#alexander joffe
haikyuofficialart · 1 year
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Team B - Alexandre Joffe - MSBY Black Jackal / Middle Blocker
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kagejima · 2 years
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pairing: alexander yoffe + roomate!female reader
authors's notes: just some quick little thoughts i jotted down about alexander. everybody say thank you to @mrskenmakozume for introducing alexander to me the other day and my size kink 147 cm self going feral over him being 218 cm, thank you kisa 🥰😘
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when alexander opens the door, he isn't expecting you to be so... small.
you're teeny tiny.
well, everything was small to him at his grand height, but your mutual friend had hooked you two up because you wanted to move for more modeling work and alexander needed a roommate, so he expected someone, well, taller.
alexander yoffe, who helps you with all of your stuff and refuses to let you lift a finger bringing all your boxes in himself.
alexander yoffe, who says he will take you to ikea later and he will buy you furniture for your room and whatever else you want to make yourself feel more at home.
alexander yoffe, who begins to give you a house tour.
alexander yoffe, who shows you the kitchen and pictures fucking you on the edge of the kitchen table with your legs pinned above your head.
alexander yoffe, who shows you the bathroom and immediately pictures your naked body in the shower.
alexander yoffe, who shows you his bedroom and pictures holding you up in the air with your legs around his shoulders as he eats you out.
alexander yoffe, who shows you your bedroom and keeps staring at the way your bare thighs jiggle under your sundress as you walk around your new room and he wants them around his head.
alexander yoffe, who throughout the next month, feels awful because he's had the house renovated to make his seven foot frame more comfortable, and sees that this roommate thing will be far more than just tricky.
alexander yoffe, who has to help you pick out your clothes every morning, because the closet space in your room is too high up and during that first week, he watched you try to reach with a step stool on your tiptoes and had to run in and catch you when you started wobbling and falling, pulling you back and him cushioning your fall on the floor.
alexander yoffe, who asked if you were okay with his arms around you protectively, holding tight to you with you in his lap and you blushing over being held gently by a literal mountain of muscle.
alexander yoffe, who insists you do nothing while he cooks but you still want to since you're roommates and you want to help do things - so he asks if it's okay if he picks you up and sits you on the counter while he cooks so you can keep him company.
alexander yoffe, who cooks dinner for the both of you and watches you munch on strawberries he's washed for you to snack on, getting distracted by your lips and the way the plump red fruit disappears in your mouth and he almost cuts his finger with the knife.
alexander yoffe, who is hounded by his teammates constantly asking him what you look like so he says nothing because he knows they'll swoop in and try to date you.
alexander yoffe, who only trusts shugo meian who has a girlfriend of his own, and he shows shugo a picture that you two took while on a picnic together on a nice summer day.
alexander yoffe, who feels his heart ache a little when shugo starts laughing and says "oh, your dick is definitely gonna kill her, are you crazy".
alexander yoffe, who notices a week later that you're sad and when he asks you why, you say that it's your birthday in a few days and you feel a little lonely.
alexander yoffe, who takes you out for a nice birthday dinner at a restaurant shugo and his girlfriend always go to, and then takes you out for drinks.
alexander yoffe, who has to carry you home bridal style because you're just awful at holding your liquor.
alexander yoffe, who tucks you into bed that night and makes you drink some water and spends the night in the living room with your door open so he can hear you to make sure you don't throw up in your sleep.
alexander yoffe, who doesn't bother to lock the door when he showers, it's his house.
alexander yoffe, who doesn't think you'll come back from your jog so quickly.
alexander yoffe, who stands there wet and fully naked as you open the door to the bathroom and you can't hear the fan running with your headphones in, and you both stare at each other.
alexander yoffe, who has to wrap a towel around his waist and come over to your now shut door, trying to convince you it's not even that big of a deal but you're mortified.
alexander yoffe, who knows he can get you to come out if he orders pizza and tells you the newest episode of your new favorite show is out.
and lastly...
alexander yoffe, who wakes up in the middle of the night later that week and tries to step quietly to the kitchen for a glass of water.
alexander yoffe, who hears noises coming from your room and is worried you're in pain.
alexander yoffe, who presses his ear to the door so he can see if he needs to come in and help you.
and alexander yoffe, who hears you whimpering his name and moaning and the smallest buzzes of a bullet vibrator.
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depressed-avocado · 2 years
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who's sakuatsu? idk her
i only know atsumu x big ass mf joffe🙄
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pythiaswine · 1 year
With 16 votes (I meant to do a week-long poll but I failed) it was a tie between Caleb Landry Jones and Stephen Joffe. I'd like to do a recount sometime but since I picked the candidates I accept the outcome.
Here's a photo dump of Stephen Joffe:
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And of Caleb Landry Jones:
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In the face, I think CLJ fits better, but he's also a bit tall and he might age out of the early-twenties Hamilton era soon. Stephen Joffe... his nose don't fit.
I'm still campaigning for Freddie Fox (with dyed hair)
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theirtheretheyre · 2 years
we’re still at 18 works for alexander yoffe 😔
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salaciousdoll · 2 months
I hope there’s more of him in the future if he continue with small special chapters because 7’2 had me, Alexander joffe you’re on my fuck list 😩🎀
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 5 months
by Alexander Joffe
Christmas and festive celebrations and shopping were disrupted in parks, malls, stores and public venues ,such as midtown Manhattan and London, by protestors declaring “Christmas is canceled.” Assaults and arrests were reported. Protests were also held on Christmas morning outside the homes of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and national Security Advisor Jake Sullivan. Efforts to shut down New Year’s celebrations were made in major cities.
The situation in Gaza was the ostensible motive but the actions were undertaken by pro-Palestinian groups as well as a wide array of communist and social groups including The People’s Forum and the Party for Socialism and Liberation. The support for “Palestine” given by climate change personality Greta Thunberg demonstrated the unity of these and other far left causes.
Another direct reflection of “Globalize the Intifada” protests were hundreds of bomb threats and swatting threats called in to Jewish institutions, apparently from outside the US. Violent protests were held outside of Jewish owned business in cities including Philadelphia, Chicago, Los Angeles, and New York City. Property crimes directed against Jewish owned businesses and other sites in New York City also rose 85% in December. S
Shabbat services at Temple Beth Am in Los Angeles were relocated for the first time in history after a pro-Hamas demonstration was scheduled in a park across the street.
The House of Representatives also passed a resolution condemning the October 7 attack and stating that anti-Zionism is a form of antisemitism. The measure passed 311-14 but 92 Democrats voted “present.” The pro-BDS “Squad” comprised the no votes along with Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY).
The increasingly wide distribution of Muslim communities in the US and their growing political action around the single issue of opposing Israel is a growing factor in future electoral calculations, particularly in states such as Michigan, Virginia, and New Jersey.
At the same time pro-Hamas activists have continued to target Democrats. In one incident a Michigan Democratic Party holiday event was disrupted when members of the Palestinian Youth Movement and Party for Socialism and Liberation entered the venue to harass Congresswoman Shri Thanedar (D-MI). The resulting fight sent several individuals to the hospital. Congressman Ritchie Torres (D-NY) was harassed by pro-Hamas protestors at the 92nd Street Y who shouted “Ritchie Torres, you can’t hide, we charge you with genocide.” Pro-Hamas protestors also vandalized the offices of several Democratic Congressmen. as well as the home of Rep. Adam Smith (D-WA). The willingness to attack politicians is a grave escalation in the war against Israel in the US.
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dear-indies · 5 months
Hi there! I was wondering if you’d be able to suggest young male actors with ginger hair? (20-30 age range so long as he looks early 20s) Anyone other than Cameron Monaghan would be amazing thank you so much in advance
Alex Saxon (1987)
Luke Newberry (1990)
Elijah Baker (1991) Black British and White.
Stephen Joffe (1991)
Calum Worthy (1991)
Sean Berdy (1993) Ashkenazi Jewish / Unspecified - is deaf and has bipolar disorder.
Niall Cunningham (1994)
Gabriel Basso (1994)
Jack Kilmer (1995)
Josha Stradowski (1995)
Ralph Souffrant (1996) Afro-Haitian.
Louis Hofmann (1997)
Kai Alexander (1997)
John Bell (1997)
Garet Allen (1997)
Jake Austin Walker (1997)
Grayson Russell (1998)
Justin Tinucci (1999)
Tucker Albrizzi (2000)
Hey anon! The older suggestions have younger roles which work for this ask too.
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heplev · 3 months
Von Anfang an korrumpiert: Die vergessene UNRWA-Geschichte
Die internationale Gemeinschaft finanzierte über die UNRWA einen gewaltigen Teil der Hamas-Operationen, indem sie ihr ermöglichte sich auf Terrorismus zu konzentrieren, statt auf Gesundheit und Bildung. (Op-ed) Asaf Romirowsky und Alexander Joffe, Israel National News, 26.Februar 2024 UNRWA-Schule in Jerusalem (Foto: Jamal Awad/Flash90) Die Entdeckung einer Hamas-Serverfarm unter dem Hauptsitz…
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pizzarchive · 2 years
Hug Fairy
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Pair: m/m JoffeAtsu Alexandre Joffe x Atsumu Miya
Word count: 569
Warnings: spoilers (haikyuu time-skip)
Edit status: not proofread, not edited
Replies, reblogs, and likes are appreciated!
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Something that people barely notice, Joffe is amazing at understanding someone’s feelings. Such an empath that you could say “my friend didn’t answer my hi, that’s sad.” and he’d accurately figure out how you feel, he could even /feel/ how you’re feeling. He doesn’t show it tho, but not because he doesn’t want to show it. Alas, with such great ability, comes a great price. He’s the worst at words so he can’t help others, it kills him.
It's even worse with Atsumu. Yeah, sure, Atsumu is cocky, arrogant, almost every red flags one could think of. That’s the problem; Atsumu is not actually like that. Joffe is an exceptional listener, it’s no surprise that Atsumu would talk about his day to him. Of course Atsumu isn’t and would never be completely honest but that’s where Joffe’s skill goes into action. The feelings Joffe feels when Atsumu rants or vents, it’s really bad for him, yet he wants to know more about Atsumu.
Usually Joffe’s job is just to listen to people venting, before someone starts venting he always says he wouldn’t be able to help anyway. But for some reason, it’s different with Atsumu. He wants to help, he needs to help. Of course, it’s just out of pity, right? Ever since the, he’d spend his free time to learn how to comfort someone, how to make your friend feel loved, all those to make sure Atsumu is happy. Until an interesting account passes his twitter timeline, TheHugFairy.
Every time Joffe feels like Atsumu’s day is a bit worse than usual, he’d send Atsumu hugs. It’s a small gesture but it succeeds in making Atsumu happy. The day after, he’d tell his teammates including Joffe about the hugs he got anonymously. Joffe’s heart always beats 1000x faster when Atsumu talks to him and the butterflies inside his belly would go feral, but of course it’s only because Joffe feels appreciated, right?
The constant blushes when he sees Atsumu, the heart palpitations, the butterflies, the anger when Atsumu flirts with someone. Of course those are normal, right? No, nothing odd about it at all.
“Yeah, it’s just because Atsumu and I are great friends, nothing more.” He thinks to himself.
Another price he has to pay; he becomes oblivious when it comes to his own feelings.
The moment he realized and accepts that he’s in love with his teammate? When he made a huge mistake that affected his whole life. He was sending a hug to Atsumu per usual but that day, he forgot to send it anonymously. It doesn’t take an intelligent person to know what happened, Atsumu figured out that the hugs he had been getting were from his own friend, Joffe.
Atsumu being Atsumu, he teased Joffe and went “Yer in love with me, aren’t cha?” He swore he was just trying to tease the 7’2” guy, nothing else.
The thing is, Joffe’s face went /crazy/ red. His pale face made it impossible to hide the blushing. His heart felt like it would pop out at any given moments, every single butterfly in his belly somehow got out of their cages, there was no more denying. But worry not, the 6’ setter acted the same, Joffe wasn’t the only one. Wasn’t Atsumu the one that started teasing Joffe in the first place?
And that’s how oblivious became obvious, and how those two friends became inseparable lovers.
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Thank you so much for reading! I was struggling a bit because narration is not my type of fic (i usually make chatfics) but this idea has been stuck in my head so why not? Maybe i'll rewrite it while i learn more about how to write narration fics. Hope you enjoyed it tho :D
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ducavalentinos · 5 years
☕ Rodrigo Borgia (and his relationship with his children)
I don’t have a whole lot of feelings/ thoughts about Rodrigo tbh,he was the patriach of the Borgia family, so I appreciate him, Ithink he was an incredibly smart, ambitious and hard-working man.Well versed in politics and diplomacy, his whole life is about that,and it’s amazing to read about it, he came from the little town ofXàtiva, Spain, from a family of some standing, but by no means ofnoble origins, to Rome at the Vatican, where he patiently andtenaciously worked his way up to the very top, becoming not only oneof the richest men of Rome, but finally also Pope in his later years. And it’s true that history hasn’t been kind to his papacy, it wasnot more scandalous than that of his predecessor Pope Innocent VIII,or with more nepotism than that of Sixtus IV. He acted exactly likeprevious popes on some things, but he also did a lot ofgood/different things too, and iirc he was the first Pope to haveever had the Papal States under full control of the Church, whichit’s just as much to his credit, as it is Cesare’s. I just don’t really buy the image that is usually presented of himby some Borgia scholars as this tolerant, benevolent person, his onlyfault being the blind love he had for his children, and that’s whyhe commited some transgressions. Either out of love for them, orbecause he was pushed by them, I mean that’s reaching way too much,mainly with the intention of rehabilitating his image. He could beruthless when it was needed, he had big ambitions for him, his familyand the Church to an certain extent, and nothing nor no one ever gotin the way of that. Not even his love for his children. Like yes, heloved them. A lot. Each in its own way, he could be a doting andprotective father, but not to the point of being their puppet,certainly not Cesare’s as it is usually said, that was not who hewas imo. The tight control he inserted throughout their lives isn’tsomething that should be ignored, and neither how he was always readyto use them as pawns for his ambitions, or what he felt was right forthe family. I say this not with a judgment, because it was a commonthing within powerful families of the time, and I understand therationale of it, but it does make me feel bad for them every sooften.They each had their role to play, whether they liked it or not, andRodrigo was not a man to be vexed, when he gave an order, he alwaysexpected to be fully obeyed on it. That went double for his family,which brings me to their relationship with them: With Juan: we allknow how Rodrigo spoiled him, and doted on him, etc. Many scholarstend to see that as a sign that he was his favourite, and I agreewith it, for the most part, but at the same time, I don’t believeJuan was the favourite™ because he was so alike his father, thereis nothing indicating that, quite the contrary, but rather because hewas more affable and easier to handle maybe, at least in his father’spresence. Like he’d follow Rodrigo’s orders without arguing much,if at all, which in turn made Rodrigo enjoy his company more than hisother children. Chamberlin also raises a theory that Rodrigo’sexcessive affection for Juan and all the benefits given to him, wasmaybe because Rodrigo felt concerned about him, like he looked at himand saw that once he was dead, Juan could end up having an uncertainfuture, but either way, it was an close and easygoing relationship,it seems, Rodrigo loved him dearly, that much is true. Now, with Cesare: I literally have so many thoughts on it anon. But Iwon’t turn this into an essay, so I will say that even if it seemslike Cesare was not Rodrigo’s favourite, he nonetheless loved himand had an ridiculous (and by that I mean adorable) amount of pridein him. And when these two worked together, they were able to rise togreat heights and they did! Not only that, but they made the elite oftheir time tremble in fear and astonishment. I also believe that forall the love Rodrigo showed Juan, Cesare really seems to have beenlike his heir type, the one he trusted the most to bring more gloryto their house, the most promising of his children. One who would bethe next Borgia pope. Cesare’s education is an attestment to that,and as the years went on, we see Rodrigo relying more and more onhim, he was his right hand and the most efficient “tool” he woulduse to impose his will. If they would clash sometimes, it wasprobably because they were too much alike, a lot more thanbiographers like to admit. I mean Cesare was and remained a dutifuland loyal son to Rodrigo for most of his life, but he also had thatsame drive and ambition and fire his father had.They were both extremely focused and competent men. Withan clear eyesight on the big picture of things and what they wantedto achieve. Cesare’s mind had a keen understanding of politics anddiplomacy as well, so it’s hard to see him following Rodrigo’sorders without some questioning, at least not as he got older. The only two major points where I think they differ really is: 1)Cesare was bolder and more adventurous, he liked taking risks in waysRodrigo just didn’t, the most risky thing Rodrigo ever did was toremain in Rome after his uncle, Callixtus III, died, that’s. Allhis other decisions seemed to have been a product of shrewdcalculation and good intel. 2) Cesare was a lot less tolerant ofinsults against him and his family, because he saw it as thepolitical propaganda that it was but I digress, so all in all it wasa pretty special and complex relationship, one that went from afather guiding and showing his son how to follow in his footsteps, tomore of a partnership where both parties depended it on each other,mostly working together and understanding one another. The claim thatRodrigo feared Cesare or that he was controlled by him is one of themost ridiculous claims in Borgia historiography lol. Last but not least, with Lucrezia: at first glance, it seems that heruse to Rodrigo was through marriage alliances, and he did arrangedand dissolved various marriages alliances for her, but at a closerlook, it also seems to me that he didn’t see her just as a marriagepawn. He clearly had just as much trust in her and her mentalcapabilities as he did with his sons, more than some of his sons even(Hi Gioffre!). In that way, Rodrigo ends up being a little ahead of histime there, he had zero problems with leaving a young girl of 21years old as regent at the Vatican, or giving her importantappointments in cities like Spoleto and Nepi, not to mention thepurchase of the Cattanei lands that Lucrezia acquired in 1500 afterRodrigo had seized them in 1499, so yes, marriage alliances was hermain role in the family, but it wasn’t the only role, as just it wasn’t in the case of Juan, Cesare and to a certain extent, Gioffre. And to behonest, it does seems like Rodrigo would much rather have hadLucrezia by his side, acting just as much as his right hand asCesare, but to his chagrin, that was just not acceptable. She neededto marry, like the rest of his children, for the family, and forherself as well, so once he was dead, she would be secured. But thereis no doubt she was his darling and his soft spot. Hisactions towards her do imply a flexibility he seldom showed his otherchildren, or people in general. And things like him hassling ErcoleD’Este because the allowance he was giving Lucrezia was, accordingto him and Lucrezia herself, too little, and obviously his preciousgirl deserved more!!! or how they would write to each other every dayonce she was in Ferrara, or how she apparently said she felt like shewas dying after the news of his death, definitely speaks of the lovethey had for each other and their strong bond. It’s an endearingand interesting relationship.
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kagejima · 2 years
if any writing moots (or moots) have seen 90 day fiance: the single life, pls get @ me bc Kisa introduced me to Alexander Yoffe (Joffe? i saw it spelled both ways) from haikyuu and i kid you not my face went
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and anyways i just thought of the CUTEST fucking fic idea inspired from the 90 day: single life fbwjfjwjjxjsjxn AHHHHHHHH
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eleanorose123 · 3 years
1. First Time he Kissed a Boy - Darius/Ben (Camp Cretaceous)  2. Boys Who Like Boys - Patrick/Nigel (Arthur), Willow's dads (Owl House), Indy/Ty (Ducktales 2017), Nick/Joff (OK KO), Globby/Felony Carl (BH6TS), Blitzo, Striker, Stolas (Helluva Boss), Terry/Alexander (Big City Greens), Domino (DWD) 3. Boys Who Like Boys - Raj/Shawn (Craig of the Creek) 4. Lay all Your Love On Me - Blitzo/Stolas (Helluva Boss) 5. Army - Brooklyn/Yaz/Sammy (Camp Cretaceous) 6. Army - Anne/Sasha/Marcy (Amphibia) 7. Atlantis - Omar/Maya (Craig of the Creek) 8. Never Gonna Give You Up - Wander/Hater (Wander over Yonder) 9. Everlasting - Black Heron/Bradford (DT17) 10. Now That I Found You - Drake/Launchpad (DT17) 11. Now That I Found You - Donald/Daisy, Della/Selene, Huey/Violet, Beakley/Harp, Scrooge/Bradford, Glomgold/Gibbous, Louie/Boyd, Mark Beaks/Falcon Graves, Black Heron/Beakley, Scrooge/Santa, Kit/Don Karnage, Drake/Taurus Bulba, Domino/Steelbeak, Bradford/Black Heron, Fenton/Gyro, Scrooge/Duckworth, Donald/Panchito/Jose, Megavolt/Quackerjack/Bushroot/Liquidator 12. If My Heart Was a House - Luz/Amity (Owl House), Catra/Adora (SPOP), Panda/Charlie (WBB), Drake/Launchpad (DT17), Tom/Star/Marco (SVTFOE), Wander/Hater (WOY) 13. Motivation - Stacks/Kelsey (Craig of the Creek) 14. Simply the Best - Panda/Charlie (WBB) 
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pythiaswine · 1 year
Don't forget to reblog after you vote :)
Check reblogs for the link to the Laurens poll
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theirtheretheyre · 2 years
the devil works hard but hq fic writers work harder <3
they fucking DO, and so do the fanartists like GOD did yall see how fucking fast iwaizumi art was churned out after his art dropped???
also if i explicitly mentioned fanfic in my rants to my mom this would SO be in it, bc i have forced her to listen to me rant several times about alexander yoffe (joffe???) and i now keep calling him bob bc she asked if that was his name but im currently showing her the hinata and kageyama pieces lol
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chillyravenart · 4 years
Henry as Daemon would water my crops, clear my skin and fix climate change. For the lols, who would you cast as some characters of the Dance? Like Rhaenyra, Corlys, Rhaenys, Laena and Laenor, Rhaenyra's children, Cregan and Black Aly, and any other you might think of?
Gosh ikr?? He's so FOIIIINE🥵💦 Even though he's a lot more bigger and bulkier than I imagine Daemon, Henry just does things to me... he's definitely more of an Aegon I type though. For Daemon, my current fave is Jason Lewis. He has the sexy Daemon look DOWN.
And omg that's a tricky one because my fancasts change all the time and sometimes I can't really find someone who truly fits the role as I see it but I can give you a few of my choices I suppose. I shall add links instead of images otherwise this thread will be too long.
For Rhaenyra I love the fancasts of Holliday Grainger from The Borgias (loved that show soooo much) she has a proper Realm's Delight vibe and now that she's a little older, she could suit the role well. Regardless, I'd like to see a curvy, buxom woman in the role, with an animated and charismatic personality.
For Rhaenys I only see one woman and that's Jennifer Connelly who I've adored for years, she so strikingly beautiful and looks like she could play a baddie™️ too🔥🔥 Laenor is quite tricky, because I imagine someone really pretty for him like Freddie Fox or a model like Otto Seppalainen and for Laena I really liked Thea Sofie Loch Næss who starred in The Last Kingdom and is so gorgeous. For my man Corlys, I see a real older, silver fox like Pierce Brosnan, especially in this linked photo. He's so suave!
For Jacaerys, I found this guy with the same name lmao, Jace Norman looks like how I imagine Jacaerys SO MUCH. I'm not that familiar with younger actors these days but I'm sure there's someone out there for Luke and Joff too.
For Cregan, I really like Alexander Dreymon from The Last Kingdom (he has the Stark vibe down to a tee) and for Black Aly, I think someone like Jodie Tyack fits the description and badassery.
That's all I can think of rn! I hope you enjoyed my fancasts, but be warned, they're forever changing lmao!😌😆
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