#You Cannot Kill David Arquette
I feel like I'm out here cheering on David Arquette on my own, seriously this guy is a PRECIOUS GEM.
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obsessed-fanatic · 16 days
May the circus go on, if pomni shall be calmed by friends and everyone help. And console her if things go too far.
Disregard of a call for help is disturbing.
An emotional moment with all the characters, let alone with just a moment with just Pomni and Jax.
I just don't know what reality was for a second...or for longer. But don't know if people are honest to say,
"Everythings okay."
But I d k what will get worse anymore if things become more deranged. cruel to passion and sensitivity that kind of thing. I'm talking atrociously sadistic sociopathic heartless cruel but worse than other.
I'm afraid people we grew up with will become murderers.
It's fucking heart wrenching til it feels like you lost them to that madness. Ones you care for, ones you recognize, ones you love. Even good to those who hate cause there's a good person in there.
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actorsinunderwear · 1 year
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You Cannot Kill David Arquette (2020)
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studentofetherium · 4 months
I just watched You Cannot Kill David Arquette and had enough thoughts about it that i figured i should write a review! give it a read
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this-is-the-ticket · 7 months
Episode 005 - The Fish Man Himself
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New Bev!
William Friedkin’s Cruising is WILD. 
Quote from Ed Whitfield on his Facebook - William Friedkin once said to me, “Ed, the guy who made those new Halloween sequels is about to make one to my movie, The Exorcist. That's right, my signature film is about to be extended by the man who made Pineapple Express. I don't want to be around when that happens. But if there's a spirit world, and I can come back, I plan to possess David Gordon Green and make his life a living hell.”
William Friedkin’s SORCERER!!!
Sorcerer poster
Crumb (1995) - documentary on artist R. Crumb, directed by Terry Zwigoff
The first Godzilla rocks
Shin Godzilla also rocks
Ari also likes Godzilla King of Monsters lol 
The Guest!! 
Every Spalding Gray David Letterman appearance
You Cannot Kill David Arquette (2020) - badass wrestling with moments of honesty and tenderness from Arquette
Introducing, Selma Blair (2021) - emotional document of Blair’s MS journey, directed by Rachel Fleit
Love and Let Die by: John Higgs
Robert Downey Jr. in Natural Born Killers
I Want to Live! (1958) trailer
The Tragedy of Macbeth (2021) clip. This does not well document the warmth Casey was describing, but it’s dope.
SAd Astra
The music cues for Macbeth on broadway 2022 are so fuccckkkking good, shout out to Gaelynn Lea.
Give yourself permission to not finish a book - this dude quotes Tim Ferriss lol 
Putting Time in Perspective from WaitButWhy
Billy Collins Poet!
Ada Limón is the current poet laureate!
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oxbl00d42 · 9 months
ich habe talkai gebeten, das deutsch in diesem text zu korrigieren
und das ergebnis ist absolut lächerlich. in dem text ging es ursprünglich um ein review des films "you cannot kill david arquette". das ist, was bei der korrektur herauskam:
Dies ist das Richtige, um Unsicherheit zu beobachten und wie er versucht zu gewinnen… Dies ist das Problem des Reichtums einer reichen Person und in der Lage, es dann zu tun. Sie macht ein schönes Bild, aber all dies ist ein reicher Mann des Abfalls und verursacht nicht ihre Stärke und möchte diesen Fehler versuchen. Dies ist ein großes Problem für mich, einige der Sorgen, so scheint es unpraktisch - aber das sind Bilder der Einstellungen. Immer wieder wird es dazu führen, dass die Idole von David mit seiner Mutter über Mexiko und ihr Gespräch sprechen. Alle und DDP fühlten sich fehl am Platz und es war sehr schwierig für DDP-Yoga. Das war ein bisschen lustig, aber sie sind viel mehr als alle anderen. Einige betrachten das Vertrauen auf seltsame Weise. Ein Mann mit einer Million Dollar verspottet den Peso in Mexiko. Ich denke nur, dass er damit die Wirtschaft in Mexiko und das Ansehen von David beleidigt. Ich weiß, dass dieser Vorfall in einigen neuen Dokumenten im mexikanischen Wakehouse stattgefunden hat, also würde ich keine einzigartige breite sehen, aber dies ist zumindest in Mexiko eine seltsame Angelegenheit. Ich war sehr enttäuscht, weil es kaum Zeit gab, neun Früchte zu essen. Ich mag die Arbeitsweise einer Person nicht, sondern die Art, wie man immer sein Gesicht hört. Wenn dies nicht das Ende ist, müssen Sie die Szene mit Joey Ryan entfernen. Dies ist unmöglich und momentan haben Sie sexy Restaurants für David. Das ist nicht richtig. David hat eine ausgezeichnete Kleidungsauswahl auf dem Bildschirm. Ich hatte einige Gegenstände in "Ich bin nicht hier", aber Sie haben es wirklich nicht bemerkt. Dies ist alles vorgeschrieben. Ich glaube nicht daran, aber wenn Sie eine verbitterte Person sind, warum stehen Sie dann da und geben Ihnen alles Sichtbare und Reale. Das ist komisch. Ich war so begeistert von der Qualität des WCW-Artikels. Ich glaube, ich habe die Lizenz dafür, aber ich habe mir keine guten Zeichen angeschaut. Nachts sieht es aus wie ein „Kampf“, nicht echt. Nur mehr dieser Versöhnungselemente, aber eine Person ist tatsächlich nicht erforderlich, wenn man gut beobachtet. Wer wünscht oder glaubt wirklich, dass sich das Fernsehen in den letzten zwei Wochen in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten verändert hat? Das ist vor etwa zwanzig Jahren passiert, vor zwanzig Jahren, vor zwanzig Jahren, in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten. Wenn es nach Netflix aussieht, aber ich rate Ihnen, nicht auszugehen, auch wenn es mein bestes Geld ist, und das war nichts Besonderes für jemanden, der in einem schönen Haus lebt und sich wie ein Gewinner fühlt. Viele von uns haben echte Probleme, um die wir uns kümmern müssen.
richtig, richtig schlecht. talkai ist nicht zu empfehlen.
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theharpermovieblog · 1 year
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I re-watched Lost Highway (1997)
This is the hardest movie I've had to talk about since there is just so much to get into and it's impossible to do that here. So I'm sorry if this is jumbled and poorly written. In 10 years I'll rewrite this and disagree with everything I've said here. Lol
A musician murders his wife and after being sentenced to death transforms into a young man who gets caught between a woman and a Mob Boss.
Lost Highway is about a man's feelings of sexual inadequacy and the lies he tells himself. At least for the most part.
Bill Pullman's character of Fred, at one point says he doesn't like video cameras because "I like to remember things my own way....not necessarily the way they happened." For Fred, this escapism is a need. It is a coping mechanism that will lead him to do horrible things and change the very fabric of who he is. Fred's need to escape and "remember things his own way" leads him to unknowingly kill his wife and even physically transform himself into someone else.
Robert Blake's pale faced spectre is what Fred is trying to escape. The spectre is Fred's sense of reality. Through videotapes the spectre shows Fred how "Things really happened". The Spectre shows Fred that he is a murderer who has killed his own wife. He knows Fred even after Fred transforms and becomes another person because, try as Fred might, reality is inescapable.
The person Fred Becomes is Balthazar Getty's character Pete. He's young and self confident. He's a new start for Fred, but Patricia Arquette as both characters Renee and Alice is another part of life that Fred cannot escape. At first Fred kills Renee and after he's charged for her murder he becomes Pete, but Pete can't help but fall for Renee's doppelganger, Alice, leading him back to being Fred, who then goes on to make a full circle bringing us back to the beginning of the film.
It's all very complicated and confusing on the surface. Dig a little deeper and it's still complicated and confusing, but it begins to take shape. This is what David Lynch is best at. He makes films that seem like nonsense to many, but in reality are full of meaning and feel no obligation to work within the parameters of logic outside the film's universe.
Im sure I'm right about a decent amount of this and wrong about a decent amount too. Lost Highway is, like many of Lynch's films, full of dream logic and is anything but spoon fed to the audience. It changes in narrative and yet remains the same throughout. It's a puzzle, but one I enjoy trying to solve piece by piece.
It's been said that Lost Highway takes place in the same universe as Lynch's Twin Peaks series, which is totally possible if not 100% true. The style, music, character interactions.....it's all very "Twin Peaks" in tone. And, like Twin Peaks, there is so much to challenge yourself with.
What I really love about this movie, technically, is the use of Darkness and the use of hollow, drafty sound. Two things Lynch uses often and well, but here they seem incredibly noticeable. It adds to the dreaminess and to the feeling of everything happening in the void of this world. It also helps the sound and music have a bigger impact.
Lost Highway is a noir horror through the mind of David Lynch and, despite it's difficulty, it's absolutely mesmerizing in many moments.
There are gorgeous shots in this film, a solid cast, puzzles to be solved, and a lot more.
Is it the best Lynch film out there? No. But it's one that every person wanting to understand David Lynch as a filmmaker should watch. If you don't like it, you won't like his other work.
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The Quarry ch1
A few hours later I picked the game back up and played chapter 1 (actually I had already played ch1 by the time I revised my first post, obviously).
(Actually I've already written four thousand words of thots about this demonstrably stupid game that barely even runs on PS4. I would be ashamed except, like, Carol Clover wrote Men, Women, and Chainsaws and like, it’s no dumber or more useless to analyse horror video games. Also I wrote reams about horror in college when I took various film courses and also cringe is dead.)
Some thots:
Like my complaint from earlier, can I just choose NOT to open the basement... my choices were cut fuel line or remove rotary arm, not "do neither." And yeah, doing neither means no video game, but it also makes Jake look extremely unhinged to the point that it makes me call every one of Jake’s future actions into question.
On the other hand, I spend a lot of time thinking about narrative consistency, and this no-choice choice really informs the way I can allow myself to play Jake. He’s clearly always on the cusp of absolutely losing it.
All the girls walk like they have the Skyrim sexy walk mod installed. I hate this.
Actually, the graphics as a whole are not good. And I'm not a 'graphics are king' kinda person, but they're not as good as UD, which came out 7 years ago. I'm wondering if this is a day 1 problem or perhaps also a developed on PS5/played on PS4 problem. Some of the textures are screwed up. Faces just don't look natural. There's fog everywhere and it's not Silent Hill ambient fog, though it might be Silent Hill hide the graphical issues fog. There's definitely lighting issues. I'm leaning towards, SM just took a really slapdash approach to decreasing graphics quality to play on PS4. If only PS5 were available in stores fuckin anywhere...
Abi is cute in the vein of Ashley from UD. I'm playing her as kind of a goody-two-shoes who wants to be friends with Emma, so she's willing to bend the rules if it will make them closer.
Dylan gives me Chris vibes but for some reason he looks kind of sinister when they do the slo-mo close-up of his face during decision-making QTEs. Like he's secretly thinking of doing something evil. I'm trying to walk the line between a class clown/wanting to mess with teacher kind of kid while also wanting to suck up to Ryan, who doesn't like that behavior. So he's like I really want to look through David Arquette's stuff....... but I won't touch anything or mess with anything, I prommy.
Didn't go into the basement in Mr. H's office.. UD TAUGHT ME NOT TO MESS WITH TRAPDOORS OKAY.
Also picking up the phone and it said "Dylan" in a breathy voice was nicely unsettling. I'm also LOVING all the random spooky shit in the background of scenes that aren't jumpscares, just like, hey, there's a ghost here that YOU can see but the PCs cannot. :)
So..... they've revealed the...... rednecks smearing blood on themselves and watching the kids through a rifle scope early in the game...... I love the changing camera angles, where suddenly the char you were controlling would be viewed from through a window, as though you were watching them (/spying on them/ogling them), very creepy and almost RE vibes. But this reveal kind of explains that diagetically? Anyway, not to steal MORE from UD's playbook, but of course the creepy stranger spying on the kids was actually a good guy for the thirty seconds he was around before getting killed.
Speaking of borrowing from other games, seems to do the Silent Hill thing where the PC will look in a direction, presumably to guide you towards it. A few times this has revealed a tarot card. Sometimes they just seem to be staring at the sky??
The tarot cards do indeed function like the totems and hint at what you should do. Unfortunately they are difficult to see, so I actually did the opposite of what I was supposed to do and now Emma goes forth sans fireworks.
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apicturespeaks · 2 years
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You Cannot Kill David Arquette, David Darg, Price James
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animusrox · 4 years
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You Cannot Kill David Arquette (2020) dir. Price James & David Darg
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obsessed-fanatic · 1 month
You Cannot Kill David Arquette Trailer #1 (2020) | Movieclips Indie Trai...
This is fucking awesome
Gonna see it
He himself told me about this at spookala
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jimsmovieworld · 3 years
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Scream is the first horror film i can remember seeing, and ive been a fan of David Arquette since then. Back in the early 2000s when he was at the pique of his success, David took part in WCW wrestling shows and in one of the most controversial moments in wrestling history, he won the world title. This is typically one of the most hated booking decisions amongst hardcore wrestling fans that think putting the belt on a non wrestler was disrespectful. In this documentary, Davids very honest about the fact that his career has dried up, and he struggles to find acting jobs. One of the reasons for this, was that his involvement in the wrestling business put a lot of movie producers off of him. Being a lifelong wrestling fan he decides to get back into wrestling in his late 40s, nearly 20 years after he last performed. His goal is to train properly and earn the respect of wrestlers and wrestling fans. He trains in lucha libre style in Mexico, backyard wrestling in front of six people, and even has a hardcore deathmatch with indie legend Nick Gage. He nearly died when a lightube was smashed off him and ripped his neck open. Through hard work he learns to wrestle at a very impressive level and finds something new to put his creative passion into. Fantastic documentary.
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p-afiches · 3 years
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You Cannot Kill David Arquette
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You Cannot Kill David Arquette (2020)
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