade (DA, M, 4k, Lavellan/Lavellan)
O2 - WIP updated >6+ months ago: Laughter in the Halls by JellyDishes (DA, NR, 1k, Leliana/Josephine)
B3 - New to you fandom: Sick Day by FantasiaWandering (TFP, G, <1k, Bulkhead & Miko)
I3 - New to you ship: The Autobot-Decepticon Tango by platonicharmonics (TFE, G, 6K, Bumblebee/Breakdown/Knock Out & Megatron/Optimus & The Maltos)
N3 - Free space: need me 'til i need no more by silverwolfbunny (DA, M, 2.5k, Fenris/Isabela)
G3 - New to you author: Pajamas by kaiamira (YYH, G, 1.5k, Hiei/Kurama)
O3 - New to you trope: Guilty Pleasure by platonicharmonics (TFE, E, 15k, Megatron/Optimus/Elita One)
B4 - Time travel: Who You Used to Be (We Want to Know You) by deadlysoupy (TFE, T, 5.5k, Bee & The Terrans)
I4 - Femslash: things that die over and over by tatertwitch (DA, T, 1.5k, Sigrun/Velanna)
N4 - Canon compliant: Number Six by warpedlegacy (DA, T, <1k, Cassandra & Trevelyan & Dorian & Sera)
G4 - Original character-centric: alis volat propriis by Hanoden (DA, T, 36k, OC-centric)
O4 - Person of color main character: From Ashes by Fenrevas (DA, M, 70k, Fenris/Hawke)
B5 - Author's first work: History by DeftAlec (MH, T, 3k, OCs)
I5 - Under 1,000 words: The Gifts of Life by CelestialArcadia (DA, G, <1k, Sigrun)
N5 - Neurodivergent main character: If You Could Only Be What You Pretend To Be by platonicharmonics (TFE, M, 4k, Starscream & Megatron)
G5 - Over 100,000 words: Enlea'Ensal (series) by lalaen (DA, E, 200k, Lavellan)
O5 - Written for a fest or challenge: Let's go hand in hand, not one before the other by limeblood (VLD, E, 9k, Shiro/Matt)
We bent the rules a liiittle on Major Character Death and over 100k words because we generally just. Don't read either of those things. At all. And the point is to have fun, not to torture ourselves.
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spainkitty · 5 months
OC Names Meaning
Rules: google and post the meaning of your OC'S name (if you made their name up or they go by a nickname, post an explanation of how it came to you)! bonus if you can find something for their last name too.
I love it when you tag me 🥰 @sillyliterature thank you!
Lanil (Surana) Lavellan: My girl. My Bae. My scrumpdiddlyumptious. Her name has zero meaning. Literally played around with letters and vowels until something cool happened. However, she has nicknames! 'Lane' is just short for Lanil, easypeasy. Varric calls her 'Shortie', which annoys the shit out of her. She knows she's short, she's FINE with it (she's not fine with it), but the GALL of this dwarf to call her short!! 🤣 Her nickname from the Chargers in my FIIF AU is 'Brusier', because she's a teenytiny ball of RAGE. Krem made a joke about her being a 'bruiser', and the nickname stuck.
Aleandria Cousland-Theirin: Okay, so this has a story. My irl name is Alexandria Denys, and I currently live in China. Their automated systems, like banks and hospitals, etc, HATE long foreign names. It's a pain in the butt to do anything officially. I went to a local public hospital once and I don't know if it was the computer or the person using the keyboard, but SOMETHING lost its gotdang mind and input my name, and printed my official papers, as "Aleandriad" and I lost it laughing. My first thought was: "This would be a great D&D name!" Eventually, I started playing DAO and my first character was a Cousland. I thought Aleandriad Cousland was a bit much, so I dropped the 'd' and there we go. So, in a roundabout way, her name means "Defender of Mankind". Her nickname is 'Andry' (because Alistair's nickname is Ali, lol).
Hamasa: Hamasa is a fire dragon who can shapeshift. His current form is, of course, a human looking young man (for reasons!). He has many names depending on who is talking about him. The Imperial Court calls him: 'Kana'iro' which comes from the words "aka + kin'iro" or "the red golden". His adoptive-sister calls him 'Masaki', and his new bestie, Marya, calls him 'Hamito'. Sometimes, he's also called 'Masa'.
Marya Garsia: Marya is this world's version of "Maria", basically. A simple classic name for a farmer's daughter and for our 2nd MC. Her nickname is usually 'Marrita', though if Hamasa ever felt comfortable enough, he'd call her 'Mariki'.🥺
Emerens Valerius: Valerius is the third/final MC (the main cast is larger, but these 3 get POVs in the two novels thus far). Marya calls him 'Wally', because she's irreverent and knows it'll annoy him. (He goes by Valerius, which is pronounced "Wah-lair-ree-us".) When he was young, he was called 'Emmeki', but very few even know his first name now. In his squad of knights, he was called 'Kaecus', which was a shitty, rude, and ableist nickname meaning "Blind One", because he has very obvious faceblindness.
@anyone who read this and wants to do it, too! Please tag me so I can see yours! 🥰💖
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incognito-insomniac · 2 years
Name Meanings
I was tagged by @socially-awkward-skeleton​ Thank you so much!! ^_^
Not sure who to tag so anyone join in who wants to!
I’ll pick a small group, I have waaaaay too many OCs that I still care about.
Captain Alysia “Aly” Hawthorne - The Outer Worlds
“Alysia” is a variant for Alyssa which means “Rational”. And in many ways Alysia’s main struggle is her rational sense of right and wrong butting up against the uncaring force of capitalism in Halcyon.
I never came up with a last name and I literally forgot my reasoning for it until filling this out. She takes on the name Alex Hawthorne which is an in-game option very early on. Then I developed the nickname “Aly” which could be used for “Alex” or “Alysia”.
And I just never worked past that. Her surname is just “Hawthorne” now which is from the Old English haegborn or hagethorn and meant “thorn used for making hedges and enclosures.”
Calder Jacobson - Fallout 4
“Calder” means “From The Wild Water”. Calder was actually from an original story I was writing where Zavidah, the Goddess of Animals and Shapeshifting, turns Calder into the first werewolf. I didn’t have a good feeling for his personality so I decided to throw him into Fallout 4 and see what happened. I can’t remember how I chose his name but it seems fitting.
“Jacobson” mean “son of Jacob”. I don’t remember choosing it and I low-key hate it now. But here we are.
Erimenthan “Erim” Lavellan - Dragon Age Inquisition
“Erimenthan” is a made-up male variant of “Erimentha” which was part of my original Tumblr handle and it means “ Collector Of Thoughts, Determined Protector”. In trying to come up with an elven name for my first DA:I playthrough this seemed very fitting. And then I created “Erim” as a nickname for him.
“Lavellan” is of course not chosen by me but is the elf background surname given by the game. And it’s not even a surname but a clan name. But it’s origins are in Scottish folklore as a mythical creature Wikipedia describes as a very large noxious rat like creature that lives in deep pools of rivers. So big side-eye to Bioware for that one.
Nadezhda “Nadi” Trevelyan - Dragon Age Inquisition
“Nadezhda” means “Hope” and “Nadi” is just nickname from that which she prefers to go by.
Once again a Bioware provided surname, “Trevelyan” is a Welsh and Cornish name derived from a place-name which originally meant "farmstead 'trev' or Tref (town in Welsh) of Elyan" which reading through a few sites is pretty common for Medieval surname development. “Elyan” is of unknown meaning in it’s English origins. But in Arabic the name means roughly “One Who Climbs Upwards” or “Exalted” among other similar meanings. So arguably a much nicer surname than “poisonous river rat cryptid”. Looking at you Bioware!
Osyen Trevelyan - Dragon Age Inquisition
“Osyen” is a made-up variant of the Welsh name “Osian” which is a variant of the Celtic name “Oisin” meaning “Little Deer”. Oisin is also a the famous warrior poet in Irish mythology. I actually spent some time on Osyen’s backstory giving him seven siblings also with Welsh names. Can’t entirely remember why I chose Welsh, but it was related to some deep digging I did into the Trevelyan surname and in-game origins of Ostwick and the Free Marches. I honestly need to do better about taking notes for my OCs.
Liam Harper - Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator
“Liam” means “With Gilded Helmet” and funnily enough he does have blond hair. But I honestly didn’t realize the connection until now. I just liked the name.
“Harper” is an occupational surname for someone who plays the harp. Again not intentional. I just like it. Liam isn’t musically inclined but I’m sure he could make an excellent analogy of how writing is very much like plucking the strings of a harp.
Anlanihal “Anla” - Skyrim
“Anlanihal” is a made-up name I initially created as one of Erim’s exes in my very long WIP for him. I actually liked the name so much I used it in a D&D campaign for an Elf Barbarian who was a lot of fun. And then when I wanted to try and actually finish Skyrim for once I made a Bosmer Elf and named her “Anlanihal”.
I would have sworn dollars to donuts that “Anla” was a popular name. It does not seem to be. I cannot find it’s meaning anywhere. However, there are a handful people around the world with that name that popped up on Google....and it is a popular acronym.
She also doesn’t have a surname. One could argue it would be Lavellan since she is part of Erim’s clan in my initial rendition of her. But now knowing it means “toxic nutria of lore” I might consider something else.
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vendynee · 4 months
OC Questionnaire
Tagged by @velnat004 <3
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NAME: Alaris Lavellan
NICKNAME: Ali, Al (given by his husband Niles), Sunshine (also given by his husband)
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: 5 (on a good night)
DREAM TRIP: Tevinter probably? He's curious about all those things everyone says about it. Plus it's HOT.
RANDOM FACT: Alaris received his jaw scar from doing something absolutely stupid hunting with Niles one day (probably tripped and fell tbh). Niles sewed it up for him :)
Tagging: Anyone who sees this and wants to participate :) SHOW ME YOUR OCs PLEASE I BEG.
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in-arlathan · 4 years
Character Study: Pre-Inquisition | Alis Lavellan
Got tagged by the lovely @noire-pandora for this OC ask and couldn‘t resist. I did something similar for my canon Inquisitor, Elenara Lavellan, a while back. Today‘s Alis‘s turn. Here‘s my fearless Dalish mage in her Pre-Inquisition outfit.
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Tagging forward to @charlatron, @serial-chillr, @johaeryslavellan, @midnightprelude, @elfrootaddict, @rivainisomniari, @cornfedcryptid​, @elveny​, and @kunstpause anyone else who likes to play (because I sure as hell forgot someone, oh dear). As always: No pressure! Feel free to join in or skip. Whatever is best for you.
Character Study below the cut.
Layer 01: The Outside
Eye Colour: Strom-grey Hair Style / Colour: Dark brown, cut short and swept back Height: 1,73 m Clothing Style: Practical Dalish attire in earthy tones. Best Physical Feature: Her strong back
Layer 02: The Inside
Fears: Moments of weakness Guilty Pleasure: Skinny-dipping Biggest Pet Peeve: Ignorant people Ambitions For The Future: Master her magic
Layer 03: Thoughts
First Thoughts Waking Up: “How is it morning already?��� What They Think About Most: “What’s next?” What They Think About Before Bed: “Creators, I’m tired.” What They Think Their Best Quality Is: Her resilience
Layer 04: Either Or…
Single Or Group Dates: Single dates To Be Loved Or Respected: Respected Beauty Or Brains: Both in equal measure Dogs Or Cats: Neither
Layer 05: Do They…
Lie: No, she deeply resents lying. Believe In Themselves: Yes, her confidence knows no bounds. Believe In Love: She believes in sexual attraction. Love not so much. To her, it only complicates matters. That doesn’t prevent her from falling in love anyway, though. Want Someone: She likes to think of herself as independent, but secretly she does want someone by her side.
Layer 06: Have They…
Been On Stage: She likes to show-off her magical abilities in sparing with other mages and enjoys to be watched by an audience. Done Drugs: Dosed herself with unknown potions from Deshanna’s aravel to learn more about their effects. Changed Who They Were To Fit In: Absolutely not. Even when her members of her own clan scolded her for her over-confidence, she rather saw it as a reason to keep going.
Layer 07: What’s Their…
Favourite colours: Viridian Favourite Animal: Snakes Favourite Book: Reading... is not really her thing. Very much to Deshanna’s discontent. Favourite Game: Wicked Grace (but she’s bad at it)
Layer 08: Age
Day Their Next Birthday Will Be: 8th of Maternalis How Old Will They Be: She is 28 when the keeper sends her to spy on the conclave in Haven
Layer 09: I…
... love a challenge ... feel confident ... hide my affections ... miss Keeper Deshanna ... wish I was stronger
If you want to know a bit more about Alis, I wrote this little one-shot titled “First To The Keeper”, exploring her time shortly before she journeys to Haven. Thanks for reading.
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greypetrel · 11 months
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"There's a bonbon in every one of us!"
cit. Lady Inquisitor Aisling First-Thaw Lavellan, she who has at least two secret candy stashes in her room (for emergencies), a sweet-tooth.
Ali (@ndostairlyrium): This dog is so relatable, and it looks like my BonBon. Me: There's a bonbon in every one of us. Ali: That's something Aisling would say.
And so, below are the bonbon in every one of the Characters in Inquisition and some extra. There are a lot of Italian delicacies, but they're all explained. (Aisling is a sugary peach-flavoured gelatine, answer if you're a mutual and she'll assign your character one candy.)
Leliana: Sour rainbow belt. It's colourful, but it's frizzy and it's sour, it will mislead you in thinking it's something sweet and girly... It's not.
Josephine: Alpenliebe. It's very very very sweet and based on honey, very wholesome, also surprisingly hard.
Cullen: Rossana. You don't know how that candy ended up in your purse/pocket. It's there, you can rely on it, they never falter or disappear, it's not everyone taste and the ultimate grandma candy. But it just there for a snack when you need it.
Inner Circle:
Cassandra: Bacio Perugina. It's chocolate and it comes wrapped in a tiny leaflet with the sappiest quote you can think of, translated in four languages so everyone can participate in the sap. But it has a hard nut at the centre that will crack.
Solas: Galatina. It's very, very old-fashioned, in that way you either hate or love, no middle ground. It's condensed milk so it's good for calcium. Another grandma candy.
Varric: Gummy bear. It's reliable, it's the thing that everyone likes, you find it everywhere, everyone agrees that it's a wholesome, good candy even if for some it's a little too basic. The surprise is that Varric is a bowl of liquor-soaked gummy bears. It lied to you.
Dorian: Mon Cheri/any Boer chocolate. A chocolate filled with liquor, very fancy, very refined, it's not everyone's taste, but if it's yours it's suddenly screaming refined person. Sweet, but pungent.
Vivienne: After Eight. Again, it's something very very refined, but that you either hate to guts or love to bits. There's a stark contrast between how it appears and how it tastes, and again, it's something very, VERY fancy.
The Iron Bull: A Strawberry and cream gelèe. It's soft, it's sweet, it's pink, will be liked by a lot of people… And liked so much you won't realize it's giving you cavities for days and your dentist will love you for the amount of money you'll leave them.
Sera: Fudge. It's sweet af, but it's annoying and relentless. It sticks to your back teeth and it will go away when your dentist will forcibly scrape it away with a scalpel, cursing loudly.
Cole: Fruttini. It's basically sugar. A tiny ball of sugar with the faintest fruit flavour. It's a sugar cube? It's a fruit candy? It's a bit of both, you decide. It will melt in your mouth and be very very sweet.
Blackwall: Selz Soda. It looks like an innocent, wholesome hard candy. Very wholesome, it's fruity and sweet. And then BAM the hard shell cracks and there's selz inside and it burns and you're left there hissing at the surprise. Not everyone's favourite, and not a candy you should trust.
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This line from Cole + everyone noticing that her hand is worse + the Inquisitor song released with Trespasser... this is fine (<- lies. I am a mess over the Inquisitor)
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pinayelf · 3 years
I'm definitely putting in that amihan came to skyhold to pick up alistair after adamant solely because I want her and immy to meet
nfjfnf there's just something about a >:( blood mage meeting a :3 fluffy elf that I need to have in my worldstate
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talesfromthefade · 4 years
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So, in the last few weeks I made a new Inquisitor/baby to cosplay on TikTok, started a new DAI game/file for him, and now I’m writing about him because he took on a life of his own, I never learn, and this franchise clearly owns my soul. Hope you enjoy! <3
Hamin Lavellan (DA:I, prologue), for @dadrunkwriting & @aly-the-writer​
They get it wrong. They always do, of course. Solas may not be Dalish, but even he must know from the bow and quiver that’s strapped to his back, and without an ounce of magical blood running through him that he wasn’t First to the Keeper for Clan Lavellan. Hamin doesn’t bother to correct them, though, and the strange elven wanderer seems content to follow his lead. They’ve already decided on a narrative too, these Shems. Pigeon-holed him into a story that features him saved and designated the messenger by a God he doesn’t even believe in.
Hamin doesn’t bother to say much where he can help it. Cassandra is hardly the first human to brandish threats or weapons at him, but unlike a good deal of his and his fellow hunter’s scrapes in the past, she seems quite capable of backing them up, could probably best him. He’s trained the same as any of their Clan’s hunters, knows his way around a dagger or two as well as his preferred bow, but Hamin has always seen and fought better at a distance.
So, he does as his Keeper had advised him before sending him off, and tries to remain, if not unseen, then, at least, unheard. He bites his tongue so often there’s a rumor that their “Herald of Andraste” may be mute. Hamin may not in chains anymore, but the abrupt change of heart in the Seeker and the rest of this Inquisition, its followers, and even the pilgrims is less a comfort and more a reminder of the mutability of the minds of Shems, particularly in large numbers. Those hearts and minds that smile and clap for him now could be changed again, turned once more against him, whenever it suits them.
Hamin mourns as he does many things since unexpectedly waking up in the dark and damp of Haven’s Chantry dungeon, silently and in private. Halani. For all that his parents named him ‘rest’ they were his. So much smarter than him, and ever so hard-working, but Halani never let being the clan’s First never come between making time for him. When Deshanna made the announcement she would be sending her First to observe and report back about the Shems’ meetings over the fate of Templars and Mages, Hamin volunteered. Sharp eyes, an even sharper shot, and more motivation than any to protect them. He would travel with them, keep them safe. But he’s failed. He’s failed Halani. He’s failed the Keeper. He’s failed them all.
Do you intend to go back, Cassandra asks. Can he? Could he bear to? Would it be safe? Would the Clan even take him in the wake of his failure to protect one of their most treasured, their most precious? How can they possibly forgive him when he can scarcely begin to imagine forgiving himself? 
And yet, he misses them. Acutely. A pronounced ache in his chest at the thought of his fellow hunters, his friends, their Hahren, and the Keeper. Misses too the familiar sights, sounds, and smells of the lands they’ve roamed, so different from these across the sea. His clothes are sturdy and warm, Hamin spent a good portion of an afternoon complimenting and speaking to Harritt as such good craftsmanship had merited, but nicer still would be not to need them. For a climate warm enough to feel the earth beneath his bare feet again. He takes up roost at the top of the steps, a silent sentry, the night of the first full moon since waking to this nightmare. The sight of her had thrilled him once. She feels remote now like a shore made little more than a speck on the horizon by unfathomable distance. To say nothing for the great ugly scar that diminishes her beautiful shine and paints the snowy landscape in hues of green.
His heart and blood still race, feet restless to track, to stalk, and finally to run. But Haven already has hunters. Passing good, if the elf is feeling charitable. And Hamin can just imagine what the sight, word of a savage knife-ear hunting just beyond the walls would do for the whispers already flying about amongst ignorant soldiers and pilgrims. Sound though Varric’s advice probably is, there is nowhere for Hamin to run. Halani’s death and whatever strange twist of fate which burned this mark upon his hand have both unmoored and anchored him. Indifferent and distrustful as he may be, abandoning the Inquisition when he may be the only one with the means of closing these rifts isn’t really much of a choice. He will stay for the sake and future of his Clan, whether they still acknowledge and accept him or no. He will stay because it’s what Halani would have done, always the better of the pair of them. Hamin wouldn’t wish the pain nor any of the difficulties that are sure to accompany his mark on anyone else, though the world might yet, and if any of these people had known the true envoy of Clan Lavellan, if they had any inkling of just what they’d lost at the Conclave, they’d be right to.
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roseategales · 4 years
what are your favorite little details about your ocs? ocs’ favorite/best intimate moment with their lis?
i had to think about that first question. in order of how i listed them in my original post: eludysia’s habit of humming, clara’s unexpectedly dry humour, isera’s extensive note keeping, myranda’s ability to really stretch her sovereigns, laisa’s not-so-hidden wonder at the world and annalise’s knowledge on how to literally dress to kill.
as for their favourite/best moments with their LIs... for eludysia, it was solas at her side during the memorial for her clan and his support all the way through; it wasn’t her favourite moment, but it was certainly her most cherished. for clara, it was her wedding day. for myranda, it was the day anders moved the few things he owned in, and she saw a life with him. for annalise, it was when she and alistair traded stories about their childhoods, before the landsmeet; when they realised they’d met in redcliffe’s market around the age of nine. for laisa, it’s sometime after she returns to orlais and proposes. 
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ladylike-foxes · 5 years
For DADWC - "A familiar melody that’s hauntingly elusive" seems like a perfect prompt for a Solas ship. ^^
Thank you, sunshine!!! ❤❤  Some vague study for @dadrunkwriting 
            He would never be asked to describe her. Still, sometimes he thought about how he might, if asked. There was no place to start. To epitomize her—to truly interpret her, his Halesta—would be to illustrate what it was to be angry, or heartbroken, or in love. One could clinically put words to the underlying idea, but it could never do justice to the actual experience, the poignancy of emotion that cuts to the bone….             He could generalize. Her hair was a mess of unkempt grey pearl curls, her eyes the color of dust on sunbleached lavender. She was short and boyish about the chest, but had wide hips and shapely thighs. Halesta was brave and broken. Young but wise, old but tireless. She was selfless, but she was vengeful. She was small but formidable. She was kind and loving and gentle, and she was filled with rage. She was bloodthirsty but eager to love. She had lost everything, but she took on responsibility for the world. None of these details were quite right, as true as they were.
             She was a falling star, she was plain forest dirt beneath bare feet. She was jagged ice and bitter anise and the taste of war, of blood and bile on the back of the tongue. She was the flavor of a solid punch to the nose, of sweet foamed cream stirred into a cup of tea. She was pearl dust and a slit throat and the color of the first breath of spring air. She was a tune that played itself on your heartstrings, but that you can’t quite put your finger on. She was falling into a soft bed at the end of the longest journey, and she was a pail of chilly water tossed over the body in the deepest sleep. She was the first rays of sunlight and she was the moon. She was nothing but everything.
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inkywarden · 5 years
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‘tis the canon squad 🏹🗡🏹 Warden sad, Champion of angry and Inquisitor sarcastic. My only three moods
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emeliescorner · 5 years
say the first three (3) things that you think of your OC(s)! (Without an explanation, of course)!
tagged by @roboticbiotic (well not really, since they tagged anyone and everyone :’) )
Sara Ryder:  Clumsy, nerd, curious
Scott Ryder: Dork, curious, genuine
Alie Shepard: Righteous, stubborn, friendly
Vela T’Avari: Calm, assertive, compassionate
Elia Trevelyan: Timid, introvert, efficient
Inara Lavellan: Aggressive, uncertain, determined
tagging: anyone
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