#a lot of this is based on ideas we have about what constitutes certain people and i think it can be a fun observation
uncanny-tranny · 8 months
You know, I feel like other trans people might get this, but it's honestly kind of refreshing when a cis person has, like, undeniable tboy/tgirl/whatever swag. It's like when you come across somebody who speaks the same language as you and you only find out when they start speaking it, too.
#trans#transgender#lgbt#lgbtq#ftm#mtf#nonbinary#all this to say that we are existing on a rock hurling through space#and this universe is going to collide into another and does it all truly matter in the end?#a lot of this is based on ideas we have about what constitutes certain people and i think it can be a fun observation#so long as you do not inherently ascribe certain traits as being indicative of who somebody Is#it can be amusing when you're SO confident that somebody is a certain way until you realize how Wrong you were#the amusement for me only comes because it's like... 'you tried your best to box somebody and you FAILED lmao'#and in a weird way it's kind of comforting because it reminds me that we all come into this world with bias that Will be challenged...#...so the best thing you can do is recognize those biases and then try to overcome them through great effort...#...so yes maybe i did think that cis dude had tboy swag but. that's not inherently his problem you know?#it probably just means he's confident in his manhood in a way that reminds me of the trans men* i know and love#i noticed that in him and it reminded me of my friends who are trans so i think 'oh! maybe that's why he's giving off those vibes!'#so while i won't treat him any differently before or after finding out i was wrong i'm still going to appreciate the fact that...#...he and i are literally just Vibing on the same planet and we both don't have time for petty arguing about manhood#i'll acknowledge what inspired those thoughts in me but that is Not his problem and that's good and beautiful actually#i don't always mind the tboy/tgirl swag meme just so long as you don't treat it like an Inherent Trans Experience Only Trans People Have#just recognize where those ideas are inspired from and it's fine <3#sometimes you will be Wrong and that's actually fucking neutral <<3#anyway rant over i just think this is /generally/ harmless and fun#like astrology. sometimes you just look up your star sign without ascribing your Entire Life to it <3#i think what i lot of people mean by saying a cis person has tboy/tgirl swag is just that...#...that cis person has an understanding of themself that comes from deep introspection that isn't necessarily expected of cis folk...#...but it is often something trans people do as part of our exploration of gender...#how is this the FIRST POST to reach tag limit... ask me for more thoughts if you want lol!
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"What influence, in fact, have ecclesiastical establishments had on society? In some instances they have been seen to erect a spiritual tyranny on the ruins of the civil authority; on many instances they have been seen upholding the thrones of political tyranny; in no instance have they been the guardians of the liberties of the people. Rulers who wish to subvert the public liberty may have found an established clergy convenient auxiliaries. A just government, instituted to secure and perpetuate it, needs them not." --James Madison,  Memorial and Remonstrance Against Religious Assessments (1785)
This is an excellent article by Timothy J. Sabo. It is a long article, but well worth reading. Sabo refutes all the claims by "Christian" nationalists that the Constitution was "inspired by God," and that the Founders wrote the Constitution based on a Christian understanding of God's will.
The BIGGER Lie is the misconception that the U.S. Constitution was “inspired by God.” Let me paint the picture for you. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness — that to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…” You know these words, right? They are NOT in the U.S. Constitution. They are from the Declaration of Independence. [...] The Founders had their own faith-based beliefs which varied greatly, but they did not incorporate those beliefs into the U.S. Constitution. While the Declaration of Independence strives to connect us with a Creator who guarantees “unalienable rights,” the Constitution never mentions either. [...] The Founders wrote a lot about liberty, and equality, but those were words meant for them — the white men who would rule the nation. These were concepts that were never supposed to come to fruition for those “undeserving” souls: the indigenous tribes, African slaves, and women.
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Sabo goes on to show just how much the Founders believed "liberty, and equality" didn't apply to indigenous people, Blacks, and women--and how the "Christians" back then used the Bible to justify slavery, second class citizenship for women, and the right to conquer the "savages" who inhabited the land.
Sabo also refutes the idea that "unalienable rights" come from the Biblical God:
"When we compare the Word of God to the Laws of Man, the most interesting fact we find is that the God of the Bible never mentions any “unalienable rights.” Instead of granting Man rights, God laid out commandments for Man to follow; quite a big difference from what God demands and what the American government granted."
As further proof that the Founders did not consider the U.S. to be founded as a Christian nation, Sabo points to the 1796 U.S. Senate ratified Treaty of Tripoli, which states in Article 11:
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If the Constitution — the foundational legal document of the nation — was inspired by God, why then are the Founders, just five years after ratification, stating that the United States is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion?
Read the article for more debunks regarding the right-wing "Christian" nationalist belief that the U.S. Constitution was inspired by God and that the U.S. was founded as a Christian nation. But here's one last thought from Sabo:
The Founders were not “inspired by God” when writing the new Constitution. The truth is they were “inspired to keep God out of it.” What if America, the great nation “created by God for Christians” was created by men who decided to keep God out of the foundation of the nation? What if those Founders were not “inspired by God,” but instead were inspired to keep God out of the business of the government entirely?
_______________ *NOTE: The 100 million excess indigenous deaths in the Americas is an estimate. According to D. M. Smith (2017), some modern estimates can be as low as 70 million, although Smith estimated 175 million excess indigenous deaths in the Western Hemisphere from 1492 – 1900. Smith also estimated 13 million excess indigenous deaths from 1492 – present in the lands that now constitute the U.S. & Puerto Rico. All images (before edits) via source Thanks to @wtfnameisavailable for a comment on this post that led me to the above article by Timothy J. Sabo.
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shirk-ethic · 6 months
In his season on the French Revolution Mike Duncan lays out a pretty broad volley against Marxist historiography, which aligns with my understanding of broad critiques of that theoretical framework, as well as its applicability to the French Revolution. Basically that Marxian historiography looks attractive in the big picture and then loses in the details. Pretty familiar stuff.
I find his comment on this interesting - it's one of the first things that Duncan brings up in the first episode. While I'm sympathetic to the critique of Marxist historiography, which I would not necessarily describe as consistent in quality (much of it inheriting certain problems from theoretical antecedents, specifically a kind of morally inverted or modified Whig historiography and a reliance on stageism), the specific things that Duncan flags as problems for the Marxist narrative are the following:
Portions of the nobility were involved in early proto-capitalist development.
There were bourgeois defenders of aristocratic and noble privilege, primarily because they either had just bought into that privilege, or were attempting to do so.
But I think this only presents an issue if you assume that classes and all their members have to act unilaterally and cannot possibly have divergent or conflictual interests. Which just seems like a silly assumption we have no reason to make, nor to consider a fundamental tenet of a materialist or Marxist lens on historical events. Like, sure, the idea that the French Revolution is the inauguration of capitalism or brought in a political order automatically befitting a new economic order is patently false for a variety of reasons - but what we do see is constitutive parts of capitalism and liberalism appearing within a floundering social order. These constitutive elements were often introduced by feudal institutions (Louis XIV's centralization of political power and the variety of attempted but neutered reforms on law and finance by Louis XV and XVI's ministers), only for those new systems to benefit a class of people that wasn't actually responsible for making them. If Marxist teleology is wrong (and I think it is!), that doesn't actually mean that a materialist history, or a historiography based on class struggle, is wrong.
There's actually a pretty interesting Marx passage on this exact topic, in the section on primitive accumulation:
The industrial capitalists, these new potentates...their conquest of social power appears as the result of a victorious struggle both against seigniorial power, with its revolting prerogatives, and against the regime of the guilds, with the fetters it placed on the free development of production and the free exploitation of man by man. But the knights of industry only supplanted the knights of the sword by exploiting events not of their own making.
(Emphasis mine - when Marx says “appears” or “presents itself as,” it is usually quite notable.)
I remember I once said that liberalism is the political order and worldview birthed by a "nascent capitalism" and somebody disputed this because "liberalism predated capitalism" - which I think misses the use of the term nascent, how a lot of the constitutive elements of what we will come to refer to as capitalism were emerging within older social forms, and it is those emergent new political and economic relationships that encouraged the formation of new blocs of ideas. Like, Weber's argument about the relationship between the moral ideas of Protestantism and early capitalist development isn't unmade by highlighting how Catholic states and social formations were engaged in early capitalist enterprise. This point raises interesting and challenging questions that need to be further elaborated on, but to say that kind of detail disproves the analysis is to kind of misapprehend its object.
To some extent I think this is a problem with overemphasizing discrete moments and periods in history as "revolutions" rather than prolonged processes of social transformation, which Marxists definitely do. I dunno, maybe this is because I don't take "worldview Marxism" especially seriously, but I find it an odd critique.
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yanderefairyangel · 6 months
I don't like talking about the 3H discourse however it helped me realize how a lot of people don't necessarily understand how politics in fiction works
To be clear, I am not accusing people of being stupid, but of favorising so much a reading over another they migh not be open minded about it.
So how does it work ? well, when it comes to politics and social situation, all depends on the setting which comes in 2 category : fiction set in a settings that is real and fiction set in a fictional setting.
In one case, depending on which country you place your story, you will have to deal with the political/social/economical situation of that country.
In the other, you will have to create them. And this means that because fiction, even if you take inspiration over a certain country for aesthetic and design, you can still mix it up with other country and whatever you want because it's fiction and it's up to you to set the rules. Therefore if we have to "study" the political/economical/social aspect in this type of fictional work, it's not research on the irl country, period etc that will help us study it, but only a close reading on the rules of this specific setting.
And I noticed that when people go by Eddie is indented to represent a mentality of left while Dima and Faerghus represent conservatism, they are using terms that are for the real world but that in Fodlan doesn't exist as such. The decision that the lords are making can't be based on how irl it might be translated but only on how effective they are for Fodlan based on the rules established for Fodlan. How each lord is able to answer to the problem of the continent and their respective country and which one is the most effective. That's the whole idea of 3H's narrative. It's not about irl events, it's only about what's happening in Fodlan.
Moreover, I noticed that some of the people trying to defend either side argue that 3H is a social commentary to defend this reading. However, might I remind you that 3H or if you prefer Fuukasetsugestu is originally a japanese game written by japanese people aimed at japanese people written in japanese language ?
Game can have a social commentary aspect, such as Persona 5 however, the author of Persona 5 are making a commentary about Japan, their country which is also the place they settled the story in. 3H doesn't take place in Japan, it takes place in a fictional setting mixing every country and culture together, however IS and KT's writing team is pretty much japanese. Even if they wanted to comment on social issues, it's more likely for them to comment on Japan's through very obvious reference that will speak to their jpn audience, hence the presence of buddhism in 3H and other Fe as well. And even if they migh try to make historical reference to the country that inspired the settings, nothing will change the fact that reading 3H as a social commentary on idk American society is a rather wrong reading. If anything, it should be read as a commentary on japanese society if you want to push the idea that 3H have a social commentary, not America. Why would the team of IS and KT refer to a country's politics and condition they do not live in and that are different from theirs ? America is a democracy with a president. Japan is a constitutional monarchy ruled by an Emperor. Their vision of concept such as left and right, traditionalist, conservative and liberalist are different from a western point of view. The weight of tradition and the social issues as well as the influence of religion and even alimentation and relation to food is not the same as us. If we want to see Eddie as the reflect of some social commentary, then we have to wonder what she represent to Japan since the writers are japanese. And even if you argue that she is from a European based setting. You will also have to take into account how the country her empire is based on deal with politics. And don't get me started on the anachronism since a lot of concept didn't existed yet. The conditions of someone in the Byzatine Empire were completely different then from someone living in the Italy of the Renaissance and even more different then our current area. If you insist on reading it as such, then you will have to make research on the different belief, challenges etc of the time.
But we can all agree that FE was never about historical accurency. Most of the social commentary are based on japanese views of the world, relationship etc. Whether they are aware of it or not the writers will glimpse some of that japanese life in their works, that's even why localization exist, to make us understand that by adaptating it to our culture, what we are familiar with.
Will this solves cultural dissonances problem ? Of course not. There are things that at it's core cannot be rendered.
Just to give a recent example. See Engage ? See Zephia ? Well, for some people her reason to have a baby seems dumb since she already had the Hounds. However, the point of view that Sombron expresses about family being only a matter of relationship through blood echoes to a very strict vision of family in Japan were family is only and strictly based on kinship through blood. This lead to adopted children to be rather frowned upon, in fact, those adoption are very rare. When people talk about adoption in Japan, in general they think of someone having adopted an adult man as their heir. It's called the Koseki system. And yes, that's the origin of the "we are not blood related" thing that FE has been doing since Awakening and Fates. While I wouldn't go as far as saying Zephia and Alear are intended to be social commentary on that matter, I think it's because of how this vision was so present for the original public that Zephia's reasoning was actually pretty sensible to their mind, but probably less to people who are now used with the idea that adopted children are as real family as blood children to their parents. And that's just on Japan, you have other society were the status of adopted children are vastly different but I digress.
In those condition, wanting to see Eddie and Dima or Claude and Rhea only from a westerned point of view under the claim that FE is Western inspired is pretty weak. It's referencing those culture yes, but ultimately as a Japanese product, it will mostly and mainly deal with things that speak to this audience then the Westernian one.
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bigskydreaming · 4 months
Last reblog is why I'll be forever pissed at how binary tumblr/social media has made discourse about things like toxic ships, the content of dark fic, etc. Because its all so knee-jerk and reactive, on both sides of the arguments, we've left no real space for actual conversation about a lot of these topics. So often I see people defend fic about certain kinds of topics with 'well obviously this is just fiction and ppl know that this isn't REALLY okay' and its like no! That's NOT obvious or something that can be taken for granted at this point.
The extreme LACK of any kind of expanded discussion or examination of a lot of these topics at this point - as every attempt quickly devolves into various sides taking shots at everyone having anything to do with either writing the content or reacting to the content - has rendered this atmosphere where some extremely skewed views of things have become commonplace among large sections of fandoms. And for all that 'google is free' a lot of the information available TO offset these views and educate people isn't being sought out because not enough people even REALIZE that they have skewed or inaccurate views of things in the first place, so they don't go searching for more informed takes on things they don't realize they're lacking information on!
And its like.....there are some extremely fucked up views on what does and doesn't constitute consent among people reading and writing dark fic....but on the flip side there absolutely ARE people who define themselves solely by opposition to this content who aren't actually any more informed because they're basing THEIR views off of conversations that spring up AROUND these topics without ever actually delving INTO them. Not to mention topics of abuse, incest, power dynamics, age gaps......like.
We really need to stop acting like everyone is basing their views or even just assumptions about these things off of the same root preconceptions because the basic reality of how many people get a lot of their formative ideas of these topics FROM fanfic and fandom views/discourse means that there are a ton of assumptions and misconceptions lying at the root of so much discourse around certain topics and nobody is actually doing anything to correct it because everyone just assumes that everyone's operating off of some shared empirical take when that's just flat out not accurate.
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individualist-infp · 23 days
Hi i'm stuck between infp and enfp and I wanted ur op on what u think I am? I'm actually kind of shy/quiet/awkward in social situations, but I think it's because I have some social anxiety? Either way, I always have a natural urge/tendency to be around people and try exciting things. I have a lot to say and feel like I only hold back because of my anxiety/fear. In truth, I'm actually quite spontaneous but also deep/internally focused at times. Do u think I might be an infp or enfp??
From that information I can't tell if you are an enfp, infp or other type. First of all you need to know if you are an introvert or an extrovert. There are extroverts who can have social anxiety or be shy and introverts who can be social. There's the stereotype that extroverts equal party animals or people with 100 friends that always have to be socializing, or that being an introvert equals shyness. Those are just confusing stereotypes.
The first letter of a physchological type is I or E , which stands for our primary attitude: Extraversion or Introversion.
Extroverts: emphasize the influence of outward circumstances. They interact with most situations in terms of the satisfactions possible to them—even if those satisfactions have no immediate relationship to their Introverted reflections.
Extraverts are stimulated by the claims, pleasures, and obligations of the outer world. The people, things, and events that constitute the external world.
Do you seek and collect energy from the world outside?
Are you energized by the outside world of people, objects, experiences, etc?
Do you act before reflecting?
Are you influenced by and gauge your worth by the expectations and attention of others?
Are you outgoing and highly expressive, and do you fail to recognize your own needs?
Are you straighforward, understandable, accesible?
Introverts: emphasize the inner viewpoint. They are most comfortable in situations that allow for sustained reflection and a certain amount of privacy. If the satisfactions possible in a situation aren’t well enough related to their needs, they may carve out a space for themselves that allows them to participate on their own terms.
Do you consider your own viewpoint the arbiter of reality and make decisions based on it?
Do you focus on and draw sustenance from a vivid and rich inner world of thoughts, ideas, feelings, impressions, facts?
Do you reflect before you act?
Do you defend yourself against the expectations of others?
Are you self-aware, sometimes passionately intense, but may not realize the effect you have on others?
The key here is to reflect on yourself and think were do you draw sustenance, the inside world or the external world? Extroverts can be reflective at times when they use their introvert functions but they still have the preference for extraversion.
Also, you need to take into account your cognitive functions to figure out your type accurately. There are 4 functions in each stack of each type, their order vary depending of the type.
It's not the same to have Fi in your dominant function or as the auxiliary function, the dynamic changes. When an INFP is presented with a new situation for example, he or she first needs to reflect on personal feelings or how she feels about the situation. If it aligns with her personal values she then goes for it. On the contrary an ENFP may easily jump to the new experience and seeks to exploit it's potential, and then reflects and internalizes feelings.
INFP: Internalizes feelings, then is open to new experiences.
ENFP: Experiences, then internalizes feelings.
(Fi) Introverted Feeling
(Ne) Extraverted Intuition
(Si) Introverted Sensing
(Te) Extraverted Thinking
(Ne) Extraverted Intuition
(Fi) Introverted Feeling
(Te) Extraverted Thinking
(Si) Introverted Sensing
First of all, there are the perceiving functions, which can be iNtuitive (N) or Sensation (S). We use those functions to perceive.
Types who prefer Sensation generally focus on direct sensory experience. They’re aware of appearances, facts, and details, and their surroundings have a direct impact on them.
Types who prefer Intuition generally ignore the material surface of things and consider the larger picture. They’re interested in meaning and future possibility, not facts and details. Intuitives may be so focused on a situation’s potential that they overlook present obstacles. They have great interest in symbols and the unseen, it's natural for them to read between the lines, they see what's behind the physical. Ex: When watching a movie an intutive interprets an old and decrepit manor where a tragic character lives like his underworld, a place of suffering and entrapment. A sensor just sees it as a manor, nothing more.
Then, there are the judging functions: Thinking (T) and Feeling (F). Judging functions prompt us to note how things usually happen and to organize our behaviors accordingly. This is why Thinking and Feeling are considered rational functions. Rational behavior is always based on predictability—things we know to be true because they happen regularly in the same way.
When we use Thinking, we organize our behaviors in terms of general, impersonal predictability: rules, laws, principles, logical or numerical sequence, definition, hierarchy, and so forth.
 When we use Feeling, we organize our behaviors in terms of specific, personal criteria: the signs and rituals that convey our shared beliefs, values, moral sensibilities, identification with others, and social relationships.
Lastly, there are the Perceivers (P) or Judgers (J). These do not represent cognitive functions, but preferences.
As the title suggests, those with a J preference pair like to “judge” life’s outcomes. They’re careful calibrators and enjoy setting schedules and making plans. They prefer to know what comes next and like to have a sense of control over their surroundings. Overall, they like things the way they are and aren’t always open to change.
Perceivers see life as a spontaneous opportunity.Those with a P on their personality results are most likely seen as creative, curious, and open-minded. They can easily adapt to almost any situation and prefer flexible schedules. All in all, they come across as procrastinators with an outgoing approach on life.
I hope I haven't confused you with all of this information. This is the basics of the different type of functions and the difference between introversion and extraversion. There's a lot more to know with the functions, but I didn't wanted to overwhelm you. If you have more questions feel free to send me more messages. 😊 On my taglist I have many post on cognitive functions and typing tips, you can check them out.
I recommend you this test to figure out your type with precision:
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creature-wizard · 1 year
I've heard about a theory in regards to the ancient civilisations, and it said something along the lines of : back then people were living a more spiritual life and they weren't " technological" , but spiritualy advanced rather than super tech and stuff , and we now, have the tech but are less advanced spiritualy.
Obviously I can't prove this, but considering that people in the past had stories and myths about everything(sky, wind, spirits of the plants or forests etc ) , you can say they were giving a spiritual context to almost everything ( just like how , maybe, we are using science now to explain different phenomenon) . This is not to deny science, just to say how what something works for us and pur belief system now, worked differently in the past.
Ohhhh this is a fun topic!
So first of all, this theory you're talking about has a lot to do with romanticism. In context, it's a very understandable reaction to the way society and socioeconomics were; but at the same time it was fraught with unfounded assertions about history and human nature, and had all kinds of dodgy notions about what it would take to improve society.
Secondly, the idea that science and spirituality are at odds with each other, and that the former destroys the latter, is largely a modern Western perception; and one that not all Westerners would even agree with. The thing is, spirituality evolves and takes different forms as society, technology, and knowledge changes. Are we "less" spiritual, or has our spirituality merely taken new forms?
Furthermore, how do we decide what constitutes spiritual advancement? Were they really "advanced," or did they just have a form of spirituality that made sense to them? Does it really even make sense for us to regard certain constellations as actual people and animals up there in the sky?
And what about the beliefs and practices we'd consider morally abhorrent today? Should we prioritize thinking that disease and misfortune are punishments from offended spirits? Should we go back to sacrificing people to Odin? Like it or not, these sorts of things were part of people's spiritual realities in the past, and blanket claims that people in the past were "spiritually advanced" implies that these sorts of things were the thoughts and behaviors of spiritually advanced people, and are therefore admirable and aspirational.
There are people who will claim that these sorts of things were somehow trivial or unimportant, and therefore don't count when it comes to assessing ancient people's alleged spiritual advancement, but what they're really doing is cherry picking based on their own biases and desires. And to be clear, there's nothing wrong with being inspired by older forms of spirituality; it's just that people shouldn't confuse "this older form of spirituality has things I like" with "this older form of spirituality is objectively better and more advanced than what we have now."
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aeoki · 1 year
SHINSEKAI - Empire of Fantasy: Chapter 5
Location: Tohoku Town (SHINSEKAI) Characters: Mika, Shuu & Natsume
TL Note:
“Inunaki-mura” (lit. Howling Village) is a Japanese urban legend from 1990 where the residents of the supposed village refused to follow the rules of the Japanese constitution. 
There is a district in Osaka called “Shinsekai” which has the famous Tsutenkaku Tower and is surrounded by eateries and other shops.
Metal Babble is the name of a monster from the Dragon Quest series. 
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Shuu: Hmph. What an exaggerated comment; both your appearance and attitude are unnecessarily large.
Mika: Ngh~ Why is Nakkun a giant? Is it also because of the VR thing?
Natsume: “FuFU. I hope you’ll refrain from the unnecessary interruptions, ‘Valkyrie’. I’m sure there won’t be an end to your questioNS, but it’ll only slow down the explanation and I won’t be able to move oN.”
“Getting back to the subject at haND, you two are living in a virtual reality through the use of the latest technology, ‘SSVRS’. It would feel as if you’re dreaming while maintaining your sense of seLF.”
“I suppose it’ll be easier for young people to think of it as if they’ve been reincarnated or transported into another worLD.”
Shuu: You’re young yourself.
Natsume: “YeAH. For the obstinate elderly who cannot comprehend our unrestrained ideAS, it’s our privilege and our best weapON.”
“We’ve waited such a long time to do it, so we’ll brandish iT.”
“We’ll wave what we’ve built from the past for the futuRE.”
Shuu: Stop with the personal statement and hurry up and explain the situation.
I don’t mind listening to your ramblings because you’re the speaker, but if it was anyone else, I would have walked away a long time ago.
Natsume: “On the contrary, you’re not allowed to leaVE ♪”
Shuu: …What?
Natsume: “You two will be living in this ‘SHINSEKAI’ for a temporary period of tiME. During that period, you cannot leave the VR spaCE. You won’t be able to return to realiTY.”
“I believe I’ve already given everyone but ‘Valkyrie’ an explanation and have received their consent beforehaND.”
Shuu: Then, why haven’t you explained anything to us!?
Natsume: “If I did, you would have definitely complainED and you wouldn’t take part in this game, would yOU, Nii-san?”
“We have our own reasons heRE. For better or worse, you two have special treatmeNT.”
“In any case, you’ll be living in this VR space, ‘SHINSEKAI’, for a certain period of tiME.”
“This is a dream worLD – a lot of things are different from the real worLD.”
“The laws and rules you think are common sense might not make much sense heRE, so be carefUL.”
“From here on out, the Constitution of Japan will not appLY.”
Mika: It’s Inunaki-mura! Inunaki-mura[1] ♪ 
Shuu: Why is Kagehira excited…?
Natsume: FuFU, I figured Mika-kun would understand the referenCE ♪ I thought it was a bit strange for it since we’re in the Tohoku region and that’s an urban legend from the Kyushu area, if I remember correctLY.
Mika: Before that, the word “SHINSEKAI” reminds me of Osaka for some reason, though.[2]
Natsume: “I’m basing the town here off the Tohoku region for various reasoNS, but it’s a fantasy hodgepodge consisting of customs and folklore from a variety of placES.”
“I’d prefer if you didn’t poke your nose into the details of the worLD. I got lazy when it came to the detaiLS.”
“AnywAY! You two will be living in the VR space called ‘SHINSEKAI’ for a while, okAY?”
Shuu: For what reason…?
Natsume: “FuFU, I think you’ll be able to slowly figure that oUT. This is more meaningful than staying holed up in the inn and lazying about until the Qualifying Rounds end, nO?”
“I hope you can enjoy this way to kill tiME.”
“If you have any questioNS, go up and ask us ‘Switch’ helper characters stationed here and there in thIS ‘SHINSEKAI’.”
Mika: ‘Switch’ is stationed here and there? Whaddya mean…?
Natsume: “If you encounter any troublES, come talk to us, alrigHT?”
“We’ll handle whatever problems you have sincerely and to the best of our abilitiES. We don’t want the test to end in failure, either, you knOW?”
Shuu: Hmph. So you’re saying, as a means of revenge for being thrown into this aggravating situation, you don’t mind if we ruin everything here?
Natsume: “You can’t do iT, Nii-san. You’re too kiND.”
“BesidES, I don’t think you two have the time to be meddling in our affaiRS…♪”
Shuu: ……?
Mika: Ngh? The people around us have started staring at us.
Natsume: “I forgot to mention thIS, but ‘SSG’ is everything in this ‘SHINSEKAI’.”
“Meals, a place to sleep, moving between towns and other things coST ‘SSG’.”
Shuu: “SSG”...? You’ve mentioned “SSVRS” and “SSL$”, but I can’t keep up with all this similar terminology.
Natsume: “FuFU. In other worDS, ‘SSG’ is the only currency iN ‘SHINSEKAI’.”
“The moment an idol steps foot into ‘SHINSEKAI’, their ‘SSL$’ in their possession will be converted tO ‘SSG’.”
Shuu: Why did you change its name? Calling it ‘SSL$” would have been no issue whatsoever.
Natsume: “RigHT. To go furthER, it’s not ‘SSL$’ but ‘L$’, and it’s not ‘L$’ but the Japanese yen and that wouldn’t be an issue, eithER.”
“If different currencies are being usED, it simply means there are reasons to do sO.”
“Being able to manufacture and make use of a currency is quite powerful in its own rigHT. You could probably run a country or tWO.”
“I’m just jokiNG~ Maybe that’s too much of a hiNT.”
Mika: Ngh~? I don’t really get it but we’re the winners of yesterday’s “Championship Match”, so we’ve got quite a lotta money, right?
Natsume: “YeAH. I’m sure ‘Valkyrie’ is at the very top in terms of current ‘SSG’ possessED.”
“Also, this is an important poiNT: In this ‘SHINSEKAI’, it’s not illegal to attack and steal ‘SSG’ from other idoLS.”
Shuu: …What?
Natsume: “I’ll say it again but in this ‘SHINSEKAI’, ‘SSG’ is everythiNG.”
“You can’t do a thing without it and as long as you have soME, you can turn any dream or wish of yours into realiTY.”
Shuu: Which means…
Natsume: “YeAH. ‘Valkyrie’ doesn’t have common knowledge of ‘SHINSEKAI’ and are walking around defenselessly with a large amount of ‘SSG’...”
“They’re prey for the other idoLS. A naive person is easy to deceiVE. Just like a Metal Babble[3] who doesn’t run but sits there in a daZE.”
Mika: Nghaahhh!? O-O-O-O-Oshi– Onii-chan! The people around us have a scary look on their faces and they’re startin’ to attack us!?
Natsume: “AhaHA, I suggest you start runniNG, unless you want all of your money on hand to be forcibly taken from yOU ♪”
Shuu: Non! You call this a utopia? This behaviour is no different from barbaric cavemen!
← Previous Chapter ᠂ ⚘ ˚⊹˚ ⚘ ᠂  Next Chapter →
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omegasmileyface · 2 months
i completely understand (and encourage) hesitancy and distrust of image generation ML (AI) and seeking more regulation and talking abt its use to further deny artists the ability to get by on their work, and i dont think you should like it, but... im very worried when ppl say they consider it "stealing". it detects patterns in data (the data being the pixels in the pictures and the words in their metadata such as the titles), and determines "this pattern is more likely to happen under these conditions, and this other one if more likely to happen under these other conditions..." etcetera, lots and lots and lots of times. and then when it generates an image, it follows the likelihoods it counted out earlier. how does that constitute stealing? if "using a certain color/shape/composition/whatever element with the same likelihood that several artists do" is stealing (or, worse, plagiarism, which has a VERY specific definition that isn't this), then.. what isn't? how do you feel about artists who learn by copying eye shapes? artists who follow coloring tutorials by others? the people trying to reconstruct Johannes Vermeer's artistic process even though he kept it secret out of fear of stolen valor? artists drawing based off things theyve seen before but never asked permission to use in the future? artists who post studies of photos someone else took?
remember, it doesnt work anything like a "collage", and if an image generator IS recreating exact pieces of the images in its dataset, that means its not working as intended and has overtrained on a small dataset, which is considered a bad thing. the only thing an image generator (is supposed to) use from its training images is an analysis of how often certain patterns appeared.
i don't think there aren't issues of respect/credit in using something as part of training data, but i dont think using a generator as described above constitutes "stealing" the art used in the dataset. if it does, then i think the other things i've listed in the first paragraph must also count as stealing, right? and that feels like a very hostile and capitalist mindset to have. i think there are problems you can have with image generation that don't require saying you can steal a probability.
please don't encourage stricter copyright, it has historically only been in the benefit of corporations to take rights away from independent artists, which is exactly what we DISLIKE about the ai situation. there is a reason we like open source software and transformative rights and games piracy and copyleft ideals. instead, please encourage protections for artists, like regulations ensuring artists get livable wages regardless of if anyone wants their art. and regulations requiring disclosure that something is machine generated. and regulations restricting how much energy can be used by non-essential processes/industries. not stronger laws about idea-property, ok?
in other words, attempting to turn matters of respect (such as how you're an asshole if you post someone's art without asking but if you copy-paste someone's nft you're based. it's the same action, and it shows disrespect both ways, but the latter is someone it's fine to not respect) into law is very difficult, and if it is codified, it is pretty much always strengthened and used by large companies exploiting people for profit, because they have lawyers and publicity teams, and never used for the benefit of individuals, who get ignored or paid off.
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annabellavalenti · 8 months
*Narratives and Rhetoric 
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In this entry, I will examine the critical questions: How does this artifact use narrative elements to promote a certain ideology or constitute people in a narrative? What is (ethically) productive and/or limiting about this depiction, and is it more productive or limiting? 
To investigate these questions, I examined the song “This is America” by Donald Glover as my rhetorical artifact. "This Is America'' is a song on the various social and political issues in the United States, particularly those related to gun violence, race, and the African American experience. Thus this song and music video promotes the narrative of the complex and sometimes contradictory nature of American society through the use of social truth, and the size of the audience this video reached, made for significant social and cultural impact.
The release of "This Is America'' occurred during a period of extreme social and political awareness, with ongoing discussions and debates about gun violence, racial tensions, police brutality, and the state of American society. The video's provocative content and symbolism added to these conversations and made it a significant cultural and artistic moment. The song and video emphasize the duality of American life, where moments of joy, celebration, and distraction coexist with violence and oppression. This suggests that America can be both this amazing place of freedom and expression but also scary and dangerous. Throughout the video, Childish Gambino uses guns to commit acts of violence, including shooting a gospel choir. These scenes draw attention to the issue of gun violence in America and its impact on communities. The video also critiques the role of smartphones and social media in today's society. At various points in the video, people are seen using their phones to capture the chaos and violence, highlighting how these technologies can both document and trivialize important events. The video ends with Childish Gambino running in fear of a mob, symbolizing the ongoing challenges faced by African Americans and the danger they can encounter in American society. Childish Gambino's portrayal of violence, particularly violence against African Americans, serves as a commentary on racial injustice in the United States. This music video has over 800 million views on YouTube and caused a lot of uproar at the time because people aren't used to seeing America portrayed in this way. We as a society are used to seeing America projected as this' ‘land of free' ' and this video shows quite the opposite. 
A narrative is a form of communication that tells a story, typically involving a sequence of events or experiences, and often with a specific purpose or message. Narratives are a way for humans to make sense of the world and convey information. Palczewski explains that there's a bit of a blurred line between narratives and the truth.  He touches on a subject called “social truths'' which is “beliefs and values that do not refer to some objective reality, but to social reality – those beliefs about what is right that people have arrived at together,” (Palczewski 133). "Social truths" refer to beliefs and values that aren't based on some type of objective reality but rather on what a group of people in a society has collectively agreed upon. These are ideas about what is right or acceptable that the members of a community have developed together. Instead of being universally true or factual, social truths are constructed within a specific social context, shaped by the shared perspectives, norms, and agreements of a particular group or society.
Ideology plays an important role in understanding narrative. Ideology and narrative are closely intertwined concepts that often intersect in many ways. They both play significant roles in shaping how we understand, communicate, and interpret the world around us. Foss explains how the “size of the audience” contributes greatly to the impact that ideology has on the narrative. The size of an audience can have significant effects on the shaping of ideology. The size of the audience has an impact on how beliefs are presented, supported, and rejected in society. Large diverse audiences can be reached by mass media including radio, television, and the Internet. He goes on to say that “mass-mediated or other kinds of public discourse are likely to have more serious ideological consequences in daily conversations with coworkers” Foss (246). Mass media may emphasize and encourage existing social, political, and cultural norms when it spreads certain views because it can easily be reached through a screen. 
One of the narratives evident in “This is America” is that there's immense gun violence in America. The prominent use of guns and the chaotic scenes in the video draw attention to the issue of gun violence in America, emphasizing how it has become a pervasive and destructive part of the nation's identity rather than used to protect us. The video opens with a scene in which Childish Gambino shoots a man who is tied up. This scene immediately highlights the issue of gun violence in America and references the ongoing debate about police brutality and racial profiling. It creates fear and sadness through the use of the visuals and the song lyrics add to those emotional responses. In his lyrics he says “Yeah, this is America. Guns in my area. I got the strap. I gotta carry 'em”.  This promotes the truth that America is a dangerous place because of gun violence. In saying “This is America'', which he repeats throughout the entire song, he's implying that this is how America really is. As a society we are taught throughout our lives that guns protect us and that America is this amazing, free place but this music video represents the social truth that America is not as safe as everyone makes it seem.
Another one of the narratives evident in the music video is that there racial injustice in America. Throughout the video, there are references to racial injustice and the historical oppression of Black Americans. These references include the use of Jim Crow imagery, and references to the Black Lives Matter movement. In the song he repeats the line “This is America, don't catch you slippin' now". This line suggests that Black individuals in America constantly have to be on guard due to the systemic racism and violence embedded in society. He also represents the line, "Get your money, Black man (get your money)" - Again, this line alludes to the economic inequalities faced by Black individuals and the need to overcome financial obstacles. This promotes the social truth that America is a racist place and we aren't as free as it is portrayed to be. 
This narrative might be unproductive for society in certain ways, but overall, is ultimately productive. It might be unproductive if it never highlights the good in America. America is known for its cultural and ethnic diversity and the idea of the “American Dream. People from all over the world have immigrated to the United States to live a better life. With a democratic political system that values individual freedoms and the right to freedom of speech, America has a long tradition of fostering political and social change and has always been “the place to be''. However, the harsh reality is America is not a perfect place at all. With deep-rooted issues of income inequality, racial inequalities and poor access to healthcare continue to bring attention to systemic injustices that affect a large number of people. With that, the message this video is trying to convey is ultimately more productive than unproductive and will hopefully evoke some positive social change. 
In A Model of Competing Narratives by Krir Eliaz and Ran Spiegler it describes how most political disagreements are caused by a “clash of narratives'. In this model, different groups or individuals may construct narratives that align with their perspectives, values, or interests. Since everyone has different interests and views this creates a variety of different narratives which cause competing narratives that reflect the complexity of social, political, and cultural dynamics. Eliaz and Spiegler explain how “narratives can spin fantasies about the consequences of the policies they espouse but not about the status quo” ( Eliaz, Spiegler 3788). This quote highlights the narrative's selective power, suggesting that while it can craft imaginative stories about future policy, it might paint an overly optimistic or fantastical picture of the harsh reality of society. 
In relation to the video, it highlights the harsh reality of society with things such as gun violence, oppression, and  racial inequality in contrast to the prior beliefs that America is this amazing place that is free and where everyone gets along. Those two different narratives compete constantly in today's society because it's very hard for some people to want to  believe that America is a dangerous and racist place but that is the harsh truth unfortunately. And in making music videos with messages like this it opens up the gate to create social change and opens people's eyes to everything wrong with America. 
Works Cited
Childish Gambino. "This Is America." YouTube, uploaded by ChildishGambinoVEVO, 6 May 2018, www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYOjWnS4cMY.
Eliaz, Kfir, and Ran Spiegler. “A Model of Competing Narratives.” The American economic review 110.12 (2020): 3786–3816. Web.
Foss, Sonja K. "Ideology Criticism." Rhetorical Criticism: Exploration and Practice, 8th ed., Waveland Press, 2014, pp. 233-260. 
Palczewski, Catherine H., et al. Narratives. 2012.
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arista-vault-10 · 1 year
Arista Vault Smart Luggage Products
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We all know how complex it is to pass through all the security checks & customs checks at the airport, we all have been there & know how strictly concerned the airport authorities are in terms of luggage & bag checks. Well in that case the question arises, are we allowed to take the concept-based travel products i.e., the smart luggage with us safely without getting in any kind of trouble? But first, let us explain what exactly “Smart Luggage” is.
Smart luggage has grown in popularity among business travelers, frequent travelers, and other tech-savvy individuals in recent years. However, some airlines have recently begun to prohibit certain types of smart luggage. The lithium battery that comes with the bag has the potential to explode, which is why they are considered a security risk. And now, many travelers are perplexed. They have no idea which smart luggage is permitted, and which is not, or what exactly constitutes smart luggage. In this post, we'll explain everything you need to know about smart luggage, including what it is, which smart luggage is prohibited, and which is not, and other important information.
So, the biggest question for all the aspiring owners of smart luggage products still remains the same: while going on their next trip, will they be able to take these smart luggage products with them & pass through all the security checks without getting in any kind of trouble? Let us answer the question for you while suggesting you tips to land safely with your luggage at your next holiday destination.
Smart Luggage Allowed on Airplanes?
The simplest answer to this question is, Yes Absolutely. You won’t be having any issues with the airport security authorities for traveling with your smart luggage products onboard. Along with having all the required safety certifications, Arista Vault’s smart range of products goes through 3 layered quality & security checks which makes them safe to use & easy to carry without any problem.
Not only this but the actual performance & reliability of the products come into light after the on-ground usage of it by the consumers & their valuable feedback according to which more than 20 thousand people have already trusted India’s first smart luggage brand - Arista Vault & most of them are business travelers & commuters who haven’t had any issue taking their smart products with them on their flight.
Shop for your Favorite Smart Products: -
1. Smart Leather Wallet for Men with Inbuilt Power Bank: -
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Wallets are a utility that remains unnoticed in our daily lives, but they store all of your important IDs, bank cards, cash, and other valuables. And imagine losing your wallet while traveling; you can already imagine the stress and pain that it will result. Arista Vault is the first Indian brand that noticed this issue and spent & a lot of time & resources to curate a smart solution to it that was to infuse its in-house developed smart anti-lost/anti-theft module in a regular but now premium leather wallet, giving it the ability to protect itself from all types of theft and lost scenarios while adding an essence and charm of luxury by using Italian leather to manufacture the modern-day utility which makes it an aspiring luxury fashion accessory. Travel with the flagship product that also helps your phone to charge with its inbuilt 3000 Mah power bank, so you don’t have to carry another power bank with you.
Anti-theft/Anti-lost alarm 
20-metre separation alarm
3000 mAH power bank built-in
Location tracking
Design-engineered premium Italian leather 
Remote selfie button
RFID protection
2. Smart Leather Wallet for Women: -
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Now the fun isn't just for the boys; Arista Vault caters to all types of people, which is why we have a dedicated lady league product range i.e, She-Bot. It is the ideal companion for any woman because it protects you from all types of theft, both physical and digital. You can also use the 20-metre separation alarm to protect your expensive phones. Don't miss out on capturing lifelong memories on your next trip or outing with the remote selfie feature, which allows the girl gang to easily take group photos and selfies by simply pressing the power button on their smart wallet. Even after having all the technology & features packed in the luxurious Italian leather, the wallet is quite compact & lightweight which can be your next perfect travel accessory.
Anti-theft/Anti-lost alarm 
20-metre separation alarm
Location tracking
Design-engineered premium Italian leather 
Remote selfie button
RFID protection
3. Smart Trackable Bag-Tags: -
Tumblr media
Now, the brand's product line includes more than just cool luxury leather wallets; it also caters to travelers by providing a perfect & must-have smart travel accessory to take with you on your next trip because the smart luggage range is incomplete without the travel accessory collection. Pocket-friendly keychains and leather bag tags crafted from Italian leather and loaded with GPS tracking technology allow you to keep track of your belongings with a single tap on your phone. Furthermore, its 20-meter separation alarm always alerts you when your phone and your smart product become separated at a distance of 20 meters or more, while also providing you with its precise location. Isn't that cool?
Anti-lost / Anti-theft Alert (20m)
Ring my Bag tag/Phone 
Location Tracker
Selfie Button
Multiple Color Options 
Phone Separation Alarm
Battery Life:12 Months Battery
4. Smart Trackable Keychains: -
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These compact & easy to carry smart keychain can be your go-to travel accessory to protect your keys & belongings from theft & lost situations. Comes in 5 cool color options to choose from, opt for your favorite one that suits the best to your personality. As the keychain connects to your phone and it will remind you by dropping an alarm on both your phone and it every time after detecting a 20-metre separation from your phone, it is impossible to lose. So let us worry about protecting your belongings.
Ring Your Keychain /Phone
Anti-lost / Anti-theft Alert (20m)
Location Tracker
Selfie Button
Replaceable Battery    
Luxury Packaging
1-Year Warranty
0 notes
chchwellness · 1 year
What Are Some Common Queries Asked Of A Chiropractor?
If you're in need of a Chiropractor Christchurch, you probably have a lot of questions about how it all works. What is this treatment like? Is it really effective?
How much does it cost? The following article will address these and many more common queries related to chiropractic care.
How do chiropractors treat people?
Chiropractors treat patients with spinal problems. They also treat people with back pain, neck pain, headaches and leg pain caused by the spine. Chiropractors will use a variety of techniques to help relieve symptoms or reduce their severity so that you can function normally without pain. Some of these techniques include:
Adjustments - Chiropractors manipulate bones in your spine to help restore movement and alignment between them (the joints). This helps relieve muscle tension that can cause discomfort in your muscles and joints.
Massage Therapy - Massage therapy is another service provided by chiropractors to help loosen tight muscles that may be causing discomfort or pain in your body.
What does a typical visit to a chiropractor involve?
You will be asked to fill out a form with your medical history. This will give your chiropractor an idea of what you have been through in the past and any current problems that may be affecting your health.
Your chiropractor will then perform a physical exam, looking for muscle weakness or pain, tender areas, and any other symptoms that could indicate the presence of an underlying problem. He or she may also use special tools like X-rays to get a better picture of your spine's alignment and structure.
If everything looks good during this initial examination, your chiropractor should develop a treatment plan based on his/her findings and recommendations to help relieve pain and restore mobility as quickly as possible (usually within two weeks).
Is chiropractic treatment expensive?
The answer to this question is no, chiropractic treatment is not expensive. In fact, some people may find that they save money by visiting a chiropractor.
This can be the case because chiropractors do not charge for a consultation or an initial assessment of your condition. They also don’t charge for follow up visits and second opinions.
Does insurance cover chiropractic treatment?
Most health insurance plans cover chiropractic care. Depending upon the specific plan, some services may require pre-authorization from the insurance company.
In some cases, however, there are limitations on the amount of visits covered by an insurer per year or how much can be reimbursed for a given visit; this is usually based upon whether or not it's considered medical necessity rather than just elective care by your insurance company employee(s).
This can be frustrating because often times it seems like there are no clear guidelines as far as what would constitute necessary versus unnecessary treatment under these circumstances; however as long as they provide an explanation regarding why they feel certain procedures cannot be covered under their policy limits then patients should feel comfortable with receiving those treatments if needed but still take into consideration any potential financial impact this decision could have later on down road when filing taxes each year during tax season.
There you have it: some of the most common questions asked by patients who are considering chiropractic treatment. If you’re curious about your own health, talk to a Chiropractor Christchurch at your earliest convenience. As we said earlier, there’s no harm in asking for more information.
Source: https://tipsbychiropractor.blogspot.com/2022/12/what-are-some-common-queries-asked-of-a-chiropractor.html
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aristafasion · 1 year
Smart Luggage Allowed on Airplanes? | Arista Vault Smart Luggage Products
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Smart Luggage Allowed on Airplanes? | Arista Vault Smart Luggage Products
We all know how complex it is to pass through all the security checks & customs checks at the airport, we all have been there & know how strictly concerned the airport authorities are in terms of luggage & bag checks. Well in that case the question arises, are we allowed to take the concept-based travel products i.e., the smart luggage with us safely without getting in any kind of trouble? But first, let us explain what exactly “Smart Luggage” is.
Smart luggage has grown in popularity among business travelers, frequent travelers, and other tech-savvy individuals in recent years. However, some airlines have recently begun to prohibit certain types of smart luggage. The lithium battery that comes with the bag has the potential to explode, which is why they are considered a security risk. And now, many travelers are perplexed. They have no idea which smart luggage is permitted, and which is not, or what exactly constitutes smart luggage. In this post, we'll explain everything you need to know about smart luggage, including what it is, which smart luggage is prohibited, and which is not, and other important information.
So, the biggest question for all the aspiring owners of smart luggage products still remains the same: while going on their next trip, will they be able to take these smart luggage products with them & pass through all the security checks without getting in any kind of trouble? Let us answer the question for you while suggesting you tips to land safely with your luggage at your next holiday destination.
Smart Luggage Allowed on Airplanes?
The simplest answer to this question is, Yes Absolutely. You won’t be having any issues with the airport security authorities for traveling with your smart luggage products onboard. Along with having all the required safety certifications, Arista Vault’s smart range of products goes through 3 layered quality & security checks which makes them safe to use & easy to carry without any problem.
Not only this but the actual performance & reliability of the products come into light after the on-ground usage of it by the consumers & their valuable feedback according to which more than 20 thousand people have already trusted India’s first smart luggage brand - Arista Vault & most of them are business travelers & commuters who haven’t had any issue taking their smart products with them on their flight.
Shop for your Favorite Smart Products: -
1. Smart Leather Wallet for Men with Inbuilt Power Bank: -
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Wallets are a utility that remains unnoticed in our daily lives, but they store all of your important IDs, bank cards, cash, and other valuables. And imagine losing your wallet while traveling; you can already imagine the stress and pain that it will result. Arista Vault is the first Indian brand that noticed this issue and spent & a lot of time & resources to curate a smart solution to it that was to infuse its in-house developed smart anti-lost/anti-theft module in a regular but now premium leather wallet, giving it the ability to protect itself from all types of theft and lost scenarios while adding an essence and charm of luxury by using Italian leather to manufacture the modern-day utility which makes it an aspiring luxury fashion accessory. Travel with the flagship product that also helps your phone to charge with its inbuilt 3000 Mah power bank, so you don’t have to carry another power bank with you.
Anti-theft/Anti-lost alarm 
20-metre separation alarm
3000 mAH power bank built-in
Location tracking
Design-engineered premium Italian leather 
Remote selfie button
RFID protection
2. Smart Leather Wallet for Women: -
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Now the fun isn't just for the boys; Arista Vault caters to all types of people, which is why we have a dedicated lady league product range i.e, She-Bot. It is the ideal companion for any woman because it protects you from all types of theft, both physical and digital. You can also use the 20-metre separation alarm to protect your expensive phones. Don't miss out on capturing lifelong memories on your next trip or outing with the remote selfie feature, which allows the girl gang to easily take group photos and selfies by simply pressing the power button on their smart wallet. Even after having all the technology & features packed in the luxurious Italian leather, the wallet is quite compact & lightweight which can be your next perfect travel accessory.
Anti-theft/Anti-lost alarm 
20-metre separation alarm
Location tracking
Design-engineered premium Italian leather 
Remote selfie button
RFID protection
3. Smart Trackable Bag-Tags: -
Tumblr media
Now, the brand's product line includes more than just cool luxury leather wallets; it also caters to travelers by providing a perfect & must-have smart travel accessory to take with you on your next trip because the smart luggage range is incomplete without the travel accessory collection. Pocket-friendly keychains and leather bag tags crafted from Italian leather and loaded with GPS tracking technology allow you to keep track of your belongings with a single tap on your phone. Furthermore, its 20-meter separation alarm always alerts you when your phone and your smart product become separated at a distance of 20 meters or more, while also providing you with its precise location. Isn't that cool?
Anti-lost / Anti-theft Alert (20m)
Ring my Bag tag/Phone 
Location Tracker
Selfie Button
Multiple Color Options 
Phone Separation Alarm
Battery Life:12 Months Battery
4. Smart Trackable Keychains: -
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These compact & easy to carry smart keychain can be your go-to travel accessory to protect your keys & belongings from theft & lost situations. Comes in 5 cool color options to choose from, opt for your favorite one that suits the best to your personality. As the keychain connects to your phone and it will remind you by dropping an alarm on both your phone and it every time after detecting a 20-metre separation from your phone, it is impossible to lose. So let us worry about protecting your belongings.
Ring Your Keychain /Phone
Anti-lost / Anti-theft Alert (20m)
Location Tracker
Selfie Button
Replaceable Battery    
Luxury Packaging
1-Year Warranty
0 notes
cfmblog2022 · 2 years
Wiki 6
Talking ink 
Exercise one: 
The document looks old and broken. It's not been taken care of. Very distinctive shape. Been folded and crinkled. Not how founding documents should be treated. The writing is very nice and even, could have made lines on the page before writing. 
Exercise two:
Whakaputangaprovided Moari with protection from the king of England and acknowledgment that Aoeteroa was an independent county. 
Article one Sovereignty vs Kawanatanga For the crown, it meant they could make laws for everyone in New Zealand but for Maori, it meant the crown could make laws for pakeha to protect Maori. 
Article two possession vs tino rangatiratanga. For the crown, it meant Maori will possess their land for as long as they want, for Moari it meant they would have authority over their land unless they sell it. 
Task 1: In her book The Treaty of Waitangi (1987), Dame Claudia Orange says of the history leading up to the signing of the Treaty, 1830-1840: “No longer were they [British government] considering a Māori New Zealand in which a place had to be found for British intruders, but a settler New Zealand in which a place had to be found for the Māori.”
Provocations: As makers, can we assume to be working in a negotiated cultural space? Will this notion of 'negotiation' be viewed the same for Māori and non-Māori?
I don't think we can ever assume anything, especially as makers. Making and creating is such an emotion-based activity especially when we place it in such as historically rich and troubled place as Aotearoa. As a pakeha, I don't assume to know what Maori think and feel about certain issues and ideas. Especially when we are talking about the idea of negotiation. When a group has historically been deceived in negotiation with such dier consequences it creates generation trauma. This makes me believe there will be a difference in the notion of negotiation between Maori and non-Maori. We as humans learn from and take ideas from past events and knowledge from elders. If the ideas and knowledge of negotiation are being told by a group who have been tricked and let down their future generations will have negative connotations with negotiation. 
Being born in Aotearoa and growing up here I think it's always been in the back of my mind, how my ancestors treated people. I think this statement is really interesting as it gives another perspective and understanding of the treaty. I think we should keep the treaty of Waitangi and te Tiriti o Waitangi because of the vast difference between the two documents. We as a country need to see and understand these differences whether they were mistranslated maliciously or not. The British came and took over and made decisions without even being in the country or talking to the people. This is one of the main reasons I think could contribute to the mistrust a lot of Maori have in the notion of negotiation. 
Task 2: Note 
The crown broke the treaty within two mounts of its signing 
The foundational document of law making in this country 
Again in 1840, the crown made a direct promise to rangatira which only a month later was undermined by a crown statement saying the north island rangatira had ceded their sovereignty 
This was a twisting of the horribly mistranslated documents of the treaty and the Tiriti
Maori never gave up their mana (sovereignty)
A constitution must serve all the hope values of the people of the land 
National Iwi chairs asked for a constitution
The crown only acknowledged the English treaty which rangatira did not sign or agree to
Oral tradition conflicts with the written history 
Written is the history in the eyes of the European 
Spoken is the richer and more nuanced history passed down in Maori culture 
Tribunal created a clear and written version of this spoken tradition and knowledge especially related to the treaty 
Ngaphui did not cede their sovereignty 
British attitudes at the time were
Respect for others' land
But wrongly assumed that the world was theirs for the taking
Based on racist ideals to ‘improve’ country’s 
Importance of disproving these old British beliefs 
They were common law and ethics and many other things already in Maori society before the British colonised Aoetraroa
True motives of colonisation were making money and gaining power not forming relationships and gaining knowledge 
Racism is the attitudinal or ideological phenomenon that accepts racial superiority
Three types of racism = are institutional, interpersonal and internalised. 
Institunilased racism is the most powerful and destructive 
What the treaty and following actions can be put under 
Racism is a pakeha problem 
Pakeha have mastered selective amnesia to forget vast chunks of history related to racism towards the Maori population
Racism in NZ is strongly to do with the colonial context and power
Treaty settlements are often not enough to heal generational trauma
Why binding findings are important to move forward 
We need to break down the myths of colonisation in this country to move forward 
Pakeha need to learn to accept and acknowledge their and their ancestor's part in it all
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laryna6 · 3 years
The AU where instead of rewind Ashborn stays awake, they save the dad, head out to pin the monarch’ forces between the shadow army and the rulers’ forces and earth doesn’t get wrecked -
Jin-Ah has Trauma and Sung Jin-Woo knows his parents would have liked him to be able to get an education instead of... this, so when Jin-Ah goes to university for pre-med Sung Jin-Woo enrolls at that same university for languages/linguistics (basically Jin-Ho goes over and offers them a big check). This way, she knows he’s there on campus/in screaming distance, but they’re in in different areas so overprotective big brother hovering doesn’t bother her.
Ashborn is auditing Jin-Woo’s classes since that seems interesting and they want him occupied with stuff bc the suicidal thoughts re. wanting to ‘sleep forever.’
The problem is: Freshman Composition/the required course that’s there to protect teachers against students who don’t know how to essay.
Jin-Woo has forgotten everything he learned in high school about how to essay. Explanatory writing? Getting his thoughts across? He spent the last several years doing absolutely none of that. It is a plot point that he can’t communicate shit. Also he’s unaware of general social stuff to the point where there is so much accidental sexual innuendo in his first handed-in essay. So much. The poor TA is terrified thinking he’s flirting.
So. Uh. How do you tell the most powerful hunter in the world who everyone knows the experts are sure is a monster lord at this point that he has to take remedial classes?
The obvious person to consult is Woo Jin-Chul, as this is his job, so the essay gets slid across his desk and he’s O.o remembering how people were bitching about Jin-Woo not talking to reporters and not explaining shit and going THANK GOD THAT BOY KNEW WHAT HIS LIMITS WERE because imagine if he HAD talked to people/done interviews, IMAGINE HAVING TO DO DAMAGE CONTROL ON THIS LEVEL OF COMMUNICATION FAIL and all the weird ideas people would have gotten from the miscommunications.
So he’s like yeah... the media would be all over remedial classes... a private teacher is easiest to keep private because Jin-Woo doesn’t deserve people mocking him for the damage he took trying to keep his family alive...
Also Jin-Ho can help! He’s a good communicator/proposal writer etc, he knows rhetoric.
As per the canon epilogue Igris is... trying to help, but he was a career soldier so.
Ashborn’s essay on the other hand gets ‘wtf is this sentence structure?’ but the head of Gate Studies or w/e at the university who is getting consulted because p sure these two are monsters is like ‘this is translated from runic/monster tongue.’ Since Ashborn knows conversational basically-every-language from turning tons of people into shadows in prev timelines, but prose language is different from how you speak conversationally and all his experience writing stuff is from back when he was the Greatest Fragment, so when he’s composing formal writing he thinks in his native language and then translates into Korean.
Which. All human languages follow like, certain instinctive grammar patterns? They’re aliens, theirs is different. So yeah, there’s going to be a lot of stuff where ‘literally no human language does stuff this way only runic.’
But in addition to that, even in translation Ashborn’s writing is obviously a different dialect from what they’ve found in the dungeons because a. dungeon stuff is all from monster culture and b. dungeon stuff is informal graffiti/notes/maybe journals while when asked to do formal writing Ashborn is going to be doing formal legal writing.
Since rulers are concerned with rule of law as per how they were designed, which raises the possibility that the gov’t they were running was constitutional instead of being based on ‘bc we said so.’
Anyway, the scholars are *grabby hands* so despite risk of death asking Ashborn if they can get the untranslated version, which he likely has on him/in a binder bc wrote that out by hand before typing up translated essay.
Monsters are made to destroy and rulers to preserve, and that likely shapes their worldview and therefore how they perceive and describe things, so like... very obvious differences in like, how sequences of events are described, the optimum change being natural growth rather than forcefully imposed.
Also base 9 counting system? Everything they’ve seen has been base 8 - monsters from the eight monarchs. While the ruler side counting system used to be eight rulers and then the creator... but after realizing the creator was a dick they decided to switch to base 8 and no one told Ashborn bc he was dead at the time.
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shadowed-dancer · 3 years
How the anime enhanced the Touya mystery
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Season 5 of MHA just finished adapting the Endeavour Agency Arc. While everyone has their own opinion on how the anime adaptation is doing, I wanted to take a moment to praise something that (I think) they handled really well: The Touya Mystery. Today we’re going to walk through how the anime handled this plot point, and why it worked so well.
Proud to say this post is free of manga spoilers! Today we’re ONLY talking about the anime.
Intro: What is the Touya Mystery?
The Touya mystery is the ongoing mystery of what happened to the third Todoroki son. It is foreshadowed in seasons 2 and 4, but it exists in earnest throughout season 5. It is never explicitly stated, but is instead referenced in passing by the characters, allowing the audience to try and piece everything together until it is eventually confirmed.
Obviously the manga has this mystery as well, but anime as a medium has certain factors that the manga simply doesn’t have. OPs and EDs are a good example, but there’s also the way hiatuses affect the way we consume the story, as well as how the breakdown of seasons clump certain storylines closer together then they were in the manga (compare 6 months to get through Joint Training in the manga, compared to 2.5 months for the anime).
I am also aware of the theories surrounding Touya’s potential connection to a previously established character. You’ve probably seen the theory at some point, but I won’t name names just incase some of you haven’t. Either way, this post isn’t about that theory.
Finally, I’m very well aware that most viewers may not have picked up on some of the stuff I’m saying. A lot of these points are minor details, and I don’t fault anyone for missing out on that. In fact, I’m sure there are some fans out there who never even realized there was a 4th Todoroki sibling because they just... didn’t care or pay attention. I’m going at this with the mindset of someone who is very, VERY analytical, not your average viewer who’s just here to enjoy the show.
The Set Up: Season 2
We are first introduced to the Todoroki siblings way back in Season 2, Episode 10 (Todoroki’s fight with Deku in the Sports Festival). During Shoto’s flashback, we are given this frame to introduce his siblings...
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We have the white-haired brother, the red-haired brother, and the sister. In this scene, the red-haired brother fumbles his soccer move and ends up falling, causing his siblings to laugh. This added movement (which was never in the manga) causes the red-haired brother to stand out slightly more than his siblings.
Now, granted, I’ve seen quite a few people who didn’t realize these were Shoto’s siblings at first. They just thought he was watching his neighbours. That’s why, if their hair colours weren’t enough to clue you in on their relationship to Shoto, we meet the sister a few episodes later (Season 2, Episode 12).
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She refers to Endeavour as “dad” which informs the audience that she is also Endeavour’s child, and is therefore Shoto’s sister. It then stands to reason that the two boys she was playing with (both of whom share their hair colour with her and Shoto) would be her brothers.
The Set Up: Shout Baby
Season 4, Episode 15 gives us a new ending sequence, Shout Baby, in which we see this...
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Todoroki Family photos. On the left is a photo of Shoto on his first day of school (I double checked and the sign behind him indicates some sort of entrance ceremony). On the right, we are given a photo of the sister and white-haired brother as adults.
(Despite it not being explicit, you can tell that’s the white haired brother based on context clues. He looks so similar to the kid in the flashback that it doesn’t make sense for him to be anyone else. This is of course confirmed later in the season).
However, the red-haired brother is missing, which now launches the mystery of why. Why is he not in any of the photos? And then, as the frame pans down, we get this...
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A torn, burnt corner of a photograph. For a while, I had some trouble making out what that blue stuff was in the corner, but a comment on Youtube helped point out that it is the exact same Sakura tree as the one in Shoto’s photo. You can even see the branch in the same spot.
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So what does this tell us? Well, it’s the same place Shoto went to school, but the photo is burnt. Is it just a burned up copy of the same photo to symbolize how Endeavour ruined Shoto’s childhood? Or is it a photo of one of the other kids attending the same school, burned for mysterious reasons?
The actual answer is that it’s an Easter egg for manga readers who already know about the red haired brother but shhhhh we’re only talking about the anime right now.
The point is, we now have intrigue.
The Set Up: Season 4
Season 4, Episode 25 gives us our first full look at the Todoroki Family, with the siblings (sans Shoto) on a visit to their mom.
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We get confirmation that the man in the photo from the ED is the white haired brother, and we learn their names as well, with the sister being named Fuyumi and the white-haired brother being named Natsuo! But, just like the ending sequence, the red-haired brother is missing.
His absence is never brought up, but this is only highlighted by the fact that Fuyumi teases Natsuo for not calling often ever since going away for college. His response ISN’T “aw come on, why do you only pick on me?” or “hey, at least I’m here! Unlike [red-haired brother]”. Instead he says, “aww come on, sis, I call you guys!”
No one calls attention to the fact that one of the siblings is missing. The red-haired brother is never even mentioned, which tell us as the audience that the characters know something we don't. Whatever reason they aren’t mentioning the 3rd brother is common knowledge amongst them, so there’s no need to bring him up.
But the anime ensures we remember that, yes, there IS in fact another brother. They replay the soccer flashback as Natsuo and Fuyumi watch Endeavour’s fight from their laptop, but we are also given this...
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... Our second look at the red haired brother (played when Endeavour reminisces about his family). From this, we notice that the brother is significantly shorter than his siblings. It’s also worth noting that his bangs are in front of his face, meaning we never get a clear idea of his appearance (I’ll bring this up again later).
This episode also serves as the season finale, meaning fans were treated to an entire year of hiatus to theorize on the red-haired brother.
The Mystery Starts: His Name
Season 5, Episode 2 begins the mystery-of-the-missing-brother in earnest by providing us with this quote...
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“Mom’s screams, Shoto’s crying, and what happened to our big brother, Touya”
Not only is this quote the first time the red-haired brother is being directly spoken about, but it also provides us with 3 pieces of information.
FIRST: His name is Touya. We now have something to call him besides “the red-haired brother”.
SECOND: He’s Natsuo’s big brother. At this point in the series, the age order for Natsuo and Fuyumi had not been confirmed in the anime, but we now knew Natsuo is either the second oldest child, or third oldest.
Touya being Natsuo’s “big brother” means Touya is either the oldest child, or the second oldest. But the fact that Natsuo says “our big brother” does seem to indicate Touya is the big brother to all of them.
This seems to be contradictory to the fact that Touya is just so small compared to his siblings in the 2nd flashback, but it’s certainly not impossible for younger siblings to outgrow the oldest.
(Yes I know technically their age order is revealed in episode 17 but I’m trying to walk through the experience live)
THIRD: We learn something happened to Touya. We don’t know what, but it’s implied to be bad. At the very least, it implies that whatever happened led to Touya no longer seeing his family.
The Mystery Continues: Quirk Singularity
In Season 5, Episode 3, the anime adds a fun visual while Deku explains the Quirk Singularity Doomsday Theory (the theory that, as quirks combine through generations, kids will end up with stronger and stronger quirks with bodies that cannot control them).
In the manga, this is just Deku talking to All Might, but the anime adds the same flashbacks Endeavour had during his Nomu fight for some visual intrigue. Not only does this flashback remind us that the Todoroki siblings exist, but it implies that they are somehow connected to the Quirk Singularity Theory (Shoto is shown as an example of how quirks combine to create stronger quirks, but perhaps we’ll learn some more about Touya to connect him to the theory as well).
The Mystery Continues: Touya’s Quirk
Season 5, Episode 7 gives us another flashback to Shoto’s childhood. Here, Endeavour comments on some very interesting details of Touya’s quirk...
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“Touya was close. He had more firepower than me, but he had Rei’s weak constitution. He... was close”
It’s also worth noting that the English Dub of this scene has Endeavour end this line with, “He was close, until...”
So what does this teach us?
FIRST: The English Dub implies he was doing well UNTIL something happened. Was it the incident that Natsuo was referring to? Either way, it has once again created intrigue.
SECOND: Touya had a fire quirk, and it was even stronger than Endeavour’s (hey, look at that, kind of like quirk singularity, right? How the next generation gets stronger than their parents?).
Viewers may have been able to theorize that Touya had a fire quirk based purely on his hair colour (think of how Shoto’s hair represents which side produces which quirk) but this line gives us solid confirmation on his quirk.
THIRD: Touya “had Rei’s weak constitution”. Now, it’s debatable on what exactly a “weak constitution” means. Is this referring to his resolve? Was he too passive? Or is this referring to something else? (Perhaps Rei’s physical constitution?)
Well, wouldn’t you know it, but all the way back in Season 5, Episode 2 (the same one where we learn Touya’s name, go figure) we hear this exact phrase used in reference to the original OFA user... but ONLY in the English Dub.
Here’s what AFO says in the sub...
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“My brother is frail”
...vs the dub
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“My little brother has a weak constitution”
This gives us a direct reference point that a “weak constitution” in this series can be another way of saying someone is frail (and even if you don’t want to cross reference the dub and sub, OFA is portrayed as weak no matter what). This seems to tie in well with the fact that Touya was so much smaller and appeared weaker than his supposed younger siblings.
The Through Line: Arc Rearrangement
If you didn’t know, I’m here to tell you that the anime pulled a little sneaky on us manga readers by rearranging the arcs.
The manga originally went from Joint Training to (the upcoming arc) to Endeavour Agency, and while the anime has kept these events in the same chronological order, it changed the way they were presented to us. Endeavour Agency has been put first, which means we get more Touya information a heck of a lot closer to the rest of his reveals, compared to the manga.
Regardless of how you personally feel about the arc rearrangement, it works wonders for Touya’s mystery. Endeavour is sprinkled throughout many episodes of the Joint Training Arc in the anime, so it feels rather natural to go straight to the Agency Arc because Endeavour is acting as our narrative through line. He’s been a reoccurring presence, so it doesn’t feel as if he’s coming out of nowhere. 
The Reward: The Photo
If you’ve been paying attention to the clues the series has left regarding the missing Todoroki child, you are rewarded in Season 5, Episode 17.
The episode is rather... flashback heavy, but it does a good job reminding us of all the Todoroki drama before we head to the dinner. And at the end of the episode (literally the last thing we see before the ED), observant viewers who have been keeping track of Touya are rewarded when we finally get to see...
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... Touya’s face. The first instance where it’s unobstructed. There he is. The missing Todoroki son. He’s so cute!
(Also yes yes I know his hair is now white and I’m sure that was very confusing for anime onlies. However, I promise it is the same kid.)
But, perhaps more importantly, we learn the implication that Touya is dead. His photo is on a shrine where Endeavour is praying, and the shrine seems to be set up in a child’s room that has remain unchanged (small shoes, a soccer ball, and toys on the bookshelf, all of which seem to be too young for any of the living Todoroki siblings). Suddenly it becomes all too clear why the family didn’t bring him up that often, and why Natsuo was so upset about “what happened to our big brother, Touya”.
The Tease: What Comes Next?
Season 5, Episode 18 leaves us with a teaser for the future of Keeping Up With The Todoroki's.
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Touya’s death is confirmed, and we even learn a bit more on the circumstances surrounding it, as we learn Endeavour feels responsible for whatever happened. We also learned that Natsuo blames Endeavour, hinting that he certainly played some part in it.
However, all of these hints lead to a story for another time (more likely Season 6, to be precise). I won’t spoil what exactly happens, but I can confirm that we eventually see Touya’s death and the events leading up to it through flashback, and I’m honestly so excited.
Perhaps I’ll make a part 2 to this post when the anime gets to that point.
Hope you enjoyed!
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