#Yanderex Reader
mellowwillowy · 5 months
𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐓𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐡𝐲 𝐒𝐩𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
Your husband is a man of reputation, respected by everyone for his competency as a lawyer and his benevolence toward the people of this town. Yes, people who don't know him as a man of greed would never expect just how greedy this man is.
A man of greed, corruption, and lovesickness. Your beloved husband who treasures you like his precious treasure of all, worth even more than all his possessed assets and the most beautiful of all creations he has ever seen and made.
There are times when he might feel guilty about objectifying you, but he can't deny the feeling he gets from seeing you being so docile, a dependent spouse who can't do anything after he strips everything that might take you away from him.
While he is not a fan of taking away your autonomy, he is also not a fan of seeing you being basked in the capability of leaving him. You bet you'll end up as a house spouse the moment you vow to love him eternally.
There are also times he sees you as his beloved songbird, the beautiful lily-of-the-valley, or just a very fragile sculpture, all need to be taken care of and pampered by him properly.
He may be a gentleman but one could go feral should he ever see someone pestering you. A lawyer who served injustice, his relation to the mafia ringleader will assist him in erasing this pest's existence as he dumps his body into the ocean, missing all the limbs.
"Dear, do tell me where he touched you with those filthy hands of his," Yulian questioned as his thumbs circled your hands. He had personally ensured to break his index finger before shooting him to death, seethed in anger upon seeing someone trying to humiliate you at the party he had you attend with him.
That bastard did not only try to provoke you but was also brave enough to touch you, earning the aristocrats' pitying gaze as he was unaware of the invisible rule, 'Never bother the spouse of Adam deus'Otiosus."
"Uhm, I'm fine, he didn't touch me since I managed to dodge just in time! Please don't worry too much about it, dear!"
If you noticed how his face darkened then you decided to turn a blind eye to it, a pout soon formed in his lip, "That bastard, even I wasn't daring enough to touch you back when I was still only courting you..."
You chuckled at his remarks before patting his head, "I'm alright dear, really."
But the same couldn't be said about the bastard the moment you turned on the television next week. It was not hard to find him as Yulian did not even bother to tie a weight by his ankle.
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riniworld · 5 months
YANDERE!mafia x VICTIM! f!reader
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warnings//alot of skipping time,Violent(mafia duh),kidnapping,spelling mistakes??
reference: you,little girl,ma'am,she/her,darling(?)
a/n: I didnt really like it but i wanted to end the introduction for my OCs quickly:')
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crack crack
you entered an old house,It was half destroyed and unlivable.
you covred your nose because of the smell of the dead animals.
what got you in this situation again?
A few days ago
you don't feel your back anymore because of the cold wall behind you
you've been like that for almost half an hour now, all tied up, sitting on a dirty ground.
there's men dressed in black all over the room and one of them is in front of you.
He took his cigarette out of his mouth and he extinguished it with his foot.
"you don't seem afraid,young girl"
you kept glaring at him without flinching.
he pull your hair and kneeled to your level
"do you know what happen to who look at me like that?..I remove their eyes from their place"
he pushed your head against the wall and stand up
"but you'll be useless if i killed you now"
"what do you want from me?" you said with a firm tone
"very bold i like it" the man start walking around the room as he talk "One of your relatives..who was it again? anyway they own me something but they didn't return it untill now"
"and what do i have to do with this?"
"oh darling you are everything in this. you see i very kindly told them if they do not pay the debt in time,I'll make them,and unfortunately they didn't listen in a good way so that's what lead us to now...you'll stay here as an obedient little girl untill your relative pay us back"
"what the hell?? i don't have anything to do with all this nonsense! you'll let me go if you want it or not!"
"watch your mouth when you talk to me,insect"
you froze,The bullet didn't hit you, but it was very close to your head
and with that he walked out the room and left two men with you.
present/10 A.M.
you don't even know how you managed to escape but at least you are save for now
you sat down so tired from all the run..that crazy man still looking for you
for god sake why wouldn't he just give up?!
your stomach growl,you haven't eaten for days now.
with Orson
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DIDN'T FIND HER?!? how does a fragile girl escape you?!"
"we-we have searched around the city,there's nothing,master" one of the men talks in a shaky voice
"master,it's just a dept we can take another person" another one said
"you stupid folks! she got out of here so she has known where our base is! if just that shame of a man didn't bring her here"
he looked at a dead body lying on the ground "get him out of my sight"
and with that all the men get out
orson sighed and sat down "who thought a mere girl would have the fate of the gang"
it's been a week now,you've been from place to place.
you almost got caught three times-and why the police is envloved too?!
great now you can't even ask for help
you slide into a bar to rest a little then continue running away
as you sat down a waiter has come to you
"do you need anything ma'am?"
"ah" you scratched your neck in embarrassment "nnnoo...? thank you I'm here to rest actually"
"sorry ma'am but you can't sit here without ordering something"
"oh come on just five minute and I'll go"
"no I'm so sorr-"
"what happening here?" someone came and interrupted the waiter
"oh sir, this customer want to rest here but she doesn't ordering anything i was just telling her that that's not acceptable here"
".....well i don't see a problem if she sits here for a while"
"really?!" you said in surprise
the man just nod with a smile and went away with the waiter
"well thats suspicion but nah free place" you thought
as you were enjoying your time,finally in a place a human can live in...suddenly
"don't make me search that long again,darling" someone whispered in your ear
you stand up in horror orson chuckled as he saw your expression
"why,darling did i scared you? my bad"
"how did you-"
before you complete the sentence arsom pointed to the bar owner (the person who said you could stay here)
"this place is under my rule and you...fell into my trap"
you grab anything near you to defend yourself "i warn you"
"whah whah so scary" he said mocking "now now let's not waste blood here you either come with me in silence or....come with me in force"
you stood still in your place with a serious look
"you know..i like brave ones but their problem is they're just wasting my time in vain"
when he said that he give a sign to his men you couldn't react when someone hit you on your head making you faint(or pass out dunno)
you woke up with a killing pain in your head.
when you came to your sense you found yourself tied up again but instead of a creepy room you were in a normal room this time
there was a man guarding the door.
when he saw you waking up he called someone.
you were focused on your pain to hear who he called for.
as you heard footsteps coming you sit up straight to see who's coming
and to not your surprise he was orson.
"you woke up earlier than i thought,still impress me."
"no reply? very well. I'm sure you have alot of questions in your little head right?"
"i have nothing to do with the depts"
"ah no forget about this..i have a more useful intention now"
"and that's is?"
orson let out a small chuckle "i always love your bravery,little girl......let's get serious now. you managed to escape me for week now that's impressive and to not be shaking under me is more, so i set my mind. why don't you join me?"
"yes,join me with some training you'll be a use for me"
".....how will that benefit me?"
"of course i won't get in something won't benefit me in anything"
"well,What are your requests?"
"...You will forgive whoever from my relatives who's owen you money, and I'll be your right hand person"
He raised his eyebrows in surprise "that's a big requests"
"I should guarantee my life"
"if you success in your training and you reached my expectation then I will implement this"
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that's a part 1 i guess
have a good night/day
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faolanmoon · 3 years
*Rolls over* What if we switch the roles with the Yandere heacanons (A yandere s/o and chr for ex..), basically I wanna Bagel, kel and sunny with a yandere s/o, just say ing
*groans * mom said we gotta be asleep by 11 or she’s not making the pizza rolls tomorrow, go to bed…
Fortunately this was almost complete before I decided I’d be going on hiatus so this was easy to finish.
~ Basil, Kel and Sunny with a Yandere S/O~
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Basil probably wouldn't even realize you're a yandere, he's just seeing someone being nice and sweet to him. He's actually grateful that someone cares for him and won't stop giving him affection.
He’s not going to really see any toxic behaviors of yours as “toxic”, he more than likely wouldn’t realize it’s actually toxic. Start stalking him? Basil is just going to think you’re trying to be his mini body guard from the hooligans or you love him so much you can’t stand not being around him; he’d only be terrifying of you following him if it’s a love at first sight and you start to stalk him right away. You’re willing to fight anyone who hurts him? He’s at Aw actually, his fantasies about you being his “Savior”, regardless of your gender since normal Basil is terrible at fighting or attacking, are coming to life! He’s just going to be all warm and fuzzy if you start becoming aggressive to anyone who threatens him, especially if you’re the type to never talk because he’d definitely fantasize about you being “silent but strong”, not needing to use your words. He’s all you think about? The feelings mutual! Your incredibly clingy? He’s touch starved, no doubt would he want affection.
Basil’s without a doubt so lonely and desperate for your affection, actively yearning for it whenever you give it to him that he’d actually be willing to runaway from his old friends, neighborhood and old life all for you, you’d have that much power over him. He would straight up be wrapped around your finger like a puppet you control, completely believing you’re his true love. None of his friends are going to approve of you being overly controlling and trying to keep him all to yourself with how much power you have, Sunny probably being the most “vocal” about it. Sunny is just going to glare at you every moment he can all while trying to get Basil to hang with the group again, dude never trusted you from the moment he met you, knowing damn well you’re a yandere. You and Sunny without a doubt don’t get along due to this, he believes you and Basil are a terrible match after all! How dare he, especially when he tries to break Basil’s delusion of love! Sunny is going to be a huge thorn in your side without a doubt.
Poor Basil would probably fall into this false idea to the point he wouldn’t realize that you’re actively doing everything in your power to both keep him away from his friends and scare them off. He’s just caught in this delusion so much he wouldn’t notice you literally fighting with Sunny because of your “mistreatment” towards him, even if you’re screaming and shouting at Sunny. He’d become so delusional if you manipulate him enough he wouldn’t notice Sunny mysteriously vanishing and you need him to help hide this, bag, that’s awfully heavy and smells like death…
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Kel is probably too dumb to notice. He’d definitely not be able to realize any of your tendencies are toxic, unless you’re literally beating him.
Every time you’re super affectionate he just smiles and sweeps you up off your feet and smothers you in his love. Stalking him? He’s just going to brush it off as you worrying about him or wanting to spend time with him. Can’t stop thinking about him? That’s adorable!
You literally don’t need to kidnapped him, at all. He’d just happily spend time with you whenever you want and doesn’t care. So bad at reading the room he wouldn’t even notice you shooting hostile glares at anyone or you being possessive of him. Any behaviors he notices he’ll bruh it off as you being jealous and he’ll keep assuring you he’s yours and you’re just being jealous over his friends.
Depending on how toxic you are, no one in his friends or family are going to approve of this relationship. Kel is definitely not going to understand why no one seems to want him being with you, but he’s probably never going to. But if anyone starts going missing, he’s going to absolutely worry and possibly panic.
You wouldn’t have the same amount of power as you would over Basil when it comes to manipulating Kel, he’s kind of dumb to understand hardly any attempts and will not actually fall for it with how dumb he is. Kel would just barely pick up on your attempts or notice them at all.
The biggest reason on why you don’t and likely won’t be able to kidnap Kel is since it’s without a doubt going to be difficult to when he sees red flags of you trying to get him unconscious. He’s also pretty athletic, can definitely escape from your attempts. And the final nail on the coffin is Kel’s definitely heavy and going to difficult to carry, especially if you’re shorter than him. You’re going to have to try other ways to keep him to yourself, definitely going to have to get creative.
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Sunny is more than likely going to notice any of your Yandere behaviors, especially if you act on them when you first met. Sunny doesn’t seem like the “love at first sight” type, at all, you’re definitely going to have to earn his trust before he even considers thinking about you romantically. And being a Yandere at first sight, is more then likely going to blow that.
However if the tendencies slowly build up over time especially after he trusts you, he’s less likely to notice. He’s the most touch starved of the main gang, he’s going to soak up any affection thrown at him like a sponge. Don’t think he’d even want the affection to ever stop. Sunny has almost no where to go ever, so you being possessive about him might mean him either flustered or suspicious about you.
If you try to keep Sunny all to yourself, he’s probably going to forget all about his friends with you literally suffocating him in affection. He’s definitely going to become spoiled with affection, expecting constant love and affection. Dude would have a tantrum if he suddenly isn’t receiving the affection he usually gets, no doubt is he going to be pouty and whine.
Sunny would gladly run away with you like Basil since he literally has nothing happening in life, cause surely you don’t need to abduct him, right? He truly has nothing going on, there’s probably no way you’d have to cause he’s staying here with you, right? Right?
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Yandere Billionaire x Reader Pt. II
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Picrew:  Mochiibon
A/N: Bro when tell you I was so embarrassed to write that part I like turned away but my hands just kept writing. Naughty hands😗
And of course boo @je-suis-argent-miel​
Thanks so much for the support! I like your posts too ❤😏
⚠[Warning: Yandere tendencies and mindset, a little bit of lime, like no seriously this focuses on super sexual stuff so like you should run, throw up]⚠
I can’t believe I just did that. Sliding down the door you swore your heart was beating a mile a minute. Your hands shakily came to hold your folded legs where you rested your head. You were petrified, still leaning on the door because you would have fallen on your own.  
The amount of energy and confidence you burned trying to maintain your dominance and eat as though- a man who has a net worth bigger than your existence- wasn’t staring you down was enough to make you nauseous. So you had to lean on the walls of your apartment just barely making your way to the toilet to puke out the salmon, (f/d), and all the ashes of your confidence. 
The only reason you were able to voice your opinion so eloquently was because you knew what he liked. For the years you spent working for his less-intense-brother being able to save yourself, him, and the company, observation was your forte. It becomes your greatest tool, especially when the senior employee reaches into their back pocket not to pull out his phone but to assassinate your boss. Being able to tackle him seconds before he can even aim makes it all worth it when you’ve not only saved a life but given a raise to treat yourself with an extra thousand dollars. So you’ll notice how he emotes with his eyes when his brother asks ‘if he’s ok.’  You’ll notice how his tight expression loosens up when the female waitress oversteps their boundaries a little bit. You’ll notice how his index finger twitches when she goes too far and you’ll notice his jealous glare when she flirts with you. You’ll notice her being laid off and you’ll take into account how grateful she is when you get her connected into another company. 
So you knew he hated you at first and you knew how that really was just him falling in love. You knew when he started to look as though he had something he wanted to say. You knew when your boss asked if you wanted to go on this date it wasn’t a question. 
Because you knew you could prepare just how you liked it and the rules on how to deal with a Billionaire came into place:
Don’t be pushed around. Say something if you don’t like it or if you do.
Remind him he’s in control. Don’t let all that you say be without belittling yourself.
Stop him before he starts. Predict his every move and there will be nothing to regret.
You followed these rules or at least you tried to. It was easier to say to punch a shark in the nose rather than it was actually doing it. You wanted to pull your hair out (if you have any). You ended the night without knowing where he stood and that was your immense failure of the night. 
“Aaah yes,” he couldn’t wait ‘til he got home, ”Ohhh~(Y/n)!” Your whole demanding act was the hottest thing he ever experienced you doing and he just couldn’t stop himself from imagining you deny him. He stroked himself as he replayed a video of you in the comfort of your room weakly punching your pillow because your snotty cousin decided to drop by and ‘complement’ your house. I wish that pillow was me. He didn’t care that he knew you’d probably never do that to him, just the image of you being so above him was enough to finish him. 
He knew that he was a freak and before you he had indulged in his love for a dominant partner but it just never left him fully satisfied. That itch was scratched in the inconvenient setting of a meeting when he could hear your muffled voice scolding an employee for sexual harassment. The insults, the crying, your voice cracking from your meek-work voice even behind a wall got him riled up as he tried to focus on whatever nonsense his brother was spewing. It was the longest conversation on how his sister-in-law finally agreed to have babies.
Another time was when his brother-the little slack- had gotten a stain on his suit jacket while they were going to see their parents. You noticed the stain as the four of you-Ivanov, You, his brother, and an escort- stood in the elevator to meet the parents. He was wonderfully startled by the gasp from your tiny mouth.
“SASHA! What is that on your suit?” Accusingly pointing at the offending stain with your (e/c) eyes widened the biggest he has seen it. 
“Uhm-Oh-some ketchup.” The dolt nonchalantly responds, not nearly as worked up as you. 
“I can’t believe you DIDN”T TELL ME BEFORE-” “I’m sorry but really it's not that ba-``''NOT THAT BAD! IT Looks like a bird pooped on you!” “What really-oh no.”
You both proceed to argue back and forth like a married couple until you successfully hound him to ‘go to the bathroom’ while you ran to the car and got him a replacement. He wasn't so turned on that he couldn’t handle it but he felt something in his heart, like a spark and he was so lucky that the escort was so busy eavesdropping that she didn’t notice his blush. 
“Hey Sasha. What are your plans for tomorrow?” 
“Hey big bro, I’m probably gonna call up Angie for another ‘negotiation’ if you know what I mean.” 
“Will (Y/n) be there?” 
“Uhm-well I usually don’t take ‘goody-two-shoes’ on my illegal activity runs so-”
“So they’ll be in their office?”
“Yeah, by the way how was your da-”
“Geez, could've at least pretended we care about each other.”
Ivanov for a long time couldn’t smile. It strained his cheekbones and made him uncomfortable but when he knew you would be free for an office date he smiled with pure bliss.
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seiyasabi · 4 years
(This is a Yandere Endeavor x Female Reader x Yandere All Might fic! This was a requested fic, and I’m so glad they gave me this idea :)) Thank you to the anon who allowed me to write this, and thank you to my friend who helped me write this lol. I honestly don’t know how I got to this plot, but all I know is that this took a really dark turn bc being these guys’ darling would be a nightmare.
Trigger Warning: This is literally the most disgusting fic I’ve written thus far!!, noncon, reader has a vagina, mind break???, creampie, vaginal gape (yikes, ik), fisting, forced orgasms, double penetration, punishment, harsh language, abusive relationship, yandere tendencies, lowkey threat of pregnancy, this takes place in their prime (so no Rei or kids), etc.. IF ANY OF THESE THEMES MAKE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE PLEASE DON’T READ!!! Your mental health matters, and I wouldn't want to accidentally trigger you with this bloody disgrace of a fan fiction.)
Waking up next to the top two heroes in Japan should feel exhilarating. It was the dream of many men and women across the country, yet when you opened your (colour) eyes, all you felt was anger. 
You were currently squished into Endeavor’s chest, while All Might clung to you like a koala from behind. Both men were shirtless, their hot skin pressing into your clothed form, effectively making you sweat. 
Grumbling in annoyance, you shoved yourself away from the muscular man in front of you, and sat up. The large shirt you wore for pajamas hung off one of your shoulders, and your hair was messier than normal. With a yawn, you threw your sheet off of you. 
Standing up, you saunter to the ensuite washroom. You shut the door behind you, and lift the lid of the toilet. Whilst going about your business, you look out the large window above the bathtub. There were birds sitting on a branch outside, singing to one another. The serenity you felt in that moment put you at ease for the first time since you arrived here. 
Where here was, you didn’t know. But, your captors called it home. To them, that’s what it may be. To you, it was a prison. 
Once you finished washing your hands, you took in a deep breath, and opened the washroom’s door. Yagi’s colossal frame took up the doorway, making you scream out in shock. Stumbling back, you bump into the laundry basket by the door, effectively spilling your dirty clothes across the washroom floor. 
“Oh my goodness, (Y/n), are you okay?” His calloused hands grip your arms, trying to steady you. Your free hands smack his away, a disgusted whimper leaving your mouth. 
“Don’t touch me! What on Earth are you doing? Why were you creeping outside the washroom?” Yagi flinched at your angry tone, quickly releasing you. 
“I’m-I-I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable! I was waiting for you-”
“Shut up.” The deep voice of Enji silenced you. Glancing up, you saw his hulking frame stalking up to the two of you, “What’s going on here?” 
“I-” He held up a hand, silencing you once more. Enji’s harsh blue eyes turned towards the number one hero, beckoning him to speak. 
“Well, I felt her leave the bed, so I wanted to greet her after she left the bathroom…” The red head nodded, “And she became angry with me.” That wasn’t the story at all. 
“Is that so?” Enji glared at you harshly. 
“Yes, she then had a fit, and dumped out the laundry. I tried to calm her down, but she started to yell at me.” Yagi had the tendency to twist the story in his favour, which almost always ended in you being punished. 
“He’s lying! I walked out the bathroom, and he scared me-” 
“Quiet! You know better than to talk back.” He beckoned you forward with a large hand, and you didn’t have the energy to decline. With a defeated heart, you went to him. 
“Enji, you don’t have to punish her! It’s early, I’m sure she’s just cranky!” What a manipulative asshole! 
“If we don’t punish her, she’ll think this behaviour is acceptable. We can’t allow that.” Once you were in grabbing distance, Enji did just that. He grabbed you by the arm, and threw you onto your shared bed, “Take off your panties, whore.” 
With shaking hands, you shuck your undergarments down your legs, and hope for the best. The fire hero pushed up your large shirt that covered you, and laid a warm hand against your exposed bottom. Enji pinched your fat between thick fingers until it hurt. A few whimpers escaped your throat, but you didn’t dare to move. 
“Yagi, which hole do you want today?” You flinch in fear, a feeling of dread settling in the bottom of your stomach. The number one hero may seem kind, but he was a sadistic freak. A rough finger tapped your hairless pussy (Enji made sure to wax you every week for their viewing pleasure), causing your body to lurch forward. 
“Good choice. Maybe if her cunt is filled, she’ll stop acting like a needy bitch.” On the inside, you were screaming. It was never a fun time when they used the word ‘filled.’
“Indeed. Now, let’s make our princess prepped.” Without warning, a girthy finger was shoved into your dry pussy. A pained yelp left your lips as your body tried to force the intruder out. The blond man chuckled at your reaction, and added another finger into your unwilling cunt. 
His fingers started to fuck into you as fast as they would go, rocking your frame back and forth. With every thrust, that special spot inside of you was rubbed raw. Choked moans were forced out of your throat when he added two more extremities, your fluids gushing from your stretched hole. 
“Yagi, please! It’s too much-” A hand, you guessed it was Enjis, forced your head into the mattress, silencing you. 
“You will take what he gives you, slut. This is a punishment, not a pleasure trip. If you feel good, it’s because you’re a mindless, disgusting tart.” His harsh words caused tears to prick your eyes. You couldn’t control the way your body reacted! 
Yagi, while you were distracted, forced his entire fist into your tight snatch. Screaming in pain, you started to thrash around in the hopes of him pulling out. It was all for naught. 
“Look at how well she’s taking me!” Without warning, he started to punch into you at a rapid pace. You could practically feel your guts shifting from the sheer force the large man inflicted upon you, it hurt so bad that silent sobs wracked your body. You knew that if you looked down, you’d see his fist moving inside your stomach. That alone scared you to death. What if something ruptures in the middle of this? Would you ever be the same?
“Her cunt is completely filled! It’s dripping like a leaky faucet.” By now, your legs were twitching in pleasure. Drops of slick ran down the inside of your thighs, and dripped onto the silk sheets. You’d have to wash them later. 
Out of nowhere, Yagi ripped his hand from your gaping cunt, forcing a gush of cum to squirt out of you. A high pitched moan left your parted lips, and you collapsed onto the mattress, trying to catch your bearings. 
“It seems (Y/n) liked that. But, I’m sure she’ll like our cocks even more.” You weakly shake your head and curl up into a ball. 
“No-no more, please.” A large hand grabbed you by the shoulder, forcefully turning you on your back. Both men were now naked, their cocks looking painfully hard. Enji gave you a mocking pout and cocked his head. 
“No more? Why?” The sarcastic whine in his voice made it clear that he didn’t actually care about you. 
“It hurts…” Yagi forced your legs open, their hungry eyes gazing at your abused pussy. 
“Be more specific, darling. What hurts?” Tears trickled down your flushed cheeks as your body shook with pitiful sobs. 
“My pussy hurts, please don’t use it! I’ll suck you off, but please-” The red haired man slapped you across the face, shutting you up. 
“You’re going to take what we give you, and you’re going to like it.” You shook your head whilst whimpering. That earned you a harsh slap on your puffy cunt. You scream out in pain and pleasure, your entire body seizing up at your mistreatment, “Look at you, you’re such a painslut!” 
You covered your face with your forearm as you cried. The bed shifted underneath you, letting you know that both men climbed onto the mattress. Your body was manhandled into a sitting position, and your arms were wrenched behind you in a painful grip. 
Enji was sitting in front of you, and without missing a beat, he pulled you into his lap. His large cock lined up to your quivering pussy and one of his hands kneaded the fat of your ass. 
Without mercy, he forced you down on his thick prick. Your ruined cunt gushed in response, your spunk running down his length. 
“Fuck! How’re you still this tight? I’m not sure Yagi can fit inside-“ An evil glimmer appeared in his blue eyes as he lifted you up by your ass. His lips moved next to your ear, “I guess he’ll have to force himself in.” 
All Might’s equally large cock bumped your stretched hole, making you moan. He rubbed his dripping red tip against your wet folds, lubing himself with your fluids. Once he deemed he was slick enough, he pushed himself inside. 
“No! No! Take it out, please! You’re going to tear me-“ Your lips were captured by Enji’s, as he and his partner started to buck in and out of you at a rapid pace. 
It felt like the world was hazing in and out of focus. The pain, at the moment, was overriding any pleasure you previously felt, and your natural response was to zone out. If you pretended this wasn’t happening, maybe you’d feel better. 
Though, the monster in front of you noticed your unfocused gaze, and yanked on your nipple to regain your attention. 
“None of that. You’re going to be present in this moment, or we’ll punish you further.” His harsh tone and forceful movements knocked you back into reality. Once he knew you were no longer spacing out, both pro heroes picked up their pace. 
Their cocks bumped against your cervix painfully, making you cry out in pain. You gripped onto Enji’s muscular shoulders, trying to hold yourself up. The constant abuse of your loose cunt was overwhelming, causing your eyes to roll up into your head. 
With one last stroke, both men unloaded inside you. The tips of their pricks were up against your battered womb, and you whimpered at how full you felt. 
Both men mercilessly ripped their cocks from your fuck hole, almost making your pussy prolapse. A scream of agony left your puffy lips, as a gush of slick and cum rained down from your now empty cunt. 
You slumped forward on the messy mattress, legs slightly spread. Both men could see your throbbing entrance messily dripping onto the satin sheets. Yagi reached forward and spread your slick folds even more. He blinked his blue eyes in awe at the sight before him; your cervix twitched pitifully as your pussy gaped up at him. 
The blond looked at his red haired companion, and they shared a smirk. 
“Now no one would want you! Look at how loose you are, darling. You’d never be able to satisfy any man again!” Enji’s shark eyes gazed down at your sobbing form, and patted you on the ass. 
“What Yagi said is correct. The only men you could ever satisfy are the both of us. After all, who’s cock could measure up to ours?” A long finger poked your cervix entrance, “The only place that isn’t ruined is your womb, but you don’t need to worry about that. The only people who could reach it are us, and we wouldn’t dare stretch it. You wouldn’t be able to bear us a child if we did that.” 
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Hi <3 Hope you're doing well!
I want to request some general yanderex headcanons for Fuyuhiko and Peko (like they're in poly relationship with the reader). If you're not writing for polyamory, then just Fuyuhiko, it's alright.
Thank you very much 💕
I’m doing well, thank you for asking :). This is the first time I’ve written polyamory, so hopefully it turned out okay. (I figured I should post this today since it’s Fuyuhiko’s birthday.)
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• Fuyuhiko is an agressive/violent yandere and Peko is an eliminating yandere
• Fuyuhiko would ask Peko out normally, she would accept. Some time (probably a few months) later, Peko will confess that she’s also in love with you. Fuyuhiko would tell her he feels the same, and that that’s okay and nothing weird (non-monogamy is very valid!!!). Then she would say something along the lines of “no, you don’t understand. I-I want us to keep them all to ourselves and get rid of everyone in our path. That can’t be normal, right?” To which he would respond, “To be honest, probably not, but I feel the same.”
• Then, after clearing up their feelings, they would start to plan to kidnap you. It would be pretty easy considering their talents. 
• Peko would dispose of any love rivals they might have. 
• They will be humane about how they restrain you. Though they will keep you restrained for a long time, probably a few months.
• They decide together hwo to punish you and how severely to punish you. Neither of them will punish you before discussing it with each other.
• Peko is the one who punishes you physically and Fuyuhiko is the one who punishes you mentally.
• Fuyuhiko can be hot tempered and impatient, so Peko will have to calm him down, especially when it comes to your punishments.
• Peko may seem like the more reasonable yandere, but don’t let her softness towards you decieve you. She is by far the more dangerous of the two.
• Even when it’s not intentional, Fuyuhiko can be a bit abusive. Since his parents fought a lot, he’s used to relationships where you take out your anger on each other, so he’ll do that to you. (I’m pretty sure it said something about his parents being willing to kill each other in their fights in one of his free time events.)
• Peko doesn’t see herself as someone valuable, so she’s willingly to go as far as dying for you and Fuyuhiko. It’s not uncommon for her to return bruised and bleeding from an encounter with a love rival.
• Fuyuhiko’s danger level: 5/10
• Peko’s danger level 7/10
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faolanmoon · 3 years
~Rejection Headcannons, Yandere Omori cast x Reader~
Ahaha not really a request but something I made to have da gang. I didn’t do Mari since I’m not done with my edit of her.
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Oh boy, Sunny is just a absolute mess. At first he just stays silent, completely poker facing until he realizes what you’ve said. You don’t feel the same way he does? Why? Did he mess up? What did he do to lose your love? Tell him what he did wrong! Then he’ll just grab onto you tightly, freaking out,” D-did I do something wrong? Do you not like me anymore?”, he won’t stop asking as he cries.
No matter how many times you assure him he did nothing wrong, and you still like him , as a friend , it’ll be very obvious he’s never dealt with rejection and is panicking no matter how many times he tries to maintain a poker face. You don’t like him more then a friend? Just a friend? But he loves you! You’re all he thinks and dreams of, he practically lives for you! And to hear you say you don’t love him back is hurting him so much, he might just go mad!
Sunny will definitely start to think of any reason you’d reject him. Did he upset you? Has someone stolen your love? Oh there’s got to be a reason for your rejection! Why wouldn’t you want to just be happy with him? Why?
Sunny will surely begin to stalk you a lot more, now that he’s growing a lot more jealous of you spending time with anyone , believing they’re why you’ve friend zoned him. He will absolutely cut out the face of anyone in all of his pictures of you that’s not him nor you and tape it to a pillow. Then he’ll just violent stab the hell out of that pillow, fantasizing about murdering that person, almost always laughing manically as he fantasizes about them screaming out in pain as he makes them suffer for stealing you away from him! For the next weeks, months or hell even years he’s just going to be fantasizing about the death of his rivals and pursuing your love once nobody is in the way, you’ll have no one else to go to but him! It doesn’t matter if he’s got to kill his friends, if he’s suspicious of them stealing your love he’s going to be more hostile, accusing them of stealing you from him.
If you catch onto his behavior, start linking any deaths to him or cut of your friendship with him or anyone associated with him, he’s going to absolutely snap. You’re running from him? No! He can’t allow it! All he wants is YOU and YOU alone, nobody else! He’s trying to protect you! Why can’t you see that? Sunny will be forced to realize he has no other choice at this point but to abduct you, he’s already tried everything he could without abducting you, but it seems it’s the only thing that’ll work. And he’s not going to hold back anymore, you’re going to be his and only his at last when he finally captures you, there’s no point in rejecting him now!
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Kel is without a doubt completely dumbfounded by your rejection. It’d definitely definitely leave him with his jaw on the floor as he processes what you’ve just told him. He’ll nervously try to act like he’s not freaking out on the inside but he’s letting parts of it slip.
You don’t love him? Is he not good enough for you? Is there someone who’s better than him for you? Why don’t you want him? He’s not even a toxic friend, he’s been an amazing friend to you! Why? Why don’t you want him? Is he too dumb? Is he annoying? Do you hate him? He’s losing his mind!
Kel is for sure going to lose some sleep that night,he’s just so hurt by your rejection! While Kel might be the less aggressive, he’ll begin to stalk you more to figure out your type, so he can mold himself into your type. Surely you won’t reject him again after he’s become your type, right? It wouldn’t make sense if you did, wouldn’t you just want him?
Not only would Kel become insecure to the point of changing himself for love, but he’ll start to grow jealous a lot easier. He can’t help but want to strangle that classmate he saw you snuggling with. Oh, he’ll definitely feel challenged, and start viewing winning your love as a competition he’s determined to win.
If he ends up making terrible changes to fit into your type that you notice, he’s definitely going to holding back his tears if you tell him you don’t even know who he is anymore. He thought you’d love him if he changed but no, you’re telling him you miss the old Kel, the Kel you rejected. But why? He thought you’d love him now! Oh please explain to him why you still won’t date him, it killing him! You think you’ve negatively affected him to the point he thought he needed to change and now it’s hurting you ? But he did this for you! And hearing you want the old Kel would make him panic and nearly break down . He changed to become your type and he’s still not getting your love? Why? Why won’t you love him, he’s going to lose his mind!
Please, please love him if he goes back to the old Kel! Please! He feels like he’s dying at this point!
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Hero would be a lot better at hiding that he’s heartbroken then any of the others. He’ll just act like he’s calmly handling your rejection when inside he feels like crying a river.
He’ll certainly be more of a people pleaser, but with pleasing you as the goal. Absolutely won’t stop charming you after you reject him, desperately trying to make you fall for him, he doesn’t want to lose another person he’s had feelings for!
Hero would without a doubt grow a lot more jealous over people you’re around. He’s not sure if they want to hurt you or steal you from him. He’ll do anything he can to hold back from getting violent, so he’ll resort to just intimidating them since he’s a big guy. The only thing that’ll make him lose his cool and throw hand without hesitation is a cat caller not leaving you alone or anyone purposely putting their hands on you in a way that would hurt you. He’s just going to become a lot more protective without a doubt, after all, that’ll show his devotion towards you right?
Don’t break him anymore then he’s been, he might not have shown it but he was devastated by you rejecting him. And surely you’re not cruel enough to turn him down again? No way would you wanna turn him down again with how loyal he is towards you, right? It just wouldn’t make sense! Right? You’ll love him too, won’t you?
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Honey, you’ve got a big storm coming if you reject Aubrey. She’s going to handle this the worst, period. Aubrey would grab your shoulders as she demands to know why the hell you won’t date her, why?
You’re hers, whether you like it or not, it’s not your choice. She’s definitely going to be an explosive mess, being nothing but enraged believing one of your damn friends that’s causing you to say no, why wouldn’t it be. Your friends are definitely going to be hunted down and killed by Aubrey.
And you trying to save your friends from her killing them is only going to fuel her rage to kill them, she’ll be so furious she might end up hurting you on accident, or worse killing you.
If she hurts you on accident she’ll scream at your friend, blaming it all on them and without a doubt killing them as you lay helpless, bleeding from where her bat struck you. If she kills you on accident, she’s going to lose it. First she’ll probably have already killed your friend before she realizes you’re dead. But when she realizes you’re dead, and it’s her fault she’s absolutely taking all of her grief out on someone. Let’s just hope it’s not Sunny she takes her emotions out on, because he won’t hesitate to stab her out of self defense if she ends up putting her hands on him, even if it kills her. Hell even if she suspected him of being why you rejected her and she accidentally kills you, Sunny alone would be the worse person she could take her emotions out on. He’s not afraid to defend himself after all, and Aubrey attacking him would make him look less bad if he “accidentally “ stabs her fatally, it was self defense! I can only see Aubrey’s violent bursts of rage from accidentally killing you causing her to possibly be severely injured or fatally wounded, regardless on what happens she’s ending up with a gruesome demise.
If you don’t pay any attention to her murders, she’s going to be a lot more desperate into trying to get you to be with her. Don’t you dare say no again because no way in hell is she letting you go. You are hers and hers alone, and that’s final, understand?
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Poor Basil. He’s distraught to say the least. He thought he was doing everything right to make you like him! But apparently he’s done something wrong to keep you from loving him.
Like Kel he can’t help but wonder if he’s not good enough, and is also going to change himself for love. But unlike Kel it’s not a competition when he spots any rivals, since he is willing to murder them when no one is around. Basil will gladly eliminate any rivals in his way of pursuing you but if he can’t, he’ll just lie about them to you, telling you about what an awful person they are.
Basil can’t help but wonder if you hate him, you don’t, do you? Please tell him you don’t hate him! And please don’t lie about it, please!
He’s not going to accidentally harm or worse kill you like Aubrey or become obsessed with murder like Sunny, but he’ll definitely become more jealous since well, what if you rejected him because you’re dating someone?
Please don’t reject him again he’s going to lose it, he’s already gotten super desperate! Please please give him your love! Please!
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faolanmoon · 3 years
oops so sorry yes general hcs for yandere sunny on how he acts in a relationship with his s/o?
Alright , here you go!
~Yandere Sunny x S/o~
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Sunny is definitely affectionate and somewhat clingy. He’d definitely be touch starved from being a shut in, also really lonely. He’d straight up cling to you to the point it’s difficult to move sometimes.
Also clingy in the sense that he wouldn’t be ok with you being affectionate with someone else. He wants your affection, all of it, he breathes for it. If he saw you give someone that’s not HIM affection, he’s definitely going to give them a death stare. He’ll rush up to you and suddenly wrap his arms around you in a tight hug, burying his face into your shoulders when you’re looking, but glaring at whoever he’s jealous of when you aren’t looking. Sunny would also definitely nuzzle you like he’s some cat.If you don’t catch up on his hints he’ll slowly become more aggressive towards the person he’s jealous about. Eventually when you finally walk away from whoever Sunny is unfortunate enough to be jealous of he’ll definitely end up hunting them down to kill them.
Sunny is 100% a possessive yandree as well. He believes you are his no matter what, and your affection is on the list for damn sure. “You’re mine “, might not be said a lot but his actions will definitely imply it . The way he’ll hold you is tight, like he’s afraid of losing you , and the way he’s always trying to make sure no one else is falling for you will say it for him.
He will definitely freak out internally if you are sick or hurt. Sickness probably won’t have him freaking out terribly unless you end up in the hospital. Sunny wouldn’t freak out as much as he would about you get hurt as he would about you getting sick, after all a common cold or virus could simply be treated, now if it’s something that leaves you in pain he’d be upset and scared of losing you. Now if you get hurt, it’ll depend on what type of injury. Paper cut? Not really worried, it’ll be gone soon, just be careful. Cuts, burns, or bruises? Yeah, he’ll be more scared especially the cuts and burns, as those can hospitalize you if bad enough. If you receive an injury like a broken bone or are badly burnt, he’ll freak the hell out. He’s becoming a lot more protective of you as he’s now more scared of losing you.
Sunny would lose his shit if someone dared to lay harm on you. He’s pretty protective, and would definitely become aggressive and is definitely going to spill blood if someone had the audacity to harm you. Now if it’s an accident he’s probably going to have to be held by you until he realizes that, it was just an accident, they didn’t mean to hurt you, however he’d still be pissed. If it was on purpose, honey you’ve got a big storm coming. *Snaps fingers*. Sunny will definitely charge at them with a knife and begin to violently stab the shit out of them. Even in front of you, he’s not gonna stop stabbing them until he’s convinced they’re dead, regardless of you freaking out about him killing someone. When he’s done he’ll slowly approach you, likely covered in a lot of blood and if you get scared of him, or try to run he only quickens his pace to get closer to you. When he’s finally at you he just tightly hugs you, likely staining your clothes with the blood of his latest victim before whispering,” I’m gonna need you to help me get rid of the body, I might have snapped at them hurting you”.
Do not, under any circumstances under estimate how much he loves you. He won’t stop showering you in love and affection whenever you feel doubt. Feeling down? He’ll definitely start loving on you and won’t stop praising what he loves about you. You also should never under estimate how protective he is of you, oh you’ll see how protective he can get.
Sunny would definitely not like it if you have a terrible relationship with your family. Now family members are the only ones who’d be getting a pass on him killing if they’re getting more affection then him, he actually understands if you’ve got a very loving and close relationship with your family. Now if it’s the opposite, hell no, those mfs ain’t treating you right! He’d definitely fight with any family member considered abusive, and he’ll do whatever he can to protect you from them, even if he’s got to get his hands dirty, he’s willing to make you happy and make sure you’re safe.
Now if you got an ex, Sunny ain’t gonna like them chief, not a single bit. If they attempt to get back together with you, their ass is grass and they’re gonna die, no hesitation.
If you decide to break up with him for whatever reason, like say you saw him kill someone and now you’re scared of him, he’s definitely going to unhinge and get desperate. He’s going to definitely try to figure out what he did wrong, hell Sunny will cling onto you, grabbing your hands as he starts crying, demanding to know what he did to make him lose your love, demanding another chance and swear he’ll change. If you refuse to well, you’re definitely going to be abducted at that point. Please, just give him your love, it’s all he ever lives for!
He’d definitely think of marriage if you two get close enough. Divorcing Sunny would pretty much go the same way as you breaking up with him.
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faolanmoon · 3 years
Alright, I dunno if you have the time, but can you do an angst Yan Basil with a Reader who uh, cheated on him,,,- Man Im just curious
Ooh, first angst request! I’ve actually got several ideas for some angst writing but I didn’t know if people were ready for Omori angst, especially since some of the scenarios I’ve thought of could lead to HEAVY angst. This mf took me four days because of life and I couldn’t decide if I wanted to make it a one shot or headcannon piece. I eventually settled on headcannon because I thought I was spending so much time on a one shot I wasn’t sure about.
Plus I also have been working on an Omori AU for the past days so.👉👈
~Yandere!Basil x Cheater! Reader~
Angst warning!
He’s definitely gonna demand head pats after this.
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Basil would be devastated to say the least if you cheated on him. It’d absolutely break his heart no doubt. At first he’d freeze in shock when he first discovers you’re cheating. Eventually he’ll realize what happened , and he’s definitely going to be unhinged, no doubt. Next thing you now he’s just giving who you were caught with a cold dead stare.
You might not realize he’s there until you hear him drop a flower pot, out of anger, you realize oh no he’s back from grading. He’s been outside for some time, and you aren’t really allowed outside in case you get the idea to flee , so you’re definitely shocked and a bit scared when you’re caught red handed.
Basil’s just standing there glaring when suddenly he reaches in his pocket for his gardening shears as whoever you got caught with starts demanding questions, like what is his business with you, what’s his problem etc. It isn’t until he’s got the shears in hand, gripping them tightly he answers,”I’m Basil, you know, Y/N’s BOYFRIEND. My problem is with home wreckers like you, stealing the love of my life,” next thing you know he goes after them and starts stabbing the hell out of them.
Like straight up until they die and he’s gonna have blood on him. When they’re dead he just looks at you and says nothing. He stares at you for who knows how long before asking in an emotionless voice,”Why?”. The only words he’ll stay as he stares at you, completely unhinged completely ignoring the body.
Basil is going to be very hurt after you get caught, he’s not going to be the same after that. He’ll definitely have a lot more toxic behaviors come out if this happens.
After that “ incident” even if it’s been weeks, or months he’s not going to stop reminding you about the pain you put him through with how broken his heart was when you cheated on him. You’re definitely not going to be allowed to interact with anyone that’s not him, you’ll be heavily monitored, especially on your phone, you probably won’t be allowed to have anyone’s number or social, especially if it’s a dating app.
Basil will start going through your phone more, deleting and blocking numbers from your contact list especially if he doesn’t know them. If he dares to discover anything dating apps on your phone, your profile and app is getting deleted in a flash and he might think about taking your phone away from you forever. He doesn’t trust you to be around anyone that’s not him anymore after you cheated.
He’d definitely also grow a lot more possessive to the point he demands everyone screw off, especially friends. Basil would definitely stop trusting them out of his paranoia if being cheated on again and act aggressive towards them. He’s definitely going to have a lot of trust issues after you violated his trust, now he’s gonna to have to gain your trust again if you want him to leave you alone.
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