#Mark Beaks Ducktales
asteroid464 · 3 months
Ducktales doodle dump:
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Gyro lost his hat ig
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i-write-things · 10 months
Y'know, I feel like dating a Yandere Mark Beaks would be a lot better than dating a regular Mark Beaks. Because while, sure, Yan! Mark is delusional and not gonna give up until you love him, he'll do anything for your love. The ultimate simp. He'll buy you whatever you want, he'll do whatever you want. Just stay with him! All he asks in return for his devotion is love! I mean, you don't get an option in being in all of those selfies, the tours, and dating him, but he's really sweet. And you're the only person he doesn't act arrogant at! Sure, he'll still act and be self centered, but not at you, because he believes that since you two are made for each other, you're on equal level.
Regular Mark Beaks, on the other hand, is a different story. To be honest, I kind of already head canon that Mark IS a yandere, simply because of all the yandere traits he has shown and the things he has said. However, pretending he is not a yandere, I would say that, while you still get treated better than he treats anyone else, he probably believes he is like, one more step important than you. You only become as important as him when you date, but even then, he still thinks he's more important. I also feel like he'd lie a lot more. And while you aren't forced into the relationship, it's still pretty bad. Because if you reject his confession of love, two things could happen.
Best case scenario: he's like, "Ok, whatever, didn't like you anyway."
Worst case scenario: He destroys your social media presence and your entire social life. He would probably do this if you broke up with him. If he ever broke up with you, he probably wouldn't do this, but he might depending on why he broke things off.
its not to say regular Mark isn't affectionate, but if your main love language is physical contact, good luck. He doesn't like people touching him. And while he is more accepting of you, there will be times he doesn't want to be touched by anyone. He's also really unpredictable with what he wants and when he wants affection, and he gets upset when you can't read his mind for when he wants that attention.
However, he does have his silver linings! For starters, he brings you with him almost everywhere, if you'll let him drag you. (You probably will, because he will be very persistent about it) He also takes you to the finest places as well. Oh, I mean, you don't get an option in being in his selfies and live streams, but don't worry! The chat loves you, and the comments are always full of support! They even gave you a nickname to call you, it's pretty cute, actually. Oh, but if someone DOES dare insult his love? oh boy, they made a huge mistake. No one treats his love that way! He will make sure that all their socials are getting harassed by his followers. He won't even give the person time to apologize, nor will he feel bad.
Over all, Mark is actually not that bad to have as a lover. Yan! Mark is better in my opinion because he's very affectionate and, unlike regular Mark, LIVES for your touch and praise. I mean, as I said before, I'm pretty sure Mark IS a yandere, (which would make sense, because there's always anime themes and references in his episodes), but again, this is just pretending that's not the case.
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ducklooney · 1 month
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Darkwing Duck reboot by Frank Angones and Matt Youngberg
Aside from what I think about the Ducktales reboot as well as the Darkwing Duck reboot, which is a completely separate story, I found leaked Disney projects that talk about the Darkwing Duck reboot. Of course, this is Angones' plan to continue the Ducktales reboot in the form of Darkwing Duck, until Disney gave another man, Seth Rogen, to make a special Darkwing Duck reboot that will not look like this.
These are just the original plans for how Darkwing Duck was supposed to turn out, starring Drake Mallard, Launchpad McQuack and Gosalyn Mallard, and villains like Negaduck (Jim Starling), Quackerjack, Megavolt, Bushroot, Liquidator and Mark Beaks. And there would be Gizmoduck, Honker, Herb and Binkie Muddlefoot. Please enjoy reading and sorry if I disappointed anyone.
Yes, unfortunately for fans of Ducktales 2017, this project was not accepted in the end, so the Darkwing Duck reboot (the question of exactly when) will look very different.
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Fandom: DuckTales (2017)
Sample Size: 2,918 stories
Source: AO3
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avgfandomguy · 5 months
If I had a nickel for every time:
Ben Schwartz played a character in an animated series that wears the colour blue and shares a birthday with at least one of his colour-coded brothers.
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And if his true skill set wasn't revealed until a episode in a later season where he showed his strategy skills by knowing the enemy
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who happened to be a rich and famous old lady.
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And if he shared that episode with Josh Brener.
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I'd have two nickels. Not a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
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sakuramoti0903 · 7 months
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local-meme-lord · 10 months
Happy Anniversary Ducktales 2017 fandom **Drops these memes and disappears for another year***
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Everytime Mark steals shit from gryo
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hahaweevil · 3 months
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Nothing makes me more productive than procrastination
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ye-olde-rd · 5 months
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Guys guys I’m alive
With ducktales art
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asteroid464 · 3 months
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DuckTales human doodles 🤭 (ft Lucifer…)
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jestierabbit · 3 months
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N… Nega Mark Beaks
Markus Beaks, intern of Dr. Gyro Gearloose, and (unknowingly) his future replacement.
Young Gyro/Mad Ducktor design by @soulcured my beloved
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alastor-ss · 2 months
Geaks Week Day 3: Sickness/Injury
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He may or may not have been involved in a Waddle brand jetpack related mishap
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nonexistentbees · 3 months
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