#Yeah I don't really like hercule actually but I just had the song in my mind and I was reading a merthur fic and boum the idea is here
galadrail · 8 months
Okay I definitely have a problem with Disney and merlin BBC but listen it works too well
Anyway, I just thought of a mix where Arthur would be hercule and merlin megara.
And do you see the song where megara sings with the goddesses? [ I won't say (I'm in love)] Imagine merlin, gwaine, lancelot and gwen instead of the goddesses.
I swear it works really well (yes uther is zeus and gaius is hades and morgana and mordred as the little demons with him)
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loganofthenorth · 2 years
I have a request thingy you could write! Maybe cute Remile or Prinxiety?
Hell yeah! I'll get a prompt.
*goes onto IPad to get a prompt*
Ight so the prompt is: "Wouldn't it be better to tell him even if the timing is wrong, than to never tell him at all?"
This is going to be both Remile and Prinxiety!
"Well, you could always try telling him how you feel. When you're ready, of course." Emile suggested. Virgil was laying on the couch aside from him, running his hands through his dark purple hair and staring at the ceiling. Last month Virgil had gone to Emile, a therapist in the Imagination, for help because he was afraid he was becoming irrational. After a long therapy session, however, Emile had determined that he simply had a crush. Now, present day, he was back, seeking advice on how to approach such a thing.
"There's never a good time! After we talked I tried to tell him, but then we were interrupted when Thomas got news about the callback. Roman was so excited and I didn't want to overwhelm him.
Then Janus pulled us all into a court case scenario and grilled us until Thomas confessed he was selfish. Roman then punished himself and Thomas by having Thomas go to the wedding, so he was miserable. I tried to just focus on helping him through it, while also surviving my own anxiety.
Then when things finally calmed down a bit, mostly due to being too tired to fuss about it, Remus started popping up. After Logan sorted that out, I realized that I was actually hurting Thomas when I tried to protect him from the others, so I patched things up with Remus and Janus and ever since I've been spending more time with them, which lead to me avoiding Patton, which meant seeing Roman less.
Then there was the Nico situation, and there were a couple of times around that time where I almost confessed, but something always interrupted us. I was spending more time with Roman after that, but a week later the wedding happened, then there was a lot of drama between Roman, Janus, and Patton.
Now Roman's in a really bad place, and I think I'm somehow the only one he trusts right now, and I don't want to risk taking that from him by telling him how I feel. If he doesn't feel the same way, I'd just be making things worse." Virgil rambled.
Emile nodded, writing all this down as Virgil spoke. "It sounds like there's never a good time to tell him. Lately something's always coming up." Emile commented. Virgil nodded, rubbing his face and groaning in frustration. "Well, in that case, wouldn't it be better to tell him at a bad time than to never tell him at all?" Emile reasoned.
Virgil thought this over, then sighed in defeat before nodding. "Yeah, maybe... but how?" He muttered. "Well, you said before that indirect ways of communicating your feelings have helped you. Like the puppets, the songs, and other things. Maybe you could try something like that." Emile advised.
"Right, sure. Let me just turn into a sock puppet and serenade Roman real quick." Virgil huffed sarcastically. "If that's what works for you." Emile encouraged. Virgil rolled his eyes and sat up. "How about we brain storm ideas, and you can pick the one you like best?" Emile offered. Virgil thought about it, then nodded.
"Alright, we'll add the sock puppet serenade. I know it was a sarcastic suggestion, but a suggestion none the less. There are no bad ideas, we can figure out what you're most comfortable with once we have a list to work with." Emile decided. "Fine." Virgil agreed, fidgeting with the sensory tool Emile provided.
After talking to Emile, Virgil returned to his room and got to work on the idea he had chosen. He decided to start small, do something subtle. He put some songs onto a playlist, mostly Disney Songs. The songs consisted of:
I Won't Say I'm In Love (Hercules)
Something There (Beauty and the Beast)
Not Another Song About Love (by Hollywood Ending)
Hakuna Mattata (Lion King)
I See The Light (Tangled)
One Jump (Aladdin)
A Whole New World (Aladdin)
All I Want (High School Musical | The Musical | The Series)
Strange Magic (Strange Magic)
That's How You Know (Enchanted)
Can You Feel The Love Tonight (Lion King)
Maybe Don't (by Maisie Peters and JP Saxe)
Heaven's Light (Hunch Back of Notre Dame)
Fixer Upper (Frozen)
Lost In The Woods (Frozen 2)
Go The Distance (Hercules)
And last (but certainly not least) the Hula Song (Lion King)
(Author's Note: Couldn't find that last one on spouting but it needed to be there.)
Satisfied with this, Virgil labeled the playlist as: 'Roman's Cheer Up Playlist' and made the picture Timon from Lion King doing the Hula. He chuckled before sending the playlist to Roman, hoping that even if it didn't get the message across, it would help improve his mood for a bit.
Emile returned home and thought over the advice he had given Virgil that day. It reminded him of a situation of his own. Remy, who was in charge of Thomas's ability to sleep, was a regular at a cafe Emile also went to often. Emile had developed a crush on him, but by the time he had developed the courage to say anything, they were never in the same place long enough to say it.
Emile decided to take his own advice. He pulled out his phone and texted Remy, who had given Emile his number after they became friends.
⭐️Em: Hey, Remy?
Remy ☕️: Yeah?
⭐️Em: I was wondering if you'd like to meet up for coffee sometime. It's been awhile since we've been able to talk.
Remy ☕️: Sure, what time?
⭐️Em: Does Saturday at eleven am work?
Remy ☕️: Mmm... How bout noon?
⭐️Em: Works for me! I'll see you then! ☺️
Remy ☕️: It's a date 😉
Emile blushed a proper shade of red at that last message. Had he been that transparent? Then again, Remy did tend to flirt casually with everyone. It was probably best not to overthink it.
"Oh, Virgil~🎶" A familiar sing/song voice rang through the Mindscape halls as Roman made his way to Virgil's room. He knocked on the door in a musical rhythm.
Virgil took off his headphones when he heard the knock. He walked over and opened the door, seeing Roman with a very confident smile on his face. This could either mean something very good or something very horrible was about to happen. There was rarely an in between, in Virgil's experience.
"I couldn't help but notice something." Roman began as he entered Virgil's room. "What?" Virgil asked as he closed the door, not bothering to point out the fact that he didn't say Roman could enter. "The playlist you sent me, I thought it was just a bunch of cheerful songs to get me out of my rut, which I did appreciate by the way." Roman began. Oh dear, Virgil was starting to see where this was going.
"That's exactly what it was." Virgil murmured before sitting on his couch. "Well, I looked at it, and I realized the songs weren't chosen at random after all. They all seem to either connect to one or both of us in some way, or they're love songs." Roman mused.
"Yeah a lot of Disney songs are love songs and relatable." Virgil murmured, his anxiety have him back out of his plan to confess. "They aren't all Disney songs, though." Roman pointed out. "And the two songs that isn't a Disney Song, are love songs. Ones that I think suit us very well." He went on, sitting beside Virgil as his smile grew.
Virgil hid his blush in the hood of his hoodie, fighting the urge to smile or get his hopes up. "Why would you associate a love song with us?" Virgil mumbled. "You tell me, Purple is the New Black." Roman returned.
Virgil took a deep breath before closing his eyes tightly and letting the words out. "Because I love you." He admitted, feeling nauseous as his anxiety began to build up.
Virgil's eyes opened when he felt Roman's hand on his cheek. He looked at Roman, who's expression was now very gentle, sincere. and relaxed. "I love you too, my Dark Knight." He stated. "Is it alright if I take a few moments to process that?" Virgil asked after a moment of silence.
Roman nodded, smiling widely again as he pulled away. "I'm always in my room if you need me." He announced before sinking down. The minute Roman was gone, Virgil grabbed a pillow and screamed into it.
Emile arrived at the cafe, he was a bit early, since it was 11:48. However, he needed time to mentally prepare.
Emile walked over to the table he usually sat at, a small booth by the window. He sat down, fidgeting with a sensory tool while waiting. One of the staff members came to take his order, he had his usual, a cup of tea with two cubes of sugar.
Remy entered the cafe, going first to the counter to get his own coffee. Once he was done with the line and getting his order, he walked towards the table where Emile sat, smirking as he sat down.
"Hey Em, what's shaking?" Remy greeted as he began to drink his coffee. "I like you." Emile blurted out, causing Remy to raise an eyebrow and set his coffee down. "Like, in a romantic sense." Emile added to clarify ad his cheeks reddened.
Remy looked Emile up and down, swirling the coffee in his cup as he thought this confession over. "Well, if that's the case, what are your plans tonight?" Remy asked.
Emile looked hopeful as he quickly checked his schedule. "I have an appointment with a client at five pm, I usually take an hour to rest after appointments. So after six pm I'm free for the day." He answered.
"Alright, then how about I pick you up at your place at seven, and take you somewhere nice?" Remy offered. Emile nodded, holding back the urge to giggle like a school girl. "I'd like that." Emile agreed.
"Lovely. Now, let's catch up, shall we?" Remy replied. "We shall." Emile agreed. And so, they had their usual conversations. Remy's latest gossip, whatever cartoon Emile had as a special interest at the time, events in their lives, and things like that.
Seems today worked out quite well.
(I might continue this later if you want me to. I've written a lot so I'm going to take a break for now.)
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musical ramblings #4
okay look i know i said i was doin' the brains but then shuffle put this on and i was like "oh." so !!
surface pressure ; jessica darrow (encanto)
i'll never shut up about the fact that these barely-20-somethings have what feels like the weight of the world on their shoulders-- or, in the case of clock-la, they might have genuinely had the weight of the world on their shoulders.
i will also never shut up about the cooper legacy and how much weight it puts on their shoulders independent of the whole fighting for their lives thing.
again, in-depth analysis/breakdown under the cut <3 this one's a little on the longer side, i think. and the choruses get typed out every time bc i didn't want to cut around them bc of the "give it to your sister" segments. so yeah.
this is also mostly murray & sly, but theres a fair amount of bentley in there too :3
i feel like this one is a lot of me taking canon and running with it but i am a very fast runner so i think it's okay. but um i hope it's okay if this one's a little more headcanon-y. i've tried to make clear what was My Brain and what was Actual Stuff thus far but i have many emotions about this song and i need to explain their complicated self-image ok. hopefully that's okay
also this might be LESS comprehensible than the last one but probably not less comprehensible than my little reason why. braincell is ping ponging around within me skull
update from midway through, this is very sly 2 focused i think. oops but like not really fdhsjkafhd
"I'm the strong one, I'm not nervous / I'm as tough as the crust of the Earth is"
yeah that's just murray in a nutshell. well post-sly 1 at least. just know that "i'm not nervous" is said in the absolute most nervous way possible, because murray absolutely is.
"I move mountains, I move churches / And I glow 'cause I know what my worth is"
the beginning of this song is very murray lol. he seems to be the one most confident in his strength & skills during 2 & 3, esp. during 2. but he is also the one to reassure bentley that they're equals during 3 which isn't entirely related but it does show that he does indeed know his worth. <3
"I don't ask how hard the work is / Got a rough, indestructible surface / Diamonds and platinum, I find 'em, I flatten 'em / I take what I'm handed, I break what's demanded, but"
more murraycore lol. i think this is pretty self-explanatory
(fun fact: murray has the most health of the cooper brothers, meaning comparatively to, say, bentley, he does in fact have a "rough, indestructible surface" <;3)
"Under the surface / I feel berserk as a tightrope walker in a three-ring circus"
okay now we fall out of the surface level "yeah that makes sense". i gotta say using the word Berserk there ... has me thinking of the Murray Tries To Kill You section w/ the agitators. to be FAIR i'm pretty sure tightrope walkers Don't Do That. but i've also never been to the circus, so.
anyway ! i feel like he's also the like. the Silliest, y'know? the naive one that's usually getting made fun of, i think. and he presents the most, he's not built for subtlety; he's very visible. which is also part of why this line is He. he probably feels like he's a circus act to be watched and laughed at, y'know?
"Under the surface / Was Hercules ever like 'yo, I don't wanna fight Cerberus'?"
note the missing green bc i feel like bentley feels much less Forced into his role. he likes being the smart guy !
now, that's not to say that murray and sly don't like their roles, because of course they do! but being the strong one was, as we see, not murray's first choice. and being the strong one means you do all the heavy lifting, and while murray likes that most of the time... i'm sure there are times where he'd rather have stayed just the getaway driver.
and then there's sly, who loves the whole thief thing and loves his role and wouldn't trade it for the world, but... he got shoved into this whole thing too, y'know? he loves being a thief, but i'm sure he would love it more if it had been his choice, if anybody had asked him before it was suddenly his everything.
"Under the surface / I'm pretty sure I'm worthless, if I can't be of service"
yet another cotton candy line. look i can go SO in-depth about sly and his self-esteem issues esp. during sly 3. there's an interaction during a cold alliance that is pretty much the entire formation for this head of canon ("Sure you won't need my help on the inside?" "I'm afraid this is a problem only technology can solve." "...Right. Well, have fun with your, uh, technology." "Don't wait up- this could go all night!")
and then there's murray, who thinks he's not "of service" and leaves because he doesn't want to hinder the team any more than he thinks he already does (see the sly 2.5 comic.) he doesn't just think he's worthless if he's not doing something, he thinks he's worse than that; if he's not helping, he's a hinderance. hell i'm pretty sure he thinks he's a hinderance even when he IS helping sometimes. (see: him blaming himself for the clock-la incident.)
"A flaw or a crack / The straw in the stack / That breaks the camel's back / What breaks the camel's back? It's- / Pressure like a drip, drip, drip that'll never stop, woah / Pressure that'll tip, tip, tip 'til you just go pop, woah"
admittedly this is mostly just vibes. but also they need a nap and a hug. i'm pretty sure that by the end of sly 3 and all the fighting and the tensities and the bigger team that they're all about 3 seconds away from snapping.
"Give it to your sister, your sister's older / Give her all the heavy things we can't shoulder"
yet another gender swap but again for the sake of lyrical clarity i'm not changing the pronouns. just Know that pretty much every she is actually a he. that's a good life motto in general actually /j
this is mostly just bc i am an oldest bentley truther lol. but also i think he does wind up with a lot of "heavy things [they] can't shoulder" because as the planner i think that's just how that goes. he knows his brothers' skillsets! if something needs done that the two of them can't do, it's bentley's job. (see: demolitions, rc, etc.)
"Who am I, if I can't run with the ball / If I fall to... / Pressure like a grip, grip, grip and it won't let go, woah"
okay this was originally combined with the next one but i needed a place to talk about sly and the generational trauma. like sly's entire LIFE is built around being a thief (hence the "who am i if i can't run with the ball"- if sly cooper isn't a master thief, who even is he?) and living up to his family's legacy, hence the pressure. and no matter what he does, he can't escape it (it won't let go, wink wink.)
now because sly 4 simply isn't real this'll probably be the only time i mention it in this breakdown but even when he isn't a thief he still can't escape the Cooper burden, and his whole bloodline is once more put into peril because of something he had nothing to do with.
...i think. i'm only like 1/4 of the way into sly 4 but i'm pretty sure it's the classic steven universe style my parent(s) did something to you but now they're dead so you're determined to take it out on me bc i'm their kid thing.
"Pressure like a tick, tick, tick, 'til it's ready to blow, woah / Give it to your sister, your sister's stronger / See if she can hang on a little longer / Who am I, if I can't carry it all? / If I falter..."
murray honey your self-esteem issues are showing again. this is more of that "if i'm not helping i'm hurting" mentality that he seems to have. and also more Strong One shenanigans !
also the "tick tick tick 'til it's ready to blow" is very the murray very much so has Some Rage Within There. most notable example of this is Opera of Fear when octavio pisses him off by harassing bentley and he beats the shit out of the poor opera lion man.
i'm realizing the way him and sly view themselves are very similar lol. however i think murray finds some peace in training with the guru and is able to fall back from this mindset a bit. but that's not related.
again, more Strong One. he's big and tough and therefore he should be the one handling these things. he's the Strong One and therefore he is handling these things and he is handling them fine, he says, like a liar. he is Not Fine.
"Under the surface / I hide my nerves, and it worsens / I worry something is gonna hurt us / Under the surface / The ship doesn't swerve as it heard how big the iceberg is"
bentley is very Worried in General, as we know. "hide [his] nerves" probably comes into play bc he's their voice of reason, and if the voice of reason is panicking then everything is terrible and they're all gonna die. HOWEVER if he's not panicking then he might accidentally make sly and murray think they're in less danger than they are (leading to them being a little more careless and only worsening his nerves.)
OKAYOKAYOKAY "the ship doesn't swerve as it heard how big the iceberg is" gives me very much so vibes of the one Ro.tTM.NT episode with the poison pizza puffs and the younger three are constantly like "rap.h'll bail us out :]" and rap.h is like "NO."
i think sly and murray do that to bentley a lot, esp. post jailbreak. it doesn't matter what kind of trouble they get into because bentley can bust them out ! which is why the metaphorical ship isn't swerving. it's kind of sweet the amount of trust they have for bentley however bentley would like to humbly request they stop showing him they trust him by throwing themselves into danger!
"Under the surface / I think about my purpose, can I somehow preserve this? / Line up the dominoes, a light wind blows / You try to stop it toppling but on and on it goes"
and the return of the cotton candy self-esteem issues again and still pretty much for the same reason. though i admit this line is mostly murraycore, hence why it's so much more pink than blue <3
murray's 'purpose' is to be the strong one, sly's is to be a thief. again they both think that they're "worthless if [they] can't be of service" but sly is a little different in the fact that his purpose rlly isn't going anywhere.
meanwhile murray after the clock-la incident is pretty sure he has lost his purpose! he thinks he failed at being the Strong One ("can i somehow preserve this?") and that dominoes (wink) into him spiraling over every tiny mistake he makes (as we see during the aforementioned sly 2.5 comic where he blames himself for every little thing) but all that really does is make him clam up and mess up more which. "you try to stop it toppling but on and on it goes," y'know?
"But wait, if I could shake / The crushing weight of expectations / Would that free some room up for joy? / Or simple pleasures"
sly is atlas and the cooper name is his globe, y'know?
"Instead we measure, this growing pressure / Keeps growing, keep going / 'Cause all we know is / Pressure like a drip, drip, drip that'll never stop, woah / Pressure that'll tip, tip, tip 'til you just go pop, woah"
again with the very sly 2 vibe i think. the whole Growing Pressure just reads as them learning about the klaww gang and their spice schemes and neyla and suddenly this isn't just about destroying the clockwerk parts it's about saving paris and i doubt neyla would have stopped with just paris and i'm sure the cooper brothers know that too
these colors are out of order (usually it would be green -> pink -> blue) because i wanted sly to have the "all we know is" ... despite the fact that it really matches all of them. they've never lived any other way, sly especially.
"Give it to your sister, it doesn't hurt and / See if she can handle every family burden / Watch as she buckles and bends, but never breaks / No mistakes, just"
again w the family thing like i said i will never shut up about it. 'cause sly's been dealing with the consequences of his family's (specifically his father's) actions this whole time and he's been succeeding, he destroyed clockwerk, he destroyed clock-la, he defeated dr. m, but he's still floundering under the pressure of living under legends.
even when he's Literally About to Die bc his dad didn't believe in minimum wage he's worried about how he compares to the Coopers before him ("Would he be proud? Or ashamed?") like bb harbor some resentment in there for the hell you've been put through.
"Pressure like a grip, grip, grip and it won't let go, woah / Pressure like a tick, tick, tick 'til it's ready to blow, woah"
debated switching sly and murray's lines for this ending segment but i think this works the best. again with the Rage That Will Explode and also his inescapable hell of being The Strong One.
"Give it to your sister and never wonder / If the same pressure would have pulled you under"
this is both about bentley being the jack of all trades when he needs to be and about him keeping the other two out of trouble. he's certain the other two would be 'pulled under' by the stress of more things to do, and he's certain they would be 'pulled under' and kept under if he wasn't there to bail them out.
"Who am I, if I don't have what it takes?"
guess what .. it's the generational trauma again <3 more about sly and his need to live up to his family line because as the line says who is he if he doesn't have what it takes!
"No cracks, no breaks / No mistakes, no pressure"
bentley's determined to not crack under the pressure because of his brothers, both to keep them out of trouble and to bail them out of the troubles they get into anyway. murray's determined to not break because he's The Strong One, and if he's not, then he's certain he'll be some kind of hinderance. and sly's determined to not make any mistakes so he can earn his cooper name and make his father proud.
this will definitely not wind up causing at least 3 breakdowns. (sarcasm)
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linawritesocs · 2 years
💜 twst oc: merrill gardner 💜
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YAY, A THIRD OC. and finally, the oc trinity is complete. i find it funny that he's the oldest one of my ocs, but he's the last one i made, so he's technically the youngest. he's babey.
so, i wanted to make an oc based on megara or "meg" from hercules, like, i know that this idea isn't that original, BUT I WANTED TO MAKE A CHARACTER BASED ON HER, OKAY DHDSKDLFG
so here's some information about him! i will most likely add more in the future.
name: merrill gardner (メリル ・ガードナー) (so i had trouble with thinking of a name for him, like i tried greek names, i tried english ones and originally i wanted his name to have some kind of a "deep meaning" but then i went "you know what, what if i just pick a first name and a surname that begin with the same letters that the name "megara" has". AND I ACTUALLY KINDA LIKE HOW IT SOUNDS??)
age: 18 y/o
gender: male
species: human
birth date: september 20
zodiac sign: virgo
height: 180 cm
hair color: dark brown (a color name finder website told me it's actually velvet maroon, but.. i don't really think so) with warm purple streaks
eye color: light violet
homeland: he prefers not to talk about his homeland, so no one really knows where he's from.
family: father and mother. he doesn't have any siblings.
school: night raven college (his parents gave him a choice and asked if he wants to go to nrc or rsa. he didn't like both schools, but he thought that in rsa everyone would have expectations for him that are way too high, so he chose nrc)
dorm: ignihyde
school year: third
occupation: student
club: none (and if vance isn't in a club yet, but he's planning to join, merrill just simply.. doesn't want to join any clubs. when asked why, he simply says "too much work and spending time with people i don't really care about")
best subject: astrology
dominant hand: right
favorite food: cherry juice this is a drink but who cares
least favorite food: white chocolate
hobby: photography, stargazing
talent: lip reading this is totally not a reference to that moment when meg says to hades "READ MY LIPS-"
unique magic: "say "i'm in love"" (taruchi mentioned the song when we were talking about him and i was like: wait you can make a unique magic name out of this) merrill can easily learn any person's crush or a "favorite type of person" or "things that they're into" and that person doesn't even have to say anything, merrill just has to look at them. sounds cool and useful, right? merrill actually hates his unique magic because the thing is.. after learning about that person's crush/type/etc, he has to immediately reveal what he learned to somebody else. (and the person that he got information about, doesn't count) and i mean "IMMEDIATELY". if ten seconds passed and merrill still haven't told anyone about who or what that person is into, he loses the ability to move and has to stand (or sit, or lie, whatever he was doing at that moment) like that for an hour. so yeah, this often leads to some very awkward situations, like merrill suddenly running to someone, only to say "by the way, (a student's name) has a crush on (the other student's name)" and then walk away, looking relieved. he also hates his unique magic because.. let's just say, he knows too much and he doesn't want to live with that knowledge. sometimes knowing all about nrc students' crushes can be exhausting and uncomfortable.
dislikes: irresponsible people
personality: merrill is a kind of person who wakes up and he's already tired of everything. he always seems done with everything and everyone, even though he doesn't look particularly annoyed or mad. it's just something about his tone and the way he speaks. some students wonder, does he ever speak without sarcasm? and though merrill talks a lot and he's not really an introverted person, he still doesn't have any friends. some people think he's too intimidating, some people find it hard to understand him and some people are just too shy to talk to him. merrill can also be quite manipulative and he can easily get people to do anything for him. one of his main manipulation tactics is simply flirting. and it (well, almost) always works, even if nrc is an all-boys school and the boy he's talking to is straight. when he doesn't get what he want, merrill goes "oh well, i'll just ask someone else" and walks away. he also can be often seen with a phone in his hand, but he never lets anyone see what's on his phone screen. some people suspect that merrill may actually not be so "cool and mature" as he seems to be. merrill doesn't let anyone see his room and also you can see him with his phone all the time and he mentioned having a magicam account, but no one still managed to find his account. some students think that he either has stuffed animals in his room or something like that and his magicam account is very cute or.. it's actually way scarier. so he's this mysterious person with many secrets and no one knows what is going on inside his head! and he has the ability to make anyone's heart beat faster, but it doesn't seem like he has feelings for anyone.. people wonder how merrill would act when he finally gets a crush on someone.
notable relationships:
as you've probably already guessed, merrill doesn't really like idia. at first, he didn't like him just because idia's personality annoyed him, but then.. something happened. and that "something" means "idia is the only person in nrc who managed to find merrill's social media and he knows the boy's main secret". idia didn't want to tell anyone about it and he planned to keep it secret, but when he saw how much it worried merrill, he was like: ".. wait, what if i ask him for something in exchange for not telling anyone". oh, and what did he ask him? ah, after that idia and merrill's relationship became similar to one of leona and ruggie's. merrill "takes care" of idia, making sure he eats and sleeps properly and doesn't just game all day. but the thing is that merrill reminds idia how much he hates doing this every single time. and also when idia asked him that, he thought "oh, he will bring me snacks when i'm too lazy to get them and stuff like that", but merrill is.. absolutely ruthless. for example, if it's late, merrill will FORCE idia to go to sleep, but at the same time he would be saying things like "oh, do you want me to sing you a lullaby?~" and then idia would be like "n-no" and get in response "WELL THEN GO TO SLEEP YOU HAVE CLASSES TOMORROW AND YOU BETTER BE THERE"
if merrill doesn't like idia that much, he REALLY likes ortho and thinks he's adorable. he often tries to "steal" ortho from idia when the older shroud is not looking. merrill just thinks ortho is very cute and he wishes he had a younger brother like that. he also supports ortho's attempts to get idia to go outside more.
cater is trying really hard to find merrill's account and merrill finds his attempts funny, even kind of cute. why cater finding his acc doesn't worry him that much? he thinks that cater will never be able to find merrill's account because he won't recognize merrill being the one in the photos.
fun facts:
his unique magic is basically a reversed version of "i won't say 'i'm in love"". merrill can learn any person's crush/type/things they're into/etc, but he has to let at least one person know that. if he doesn't, he can't move for an hour, becoming similar to a statue. this is a reference to muses, who heard meg singing about her feelings and they were "coming alive" and moving during the song, but what happens to merrill is the opposite of that.
vil wanted merrill to be sorted into pomefiore, he thought that such an attractive guy could be a perfect pomefiore student. but this didn't happen and merrill was sorted into ignihyde. vil, however, still tries to get along with merrill and he once said to him that everyone in pomefiore would love to get to know him better.
merrill once pranked idia, giving him a maid outfit and cat ears as a gift. however, idia noticed that the maid dress was very detailed and said "wow, you really know your stuff, don't you", hinting at merrill knowing a lot about maid outfits and buying them for not the first time. idia almost went to the underworld that day.
merrill actually can see very well without his glasses and wears them because he has a much softer and cuter appearance without them.. but that's not the only reason why.
his voice lines:
if you choose to hold his hand: "wow, you're really straightforward with your feelings, aren't you? it's not like i dislike it though."
level up:
"leveling up is crucial!.. that's what idia would say."
"is this what you gamers call "level up"?"
"huh, it seems that i've become stronger now."
level up max:
"thank you for helping me. i might even show you my secret magicam account as a reward~"
episode level up:
"hey, thank you for hanging out with me today. i.. i had a lot of fun. now, do you want to take a photo together? i won't post it anywhere, but i'll treasure it."
limit break:
"wow, you've saved so many photos of me!.. aren't you a bit too obsessed with me, dear?"
"what do you think of this new outfit of mine? can you please take a photo of me for my account? w-wait, i haven't come up with a pose yet!"
lesson lines (before lesson):
"i'm fine with going to any class, really. well, as long as i don't share classes with idia."
"okay, okay, i get it, no using phone during classes. but hey, look at that guy from heartslabyul, have you ever seen him without his phone?"
"okay, i've finished braiding my hair. let's go then!"
lesson start:
"follow me, you don't want us to be late, do you?"
lesson end:
"thank you for making this class less boring."
battle start:
"do you want to record a video of me beating those guys?"
battle win:
"oh well, it's over. that was easy. ugh, i shouldn't have been wearing glasses during this fight.."
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madfantasy · 4 years
Dear blogging
How are you today? Sending all the good vibes towards you. I feel much at ease as I had payed for Internet last minute just now (its thanks to you🙏💛) and happy to say Mani will be with you for another month🌟
(Just a small reminder I'm open for commissions to save up for the next one🍀)
Im just going to blab bout life and me art as usual, if you graciously don't mind c':
☆ I'm much at ease, it's the raining seasons in the bare deserts and I'm loving it(Actually, just came in from losing it a bit under the rain, heh) Not the part where it leaked into my carpeted room whilst getting fiercer :' I'm not particularly fond of cold weather, either. I almost enter dull stage of hibernation, being tightly wrapped with blankets and constantly breathing in cold air. I like to muse being born on December does a cold blooded creature make, hehe. But the quiet is much appreciated. They are almost drowsy all the time and I've got the chance to listened to lots of Hercule Poirot. Ironically my last random chapter was him having an old fashioned English Christmas, and it gave me a crave for puddings I haven't got the slightest idea how they taste lo'
I've missed the sun for almost a month and a half now, in much arguments over restricting the yard at first, but now it was a sleep issue. I finally woken up today to see the sun and felt very much.. "yes, I'm in my element " brighter feel
Speaking of which; I dedicate this song for you dears 💛💛🔥
And also this bug i found if ur interested
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☆ I've also, naturally, been sketch-storming with my new tablet! I was simply tittering over all the new discoveries I've been making, while also being gobsmacked at how much painfully sore some side are lacking, and some I had no clue what I'm supposed to do with it, like confused grumpy grand-er
For example;
I love how crystal clear it is, but I guess I can now see the brush's repeating circle pixel and pattern which makes it too artificial for my taste and hender my trust in making strokes. I suppose its nice to zoom out just to be sure my process is fine or whatever idk :'
The softwares DO NOT lag when the canvas is big! Ugh, means I can fatten up the size of my pictures easily. But that's surely eats up the storage, and I found out last minute that ipad doesn't have sd slots, unless you have to buy an adapter. Which is the main lack in this stuff. Everything costs. You want to sneeze while holding the tablet? You can't till u buy a permit.
So yeah, my favourite drawing program there, Clip Studio Paint, is can only used by annual/ monthly subscription licence, while its one-time licences is only for windows, means having to by different licences for different systems. So I'm using the free month trail to get by for now, so be sure to read carefully which on is which before purchasing. ProCreate is a one time purchase, tho. And it has TIME LAPS VIDS idk why I go crazy but I love the fact that I can record my art with no effort or pause (cuz I can never sit 1 hr continuously, honestly), and you can see my horribly-edited vid practices on tiktok or insta as @MadFantasy_ . But as we were saying, they even more double storage intake hehe. Love how ridiculously fancy the lines smoothing on it, I can act up as a calligrapher easy and I'm a joke at it! Also I'm thinking of trying Craft Pro as well, is a one time purchase too. Will go through it in details when I cover all the corners cx
"Are you with me or are we together "
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Sharing files between my pc and ipad is too much work, found an easy way I'm loving already, go to SnapeDrop dot net on both pc and ipad and basically all the devices on your network can share stuff! Instead of me pluging it and turning the app or sending by mail, ugh
If you're used to shortcuts, good luck being fast on it unless you get a keyboard, or in my case, screen on keyboard im looking an app for, and by mentioning apps
Regional restrictions, I couldn't download tumblr cause its not available in my region 8L
And alot of other things to be expected, really with more to share if its not much of an annoyance cx
I hope days brings you more ease and what much you desire my dears, happy everything you celebrate 🌋🔥🔥💛🙌
Always sending my love
3.12.2020 8 pm
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beeeskneeess · 3 years
Hii! Hope you're having a great day. I'm Z 🐳 and I have a secret crush on A. He had said he hoped to see me around before and also said he would wanna have some tea with me when I visited him, but it was kinda in haste bc he was busy and I'm afraid it was also just friendly kindliness, nothing more and not a real desire to spend time with me and get to know me. It's now about to be two weeks, I'm too nervous and afraid of rejection and of him saying these having no actual meaning to remind him of it and OF COURSE he is not taking the first step, which in turn strengthens my thoughts about him not really wanting to talk to me. Esp bc we've seen each other a couple of times after that and we NEVER actually talked. He either didn't even see me or acted like he didn't, and only said just a "hi" once. I always act like I didn't see him, I don't look at him and actually he said hi because he caught my eye just for a second. It just feels sooo awkward. So, yeah, my question is does he really miss me and want to talk to me or not? And, if it's not too much to ask, if he does want to talk to me will he take the first step (bc hell nah I won't) and when will that be? Thank you for doing free readings btw
I feel like they do want to talk to you, and its just divine timing or just timing, cos i got the wheel. I feel like they still have to ground themselves and especially with their decisions. They got a lot on their plate, and juggling stuff. They need some balance and grounding. I really don’t think he’ll take the first step 😭 i got i won’t say i’m in love TWICE.
I won’t say (i’m in love) by Sarah Egan (Hercules OST)
Maybe this time by sarah geronimo
Hope this resonates!!
When i posted this its 2:22 :DD
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tu-mint · 3 years
“The Lemonade” Guy Pt. 1
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When Jade realizes her feelings for a certain schoolmate go beyond a friendship, she makes a tremendous effort to rid herself of it.
Song Inspo(s): Wicked Games - Kiana Lede; I Won’t Say I’m In Love - Hercules
International AU!
Word Count: 4k+
There was rarely ever something Jade tried to avoid other than the topic of Manu. The reactions that came upon his death were much too triggering to her anger, and she refused to allow that level of rage to overcome her again; thankfully this was not the case. Now while that was a relief, the actual issue being avoided proved to be almost as troubling, and the foreign girl did not realize the matter until recently.
UA High was bustling with noise and movement, people curious about the UA students from different parts of the world. Jade was blessed to have been shown secret entrances and passageways by Ren as to avoid news reporters. While it wasn’t anything she wasn’t unfamiliar with, the second year student knew uncomfortable and personal questions would turn up if given the chance, so she decided staying in the shadows would be safe for now. Stepping onto school grounds, Jade found Maeda, Kubo and Ren chatting with two students she could not recognize. One was a girl with long cyan hair and a bright expression, and the other a boy with his head turned away from the trio. Hm...maybe they're new kids? It was difficult to tell whether or not they were around the same age as her, but Jade concluded they were older looking at their height. The girl craned her neck to look over her shoulder then gasped loudly.
"Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshisthisher?!" She sped towards the international student and stretched a hand outward, grinning widely. "Nejire Hado, third year here at the original UA! You must be Jade, I was just asking your friends about you, and I heard you were from Los Angeles! Tell me what it's like! Is the food really good? What about the school? Is it different from the UA here? Ooh, what about your father? Is it true about him being a Pro Hero? What's his quirk? Is it like yours? Wha--"
"Easy Hado, she just got here," Ren intervened with a light chuckle. "Well, she already introduced herself, so that leaves the guy hiding behind her, Tamaki Amajiki, also a third year student. He's a bit shy as you can see." Jade leaned on her side to find the indigo haired male from earlier, head hung low and arms crossed tightly. She gave a small smile when he peeked up from the locks curtaining his face, pleased when he gave a single nod.
"It's nice to meet you both," chirped the foreign girl with a bow to which Hado squealed.
"And she's respectful! Ah, such an intriguing new person to meet--oh! I have to introduce you to Mirio, you'll love him, most girls do. Now where is he--" She scampered away with Tamaki in tow, slipping into the sea of students and staff members. Jade watched on with a scowl on her face. Most girls do? What is she trynna say, that I'm gonna be part of some bandwagon? She felt a hand on her shoulder pulling her out of her thoughts.
"She didn't mean it like that," came Ren's voice again. "Hado has a very blunt and unconventional way of speech, don’t mind her."
"It's something she can work on considering she wants to pursue becoming a Pro Hero," Maeda interjected, her tone flat but firm. Jade hummed in agreement and looked amongst the other pupils. Upon seeing the many faces, her eyes became fixed on one that stood out.
In a large crowd of females stood a tall and bulky male, his smile gleaming and proud. He appeared to be speaking to them, a round of giggles following soon after whatever he’d said. There were a few international students Jade recognized taking pictures with him and handing him slips of paper, presumably with some kind of social contact on it. That must be who the girl was talking about seeing he has an entire--wait a minute! It wasn’t until he looked up that she realized why the male seemed familiar. That’s the guy who I ran into at the entrance! The one who gave me that stupid nickna--
Jade cursed inwardly as he advanced in her direction. She glanced at the entourage behind him, their faces surprised or annoyed, and it didn’t help that some of them were now moving closer too. Her feet were glued in place as the male stood before her, a cheeky grin evident on his face. Blonde hair, blue eyes, nice body...definitely the same guy from the first day.
”Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten my name already,” he chuckled, crossing his arms. Jade noted how the gesture made his already defined muscles tighten. An odd tension arose in her abdomen, but she quickly dismissed it and cleared her throat.
”Togata if I remember correctly.” The foreign girl bowed, remembering her manners. It was best to keep a respectful image considering the person before her was not only older, but one of the most skilled students attending the original UA. “It's good to s—“
”Togata, I need some help getting to my classes," a voice suddenly cut in. It came as a realization to Jade that a majority of the girls from earlier were now surrounding them. The person who had spoken was an international student herself, but she didn't look too pleased that all the attention was on someone else. Her hand crawled up Togata's arm in a suggestive manner before resting at his shoulder. "I'm not too familiar with UA Japan's complex," she continued, "so it would help a lot."
"Ooh wait, I think I need help too!" someone else from the crowd piped.
"I do as well!"
"Me too!"
Soon numerous hands were tugging at the tall male with pleads and demands of showing them around the school. Jade watched as Togata weakly smiled and tried to talk amongst the bunch with reason; it proved useless as they continued to grab at him from every direction. An unusual feeling rushed to her torso again, but something felt much different from earlier. In place was a strong stinging sensation, not enough to hurt but enough to generate irritation. What in the hell--
"Something wrong, Lofota?" Maeda's voice snapped Jade back into reality. Ren and Kubo were before her, curiosity etched on their features. From her peripheral line of vision she could see the bulky third year being dragged away with a familiar cyan and indigo haired duo following close behind.
"We saw Togata and his groupies approach you, but you looked as if you were ready to jump at one of them," Kubo remarked. "I personally don't mind, just give me a heads up next time so I can record it for memories." Maeda rolled her eyes at this.
Jade chuckled and shook her head. "It wasn't anything like that, guys, I think my mind was just occupied with something else. Let's try and get to class before news reporters start breaking through the gates." She walked alongside the trio and listened to them explain UA Japan's school system and the events that were set throughout the year. Despite her nonchalant attitude, the sting remained in Jade's stomach; she figured it would go away after some medication and rest.
It took a little over a month for the second year to realize that the peculiar feelings in her system were not an overnight situation. Jade took matters into her own hands and recorded when her stomach fell into any eccentric sensation, noting what, when and how much she ate and any possible patterns. When food appeared to be free of guilt, she tried looking at her sleep patterns and clothing for clues but was met with the same result. Her concern had caught Ren's attention when the medic pupil found her seated on a hospital bed speaking to Recovery Girl.
"Hon, I've ran multiple scans and checkups and found nothing," sighed the elder. "Your health is in great shape and according to your own data, it seems like you're doing just fine. Maybe try laying down, it seems this issue with your tummy is stressing you out." Jade complied wordlessly, but Ren could see that she was still in heavy thought. When Recovery Girl exited the office, she took a seat beside the bed and peered up. "Thinkin' real hard over there, aren't you?"
Jade turned on her side with a groan. "I just wanna figure out what the hell is wrong with me, it's starting to piss me off."
"What've you been doing?"
"School, hero training, eating, sleeping, the usual."
"Any foods you can think of that caused that pain?"
"No, but that's the weird part!" The foreign student sat up and pulled a leg to her chest. "This feeling I keep getting, it doesn't hurt. It just--it doesn't...I never had this before, but I'm not sure if that means I'm doing something wrong that's causing my body to react the way it does."
Ren arched her brows in search of an answer. "Can you maybe describe this 'feeling' by comparing it to something? Or perhaps using a metaphor? Just so I can understand this better."
"It...well, there's usually two kinds of reactions. At one point, my abdomen feels light but constricted, like it can't take anything in because everything is squeezed out. When that happens, I also feel my heart rate pick up, and my body feels overheated." The medic nodded and gestured to continue. "The second feeling is more like a stinging one, or like a burn--yeah, burning would be a more accurate comparison. When my stomach gets like that, I get really annoyed, but there's only so much I can do when the problem is internal. I tend to get more of the first reaction than I do the second, if that helps."
It was an interesting explanation given, and Ren understood why Recovery Girl struggled a bit providing help. She was quiet for a long time, but just as her friend was about to speak, she asked another question: "Does this ever happen around a specific time? Specific person? Maybe a certain group of people or things?"
Jade blinked before lying down again, her attention focused on the ceiling. Is there somebody or something always near me when this happens? She reeled through all the faces and names she'd ever interacted with, staff members, students, strangers, but no exact nouns came to mind that she could recall triggering this reaction. The foreign student shook her head.
"Huh, well...what's the earliest you recall first feeling these sensations?"
"I think the earliest I felt it was when I was talking to Togata and--" Almost immediately the rest of Jade's sentence died on her tongue. Ren quickly caught the abrupt end and tried to make understanding of what had just happened. The memory was clear as day in her mind, meeting Hado and Amajiki, Togata walking up to her with immaculate bulging muscles, the crowd of female students hauling him away and the indefinable feelings in her abdomen, it all began to click. However, looking over the details of that time, Jade realized that the sensations ultimately activated when she was around--
She whipped her head in surprise.
"Togata is the cause behind your odd abdominal feelings," Ren smiled, "which tells me this is definitely not a medical issue." She bit back a laugh at the disbelief on Jade's face. It seemed she understood what was being implied as she began shaking her head feverently.
"No no no and no, you better not say what I think you're about to say, Ishikawa."
"Aw, c'mon now Jade, you can't be upset at me! I was just trying to help you understand the cause of your stomach issues, looks like it was just butterflies the whole time."
The foreign student grimaced. "Ren, please don't."
"But it's actually cute! I personally think that you both--"
Jade sat in irritation until her friend ceased laughing, then hopped off the bed and brushed off her uniform. The medic pupil stood up immediately and pulled her into a hug, chuckling lightly. "Well, now that we found the root of the issue, what are you gonna do? Am I helping you plan a confession?"
"I'm gonna get rid of it.” Ren's snickering stopped. Jade's face and tone was enough to say she wasn't kidding.
"Heh, I uh...I don't think I heard you correctly?"
"Get rid of it. I'll just distance myself from Togata so that my mind can adjust it's thoughts towards him." She hurried after her friend down the hallway. Students buzzed around them, lively chatter and activity surrounding the pair.
"Wait a minute Jade, I'm not understanding how this is being helpful."
"Ren, the more time I am not near him or able to visibly see him, I'm more than a hundred percent sure that whatever these annoying feelings are will dissipate. When that happens, I can go back to being in the guy's presence without any weird aura surrounding me, but until then, I'm following a strict 'No Togata' routine."
The medic student scoffed in amusement. "Routine? Jade, that's the most ridiculous thing I've heard a UA student say. I say just let it happen and see where it goes from there. Who knows, maybe he possibly could return--"
"Ah--" Jade stopped and held a hand up. "I'm gonna stop you there for two reasons. One, the sole reason anyone should attend this school is to pursue some kind of a career, and this applies especially to me. I was sent here as a representative because UA Los Angeles trusts me to execute and display my skills as a potential Pro Hero, not to go messin' around with Japan's kids, let alone the top students. I have an entire city depending on me, Ren, I can't mess this up." She sighed and took in another breath. "Two, if anything, I am far from his type."
"His type? How can you even know that if you only ever said hi to the guy like, three times?"
"Context clues. If it isn't directly in front of you, look at everything around to find your answer."
Ren deadpanned. "And what exactly did you look at to find your answer?"
"Upbeat, lively girls," Jade replied as if it should've been an obvious answer. The pair entered the cafeteria which was more cramped than usual. Staff members were present, most likely by Nezu's word to have travelling students feel more welcomed. All Might stood among the teachers with a countless number of admirers already circled around him, all different years, sizes and appearances. A certain green haired boy appeared to be of his utmost interest as he practically shouted in the student's face. Ren chuckled at the sight, but she noticed her friend's attention was focused elsewhere.
Her gaze was closed in on a table swallowed by a swarm of students. Some were people from earlier that were practically throwing themselves at Togata, and it seemed no different as he sat at the center of the table enjoying his lunch. Hado was seated across from him, her expression as bright as ever, and beside them was a shaking Amajiki, his head rested against the structure’s surface. His nervous movements ceased, however, and Ren smiled seeing the cyan haired girl had slipped her hand into his, returning to her conversation with ease. Jade also noticed the subtle gesture, but she wouldn't help feeling a pang of annoyance at the audience surrounding the blonde boy. She didn't realize she was watching so intensely until his eyes crossed the room to meet hers. Crap! Immediately Jade looked away, unsure if she was more embarrassed about getting caught or feeling irked over a guy. You're here to represent your school, show your worth of an upcoming Pro Hero. Stop getting distracted! Distance! "Ren, let's get some lunch. I'm sure Tokoyami and the others are awaiting your presence."
"Our presence." Jade smiled as they strode across the cafeteria. The medic always made sure she felt included no matter what the situation was; it eased her thoughts greatly, which was something she needed.
Another month passed and Jade had almost become like a second Maeda, so intently focused during school hours and hero training. Even on off days, the international student went about her own activities, only ever seen for meals or rest. Her bond remained close with Ren, Maeda and Kubo in various ways, however, and she was present whenever a hangout commenced, so it seemed like everything was completely fine. Ren's teasing had become more discreet (much to Jade's relief) and she created a codename for the blonde third year.
"'The lemonade'?" Jade cringed. The two met up for a walk through town one day, and it seemed safe enough to discuss the matter since they weren't near school grounds.
"I think it's pretty subtle, and keeping the word 'the' in the codename would have people assuming we're actually talking about a beverage. Plus," the medic eyed her friend, "the guy is a tall glass of lemonade if I do say so myself, heh."
"Ren don't--"
"Lemonade sounds good right about now." She froze. It took everything in the foreign girl to not begin speed walking as soon as she heard the familiar upbeat voice behind her. From the look on her friend's face, Jade's assumption of Togata's presence was true. Unfortunately true. She slowly turned around, a faux smile in place until her eyes fell upon something hiding behind the male.
It was a little girl, she could tell that much, with long snowy locks spilling from behind Togata's calf. The child peeked up from her spot, red irises meeting Jade's indigo ones. The foreign girl was locked in place as she suddenly recalled her family. She thought of her parents' cooking and singing, her brothers' livelihood for sports, but she was especially reminded of her sister. Youngest and the only other girl in the line of siblings, they did a lot together. From shopping together to painting to singing to sightseeing, Jade realized how much she'd missed them. The exchange of words between Ren and Togata were a muffed noise as she crouched down, entrapped by the little stranger.
"I'm Jade, it's nice to meet you." The words slipped out like butter, and thankfully it didn't seem to frighten or discomfort the child. She looked up to the male for approval, then stepped forward and let his hand go. 
"My name is Eri, it's nice to meet you too," she squeaked with a bow. Jade was awestruck by her politeness and shifted onto her knees to bow in return. When they both straightened up, Eri bore a wide smile and returned to Togata's side.
"Gosh, Gemstone, thought you were ignoring me for a sec." Reality hit the foreign girl immediately when she met the blonde's gaze, and her stomach felt tight again. Damn it, not now! Calm down, breathe, breathe, don't overreact. She stumbled getting back on her feet and managed a sheepish expression.
"Oh, I'm sorry!" she apologized more aggressively than she meant to. "I was just so surprised seeing you with a kid, and she just--"
"Oh? Do you think I'm not good with kids?" He raised a brow. 
Crap, why does he have to look cute doing that. "I never said that," Jade rolled her eyes. "I was just surprised seeing you outside of your whole entourage, that's all." She cursed at her choice of words. Now I just sound like I'm hating on him.
"My entourage? Sounds like someone's a bit jealous."
"Ha! Boy, ain't nothin' to be jealous of." The second year held her ground as the bulky male challenged her with a smirk. Ren cleared her throat, acknowledging her presence and causing Jade to force herself back. She didn't realize how close she'd gotten to him during their small banter, but it was definitely closer than what she was comfortable with. "Ren, uh, I believe you were talking about something, yes?"
The medic peered over in amusement. "Yeah, I was talking about lemonade, which since you're here Togata with little Eri, I believe we can all get some together." Damn you, Ren!
Eri gasped before tugging on the male's sleeve. "Can we please, Mirio?"  The sight made Jade's heart swell, and she couldn't be upset if it was an adorable child asking to accompany them. He beamed down at her and nodded his head.
"Ladies, you may lead the way." During the walk to a mini cafe Ren knew of (thanks to Tokoyami), Jade observed how attentive and caring Togata was with Eri, playing games or cracking jokes that made her laugh. Citizens passing commented on their closeness in adoration, many praising the third year for looking after the child with such passion. Even when there were those who tried to flirt with him, the boy paid them no mind and brushed off their efforts. Jade didn't know him too well, but she knew it would be difficult to want to be away from the guy, especially after seeing this side of him, away from the crowds, away from the hero limelight. Togata truly was someone to admire. A familiar tightness returned to her torso, but for now, she was okay with it.
She was pleased being able spend time with Eri herself, learning more about her likes and hobbies. A lot of what the young girl enjoyed Jade discovered was also liked by her sister. "What's her name?" the child asked, munching on a pastry. The horn atop her head glimmered in the sun while she finished up coloring a drawing.
"Her name is Carolei," the international student smiled, "but my family and I just call her Lei."
Eri dropped her coloring utensil on the table and leaned forward. "Can I call her Lei, too?" Jade looked around as though someone was listening to their conversation, then nodded with a wink, much to the child’s delight. They giggled and chatted, forgetting about time and enjoying getting to know one another. The second year felt as though she wasn't in Japan, but back in America with the people she'd cared about and loved; it felt good to bathe in the comfort and reminisce of home. Someone had gripped the back of Jade’s chair; she turned assuming it was Ren until she was face to face with a broad chest and the strong aroma of musk. Her heartbeat boomed in her head and she slowly turned back to Eri, allowing her nerves to calm. Ren bit back a laugh, but a tug on Jade’s hand distracted her from making a slick comment.
"Jade," said Eri in a small voice, "I have to leave now, but...do you think we can hang out another time?"
A sudden idea popped into the second year's mind at the young girl’s request. With a kind smile, she squeezed Eri's hand reassuringly. "We'll have plenty more days to hang out, hon, just me and you."
"Ouch, and what about me, Gemstone?" Togata whined, a hand on his chest in offense.
"Ah, I'd rather not be attacked by your fangirls. Besides, you have Amajiki and Hado to hang out with, and I know you see Eri almost every day." Both parties waved goodbye before continuing on their own paths. Ren and Jade were in a comfortable silence until the medic let out a sigh.
"You literally just missed your opportunity."
"Girl, what? If anything, I'd say I just opened the door for an opportunity."
"Opportunity for what? You literally shut the guy down."
"With good reason," the foreign student argued. She wasn't rude in her response to the older boy, and it was honest! The last thing Jade needed was rumors tainting her name simply for the fact that she hung out with one of the big three alone, especially if they were of the opposite sex. "Anyways, back to the opportunity I was talking about. I think Eri can help me out with this."
Happy New Years everyone! Thought I would just drop by with this little piece since I have been lagging quite a bit lol, anywho, just a little bit of love for our favorite blonde boy since I don’t see too much on him. Be safe everyone! Like, comment & share!
OC Creds to: @gureii (Ren, Maeda, Kubo
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ongsasun · 4 years
I was tagged by @michrocosmos, thank u catherine! i filled this out last night but then fell asleep right after 😅
1. What do you prefer to be called by people?
My name! Ayesha (pronounced EYE-sha) seems to have a million nickname opportunities (just ask my family 🙄), but I’m also picky abt who can call me what (it makes sense in my head ok, i can't just associate u with someone ELSE's designated nickname!) so just Ayesha pls
2. When is your birthday?
August 7th!
3. Where do you live?
east coast, U-S-of-A
4. Three things you are doing right now?
Uhhh well I'm laying down bc it's late rn, I'm also contemplating what to watch because decent sleep schedule?? we don't know Her! and then of course i'm stressing about next semester (bc of COVID and other issues) in the back of my mind at all times 🙃
5. Four fandoms that have piqued your interest right now?
The Untamed (one day I will finish this show.. One Day) and tbh from what I’ve seen Richie Rich looks interesting. My Engineer is good but on hiatus rn. Lastly i’ve been waiting for Love, Victor to come out and it's finally here! I watched the 1st ep live on twitter earlier. the acting seems a little eh but imma still watch tho lol (EDIT: i rewatched ep 1 and... if he doesn't get with andrew or felix what's the point)
6. How’s the pandemic treating you?
tbh it’s been... pretty rough. Like from March until maybe 2-ish weeks ago it hit really hard where I am. every day a couple thousand new cases, easily. I personally haven’t lost anyone Alhamdulillah but I know people who have. Anyway yeah it's been getting better recently & everyone is taking that plus the weather as a green light to go back to normal. like tf, this ain't over!!
7. A song you can’t stop listening to right now?
Tala - Ace Banzuelo ever since that RamKing edit weeeeeeks ago (still waiting on a lyric translations vid 😔), After Hours- The Weeknd, and an old Punjabi folk song. i know, my brain doesn’t make sense to me either.
8. Recommend a movie!
Ok so i REALLY don’t care how dumb this sounds, the disney movie Hercules is my absolute FAVORITE movie and i love it so much. it's probably a mix of childhood nostalgia, love for the blatant SASS, & the gorgeous art style. older disney movies are so visually pleasing! i could talk about them forever. i actually watched The Princess & the Frog earlier today & man... the love & care behind the animation/ design of that movie 😭. soso pretty to look at.
9. How old are you?
23, almost 24
10. School, university, occupation, other?
college got me all the way Fucked Up
11. Do you prefer hot or cold?
Is this weather-wise? I'm a summer baby so i would rather be too hot than freezing cold. drink-wise i prefer cold
12. Name one fact others may not know about you!
Ummm it's kinda random but i was thinking abt it earlier today, so here goes. my grandmothers both have the same exact name! Noor Begum :) It’s so cute when they call each other up, "Noor Begum" this, "Noor Begum" that. it's like all these years later they still get a kick out of addressing someone else with their own name lmao
13. Are you shy?
I mean..... I think there’s a certain level of friendship u gotta reach to Unlock The Dumbass, ya feel me? In general it's not too too high bc i'm a clown at heart but it differs depending on the situation & how we met (online, in person, etc).
(OMG the voice challenge going around a little while ago?? I had to record mine like 5 times at least 🤦🏽‍♀️ take from that what you will.)
14. Do you have any preferred pronouns?
She/her *insert joke about how I prefer to go by HRH*
15. Any pet peeves?
🤔 ngl I have some obsessive compulsive tendencies so a lot does bug me, but for pet peeves I'd say knuckle-cracking & snapping fingers to get someone's attention
16. What’s your favourite ‘dere’ type?
LMAO this would’ve been a good question for 5 years-ago Ayesha
17. Rate your life 1-10. 1 is crappy & 10 is best it could be
idek how to rate my whole life, that's too hard. but, as of recent, life is....... it could be better. I’m usually not one to open up that much but like.... I’m feelin pretty fuckin low. feels like i've been in & out of a panic attack the past 5 days. so uh yeah, love that for me (EDIT: day 6 wasn't so bad! we're gettin there)
18. What’s your main blog?
LMAO no thanks, i can't be held accountable for anything on there pre-2016. not like for racist reasons but for "i've been on tumblr so long it's basically a timeline of all the cringey fandoms i've been in/ a testimony to how DEEP in them i was" type reasons 😓
19. List your side blogs and what they’re used for.
see above (just know there’s definitely a couple. i’ve been on this hell site too long y’all, i got bored along the way)
20. Is there anything you think people need to know about you before becoming friends with you?
She a dumbass (also self-deprecating af lmao could u tell) but hey, She loyal!!
tagging: @babbyglitz @nerd-squash @tinewatleo @svt-district 💗
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Im new to Hamilton and have an idea on the plot but don't fully understand it. Could you help out?
*tries not to immediately start babbling about how much I adore and will defend this show omg* first, understand my sweet anon that I have absolutely zero chill about Hamilton. So you have come to the right place but also be ready for way more information than you probably cared to know. 
Hamilton is a rap/hip-hop opera written by Lin-Manuel Miranda based on the life and death of United States Founding Father, Alexander Hamilton. It features a predominantly minority cast (which is its greatest point of controversy). If you’ve listened to the soundtrack, you have heard all but one scene of the show. It is based on Ron Chernow’s biography, which Miranda read while on vacation. It is hard to briefly summarize the plot, but I’ll do my best. (I kept it as brief but thorough as i could and it was long as heck so I put it under a cut, friend)
The opening number gives us a crash course on Hamilton’s background as an immigrant from the Caribbean. In the beginning of the show, he meets Aaron Burr, Lafayette, John Laurens, and Hercules Mulligan. All of them end up joining the military shortly before the American Revolution breaks out. Once it does, Aaron Burr attempts to win the good graces of Washington only for Washington to request Hamilton to be his right hand man. Hamilton agrees. 
While fighting the war, he meets Angelica and her sister Eliza at a ball. Angelica has a crush on Hamilton but realizes that Eliza likes him too, and on top of that, Angelica is expected to “marry up” since she is the oldest sister. Hamilton is of poor means, so for all kinds of strategic and sad reasons, Angelica decides to take a backseat and lets Hamilton and Eliza meet and fall in love. Eliza and Hamilton get married.
Back at the war, things are falling apart but Hamilton is doing his best to help Washington pull through. But Hamilton is a hothead and impulsive and when a disgraced soldier starts ranting publicly about Washington and blaming him, Hamilton challenges him to a duel (or rather, has his friend Laurens challenge him to a duel). The solider gets shot in the duel and Washington finds out and sends Hamilton home as punishment. This is how Hamilton finds out that Eliza is pregnant. 
BACK AT THE WAR (there’s a lot of back and forth in the first act), Lafayette tells Washington that he has a plan but like, Washington really needs Hamilton yo. So Washington sends a letter and Hamilton goes back to the war-front but now is like “cant be so impulsive i gotta kid on the way”. ANYWAY he helps Lafayette and Washington win the battle of Yorktown which wins the war.
Now, as a side-note, Aaron Burr had fallen in love with the wife of a British soldier. She had his daughter, named Theodosia after her mother, but I think either died or stayed with the British dude so we never get to meet her but we do know Burr has a daughter now.
Also, Washington becomes president.
The show then speeds through a bunch of years following the war effort in one song (”Non-Stop”) in which we learn that Hamilton and Burr both worked as lawyers. During these years also was, of course, the formative years of our government in which the Constitution was getting drafted.  Hamilton works on the Federalist papers to help the Constitution get accepted. Burr refuses to help him with it, but it gets passed anyway and Hamilton is generally showing Burr up left and right. Thus ends Act 1. 
If act 1 is about the war, act 2 is about the politics. Thomas Jefferson shows up from when he’d been in France during the war and is asked to be Secretary of State while Hamilton is asked to be in charge of the Treasury. They show two political debates throughout act 2 that shows how they butt heads: the first being about whether the federal government should “assume states’ debts and establish a national bank” (Hamilton is in favor, Jefferson is against) and the second being about whether or not the US is obligated to assist France with their revolution (Jefferson says yes, Hamilton says no). Hamilton is trying to establish a banking system for the government and do his job but politics are politics and they’re complicated.
Meanwhile, Eliza wants Hamilton to take a break and spend some time with his family but Hamilton is all like “i got sh*t I gotta do” and refuses to take time off. This leads to Eliza going to visit her family for a few weeks upstate but Hamilton stays behind and ends up having an affair with Maria Reynolds. Maria’s husband finds out and basically blackmails Hamilton into giving him money to keep quiet about the ongoing affair. 
Also, Washington decides to not run for President anymore and John Adams takes over.
As political tensions run even more high, Burr, Jefferson, and Madison (who supports Jefferson) figures out that something fishy is going on with Hamilton regarding money. They assume he’s basically taking money from the government and pocketing it for his own benefit. When they confront him about it and accuse him of treason, Hamilton is like “AW NAW IM JUST HAVING AN AFFAIR HERE’S THE EVIDENCE” and they’re like “yikes but a’ight you’re not treasonous i guess and nah we wont tell anyone”. 
Hamilton is afraid they won’t be true to their word, though, and writes the Reynolds Pamphlet basically saying “hey world i had an affair which is bad but i promise i didn’t commit treason”. Eliza finds out and is devastated and angry. 
Now, remember how I mentioned that Hamilton had a baby? Yeah, turns out it was a son. And that son hears someone talking trash about his dad and is like “imma fight you” and challenges the guy to a duel. Hamilton doesn’t want his son to get hurt and tells him to shoot his gun in the air instead of at the other person, and how the other person should do the same if they’re “truly a man of honor”. Duels are mostly about having the guts to show up anyway. 
But WOOPS because the other guy doesn’t shoot in the air, he shoots Hamilton’s son, and the son dies. 
Devastated and grief-stricken, Hamilton and Eliza move upstate and Hamilton… well, just listen to “It’s Quiet Uptown”. I can’t do it justice here (not that I’m doing any of the rest of this show justice with this summary but yanno)
Now the next Presidential election is up and people are actually campaigning now because Burr is tired of not getting what he wants so he decides to go out and get it. So it’s Jefferson vs Burr and the public keeps harassing Hamilton for his opinion. Hamilton backs Jefferson because even though Hamilton has never agreed with him, he appreciates that he’s at least honest and forthright with his opinion whereas Burr never wants to commit to anything. 
Jefferson wins the election.
This pisses Burr off and he challenges Hamilton to a duel. Hamilton agrees. 
He aims his pistol at the sky, just like he told his son.
Burr shoots him, and he dies.
Eliza is the one left behind to tell his story and continue his legacy. 
This ends our show. If you ever want to know more about characters or the controversies of it (I do have strong opinions on those whoops) or just about anything else regarding the show? I am always completely down to talk about it. I’ve written papers on it for college, I got to see it in Chicago a few months ago, I’ve basically memorized the album… I’m a huge Hamilfan. So don’t be afraid to hmu.
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tumblmetender · 2 years
What is your favorite sleeping position of all time? I usually fall asleep on my side.
What are the three scents you like? Bon fires, chopped wood and dinner cooking.
What sport will be invented next? Something that has to do with phones maybe.
What’s your favorite board game? Checkers.
Would you rather stay in or go out on a Friday night? Honestly, I think I'd stay in with a certain someone.
Have you ever thrown someone an extravagant party? Yes. I actually like to celebrate someone's accomplishments or Birthdays.
What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten? Octopus soup. It was at an Italian restaurant I didn't know it had octopus in it. I didn't make a scene I just ate around it.
Out of the four seasons, what’s your favorite one? Summer. I love being outside especially in the backyard when you can have like a cookout and relax.
What Country would you like to visit? Canada for the views or maybe fishing.
Do you care about what other people tell you? Well I think that depends on the person. If it's someone I care about then yeah I'll listen and do what they say.
If you could meet anyone in this world today, who would you meet? Umm
What’s the best type of cheese for you? Oh Sharpe cheddar. It's so good. Perfect for my style of mac n cheese.
What is the greatest risk you have ever taken? Hmm
Have you ever thought of what your future baby will be named? I like strong names like Adam or Trent or Hunter.
What are your pet peeves? I don't have any pets. But I'd like to get a goldfish.
Which of the two smells better, fresh-cut grass or bread baking in the oven? Fresh-cut grass.
Who is your all-time favorite Disney character? Hercules
What would you be if you had to wear one Halloween costumeevery day for the rest of your life? Storm trooper.
What is one ability that you believe everybody should possess? Were all different. But kindness would be great.
How many times has your heart been broken?
What is the first thing you do after getting home? Take off my shoes and change out of my clothes.
What are the things you’d spend with a billion dollars? Update every park, basketball court, restore lakes and rivers for fishing, clean up the environment, replace every old building, food banks or free restaurants. Education. Idk I'd just try to help.
What are the songs that make you sing along whenever you hear it? Oh jeez there are so many.
What has been your greatest kitchen mistake? For me garlic bread is tricky. It cookd so fast like you really have to watch it so it doesn't get rock hard.
Do you believe that love is blind? I like to hope so. I mean sometimes you cant help but fall in love with someone whether its immediate or one day you just look at that person and realise you want to be together forever.
Who would you want to trade lives with? Noone I love my life.
What type of cuisine would you serve your customers if you own a five-star restaurant? Organic I assume. Meat and vegetables with potatoes or rice with different gravys. Fish and chips on fridays. Simple desserts. Soups and broths.
Do you actively post on social media? Not like I used to.
If you could only teach three things to your future child, what would it be? How to ride a bike. How to fly a kite. And how to make bubbles.
What’s the most addictive game for you? Horseshoes. They're not going to throw themselves!
What do you usually do during weekends? If I'm not working I'm doing laundry or I'm at the gym. But now that summers here I'd like to cook more and relax outside.
If you were given the chance to make your one wish come true, what would it be? Um, it's too late for that.
What are the hobbies you want to develop? My mechanic skills, fence building or deck building. Cooking.
Is there anyone you like right now? Yes.
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