#aged just like milk 🥛
stellabobow · 2 years
Wow. The Queen is dead.
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paymechildsupport · 2 months
Doppel!GOJO x Reader // "Looks Satoru Enough.." [JJK x TNMN crossover au] 🥛🔵
PROMPTS (combined):
"so what about gojo but hes a doppelganger like the milkman. and basically (afab) reader is his girlfriend and doppelganger gojo pretty much is obsessed with reader. so then one day reader finds out and doppelganger gojo is pretty much just scared but all reader cares about is if he loves her. and so he basically confirms that he loves her and is obsessed with her, and then from that point on just smut....
"doppelganger Satoru who tricks you into letting him inside. But once he's in he doesn't care about killing the neighbours he just wants to fuck you and give you all his cum milk. If you're feeling extra down bad maybe some breeding kink 😊(ofc he's the milkman in this)"
>> @maskedpacific @sadmonke hope I did your prompts justice, a lot of it was winged 😋🥛
JJK TNMN au: all the characters of JJK just in TNMN
-!! Monsterfucking ; oral sex ; overstim(?) ; he has a really long tongue
-!! No pronouns, -- genetalia is referred to as a "hole" -- so creative reading freedom
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Doppel!Gojo who assumed the identity of your pretty boyfriend after devouring his decaying corpse behind a back alleyway,— his first and only thought of entering the complex, your complex 
Doppel!Gojo who for months beforehand could only admire you from afar, confined to the shadows. He could look, but he could not touch. He’d glare in envy as his parallel self continued about his normal life,— milkman everyday, delivering your neighbors with their daily supply of dairy. His company slogan: “The Strongest”, because milk made your bones nice and strong (you see what I did there? You see the pun? Yeah.. okay, I’ll stop 😔). 
He was your boyfriend,— yet he’d never look at you. You’d simply be off to the side, smiling, forced to observe as you the frustratingly cocky real Satoru Gojo borderlined flirted with your other neighbors. He didn’t even touch you anymore,— so busy socializing, working- stuck in that silly little head of his,— every night your neglected body would have to sleep in a cold bed. 
The real Gojo also happened to be the strongest DDD agent out there, — the best of the best— ; when he wasn’t the milkman he was out slaughtering those wretched doppelgängers trying to claw into everyday human life. Single-handedly, he’d manage to keep your specific complex completely Doppel free for the past decade. You often wondered if you’d all survive a day without his protection. He had such a keen eye, always knowing a fake when he saw one. Yet another thing keeping him busy: he’s the strongest, he’s suppose to protect everyone,— and you were just his lover,— no, side piece. 
Doppel!Gojo knew he could do better, knew he could treat you like you deserve. If— no, when — he stole the real Gojo’s life his one and only priority would be to shower you in the love and affection you so deserved. He was by far the most advanced of his kind, an almost exact replica,— having all the same defining features as the original: snowy hair, bright blue eyes,— though slightly eerier than the original pair,— and that same cocky, lopsided smirk.
You’d started to branch out, seeing as your ‘boyfriend’ clearly had more important issues— he just wasn’t ready for a relationship,— you being the biggest victim of his inflated ego. Too proud to let you go, but too self conscious to properly stand by your side 
So, you’d often talk to the other residents of the complex: Nanami— a spokesperson, and Shoko— the surgeon, have quickly become your newest buddies. 
Doppel!Gojo knew you like the back of his charred, clawed hand— the only differentiating key feature,- a staple of all doppelgängers. Covering them with the gloves of Gojo’s milkman uniform was easy enough. He had spent ages observing from afar, admiring,- adoring,- practically drooling everytime you’d double take in an alleyway when you swore you heard a noise behind you. He could watch you for eternity, looking inside of your apartment through an open window, cock erect and unbelievably hard in the confines of those mortal pants. 
Doppel!Gojo has been patient, and now that it’s finally his turn, the only thing on his mind is getting your perfect body spread on his bed, fully bare and naked for him to feast upon. 
With the “strongest” dead, it would take practically nothing for the doppelgängers to break in and overrun the place,— but all he did was slaughter whatever doppelgänger crossed his path on his way to your room. Practically breaking the door down, you had no time to react before your boyfriend slammed you against the wall, mouth open in a small “o” as he began feasting.
“S—Satoru.?” it’s been forever since your voice pitched like that, syllables squeaking from the overdose of pleasure between your thighs
“Mmm?” the snowy white of his head lifts up momentarily from your thighs, blue eyes blinking innocently. He hums, playing with the elastic of your panties, pulling and slapping them against your thigh, “s’mthing you need, baby?” 
“I.. *hic*” sparks fly through your system as his warm tongue presses against the growing wet spot of your underwear, throwing your head back, “AH– .. *hic*. n-..no-” 
He smiles, all teeth, and you can’t help but feel like prey the way he eyes you; hungry, – starving, even. 
“Hmm.. if you say so,” 
You gasp as he tears your panties off, the cold air slapping you. He licks his lips, an animalistic urge overtaking him as he dips down between your legs. 
You're stuck wide eyed, only able to watch as his snowy head bobs up and down, tongue suddenly grazing your entrance. 
“S-SATORU– .. G-GAhh.. ngha~.” You mewl, pleasure curling through your body as he curls his tongue, flicking it just in the opening, almost exactly where you need him, “c-CAReful, – Sato..- aa OOh~” he takes long, full strokes with his tongue, the muscle slipping right into your slick hole. He groans at the taste of you, sloppily twisting his tongue inside. You buck your hips, fucking his tongue into you, squealing at the way he slobbers. His lips grace your ass, practically making out with the lips of your soaked folds. You can’t even question how he’s still breathing, being suffocated between your thighs, – nor why his tongue is so inhumanly long, hitting deeper than what even any human cock should, – not when he fucks you with it so good. 
Sharp blades pierce the meat of your legs, causing you to shriek, the pain immediately drowning in the immense waves of pleasure racking through your body. ‘Satoru’ grips you, spreading your plush ass further while his tongue digs absurdly deep inside you. Your insides are coated in his saliva, the warm, strong muscle of his tongue finally hitting your pelvis, – and you come hard. 
He eagerly laps you up, drinking from you like you were the finest of wines. 
“God.. you taste.. Heavenly” 
You can only shake violently as his tongue retracts from your inside, done invading your organs. Thick, heavy sobs rack your entire body, thick coils of pure pleasure tighten, wanting more. 
A predatory smile donning his features, ‘Satoru’ licks his chops like a dog eyeing a particularly tasty treat. Hastily ripping off his tie and peeling away his clothing, ‘Satoru’ eases your body onto the living room couch, spreading you out perfectly for him before lowering himself on top of you. 
You grab his face, cupping his cheeks in your hands. He’s practically glowing, pale, milky skin soft underneath your fingers. His blue eyes bore deeply into yours, absolutely stealing what little breath you had left away. 
You should ask what the hell that was, who fuck, – or rather, – what the fuck was he, and what’d he do to your cold-shouldered boyfriend. 
But as you gaze into those sapphire windows, you can only whisper; 
“Do you still love me..?” voice soft and thick with the tears choking your throat. 
‘Satoru’ brings is blackened claw to your face, long, agile fingers wiping away your tears, 
“Of course I do… I love you more than everything, – more than you could possibly imagine.” (not like he was wrong)
You smile softly, body too weak to lift itself up to kiss him. 
He brings his lips to yours, and you kiss him back. 
Looks Satoru enough. --
milk. 🥛🥛🥛🥛🥛🥛🥛🥛🥛
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"Formula" baby food for ARFID age regressors 🍼🥤
I'll make a better post with progress pics next time I make some, but I wanted to post about it quickly, since it was such a success.
My small (@bunnnybcy ) has ARFID, which makes it very difficult for him to get much nutrition, and I'm always trying things to make health accessible to him. One way to make "scary" foods accessible is to make them cute or baby-like. This recipe is sort of a "base model," a warm and sweet treat that can be altered later to increase their fruit & whole grain consumption.
Equipment you'll need:
Measuring cups
Stove or hotpad
Sippy cup or reusable pouches (Link to reusable pouch example)
Refrigerator for storage
Sweet Cinnamon Formula Recipe 😋
1 cup + 1 cup milk or plant milk of choice (we used vanilla soy milk) 🥛
1/2 cup plain rolled oats 🥣
1 tsp dark brown sugar, or to taste*
1 tsp honey, or to taste 🍯
Cinnamon, to taste
Vanilla extract, to taste
🥛 Heat the first cup of milk in your saucepan on the stove. Turn the heat up to medium, or medium-high if you're impatient.
🍯 Stir in the brown sugar and honey, and continue to stir frequently until the milk starts to lightly boil.
🥣 Stir in the 1/2 cup of rolled oats, and turn down the heat to medium, if it isn't already there.
🥄 Stir frequently until the liquid is mostly absorbed, about 5-8 minutes. (The longer you cook it, the smoother your end product will be, which is important for ARFID smalls.)
🆒️ Take off the heat, and let cool for a bit, until you're confident that it won't melt your blender lol.
Pour the oatmeal into your blender, add 1/4 cup milk🥛, and blend until smooth. Check the consistency, and continue adding milk in 1/4 cup amounts until your small approves of the texture. This would also be a convenient time to add more cinnamon, vanilla, honey🍯, or sugar, if they feel the taste is lacking.
Pour into pouches or sippy cups.
You can store leftover formula in the fridge for 3-5 days.
Other formula flavor ideas:
Strawberry 🍓
Blueberry 🫐
Peach 🍑
Chocolate 🍫
Peanut butter 🥜
Apple pie 🍎
Pumpkin pie 🥧
Sweet potato 🍠
Notes for other carers of little ones with ARFID:
If your small one will tolerate it, adding nuts or seeds during step 1 will yield a more nutritious result, but some may not blend down. Chia seeds, for example, will remain visible and will feel like poppyseeds, which may be off-putting to someone with ARFID, even though they don't taste like anything.
Always remember to introduce new tastes and textures slowly, and allow them to try a new thing multiple times on different days if they're unsure about it. Unsure may just mean unfamiliar, and it'll take them a number of attempts to acquire a taste for it. Uncertainty is a good sign of a future "yes", but don't push them to finish a serving of something they're on the fence about; the pressure may turn it into a "no". Instead, give them the option of putting the rest away for later, and after some time, when they're ready, encourage them to try it again.
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multifandomenjoyerr · 3 months
🥛Flip!Mob headcanons
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🥛a/n | honestly because why not. He's so Flip coded to me so have some Flip hcs of my favorite boy:D
🥛 cws | bugs (ants mention)
Prns — he/him
Role — Flip!big brother cg, baby and older kid regressor
Age — little: 4-9
Verb status — verbal
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🧮 Cg hcs
🥛: definition of a teddy bear. Basically, a very sweet and ideal cg if you're more on the low energized side.
🥛: speaking of low energized littles, he works amazing with littles who do little/nothing when they're little. Since he's a little low-energized himself; he'll know how to work with you if you are. If not, that's okay too! He flexes very well when he's in caregiver space
🥛: bored? He'll suggest some things to do! Of course he suggests things that requires not alot of spoon energy (unless ofc you're more active then he will suggest that instead) but things like napping, watching movies/shows/cartoons or coloring is always on his top suggestions list. If you ask, he'll take you to the park and let you loose to do what your hearts content. (Of course he still watches over you to make sure you don't get hurt)
🥛: at the park: if he's involved and not just sitting on the benches he'll suggest the swing! If you wanted to he will push you on the swing. If you're a bug lover little, he'll watch anthills with you
🥛: kinda basic on petnames but will call you things like kiddo and bud. But he's open to suggestions as well. He also prefers if you call him things like big brother, baba, bubby, etc etc..
🥛: if you two were in public he'll always hold your hand if necessary. He doesn't want his little one to wander off out of his sight afterall.
🥛: loves to build pillow forts with you. In the end you both could sleep in it if you wanted to
🥛: works surprisingly well for nonverbal / semi verb littles. Since he's more observant with body language: he'd understand what you need and want
🥛: constantly visits the library if you ever wanted him to rent out your favorite movie to watch (or a few, sometimes he gets a couple movies for you)
🩹 Little hcs
🥛: just a sleepy boy. He always needs a nap.
🥛: not much changes from how he is when big. Low energized and overall quiet baby who prefers to be alone most of the time.
🥛: doesn't have a caregiver, nor does he think he needs/want one. He is perfectly capable of taking care of himself no matter his little age. Though he welcomes occasional babysitters and/or playmates.
🥛: doesn't have much gear but he owns a black bat themed sippy cup. Ofc his favorite little drink is milk and varieties (bc why not)
🥛: he mostly sleeps when little. Literally 80% of his schedule is napping. He can nap for hours and hours and wake up even more tired by the end of it. If he's not asleep at home he's outside collecting bugs or coloring during his spare time
🥛: honestly if he had a playdate with pet regressors he'd get along with puppy regressors 100%. Also kitty regressors if they're as energetic as he is
🥛: doesn't really like being babied but it mostly depends on the time of day. At night he encourages you to baby him but if it's during morning or in the noon he'll disprove of it
🥛: the only petname he likes to be called is: kid. Otherwise you can just call him by his nickname. he doesn't mind.
🥛: eats everything in sight so it's recommended you keep things that he shouldn't put in his mouth away from him. Specifically chalk, grass and any type of glue
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fatguarddog · 1 year
Welcome 🐾🔞
Follows from @follow-fatguarddog (inactive old main but I gotta keep it to keep this blog)
Hey, I'm Hutch, 28/UK/M, icon by @droolfang
This is my side blog to explore a different side of my kinks, mainly weight gain and slightly more aggressive pet play I'm trans, only use he/him pronouns, but am very comfortable with words like tits and boycunt, but prefer tdick, tcock, etc. on this blog. I've had top surgery but enjoy fantasising about growing tits/moobs I like people of all genders, but do lean t4t ❤️
I love hearing other people's fantasies/ideas so ask is always open! I also currently allow asks with media if you want to send me belly pics, just let me know if you're looking for a bit of praise, teasing or degradation and I'll be happy to oblige ❤️
DMs are open, but please only message if you're 21+ I offer custom audio commissions, find out more HERE I have a Ko-fi HERE and tipping is also on if you ever wanna throw a dog a bone or treat me into something in particular 🦴
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My Kinks
Like my main blog, I'll be tagging my posts in case you want to search for or block something in particular - original stuff will still be 'hutch posts,' but here you can also find 'hutch photos' for pics of me and 'hutch audios' for little fat fantasy recordings Also quick disclaimer that whilst this is a weight gain-centric blog, I'm not in a position to actually gain weight nor am I a feedee looking for a feeder, I just like fantasising about a world where I could be a lazy fat dog. Please don't send me asks about tips for gaining weight because I'm afraid I can't help you, I have always been roughly this fat and have no experience with consistent gaining
🐾 Fuck yes: queer feedism, weight gain (magical, slow, rapid, forced, etc.), ass/belly/breast expansion, general belly kink, monsterfucking, bondage, praise kink, intox kink (alcohol and weed), biting, pet play (think of me as a rough but loyal dog or a maybe pig boy)
🐾 Yes Please: breeding, cnc, some degradation, corruption kink, primal urges, hucow/lactation, inflation (favs are pumpkin, berry, milk and cum)
🚫 Hard Nos: detransition kink, slob stuff, death feedism, gore, piss/scat, ddlg type stuff, incest, birth, feet
Taken anon emojis/sign offs: 🪞, 🐮💓, 🫐🐈, 🐶❤️, 🐑🤍, storm anon, 😻, 🎃, 💋, 🐳, 🕹️, ghost anon, 🎃☕, 🎃🦣, 🥛, 🥓🐻, 🐉, 🍩🐶, 🍒🦝, 🐷 🤓, 💜, 🧊🐺, 🎤, 🐺, 💣💥, 🐊, ⚡️, 🐇, 🔵, 🐗, 🎀, seal anon, doughnon, 🍰, 🦌, 🍔🐱, 🥨, dogboy Emojis/sign offs help me know who I'm talking to if you've sent asks before, so feel free to add them! If you want to interact with me, please don't call me a puppy! Just dog/big dog/fat dog is fine, but puppy doesn't do it for me in referring to myself
Under 18s or no age in your bios, you’re not welcome here
Same if you’re over 45
Misgendering and thinspo blogs, no thanks
Literally anyone who makes me uncomfortable at my discretion
Feedism jars filled out under the cut if you wanna know more
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transmurderbug · 6 months
🍂Weekly Tag Wednesday! 🍂
I've been summoned by Nosho, @creepkinginc, Evie @energievie and Kat @mybrainismelted! 💙 Thank you, friends! Questions are the curtesy of Deanna @deedala!
💟Name: Sky 🌌
#️⃣Age: They say you're as old as you feel. So... around 67.
🗺️Location: Hungary 👀
🧥Do you own a robe? Describe it. I have 2! One is fuzzy, it once was white (it's old) with a green belt and it has a frog on it 🐸 the other one is black, very thin with pink (blah) paw prints on it 🐾
☕️Do you have a favorite mug? Describe it. I do! Currently it's the one I use at work. It's purple and it says "no, I'm not angry, this is just my face" 😶‍🌫️
🧣Do you have a favorite blanket? Describe it. I have multiple. I don't know why. One is a large, dark blue one, with teddy bears on it, the other is white with leopard spots. Plus, of course, my trusted weighted blanket!
🍵Coffee or Tea? Hmm. Depends. I like coffee, but only the taste (can't drink caffeine), but every once in a while I crave tea. I only drink both occasionally. So... both 😁☕️ ↳🔥🧊Hot or Cold? Cold for the coffee, in any weather, hot for the tea 🍵
🧦Fuzzy socks or Wool socks? Wool 🐑
🧤Gloves or Mittens? Gloves
🔥Fireplace or Campfire? Hmmm. Campfire. Because that means I'm in the woods (or just the garden, but let me have my fantasy)
🌞🌜Sun or Moon? The Moon 😌🌖
🍬Chocolate candy or Sugar candy? Don't make me choose... chocolate
🥐Sweet Pastry or Savory Pastry? Savory (give me all the salt pretzels and sticks)
🎃Peppermint or Pumpkin Spice? Peppermint. I don't think I like pumpkin spice 👀
🛏️Go to bed early or Wake up early? Go to bed early (going to bed doesn't immediately result in sleeping... 📚)
🥣Cold cereal in milk or Hot oatmeal? Cereal in cold milk 🥛
🍞Potatoes or Bread? Potatoes are so versatile. But also bread... I'm taking both.
And Finally… 🚬Gallagher or Milkovich? Gallagher, I guess? 😶‍🌫️ --------------
These questions were a lot of fun! 🥰
Since I'm surprisingly on time today, I'm tagging some people to join if you want. If no, here, have a slice of pizza🍕
@ian-galagher @stocious @transmickey @deathclassic @francesrose3 @palepinkgoat @look-i-love-u @crossmydna @spacerockwriting @juliakayyy @jrooc @dynamic-power @sweetperversiongirl @scurvgirl @michellemisfit @krystallouwho @lupeloto @metalheadmickey @gardenerian @darlingian @sweetbee78 @heymrspatel @thisdivorce @suzy-queued @littlechase21 @softmick @ms-moonlight-inn @bawlbrayker and anyone else who sees this!
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heymrspatel · 6 months
🌟Weekly Game Wednesday🌟
i was tagged by cuties @deedala @creepkinginc @gallawitchxx @darlingian @tanktopgallavich and @metalheadmickey
i haven't done one of these in a hhhwhile! this one is short and sweet and will hopefully get me back in the groove!
💟Name: julissa 🐻
#️⃣Age: 33 🤘🏼
🗺️Location: crazy city that never sleeps 🍎
🧥Do you own a robe? Describe it. i do not! i usually just live in big sweatshirts and hoodies, but i feel like i need one 🤔
☕️Do you have a favorite mug? Describe it. i have many and i feel like they change depending on my mood/seasonally. right now it's a lilac one with a drawing of mary queen of scots and it says "off with her head" lmaooo 👸
🧣Do you have a favorite blanket? Describe it. i do! it's a gray one with fair isle pattern and snoopy! snoopy in a red hat sledding! snoopy in a green hat ice skating! SNOOPY! 🛷⛸️
🍵Coffee or Tea? yes, thank you! you're so kind 😌 ↳🔥🧊Hot or Cold? if i'm home, hot. if i'm out, cold. alsdkfj
🧦Fuzzy socks or Wool socks? fuzzy socks please!! the sillier the better! 🤪
🧤Gloves or Mittens? gloves! ideally fingerless
🔥Fireplace or Campfire? campfire 🏕️
🌞🌜Sun or Moon? "and if i could give! you! the mooooooon! i would give! youuuu! the mooOOOooon" 🌙
🍬Chocolate candy or Sugar candy? chocolate yummy yummy 🍫
🥐Sweet Pastry or Savory Pastry? yes, thank you! you're so kind 😌
🎃Peppermint or Pumpkin Spice? peppermint all the waaaayyy! (where is the candy cane emoji? did i dream that?)
🛏️Go to bed early or Wake up early? looolllll and hahaha and 😂😂😂........ go to bed early 😴
🥣Cold cereal in milk or Hot oatmeal? cold cereal in milk 🥛
🍞Potatoes or Bread? yes, thank you! you're so kind 😌
And Finally… 🚬Gallagher or Milkovich? yes, thank you! you're so kind 😌
i'll tag @whatthebodygraspsnot @whatwouldmickeydo @howlinchickhowl @rereadanon @too-schoolforcool @thisdivorce @sleepyfacetoughguy @transmickey @sam-loves-seb @mickeysgaymom @deathclassic @lupeloto @sickness-health-all-that-shit @y0itsbri @michellemisfit if you would like to play! if not, this is just me zooming by you while blowing bubbles 🫧
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ineffableangelics · 5 months
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♡ Caregiver Ted Nivison Headcanons ♡
This is about the character / persona .
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He's the milk man , so obviously he has a million recipes for different kinds of milk ; banana milk , strawberry milk , vanilla milk , chocolate milk , you name it !!
Ted loves telling jokes and being very silly with his little ones
Is very passionate about naptime !! Will absolutely get cuddly and rest with you when it's time to lay down
He's definitely taking you to the rainforest cafe
The perfect caregiver name for him is so obvious !! Teddy !! But he'd also probably like being called bubba or papa
So gentle and sweet
Definitely the type to sit down and do activities with you rather than just watching you do them . He's a sucker for coloring and doing crafts !!
Will verbal stim and babble back and forth with you for ages
If you're comfortable regressing in public he'll be your number one advocate !! Ted would love taking you to stores and playgrounds and restaurants to spoil you
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"Hey bud ! You coloring a picture for me ? That's so sweet , thank you so much . Aw I heard that yawn bug , come on , lets take a nap alright ? I'll get you some warm vanilla milk ."
🥛 . 🐄 . 🥛
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authorchia · 5 months
R: 1999 RAMBLES (⁠✯⁠ᴗ⁠✯⁠)
I consider myself as a newbie and casual player of the R: 1999 fandom so my knowledge of the game may be limited and I'm not confident of my vocabularies since English is not my first languange, just letting yall know :V
I'm gonna be as nuanced as possible as I ramble through my opinions, so if you find this interesting, I'd like to see yall's opinions too! (Remember to be respectful!)
Alright so the thing that I wanna get it off my chest is that, is it just me or there has been no discourse/drama about R: 1999 till today? I know the game was released hardly a year ago, but really the fandom is pretty chill and I'm very grateful for that, even though I'm not an active participant.
I had a thought it's because the twitter cops/"puritans" can't see any visible advantage to make ANYTHING a useless drama. I was both in the GI and HSR fandom as a spectator, seeing news about them bitching and policing people about the same topics over and over again (truly saddening). But I might dare say R: 1999 is not an easy target for them because it has:
- Diverse characters, both ethnicity and species wise iykyk
- Diverse VAs for characters that are not Americans (ex. Zima, Shamane, Sonetto, Matilda, etc.)
- Stunning and unique artstyle (for me at least, because it's not really your generic anime style if you really squint)
- Killer character designs that speaks where they from and their personality
- Compelling storytelling both for the characters' backstory, story events and main story
- MOST if not ALL characters have their age explicitly stated in their bio
- GENEROUS amount of Drops and moderately easy to get
- Farming resources are generous and easy to get with if your characters' level are enough to beat the critters
- Gameplay/Battle system is engaging in its own way
- No questionable clothings on minor characters
The only things that they would try to make drama/discourse are:
- How boring the gameplay is (which is almost an insult) <- have seen an example on Tiktok
- Ship discourses because it's the only thing any fandom fans and non-fans have a war about, which is utterly stupid and brainrotting
- Any genuine problematic things like problematic creators seeping into the crack. It can be done by a block button or callout doc if they're endangering the fandom's space
-Any immature, chronically online behaviors that you see on the internet (both minors and adults)
TLDR: I'm not saying Reverse: 1999 is the pinnacle of what games should be, but it's really hard not to notice its uniqueness that other game lacks. Let's just hope people won't be behaving out of place, and if they do, we could either educate them patiently or ignore them completely. NOT immediately ostracizing and being aggressive towards them as it will light up the fire and potentially burn the whole forest.
That's all I have go say. If you made it this far, WOW! Thanks for stopping by and read this unhinged ramble! Have a milk and cookies for compensation, friend 🥛🍪🍪🍪
I hope in the future, the game and its fandom will flourish with passionate creators and gamers. Maybe they could make Indonesian-based events! I would love that actually... But for now, I will wait for Shamane's banner teehee :3c
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acewithapaintbrush · 2 years
Happy Encanto Milk Day 🥛🥛🥛❤️
"Laughter is all you need. Laughter is life. Laughter is love. Just laugh and you'll forget all your worries." 
Bruno scoffs. Loudly. 
The split in the mountains has brought many new and interesting things to the Encanto. Modern marvels that Bruno has only ever seen in visions before. 
But something about their community also seems to attract very weird and eccentric individuals. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing. A lot of them fit right in with the weird and eccentric villagers (and with the Madrigals, even though most of the Madrigals vehemently deny having anything in common with the weird and eccentric even though they are the most weird and eccentric around for miles) and enrich the community quite nicely. 
Not this one though. This one obviously doesn't want to enrich anything but his own wallet. 
The middle aged man is dressed in a long, flowy robe made out of satin and his hair is gelled back with so much oil that it glitters in the sunshine. The smile on his face is so wide it can only be fake. He has positioned himself in the middle of the plaza, standing on a shoebox and calling out to the gathered crowd, claiming to want to help them find the way to true happiness. 
The little hat for 'donations' next to the shoebox tells Bruno all he needs to know about this guy's intentions. 
True happiness indeed. 
The man has heard Bruno and immediately spots him in the crowd. He hops down from his shoebox and walks towards the Madrigal with a weird glint in his eyes. Mirabel, who has accompanied Bruno into the village, grabs her uncle's sleeve. She doesn't pull him away, but Bruno can tell that she readies herself to do so at the first sign of danger. So protective, his brave little Mariposa. 
"Ah, the prophet." The man simpers. "I have heard of you. Say, why would you try to look into the future when all you need for true happiness is a smile upon your face? I can teach you to way to true illumination and greatness." 
"You know what would bring me true happiness? Watching your back as you leave this valley. No one is buying your nonsense. Literally by the way, since the Encanto hasn't used money for transactions in years. So why don't you pack your things and go?"
The man is visibly taken aback by the money thing. He inconspicuously takes a look at the empty hat. Well, not quite empty. Some kids have thrown buttons into it and someone else seems to have relieved themselves of empty candy wrappers. A sneer works its way onto the man's face, but he is an actor, much like Bruno. Soon he is smiling again and throwing his arms wide. 
"Oh, but friend! I'm not doing this for monetary gain. I just want to bring a smile to people's faces. A smile is all you need to make your problems go away." 
Bruno crosses his arms. The crowd watches them with baited breath. 
"I'm sure you can think of other means to get paid, can't you? Doesn't matter though, a laugh is not all you need to make your worries go away." Bruno would know. Mirabel squeezes his arm. "And telling impressionable young people otherwise is dangerous." 
"A man burdened by the future. You probably don't have much to laugh about, don't you?" Bruno's hackles rise at the condescending tone. "Ah, but I know. How about a little bet? A milk drinking contest. We both drink milk and try to make the other one laugh. Who laughs first loses. If it's me, I'll leave. If it's you, you have to admit that laughter really is the best medicine. What do you say?"
Mirabel snorts and shakes her head. "That is the most ridiculous idea I've ever-"
"Let's do it!" Bruno interrupts. 
"Excellent! Someone get us some milk!" The man shouts and rushes towards his little pack next to his shoebox.
Mirabel gapes at her uncle. "Tio Bruno! Why would you agree to that?" 
Bruno smiles absent-mindedly. Because, you see, dear reader? The only reason Bruno would ever willingly agree to such an asinine bet is rather simple. 
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This will make at least a tiny bit of sense if you are familiar with Mob Psycho 100. If not... *throws this at you and runs*
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signs-of-the-moon · 9 months
🥛milk, for whisperpaw
Thank you so much for sending this emoji in particular, now I get to go on a rant about Whisperpaw and her complicated family that live in my head rent free
🥛 [MILK] What is your OC's relationship with their biological parents like? What about their relationship with any non-biological parental figures?
Tl;dr not good, at least with her bio parents. Whisperpaw and her littermates are treated very differently depending on the parent they're dealing with
For instance: Wavestar dotes on them, imparting wisdom as he tries to raise Whisperpaw and her siblings in his image to one day become ideal candidates for leadership. Wavestar is stricter with his other kits, but with Whisperpaw he's softer because he understands she's sensitive. She's his special little girl. But not in a good way. Out of all three kits, Wavestar has the least faith in Whisperpaw. And Whisperpaw knows it too. She sees it in the way he looks at her; eyes always brimming with pity. Wavestar makes Sandybreeze only put her on easy patrols, and sets her up to face off against weaker apprentices in training. Whisperpaw is given more elder duties than most apprentices, and while she's grateful to not be on the frontlines of battle, Whisperpaw wishes her father would be as willing to send her out as any Oceanclan apprentice. It's the principle of it, you see. Whisperpaw doesn't want to be treated as different, but Wavestar acts as if she's made of fragile ice.
Beckycreek, on the other hand, is the complete opposite of Wavestar. She's distant from all three of her eldest kits, but especially to Whisperpaw. Why is Whisperpaw singled out, you may ask? Well for starters, she's always acted stranger than her siblings. Speaking about dreary things or asking depressing topics from a very young age. As a kit she'd talk when nobody was there to be spoken to. That startled Beckycreek. It's part of the reason for Whisperpaw's name, in fact. Beckycreek has always been very put off to Whisperpaw.
It doesn't help that out of the littermates, Whisperpaw is the least reluctant to allow their mother to distance herself from them. No matter what, Whisperpaw has always tried to gain her mother's favor. She just wants to get along with her. But Beckycreek isn't up for that. She's cold and blunt with Whisperpaw, and makes a show of coddling her other kits to emphasizes just how much Beckycreek doesn't want to be bothered by Whisperpaw.
But part of Beckycreek's treatment of Whisperpaw isn't her fault (technically none of it is, as it's never the child's fault for their abusive parent's unjustified hatred of them). Beckycreek is detatched from her first litter because of Wavestar. I forget if I've posted about it before (ik I have the info in my drafts at least), but Beckycreek was at one point very in love with Wavestar, and happy to be the mother of his kits. She fell for him not long after she joined Oceanclan, and Wavestar was smitten with her from the very start. Once Beckycreek had her litter, however, whispers and gossip began to spread through the clan. Cats were wondering which of the kits would grow to become leader. Some questioned why Wavestar chose a kittypet to bare his heirs. Others speculated it was because he wanted to show a truce between clan cats and outsiders; he wanted to show Oceanclan was proud of how mixed it was. All Beckycreek heard was that she was used as a pawn in Wavestar's game. She was never really loved, she was only there to provide Wavestar a successor. Even if that wasn't the truth, that's what Beckycreek came to believe, and it's the reason why she's now with a different cat and completely over her first litter. Beckycreek has never properly explained this to them though, so they've always been left wondering why their mother stopped loving them. But Especially Whisperpaw.
As for non biological parental figures, Whisperpaw has a couple of cats. Her stepdad Scallopfall is nice enough to her, and treats her better than both bio parents combined. While neither sees each other as honorary kin, they have respect for each other. Whisperpaw is especially grateful to him for the great attention he gives to her little half siblings, who she has a hard time trusting Beckycreek to care for, from personal experience (but again Beckycreek tends to make a show of just how much she cares about them compared to Whisperpaw and her littermates).
The greatest parental figures Whisperpaw has though, are Curlear and Bluesky. She admires the wise cracking medicine cat and his lazy ex-kittypet apprentice. She sees them as her smelly old uncle and stoner cousin. But the cool kind. The kind a kid would beg their parents to go visit every weekend. Whisperpaw trusts these two cats more than any other in the clan. They don't treat her as different, as fragile or as a burden. They talk to her like a normal cat, and acknowledge her capabilities unlike many others in the clan. They challenge her to be the best cat she can be, and Whisperpaw is eternally grateful for their presence in Oceanclan.
Anyways thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. That's all I'm going to say about Whisperpaw and her batshit family for now. You're gonna have to keep reading Moon High to find out more about them :3
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ghibli-stims · 6 months
what’s your fav snack when age dreaming? :0
Hmmm I like the little bags of Chips Ahoy cookies a lot ! Or really just cookies in general, especially with milk to dunk em in !
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so-much-for-subtlety · 7 months
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I’m entering a new stage of life 🐛 yesterday I joined BJ’s 🍆 Wholesale Club and just buying a 10 lbs bag of flour, a bag of grapefruit and a carton of organic milk 🥛 from one trip is about $14 less expensive💰than buying from my neighborhood grocery store 🙃
Now I’m researching these fold-away shopping carts 🛒 that are targeted towards 👵🏻 senior citizens and I literally feel like I’ve somehow ⏭️ skipped middle age and jumped from my 30s to my twilight years 🌅
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commonguttersnipe · 11 months
Could you think of a moment/scene in Monty Python (both the TV show & the movies) where it probably either:
Aged like fine wine (and why?)
Aged like milk (and why?)
Sorry if it sounds kinda stupid. I'm just curious, that's all!
Aged like 🍷: The Marriage Register Office- it’s just perfect.
Aged like 🥛: Whenever blackface got involved (I’m aware it was usually used innocently but still)
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selkymaiden · 11 months
🥛 and 🍒 for leto pls ♡
HELLO COMMANDER! <33333333 TY FOR THE QUESTIONS!! Even though It took me 500 years to reply lfkajwlekrj
🥛 [MILK] What is your OC’s relationship with their biological parents like? What about their relationship with any non-biological parental figures?
Ohhhhh, okay, so like in the general lore sense Leto DOES in fact really love, or loved her father; Malcolm Hawke. Like that was her dad and best friend, he taught her A LOT of stuff before he passed away. In fact she remembers his words for a long while and how optimistic and how he'd endure just everything. It's what kept her going for a long time and still does in a sense. Because she had that kind of support growing up if only for a little while, it was enough to last her the rest of her life. Her mom on the other hand, Leandra? She loves her mom, but it's really strained. Like it's her brother that's going to take care of her mom when she gets older I'll just say that. Leto really does not like being around her mom at all, most of the time she'd be polite with her- but this is all after her dad died. When her dad was living she, you know, loved her mom and would want to do stuff with her and bond. But after her dad's passing Leto is just like... I gotta get out of here.
Non-biological? Ummmmmm, I cannot remember if there was anyone in that role for Hawke in the game???? Oh my god, it's been so long. Cuz just for Leto then it's really no one. After her dad died and her mum was sorta AFK in her opinion and she had to start taking care of everything... Leto I guess has a parent complex? Or it's hard to out parent her because she's been that person for others before. There are a lot of cooler older people she's met but never got close with. Although in my games, Hestia, my Inquisitor has def had a sort of non-biological parental figure attitude with Leto. Which is funny because Leto is waaaaay older then Hestia who's my youngest Dragon Age OC at like 23 while Leto is well into her 30s. Probably like 36-38 range.
🍒 [CHERRY] Who is your OC’s perfect companion?
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redwingedwolves · 1 year
Hi Mike.😃
💼, 🥛 & 🤯 for both of them?
Hey, Goldie!
Ask Game
💼 How did their teachers describe them when they went to school?
Keigo... Keigo didn't really go to a normal school... He was taken in by a government agency from a really young age(around 6-7) to then be trained as a Pro Hero. His school life was probably very militaristic. He was very driven though, so I'd say his teachers probably described him as passionate and very receptive. I also don't really think they talked to him much outside of training so anything they did say was definitely very cynical and strictly professional.
Dabi though, was probably at first described as ambitious. He wanted nothing more than to be a Hero like his dad so he probably talked a lot about this in school and his teachers noticed. After finding out that his Quirk wasn't suitable for Hero work and his dad all but moved on to his younger brother as a successor, he was then described as quiet and the kind to keep to himself. There were definitely times he was said to be moody and I don't doubt there was once or twice where he might have snapped at his teachers. All in all, Dabi definitely went from a very happy child to a very lonely one from the ages of 5 to 13. After that was when 'Touya' died and well, you can't go to school when you're dead so Dabi never went back.
🥛 What do they usually eat for breakfast? Are they a milk first or cereal first kind of person?
Keigo's breakfasts almost always consists of coffee and not much else. He'll sometimes grab something on the way to work, but it's not often. When we all have breakfast together though, like he's got the day off or he'd going in late we'll usually have something like eggs with rice and maybe some kind of leftovers if we have them. Nothing too fancy. Sometimes we'll have other breakfast things like pancakes or waffles, but it's definitely not as common. For cereal though, he's not a heathen and puts his cereal first.
Dabi doesn't much care what he eats for breakfast as long as it is food. I've caught him more than once just making the most out of pocket shit for breakfast and at this point I'm beyond questioning him. He is a heathen though so, milk first cause he is weird™.
🤯 What is the most cursed thing they have said to you? Was it in private or in group setting? Was it in a chat or in real life? Do you still reference it or would you rather forget it was ever said?
One time we were talking about Dolphins and because they are his favorite animal it would make sense that Keigo would know a lot about them, but we were just having a pleasant conversation about them when all of a sudden he just looks at me and says that sometimes they will use smaller fish as fleshlights and I just... What??? 😶 I could have gone my whole entire life without knowing that. Thanks, birb.
It would probably be easier for me to try and find something to tell you that Dabi has said that isn't cursed in some way, but I think the worst thing I have ever heard out of this man's mouth was from this one time, right before we started dating so we were together but not 'together', and I was doing something, cooking I think, and this man just walks up to me all nonchalant like and says, in the most calm voice I have ever heard from him, "I once ate the ashes of one of the men I killed." I didn't know how to respond to that so I just asked him why and he shrugged and said "I dunno. Something to do." And then he just walked away. To this day I have never gotten an explanation and still have no clue whether or not he was just fucking with me...
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