sanaxo-o · 2 years
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When someone hurt their S/O (Maknae Line)
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You were having your dinner with Riki. Instead of eating Riki kept staring at you intensely. To be more exact he kept staring at your arm. You wondered if he got to know about his Brother hitting you but you had worn a hoodie so there was no way he saw that bruise. After you were done you were about to get up with your plate when Riki held your wrist And made you stand in front of him. Getting nervous you tried to take your wrist back but He just glared at you as a sign for you to stop. Rolling your sleeve up he saw the red bruise. "My brother did this didn't he?" You just stayed silent not saying anything. "Lee Y/N when I Ask something to you I expect a answer from you!" He shouted at you making you flinch. "Yes…Riki your brother did this to me." You were on the verge on tears but kept it in "but Don't do anything to him Riki" "how do you expect me to stay silent when he hurts my woman?" He will pay for what he did to you Y/N Riki said this in his mind.
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Slowly entering the house hoping your boyfriend Jungwon was not at home having some bruises on your arms and legs you were about to enter the bedroom when someone from behind held your hand gently and took you to the couch. Knowing it was your boyfriend Jungwon, you didn't say anything. He sat down on the floor on his legs as he examined your state. Arms and legs full of bruises. He looked in your eyes expecting for an answer from you. Knowing you will have to tell him someday you told him about you getting bullied at school. He was angry at those kids but your health was more important to him so he calmed down. The next day when you went to school you heard the news about your bullies being found dead. All thought it was because of overdose in drugs they were using but you knew better. It was Jungwon who killed them but you kept quiet.
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You were cuddling with Sunoo here on the bed when he mistakenly held your wrist To tight. That is where your professor gave you the scar. He has been harassing you For weeks but you were scared to tell Sunoo about this as you knew that he will kill Him. Seeing you wince in pain Sunoo quickly looked down and saw your red wrist. Trying to hide it you pulled your sleeve down but he pulled it back up to see it clearly. Looking up Sunoo expected a answer for you. He had to know who did this to his girl. "Who did this to you Y/N?" Hearing him call by your name you knew that he was Serious so you told him…you told him about your professor harassing you. After Listening to it he just nodded and told you to take a nap. You knew that he was gonna Do something to the professor but you didn't say anything. The next day it was said That your professor was gone missing. You just stayed quiet. You could have told the Police that it was your boyfriends doing but one he had a lot of power and two you Were now safe from your professor.
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rowretro · 5 months
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✧warnings: toxic/yandere themes, harassment, violence, stalking and ofc bullying
✧synopsis: Yandere Enhypen as your bullies, they find out a boy likes you and you may like that boy back hence they snapped...
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To think that he would even let the boy to cross paths with you, you must have been stupid. God Heeseung is so in love with you to the extent of wanting all your attention on him. What better way is there to have him under your control is there than to bully you?
You were used to this by now, the slapping, the ripping up your homework, the harsh slut shaming, and the way he made sure you were isolated from everyone. But when he saw you pull out an envelope with a box of your favourite chocolates in your locker, boy was he mad...
Within seconds, the gifts were smacked out of your hand as you found yourself being pinned harshly against the locker, your head felt extremely painful from the impact. "Fuck I know I kept calling you a whore but I expected you NOT to be one Lee y/n." The man seethed through gritted teeth as he yanked your hair back, his other hand sliding underneath your shirt, You were quite taken aback by this rough behaviour and the change in surname.
"You're fucking mine don't you get it at this point?!" Heeseung spat as the girl frowned. "Heeseung- but-" before you can even dare to continue that sentence, he kissed you forcefully, saliva dripping down your jaw as it mixed with your tears and his saliva. "Like it or not you are mine." The man spat lastly
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Being such a rich, smart, spoiled son of one of the biggest CEOs in South Korea, Jay always got his way around everything. He was always cocky and he loved how little everyone looked around him. His eyes then landed on you. The most innocent, pure looking sweetheart. Since the day he laid eyes on you he knew you were his. Hence he did everything to keep you to yourself.
It started off accidentally. He wanted to be nice but he accidentally pulled her hair. Seeing how she yelped, tearing up a little, he fell in deeper love with the sight. Since then he continuously yanks her hair, says hurtful things and embarrasses you every chance he gets. Recently, Jay caught sight of a boy and you. His blood boiling at the sight of you two giggling together.
He was extremely pissed off dragging you away from the male, and to his car despite your cries and protests, he simply pushed you in, cuffing you to the side as he got into the driver's seat. "JAY- WHAT THE HECK?!" You finally screamed as he started driving. "Sorry pretty baby... Have to take you to your new home, it seems you're forgetting who you belong to..." He trailed off with a smirk.
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Jake wasn't known for being violent or rude, but he was pretty popular among the girls. However, he only had his interest in one woman. You. Every time you'd walk past he'd smack or grope you. The male loves getting you into detention where you'll be stuck with him alone.
Recently, you had been coming to school feeling a little happier despite his antics, which Jake obviously found suspicious. The man stalked you home, only to see Haruto, one of the boys in your class, walking with you. Jake scoffed to himself, smirking as he walked to his home.
The next morning, you were met with Jake's car parked at the entrance of your home. the man yanked you in driving you to his place. Jake pulled you out, dragging you to the basement where he chained you up against the wall. "Welcome to your new home darling... Of course your room is much prettier but for you to see that Why for now..." Jake trailed off, fiddling with his knife. "you deserve a punishment for being such a slut." He darkly said.
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Park Sunghoon was equally as intimidating as he is pretty, girls swoon over him on a daily basis, but will never approach him. Why would they when anyone he touches ends up dead... except for you. The only girl he has spared. Sunghoon hated people so much, he loved to kill for a living, and no one dared to take action for He was the very son of an extremely dangerous mafia boss.
Sunghoon however felt something different when he met you... for the first time in his life he experienced love and only one woman can give him that... you. So he did everything and anything to get your attention, he loved seeing you cry and scream and beg just for him. Heck when he saw that boy ask you out... the boy died on the spot.
Sunghoon yanked you to an empty classroom slamming you against the table as he slapped you. "FUCKING SMILLING AT THAT BASTARD?! WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU ACCEPT THAT SHITTY BOQUET WHEN IM HERE WITH EVERYTHING A WOMAN NEEDS?!" Sunghoon yelled, yanking her hair as he kissed her, his fangs stabbing her lips as he kissed her so painfully. "You're fucking mine hmm? everything you do is for me." he mumbled, as he stroked her cheek.
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The boy is pretty sassy, everyone knows that. However people weren't to fond of talking to him after seeing how he treats you. Sure he runs his mouth spitting vulgar, heart breaking words at you, but he always follows it up with some violence. But can you blame him?He's obsessed with you, god the way you whimper and cry, how cute you looked when putting ur arms out, trying to stop him.
Like those cute little hands can do anything to stop him from throwing a chair at you. Oh but you really crossed the line when you smiled with Jaemin. The senior who obviously has a thing for you. Sunoo beat the living shit out of Jaemin, before carrying you away. You tried to kick and punch, but you couldn't get him to budge. He threw you on the floor of his living room as he took off his belt.
The man showed no mercy as he continuously belted you, his eyes bloodshot with anger "HOW. FUCKING. DARE. YOU." He yelled between the hits. He threw his belt away, as you snuggled into the sofa, hugging your knees as Sunoo breathed heavily. He suddenly knelt down before you, grabbing your jaw to make you face him "Oh no sweetheart im sorry, I know it hurt put I had to punish you sweetheart... you need to know you're mine hmm?" He asked, oh so sweetly...
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Jungwon is crazy in love with you, but he couldn't just show it.... he can't be seen as weak to you. Instead, he expressed his undying love by embarrassing you in front of students, making you cry with his words. He loves it, Now he knows you cry and scream just because of him...
Jungwon frowned when he saw Choi Yeonjun check you out, clearly having something for you. He didn't even fail to notice How you smiled at him too. Bad move. Bad bad move. How dare you fall for someone like that when he's there waiting for you?! He could deal with Yeonjun later. Right now... he needed to put you in your place.
As you walked into the locker room, to put you books in your locker, you suddenly get slammed against the locker, the sound of the room door locking evidently heard. The man turned you around so you could face him, his eyes piercing into yours as he grabbed your jaw "What?... expecting Yeonjun?!" He asked, bitterly as you frowned. Jungwon forced his lips onto yours, kissing you extremely roughly before pulling away and slapping you painfully. "You're fucking mine dont you dare look at other men... you do not want to know what im capable of darling..." he trailed off.
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Riki was pretty young, youngest in his friendship group, often being babied, but he hated that hence he always wore that cold façade. It was no surprise he was cold to you too, except... he still always put his attention on you. Whether its tripping you over, accusing you of random shit and slapping you ever so painfully, yanking your hair and forcefully kissing you out of the blue.
You hated it. You hated him. But Riki was madly in love with you. That's why he continuously tortured you. That's also why you saw him stabbing an already dead Sungchan who was flirting with you by the lockers. Riki was covered in blood, his psychotic blank eyes now landing on yours. "Awww sweetheart did I scare you?..." He taunted, chuckling as he smeared the blood on your cheek.
Oh how cute you looked being so scared of him, the way you fainted there and then, falling in his arms. Riki smirked, kissing you all over "Finally mine, all mine princess... you're right in my arms where I need you... where you belong and be safe my darling..." Riki smirked, carrying you to his home.
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heeseung-min · 4 months
"Miss Y/n, we want to ask you some questions regarding your boyfriend."
You glanced at the policeman in front of you. You were called to the police station because there was a murder case yesterday and one of the suspects was your boyfriend, Yang Jungwon. They found out he was nearby when the murder happened. So, they proceeded to ask him about it but your boyfriend denied and now they wanted to ask you to confirm his alibi.
"At 10.30 p.m last night, do you know where was your boyfriend?"
"I asked him to buy me some foods since both of us were too lazy to cook."
"What restaurant that still opened at that time, Y/n? As far as I know most of it closed at 10:00."
"Street foods. Jungwon bought us tteokbokki last night. It still counts as food right? It doesn't mean Jungwon need to buy from a restaurant."
The police stared at you trying to look for a lie but he just sighed when he couldn't detect any lie from you. You also felt relieved when he finally stopped asking questions.
"Alright, thanks for cooperating with us. You may see your boyfriend at the next room."
The police said as he led you to the room to see your boyfriend. You watched how he just stared at his hands on the table ignoring what the police in front of him said. When you finally entered the room, he quickly looked up as if he could recognize you from your scent.
"Yang Jungwon, you are free to go. We have confirmed your alibi with your girlfriend."
The polices left both of you alone. Jungwon walked closer and hugged you.
"They didn't hurt you, right?"
"No, Jungwon. I'm okay. Let's go home."
"I'm glad they didn't disturb us about the case. Just because you were walking on that road, that doesn't mean you were the one who did it!"
You said while eating the popcorn and watching the movie you set up with Jungwon. He made your head leaned on his shoulder and caressed your hair.
"It's okay baby. It's over now."
You continued watching the whole movie until you sleep on your boyfriend side. Jungwon smiled at your snoring. He played with your lips for a while before carrying you to the bed. He went out of the room and went to the hidden basement. The place that you never knew exist.
"Fuck, since when the road has CCTV. I should ask Niki to hack it."
He went to the duffle bag that was on the table. He opened it and took out every equipments in there and cleaned the blood stain.
"I did it to protect Y/n. She could be in danger if I let the guy alive."
Jungwon said to himself while cleaning his knives that he used on the victim last night. He turned on the radio to fill the silence in the room.
"The murder case that happened yesterday at Jibangi Road was still in mystery. The polices claimed the suspect that they caught was innocent and didn't have any connection with Kim Jaehyun, the victim. They were trying to search for more info and the police asked for the residents to stay at home especially at night."
If Kim Jaehyun didn't disturb you the other day, Jungwon wouldn't do this. If that guy didn't take your photos under your skirt, he would never kill Jaehyun at the first place.
"I can go as far as killing just to make sure she is safe."
hehehehehe Jungwon as yandere character is the always the best 😁🤌 hopefully you guys enjoy this.
Taglist: @stacey-stonem @duolingofanaccount @obsessed1with1straykids @huggyuvita @eeunoia @rowretro
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rokomoi · 2 months
���.*“lovers from the past”*.•
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pairing: heeseung x reader x sunghoon.
synopsis: after graduating college and finally being independent after that incident and getting a job at the FBI, life was going great but he came back to haunt you, taunt your skills as a detective.
word count:12k(yikes💀)
disclaimer: THIS IS ALL FICTION!. english isn’t my first language, apologies in advance for any grammatical mistakes and errors. this is not proofread, i pulled words out of my ass and put them together. reader will be using female pronouns and will be described as one but skin colour will not be mentioned.
trigger warnings: murder, blood, guns, drugs, a lot of death, violence, manipulation, heeseung himself should be enough as a warning, sunghoon cuz he can’t take his job seriously and a whole a lot of other nasty stuff that i forgot to include (PLEASE proceed with caution).
1993, end of February in Seoul, South Korea.
“I swear to god, Heseeung. Stop shoving your camera in my face!” Sunghoon whined loudly. Waving his hand around to try and block the camera that was currently being held by Heeseung as he ignored his pleas and continued to shove it closer to his face. Heesubg laughed in his face as Sunghoon whined and tugged on my sleeves to protest against Heeseung. “Your little girlfriend won't do anything, man up Sunghoon” Heeseung teased at him, raising his eyebrows cockingly at a now very grumpy Sunghoon, my eyes went back and forth between the two of them, feeling the tension between them rise as I slotted myself between their two bodies. “That's enough you two, acting like two toddlers. You can record sometime later for the memories.” I pointed a finger at Heeseung, and he could only nod with a smile on his face as he turned his camera off and put it away in his bag. “This feels surreal, finally graduating from that shithole.” Sunghoon yawned as he slung his arm over my shoulder, pulling me closer to his body as he planted a kiss on my head, making me giggle out in response as I glared at Heeseung who fake gagged as he side-eyed us, “Get a room you two lovebirds…disgusting.” He grumbled out, making Sunghoon stick out his tongue at him and Heeseung could only return it with a middle finger as we walked beside the pavement on the busy roads and streets of Seoul as petals of cherry blossoms fell down and made the amber sunset seem more majestic. Before soon meeting up with the others at a nearby park to hang out one last time as seniors before everyone parts their own ways. Whilst there, while the sky had already darkened and the stars started to shine, Heeseung had been kind enough to offer to get some snacks and drinks from the corner store nearby as we all cheered at his sweet gesture and he strolled off into the dimly lit park. A few moments later, Heeseung returned back with a bunch of bags filled with snacks in his hand but there was something off about him, he kept grumbling about how some random old man at the store kept treating him wrongly and yelling at him for even breathing near him, he was fuming as he grumbling about him, Sunghoon not doing any better as he chimed in and agreed with the said old man and taking his side at how he would do the same if he was his age toward Heeseung. I eyed Heeseung from the corner of my eyes, watching how his jaw clenched and how his eyes narrowed at Sunghoon and how his knuckles turned white from how hard he was gripping the Coke can in his hand, he fake laughed at Sunghoon’s joke which honestly made me feel uncomfortable under his sudden change of aura as his eyes twitched in anger and lowered his gaze down. He mumbled a sentence under his breath that made my eyes almost pop out of their sockets as I turned to look at him with a shocked expression, my breathing started to get faster the more his words echoed in the back of my head.
“I'll kill him or anyone who has done me wrong when I grow up…”
2001, November 15 on a very freezing night.
Heeseung had a very bright future ahead of him, one that everyone dreamed of during their childhoods, teens and even some elders. He had a high-paying job, the looks to woo a girl in just a matter of seconds, the intelligence that everyone wanted and envied, and most importantly the mannerisms of a very polite gentleman that made every elder wished he was their sons, and every girl wished they would marry such a gentleman like him. But..it was all wrong. And you could ask me about him. I still remember that one night, which still to this day makes a cold shiver run through my spine and my chest tighten so tightly that it immediately triggers a breakdown for me.
An audible sigh left my dry lips, finishing the last bit of the e-mail I was typing away in front of me, quickly hitting send as I finished the last word. Making me sigh yet again, pulling my protection glasses off of my face as I brought my hands up to rub at my dry as a desert eyes. I leaned my aching back against into the softness of the office chair, resting my head on the neck pillow that Jay got me on the first day of my job because “you would need it after staring all day at that computer, and dealing with Sunghoon.”. and of course, still as a trainee in a major job like the FBI was puzzled so much as I took the gift from his hands, I did not understand what he meant that day but I understood what he meant after being here for about two years by now. I snickered to myself quietly as the memory of that day played in my head, a fond grin formed on my lips but it quickly dropped as I fluttered my eyes open and glanced around my messy desk, a bunch of mugs half of them still filled with now cold coffee and some empty, paperwork, folders and pens all scattered around and most importantly the small picture frame of my parents and me in the corner. My breath started to get shaky now the more I stared at them, how much happier we looked during that day and it definitely affected me. I bit down on my lower lips, flinching a bit as a hand came and pushed the photo frame down, my eyebrows were knitted together as I raised my head up to stare at a very tired and heavy eye-bagged Nicholas, a mug of his millionth coffee of the day in his hand with his lab goat and one glove still on his other hand.
“don’t want you staring at them and crying like a crybaby, m’kay?.” He simply uttered out. taking a small sip of his coffee before he wished me a good day and went away to stride back to the forensics team lab before Jake, Lee know and Euijoo somehow manage to fuck up evidence and destroy all the progress in the case. I huffed and puffed, staring one last time at the now-laid flat picture frame. shaking my head as I raised myself up, taking my ID from my messy table and holding it in my hands as I went about my way towards the room where everyone could possibly gather around if they found something new with the cases. Before I could even slide the glass door open, I could already hear the loud bantering that was happening inside, I could only recognize one voice among all the others, and it was Sunghoon’s.
“are y’all playing or doing your fucking jobs?!” I grumbled loudly as I slid the door open harshly. making everyone in the room go mute except for Sunghoon who kept on clinging to a very disgusted and disturbed ni-ki. all heads turned my direction, some hanging their heads low as they mumbled out apologies, I sighed out as my heels clicked against the marble flooring, striding my way towards Sunghoon and grabbing him by the back of his jacket and pulling him off of poor Ni-ki. ni-ki beamed a smile at me as he bowed his head, thanking me as I returned that smile to him, my nose scrunched up in grimace as I took in a whiff of the prominent alcohol smell on Sunghoon’s clothing. I turned my head towards the direction of the boys in the room, all sitting around the big round table, parting my mouth to speak up but Yudai already spoke before me.
“don’t worry, we already gave him a sleeping pill.” He exclaimed. shrugging his shoulders at me then going back to drinking his coffee like nothing was happening in front of him, I turned my head towards Sunghoon again, who was now all heavy eye-lided and who could easily pass off as a zombie. I tsked at him, letting go of his clothes as he crashed down onto the leather couch in front of him, letting his drunken state dive deep into slumber. I took my usual seat between Jay and Jungwon, making myself comfortable before speaking up.
“any new clues? cases? crimes? just anything..” I trailed off. feeling the fatigue get to me the more I sat and glanced around the table, Jay hummed beside me as his hands flipped through the pages of the folders in front of him. “well, we’ve got a new guy on our hands. a guy who sticks antlers into his victim's heads after killing them.” Jay trailed off, I turned my head to the side to stare at him, puzzlement reading off of my facial expression as I stared at his side profile, trying to figure out if he was just joking or not. “wouldn’t that make him a hunter then? a deer hunter?” Sunoo asked from the other side of the table, raising his pretty face up from the computer he was writing on as he looked around the room, his face going blank as everyone stared at him dumbfounded. “why?..I’m just stating the facts!” He grumbled out. giving us his signature eye roll before he packed up his things and went out of the room, ni-ki followed him close by as he trailed behind him like a dog as they probably went back to the cafeteria to eat or just went back to their offices to work on getting more evidence and hacking into electronics.
Jay slammed his hands on the table, starting to pick up his folders and everything that belonged to him, he turned his head towards me. “I’m gonna go check out the crime scene, wanna join me?” He asked. I nodded my head slowly at him before getting up, wishing everyone a good day before exiting out of the room with him. we could only walk away from the room about a meter or two before Jay turned around because he started to hear groaning from behind him. He let out a very loud frustrated sound as he rubbed at his temples, I stared at him with frowned eyebrows, cranking my head back to see what made him so distressed, honestly it made me stressed as well. “you fuckers..stop leaving me alone and going on duties without me.” A very drunken Sunghoon slurred out in his drowsy voice, as he slumped his tall frame towards us whilst whining about how nauseous he felt. “this is gonna be my worst nightmare.” Jay murmured out. as Sunghoon latched his bigger body onto me, making me whine about how hard his fingernails were digging into my skin as Jay just watched us with an already burnout look on his face.
during the crime scene, somewhere deep in the suicide forest of Tokyo.
Jay dipped under the yellow warning tapes scattered around the crime scene. quickly bowing to his superiors as he went to put on his gloves to look and poke around the scene. Sunghoon hummed behind me as he looked around the scene in front of him with heavy eyes, I sighed as I turned my head back to look at him, almost feeling pity for him as I watched him even struggle with the simplest task of putting on gloves, I finished putting my ones on as I walked over to towards him, taking the situation into my own hands as I helped him with it. “mhm..thank you, pretty girl”. He uttered out pretty drunkenly. giggling to himself as he skipped his way over next to Jay before quickly following him behind. I placed a hand over my nose as it was immediately struck with the strong metallic smell of blood. My eyes widened a bit in shock as I glanced at the victim in front of me, their torso all sliced open and their ribs sticking out of it as they were shoved down onto some bigger antlers, the antlers piercing through their skin and body as it made me feel even more sick than I already was. Just like as Jay said, antlers were stuck into their heads, making them appear as ‘deers’.
“..this is an artistic way to mutate a person,” Sunghoon murmured next to me. Turning my head to glance up at him as he was carefully observing the scene in front of him with his thick eyebrows knitted and his lips formed into a thin line. I dropped my head down to do the same thing he was doing, crossing my arms over my chest as I eyed the state of the victim. I was too focused and way too deep into my thoughts to even hear the small banter going on beside me between Sunghoon and Nicholas. “What the hell were you thinking when you touched the corpse?!” Nicholas yelled at him, pointing a finger and all at a very confused Sunghoon. “I was just trying to test something out!” Sunghoon grumbled back at him. This only added more fuel to Nicholas as he lowered his pointing finger, making a very stressed Euijoo calm down from trying to break them up from creating another crime scene here. Nicholas exhaled heavily, narrowing his already sharp and tired even more at Sunghoon as he simply just shrugged at him. “Boy, I'm gonna replace you with the victim, now come here!.” Nicholas barked back as he launched at Sunghoon, but Sunghoon was quicker as he ran away from him Nicholas followed behind him as he spitted out curses at him in Taiwanese. My breath hitched in my throat, feeling my throat closing up as my shoulders shook slightly. “JAY!..the victim's heart and lungs are missing!” I yelled out to Jay who was all the way on the other side of the crime scene, feeling the nausea growing in me.
Inside Heeseung’s house, 2001, November 16th on a cold morning.
I hummed a song to myself as I finished up the last bit of touches to my eggs, taking the pan off the stove and platting it next to the special sausages I made yesterday and the two slices of homemade bagels. Smiling to myself in satisfaction as I laid the pan down in the sink to soak with the other kitchen tools. I poured myself a nice warm cup of coffee, perfect for this time of the year as I sat on the kitchen island, digging into my plate as my eyes scanned through the newspaper in front of me. A chuckle erupted out of the back of my throat as my eyes caught a familiar headline.
“The Deer Hunter serial killer strikes again!”
That frankly made me giggle in response the more I read about this section of the newspaper, I raised an eyebrow as I sipped on my coffee. “How is she supposedly the best FBI detective in the world but can't solve these cases?” I murmured to myself. I stifled back my laughter, shaking my head as I threw the newspaper over my shoulder. Going back to devouring my breakfast as I glanced down at the knife in front of me, picking it up as I gazed at my small reflection displayed on the knife. I smirked cunningly at my reflection, raising my eyebrows at myself before shooting my head backwards as I heard something crash upstairs, making me eye the stairways suspiciously as I gripped my hold stronger on the knife. Then the reality hit me, making me drop everything in my hands, my mug crashing onto the expensive and clean floor as the coffee spilled everywhere, the knife crashing and clanging down beside the spill as I frantically searched through the kitchen cabinets, feeling my breathing patterns getting shakier along with my hands getting shaky as I started yelling out in frustration as I broke everything whilst searching for my pills, finally finding the bottle of pills, spilling out some onto my palm and the rest going on the floor as I shoved the ones in my palm into my mouth dry, using my saliva to swallow which made me choke on them for a bit before they finally went down, making the voices in my head and shadows in my pherial vision going away. I gasped out for air, running my hand through my damp hair as I leaned my back against the cabinets, trailing my now lazy and heavy eyes around the now-messy kitchen, I let the effect of the pills take over me as I fluttered my eyes closed.
I really didn't want to deal with them today…
I audibly huffed out in frustration as my fingers gripped the steering wheel of my car, tapping my nails anxiously as I chewed down on my lips, my leg starting to bounce up and down from the anxiety that was building up in my chest, tightening it as I felt the air in my car get too stuffy. I let my head hang low and rest my forehead against the steering wheel, staring down at my lap as I felt my eyes starting to moisten again, all the nausea coming back to me from the crime scene of yesterday to the many ones I've been seeing every single day because of this goddamn killer, so, of course, that night also. How could I ever forget that night when he…A knock on my car window made me jolt out of my headspace, raising my head to stare at whoever was at my car window, I blinked away the tears to clear my vision up, only to be met with everyone’s worst nightmare in the office, THE Park Sunghoon.
I sighed as I grabbed my bag and belongings, turning the car engine off and taking the keys out as I opened the door and let myself out of that stuffy car. Gently closed the door behind me as I eyed him up and down, he just looked down at me and blinked a couple of times before he opened his mouth to speak. “Don't..” I threatened him. Watching his lips going into a pout before he huffed at me, I rolled my eyes at him as I locked the car and started to stroll my way toward the office doors, Sunghoon just closely falling behind me as we both entered the office, greeting everyone good morning whilst all he could get was side-eyes from the employees. A grin curled on my lips as I saw Jay walking behind our head agent of the office, Mr.Park Baekhyun, also known as Park Sunghoon’s well-respected father whom everyone fears. I turned to Sunghoon who immediately lowered his head at the sight of his father, I arched an eyebrow at him, all that nosy mouth, attitude and tough personality and he immediately feared his father over the worst-known criminals he had dealt with. I snickered to myself as I turned my attention back to the two men, bowing in out of respect toward Mr.Park. “I need everyone in your whole team in my office, right now.” Mr.Park uttered in a demanding tone, making me raise my head to look at him and then toward Jay who just pointed with his head toward our main office where everyone in the team was there currently. Sunghoon zoomed past me and jogged to the main office, while I was left to go along with Jay into the office of Mr.Park, not long after everyone piled up in the room with us as we sat around the big table he had in his office, everyone eyeing one another nervously, I glanced over at Sunghoon who seemed pretty nervous as he stared at his lap and was currently picked at his long well-kept nails, my facial expression changed to one of concern, leaning in closer to him.
“Are you feeling okay?” I whispered. Trying to hide the disgusted expression on my face as the smell of alcohol was still lingering on him, did he seriously drink this early in the morning? All I could get out of him as a response was a soft hum, he didn't even want to raise his head to spare a glance at me as he kept his eyes focused on his lap and hands.
I sighed as I crossed my arms over my chest, slumping back against the office chair as I decided to let him off of the hook this time.
“I'm pretty sure why you're all wondering I've gathered you here..” Mr.Park started off. Making everyone’s turn toward his direction as he also glanced around to see and read our facial expressions. “A very big thing happened last night, a masquerade was hosted near the Roppongi area and a total of five hundred people were there..and everybody has somehow all tragically died.” He ended. Earned some gasps from us whilst the forensics team just looked at each other with pure horror in their eyes, imagine having to deal with five hundred bodies and trying to get every single detail of evidence off of their lifeless bodies. Mr.Park cleared his throat, making our attention snap back to him as he started to speak yet again. “I want you all to go down there and search every nook and cranny for a small piece of evidence that could make us possibly catch this killer, good luck to you all..and Sunghoon.”
He turned into a harsher tone as Sunghoon finally found the courage to raise his head and move his eyes shakily in the direction of his father. “…do your job for once, god fucking damn it.” He grumbled at him through gritted teeth. I started to be scared of him even though he wasn't even related to me. Sunghoon could only nod his head slowly as he shot up from his chair and was the first one to dash out of the office and leave, slowly everyone started to leave one by one, all whilst murmuring to one another while I stayed behind because Mr.Park wanted to have a private conversation with me. Leaving me standing still in the middle of his big office that glowed under the sun beaming into the humongous windows, I gulped down nervously, eyeing him nervously as he Sat comfortably in his office chair and scanned through the folders on his desk with his reading glasses resting comfortably on his nose that was identical to Sunghoon’s one.
“So…my daughter, how is he doing?.”
“Oh my god Sunghoon, stop it!” Nicholas's voice echoed throughout the ballroom as Sunghoon went around and skipped over the dead bodies like it was a carousel, as he proclaimed allegedly. “So what are we working with today?” Jay questions Jungwon as he sneaks up behind him, looking over his shoulder down at the iPad he held in his hands, all with everyone’s information on it that had been a poor victim in this case. “Well…a lot,” Jungwon stated with a sarcastic tone in his voice as he passed the iPad over to Jay’s hand as he went away to stop Sunghoon from disturbing the peace. “Jay, why are the masks melted into their faces?” I murmured as I looked up from my crouching position, Jay offered me a confused look as he scooted me over and investigated the body in front of both of us. “That's weird…some of them also X-marked on their chests…with their blood.” I hummed in confusion as I tried to make sense of what he was saying. A deep sigh left me as I glanced around the beautiful structure of the golden ballroom, making me go into awe I was fascinated as I forgot that such a gruesome scene happened in here. I squinted my eyes as I caught a blurry glimpse of something far away in the distance, precisely where the stage was. I slowly steadied myself up and walked very slowly to not trip over the many bodies all splayed out in their own pool of blood and their once formal and expensive gowns and suits now all ruined with the said blood. However, I instantly regretted my courage and toughness to come here as a dead person was sitting down on a chair, their whole throat sliced up from the top to the bottom, revealing their larynx, voice box and everything else, while a violin was shoved down their mouth, and it seemed like the killer room his time with him because he has carefully sliced his throat one by one to imitate the string of a violin. but what made it worse was the words written in blood behind him, instantly triggering a panic attack within me as I collapsed down onto the floor, I gasped for air as my hands flew up to my chest to clutch against the fabric of my shirt, trying to tear it open as my shoulders started to shake as sobs left my mouth and echoed through the ballroom. Sunghoon in his even drunken state immediately picked up on the noise and the source where it was coming from, ignoring the nagging of Yudai and Nicholas as he stomped his way over to me, immediately pulling
me into his warm arms and he was to say the least mortified at the same sight in front of him.
“you’re not safe, you’ll be joining your parents soon y/n..”
was written in blood, which horrified everyone in the room including me and Sunghoon.
Tokyo, Saiko corporations.
I squinted my eyes harshly as I felt them getting drier the more I stared at the bright screen of the computer in a dimly lit office. An audible yawn left my lips, taking my glasses off as I pinched the bridge of my nose, inhaling a deep breath in as I turned the computer off and decided I was finished for the night. I took the eye drops that were put neatly on top of the piles of books stacked on each other, raising my head to stare at the ceiling as I dropped two drops on each eye, making my vision blurry and my eyes sting from the drops. I cleared my throat as I closed the eye drops, putting them back in their place as I stretched my arms behind my head, feeling the exhaustion and achiness all over my limps. My ears perked up at the sound of heavily soiled shoes striding around the office, making me stop my movements as I cranked my head around to be met with the face that I hated oh so much.
“Good night, Mr.Yamada,” I said in my fake high-pitched voice, getting up from my seat and bowing my head down a little at the CEO of the corporation where I was working at currently, a very scummy CEO if I had to be specific on describing him. My eyebrows frowned as I raised my head back to glare at him after hearing him scoff very loudly. “Hm…I would change the way I worked in here if I were you, 'cause you see here Heeseung. We're a very formal cooperation that is highly respected and-” I stuck my pocket knife I kept in my pockets at all times, in the side of his neck, watching his eyes shoot wide open as he gasped out, his hand reaching up towards the knife but I grabbed a hold of his filthy and snobby hands. “You should tell this to someone who actually fucking cares, sir.” I hissed at him, pulling my knife out as I watched his hands fly up to grab at his neck as he choked and gasped at the blood coming out of his mouth, I tsked as I glanced down at my bloody hands, letting out a small sound of frustration.
Great, now I'd have to scrub them dry until they were flaky like they weren't dry enough from yesterday’s night..
Saiko Cooperation, Tokyo, 2001, November 18.
I stood in front of the tallest company building in Japan currently. Tapping my boots against the bricked pavement as I twirled the cigarette between my fingers, inhaling the nicotine in as the smoke puffed out and blended in with the gloomy grey sky of today’s morning. I hummed in acknowledgment of Nicholas’s arrival as his Euijoo, Jake, Lee know and some other trainees trailed behind him, he gave him his signature eye roll as he stood next to me and let his own team pass by him. His eyes twitched, and a frown formed on his face as he leant his face in closer to smell my clothes. He let out an audible gasp as he slapped a hand over his mouth, “You're not drunk today?!” He questioned in that annoying voice of his. Making me wave my hands around to dismiss his question but he kept bugging me like the annoying little shit he was ever since my father forced me into this field. “Unfortunately…” I replied back to him. Grunting out in frustration as I placed the cigarette back between my lips, smoking it until I reached to the butt of it, throwing it somewhere along the pavement as I shoved my hand into my coat, narrowing my eyes at Nicholas as he reached an arm out to pat my shoulder. “I'm hoping you keep it up this sobriety, haven't seen you sober since high school…” My stomach turned at the mention of high school, a time period in my life that even satan himself would not want to go through it, I simply nodded my head at him, patting his hand that was on my shoulder as I went about on my way back inside the building. Hoping I'd reach my destination in time, which was on the twentieth floor where everyone else was, especially y/n and that scumbag. He was the only reason I was sober for once today in over a decade.
The shutter clicks of cameras rang throughout the large office, which consisted of a large amount of metallic smell of dried-up blood, the smell of a dead and decomposing body, and the sounds of flies buzzing around the office. I pulled my turtleneck up my nose, blocking any type of smell from entering my nostrils, I felt a shadow cast over my frame and turned around to be met with the sight of Sunghoon who gagged at the scene.
He lowered himself to be close to my face, moving his mouth close to my ear as it brushed against it and his smelly cigarette breath hitting me in the face and ear.
“Are you feeling alright?…” He murmured in a deep voice. I hummed in response, nodding my head slowly at him as I cranked my head more to face him. “Yeah…still haven't seen him around, yet…” I mumbled back. Seeing him sigh out of relief as his gaze wandered around the office, I watched how a light bulb lit next to his head as he left me all alone and jogged somewhere else in the building. “The hell did he go to?…” Jake asked as he finished putting all the evidence he collected into a zip-lock bag. “Just do your job, man,” Ni-ki grumbled back at him, making Jake pouty in return as he crossed his arms like a little child not getting his way as he stormed off to help with the other forensics team. The silence was broken as I flinched at the loud voice of Nicholas echoing somewhere from the other side of the building. “JAKE, MY GOD STOP BEING SO FUCKING CLUELESS.”
I huffed out as I tried to catch my breath after jogging up about five or more flights of stairs. Gulping down the saliva built up in my mouth that was getting drier the more I walked toward the room where I was supposed to interview and question staff and employees who were on night shift duty or who just stayed overnight to finish up paperwork. I cursed at my father for forcing me into this task, I may be known and considered as the supposed ‘nepo baby’ of the office but hell…this isn't the nepotism I wanted in a million years. I stood in front of a brown door that looked a bit run down and rusty, I inhaled shakily as I reached out to twist the knob open and peeking my head inside the room. Immediately, my blood started to boil as I caught a glimpse of a very familiar side profile of the Lee Heeseung. I built my courage up, brushing off my grudge feelings aside for now as I promised that I'd take my job today as seriously as I could. I cleared my throat, grabbing his attention as I closed the door behind me.
“Nice seeing you after a while…Sunghoon.” He uttered in that mocking voice which never in a billion years I thought I'd be hearing again, let alone sitting alone in a room with him, face to face with and asking questions about last night's murder, and knowing about his past and his tendency to lie, I believe I’d have to seek into getting my hands dirty if that's the case.
“Yeah, yeah, not nice to seeing you too…Heeseung.” I felt like chopping my tongue off after rolling his name off of it. I made myself get comfortable as I knew I was in for a ride for interrogating with him. His snicker echoed, making me shoot daggers at him as his tilted Hus head with that cunning facial expression on that face which everyone considered one crafted by craftsmen himself but I beg to differ, I wanted to slice it up, skin his face alive as I enjoyed the rush of killing again. His voice broke me out of my thoughts, “Why that long face, Sunghoon? Are you too afraid of me?” His signature sentence. That rolled off his tongue smoother than butter, I clenched my jaw as I observed his face slowly turn more psychotic and more cunning. “Are you afraid about me going batshit crazy on you? Slicing your throat open? Worried about your little ex-lover going through the same night over and over because of me? Hm? Or are you afraid that you'd end up like me? C’mon now…do not forget about that night, Sunghoon. You said that you enjoyed the look on their face when you-” The more he taunted at me, the more blood boiled even more before he could finish and continue on with his taunting, all I could was red as I quickly stood up and took out my gun from the back of my jeans and shooting where ever it could shoot.
Just as long as I could get rid of him.
The last few days truly felt like someone had speeded up my time. I got more stressed about hearing the gunshots from that day at the office and having to see Heeseung cunningly smirk at me as he made his out of the interrogation room with him having a fake pained expression on his face as he was holding a band over his stomach that was wounded by a bullet. Shivers truly ran down my spine as he walked past me, giving me a psychotic look secretly until he was put away into the ambulance and took off, just like that night.
Sunghoon wasn't any better as he kept thrashing around as the guys tried their best to hold him down Jake immediately prepared a sleeping pill for him and shoved it down his throat, making him gag in the process as slowly started to get drowsy and mumble out threats in gibberish as he slept on the couch back at our own office building. He was immediately taken off any tasks and duties until further notice. Making the office feel gloomy without him being him to light the mood up, hell…even Nicholas admitted to missing him last night as he cried in the lap of a very confused Euijoo Ashe confessed every single one of his thoughts in his drunken state.
The snow crunched under my feet as I strolled down the slipper pavements of our neighbourhood, making my way down to check up on Sunghoon after finally having a day off for the first time in a while. I climbed up those three little steps leading into the comfy and welcoming doorway of their nicely decorated house. Leaning my right side on the wall I reached my hand out to ring their doorbell, a minute later I was met with a messy-looking Sunghoon.
“Hi…” I murmured out in a soft tone. Watching him run at his red eyes as he stood still in the doorway, looking at me blankly like he always does before he moved his body to the side, making way for me to enter into the warmth of their home. Taking my boots off as he closed the door behind me, going back to staring at me with those red eyes that looked like they hadn't gotten a single ounce of sleep in forever. “What brought you here?” He whispered in a cracky and hoarse voice. I arched an eyebrow at him, tilting my head at him in confusion. “What I can't check up on you?” I scoffed at him. “No.” He simply muttered out harshly, making my eyes go wide a bit as I parted my mouth to protest back at him but instead, all I could hear was the small sobs coming out and past his quivering lips. “I don't feel like myself anymore…That night just keeps playing over and over in my head, it's making my insomnia worse.” He hiccuped harshly, making me teary-eyed with him as I watched him crash down on the floor and start wailing there, dropping to his side and engulfing him in my embrace, as he hugged me back as I rocked his shaken body back and forth as he let out all his emotions in his breakdown.
Just like how we used to do back in the day.
Flashback to 1993, April 1st.
My ears were ringing like crazy as the voices and conversations of the people in the hospital were all getting distant I frantically jogged past everyone, pushing some people out of my way as I tried to get there, to find his room on the third floor in the hospital. My body started to feel more wobbly and shaken the more I neared the room that he was in currently, I swung the door wide open to his room, standing in the doorway as my mouth hung open slightly as I eyed the sight of poor Sunghoon who was shaken and sat up in his bed as he wept quietly. I took wide steps toward his bed, sat down on it as I pulled him into my embrace, a hand of mine going to stroke at his hair as he clutched his hands onto the back of my sweater, his sobs getting muffled as he buried his face deeper into my chest, “I didn't mean it…” He hiccuped. Letting out another gut-wrenching sob as he shook his head from side to side in denial. “I didn't mean it…I didn't mean to kill my mom…I-” I shushed him before he could continue on, pulling him closer to me as I continued to cradle his shaken body and weak in my embrace, a singular tear falling down my cheek as I tried to set aside of hatred towards him for now.
2001, December on Christmas day, Tokyo.
I tapped my feet anxiously on the marble flooring in the office of my therapist, my leg starting to bounce as I eyed around the office as I got more and more impatient and anxious the longer they took to get here and start the session already. A sigh out of relief went past my lips, as I grinned softly at them as they took their usual seat in front of me, their notes in front of them as their eyes went back and forth between me and the notes.
“December…Christmas day…I’d hope so you're not thinking about your parents, since it is their death anniversary today, right? I felt the air in the room get more harder and suffocating to breathe in, I chewed on my nails nervously, feeling my heart pounding against my chest as I felt the warm tears already forming in the corner of my eyes. “Let's go over that night until you're brave enough to talk about it comfortably, yeah?” they mumbled in a soft voice, I slumped my head back against the leather office chair, staring dazedly at the ceiling as my memories flooded in of that night which still haunts me to thisday.
1995, December on Christmas day, Seoul.
My and family were at the door, biding our goodbyes with the Lee and Park families as they went home after a very very awkward dinner. My eyes kept wandering back and forth between Sunghoon who looked very uncomfortable as he kept eyeing Heeseung who was sitting beside me, I believe Heeseunf also saw this and let his hand travel under the dinner table, resting his hand comfortably on my thigh and giving it a reassuring squeeze to the soft flesh, he leaned his head close to my ears as his hot breath hit my ear and made goosebumps rise on my arms. “Don't worry too much about him, Sweetheart…” He whispered gently in my ear, I hummed in response to him as my eyes went back to glance at Sunghoon who didn't break his eyes away from us as he played and picked around the food on his plate. I shook my head away at those thoughts, as my parents walked past me bid me good night and went up to their bedroom, maybe Sunghoon still hadn't gotten over the death of his mom or I immediately broke the relationship off with him after he was back on his feet and was discharged out of the hospital? I huffed and puffed as I felt my head spinning from all the overthinking I'd been doing after dinner. I strolled up the flights of stairs, going into my bedroom as I changed into more comfortable clothes to sleep in, I crashed onto my king-sized bed, letting the fatigue get over me as I dived into deep slumber.
I gasped loudly as I jolted awake as I heard the distant sounds of vases breaking down the hallway, making me stir up in bed as I hugged the blanket closer to my body, and then it quieted down. The only thing I could hear was my breathing patterns as they went faster and calmed down every time a little noise was made. My breath hitched in my throat as I heard the sounds of heavy footsteps nearing closer and closer to my bedroom, making me pull the cover my body as I hid under it, slapping a hand over my mouth as I tried to calm myself down and hopefully get away from whoever was inside the house currently. My eyes shot wide open as I heard the knob of my door twist open, the door slightly creaking open as the heavy footsteps made their way quietly into the room, but stopped in the middle. I signed against my palm, shutting my eyes as I pretended that I was still sleeping under the blankets. However, the blankets were forcefully pulled off me, not even letting me react or scream out to get someone’s attention for help as the said stranger launched his body over me, repositioning me to lay flat on my back as I was met with the face that I never imaging to be seeing, Lee Heeseung.
“You really thought I would not find out about you being pregnant…with my baby growing inside of you?” He said cunningly. Cocking his head to the side as he smiled at me with a psychotic look on his face that I was leaving kisses all over a few hours earlier at dinner. “You really think I'd let you get that abortion? Think again sweetheart, you're having my legacy. I wanna carry on this little family tradition that was passed on to me.” He giggled menacingly, leaning his head down to rest his forehead against mine, I gulped nervously, feeling my shoulders starting to shake as he whispered something to me that'll haunt me forever.
“I killed your parents, I skinned them alive, cooked their flesh and ate them and I enjoyed every single moment of it, my love.”
And he still had the audacity to act innocent as he called the cops prior after killing my parents, ate on them and got rid of all the evidence. And yet, he acted like a hero in front of the authorities, I eyed him as I sniffled my runny nose, my body couldn't produce tears any longer as a medical staff drapped a blanket over my body. My eyes wandered toward the body bags being loaded into some other car, feeling my heart being stabbed repeatedly at the sight of my once-alive parents. I turned my head around to glance around the neighbourhood, seeing police cars, reporters and some of my neighbours now all looking at me with pity in their eyes, I caught a glimpse of the familiar tall frame and body of Sunghoon as he trailed behind his father as he looked and talked around with authorities for evidence and what not. I frowned as I thought about how strange he was acting tonight, usually when something major happened to me or my family his first priority was to come and comfort me but here he was, doing everything in his will to avoid me as he kept fidgeting around and sparring a few glances towards Heeseung, as he smirked at me mockingly and went away to his car to go home after being done with his job of traumatizing me for life.
2001, December on New Year's Eve, Tokyo.
“Man can't even rest on this day…” Yudai grumbled as he crashed down on the lap of Taki who was busy playing on his phone, giving Yudai a glare before averting his attention back to his game. “At least Sunghoon isn't here.” Nicholas chimed in as he entered the meeting room with coffee in his hand and the rest of his team trailing behind him, Jake immediately made himself comfy next to Ni-ki who groaned out of annoyance at seeing Jake’s presence. “You were crying over him about two weeks ago, Nicho…” Jungwon stated as he kept his eyes focused on the laptop in front of him, typing his fingers away, Nicholas started to fume and protest back as his face was clearly giving signs that he indeed was lying and was missing Sunghoon’s presence dearly. Speaking of the devil, the door slid open harshly, making everyone inside flinch and some even put their hands on their guns just incase there was a threat in the building, that threat turned out to be just Sunghoon with black eye bags as he gazed at around the room with a displeased expression on his face. Nicholas may have shed some tears as he immediately launched his body onto Sunghoon and hugged the life out of him, making Sunghoon whine about how disgusting he was acting towards him whilst Nicholas kept wailing and speaking gibberish sentences that no one could make sense of. “Alright, that's enough you two…” Fuma uttered as he pulled Nicholas off Sunghoon, Jungwon came up behind him to pat Sunghoon’s shoulder, “Glad to see you back buddy.” He smiled gently at him, Sunghoon doing the same as Sunoo quietly made his way in without letting the others be aware, coming up behind Sunghoon as he smelled him, a frown on his eyebrows, “You're sober?!” Sunoo gasped out, slapping a hand over his mouth in shock as Sunghoon turned around to glare at him. “Your stupidity makes me want to drink again,” Sunghoom said mockingly as he got a scoff from Sunoo as he stormed off to sandwich himself between Jake and Ni-ki. “I drink to forget but I always remember…” Sunghoon exclaimed out loud enough for everyone to hear, earning a few snickers from the guys, he parted his mouth to speak but instead turned his head around to glare at somebody who was running around the office even though it was a policy not to run around whilst working hours. “No running you piece of shit!” He yelled at the boy as he peeked his head out of the door, the said boy only turned his head around to spit out words in a foreign language that Sunghoon couldn't understand. “Verpiss dich, alter mann!” The boy grumbled back at Sunghoon, he glared at him but his expression quickly turned to one of puzzlement as he watched the now-once emotional Nicholas zoom past him and out of the meeting room towards the foreign boy. “MY BABY IS FINALLY BACK!” He wailed as he engulfed the boy in a tight embrace.
I hummed to myself as I twirled around the living room, dusting some vases off as classical music played softly throughout the room. I laughed as I glanced out the window, watching his the snow fell and piled up in my back garden. I slumped my body down on the couch, closing my eyes as the scene when I killed her parents played over and over behind my eyelids, making me smirk in satisfaction and victory.
“Why did you do that to us?” A voice oh so familiar spoke out, making me flinch as I fluttered my eyes open to see where that source of voice was coming from. It was the end of the hallway of the living room that was always dark and murky, my eyes could only make out the structure of a female figure standing still at the end. “You did me wrong. Lied to me, said that your daughter couldn't ever get pregnant, lied to me about the breakup of her and Sunghoon!” I yelled out at the woman. Making my chest heave up and down as I stayed put in my place, feeling my hands starting to shake as sweat beads started to form on my forehead. “What if I just…did what you did to us, to you?” The woman said cunningly before she started to merge out of the shadows, making me panic even more as I protested against her, screamed at her and her menacing skinless face as I backed myself up the couch, feeling another person holding me down as she got on top of me, and used her claws to slice me open while I let out the most gut-wrenching pained scream, “stop it..please just stop!” I protested in a weak voice, warm tears spilling down my cheeks as I couldn't feel the weight of a person on my body anymore, nor hands holding my wrist down as I reopened my teary eyes, looking around confused about what happened as my hands flew up to touch my chest over my shirt, huffing out of relief as I realized I just went through an episode, I sighed as I took the pill bottle out my pockets, taking a bunch of pills and shoved them down my throat as I swallowed them dry. I lay flat on the couch, staring at the ceiling as a few tears fell down my cheeks, feeling the pills pumping through my system as the effects started to take in and make me drowsy. The ringing to my door shook me out of my drowsy state, turning my head to the side to stare at the clock, who the hell would be at my doorstep at nine pm? I sighed as I dragged my feet across the floor toward the door, opening it ajar as whoever was behind it had pushed their way inside and threw a punch at my face, making me grunt out as I felt being held by the neck and slammed into the now shut door, I opened my eyes to glare at the intruder, and I wasn't certainly expecting Sunghoon out of all people.
“You really thought you’d be safe while I’m still alive, Lee Heeseung?!” He threatened through gritted teeth, as he tighten his hands around my neck, making it slightly harder to breath as I chuckled menacingly at him. “I’d doubt it…cause when I’m finally caught…so are you, murder” I taunted him, feeling adrenaline building up in my system as he tightened his hands around my neck, choking me as I slapped my own hands over his, gasping out for air. “you helped me murder her parents, do not forget that little thing, Sunghoon.”
2002, January 1st, Tokyo, inside of your apartment.
I stirred awake against the silk sheets of my bedding, fluttering my eyes open and closed as I tried to adjust my vision to the sunlight beaming through the curtains. A yawn went past my mouth as I stretched my body upwards, slowly starting to sit up on the bed as I scratched my already tired eyes, fluttering one eye open and I was met with the most horrific scene ever, making me scream out in fear.
Cameras shuttered and clicked as footsteps went in and out of my room and more investigation and forensics teams piled in. I felt myself getting more nauseous as I sprung out of my bed in a hurry, rushing past the people down the hallways to enter a random bathroom in my apartment, letting everything out in the sink as I heard someone sighing behind me as their hands worked to grab my hair out of my face, patting my back gently as I gagged and threw up even more. I continued until I felt my stomach starting to hurt from how empty it was after all the throwing up, I washed the remains of the vomit and my mouth, splashing some cold on my hot face. Raining my head to stare at Ni-ki who looked at me through the mirror with such hurt and pitiful eyes. “Here…let me guide you.” He murmured softly, letting go of my hair as he gently placed his big hands on my shoulders, guiding me out of the bathroom and outside the apartment building, he handed me over to Jay as he eyed me up and down worriedly. “Are you okay?” Although it was the stupidest thing he could ask after being woken up in your bedroom and seeing disinformed and sliced-off faces all stuck on your bedroom walls, while consequently, all the faces resembled and/or looked familiar to your deceased parents. Jay sighed out in frustration as he guided me towards the police car, opening the door for me as I got in without a word, staring at my lap blankly as I tried to figure out what even happened back there.
I scoffed to myself as I popped another biscuit into my mouth, lowering my binoculars down as I watched Jay get inside the car and took off, leaving the crime scene behind for the rest of the guys. I tsked to myself, getting up from the hard and uncomfortable floor of the building opposite of the apartment building. I dusted my hands and clothes off from any small rocks stuck onto them, “wasn't that too much?” Sunghoon mumbled quietly, as his hair danced around with the wind as he stared down at small cars and investigation crews coming in and out. “There isn't such thing as ‘too much’ in killing, Sunghoon,” I uttered out blankly, raising my binoculars to my eyes as I carefully scanned everything that was happening in her bedroom. “You crossed the line.” He grumbled behind me, making me scoff before turning around to glare at him. “Be glad it wasn't your face sliced off and stuck onto her bedroom walls, Jesus…” I huffed, taking my pill bottle out to shove a bunch down my throat like always. “You still haven't recovered?” He questioned as I turned to face him yet again, making me shove the bottle back in my coat pockets as I sighed out sadly.
“How the hell am I supposed to heal from Parkinson’s, Sunghoon?”
The two weeks went by like a blur honestly for me, I woke up, ate some food, got ready and went to the office and worked my ass off until my body couldn't take it, go back home and sleep. This cycle repeated for me over and over again, but every day had a single little moment or event to it. Each day being a different one, one day maybe I'll be getting a letter from him taunting me and receipting the night how my parents died, maybe a little voicemail with nothing but heavy breathing on the other line, or maybe him ‘accidentally’ appearing in front of him whilst walking back home, or maybe a beheaded head put neatly onto something in front of my door. Every day was different for him and I hated every single thing he was doing to me.
The sirens of police cars and ambulances were heard through the busy streets of Tokyo as I typed away at my computer, I decided to stay overnight to complete some paperwork, a thing that I've been doing for the past two days as I had such displeasure on going back home. I buffed out in tiredness as I felt my eyes getting dry from staring at the bright screen of the computer all day long, I felt the presence of someone behind me, wheeling my chair around to be met with the sight of Sunghoon who held two mugs in his hand, offering one to me but I suspiciously eyed the mug in my face. “It's not alcohol.” He whispered softly, putting the mug between my hands as he pulled a chair from beside one of the many desks and himself comfortable on it, wheeling himself closer to me as he sipped on his mug. This was not suspicious enough as I took a small sip of the drink, raising my eyebrows as I was surprised I wasn't met with the taste of tea secretly mixed with alcohol but it was simply just ginger tea. I hummed in satisfaction at him, and a small smile formed on his lips as he parted his lips, “How have you been feeling?” He asked simply. It was just a simple question with only two answers, but for me it was a lot more than that. I faked a smile on my face, nodding my head at him as I took another sip of my drink, leaning back against my chair as he eyed me up and down, his head slightly turned to the side. My eyes narrowed at him as I watched a mysterious glint form in his eyes, confused as he leaned and placed his mug down on my desk, leaning his face closer to mine as his warm and minty breath hit my face, making me gulp down nervously and before I knew his lips met mine in a sweet and tender kiss.
I scoffed as I zoomed my binoculars closer to the I scene in front of me, tsking at them as I lowered my binoculars. The winter breeze hit me in the face, making my coat behind me swish and dance around as the wind hit it. small petals of snow started to fall from the gloomy blue sky.
“Even after a whole decade, you're still in love with her, pathetic.” I shook my head in disbelief, huffing out as my breath came out as fog, raising my eyebrows in puzzlement as I watched the ex-lovers, mostly Sunghoon retreat and start regretting his actions as he hurriedly walked away from her, leaving her with that confused and hurt expression on that flushed face of hers. It made me chuckle at how stupid they were acting toward one another, I walked over carefully to the edge of the high building, sitting myself down as I raised my binoculars to my eyes, watching her movements as I waited for the perfect time to strike, “I wished I brought my sniper with me, so I could put a bullet through their heads while they were kissing.” I whispered under my breath. Scoffing to myself as I dangled my feet over the edge, although the next moment had my breath hitched in my throat and my eyes wide open, I watched through my binoculars how she grabbed the knife that she always kept at her desk in case she was staying the night at the office in to work, and how she pointed the blade toward her heart, the blade piercing her chest as her white button up getting soaked with her red blood. I lowered my binoculars, my mouth hanging open as I frowned to myself, my shoulder starting to shake as I let out a loud and psychotic laugh, clutching my stomach as I continued to laugh harder and collapsed on my back on the hard brick floor of the building, snow dropping on my face and hair.
My plan to drive her insane to her death had finally worked, now there was only one thing left to do…to set the building on fire and get rid of her body and the evidence associated with me.
My eyes wandered between the wet roads of Tokyo and the clock inside the dashboard of my car, every second. My gut feeling was telling me that something was very and very wrong, but I honestly couldn't place my finger on what was wrong. Was me kissing her wrong? Was me lying to everybody that I've cut ties with Heeseung like everyone else but I wasn't? I huffed out as I parked my car at the traffic lights, resting my forehead against the steering wheel as I tapped my fingernails against the wheel, chewing down on my lip as my leg started to bounce up and down, my heartbeats speeding up as my ears picked up on every single tiny sound. I cranked my head up as I saw a bunch of fire trucks and police cars zoom past the cars waiting for the traffic light, and they went toward the way back to the office. Maybe a fire started near our office? Or something like that? I groaned out as I slumped back, rubbing my temples as I felt the drugs Heeseung gave me a few days prior rushing and pumping on my blood. I bit the inside of my cheek, deciding to listen to my gut feeling for once as I backed my car up and speeded in between cars as I followed closely behind the fire trucks and police cars. And the sight of our office building being lit up in fire had me regret my decision to leave her alone inside. I stepped out of the car, jogging up toward the entrance of the office but instead, I was held back by Jay and my father who were already there and were informed about the fire. “Let go of me!” I yelled out, feeling my eyes moisten with warm tears as I kicked around as I was forcefully kept in place by the two men who were yelling in my ears to calm down, I let out a scream of frustration and guilt as I collapsed on the floor, letting the tears flow down my cheeks as my clothes and hands got wet and dirty from snowy pavements. I raised my head to look at the building, some parts of it falling off as it burned away, and due to me still being sensitive to every little sound from the drugs, I immediately picked up on the laughter of a familiar voice. I turned my head slowly toward the source of the laughter, seeing Heeseunf standing at the end of the street, that cunning smirk still on his lips as he dangled a lighter in his hand, my breathing started to get faster as I got up quickly, sprinting toward him as I ignored the pleas and protests of the other guys for me to stop, I launched myself onto him, knocking him down on the floor as I kept viciously punching at his face.
The built-up anger got to me and I’ve had enough of it.
Heeseung was finally arrested after that night, and I made sure to make his sentence even worse and guaranteed for him as I submitted all the copies of the VHS he had given me every time he started killing from 1995 till now. My father for the first time after my mother's murder finally smiled at me and patted my back for doing a great job. And now we've got him under our hands, we went ahead and searched his house and got ourselves more evidence of cases that were unsolved, and Nicholas took advantage of the situation he was in, taking him in his lab and stripped him naked and got every single thing that could be tested for evidence and he got the results he was exactly searching for, all positive and matching the victim's bodies. If that was humiliating for him, cause the disease was too severe for him when he killed my mother and accidentally left some evidence behind on the weapon and later on framed me for it and let me develop insomnia and be sleep deprived for the rest of my life, spend a year in jail falsely accused as my own father distanced himself away from me and hated my guys for killing my mother. He was immediately found guilty only after the first trial and sentenced to life in person with a death sentence and no parlour. I even admitted that I had helped him with him killing her parents but the jury just ruled it out as manipulation and abuse of power, letting me off the hook as I went back to my job as a lawyer at the office, sober from all the drugs and alcohol. My father got tired and retired, inviting us to one last dinner with him to honour his hard work as we laughed and cried and drank our minds off, he surprisingly announced me as the new head agent of the office, although I was drunk but I was still aware enough to hear Jay banging his head against the table, Nicholas starting to sob out in the lap Yudai. Not even an hour as my new position and rank, and somehow Nicholas managed in his drunk state to print out a vacation leave and made my drunk self convinced and signed it as he took off immediately to go back to Taiwan for two years. And Fuma was having the time of his life to use Heeseung as a punching bag for the new trainees to train their moves on. And you might be worrying about the rest, while Jungwon was still kept as my secretary but I let him take vacation leave, and Jay was still tired of me as he solved cases left and right, Jake was still pretty clueless but got his job done at the lab nonetheless, and Ni-ki…after hearing about the death/suicide of her, he immediately quit his job and moved to California, leaving all of us behind to start fresh there and I respected his wishes to do so since he was babied by her and he basically grew up with her whilst working her and he got the most affected after the news of her death. Sunoo followed him close behind and quit also, going back to his hometown to live a normal and quiet life there, instead Maki, Nicholas's legally adopted son took Ni-ki and Sunoo’s place as the IT specialist of the team. Although, he still couldn’t understand us due to the language barriers between us but he has somehow managed to make it work…and somehow managed to steal every single one of the new girl trainees heart in a second, making Nicholas all smug about it as he bragged about it to me. and Yudai suffered a fractured disk in his spine after demonstrating a move in a wrong way, forcing him to quit the job and relax at home while Fuma took his place in return. and Me…well…here I am, telling you what everyone has been up to as i sat down next to your grave, smiling wickedly to myself as I wiped my tears away, clearing my throat as i got and dusted my clothes off and bidding you goodbye in a small voice and a promise to visit you again.
“I’m home!” I yelled in a joyful voice, kicking the door closed behind me as I was met with an eerie silence in my home. I hummed to myself in confusion as I strided towards the kitchen to place down the grocery bags to unload later, my only priority was to search for Haseon. Now…Haseon may not be my son, but he was the son of you and well…Heeseung. The one that I immediately took him in my arms and flew with him to Sweden so he could grow under the care of my grandparents and not under Heeseung. I cocked my head to the side, feeling my heartbeats speeding up as I jogged and searched in every room in the house and he was nowhere to be found. Could he possibly in the garden with his pet bunny? That seemed like a reasonable option as I jogged back to the living room and sighing out of relief as I saw the back of his already growing frame. “Haseon! what’re you-“ I gasped out as I slid the door to the garden open, feeling like my throat was tightening up as I stared at him, was I dreaming or was this another child that broke inside the house? I felt my head getting dizzy, my worst nightmare was finally happening, the thing that I always prayed to every god to not let it happen to him since I certainly did not want disown him at such an early age. Haseon slowly turned around, an innocent smile on his face that showed his bloody teeth, as his jaw, mouth, teeth and shirt were all covered in blood. My eyes shakily trailed down to his hands, making me choke on my saliva as I glanced at his pet bunny, all bloody and his red flesh showing, Haseon squeezed the poor bunny, making blood gush out of his lifeless body as he brought the bunny up to his mouth, biting his teeth down on the exposed flesh and taking a big chomp out of it’s body, like a lion eating at it’s prey.
Haseon’s face and body was replaced by Heeseung’s one, making my stomach churn and the vomit slowly making it’s way up my throat. His actions made me think about the same thing Heeseung had done whilst we were both still in high school, and I accidentally caught him doing such a thing to his poor hamster while he menacingly smiled toward me and ate the poor thing raw. The same thing was happening in front of me, but with Haseon…the child I grew on the palm of my hands and sent to multiple doctors around the world to test if he had the psychotic genes like his father.
But they were all negative and wrong, he was just like his father.
A future psycho in the making.
notes: i was sleep deprived for the past three days trying to finish this, so don’t come for me if the timelines, story or anything don’t line up. just your brains to connect the dot’s together and tadaaa.
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eeunoia · 4 months
Yandere Ni-ki brother in law plsss❤️
pairings: nishimura riki x reader
synopsis: your brother-in-law doesn't like you for his brother and wants you for himself instead.
warnings: yandere themes, mentions of death, violence, twenty year old riki and mention of sharp objects. (let me know if i missed some)
meeting your husband's family was probably one of the most memorable thing for you. not just because they will soon be part of your life, but also 'cause you couldn't seem to forget the dark look on his youngest brother's eyes. it honestly made you feel things you couldn't explain. he did told you that his brother was just really a shy boy so you shouldn't worry too much and that he will probably warm up soon.
you wanted so bad to be close to him, maybe because he's three years younger and you've never had a younger brother. he was cute despite being as tall as your husband, jay. cheeks still have that baby fat, lips so plump like a duckling and his face sprinkled with moles that made him extra adorable for your eyes.
but all that cute demeanor vanished when you saw him after a year. very tall—taller than your husband even, a little bit more muscular, hair bleached and looking so confident with his own skin. the shy boy his brothers use to describe his as gone like as if he wasn't even there.
since riki's university is closer to your place, your husband kindly offered to take him in during his school days which is totally okay with you. i mean, its riki. his younger brother and your brother in law. what could go wrong, right? Right?
“your brother just turned eighteen, right?” you asked your husband one night while you both cleaned after having your meal.
jay scoffed after giving you a slight glance while washing the dishes, “eighteen? babe, my brother turned twenty already.”
your mouth turned 'o' and gave an embarrassed smile. you felt bad totally miscalculating his age. he reassured you that its totally fine and you shouldn't worry too much about it.
“i'm just nervous. you know how he doesn't like me.” you pout and your husband broke into a small smile before walking closer, hand resting over your hips.
“come on, he does like you. maybe you can use this chance to be close to him, right?” he placed a quick kiss at your cheeks. his words of encouragement comforting you and made you smile.
“you're right.”
and so from there on, you tried hard to get close to him. every time he needs something, you try to help and provide it for him. thankfully, you are currently working at home giving you more time to take care of the two boys.
“drive safely, i love you.” you bid softly and even placed a kiss over your husband's lips, one morning while he's off to work with riki. he will give him a ride to his university.
your eyes unconsciously caught riki's eyes and you shiver because of how dark they look. in an instant, they changed into a more calmer one and glanced away. you were caught off guard for a while, but shrugged it off convincing yourself that you just hallucinating.
“bye, riki.” and you waved with big smiles.
he glanced at you while opening the passenger seat to his brother's car. and the joy you felt when he smiled a little and waved at you was just indescribable. you knew every effort from day one paid off.
gradually, your relationship with your brother in law develops. from sending small waves, giving small smiles and answering you with short responses to actually making long conversations with him.
riki really did warmed up to you and it made you so happy. your husband was also so delighted to see the two important people in his life getting along well.
“noona,” your head snaps over to the side and saw him by the door.
you raised your hand and pointed at the phone by your ear signalling that you will just finish it. he smiles and nodded before putting his bag at the sofa then starts taking off his shoes.
“hello, riki. how's your day? you hungry?” you stood up and approaches him. he glanced up at you and back at his shoes after giving a nod.
you chuckled and messed his hair lightly before walking towards the kitchen to cook him a small meal.
“you going somewhere tomorrow, noona?” he asks because riki don't have classes so he's wondering if you can hang out with him.
a big wide smile made it to your lips. “yes, we're going to see our doctor.”
his brows were quick to furrow, worry flashes down his face.
“doctor? why? are you sick?”
you let out a chuckle, “no. your brother and i are planning to have our first kid so we're asking experts about it. we'll be getting test for it.”
you thought that it will excite riki because you saw how he is with kids. he loves them. he will sure be good with his future nephews or nieces. but his face turned serious and eyes went completely blank.
“a-are you okay, riki?”
instead of answering you, he lets go of his utensils and stood up. he didn't even bother finishing his food and just starts walking away.
“riki, is there something wrong?” you grab him by his arm to stop and check on him.
his eyes darted down and then back at you. your grip loosen at the way his eyes looked so dark. the same chills you felt the first time you've seen him flashes through you. it was unexplainable and you aren't able to stop him when he started walking away again.
he didn't went out of his room after that and you decided to just let him be for now. maybe he just really lost his mood. everyone have those times.
you laid inside your shared bedroom and waits patiently for your husband. he texted you saying he will be home a little bit later. while overthinking about what happened between you and riki awhile ago, you didn't even realized that you fell asleep.
the bed creaks awoken you from your deep slumber. eyes slightly fluttering open and saw how the room was dimly lit. you remembered that you left the lights on, but maybe jay arrived.
you were about to call for him but a pair of strong pair of arms slid over your waist from behind, causing a small smile spreading across your face. he placed a kiss over your head that made you smile as you shut your eyes close.
but your brows furrowed slightly when you felt how his breathing was a little odd. like he was catching his breath or something. you opened your eyes and retrieve your hand that was resting over his arm wrapped over your waist. your eyes adjusted through the dark and your heart sank at the sight of dark red blood.
“j-jay?” your lips tremble and you turn your head to glance at him.
your eyes grew big when instead of seeing your husband, you saw his riki—your brother in law.
the dead look on his face terrifies you before you scattered to stand up from the bed. riki sat up and tears stream down your eyes as you look at him with terror in your eyes.
“w-what happened? where's your brother?” you turned and looked over the window from your bedroom.
“dead.” his words didn't process to you right away.
no, he's probably lying. he did said he will be home late so there's a possibility that he isn't home yet.
heart shattered at the sight of his car already parked right outside. the thought that something bad really happened to your husband broke you and almost made you lose your strength.
shivers ran your spine when riki stood behind you then hugs you, resting his head by your neck.
“it's okay, noona. i did it. i fixed it.”
with trembling lips, “what did you d-do, riki?”
he took in a breath, inhaling your scent that's heavenly for him.
“got rid of the problem of course!” he stops and nuzzle closer. you felt so scared and disgusted by how close he is, but the fear had you stoned on your position.
“my brother doesn't deserve you, noona. you,” he stalls and slowly move away from you. he hold your arms and made you face him.
eyes filled with tears you took courage to look at him. the soft look on his eyes were useless because of the blood all over his face and shirt. your mind are slowly going blank. starting to ask if this is really happening or you're just dreaming. if this is a nightmare, you want to wake up from it already.
“you are mine.” he cupped your face and you tried to move your face away but he hold it firmly before wiping off your tears.
“so pretty and mine. all mine.” he whispered and placed a kiss at your forehead.
you are about to push him off when you felt something sharp, pointing at your sides. when you looked at riki, his eyes are now darkly glancing down at you.
“don't even think of doing something or i'll hurt you, noona.” his tone so cold. “you know i don't want to, right? i just want you to be all mine and now you are.”
you cried out of frustration because you cannot do anything. you felt so powerless over riki and you can't do anything to save yourself and your husband from this situation. your every nerves fear the younger boy standing in front of you.
“i love you.” he whispers caging you into a hug and you were left without any choice but to give in, silently praying that all of these were nothing but a bad dream.
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eeunoia 2024 © all rights reserved.
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viisator · 2 months
Two words of love - P.Sunghoon
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Pairings: Park Sunghoon X F!Reader
Genre: Thriller. Horror(little bit). Drama.
Warning: death.
Description: Have you ever felt like you're living to survive? What if someone you dearly love brought you to hell? What if you're no longer able to survive? Will you kill yourself, or him instead?
Not Proofread
(the description is shitty but I went through my drafts again and saw that this is finished...one of my favs but the first half part is boring...but the ending is kinda cute so...yeah. I'll be in senior high btw.)
• • • • •
Flesh and bone met each other as the sweet taste of iron filled Y/n’s mouth. She hugged her shudders as she lay her whole body on the cold floor, waiting for another pain to touch her in a few seconds. But there came none.
9:41. She closed her eyes as she listened closely to Sunghoon’s movements. She heard him walk away from her as the door creaked open and closed.
It’s been that way since they married three years ago. It’s been her job to ease his stress whenever Park Sunghoon’s been beaten up with his career, and still…all this time she said none. She’d gladly do his meal, do his laundry, clean all the things he had that should be clean, massage him whenever he needed it, sing him a lullaby if he could not sleep, tell him all sorts of lies to ease his worries, but all of those—best. it should suit his taste. It should be perfect. It should be something like him. It should be the best. Park Sunghoon does not need Y/n’s advice, doesn’t need her to complain, and doesn’t want her poor work; she must do all things to perfection. He just could not accept it if anything’s not to his taste if she complained—no. she should never. He does not need her voice to speak with any kind of authority and complaints; after all, he had never brought money to her table less than any job she’d had, paid her. But even requesting food or asking her what she wants for dinner is forbidden.
Y/n pulled herself up from the floor before her whole body turned cold from lying for too long. Lifting her heavy bruised head, the wall clock ticked for midnight. She had been lying for three hours without any kind of movements but her breathing. She looked around her, the whole house was neat, the floor could even pass as a bed, but the broken pitcher on the kitchen floor—she needed to clean it up before Sunghoon felt his thirst. So as fast as her beaten bruised body could do, she grabbed all the shards on the floor, hastily picking every piece of glass—she needed to hurry because probably in no time, he might wake up from the loud noise her chest was making…Y/n can see red. She needs to clean it up. But the glass. Clean the glasses first then clean the red on the floor, clean the red on her hands, clean her shaking hands, clean her wobbly feet, clean her shivering body. She could not breathe, she could barely see the shards she was picking. If only she could turn it all back and never loved him—never married him.
The sound of pouring water, and the burning of the wounds and bruises all around Y/n’s body made her wince in pain. If only the water were quiet whenever it hit the bathroom floor, and if only the pain in her back never made her make such a sound. She’s afraid he’ll wake up and hurt her again. _______
Y/n tapped her screen to turn off the alarm. 6:04. Pulling herself from the couch, she heaved a sigh. An hour from now, Sunghoon will be awake for work. Y/n wasted no more seconds and went to the kitchen, rinsed white rice then proceeded to turn on the rice cooker, broke an egg, cut a sausage in half, and threw it on the hot oiled pan. Y/n can barely feel the cuts on her palms, and can hardly complain about the throbbing of her body.
She heard the shower open and the door slammed closed. 6:57. That fast? Pouring water into the kettle, she hastily put two scoops of tea into the teapot. 7:06. He should be putting on clothes now and should be done in a moment. Y/n put a plate on the table as neatly as possible, took a pair of chopsticks, and took Sunghoon’s favorite seasoning from the cabinet.
Sunghoon didn’t say a word as he pulled the chair and sat down soundlessly. Y/n put a half teaspoon of nutmeg into his rice, poured the boiling water into the teapot, and served her peaceful husband a cup of tea.
They stayed quiet as Y/n cut three carrots, while Sunghoon eat his meal. Y/n can still remember the night they first met, the jobs that made them so close, and the whole moment of their wedding. Now Y/n could only wait for him to leave so she could sleep at least just for an hour.
“Karin will be eating dinner with me.” Sunghoon will not be home until tomorrow afternoon. Y/n could sleep a day, or at least walk Gauel to the park later or tomorrow morning. But Sunghoon must not see her slacking off. He doesn't like it when she rest.
After Sunghoon put down his utensils and stood up, Y/n ran to fetch a coat for him and grabbed his things while she waited for him by the door. She held the coat wide for him to wear and gave him his things, held the door open until he stepped outside their apartment.
“Come back safely.” Sunghoon went on his way without answering—like usual—and Y/n locked the door once he was out of sight.
Park Sunghoon is a former idol and is currently big in the modeling industry. Eleven years ago when he started his modeling, after a year of being a minor model, he became a Vogue cover, went to different countries, endorsed, modeled, and walked through the runway with different luxury brands. In the years of his success, there he met Lee Y/n. Y/n was Sunghoon’s makeup artist for seven years, and she’s the sister of one of his friends Lee Heeseung. There were times and events when Y/n and Sunghoon interacted outside of work because of their connection with Lee Heeseung. Time passed. They fell in love and dated for four years.
Sunghoon was the sweetest when they dated. Always checking on her, asking for what she thinks, and what she likes. He’d take care of her when she was unable to take care of herself. He’d act like a child just to get her attention. She always felt like the most significant person in the world. The most important person to him. She didn’t know what happened.
The feeling of knocking loudly on the hard tiled floor, and the feeling of feeling nothing at all—Park Sunghoon lifted himself from laying, then eventually felt warm hands on his shoulders and back, guiding him on the pillow to lean on his back, then he slap the hands away.
The last thing Sunghoon remembered was that he was feeling sick, then suddenly lost consciousness, unable to register what was happening around him, then eventually knocked himself down while on shoot.
“I was worried—”
“You did this, didn’t you?” Voice lashed with cold, he looked up at Y/n who met his eyes.
“Did what...?”
He couldn’t believe her. How could she act all innocent? Was she jealous of Karin that’s why she did this. Was she mad at him because of what happened last time with their date? Just what is wrong with her?
“Put nutmeg on my food every single meal.” His face was solid rock. His brows met each other while his jaw clench hard.
Y/n creased a confused face. She thought he liked it when she added a little nutmeg on his rice. What is it this time? Y/n truly is getting tired.
“You—you said you liked it when I add nutmeg into your rice?” She whispered as she held her hands tightly below her, preventing them from shaking.
“We’ll talk later at home.” Sunghoon managed to say on gritted teeth, while Y/n swallowed whatever she could swallow.
Was it her fault again? She didn’t know why he fainted, the doctor didn’t say anything to her, all she knew was that he fainted while on the shoot...but she wished he’d not hurt her, she wished he’d just forget whatever her sin was, she would gladly apologies to him—kneel and beg for forgiveness, ask for him not to give her another cut and bruise to fix and cover.
Sunghoon slowly pushed himself off the bed, and as he stood up, he couldn’t help but wince in pain, slowly, he put his hand on his temples. Y/n called out to him, helping him to sit down again.
“I’m sorry, Sunghoon—wha—whatever happened, I’m very sorry, I didn’t mean it. Please, if you could ever give me time to make it up—please forgive me—”
“SHUT UP!” Y/n didn’t cry because he slapped her hands away, it was his unforgiving voice that startled at her. She could feel her throat clench.
Slowly and gently, she tried to catch Sunghoon’s hands. He didn’t resist nor slap her hands away this time, but Y/n could feel his hard fist.
“Let’s go home.” Y/n followed quietly.
Park Sunghoon once complimented Lee Y/n’s cooking when they were still mare acquaintances. It was a normal Monday at work and Y/n always packed her lunch, and unexpectedly, Park Sunghoon came up to her to eat lunch together. Sunghoon liked the rice…the rice had nutmeg at that time.
Earlier at 8:21 at work, Sunghoon felt weird sensations in the pit of his stomach, while his surroundings danced around him. It wasn’t the first time it happened at work, and it wasn’t the first time that it happened anywhere. There are times when he constantly feels nauseous while having severe headaches, while everything around him seems to change shapes. He thought it was his overworking.
The last thing Sunghoon heard was ringing and Karin’s soft voice called over him and then he passed out. He woke up lying in the hospital bed with a doctor hovering over him. The doctor said that his constant nausea and hallucinations were the effect of digesting too much nutmeg, and the only one making his meal was his wife. It was always ordered food whenever he and Karin had meals.
Back at home, Y/n and Sunghoon sat still on the couch. Y/n’s looking at her trembling hands as Sunghoon stare at her with gritted teeth. Y/n whispered out trying to break the silence.
“You—You once told me you liked rice with nutmeg—” A loud bang cut through her words. Sunghoon smashed the wooden table separating them, as Y/n tried to cover her mouth, swallowing her cries.
“Y/n.” Sunghoon called out. But Y/n couldn’t look him in the eyes, her line of view could only register his clenching fist on the table through tear eyed sight.
“I’ve been feeling sick—I thought I was dying!” He raised his voice, she made a whimper.
“I’ve been blaming my work! And it’s all because you! You were trying to kill me—you tried to kill me, Y/n!” finally she looked him in the eye shaking her head.
“No—no, Sunghoon that’s not—” Y/n extended her arms to hold him by the table as she lifted herself up from sitting, but he raised his hand high above her, then she lay still on the floor, staring at the tiled ground with tears swelling her eyes. She couldn’t help it anymore, the whole apartment echoed her loud cries. Then, in a second the bedroom door slammed closed, and she was left alone with her silent whimpers.
She didn’t mean it, she only wants his approval, his acknowledgement; she only wanted Sunghoon to eat with her at dinner instead of spending all his night with Karin. She only wanted him to return and be the man she loved once.
Y/n wasn’t ignorant about the effect of too much nutmeg, that’s why she only added a little every meal. But when Sunghoon started to eat dinner with Karin and come back home late, and sometimes not returning home at all—Y/n took the opportunity to add a half tea spoon of nutmeg into his every breakfast. A part of Y/n knew that she added nutmeg with ill intent. While most part wants him to acknowledge and notice her. Then, it really was her fault…
After lunch earlier, when her phone rang with an unknown caller ID and told her the news of her husband passing out, she immediately put down Gauel and rushed to the hospital. When she arrived, the doctor only told her that he already woke up last hour, and eventually returned back to sleep. Then the doctor said nothing more.
When Sunghoon woke up and told her about the nutmeg, she was shaken, she thought she could kill herself for being the one who caused danger to her husband—now, she could only swallow her cries when he lifted his fist and broke from her touch. He hit her face strong enough to send her frozen on the floor.
Whenever Sunghoon is angry, often at her, Y/n slept at the spare room while Sunghoon locked himself alone in their bedroom. The first time they had a fight, Sunghoon told her that he wanted to be alone and slept at the spare room. But to Y/n’s conscience, she begged Sunghoon to sleep at their room instead since it’s much comfortable there than sleeping on the dusted bed at the spare room. Now, whenever Sunghoon’s mad at her, Sunghoon would locked himself alone in their room, with her no way of getting inside. She often felt like he already abandoned her, but he also needed a slave to take care of him, that’s why until now Sunghoon haven’t chased her out.
Like the usual, Y/n would get up at 5-6 am to prepare his meal, then see him off at the door. But today, after arranging his breakfast at the table, Sunghoon spared her no glance and went out without telling her a word. He doesn’t want to eat. He doesn’t trust her.
So Y/n sat down and ate his meal instead. Seconds passed and her head’s already flooded with thoughts. Minutes passed and her thoughts made her burst out crying.
Why did everything turned out to be like this? Why did he turned out to be like this? Is he still Sunghoon? The one she loved? Or was this someone else? It must have been his façade. He must’ve tricked her, and she fell in love with the idea of him without actually knowing him. It was all her fault was it? Should she die and end everything with her last breath? Or should he die and free herself?
Y/n spent her all morning thinking of ways to get rid of her pains, until Gauel barked at her to snap out of it. She saw Park Sunghoon in red just then. She slapped herself for the ridicule she’s been thinking and proceeded to do her chores.
Late that evening, she baked tiramisu—Sunghoon’s favorite—and cooked galbi jjim with other various dishes, also opened a bottle of soju, and message him at 6:03, apologizing and wishing him home, telling him she cooked his favorite and she didn’t add nutmeg in any of the dishes nor the rice.
8:37. Y/n had already set up the table and the dishes, and somewhere between 8-9, Sunghoon will be home. So she patiently readied herself sitting on the chair, checked her phone if he had already replied, but unfortunately, he left her on read. Well, at least he read. He knows she’s making all the efforts to apologize. Y/n let out a sigh and wished that he’d show up.
11:21. All the dishes had already run cold. Y/n was broken from her trance when Gauel approached her and barked. Her phone rang. it was Sunghoon’s caller ID.
“Oh!” It was a girl’s giggle with mumblings over the background.
“Uhm, who is this?”
“Y/n!” Y/n recognized the voice, it was her old coworker’s voice, before she resigned and married Sunghoon. It was Karin’s. Y/n couldn’t help but swallowed the lumps forming on her throat.
“Su—Sunghoon won’t be home for a while…” Karin’s voice was sloppy and uneven. She must be drunk.
“Why? Did something happen?”
“What? Of course not! Silly Y/n—” She hiccupped. “Just wanted to tell you Sunghoon’s unavailable to see you for dinner tonight.” Low grunts from the background made Y/n’s shoulder shiver.
“Why are you telling me this, where is he?” Y/n’s voice must’ve been shacking, she could feel her throat and chest throbbing.
“Hmm? What is it?” seconds of pause and Karin laughed on the other line.
“Sunghoon’s asleep honey! Bye~”
“wait! Kari—” Karin’s voice was replaced with ringing. Y/n slowly put the phone down, stood up and entered their bedroom, leaving the dishes cold on the table. Sunghoon’s probably drunk with Karin, doing who knows what…Y/n couldn’t take it anymore.
Sunghoon didn’t mean to not return home after three whole days…he just wanted a time alone and free himself from stress; it’s just that, Y/n has been giving her head ache for these past few days, and he wanted to clear his head, though Karin has been with him throughout those past three days.
Sunghoon slowly turned the knob. The whole apartment is pitch black, while there was an unpleasant smell lingers the air. Sunghoon ran and turned the lights open. There, at the table lays bowls, plates, and cups of rotten dishes. Sunghoon registered the decaying smell of gochujang and the smell close to a dead rat. In instinct he put his arms on his mouth and nose. What the hell is this? Where is Y/n?
Sunghoon wasted no more time and burst the bedroom door open and turned on the lights. No sign of his wife. He then strode to the bathroom door, pushed the curtains away, and no one’s there. He checked the spare room, checked the roof deck, checked the longue again, shuffled through Y/n’s dresser and closet. Her stuff is still there.
Y/n must’ve left since the night she last messaged him about the meal she made…she was apologizing to him, and he was with Karin. He remembered there were a time that night when Karin borrowed his phone and called someone. Was it Y/n? Sunghoon roughly shuffled his hair, scratched his palms, massaged his temples. Karin must’ve said something to Y/n. As far as he could remember, Karin drove him to the hotel he stayed at, then stopped in the middle of the road to borrow his phone, then when he’s inside the hotel room, he locked the door and said goodbyes to Karin. That’s all that happened that night…
Sunghoon grabbed his coat, turned off the lights and went outside. He needs to find Y/n. He must’ve been hard on her. Just what the hell did Park Sunghoon do?
Sunghoon felt the cold wind brush through his hair once he went down the apartment stairs, and now he stands alone in the roads. With his messy and scattered thoughts, the muffled screams of vehicle horns, yells of the drivers ahead of him, and the sound of his far distance apologies—he ran his eyes around him, he didn’t care if he’s in the middle of the road, but he’ll find his wife. He needed to find his wife.
To no avail, Park Sunghoon never had any trace of her. Slowly, with no energy left from his body, he opened the door and slam it close behind him. Something lunged at him...then burning and chocking—he could not breath. Sunghoon held the belt around his throat. With all his strength, he tried to lift up the person behind him as his sight blur while his breathing shortens, and a loud weight hitting the floor made his lungs finally grasps for air. Park Sunghoon stared at his wife slowly lifting herself up from the floor. Is he seeing this right? Y/n—Y/n…she—Y/n. His Y/n was trying to kill him…
Sunghoon couldn’t move on his feet. His eyes are wide open, his breathings are accelerating and accelerating until a quiet shriek left his mouth. His whole body was frozen when his wife lifted her head up to look at him. Tears flooded her eyes as she slowly stands up. Her whole body was shaking, and her loud cries filled Sunghoon’s hearing. Y/n lunge at him, running, tackling him down on the floor, Sunghoon held her wrist as she pushed her whole strength into the knife she’s holding. Sunghoon called out her name, but her cries only got louder and louder until his grip on her loosen. One, two, three...six—she stabbed and stab and stab. Sunghoon stared at his lovely wife. Her hair loose on their tight bun, he badly wants to hug her on her pink blooded apron she always wore whenever she cooks him meal. Slowly and gently, Park Sunghoon touched her wet cheeks. Little by little, her skin turned red as he kept on caressing her softly. Y/n screamed her pain and Sunghoon could only smile at her, because now he understands, he wasn’t able to be a good husband for her.
“I’m sorry,”
With the last of his strength, and the last burning of his breath, he held her hands tightly, and closed his eyes. Y/n lifted an axe.
The first time Park Sunghoon saw her was at Lee Heeseung’s 20th birthday, back in the times they were newly debut. She wore a ridiculous ankle pink boots and a twin messy braid. He remembered Heeseung and her argued about Heeseung not informing her that his friends will come, she should’ve wore something decent. But Park Sunghoon loved that outfit. That’s the outfit he always loved.
It was snowing hard outside when they first met at work. Y/n was newly hired as Sunghoon’s makeup artist. She remembered his soft smile that burned her cheeks, she remembered when Sunghoon first asked her out, she remembered when he first kissed her, she remembered his heat all over her—not like this, cold and still.
The taste of sweet, salty and savory erected at Y/n’s tongue. The sensation of chewy and juicy flooded her mouth, and when she swallowed, a great feeling of longing, sorrow and grief left her body weak. The body-less of Park Sunghoon’s head stare at Park Y/n as she opened her mouth, bringing a spoon full of his love for her to digest.
Note: HI! all the infos about nutmeg is from google...so...pls don't attack me. Btw i'm sorry Sunghoon died. and i'm sorry i was dead for too long....so yeah...
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shinehyuk · 2 years
closer | nishimura riki
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| Genre : yandere
ㅡ Summary : after giving in to him, your attempts to get closer to the male don't go unnoticed.
Word Count : 2k
tw/cw : unhealthy obsession, abuse, toxic relationship, food, please do not read if uncomfortable with such themes!
request : Hi ! could you do a yandere ni-ki scenario where the reader starts to give in and attempts to get closer to him ? love your works btw !
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩ ೃ༄*ੈ✩ ✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩༄*ੈ✩ ✧
You knocked twice on the door to Riki's room, quietly hoping that he wasn't asleep yet as you waited for his response. Hearing a light 'come in', you walked into the room and respectfully closed the door behind you.
The male turned on the light lamp that resided beside his bed on the night table, frowning at you as he rubbed his eyes. "What do you want?" He asked coldly, sounding almost irritated by the fact that his rest had been so rudely disturbed.
"I can't sleep" You answered with a gulp, thinking of abandoning your plan and going back to your room, but remembering what you decided on before. You were going to attempt to try to get closer to him – it definitely was not going to be easy, but you knew that he wasn't too keen on hurting you and had a secret soft spot, even if he didn't show it too often. And it was not like you could leave, so giving in sounded like the only option you had at the time; and maybe sometime in the future, you could have a chance to escape if he trusted you enough. But for that, you had to get closer to him.
"And?" He cocked a brow, not seeing how your trouble with falling asleep could possibly connect to him in any way.
"Could I.. sleep with you..?" You asked nervously. Riki coughed out from surprise, shocked by your rather abrupt question.
"Could I sleep with you?" You repeated, in case the male didn't hear you clearly the first time.
He sat up more straight and sighed, a mix of emotions showing on his face before ending up on a cold, indifferent face. You were sure that he was going to turn you down and tell you to get out and go to sleep, but instead he moved to the right side of the bed, making room for you on the other side.
"Fine." He scoffed, seemingly unhappy, but you could swear that he was trying to fight back a smile for a split second – not wanting the male to change his mind, you hurried to lay down on the free side with a smile. "But don't think I'm going to share the blanket with you."
"Thanks, Riki"
He switched the night lamp off, moving to lay on his side, facing away from you. You quickly fell asleep by his side, a bright smile on your face; you were glad that he didn't reject you like he'd always do – that meant that you were probably going to manage to actually get somewhere by attempting to get closer to the male.
You woke up in the morning, smiling at the warm, fuzzy feeling that surrounded you – opening your eyes, you saw that it was a blanket; the same one Riki had. You looked over to his side of the bed, seeing that he was still sleeping, and did not, in fact, have a blanket. You widen your eyes, breaking out in a cold sweat.
Oh no. Did you accidentally take his blanket during the night, when he specifically told you that he wasn't keen on sharing? Was he going to get mad?
You tried to be as quiet and stealthy as you could, taking off the blanket and softly putting it on the male, hoping that he wouldn't wake up while you did. You listened and waited for any signs, but it seemed that he was still asleep. You sighed out in relief, sleepily rubbing your eyes and sitting up. You had a feeling that you had a very nice dream that night, but couldn't remember any of the details.
Standing up from the bed as quietly as you could to not wake the sleeping male, you were ready to leave the room before you suddenly got yanked back, landing on the soft bed again.
"Stay" The male groaned, hugging your arm. You looked over at him, noticing that he still looked like he was in very deep sleep. Was he talking in his sleep? "..Don't leave me."
"I'm not going anywhere" You reassured him, comfortably laying back on the bed, smiling at the male's cute gesture before going back to sleep.
Maybe staying with him wouldn't be so bad?
About an hour later, you woke up, the warm blanket placed on you again. The only difference was, Riki was nowhere to be seen – you frown, stretching and leaving the comfort of the bed, going to look for the male.
Opening the door, you were met face to face with the male who was carrying a tray with two plates on it. Seeing you, he scoffed loudly and looked away. "..You ruined it." He whispered, quietly enough for you to just barely be able to hear.
"Huh?" You frown. "Is that..?"
"..That's not for you." He sneered, coldly walking past you and setting the tray on the bed. "Sit down."
"Did you seriously think I'm going to eat from two plates myself, dummy?"
You coughed nervously, embarrassed as you went to sit next to him on the bed. The breakfast looked delicious; Riki wasn't the best cook, but you could tell that he tried, especially if he was making something for you.
"Thank you" You smiled at him, the male looking away as soon as you made eye contact.
"I'm just making sure you don't starve," He said. "Enjoy."
You nod, both of you digging into the food in silence. Even though the only thing you heard was the sound of chewing and fork clinking against the place, the silence wasn't awkward at all; it was rather peaceful. You wished for more mornings like this, but you were more than sure that after you left the room, Riki would return to his cold demeanor, acting like nothing ever happened at all.
After you finished the breakfast, the male stood up, picking up the tray with the empty plates. "I'm leaving. Bye." He stated. "You're.. welcome to stay here. Just don't cause chaos." He shyly gestured at the room, glancing at you one last time before closing the door, not waiting for your response.
You couldn't help but grin, happy that he was already starting to warm up to you so quickly; it was nice. He never really let you stay in his room before, especially when he wasn't present. Could he really have had a change of heart so quickly?
You spent your time reading books and studying from the materials Riki has provided you with; even though you weren't allowed to go out, he still wanted you to have a grip of what's happening in society. Hearing the familiar click of the front door, you couldn't pass up another chance to get closer to him, hurrying to greet the male as soon as he came in.
As soon as Riki fully closed the door behind himself, you wrapped your arms around him, hearing a light gasp. "What did you just..?"
"Hello." You smiled. "Do you have anything for me?" You glanced at the bags he was carrying, the male chuckling at your enthusiasm.
"As if." He put the bags down with a smile on his face that this time, he simply couldn't fight back. The male pulled out a brown teddy bear from one of the bags, awkwardly passing it to you. "..Here. Use this as a sleeping buddy instead of me."
"Oh? Did I snore that much?" You accepted the plush bear, smiling at the fuzzy feeling that was now in your hands.
He rolled his eyes with a smile, unpacking the rest of the stuff from the bags. "Very much."
You scoffed dramatically, turning away from him. "How dare you?"
"Me? You're the one who bothered me in the middle of the night AND had the audacity to snore."
You poked him in his side, making the male yelp as he glared at you, a shock in his eyes that was replaced by a confident look the very next second. "Oh, you're on." He poked you right back, and so you both were a laughing mess for the next two minutes before the male regained himself, his cold attitude returning again.
"..What do you want for dinner?" He asked, unpacking the last bag before entering the kitchen.
"What can you make?" You answered his question with another question, looking around for something to snack on.
"Spaghetti will be good" He said as he yanked the package of sour gummies from your hands, putting it back into the drawer you took it from. "No snacking before dinner."
You whined, crossing your arms. "Not even one?" You made puppy eyes at the male, hoping that he'd break under the pressure of your persuasion.
"..No." He glanced away, preparing the necessary items in order to make the dinner. "Now, unless you want to help, go away."
"Can I really help?"
You left the room, impatiently waiting until the male was finally done with the food. After what felt like forever, he returned with the spaghetti, placing it before you.
You ate dinner together while watching TV, the male glancing at you every now and then to make sure you were eating well. Seeing you enjoy the dish he prepared, he smiled in relief as he watched you gobble it up.
After you finished eating, Riki collected the plates and put them away. "..If you need me, I'll be in my room." He muttered before leaving you alone.
The rest of your day went by pretty quickly – you did your daily before sleep routine of skin care then got ready to sleep with your new "sleeping buddy" that Riki got for you. It was a very cute plushie that was holding a red heart in both paws; only after giving the toy more attention, you remembered that you haven't given it a name yet. You thought for a minute, thinking up something that could fit. Perhaps something associated with the male next room? A play of words?
"You look like a Niki, don't you?" You smiled at the bear, feeling its fuzzy, brown fur. "Niki it is." Placing it on your bed, you didn't feel quite satisfied about today's day. You've made quite a move on with Riki, but was it really enough to get closer to him? What if he didn't make anything of it?
You needed something way stronger. Something that will really get through to the male and make him realize that you've truly given in to him.
Knocking on his door just like the night before, you waited for a response. Once you heard one, you entered the room and prepared yourself for what was about to come.
"Riki..?" The male wasn't sleeping yet, scrolling on his phone in the bed.
"What? Can't sleep again?" He cocked a brow, putting his phone away on the night table.
"No, it's just.. I love you"
"..You what?"
"I love you" You repeated a bit louder this time, to make sure that he heard you clearly.
"I know what you're trying to do" He rolled his eyes and scoffed in irritation, standing up from the bed. "It won't work"
"You're trying to make me let down my guard so you can easily escape."
"No! I just.. want to get closer to you."
He gulped and breathed out, taking a moment to take in and consider everything that you've just said to him. "..Then," He sighed, stepping closer to you. "..I guess I love you, too."
Your eyes slightly widened as he placed a soft, light but loving kiss on your forehead, shyly patting your head with the palm of his hand. "..But don't let it get to your head."
You nod, grinning and happily wrapping your arms around the male who slowly returned the sweet gesture, silently enjoying this moment that he has waited so, so long for. He has wanted this ever since he first saw you. He wanted you to love him back. For you to want to be with him.
And now that it has finally happened, he will let nothing ever tear you apart.
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩ a/n ✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩
thank you for requesting! i hope you liked it <3
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩ೃ༄*ੈ✩
‣ Taglist :
@atiny-chocolate-chip @lmaoskz @sunoo-bby  @heemingyu @nikipedia07 @effulgentfireflies @annoyingbitch83
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soireegurl · 3 months
Sick kidnapped reader (fever, cough, throwing up etc) with ni-ki?
"Tsk tsk tsk... Look how pathetic you are baby... If you would have just accepted my confession... Maybe it wouldn't have ended up like this..."
Ni-ki said while slowly caressing your cheeks.
You are having a bad fever but Ni-ki is not going easy on you.
*Cough cough cough*
You felt so weak that you couldn't even reply to Ni-ki.
"Aww... Baby is sick... I feel bad..."
Ni-ki said with a pityful tone.
You are currently in Ni-ki's house. Not that you chose to stay here, but you were forced to.
It all started from you rejecting Ni-ki's confession.
You are just a normal student in school, but just a little different as you are born with asthma and lung problems...
You are naturally weaker than a lot of people to the point where you can even climb up a flight of stairs without stopping midway.
On the other side, Ni-ki is well known for his good athletic skills and good physics. And not to mention he is hella rich. While your family's financial condition is below average. Both of you are the opposite.
No one ever thought that you guys can get along or even meet each other. As you would only stay in class, and Ni-ki is everywhere but in class.
However this might be what they say "opposite attracts". Ni-ki apparently had a crush on you.
But of course, you didn't know and doesn't care. You just want to finish your study and earn some money so you can treat your illness.
Ni-ki's tiny crush slowly became obsession. He don't even know what was making him feel that way as he had never talked to you or interacted with you in any way.
And one day he decided to confess to you, thinking that you would accept him.
But things doesn't go the way he wants.
You rejected him... In the nicest way possible.
"I'm sorry Ni-ki, but I'm not ready for a relationship... And my health condition isn't at it top most condition.. I'm afraid I wouldn't be a funny partner... I'm so sorry, but you deserve better."
You said nicely but still sounded weak.
"No it's okay... I have money and can pay for your medical fees. "
Ni-ki said anxiously... Hoping that you would change your mind upon hearing his words.
But no...
"Sorry Ni-ki... that's very nice of you... But I can't just accept free things like this... Thank you but I'm afraid I still can't accept your confession."
You said and bowed to him before leaving.
And the next day, you found yourself in his room being tied up.
[Back to reality]
"Ni-ki... Why... "
You said weakly.
"Like I sadi Y/n... You should have accepted my confession.."
"But... I don't like you..."
You said straight forwardly... You tried to reject him in the nicest way but seems like he doesn't understand... So you'll just do it the hard way...
" I don't care... You have to be with me... Even if you don't want to..."
Ni-ki's tone was colder than before.
"But... Isn't relationship both ways? You can't force me..."
You tried to reason.
"Oh I can baby... Ss... If I remember correctly, you have a younger brother... Right?"
Ni-ki smirked seeyung your shocked expression.
"If you don't want to see his head tomorrow infront of you... Then maybe accepting me us a better option."
Ni-ki said in a cold tone while his expression was creeping you out.
You threw up upon the thought of your brother's head chopped off and also because your fever was becoming worse.
"See there baby... I can force you..."
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enhypen, always connect 🤍
@jakesangel @jakeses @jakehooneada
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sunflwryu · 10 months
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warning: yandere, murder |  requested by: anon
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“w-what? baby, what is this...?” niki’s head snaps towards the direction of the familiar voice, only to see you, his beloved, standing there at the bottom of the stairs to the basement with wide eyes and a mortified expression.
fuck! he doesn’t know what to say to explain the situation. what, should he say that he kidnapped and beat the shit out of your ex because you ranted to him about them last night about how they led you on and broke up with you and dated someone new immediately? there’s no way you’d be okay with something like this, even if he did it to take revenge on them for hurting you.
“i-i-i...” he stammers.
your terrified gaze falls to the bruised body on the floor, registering the sheer amount of crimson red pooling around them to the metal baseball bat in his hands. “...you killed them?”
he drops the bloodied weapon on the floor at the horror in your voice. doom weighs on his shoulders as he dreads what comes next. he can’t lie to you, especially when you’ve caught him in the act, and because of the truth, you’ll definitely leave him. you will, won’t you? he closes his eyes for a moment, remembering all the good memories you had together, how much he loved you and dedicated himself to you, how much he loved hugging you and holding you close, how much he loved taking you out on dates, how much he loved how you folded into his side as you stuck to him like glue.
he opens his eyes, clenching his fists, preparing for the worst and taking in your beauty for what probably will be the last time. “i-i did this because i love you...” he blurts out, nervously waiting for your inevitable rejection.
that’s the truth, and that’s the only thing he can say right now. he swallows hard, knowing you’ll probably just scream, run away, and report him to the police for this, knowing that you could just ruin his life if you wanted because he’d never raise a hand against you even if it was to stop you, but he still hopelessly hopes that you’d notice his sincerity, that you’d stay and love him back.
but you don’t run away like he expects. instead, you’re still standing there. there’s no hint of fear in your demeanor, only acceptance.
“y-you’re not scared of me...?” he asks hesitantly, not knowing if that act is real or just some strange response because you’re scared of him. he’s afraid to know the answer to that question.
you walk over to him, reaching up to caress his cheek, smudging the red splatters on his skin, the gentlest of smiles on your face as if you hadn’t just witnessed him standing over your dead ex with a bat, as if you hadn’t just stepped over a bloodied corpse, as if you just happened upon something completely normal. there’s a familiar glint in your eyes as you stare into his, and then you press your lips to his before throwing your arms round his neck.
“why would i be? i’m so lucky to have you. you’re one in a billion to me, darling.”
he blinks once, twice in disbelief. “r-really?”
you jump up and down eagerly, your tone extremely enthusiastic. "i’ve always dreamed of someone proving their love by killing for me! don’t you think that’s so romantic?” you sigh dreamily in satisfaction. “that’s the biggest form of love, wouldn’t you think so?”
“and you did this because i told you about how cruel they were to me, right? and you did the same to all my exes, right?” you barrage him with questions, and he gives a slow nod to all of them, still processing what you’ve said. “you’re absolutely my dream, baby! you love me so much to even commit murder for me, to even risk being taken away from me just to avenge me and my pain!” you peck him on the lips again excitedly, pulling away with a sick grin. “i love you even more now!”
niki’s ecstatic from hearing this side of you he’s never known, this abnormal dream of yours he’s somehow embodied. you actually accept him! you actually love him even after knowing all he did, all his twistedness. he beams at you proudly, showing how happy he is at your words, how happy he is that you’re staying, that those memories won’t have to disappear, that they’ll be new, better ones to be made.
you brush a lock of hair away from his face before gesturing towards the body still on the basement floor. “we should clean up and dispose of that thing quickly. wouldn’t want my darling to get caught, hm? i’d be devastated if someone as wonderful and romantic and loving as you were taken away from me because of it, you know.” you click your tongue as you make your way over to the mop and bucket, dragging it across the floor to clean up the blood nonchalantly, humming a lighthearted tune.
and that's when he knew...it wasn't a dream when he saw you at the sink yesterday morning at the crack of dawn, grinning almost too widely as you washed a knife. he sighs happily in relief, reaching for a garbage bag to stash the body in.
aren't you two just perfect for each other?
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anon said: Hellooo good day. May i request a yandere riki where y/n found out about his yandere behavior so riki thought that y/n is going to leave him but y/n didn't because of the power of love(lol jk) i just thought it'll be a cute scenario lol
note: thanks for requesting, anon! i hope you like this one! i already have a disclaimer on my pinned post, but i just wanted to reiterate here: i don’t condone this behavior nor should you! it’s not romantic y’all, okay? this is just fiction and purely for entertainment. mc is really twisted in this one so oops (thought: they had so many exes cuz they were looking for someone like niki), sorry that it’s not so cute. anyway thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed this fic!! it was different from my other ones so i had fun writing it. <- my original note lol but this is also part of my publishing-drafts spree.
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enhypen masterlist  |  main masterlist  |  by @sunflwryu
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sanaxo-o · 2 years
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When someone hurt their S/O (Hyung Line)
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Lying on the bed and curled up in a ball. You were scared. Scared of Heeseung's brother. Heeseung, left you with his brother as he had some important work to do. He thought he could trust his brother on keeping you safe or to keep you in house and make sure you won't runaway but he was wrong. On the day Heeseung, left he started bossing you around. Making you do all the work and hit you for the slightest mistake you did. Heeseung, was gonna come back today so his brother left already. After all the torture you were tired. Your life was already a hell, you thought that the days Heeseung, will be not at the house you will be able to enjoy and at least feel relaxed but his brother was iust like him. You were crying your eyes out when someone entered the room. Looking up with your red and swollen eyes you saw Heeseung standing there with his brother. After seeing his brother you got scared and looked down. Heeseung, saw your reaction and understood what happened. "Hyung, why would you hit Y/N I know that you're very strict and all but she is mine. I will see what to do and what not." When Heeseung, said that you were confused. You thought he will be mad but he was just telling him not to hit you? "Y/N babe. Don't get scared of my brother. He is very strict and likes everything to be perfect. He won't hit you again." After saying sorry to you his brother left. (Not the best ik)
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Standing in front of Jay's office on contemplating whether to go in and tell him about what his aunt did to you or not. You were scared of his short temper but you knew that he will be mad if you didn't Tell him about this so slowly opening the door you stepped inside taking his attention. Looking up he Smiled at you telling you to go and sit on his lap. Obeying him you say on his lap pondering on whether to tell him or not. Noticing your behaviour Jay looked at you and was about to say something When he saw the red mark on your hand. Lifting your hand up he looked at it closely noticing it was a Bruise made by someone. Still looking at the wound he brought out a cream from his drawer. Seeing This you told him on who did this to you "Jay… you see. I told you remember that I am going to your aunts house? So I went there. She was nice and all till my driver left but later she started saying mean Words to me. She also held my hand really tightly. I was so scared without you there." You said that Almost crying. Jay was comforting you but in this mind something else was happening. "Aunt did a Great job in making Y/N scared. Now she will only be dependent on ME and no one else." Yeah it was his Plan all along.
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You were in the washroom putting cream on your wounds. It was burning but you had to cover them Up before your boyfriend saw them. You were about to cover the wound on your neck but the door Swung open catching you by surprise. Looking at the direction with terror in your eyes you saw your Boyfriend Jake standing there staring at your neck. Your hand was about to hide it but he held your Hand. "Who did this to you sweetheart?" Jake asked with a calm voice but it was still scary for you. Looking down you lowly muttered his friends name who did this to you. Looking up he clicked his Tongue. Obviously annoyed by it. He was now probably gonna torture him till death but before that He had to take care of you. So he took some healing cream and started treating the wounds.
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You were just lying down on your bed. Head on the pillow while trying to keep your sobs low as much As possible. Your whole body was aching. You went to your parents house today to take your younger Brother from them to you. You were a adult now so you can take care of a child. Knowing how much Your parents abused you, you didn't want it to happen to your brother. You used to protect him from Them till you were living with them but after they kicked you out you couldn't do so. So today you Took the decision to take your brother away from your parents but they beat you up and didn't let You take him with you. As you were crying Supghoon entered the room making you panic, "Y/N I know that you're crying. Stop crying" you tried to stop but the pain was growing more and more Seeing you like that Supghoon, looked at you and came towards you checking if you're okay. Seeing Your body filled with bruises made him angry. Knowing it were your parents doing he was livid. "Y/N Babe don't worry. Tomorrow we will go and bring your brother with us. Come I will treat your wounds". The next day you brought your brother with you. While your parents……well Sunghpon took them with him. He said he will hand them to police but did he? Absolutely no. They hurted his woman.
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rowretro · 3 months
𝓒𝓪𝓷 𝓘 𝓪𝓼𝓴 𝓪 𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷?
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✧warnings: idk
❁synopsis: You ask your boyfriend a question, seeing so many challenges on youtube, so.... he gave you quite an interesting response...
"Can I ask a questionnnnn?~" Y/n asked as Riki turned to her with a sweet smile "Go ahead" he says, already somewhat regretting his choice of words, wondering what kind of mischief she has up her sleeves. "Well... If I can only say yes for 24hours.... what will you make me do?" She asked. Riki then had a smug smirk tug at his lips, and now y/n was the one who was starting to regret her decisions.
Suddenly th man leans dangerously close into her face, lips only inches away, black hair somewhat decorating his forehead as he licked his lips as he eyed her. Y/n was beyond shocked, heat reaching her cheeks, a soft gasp escaping her lips when she feels his cold hands touch her bare waist. "Hmm... let me do your makeup-" He says as Y/n frowns, pushing her away "What no-" "But you can't say no-" Riki said with a pout.
"Keep still- I can't do your eyeliner if you keep moving-" Riki complained as the girl sighed, staying put. The way he was so slowly, and gently stroked the black liquid across her skin. Though it felt like it was going well, she knew he's a mischievous man. "Ok... all done- but I don't know how to do eyelashes-" he said as he showed her the mirror. It was perfect. "How'd you- oh my god this is so pretty?!" the girl said, in awe. "God babe you can't expect me to always pull pranks on you-" He said with a pout as Y/n stuck her eyelashes on.
"How do you know how to do my makeup?" Y/n asked as Riki just shrugged "I always see you do it or fix it, so I sort of just copied what you did-" he explained as he placed a soft kiss on her forehead. "Cool... hey... You wanna head to the bar later?" Y/n asked with a smile as he stared at her. A bar means, no attention, drama, revealing outfits, and an INSANE amount of boys. "I have a better idea babe~" He says as he suddenly lifted her up.
"But- I wanted to-" "Shhhh" Riki cut her off, as he used the micellar water to clean off her makeup. The girl in her pyjama, and tucked into bed. "I just want to cuddle right now... I haven't gotten the time to get rest, and you practically never sleep" he explains, as he pat her face dry, slipped off his sweater and got under the blankets with her. Riki pulled her into his arms, her body warmth, radiating on his as he kissed her forehead.
"Babe... does lightning Mc Queen have car insurance or life insurance?" Y/n asked as she snuggled into his chest, her fingers fiddling softly with the duvet. "Both?" he answers as he snuggles her "okie.... if a fly-" The girl's question was then cut off by Riki's soft, plush, perfect lips, harshly attack hers. "Ok now it's time to sleep" He said , his voice conveying just how tired he is. Y/n pecked his lips, still shy, as she buried her face into his chest.
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heeseung-min · 10 days
You were staring frustratedly at the paper on your hand. The mark written on the top changed your mood drastically. You looked up and saw your classmates reaction towards their mark. Some looked happy, some are not and few of them were indifferent.
"I hope you guys can keep up to do better next time. Class dismissed."
Everyone started to put their things inside their bags and one by one slowly walked out of the class however when you already near the exit, you heard your teacher called your name. With disappointed huffed you turned to him with confuse expression.
"We need to talk about your performance in the class."
Slowly the class only have you and your professor. You waited him to say something but became irritated when he just doing his work without saying anything to you for few minutes.
"If you don't have anything to say, I will go out."
"Solve this question."
He said as he wrote the question on the whiteboard. You confusedly stared at him but he tilted his head towards the board waiting for you to move. When you picked up the marker and started to write the answer you can feel him standing behind you. You flinched when you felt one of his hand slided around your waist.
"Sir - "
"Why do you avoid me?" He asked with a gentle voice while putting his head on your shoulder and started to left kisses on your cheek and neck.
"Sir please- ", the hand that was holding the marker trembling when he touch became bold. When you felt he slowly pushed you to face him to kiss his lips, you pulled yourself out of his hold. You stood in front of him and glared at him.
"We should not do this. It's inappropriate."
"Really? You didn't say those that night."
"Sunghoon, please."
"Ahh, I miss hearing that. Especially when you were under -"
"STOP IT! That was a mistake. That night was a mistake. I'm sorry for causing that trouble."
Immediately, you left Sunghoon alone in the room. He stared at his hand that successfully took your handkerchief when he was hugging you and smelled on it before let out a moan.
"Fuck, you make me crazy Y/n."
It's been few days since the incident between you and your professor, Sunghoon. You didn't attend his class and asked some notes from your classmates claiming that you are sick to go to the class. Sunghoon became irritated when he didn't get to see you for few days. He was walking around the hallway replying to the greetings by the students but suddenly stopped when he saw you at the university's garden. He smiled at the sight of you but frowned upon a man sitting next to you laughing together.
"Really now? You choose him over me?"
He said that to himself as he started to walk away from there. No, Sunghoon will not let you go just like that. He will make sure you will come back to him no matter what.
It's 8.30 a.m. and you were walking on the hallway to get to your class however you noticed the students were gosipping about something. Seems like all of them were talking about the same thing. You felt weird and decided to take your phone out and read the group chat in case you missed some info.
When you clicked on the chat, everyone has shock response to a video that sent by anonymous in the group. You clicked on the video to play it. The whole video was captured in a dark place but you can see two silhouette in it. The position looks intimate and immediately you were shocked when you heard a loud moan on the video. You started to feel nervous and quickly ran to find someone.
Sunghoon was sipping on his warm coffee when you entered his room without knock on it. From your expression he knew what are you going to say but he just wants to pretend dumb for a second.
"May I know why are you here, Miss Y/n?"
"You....the video. I told you to delete it right? You said you deleted it already!!!"
Sunghoon scoffed and stood up from his seat and went to stand in front of you.
"You should not believe what people say easily baby."
Your face already wet by tears at this point. The thought of everyone finding out you fucked your lecturer is terrifying. You don't want to ruin your life.
"Why are you doing this to me?"
"You were the one in the fault baby. Should not go to another man when I'm literally right here. Plus, you should be lucky I didn't include the whole video. It just few seconds of your beautiful moan. If I put the whole video then imagine how surprise people are towards you."
The next thing happened shocked both of yourself and Sunghoon. You never imagine yourself kneeling and begging to him. This sight of you made Sunghoon a little bit hard.
"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. Please don't do that."
Ah, there it is. Sunghoon knew he can make you surrender and go back to him. You just need a little bit force.
"Oh, baby. I'm not that cruel. Just quit your study and live with me and we are good."
Oh, Y/n. You will never escape from Sunghoon.
Hiii it's been a long time i posted right😭😭😭god i hope you guys still like my story
Taglist: @stacey-stonem @duolingofanaccount @rowretro @obsessed1with1straykids @eeunoia @soireegurl @huggyuvita
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snowbabys · 1 year
18. "Cover up my marks and I'll add more." + 14. "Mine." with niki for this request
a/n: prob not what you expected but, oh well. also, not my best, but i feel so bad keeping it on the drafts and having you wait that long, so sorry about that :( thanks for participating tho ♡
tw/warnings: bully!niki, school bullying, physical e psychological abuse.
You were tired. Undeniably exhausted with everything and everyone around you.
Fresh starts have always been welcome in your life, but since you and your family settled into your new home, you couldn't do anything but urge them to move back to your previous neighborhood or a new one – really anywhere that would get you away from your new school. Away from Niki.
You have no clue what you did to deserve Niki's hatred. You were just trying to make friends, but when you approached Niki, he scrunched his face up and decided you were his new hate target.
Daily would he come to you, calling you names, yanking your hair, making fun of the way you talked, and randomly pinching you throughout the day. He even threatened the ones who tried to befriend you, ensuring everyone in the school knew about your position as his toy, and his only.
The last straw for you was when you tried to hide the bruises and marks Niki's abuse had left on your arms and legs, but he shouted for you to uncover the wounds.
"Cover up my marks and I'll add more," Niki threatened, clutching your wrist.
You couldn't stand him any longer. So you broke down.
"What did I ever do to you?" You shouted to his face, sobbing as your classmates went by you without sparing a glance. They didn't care less about you at this point. "Why me?"
"Stop being so fragile and just accept that you belong to me," Pulling you to your designated spot, Niki pushed you to make you sit, then lowered his upper body until his mouth could almost touch your ear. "Mine."
game's masterlist
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eeunoia · 4 months
ENHYPEN Imagines
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insolitus | yjw.
pairings: yang jungwon x reader
synopsis: you’ve always thought jungwon is out of this world, out of ordinary. he’s someone who seems familiar but at the same time mysterious for almost everybody. you didn’t expect that he himself will unfold more of him with you and it was an insolitus experience.
word counts: 2k
warnings: yandere themes, mention of murder, violence, obsessive love, grammatical errors. (let me know if i missed some)
note: this have a part two. it was not yet ready to be released, but since some anons kept telling me to stop writing then they leave me no choice but to post something. ehe. anyway, i will fix this probably tomorrow since it doesn’t have a picture for this fic. send me asks about what you think about this. love reading your comments and replies. i love you all, please keep safe.
© eeunoia 2024 — all rights reserved.
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The whole room was quiet. You might think that it was vacant, but there are two persons inside. The defeaning silence almost suffocate the officer sitting at one of the chairs. He sighs trying to lift whatever that heavy feeling he’s having ever since he entered this room.
The bright light gives a full view of the face of 17 year old, Yang Jungwon. At first look he seems to be like a normal guy, but for some reasons Officer Nam gets some odd feeling from this boy.
He draws in a sigh then taps lightly over the table while his other hand grips tightly at the folder he was holding. His eyes darted at the boy whose head hangs low at the moment and hands resting over his lap.
Despite the soft looking face, the officer couldn’t help but to feel chills while looking over his blood stained school uniform. He even have some over his face that already turned into brownish color after drying up over time.
“Okay, let me ask you again.” Office Nam cleared his throat and leaned over the table, the only thing that keeping them apart.
“I already told you, I don’t know who did it or what happened to him.” Jungwon says in a low tone, sticking to the words he said the first time they asked him.
“The blood on your shirt—” he raises his head and his brows folds in a remorseful way.
“I told y-you Sir, I found him and tried to help! His blood got all over me because of that.” Jungwon explains and he looked very convincing. The words he mutters are acceptable, but his eyes looked so blank. The police officer couldn’t point out what’s wrong, but his eyes looked so emotionless.
He kept his lips pursed into a thin line and stared at him straight to his eyes. Usually, kids his age will be in panic and can even broke into tears specially after being involve in a very serious crime. But he is different. Yang Jungwon, despite having the look of remorse and worries—makes him feel very wary. Its very unsettling.
He shuts his eyes for a while then sighs. “Okay, let’s say what you’re saying are true. But we still can’t let you go because you are our only lead to solve this crime.”
He doesn’t exactly know what he expects to happen next, but nothing prepares him for what’s about to unfold in front of him.
“So annoying.” the boy muttered lowly but enough for the officer to hear.
“Excuse me?” he asks just to make sure he heard him right.
From looking so uneasy and worried, Jungwon raises his head then leans his back comfortably over the chair. His forehead relaxed causing for the crease on it to disappear. He tilt his head while staring deadly straight to the police officer.
Shivers came rushing through the police officer’s whole body.
“I did it.” he said it so naturally. Like confessing from stealing a candy.
The corner of his lips lifts up a bit, “I killed him.” he confessed that made the officer sick in the stomach.
His heart felt like it stopped beating, cold sweats showers him and his hand froze at the sudden confession from the boy. He couldn’t properly express his own emotions because of the utter shock. He doesn’t know if it was from how the boy says those horrifying words so naturally or how he doesn’t look even bothered about it that made him like this.
It made the officer think if he’s aware of the crime he just committed. The lack of remorse and guilt are evident through his eyes. Its almost impossible to believe.
“You want to know how I did it?” he licked his lower lip and slightly straighten his back. “I grabbed a bottle and broke it. I used the sharp edges to stab him on his stomach, heart and neck.” he says and a sinister smile made it to his lips.
He leans closer, “And I repeat it again and again and again. Until he basically stopped breathing and died.” he even gave a shoulder shrug and rested his back again on the chair.
“W-Why...” the officer’s lips shakes as he stutter through his own words.
“I just want to.” Jungwon smiles as his eyes still looked dead.
Countless criminals with such horrible crimes had confessed inside this office. But this is the very first time that one actually scared and made Mr. Nam tremble in fear.
Despite all of these, he tried to gather his thoughts and composed himself. His hand slowly went down near his gun, preparing himself to anything that can happen.
“Do you know w-what consequences awaits for you because of what you did?”
Jungwon shrugs his shoulder off. “Yeah, I’m not stupid.”
The way he say every words confidently just makes the atmosphere even heavier. Normally they should be begging to take it easy on them or pleading not guilty for the crime they’re being accounted for.
But this kid...
“You can be jailed.”
“No, I won’t.”
“Yes you are a minor, but you can still serve juvenile for a few years before we can transfer you to an actual prison.” his jaw clenches together with his fist, trying to make himself look stronger. Well he has to. He’s way older than him, have more built and training. He’s also the adult inside the room so if anything, he should have the upper hand between them, right?
“Oh really?” his tone sounded so monotonous like as if it was the most boring thing he had ever heard that day.
Even before the officer can utter another word, the door to the interrogation room bursted open then revealed a man wearing a neatly ironed suit while carrying a suit case.
Officer Nam’s forehead furrowed hardly and he was about to tell them to go out as he's in the middle of a very confidential case only to be caught off guard.
He starts to wonder why this man is standing there and behind him is their Chief of Police following him like a loyal dog.
The boy didn’t even bothered looking at the newly arrived people. He rolled his eyes looking so bored and tired of this place.
“What do you think my father will feel when he knew I was here for two hours?” Jungwon asks the man that just arrived. His eyes looked dead and bored, tone serious and cold before he slowly stood up from his sit.
His aura was totally different. It was like Jungwon is a scared sheep a while ago that he used to look after, asking him what happened and so on so fort. Then suddenly that very same sheep tears off his sheep skin and revealed his true self. A fox. A predator.
Officer Nam snapped back to his senses and it took him time to realize what’s going on. His shoulder fell along with the hope to serve justice when he looked at one of the greatest lawyers in South Korea bowing at Yang Jungwon like he was so sorry for letting him stay in this interrogation room for too long.
Jungwon smirks looked so sly as he walks away from that room, the Chief even made way and apologizes for the hold. The young boy strides the police station’s hallway like a free man oozing with nothing but pride and power. Like as if he didn’t just do something horrible. As if he didn’t just killed somebody.
“Nam, we need to talk.” their Chief Officer says in a very strict tone while he closes the door behind his back.
Officer Nam kept his mouth shut and tries hard to keep his composure. His jaw clenches along with his fists under the table and his thoughts starts to wander mindlessly.
He doesn’t even need to hear what their Chief officer was about to discuss with him. He’s already aware of it. At this point, all there left is to surrender and just force himself to turn blind eye to this injustice.
After-all, he is nothing up against the Governor’s youngest son, Yang Jungwon.
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They said that out of the hundred people you walk across the world, at least 1 of them are a psychopath. They can blend into the society naturally like they’re truly part of it. Like they’re totally normal and not thinking of unaliving someone in the worst way all the time.
Now, to identify that small percentage of the population started to become totally difficult. You can never know which one of the people you interact with are part of them. It can be your neighbor who greets you with big smiles every morning, it can be the traffic officer who helps you cross the street, the taxi driver, the guard by the gates of your school, your teacher or your classmates.
But never in a million chances that you will think that it can be Yang Jungwon. There is no way someone as sweet and perfect as Jungwon can be part of them. No, never. He’s undeniably handsome, from a good family, polite, responsible—president of the student council, top of your class, kind, athletic, talented, have dimples and always talks in the sweetes softest way. If one will have to point someone who is an epitome of an angel, he can be that.
So why are you inside this dark room, cuffed to a steel bar, face drenched with sweat and tears and totally scared for your life after being kidnapped by him? By Yang Jungwon.
You completely blanked out from the series of events that just occured hours ago. You remembered being with (name), arguing about how he’s so controlling and tiring for you. He was shouting at you and grabbing you over your wrist. You are expecting a slap or your hair being pulled by him, but the next thing you knew, he was down on the floor showering over his own blood. Yang Jungwon stands beside you, staring blankly at him while holding a broken bottle he just used to stab your boyfriend to death.
And the moment it finally dawned onto you, you tried to run away from him. It was too late. Jungwon manages to catch you and covered your mouth with this cloth that made you lose consciousness.
A faint creeking sound from the door made you snap back to reality. Your head perks up, eyes a little bit hopeful while heart still beats in an inconsistent pace.
“H-Help.” you tried to say, slightly choking your words because of the shock you’ve just been to.
Lights emits when it cracks open causing for you to squint your eyes slightly. The moment you saw who it was, you gulped and the corner of your eyes burns. Chest rises up and down, feeling suffocated out of fear.
Yang Jungwon stood proudly by the door. The light blue uniform coat was too familiar for you as it was what boys in your school wears almost everyday. He stares without saying anything before he slightly moves his shoulder to take off his blood stained coat.
The person beside him was quick to assist him.
“Did she eat already?” he asks casually, eyes still darted at your direction.
You trembles in fear and stares away from time to time, couldn’t really hold the eye contact longer than five seconds.
“No, young master.”
He rolls his eyes as he looked over the person beside him. Fear reflects his face as he bow his head nervously. Jungwon kept his eyes at him before he sighs and tilts his head to the side. You can almost hear that person’s sigh of relief when Jungwon started walking towards your way.
Fear flows through your system like a water as you try to push yourself near the wall, away from him. When he’s close enough, he crouches down and scanned you from head to toe.
Jungwon could not explain how excited he is as he stare at you. He couldn’t help but to let a small smile shed over his pretty lips, satisfied.
“Tell me this isn’t a dream.” he mumbles, only enough for you to hear. Tears pooled your eyes and they flow continuously to your pretty face.
Jungwon pursed his lips and stretches his hand closer to you. He gently cupped your face and using his thumb, he wiped off your tears. Despite the soft touches he gradually give you, it made you flinch but Jungwon tries to ignore it for the mean time. For now, he still couldn’t handle the thrill of having you here together with him.
“My pretty girl.” he whispers with so much adoration, eyes almost flashing heart shapes as he stares at you.
“Even if you’re crying, you are still gorgeous.” he added that made you feel sick in the stomach.
“D-Don’t touch me.” you finally manages to say as you move your face away from his touch. The smile on Jungwon’s lips fell and his eyes turned dark after what you did.
It quickly sent shivers through your spine, but you try your best not to let him see how terrified you are to him.
As he carefully scan you, he noticed how your body is shaking and his mood switches right away. Its quite fascinating even for you.
“You’re shaking, baby. Are you cold?” he asks sounding so gentle. It was almost like the same Jungwon you see around campus. It was unbelievable.
“Here,” he says after someone handed him a blanket.
He slowly helped you to wrap it over your shoulder. Suddenly, the hunger and the tiredness from resisting for hours kicked in. You have no remaining energy to even resist anymore or to even shove his hand away. Jungwon gets too excited when you let him take care of you. Its not like you have a choice.
“You’re a m-murderer.” it almost came out as a mumble, but when he stops from gently caressing your arm you knew he heard it. He looked at you and you didn’t saw any guilt. None.
“Do you hate me?” he raised his hand from holding your arm to touching your face, he cares it so gently again like you’re a very fragile thing for him.
You kept your mouth shut and just shoot him glares while tears stream down your eyes.
“He’s a terrible boyfriend anyway. He hurts you and he’s so lame.” his eyes follows a tear that escaped your eye and he went to wipe it again.
“Don’t waste your tears for him. I actually did you a favor.” and he brushes hairs stuck at your skin.
“B-By killing him?”
Jungwon pursed his lips and memory of your boyfriend screaming out of pain flashes through him for a while. He almost rolled his eyes at how pathetic he sounded a while ago, but he stopped himself.
“He doesn’t deserve you and so I thought you could use a new boyfriend.” he clenches his jaw and while holding an eye contact, he leans in and placed a soft kiss at your shoulderblades.
He almost lose his mind when he inhaled your familiar scent. The very same scent he grew addicted to. Now, he doesn’t have to settle on watching you from a far and trying to use every reasons he can use just to have a small talk with you. Now, you are here with him and you belong to him. He couldn’t be happier.
You shut your eyes and shake your head slowly, whimpering.
“P-Please just let me g-go.” your voice cracks from screaming and crying too much.
“Don’t worry, I will.” he smiled and you looked at him hopeful.
He nods his head, “Once I finally tamed and make you submit to me completely.”
Your stomach churns and hope starting to crumble down once again.
“You are a monster! Y-You will rot in hell.”
Jungwon stood up and stared down at you. His strict, cold eyes sent direct shivers down to your spine. He slides both of his hand inside his pockets while he continues looking at you.
“If that’s the price I have to pay to have you in this lifetime,” he stalls his words and smiles. “I will gladly accept my fate.”
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@rubyanne @map-of-border @hwangjangmi @crjwon @love13tter @candewlsy @simpforniki @classicroyalty @bridgebridgebirdiebridge @hime98 @moonsclassyslore @ddeonubaby @yeoungie @acciomylove @mymeloem19 @jvngw0n @dreamjerky @minamoons @clar-iii @herasalvatore @nyfwyeonjun @rcveribin @yizhoutv @one16core @soobin-chois @kyutiepeachy @chareadingpurposes @hwalllllllelujah @solelyenha @90sni-ki @nourhan-8 @nikipedia07 @yangbreads @drunkjazed @kimmchijjajang @hoonbrry @axartia @all4haru @sta-rie @hiqhkey @purplepuppychild @iceeee @wtfhyuck @tobiosbbyghorl @nikililmj @moonlightisland @ayayiiie @aeyeree @bitchychildmiracle
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minho-hoho · 1 year
Yandere!ENHYPEN reaction to: accidentally killing their S/O pt. 2
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Part 1
♫ GENRE ➝ yandere
♫ PAIRING ➝ yandere!ENHYPEN x gn!reader
♫ WARNING ➝ death, violence, blood, suicide
♫ WC ➝ 0.9k
♫ NOTE ➝ @jayyniverse this one is for you 🤧
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김선우 k.sn
your head was spinning, your view rapidly narrowing as dark spots clouded your eyes. you knew you were about to lose consciousness, and the last thing you managed to see was your wounded skin, bleeding at an alarming rate.
sunoo didn't know he'd lose control so easily. his jealousy had gotten the best of him, and his anger driven self punished you in some of the most crulest ways the human mind could imagine.
the room's floor being painted in your blood, sunoo was lost in his mind, way too preoccupied in making you suffer to notice how your breaths had become quieter to non-existent.
after he took notice of your lack of reactions, that's when he started to panic. he didn't want for you die, to leave his world, that was his worst nightmare.
he regretted being so harsh on you, letting himself go. his heart shattered, and all his will to live disappeared as he acknowledged your death.
hot tears rolled down sunoo's cheeks as he tried to mourn your death. he held your bloody hand in his, before making a decision.
he had taken your life, you were no longer a part of his world, a world that had no point to live in, sine you no longer lived in it. he wanted to join you, to be with you forever, for eternity. and death was the only way.
his hand not leaving yours, he took the nearest weapon, and took his own life, in hopes of finding you, so you two could finally be happy.
양정원 y.jw
you shouldn't have played with him, not when he was the incarnation of the devil himself.
he was already on the edge, waiting for the last straw to come and flip out. and you did exactly that, without meaning to, you annoyed him, even after he warned you to stop, you continued. and that sent him into a huge fit of rage.
strings of curses left his mouth at an alarming rate, he could only see red. jungwon was practically drowning in his own anger.
things were getting thrown around, belongings were now broken. all the loud noises were overwhelming you, and tears were rolling down your cheeks.
you started to get scared for your life as jungwon got closer to you.
suddenly, no sounds could be heard. he was looking at your eyes, thinking about his next move. he harshly grabbed your arm and dragged you to the basement.
your stomach dropped as you thought it was going to be your final day on earth. no one was going to know about your death, you'd just vanish, and that thought terrified you.
your depressing thoughts were put to an halt as jungwon threw you to the ground. he looked at you, his eyes not letting an ounce of emotion appear.
he didn't waste any more time, today he wanted to see you bloody and begging for forgiveness.
much to his happiness, that's what exactly happened as he drew more blood from you with his knife. but as the blood fell onto the floor, your cries became more faint to non-existent.
when jungwon realised your death, he froze. his knife dropped to the ground, making a loud noise. his mind became foggy as he couldn't make a single coherent thought. he couldn't believe he let himself go and took your life away.
acting machinally, he made sure to bury you in a place that honoured you properly.
he was never same after your death, finding no purpose in life anymore. everyday he reminisced about you and the life he once had with you by his side.
西村力 n.rk
it was an accident, not one second he ever meant to hurt you physically. it was all bluff, he just wanted to scare you, to put you back in your place.
you were weak, barely any force left in your body. you couldn't move properly, even less swim. but riki was too deep in his own rage to notice your weakened state. shouting atrocities in your face, turning your blood cold.
without intending to, he pushed you in the pool. he didn't mean to, but he figured you'd get back up without too much trouble.
he shot you one last cold look before going back to the living room.
you wanted to scream, shout for help, but water filled your mouth and lungs at an alarming rate. your arms couldn't move, your legs were heavy. your tears mixed with the water, as you were slowly accepting your upcoming death.
long after you had breathed your last breath, riki questioned your absence. what took you so long? his heart sank as he saw your body at the bottom of pool, lifeless.
a wave of guilt mixed with pain, sadness and anger washed over him, leaving him unable to move or physically react.
he killed someone. out of all the persons it had to be, it was you. his one and only, true love.
his life was wrecked by your death. he couldn't bear living after having stolen your own life. it was all too painful, all he could do was cry and cry until he couldn't anymore. until he became numb, becoming a robot barely making it through life.
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