#aWiS asks
lvnesart · 1 year
I love your demon slayer au so much!! You said it’s cool to ask about your aus; do you have any more general information about it?
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Just because you brought it up I finally finished this older sketch
More info!
I actually never made a big big plan over this AU, I had the twins as the main siblings, ragbros as the demon siblings and a few other characters but I never did decide on Tengen,,, hmm 👀
I wasn't sure the backstory for these two but I did change it so Crepus adored Diluc, was maybe a little cold emotionally and his scars came from both birthmark and a fire accident
Kaeya was abandoned and Crepus took him, raised him for a very tiny period of time and passed away, leaving them to fend for themselves
After that I kinda stumbled through the AU itself, but I like focusing mainly on the twins vs ragbros (especially lumine vs kaeya lol)
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machihunnicutt · 3 months
enthusiastic cuddles accompanied by squeaky noises
beejhawk because of course. but what if bj is being a mopey idiot and hawkeye at his best clown behavior gets bj to wrap his arms around him, and proceeds to squeak in various ways whenever bj shifts. all in an attempt to get him to laugh. tighter hug means loud and insane squeak. let’s up some and the squeak gets a bit more pathetic sounding. IDK IS THIS ANYTHING
HI SHAN YES IT'S EVERYTHING!! I think ur description is cuter than my final product 😭 but I had fun anyway:
3. enthusiastic cuddles accompanied by squeaky noises
BJ sighed, exaggeratedly, from the bedroom, just as Hawkeye was stepping out of the shower. 
“You’re back,” Hawkeye said, poking his head out. 
“I’m back,” BJ said.
He was pretzeled up in their easy chair: legs thrown over one of its arms, tie loose, face in his hands. 
“How was surgery?” Hawkeye said. He scrubbed his hair with a towel. 
“It went well. Perfect, really. Thank you for talking me through that last bit,” BJ said.
Hawkeye had been glad to help. It had been a stressful week for the both of them: complicated surgeries, long hours, hardly any time to themselves. They were coming out of it now, though. It was nearly the weekend. 
“Then what are you all doom and gloom for?” Hawkeye said. 
“Traffic, headache, haven’t seen you all day,” BJ said.
He looked up at him, then, head tilting to one side. His expression was weary. He looked like he was in need of some cheering. If Hawkeye was honest with himself, the sight of Beej in their room, in their chair, home, and safe after a long day was instantly cheering. It was hard to believe, sometimes, that this was his life. It was hard to believe that when BJ came home he was coming home to him. 
BJ groaned. 
“And I’ve got that dentist appointment in the morning,” he said. 
Hawkeye laughed. “It’s just a cleaning. You’ll be alright. Do you want me to tag along and hold your hand?” he said. 
“I don’t like that dentist,” BJ said. 
“What dentist? Our dentist? What’s wrong with our dentist?” 
“He’s always asking me questions when he’s got his hands in my mouth. I can’t talk with hands in my mouth,” BJ said. 
He tipped his head back and rubbed his eyes some more. Hawkeye watched him: the jutting of his chin, the gentle bobbing of his Adam’s apple, the hair on his arms, staticky, standing on end. He’d taken off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves, but he was still far too clothed for the evening, in Hawk’s opinion. 
“Do you want to go to bed?” Hawkeye said. He crossed his arms and leaned one shoulder on the doorframe. 
“No,” BJ said, half a whine. “I just want to pause time for a little while.”
Paused time. Their world had been paused when they met. They’d been far away from their real lives and plans and responsibilities. Surgeries had been faster and time had been slower. They’d found each other in that pause. They’d found each other in the shaky inhalation that preceded a sob. They’d found each other in clasped hands and brushing dirt and blood off of olive green pants. They’d found each other in the moment before everything started up again, which was, of course, the wrong place to find someone you loved. There wasn’t supposed to be anything important in a pause.
And yet, here they were, still together in the moment after.
“I can help with that,” Hawkeye said. “Let me get dressed.”
“Do you have to?” 
“Help or get dressed?”
BJ’s chin tipped forward. He looked at Hawk with hungry eyes. 
“Get dressed,” he said. 
“So demanding,” Hawkeye said, teasing. 
He watched BJ watch him. He watched the way BJ’s gaze slid from Hawk’s face to the bare patch of chest that wasn’t covered by Hawk’s robe, and then lower. Hawkeye posed, grinning goofily, and perhaps ruining the effect.
BJ’s expression lifted, fractionally. He huffed out a laugh: amused, but still dedicated to his moping.
“C’mere,” BJ said. He slipped his legs off the chair’s arm, spread his knees wide, and opened his arms.
They’d tried several times to fit in this chair together, comfortably. Each time they’d failed. BJ’s legs fell asleep or Hawk managed to elbow him in the nose or they misjudged the chair’s stability and tipped it over. 
“I don’t know why you insist on making this work,” Hawkeye said, gesturing to the chair. “You’re a man of science. You know that physics isn't on our side here.”
“I want to kiss you on all the furniture we own. You can’t blame me for that,” BJ said.
Hawkeye tucked himself into Beej’s lap. He leaned back against him and kissed the side of his face. BJ wrapped his arms around Hawkeye’s middle, burying his palms in the fabric of his robe and pressing his face into Hawk’s wet hair.
BJ exhaled, deeply. Hawkeye could feel the expansion and contraction of his lungs. He could feel Beej’s collar bones pressed against his shoulder blades. He squeezed him and Hawkeye squeaked. 
BJ laughed. It was a low sound that buzzed through his chest. Hawkeye shivered. Suddenly, he wasn’t sure who was doing the cheering.
“What was that?” BJ said, curling in closer, against him. 
“Waggle never had any squeaky toys?” Hawkeye said. 
BJ squeezed him again and Hawk made a slightly different squeak (higher pitched, with character, evocative of a dog toy, he hoped).
BJ laughed again. Hawkeye turned to look at him, to confirm the bit was working. He was always doing that, during the war. He was always meeting Beej’s eyes and raising his eyebrows and coaxing him forward. There was something thrilling in their joking, back then. They were always straddling the line between innocent ribbing and outright flirtation. 
BJ leaned in and kissed him.
Hawkeye thought he’d had enough pauses. There were new things to look forward to, like Beej’s fingers against his jaw and tongue in his mouth. There were pieces of furniture they hadn’t yet kissed on. And Hawk could always buy more furniture (a new loveseat, a chaise lounge, folding chairs for the porch, when it got sunny, a particularly long and sturdy shoe rack or coffee table, though that might be pushing it).
BJ pulled away. 
“Are you ready for bed?” he said. 
“Are you?” Hawkeye said.
BJ sighed again, smiling this time, and rolling his eyes to the ceiling. He wrapped his arms tighter around Hawk and squeezed once more. He muffled Hawk’s squeak with another kiss.
“I’ll set an alarm. We can have breakfast together, before the dentist,” Hawkeye said. 
They could brush their teeth side by side, like the old days, elbow to elbow in the bathroom, looking at each other’s reflections in the narrow mirror. Sometimes Beej got toothpaste in his mustache. He’d pretend not to notice until Hawk pointed it out. It was another game they played: after coffee and toast, before pulling on shoes and buttoning coats. 
Mornings were full of pauses.
BJ smiled. “Alright,” he said. “Lead the way.”
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goatpaste · 1 year
wah... lisa lisa giving away suzi q at her wedding...
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proxythe · 1 month
m writing a super self indulgent akishinji fic and your art has inspired so many things in it..massive shoutout to you
i jumped when i got this notif… anon.. im truly honored. …….&i need this so bad … hands trembling. eyes bloodshot. grabs you by yhe shoulders . shakes you.
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txmxkis · 2 months
Hm. Then it's Hisoka :D
It's Feitan isn't it lmao
YOU THINK YOU'RE SOOOOOO FUNNY. god i wanna strangle that guy for real
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avizou · 2 years
just saw your tags for jimin's photofolio and if you make art about this i MIGHT DIE
eeeee you have no idea how motivating this is! i'm currently testing out the style i was thinking about, i hope it'll turn out nice <3
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thinkingnot · 1 year
now i’m sending YOU an ask
thoughts on breakfast tacos?
never had tacos (or any mexican food) before :(( but they be looking very good and nice
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theculturalvacuum · 2 years
I absolutely love your fic. Please tell me you going to update it. Crossing my fingers.
As a matter of fact, I will! At some point during the last summer, inspiration hit again, I sat down and outlined the entire thing (it will be 60 fucking chapters...) and have been working on it almost daily since September.
Unfortunately for the two or three fans I may have left, I also reread everything I published so far and the prose kinda made me cridge. Therefore, I'm not putting anything new up until it all goes through a multi-part drafting and revision process. The Charles Dickens thing was a nice experiment, but it's not for me. I'm actually also going back and revising everything. Hopefully into a state where there are something other than blank white rooms and the transitions aren't embarrassing.
Watch this space.
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lowpolyshadow · 2 years
Dark sonic?? I forget if you’ve ever talked about him before !
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hyunsung · 5 months
liebe mona, i hope you're having a wonderful birthday today!! despite me being super inactive i wanted to drop by and give you a virtual hug (until our actual coffee date, don't think i won't manage to make it reality) 🤍 you're one of the sweetest, most thoughtful people i was lucky enough to meet on here, i hope today and every day from now brings you happiness <3 we've had a bit of snow but also some sun, so i hope the day was equally nice for you! lots and lots of love, fühl dich gedrückt 💝 küsse!
awi, meine liebe :( <3 thank you so much for reaching out even though u are probably busy with lots of other things, i really appreciate it!! i will be very much waiting for that coffee date… YOU 🫵 are actually the nicest person in the world and the most talented on top of that. i miss you & your art every day 😔 also i went on a little trip to a nearby city, it was very cold but also really nice 🥺 thank you for your wishes again, i love you my pretty pretty artist 🤍
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miss-floral-thief · 11 months
oh they did get chinese bread ,wish i knew before i had sesame bread and dinner 
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lvnesart · 1 year
Saying this lovingly, from the bottom of my heart, to the last anon: gonna need you to consider that some of us come from places where your race, your ethnicity, your nationality, and your features can determine, not just on an individual level but on an institutional level, whether you are treated as less than human and therefore less than deserving of basic human rights. So, yes, people are going to be a little "obsessed" with a facet of their lives that so deeply affects them. And I fail to see why people can't be concerned with racism, orientalism, xenophobia, etc (like, there's names for these things, and if you look you can even find decades of written works explaining how it affects media and how people respond to it) AND war and pedophilia. Humans are multifaceted. Or is it that people don't think racism, orientalism, featurism, misogynoir, xenophobia, etc are important. I'm willing to bet money on which it is.
OP, I love your art, and I'm disappointed but not surprised by the last few asks I saw. Hope you're doing well; sorry you're dealing with all this.
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machihunnicutt · 3 months
HELLO!!! 14 or 21, if either of those speak to you???
HELLO!!! Loved both of these...tried to incorporate both:
14. being calmed by the familiar feeling of the other's body molding into theirs & 21. cuddles without doing anything else even though they have a bunch of things to do
“Are you hiding out in here?” BJ said. 
Hawkeye was sprawled, arms and legs out like a starfish, on their bed. He was wearing a pair of borrowed (stolen) running shorts, a sweaty t-shirt, and his tennis shoes, which were hanging off of the mattress. 
He poked his head up to look at BJ, standing in the doorway. 
“I don’t know where she gets all that energy from,” Hawkeye said: hushed, as if Erin could hear downstairs. 
She had the radio on, full blast, and just before BJ wandered off in search of Hawk, she’d been reorganizing the piles of toys she was keeping and the toys she was labeling with a rainbow assortment of price stickers, for the garage sale.
“She’s 13,” BJ said. 
“She accused me of being a hoarder,” Hawkeye said. 
“She’s going through a minimalist phase. It’ll pass,” BJ said.
Peg had enlisted Erin’s help in her spring cleaning endeavors, which had culminated in Erin’s first Mill Valley garage sale. Erin was always eager to assist, particularly with projects that allowed her to organize things or order people around. She liked taking money and making change. She liked selling fresh squeezed, super sour, best in town (her words) lemonade and making bargains and trades with her old baby dolls and jump ropes and clothes she’d outgrown. 
When they’d picked her up at the airport, for her summer visit, she’d recounted her escapades as a young entrepreneur and organizational savant with such animation, that BJ had agreed to let her host another sale at their house in Maine. He hadn’t thought about how much stuff they had and how many boxes and trash bags and superfluous pieces of furniture Erin would want to drag out onto the lawn and pepper with price tags.
Hawk wiggled to the right and patted the space beside him.
“You don’t think I’m a hoarder, do you?” Hawkeye said, as BJ stretched out beside him.
Hawkeye rolled on his side and pressed up against him, slinging one arm over BJ’s chest. He was warm, and still a little breathless. They fit together the way they always did: Hawkeye’s stomach flush with BJ’s ribs, his ankle hooked around BJ’s, his chin tucked over BJ’s shoulder, his eyes closed, and his nose pressed to the side of BJ’s neck. 
“I think you—have an exceptional eye for knick knacks,” BJ said.
“Useless knick knacks, that I hoard,” Hawkeye said.
“Don’t blame yourself. Knick knacks aren’t known for their utility,” BJ said.
Hawkeye laughed. This, too, was familiar: the buzzing, exultant, vibration of the sound. BJ laughed too, at his own joke. It was a chain reaction. It always was, when they were lying like this.
“Those salt and pepper shakers shaped like teddy bears are useful, and charming,” Hawkeye said.
They’d found them antiquing. Hawk said they reminded him of Radar. He’d carried them around the shop for half an hour, while they’d browsed. 
“Don’t tell me she wants to get rid of those,” BJ said.
Hawkeye pressed closer and kissed the underside of BJ’s jaw.
“She’s still working on the living room. I steered her away from the kitchen while you were going through all the crap in the garage,” he said.
“Oh, so the kitchen’s got all the treasures and the garage is full of my crap?” BJ said.
“Our crap,” Hawkeye said.
“Our crap,” BJ said, grinning. 
He could hear Erin downstairs, singing along to a Buddy Holly song at the top of her lungs. She’d wear herself out soon, he knew, and ask if they could go out for ice cream.
“I can talk to her, get her to tone it down a little. She gets very passionate about her projects,” BJ said.
“I love that about her. She gets that from you,” Hawkeye muttered: drowsy, muffled against BJ’s collarbone.
“I’m just saying you shouldn’t let her talk you into parting with things you don’t want to part with. She’s a reasonable kid,” BJ said.
A long pause. 
“Hawk? You awake?”
Hawkeye hummed. BJ looked down at the top of his head. He studied the sweat-damp tangle of his dark hair, streaked with silver. 
“A little decluttering is probably a good thing. I don’t have to hang onto everything for dear life anymore,” Hawkeye said. He relaxed his grip around BJ’s middle.
“That’s true. We’re sticking together, you and I. So’s our stuff,” BJ said.
“Our stuff,” Hawkeye said. He tipped his head back and looked up at BJ. “I like that it’s our stuff,” he said, voice soft.
There had been a time when there were very few objects by which BJ could remember Hawkeye. There had been a time when they were across the country from each other, and everything that belonged to the both of them, together, was stuffed in BJ’s old army trunk, under his bed, collecting dust. There had been a time when Hawk had very little of him: a shoebox full of letters, a couple fading photos, mismatched socks that had never been traded back. 
“So do I,” BJ said.
“Maybe we can introduce Erin to the joys of patronizing other people’s garage sales,” Hawkeye said.
“Peg will have my head if we send her home with an extra bag of nonsense,” BJ said.
“She can keep it here,” Hawkeye said.
“What about decluttering?” BJ said.
Hawkeye exhaled, with extra drama. “Everyone’s a critic,” he said.
“We should get up. We’ve got things to do,” BJ said.
Hawkeye kissed him, long and lazy.
“I’m plenty busy,” he said.
The volume of the music downstairs lowered, fractionally.
“Dad?” Erin called.
“Yeah, bug?” BJ said.
“I’m out of orange stickers,” she said.
“She’s out of orange stickers, Beej,” Hawkeye repeated, gravely.
“Maybe it’s time for an ice cream break,” BJ said.
Hawkeye sat up. His hair was mussed and his face was pink. He stretched, languidly, and yawned. BJ missed the sensation of Hawk’s skin against his.
He pressed his palm to BJ’s knee and squeezed. Sometimes BJ thought Hawk could read his mind. Maybe the feeling went both ways.
“Inspired idea,” Hawk said.
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troonwolf · 1 year
I need to make another Skyrim save where I abuse my 40+ mods in order to raid villages and cities and end up with a 50k bounty and bounty hunters constantly teleporting to my location everytime I stop for more than a minute
it was just very funny
I use follower mods to gather as many followers as possible, then I use rehoming mods to make them stay at a location, and I deck them out in bandit gear. so I take over locations and forts until I’m close enough to somewhere like Whiterun and then I just repeatedly attack everyone and take all their stuff
and then I give the stuff to the Thieves Guild
it’s just funny how unprepared the game is for you doing this. like ofc it’s unprepared, it’s not designed to be a bandit raid simulator, but it’s just so funny
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authorwithissues · 2 years
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txmxkis · 2 months
You're not denying being a Chrollo kisser lmao 🥺
yes well. sadly that's a not so secret secret 🫠 i'll still kill him though 🥰
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