geeneelee · 2 years
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Men will leave Unova and immediately develop prominent eyebags.
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oobemu · 2 months
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Aarune's new adventure!!
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Did that Color Wheel thingy.
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Didn't wanna wait for character suggestions so I chose them myself.
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whaleaddict13 · 4 months
I don’t think we talk about Aarune from oras as much as we should. He’s goofy
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cutekittenlady · 11 months
Best Male Pokemon Character Poll Bracket 8 Round 1
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Round 1
Gaeric VS Bill
Drayden VS Brassius
Tierno VS Sophocles
Florian VS Tate
Thorton VS Siebold
Prof. Rowan VS Aarune
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pkmnprideflags · 2 years
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Ok I always liked this guy but I don't play Pokémon for the multiplayer/online elements. I always felt bad bc I'd listen to his speech and be like, "Cool. Too bad I'll never use this game mechanic again"
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pkmnomegaverse · 9 months
Ships I’m considering changing around
Or at least that’s what I intended this to be. But it turned so much into a Ran introspection I don’t want to clutter it with more ships so ended it when that one. Mostly wrote this as notes to myself so it’s rambley, but I do talk about some kids so can get some insight into them. As I said though it’s mostly talk about Ran. Under a cut not because it’s scandalous (mostly), but because it’s long
This is one where I’m very committed to Neil still existing as Winona’s son, but it’s who his dad is that doesn’t matter, so Aarune is mostly a placeholder right now. Ship doesn’t really do anything for me and Aarune doesn’t add anything to the table as Neil’s dad. So holding out hope someone better comes along
For Neil, the whole point of his character is he’s Micah’s Gym Leader buddy who secretly has a crush on him. Cause Micah is my stealth shoujo protagonist who has his possible harem of suitors but like all shoujos, there’s only two of the dudes who really stand a chance and Neil is the guy who likes the protag, but everyone knows for sure that guy ain’t winning. A side suitor.
I don’t even have any ideas for alt ships at this point, I really am drawing a blank. The most I know is I really am leaning towards it being a guy, so the single girls I have milling about are out. Just the vibe I’m getting for who Neil’s other parent would be. But yes, I’m almost certain I’ll change this ship, just no idea to what.
What makes this one tricky is I really like Ren and Ran and even now when I look at my design for Ran, I feel he’s one I did a better job combining his parent’s design. So in my head, harder design to flip. Plus while I don’t care about Tate/Tucker as a ship, I feel there’s something to not cutting all the families with difficult relationships and flipping them out for generic happy families with no teeth. Like I already have a lot of generic happy families. Why keep adding more unless it’s for a ship I really like.
Basically, the way the fam currently is set up, Tucker is a tool who seduced poor young naive Tate once he was of age, got surprise pregnant, dumped the kids on him, and mostly peaced out. He comes around sometimes so it’s not like Ren and Ran don’t know who their mom is. And Tate Tucker have like a weird relationship but there’s not really together either. But not not together? It’s complicated. But it mostly is Tate as single hard working dad and it’s a thing that Ran actually doesn’t bring up the dysfunctional dynamic his parents have going, just plays it off like things are totally fine. Doesn’t have an unconventional household, what are you talking about. Even his brother being so sickly he’s bedridden is something he downplays. And while it is partly out of shame, it’s more he doesn’t want anyone to judge his family or pity him and his family. He’s a bitchy diva but has a hidden soft side he only really shows to his dad, aunt, and brother. Does care deep down. But okay, I could change the ship and make Tate/Mira a thing and I won’t really lose his design. Could make that work. But then it also makes the family situation kind of boring? Ran goes from being in a family situation he hides that genuinely is kinda sus on Tucker’s end due to how the relationship between his parents started to just regular happy mom/dad family. Ship with no teeth but like sure, can see Tate/Mira being cute. Ran can still be a bitch cause why not, but I feel he loses depth? So the delimma here is do I lean into Tucker sucking as a person (which honestly that wasn’t my intention when I first made the ship, like most things I decide on a whim, the full implications reveal themselves as I workshop things in the background). Or go with a more boring, but conventional ship and lose some of Ran’s nuance? Like this one I do lean on keeping as is because I think it makes Ran and Ren more interesting, even if it’s to the detriment of Tate and especially Tucker (I don’t think canonly he’s a bad person but sometimes you gotta do things for the narrative. It’s like the Bruno/Bugsy situation).
Which on the Bruno/Bugsy thing they are actually the next closest ship I sometimes compare this family to and with that family, Gunner HATES Bruno for how he perceives it being his fault his parents have such a dysfunctional relationship. The one who’s (emotionally) hurting his mom. Whereas Ran doesn’t hate Tucker. He mostly just finds him flighty and kinda likes spending time with him. Sometimes. Since once he’s older they do bond over the idol stuff. But Ran also assumes Tucker must not really love him or his brother very much, because if he did, he’d stick around more. So he tries to hold his feelings for Tucker at a distance. Tells himself not to care or expect anything from him since will just be disappointed in the end.
So actually yeah, writing all this out reaffirmed things for me so keeping it as is. I don’t see the sense of scrapping Ran as a character just because his parent ship isn’t the best and I kinda feel bad I made Tucker suck, since I feel fun things could be done with him. But sometimes sacrifices need to be made for the narrative!
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fr-creators · 2 years
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Copper Conduit and Weathervain by Aarune are up for pre-orders. Each skincent is up for 650g. Click here to view the thread.
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galacticrain · 11 months
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It's not a demon slayer au without demons to slay
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Time for another one of my silly little headcanons <3
Aarune from ORAS is Ingo and Emily's secret younger brother. Here is my evidence:
he was canonically born and raised in Unova
He's canonically 25, which I think fits with him being a younger brother of Ingo and Emmet, based on what I've seen people's age headcanons for them are
I think he looks similar to Ingo's PLA artwork. Goatee genetics
Debuted one generation after Ingo and Emmet
Ingo, Emmet, and Aarune just rolls off the tongue with the naming theme
Yeah so not a lot of evidence it's mostly just a fun little idea I have
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kdrc · 1 year
I thought this cover was unfinished until I saw it's already posted on Shogakukan website too. It took me awhile to understand what's going on here, I labeled em with colors 👉
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I noticed the horizontal white lines so I got that it's actually a screen, turned out it's the one from Giovanni's airship.
Main reason I thought it's an unfinished cover is this wall behind the screen. I thought Yamamoto forgot to crop or shading that part.
Upper level than where Red and Blue stood.
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Blaise's foot. From the angle I think maybe he did a kicking gesture to the screen? -since he was so angry seeing Maxie teaming up with others.
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I guess we might see Red, Blue, Giovanni, Amber and ofc Blaise on the back cover?
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Pokémon Human Character Tournament: Round 1, Matchup 6
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Finished Vallight raffle prize for Aarune of their dragon Centrois (#103103)
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cutekittenlady · 11 months
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last-lorekeeper · 6 months
I wonder if anyone's really looked into how Secret Bases work. Like, Hoenn is just littered with illusions that can only be dispelled using Secret Power. How did the illusions get there? Are they natural or did someone put them there? Why are they covering these hidden entrances? Who made these rooms? Sure I can buy maybe the cliff ones were naturally occurring but the ones in trees had to be man made, right? Maybe they're a relic of the ancient past. Like some sort of ancient fallout bunkers.
I have to talk to Aarune at some point.
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jadeazora · 1 year
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I do love how it's even the same artist, like 20yrs apart. (Via the TCG Instagram.)
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Wanted to get the back cover for Vol64 too. (They way Aarune and Wally are blocking off Red and Blue--I still hate the name switch. I get it, but it makes it confusing which I should use as someone who grew up with the Viz adaptation.)
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I was hoping we might get an actual trailer for this beyond the teaser yesterday, but hopefully before Ash's series ends. I really want to see more of the newbies' personalities.
And lastly, here's that Chinese Pokemon Quest short:
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