#You've Got Mail [Asks]
buwheal · 3 days
Spamton HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! You made it another year!!! Proud of you!
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zepskies · 8 months
Hey! Just wondering if you could suggest some romantic/rom-com movies💖
Have a great day❤️🌼
Oh my goodness, I certainly can!! Thank you, bby! 💖💖
10 of my favorite romantic comedies:
(In no particular order.)
1. 10 Things I Hate About You
An absolute perfect movie. Dialogue, casting, story, romance, Heath Ledger, Shakespeare references, what more could a literary inclined girl want?
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2. A Cinderella Story
Another gift from the early 2000s. Is it cheesy? Sometimes. Is it adorable? Absolutely.
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3. He's Just Not That Into You
Hilarious, sometimes heartbreaking, ensemble cast, but the endings for each couple are undoubtedly satisfying. Plus, my favorite rewind moment of all time:
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4. Crazy, Stupid Love
Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone, Steve Carrell, Josh Groban cameo. Need I say more? (But it will also unexpectedly grip your heart with profound, tender moments.)
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5. While You Were Sleeping
One of my favorite Sandra Bullock rom coms, of which there are many. (Honorary mentions: The Proposal, Practical Magic, Two Weeks Notice, and Miss Congeniality, though it's not really a rom com is one of my favorite movies in existence.)
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6. You've Got Mail
A classic of classics in rom com history. Meg Ryan at her best, Tom Hanks at his. She's a small, independent bookstore owner. He's essentially Barnes & Noble, coming in to disrupt New York with corporate America.
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7. Mrs. Winterbourne
A forgotten '90s Brendan Fraser must-see movie. He's the "rich playboy" type, she's scrappy and resourceful, pregnant by her deadbeat ex-boyfriend, and pretending to be the widow of Fraser's twin brother, who recently died in a train accident.
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8. Crazy Rich Asians
Based on a book, top-tier casting, bad ass mother-in-law, bad ass heroine, a classy, handsome, Good Man™️ hero? Sign me TF up.
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9. 13 Going on 30
Easily Jennifer Garner's best movie, but also Mark freakin' Ruffalo. They're adorable together, and this one's a classic in its own right, full of heart, back-stabbing bitches, and 80s music references.
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10. My Big Fat Greek Wedding
It's one of the best, folks. Also one of the most quotable movies in movie history lol. As a kid, I remember really identifying with Toula, who feels too plain, too big, too "frump girl."
But Ian never saw her that way. He genuinely laughs at her jokes. He's patient with her and sees her beauty, inside and out. He also deals with a lot of crap from her family in order to be with her, with all the grace and gentlemanly poise a guy could have.
And Toula learns to love herself, fall in love for the first time, and challenges every expectation of her family to do so.
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I have many, many more, but these are just a few of my favorites. What's yours?
Don't see it on this list? Drop it in the comments! 💋
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landwriter · 21 days
OH YES! I have not written a scene for it since fall 2022 (hope I just made everyone in the fandom feel super old <3), except the one I wrote just now for the other WIP ask, so I'll tell you about it instead!
Slowburn enemies-to-friends-to-lovers, identity porn, two-person love triangle entirely sustained by Dream's own ridiculous beliefs. Very silly and fluffy, I think, except when it has to be sad. Big sappy happy ending, just like in the movie.
Hob, owner of The New Bookshop, like Kathleen Kelly, is prone to optimism to the point of denial of the fundamental tenets of reality and/or the bookselling business, and has a bottomless love for all the small pleasures of New York City in the fall, and indeed, all of life. He is a hapless business owner but a wonderful bookseller. He is a hopeless romantic with a faintly disastrous dating life that his friends and coworkers tease him about. Falling in love with a mysterious stranger he met online is only the latest in a long series of questionable decision-making.
Morpheus, CEO of Endless Books, unlike Joe Fox, genuinely cares about books and stories. Unfortunately, he has a plummy accent and an almost preternatural ability to come off terribly. He's very good at his job and not much else which gives everyone around him the impression he enjoys crushing small businesses beneath his heel. In reality, he mostly enjoys the company of his library, his personal assistant and best friend Matthew, and Jessamy, a beautiful silver GSP. (Because there is no universe in which I personally imagine Dream having a Labrador Retriever named Brinkley.) And writing to Hob, of course, who he is certain he will meet and love and marry, right until the moment he finds out it's Hob.
There is a whole ensemble cast including a little bit of Aziraphale
Instead of being obsessed with Godfather quotes, it's Shakespeare. Morpheus is a theatre kid who went to private school. Of course it's Shakespeare.
Rather than court Hob twice over as Tom Hanks does with Meg Ryan, Morpheus, after he falls for Hob, feels so utterly unworthy of taking what is being offered, and so convinced Hob will never want him once he knows who he is, that as soon as Hob (not him, Hob, important change) cheerfully bullies his way into his life after being put out of business, he spends all their dates trying to convince Hob to dislike his stranger.
They BOTH cry at the end <3
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amethvysts · 24 days
pensando pensadamente pensamentos pensantes sobre o enzo com ciúmes do pipe, talvez ele e a leitora sejam namorados mas como ela tem a mesma idade do pipe ele comece a se sentir incomodado com a aproximação deles, ou talvez o enzo e a leitora não sejam exatamente namorados então não tem porque ele sentir ciúmes.. certo? porém eles estão em uma roda de conversa e a leitora está tão sorrisos e risos para com o pipe, o que o enzo poderia fazer, hein? pegar na mão dela e levá-la para algum lugar onde ele a torne dele, que ela deve ser toda atenção e amor para com apenas com ele? mas e o pipe? e se fosse ele levando a leitora pela mão como casais fazem para saírem de fininho? será que o enzo faria algo? tentaria impedir, chamar a atenção dela, como é possível isso quando é transparente que é dele que ela realmente gosta?..
*quebro a quarta parede* oxi nem vi vc aikkkkk
não porque ☝️ bare with me!
por mais que ele tente esconder que é ciumento, o enzo deixa isso muito claro sempre que segura a sua cintura um pouco mais forte quando sente uma possível ameaça. a voz se torna um pouco mais urgente quando te chama toda vez que te vê absorta em uma conversa com alguém que não é ele. acredito até que seja nesse tipo de situação que ele se sinta mais incomodado; como você pode estar em um papo cabeça com alguém que não é ele?
e o pipe sabe disso. ah, ele sabe... no começo, quando você avisou que tinha um amigo particularmente ciumento, ele até tentou diminuir as investidas; os olhares cobiçosos que fitam seus lábios toda vez que vocês conversam, as mãos que parecem atraídas pela sua pele, a própria boca que implora para estar junto a sua. mas tão rápido quanto o plano foi traçado, também foi jogado ao léu. ele não consegue, e não tem como conseguir, porque te ver perto do enzo é a receita do mau-humor dele. e o ciclo vicioso continua.
não que você se ajude. talvez uma parte inconsciente (ou muito consciente, mesmo) sua peça para que você continue a tê-los nessa disputa.
vejo o enzo como um tanto mais reservado nos próprios acessos de ciúmes, te alertando através dos seus silêncios e movimentos ─ como disse, um apertão na cintura, talvez te puxe de uma conversa boa que você está tendo com o pipe ─, mas também sempre se fazendo presente. quer te lembrar que ele existe, e que não está gostando nem um pouquinho do que vê. inclusive, tenho pra mim que, sem dúvidas, ele já chamou teu nome e fez um aceno nem um pouco discreto para o banheiro mais próximo, depois de ter aguentado as suas risadinhas namoradoras para o felipe a noite inteira.
já o pipe não deixa de te querer, mesmo com esse limite invisível traçado entre vocês ─ ele entende que você tem o enzo, que é mais velho e tem toda uma história contigo. isso não significa que ele deixe de aproveitar os momentos que vocês têm, sejam conversas ou instantes de silêncio. o jeitinho de garoto brilha e te encanta, e ele sabe que te tem na palma das mãos durante aquele ínterim. mas também acho que, às vezes, felipe faz questão de fazer uma piadinha para você bem na frente do enzo, a fim de te fazer rir mais alto ou de esquentar seu rosto.
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seaofgoldensand · 26 days
that game is so damn rigged, i got way too lucky with him this time because he usually has all the damn MEOW THIS and it's like ???? excuse me and you're assuming that I'M making an alliance with the cats?
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echomoria · 3 months
As a "sim parent" (sim maker) we shouldn't have favorites - but we do. Post your favorite sim baby (the golden child) and least favorite. Pass it on!
Thank you @treason-and-plot @nocturnalazure for your mails✉ Ok! My favorite sim... I think it won't be a big surprise if I choose Laureline. I like all of my sims and care about them, but there's always someone special. And this girl is my very fav.
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From child to young adult. NewProfilePic thoughts.
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And my least favorite sim... Hmm. ... Hmmm. It seems that I haven't created this sim yet^^
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The truth is I get attached to sims very quickly.
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dear-bunnyboo · 4 months
Hi, there. Does lovebug live in Cincinnati, Ohio. I was curious since in a few chapters Joe and her spend time at each other houses?
In my head she lived in New York her entire life, born and raised, however, when she dated Jack she moved to New Jersey to be closer to him which is why she very attached with New Jersey. This is also why New Jersey would never be the same again for her because of their breakup.
However, after her first concert she did fall in love with Cincy and moved there, but she does travel a lot because of her career… so miss thing has houses everywhere at this point.
However, at the end of the day this is a ‘y/n’ fic so you can make up some personal details yourselves.
hope this answers your question and feel free to ask me more!!
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heich0e · 6 months
oh liv but is gojo Jealous or does he simply thinks sukuna sucks and the only launch he deserves is into outer space 👀
both can be true at the same time <3
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efingspicy · 3 months
I bet demon!Frank's dick is impressive even when it's cold outside & he's thinking about baseball.
And you'd be 100% correct. Lucky for him, he usually doesn't have to worry about the former. Not too many people have fantasy dream settings out in the cold, at least.
And his human form? Well, you've seen how I draw human men- I think he'll be all right. 😏
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pawpunkao3 · 2 months
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Strong makes sense; strong compels me
Listen. They're everything to me. It's that in both of the things they appeared in they saw each others' weakest parts (Pete collapsing due to low blood sugar, Steph not being able to complete a test) and offered help just out of the kindness of their hearts. It's about how Pete is made to feel ashamed of his body but Steph thinks he's attractive, meanwhile Steph has been told she has nothing besides her body and Pete thinks she's smart. It's about how they're both survivors of abuse. It's about the Abstinence Camp shower scene. It's about how Pete tried to sacrifice his life to save Steph's TWICE. It's about how they absolutely refuse to admit their feelings except under extreme duress. This ship is everything to me and I will turn inside out before I slander them even a little. And once again may I say the Abstinence Camp shower scene
Ask Game
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gyustarzzi2 · 4 days
heres a fun moot game ⭐️
tag a few moots or followers and add a picture of an idol that reminds you of them !
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buwheal · 2 months
Man although I can't send this and have Spamton see the image (cuz it would be text instead) I'll send it to you and you can give me your opinion about it.
What do you think...
...snowy Spamton?
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(this was on a car btw, which made it even better)
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efingart · 21 days
Hi E✨❤️
For the ask game! For Mila 13 and 20!
Hey Aly! Thank you for the ask! 💙
13. What are their spending habits?
Mila's pretty frugal, but not cheap. She didn't grow up with much so she struggles to spend money on herself. It's unlikely that she would just go shopping "for fun." Instead, only goes to stores when she needs something and only buys the thing she came for. She will though, try to buy the best quality she can afford so it will last a long time.
When it comes to buying for others though, Mila will be more generous, even if it means she'll go without.
20. Do they have a fast reaction time, or slow?
Before Adler got a hold of her, definitely fast. Now, she's still much quicker to react than the average person, but it's hard when after her head has been messed with.
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landwriter · 21 days
You've Got Mail AU, lay it on me
Brand new scene for you, TJ! (Prev You've Got Mail nonsense.)
If my WIPs were unionized, this one would've been loooong done. But they're not, unfortunately for them, and after like four days after talking about You've Got Mail-verse, I got talking about the Tam Lin AU, and we all know how that went.
The other snippets were silly, this one is a little sad:
It feels like another ending. Hob is sick of them. Morpheus’ face is perfectly expressionless. He can’t take it. Won’t. Wants to greedily keep this for just a little bit longer. He always does. Even when everybody else around him knows it’s over, there he is, holding on past decency and reason.
Morpheus is absurdly beautiful in the morning light.
Hob says what he’s been thinking for weeks now. “You know, sometimes I wonder if you came into my shop, and you hadn’t been Endless Books, and I hadn’t been The New Bookshop-”
“Then it wouldn’t have been your shop,” interrupts Morpheus.
“No,” he says. “I guess it wouldn’t be.”
Isn’t, now. In any case.
Morpheus catches the look on his face and takes pity on him. He’s kinder, Hob thinks, than anyone gives him credit for. Including himself. “A cafe, instead,” he offers.
“Or Shakespeare in the Park,” says Hob. He can picture it now.
Morpheus’ lip twitches up the way it does when he’s trying not to smile. “Yes. If we met at Shakespeare in the Park?”
“I would’ve offered you a spot on my blanket. And I would have hoped it would get cold or rain, so you would lean on me.”
Morpheus ducks his head, and Hob wants to seize his face, wants to thumb over those perfect cheekbones. Fist his hands in his shirt and not let go ever. “You would have forgotten your umbrella, of course,” says Morpheus, quietly.
“Of course. And the sky would have opened up until we had to hide under a tree.”
Morpheus looks up. “And then?”
“And then I would have found the courage to ask a beautiful stranger for his number, and I would have asked you out that very night. And if you’d said yes I’d have done it again and again. Every day, actually, for as long as we lived.”
“Hob,” says Morpheus. His eyes are bright.
“If we never came up against each other. If the only thing you ever took from me was the blankets at night.”
“We’d need to have two sets.”
Hob swallows hard. “Yeah. Yeah, we would.”
The sounds of the city lap up against them, but Hob feels like an island alone with Morpheus, standing together on his stoop. He hears the jingle of someone walking their dog past. A siren in the distance. And all he sees is Morpheus, the square of his shoulders, his jaw clenched.
“Morpheus-” he starts.
“Hob, how could you forgive him?” he asks roughly. “How on earth could you forgive this stranger for standing you up?”
“We all make mistakes.” Easily. I forgave him just as easily as I’d have forgiven you, if you had only let me.
Morpheus stares at him. “Yes. We do.” His mouth twists a little. “Some more than most, I would say.”
“Maybe. But people are almost always better than you’d think. Mistakes and all.”
“Ever the optimist.”
Hob presses his lips together in a smile. “Ever the cynic.”
“Go, Hob,” says Morpheus. “You’ll be late.”
He goes. It’s a beautiful day to meet his stranger. How can it feel like his heart is breaking, only now, only after everything, on the threshold of happiness?
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amethvysts · 30 days
Por Deus, Ame, fala logo para essa anon que o Enzo NÃO ficará NUNCA com ela para ela parar com esse papo de aparência, de corpo e não sei o que, que chaticeeeee!
sinto que seria melhor não compartilhar isso aqui por saber que, muito provavelmente, vou iniciar uma briga/cadeia de discussão que nem deveria existir, pra começo de conversa. mas também não quero ninguém enviando mensagens assim aqui, por favor!
gente, pera aí também né kkk eu compartilhei a minha opinião mais cedo acerca do enzo, pq eu considero esse aqui um espaço saudável e seguro pra gente conversar sobre essas coisas, mas imaginei que tivesse sido mal interpretada na minha resposta.
eu acho que cada um pode pensar o que quiser. se tu acha que vai namorar um famoso, vai na fé, sabe? não tô aqui pra xoxar ninguém. por mais que esteja muito fora da realidade de muitas de nós, eu também não posso chegar e falar “pessoa x jamais iria te pegar” kkkkkk
a única coisa que eu acho é que nós, como meras mortais, não deveríamos ficar nos comparando com as namoradas/ficantes desses caras, por mais “pé no chão” que achamos que eles sejam
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jamesunderwater · 4 months
I need advice on how to not compare what I create to others. 🥺🤡 Help.
That or you have to pick between two characters you absolutely hate and that one will be your roommate. Hahahaha. XD
Hey Fyre!! 🌟 Ugh that's so tough! I can't speak to creative endeavors that are on the art side of things, but when it comes to writing it's also kind of a double edged sword. Because it actually is useful to analyze others' writing so you can learn from them and use it to better your own writing. Or even just learning to be more critical of written material in general, so you can better critique your own, is a useful thing to do. But getting in the cycle of comparison with no constructive results coming from it is the death of creativity, as they say (i think there's a quote like that, anyway).
I think for me it's been about getting to a place where I can accept and know that it's okay for me to not have perfected my writing -- that I never will, there's no such thing, and I'm doing this because I love it, not to be the best or perfect at it. And similarly, to accept that it's okay for others to be better than me, in general, but especially at certain aspects or styles of writing. This has helped me appreciate others' writing without getting caught up in how it compares to mine, which has also helped make room for me to read my own writing and see what I like and what I want to work on, without it being from a place of comparison. Just in general, finding the things I really love about my writing, and letting myself really enjoy those and be proud of myself for them, has been a big help too.
that was a lot of rambling, none of which may have been helpful. I'd love to hear what advice some of my other writer friends would give, if anyone reads this and wants to reblog with your own thoughts!
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