#after they’ve grown up a bit more children come by and in and it’s a good thing for Finrun’s character arc
strawberrystepmom · 8 months
pokemon trainer au! gojo x f!reader. reader is a fairy gym leader and satoru is league champion and a flying type trainer. fluffy fluffy. couldn’t have done this without my beloved @moondust-lore so thank you as always nesi 😚 wc 1.5k
part one (you are here), part two, part three
divider by @/cafekitsune
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All good adventures start with two rivals.
At least that’s what you’ve been told your entire life, your own mother regaling you with tales of her rival for as long as you can remember, long before your now full grown Lapras was even developed enough to sing her song.
Your Lapras was a gift to you from her rival and your first Pokemon, gifted to you by a man she grew up several houses away from that was once a wide eyed boy with big dreams of opening a Pokémon academy to encourage the study of these creatures in their natural habitats. He successfully opened said academy, you even attended it for several years of your life, but your rival never came along through the years that passed.
The children in your neighborhood paired off quickly, setting their own parameters for their journeys and leaving you on the outside. Your schoolmates paired off and most of them have opened their own gyms, just like you, or settled into other aspects of their lives with or without their rival.
You never really minded and still don’t, though, pleased to enjoy life flat on your back in the grass of the surprisingly large meadow that backs up to your gym, gazing at the clouds floating overhead. A rival isn’t a necessity and you’re glad, honestly, that the stress of having to keep up with someone else is something you have been able to dodge for the most part.
Until today.
You sit up, brows furrowed, and that’s when you see the man who may very well be the rival you’ve been looking for.
Satoru Gojo, current Pokémon League Champion.
His starlight colored hair flops over his eyes that are covered by glasses but you know what they look like behind the dark frames because they’ve been plastered on every magazine for several months. You know his name, everyone does, and it’s hard to truly imagine why he has come back after your many declinations of his requests to battle.
“Satoru,” you huff, his name leaving your lips with a tinge of amusement as he approaches with his hands stuffed in his pockets. He grins at you and it’s cheeky as it ever has been, glistening teeth tucked between pretty mauve lips and topped with dimples.
Infuriatingly charming and handsome, as always. It isn’t enough to be powerful, he hit the lottery in more ways than one.
“Ah, is that any way to speak to an old friend?”
Snorting, you slowly rise from your spot on the ground to your feet, your beloved Espeon bounding to your side to look up at you quizzically. You shoot a wordless glance in her direction and she wraps her twin tail around your legs, looking between you and the man.
She wonders if today will be the day you give in and finally say yes to his requests for an actual battle. It has been a long time since you’ve utilized her in any sense beyond as a companion and while she doesn’t ache for battle, there are times she wishes you’d push yourself and the rest of your Pokemon a little bit harder. Less leisure, less tenderness, less lazing around.
But she also knows you, her trainer and friend, and knows this is the life you’ve chosen for all of them out of compassion so her eyes flit expectantly in Satoru’s direction while you stroke between her ears.
“We’d be friends if you would learn to take no for an answer but until then we’re just acquaintances.”
You smile and it’s sweet, no bite despite your sassy words, and the man shakes his head. He finds you equal parts fascinating and amusing, the tales of how fiercely you and your team used to battle on your own journey to become a gym leader spurring him in your direction two years ago.
“I didn’t come to ask you to battle today.”
Despite your firm no’s, he keeps coming back for no other reason than being around you. You are refreshing, unaffected by his power and status, something he has longed for since becoming Champion. It’s just you and your companions and he can never shake just how happy all of you look when he stops by impromptu.
“Then what can I do for you?”
He shuffles closer to you and reaches down to run his finger over the velvety ear of your Espeon who remains still as ever, her eyes shutting. You scoff and roll your eyes.
“Don’t mind her, she’s shameless.”
Chuckling, he shrugs and looks around the meadow to spot who else you are spending time with out here. Your Lapras floats on the small pond, blinking slowly in Satoru’s direction. A Grookey ruffles the grass a few feet away from you, ears poking out between pastel colored flowers and your Skitty shakes her tail in his direction, an invitation to play.
It’s so unlike his own former gyms which confirms he made the right decision. The decision? Well, he already anticipates watching your jaw drop before he speaks the words aloud for the first time.
“I’ve decided to vacate my spot as Champion to go and travel.” Your jaw does drop, eyes widening in shock.
“Can you even do that?”
He nods, thumb still pressed to the Espeon’s velvety ear.
“Not without a lot of argument but yes and I’ve already done it so there’s no changing my mind.”
You understand, approaching and placing a hand on his shoulder. The touch isn’t unwelcome and he plays off the pink on the tips of his ears, glancing down at you through white lashes.
“I wouldn’t ever try to change your mind but will you tell me why?”
Gojo sighs and it’s almost concerningly heavy for a man who is so light as air he even partners with Flying type Pokémon specifically. You feel for him, certain the pressures of being Champion can be enough to get even the strongest of them all down, and you keep your hand pressed to his shoulder.
“When I was working toward becoming Champion my focus was so singular I missed out on everything. I only did what had to be done to get here and now I’ve realized I haven’t experienced, well, anything. I want to enjoy the journey and not simply the destination.”
Your heart beats hard in your chest, moved by his honesty. You’ve always been friendly with the man and it’s not a wonder that he’s Champion, he is the strongest, but you do wonder why he came here to tell you this.
“I want you to come with me.”
Breath catching in your throat, you are shocked by the words.
“Yeah, you. If anyone can show me how to slow down and enjoy it, it has to be little miss on her back watching the clouds roll by.”
The nickname is a bit of a mouthful but you smile anyway, looking up at him and twisting your mouth to the side.
“Let me ask the council,” you shoot and he nods understandingly, watching you sink to a squat beside your Espeon.
“What do you think?”
She chirps excitedly and you sigh, hoping she’d be on your side for once, but her thirst for adventure is bigger than her loyalty to you by some strange miracle. It has been too long since you and her and your friends have been out on the routes and she hungers to roll around in new grass. You pet her again and nod, rising to standing.
“Okay. I’m sure I’m the last person you asked and the only one to say yes and I’d hate to leave you lonely.” He chuckles and shakes his head. “You were the first and the only one I wanted to ask.”
Espeon chirps again at your feet and you toss her another glance, forgetting how astute your partner truly is despite the separation of Pokemon and human between the two of you.
“I’ll be back in three days to pick you up so make sure you have everything you need.”
Your traitorous heart pounds even harder knowing what’s to come. Traveling, alone, with Gojo sounds undeniably thrilling and you will ponder later when you’re alone what’s to come.
For now, you smile and nod.
“Okay, champ. But know I won’t make the journey easy on you.”
He grins once again, pearly whites gleaming while Grookey hops out of the grass a few feet away from him and clings to his leg, the large man kneeling slightly to pet the creature.
“Which is exactly why I invited you.”
The words are so loaded even you catch the weight and you shuffle from foot to foot, Espeon still wound around your calves. The sun blazes overhead and clouds continue to pass and in an instant you realize that you may not have gained that rival you’ve been dodging but perhaps you’ll yet gain a friend.
“I won’t keep you for any longer but be ready for me, okay?”
You nod and try to hide your grin by tucking your chin against your chest and glancing at the ground below.
Perhaps you’ve gained something more than a friend, even.
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juyeonszn · 8 months
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PAIRING kim younghoon x f!reader
GENRES smut ﹒little bit of fluff ﹒little bit of crack tbh
WARNINGS 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, fawn when she can’t get enough of the brothers best friend trope, hyunjae and jacob are side characters that never actually make an appearance, younghoon is wearing a ghostface mask for 2 seconds 😵‍💫, reader is down bad, younghoon is also down pretty bad, size kink — the obvious yk, he’s big everywhere tbh, vaginal fingering, oral (f!receiving), unprotected sex, missionary/lowkey mating press towards the end LMFAOOOO i’m sorry i got carried away, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, pussy drunk!younghoon (i lied he’s down horrendous), creampie, the couch is a paid actor, last scene is kinda silly kinda cute, lmk if i missed anything!!
SUMMARY hyunjae really shouldn’t have left you home alone.
MORE and day 3 of fawntober has made her entrance 😈 i’m curious,,, how do we feel about these so far? i feel like i’m focusing on this challenge more than i am my school work 😭😭
PERM TAGLIST @winterchimez @maessseongs @itsbeeble @zzoguri
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Being home alone has never been much of an issue for you. All throughout high school, you stayed home by yourself when your parents worked late and your brother had practice. And even now, well into adulthood, you’d never really been afraid of being alone.
If it were up to you, you’d live all by yourself. But unfortunately, rent was way too expensive to afford on your own. More fortunately, your brother had a spare room in his apartment for you. Pros included low grocery costs, low monthly rent, and free parking. Cons included living with your brother, living with one of his best friends, and having to deal with two grown men who sometimes acted like children.
It was a Friday night and both Hyunjae and Jacob were out, attending a Halloween party one of their friends was throwing. The holiday was only a few days away, so almost everyone you knew was hosting parties this weekend. Along with being content to stay alone in your home, you were even more so to never leave it. Going out and getting black out drunk or worse didn’t sound very appealing to you.
Nights like these were the rare occasion you got to be with yourself and some movies, snuggled with a blanket on your couch. Living with only men did not provide any luxuries except maybe someone to kill a spider every now and then. So you were abusing the fuck out of the opportunity, dressed in nothing but an oversized sweatshirt and some crew socks, a mug of hot cocoa in your hands as you watch the second installment of the Scream franchise. (Might as well get in the holiday spirit.)
There’s a knock at your door, causing you to raise an eyebrow. It was half past midnight and your brother mentioned that he and Jacob would be crashing over at Sangyeon’s after the party. You were also very much single, so you weren’t expecting anyone to come over either. The only other possible explanation was maybe a food delivery, but you hadn’t ordered anything.
You assume it’s someone at the wrong apartment and choose to ignore it, putting your focus back on the movie. Your mug raises to your lips, taking a long sip of the now lukewarm drink just as the movie’s plot begins to progress. Before you can fully revert into your concentration, there’s another knock.
A sigh escapes your mouth, setting down the mug and pausing the movie. Your sock-clad feet trudge over to the front door, expression flat as you undo all of the locks and swing it open. You jump at the sight in front of you, nearly dying of a heart attack on the spot.
A tall figure, dressed in all black and wearing a Ghostface mask stands on the other side, one arm resting on the threshold of your doorframe and their body weight leaning against it. When they realize they’ve almost killed you, they gasp.
“Oh my god, I forgot I was wearing this stupid thing.”
The person hurriedly removes the mask to reveal one of your brother’s other friends, Kim Younghoon. The tall male rubs the back of his neck sheepishly, apologizing for nearly making you faint. You clutch at your chest as your breathing stabilizes and your heart rate returns to normal.
“Jesus, Younghoon. Couldn’t you have said something before I opened the door?” You hold the heel of your palm to your forehead.
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking,” he bows slightly, his eyes drifting off to something behind you. “Woah, wait, are you watching Scream 2 right now?”
“Uh, yeah?” At that moment you notice the silly coincidence that his costume happened to be Ghostface. “Do— um— do you wanna come in?”
“Yeah, sure.” He smiles, tucking his mask under his arm and following you into the apartment. He shuts the door behind him, making sure to hit all the locks as well.
As the two of you sit at the couch and you resume the movie, you purse your lips in confusion. You were curious as to why Younghoon was here in the first place, seeing as your brother was not. He had to have known that information himself considering he was dressed like he’d just come from a Halloween party. It only made sense that it was the same one Hyunjae and Jacob attended.
“Wait, so what are you doing here?” You ask, fiddling with the hem of your sweatshirt. Shit, you weren’t wearing any pants…
“Oh! Right,” he nods, ruffling his hair a bit. “I woke up really early this morning and it was starting to catch up with me so I decided to leave Sangyeon’s party to head home. Hyunjae asked if I could stop by to check on you since it was on the way.”
A simple call or text from your brother himself couldn’t suffice? You guess the fact that Younghoon really did live close by coupled with Hyunjae’s intoxication might’ve been a factor in asking his friend for the favor. All you can do is hum in response.
You weren’t all that upset by Younghoon’s sudden appearance either, and you were more than happy to invite him into your apartment any time. Out of all of your brother’s friends, excluding Jacob, Younghoon was probably your favorite. Aside from having a little crush on his handsome face, he was the easiest to get along with and you felt comfortable around him. Sometimes you wish he was your other roommate instead.
But then again, the thought of him being so domestic around you was enough to send you into cardiac arrest, much like his accidental jumpscare from earlier. Just imagining waking up to him making coffee and breakfast in the kitchen, wearing your Hello Kitty apron, had your pulse quickening. Oh God, bumping into him exiting the bathroom after he’s showered? Nothing but a towel wrapped loosely around his hips and droplets of water decorating his no doubtedly sculpted chest?
Did someone crank up the thermostat?
“Y/N? N/N. N/N… Y/N!”
You blink, snapping yourself back into reality. Younghoon waves his hands back and forth in front of your face, a cute pout on his lips. He really was not making this any easier for you. You clear your throat, hoping your face isn’t as red as it feels.
“Y-Yes?” Why did you have to stutter, you fucking loser? There you go, blowing your cover.
“I was just wondering if you’ve seen the movies before. But you kinda spaced out on me there. You okay?” He asks, face full of concern. It doesn’t do much to quiet the sound of your heartbeat in your ears. If anything, it makes it ten times worse.
“Oh… Um. Yeah, I have,” your voice wavers. “And I-I’m fine, I swear. Don’t even worry about me.”
Your efforts to convince him are futile and instead of de-escalating the situation, you just add further fuel to the fire. He leans in to you, permeating your personal bubble as he examines your expression. If he moved even closer, his lips could land on your own, and the idea of that has you shrinking in on yourself.
“Are you… nervous around me?”
Did he have any sense of self-awareness? Did he think he wasn’t intimidating in this proximity to you? Kim Younghoon’s new talent just dropped; driving you to the brink of insanity!
You swallow thickly, eyes a little wide like a deer caught in headlights. Your line of eyesight falters to his lips, even more kissable now that they’re so close to yours. You shake your head when you realize that you haven’t responded, praying and hoping you were keeping your composure.
“I don’t really believe you, Y/N,” he says, tone no louder than a whisper, but so voluminous in your empty apartment. “So, I’m gonna rephrase my question. Are you nervous to be alone with me?”
When you process his words, you come to the conclusion that, yes, you are nervous to be alone with him. Your brother and Jacob were usually around when he was, so you’d never been in this position before. You’ve never truly been alone with Younghoon. Perhaps that was because you knew you couldn’t keep your feelings to yourself, afraid you might fuck up and say something stupid to him.
A few seconds pass with nothing but the noise of the movie still playing in the background, your lips pressed together. His eyes bore into yours, dark and swirling with something that looks a whole lot like lust. Your silence is a sufficient answer for him, one of his hands coming up to support his weight on the armrest of the couch behind you. The other trails up your thigh, the sheer size of it big enough to nearly cover the expanse of your skin.
Younghoon’s lips part when he slides under your sweatshirt and finds that you’re not wearing anything underneath. His eyes flutter shut with a sigh, poking the inside of his cheek with his tongue.
“Tell me you don’t want this, tell me no before I lose all of my self control and I can’t hold back.” He lets his forehead fall to your shoulder, voice hushed.
The better, rational part of you wants to say no. It wants to tell him that you shouldn’t do this, because what would your brother think? Hyunjae would beat his ass if he found out about the two of you, especially on the living room sofa. Hell, he’d beat your ass for sleeping with one of his friends. But the part of you that was unhinged and has dreamt of this moment for years wants to say otherwise.
That part is what has you spreading your legs, taking Younghoon’s hand and leading it to where you need him most.
“Don’t hold back.” You breathe into his ear, your free hand coming up to the back of his neck and pulling his lips onto yours.
You whimper into his mouth as he kisses you, his thumb rubbing tight circles on your lace covered clit simultaneously. He’s by no means gentle, tongue tangling with your own roughly and desperately, as if he’s been dreaming of this just as much as you. He halts his motions, creeping further under your sweatshirt to palm your bare breasts and grind his hips into yours.
Your back arches off the couch, the feeling of his large hand on your chest goading your arousal. Younghoon presses open mouthed kisses down the column of your throat, sucking and nipping your supple skin, licking the abused area to soothe any pain. You can feel him even through the material of his black cargo pants, already hard for you. Without seeing it, you have an inkling of what you’re working with.
Younghoon’s always been tall, standing at six feet with broad shoulders. As long as you’ve known him, his height alone was enough to scare people away, despite the fact that he had the personality of a hyperactive puppy. But now, his body looming over yours and his touch all over your skin, you can’t help but feel turned on by his size alone.
“Can I finger you?” He asks suddenly, slowly pushing up your sweatshirt so he can expose your cute panties. You nod frantically, biting the hem of your top to keep it out his way as he pushes your underwear down your legs with one hand. “Wanna prep you as best as I can, baby.”
He smiles at you again, and in spite of being in such a compromising situation, he looks so stunning. You remember the reason why you’ve had a crush on him this long, because aside from his beauty, he was also doting and caring, willing to go above and beyond for those near and dear to him.
You squirm a bit beneath him when his middle finger glides through your folds with ease, you slick providing enough lubricant for him. He all but groans, inserting the digit into your entrance. Your moans are muffled by your sweatshirt in your mouth, his long finger so deep inside of you it brushes that one spongy spot you could never reach yourself.
Younghoon uses his thumb to circle your clit as his finger thrusts in and out of you, kissing along your jaw. He glances down and moans at the sight of your tits jostling around with each pump of his finger. He lowers his head to attach his mouth to one of your nipples, tongue flicking the sensitive bud.
There’s so much going on, your eyes practically rolling to the back of your head when his finger curls and his teeth scrape the swell of your breast. If his slender middle finger wasn’t enough to send you over the edge, then the sound of him being so vocal was, vibrations spreading on the surface of your skin. Younghoon adds the slightest amount of pressure to your clit when he sinks his pearly whites into your collarbone, coaxing your orgasm.
He swallows your whines, waiting until you’ve stopped spasming under him to slow his assault. He pulls his hoodie over his head, helping you remove your sweatshirt afterward. Your chest heaves, watching with heavy eyelids as Younghoon scoots himself further down the couch. He brings himself eye level with your cunt, experimentally blowing air on your core. You shiver, biting the inside of your lip and running a hand through his hair.
“Such a pretty pussy,” he makes eye contact with you, pressing a sweet kiss to your clit. “Can't believe you’ve been hiding this from me.”
Younghoon pushes your knees up to your chest, hands digging into the fat of the backs of your thighs. The position gives him better access to your glistening cunt. He licks a long line from your hole to your pelvic bone, flattening his tongue against you and repeating once more.
“Fuck, Hoon,” you mewl, holding the back of your hand to your forehead. “That feels so good.”
He hums, lips wrapping around your clit and giving it a harsh suck. That particular action rips a loud moan from your vocal cords. He doesn’t get any gentler, sliding both his middle and ring fingers into you as he continues making out with your pussy. Your head feels light and airy, your brain incapable of producing any coherent thoughts aside from how badly you need his cock inside of you. His thick fingers aren’t enough, you need more. You need him to fill you completely.
The pads of his fingers continuously brush along your velvety walls, inching you closer and closer to your tipping point. You aren’t sure you can last much longer, especially with the promise of having him fully following this. It’s almost embarrassing how quickly he wound you up and knocked you over the ledge again, like he was already so familiar with what you needed.
He swirls his tongue around your clit, alternating between curling his fingers and straightening them. It’s as if he’s doing a come-hither motion. Your whines are uncontrollable at this point, tugging at his hair with every suckle of your engorged skin. The sting on his scalp has him moaning against your cunt, the resonance shooting through your whole body.
“Shit shit, I’m cumming— I’m—“
Your hips buck up towards his mouth, his skillful tongue and fingers still working your overstimulated pussy until you’re begging him to stop. Good God, you already finished twice and he hadn’t even properly fucked you yet. You’re a panting mess beneath him when he parts with your lower lips, chin shiny with your release.
“You can give me one more, right?” Younghoon licks his lips to taste the remnants of your sweetness, wrapping them around his fingers to do the same thing. You let out a strained moan, nodding and connecting your mouths to kiss him roughly.
He laughs into the kiss, pulling back to tuck your hair behind your ear. His eyes resemble crescent moons, crinkled at the sides. His duality gives you whiplash. How could someone so sexy be so adorable at the same time? It was beyond you.
He goes to unbutton his pants, kicking them along with his underwear off his legs as he leans down to kiss you again. You gasp when you’re finally given the opportunity to see his dick, hard and flushed for you. You reach down to stroke him, reveling in the hiss he makes when your thumb glides over his sensitive tip.
You guide him to your entrance, but he pauses. “Wait, I don’t have anything on me.”
“It’s okay, Hoon,” you place a comforting hand on his cheek. “I trust you. I’m clean, I’m assuming you’re clean, and I’m on birth control. I wanna feel you— all of you.”
His head falls to your shoulder once more with a groan, his cock prodding your hole almost instantaneously. You exhale through your nose heavily, the stretch burning so good that you’re raking your nails down his back. Even the feeling of his broad shoulders and back muscles beneath your fingertips sends you into a frenzy. He’s just so huge. You’d never wanted to be ruined by someone as much as you wanted to be ruined by him.
Younghoon coos when you start to whimper, slowly pushing himself all the way in to his pelvic bone. He massages the back of your thighs, still pushed to your chest, pulling out gently before ramming his entire length back in. He does this a few more times to ensure your cunt has adjusted to his size, but the thought of you wrapped so tightly and warmly around him is enough to make him bust without going through the motions fully.
Your sweet pussy is so inviting, sucking him in like a fucking aspirator. He risks a glance down to where his hips meet yours, moaning so uncharacteristically at the sight of you enveloping his cock, coating it with your previous release. You clench when the sound hits your ears, provoking one of your own.
His thrusts are calculated, dragging them out so they’re deep rather than shallow. Despite not pounding into your brutally, like you were used to with past partners, you think you like this better. You can feel all of him this way. Every vein, every pulse, every fucking graze along your insides— as if he was meant to be there.
“You’re taking me so— fuck— so well, baby,” he breathes, voice hoarse in the crook of your neck. “Don’t know how much longer I can last.”
“G-God, you’re s-so b-big,” you cry, sinking your fingernails into his shoulder blades. “I feel so— oh my god— feel so full.”
You look so pretty underneath him, he doesn’t even care that he might go to hell for fucking you. He’d let Hyunjae murder him any day of the week if it guaranteed his spot above you, cock buried to the goddamn hilt. He places his forearm behind your knees, pressing your legs flat and practically folding you in half so he can speed up his tempo.
Younghoon throttles into you at a near animalistic pace, skin slapping on skin echoing throughout your apartment. You’re fucked stupid, noises that you can’t comprehend leaving your mouth to punctuate every single drive of his dick in your cunt and eyes fluttering shut. His tip kisses at that one spot that scratches your itch each time.
One particular gyration of his hips snaps that cord in your stomach and you’re cumming a third time, jaw going slack as your body spasms with the force of your orgasm. You produce no sound, the wave of your release cresting like a jolt of euphoria to your head, Younghoon following suit. However, his reaction is the opposite, so cacophonous and pornographic that it prolongs the twitching of your velvet-like walls, milking him dry of everything he can offer.
As both of you come down from your peaks, oxygen recirculating in your brains, Younghoon sighs and slips out of you. You wince, still so very sensitive from all three of your orgasms and how aggressively he was hitting it those last few minutes. You watch with choked groans as a combination of your cum flows out of your cunt onto the sofa.
Hyunjae was going to lose his mind.
“Shit, we gotta clean this up,” you panic, finally sobering up and moving into a sitting position. “I’d prefer to live long enough to tell you how much I like you.”
“Woah, wait,” his eyes widen animatedly. “Y-You like me?”
You gape at him, confused how after everything you just did together, he would think you didn't have feelings for him. “I just let you fuck me on the couch I share with my brother and Jacob. Do you think I’d do that if I didn’t like you?”
“I dunno. Maybe you were just really horny?” He shrugs, scratching the back of his neck shyly, like he hadn’t just rearranged your insides six ways to Sunday. You get on your knees, capturing his lips in a soft kiss that portrays all the words you could’ve ever wanted to say and more.
“Does that answer your question?” You ask, pecking them once again. “I like you so much, Younghoon. I have since, like, my freshman year of uni.”
He smiles warmly, cupping your cheek and caressing it with his thumb. “That’s funny because I’ve liked you since then, too.”
“That makes me so happy to hear,” you giggle, nuzzling into his palm. “Okay, now get up so I can deep clean this fucking couch.”
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© juyeonszn. do not steal, claim, or repost.
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seiya-starsniper · 8 months
For the flower prompts: Hyacinth - loser has to ask out...
I will leave pairing(s) to your discretion, whoever most strikes your fancy ❤️
TJ, thank you for the prompt! I went with Dreamling, with a nice little monsterfucker twist to ring in the first day of @monsterfucktoberbingo!
Square: Were-creature.
Flower Prompt Game!
“You ready for tonight?” Johanna asks, dropping her densely packed duffel bag onto the table before plopping in the chair next to Hob. She’s tense. Hob can tell without even looking at her. But there’s also a thrum of excitement coming off her in waves.
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” Hob replies, not looking up from his stake sharpening. “How many stakes have you got in there?” he asks.
“A dozen wooden, and three steel,” Johanna answers, patting the duffel with pride.. “All consecrated, and plenty of holy water.”
“Good girl,” Hob praises her. He means it too. Johanna’s one of the best damn hunters he’s ever worked with, and he knows she’s going to give the vampires they’re hunting tonight absolute hell. It’s one of the biggest nests they’ve ever come across. Nearly six dozen vampires all quartered in a large abandoned grain barn that spans nearly a quarter of an acre. They’ve been hunting all the nearby towns, picking off the elderly first, but soon moving onto the adults and children. Their mission tonight is to raid the nest for hostages and kill any of the guard vampires, then torch the whole thing at dawn when the rest come back to sleep. Their reign of terror should hopefully end tonight.
“How many are you aiming to gank yourself?” Johanna asks casually, but Hob can hear the competition in her tone. 
“You looking to put some money on that?” Hob replies cheekily. “I thought you’d have learned with the banshees that you can’t ever beat my record, Constantine.”
“Those were unfair odds and you know it!” Johanna whines. She’s right, of course. Banshees tended to flock more to men, and so Hob had taken out far more than Johanna had. But a bet was a bet and Johanna had had to clean Hob’s shotguns for a month after.
“I’m just saying,” Hob says, shrugging his shoulders. “I’m happy to let you clean out the Impala when I trounce your numbers tonight.”
Johanna grimaces. It was no secret that Hob lived out of his car and that he was a bit disgusting about it. She’d once opened the back door to sit in the back and had been greeted a rat he hadn’t even known was there. To this day he doesn’t know where it came from. 
“How about this instead?”Johanna replies. “If I get the most vamps in this nest, you have to ask Peggy out.”
Hob sighs. He should’ve seen this coming. “Johanna—”
“I’m serious Hob,” Johanna interrupts him. “I know you two get along and I see the way the two of you look at each other. You’d be good for one another.”
“Peggy’s young,” Hob argues. “She deserves someone who will get her out of this life.”
“You and I both know she’s never getting out of this life,” Johanna replies solemnly. “And she’s 25 for Christ’s sake. Not even a decade younger than you, stop looking at her like a child.”
Johanna was right. She was usually right, not that Hob would ever tell her unless under extreme duress. Peggy may have been a child when she first became a hunter but she was a full grown woman now. And well…she was quite beautiful and smart as fuck. Hob could maybe love her. It’d been almost fifteen years since Eleanor was taken by vampires herself, and the void she’d left behind had gotten easier and easier to bear with each person he saved. 
Hob sighs. What could it hurt? If things didn’t work out, he knows he and Peggy could still be friends. 
“Fine, but if I get more vamps than you, you’ve gotta ask out Rachel instead,” Hob says back. 
Johanna blushes a furious shade of red and Hob smiles. Now that was a relationship he was invested in seeing bloom.
“You got yourself a deal Hobsie,” she replies, and the two of them shake on it. 
Hob is at five vampire deaths when he starts chasing three fledgling vampires into the woods. They’re fast, but uncoordinated, and Hob thinks he can probably pick them off one by one if he times his shots right with the crossbow he borrowed from Johanna.
He realizes too late that the vampires have isolated him from the other hunters, and that he’s been led to a clearing to be ambushed. There had also been a fourth he hadn’t accounted for, and he curses at himself for falling for such an obvious trap so easily. He manages to take out one of the fledglings, but the remaining three overpower him. Just as they’re getting ready to tear into his flesh, Hob gets unexpected support in the form of a fucking were-panther.
Hob watches in awe as the beast knocks aside one of his assailants, freeing Hob from their hold and allowing him to stake one of the remaining vampires holding his arms. He then watches in awe as the panther tears into the throat of the fledgling it knocked aside, before the beast grabs the thing by the hair and yanks the head clean off. 
The final vampire is easily picked off between the two of them. Hob is surprised by how fluidly they work together, despite this being the first time he’s ever met the creature. When he is certain there are no others approaching, he turns to the panther, who is looking at him with curiosity and brilliant golden eyes. 
“Not that I’m not grateful for the assist, but what the fuck is a were-panther doing here?” Hob asks.
The air seems to vibrate for a few moments and Hob recognizes the tell-tale signs of a shift and moments later he’s face to face with a pale naked man with a shock of messy, jet black hair, and the most brilliant blue eyes he’s ever seen.
Fuck, but he was gorgeous and Hob’s type in every single way. Despite his shifter disposition, the man’s human form was void of any hair, and though he was thin and almost lanky, Hob could see the ripple of muscle in his legs and arms. Hob knew he was staring, but for some reason he couldn’t tear his eyes away from the man. It was only when his hands landed on the man’s cock that he jerked his gaze upwards, and instead of disgust, he found the were-panther actually looked pleased at Hob’s obvious leering. 
“My name is Dream,” the were-panther introduces himself with a smirk.
“You certainly are,” Hob replies then slaps a hand over his mouth. “I mean—” 
God’s wounds, why had he said that? He was smoother than that! Had the vampire hunt really scrambled his brain that much? 
Before he can come up with an apology for his poor brain to mouth filter however, Hob hears a low, rumbling noise, and he belatedly realizes that Dream is purring.
“You are pleased with me,” Dream says, stepping closer into Hob’s personal space. “That is…good.” 
Hob suddenly smells his grandmother’s homemade bread and his favorite beer. He realizes quickly the delicious scent is coming from Dream, and before his brain can tell him otherwise, he pulls the pale man in a desperate, teeth clacking kiss.
Dream moans into his mouth and pushes Hob down into the grass in the clearing, grinding his hips down on Hob’s rapidly hardening cock. He growls and tugs angrily at Hob’s jeans, and Hob quickly works at shucking them off before the were-panther could tear them clean off. Now that would be embarrassing to explain to the rest of the hunters. 
It isn’t long before Hob’s completely naked underneath Dream and it feels absolutely amazing and right the way their bodies fit against one another. Dream’s cock is a pleasant weight against Hob’s own as he strokes them together, pleasure building higher and higher with each needy whine and moan shared between them. 
“That’s right, love,” Hob pants, increasing the speed of his strokes when he realizes he’s close. “I’m so close, I wanna come with you, come on—”
Dream wails as his orgasm hits him, and then there’s a sharp pain in Hob’s shoulder when his own orgasm follows shortly after. His brain blearily registers that Dream’s bitten down on him, and though there’s some part of him that knows he should be alarmed by that, his body is too blissed out from the earth shattering orgasm his just experienced to care.
“Mine,” Dream mumbles, licking at the new mark on Hob’s shoulder and snuggling into his chest. “My mate.” 
Ah, fuck, Hob thinks as he drifts off to sleep, wrapping his arms protectively around Dream. Johanna was absolutely going to skin him over this.
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mischiefmanaged71 · 2 years
In This Moment (1/?)
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Summary: A single moment can spark a magnificent change in a person’s life. 
A/N: Peaky Blinders au, Ewan Mitchell (OC) x fem! reader
Shuffling through the papers in the stack in her hand, Y/N swung through the crowd of people in the office. The bustle of the morning prior to the next big job had many resources on hand, including herself. Y/N was working closely with Ada who was back in London on several agendas, including a more exclusive topic of certain figures of interest to Tommy and the Shelby’s business. She desperately missed her close friend, after all, being surrounded by the crowds of men consistently became tiresome. Having someone to talk to and relate was a different company than what the Shelby boys offered in their rowdy and explosive natures. Their tenacity and attitudes were something she had grown used to over the many years of knowing the family.
That very morning she received a call from Arthur, requesting her presence in the office at Tommy’s behest. It was probably an update, she suspected. Or something of the sort. She arrived early, peering around at the busy crowd so wandering about seemed the opportune moment. Polly’s door was creaked open slightly, giving her view into the person sat at the desk. An excited laugh escaped her as she knocked on the door, peering into the doorway at Ada sat with her son, Karl, in her lap. 
Y/N crashed into Ada’s shoulders, hugging her tightly “Ada! You didn’t tell me you’d be in. What’re you doing here?”
Polly smiled at the interaction as she overlooked her papers once more, a puff of smoke leaving her lips. 
“It was about time to get out of the house. Thought I’d bring Karl back for a visit too since things have calmed.” she replied, brushing her son’s hair back.
Y/N smiled warmly, caressing the boy’s cheek as he looked up and grinned at the familiar face of his aunt. Growing up on the same street as the Shelby’s meant chaos, fun and a many other things that couldn’t have been good when pairing five children. Although all different ages, Y/N felt she could hang around with the Shelby’s as one of their own. Precisely as to why including her in the family business wasn’t a second thought. 
“It’s great to see you.” Y/N nodded, “Lord knows we need more women around here.” earning laughter from both women. Karl clapped his hands in response.
“Busy morning? Earlier than you usually come in.” Polly pointed out, glancing up from her desk.
Y/N exhaled a breath, leaning against the desk, “Yeah, a few jobs to take care of. Arthur said Tommy’s got something for me. Not too sure what.”
“If you’re not too busy later, maybe we could have dinner together?”
“I’d love that.” Y/N smiled, her eyes drifting to the large window peering into the office space. Her attention fell on an individual standing to the side, out of the chaos. He had a straight posture, hands tucked in his pockets in a relaxed manner as he watched the room attentively. She ran her eyes over his blonde hair, these deep blue eyes somewhere far off where she wanted to gaze into. Her heartbeat picked up, the sound of it drumming in her ears. Y/N noted his strong jawline and appreciated it as the muffle of conversation bled into the background of her mind, overcome with a sudden interest in this stranger. 
Ada’s voice brought her back, “Y/N?” 
She furrowed her brows, returning her attention to the ladies “Sorry, did you say something?"
“Ada was just telling us about the lovely weather they’ve been having in London.”
The women shared a look before Ada continued, a smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. “A bit distracted there?” peering through the window.
“No-I, uh.” a breathy laugh escaped her mouth. She was saved by a knock at the door brought their attention away as Arthur stood there, an expecting look on his face.
“Morning ladies. Hope I’m not interrupting.” he winked, “Tommy’s ready for ya.”
Y/N sighed, bidding her goodbyes to the ladies before following Arthur out. “Since when are you Tommy’s errand boy?”
“I’m not. That’s simply for your benefit.” he tugged his arm around her shoulders at the teasing smirk on her face, “Only the best for our, Y/N/N.”
“Of course.” she grinned, “Wouldn’t expect any less treatment from you lot.”
Arthur laughed, relaxing his arm as they crossed to the doorway, holding the door open for her. She sent him a grateful smile, passing through the doorway to Tommy’s office, the man himself sitting at his desk. The door shut behind the, as Arthur left.
“Good, you’re here.” Tommy noted, standing from his seat. Her attention drew to the other figure in the room, the stranger she had her sights set on. He was dressed in a similar fashion to the other men around; a dark coloured trouser, shirt and tie, with the matching coat for the cold Birmingham mornings.
Her mouth parted slightly, particularly at the beauty of his features up close and the mellow blue eyes that stirred something her chest. Y/N smoothed her expression out and appeared neutral as she focused back on Tommy. 
“It has come to my attention there have been occasions where your security has been in question.”
She nodded, not exactly reading into where Tommy was going with this.
“Arthur and I have come to a decision over it and we came up with a solution.” He gestured to the other man, “This is William Adler,” he gestured, “I’ve hired him to be part of your personnel.”
She remained silent for the moment, running it over in her mind as her thoughts came to a halt at the proposition.
“Right. That’s one, then.” she replied, glancing between the men. She stepped forward, folding her arms across her chest “What exactly is Mr Alder being hired for?”
“Anything you need, Mr Adler will handle it.” he clapped a hand on Will’s back, bringing the man’s eyes back to Tommy. 
He nodded, “If its any reassurance, not my first job in protection.”
A look of intrigue crossed her face before Y/N stepped to the side with Tommy, as she whispered in a hushed tone, “You didn’t think to ask me beforehand about this?”
“It’s for your benefit, Y/N. Adler will follow you around, keep you safe from those that wish to do you harm. Which is far too many when you’re a part of this family.” he nodded.
"I know, Tommy. You and Pol have done a lot for me, but don't you think you should consult me first before making decisions like this?"
"This is your safety we're talking about. I won't be arguing with you on this. Leave it." He sent her a curt look that silenced her next words. She nodded.
“If you have any problems, tell me and I’ll fix it.” patting her arm as he stepped to his desk. A puff of smoke left his mouth as he gestured to the door. 
“I’ll allow you two to be acquainted. You’ll be spending a lot of time together.” 
“Morning, Tommy.” Y/N nodded, still stunned on this inside as she managed a facade of decorum. Walking to the door, only to be met with Will’s taller stature holding the door open for her. She bowed her head to hide the blush forming on her cheeks, murmuring a thanks that she hoped he could hear before exiting Tommy’s office. Her heart beat faster in her chest as her thoughts ran amuck, the tread of his shoes thumping behind her. 
She swallowed, forming a sentence “I’m uh, Y/N.” formally introducing herself. The amusement on his face caused her to cough shakily, “You already knew that. Uh-it’s nice to meet you, Mr Alder. I hope I didn’t offend you at all, I was simply surprised.”
“Will.” he replied curtly, studying her face.
“Sorry?” she turned to him, a soft look on her face as she held onto his words. His voice was a melodic sound she could listen to forever.
“You can call me Will.” a smile tugging at his lips. “And it’s fine. I understand.”
“Right.” she smiled bashfully, “Sorry about that.” she gestured behind her at Tommy’s office.
“Tommy is mostly blunt. He’s the boss and...well, he makes all of the important decisions around here. Mostly without oversight.”
“My apologies for disrupting your routine, Ms. I understand its not conventional, but I believe Mr Shelby has your best interests in mind.” he dipped his head to look at her. 
“It appears so.” she blinked, shaking her head to continue walking down the corridor, “No, I uh-I’m sure we’ll get to know each other very well. Tommy should have just asked and...”
“If you ask me, I think we’ll get along just fine.” he turned his hands in his pocket as they arrived at Polly’s office. His back was to the window, while Y/N was in the frame. He leaned down, his breath brushing her ear, “A bit of advice.” 
Y/N felt her whole body freeze in anticipation, her blood pounding in her ears as she felt breath escape her.
“You can see through the window from both sides.” he glanced down at her with a coy look, a smirk tugging at his handsome face. Y/N’s mouth parted, staring up at him with this wonderous look before she shock back into her reverie, inhaling a sharp breath. She had glanced between his eyes and full lips for far too long to be considered appropriate.
“I-I’m to see Ada off.” she breathed, a shy smile as she brushed past him to Polly’s office. The door swung closed behind her as Y/N stared at the women who looked back with expecting looks. 
“What?” she deadpanned, breathless for the moment as she brushed her hair back. Her hands fell to her waist as she failed to push the thought of the man from the forefront of her mind.
Polly smirked at her dishevelled demeanour, sharing a knowing look with Ada as she tapped her pen, “You’ve got an interesting situation there.”
“Did you know about this, Pol?”
The woman shook her head, watching the exasperated expression on Y/N’s face stretch with her furrowed brows. 
“What happened?”
Y/N folded her arms, wetting her lips “Your brother has assigned me my own personal guard.”
Ada smiled, her eyebrows perking up at the man leaning against the pillar outside the office, his eyes averted to the crowd once more. “What’s the problem then?”
Y/N refused to answer, nodding her head back to the window as she glanced at his side profile. Her heart swelled at his perfectly sculped bone structure. There was this effortlessness to his whole demeanour and look that enraptured her attention unlike anyone had before. 
“The way I see it, this is good for you. You’re always working too hard. Having the help will do you some good.” Ada paused, “And it doesn’t hurt that he’s handsome too.” laughing at the devastated look on Y/N’s face.
“Don’t.” She held a hand up at Ada, glancing back at his profile through the window. Even his side profile was stunning. 
“Pol?” Y/N turned to the older woman, looking for reprieve.
She waved her hand, “I had no idea he would do that. And you know you’d better listen to Tom, lest he grow upset with you. Or worse, he’ll stop you from working altogether.”
She folded her arms, staring at Ada’s enticed expression. The woman was finding far too much delight in Y/N’s reaction.
“What? I don’t see why you’re so distressed. We both saw you eyeing him earlier.” Ada followed. 
Y/N folded her arms, “Exactly. Spending almost every waking minute by his side. Do you know what that’ll do to me?"
“Make you less miserable?”
Y/N choked out a laugh, “I’ll make a right fool of myself, Ada. This is not something I anticipated.”
“Now you’re just being dramatic.” the woman chided.
“You know me so well.” she narrowed her eyes.
“It’ll be fine.” Ada replied, grasping her hands, “This is a reassurance for us all. To know that you’re safe when we can't be there. It's a reassurance that'll set us at ease."
Ada would be right in that sense. Tommy meant well, it was just the methodology behind it that put Y/N off. She would have to learn to adapt and exist within this man’s presence. Even given the fact she felt she would buckle at the knees with a single look. 
“Do tell us how it goes.” Polly replied, a smirk on her face. 
“I’ll be sure to tell you all about it.” Y/N regarded, moving back toward the door where her new protector patiently awaited her return. 
How her heart was going to rule with the effect Will had on her was in question for sure. She would do what Tommy wished for his sake. 
Oh, what trouble would come with the sway of one’s heart. 
Anything could happen.
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jack--kinkler · 4 months
TBAGG theory
Ok I got inspired by @bladenotblaze so heres my theory on the battle at gardens gate!!
1. Heat Above: this song sets the scene on a utopia of sorts. A world of peace. However, there’s something wrong, there’s an undertone of unrest, and we hear that in the line “can you hear that dreadful sound, fires still burning on the ground)”.
2. My way, soon: this is an introduction to our character, someone who has something to prove. They are reckless and wild, and they live life to the fullest (I’ve sacked the rules, so I don’t have to heed them). They know the government is being slowly infiltrated by the enemy, so they begin a small, tiny, revolution.
3. Broken bells: war has officially been announced, and everyone is saying goodbye to those leaving for war. Our character is a bit solemn, but they have hope still. So do most of the people, a hope that their loved ones come back home (between the cracks of sidewalks there’s a flower grown, beyond the stone). They hate the sick, twisted game of war, but they can’t help the world they live in (not all the answers are the same, yet we still play the game).
4. Built by nations: the character is now forced into war, with a bunch of people who hate them (he is bound to brothers built by nations, with no pride to call his own). They’re forced to be by themselves, like they’ve always been. But in a time of war, they wish they would have a helping hand.
5. Age of machine: even as they have grown, somewhat wild and reckless, the world the character knew was actually quite sheltered. They never left the city walls, staying inside and wreaking havoc. All the other people have been toughened by seeing the horrors of the outside world. this song is telling the character to toughen up in order to survive (Now you’re free, unplug from the source, no more under scores, open up the doors).
Tears of rain: back in their home city, it’s fallen into despair. Their enemies have taken over, they’re no longer free. They are all asking for peace, hope, and for some sort of a sign it will be ok (and the mothers with their children, search for the rain). And at the very end of the song, there’s a small rumble of thunder, answering their prayers, and telling us it might be ok.
Stardust chords: the people in the Garden have lost some hope. They feel everything is going wrong, but some are still have a feeling it’ll be alright (roses in the bush, cut down at the Gardens gate, it was too late, so much has fallen). But later, we see that they begin to fight back. They want to be free, so they have an uprising, and this signals the beginning of the end to the war (from the bowing earth, uprises the weeds of war, caving the floor, a renaissance born).
Light my love: a few people have become friends with our hero. They share stories by a fire, and one shares their thoughts of the war. Of what may happen after. They tell a story of peace, tolerance, and of their hope for the future far to come. ( I have seen pictures of time, frames still in motion I find, a grand revolution outlined, hate bound by fear will unwind. Your mind is a stream of colors, extending beyond our sky, a land of infinite wonders, a billion light years from here now).
Caravel: as the people board ships to finally head to the battlefield, they realize our hero is the one who started this revolution. They must be the person to save them all (you make the movement, ooh). Everyone is finally beginning to understand why they’re doing this, and they side with the savior, our hero. These people are willing to do whatever it takes to save the Garden (for death or glory, ooh, bow with your face to the sky, yeah, we are a movement, ooh).
The barbarians: it’s the final day. The army will march up to the Garden and fight for their freedom. They begin to put on their armor, and they all begin to see how much this will actually change them (funeral of innocence, woah, painted up in the red, and dressed in lead). The savior is having a moment alone. They understand now how their father felt in war. He was the exact same as the savior, wild and reckless. And theyre realizing neither them nor their father knew what they were getting into when going into this fight (were your young so spry, when they left to die?).
Trip the light fantastic: this song is their last prayer for peace. As they make their way to the Garden, they begin to sing. They sing a prayer of peace and harmony(ah, Sri ram jayam, ram ram ram ram ram). It is their last resort before going into the battle. This is the end, and it id their last sliver of hope. And they help the savior realize they are the reason everyone is here. The savior helped get them there, and they could have a chance of winning this war (you are the land, the sea and the sky, woah, the explanation why, we’re tied to all things as one).
The weight of dreams (this one’s a long one strap in folks): it’s the final stretch before they make it onto the battle field. They see it up ahead, dark and shrouded in black clouds. The warrior traveled all the way here, in order to find answers and to get freedom for their city. The army believes that some God sent them to help them, to make them truly see. (All across the west we’ve traveled wayward for, find the weight of dreams in gold, heaven sent us here to meet the hallowed shore, to claim the wealth that we had sold).
The army realizes how wrong they were this whole time, how brainwashed they were. It hits them hard, and they begin to lock into this mindset of “I’ve been so wrong this whole time, and this is how I have to fix it”.
The army has forsaken everything they should’ve stood for, this is how they plan to fix it. They want to fight for good, lead like the warrior is, and repay their old leaders. They could instantly turn back to their old ways, but none of them do. They understand right from wrong now. (We stole from her a cloak of studded majesty, the queen is dead we robbed her grave, you could still bathe in the river but it ran dry, and all of us have turned away).
Then, we see the enemy approaching. It is almost time. They’re coming over fast, and with fury. All of a sudden, a wave of a small, gut wrenching reality check comes in for warrior. This is it. They can’t turn back. The world goes quiet for a moment, and as they come back in, the Battle at Gardens Gate has begun. (4:30-4:56).
It’s a flurry of swords, axes, and other weapons. Clangs and screams of agony are everywhere, we can’t escape it. The enemy begins to take the upper hand for a moment, but the Peaceful Army is determined. They are strong, especially the warrior. But the warrior is slowly regretting it all. Midway through sparring with the enemies Leader, the warrior is doubting themself. A glint shines in the enemies eye. And the warrior realizes what this is all for. They’ve gone this far, gone through an earth shattering change, and to give it all up just because it’s a little overwhelming? No. They couldn’t. They mustn’t Even if they die, they must somehow win this war (5:30-6:41).
The warrior quickens their pace. Their sword slices through the air with a masterful grace. The enemy is struggling to keep up, but they push through and fight harder. The warrior sees the struggle. They use it, abuse this power against the enemy. Slowly but surely, the enemy weakens. The enemy moves slower and slower, and eventually, finally, the warrior lands the killing strike. (6:43-7:09).
This gives the army an upper hand. They begin to surround the enemy. Blow after blow, the army is merciless. They’ve been on a journey to get here. If they lose, all hope is lost. The enemies forces pare down, and Gardens Gate begins to open. Everyone inside makes their way out as they watch the people who have mistreated them, abused them, and even murdered some of them, begin to suffer their consequences (7:19-8:26).
The battle has reached its end, and the warrior makes their way to cliff over looking the Garden. They mark their victory with a single red flag, the flag of their home, on the small outcropping. The battlefield is stained with blood, a gruesome sight. But as the clouds slowly open up, a sliver of sun light shines through onto the Garden (8:27-8:51).
The war has been won, but at what cost?
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Sweet Surprises
Pairing: Switch! Kim Hongjoong x Switch! Reader
Genre: Smut
CW: Oral (M receiving), hair pulling, use of ‘abuse’ as a descriptive. 
Word Count: 3636
Summary: Promotions are in full swing and with that comes music show after music show, you decide to surprise your boyfriend Hongjoong with a few sweet treats, and a little something more.
Prompt List               MasterList         Buy me a Coffee
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You walk through aisle after aisle, with a spring in your step, in search of something to bring with you to visit the Ateez boys. They’ve just had their comeback and promotions were in full swing, it was a tiring job, you knew that, the endless hours of practice followed up with by a performance or an interview and in your boyfriend Hongjoong’s case, late nights in the studio working on new material. It hurt you a bit to see him trudge through the door early hours in the morning barely still awake only to have to be awake again at the crack of dawn to do the whole routine again. This morning was the same as any other during this point in time for Hongjoong so you did what any girlfriend would do and decided you’d stop by to support him, as well as bring a few treats.
You scanned over the shelves in the snack aisle mentally debating with yourself over what everyone would like. You’d already had Hongjoong’s things in your cart, he was easy enough to pick for seeing as you spend everyday with him, but the others not so much. You decided to just grab a small variety of things knowing they’ll at least like something there. Next you found yourself in the cake aisle. 
“Now this is an easy one.” You thought to yourself while picking up 8 of the same cake, to others around you, you looked insane picking up 8 of the same cake but they didn’t know you were trying to feed 8 fully grown children. 
Your last stop was the ice cream section, another easy set of decisions as you place Hongjoong’s rainbow sherbet in first followed by a small tub of mint ice cream for San and some other flavours for the rest. You smile to yourself seeing the selection you had in front of you knowing how happy they’d be when they see all of this. After paying for everything and getting back to your car you made your way to the studio.
“Hi~” You sing as you pop your head around the door to the busy lounge area where everyone was. Upon hearing your voice the boys turn their heads towards you, beaming when they realise it’s you. Smiling you step through the door, bags in hand as Mingi and Wooyoung come rushing up to you, engulfing you in a double bear hug before their eyes wander to the bags in your hands. 
“What’s that?” Mingi asks tilting his head pointing at the bags. 
“I brought you guys some snacks, I couldn’t turn up empty handed now could I?” Wooyoung’s eyes widened so much you thought they’d fall out of his head. 
“Snacks!?” He screeches taking the bags from you and running off to the table closely followed by and equally excited Mingi. 
“Thank you y/n, thank you, thank you, thank you!” Wooyoung yells over to you only half paying attention to you as his hands dig through the bag. 
“You’re welcome, it’s the least I could do.” You giggle watching the chaos unfold as the rest of the boys swarm around the bag, well all except Hongjoong who was now making his way over to you. 
“I thought you had work today.” Hongjoong says wrapping an arm around your waist and kissing your temple. 
“I decided to surprise you, I called in sick so I could come here.” 
“Baby, you shouldn’t have called in sick just to see us.” Hongjoong lightly scolded you, not that you could take him seriously seeing as he was grinning from ear to ear just from seeing you. 
“Well I had to treat my favourite boys.” You smile before leaning closer to him. 
“But my number one favourite has another treat, but that’s for later.” You whisper with a smirk, not that the others were paying attention enough to hear you anyway. Hongjoong turned his head to look at you with an eyebrow raised in curiosity. 
“Is that so?” You smile and nod refusing to give him anymore hints. 
Your conversation is cut short by a small scream of excitement that pulled both your attentions back to the group to see a beaming San running over to you with a small tub in hand. 
“Thank you y/n, it’s my favourite!” He squeals before wrapping his arms around you, squeezing you so hard you almost couldn’t breathe. 
“It’s okay, I remembered you saying it was your favourite so I had to pick it up.” You reply in a strangled tone before San decided to let go. 
“You bought him toothpaste ice cream didn’t you?” Hongjoong chuckles rolling his eyes. 
“What did you say?” San gasps looking at his elder. 
“Ice cream is meant to be nice, why would you want to eat the one that tastes like toothpaste?” The look on San’s face was as if Hongjoong had just insulted his whole family to his face. 
“Y/n, tell your boyfriend to get some taste.” San pouts poking his tongue out before walking off to find a spoon.
You and Hongjoong decide to join the rest of the group after you practically nudged him to go get his ice cream at least before it melted or someone else stole it. You’re roped into a debate that had broken out between Yunho and Mingi over a video game the two had been playing the night before. Both boys explaining their stats and weapons to you in hopes of you’d agree one of them had the better character selection. 
“Hmmm I don’t know much about this game but going off what you’ve told me...I’m sorry Mingi but I’m gonna have to side with Yunho on this.” You giggle watching as Yunho lifts his arms in triumph while Mingi lets out cries of betrayal. You were too busy laughing at the pair to realise where your hand was as you attempted to blindly reach for Hongjoong’s water, that was until you felt a light cold slap to the back of your hand making you look down at the point of contact, your eyes meeting a glaring San. 
“No.” He pouts after slapping your hand with his spoon, covering his ice cream which your hand was hovering over. 
“Sorry San I was after Joong’s bottle.” You chuckle watching as his eyes narrow with suspicion, spoon sticking out from his mouth as he guards his tub with both hands. 
After a while you turn to Hongjoong, nudging him a little to get his attention. 
“I’m gonna step out for a sec, I won’t be long.” He nods at you with a smile watching as you walk out through the door. You took this time to wander the venue as much as you were allowed to. By the looks of things the boys weren’t getting ready for make up and wardrobe any time soon, so if everything played out in your favour you’d have a chance to give Hongjoong his other treat sooner than you originally planned. Ideas were swirling in your head, thinking of where of all places in the whole venue would you get a chance to have a little privacy. The thought of the janitors closet went through your mind, but it wasn’t exactly classy and in all honesty, a little cramped. Being so lost in your thoughts you almost walked passed the dressing room. The metal doorplate shinning catching your eye, making the light bulb idea light up. 
A small grin on your face you tried the doorknob, happy to see it wasn’t locked. Opening the door just a crack, you peep your head around to see if anyone was in there. No one. With a quick glance behind you, you scurry into the empty room, quietly closing the door and locking it behind you. Time was against you, if you wanted to give Hongjoong his ‘Treat’ then you needed to be fast. Stripping down the fastest you could, you threw your clothes to the corner of the room, not really caring what state they’ll be in when you pick them up again. 
You fish out your phone from the pocket of your discarded jeans to quickly text Hongjoong. 
[5:15 pm] Y/n: Joong can you come here for a sec?
[5:16 pm] Hongjoong: Where are you? Is everything okay?
[5:16 pm] Y/n: I’m in the dressing room just come here quickly.
You didn’t get a reply from him after that so you could only assume he was on his way, and quite frankly you needed him to hurry, you were getting a little cold standing in just your lingerie. 
The light jiggle of the doorknob made you jump. 
“Y/n, it’s me, why’s the door locked?” You heard Hongjoong quietly say through the door. You sigh in relief the last thing you wanted to do was open the door dressed the way you were only for it to be someone other than Hongjoong. You unlock the door and open it just wide enough for you to grab him by the wrist and pull him inside. Hongjoong didn’t even get a second to think before he was tugged into the room and pinned between you and the door.  
“Y/n, what are you...Oh.” He smirks with a raised eyebrow the moment he realised what was happening. 
“Like what you see?” You ask, a small tease to your voice as you bring your face up, ghosting your lips over his. 
“I do, and it’s my favourite set, what’s the occasion?” 
“No occasion, just wanted to treat my favourite person after all the hard work he’s done.” You whisper before closing the small gap between you. Once the gap is closed between you, your lips mold together like they were made for each other. Hongjoong is clearly excited with the way he pulls you close against his body, warming you up in the cold room as your hands find their way to his shoulders, holding onto them tight as him arms snake and wrap tight around your waist. Breaking away from the kiss, you smirk at him and he looks at you like you're the most perfect person ever with a smirk curling on his lips and lustful eyes piercing through your body.
"You want your surprise now?" You whisper seductively, bottom lip getting caught between your teeth as he nods, cocking an eyebrow up at you as he watches you peel your body off of his, lowering down onto your knees and a groan falls from his lips, liking where this was going. Keeping eye contact with him you unbuckle his belt painfully slow, making sure to take your sweet time with him, getting him as worked up as you could in the time you had. A small sigh leaves him as the zipper of his jeans is pulled down, easing some of the pressure against his confined cock. You smirk when you glance at how hard he already is despite you doing hardly anything, running your finger over his clothed cock you hear a small gasp from him which causes you to look up at him again. 
“Such a fucking tease.” He pants lightly, a small smile on his face as he tries to keep his composure. 
“Ah, with a mouth like that it’s almost like you don’t want your surprise.” You joke, slowly attempting to get up. 
“No, no, wait please, I’m sorry, please.” That’s what you wanted to hear, his small begs and to see the way his eyes widened with need. With a light hum and a shit eating grin you went back to what you were doing. 
Settling back on your heels, your fingers hooked themselves into the waistband of his jeans and boxers, pulling them both down just enough to free him for you. You needed to keep your dominant mindset but seeing him in front of you like this already had you drooling for him and going straight in for it would take away all the fun of teasing. You ghost your finger along the vein of his shaft, smiling every time you hear his breathing hitch from the contact. 
“Please, stop teasing me.” You hear Hongjoong whine which makes you stop all together. 
“Complaining isn’t going to get you anywhere baby.” You tease looking up at him with doe eyes before you run your tongue along the same vein, slowly working your way up and giving his tip a quick little flick with the tip of your tongue earning a hiss from him. 
Wrapping your lips around just the tip you continue to toy with your boyfriend, alternating between light sucks and tiny kitten licks. Hongjoong loses himself in the feeling of you around him, his hands making their way to your hair to help push you further down, but you knew his plan. You held his cock only in your mouth, freeing your hands to grab his from your hair and pinning them to the door either side of his legs to allow you to continue at your pace. 
Working hands free, you gradually sank lower onto his cock. Slowly sinking down further little by little and bringing yourself back up at the same slow speed until you come back to his tip to tease a little more before sinking back down. While Hongjoong’s groans were first out of pure pleasure they were now turning slightly frustrated, he wanted to do nothing more right now that to grab fist fulls of your hair and fuck your face the way he needed to. Hongjoong tried to hold on, hoping you’d pick up any moment now but you showed no signs of giving him what he needed.
With a low growl of frustration, Hongjoong rips a hand free from your grasp, clutching a fist full of your hair to bring you to your feet. 
“What’s wrong baby?” You ask feigning innocence, wiping the small bit of drool from your lip with your thumb. 
“I asked you to stop teasing me...now we’re doing this my way.” Before you could argue back his lips were on yours, his tongue slipping into your mouth asserting it’s dominance just like he was about to do to the rest of you. 
Keeping you held close with his hand in your hair, Hongjoong walks you back towards one of the desks, only breaking the kiss for a split second to lift you onto it. He wasn’t wasting time anymore, you’d had your fun teasing him now it was time for him to finally get what he wants. Your panties were pulled from you, any rougher they would have ripped and in that same moment Hongjoong had lined himself with your core and pushed into you completely, taking your breath away. Hongjoong was too far gone to allow you time to adjust before he started rutting into you, the legs of the desk scrapping against the floor with each thrust. Considering you were both in a public space neither of you could give to fucks as to how loud the whole ordeal was getting, all it took was for someone to walk past and they’d hear exactly how hard Hongjoong was ramming into you and borderline screams of pleasure. 
You were gripping anywhere you could reach just to keep some sort of stability and keep from toppling over after each thrust. Safe to say this wasn’t part of your intended plan, you only planned as far as to surprise him with the lingerie and give him a blow job but you certainly were not complaining with how everything changed. The frustration was still in his eyes as they burned into you, the grip his hand had on your hair grew tighter and his hand that was now holding you by the waist was clutching you so hard it was going to bruise you, all of this paired with abuse your core was getting had you seeing stars. Your mouth hung open, screams and moans no longer able to escape now that he’d found your sweet spot and refused to leave it, the only sound to be heard in the dressing room now was the constant movement of the desk paired with the wet skin on skin slaps as Hongjoong keeps his pace.
You could feel the knot tightening in your stomach as your sweet spot gets repeatedly abused, you didn’t want any of it to stop, you wanted to fall off your edge and hit ecstasy. You let your head fall forward with your eyes closed, waiting for the knot to snap and to let your high take over, but just as it was about to...nothing...emptiness. Your eyes fly open and your head comes up to look at Hongjoong. 
“Up.” He commands grabbing your hips and pulling you off the desk only to spin you around and pin your front down onto the desk, your cheek pressed against the wood and held in place with Hongjoong’s hand while his other lines himself with you once again. A loud moan rips through you once he plunges himself into you again, this new angle made him hit your sweet spot even better than before, your legs were trembling already and you knew you weren’t going to last long like this. The light pressure on your head was released when Hongjoong repositioned himself, gripping either side of your hips pulling you into him to meet his thrusts. You were both moaning and groaning messes, minds too clouded over with lust to form coherent words, both with the one goal in mind. 
You could feel your high approaching again but at a much more rapid pace, your legs were starting to give out from all the trembling and you found yourself clutching to the desk for dear life in an attempt to keep yourself standing. 
“Ah...Fuck.” Hongjoong gasps as he feels your walls clench around him. 
“Close for me baby?” All you could do was moan back to him as he thrusts harder and faster into you until you finally reach your edge. Your orgasm hit you hard, your mind gone to mush and your legs turning to complete jelly, buckling under you making Hongjoong hold you up with one arm. 
His thrusts were starting to grow sloppy, your walls constantly fluttering around him as you rode out your high had his own orgasm coming in fast. You used what little strength you had in you to take a little control one last time. Pulling away from him so he slips out of you and quickly dropping to your knees taking him in your mouth. Your tongue swirled around him as you bobbed your head along his length, moaning at how you could taste yourself on his cock sending the vibrations through him.
You let him grab fist fulls of your hair again and allowed him to fuck your face in the same rough manner he was to your core seconds earlier. He was close, you could tell by the way his cock started to twitch, his thrusts becoming slower but rougher needing just that little bit more to send him over the edge. He thrust hard into your mouth making you choke slightly and that was it for him, the way your throat constricted around him was his breaking point. He delivered shallow thrusts into your mouth riding out his high, filling your mouth with his cum as he pants heavily. You swallow what you were able to before you pulled away from him, dragging your lips over him to make sure you’d cleaned him off the best you could. When your lips reached his tip he hiss from the sensitivity and looked down to watch you swallow what was left in your mouth as you look back up at him. 
“You’re so fucking hot you know that?” He chuckles through a pant before helping you back to your feet. 
“So how’d you like your surprise?” You smile at him. He wraps an arm around your waist pulling you in for a sweet kiss. 
“Best surprise at work I could ask for.” You both giggle a little, holding each other close for a moment longer. 
“Come on, we better get you back before the others realise you’ve been gone so long.” You suggest, walking away from him to collect your clothes, leaving him to sort himself out.
The two of you walk back into the lounge to join the rest of the group, luckily for you it seemed none of them noticed you walk in, well no one except Seonghwa but you felt he was nothing to worry about. With a grin on each of your faces you go back to messing around and joking like how you were earlier, you gave Hongjoong a quick peck before going off to talk to Yeosang and Jongho leaving Hongjoong to do what he wanted. He watched you walk off, only taking his attention from you when he felt a small tap on his shoulder. Turning around he was met with Seonghwa who looked at him with a raised brow. 
“What’s up?” 
“That grin of yours is a little suspicious.” Seonghwa says with a knowing look, he knew what the two of you were off doing, he wasn’t an idiot, but he was curious as to whether or not Hongjoong would admit it. 
“Well y/n, gave me a nice surprise so I’m in a happy mood, hence the grin.” Seonghwa didn’t say anything for a moment, just stood looking at Hongjoong with wide eyes from how quick he was to at least hint to it. 
“And that surprise couldn’t have waited until you both got home?” Hongjoong chuckled at the elder absolutely loving his reaction. 
“Hey man, it’s not my fault you don’t get any action, if it were you, you wouldn’t wait until you got home either.” He laughs patting Seonghwa on the shoulder before walking off to grab a drink.
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Tag list:   @kpopcrossworlds @kpopjust4u  @whatudowhennooneseesyou​  @8tinytings​  @jenotation​ @grim-adventures58​  @owjohny​  @ker1​  @hellomingi  @tinkerbell460​  @haylstoney
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Any good games for a birthday party? ie. on the shorter side, ideally collaborative/GMless, low set up time, no prep, easy to teach. Very open on themes but urban fantasy would be a plus.
I get this is a tall order so I totally understand if there aren't many options.
Appreciate what you do!
THEME: Party Games
Hello friend, thank you very much! There’s quite a few GM-less games out there but I agree that’s important to be cognizant of the birthday party setting in order to make sure a game in which everyone understands what they’ve got going on. I hope you find these recommendations useful!
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Please Report to Customer Service, by KitRole.
You are a Kid.
You have been separated from your Adult at the Store.
This is widely regarded as a Bad Thing. “Please Report to Customer Service…” is a rules-light, GM agnostic TTRPG, written  over 12 hours for the Lost Caravan Game Jam 2023. It has not been tested, needs no prep, and requires at most 2d6 to play. Gather your friends to play as a gaggle of siblings, or play solo. Either way, the goal is the same:
Find your Grown Up, or cause chaos trying.
This is a cute, lighthearted game that has great potential for silliness. You can choose whether you run this game with or without a GM: a GM would be responsible for setting the scene and coming up with encounters, but players can also collaboratively create problems for each-other. There's no inherent fantasy rules but it's easy enough to create fantastical or magical traits for your kids. Perhaps you're three elf children and a faun, or perhaps you're all secretly cryptid kiddos! If you want something that allows you to play silly little folks with low stakes, this game might be worth checking out. 
Hallow Unseen, by marymcharg
Spooky season has finally arrived, and your group of friends have all been invited to the biggest Halloween party in town. But while most invitees will be shopping for costumes, you won’t have to… 
Tonight is the one night of the year where creatures of myth, beasts of legend, and monsters of nightmare can live among humans without fear- and what better way to spend it than getting drunk at a stranger’s house, making a fool of some arrogant humans, and maybe learning a bit about yourself too?
Hallow Unseenis a Halloween-themed coming-of-age TTRPG, filled to the brim with cryptids and teen drama. This is a diceless system- all you need to play is a deck of cards!
The game is short and the character sheets are simple, which makes this game easy to learn. It makes use of tried-and-true tropes, which means that the premise of the game should be pretty understandable for new folks. It does require a GM however, so it’s probably something that one person should agree to pick up ahead of time. Check it out if you want to let everyone embrace their inner teenager, and all the messiness that brings.
Fey Critter Tea Party, by anniedisaster.
Gather your friends (2 or more) and journey through the Magic Wilderness gathering ingredients for some wonderful baked goods just in time for tea! This game is GM-less and only requires a simple D4 to play! 
It comes with 4 adventures, each with 4 sessions of play. Each session can take as little as a half hour-45 minutes to a few hours depending on how involved and how into the story building everyone is! 
There is no set DM, instead, everyone takes their turn building up parts of the story and role-playing as an NPC or an enemy, etc. The setting and the adventure outlines are simple and easy for both kids and adults to play. 
This game is cozy, cute, and with a theme of gathering ingredients for baked goods, I imagine it would pair well with some birthday cake to eat after you finish play! The game comes with 4 pre-written adventures, so to reduce prep you can simply pick one of those and follow along. 
Unlikely Ambassadors, by Luciano Correa.
The rumors circulating in the main hall are confirmed by the desperate cry of a mansion servant. The ambassador of Vol Redinjia, the country on the brink of an unprecedented revolution, has disappeared from the face of the earth, upsetting the distinguished partygoers. Nothing foreshadowed that an event like this, which would bring together important figures from the four main nations of the oldest continent, each with more conflicts than the previous one, would end so disastrously. By chance, fortune, or disgrace, nobody in this party is more qualified than you to solve the case. It is your duty to investigate every corner of the Duke of Nekronia’s mansion.
Unlikely Investigators is a GM-less roleplaying game of mystery and intrigue. Collaborate with your fellow investigators to solve the mystery of the disappearance of the ambassador; search for clues around the mansion, talk to the peculiar and distinguished party guests, and come up with a theory that explains the weird happenings around the case. The game comes in a trifold pamphlet format, ready to print and play.
Murder mysteries are classic party-pleasers. This game combines the the feel of Clue with the mystery-solving mechanics of Brindlewood Bay, which means that all of the players will get to solve the mystery together. This pamphlet comes with eight characters for your investigators to interrogate, and inspiration tables for clues and complications. There’s no demand that fantasy be present in the game, but there’s room to make things magical, eerie, and/or horrific. I think this game is very smartly put together, and I recommend you check it out!
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starsscarmyceiling · 1 year
We’re more ghosts than people sounds interesting af 👀
Okay AH again sorry this is a couple days late, but my work has been CRAZED, but I still wanted to get to this!!! Thanks for asking girl 🥰
AGAIN, if you have seen this prompt post that I wrote out, this was another one that had origins in what I wrote out in the AU section...
"Sorry I am on some Red Dead Redemption shit but I simply cannot help myself but to shove all of my favorite things together alright. Cal is apart of some kind of roaming squad (IF you chose a band of outlaws I wouldn’t be opposed), and they are in this one town for a bit. He starts to go to a general store where a Russian aunt and niece run it, and a lot of people just assume Merrin doesn’t even speak any English and dismiss her a lot of the time. But maybe he’s seen her at one of the saloons or tending to one of her horses and thinks that there’s more to her than what she is presenting to the world (and lol she is prettyyyy 😍) He goes into the store with Greez one day, and he ends up asking Merrin something, and Greez is like lol why do you bother she isn’t going to answer you. Cal is like pssssh this girl is trolling all of you I just know it. Merrin looks at him like he’s grown a second head, and then Asajj comes out and starts to put on the charm and Merrin just yeets right out of there. Perhaps Cal was wrong. Maybe she didn’t understand him, but that doesn’t mean that he wouldn’t want to get to know her. So he just continues to go to the store anyway and keeps talking to her all the time (We all know the boy can ramble let’s go). Maybe he even runs into her at other parts of town, or even on the outskirts where she’s taken her horse out, and he happens upon her while he’s on his. She does some target practice with a pistol and he’s impressed. He wished he at least knew her name. There’s a Russian woman in their group, and Cal asks her about a few Russian phrases, to which she complies, but then asks why. Cal is all SUPER red and is just like LOL NO REASON K THX BYEEEE! Cal goes into the shop, tries out a phrase or two, attempts a hello and asks her how she is doing. He feels like he is making a fool of himself, but then he swears out of the corner of his eye he sees her smirk. He asks her name in Russian, and she sighs…so Cal assumes he’s asked her wrong he clearly couldn’t remember it right and looks at the ground. “Merrin,” she says. His heart races. Asajj comes out and interrupts them OF COURSE. The gang wants to move on soon, but Cal isn’t ready to let go. It seems silly because practically every interaction they’ve had have been one sided conversations, but he still goes to the store nonetheless and tells her they are going to be leaving. She looks at him poignantly, and he still just doesn’t know if she’s pretending or really doesn’t understand. He dips his cowboy hat to her and tells her it was nice meetin’ ya milady dasvidaniya. Merrin shouldn’t be disappointed in the American man who came into her shop all the time to annoy her, really it doesn’t matter. How could it? He was really just a nuisance more than anything else, that Calvin ‘Cal’ Kestis. But, he was truly the only person that she could recall in what feels like a lifetime that looked her in her eyes, talked to her like a person, even if it was at annoying constancy. And GD he even learned some Russian just for her…but she tries to just forget about that handsome, redheaded cowboy all the same. Merrin is tasked to travel to a few towns over to pick up a delivery for the store, and after the long journey wherein she is going to have to spend the night anyway, so she decides to go to one of the saloons. She rolls her eyes as she sips at her whiskey because more than one man has approached her and thought she was a hooker. A brawl breaks out and she rolls her eyes harder. Stupid men. All of them were just children.
But then this man comes in the middle of it and tries to break it up. His voice sounds familiar, but she thinks he’s hearing things. She tries to tune it out, but notices he gets punched anyway, and his hat flies off. Yeah, no there was no denying that red hair. She wants to leave, but she can’t; she’s stuck on her stool. Once the fight finally ceases, Cal is with that small man he came into the store with sometimes as he retrieves his hat. He talks with the short man, and she thinks he’s going to leave, and he is just going to be lost to her again, but then he seems to stay for another drink, probably wanting to nurse that black eye he’s no doubt going to get. He sits at one of the stools and downs a drink. Oh lordt should she go up to him now? After everything she’s lost, it seemed ridiculous to do such a thing, but she finds her feet moving of her own volition. Oh GOD what is she even going to say. “That is quite the punch you took,” she says, sitting down next to him, “I probably have something in my supplies that could help with that.” Cal whips his head to her and quickly voices her name, which she was certain he was going to forget. And he seemed most certainly shocked that yes she does indeed know English and has this whole time. There’s smiles all around as he offers to buy her a drink and she accepts. But she also has to make fun of how terrible his Russian was."
So then there was this one fine morning on the Merrical server where @myfaenwy posted this photo shoot of Cam that was so very rude of him, actually...I mean...look at this slut wtf
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(affectionate, obviously haha we love him)
I then liked begged @myfaenwy to write the prompt that I wrote out, but then...I just posed the idea of writing with her (something neither of us have done), and much to my delight...she was down.
Unfortunately, we've both been pretty busy with other WIPs, so we have not actually started writing, but we've been talking about this like since before JS! We are wanting to follow a lot of my prompt. And since both of us are also big fans of Red Dead Redemption 2, it will also be pretty RDR coded (which is the inspiration behind the title)...
We've had a drunken brainstorming session LOL that also involved:
Greez running a saloon, obvs. Cere is the bitch who runs everything as the wealthy widow. Aunt and niece duo Ventress and Merrin as Russian immigrants that run the general store in town, also obvs. Cal's gotta horse named Beauregarde Deaugustine the First, and I mean...look at fucking Koboh...it's all right there!!!
Basically, this fic is just kind of begging to be written! We are soooo very excited to start writing it and be able to show it to y'all!!!
Y'all think Merrin will want to save a horse, ride a cowboy?😏🤠
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sillysimplysilky · 13 hours
Whyyyy hello person I totally don’t know! Anyway Merhaps can I request a Sun and Moon fic with a nonbinary reader in fanfic form. Hehehe I would like it to be a sick fic, the reader is sick and the two (in the same body) come, uninvited, to help us :] hehehe I think it would be so cute!! Thank you silly
Sun/Moon X NB!Reader 
Third Person 
Summary: The reader is sick, and the daycare attendants decided to pay them a visit to care for. 
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(Y/n) had been fine the whole week, but unfortunately, they were hit with a random sickness that day. 
Opening their eyes slowly, they yawned and rubbed their tired eyes. 
Sitting up from the bed, (Y/n) let out a dry cough, and groaned. Out of all the days, they had to be sick. 
Feeling their forehead, it was quite hot. But they brushed it off, assuming it was just a cold, they uncovered themself from the blanket and got up, and stretched their arms. 
Grabbing their phone, (Y/n) walked out of their room, and headed for the kitchen. 
As soon as they entered the kitchen, they opened the fridge to get a water bottle out, and opened it, drinking from it. 
Pulling the bottle away quickly, they began having a coughing fit. Holding onto the counter, they coughed into their shirt. 
“Fuck…” They breathed out, before closing the bottle and setting it on the counter. Wiping their mouth, they walked over to a cabinet and opened it. There was a bunch of medicine in the cabinet. 
Grabbing one of the tiny bottles, they read the label, seeing as it was for cough medicine. 
They opened the bottle and shook one of the little pills out, and popped it in their mouth. They put the bottle back, before grabbing their water bottle and downing some of the drink. 
Leaving the kitchen, they looked at the clock, which read 2 pm, (Y/n) groaned. They almost slept the whole day? 
Walking back to their room, they decided to sleep it off, hoping that it’d be better by the time that they woke up. 
The daycare was filled with small children, as the daycare attendant, Sun, struggled a little bit with keeping eyes on each of the kids that were there. It was just him as the only caretaker in the whole area. 
(Y/n) was supposed to be there working today. And they were nowhere to be found. Sun had grown worried at this, they’ve never missed a day before, at least not for a while. 
Looking at the clock, it was close to closing time in the mall. 
He sighed, and saw there were soon no more children left in the daycare. So he started tidying up the place for the time being until midnight. 
“I wonder why they didn’t show up today?” Sun asked, out loud. He heard a sigh in his mind, and Moon started to talk to him, ‘They probably had something important today, like an appointment.’ 
As he set a block down, he looked up, “But no calls?” Though, the other just stayed silent. 
It made sense at first, but felt rather off for him soon after. Normally (Y/n) would’ve called ahead of time instead of being sudden and not show up at all without a trace. 
Pacing around the now empty daycare, Sun kept thinking. Though, Moon had a feeling that Sun was planning something. 
Letting out a sneeze, (Y/n) put the tissue down on the nightstand, and groaned. It turned out to be a very bad cold, they were feeling weaker throughout the day. 
So they laid in bed, just hoping that they could get better quickly, because their throat could not take anymore sneezing and coughing. 
Looking at the clock, it was barely 12 am. 
They huffed, as they realized that they’d have to explain to Sun when they finally get better and get back to the pizza plex. 
At such an odd hour however, there was tapping at their window. 
Turning on their lamp, they begrudgingly got up, and slowly walked over to the window, and looked out. 
Jolting back, (Y/n) saw the face of Sun, with a flashlight pointed at him. 
Quickly unlocking the window, they stepped back, “Sun, what are you doing here?” 
Questioning the animatronic, they had to quickly step back as the daycare attendant had stepped inside of their bedroom, with no permission whatsoever. 
Crawling inside through the window, Sun closed it back, before turning around and stretching. “Now, why is your window so close to the ground?” 
Looking in disbelief, (Y/n) deadpanned and mumbled under their breath, “Maybe cause you’re so tall…” 
“What was that?” Sun questioned, looking around, before towering over the tiny employee that did not look…okay. 
“Ah- er- nothing! Nothing. Hold on, what are you even doing here?” They asked, before sitting on their bed as they sighed in exhaustion. 
Sun had a puzzled look, before shaking his head. “Well, you didn’t show up for work today! And I uh…I got worried…” He looked down at his hands, as he fidgeted with the bells on his wrists. Faint sounds of clinking came from inside. 
“So- you leave the Mega Pizza Plex to come and check on me?” 
“It seemed like a good idea at the moment.” 
(Y/n) looked up at him, “What if someone notices you’re gone?” 
“I’ll be back before they notice! Besides, no one really goes into the daycare at night, so we’ll be fine.” 
Looking around the room, they sighed. “Does Moon know you’re here?” 
That shut the poor guy up. 
Messing with his pants, his eyes wandered around the room, keeping away from eye contact. 
“Sun. Does Moon know you’re here?” 
“Well- technically- no…” 
Groaning, (Y/n) stood up, before they could get a word out, they started coughing, and fell back onto their bed. 
“Sunshine! Are you sick?” Sun asked quickly, leaning down to their level. Concern was seeping onto his face as he stared at them. 
He felt their forehead, and his sensors went off. Sun had seen that they had a fever. And it was really bad. 
“You…you’re burning up!” Sun exclaimed, pulling his hand back. Standing up, he took another look around the room, before sighing. “Have you taken any medicine?” 
(Y/n) looked up at him, “Like-…8 hours ago? Still haven’t gotten better, or feel better…” 
“Well, guess I’m going to be here for the next few hours!” 
Snapping their head up, they had a look of confusion, “Don’t you have to be at the daycare soon? What if they notice you’re gone?” 
“It’ll be okay! Nobody really ever checks the daycare on Sundays!” He said, before walking over to the bedroom door. 
“Now, you stay right there in bed, and I’ll get you some food! Can't have you be hungry!” 
They watched as the animatronic left their room. Sighing to themself, they got in bed and just stared at the ceiling. 
Skipping into the kitchen, Sun looked around, seeing it as a little bit of a mess, but he didn’t mind. Thought he would be cleaning up later, with permission of course! 
Since he didn’t know where everything was, he decided to look through some of the storage in the kitchen. 
Looking through the cabinets, and their fridge, he had found just about enough ingredients to make them some good old chicken noodle soup. One of the best soups for when someone is sick. 
He cracked his knuckles (even though there was no need) and got to work. 
“Well, I’m sure this can’t be difficult…” Sun's rays whirled a bit, “Hopefully…” 
As the daycare attendant went around the kitchen, making sure he paid attention to the soup. 
He looked through the fridge again, and found some oranges, and peeled some for (Y/n), and laid them on a napkin for the side. 
Since Sun didn’t have really have any tastebuds, he wasn’t entirely sure if the soup tasted good or not, so he had to just hope for the best as he continued to cook. 
The animatronic obviously didn’t cook much, but he did try his hardest. He had basic codes of knowledge for cooking, but it was all pretty new to him at the moment. 
Though through the whole process of cooking, he had completely forgotten about Moon. 
‘And what are we doing here?’ 
And it was at that moment in the kitchen, that Sun knew he was fucked. 
“Uhh, just- um…cooking?” ‘And at who’s place? This doesn’t look like the daycare, Sun.’ Moon sighed in the back of their head, knowing exactly where Sun had taken them to. This wasn’t exactly the first time they’ve been to this place before. 
Sun began stuttering, trying to piece and word together a hopeful and somewhat barely good excuse of what they were doing there. “Well, we’re helping a friend! Yeah!” 
‘You’re cooking for (Y/n), hmm?’
Letting out a groan, the sun knew that he had been caught. “Well, they’re sick! I had to help them!” 
He got a little concerned when the other had stayed quiet after, before he spoke. 
‘Fine, but let me see them at least once before we go.’ 
Sun perked up as he had a smile on his face, “Alright! Works for me!” 
And with that, the daycare attendant got back to work. 
Thankfully Sun didn’t end up burning down the kitchen, and successfully made (Y/n) chicken noodle soup to get better. He found a tray in one of the cabinets in the kitchen, and placed the bowl onto it, medicine on the side to help with any headaches or stomach pain, and a glass of water. 
Carefully picking up the tray with his hands, he walked out of the kitchen and had headed straight to their bedroom. 
Sun had nudged the door open with his foot, closing it after as he walked over into the room and put the tray on the nightstand. 
“Now, I made you some soup!~...Er, you can eat chicken noodle, right?” He asked, his tone nervous as he had forgotten to ask them beforehand. He was so preoccupied with taking care of you, he forgot to ask you if he was able to do anything before walking out of your room. 
“Uh- yeah. I can.” As you answered, Sun let out a breath of relief that he didn’t know that he was holding. 
“I really hope you like it! I tried my best on it!” He said, as he watched them pick up the bowl. 
Going to take a bite, (Y/n) sneezed, and spilt some of the liquid onto their shirt. Hissing in discomfort, they brought the bowl away from them. 
Sun quickly took the bowl away. “Sunshine! Are you okay? Are you hurt?” 
Looking up at him, they quickly shook their head as they let him take the bowl away. “It’s just hot. Don’t worry, I’m okay.” 
“Well, if it’s too hot, I’ll just feed you it!” He said, before picking up the spoon. “Sun- you don’t have to do that-” 
“Nonsense! It’ll be easier for you.” Sun brought the spoon up to their face. 
Sighing, (Y/n) blew on the spoon, before they opened their mouth, allowing Sun to feed them the soup. 
The next few minutes consisted Sun helping (Y/n) eat the soup, since it was hot, it took a little bit for the soup to fully cool down. 
They had to admit, the soup was really good, for the daycare attendants first time ever cooking. 
“I have to admit. The soup was really good.” They told him, and Sun smiled as he heard that. “Why thank you!”
They sat in a little silence for a bit. 
“Uh, did Moon find out you’re here?” Looking back at the human, Sun nervously smiled. “He did, he wasn’t entirely mad, but he wants to check in on you, is that fine?” 
Looking at the clock, it read 2:30 am. “Yeah, it’s fine.” 
Sun got up and walked over to the lightswitch, and switched it off.
(Y/n) watched as Moon had taken over. 
Turning around, he walked over to the bed. “How’re you feeling?” “Better now, the soup helped.” They crossed their arms as they sat in bed. “I guess you weren’t expecting him to show up?” 
Moon shook his head. “Nope, kind of, but I didn’t think he’d actually do it.” 
“Well, that’s Sun for you.” The two of them laughed, as they continued talking to each other in the bedroom. 
“Man, can’t believe out of all the days, I actually got sick.” (Y/n) said, as they looked up at the ceiling. 
“You don’t get sick often?” Moon asked them, tilting his head. “Eh, not really, my immune system is like- good enough that I don’t get sick a lot.” 
“That’s good, still sucks that you ended up getting sick.” 
“Eh, it’s no big deal really.” 
He hummed as he was sitting on the bed, before turning to them, “How long do you usually get sick for?” 
“Like, it depends. Sometimes like a day, or a couple of days. Getting sick is kind of weird not gonna lie.” They admitted, not fully understanding how long it was being sick. 
“It’s strange to think about…” Moon admitted, “How fragile the human body really is.” 
(Y/n) looked over at the animatronic, “I think about that to.” 
“Is it worth it?” He asked, lookig at them. “Worth what?” “Y’know, being alive? It sounds interesting.” 
(Y/n) turned their gaze to another part of their room. “Well, sometimes it sucks. But then you get reminded the nice parts about it from time to time. So I guess, it’s worth it.” 
“Huh, never thought about it like that.” 
“So, how is it being an animatronic?” 
He looked over, before laughing to himself. “It gets tired for a while. Seeing the same people you work with, while seeing new faces you might never get to see again. But sometimes the people you work with make up for it all.” 
Looking over to the window, they smiled. “Sounds amusing.” 
“I mean, I guess…” 
He looked at the alarm clock, seeing it was 5 am. Time sure does fly when you’re talking with your favorite co-worker. 
“Guess we should be heading out now. An hour left until opening. Even though I don’t get why we open on Sundays…You gonna be okay? We can sneak you back into the daycare.” Moon said, standing up as he looked down at them in a little concern. 
“Nah, I’ll be fine, just need some sleeping and I’ll be able to go back tomorrow.” 
“If you say so.” Walking over to the window, he opened it, before looking back. “Feel better.” Shooting a smile towards him, Moon smiled, before climbing out of the window, and closed it after. 
Laying back in bed, they stared up at the ceiling once again, and rubbed their eyes. 
Sleepiness was slowly creeping into their mind, as they yawned. (Y/n) had finally decided to go to bed, so they could catch up on rest and feel better when they wake up. 
Though, they quickly got up to lock the window, so they could sleep feeling more secure, before they got back into bed. 
Finding a comfortable position, they started drifting off into sleep. 
Thinking about the past hours, (Y/n) soon fell asleep with a smile on their face. 
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ofzahras · 9 months
if you’re hearing DREAMS by THE CRANBERRIES playing, you have to know ZAHRA HAMED (SHE/HER; CIS WOMAN) is near by! the 33 year old POSTDOC RESEARCHER has been in denver for, like, A MONTH. they’re known to be quite RESTLESS, but being INQUISITIVE seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble AIYSHA HART. personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those WORN OUT DOCS, COLD HANDS AND FEET, HALF-SMOKED CIGARETTES AND FORGOTTEN CUPS OF COFFEE  vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around the DOWNTOWN DISTRICT long enough!
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hello everyone! i am riina from the gmt+2 timezone and i will be joining you with zahra, my chaos academic who's currently going through bit of a hard time.
here's zahra's pinterest for the vibes.
FULL NAME: zahra hamed DATE OF BIRTH: may 11, 1990 GENDER & PRONOUNS: cis woman, she/her
ORIENTATION: bisexual OCCUPATION: postdoctoral researcher PLACE OF BIRTH: wilmette, illinois. childhood spent in minneapolis, minnesota FAMILY: mother, father, two cousins raised as siblings
HEIGHT: 5′10′’ HAIR COLOUR: dark brown EYE COLOUR: dark brown
trigger warnings: mentions of religion, infertility, emotional distress, and smoking.
she was born into a mixed culture and interfaith family. her mother's episcopalian, of mixed white european heritage, and her muslim father is originally from saudi arabia. she grew up speaking arabic with her father, and was brought up in his faith. that being said, her mother's religion was still very much respected and celebrated in the household.
while zahra would consider minneapolis her hometown, she was actually born in the rather tiny town of wilmette, illinois. her parents both worked at the northwestern university in nearby evanston and wilmette was simply a convenient place for them to settle down. the family relocated to minnesota when zahra was five due to a family emergency. following said emergency, zahra’s two cousins moved in with them and were henceforth a part of the family. so, while technically an only child, she never identified as such. zahra and her cousins are incredibly close, often referring to each other as siblings.
despite her status as somewhat of a miracle child - her parents had already come to accept they wouldn’t be able to have children of their own due to a host of fertility issues - zahra grew up knowing a lot was expected of her. both of her parents had grown up with very little and had been able to use education as their way out of difficult home situations. she doesn’t resent her parents in the slightest, but sometimes wonders what her life would now look like if she been given just a bit more space and freedom to discover and make mistakes. still, she’s grateful for the drive her parents instilled in her as it has helped her to keep going even during times of distress. that being said, she has unfortunately picked up a host of rather unhealthy coping mechanisms for said stressful situations.
after graduating from high school at the top of her class, zahra packed her bags and moved to durham, north carolina, where she would go on to attend duke university, studying religion and philosophy. she later completed her phd in columbia university, writing her thesis about religious dialogue and pluralism.
while her life hasn’t always been easy or uncomplicated, it has been rather streamline. she has struggled and put in an enormous amount of hard work to get where she is now, but things have generally gone well for her. however, she has recently gone through something of a personal crisis and is really struggling to find her feet again. to put it simply, zahra has become wildly disillusioned with the academia and is suddenly really not sure she’s happy with her choices in life.
her postdoctoral research has now taken her to denver where she conducts research in and around the city. well, that’s what she’s supposed to be doing. however, she has run into a real slump and is struggling to get anything productive done. her self-esteem has taken a hit due to the resent developments, as her sense of self has been so deeply intertwined with her academic and professional success. she recently did a disappearing act, leaving her life in nyc behind, and is currently trying to get her shit together. trying being the operative word. she knows she doesn’t have the time to fuck around, but that’s kind of exactly what she’s doing.
will become visibly grumpy when asked about the state of her research project. that being said, she is procrastinating by researching other things, and has, amongst other things, taught herself french while trying to avoid all her responsibilities. she will soon start picking up and abandoning all sorts of fun pastimes in the hopes of distraction.
while she can be bit of a hermit - she spends most of her time alone, trying desperately to read and write, or avoiding said activities - zahra isn’t the sort of shy, serious person people might expect her to be. she can be incredibly talkative and opinionated, even downright bossy, and genuinely enjoys meeting new people. sometimes she just needs a friend to drag her outside.
she’s one of those people who can look intimidating unless she’s making a conscious effort to appear approachable. while evidently very intelligent and well-meaning for the most part, zahra sometimes struggles when it comes to socialising and pleasantries. still, she’s genuinely compassionate and caring with a strong sense of justice. she tends to pick up little volunteering gigs wherever she goes and is the first person to help a friend with whatever they might need. you simply must actually ask her as she doesn’t always understand subtle hints or suggestions.
zahra arrived to denver around two-ish months ago, so here are some super vague connection ideas for anyone interested!
the stress has led to a lot of sleepless nights, resulting in her becoming a real night owl. she can be spotted frequenting places that are open late, and can be found chain-smoking and scrolling endlessly on social media. she would've undoubtedly run into some folks with similar schedules and habits.
a local who has volunteered to show her around. also, any people with fun, interesting hobbies. after forming some sort of a connection, she would undoubtedly pester these individuals to teach her stuff. your girl needs to be distracted from the looming doom of her research project.
zahra enjoys noisy music. so, a person willing to accompany her for any and all punk gigs around the area. she's her happiest when it's so loud she can't hear her own thoughts.
a volunteering buddy. could be almost anything. 
look, she actually really, really loves people, and believes building and having a community is the single most important thing in life. just give her little friendships, she needs friends.
also, she actually does like to go on little dates, and is always keen to connect with people. so, you know, folks she's matched with on tinder and/or met through some sort of an activity.
anyone she might have met before relocating to denver. could've been in minneapolis, could've been in nyc.
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prideprejudce · 1 year
I know that you ship alicent/rhaenyra but do you also still ship daemon/rhaenyra too like before?
my feelings for the daemon and rhaenyra pairing are a bit iffy….like i still ship them in a way but they’ve kind of gone stale for me while my love for rhaenicent has just grown with time
honestly if i had to rank the rhaenyra pairings i like i would say rhaenyra/alicent >> rhaenyra/harwin >> rhaenyra/daemon or aka pretty much how i would rank how pure and genuine the love that the partner has for rhaenyra
alicent and rhaenyra are childhood friends/sweethearts and despite everything alicent still cares for and loves rhaenyra. heck, even on the brink of a civil war she is still trying to protect rhaenyra in her own limited way even though they are supposed to be enemies. i know this bond will get more strained as the series continues, but it’s been explicitly shown that one of the only people alicent ever felt truly happy around was rhaenyra. even above her own children who alicent is obligated to love by principle. rhaenyra is the only person that alicent ever felt truly at home with which is why their relationship will be such a tragedy in the wake of the dance
rhaenyra and harwin are self explanatory really - like harwin was rhaenyra’s partner for like ten years and gave up claiming their children as his own to protect rhaenyra’s reputation and still helped raise his boys and guard both them and their mother. i think out of all of rhaenyra’s relationships they were the most stable and would have been that couple that remained in love after being married for decades
and finally rhaenyra and daemon……i will say that the writers have shown that daemon truly loves and cares about rhaenyra. they are very similar people and are shown to be pretty compatible in their early marriage. but unfortunately, daemon is not built to be a stable knight in shining armor partner for rhaenyra, and i’m sure this is going to be shown more in the upcoming season. daemon is power hungry, irrational, and deceptive. and he is by far the most unstable character in that he is always going to put his wants/needs as a priority, often times over the ones he cares about…i think we got a hint of what is to come when rhaenyra was having her miscarriage and daemon was in the next room ignoring her screams for him to start his war plans. plus the ch*king scene was……not great foreshadowing for their relationship. overall i think rhaenyra is slowly going to become more disillusioned by him as she grows older and wiser and daemon is going to pull farther away from her when he realizes that she’s no longer the young and naive girl he could easily seduce and manipulate before. and if the writers go with the nettles storyline it will make that pretty apparent as well.
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catabibaz0n · 1 year
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GOT BUGS ON MY BRAIN- sort of, these guys are bug adjacent!
Do you remember how I was talking about the bug people and how they look and just YEET themselves out of there beautiful cities every now and then? Sometimes it’s because of these motherfuckers!!! Introducing to you the horrible nasty no good slug people. Now they’re not really horrible nasty… as long as you don’t take into account that their primary source of food, and their whole society is based off of infiltrating, hiding inside of, and eating bug people inside of their hives!!!
These little buggers are Apex predator slugs ready to throw down and eat you alive if you are a bug. They are a highly intelligent and adaptable, consummate infiltrators and mimics. Their favorite method of hunting is to seize a wandering individual from the hive, using their many limbs to hold down their prey, while they use their internal tendrils -which are equipped with sharp nasty pointy bits- to put down said victim! and cleaning out soft delicious yummy bits, and then wearing them as a disguise to enter a hive! Hiding amongst the soldiers and workers as a member of their society, while they slowly pick off more and more individuals, spending years hidden, feeding off one population.
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These guys usually work in very small groups; usually two individuals up to a maximum of five of the slugs will live in one hive sharing a hunting ground and sometimes working together depending on the situation. Slug on slug violence is extremely rare. Usually these people are very peaceful when it comes to their own species, and foster close bonds between family groups and other individuals. When it comes to kids they usually have a minimum of 3 at a time. The baby slugs will spend the first few months of their lives being carried inside a special pouch of one of their parents’ mouths. Once they’ve grown too large to be hidden inside said pouch, they will cling to their parents backs or fronts underneath their bug disguise!
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The bug people and the slug people have evolved in tandem in an almost arms race, the bugs coming up with new ways to biologically and societally try to get rid of the slugs, where the slugs, biologically and societally come up with ways to continue eating the bugs! Because of this the bug people have a toxin that goes through their entire body through a system of veins, very similar to the circulatory system. When a bug is a young these are very small and impossible to be removed and make children and young adults within the bug people impossible for the slugs to eat, so they must eat mature adults. So, when you have a group of little baby slugs, this exoskeleton is far too large for just one baby slug, so you need to have multiple babies in one exoskeleton - essentially ‘three kids in a Trenchcoat’, with the addition of predatory murder and eating the victim afterwards. The slug babies will work together to learn how to hunt and mimic, riffing off of one another to improve their skills and form strong bonds.
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As they grow older, they will separate into their own exoskeletons before eventually moving into soldiers, whose exoskeletons are larger, for the space. This process usually takes decades of their lives. They can fit into small spaces much like a octopus, but eventually they will have to move into larger exoskeletons to be able to keep piloting their bug suits effectively.
Eventually they will grow out of being able to fit into even the soldiers’ exoskeletons; most commonly these individuals choose a city, and remain in the bowels of the city in hibernation until a bug colony will consider the city clean of any slug or fungal infection, and move back in; they will use their long tendrils to ensnare and grab their prey and eat them from below. Some very clever and talented hunters will take the exoskeletons of queens to hunt.
After the first queen kill, and their new exoskeleton has been donned, a slug’s hunting style becomes very different when they attempt this particular feat, considering that they then must go to a new hive, convince the soldiers to let what appears to be a “strange queen” into the hive, and then assassinate and devour the queen of the colony, a large enough feeding that they can go for long periods of time between each meal. Since they cannot replicate or mimic a queen’s ‘router’ like telepathic abilities, the slug is working on a time limit before they are discovered once they are safely inside of the hive; once they get into the Queen’s chamber, they will attack, kill her as quickly as possible before the guards can arrive, and then flee!!!!!
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melis-writes · 1 year
A sexy-smutty fluffy prompt request please (containing sex as well)
Nobody knowing that Victoria is pregnant with Sonny’s baby and only they know it’s his baby boy or girl growing inside her
Maybe she also looks the best she’s ever done while pregnant, she’s absolutely glowing so strong and her boobs even bigger… it’s all because of Sonny’s magic cum and their baby making her such
But maybe she has such an intense craving for any type of sex with Sonny and he adores her being pregnant with his baby and while she loves Michael maybe she kinda goes off sex with him and she just says it’s just the pregnancy making her feel such… but she feels weird about Michael while she loves him, fucking her while she’s pregnant with Sonny’s baby
I gotta admit, the Sonny’s magic cum part really got me… 😂😂  But wow. WHAT A REQUEST! Victonny baby #3 on the way!! 😳🙏🏻
‘What Michael doesn’t know can’t hurt him. He’ll never know… He can’t know. He can’t know it’s not his baby I’m carrying again; not this time, and not the past two times either.’
Six and a half months pregnant with your third child and second daughter with Sonny, you stand in front of Sonny who sits on the edge of the bed—keeping your hands over your baby bump.
“The baby’s kicking again.” You smile shyly, giving your baby bump a gentle rub. “He or she has been so active lately, I can almost catch they’re little ankle when they kick around.”
“They’ve got a lot of energy, huh?” Sonny chuckles in amusement, placing his hands over top of yours. “Couldn’t come fast enough. I’m excited to meet him or her.”
“You’re too impatient.” You giggle back softly. “Just a few more months left and we’ll get to meet him and her together.”
“Maybe I am.” Sonny’s eyes dart up from your baby bump to you. “But seeing you like this again…and again…” Sonny’s eyes soften, filling with admiration as he gazes at you from head to toe, taking in the sight of you completely.
Pregnant now for almost seven months, you glow with motherhood approaching you again.
Your breasts are full, having grown two cup sizes—lactating and spewing milk at the slightest pressure and touch from being tenderly swollen.
Your baby bump will only continue to grow a bit bigger as your third baby approaches the nine month mark, greeting you with more changes.
“So beautiful.” Sonny mumbles, running his hands up and down your arms. “You’re beautiful like this. You always are.”
Rosy cheeks, soft, supple skin with a full, glowing plumpness over your hips, waist and thighs throughout your pregnancy which only grants an otherworldly beauty motherhood can provide; one that Michael appreciates and adores just as much as Sonny does.
With all the pregnancy hormones doubling inside of you, your libido remains no different—having spiked up more than you can ever imagine with an intense craving for sex not just once but even up to several times a day if you could.
The arousal even becomes bothersome—lingering in the back of your mind, wanting more, causing your skin to grow hot and your cheeks to flush scarlet with blush as you can feel a pool of wetness clinging to the fabric of your panties again and again.
Even limited to a few positions during sex for the comfort of you and the baby, your pregnancy can’t possibly develop and continue any better than this.
Sonny’s far more than accommodating and gentle, eager to satisfy every sexual wish and demand you have.
Father to two of your children already, Sonny is overwhelmed in all the best ways possible that you’re pregnant once again with his baby.
Just as you can’t deny your love for Sonny and need to be with him—within his embrace, his presence, and in every intimate way possible, you also can’t deny the love you still have for Michael.
Michael is still your husband after all, and your relationship and marriage with him hasn’t changed the least bit, even if you are living a double life with his brother.
There’s a romantic love and longing for Michael, but it can’t be compared to how you feel for Sonny and what you have with him.
Your arousal being stimulated by your pregnancy is almost always driven straight towards Sonny, and as Michael has stopped having sex with you around the seventh month mark—doing so a little early hasn’t raised his suspicions or concerns.
Still, it leaves all the time in the world for you to be satisfied in any way possible by Sonny, no matter what time of the day your thighs tingle and your clit throbs to feel him teasing and pleasing you again and again.
While you have no doubt about any of your feelings and ties with Sonny, there’s a strange sense within that longing and remaining love when it comes to Michael.
Even throughout your causal intimacy and affection, you feel as if there’s a barrier between you and your husband.
That barrier could very well be what you have with Sonny, and although you can never word it in any sort of way, your excuse that remains rigid and is believed is that you’re pregnant after all.
“It’s just the pregnancy making me feel this way, I think.” You’d tell Michael as he hovered over top of your naked body, completely unaware every time he’s had sex with you for the past three pregnancies, you’ve always done so with him the moment you found out you were pregnant with Sonny’s child to make it believable Michael’s impregnated you instead.
Michael understands, he always will and he always has. But what he’ll never come to understand is how you long for his brother in bed with him, carrying his third child, and planning to do so again and again.
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dballzposting · 1 year
Not over the idea that like.
Well imagine that you’re Ms Chichi right. And your son Goten has matured into a right slag and he seems to always be on the phone with some new girl. And you keep telling him time and time again “Stay away from those city girls!” but he does not listen. City girls are deviant whores with no morals and the ONLY exception is of course dear Videl , who is from the city but is an amazing girl with a good head on her shoulders and who has an excellent moral compass. Videl is a great wife and mother. 
But most city girls are skank whores and you keep trying to tell your second son to STAY AWAY FROM THOSE CITY GIRLS and you implore him to start THINKING ABOUT HIS FUTURE but he just seems wholly unbothered. He thinks he has it under control. And then next week he’s chatting up a different girl. 
Eventually he comes home with a sweet young thing named Palace and she’s sweet so you’re courteous back but she’s also a complete fucking ditz. And that’s fine but it’s just that .... well ... you’re Ms Chichi and you want your sons to marry good women who can be good wives and mothers, you know? And this sweet young thing does not know how to cook a single dish.
But then you find out that it’s because she’s rich, so, you’re enthusiastic about her after that. 
And though she’s daft, she’s definitely well-intentioned and tries to be respectful, so you like her well enough. And you’re definitely glad when she sticks around a while and when it starts to seem like this is Goten’s forever girl.
And yknow, you’re Ms Chichi, so you start pushing them to get married after like, three months in (which is definitely longer than the grace period you had given your first son). And of course Goten is like OMG MOM STOP LOL and hes all nervous and anxious and hesitant, like, IM NOT GONNA MARRY HER NOW ... LOL.
But you’re Ms Chichi and you see the way they look at each other and you know better. And you’re definitely not completely trusting of this city girl’s ability to commit, but, over time, you start to settle into having hope for her. 
But, still. It’s a long time until they get married. But you suppose that Gohan and Videl took their time too, and did that Saiyaman 1 + 2 thing for a while before settling down.
But, like, Goten and Palace REALLY take their time making it official. And you sit back and watch for years as they seem to want to spend most of their time hanging out. And Palace is rich but she has the hobby and passion of working at Hot Topic 4 days a week, and that’s cool and all but you’re really hoping that she’ll settle down into being a housewife soon. And Goten STILL spends a lot of time with Trunks, even though Trunks has the utmost responsibility of being President of Capsule Corp now, and like, you understand that they’ve always been close, but there comes a time in a man’s life where he needs his friends less and he needs his wife and kids more, yknow? But Goten has no kids because he won’t marry Palace and the three of them altogether hang out quite a bit and though they seem to stiffen into a more formal register when you’re around, you catch them giggling and joking and playing around when they think that you’re out of earshot. And sure, you love that they get along, and you love the loving atmosphere that theyre cultivating, but what you dont understand is WHY WON’T THEY BRING SOME CHILDREN INTO THAT ATMOSPHERE ? It does seem strange to you that Goten keeps Trunks around as much as he keeps his girl around, because surely they’re grown by now and need not to indulge in boyish antics anymore, but you see that Trunks and Palace get along swimmingly as well, and you’d be willing to accept that if only Goten showed signs of moving forward by marrying that girl.
And, well, eventually they DO get married. Eventually you say to him for the millionth time “I don’t know why you don’t just marry her already!” And this time he agrees with you. He says, “Yknow, I don’t know why I haven’t married her yet either.” And then they’re engaged to marry the following day, and then they get married the following month. 
And it’s like, THANK GOODNESS !! But not all is well. You see, Goten and Palace decide to settle down in the city. And you were hoping that Goten would keep close and be there to look after you in your old age, as he had once promised. But the city had gotten to him and now he seems to have forgotten his rural roots. You are bitter with him, although he visits you often, and brings his wife along as well, and often times even his best friend. 
Your doubts are never quite ameliorated, but after a year or two, some news arrives that makes you forgive it all - Palace is expecting a baby! So the city girl COULD commit, so Goten HAS settled down into the married life, so you WILL have a grandbaby from your second son! It’s a very tense and exciting time, and you assert yourself to make sure that all the preparations are performed smoothly. 
Needless to say, you are very excited and scared when the baby is finally due. And you’re in the waiting room of a city hospital, and you’re pacing, and Gohan and Videl and Pan are all there, and you barely managed to drag Goku along, and Palace’s family is there, and you’re pacing a hole in the ground. Occasionally Gohan will try to get you to sit, and sometimes you let him try, and other time you just keep pacing. 
Surely, surely, surely there would have been news by now? Goten should have stepped out with news of a healthy birth and a happy baby by now. Is everything okay? Has something terrible happened? You grab a passing doctor by the lapel and your first son has to physically drag you back to your seat.
And youre all momentarily distracted by Trunks appearing suddenly in the room. he looks startled himself, with that dazed look of having been traveling at mach speed only to stop abruptly and steeply at a destination - and he’s fresh out of work with his suit still on and his tie loosened by his quick travel. And you realize that, of course he’d be here too, and you realize that he rushed out of work as soon as he could. 
And only then does Goten appear, and you rise from you seat to accept whatever dire news he carries - but he moves directly to Trunks, his posture sheepish becasue he knows he’s ignoring you, and he asks Trunks to come back to the room with him real quick, and you stand and watch, stunned, as just as quickly as they arrived, they both just disappear into the catacombs of the hospital without so much as relieving you with an intimation of good news. 
You’re too angry to see and exhausted from pacing, so you just collapse into your seat and seethe. You put your head in your hands and decide to just let it happen. You don’t know what Palace’s family is going through on the other end of the room and you don’t look.
But they’re gone for a while, and what on Earth is happening back there that Goten would bring his Best Friend in but not his MOTHER ? Gohan tries to remind you that the birth of a child is a sensitive thing, and he assures you that if things were bad then they would have found out by now, but you are irate and inconsolable. Goku seems to have taken it upon himself to be blithely social with Palace’s father across the room, and that’s fine by you.
After what feels like an ETERNITY, Goten comes back out. He’s wringing his hands together nervously and he has news. He looks like he had been crying, but the weight of joy is evident by the weary and awkward smile that he tries to bite back.
You stand, everyone stands, he goes right up to you this time. He looks like he wants to speak, but he sees everyone stand and crowd around him, so he waits for everyone to gather, and he looks at the ground, and he says “Um,” and you immediately feel sick. 
You ask him if everyone is alright, and before waiting for an answer, you start to list all of the things that could go wrong. Your list grows increasingly nonsensical and he shakes his head “no” at every one. He silently pleads for the floor and does not get it until Gohan puts his hand on your shoulder and gently asks you to let Goten speak. 
So you all look at Goten and wait for him to speak and he looks at you and he looks at Palace’s parents and he looks at Gohan and Videl and he seems to wince in apology. Then he says that everyone is okay, that it was a healthy birth, and that the baby is beautiful. 
But there’s just one thing. “It’s um. Well. The baby’s not mine,” he says. And then, like he doesn't know what else to say or how to say it, he blurts out: “It has blue hair.”  
You don’t know what the fuck this means, but you hear Videl go “Ohh,” and you hear Gohan go “Oh.....OH,” and you remember holding Bulma’s blue-haired second-borne, and you remember how frequently Goten and Palace were seen with Trunks in their midst.
And when you wake up, you’re leaned back in a waiting room chair, and Gohan is holding an ice pack to your head, and Goku is remarking that he hadn’t seen you faint like that in years, and that maybe you’re not eating enough, and hey, are we all going to go out for dinner after this to celebrate or...?
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I’ve had a feeling this was coming. The combination of Matty repeatedly making a point to tell us they aren’t going anywhere, Jamie stressing that this is the last set of shows for a while, and Adams ATPOAIM episode is what did it for me. I couldn’t imagine them jumping right back into another album cycle after the year they’ve had, either. I didn’t even expect this second leg on tour.
It’s heartbreaking to hear confirmation, but besides COVID, they’ve been going nonstop for a decade. Longer breaks just seem inevitable as they get older.
He says a lot of stuff that doesn’t come to pass (he also said they’d take a long break after Notes which didn’t pan out), but he also speaks very deliberately. He seemed nervous when he said it, and the vibe shifted majorly, he knows the weight those words hold. Maybe they’ll make a return in 2025 or 2026 instead of the usual two year cycle.
Anyways, I’m hoping this means his solo project sees the light of day.
Yeah I think you’re right. It’s been a wild ride, the album cycle, right? With everything that’s happened, coming back from Covid and all.
I was talking to @abiiors about this, and, we were saying how this might be a similar thing to what ended up happening with the Arctic Monkeys. There were a few years when they paused. As their families and personal lives grew. And we got TLSP in the meantime. You know?
And, like, let me make a disclaim rn cuz some of y’all in my asks and dms need to fuckin chill. Im NOT saying I don’t want the boys to rest. They SHOULD. It made sense for them to operate the way that they’ve been operating for the past decade because they were establishing a career. They were practically children. From Drive Like I do, to The EPs. By the time ST was a thing they were like 23. They’re grown men in their mid 30s now. Mentally, socially, physically, their lives look very different. They’ve been in serious relationships now. Baby boy Hann is growing up and Hann has been on the road for most of these big important milestones as a father.
It just doesn’t make sense for them to keep going the way that they have been. Ross is now a producer. George has produced a bunch of other records. Matty’s broadened out and made friends with Phoebe and Jack Antonoff (who may or may not be his solo project producer). The boys are growing up. (That’s was going to be the subject of my ‘essay’ on BFIAFL btw. That’s why I’d called it ‘boys to men’ like as a pun on Boys II Men.) that means that their art and their jobs are going to grow and change as well. Slowing down is essential.
And while we’re on the subject, I don’t think that the way they’ve been going for the past 10 years is sustainable. It’s not right. Not healthy. You guys know how Matty always says “we create in the same way that we consume”? It’s true. Because of streaming, post-modernity, etc (especially post-Covid), our consumption of art and entertainment has changed. We have shorter cultural attention spans. A song that came out 6 months ago is already old news today. So, with Notes, Matty has talked about wanting to keep putting out records as long as he has something meaningful to say and as long as culture is hungry for more. And while that might sound like great news for us as fans cuz it just means that we’ll always have new content around the corner. But let’s step back from that for a moment, yes?
That’s not healthy for him. He has already worked himself to the bone over the past ten years. Even at his worst and darkest moments he was making music. And he’s a bit of a workaholic. Sure, he doesn’t have a family just yet, but that doesn’t mean he should do this to himself. Obviously, it’s his world and his life and if he feels okay to keep doing things a certain way, that’s his business. I’m just saying that as fans, our investment in the boys doesn’t begin and end with consumption and creation. I’m interested (as I’m sure many, if not all of us) in his health and sanity. I can cite endless examples of great artists from the past few decades who burnt out hard and crashed because they didn’t want to “waste the moment” or tried to capitalize on their fame when it hit peak levels. I’m personally really proud of Matty for doing this past year clean / off the drugs, and in tip top physical health. What I wish for him, whether he chooses to pursue it or not, is that he would give himself time to be bored. Stop and learn how to deal with the quietness of mundane everyday life. Cuz, that can fuck a person up. Sometimes, when you’re so used to the lifestyle that the boys have lived for the last 10 years, just going home and being with the people that you love feels like torture. And people easily start self-destructive habits to cope with that. I want him to learn all that on his own terms, you know?
My sincerest wish for him is that he will continue the tremendous growth that he’s shown over the last few years. By leaning even harder into the healthy habits that he seems to have established for himself mentally and physically. Not backtrack and fall on the old nonsense. But in order to be able to do one or the other he needs to actually HAVE TIME. We all know this is a real issue for him. That’s what fuckin RoadKill is about. “When I think I won’t die from stopping.” “Not really how babies get made,” etc. it would genuinely be healthy for him to feel like he’s gonna die from stopping and then learn that he won’t actually die.
So that he can come back and be creating from a place of security and mortal dread. To pick up a guitar/ pen/ whatever he uses to write because he wants to and he has something to say, not cuz if he doesn’t, he might go insane.
This is true for all of the boys, Ross is the other ostensibly single one whose immediate private life might feel quiet too. (For all we know. Like he might be in a serious relationship that’s not our business.) really this is true for all 4 of them. And of all the people who have loved and supported them over the past 10 years. This isn’t easy on family and loved ones and their live musicians and crew either.
If they have to miss and album cycle or two, then so be it. Maybe we will get Matty’s solo record. Maybe we’ll get DLID, maybe that weird feature film that he’s been writing for as long as I can remember, maybe, maybe, maybe….. all that would be great but not necessary.
HAVING SAID ALL OF THATTTTT. Let’s not fuck around. For many of us, the 1975 has been the constant, comfort, strength, love, meaning etc. and it going away for however long that will be, is LEGITIMATELY A SAD THING. There is absolutely no reason to minimize or trivialize that pain. Or feel that you are selfish or don’t care about the boys, or any less of a fan, just because you find that having to imagine a future when SATVB isn’t on tomorrow or the day after, and we aren’t hyperfixating on or analyzing Matty’s cryptic speeches or thirsting after his torso extremely sad/ difficult/ bittersweet/ lonely/ scary. C’mon. Some people have been in this fandom since ST (not me), that’s their whole fuckin life, man!!!!! It IS sad. You SHOULD cry. ITS OKAY TO BE UPSET. and frankly anyone who makes people feel bad for that is a piece of shit.
Saying things like “oh they’ll be back.” “They’re not going anywhere.” “Matty will be chronically online” are all true BUT THEY DONT CHANGE THE FACT THAT THINGS ARE CHANGING. FOR GOOD. ITS OKAY TO FEEL HOWEVER YOU FEEL.
The boys are still around for the next few months. Let’s cherish them (and each other) while we still can. But imo this is not a silly subject and it’s okay to be upset.
Love y’all. The 1975 forever 🩷
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chaosclimber · 1 year
Ok, so I was gonna just shout this at @scribetiloa but nope. Gotta share this with more people because aaah.
Like. Even coming at things from a modern perspective, Hob Gadling losing his family in the 1600′s was tragic. 
But I saw this post today, and it made my think of Hob Gadling losing his family in context of the high infant mortality rate of the time. 
Hob Gadling, who had to have known that there was a damn good chance he was always going to have to bury his children young.
Hob Gadling, who realized exactly how well off he was in the late 1500's  ("this is what I always imagined Heaven to be like") and thought maybe, maybe he could hold onto a little bit of hope. Not that he would never bury his family, but that they would at least live a full, natural span of years. 
 Hob Gadling, who's seen countless men and women lose themselves to grief in his earlier years, being so sure that when the time came, he'd be able to continue.
But he doesn't expect the first truly difficult birth to take the mother as well as the child. But he still has young Robyn to cling to, so he can go on. For now, at least. Oh, he maybe drank more of an evening (just to get to sleep, you understand? Just so the bed doesn't feel so damn empty ), but he functioned. He was still a father, still providing. He even wrote, a little, tawdry things addressed to his Stranger. Nothing was ever good enough to escape being tossed in the fire like so much kindling, but it helped.
And Robyn grows up. And Hob can let out a sigh of relief. His boy has grown into his own prime, he can stop worrying so much. They've got enough money, he'll never have to worry about Robyn getting snatched up to go to war against his will, and there's none that are truly worth the fight so as to tempt the boy to serve anyway. Barring a freak accident, his boy has become a man and should well give him a grandchild in a handful of years.
Can you imagine what a shock it would be, once he's managed to hang onto that hope once more, to get the message? Too late to do anything about it. "There was a brawl. Your son is dead.” No wonder he falls so deeply into his own grief. No wonder he stays too long, long enough to kick up suspicion. It is a Greek tragedy of his own making, and his fatal flaw was what all will tell him is his greatest strength: unceasing optimism, almost to the point of self-delusion. Would it not have hurt less if he had remembered how pervasive Death is, if he had braced himself from the moment he'd become attached? Or...so he asks himself after. So he will, in fact, ask Death herself--she did check in with him, briefly, just after Robyn.
 She had no answer for him, only a question in turn. "Would they have wanted any less than the full measure of your love?"
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