#actually bizarre then i am i think at least
i sent this to that allthisbitchnmoanin blog -
I think most people are not ready to accept your decision to defend taylor's silence regarding Palestine because she is influential. sure, speaking up may endanger a celebrity's life but also they are celebrities which means they get access to better security than normal people. if she can call the paparazzi on herself that means she can afford better security too. the key word is afford here. she is a freaking billionaire. hell, she could even donate to the causes but no, why would she? look, it's obvious that one shouldn't be pressurised into speaking up about politics but if you have such a big platform and a huge influence, the least you can do is speak up about a genocide. you cannot talk about wanting to be on the right side of history while never putting any effort to do so. if your activism is limited to causes which only benefit you then it is not activism, it's selfishness.
Listen, my friend, I am not sure the person you originally sent this to will be at all receptive to your thoughts. The blog "defending ts" or "allthisbitchinandmoaning" or whoever they are by now- seems to be rather dogmatically entrenched in singularly following Taylor Swift's rhetoric. Rhetoric is not so easily dismissed- through pleas and logic. Rhetoric builds entire fantasy worlds wherein people can wholeheartedly follow the ideals of whomever- in this case it's Swift. Swift has proven time and time again that she does not care about anyone except herself.
I will say though- I saw one of their posts in which they essentially got more angry about how the demand for Swift to speak on the genocide is ruining her concerts than they are about the actual genocide that is taking place.
Bizarre take.
How can anyone, in good conscience, believe a stupid concert is more important than trying to stop a genocide?
People are fucking dying, and this person is more angry that chanting "free Palestine" or making signs about "free Palestine" at a concert is "harshing the vibes" of said concert- than they are angry about the actual genocide happening.
Where is the empathy for the humanitarian crisis?
Edit: It’s come to my attention that the link between the blog “defending ts” and the blog name “allthisbitchinandmoaning” is little more than rumor. They are most likely not the same person.
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hiphopcherrrypop · 11 months
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next bus ride to school about to be kinda awkward.....
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dawnsies · 20 days
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Since I've been jojoing it up lately, I figured I should bring my old Part 4 OC from 2020 back and revamp her
I first created her before CDDH was announced, so does that mean I technically predicted Hol Horse being in Morioh? ;P
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afniel · 1 month
Maaaaaaaaaaaan, come on.
(the post has ended up in the tags btw. I am not changing this and I need you to understand that it is just me talking to myself semi-publicly)
#Nevi Writes#things said by a guy writing a thing he doesn't even intend to be writing and it's like 10k of words now. >:[#while that's true I do want to emphasize that nobody should get excited about it right now tho okay#because like it's just. idk. I feel very much like it could end up not worth pursuing anyway. it's just a little baby wip.#(when the fuck did my little baby wips get to be 1/4-1/2 the length of my previous 'finished' stories!! what the hell)#it just feels nice to make words tho. and it does have that kind of 'ah good to catch up with these guys again' vibe which is nice.#even if the break has once again been like. on the order of days to a week maybe. I'm so bad at this taking a break business suddenly. lel.#but I don't have anything much to say about it at this point#other than I'm debating inventing a reason that presidential elections would have been moved by a couple of years between now and 2212#what is it with me and having to be so damn precise with dates in this whole narrative. am I just mad that Capcom never tries?#(yes) (so mad)#(and 2212 would actually be an election year is the problem. I want time to have passed but I also want there to be a pres. election.)#(it's fine don't worry about it)#(this is how I decided that Blucifer got bload up and then replaced also. weird reliance on mashing up IRL things and fictional explosions)#(but it's fun isn't it? got that veneer of verisimilitude. I'm good at long words)#idk this is inevitable isn't it. but I'm going to keep playing like it's not. I think I need a little more space for this one mentally.#the first one just sort of fell out of my head fully assembled and the second one did that also but with different vibes#though it did actually take some cutting things and adjusting things to make it work which Failure to Compile did not#Failure to Compile was bizarrely effortless until the mad editing dash. Outcome Unpredictable was WORK#fun work at least! but in hindsight it was definitely more work to make it flow properly.#the real job for the 3th if it happens is gonna be wrapping up threads without dropping new ones in bc that's such a habit of mine now
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vvyrmwood · 8 months
i’ve reached that state in exhaustion where i’m thinking about making args and funny little internet specific things
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magentagalaxies · 3 months
having a moment about my gender rn and i'm just like ugggggh @ my brain do we have to. like can we just not
#i need to go to bed soon bc i have a 10am class tomorrow but shoutout to the identity crisis i've been having since at least feb 6th#idk if identity crisis is even the right word. bc like one thing about me is that i have a very solid sense of self#like i know who i am and what i want and how i move through the world and what it feels like to be me#but in terms of how i label and explain that to others? that's where the identity crisis comes in#but no one else gets to experience me in first person POV so the descriptors i use and they ways i present myself are reality to them#and tbh? as i think about how some of the descriptors i use for myself don't accurately describe me some people are getting mad???#which is so fucking bizarre bc like. what the fuck it's my gender why are YOU being offended???#but it's also making me low key be like ''wait am i a bad person now????''#even tho i don't believe morality works like that. idk it's just been an exhausting month and a half#if anyone wants to hear more in depth thoughts on all this i would love to vent about it#(but not rn bc i will be going to bed as soon as i get this all out)#but like what i will say now is even tho this past month and a half has been ROUGH (for several reasons especially gender)#and people might expect that me spending so much time with scott in february made it more exhausting#which is understandable we love scott but touring in general is tiring and also i am the most opinionated person i've ever met but so is he#and also like. if you've heard scott talk about gender it's very obvious we disagree on a lot of things and he doesn't shy away from that#but the thing is. i'd actually say spending so much time with scott (even when we talk about gender. even when we *argue* about gender)#was actually such a good thing for me throughout all of this bc even when we disagree on semantics of labels#scott actually sees me beyond that rather than reducing my identity to what i call myself#which is how a lot of well-meaning allys tend to treat me. like i'm just one thing.#so when i'm with scott i never really have to think about my gender#bc he doesn't treat me like i'm (insert whatever gender people treat me like). he just treats me like i'm jessamine#and i'm tired of having to explain myself into smaller pieces so people can pretend to get it#but i feel like there's no way not to do that in our society rn especially at my ''progressive'' liberal arts college
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seilon · 19 days
had my top surgery phone consultation today and checked the post-appointment notes and idk why but I wasn’t ready for my chest skin to be considered Poor Quality. i know what he meant by it but still. amusing
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as a general rule, on average, if americans consistently complain about a food being conceptually weird, gross, and scary, then it probably tastes amazing. or at least inoffensive.
this is because in my experience americans for the most part (give or take a few exceptions by region) think eating literally anything other than beef, chicken, bread, eggs, peanut butter jelly sandwitches, ketchup, and disgusting cloyingly artificial brown sludge soda is insurmountably weird, gross, and scary.
#a lot of people literally refuse to even eat ham or pork#not even for like religious or health reasons#just because they think eating anything but beef and chicken is 'weird and scary and gross'#every time i hear people going on en masse about how 'weird and an acquired taste' something foreign is i go and try it and i'm just like#what the fuck were all of you smoking. where is the unbearable weirdness i am supposed to be experiencing#shoutout to that time i kept hearing about how bizarre a flavor milkis soda is and how intimidating and acquired of a taste#then when i actually try the stuff. it's just fucking peach soda. it's peach soda with a faint tangy yogurtish taste. it makes good floats.#how in the absolute fuck is anything even remotely weird much less gross about this?#unless your concept of what a 'soda' should be is poisoned by a lifetime of the entire soda aisle being filled with nothing but brown sludg#from the same 3 brands that all taste like what would happen if they could distill the concept of diabetes and artificial flavoring syrup#i don't know if other countries have this but there's this weird cultural like mandatory rejection of any 'unusual' food here#way more intense than i've seen from anyone from any other country (though that might just be inexperience with other cultures talking)#people react to the mere suggestion of any food outside a very narrow range with outright disgust and genuine fear and horror#and there's a huge amount of unspoken peer pressure on everyone to also do the same#like you're expected to agree with them and you've breeched some sort of silent social contract if you don't#it's seen as *immoral* almost it feels like#it's difficult to describe unless you've noticed it yourself#americans react to the mere suggestion of eating anything outside of the same 2 meats and handful of fillers the same way#that pearl-clutching aristocrat grandmas react to hearing that people in foreign countries do.. basically anything#it doesnt matter if you're suggesting eating ube cake or suggesting eating live bugs because people will react the same way#everything that's not chicken/beef/ect is as good as bugs to people here#hate this stupid blandass country and how impossible it is to afford any food other than burgers if you're not rich#or blessed with relatives that have any idea how to cook and are at all willing to teach you#cause nother weird thing i've noticed about food culture-or at least wasp food culture-that i haven't seen anywhere else quite the same way#is that if you DO have any relatives that know how to cook then nine times out of ten they will jealously guard their recipes like a dragon#and refuse to share them with anyone#thus taking whatever little cooking knowledge was in the family to their grave#so the opportunity other people usually have for family bonding via passing on recipes? pffft no.#for some reason we seem to actively go out of our way to prevent these things from being passed on#i don't know what the fuck is up with that but i suspect it has something to do with 50's dinner party oneupmanship
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bmpmp3 · 2 months
ive been having a lot of fun incorporating embroidery onto paper drawings in school recently (inspired by a printmaking teacher i had once who sometimes stitched her prints, it looked really cool!) but one thing that has kind of been bugging me is how my instructors have been talking about the gendered aspect of it. i know using any form of textile practice in contemporary art is gonna get some kind of thoughts about the historical concept of "women's work" and i dont mind that thats chill thats like normal. its not what, i, the artist, is focusing on personally, but death of the author and all that, as an interpretation its an interesting thing to think about and equally as valid as my intention. also a good topic for essays and such
BUT today my instructor tried to convince me that i can embroider directly on printer paper instead of the thicker papers ive been using and i was like ABSOLUTELY NOT maybe YOU can but I have BIG CLUMSY SWEATY HOT MITTEN HANDS and i Destroy printer paper by looking at it funny. the second a photocopy reaches my skin its already wrinkled. gloves dont help my sweat is too powerful. im CLAMMY leave me ALONE hfkjrwefhjegrfe
and there is an unconcious bias ive been noticing of a lot of very progressively minded artists assuming that i can do this shit delicately. listen. embroidery can be a very delicate and masterful skill that people hone over decades. but not everyone who does it is that skilled master. some of us just like to clumsily sew string through stuff so they can feel the texture. and some of us are really sweaty.
#actually the way my class and department faculty in general talk about gender and feminism in art is a little offputting in general recently#the focus on softness and delicateness and stereotypical markers of femininity is chill thats like an interesting thing to think about#lots of things to explore and critique and then embrace as not innate 'womanly' things but as like. human. as women are human#that type of thing. but theres been a lot of simultaneous emphasis among my peers of like this universal womanhood?#woman as the archetype. and woman as something wholly different from anything else. and the universal 'sisterhood'#i dunno im like fat mixed race kinda gnc and more visibly disabled than i think i am so i was like#never gonna be fully brought into that supposed 'universal sisterhood' anyway#and whether i personally think of myself as a woman or not in general is nobodys business least of all my own#BUT it is bizarre - this universal womanhood narrative. i think exploring one's own femininity is extremely interesting.#is it soft? is it hard? something else? all kinds of ways to think about it#i think the pitfall im falling in with my peers is the habit of assuming you need to make art as a universal message: theres no such thing#any 'universal message' you make will always exclude people you dont mean to exclude#if you depict your universal womanhood as young and soft and skinny and feminine and nuturing - then i might wonder#about the women who are outside of that. what about that fat masc 60 year old woman who cant nuture for shit#(gets so hard i get naseous. i think i hauve covid) i dunno its on my mind a lot#maybe thats just the way things go even in art spaces that are trying to be progressive? always a type of woman who is in vogue#a type of woman who is considered the default? and whoevers outside of that is left out of the conversation entirely#(<- bmpmp3 discovering the basics of misogyny live in the tags of this tumblr post LOL but yknow what i mean)
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latin-dr-robotnik · 2 years
Game of the fucking year
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netscapenavigaytor · 1 year
if i had a nickel for every time while headcanoning character dynamics that don't exist much in canon, i ended up making the fan-favorite yaoi pairing instead a worryingly toxic friendship that's only hanging on by a thread, i would have two nickels but it's weird that it happened twice
#error 0#i have a migraine right now. i am not sure why having migraines makes me more likely to muse on tumblr abt random shit#anyway for the curious this post is about magolor x marx kirby#but also abt beat x yoyo jet set radio#and while i say ''its weird that it happened twice'' its. probably happened more tjan that and i just forget lmao#i imagine to some extent its just me being petty and contrarian cuz im not particularly shippy#and also tend to be a Hater at certain ships for very particular and nonsensical reasons#but... this specific result of that feels. very Bizarre and i dont know why its happened twice#in this similar a form (even if uhh one of these friendships is SIGNIFICANTLY more toxic than the other)#(finiteverse marx and magolor should stop interacting. for everyone's sake but esp their own.)#i dont have a conclusion here though.#maybe this is just because im obsessed with making emotionally inept deranged weirdguys#and so like 70% of character dynamics that creates are at least a little bit unhealthy JDJAKDJSJDJ#(maybe it is for the better that i don't care much for shipping.)#(alternate timeline ----- shipfic author: only writes fics that make you think ''oh god please break up IMMEDIATELY'')#HELP ACTUALLY WHILE TYPING THIS I JUST REMEMBERED#THE ONR TIME I CAN THINK OF THAT I WROTE A ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP (WAS A CHARACTER STUDY NOT SHIPPING)#WAS LIKE HYPER TOXIC AND AWFUL AND WAS EXPLICITLY THE CAUSE OF EVERY BAD THING IN THE STORYLINE#(this isnt counting stuff thats like ''there was a relationship in the past but its over now'' or ''there COULD have been one but wasnt'')#(i am only talking specifically me writing the point in time that the relationship was HAPPENING)#welcome to netscapenavigaytor where love loses forever#i shpuld stop rambling in these tags. this is silly#can you tell im bored and suffering from brain pain soup.#and also perpetually want to talk about characters SO badly but never know how to start a convo or who to start it with#oh well
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barley-st-band · 2 years
hi hello i have not made a personal post on tumblr dot com in a hot minute but extremely wild life update - i’m a second grade teacher now?? as of yesterday?? which is not something i ever saw myself doing bc i always assumed that if i taught it would be high school but there’s other options!! and kids are loud and exhausting but they’re also Fun and i’m actually really excited but also terrified bc 2 weeks ago this was not even a possibility lmao
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okay if i actually wanted to play everything except the light gun games i would have to play code veronica 0 revelations 1 and 2 ORC umbrella corps and the remakes
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fingertipsmp3 · 11 months
Bro I fucking hate crane flies. Why was I just sitting on my couch listening to Lucy Dacus and minding my business and this stupid thing parachuted directly at my face. Had to dodge out of the way so we wouldn’t occupy the same temporal space and THEN mans did it AGAIN and then chased me across the room. WHY
#i don’t even know where it is now. it floated off into the hallway#i stumbled across the room and ended up on the chair i never sit on#bc NOPE#i’ve tied my hair up bc i have this huge fear of bugs getting tangled in my hair#and this bastard is like the exact same colour as my hair. i mean can you even imagine. i try to run my fingers through my hair and it’s not#my hair. it’s a CRANE FLY. the way i’d die#i hate crane flies so much. i think it’s because they move in a way that is so fucking bizarre and makes no sense to me#i don’t trust anything if i can’t figure out how it perambulates its way through the world#i don’t think that’s the word i wanted to use but i couldn’t remember how to spell manoeuvre for a second there#how does my guy LOCOMOTE. why does it look like a spider but fly. why is it in my house and WHYYYYY does it fly at my face#at the very least it did give me a funny quick oneshot idea lol#if i make charles scared of crane flies and one flies at his face and he panics and scrambles into dorian’s lap…. and dorian teases him#FOREVER…… that would be funny#it honestly might make more sense the other way around but also if they weren’t dating; charles would just dump dorian on the ground#men are always climbing into his lap and he’s like ‘i have got shit to do’#so. that#if you need me i’m going to take my nighttime antihistamine and go to bed#because if i wake up with my eyelids fused together again i am actually going to kill god#personal
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satoshy12 · 4 months
I am going to beat you UP BOOSTER GOLD!!!
In the future, all of the earth will be conquered. In a pretty easy way. Without wars and similar situations, and while under tyranny, it was actually a good place. A true utopia without heroes, villains, and similar. +++ In the past, It had been a normal day in the Justice League as Portal opened and a group of heroes and villains came out: Just looking around, and all of them tried to jump Booster Gold and Flash. As the Justice League after stopping them asked why the time traveler wanted to beat them up that badly, all of them wanted to do it. It was funny to see Lex and Superman working together after all. +
They began to explain. ____ It all began with the introduction of young Dr. Daniel Fenton, a true child prodigy and self-made wealthy boy dedicated to helping others. Everything was going smoothly until Booster Gold decided to share his unconventional thoughts. He Suggested! That the child could potentially conquer the world using the current setting. And then told him a range of bizarre ideas, including a communications jamming system, missiles, traps, self-activating lasers, and even an indoor lagoon filled with piranhas.
Danny: "Piranha. Why ever would I want… piranha?" Booster Gold: To eat the heroes And also think about a secret underground grotto with a speed boat for escape purposes. And-and-and gigantic Moving Weapons of doom, they'd be huge and destroy anything in their path!"
The Flash intervened, urging Booster Gold to leave, and Danny bid them farewell, expressing gratitude. The Flash: Come on, Gold, we should leave. + As they departed. Danny pondered the peculiar suggestions, acknowledging his abundant wealth and free time and contemplating the need for a new and interesting hobby. ++ Danny had come to this world to be a hero. But he never tried to pull a Vlad. And when he is done, he can show that he is better at it than him! All he needed was to plan to not fail.
++ So after 5 years of planning, at the age of 19, he started his Conquest of the World, which was pretty successful in his victory speech. He thanked Booster Gold and the Flash for telling him he could change much more and much better if he were a villain and just took over the world! And he did! ++ While in the Justice League and Legion of Doom, who were in hidding, all at once slowly turned their heads to the duo. Like in a Horror Movie.
Back to the present/Past
Both groups are happy that Flash and Booster Gold didn't meet the child prodigy; it turns out he was still at least 10 or 9 years old at the moment. A few years before he became famous, he was just living alone somewhere on Earth.
But that means a new plan!
Lex, like Veronica Cale, was pissed that the boy was able to take over their company, but then again, the boy was able to take over all the companies in America at the same time.
But now, in the past, they can think of plans—good plans! With their Guiding they can do so much! Same with Heroes.
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tanoraqui · 4 months
I watched the new Percy Jackson show and then I reread The Lightning Thief, and my takeaway is…Rick Riordan did some sort of bizarre reversal of the usual adaptation devil’s deal on this one, wherein the key themes of the book are maintained—hell, key themes of the book are amped up and forefronted! The books slowly escalate, not just in the original PJO books but from series to series through Heroes of Olympus and the Apollo books, the idea that this mythological family is fucked up, the parents are doing badly and they need to fix their shit instead of just putting it on the kids. Whereas the show is saying this from day 1! The show also captures the true friendship, the uncomfortable justification of Luke’s choices, the heroes’ sense of otherness from humanity…
But at the cost of so much of the zing of the books? The humor, the absurdist snaps between fantasy and reality like the Minotaur wearing Fruit-of-the-Looms, or the unending quips from Percy that aren’t just rebellious snark, they’re funny. (“…I am the Mother of Monsters, Echidna!” “You mean the thing from Australia??”) And the drama, the fantasy, the mythological stakes—in addition to the total lack of nighttime lighting, I spent half the show thinking everything should be 20% more color-saturated, at least when they’re in Camp Half-Blood or actively fighting monsters, and rereading the book tells me that I was right. Throughout the books, there’s a mounting thunderstorm all across the country, as warning and ambiance of the coming war! Percy only has 1 dream that’s just darkness and a voice; the others include him watching a golden eagle and a giant white horse fighting viciously on a beach! And every god stands out vividly, whereas in the show they mostly come off as Some Guy. In the book, Hades, Zeus and Poseidon are all 10 feet tall (until Poseidon shrinks to tall to Percy), and even Ares is,
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vs this? This was the best they could do??
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He’s not even throwing fireballs at cops and innocent bystanders in order to make them back the fuck off from his fight with this 12yo. SMH. This is bargain-brand. It’s like they didn’t have the budget for special effects and they didn’t even try.
I guess, as devil’s deals go, I would rather have the themes intact. But damn I wish they’d at least upped the color saturation, and maybe the speed of dialogue. These kids SHOULD spend half their conversations snarking like it’s Avengers (2012) actually. The perfect adaptation remains elusive, until we get both the crushing weight of familial trauma AND epic heroes and villains being fun.
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