sanaxo-o · 2 years
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When someone hurt their S/O (Maknae Line)
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You were having your dinner with Riki. Instead of eating Riki kept staring at you intensely. To be more exact he kept staring at your arm. You wondered if he got to know about his Brother hitting you but you had worn a hoodie so there was no way he saw that bruise. After you were done you were about to get up with your plate when Riki held your wrist And made you stand in front of him. Getting nervous you tried to take your wrist back but He just glared at you as a sign for you to stop. Rolling your sleeve up he saw the red bruise. "My brother did this didn't he?" You just stayed silent not saying anything. "Lee Y/N when I Ask something to you I expect a answer from you!" He shouted at you making you flinch. "Yes…Riki your brother did this to me." You were on the verge on tears but kept it in "but Don't do anything to him Riki" "how do you expect me to stay silent when he hurts my woman?" He will pay for what he did to you Y/N Riki said this in his mind.
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Slowly entering the house hoping your boyfriend Jungwon was not at home having some bruises on your arms and legs you were about to enter the bedroom when someone from behind held your hand gently and took you to the couch. Knowing it was your boyfriend Jungwon, you didn't say anything. He sat down on the floor on his legs as he examined your state. Arms and legs full of bruises. He looked in your eyes expecting for an answer from you. Knowing you will have to tell him someday you told him about you getting bullied at school. He was angry at those kids but your health was more important to him so he calmed down. The next day when you went to school you heard the news about your bullies being found dead. All thought it was because of overdose in drugs they were using but you knew better. It was Jungwon who killed them but you kept quiet.
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You were cuddling with Sunoo here on the bed when he mistakenly held your wrist To tight. That is where your professor gave you the scar. He has been harassing you For weeks but you were scared to tell Sunoo about this as you knew that he will kill Him. Seeing you wince in pain Sunoo quickly looked down and saw your red wrist. Trying to hide it you pulled your sleeve down but he pulled it back up to see it clearly. Looking up Sunoo expected a answer for you. He had to know who did this to his girl. "Who did this to you Y/N?" Hearing him call by your name you knew that he was Serious so you told him…you told him about your professor harassing you. After Listening to it he just nodded and told you to take a nap. You knew that he was gonna Do something to the professor but you didn't say anything. The next day it was said That your professor was gone missing. You just stayed quiet. You could have told the Police that it was your boyfriends doing but one he had a lot of power and two you Were now safe from your professor.
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rowretro · 5 months
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✧warnings: toxic/yandere themes, harassment, violence, stalking and ofc bullying
✧synopsis: Yandere Enhypen as your bullies, they find out a boy likes you and you may like that boy back hence they snapped...
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To think that he would even let the boy to cross paths with you, you must have been stupid. God Heeseung is so in love with you to the extent of wanting all your attention on him. What better way is there to have him under your control is there than to bully you?
You were used to this by now, the slapping, the ripping up your homework, the harsh slut shaming, and the way he made sure you were isolated from everyone. But when he saw you pull out an envelope with a box of your favourite chocolates in your locker, boy was he mad...
Within seconds, the gifts were smacked out of your hand as you found yourself being pinned harshly against the locker, your head felt extremely painful from the impact. "Fuck I know I kept calling you a whore but I expected you NOT to be one Lee y/n." The man seethed through gritted teeth as he yanked your hair back, his other hand sliding underneath your shirt, You were quite taken aback by this rough behaviour and the change in surname.
"You're fucking mine don't you get it at this point?!" Heeseung spat as the girl frowned. "Heeseung- but-" before you can even dare to continue that sentence, he kissed you forcefully, saliva dripping down your jaw as it mixed with your tears and his saliva. "Like it or not you are mine." The man spat lastly
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Being such a rich, smart, spoiled son of one of the biggest CEOs in South Korea, Jay always got his way around everything. He was always cocky and he loved how little everyone looked around him. His eyes then landed on you. The most innocent, pure looking sweetheart. Since the day he laid eyes on you he knew you were his. Hence he did everything to keep you to yourself.
It started off accidentally. He wanted to be nice but he accidentally pulled her hair. Seeing how she yelped, tearing up a little, he fell in deeper love with the sight. Since then he continuously yanks her hair, says hurtful things and embarrasses you every chance he gets. Recently, Jay caught sight of a boy and you. His blood boiling at the sight of you two giggling together.
He was extremely pissed off dragging you away from the male, and to his car despite your cries and protests, he simply pushed you in, cuffing you to the side as he got into the driver's seat. "JAY- WHAT THE HECK?!" You finally screamed as he started driving. "Sorry pretty baby... Have to take you to your new home, it seems you're forgetting who you belong to..." He trailed off with a smirk.
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Jake wasn't known for being violent or rude, but he was pretty popular among the girls. However, he only had his interest in one woman. You. Every time you'd walk past he'd smack or grope you. The male loves getting you into detention where you'll be stuck with him alone.
Recently, you had been coming to school feeling a little happier despite his antics, which Jake obviously found suspicious. The man stalked you home, only to see Haruto, one of the boys in your class, walking with you. Jake scoffed to himself, smirking as he walked to his home.
The next morning, you were met with Jake's car parked at the entrance of your home. the man yanked you in driving you to his place. Jake pulled you out, dragging you to the basement where he chained you up against the wall. "Welcome to your new home darling... Of course your room is much prettier but for you to see that Why for now..." Jake trailed off, fiddling with his knife. "you deserve a punishment for being such a slut." He darkly said.
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Park Sunghoon was equally as intimidating as he is pretty, girls swoon over him on a daily basis, but will never approach him. Why would they when anyone he touches ends up dead... except for you. The only girl he has spared. Sunghoon hated people so much, he loved to kill for a living, and no one dared to take action for He was the very son of an extremely dangerous mafia boss.
Sunghoon however felt something different when he met you... for the first time in his life he experienced love and only one woman can give him that... you. So he did everything and anything to get your attention, he loved seeing you cry and scream and beg just for him. Heck when he saw that boy ask you out... the boy died on the spot.
Sunghoon yanked you to an empty classroom slamming you against the table as he slapped you. "FUCKING SMILLING AT THAT BASTARD?! WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU ACCEPT THAT SHITTY BOQUET WHEN IM HERE WITH EVERYTHING A WOMAN NEEDS?!" Sunghoon yelled, yanking her hair as he kissed her, his fangs stabbing her lips as he kissed her so painfully. "You're fucking mine hmm? everything you do is for me." he mumbled, as he stroked her cheek.
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The boy is pretty sassy, everyone knows that. However people weren't to fond of talking to him after seeing how he treats you. Sure he runs his mouth spitting vulgar, heart breaking words at you, but he always follows it up with some violence. But can you blame him?He's obsessed with you, god the way you whimper and cry, how cute you looked when putting ur arms out, trying to stop him.
Like those cute little hands can do anything to stop him from throwing a chair at you. Oh but you really crossed the line when you smiled with Jaemin. The senior who obviously has a thing for you. Sunoo beat the living shit out of Jaemin, before carrying you away. You tried to kick and punch, but you couldn't get him to budge. He threw you on the floor of his living room as he took off his belt.
The man showed no mercy as he continuously belted you, his eyes bloodshot with anger "HOW. FUCKING. DARE. YOU." He yelled between the hits. He threw his belt away, as you snuggled into the sofa, hugging your knees as Sunoo breathed heavily. He suddenly knelt down before you, grabbing your jaw to make you face him "Oh no sweetheart im sorry, I know it hurt put I had to punish you sweetheart... you need to know you're mine hmm?" He asked, oh so sweetly...
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Jungwon is crazy in love with you, but he couldn't just show it.... he can't be seen as weak to you. Instead, he expressed his undying love by embarrassing you in front of students, making you cry with his words. He loves it, Now he knows you cry and scream just because of him...
Jungwon frowned when he saw Choi Yeonjun check you out, clearly having something for you. He didn't even fail to notice How you smiled at him too. Bad move. Bad bad move. How dare you fall for someone like that when he's there waiting for you?! He could deal with Yeonjun later. Right now... he needed to put you in your place.
As you walked into the locker room, to put you books in your locker, you suddenly get slammed against the locker, the sound of the room door locking evidently heard. The man turned you around so you could face him, his eyes piercing into yours as he grabbed your jaw "What?... expecting Yeonjun?!" He asked, bitterly as you frowned. Jungwon forced his lips onto yours, kissing you extremely roughly before pulling away and slapping you painfully. "You're fucking mine dont you dare look at other men... you do not want to know what im capable of darling..." he trailed off.
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Riki was pretty young, youngest in his friendship group, often being babied, but he hated that hence he always wore that cold façade. It was no surprise he was cold to you too, except... he still always put his attention on you. Whether its tripping you over, accusing you of random shit and slapping you ever so painfully, yanking your hair and forcefully kissing you out of the blue.
You hated it. You hated him. But Riki was madly in love with you. That's why he continuously tortured you. That's also why you saw him stabbing an already dead Sungchan who was flirting with you by the lockers. Riki was covered in blood, his psychotic blank eyes now landing on yours. "Awww sweetheart did I scare you?..." He taunted, chuckling as he smeared the blood on your cheek.
Oh how cute you looked being so scared of him, the way you fainted there and then, falling in his arms. Riki smirked, kissing you all over "Finally mine, all mine princess... you're right in my arms where I need you... where you belong and be safe my darling..." Riki smirked, carrying you to his home.
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heeseung-min · 4 months
"Miss Y/n, we want to ask you some questions regarding your boyfriend."
You glanced at the policeman in front of you. You were called to the police station because there was a murder case yesterday and one of the suspects was your boyfriend, Yang Jungwon. They found out he was nearby when the murder happened. So, they proceeded to ask him about it but your boyfriend denied and now they wanted to ask you to confirm his alibi.
"At 10.30 p.m last night, do you know where was your boyfriend?"
"I asked him to buy me some foods since both of us were too lazy to cook."
"What restaurant that still opened at that time, Y/n? As far as I know most of it closed at 10:00."
"Street foods. Jungwon bought us tteokbokki last night. It still counts as food right? It doesn't mean Jungwon need to buy from a restaurant."
The police stared at you trying to look for a lie but he just sighed when he couldn't detect any lie from you. You also felt relieved when he finally stopped asking questions.
"Alright, thanks for cooperating with us. You may see your boyfriend at the next room."
The police said as he led you to the room to see your boyfriend. You watched how he just stared at his hands on the table ignoring what the police in front of him said. When you finally entered the room, he quickly looked up as if he could recognize you from your scent.
"Yang Jungwon, you are free to go. We have confirmed your alibi with your girlfriend."
The polices left both of you alone. Jungwon walked closer and hugged you.
"They didn't hurt you, right?"
"No, Jungwon. I'm okay. Let's go home."
"I'm glad they didn't disturb us about the case. Just because you were walking on that road, that doesn't mean you were the one who did it!"
You said while eating the popcorn and watching the movie you set up with Jungwon. He made your head leaned on his shoulder and caressed your hair.
"It's okay baby. It's over now."
You continued watching the whole movie until you sleep on your boyfriend side. Jungwon smiled at your snoring. He played with your lips for a while before carrying you to the bed. He went out of the room and went to the hidden basement. The place that you never knew exist.
"Fuck, since when the road has CCTV. I should ask Niki to hack it."
He went to the duffle bag that was on the table. He opened it and took out every equipments in there and cleaned the blood stain.
"I did it to protect Y/n. She could be in danger if I let the guy alive."
Jungwon said to himself while cleaning his knives that he used on the victim last night. He turned on the radio to fill the silence in the room.
"The murder case that happened yesterday at Jibangi Road was still in mystery. The polices claimed the suspect that they caught was innocent and didn't have any connection with Kim Jaehyun, the victim. They were trying to search for more info and the police asked for the residents to stay at home especially at night."
If Kim Jaehyun didn't disturb you the other day, Jungwon wouldn't do this. If that guy didn't take your photos under your skirt, he would never kill Jaehyun at the first place.
"I can go as far as killing just to make sure she is safe."
hehehehehe Jungwon as yandere character is the always the best 😁🤌 hopefully you guys enjoy this.
Taglist: @stacey-stonem @duolingofanaccount @obsessed1with1straykids @huggyuvita @eeunoia @rowretro
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enha-doodles · 22 days
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Pairing : (all members) x reader
Note : ksksksk writing something for enhypen after sooo long , felt good . The nostalgia is real but then i remember my cringey writing - so grateful I improved . I wanna write a yandere one next so plz send requests guys !!!
Warnings : not proofread , lame humour
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Heeseung pouts dramatically as he watches you fangirl over the celebrity, feeling a surge of jealousy bubbling up inside him. "What about me?" he whines, his voice taking on an adorable whiny tone, complete with puppy-dog eyes that could melt even the coldest heart. With shiny sparkling eyes, he attempts to rotate your attention back to him, pulling you into a tight hug and peppering your face with playful kisses, all in a bid to reclaim his status as your number one fan.
Jay can't help but feel a twinge of annoyance as he watches you fangirl over the celebrity, but he's determined to keep it lighthearted. Hugging you tightly, he rolls his eyes with exaggerated flair, muttering under his breath about the celebrity's questionable talent. "He's not even that good," he grumbles, though his playful smirk betrays his true feelings. "But he kinda looks like me, right?" With a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, he pulls you closer, stealing a quick kiss before diving into his own hilarious imitation of the celebrity's signature moves.
Jake grins from ear to ear as he watches you fangirl over the celebrity, thrilled to have found a fellow fan in you. "Oh yeah, you have that album? Well, too bad I have the signed one!" he boasts, flashing you a cheeky grin. With an air of playful competition, he launches into a spirited debate about who the bigger fan is, all in good fun. "You may have met him once, but I once waited in line for six hours just to catch a glimpse of him from afar!" he declares proudly, earning a playful eye-roll from you in response.
Sunghoon can't resist teasing you mercilessly as he watches you fangirl over the celebrity, reveling in your adorable excitement. "Looks like there's competition for me," he quips with a smug grin, though there's a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. With exaggerated arrogance, he strikes a series of ridiculous poses, parodying the celebrity's trademark moves in a bid to steal back your attention. "Who needs him when you've got me, right?" he says with a playful wink, pulling you into a goofy dance that leaves you both doubled over with laughter.
Sunoo adopts a sassy demeanor as he observes your fangirling, determined not to let the celebrity steal your attention away from him. "Okay, but have you seen how cute I am?" he jokes, his eyes sparkling with mischief. With a playful toss of his hair, he launches into a hilarious impression of the celebrity, complete with exaggerated gestures and an over-the-top accent that leaves you giggling uncontrollably. "I may not have millions of followers, but I've got charm for days!" he declares proudly, flashing you a dazzling smile that melts your heart on the spot.
Jungwon laughs good-naturedly at your fangirling, though he can't help but feel a twinge of jealousy deep down. "Looks like you've found a new crush," he chuckles, though there's a hint of wistfulness in his tone. With a playful wink, he pulls you into a tight hug, planting a sweet kiss on your cheek saying "but it'll always be me right?" to remind you that he's the only celebrity you need in your life.
Ni-Ki's jealousy reaches peak levels as he watches you fangirl over the celebrity, his playful demeanor giving way to a hilarious mix of envy and frustration. "Ugh, he's so smug. I hate him," he mutters under his breath, his annoyance palpable. "Why are you even looking at him? Have you seen his hairstyle? That was me back in my school days." (as if bro ever went to school💀💀) With an exaggerated eye-roll, he launches into a comedic rant about the celebrity's questionable fashion choices, determined to prove once and for all that he's the only one worthy of your admiration.
。    ✧    ⁺     。
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strawberrywonz · 6 months
Your mine, aren't you?
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🧸 :: Genre : Yandere Jungwon x AFAB Reader
PS: Reader uses she/her pronouns !
Wrd count ? : 858 wrds (shorter than i wanted it to be but this was kind of rushed because of my studies ! 😞)
>< :: Contains : Manipulation (Jungwon manipulates reader to beg for his cock even though she says its not gonna fit) , Obsessive behavior towards reader at the end and readers also obsessed with jungwon , Jungwon is rude but is really really inlove with reader , Jungwon refers to reader as little girl , name calling : stupid , silly , and gets compared to a whore but only once , Jungwon calls reader filthy and nasty , Jungwon kidnapped reader , THIS CONTAINS SMUT
🧋:: Smut warnings : Really rough sex , Breeding kink , Jungwon is huge and reader is small , Jungwon has a big dick , size kink , pussy slapping , Jungwon spits in readers mouth and on her cunt , cunnilingus , cream pie , squirting , Overstimulation , Jungwon calls reader little girl more than once , lmk if I missed anything else !
🤍 :: Now playing : Step on me - TheCardigans
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Monday morning. Light shining down in your eyes and you're boyfriend's sleeping figure, Jungwon. You sit up and lightly shake him awake not wanting to anger him as soon as he wakes up.
"Jungwon? Wake up please" You say lightly, but he doesn't budge instead he stays asleep. "Jungwon please wake up" you start to tear up, a single tear falling from your eye and onto his soft cheek. He stirs in his sleep feeling the wetness pour onto his cheek feeling a little disturbed, he opens his eyes to see you crying.
"What are you crying for now little girl? Its not even 9:00 in the morning. Stupid silly little girl" he says wiping the wetness you created on his face away. "I-im not stupid!" you immediately reply back almost screaming at him pushing his shoulder a little,"Getting bold now aren't we little girl? Huh you wan' act so big and tough?". He fires back looking you dead into your eyes, you stare back as he leans forward into you. He grips your face and leans into your ear, "Remember little girl you're mine. Ill do anything I please to your little body." He says out to you, your frozen stuck in that posture not knowing what to say to him.
As he leans closer into your small figure he grips onto your neck, his long veiny fingers gripping onto your neck so he restricts some air from your body. He tilts your head back, "Open your mouth and stick your tongue out little girl.", you oblige and do what he says, sticking out your tongue and opening your mouth. "Fucking filthy" he whispers with a shit eating grin on his face, finally he gathers a wad of spit from his mouth and spits it into your mouth. "Fucking nasty, you like it huh? Being so fucking nasty for me? Yeah?" You grip onto his biceps through his shirt.
"M'not filthy!" you sputter back to him. "Yeah, you're not? Then why are you sticking your tongue out like a whore eager to feel my spit go down your throat huh?" He says pushing you down onto your back so you're laying down. He snakes his hand down to your cunt n you're practically dripping, "You're not filthy? You're s'wet only from me spitting in your mouth"
He rubs your clit from outside your pink little underwear, smirking when you squirm and whine. He slides your panties to the side and lowers his head spitting on your cunt, and sliding one of his fingers into your tight little pussy. "J-jungwon! Ngh i-it feels good!" You moan out your cunt squeezing around his fingers as he adds another digit inside of your hole. "It feels good? Yeah little girl?" he asks you, you immediately shake your head as he smacks ur cunt and after he gives it two smacks and as soon as your about to release he abruptly stops and manhandles you into doggy style. "J-jungwon s'not gonna fit!" You whine out feeling his mushroom tip of his thick and long dick running up against your entrance and also at your loss of orgasm.
"S'not gonna fit? I'll make it fit." he says pushing his mushroom tip inside of your tight little hole. "You want it little girl? Beg for it." And that's exactly what you do. You beg and whine until he stops you in the middle of your whining and fully slams hist thick cock inside of you, "Jung-won!". You stutter out his name, the feeling of the tip of his cock hitting your cervix has you crying. Feeling so good that you cum within seconds. "Already cumming little girl? I thought you could last a l-little longer." He says his hips stuttering you could tell that hes close too, but the overstimulation has you reaching your hands back and pushing his hips back. "Stop running from my dick n'jus take it little girl." he ruts into you pulling you back to your spot and continues to ram into you, finally his load fills your cunt and your thighs are shaking.
"Little girl wants to talk big and tough until she gets fucked dumb. Look at you so small and fragile cant even handle my cock." he chuckles out still ramming inside of you but he stops after a minute feeling himself get overstimulated, but as soon as he's about to pull out you squirt all over his bottom half soaking him. "Fuck little girl, you're squirting on my dick?" he goes to pull out but you hold him tight. "Please d-dont pull out..I want to stay next to you.." "Yeah you want to stay next to me? Even though i kidnapped you? Held you here against your will? Fuck you even tried to escape last Friday." he chuckles.
"Please don't let go.." You whisper. He looks at you then he wraps his arms around your small torso.
Next time you wont ever leave not when you can stay with him.
And next time, he wont be so friendly about you trying to escape after all your his right? You'll stay with him forever.
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tinyprettysoyeon · 6 days
Enhypen masterlist
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. reactions .
╭─╮┍┈ ┉┈ ┉┈ ┉┈ ┉┈
│░┊╟ you having your period.
│░┊╟ they don't pay enough attention to you.
│░┊╟ you wearing other member's clothes. (yan)
│░┊╟ another member cuddling you in your sleep. (yan)
│░┊╟ seeing you for the first time. (yan)
│░┊╟ you accidentally backhuggigng them instead of someone. (yan)
│░┊╟ their s/o refusing to kiss them because is their first kiss. (yan)
│░┊╟ you confess to them. (yan)
│░┊╟ you asking if you can kiss them. (yan)
│░┊╟ dance collab with their crush idol!you.
│░┊╟ their s/o is getting harassed by their bodyguard. (yan)
╰─╯┕┈ ┉┈ ┉┈ ┉┈ ┉┈
. solo .
Nothing yet.
〘💌💭〙mafia one shot
♡ ︴mafia, yandere
▸🥤 ⫶ just jay falling in love with you
〘💌💭〙you're mine
♡ ︴yandere, m*rder
▸🥤 ⫶ jake does everything just so he can have his happy ending with you
Nothing yet.
♡ ︴yandere, m*rder
▸🥤 ⫶ sunoo swears he's in a relationship with you
〘💌💭〙step on me
♡ ︴angst
▸🥤 ⫶ you love your boyfriend, but does he loves you back?
◟ ˃˂﹐﹫﹒jungwon ﹒﹒🐋
〘💌💭〙running away
♡ ︴yandere
▸🥤 ⫶ you run as fast as you can from your horrorific future
〘💌💭〙riki thoughts
♡ ︴yandere, m*rder
▸🥤 ⫶  niki is being jealous about your dog
〘💌💭〙niki x idol reader
♡ ︴fluff, silly
▸🥤 ⫶ a random drabble ft. Eunchae from lesserafim
〘💌💭〙promise pt.1 / pt.2
♡ ︴angst
▸🥤 ⫶ your boyfriend promised you happiness, but in the end he decided to sacrifice you for his happiness. Ft. Newjeans, jia from tri.be, enhypen members.
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chlorinecake · 9 months
If it's possible, could you make a yandere enhypen story, where the reader usually goes out late at night to a convenience store for some late night snacks, but some pervert tries her, but one of the members had been following her and help her, I'm sorry if it doesnt make any sense but yeah...😀 (recently my delusions have been getting to me)
“convenient chances” 🎱 
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pairing: stalker!yandere!enhypen x afab!reader
cw: harassment, violence, mentions of smoking, paranoia/anxiety, language, kidnapping, bad-ish ending lol
wc: 3.1k — read part ll and lll here
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LIKE A DUNGEON with fear cementing every corner, you struggle to savor the silence in your waking life.
Doubting all and believing none, your close friend Sunoo convinced you that your nervous aches and night sweats were a mere result of paranoia. He always judged the way you’d peek over your shoulder in public as if waiting to be attacked.
Clicking sounds from your window startled your rest during the night, with nightmares of seven tall hooded strangers blinding your judgement.
You're sure everyone's experienced the phenomenon of “gaze perception” at least once in their lives, in which a person might sense or assume that a pair of predatory eyes are stalking them from afar.
You didn’t like to use the word trauma to define your past experiences, but this wasn’t your first time feeling like a cloud of trouble waited to pour down on you. At this point, all you could do was hope that your intuition wasn’t right this time.
It was only a few months ago when you broke up with your abusive ex-boyfriend, Jay. The memories still linger as if they occurred yesterday, freshly cryptic in your mind. From your point of view, he started off as a charming casual acquaintance, which soon developed into a crush and then a toxic relationship. He outlined a list of rules for you to follow when he was away, ordering you around like a child. Anytime you even came close to breaking one of his orders, he’d beat the shit out of you, saying that his rage was out of love.
From Jay’s point of view, you weren’t just an obsession, but a belonging—his favorite humanoid toy to play with. He threatened that if you ever left him, he’d come back for you one day, saying that he’d never stop watching you.
And so, you moved. Not far, but a good distance away. You didn’t feel protected anymore in your usual environment. Though, there was one place in which you felt completely safe—free from watchful eyes and hostile hands. It was the tatty old convenience store a few blocks from where you live. The place hadn’t developed much since what appeared to be a decade or two ago, but they always supplied the most tasty, high quality snacks you could get your hands on.
As silly as it may sound, the fallout shop was your haven, and you grew particularly fond of shopping there late at night when it was less crowded.
You walked passed the familiar electronic doors, the fluorescent ceiling lights sparkling off of the bleach-mopped tiles. The usually uplifting radio station was replaced with the chilling whoosh of air circulating through the vents.
“Hello! Welcome to Goldman’s 24-hour convenience,” a friendly accented voice chimed. “Hello,” you returned with a nod, a bit confused by the new face. The usual cashier was an elder women by the name of Mandy. Her laughter alone could make some of your darkest nights glimmer again.
The young man wore a name tag on his dark blue collared shirt: Jake. You couldn’t help but wonder why Mandy wasn’t working her usual night shift, but you didn’t care enough to interrogate the seemingly content boy.
Picking up a hand basket, you explored the aisle's shelves in search for something savory or sweet to snack on. Your gaze swiveled ahead of you before landing on the sight of two hooded strangers blocking your path. This time, a bit of their faces showed, revealing the devious smirks that spoke so many silent words through their sealed lips:
You can run, but you can’t hide from us, ____. For as long as we live, you’re not allowed to feel safe anywhere.
Goosebumps sprouted on the surface of your skin, nerves dancing around in your fingers until they became wobbling rods. It’s almost like you forgot to breathe due to the overwhelming terror, feeling frozen from within as the plastic basket slipped from your grasp, a loud clatter echoing throughout the store.
You remembered all of the horrible things Jay said he would do to you once he found you again. The bruises you concealed with makeup that Jay referred to as his "strawberry kisses” would have nothing on what you felt was coming your way.
“Are you okay, miss?” A kind male voice asked, snatching you from your trance and back to reality. You turned to meet the man behind you, revealing his concerned yet warm features. He picked up the basket you dropped, still processing that your mind successfully tricked you into seeing something that wasn’t actually there.
“Yes, I’m alright, t-thank you,” you smiled but it didn’t reach your eyes, looking more awkward than reassuring.
He pressed three finger's against your forehead, “I don’t think you’re being honest with me,” he frowned, your hot and damp forehead telling him that something was wrong. “I’m sorry, I haven’t even introduced myself yet,” he stuck out one hand for you to shake and the other to pass you back your basket. “My name is Heeseung,” he smiled, “I’m new in town with an affinity for convenience stores.”
“____, with an affinity to drop flimsy baskets in public,” you replied, suddenly feeling at ease from the humor. You started trailing to the ramen section and Heeseung was walking behind you. If it wasn’t for his kindness earlier, you’d probably be freaking out about how close he was. You reached for a spicy udon noodle pack that came with dehydrated tofu and seaweed sheets. Meanwhile, Heeseung grabbed a can of Spam and chicken flavored ramen.
“Speaking of your liking for convenience stores, I come here almost every night and I’ve never seen you before.“
“Well, yeah, I’m usually here earlier in the day. I just happened to need some gas and got hungry while waiting, so I decided to stop by for my favorites,” he peered into your basket, "You might wanna get some milk with those, too. It's ungodly how spicy they are!"
"I know, right? They're just so delicious, I can't resist them..."
"Still, Sapporo Ichiban instant noodles are the best! They always cook perfectly. Never too soft or too firm. It's my comfort food, honestly. I wanna hug the person who created them," he replied passionately.
"Eh, you're just gonna ruin 'em anyways."
He gave you a double look, "Are you passively judging my cooking skills or fat shaming me?"
"Neither. I'm shaming that pink block of salt you're gonna punish your organs with."
He scoffed, "This anti-Spam movement is outrageous! I'm starting an online protest where you'll be the number one convert."
"As if I'd ever try that...stuff," you rejected.
"Welp. More for me, I guess," he mumbled, digging into his jacket pocket.
“Dammit, I forgot my wallet in my car,” he said, placing his basket high up on the shelf. “If you see anyone try to take my stuff, kick ‘em in the shin for me,” he said before running out of the shop.
Analyzing your surroundings, you noticed that a few groups of shoppers and some solo snackers began raiding the bread aisle. You distracted yourself by heading to the refrigerator section, considering Heeseung’s recommendation of getting a smooth beverage to accompany your spicy noodles, tossing in a pack of strawberry flavored Pocky's on your way.
That’s when you felt an arm wrap around your waist, pulling you in before giving your head a sniff, his nose was wet and cold like a dog as he inhaled your scent. “What the hell are you doing?” You barked, pushing the creepy stranger away.
He was a middle aged man with a receding hairline and a few scars decorating his thin chapped lips. You wondered how many of those scares came from women he tried that “arm around the waist” shit on.
“Sorry, doll. I’m a hugger and figured you might've needed one,” he grinned, revealing the gnarly set of teeth that lined his grey gums. You couldn't tell if it was his foul breath or filthy clothes that smelled more like smoke. Either way, you were thoroughly disgusted by him.
“Well, you should learn to ask before throwing yourself on people,” you retorted, reaching for a container of banana milk.
“You like swallowing bananas, cutie? I bet I could force four of 'em down that pretty mouth of yours,” he slithered while adjusting himself in his pants.
What the hell is wrong with this guy, you thought to yourself.
You tried to ignore his lunacy, only for him to grip your ass like a stress ball, landing a harsh slap across the curve of your jeans. You yelped at the sting, your own words being caught in your throat from the shocking act. You couldn’t believe that this freak actually just did that to you.
He met your eyes with a wink, smelling his hand as if you just provided him with an expensive perfume sample, "You got a lover at home, sweetheart?"
Tears dared to pour from your rage-ridden eyes as you balled your fists so tight, your bones might break. That's when a protective figure filled your blurry peripheral vision, stepping in front of you to block the man off as he tried grabbing you again, pushing him with such a force that he lost his balance.
“The hell do you think you’re doing, y'scrawny mother fucker,” he growled, pulling up is pants.
“You can’t do that kind of sick shit to people, pervert! Now get the hell outta here or I'll call the police,” the younger boy fought back.
“I was just trying to have some fun, kiddo. Ain’t nothin' wrong with that. I bet honey doll misses me already,” the older man went on, licking at his lower lip.
“I’ll knock every last rotting tooth from your mouth if you don’t leave in the next five seconds-"
“Hey, what’s going on over here?” Jake asked in the middle of the commotion, the older man already fleeing the scene. Jake looked at the younger boy first before eventually meeting your eyes. You wish you could hide how shaken up you felt. The container of milk was bleeding out its strong banana scent on the once spotless floor, tears finally streaming down your cheeks.
“Oh my God, Jungwon, what happened,” Heeseung came running over, asking the boy who defended you. “It was nothing,” you interrupted before Jungwon could answer, the three boys standing dumbfounded around you in a puddle of banana milk. “Do you need a ride-" “Don’t worry about me,” your voice cracked in embarrassment.
Is there any way to explain how the world made you ashamed of your own tears?
You left your basket behind, apologizing to Jake who had to clean up the sticky mess. You didn’t wanna leave just yet, afraid that the older guy might be waiting for you outside, so you went to the ladies restroom instead to call your friend Sunoo.
You cleared the lump in your throat before answering, “Sunoo,” you began shakily, “I need you to come and pick me up from Goldman's.”
“You sound terrible, is everything okay? You’re worrying me, what happened?”
“I’m sorry, Sun. Everything’s okay, I just really need you right now.”
“____,” he sighed. You suddenly felt guilty for even calling him.
“Sunoo, if you can’t make it, I won’t be mad at you,” you said in between the silence, trying to encourage him to make a choice.
“I-I can’t, well, I can, but, not soon, at least. I’m only an hour away, if you’re willing to wait that long.” The pity in his voice made you wanna cry all over again. Looking at the time on your phone, it was six minutes til midnight, and you refused to haul your best friend out on the road this late. “No, that’s alright, Sunoo. I’ll just call an Uber.”
His side of the phone fell quiet for a moment. “____, I know how much you hate Uber's. Don't do that to yourself because of me."
"I'll be okay, Sun, just get yourself some rest."
He paused before asking, "Are you sure?”
“Yeah. I’ll talk to you later, okay?”
“Of course! Call me when you get home!”
You finished up in the bathroom, mentally preparing yourself to face the strangers beyond the not-so-comforting walls of the restroom. To your surprise, Heeseung and Jungwon were still in the store. Huddled around Jake at the checkout counter, the three of them took loud sips from steaming cups of ramen. “Hey, ____,” Heeseung began, resting his snack on the counter. “We could help you file a report against that guy, if you want.”
Jungwon met your eyes with his own sincere ones, “He should pay for the way he treated you.” Jake put your basket from earlier on the counter, dry items taking the place of the previously wet ones.
“Do you still want these," he asked shyly. After everything that happened, you felt empty in more than one way. Some warm broth and noodles is exactly what your body needed at the moment. You nodded, handing Jake a $20 bill. Beeping sounds immediately met your ears as he scanned your items with a strange haste. You looked back to Heeseung and Jungwon.
“Getting the police involved will only make it harder for me to forget this ever even happened. Thank you for your concern, though,” you smile at the humble pair before they took the final gulps from their ramen cups before discarding them.
“Here’s your change,” Jake chirped, handing you the plastic bag of goodies. “Thank you,” you bowed, heading to the exit.
“Y'sure you don't need a ride?” Jungwon asked. You flashed him your phone screen. “Uber,” was all you said before walking into the black of the night, the sliding doors closing behind you.
According to your smartphone, you should expect your chauffeur, Sunghoon, to arrive shortly in a black truck with tinted windows. The vehicle came speeding through the parking lot, a chill wind hitting your features. The truck was so dark, that it almost blended into the night. He rolled down the window, looking you up and down.
"Uh, ____," you said, his blunt question catching you off guard.
"Get in," he replied, directing a thumb to the back seat, unlocking the door as you slid in, bumping into another passenger. Immediately caught by his dark eyes, the boy waved slightly, muttering a deep “Welcome aboard,” before fixing his gaze out the window again. The truck sat idly as Sunghoon delayed taking off, exchanging a few hushed words to the guy sitting in the front passenger's seat.
The backseat doors opened from both ends, Heeseung, Jungwon, and Jake joining you in the black vehicle. "Scoot over, Niki," Jungwon complained, trying to get comfortable in the crammed space. That's when you saw one last person join you all in the truck, his face capturing the moonlight like a thief.
"Sunoo?! W-what are you doing here? I thought you were an hour away!" All he did was frown in response. He always made that face whenever he was hiding something from you. "Sunoo," you pressed, nudging his shoulder.
"Oh please, would you just shut the hell up already," the hostile driver growled at you.
You screwed your eyes brows in confusion, "What's going on here," you inquired, now feeling anxiety start to creep up on you.
"The very thing I warned you about before you abandoned me," the front passenger bit back.
That voice. You knew exactly who it belonged to.
It was Jay, your looney ex-lover, sitting right in front of you. An angry yet pitiful scowl contaminated his handsome features.
You pushed through Heeseung, reaching for the door handle, only for Niki, the quietest yet scariest one, to snatch your wrist, pulling you into his tantalizing grip. "Let me go," you yelped, only for Jungwon to harshly cover your mouth.
Sunghoon pulled off at a dangerous speed, causing your bodies to shake in the truck. Heeseung crossed his legs cooly as if he wasn't just casually talking with you in the store, “So when do we get to have fun with her, again? It’s not like she did any good entertaining me through conversation.”
Jake rolled his eyes at Heeseung, “I could’ve used your enthusiasm when I had to stuff that fat old chick in the freezer. Alone. On top of that, I had to mop the floor quintillion times before the blood stains got out.”
“At least you’d make a good house husband,” Sunghoon joked.
You felt your heart sink to the pit of your stomach at Jake’s confession: He killed Mandy.
"I'm sorry, ____," Sunoo whispered, fighting back tears as he hid his face from you.
Everything was starting to make sense now.
The visions of seven hooded boys.
The clicking sounds you'd hear from outside your window at night.
The way you could never shake the feeling that you were being watched.
Jay’s past words echoed in the back of your mind:
"If you ever decide to leave me, don't ever think that you'll get very far before I catch up. I'll always be watching you."
You bit Jungwon's hand, causing him to retreat his palm from your flushed face. "Sunoo, you betrayed me! You told me that I was paranoid when you knew exactly what was going on behind my back! I felt safe with you...I trusted you! And you fucking lied to me!"
"God, I've had just about enough of her nagging," Niki said, landing a fisted blow across your face. As you faded out of consciousness, Jay tried to soothe your daze.
“Even though I betrayed you and beat you, it was only my funny way of expressing how much I love you. Can’t you see that I did all of that out of love?”
You could still hear Sunoo pleading for your forgiveness in the background as you held onto the last strand of your consciousness.
"I've been watching you for a long time, love. You always try to escape me and I never understood why you just wouldn't listen to me. All I've ever done is love you and try to protect you. This time, I’ll make sure you’ve learned your lesson.”
And that was the last thing you heard before retreating to the vacancy of your mind, floating around in the silence of your oblivion. Left in the hands of seven reckless boys who’d successfully lured you into their cat trap, you didn’t know what to expect once you’d open your eyes, but you knew it wouldn’t be anything good.
In that time, you came to the unsettling conclusion that broken toys were Jay’s favorite, and if you weren’t already broken upon being found, you would be by time he’s done playing with you.
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☆ ᴀ/ɴ: in no way, shape, or form does this fanfic intend to romanticize unhealthy relationships or abusive behaviors. i simply write for entertainment and creative purposes. thus, reader discretion is always advised.
☆ ᴘ.ꜱ: special thanks to the fabulous anon who requested this piece! i played around with the plot a bit, but I hope you all enjoyed reading it! if you guys would like a version of this story with a happier ending, let me know in the comments!
☆ taglist (based off of users that personally requested to be on my taglist, my faves, and people that I've noticed interacting with my yandere content) ~
@fanficfactoryfoxxx @ashgonedash @yourmomscuntis2tighy @yngwife @03sunoos @kaykay11sworld @maryismad @gigiramirezsblog @hoonsyo @en-thralled @haechansheart @night-en-shining-armor @cutiejseong
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kittysarchive · 16 days
warnings- yandere
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Heeseung possessive yandere
In his mind, he owns you. And apart from that, he owns your life as well. You got fired from your job...because of him, your friends left you...because of him, you got evicted...because of him. He doesn't want to ruin your life, no, he wants you in his life.
Heeseung may even limit your own life such as slowly not allowing you to go outside, not allowing you to go to college, not allowing you to visit family. Heeseung loves you! But he wants you all to himself.
Jay obsessive yandere
Jay isn't as controlling as Heeseung however he is obsessed with you and spends every moment with you. He just can't get enough with you! And Jay will do what he can, so you only stay with him.
Jay will not only force you to move in with you, but if you Arnt even in a relationship, he will find a way for you to live with him or at least never stray too far away from him.
Jake protective yandere
To Jake, he is your protector. He believes you are fragile and could be hurt, he must protect you.
Going beyond lengths, his love and need to protect could ruin parts of your life such as forcing you out of your job, moving away or even making you believe you really are sick and need his love and protection. Either way you will end up in Jake's grasp.
Sunghoon manipulative yandere
With his charming smile, he will quickly get you under his wing.
Sunghoon knows you more than you do. He will get under your skin, force secrets out of you, tell you lies or just plainly manipulative you. Sunghoon won't even think for a second about gaslighting you. Of course he loves you, but he has to break you down and lie a bit first.
Sunoo innocent yandere
So cute and harmless, you don't even realize what Sunoo is doing behind the scenes.
Never laying a hand on you, he seems like the perfect match! You have the same interests and get along so well! You don't even realize Sunoo is slowly isolating you from the rest of your world.
Jungwon calculative yandere
Jungwon knows what he's doing and never fails to plan thoroughly in doing so.
Everything Jungwon does, all of his actions are planned out. To win you and your affection, he did a deep dive of research on you. All of his research and plans played out that it's almost as if you are soulmates.
107 notes · View notes
eeunoia · 4 months
ENHYPEN Imagines
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insolitus | yjw.
pairings: yang jungwon x reader
synopsis: you’ve always thought jungwon is out of this world, out of ordinary. he’s someone who seems familiar but at the same time mysterious for almost everybody. you didn’t expect that he himself will unfold more of him with you and it was an insolitus experience.
word counts: 2k
warnings: yandere themes, mention of murder, violence, obsessive love, grammatical errors. (let me know if i missed some)
note: this have a part two. it was not yet ready to be released, but since some anons kept telling me to stop writing then they leave me no choice but to post something. ehe. anyway, i will fix this probably tomorrow since it doesn’t have a picture for this fic. send me asks about what you think about this. love reading your comments and replies. i love you all, please keep safe.
© eeunoia 2024 — all rights reserved.
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The whole room was quiet. You might think that it was vacant, but there are two persons inside. The defeaning silence almost suffocate the officer sitting at one of the chairs. He sighs trying to lift whatever that heavy feeling he’s having ever since he entered this room.
The bright light gives a full view of the face of 17 year old, Yang Jungwon. At first look he seems to be like a normal guy, but for some reasons Officer Nam gets some odd feeling from this boy.
He draws in a sigh then taps lightly over the table while his other hand grips tightly at the folder he was holding. His eyes darted at the boy whose head hangs low at the moment and hands resting over his lap.
Despite the soft looking face, the officer couldn’t help but to feel chills while looking over his blood stained school uniform. He even have some over his face that already turned into brownish color after drying up over time.
“Okay, let me ask you again.” Office Nam cleared his throat and leaned over the table, the only thing that keeping them apart.
“I already told you, I don’t know who did it or what happened to him.” Jungwon says in a low tone, sticking to the words he said the first time they asked him.
“The blood on your shirt—” he raises his head and his brows folds in a remorseful way.
“I told y-you Sir, I found him and tried to help! His blood got all over me because of that.” Jungwon explains and he looked very convincing. The words he mutters are acceptable, but his eyes looked so blank. The police officer couldn’t point out what’s wrong, but his eyes looked so emotionless.
He kept his lips pursed into a thin line and stared at him straight to his eyes. Usually, kids his age will be in panic and can even broke into tears specially after being involve in a very serious crime. But he is different. Yang Jungwon, despite having the look of remorse and worries—makes him feel very wary. Its very unsettling.
He shuts his eyes for a while then sighs. “Okay, let’s say what you’re saying are true. But we still can’t let you go because you are our only lead to solve this crime.”
He doesn’t exactly know what he expects to happen next, but nothing prepares him for what’s about to unfold in front of him.
“So annoying.” the boy muttered lowly but enough for the officer to hear.
“Excuse me?” he asks just to make sure he heard him right.
From looking so uneasy and worried, Jungwon raises his head then leans his back comfortably over the chair. His forehead relaxed causing for the crease on it to disappear. He tilt his head while staring deadly straight to the police officer.
Shivers came rushing through the police officer’s whole body.
“I did it.” he said it so naturally. Like confessing from stealing a candy.
The corner of his lips lifts up a bit, “I killed him.” he confessed that made the officer sick in the stomach.
His heart felt like it stopped beating, cold sweats showers him and his hand froze at the sudden confession from the boy. He couldn’t properly express his own emotions because of the utter shock. He doesn’t know if it was from how the boy says those horrifying words so naturally or how he doesn’t look even bothered about it that made him like this.
It made the officer think if he’s aware of the crime he just committed. The lack of remorse and guilt are evident through his eyes. Its almost impossible to believe.
“You want to know how I did it?” he licked his lower lip and slightly straighten his back. “I grabbed a bottle and broke it. I used the sharp edges to stab him on his stomach, heart and neck.” he says and a sinister smile made it to his lips.
He leans closer, “And I repeat it again and again and again. Until he basically stopped breathing and died.” he even gave a shoulder shrug and rested his back again on the chair.
“W-Why...” the officer’s lips shakes as he stutter through his own words.
“I just want to.” Jungwon smiles as his eyes still looked dead.
Countless criminals with such horrible crimes had confessed inside this office. But this is the very first time that one actually scared and made Mr. Nam tremble in fear.
Despite all of these, he tried to gather his thoughts and composed himself. His hand slowly went down near his gun, preparing himself to anything that can happen.
“Do you know w-what consequences awaits for you because of what you did?”
Jungwon shrugs his shoulder off. “Yeah, I’m not stupid.”
The way he say every words confidently just makes the atmosphere even heavier. Normally they should be begging to take it easy on them or pleading not guilty for the crime they’re being accounted for.
But this kid...
“You can be jailed.”
“No, I won’t.”
“Yes you are a minor, but you can still serve juvenile for a few years before we can transfer you to an actual prison.” his jaw clenches together with his fist, trying to make himself look stronger. Well he has to. He’s way older than him, have more built and training. He’s also the adult inside the room so if anything, he should have the upper hand between them, right?
“Oh really?” his tone sounded so monotonous like as if it was the most boring thing he had ever heard that day.
Even before the officer can utter another word, the door to the interrogation room bursted open then revealed a man wearing a neatly ironed suit while carrying a suit case.
Officer Nam’s forehead furrowed hardly and he was about to tell them to go out as he's in the middle of a very confidential case only to be caught off guard.
He starts to wonder why this man is standing there and behind him is their Chief of Police following him like a loyal dog.
The boy didn’t even bothered looking at the newly arrived people. He rolled his eyes looking so bored and tired of this place.
“What do you think my father will feel when he knew I was here for two hours?” Jungwon asks the man that just arrived. His eyes looked dead and bored, tone serious and cold before he slowly stood up from his sit.
His aura was totally different. It was like Jungwon is a scared sheep a while ago that he used to look after, asking him what happened and so on so fort. Then suddenly that very same sheep tears off his sheep skin and revealed his true self. A fox. A predator.
Officer Nam snapped back to his senses and it took him time to realize what’s going on. His shoulder fell along with the hope to serve justice when he looked at one of the greatest lawyers in South Korea bowing at Yang Jungwon like he was so sorry for letting him stay in this interrogation room for too long.
Jungwon smirks looked so sly as he walks away from that room, the Chief even made way and apologizes for the hold. The young boy strides the police station’s hallway like a free man oozing with nothing but pride and power. Like as if he didn’t just do something horrible. As if he didn’t just killed somebody.
“Nam, we need to talk.” their Chief Officer says in a very strict tone while he closes the door behind his back.
Officer Nam kept his mouth shut and tries hard to keep his composure. His jaw clenches along with his fists under the table and his thoughts starts to wander mindlessly.
He doesn’t even need to hear what their Chief officer was about to discuss with him. He’s already aware of it. At this point, all there left is to surrender and just force himself to turn blind eye to this injustice.
After-all, he is nothing up against the Governor’s youngest son, Yang Jungwon.
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They said that out of the hundred people you walk across the world, at least 1 of them are a psychopath. They can blend into the society naturally like they’re truly part of it. Like they’re totally normal and not thinking of unaliving someone in the worst way all the time.
Now, to identify that small percentage of the population started to become totally difficult. You can never know which one of the people you interact with are part of them. It can be your neighbor who greets you with big smiles every morning, it can be the traffic officer who helps you cross the street, the taxi driver, the guard by the gates of your school, your teacher or your classmates.
But never in a million chances that you will think that it can be Yang Jungwon. There is no way someone as sweet and perfect as Jungwon can be part of them. No, never. He’s undeniably handsome, from a good family, polite, responsible—president of the student council, top of your class, kind, athletic, talented, have dimples and always talks in the sweetes softest way. If one will have to point someone who is an epitome of an angel, he can be that.
So why are you inside this dark room, cuffed to a steel bar, face drenched with sweat and tears and totally scared for your life after being kidnapped by him? By Yang Jungwon.
You completely blanked out from the series of events that just occured hours ago. You remembered being with (name), arguing about how he’s so controlling and tiring for you. He was shouting at you and grabbing you over your wrist. You are expecting a slap or your hair being pulled by him, but the next thing you knew, he was down on the floor showering over his own blood. Yang Jungwon stands beside you, staring blankly at him while holding a broken bottle he just used to stab your boyfriend to death.
And the moment it finally dawned onto you, you tried to run away from him. It was too late. Jungwon manages to catch you and covered your mouth with this cloth that made you lose consciousness.
A faint creeking sound from the door made you snap back to reality. Your head perks up, eyes a little bit hopeful while heart still beats in an inconsistent pace.
“H-Help.” you tried to say, slightly choking your words because of the shock you’ve just been to.
Lights emits when it cracks open causing for you to squint your eyes slightly. The moment you saw who it was, you gulped and the corner of your eyes burns. Chest rises up and down, feeling suffocated out of fear.
Yang Jungwon stood proudly by the door. The light blue uniform coat was too familiar for you as it was what boys in your school wears almost everyday. He stares without saying anything before he slightly moves his shoulder to take off his blood stained coat.
The person beside him was quick to assist him.
“Did she eat already?” he asks casually, eyes still darted at your direction.
You trembles in fear and stares away from time to time, couldn’t really hold the eye contact longer than five seconds.
“No, young master.”
He rolls his eyes as he looked over the person beside him. Fear reflects his face as he bow his head nervously. Jungwon kept his eyes at him before he sighs and tilts his head to the side. You can almost hear that person’s sigh of relief when Jungwon started walking towards your way.
Fear flows through your system like a water as you try to push yourself near the wall, away from him. When he’s close enough, he crouches down and scanned you from head to toe.
Jungwon could not explain how excited he is as he stare at you. He couldn’t help but to let a small smile shed over his pretty lips, satisfied.
“Tell me this isn’t a dream.” he mumbles, only enough for you to hear. Tears pooled your eyes and they flow continuously to your pretty face.
Jungwon pursed his lips and stretches his hand closer to you. He gently cupped your face and using his thumb, he wiped off your tears. Despite the soft touches he gradually give you, it made you flinch but Jungwon tries to ignore it for the mean time. For now, he still couldn’t handle the thrill of having you here together with him.
“My pretty girl.” he whispers with so much adoration, eyes almost flashing heart shapes as he stares at you.
“Even if you’re crying, you are still gorgeous.” he added that made you feel sick in the stomach.
“D-Don’t touch me.” you finally manages to say as you move your face away from his touch. The smile on Jungwon’s lips fell and his eyes turned dark after what you did.
It quickly sent shivers through your spine, but you try your best not to let him see how terrified you are to him.
As he carefully scan you, he noticed how your body is shaking and his mood switches right away. Its quite fascinating even for you.
“You’re shaking, baby. Are you cold?” he asks sounding so gentle. It was almost like the same Jungwon you see around campus. It was unbelievable.
“Here,” he says after someone handed him a blanket.
He slowly helped you to wrap it over your shoulder. Suddenly, the hunger and the tiredness from resisting for hours kicked in. You have no remaining energy to even resist anymore or to even shove his hand away. Jungwon gets too excited when you let him take care of you. Its not like you have a choice.
“You’re a m-murderer.” it almost came out as a mumble, but when he stops from gently caressing your arm you knew he heard it. He looked at you and you didn’t saw any guilt. None.
“Do you hate me?” he raised his hand from holding your arm to touching your face, he cares it so gently again like you’re a very fragile thing for him.
You kept your mouth shut and just shoot him glares while tears stream down your eyes.
“He’s a terrible boyfriend anyway. He hurts you and he’s so lame.” his eyes follows a tear that escaped your eye and he went to wipe it again.
“Don’t waste your tears for him. I actually did you a favor.” and he brushes hairs stuck at your skin.
“B-By killing him?”
Jungwon pursed his lips and memory of your boyfriend screaming out of pain flashes through him for a while. He almost rolled his eyes at how pathetic he sounded a while ago, but he stopped himself.
“He doesn’t deserve you and so I thought you could use a new boyfriend.” he clenches his jaw and while holding an eye contact, he leans in and placed a soft kiss at your shoulderblades.
He almost lose his mind when he inhaled your familiar scent. The very same scent he grew addicted to. Now, he doesn’t have to settle on watching you from a far and trying to use every reasons he can use just to have a small talk with you. Now, you are here with him and you belong to him. He couldn’t be happier.
You shut your eyes and shake your head slowly, whimpering.
“P-Please just let me g-go.” your voice cracks from screaming and crying too much.
“Don’t worry, I will.” he smiled and you looked at him hopeful.
He nods his head, “Once I finally tamed and make you submit to me completely.”
Your stomach churns and hope starting to crumble down once again.
“You are a monster! Y-You will rot in hell.”
Jungwon stood up and stared down at you. His strict, cold eyes sent direct shivers down to your spine. He slides both of his hand inside his pockets while he continues looking at you.
“If that’s the price I have to pay to have you in this lifetime,” he stalls his words and smiles. “I will gladly accept my fate.”
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rinbowaman · 11 months
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S E 7 E N S E R I E S
M D N I 18+
C H A P T E R 1 N E : P R O L O G U E
P A R T  1 N E
P A R T  2 W O 
P A R T   T H R 3 E
P A R T   F O 4 R
C H A P T E R  2 W O : B E E Z L E B U B 
P A R T  1 N E
P A R T  2 W O
C H A P T E R  T H R 3 E : M A M M O N
P A R T  1 N E
P A R T  2 W O
P A R T  T H R 3 E
P A R T  F O 4 R
P A R T  F I 5 E
C H A P T E R F O 4 R : A S M O D E U S
P A R T 1 N E
P A R T 2 W O
P A R T T H R 3 E
P A R T F O 4 R
P A R T F I 5 E
P A R T 6 I X
P A R T S E 7 E N
C H A P T E R F I 5 E : L E V I A T H A N
P A R T 1 N E
P A R T 2 W O
P A R T T H R 3 E
P A R T F O 4 R
P A R T F I 5 E
C H A P T E R 6 I X : S A T A N
P A R T  1 N E
P A R T 2 W O
P A R T T H R 3 E
C H A P T E R S E 7 E N : B E L P H E G O R
P A R T 1 N E
C H A P T E R 8 I G H T : R E C K O N I N G
P A R T 1 N E
P A R T 2 W O
C H A P T E R 9 I N E : L U C I F E R
P A R T 1 N E
P A R T 2 W O
P A R T T H R 3 E
F I N A L E : A F T E R M A T H
P A R T 1 N E
P A R T 2 W O
P A R T T H R E E - F I N A L E
1 N E S H O T S E Q U E L S
N I 9 E M O N T H S
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sanaxo-o · 2 years
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When someone hurt their S/O (Hyung Line)
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Lying on the bed and curled up in a ball. You were scared. Scared of Heeseung's brother. Heeseung, left you with his brother as he had some important work to do. He thought he could trust his brother on keeping you safe or to keep you in house and make sure you won't runaway but he was wrong. On the day Heeseung, left he started bossing you around. Making you do all the work and hit you for the slightest mistake you did. Heeseung, was gonna come back today so his brother left already. After all the torture you were tired. Your life was already a hell, you thought that the days Heeseung, will be not at the house you will be able to enjoy and at least feel relaxed but his brother was iust like him. You were crying your eyes out when someone entered the room. Looking up with your red and swollen eyes you saw Heeseung standing there with his brother. After seeing his brother you got scared and looked down. Heeseung, saw your reaction and understood what happened. "Hyung, why would you hit Y/N I know that you're very strict and all but she is mine. I will see what to do and what not." When Heeseung, said that you were confused. You thought he will be mad but he was just telling him not to hit you? "Y/N babe. Don't get scared of my brother. He is very strict and likes everything to be perfect. He won't hit you again." After saying sorry to you his brother left. (Not the best ik)
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Standing in front of Jay's office on contemplating whether to go in and tell him about what his aunt did to you or not. You were scared of his short temper but you knew that he will be mad if you didn't Tell him about this so slowly opening the door you stepped inside taking his attention. Looking up he Smiled at you telling you to go and sit on his lap. Obeying him you say on his lap pondering on whether to tell him or not. Noticing your behaviour Jay looked at you and was about to say something When he saw the red mark on your hand. Lifting your hand up he looked at it closely noticing it was a Bruise made by someone. Still looking at the wound he brought out a cream from his drawer. Seeing This you told him on who did this to you "Jay… you see. I told you remember that I am going to your aunts house? So I went there. She was nice and all till my driver left but later she started saying mean Words to me. She also held my hand really tightly. I was so scared without you there." You said that Almost crying. Jay was comforting you but in this mind something else was happening. "Aunt did a Great job in making Y/N scared. Now she will only be dependent on ME and no one else." Yeah it was his Plan all along.
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You were in the washroom putting cream on your wounds. It was burning but you had to cover them Up before your boyfriend saw them. You were about to cover the wound on your neck but the door Swung open catching you by surprise. Looking at the direction with terror in your eyes you saw your Boyfriend Jake standing there staring at your neck. Your hand was about to hide it but he held your Hand. "Who did this to you sweetheart?" Jake asked with a calm voice but it was still scary for you. Looking down you lowly muttered his friends name who did this to you. Looking up he clicked his Tongue. Obviously annoyed by it. He was now probably gonna torture him till death but before that He had to take care of you. So he took some healing cream and started treating the wounds.
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You were just lying down on your bed. Head on the pillow while trying to keep your sobs low as much As possible. Your whole body was aching. You went to your parents house today to take your younger Brother from them to you. You were a adult now so you can take care of a child. Knowing how much Your parents abused you, you didn't want it to happen to your brother. You used to protect him from Them till you were living with them but after they kicked you out you couldn't do so. So today you Took the decision to take your brother away from your parents but they beat you up and didn't let You take him with you. As you were crying Supghoon entered the room making you panic, "Y/N I know that you're crying. Stop crying" you tried to stop but the pain was growing more and more Seeing you like that Supghoon, looked at you and came towards you checking if you're okay. Seeing Your body filled with bruises made him angry. Knowing it were your parents doing he was livid. "Y/N Babe don't worry. Tomorrow we will go and bring your brother with us. Come I will treat your wounds". The next day you brought your brother with you. While your parents……well Sunghpon took them with him. He said he will hand them to police but did he? Absolutely no. They hurted his woman.
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rowretro · 4 months
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you ask for cuddles after they had punished you
✧warnings: toxic/yandere themes, somewhat violence
✧synopsis: Yandere Enhypen as your boyfriend. They had punished you for a mistake you had done, perhaps running away or interacting with another boy, and yet there you were asking them for cuddles...
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He just snickerred. It wasn't that long ago when he caught you hiding behind a tree, burying your face in your knees, hoping he didn't find you. It wasn't that long ago when he locked you in the basement, chaining you to the wall, depriving you of comfortable sleep, good food and even water. Yet here you were in front of him asking you for cuddles.
He fucking loved it goddamit. You needed him, you wanted him, and even after all that running away and Ethan Lee's torture, you were still in love with him. "Hee hee pleaseeee" you whined with a pout, fear still evident in your eyes. "Then promise me you'd never pull such a stunt ever again kitten..." Heeseung said as you promised him. The male smirked, satisfied, and carried you to his room as he really did miss having you in his arms when he'd peacefully drift off to his dreamland.
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Jay scoffed at you. The audacity to run off like that when he wasn't home. He trusted her for one day. only to find the lock broken and his girl gone. So he punished you. and here you were, 2 days after, the wounds barely healing, asking for cuddles "You think you deserve any?!!! I spoil you with everything and yet you broke my fucking trust. Go sleep and do not touch me." Jay warned, putting a pillow between them.
For at least a week or even a month, Jay would put up this cold facade, seeing you cry and beg, and have meltdowns. He needed you to crave for him, just as equally as he craves you. At least a month passes, and he hugs you tightly, placing soft kisses down your neck, and finally letting you cuddle him "See princess? you need me... so don't ever run off like that okay?"
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How could you run away y/n? all he ever did despite kidnapping you and killing your boyfriend, was love you dearly and buy you everything you've ever wanted, yet you betrayed him, you hurt him, you fucking ran away. So it was no surprise you were stuck in the basement, with healing cuts and a growling stomach. As soon as Jake let you out, he made you a nice meal to make up for all those days, he helped you shower, and treated your wounds.
Yet he was so cold toward you. "Jakey... c-can we cuddle?" you suddenly asked as you softly tug on his hoodie. The male turned around to look at you. oh the desperation in your eyes, you wanted to be in his arms. It was like everything he suffered for was worth this very moment. "Of course darling, anything for my love" he said with a smile as you hugged him tightly and fuck. he fucking loved it.
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Sunghoon was one to get easily jealous, plus him being a yandere, it's surprising he even lets you go out. The man just wanted to take you out on a nice date. You, him and the beautiful scenery. Yet there he saw you smiling and talking with Sunoo, his best friend who happened to be your cousin. He was fucking mad. As soon as you got home you regretted even looking in Sunoo's direction.
You were still bleeding from Sunghoon's punishment, and yet he saw you on the floor, cleaning up the smashed shards of glass that pierced your skin. He picked you up and slipped off your clothes, treating those cuts and slipping on one of his shirts on you. The man silently cleaned up all the smashed fragments, and mopped the floor, not wanting you to get hurt. "Hoon... can we cuddle?" you asked as the man looked at you "Fine..." he trailed off, finishing up the cleaning as he joined the bed with you
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Sunoo wasn't the type to get jealous that easily. Yet when he saw you smile at Haruto, and laughing at his jokes, he was beyond jealous. He was fucking pissed. The whole car ride home was filled with arguments and as soon as you got home, you knew what was going to happen. He yanked your jacket off of you and threw you in the basement, locking the door while you screamed and cried for him to let you out. He fucking hated your attitude.
When he did let you out, all he could do was smirk. You weren't arguing or glaring at him, you weren't biting at him every ten seconds. You was silent. Sunoo dried your hair and brushed it "So pretty... love you most when you aren't being a bitch to me you know love?" Sunoo asked as the girl turned to him. "C-Can we cuddle?" you asked as Sunoo smiled "Of course we can pretty girl, right after I do your hair" He said with a smile, kissing your nose.
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Jungwon can easily hide how he's feeling when he's around others, which is probably why you failed to notice how jealous he was when you were smiling and laughing with one of his colleagues. But you knew what you were in for when you saw the glare Jungwon sent you. You immediately pulled away from the male and went to Jungwon's side. Since that day, you were chained to your bed, wounds barely healing and you so badly wanted Jungwon.
The male walked in and out every now and then ignoring your cries. "J-Jungwon please can we cuddle?" You finally asked. It was way beyond your punishment time, and he missed you like fucking crazy. so he unchained you, and kissed your forehead "Go shower first, then we can cuddle." he said as the girl nodded.
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Everyone knew how much Riki hated Jisung. So to see you, his own girlfriend, help him had him insanely raging. Fuck what pissed him off more than that and your smiles, was the way the male checked you out. Riki dragged you home, slapping you as soon as he locked the door. Fuck he was so mad, locking you in the basement after piercing his initials into your thighs. He didn't let you stay in there for over a day. He didn't want you to die, he needed you alive, he needed you full stop.
So he let you out, helping you shower and get dressed into his clothes, after treating your wounds. This side of Riki, you loved like crazy. "I should just tattoo my name on you... maybe on your lower back, it's be pretty there, or on your wrist, gotta make it tiny tho-" "Riki can we just cuddle?" You ask as he stared at you. After a while he just kissed you, trailing more kisses down your neck "Stupid y/n... you can't let that mother fucker push you around like that baby" Riki said as he snuggled you, your head buried in his chest.
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heeseung-min · 9 days
You were staring frustratedly at the paper on your hand. The mark written on the top changed your mood drastically. You looked up and saw your classmates reaction towards their mark. Some looked happy, some are not and few of them were indifferent.
"I hope you guys can keep up to do better next time. Class dismissed."
Everyone started to put their things inside their bags and one by one slowly walked out of the class however when you already near the exit, you heard your teacher called your name. With disappointed huffed you turned to him with confuse expression.
"We need to talk about your performance in the class."
Slowly the class only have you and your professor. You waited him to say something but became irritated when he just doing his work without saying anything to you for few minutes.
"If you don't have anything to say, I will go out."
"Solve this question."
He said as he wrote the question on the whiteboard. You confusedly stared at him but he tilted his head towards the board waiting for you to move. When you picked up the marker and started to write the answer you can feel him standing behind you. You flinched when you felt one of his hand slided around your waist.
"Sir - "
"Why do you avoid me?" He asked with a gentle voice while putting his head on your shoulder and started to left kisses on your cheek and neck.
"Sir please- ", the hand that was holding the marker trembling when he touch became bold. When you felt he slowly pushed you to face him to kiss his lips, you pulled yourself out of his hold. You stood in front of him and glared at him.
"We should not do this. It's inappropriate."
"Really? You didn't say those that night."
"Sunghoon, please."
"Ahh, I miss hearing that. Especially when you were under -"
"STOP IT! That was a mistake. That night was a mistake. I'm sorry for causing that trouble."
Immediately, you left Sunghoon alone in the room. He stared at his hand that successfully took your handkerchief when he was hugging you and smelled on it before let out a moan.
"Fuck, you make me crazy Y/n."
It's been few days since the incident between you and your professor, Sunghoon. You didn't attend his class and asked some notes from your classmates claiming that you are sick to go to the class. Sunghoon became irritated when he didn't get to see you for few days. He was walking around the hallway replying to the greetings by the students but suddenly stopped when he saw you at the university's garden. He smiled at the sight of you but frowned upon a man sitting next to you laughing together.
"Really now? You choose him over me?"
He said that to himself as he started to walk away from there. No, Sunghoon will not let you go just like that. He will make sure you will come back to him no matter what.
It's 8.30 a.m. and you were walking on the hallway to get to your class however you noticed the students were gosipping about something. Seems like all of them were talking about the same thing. You felt weird and decided to take your phone out and read the group chat in case you missed some info.
When you clicked on the chat, everyone has shock response to a video that sent by anonymous in the group. You clicked on the video to play it. The whole video was captured in a dark place but you can see two silhouette in it. The position looks intimate and immediately you were shocked when you heard a loud moan on the video. You started to feel nervous and quickly ran to find someone.
Sunghoon was sipping on his warm coffee when you entered his room without knock on it. From your expression he knew what are you going to say but he just wants to pretend dumb for a second.
"May I know why are you here, Miss Y/n?"
"You....the video. I told you to delete it right? You said you deleted it already!!!"
Sunghoon scoffed and stood up from his seat and went to stand in front of you.
"You should not believe what people say easily baby."
Your face already wet by tears at this point. The thought of everyone finding out you fucked your lecturer is terrifying. You don't want to ruin your life.
"Why are you doing this to me?"
"You were the one in the fault baby. Should not go to another man when I'm literally right here. Plus, you should be lucky I didn't include the whole video. It just few seconds of your beautiful moan. If I put the whole video then imagine how surprise people are towards you."
The next thing happened shocked both of yourself and Sunghoon. You never imagine yourself kneeling and begging to him. This sight of you made Sunghoon a little bit hard.
"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. Please don't do that."
Ah, there it is. Sunghoon knew he can make you surrender and go back to him. You just need a little bit force.
"Oh, baby. I'm not that cruel. Just quit your study and live with me and we are good."
Oh, Y/n. You will never escape from Sunghoon.
Hiii it's been a long time i posted right😭😭😭god i hope you guys still like my story
Taglist: @stacey-stonem @duolingofanaccount @rowretro @obsessed1with1straykids @eeunoia @soireegurl @huggyuvita
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purpleenhypen0-0 · 9 months
Yandere! Enhypen Reaction To You Self Harm!ng
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A/N-This is just for entertainment purposes. These behaviors should not be reenacted in real life. Especially self harm!ng. Please don't do that irl you are so worth it❤🥺
Tw-cussing(jus a lil)
I don't wanna include Ni-ki bc of his age and this is counted as a more mature subject to me(you'll be in the next one riri💓)
You were in the kitchen cooking dinner when Jungwon walked in wearing a white tanktop, sweating enough for little liquid dots on his arms and face. You on the other hand, were wearing a hoodie But you were the worst. "Darling it's hot. You should really take that off," Jungwon says, turning the ac as cold as he could get it. "I-I'm fine won. I'm not even that hot," Your red face said otherwise. Jungwon eyes you. He knows you're hot, even more than he is. So he takes slow steps towards you. "Y/n, show me your arms, now." It was all coming together for him. You looked more drained everyday, sadder, more tired, plain exhausted. You always refused to wear short sleeves, saying you were more comfortable in long sleeves. He knew, and you knew it. "Wonie I... What do you mean?" You knew exactly what he meant. "Show me your arms now," he repeats. Your head hangs low as you slowly tuck your fingers into the hem of your sleeves, pulling them up to reveal long deep marks of pinkish purple cuts. Jungwons eyes go soft, welling up with tears. "I don't understand, w-was it something I did???" He stutters out. Your body fills with guilt head to toe as tears stream down his face. You pull him into your embrace and apologize as many times as you can, promising him you won't do it again. After that day Jungwon isn't as aggressive with you. He speaks calmly and holds his patience. Never raising his hand on you again.
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"Baby hurry up, I have to use the restroom." Heeseung says from outside of the bathroom door. Your heart drops into the pit of your stomach. You panic, washing the blood off of your arms and shoving the razor in a droor. Heeseung gets a little worried hearing the ruckus going on. "Baby? Y/n are you alright love?" Your still rinsing the blood down the sink. "Yea Hee I'm fine! Just washing my hands." You shout, hoping you sound convincing. You weren't self harming because of heeseung, but because of stress. You knew he would blame himself if he found out no matter what you told him. You're beginning to feel dizzy due to the blood loss. Heeseung knows better than for someone to spend 5 minutes washing their hands. He starts shaking the knob of the door, telling you to unlock it and let him in. When he receives no answer, he starts beating through the door with his fist, no cares of the pain and blood on his hand. When he finally grabs the known from the inside and gets in. He's met with your fainted body on the floor. He immediately goes into a panicked state and picks you up, running you down to the car. The whole ride there he's regretting everything, the punishments, the yelling, the jealousy, every time he's laid his hands on you. He was sick for hurting someone so precious. Better yet, making them hurt themselves. He imagines every way to apologize when you wake up at the hospital. Hoping you'll do the right thing and just leave him.
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Jay is definitely not the most patient person you'll meet. Normally, you were used to the yelling, after all, he never went any further than that. It was a Monday, so as usual, you came home exhausted with everything in you. "Where the fuck have you been," You jumped. It was Jay, his voice sounded more like he was making a statement than asking a question. You game him a confused look, wondering why he looked so pissed. "I don't like repeating myself," he says. "I-What do you mean baby?" You were genuinely lost. "Do you have any idea what time it is Y/n?" You checked your phone. 𝙎𝙝𝙞𝙩. You had fell asleep on the bus ride home. They must've gotten into traffic, it happens often. Suddenly you feel the breath knocked out of you, your back pressed against the wall that was inches behind you seconds ago. It took you a couple seconds to realize, he had his hands around your neck. He laid his hands on you, something he swore he'd never do. You tried to let out a sound, anything, but nothing came out. Your eyes starting to blink out tears. You were truely scared of him. He seemed to snap out of his daze, instantly letting you out of his grip. You let out a gasp and ran upstairs to your shared bedroom, locking the door behind you. You were done. You had taken enough of this, his manipulation, lies, psychotic behavior, all of it. You had no where to go. You felt your life collapse in a single second, just when you were starting to trust him. You remembered the first tactic you'd use when you were 15. Something that seemed to take away pain.(IT DOESN'T, THIS IS FOR THE PART, I SPEAK FROM EXPERIENCE) You went into the bathroom and grabbed a razor from the shower, instantly bringing it to your arm, ignoring jays quiet sobs outside for you. "Baby I'm so sorry, please let me in." Nothing. Suddenly he starts shaking the knob. "Answer me Y/n please. You can't ignore me forever, let's talk about this." Your skin was burning, a familiar sting in your veins. His begs becoming more faded. The last thing you saw before going unconscious was a crying jay, on he's knee holding you in his arms all while on the phone with an emergency operator, muttering out a series of apologies.
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Idk accidental self h4rm bc your a clutz luv☹️
The poor baby had a panick attack when he got a call from you that you were in the hospital, one bc you were in public with other guys that he didn't trust, two bc you were hurt. He only relaxed when you told him you had only accidently cut your hand pretty bad while making lunch(a̶n̶d̶ t̶h̶a̶t̶ y̶o̶u̶ h̶a̶d̶ a̶ f̶e̶m̶a̶l̶e̶ d̶o̶c̶t̶o̶r̶)̶ . He scolds you a lil and reminds you to be careful next time. Little did you know, there would be no next time😂 He won't let you cook again when he's not around, no matter what it is. He'll cook it for you. (I hope this one was a little wholesome yandere-ish break from the others 😂)
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You woke up feeling extremely light headed. Sunghoons bedset tucked around you. You pulled your arms to the side and saw bandages covering them. You think through the day and wonder when you passed out while you were cutting at your wrists. You started harming yourself about a month and a half ago, after finding out Sunghoon was the one who murdered your parents. After all the years he told you it would be okay and they would catch who did it. Giving you a place to stay. Building up trust. Making you love him. He betrayed you. Like everyone else did. You wondered where he was. Laying in the room for another 6 minutes before the door slowly creeks open. Revealing a soft eyed Sunghoon. You could tell he'd been crying, but he still smiled when he saw you were awake. "Oh baby you're okay!" He said with exclamatory relief. Running over to hug you. "I'm so sorry. I promise I did what I did for a reason. I only wanted to take care of you love." Your parents were not the best, especially your dad. They'd both had their moments where they'd lay their hands on you viciously. After a long minute of him explaining while you could do nothing but sit, still processing. You understood where he was coming from. He sat and begged for your forgiveness for what felt like hours until you finally just hugged him and thought he was better for you than anyone else.
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Harming yourself is nothing new. You've done it many times before you were with sunoo. He knows you get stressed easily, so he's very soft with you. That's where his yandere comes in. He's so soft that he wants to keep you from the cold world that hurt you before he came to take care of you, so he can keep you safe and under his loving care. So what does he do about school, well the answers simple, he drops you out. But, he has no clue of the thoughts about college racing through your mind lately. Wondering if it's too late to try school again. Better yet, wondering if sunoo will even let you go to school, let alone college if you ask him. Stress building up. Your sensitive body isn't mentally built up for all the hard thoughts you put on yourself. Normally, you just tell sunoo and he makes it all better. But this is different, what if he gets upset with you for wanting to go back, what if he leaves you? Sooner or later, you let your mind get the best of you and felt like you couldn't talk to anyone. You pick up a pair of scissors, slowly opening them, you eyelshes shiny with soft tears. And cut one little line on your lower arm right above your wrist. *click* Sunoo's home from school(he goes to a private) "Sweets, I'm home." He calls out. You wanted to drop the scissors and run. But you couldn't, regret. That's what it was. You couldn't just tell sunoo. You burst out crying. Hearing the noise, Sunoo rushes over to the kitchen. He takes a moment to process what lies before him. Once he realizes what's going on, his heart shatters. He drops his bag and runs over to you, pulling you into the warmest hug possible. He didn't even care to ask. He didn't want to make it any worse than it already was. Long story short you explained to him later(after pinkie promising to never harm yourself again) and he let you go to his school with no hesitation. Don't expect him to not tug you away from guys he's not familiar with, you are his and his only after all.
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I'm sooo srry ik it's not my best but I was in a big rush, if there is anything you would like to correct/add I would love if you did so💓Thank you sm for reading!
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viisator · 2 months
Two words of love - P.Sunghoon
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Pairings: Park Sunghoon X F!Reader
Genre: Thriller. Horror(little bit). Drama.
Warning: death.
Description: Have you ever felt like you're living to survive? What if someone you dearly love brought you to hell? What if you're no longer able to survive? Will you kill yourself, or him instead?
Not Proofread
(the description is shitty but I went through my drafts again and saw that this is finished...one of my favs but the first half part is boring...but the ending is kinda cute so...yeah. I'll be in senior high btw.)
• • • • •
Flesh and bone met each other as the sweet taste of iron filled Y/n’s mouth. She hugged her shudders as she lay her whole body on the cold floor, waiting for another pain to touch her in a few seconds. But there came none.
9:41. She closed her eyes as she listened closely to Sunghoon’s movements. She heard him walk away from her as the door creaked open and closed.
It’s been that way since they married three years ago. It’s been her job to ease his stress whenever Park Sunghoon’s been beaten up with his career, and still…all this time she said none. She’d gladly do his meal, do his laundry, clean all the things he had that should be clean, massage him whenever he needed it, sing him a lullaby if he could not sleep, tell him all sorts of lies to ease his worries, but all of those—best. it should suit his taste. It should be perfect. It should be something like him. It should be the best. Park Sunghoon does not need Y/n’s advice, doesn’t need her to complain, and doesn’t want her poor work; she must do all things to perfection. He just could not accept it if anything’s not to his taste if she complained—no. she should never. He does not need her voice to speak with any kind of authority and complaints; after all, he had never brought money to her table less than any job she’d had, paid her. But even requesting food or asking her what she wants for dinner is forbidden.
Y/n pulled herself up from the floor before her whole body turned cold from lying for too long. Lifting her heavy bruised head, the wall clock ticked for midnight. She had been lying for three hours without any kind of movements but her breathing. She looked around her, the whole house was neat, the floor could even pass as a bed, but the broken pitcher on the kitchen floor—she needed to clean it up before Sunghoon felt his thirst. So as fast as her beaten bruised body could do, she grabbed all the shards on the floor, hastily picking every piece of glass—she needed to hurry because probably in no time, he might wake up from the loud noise her chest was making…Y/n can see red. She needs to clean it up. But the glass. Clean the glasses first then clean the red on the floor, clean the red on her hands, clean her shaking hands, clean her wobbly feet, clean her shivering body. She could not breathe, she could barely see the shards she was picking. If only she could turn it all back and never loved him—never married him.
The sound of pouring water, and the burning of the wounds and bruises all around Y/n’s body made her wince in pain. If only the water were quiet whenever it hit the bathroom floor, and if only the pain in her back never made her make such a sound. She’s afraid he’ll wake up and hurt her again. _______
Y/n tapped her screen to turn off the alarm. 6:04. Pulling herself from the couch, she heaved a sigh. An hour from now, Sunghoon will be awake for work. Y/n wasted no more seconds and went to the kitchen, rinsed white rice then proceeded to turn on the rice cooker, broke an egg, cut a sausage in half, and threw it on the hot oiled pan. Y/n can barely feel the cuts on her palms, and can hardly complain about the throbbing of her body.
She heard the shower open and the door slammed closed. 6:57. That fast? Pouring water into the kettle, she hastily put two scoops of tea into the teapot. 7:06. He should be putting on clothes now and should be done in a moment. Y/n put a plate on the table as neatly as possible, took a pair of chopsticks, and took Sunghoon’s favorite seasoning from the cabinet.
Sunghoon didn’t say a word as he pulled the chair and sat down soundlessly. Y/n put a half teaspoon of nutmeg into his rice, poured the boiling water into the teapot, and served her peaceful husband a cup of tea.
They stayed quiet as Y/n cut three carrots, while Sunghoon eat his meal. Y/n can still remember the night they first met, the jobs that made them so close, and the whole moment of their wedding. Now Y/n could only wait for him to leave so she could sleep at least just for an hour.
“Karin will be eating dinner with me.” Sunghoon will not be home until tomorrow afternoon. Y/n could sleep a day, or at least walk Gauel to the park later or tomorrow morning. But Sunghoon must not see her slacking off. He doesn't like it when she rest.
After Sunghoon put down his utensils and stood up, Y/n ran to fetch a coat for him and grabbed his things while she waited for him by the door. She held the coat wide for him to wear and gave him his things, held the door open until he stepped outside their apartment.
“Come back safely.” Sunghoon went on his way without answering—like usual—and Y/n locked the door once he was out of sight.
Park Sunghoon is a former idol and is currently big in the modeling industry. Eleven years ago when he started his modeling, after a year of being a minor model, he became a Vogue cover, went to different countries, endorsed, modeled, and walked through the runway with different luxury brands. In the years of his success, there he met Lee Y/n. Y/n was Sunghoon’s makeup artist for seven years, and she’s the sister of one of his friends Lee Heeseung. There were times and events when Y/n and Sunghoon interacted outside of work because of their connection with Lee Heeseung. Time passed. They fell in love and dated for four years.
Sunghoon was the sweetest when they dated. Always checking on her, asking for what she thinks, and what she likes. He’d take care of her when she was unable to take care of herself. He’d act like a child just to get her attention. She always felt like the most significant person in the world. The most important person to him. She didn’t know what happened.
The feeling of knocking loudly on the hard tiled floor, and the feeling of feeling nothing at all—Park Sunghoon lifted himself from laying, then eventually felt warm hands on his shoulders and back, guiding him on the pillow to lean on his back, then he slap the hands away.
The last thing Sunghoon remembered was that he was feeling sick, then suddenly lost consciousness, unable to register what was happening around him, then eventually knocked himself down while on shoot.
“I was worried—”
“You did this, didn’t you?” Voice lashed with cold, he looked up at Y/n who met his eyes.
“Did what...?”
He couldn’t believe her. How could she act all innocent? Was she jealous of Karin that’s why she did this. Was she mad at him because of what happened last time with their date? Just what is wrong with her?
“Put nutmeg on my food every single meal.” His face was solid rock. His brows met each other while his jaw clench hard.
Y/n creased a confused face. She thought he liked it when she added a little nutmeg on his rice. What is it this time? Y/n truly is getting tired.
“You—you said you liked it when I add nutmeg into your rice?” She whispered as she held her hands tightly below her, preventing them from shaking.
“We’ll talk later at home.” Sunghoon managed to say on gritted teeth, while Y/n swallowed whatever she could swallow.
Was it her fault again? She didn’t know why he fainted, the doctor didn’t say anything to her, all she knew was that he fainted while on the shoot...but she wished he’d not hurt her, she wished he’d just forget whatever her sin was, she would gladly apologies to him—kneel and beg for forgiveness, ask for him not to give her another cut and bruise to fix and cover.
Sunghoon slowly pushed himself off the bed, and as he stood up, he couldn’t help but wince in pain, slowly, he put his hand on his temples. Y/n called out to him, helping him to sit down again.
“I’m sorry, Sunghoon—wha—whatever happened, I’m very sorry, I didn’t mean it. Please, if you could ever give me time to make it up—please forgive me—”
“SHUT UP!” Y/n didn’t cry because he slapped her hands away, it was his unforgiving voice that startled at her. She could feel her throat clench.
Slowly and gently, she tried to catch Sunghoon’s hands. He didn’t resist nor slap her hands away this time, but Y/n could feel his hard fist.
“Let’s go home.” Y/n followed quietly.
Park Sunghoon once complimented Lee Y/n’s cooking when they were still mare acquaintances. It was a normal Monday at work and Y/n always packed her lunch, and unexpectedly, Park Sunghoon came up to her to eat lunch together. Sunghoon liked the rice…the rice had nutmeg at that time.
Earlier at 8:21 at work, Sunghoon felt weird sensations in the pit of his stomach, while his surroundings danced around him. It wasn’t the first time it happened at work, and it wasn’t the first time that it happened anywhere. There are times when he constantly feels nauseous while having severe headaches, while everything around him seems to change shapes. He thought it was his overworking.
The last thing Sunghoon heard was ringing and Karin’s soft voice called over him and then he passed out. He woke up lying in the hospital bed with a doctor hovering over him. The doctor said that his constant nausea and hallucinations were the effect of digesting too much nutmeg, and the only one making his meal was his wife. It was always ordered food whenever he and Karin had meals.
Back at home, Y/n and Sunghoon sat still on the couch. Y/n’s looking at her trembling hands as Sunghoon stare at her with gritted teeth. Y/n whispered out trying to break the silence.
“You—You once told me you liked rice with nutmeg—” A loud bang cut through her words. Sunghoon smashed the wooden table separating them, as Y/n tried to cover her mouth, swallowing her cries.
“Y/n.” Sunghoon called out. But Y/n couldn’t look him in the eyes, her line of view could only register his clenching fist on the table through tear eyed sight.
“I’ve been feeling sick—I thought I was dying!” He raised his voice, she made a whimper.
“I’ve been blaming my work! And it’s all because you! You were trying to kill me—you tried to kill me, Y/n!” finally she looked him in the eye shaking her head.
“No—no, Sunghoon that’s not—” Y/n extended her arms to hold him by the table as she lifted herself up from sitting, but he raised his hand high above her, then she lay still on the floor, staring at the tiled ground with tears swelling her eyes. She couldn’t help it anymore, the whole apartment echoed her loud cries. Then, in a second the bedroom door slammed closed, and she was left alone with her silent whimpers.
She didn’t mean it, she only wants his approval, his acknowledgement; she only wanted Sunghoon to eat with her at dinner instead of spending all his night with Karin. She only wanted him to return and be the man she loved once.
Y/n wasn’t ignorant about the effect of too much nutmeg, that’s why she only added a little every meal. But when Sunghoon started to eat dinner with Karin and come back home late, and sometimes not returning home at all—Y/n took the opportunity to add a half tea spoon of nutmeg into his every breakfast. A part of Y/n knew that she added nutmeg with ill intent. While most part wants him to acknowledge and notice her. Then, it really was her fault…
After lunch earlier, when her phone rang with an unknown caller ID and told her the news of her husband passing out, she immediately put down Gauel and rushed to the hospital. When she arrived, the doctor only told her that he already woke up last hour, and eventually returned back to sleep. Then the doctor said nothing more.
When Sunghoon woke up and told her about the nutmeg, she was shaken, she thought she could kill herself for being the one who caused danger to her husband—now, she could only swallow her cries when he lifted his fist and broke from her touch. He hit her face strong enough to send her frozen on the floor.
Whenever Sunghoon is angry, often at her, Y/n slept at the spare room while Sunghoon locked himself alone in their bedroom. The first time they had a fight, Sunghoon told her that he wanted to be alone and slept at the spare room. But to Y/n’s conscience, she begged Sunghoon to sleep at their room instead since it’s much comfortable there than sleeping on the dusted bed at the spare room. Now, whenever Sunghoon’s mad at her, Sunghoon would locked himself alone in their room, with her no way of getting inside. She often felt like he already abandoned her, but he also needed a slave to take care of him, that’s why until now Sunghoon haven’t chased her out.
Like the usual, Y/n would get up at 5-6 am to prepare his meal, then see him off at the door. But today, after arranging his breakfast at the table, Sunghoon spared her no glance and went out without telling her a word. He doesn’t want to eat. He doesn’t trust her.
So Y/n sat down and ate his meal instead. Seconds passed and her head’s already flooded with thoughts. Minutes passed and her thoughts made her burst out crying.
Why did everything turned out to be like this? Why did he turned out to be like this? Is he still Sunghoon? The one she loved? Or was this someone else? It must have been his façade. He must’ve tricked her, and she fell in love with the idea of him without actually knowing him. It was all her fault was it? Should she die and end everything with her last breath? Or should he die and free herself?
Y/n spent her all morning thinking of ways to get rid of her pains, until Gauel barked at her to snap out of it. She saw Park Sunghoon in red just then. She slapped herself for the ridicule she’s been thinking and proceeded to do her chores.
Late that evening, she baked tiramisu—Sunghoon’s favorite—and cooked galbi jjim with other various dishes, also opened a bottle of soju, and message him at 6:03, apologizing and wishing him home, telling him she cooked his favorite and she didn’t add nutmeg in any of the dishes nor the rice.
8:37. Y/n had already set up the table and the dishes, and somewhere between 8-9, Sunghoon will be home. So she patiently readied herself sitting on the chair, checked her phone if he had already replied, but unfortunately, he left her on read. Well, at least he read. He knows she’s making all the efforts to apologize. Y/n let out a sigh and wished that he’d show up.
11:21. All the dishes had already run cold. Y/n was broken from her trance when Gauel approached her and barked. Her phone rang. it was Sunghoon’s caller ID.
“Oh!” It was a girl’s giggle with mumblings over the background.
“Uhm, who is this?”
“Y/n!” Y/n recognized the voice, it was her old coworker’s voice, before she resigned and married Sunghoon. It was Karin’s. Y/n couldn’t help but swallowed the lumps forming on her throat.
“Su—Sunghoon won’t be home for a while…” Karin’s voice was sloppy and uneven. She must be drunk.
“Why? Did something happen?”
“What? Of course not! Silly Y/n—” She hiccupped. “Just wanted to tell you Sunghoon’s unavailable to see you for dinner tonight.” Low grunts from the background made Y/n’s shoulder shiver.
“Why are you telling me this, where is he?” Y/n’s voice must’ve been shacking, she could feel her throat and chest throbbing.
“Hmm? What is it?” seconds of pause and Karin laughed on the other line.
“Sunghoon’s asleep honey! Bye~”
“wait! Kari—” Karin’s voice was replaced with ringing. Y/n slowly put the phone down, stood up and entered their bedroom, leaving the dishes cold on the table. Sunghoon’s probably drunk with Karin, doing who knows what…Y/n couldn’t take it anymore.
Sunghoon didn’t mean to not return home after three whole days…he just wanted a time alone and free himself from stress; it’s just that, Y/n has been giving her head ache for these past few days, and he wanted to clear his head, though Karin has been with him throughout those past three days.
Sunghoon slowly turned the knob. The whole apartment is pitch black, while there was an unpleasant smell lingers the air. Sunghoon ran and turned the lights open. There, at the table lays bowls, plates, and cups of rotten dishes. Sunghoon registered the decaying smell of gochujang and the smell close to a dead rat. In instinct he put his arms on his mouth and nose. What the hell is this? Where is Y/n?
Sunghoon wasted no more time and burst the bedroom door open and turned on the lights. No sign of his wife. He then strode to the bathroom door, pushed the curtains away, and no one’s there. He checked the spare room, checked the roof deck, checked the longue again, shuffled through Y/n’s dresser and closet. Her stuff is still there.
Y/n must’ve left since the night she last messaged him about the meal she made…she was apologizing to him, and he was with Karin. He remembered there were a time that night when Karin borrowed his phone and called someone. Was it Y/n? Sunghoon roughly shuffled his hair, scratched his palms, massaged his temples. Karin must’ve said something to Y/n. As far as he could remember, Karin drove him to the hotel he stayed at, then stopped in the middle of the road to borrow his phone, then when he’s inside the hotel room, he locked the door and said goodbyes to Karin. That’s all that happened that night…
Sunghoon grabbed his coat, turned off the lights and went outside. He needs to find Y/n. He must’ve been hard on her. Just what the hell did Park Sunghoon do?
Sunghoon felt the cold wind brush through his hair once he went down the apartment stairs, and now he stands alone in the roads. With his messy and scattered thoughts, the muffled screams of vehicle horns, yells of the drivers ahead of him, and the sound of his far distance apologies—he ran his eyes around him, he didn’t care if he’s in the middle of the road, but he’ll find his wife. He needed to find his wife.
To no avail, Park Sunghoon never had any trace of her. Slowly, with no energy left from his body, he opened the door and slam it close behind him. Something lunged at him...then burning and chocking—he could not breath. Sunghoon held the belt around his throat. With all his strength, he tried to lift up the person behind him as his sight blur while his breathing shortens, and a loud weight hitting the floor made his lungs finally grasps for air. Park Sunghoon stared at his wife slowly lifting herself up from the floor. Is he seeing this right? Y/n—Y/n…she—Y/n. His Y/n was trying to kill him…
Sunghoon couldn’t move on his feet. His eyes are wide open, his breathings are accelerating and accelerating until a quiet shriek left his mouth. His whole body was frozen when his wife lifted her head up to look at him. Tears flooded her eyes as she slowly stands up. Her whole body was shaking, and her loud cries filled Sunghoon’s hearing. Y/n lunge at him, running, tackling him down on the floor, Sunghoon held her wrist as she pushed her whole strength into the knife she’s holding. Sunghoon called out her name, but her cries only got louder and louder until his grip on her loosen. One, two, three...six—she stabbed and stab and stab. Sunghoon stared at his lovely wife. Her hair loose on their tight bun, he badly wants to hug her on her pink blooded apron she always wore whenever she cooks him meal. Slowly and gently, Park Sunghoon touched her wet cheeks. Little by little, her skin turned red as he kept on caressing her softly. Y/n screamed her pain and Sunghoon could only smile at her, because now he understands, he wasn’t able to be a good husband for her.
“I’m sorry,”
With the last of his strength, and the last burning of his breath, he held her hands tightly, and closed his eyes. Y/n lifted an axe.
The first time Park Sunghoon saw her was at Lee Heeseung’s 20th birthday, back in the times they were newly debut. She wore a ridiculous ankle pink boots and a twin messy braid. He remembered Heeseung and her argued about Heeseung not informing her that his friends will come, she should’ve wore something decent. But Park Sunghoon loved that outfit. That’s the outfit he always loved.
It was snowing hard outside when they first met at work. Y/n was newly hired as Sunghoon’s makeup artist. She remembered his soft smile that burned her cheeks, she remembered when Sunghoon first asked her out, she remembered when he first kissed her, she remembered his heat all over her—not like this, cold and still.
The taste of sweet, salty and savory erected at Y/n’s tongue. The sensation of chewy and juicy flooded her mouth, and when she swallowed, a great feeling of longing, sorrow and grief left her body weak. The body-less of Park Sunghoon’s head stare at Park Y/n as she opened her mouth, bringing a spoon full of his love for her to digest.
Note: HI! all the infos about nutmeg is from google...so...pls don't attack me. Btw i'm sorry Sunghoon died. and i'm sorry i was dead for too long....so yeah...
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pieroulette · 1 year
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2022 ・ 16+ ・ 7k ・ oneshot — yandere + shock trope
— requested by anon!
warning: severe bullying, abuse, degradation, controlling and sadistic! jungwon, good boy! jungwon gone bad lmao, mild delusion, cursing, pulling hair, slapping, jungwon having a short temper, non-con kissing, jungwon ruining reader's belongings, public humiliation, cursing, cat & mouse game, um someone's head gonna get cut off - descriptive gore scene?
— I'm not a native speaker so I apologize for any grammar errors (I'm still learning!)
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A stinging pain engulfed your cheeks as you looked back up to meet those same eyes that hold so much innocence and kindness to it, eyes that made you fell into it's lovely depths and wishing nothing but to see more of it — and that was your first mistake, by now you'd wish you have never taken the first step; a dare within your friend group, a seemingly innocent dare to force yourself to gather a courage to walk straight to your crush; him.
Yang Jungwon.
The first time you've ever laid your eyes on him was on the day of your first day of school. The day where your dad had been promoted into a higher position in his job and so this immense luck landing it's grace on your family had you and your mom jumping in the living room with pure bliss after your dad breaks the news.
You've remembered it all very well; the pure happiness adorning your parent's face, the scent of the city and the mesmerising sight of the tall buildings you've never seen before for you grew up in the countryside your entire life, the day when you tried on your new school uniform — spinning around as you looked at yourself in the mirror, happy and contented, the day when you stepped in to your new high school and instantly made good friends, and the day you laid your eyes on him.
The class president, the smartest and the perfect ideal type of every girl; his feline eyes that somehow holds the enchanting melody of a siren, pulling you deeper into its deepest parts inside the ocean. His lush black hair flowing along the gentle breeze under the sunny blue sky while his face constantly switches to numerous kinds of expressions.
Confused, curious, shock, amazement, disbelief and many more you've grown to memorise as you watched him from the distance.
He was ethereal and a piece of canvas that you couldn't dare to lay your hands onto.
It continued on for many weeks till your friends caught on with your hidden but obvious feelings for the class president, and a not so bright but daring idea popped in their head.
You, to say the least, were very taken aback by the game your friends suggested.
Of course, you refused, shaking your head in complete refusal not wanting to embarrassed yourself and possibly stamping your entire life with such a bold and shameless name.
But your friends advice strikes your heart even deeper with the logic in your head, "Your class president won't always be there, better take the chance while it's still free and flying~"
And so, you did it as you proceeded with the dare.
You don't know how you got this sudden outburst of courage but yet, you still did it.
You remember how his feline-like eyes grows into cute boba ones as he takes in your confession. Abashed you were as you voiced out the dare you had with your friends; a small peck on his cheek would suffice the deal as your cheeks heated up with each words escaping from your mouth while your friends' giggles annihilates you like an arrow.
What he said next surprises you, "Sure, a small peck won't hurt anyways."
You were sure your eyeballs were about to pop out when you heard those words but nevertheless you regained your composure, biting your lips every now and often as you lifted yourself up in tiny tip toes to his height.
Taking a quick, chaste peck on his soft cheek. You muttered a thousand thank you while you bowed down for nth time, striding off to your friend with their joyous responses.
How foolish you were as you blushed in a complete mess, taking a one last quick look at him and you swore you almost choked on your saliva when his feline-like eyes were fixated on you and a tiny grin adorning his lips while his friends playfully pushed him.
Ah, was that it?! Have you somehow had pulled the strings within his heart?
Love, love, love — sweet kind of love that everyone dies for! What could anyone else want if not that kind of love?
You thought, that was it. When your eyes were met that soft pink letter laying inside your locker. The owner had his name written below the sweet paragraph, a sweet confession, a sweet epiphany.
— Yang Jungwon.
Your heart exploded in utter happiness, trying to suppress your wide grin with your clenched fists up to your lips.
But why?
What is this? Where's the love story you were hoping to experience in? The rainbows, the soft clouds, the pastel colours surrounding it — where was it?
The stinging burn on your face says otherwise and that same spine-chilling voice you once so much adore echoes inside the empty classroom.
"Have you always been such a slut behind my back? Even before you had met me?"
Why did your angel-like crush turn out to be such a horrible and an incarnate of devil himself?
You couldn't processed everything so quick as in a split second; you were pulled into those warm chests in a harsh approach, actually. Jungwon throws daggers into you as his wrath filled eyes softened and at once he crashed his lips into you for what seems like a hundredth time.
The kiss, his kiss, his lips that you ever so often gazed at and wonder how does it taste like?
Was it soft? Was it caring? Was it love?
Was it capable to even bring you a larger bliss within your heartstrings? To pull and tighten, to push and hold and to strengthen the love you had for this very boy?
Apparently, no.
It hurts you instead — like a handmade scarf that has been meticulously sewed with love all these time, only to be mercilessly torn apart by this thorned love.
The very first time he did that was back then when you came back from home together with your childhood best friend who came to visit you from the countryside, a short visit that is; and a boy that to be exact, and when Jungwon approaches you from the distance with a pair of yogurt in his hands — it was your foolish dumb mistake to miss that sour expression on his face.
You failed to realise that he didn't like it. He didn't like it even for a bit. In fact, it made him bitter. It ruin his supposedly good day. The pair of yogurt in his hands had been crushed into pieces, its contents staining his hands.
It was crystal clear that you two liked each other but due to personal reasons such as you didn't want to be in a relationship first considering you had a strict parents. Talk about your questionable approach that day. .
He respected that even more so with a gentle smile adorning his face and his feline-like eyes raising up in the slightest smiles.
He was so attentive and sweet to you, often listening to your wishes and never complaining. Love was written all over his pretty face as he watches you read a book out loud with the utmost affection, helping you with your homework as a wide big smile never leaving his cherry pink lips.
However that day . . .
That day was the first time you knew what he was capable of; he was pissed. Pushing you into your room harshly with an immense rage written all over his being, it was like he was controlling himself from releasing it on you and so he took it out on your belongings. Ripping your notebooks in pieces, your precious belongings into a dumb broken useless stuff as soon as he was done.
You were weeping, desperately begging for him to stop and when he did — you were taken aback, fear for the first time engulfed your being when he approached you with small steps.
"Fucking slut. That bastard, what was so good in him that you had to let him walk you home rather than me?!"
"You could've ask me. You could've called me. That piece of shit you had in your pocket, you got my number right so why? Why, why, why?"
"Answer me!"
This boy right in front of you and that boy you've often watched from afar was a complete different persona from each other.
And this wasn't the one you had fallen in love with.
"Fuck, kitten. You've become so brave, aren't you?"
From then on, your spring life bathed in soft pink and cherry blossoms has been replaced with a darker shade of petals — roses with thorns, sharp edges that mercilessly graced your once untainted skin with its claws and teeths.
A harsh pull on your hair made you stumble backwards in a swift speed, your butt hitting the floor with a loud thud, making you gasp and looking up to see that same boy you once adore but very much harboured a deep hatred now.
Jungwon's feline eyes hold the same emotion as he had that fateful day, annoyance and bitterness.
"Ah!" you gritted your teeth when his claws aggresively pulled a fistful of your hair to his nose — sniffing it like a mad dog.
"Your hair. . Did you got a new hair shampoo today?" His eyes softened for a bit and you hastily nodded not wanting to anger him further in this once again empty classroom in which most of the students had gone for the lunch break or to their respective clubs. "Why didn't you tell me? I could've bought a new one for you, you know? Shouldn't have troubled yourself to buy cheap ones. ."
His harsh grip on your hair loosens and instead turns into a caring pat, "They don't suit you."
In this very situation, Jungwon doesn't like it the slightest if you don't answer him because he demands you to agree with every single thing he says, obey him and submit yourself to him.
"I-I. .—"
"Oh c'mon, I haven't did anything yet and you're stuttering like a dumb bitch? Fuck, kitten. . Stop being so adorable will you?" Jungwon giggled as he brushed your hair in a caring gesture.
Those giggles that were once a sweet-like melody to your ears now only served as a horror bell ripping your ears apart.
"—But it's not so adorable walking around with someone behind my back. I thought you've learned your lesson?"
The dark, eerie atmosphere and the unnerving silence engulfing the entire room had your body ran with goosebumps as the feline boy sighed, fixing his posture and dragging one of the desks to his side.
"Kitten," Jungwon brushed your hair with his fingers, patting your head ever so loving as he helped you get up on your feet — his other hand wrapped itself around your waist.
Helping himself sat on the desk, he pulled you between his legs, further closing the distance between you both as his arms grabbed you in either your side while you couldn't bear to look at him with those menacing and alluring eyes as always.
"You're fucking lucky I'm in a good mood today, or else I would've snap your ear in half considering I saw you with a particular student in the corridor."
Panic arises within your heart, spiraling into your pupils as your eyes widen. "N-no! Jungwon, it's not like what you t-thought! Ah!—"
His soft strokes on your hair suddenly digs its claws in your skin, pulling your face a bit close to him in a swift speed.
"Excuses. Haven't I told you to stop giving me dumb excuses if you still want to keep that sweet tongue of yours, kitten?"
You gulped nervously.
"I don't mind taking it since that would mean you won't have to scream everytime we play a game.."
Shaking your head in desperation as you pleaded with your eyes, you can't bear to get tortured by him again.
"Then beg. Show me how sorry you are."
You hesitated but if this is what it takes to escape his wrath then you have to.
On your knees to the floor as you wrapped your arm around his pants, "Jungwon, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't tell you! I just— I just—"
Silence, silence.
"Are you really sorry?"
You nodded in a frantic manner.
Another pure agony of silence ensues but eventually, Jungwon's eyes softens, "Sweet, sweet, kitten. That's exactly what I wanted from you." His hand wrapped itself around your neck making you leaned forward to him.
Once again, his lips devoured yours. The heated moment between the both of you contain so much romance and chemistry as you watched yourself and him in the mirror leaning against the wall.
If only, if only this was all a dream.
You were beyond lucky to have escaped his dangerous little games that day, as it was a rare occurrence for Jungwon to do so.
When he's in a good mood, soft and melodic humming emitting from him and aura brightening with each passing second — this boy was the one you're familiar with.
He was a self composed boy, calm as the water and familiar as the gentle sky — but the truth couldn't be any more uglier when his wrath overtook every inch of him as deep inside him; a sinister darkness spiraled inside the depths of his now rotten heart — which was he said, your very fault.
And when it did happened, all hell breaks loose. You could only pray to the deity above for him to go easy on you.
"Wear this skirt I bought for you, I think it would suit you alot, kitten."
"What's this shit? You could've ask for my help than from others, don't you know how fucking it pissed me off to see you begging around like a dumb slut?"
"(Name)! Look, here's a picture of a cat I took the other day."
"You look so damn adorable with all these scars, darling!"
It's that unpredictable emotions of his that switches on and off that scares you so much. You were lucky he only resorted to slapping you or choking you most of the time, and only then when you were being a brat to him — does the real torture starts;
Jungwon takes a great pleasure in torturing you in every way possible he could think of and everytime it would end with fresh deep scars with blood dripping from it, dark bruises all over your arm. He was sadistic but dramatically romantic at the same time.
Hell, hell it was.
He's the reincarnation of evil itself.
Another hell disguised in a normal day.
You could never escape this hellhole that has this demon lurking inside it, Yang Jungwon.
"Earth to (Name)?" A hand waves in front of your face in a hasty manner and you looked up only to be met with the gentle aura that exudes from this boy.
Sim Jake. The puppy-like boy of this school, with that gentle and polite manners of his that always have been the talk of the town just like Jungwon.
In fact he was among Jungwon friends. Those friends that you often saw around Jungwon during lunch break.
Jake, to say the least, was the one who showed support and cheer for you whenever he passed by. Ever since the day of that bold confession of yours, Jake would randomly appear and strike a short and brief conversation which consists of teasing you and telling bits about Jungwon, something he never fails to do so.
Kinda like your secret wingman.
You've always thought Jungwon was the only one different amongst his friends; kind-hearted and the caring type and that's why it surprises you that Jake was so easy to approach and talk to unlike the typical high school popular groups you often watch from TV shows, expecting them to be very mean and evil.
Well, that was before you knew just how Jungwon really was and so you've became extremely wary around his friends, not wanting to form any close nor brief friendship with any of them.
Drowning in your thoughts, you missed Jake's question and his frowning expression were crystal clear that he wasn't letting it pass.
"O-oh?" stuttering as the noises of the cafeteria surrounding you brought you back to reality, and back to Jake. Gulping, you pulled your sleeves down to hide the purple bruises on your wrist but your abrupt gesture caught Jake's attention, making his eyes lingered on your covered wrist.
And yet, he just tilted his head — passing it off as a random habits of yours, "So, how's your relationship with Jungwon? Is it all good?"
The way he gleefully say it with that big wide smile splattered on his face made your stomach churned. Was he oblivious to what was happening to you and Jungwon?
"Um. . I guess so?"
"Pfft, that short response is all you got?"
You looked down to your tray of food, "Then what else do you want me to say, Jake?"
"Uhm, anything? Is this only the update you can give to us after that bold dare you did in front of all of us that day? C'mon now, (Name)." Jake whined. "Even Jungwon won't tell us anything about you."
You munched on your food, hoping nothing but for the conversation to end and for Jake to leave at once.
If Jungwon appears and sees you with another guy other than him, it won't end well. But it's not like you could spat out to Jake and tell him to get out of your sight since deep inside you, you still want to talk with him and laugh with him like you used to.
"Didn't it work though? God, have my sacrifices were all a waste, gone to the drain?" Jake pouted, grabbing your arm dramatically which instantly made you flinched in surprise.
"Huh? What's wrong?"
You swore your heart sank due to that abrupt close proximity and because of that, your mind was once again drowning in fear of him. Your head snapped around, looking for any signs of him but there was none and so a sigh of relief escapes your mouth.
"(Name), you're acting like there's a murderer on the loose hunting you down." Seemingly annoyed by your cold response, he just sat down next to you munching on his food — acting like a lost, mad puppy.
The sight made you wanna chuckle but his words made your heart sank for the nth time, he was spot on. If only, he knew what was happening all this time.
If only he knew, would he help you?
You're so fucking tired. You're tired of Jungwon and all the atrocities he put you in through. The comforting vibe this blonde-haired boy sitting next to you made you wanna break down and bawl in tears. You've been keeping it all this time and not even your parents were aware of it.
Jungwon was so good, so good at making you kneel before him and unknowingly letting him manipulate your emotions and it seems like he takes in a great amusement in doing that to you. So to the school, he made it look like you two were lovers but distant just so he can see who would dare to approach you.
Just so he can see who would be bold enough to put themselves right into the mouse trap he created.
And luckily for you, you've managed to avoid some students especially the male students who approached you because you don't want anything to happen to them.
But some were had their life ripped apart from them because of your fault, just like he said.
However, you can't take it anymore. You can't bear to live in this hellhole anymore.
"J-Jake? . ."
Jake scoffed as he munched his food but nonetheless answered, "Hmmm?"
"Can you help me?"
Your heart pounded deep inside your ribs to the point it hurts, you couldn't believe you did it.
You went back to the classroom and bumped into someone's chest, mumbling an apology so quick that you didn't realise it was him.
Your breath getting caught up in your throat, you took a few steps backwards but he immediately grabbed your hand pulling you closer to him in a harsh way.
What is it? Why is he mad again? Did I do something wrong? Please no, let it be not that reason!
Your mind ran a dozen thoughts as his grip on yours grew tighter making you whimper in pain, "J-Jungwon? Agh!"
"Shut up." Jungwon spat out, his face clearly irritated and bitter — you gasped, fear engulfing your body again as you realise those are the same expressions you've seen before. "Why are you talking with Jake, huh?"
"It— it's not what you think it is! W-we were just talking!" You pleaded not wanting to go through the same fate again.
"What could you two be possibly talking about? Do you think I'm fucking dumb to not realise that Jake often met you behind my back?"
"No! We didn't do anything! I swear, Jungwon please get that thoughts off your mind!"
"Fuck, what else do you want me to think? That my girlfriend is going around with my friend behind my back and doing whatever I—"
"You always say the same dumb shit!" You screamed and that made him taken aback. "You're fucking delusional! I've never even agreed to be your girlfriend and so even if we did anything, you don't have the right to control me like this! Why are you doing this to me?!"
Instant regret. Just why the fuck you did it?
"Seems like I didn't taught you enough, I see."
You fell on the floor with a loud thud, cupping your face with both your hand that you were sure had gone deep red due to the repeated, painful slap. Your eyes had endless tears welling up inside it, gritting your teeth in an immense fear and agony.
Bending his height down to your level — his dainty fingers stroke the edges of your face, a complete contrast to what he did a few seconds ago but it didn't last long when he digged his nail deep into your skin, forcing your pathetic eyes to look at his deep ones.
"When was the last time I told you to quit doing that? Are you really trying to test my patience? Trying to see what I am even more capable of doing to you?"
"Is that it?"
You shook your head.
"Is that it?"
Again, you shook your head, tears dripping down your cheeks as your lips were pressed tight.
"IS THAT IT?!" you whimper at his sudden outburst, his veins popping in his neck as his face had bathed in red — again, you shook your head in desperation in hopes to appease his wrath.
"Then, honey?—" his voiced softened in a remarkable pace along with his eyes, "Where did you even get that bratty attitudes of yours? Did someone teach you? Tell me then, I'll give them a lesson in behalf of you."
You shook your head once again, shutting your eyes tight.
"Was it Jake?"
Panic surged inside your veins which instantly had you opened your tear filled eyes. "N-No! It's not him!"
Jungwon tilted his head at your sudden response, "Are you defending him?"
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
You made another horrible mistake.
"Why. Are. You. Defending. That. Bastard?" Jungwon gritted his teeth.
"No! Jungwon! Please!"
Jungwon dragged you to the hallways of the school where all of the students were there, watching you drown in your embarrassment with snickers and giggles escaping their mouth.
No one was helping you here.
"See, everyone. This slut over here is betraying me, do you actually believe it?!"
Loud murmurs and gasps emits from all of them, one of the girls stepped forward with an exaggerated pout, "Then Jungwon-ah? Why can't you just leave this bitch?!"
"Right? She doesn't deserved you!"
"Just leave her! A bitch her like belongs to the street."
"Fuck right."
Your mind was bombarded with all the loud murmurs and insults thrown at you, like a knife stabbing all over your body on repeat — dragging it's tip and ripping your skin open. Your ears felt like it's gonna burst and bleed, you wanted to run, you wanted to escape.
But where?
It felt like an endless eternity for you as you weep silently, weak and helpless as you could do nothing but let Jungwon walked you home, he brought you back to your home with that sickeningly sweet smile splattered on his face as he talked with your parents. Attending to your bruises and softly caressing it with the white towel and a bowl of water on the table.
"It is because I love you that's why I'm doing this." There it was once again, that gentle Jungwon you've always known. Why? Just what kind of bullshit is this? Why was he so kind and so evil at times? It almost makes you cry to your heart again.
"Then please stop doing this to me. ." You cried out, voice so small because inside you, a deep and big fear were lingering.
"What? This is for your own good. Haven't you gone being such a brat, I wouldn't have to go far to that extent." Jungwon raised his eyebrow. "Your bratty attitude fucking pissed me alot, y'know?"
"It's not like I intended to!" You whisper-yelled, a sudden courage burst inside your heart but still wary of your parents downstairs. And you don't know why you're even doing it. "
Jungwon was taken aback by your outburst but stayed silent and so you took it as a chance.
"Jungwon, you're fucking insane! You're insane! This is not normal and I don't know where the fuck your head is but this isn't it! What happened to you? What have happened to you? This isn't you!"
"I'm not m-me?" Jungwon giggled, letting out an amused scoff as he looked down and then back to meet your teary eyes again, "Darling! I think you're the one who's gone insane."
"No! It's not me! It's you! A sane person won't ever do all these bullshit! Yang Jungwon! Just leave me, I fucking beg you!"
Jungwon suddenly grabbed ahold of your jaw in an aggressive manner, forcing you to look at him as he leaned forward — your faces against each other just an inch closer.
"There, there," his other hand tucked in the strands of your hair behind your ear, "You don't know what you're saying so just fucking shut your mouth, love. I know you better than you know yourself."
"Just give it a little time, you'll get used to it. I know you will. Now let me see that pretty smile?" Jungwon's lips tugged up in the brightest smiles, a complete contrast to his lovesick feline eyes.
You were done. You can't bear this anymore, all of these extreme torment and abuse to your mental health. You don't care anymore, you have to run away from this city, away.
Away from him. Whatever it takes, you just have to escape from that boy you once ever so declared to love with your whole heart and gave your whole life to.
Your undying love for Jungwon has ceased to exist, it's painfully gone to ashes.
With the phone in your bruised hand, your being was shivering in fear as you called that one person you only trust right now.
Beep, beep.
Beep, beep.
"Hello? What's up, (Name)?" His voice almost made you bawl in tears due to how safe and comforting it was.
Cupping your mouth to prevent yourself from crying, you spoke up, "J-Jake. . P-please help me."
But why is it?
Just why?
One foot forward, and another.
Here he comes, here he comes.
Didn't you say you wanted to be with Jungwon? That you wanted to be remain by his side and never leave the town? To be the only one who's going to be by his side and show who truly likes him?
To remind you of your very words, the very words that came out from your lips in the very first place.
Here you are inside Jake's house, unsafe you were as you sat on his couch with him sitting on the other side just to make you feel as comfortable as you can.
You appreciated the gesture but really, the damage has been far too done.
"Are you sure you don't want to report this off to the police?"
"Fuck, Jake. Let's just get over it please?" You bit your lip as you frown deeply, unable to look at Jake's eyes. "He's— extremely manipulative a-and it's so fucking tiring to even try to get him back in his senses and whatever we do, he's insane and I just really, really don't want to see him anymore. Please, please. Just please bring me far away from this place, from him."
Jake felt there was nothing to say anymore after hearing your words and so he stood up walking towards you, crouching in front of you as he took your hands and pat it slowly.
"Don't worry, I'll do just that. Wherever you want to go, there we'll stay."
"W-we? What do you—"
"City life fucks my head sometimes too, just want to get a break too but of course I'll get a separate house, haha." Jake's smile widens and it comforted your heart instantly, it almost felt like the situation was never this serious and everything you've experienced before was all just a bad, bad dream; a nightmare you've been forced to live in.
Ring, ring!
"Oh— let me get this call first!" You nodded watching Jake walking over to the other room. And just like that, you took a deep breath sensing a great relief engulfing your body that you were atleast safe right now.
In Jake's house to stay in until everything has settled, there were tight security surrounding his house or mansion considering how wealthy his family is, it's really no wonder at this point. You've kinda felt a bit ashamed to asked for his help but there was really no choice, you've have to take the only opportunity laid in front of you to save yourself . . . From the devil himself.
It has been a few days since you've went to school and even return back to your home. School was one thing but even your so-called home was no longer your safe haven as even Jungwon often break into your room's window and the rest was history.
Everywhere you go, there he was.
A soft chime echoes from the door a few metres away from where you are; the spacious living room. Turning your head to the source of the sound, you pondered for awhile and just a whole good minute — one of the old maid who helped you just now came out, striding too the main door.
Somehow, something was making you uneasy.
Just why Jake's taking so long with the call he got?
Fiddling your fingers and peeling away the skin of the edges of your nails, you sighed dejectedly waiting in patience but just then you heard the maid's voice echoing through the hallway you've just came in through.
A desperate, weak voice that almost reminds you of yours when you were in Jungwon's presence, resembling your voice whenever he was playing his little games that you hated so much, that you grew to fear all this months being with him.
Cat and mouse.
The winner takes the prize.
And the roles was crystal clear, he has always been the cat and you've always been the mouse.
Always had been.
A pair of rubber shoes halted it steps just a few steps away from you — the table being the only object separating you from that person.
"Love, do you think ignoring me is such a good idea? I don't think so."
And speaking of the devil, there he was beside the old lady.
Your heart sank to it's core and your stomach churned as soon as your eyes met with his gaze filled with expressions you couldn't fathom but something you were sure rings the death bell to your life.
You couldn't stand up, your feet were stuck to the ground and your body froze — you wanted nothing but to run but why, why, why. .
Why can't you move? Stand up and run.
It was as if he had cast a spell on you; a poisonous one that pulls you towards him, those same feline eyes that helds a siren-like melody — a melody that sang an approaching bloodbath.
"(Name)—" You didn't even have to look up to see Jake as he too, were shocked to see the feline boy he had been avoiding all this time for your sake. "J-Jungwon? What brings you here? This is rare, y'know? Bro?"
"Why? Am I not allowed to visit?"
"No, of course not! It's just—"
Your eyes shoot open when his spine chilling voice called out for you, almost as if your body was acting out of your own will. "H-huh?"
Jungwon reached out his hand with a sweet smile on adorning his lips, "Let's go home. I prepared dinner for you and I'm sure the dishes are getting cold, so let's go?"
Lies. He's fucking lying.
You whimper silently as you pushed yourself back to the couch, "No. ."
Jake immediately went to you, covering you from Jungwon's view. "Just go home, Jungwon. She's not going back with you."
"You heard me, she's not going home with you so just please—" Jake paused, struggling to find the right words to say, "W-we we'll just talk about this tomorrow, okay?"
"Okay?" Jake repeated once again, waiting for Jungwon's response but only a low giggle escaped from his lips.
"Tomorrow? What are you talking about? Do you actually think you still got to live one more day after messing up my fucking plan?"
Another scoff, "Honey, why do you keep seducing other bastards? Haven't I done enough for you? Haven't I taught you enough lesson?"
"Just stop it!" You yelled at him as you took a cover behind Jake.
"I hate it when they look at you, so fucking much . . ." Jungwon snapped his head to the old lady beside him and to her utmost fear, everything happens so fast that you and Jake couldn't processed what happen but froze to death.
"You're all I ever think about, and you fucking dare to run away with someone who wasn't me?!" Jungwon screamed to the top of his lungs as his tight grip on the maid's hair grew tighter, her head breaking open with every fatal blow to the wall — deep red blood dripping from the wall to the furniture.
As soon as Jungwon was done with the utter mess he created, his head tilted to your direction — his eyes holding nothing but insanity.
"Come here, kitten. Maybe I would go easy on you if you just come over here and beg like I taught you."
Jake shielded you away from the monster's sight as he pushed you backwards, whispering, "Run. Just r-run."
You shook your head as tears formed in your eyes again, gripping Jake's shirt in hopes to pull him with you.
The sight in front of Jungwon made him more bitter, "Fuck, (Name). I don't know if I want to kiss you or kill you. But okay, go ahead and run. I'll catch up to you later. . Just make sure to hide very, very well."
"(Name)! Just go!" Jake pleaded, and your heels spun around taking you away from the both of them.
Why? Why did you even bother to run away from Jungwon in the first place?
You ran far ahead, far away from the monster — you were drowning in immense fear as you hid behind the rooms among the countless of rooms in the vast hallway.
The eerie silence between them was eating Jake alive, his body shivered on its own as he tried to stop it with his other hand.
This boy, this boy wasn't Jungwon.
"J-Just what had happened to you?" Jake cried out.
Jungwon's face remain expressionless but his eyes were holding a thousand words — words that screaming annoyance and bitterness.
"You should've known better. Flirting with what's mine? You must want to die so bad."
It couldn't be more creepier as the lights went off. Darkness engulfed everything leaving the entire mansion into a complete hell and the only thing providing light for you was the moon on the sky, it's bright form hiding behind the grey clouds outside the window.
Your chest rose and fell in hopes of trying to gain your breath back but it was all hopeless as you can't calm yourself down, your lungs only hurting with each passing second and your nails almost breaking as you digged it so deep into your legs.
"Please don't let him find me, please don't let him find me!" you prayed silently over and over again as you bury your face in your legs.
Blood dripping from the boy's arms as he took his time to search for you across the hallway filled with countless of doors on his either side. Sighing, he wiped his face over a thousand times somehow getting more and more irritated with each passing second. "Do you think if you ignore me. I would stop following you?"
Your face had gone pale, blood drained from your face when you heard his small voice from the distance, the walls and doors blocking the danger from you.
Another door got crashed with a loud kick.
"Do you think if you would get some help, I would back down and give up?"
A few, soft tsk emits from him.
"Or have you ever thought, if you hide somewhere, I'd never find you in this world?" Another door were kicked in, delivering a ticking death bell towards your direction as you curled your form even deeper in hopes to protect yourself from him.
"Oh no no no dear kitten!" His exaggerated voice made you whimper, there was no turning back — this was the beginning of his game. This was how he starts his game.
Jungwon claps so loud as he throw his head backwards, a series of giggles emitting from him, "Why? Are you scared?"
He doesn't care, if it's fun he will do it. That's why he was looking for you while his other hand lazily grips the dripping head within his claws. "Kitten~"
"Are you here?!" a grim giggle soon follows one after another, your breath hitched in utter fear making you cupped your mouth from producing any more sound.
It was obvious by now that he purely enjoys the thrill of hunting you down like a prey waiting to be devoured.
"Let's see. ." His blood-stained fingers slides continuously through the wooden doors.
The sound of the empty air and low chimes below the mansion were heard all over the space.
Your body froze when a rush footsteps stride over to to another door, just beside from where your door are. "You're here then?!"
Breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out.
Your chest rose and fell in a countless times making your heart ache as just then—
The entire lights surrounding in and out of the mansion flickers open, except the room you were in and the door to the room you were in bursts opened, revealing the boy tilting his head downwards to take a good look on your weak, petite crouching form on the corner of the room.
"Ah, found you. Kitten."
You felt a surge of goosebumps engulfed your entire body and without realising, you were already bawling in tears — your cries of agony filled the entire room.
Pain, pain, pain.
You knew pain was waiting for you.
If you were lucky enough, if he was lenient enough, you'd be away with some few scratches.
But if you weren't, you'd be sure that you wouldn't be walking away from this place with your legs still attached to yours because you remembered what he said when he brought you back home.
"I don't mind cutting your legs off just to keep you by my side."
But that wasn't the only thing that made your breathe caught in your throat, your cries of agony had stopped instantly when something he threw rolled over to your direction.
You watched it but not being able to comprehend what it was due to the darkness of the room and the light behind Jungwon blinding your view.
It rolls, rolls, and rolls until it halts before you.
Utter disgust.
A surge of scream from you emits in the air and your head threw downwards, vomiting everything from your stomach.
"J-Jake?" You bawl in tears, excruciating pain had you stood up in a frantic manner wanting nothing but to stay away from the dripping head on the floor.
What were you feeling?
Sadness? Anger? Pity? Regret? Guilt?
You couldn't fathom what it was as you keep letting out loud cries of agony, shutting your eyes tight but the gory image before you were etched deeply in your mind.
Jungwon wasn't at all pleased but let out a low chuckle anyways, "Ta-da! Like the gift?"
He slowly approaches you in a leisurely way, taking a good look at the pathetic head laying on the floor before giggling and kicking it off like a soccer ball.
The flesh organ hits the wall, furthering the damage on it's bruised face which results in its eyes popping out.
"Why don't you see it? Fuck. Take a good look at the present I made for you." Jungwon grabs ahold of your jaw, pushing your face to the head of the boy who once promised to look after you. "Look. Doesn't he look nice with all that?"
You cried. Cried and cried. You were incredibly tired but you still cried.
It was your fault, wasn't it?
A spine chilling and low giggle emits from him behind your back. "Yes, it's your fault."
"Haven't you tested my patience, nothing sort like this would've happen but you did, brat." He pushed you so hard towards the ground once again.
Helpless and weak, you didn't look up, only weeping in pure agony.
"Remember when you first did the dare back that day?" A soft giggle emits from him. His chest rose and fell as a satisfied grin adorned his face.
"At first, I was wondering why a girl like you would be so damn brave.. I was more than intrigued." A small pocket knife emerges from Jungwon's pockets, already stained with blood. "But when you told me you'd be by my side for the rest of our eternity, something snapped inside me y'know? When you told me that you'd remain with me even if no one else did, don't you realise just how fucking insane that is?"
Jungwon grabs a fistful of your hair, pulling your head up to meet his dark and lovesick gaze.
You whimper in utter fear as he stroked the cold tip of the knife on your lips then slowly sliding it down to your neck. "I'm so madly in love with you, kitten."
"You love me too, right?"
You nodded so fast, tears dripping to your cheek down to your jaw and that sight made Jungwon leaned forward, licking and tasting the tears staining your face.
"Now if you don't kiss me, I'll slit your fucking throat."
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📣AUTHOR'S NOTE: bruh writing bout jungwon always made me so invested tf. Again, don't confused fiction w reality, this is only meant to satisfy the readers' imagination. I can't stop myself from adding my dose of my craziness in it 💀 I think I should also control myself from writing long fics for a request lmao. As always, reblogs and comments are highly appreciated! They're the ultimate motivation fuel!
© sweetpieceofnightmarez, 2023 JAN 5.
-> ask blog: @llyzblog
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