#Yandere Mark Beaks Ducktales
i-write-things · 10 months
Y'know, I feel like dating a Yandere Mark Beaks would be a lot better than dating a regular Mark Beaks. Because while, sure, Yan! Mark is delusional and not gonna give up until you love him, he'll do anything for your love. The ultimate simp. He'll buy you whatever you want, he'll do whatever you want. Just stay with him! All he asks in return for his devotion is love! I mean, you don't get an option in being in all of those selfies, the tours, and dating him, but he's really sweet. And you're the only person he doesn't act arrogant at! Sure, he'll still act and be self centered, but not at you, because he believes that since you two are made for each other, you're on equal level.
Regular Mark Beaks, on the other hand, is a different story. To be honest, I kind of already head canon that Mark IS a yandere, simply because of all the yandere traits he has shown and the things he has said. However, pretending he is not a yandere, I would say that, while you still get treated better than he treats anyone else, he probably believes he is like, one more step important than you. You only become as important as him when you date, but even then, he still thinks he's more important. I also feel like he'd lie a lot more. And while you aren't forced into the relationship, it's still pretty bad. Because if you reject his confession of love, two things could happen.
Best case scenario: he's like, "Ok, whatever, didn't like you anyway."
Worst case scenario: He destroys your social media presence and your entire social life. He would probably do this if you broke up with him. If he ever broke up with you, he probably wouldn't do this, but he might depending on why he broke things off.
its not to say regular Mark isn't affectionate, but if your main love language is physical contact, good luck. He doesn't like people touching him. And while he is more accepting of you, there will be times he doesn't want to be touched by anyone. He's also really unpredictable with what he wants and when he wants affection, and he gets upset when you can't read his mind for when he wants that attention.
However, he does have his silver linings! For starters, he brings you with him almost everywhere, if you'll let him drag you. (You probably will, because he will be very persistent about it) He also takes you to the finest places as well. Oh, I mean, you don't get an option in being in his selfies and live streams, but don't worry! The chat loves you, and the comments are always full of support! They even gave you a nickname to call you, it's pretty cute, actually. Oh, but if someone DOES dare insult his love? oh boy, they made a huge mistake. No one treats his love that way! He will make sure that all their socials are getting harassed by his followers. He won't even give the person time to apologize, nor will he feel bad.
Over all, Mark is actually not that bad to have as a lover. Yan! Mark is better in my opinion because he's very affectionate and, unlike regular Mark, LIVES for your touch and praise. I mean, as I said before, I'm pretty sure Mark IS a yandere, (which would make sense, because there's always anime themes and references in his episodes), but again, this is just pretending that's not the case.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
I saw that you write for ducktales now, so a mark beaks concept? Him and donnie from rottmnt have the same VA!
Sure, I'll see what I got ^^ Also, yeah, I find it funny they have the same VA. I think Dewey has Rise! Leo's VA? Not sure.
I got some motivation from a fic set by @/yandere-toons which I will reblog after I post this if I can find it on Tumblr (Found it on Quotev really late last night. I said the blog name but I am scared of tagging them.).
Yandere! Mark Beaks Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Stalking, Egocentric behavior, Obsession, Clingy behavior, Abuse of power, Use of tech to stalk, Murder/Hitman mention, Jealousy, Possessive behavior, Manipulation, Kidnapping, Blackmail mention.
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Okay, Mark Beaks likes to act like this big millionaire like all the others.
However he is really deceptive and attention-seeking.
He's also a crybaby and selfish.
Mark would be a very determined yandere to woo over his darling.
He seems like he'd be persistent to gain your attention and would fret over his darling if he was deprived of your attention.
Mark would be Obsessive, Self-centered/Entitled, Clingy, Manipulative, Possessive, Delusional and Invasive.
He's greedy and once he finds an obsession he'll steal every ounce of attention you have.
Mark is can be a self-absorbed person most of the time.
You'd have to do something to really stand out to him in order to make him obsessive.
Be popular on social media, work for him, be another millionaire or close to it, something to catch his attention.
Once he takes notice of you his obsession is fast acting.
He plans to be your friend at first... but it escalates.
You get questions from people once Mark Beaks starts following you on social media or tagging you in random photos.
Mark is a stalker in a lot of ways.
He's liking all your posts on social media.
He's following you around if you work for him.
You can be minding your own business and somehow Mark is there.
He is incredibly invasive and knows almost everything about you.
Mark is a yandere who abuses his social media presence.
He posts about you and him a bit more than he should.
You'll be dragged into photos with him and he's always a bit too friendly.
You don't like how physical he is with you, wrapping an arm around you for a photo or dragging you around like a toy.
Mark doesn't respect your boundaries that much.
Which usually leads to arguments of you trying to tell him off.
It never deters him for long.
Mark Beaks is a yandere that craves attention all. the. time.
If he pines for his darling he'll go looking for them.
End of discussion, nothing is stopping him.
You can say he's manipulative.
A tendency with yanderes who are famous or popular is their influence puts their darling in line.
It's so easy to say on the internet that you two are dating.
The public will eat it up.
To add onto him stalking he places cameras everywhere.
He knows any sort of personal info about you.
It scares you when he says something he definitely should not have known.
Then he plays it off like it's normal!?
Mark would be easily jealous and possibly possessive.
He's entitled and feels he should get what he wants
He'd manipulate those around you with threats of some kind.
He can hire someone to have a person killed or sabotage their social media presence.
He does have power as he is still rich despite lying at times to get to this point.
Mark Beaks would give his darling anything and everything if it meant keeping you.
He fantasizes about his darling and can't go long before wanting to be close again.
Mark thinks you'll be happy if he bribes you to stay with him.
He wants to be the center of your attention and has so many pictures of you on his phone.
Maybe even a whole phone full.
Mark is delusional.
Once he takes notice of you he may be an obsession at first sight kind of guy.
He immediately fixates on you and wants to have your attention.
Know him or not, he's planning to be a permanent part of your life.
He's like a parasite you can't quite get rid of.
He feeds on your attention and will drain you mentally.
He has the ability to kidnap and promises to give you a comfortable room!
He just craves your love more than anything.
Mark's need for affection is physical and verbal.
He wants your praise and your touch.
When he gives affection it's usually physical.
Lots of hugs, lots of clinging...
You can barely pry him off you.
Mark Beaks hides all the photos and videos he took of you without your permission.
That's his little secret.
He also removes anything that ties him to your abduction or the murders of those close to you.
His reputation must remain perfect!
Mark no doubt spam calls and texts you if you aren't near him.
He craves you and needs to know where you are.
If you block him, he comes back with a new account and number.
He has backups!
Overall, Mark Beaks is a yandere that abuses his power to obtain your adoration...
You can't leave his side if he blackmails you!
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yandere-toons · 2 years
Platonic & Romantic Headcanons – Yandere
WARNING: cyberstalking, psychological manipulation.
A.N. - Brushing the dust off my DuckTales skills.
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It is tough to sleep when the phone is vibrating and ringing every minute of every hour of every day. Unhooking it from the cradle or putting it in silent mode is the best route to take, for Mark Beaks is running on artisanal cold-pressed coffee and spring rolls as he types from his makeshift bed in his Waddle office.
The messages he sends tend to insult Glomgold Industries and McDuck Enterprises, complain about his parents, and give summaries of what he happens to be avoiding doing at work. Answering any of his calls leads to Mark talking for as long as the call is not dropped or hung up.
Every time his number gets blocked, he just tosses the phone onto a pile behind his desk and pulls out a new one. Mark cannot take no for an answer, and it never occurs to him that he may need to stop and rethink his actions when he keeps getting rejected.
He pushes Waddle merchandise as a way to sneak trackers into everyday life. If his plot is ever discovered, Mark has a dozen or so throwaway excuses about it enabling him to send his messages faster and provide better service. These lies are then repeated by him with the casual and dismissive attitude of someone commenting on taking out the trash.
It would take screaming at him in layman's terms for Mark to understand that the interest is not mutual. Even then, there is a fifty-fifty chance of Mark assuming that some kind of secret respect or affection for him is held and appearances are merely being kept up when he is told to quit pinging the phone.
Mark tends to thrust his opinions into the open with little provocation, and the topics he switches between range from vaguely connected to completely unrelated. He expects it all to be parroted regardless of whether he is destroying someone's social life or hyping BeaksCoin.
Getting tagged in a photo without being a part of it is a common occurrence, which Mark claims is a way to ensure that the post gets seen and liked. Not hitting the like button on one of his posts is viewed as a grave injustice and is rewarded with pushy phone calls, incessant messages, and copious notifications of the post being reposted to force it to start trending and be at the top of the feeds.
According to himself, Mark Beaks is the most remarkable person in the world, and if anything or anyone takes attention away from him, it needs to be removed from the picture.
It is impossible to survive a social outing without Mark acting passive-aggressive towards the chosen company. He engages in everything from pretending not to hear when someone addresses him to interrupting people with off-topic comments if the conversation no longer focuses on him.
It does not help that Mark often has dubstep blasting out of his headphones or cell phone as a way to encourage other people to leave, after which he quiets the music and acts like he did not just clear the room on purpose.
Going home reveals that Mark has lambasted everyone else in the group on social media and posted multiple selfies of himself looking sad and rolling his eyes while others have fun in the background. These images are packed with accusatory hashtags and melodramatic captions, which draw gales of outspoken sympathy and support from his online followers.
Gyro Gearloose is always looking for the next reason to decry Mark, so if a phone needs to be wiped of Waddle spyware, Gyro will gladly assist and erase all layers of a digital footprint. Gandra Dee will launch a DDoS attack against the Waddle network if Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera informs her of the effort, while Fenton offers a burner phone in the meantime.
Pettiness is Mark's watchword. He believes that the free rides in his private helicopters and complimentary snow cones are enough to warrant devotion, and not responding to his messages or returning his calls within a few minutes is met with vengeful spamming.
Even though Mark is not one for physical combat and will cower if threatened with it, all it takes is a brief hug or a friendly compliment for his jealousy to spike. His version of asserting himself is to defame the source of his insecurity by way of a sea of incriminating gossip and fake news online.
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Do anything you want with my work, but never make me boring!
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yanderegrizzsworld · 2 years
Imagine: Romantic Yandere Mark Beaks
Mark Beaks is a obsessive, dependent & wrong idea yandere
Mark would have been a stalker at the beginning of his obsession, cyberstalking you on all of you socials.
Anything you'd say or do (like giving him a compliment or handing him his coffee), Mark will interpret it as you liking him as much as he likes you.
Any new invention Mark makes or thinks of he calls you to get your opinion. A elevated response makes his delusion of you liking him back get stronger, but a tepid response causes Mark to just stare at you with an unreadable expression.
When he says you can leave, his delusion of his returned love crumbling slowly into fragments causes him to start panicking as he thinks of new ways to get your "love" back.
Mark idolizes his darling. He wishes to show them a life full of luxury & far away from commoners. This desire prompts him to show them the best he can give & get in hopes of having their unconditional love & loyalty in return. If darling shows any interest in anything Mark deems as "inferior" He would throw it away & begin to lecture you of how someone like you shouldn't show interest in such mediocrity.
Mark is also a clingy yandere since Mark's mother never gave him much attention nor complimented him for any of his achievements, he depends on you for recognition & for the love he never got from his mother. Giving him said attention only fuels his delusions & causes him to cling even more. Whenever the thought of marriage pops up in his head, he continually promises himself he'll never be like them, in an unhappy marriage.
Any compliment you give Mark makes him forever euphoric (he's already euphoric enough in your presence) but give someone else the same affection & Mark will begin to feel inadequate in his darling's presence & resentment on the person receiving said affection.
Mark will 100% pamper you in both gifts & sweet words (but mostly gifts), he views this as the ultimate form of his love for you & if you ever decide to give him a gift (be it handmade or bought) Mark will look like he will combust on the spot. His darling got him something! that means they most like him back! He'll sing praises as he opens the gift.
Mark tends to call you his lover, more often than one is comfortable with. Anyone who dares try to break this fantasy of his is met with a death glare enough to burn holes in ones head. Mark would never hurt you or make you upset on purpose, as that would be the ultimate crime to the CEO of Waddle, he merely wishes to give you the life of opulence that you deserve (in his eyes) but that isn't the same case for others who choose to step in his fantasy, especially if they're a disgusting commoner.
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silkywishes · 3 years
if i had you - mark/fenton
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chisakikai-overhaul · 4 years
Yandere mark beaks x reader SFW alphabet!
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Any way he can. Hugs, kisses, gifts, anything.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He would probably meet you in a Waddle store, buying a new phone. He would talk to you for a bit and ask you for your number and you would have meetups and chats often before he went yandere.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He LOVES to cuddle. He will cuddle with you anywere.
Even if he’s in the middle of a meaning he’ll do it.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Definitely want you and him to have a nice peaceful life but still be rich as heck. Not very good at cooking and cleaning though as he usually makes a robot do it or has a staff member do it.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He would NEVER break up with you, your husband he’s yours forever weather you like it or not
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Wants to marry you as soon as he can but doesn’t want to freak you out too much so he’ll wait.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Extreamely. He treats you as if your a fragile piece of glass that can break at any moment.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He almost always had his arms around your waist or chest.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He can’t talk to you without saying the l word.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He gets v e r y jealous. He will literally kill anyone who so much as talks to you
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Slow and passionate. He wants you to feel how much he loves you and kisses are among the best ways he knows how.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Seeing as how he literally
B i l t himself a son, I think the idea of having children with you would appeal to him often.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
You always wake up to him spooning you or making breakfast.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Either cuddling or you-know-what
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He’d reveal his life story early and all at once.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Towards you he never gets angry. But to other people.... let’s just say he’s not a bird to be messed with.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Every little detail about you is engraved in his head like stone.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
One time he took you to the beach and you both got stuck in the sand and while waiting for your rescue, he talked to you and that’s when he truly realized he loved you.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He doesn’t let you leave his house and if he has to go to work you go with him. He always had you with him.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He may not be the best at them, but he puts in all the effort he can and your greatful either way.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
When he’s anxios he starts plucking the feathers out of his feathers out subconsciously.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He wants to look his best every day too keep up his public appearance and to look attractive to you.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
If he lost you he would probably throw himself into an active volcano.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He likes to be pet for some reason.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He doesn’t like when people question you relashionship on the news.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Will spoon you and wrap his legs around your waist.
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yanderefoeyay · 5 years
Fenton: *sneezes*
*His phone suddenly rings*
Fenton: Hello?
Mark, on the phone: Bless you *hangs up*
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yanderefoeyayart · 6 years
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Mark being all Foe Yay jealous. If he can’t be Gizmoducks archenemy no one can.
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raven-paww · 3 years
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Okay i posted a joke thing abt how much I hate these characters but !!!! I need to elaborate/rant so here we go! Here's why I hate Lilith, mark beaks, Sasha, odalia, bramblestar, bumblestripe, Ashfur, and thistleclaw
Spoiler warning for TOH, DuckTales, amphibia, and warrior cats
Trigger warning for racism, manipulation, child abuse, emotional/mental abuse, emotional neglect, just incels in general, implied SA, and child grooming/pedophilia.
I don't hate her as much as the others. I just think her redemption was really rushed.
Also, her "then why were you SO easy to curse!?" line pisses me off to no end bc.. ma'am??? She was. A child???? And was SLEEPING???? THAT ISNT REALLY AN ACCOMPLISHMENT LILY
next up: mark beaks. Oh my god mark beaks.
He's racist. For those of y'all who haven't seen DuckTales '17 (or didn't pick up on this), here's a bit of a summary of why he's racist.
Mark has a tendency to call everyone around him "buddy". When he first met GizmoDuck, in costume (not seeing literally anything besides the robot suit and his beak), he did the same thing; "hey, buuddy!" But then, later in the episode, when Fenton (GizmoDuck) is hired by mark's company, and he sees that Fenton is Latino, that's when he breaks out the "chico", "amigo", and "muchacho". He refers to his house as "casa de GizmoDuck" or his girlfriend as "lady muchacho".
So yeah. Racist.
I should put the disclaimer that part of my hatred for her is fueled by the fact that she reminds me of someone I used to know, but that's a traumatic rabbit hole nobody cares abt <3
I knew pretty much from the start that I was gonna hate her- see above- but oh my god. One, she stood with the oppressors in amphibia, the toads. It's shown in multiple s1 episodes that toads have a tendency to abuse, take advantage of, and extort the frogs of Wartwood (see: Toad Tax, season 1 episode 10; Mayor Toadstool's whole character). Not even gonna get into the implications this has abt Sasha being the only white girl in the Calamity trio. Sasha saw this, and she SAW how much the frogs meant to Anne, but she still created the plan to kill Hop Pop. Y'know, the adopted grandfather of her supposed best friend? She used the excuse of "they're just frogs 🙄" but she was fully aware of how sentient they were!! FROGS R PEOPLE TOO BITCH!!
Two: She knows how bad of a person she is, and acknowledges it, but she makes NO. EFFORT. to improve herself. BEING A GOOD PERSON REQUIRES WORK. REDEMPTION REQUIRES WORK. IT DOES NOT HAPPEN BY JUST SITTING AROUND WALLOWING IN YOUR FUCKING SELF PITY. She wormed her way back into Anne's good graces but it was ONLY TO BETRAY HER AGAIN. I know y'all r gonna pull that "she's only 13 🥺" bull on me, but I don't care. A normal mistake for a 13 year old is to cheat on a test, not overthrow a kingdom.
That one was a doozy.
Odalia's is fairly simple. She's a child abuser. End of story.
Bumblestripe is a Nice Guy™. When Dovewing clearly says "NO, IM NOT INTERESTED IN BEING YOUR MATE" he's like "that's fine I'll ask u tomorrow <3 luv u" HE DOESNT TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER ALSO I WANNA THROTTLE HIM
okay Ashfur has a similar thing going on but it's mixed with yandere. he tried to kill 3 kids bc their mom broke up with him. Jesus Christ. he continues to hate her and fuck up her life from beyond the grave. also this, though it was almost definitely unintentional
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he's a good villain though
thistleclaw is a pedophile. so yeah.
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saftasming · 6 years
Ducktales Reboot 2017 where everything is the same but in the “Who is Gizmoduck?” episode we get to hear Mark Beaks break out into “Meant to be Yours” from the Heathers musical when we see him at his most Yandere. You’re welcome.
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yandere-toons · 2 years
So I re-read the mark beaks platonic and romantic headcanons, and the platonic headcanons had me thinking of this (can also be implied as romantic):
Reader: You're annoying I don't like you please stop following me were not even friends go away
Mark Beaks:
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Mark is willfully oblivious to the clear want for him to get out of your life. He is the type of person who texts you while he is on the phone with you, and if you don't respond within ten seconds, he starts spamming.
You put your phone down and then check it an hour later to find 60 missed calls and 900 unread text messages.
Reader, after the 6th phone swap and changing their number a dozen times: Stop calling me!
Mark: 'Kay! Talk to you later!
Mark: *proceeds to text instead*
Reader: Stop texting me!
Mark: *appears on a hoverboard*
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Yandere! Disney Masterlist
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- Yandere! Mirrorverse! Gaston vs Aladdin with Darling from the real world (Romantic - Rivalry) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Mirrorverse! Mulan vs Tiana with Beast Tamer! Darling (Romantic/Platonic - Rivalry) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Mirrorverse! Merida with Pyrokinetic! Villain! Darling (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Platonic! Moana vs Yandere! Romantic! Gaston (Platonic (Moana)/Romantic (Gaston) - Rivalry) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Mirrorverse! Maui vs Yandere! Mirrorverse! Rapunzel (Darling from the real world) (Romantic/Platonic - Rivalry) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Platonic! Mirrorverse! Moana + Maui Sharing (Darling has a fear of water) (Platonic - Sharing) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Ducktales (2017)
- Yandere! Mirrorverse! Gaston with Darling who controls water (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Mirrorverse! Aladdin Prompt 37 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Dewey vs Louie with Red Panda! Darling (Platonic/Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Mark Beaks Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
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yandere-toons · 3 years
Heya! I was wondering if you could do a continuation of the Mark Beaks scenario? I just finished binge reading all the Ducktales headcanons/scenarios and that one was my favourite! I honestly loved all of them though, all the characters are on point and your writing is amazing!
Mark Beaks (Romantic Scenario - "Headliner 2.0")
WARNING: reference to divorce, past abduction, implied past child abuse (not by Mark), dysfunctional family, toxic mindsets.
Sequel to Headliner.
A.N. - A lot of personal interpretations in this one. It may be hard to read at times if you have experience with poor family relationships.
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Muffled yells ascended the staircase, lingering on every third or fourth step for a brief moment before continuing. As the noise drew closer to the bedroom, its indistinct nature cleared into a bitter argument.
"Your parade is costing my fortune," snapped a feminine voice. It was brittle from age and years of learned poise, but the indignant accent demanded that it be heard.
"This 'parade' is the greatest event you will ever witness, and it's my zeroes on the bill." The airy voice of Mark Beaks was laced with a defensive impatience, his footsteps reaching the top of the stairs and idling outside the door.
"Please!" barked the woman. "You don't own a dime." Tone wilting to a grumble, her voice wafted further down the corridor.
The entrance to the bedroom was flung open. Mark rushed inside and slammed the door shut behind him, pressing his back against it as if fearing someone would attempt to enter. After a second of unfulfilled anticipation, he slid to the floor and expelled a sigh so deep that he seemed to deflate.
"Man, Mom's a total buzzkill these days." The parrot bumped his head on the door and looked at the ceiling. Fatigue of too many wrong words lingered in his sluggish movements, but the sight of you freed him from the emotional nail pinning his mind to unwanted depths.
When one regarded another with such unrestrained affection, you expected a prior attachment. Months or even years of intimacy could only try to match the fondness he expressed, yet, despite its potential for greatness, the feeling was at once mystifying and disquieting. To consider someone who was little more than a stranger as the antidote for all the complaints he had with his life was a delusional level of faith.
It humbled the grandest achievements and placed an unfathomable degree of importance on the most trivial of interactions. It repelled you like a butcher who had examined the latest shipment and smelt rot, but the exit was locked behind a test of perseverance.
Mark jumped up and balled his fists at his side, dropping a hand into his pocket to retrieve his phone. "Let's crash her photoshoot."
* * *
The sun beat down upon your form like an invisible tide, its sweltering aroma dragging your head closer to the ground. Each step forward was a tired and forced endeavour, and collapsing in capitulation to the heat was a threat that wormed further into reality with every breath. As your lungs struggled to retain oxygen, seemingly forgetting how to behave under duress, a collection of spasms twisted the inside of your chest.
Flares of pain jabbed the corners of your skull, receding like ocean waves lapping the coast before assaulting again with greater strength. If your sanity had not been protected by your determination to endure, you would have thought your brain was attempting to explode out the back of your head. With your fists clenched at your side, you managed a cloudy look at the broad-shouldered silhouette sparing you from the direct reach of the sun.
"Did it have to be today?" It was a simple question, not requiring much effort to conceive but costing the health of your mouth. The dry air latched onto your tongue, which shrivelled like a spoiled grape, and crawled down your throat as if it were a wave of fire.
A quiet sigh, one born from the exhaustion of both physical and mental means, drifted through the breeze. "This family is not renowned for smarts." Falcon Graves uttered his complaint with hushed vexation, bowing his head and eyeing the lanky parrot coasting a few paces in front of him through the top of his gaze.
Rapid beeps emitted from the hoverboard carrying Mark Beaks as he slowed to ride beside you. "I thought I heard some chitchat back here. What's the lowdown?" The billionaire leaned towards the two of you, but despite Graves having spoken last, his focus centred on yourself. The eager gleam in his unblinking eyes betrayed the veneer of playful curiosity that coated his voice.
Through the haze pervading your vision and smothering your thoughts, the aversion to his presence refused to silence itself. You allowed a short distance to expand between yourself and Mark, and your expression darkened to reflect a calm hostility. The composure that the parrot had fought to uphold faltered for a brief second, slipping from his face like a loose piece of glass to expose the sensitive vigilance underneath.
He rode onwards with unshakable confidence that his path would be clear, not bothering to scan the road for potholes or civilians. "Oh, this heat is the worst!" Mark swung his head in the direction of the sky and burdened his tone with an exaggerated sense of misery. Spinning on his hoverboard, the billionaire stopped at the entrance to a mall and outstretched his arms as if introducing a miracle. "But dry your tears, people, because we're here!"
The massive building had escaped your attention, but its tall shadow provided a welcome respite from the unyielding sunshine. The gust of cool air that batted your face upon entering was like quenching your thirst with the fountain of youth.
Hordes of people crowded the restaurants sprinkled throughout the many floors, while others were riding the escalators to an unknown destination. A variety of department stores were wedged into the nooks of the corridors, each one sporting a different colour scheme than the last. The bright signs hanging on the walls above the entrance to the shops clamoured for the services of every potential customer who ventured near.
Mark viewed both the stores and the people who were absorbed by their products with disdain. "Who goes to malls anymore?" he taunted, twirling his wrist and pointing his head at you with the expectation of agreement. When you refused to pull your gaze from the end of the approaching corridor, the parrot succumbed to a pang of irritation. "My mom does, apparently."
Mustering only a slight tilt of the head, Graves remained stoic as Mark swerved his hoverboard next to him.
The twin wheels screeched across the tile floor. "Gravesy, be ready to play offence in a sec, 'kay?"
The corporate saboteur faced his employer with modest suspicion, but he chose his career over his grievances and straightened his tie. Images of the alleged threat he would be confronting danced in his mind. Hardening his expression into the cold, unreadable glare one might expect from a hitman, he followed the billionaire into the adjacent corridor. It was then that Graves realized the superficial nature of the danger.
Rather than a genuine surprise that demanded the time to be understood, the falcon beheld a common disappointment that puzzled him no more than a bird doubted the value of a worm. Rows of fans and paparazzi filled the corridor with bursting seams, and the flashes of cameras obscured the subject of their devotion every few seconds. So many voices were fighting to be heard that the array of shouts and whines reverberating through the floor had devolved into a collective buzz.
The static hum of a broken television set could have replaced the noise without anyone knowing the difference, prompting Mark to retreat closer to you and Graves. The parrot crinkled his eyes and looked past the lights at the older African grey parrot, who was perched on an elevated chair that sat above the centre of the crowd on a small platform. Stairs sloped towards the seat on all sides except the rear, and three security guards were spread between them.
"Ms. Glamour," sputtered a reporter. They ascended the steps with a ravenous zeal and shoved a microphone towards the apparent celebrity, bending their arm around the torso of a security guard. "Any word on the court hearings?"
Glamour raised her head, which had been resting on her fist, and looked at the newshound as if she were a hyena that had spotted a wounded gazelle. Even with the white sunglasses concealing her eyes and the straight line of her mouth, the fresh anger was palpable. She uttered nothing, yet her vigilant posture ordered the front guard to act.
Within a single moment, the reporter was being ushered to the nearest recess of the crowd. No one offered a word of protest or sympathy. Instead, the gap plowed by the security guard was filled like a body of water, with all traces of the reporter having been erased. A dishevelled fan dressed in a variety of baubles and colours that portrayed a desperate attempt to seem fashionable scurried to the top of the stairs.
Their mutterings had quieted to indistinct syllables upon reaching your ears, but the elegant appearance of Glamour was clear behind their puny stature. The tastemaker was swathed in iridescent shades of blue and green, with a headpiece comprised of lanky feathers decorating her white bob haircut. A torrent of sunshine spilled from the skylight positioned above her chair, the lenses of her sunglasses having blackened to combat the beams of daylight oppressing her figure.
Glamour observed the crowd with the poise of a queen monitoring her subjects. The round shades obscured her yellow eyes like a mask and moulded an impression of anonymity. She lowered a pen to the notebook in a robotic motion before waving a hand at the fan as if they were a noisy insect disrupting her peace.
The billionaire searched the tile beneath his feet for ideas. A flicker of anxiety seeped into his expression as he glanced in your direction, raising a finger to scratch the side of his beak. The massive shadow of Graves caught his eye, and he assessed the falcon's height with a renewed sense of curiosity.
Graves eyed his employer with skepticism.
After a moment of meditation, Mark embraced his hastily conceived strategy and approached him with outstretched arms. "Gravesy, I need to stand on your shoulders."
The corporate saboteur waved an arm to deter the parrot's movement and recoiled, arching his back to a defensive stance. "Absolutely not!"
The attention of a security guard was captured by the ruckus, their eyes swimming in suspicion.
Glamour spun in her seat and jerked her head towards the shape of her son. With her tepid frown tightening to a pensive scowl, a groan slipped past her beak. She pressed a hand to her forehead and lowered her gaze to the floor, massaging an imminent seed of discomfort sprouting in her skull. "Let him pass."
Mark cheered, drawing his fist to his chest, and bounded to the front of the crowd. He abandoned his hoverboard at the foot of the stairs.
The security guard stepped aside, only to restrain a member of the paparazzi who attempted to shadow the parrot.
Silent irritation radiated from Glamour as the billionaire dashed to the side of her chair and leaned forward to be at eye level with her. Mark patted the armrest and tapped his feet on the ground with a spirited rhythm, but the rapid movement of his beak was swallowed by the hollers of the throng. Reporters were hurling microphones and queries at the pair, while the paparazzi were taking enough pictures to blind themselves.
* * *
Tall chairs filled the entrance in symmetrical rows. They were devoid of occupants, but the Babylonian furnishings promised discomfort to anyone but the most opulent viewers. Falcon Graves, with tired annoyance, guarded the door to the outside world. Its extravagant height and golden trim contrasted his black suit and brown plumage.
A bored voice cleared its throat beside you.
The silence that followed Mark's absence had grown to a familiar ally, and the abrupt noise spurred you to whip around in surprise.
Emma Glamour stood a few paces to your left, removing her sunglasses and wiping the lenses with a handful of her cloak. "So, you're the one who Marcus is fawning over." She raised the accessory to her beak and inspected her effort through tapered eyes. Finding a modicum of satisfaction, the parrot rested a hand on her hips and looked askance at your anxious form.
"I suppose I should congratulate you." Her tone was dry and empty of sentiment, conveying vague interest with a touch of bitter apathy. "Distracting him from his electronics was always a chore best left to the staff." Glamour lowered her sunglasses to her side and began to saunter to the foot of the stairs, heels clicking on the marble floor.
The bottom of her gown chased her feet and shrouded each spot it touched. The layers of vivid designs stitched to resemble the plumage of a male peacock glid along the steps to form the shape of a flamboyant tail.
The door to the ballroom swung open to announce the return of Mark and the arrival of a seagull clad in an orange hardhat. It was a reunion that perturbed your thoughts and squashed your wish for him to be distracted by the endless halls of the mansion. The footsteps of Glamour had ended, and as Mark approached you with a carefree slowness, you found solace in this fact.
The parrot stopped at your side and faced the seagull, but his eyes were focused on the phone in his hands. Mark gazed at the screen with distant joy, fingertips darting across the screen.
The seagull lowered the feet of a chair to the floor and released a sigh of exhaustion. He wiped an arm across his forehead and propped the seat on his hip, observing the walls strewn with ornate frills in wonder. "Reminds me of your parents' wedding."
The tapping of Mark's fingers stalled. "What?"
"Your mom and pop--they had the whole ceremony right here. Looked about the same, too." The construction worker shook his head and turned to collect the chair with a weary chuckle. "What a mess." He strolled towards the ballroom, oblivious to the turmoil threatening to unfold behind him.
A wave of anxiety washed over the billionaire, its frigid tendrils sinking into his shoulders. Frenetic breaths escaped him, and his feathers flattened. The cold embrace of panic clashed with the rancour boiling in his gut. All traces of joy drained from his visage, wide eyes staring at the array of decorations adorning the anteroom.
Every luminous streamer and plate of confections that had elicited cheers encouraged him to hurl.
"Would you like a sample?"
Mark swung his head to the side to behold a batch of cupcakes hovering in front of his beak, glass cover shimmering under the radiant light of the chandelier.
A white cockatoo wielded the silver platter. Interpreting his gaze as interest, the caterer closed his eyes and raised a hand to remove the lid.
The sweet aroma of the pastries swelled to unnatural proportions as if mocking the parrot, and painful thoughts of a wrong repeated infiltrated his mind. It singed his nostrils, and with a swing of the arm, the dish clattered to the floor in a jumble of broken glass and mashed frosting.
Swallowing between pants, Mark grimaced as the muscles in his stomach contracted. Stones seemed to accumulate in his gut, and the perturbed stares of the caterer and designer amplified the distressing sensation.
The disarray escorting his frantic movements prompted apprehension to bloom within your mind, and you began to retreat to the front door.
Mark spun around with a tattered banner in his clutches, a boisterous rip reverberating through the anteroom as the fabric was split down the middle. Scraps of cloth wafted to the floor like confetti. Half of the pennant dangled from the nail as if it were a foe bowing its head in defeat, while Mark tossed his share at the designer. "Get rid of it!"
The duck clutched his face as the garish streamer smacked him and enveloped his neck like a serpent. He yanked the material into his arms, examining it with crinkled eyes and a baffled frown. "This is one of the rarest fabrics on the market." His perplexity matured to wrath as the cloth exposed its jagged edges. "How could you be so careless?!"
A hiss escaped the billionaire, mind clouded by a desperate fury. He seized the remaining portion of the banner and pressed his foot to the wall. "This is my day!" The parrot tapered his eyes, glaring at the pennant as if it embodied the source of his resentment. "Not theirs."
A spark of fear erupted in your gut as Mark dashed around the table and lunged at the exit. He clutched your arm with childish distress, resembling a frightened boy begging for his parent not to leave. "We won't end like them, I promise!" He conjured a smile of reassurance, but the dread lurking beneath his quivering limbs betrayed an inner terror.
A harsh voice descended from the second floor. "Marcus!"
The parrot flinched and retracted his arms, whipping around in a mixture of surprise and uncertainty.
Emma Glamour stood at the top of the staircase, face contorted with weary aggravation. "What is going on down there?"
The frigid edge of her inquiry drew a grumble from Mark. Sour bitterness adorned his beak, and he lowered his gaze to the floor.
Glamour rested a hand on the balustrade and peered at the barrage of ravaged cloth and shattered porcelain decorating the entrance. A splash of outrage flared on her countenance, the chaos drawing a gasp from the tastemaker.
She began to march down the stairs, and Mark confronted her umbrage with a disdainful glower. The pounding of her boots on marble stirred feelings of animosity in the parrot, his eyes narrowing with each step. When his mother paused in front of him, he turned to obscure you from her sight.
A pang of irritation permeated Glamour, but her voice reached Mark as a strained whisper. "You're making a fool of yourself."
His reaction was one of startling confidence. "Correction: I'm making a fool of you."
It bewildered her intention to assert control, and Glamour was forced into a brief silence.
Seeing this show of weakness as an invitation, Mark did not relent. "I'm putting myself in charge of today, and my wedding doesn't need any of this." He unfurled his arms towards the myriad of ornaments coating the anteroom.
There was a certain, brazen pride in his display that seemed familiar to Glamour.
"I'm already doing it, and guess what?" He pressed a thumb to his chest. "I'm the only Beaks invited!" Mark extended his arm and pointed a finger at his mother's stupefied expression. "Not you, not dad, and definitely not Ms. Big Shot Senator."
Glamour recoiled in dudgeon before reflecting outrage and snapping, "You will not speak of your sister that way!"
Mark stood tall, feathers inflating and pupils shrinking. "I'll say anything I want."
This prompted the tastemaker to retract a step. She observed her son as if he had been replaced with a different person, but her perplexity soon morphed into indignation. Glamour tilted her head downwards and looked at him through narrowed eyes. "Your father said that to me once."
The authority he had enjoyed fled from his body like a popped balloon, leaving the birth of shock and confused humiliation to fill the void. Mark, for all his bluster on social media and the animated personality he expressed on stage, failed to do more than look at his mother like a disillusioned child.
It was a look that had frequented his face in simpler times, and Glamour turned away. She inspected the damaged decorations with an attentive eye. "Clean this mess." Without clarifying whether she was addressing her son or one of the many idling workers, the tastemaker ascended the staircase and disappeared inside her bedroom.
Hushed chatter began among the designer and caterer as they gathered scraps of their creations. The nearest trash bin was overflowing, so the organizers fetched a replacement and travelled back and forth from the ballroom with spare bags.
Illustrating the nuance of the situation, Mark had yet to recover from his mother's words. He watched the spot at the bottom of the stairs as if his mind were struggling to proceed. Finally, a broken sound that mimicked a chuckle shattered his daze. The billionaire looked over his shoulder at you, resembling a man haunted by his memories, and voiced a thought that you did not know how to answer.
"I'm not like him, right?"
* * *
"Mr. Beaks has requested your presence." Falcon nudged you to the doors, his hand resting on your upper back. There was a quiet strength behind the action as if he were threatening to prove the credibility of his physique. While unquestionably dedicated, he moved with a weary disinterest that prevented his insistence from conveying anything more than a desire to succeed in his assignment.
Perhaps it was his apparent lack of attachment to the situation that allowed you to process your own. The muscles that had contorted and writhed in your shoulders like snakes relaxed to facilitate an urge to flee, but a stone plummeted to the pit of your stomach that reduced your legs to quivering branches on the verge of snapping. A wheel of blue and red flashes danced in the bottom of your vision, popping from underneath the doors and tainting your figure with shades of green and purple.
The colours had a murky quality like an explosion beneath the ocean waves. Each flare of a different hue was likened to an eyeball peeking through the crevices to confirm your arrival, and the room on the other side, with its vivid illumination combatting the black depths of the corridor, seemed an alien world. As the doors unfurled like a pair of golden wings, the eruption of light that ambushed your face was akin to bearing the might of the sun.
Your eyes begged to dissolve, and the gale of pain that clenched your skull almost knocked you to the ground. The music was louder than the roars of ten beasts and reverberated through every fraction of space with a discordant rhythm. It shook your eardrums until your thoughts were a scrambled mess, vibrating your body and stimulating your heartbeat.
Everywhere were unfamiliar faces. Raving ducks and howling dogs paraded across the floor with raucous energy, and a thin layer of fog shrouded the celebration as if you were a detective entering an alleyway in a film noir. The further you traipsed into the room, the more imagined the possibility of escape became. Despite the expansive walls and ceiling that reached half the length of a football field, every partygoer that brushed your shoulder or bumped your arm caused your lungs to contract.
Spotting a familiar face among the sea of anonymity drew you forward like a child lost in the supermarket. It was a reminder, welcome or unwanted, that the situation was real and not a dream spawned from bits of memories forging an illusion, but the face of the parrot was all that you recognized. The grey plumage that had gleamed beneath the spotlight at the convention was darkened to charcoal by the strobe lights painting his shape like a dappled coat. The yellow eyes that glowed against the shadows summoned images of the nightclub, staining your relief with a pool of cold dread.
This hesitancy was not shared by Mark. The billionaire was clad in a stunning array of garish cloth and chintzy accessories that reflected each sliver of light pointing in his direction, a spectacle that clamoured for the attention of every pair of eyes in the room. Purple sunglasses were dangling from his left hand, and he observed you with a sharp turn of the head. The rise of his shoulders and back were subtle but open to your wary gaze.
Budding euphoria sprouted at the corners of his beak and flooded his breathing until it descended into eager puffs. The way his eyes widened with awe, as if you were a mythical entity capable of erasing all sadness, cast a tremor onto the nape of your neck. Before you could fade into the masses, Mark was dashing through the crowd like a traveller returning from years on the road. The partygoers seemed to flow back and forth around him, unveiling a path with almost instinctive precision.
Plopping the sunglasses on his beak, the parrot swept your hands into his own and began to tug you closer to the centre of the room. "I had a new pair fashioned," Mark shouted over the booming symphony of electronic sound effects to ensure that his words were heard, but his voice retained its usual nonchalant tone. He leaned forward to display the alleged similarities between his new and old eyewear. "Perfect replicas, in fact!"
The throng receded from the middle of the dance floor to form an opening, which Mark, with his tawdry outfit and unruly enthusiasm, filled. The billionaire released you and launched into a series of bizarre dance moves. With his head bobbing along the rambunctious tempo echoing through the mansion, he leapt backwards and raised his arms in a diagonal motion. The parrot mimicked the sound of laser guns in old science fiction movies as he directed his thumbs and index fingers at the ceiling.
"No light racks to crush me this time, huh?" Mark paused and looked up with a hint of worry, recalling the massive shape of the falling stage light. A weak noise of humour and distress slipped from his beak, and he took an exaggerated step towards you. "So, I thought we could skip the whole ceremony thing." It was his stab at distracting himself from the uncomfortable memory, but you recalled another detail every time he opened his mouth.
The billionaire flipped his hand as if discarding a piece of trash. "Standing around while some old fuddy-duddy gives a speech?" He tilted his head back and pretended to fall asleep, tongue protruding from the side of his mouth. "What a snoozefest, am I right?" Mark bobbed his shoulders in amusement and looked at you with a desperate hope that his stance was shared. "I mean, it's obvious that we're already a thing."
With each moment of your silence, his craving for validation evolved. "We don't need some kind of official ..." He twirled his wrist like a wizard attempting to channel his magic. The uncertainty was swelling within his mind, and the excess bling hanging on his limbs failed to hide the way his passion shrivelled. When you retreated to maintain the previous space, his spirited aura dulled to apprehension. The billionaire spun with a frantic intensity and outstretched his arms to the partygoers. "Crowd surf!"
The enthusiasm with which Mark grasped your forearm spawned from a place of anxiety rather than joy, and the crowd that neared you seemed inseparable from the mob that had surrounded the stage. A thunder of footsteps trampled forward as dozens of hands extended to clutch your shoulders and torso. You ripped free of his grip like an animal struggling with a trap, legs scurrying in the opposite direction. Mark turned with a look of horror, but he was lifted above the throng before he could interfere.
Instead of meeting the smile of a deceptive robot, you ran into the brick wall that was Falcon Graves. He placed a hand on both of your shoulders and pushed you away from the door. "Return to the dance floor," grumbled the corporate saboteur, with a lack of passion infecting his voice.
"Tell him I'm still here."
Graves heard your plea, but as the cries of partygoers tumbling to the floor drew nearer, he shook his head. "It won't be enough." The falcon spoke with solemn assurance, his mind drowning in an unwelcome sense of deja vu. The part of him that recalled obnoxious employers and sympathetic targets respected your attempt.
"Please, all I need is a few minutes."
The garish figure approaching him from the centre of the crowd stirred a battle between the resentment that plagued his thoughts every time he noticed the billionaire and the sense of duty that had propelled his career for decades. Graves witnessed the desperation in your eyes, and it was a sight his livelihood had taught him to ignore. Despite his impassive expression, he had granted an audience to the voice in the back of his head that was urging him to do what he believed to be a mistake.
Mark staggered to the edge of the throng. His outfit was gnarled and wrinkled by the journey, but he swivelled his head towards each visible recess with invulnerable panic. "They're not here!" The parrot gripped his head and clutched handfuls of his plumage, nearly knocking his sunglasses to the floor. "I do everything right, and, still, they can't stand to be around me!"
When he turned to Graves, a new wrath bloomed in his gaze. The corporate saboteur was propped against the exit with his arms crossed. Graves understood his intention, and he greeted his employer with stoic indifference. "You just missed them." He extended a hand in the direction of the dance floor, spurring Mark to dart between either side of the crowd.
After the search proved to be fruitless, the parrot repeated, this time with more rage and less despair, "They're not here!" Mark lunged at Graves and seized the lapels of his suit, tugging the falcon down to his height. "Where are they?!" He was shoved back as Graves stood upright and adjusted his clothes with a growl.
"Waiting for you on the dance floor."
* * *
Every long hall was draped in luxurious paintings and lavish wallpapers, but the gradual decrease in the number of banners signified that the front door was a few corners away. At first, you had monitored the noise of your footsteps, but after remembering the boisterous music that shook the foundation, you sprinted through the corridors with reckless enthusiasm. The sight of the golden door beckoning to you from the entrance summoned the final stretch of energy.
It was a great burden to open, but the gust of unruly wind that slapped your face was a welcome award. You would have fallen from its strength if not for the pair of hands that grasped your arms.
"Are you all right?" A light, concerned voice arose in front of you, belonging to a duck with tan feathers. His white tuxedo and lavender tie reminded you of salsa music and flamenco dancers, while the black tailcoat of the chicken idling beside him seemed to leap from a portrait of Victorian England.
"We were informed that there was a-" the chicken paused to adjust his glasses and squint at his phone screen "-'dance party wedding' taking place at this residence." Lowering the device, he looked at your frazzled appearance with calm interest. "I hope we didn't miss the best part. The grammar of the invite was very confusing, to say the least."
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Do anything you want with my work, but never make me boring!
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yandere-toons · 3 years
This is an ask.)) Who actually is most likely to become a yandere in the ducktales universe?
I more or less gave a psychological profile of Mark Beaks, and it was fun. I could just rave about some of these characters' psychology for hours.
1. Doofus Drake
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"You are home, friend present." - Doofus Drake to Louie Duck in "Day of the Only Child!"
Enslaved his parents, is shameless, and his house is littered with booby traps.
The heads of various stuffed animals and piñatas are mounted on pikes in his living room.
Has no concept of restraint and is prone to fits of rage.
Views others as objects and enjoys inflicting pain on them.
The penalty for upsetting him is either death or bizarre torture.
Trapped Goldie in a glass box because he wanted her to be his new grandmother.
2. Jim Starling
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He assaulted two security guards to sneak onto the movie set, attempted to murder Drake Mallard out of jealousy, and manipulated Launchpad into trying to lock Drake inside his trailer.
"I'll film this finale if it kills me and everyone on this roof!" - Jim Starling in "The Duck Knight Returns!"
Shows no remorse for endangering the lives of others and views his crimes as merely a show of his superiority.
Has a high capacity for violence and craves praise. This combination would spell death for many a soul if he were to ever focus such a desire on one person.
His copious ego and refusal to share the spotlight was part of the reason why his show was cancelled, a fact he declines to acknowledge.
3. Mark Beaks
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His mother was preoccupied with maintaining her prestige and never recognized any of Mark's achievements. As a result, his sense of self is perpetually unstable, and he depends on social media sites for gratification.
His father criticized him for not being athletic and lambasted his interests in technology and electronics. Mark admires those who possess the traits his dad claimed he lacked (ex. Falcon Graves & Gizmoduck).
Mark's tech empire is partly a slap in the face to his parents, but it's also a plea for their respect.
He clings to any scrap of positive reinforcement he can get from strangers on the internet and devotes his life to reaping as much attention as possible.
Mark is prone to obsessing over people he admires. He idolized Gizmoduck for saving him and desired complete control of the hero, manipulating him into sacrificing his integrity and working for him. After Gizmoduck ends their agreement, Mark becomes vengeful and later tries to kill him in Gyro's lab.
"You belong to me, so don't be ungrateful." - Mark Beaks to Gizmoduck in "Who is Gizmoduck?!"
Several other characters would have obsessive or possessive tendencies in a relationship, but nothing as severe as these three.
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chisakikai-overhaul · 4 years
Yandere mark beaks x (f) reader HC’s!
•A yandere mark beaks is NOT a yandere to mess with.
•he always gets what he wants. Even if it means he has to ruin someone’s scocial life or kill them, so that you stay with him.
•he is not above guilting you into staying with him.
•if his s/o tries to run away, he’ll find you no matter how far you run or how good you hide, he will find you.
•he has spies all over the city. And if those don’t catch you, he installed a tracking chip in your ankle that will alert him and knock you out if you try to leave city limits.
•he puts you in all his blogs and selfies.
•your not allowed to leave his side unless your going to the bathroom, and he’ll be waiting outside the door.
•other than that he’s extremely affectionate.
•he knows what it fells like to be ignored like his mother did to him and he doesn’t want you to feel like that.
•he would never hurt you though. He lives for you and seeing you in pain makes his heart shatter.
•honestly he’s just a big simp though.
•your tired? He will carry you to bed and spoon you.
•your hungry? He will take you to the best resturaunts in Duckburg.
•he loves you, and even I you don’t feel the same, it doesn’t matter! Your going to be with him forever, weather you like it or not.
#yandere #yanderexreader #yanderemarkbeaks #markbeaksxreader #headcannons #xreader #ducktales #markbeaks
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yanderefoeyay · 5 years
Mark: Fenton is so hot
Gyro: I think he has a boyfriend
Mark: People die all the time, no big deal.
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