#abram lobotomy corporation
badlcorpaus · 2 years
Some more headcanons I might not get to share otherwise
At some point, we (me and @bad-lobcorp-aus) decided Ayin saw the labcoat (accidentally titled lobcoat by me) as a comfort item.
Related to above: I headcanon the lobcoat was incorporated or otherwise kept around by each of the Ayinspawn; Adam took it apart and probably used it to make the robe, Abram is very clearly wearing it, and Abel either wears it under that pinstriped suit of his or keeps it on a stand in his room.
On that note: the Ayinspawn probably each have personal living spaces we never see. This is pretty obvious though, if you take the interpretation they’re all previous clones of Ayin.
I can’t remember how many suppressions Abel completed in my timeline, but Abram got stalled on Tiphereth after failing both Gebura and Chesed’s suppressions; quote: “the sight of lisa wailing atop a mountain of enoch’s dead bodies convinces him in one blow that none of this was ever worth it.”
Adam, on the other hand… that’s a mess of it’s own proportions. Iirc, he did complete Chesed’s and maybe Tiphereth’s suppressions, and he definitely completed Gebura’s, but he did it by doing the shelter cheese. If you know what the shelter cheese is, then you know it makes the Gebura suppression trivial to complete… but, in universe, this comes at a cost. Iirc, at least one of the reasons the cognition filter is a thing is because otherwise there will be massive trauma to even an adult mind, which, in the City, adults are way too used to the whole gore and murder thing. Well, instances of X aren’t, but w/e. Adam is physically, including the brain structure, a 17 year old. His mind is still developing, memories of being a 40 year old be damned. And it’s been 2 (in-facility) years since his tenure; he was 15 when he was managing! This whole managing thing already probably took a toll on his mind. He had tried to complete the Gebura suppression normally, but at some point he gave up on that.. and used the shelter cheese. Of course, in universe, this is kind of immoral. You’re kind of essentially making Gebura relive her death. And this is what caused Adam to spiral. He had some kind of nervous breakdown during this, and came to the conclusion that Abnormalities are just reflections of humanity’s true forms. Somehow. He is also scared of Gebura.
So in other words, everyone in the facility is all kinds of fucked up.
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nmoroder · 2 months
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ah, i wish i could become your shadow
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roboyomo · 3 months
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oueeeeghwjrhwhrh the first animation is done for ayin, abel and abram. adam next and then it is the second animation of the lagtrain mv (also fixed some stuff in ayin's part)
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jeff-the-box-boy · 7 months
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firebuug · 2 months
situation to put the guy in which is just adam trying to pick a new outfit (his entire wardrobe is just his dress and the rest of his clothing but multiplied by 10) and one of the others from the ayinspawn is standing behind baffled at the amount of the same outfit
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is this anything
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propaganda for abram
propaganda for tommy
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jerichosuffers · 7 months
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A sleep deprived, malnourished, salt and pepper Ayin
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icelineheri · 3 months
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gootube · 1 year
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ahmedmootaz · 2 months
If Ayin loves energy drinks or sodas, X loves hot cocoa or fruit juice, and assuming Abel wasn't allowed to drink alcohol as a coping mechanism, what drinks would be the favorites of Abram, Abel, and Adam?
Dear Anonymous,
Hmm...Good question. Although I admit, I haven't given much thought to the A3's beverages of choice, it can be rather evident from their characters.
When it comes to Abel, we know that he simply doesn't want to move on. He knows he can't go back, but he doesn't want to risk whatever he has left now. He just wants to keep what little gains he has now and play it extremely plain and safe...if we are to translate those motivations into a beverage, my thinking is that he'd choose water. Maybe even bottled water to make sure it's as safe and sanitised as possible, with no possibility of something unexpected happening to him from drinking it. Just a safe drink that cannot disturb the placid life he wishes to lead.
As for Abram, it's quite easy to imagine, isn't it? I think he'd just drink any sort of beverage that renders him unconscious or unaware of his surroundings to escape the pain and regret that swirls within him, so he'd likely just drink anything remotely alcoholic to achieve that goal.
And with Adam...Honestly, I'm not sure what fits a murderous, insane, desperate madman as a drink. I want to say that he'd drink something that tastes awful, though, under the guise of making him more powerful or something along those lines, sooooo...uh...I dunno,a particularly strong-tasting protein shake? I've never had protein shakes, so you'll have to correct me on that.
Thanks you for the fun ask, Anon! Until next time, be well, take care, and see ya'!
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allisamemory · 4 days
Keter suppression is basically just
A: I hope I don’t have to fight my evil shadow self today (again)
Abel, Abram & Adam: hey
A: No fucking way
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badlcorpaus · 2 years
If in your headcanon, Adam is physically 17 years old (and hating it hahaha), how old are the other Ayinspawn? I can imagine Abel is probably around the age of being a grandpa like Hokma.
Also if you have any other Ayin or Carmen headcanons, do you mind sharing some more please? They're entertaining to read!
Abram is physically 45, and iirc in my personal (stolen from @bad-lobcorp-aus) timeline Abel is in his 60s, maybe older. Ayin started out as 40, and the clones are supposed to come out around that age. (Adam is mentally 42)
Hokma visibly has better skincare than Abel does imo
Carmen’s hair is naturally white, she dyes it brown. Speaking of hair, I do think that the sephirot hair colors are naturally colored, at least for the City’s standards; so yes, Gabriel did have purple hair in my mind, and Daniel’s hair was most definitely that cobalt(?) blue color.
Carmen enjoys doing things for others; it makes her feel useful, and she likes making her friends happy!
Carmen is like, probably really good at hugs and comforting people. She seems like a mom friend.
Carmen and Ayin both watch or used to watch anime.
Ayin is, as you can glean from his spritesheet, unexpressive. I also feel like he’d be touch-starved; he just gives off “I have not let anyone touch me in several years and have violently repressed any desire for affection because I don’t deserve it” vibes. As you can tell I view Ayin more sympathetically than TVTropes
I also think he didn’t purposefully indirectly cause Elijah’s death; I feel like he was still distracted from Carmen’s death, and just slipped up. I also feel like he walked away because he couldn’t dare to mercy kill her?
Also, he doesn’t even have 10 fortitude imo. Man would die if he lifted a box that was the slightest bit too heavy.
Also, tysm about the headcanons!!!!!! Im glad they’re entertaining!!!!!!
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chikaoofka · 2 years
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cant believe it .abram on youtube dot com .
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roboyomo · 5 months
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the Floor of Psychology As and Roland (drew this before bed)
partially a sneakpeek for the other patron librarian outfits for the As?? they might have some changes tho cant say for sure (different X design time)
also dont question why they are the floor of psychology and not architecture, i'll do more stuff of this universes lore sometime later (credits to my amazing friend for coming up with the idea for the floors name :D )
might do relationship charts between the A5 and the rest of the library later on. and one last mention there will be original abnormalities for this universe. like for their floor me and my friend are slowly trying to write original abnos for these fuckers (maybe illustrate them too??)
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bad-lobcorp-aus · 2 years
AU where Abel, Abram and Adam are boxbots. This is all that changes
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northwest-cryptid · 4 months
wait. another one. smash or pass adam from lobotomy corporation
Like it's a bit odd because if I'm being honest he's a part of A, and while I don't vibe with pre-X A I do vibe with post game A, like Day 50 Ayin can get it hands down, and Adam is absolutely a part of that; and if I consider Adam to be a piece of Ayin's personality but just a really hot cool guy version of Ayin then it's a very high A tier smash from me.
I understand a lot of people dislike Ayin on principle that he was a shitty person and I absolutely do not blame you for that because yes he was a shitty person, and ironically in a story with time loops; it sounds weird to say we can't go back and fix the past, but that's true you can't undo his previous actions but you can through your actions in game; atone for them; whether or not you believe he's a changed man by the end of the game is entirely up to you and your personal views but as someone who used to be a shitty person and grew out of it and bettered myself for it I have a soft spot for that sort of character.
Adam to me feels more like a piece of Ayin's personality. Adam, Abel, and Abram are basically his counterparts/alternate selves; to me they are all still Ayin.
So we can consider Ayin to be the base rating at Smash, with Adam being a bit higher on the Smash meter since I think he's more aesthetically pleasing. Abram to be about the same and still a Smash, and Abel kinda a pass not gonna lie I don't vibe with him aesthetically.
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