rinbowaman · 1 year
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S E 7 E N S E R I E S
M D N I 18+
C H A P T E R 1 N E : P R O L O G U E
P A R T  1 N E
P A R T  2 W O 
P A R T   T H R 3 E
P A R T   F O 4 R
C H A P T E R  2 W O : B E E Z L E B U B 
P A R T  1 N E
P A R T  2 W O
C H A P T E R  T H R 3 E : M A M M O N
P A R T  1 N E
P A R T  2 W O
P A R T  T H R 3 E
P A R T  F O 4 R
P A R T  F I 5 E
C H A P T E R F O 4 R : A S M O D E U S
P A R T 1 N E
P A R T 2 W O
P A R T T H R 3 E
P A R T F O 4 R
P A R T F I 5 E
P A R T 6 I X
P A R T S E 7 E N
C H A P T E R F I 5 E : L E V I A T H A N
P A R T 1 N E
P A R T 2 W O
P A R T T H R 3 E
P A R T F O 4 R
P A R T F I 5 E
C H A P T E R 6 I X : S A T A N
P A R T  1 N E
P A R T 2 W O
P A R T T H R 3 E
C H A P T E R S E 7 E N : B E L P H E G O R
P A R T 1 N E
C H A P T E R 8 I G H T : R E C K O N I N G
P A R T 1 N E
P A R T 2 W O
C H A P T E R 9 I N E : L U C I F E R
P A R T 1 N E
P A R T 2 W O
P A R T T H R 3 E
F I N A L E : A F T E R M A T H
P A R T 1 N E
P A R T 2 W O
P A R T T H R E E - F I N A L E
1 N E S H O T S E Q U E L S
N I 9 E M O N T H S
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enhais · 2 years
Yandere Heeseung - your his gf
But then sunghoon starts to show signs that he's a Yandere for you too. And Heeseung finds out.
Hey love you :3
yandere!seungsung - lies
content: yandere!bf!heeseung and bsf!seunghoon x delulu fem!reader (she’s a bit lost)
word count: 516
a/n: this is very short, im sorry </3 as usual, this is only my opinion/vision of them as yanderes, nothing else!
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sunghoon’s your best friend, besides heeseung, of course, and his sickly sweet affection for you was nothing unusual. his lingering touches, the loving look in his eyes whenever you were speaking, and, not to forget, the caring texts he would send at least a couple of times a day, asking what and how you were doing. you were used to it by now, and found comfort in his actions, to be frank, but in the beginning, you were a bit thrown off.
when heeseung came into the picture, only a couple months later than your friendship with sunghoon had begun to sprout, the younger became more distant. or maybe you did. but that didn’t matter, because heeseung acted similarly to sunghoon with his obsessive behaviour; always making sure you were spending your free time with him, and causing you to rely on him for just about anything. being busy with work, you didn’t really notice how he became more and more in need of controlling you and how his infatuation with you grew as the days passed. only when sunghoon came knocking frantically on your door did you question your loving boyfriend’s actions.
“he’s not good for you, y/n!” his tone was shaky yet angry. he needed you to trust him. your eyes widened with shock, “what? what do you mean? i- i don’t-“ you were still standing by the door, sunghoon halfway through the entrance, “i mean, look at you! i’ve been trying to contact you for days, y/n! days!” and that might’ve been true, but you had been busy with work. but, you also hadn’t seen your phone for a couple days… “i’m sorry, i- i don’t know where my phone is..?” realisation hit you when you put the pieces together. heeseung must’ve taken it when you were getting ready for bed the other night, saying that you would sleep way better without it. but why didn’t he give it back? ”i was just worried is all… you know you could tell me anything, right?” the worried look in his eyes made you melt — he had always been so sweet.
however, your moment was shortly interrupted by a newly awoken heeseung making his way to the living room. sunghoon panicked internally but tried not to show it. “how was your nap?” heeseung groggily answered, “it was alright…” it took a second for him to realise that his rival stood by the door, only a bare meter away from his darling angel, “what is he doing here?” your heart began to speed up by the mean tone of his voice, “he’s jus-“ “give her her phone back and i won’t have to interrupt like this.” heeseung stilled his movements, “it’s on the nightstand… she forgets it sometimes, isn’t that right?” you had to think. did you forget it? no… you wouldn’t have… sunghoon took a step closer to him, leaned into his ear, and lowered his voice, “we both know she likes me better,” he took a pause before continuing, “you just have a more difficult time keeping her where you want her.”
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1-800-y4ndere · 2 years
Yandere profile
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Player 1. Heeseung
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Yandere level ► 8
Toxicity level ► 6
Manipulative level ► 9
Aggression level ► 6
Description ► Heeseung is a manipulative, tactful yandere type. He prefers to mess with your mind to control you instead of physically, but he will use force if he has to. Heeseung just loves you so much that he wants you in every way possible. He wants to own you in every way possible…isn't that sweet?
Meet the other yanderes…?
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rowretro · 5 months
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✧warnings: toxic/yandere themes, harassment, violence, stalking and ofc bullying
✧synopsis: Yandere Enhypen as your bullies, they find out a boy likes you and you may like that boy back hence they snapped...
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To think that he would even let the boy to cross paths with you, you must have been stupid. God Heeseung is so in love with you to the extent of wanting all your attention on him. What better way is there to have him under your control is there than to bully you?
You were used to this by now, the slapping, the ripping up your homework, the harsh slut shaming, and the way he made sure you were isolated from everyone. But when he saw you pull out an envelope with a box of your favourite chocolates in your locker, boy was he mad...
Within seconds, the gifts were smacked out of your hand as you found yourself being pinned harshly against the locker, your head felt extremely painful from the impact. "Fuck I know I kept calling you a whore but I expected you NOT to be one Lee y/n." The man seethed through gritted teeth as he yanked your hair back, his other hand sliding underneath your shirt, You were quite taken aback by this rough behaviour and the change in surname.
"You're fucking mine don't you get it at this point?!" Heeseung spat as the girl frowned. "Heeseung- but-" before you can even dare to continue that sentence, he kissed you forcefully, saliva dripping down your jaw as it mixed with your tears and his saliva. "Like it or not you are mine." The man spat lastly
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Being such a rich, smart, spoiled son of one of the biggest CEOs in South Korea, Jay always got his way around everything. He was always cocky and he loved how little everyone looked around him. His eyes then landed on you. The most innocent, pure looking sweetheart. Since the day he laid eyes on you he knew you were his. Hence he did everything to keep you to yourself.
It started off accidentally. He wanted to be nice but he accidentally pulled her hair. Seeing how she yelped, tearing up a little, he fell in deeper love with the sight. Since then he continuously yanks her hair, says hurtful things and embarrasses you every chance he gets. Recently, Jay caught sight of a boy and you. His blood boiling at the sight of you two giggling together.
He was extremely pissed off dragging you away from the male, and to his car despite your cries and protests, he simply pushed you in, cuffing you to the side as he got into the driver's seat. "JAY- WHAT THE HECK?!" You finally screamed as he started driving. "Sorry pretty baby... Have to take you to your new home, it seems you're forgetting who you belong to..." He trailed off with a smirk.
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Jake wasn't known for being violent or rude, but he was pretty popular among the girls. However, he only had his interest in one woman. You. Every time you'd walk past he'd smack or grope you. The male loves getting you into detention where you'll be stuck with him alone.
Recently, you had been coming to school feeling a little happier despite his antics, which Jake obviously found suspicious. The man stalked you home, only to see Haruto, one of the boys in your class, walking with you. Jake scoffed to himself, smirking as he walked to his home.
The next morning, you were met with Jake's car parked at the entrance of your home. the man yanked you in driving you to his place. Jake pulled you out, dragging you to the basement where he chained you up against the wall. "Welcome to your new home darling... Of course your room is much prettier but for you to see that Why for now..." Jake trailed off, fiddling with his knife. "you deserve a punishment for being such a slut." He darkly said.
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Park Sunghoon was equally as intimidating as he is pretty, girls swoon over him on a daily basis, but will never approach him. Why would they when anyone he touches ends up dead... except for you. The only girl he has spared. Sunghoon hated people so much, he loved to kill for a living, and no one dared to take action for He was the very son of an extremely dangerous mafia boss.
Sunghoon however felt something different when he met you... for the first time in his life he experienced love and only one woman can give him that... you. So he did everything and anything to get your attention, he loved seeing you cry and scream and beg just for him. Heck when he saw that boy ask you out... the boy died on the spot.
Sunghoon yanked you to an empty classroom slamming you against the table as he slapped you. "FUCKING SMILLING AT THAT BASTARD?! WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU ACCEPT THAT SHITTY BOQUET WHEN IM HERE WITH EVERYTHING A WOMAN NEEDS?!" Sunghoon yelled, yanking her hair as he kissed her, his fangs stabbing her lips as he kissed her so painfully. "You're fucking mine hmm? everything you do is for me." he mumbled, as he stroked her cheek.
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The boy is pretty sassy, everyone knows that. However people weren't to fond of talking to him after seeing how he treats you. Sure he runs his mouth spitting vulgar, heart breaking words at you, but he always follows it up with some violence. But can you blame him?He's obsessed with you, god the way you whimper and cry, how cute you looked when putting ur arms out, trying to stop him.
Like those cute little hands can do anything to stop him from throwing a chair at you. Oh but you really crossed the line when you smiled with Jaemin. The senior who obviously has a thing for you. Sunoo beat the living shit out of Jaemin, before carrying you away. You tried to kick and punch, but you couldn't get him to budge. He threw you on the floor of his living room as he took off his belt.
The man showed no mercy as he continuously belted you, his eyes bloodshot with anger "HOW. FUCKING. DARE. YOU." He yelled between the hits. He threw his belt away, as you snuggled into the sofa, hugging your knees as Sunoo breathed heavily. He suddenly knelt down before you, grabbing your jaw to make you face him "Oh no sweetheart im sorry, I know it hurt put I had to punish you sweetheart... you need to know you're mine hmm?" He asked, oh so sweetly...
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Jungwon is crazy in love with you, but he couldn't just show it.... he can't be seen as weak to you. Instead, he expressed his undying love by embarrassing you in front of students, making you cry with his words. He loves it, Now he knows you cry and scream just because of him...
Jungwon frowned when he saw Choi Yeonjun check you out, clearly having something for you. He didn't even fail to notice How you smiled at him too. Bad move. Bad bad move. How dare you fall for someone like that when he's there waiting for you?! He could deal with Yeonjun later. Right now... he needed to put you in your place.
As you walked into the locker room, to put you books in your locker, you suddenly get slammed against the locker, the sound of the room door locking evidently heard. The man turned you around so you could face him, his eyes piercing into yours as he grabbed your jaw "What?... expecting Yeonjun?!" He asked, bitterly as you frowned. Jungwon forced his lips onto yours, kissing you extremely roughly before pulling away and slapping you painfully. "You're fucking mine dont you dare look at other men... you do not want to know what im capable of darling..." he trailed off.
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Riki was pretty young, youngest in his friendship group, often being babied, but he hated that hence he always wore that cold façade. It was no surprise he was cold to you too, except... he still always put his attention on you. Whether its tripping you over, accusing you of random shit and slapping you ever so painfully, yanking your hair and forcefully kissing you out of the blue.
You hated it. You hated him. But Riki was madly in love with you. That's why he continuously tortured you. That's also why you saw him stabbing an already dead Sungchan who was flirting with you by the lockers. Riki was covered in blood, his psychotic blank eyes now landing on yours. "Awww sweetheart did I scare you?..." He taunted, chuckling as he smeared the blood on your cheek.
Oh how cute you looked being so scared of him, the way you fainted there and then, falling in his arms. Riki smirked, kissing you all over "Finally mine, all mine princess... you're right in my arms where I need you... where you belong and be safe my darling..." Riki smirked, carrying you to his home.
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heeseung-min · 4 months
"Miss Y/n, we want to ask you some questions regarding your boyfriend."
You glanced at the policeman in front of you. You were called to the police station because there was a murder case yesterday and one of the suspects was your boyfriend, Yang Jungwon. They found out he was nearby when the murder happened. So, they proceeded to ask him about it but your boyfriend denied and now they wanted to ask you to confirm his alibi.
"At 10.30 p.m last night, do you know where was your boyfriend?"
"I asked him to buy me some foods since both of us were too lazy to cook."
"What restaurant that still opened at that time, Y/n? As far as I know most of it closed at 10:00."
"Street foods. Jungwon bought us tteokbokki last night. It still counts as food right? It doesn't mean Jungwon need to buy from a restaurant."
The police stared at you trying to look for a lie but he just sighed when he couldn't detect any lie from you. You also felt relieved when he finally stopped asking questions.
"Alright, thanks for cooperating with us. You may see your boyfriend at the next room."
The police said as he led you to the room to see your boyfriend. You watched how he just stared at his hands on the table ignoring what the police in front of him said. When you finally entered the room, he quickly looked up as if he could recognize you from your scent.
"Yang Jungwon, you are free to go. We have confirmed your alibi with your girlfriend."
The polices left both of you alone. Jungwon walked closer and hugged you.
"They didn't hurt you, right?"
"No, Jungwon. I'm okay. Let's go home."
"I'm glad they didn't disturb us about the case. Just because you were walking on that road, that doesn't mean you were the one who did it!"
You said while eating the popcorn and watching the movie you set up with Jungwon. He made your head leaned on his shoulder and caressed your hair.
"It's okay baby. It's over now."
You continued watching the whole movie until you sleep on your boyfriend side. Jungwon smiled at your snoring. He played with your lips for a while before carrying you to the bed. He went out of the room and went to the hidden basement. The place that you never knew exist.
"Fuck, since when the road has CCTV. I should ask Niki to hack it."
He went to the duffle bag that was on the table. He opened it and took out every equipments in there and cleaned the blood stain.
"I did it to protect Y/n. She could be in danger if I let the guy alive."
Jungwon said to himself while cleaning his knives that he used on the victim last night. He turned on the radio to fill the silence in the room.
"The murder case that happened yesterday at Jibangi Road was still in mystery. The polices claimed the suspect that they caught was innocent and didn't have any connection with Kim Jaehyun, the victim. They were trying to search for more info and the police asked for the residents to stay at home especially at night."
If Kim Jaehyun didn't disturb you the other day, Jungwon wouldn't do this. If that guy didn't take your photos under your skirt, he would never kill Jaehyun at the first place.
"I can go as far as killing just to make sure she is safe."
hehehehehe Jungwon as yandere character is the always the best 😁🤌 hopefully you guys enjoy this.
Taglist: @stacey-stonem @duolingofanaccount @obsessed1with1straykids @huggyuvita @eeunoia @rowretro
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enha-doodles · 29 days
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Pairing : (all members) x reader
Note : ksksksk writing something for enhypen after sooo long , felt good . The nostalgia is real but then i remember my cringey writing - so grateful I improved . I wanna write a yandere one next so plz send requests guys !!!
Warnings : not proofread , lame humour
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Heeseung pouts dramatically as he watches you fangirl over the celebrity, feeling a surge of jealousy bubbling up inside him. "What about me?" he whines, his voice taking on an adorable whiny tone, complete with puppy-dog eyes that could melt even the coldest heart. With shiny sparkling eyes, he attempts to rotate your attention back to him, pulling you into a tight hug and peppering your face with playful kisses, all in a bid to reclaim his status as your number one fan.
Jay can't help but feel a twinge of annoyance as he watches you fangirl over the celebrity, but he's determined to keep it lighthearted. Hugging you tightly, he rolls his eyes with exaggerated flair, muttering under his breath about the celebrity's questionable talent. "He's not even that good," he grumbles, though his playful smirk betrays his true feelings. "But he kinda looks like me, right?" With a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, he pulls you closer, stealing a quick kiss before diving into his own hilarious imitation of the celebrity's signature moves.
Jake grins from ear to ear as he watches you fangirl over the celebrity, thrilled to have found a fellow fan in you. "Oh yeah, you have that album? Well, too bad I have the signed one!" he boasts, flashing you a cheeky grin. With an air of playful competition, he launches into a spirited debate about who the bigger fan is, all in good fun. "You may have met him once, but I once waited in line for six hours just to catch a glimpse of him from afar!" he declares proudly, earning a playful eye-roll from you in response.
Sunghoon can't resist teasing you mercilessly as he watches you fangirl over the celebrity, reveling in your adorable excitement. "Looks like there's competition for me," he quips with a smug grin, though there's a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. With exaggerated arrogance, he strikes a series of ridiculous poses, parodying the celebrity's trademark moves in a bid to steal back your attention. "Who needs him when you've got me, right?" he says with a playful wink, pulling you into a goofy dance that leaves you both doubled over with laughter.
Sunoo adopts a sassy demeanor as he observes your fangirling, determined not to let the celebrity steal your attention away from him. "Okay, but have you seen how cute I am?" he jokes, his eyes sparkling with mischief. With a playful toss of his hair, he launches into a hilarious impression of the celebrity, complete with exaggerated gestures and an over-the-top accent that leaves you giggling uncontrollably. "I may not have millions of followers, but I've got charm for days!" he declares proudly, flashing you a dazzling smile that melts your heart on the spot.
Jungwon laughs good-naturedly at your fangirling, though he can't help but feel a twinge of jealousy deep down. "Looks like you've found a new crush," he chuckles, though there's a hint of wistfulness in his tone. With a playful wink, he pulls you into a tight hug, planting a sweet kiss on your cheek saying "but it'll always be me right?" to remind you that he's the only celebrity you need in your life.
Ni-Ki's jealousy reaches peak levels as he watches you fangirl over the celebrity, his playful demeanor giving way to a hilarious mix of envy and frustration. "Ugh, he's so smug. I hate him," he mutters under his breath, his annoyance palpable. "Why are you even looking at him? Have you seen his hairstyle? That was me back in my school days." (as if bro ever went to school💀💀) With an exaggerated eye-roll, he launches into a comedic rant about the celebrity's questionable fashion choices, determined to prove once and for all that he's the only one worthy of your admiration.
。    ✧    ⁺     。
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jayniks · 13 days
Enhypen masterlist
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. reactions .
╭─╮┍┈ ┉┈ ┉┈ ┉┈ ┉┈
│░┊╟ you having your period.
│░┊╟ they don't pay enough attention to you.
│░┊╟ you wearing other member's clothes. (yan)
│░┊╟ another member cuddling you in your sleep. (yan)
│░┊╟ seeing you for the first time. (yan)
│░┊╟ you accidentally backhuggigng them instead of someone. (yan)
│░┊╟ their s/o refusing to kiss them because is their first kiss. (yan)
│░┊╟ you confess to them. (yan)
│░┊╟ you asking if you can kiss them. (yan)
│░┊╟ dance collab with their crush idol!you.
│░┊╟ their s/o is getting harassed by their bodyguard. (yan)
╰─╯┕┈ ┉┈ ┉┈ ┉┈ ┉┈
. solo .
Nothing yet.
〘💌💭〙mafia one shot
♡ ︴mafia, yandere
▸🥤 ⫶ just jay falling in love with you
〘💌💭〙you're mine
♡ ︴yandere, m*rder
▸🥤 ⫶ jake does everything just so he can have his happy ending with you
Nothing yet.
♡ ︴yandere, m*rder
▸🥤 ⫶ sunoo swears he's in a relationship with you
〘💌💭〙step on me
♡ ︴angst
▸🥤 ⫶ you love your boyfriend, but does he loves you back?
◟ ˃˂﹐﹫﹒jungwon ﹒﹒🐋
〘💌💭〙running away
♡ ︴yandere
▸🥤 ⫶ you run as fast as you can from your horrorific future
〘💌💭〙riki thoughts
♡ ︴yandere, m*rder
▸🥤 ⫶  niki is being jealous about your dog
〘💌💭〙niki x idol reader
♡ ︴fluff, silly
▸🥤 ⫶ a random drabble ft. Eunchae from lesserafim
〘💌💭〙promise pt.1 / pt.2
♡ ︴angst
▸🥤 ⫶ your boyfriend promised you happiness, but in the end he decided to sacrifice you for his happiness. Ft. Newjeans, jia from tri.be, enhypen members.
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luvyeni · 1 year
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pairings. yandere!heeseung x fem!reader
wc. 1.4k
warnings. dark fic, reader is trapped , but heeseung has brainwashed her , oral (m. recieving) , unprotected sex , names (butterfly, baby, pretty) this is just fiction , this doesn't portray heeseung irl at all !
synopsis. heeseung loves you so much , his pretty little butterfly.
authors note. loosely based off a book i read called the butterfly garden by dot hutchinson , it's a really good book , i recommend it ! someone asked for a yandere heeseung fic and i thought of this
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heeseung loved butterflies , he thought they were the most beautiful creatures he'd ever laid eyes on. as a kid , he'd go to his grandparents's house — his grandfather was very rich man , who had a huge mansion , with a huge green house , the size of a mini mansion — that's where his grandmother kept all her flowers , and butterflies.
he'd watch the butterflies fly around the green house, all sorts of different colors , he was mesmerized by them. when his grandparents past , he inherited all the money , along with all the properties , including the green house.
heeseung hadn't outgrown his obsession , rather he gained a new one , you. he saw you one day , working at a coffee shop he often visited , he couldn't keep his eyes off you. he could remember the outfit you wore , a yellow sundress , you were so sweet , the way you greeted everyone. your smile , you were so beautiful , like a pretty little butterfly... he had to have you , he needed to add you to his butterfly collection.
he watched you for silently months , learning everything about you , where you were from , your family name , favorite things. you didn't have many friends , so that was good , no one to really miss you. while watching you , he made some moderations to the green house , adding a beautiful bedroom , with all your favorite things , along with a bathroom. he made sure everything was perfect — perfect for his newest and prettiest butterfly yet.
it was so easy befriending you , you were polite to anything with a pulse , all he had to was introduce himself , and your friendship blossomed from there. you thought he was so cute , you never really got attention from boys , so it was new. you'd seen him multiple times at the shop , so you were aware of his existence. he was kind , and sweet.
you never saw the signs , you would have never believed that the doe eyed boy had a sick and twisted plan brewing. first he got rid of your family , isolating you from them , telling you lies , saying that they hated that you two were so close , that he was only using you as a charity case , until you stopped contacting them all together. your so called friends didn't even need any pushing , he just wired a few thousand into their bank accounts , telling them to back off. when you came crying to him , telling him that they completely cut you , he put a act , telling how he always said they were no good , that he was the only one for you , he was your only friend , you believed him , you believed that he was the only person who had your back , that everyone else basically hated you.
that's when he knew he had you...
that was was about a year ago , a year and 6 months to be exact. a year and 6 months since you last seen your family , or friends , or the outside for thay matter. a year and 6 months since he trapped you in his butterfly garden.
"butterfly , where is my pretty little butterfly?" you heard his voice , the door closing on the way in. "im in here!" you called from the bathroom , running out into the indoor fields where you spent most of your days , alone with the butterflies , watching them fly around. "hello pretty , it's been a while hasn't it." you smiled , nodding. "almost a month , i missed you so much." it was sick , you knew that , but he was your only source of friendship , that love that you so desperately craved.
"did you , i missed my butterfly too , i watched you from the camera , wishing to be with you while on my trip." he said , pointing to the camera in the corner. "maybe next time i can go with you." he shook his head. "now you know you can't , butterflies are fragile , people will hurt butterflies and i can't have you getting hurt and corrupted by those people , now can i?" he caressed your cheeks , noticing your frown.
"those work trips are boring anyway , i would rather be playing here with you in the garden." you knew what he meant by playing. "don't you like playing here with me and the other butterflies?" his doe eyes always made you feel bad about asking to go out , he knew that and he loved to use it to advantage. "i do , i promise i do love the garden." he smiled. "good , now don't ask about it again , okay?" you nodded. "i won't heeseung , i promise."
"good , now how about you show me those pretty wings of your , take off your shirt off for me." you turned around , taking your sweater off , revealing the huge tattoo on your back — butterfly wings. he had gotten them tattooed on your back the 4th day you were trapped here , it took almost 5 months to heal. "so pretty." he could feel himself growing hard in his slacks , just from the tattoo. "my pretty butterfly." he pressed his hard cock against your ass.
"i think you're the prettiest one here." he kissed your shoulderblade. "butterflies don't live long , but you , you'll last forever , won't you." he kissed your neck. "hee-heeseung." you moaned softly , he was sick , this was sick , you shouldn't want him to touch you , you shouldn't crave his touch. "i'll never let you go." he bit down on your earlobe , he genuinely meant what he said , he was never gonna let you go.
"get down on your knees." he said sitting on your bed once you reached your room. you sunk down to your knees , his bulge right in front of your face. "you see how hard i am for you?" he palmed his cock , unzipping his pants , his cock slapping against his stomach. "come on , grab it." he groaned as you wrapped your hands around his cock , jerking him off. "fu-fuck , put it in your mouth." you obeyed , taking him fully into your cavern. "sh-shit , just like i trained you to do , good girl."
he grabbed the back of your head , guiding you up and down on his cock , you gagged around his length , tears wielding in your eyes. "you looks so pretty , gagging on my fat cock , drooling." he grunted , pushing your head down , fucking up into your mouth. "fu-fuck im gonna cum , gonna cum down that pretty throat of yours." he whined , pushing your head down one last time , keeping you there as he came , hitting the back of your throat. "fuck!" he pulled you off him , you coughed , finally being able to breathe.
"you did so good , took my cum so well." he pulled you up , manhandling you on to the bed , putting you into his favorite position , face down ass up , so he can see the wings on your back. "such a pretty sight , my beautiful butterfly." he lined his cock up at you entrance. "so tight." he filled you up , his cock stretching you open like always. "your pussy is always so good , you feel so nice around me struggling to take my cock." he grunted , thrusting inside of you.
"fucking beautiful baby , gonna keep you here forever -fuck- the only butterfly i need." he began to fuck into your hole much faster , you gripped the sheets below. "fe-feels like heaven." his eyes were trianed on the tattoos as he fucked you , pushing your back down to hit a new angle that made you scream. "shit , heeseung im gonna cum." he grunted , fucking you faster. "fuck , cum for me , cum all over my cock." he rubbed your clit , you mouth formes a 'o' shape before you came , legs shaking.
"oh fuck , you're squeezing my cock , im gonna cum." he pushed your body flat against the bed , using your tired body to get himself off. "fuck , im cumming ngh fuck !" he whined , his cum painting your walls , pulling out milking his cock , more cum spurting on your back. "sh-shit." he stuttered , he breathing heavy. he looked down at your body , almost getting hard again , the way his cum looked on the wings , made his cock jump in arousal. "shit , i'm gonna get hard again if i keep staring at your pretty wings , covered in my cum like that."
you whimpered , trying to move away. "n-no more." your voice horse , body sensitive to touch. "i know , i know my fragile butterfly is so sensitive." he climbed off of you. "no need for clothes , i want to see my butterfly covered in my cum for awhile , just for me." he wanted to capture this moment.
"my pretty little butterfly"
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enhypencores · 12 days
Bleed Me Dry
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Lee Heeseung X Y/N
Genre: Yandere Romance/ Thriller/ Stalker
Prompt: "If I carve you into my blood, will you believe my love?"
Word Count: 7K+
WARNING⚠️: Explicit content, profanity, sexual harassment, heated make outs, female stereotyping, use of a derogatory word, violence, lots of blood, aggression, toxic masculinity, yandre, manipulation, mentions of self exit, unhealthy relationships and mental health issues. Y/N described with long hair and brown eyes.
Cameos: Jake, Jay, Sunghoon, Sunoo, Yeji, Karina, Jaemin and Jisung
A/N: Please read the warnings carefully before proceeding. There's heavy discussions and complex character dynamics. None of it is healthy. This is a work of fiction, please read it as such. If I missed out any, lemme know.
Heeseung watched you, mentally tracing the curve of your bottom lip as you awaited the bus, your nose scrunching in disgust at the passing smokers. The fullness of your cheeks flushed red as the scorching heat streamed through your hand’s barrier, and the silky strands of brown hair cascaded down your neck as you climbed up the bus. Your forehead wrinkled as you leaned down to scan your card, and your nimble steps took you to the end row. Sweat drops trickled down the bony line of your collarbone, dipping into your white collar, dampening the fabric as your eyes rolled back and your head fell slack against the teetering glass window.
This was his sign.
He strutted through the door and beelined towards the back. He was so close to settling down, just another step, and he'd be enveloped in your presence when all his plans fell through the window. He halted, his eyes widening in disbelief as a boy settled beside you, unaware of the fury he had just unleashed within Heeseung's blood. Heeseung swallowed the colourful words itching up his throat and forced himself into the seat behind, away from you.
He stared at the gap between your shoulders, bitterness pooling in his chest. Each time the boy's arm brushed against yours, Heeseung's restraint wavered, his nails digging into his palm as he envisioned tearing the boy's joint off for daring to feel you. His temper flared when he spotted your oblivious frame, still, sound asleep like a princess in the comfort of her sheets. You were so perplexingly naive, falling asleep in a bus full of men waiting to pounce on meek girls like yourself. It usually took around forty-five minutes for you to reach home, but you could've at least placed your bag on the vacant seat so no one—except him—would take the spot beside you.
Heeseung trained his gaze on his wristwatch, every tick of the short hand's movement making him lose his mind. He could've been the one pressed against your shoulders, bathing in your essence, had that loser found another spot. Fortunately, he didn't have to dwell in misery for long because at the very next stop, the loser grabbed his bag from the floor, preparing to leave. Heeseung analysed his watch.
Ten minutes. Gone.
Ten minutes he could've spent right beside you.
The boy stood alert, pressing the button, and the bus came to a standstill. As he stepped through the aisle, his foot landed against a round object, throwing him off balance and sending him tumbling to the ground with his jawline scraping against the hard floor. The entire bus gasped in unison as the boy sat up, his frantic gaze searching for the perpetrator.
A round basketball swirled by his feet.
"Shit, that slipped. My bad," Heeseung muttered, standing from his seat and holding out his hand with an apologetic smile, which the unsuspecting boy accepted with an embarrassed grin.
Heeseung watched the boy rub at his injured chin, confused at the ball's magical appearance as he tugged on his bag's strap and stammered out of the bus with an obvious limp.
Hopefully, that injury lasted ten days to account for the ten precious minutes of Heeseung's life.
Immediately, Heeseung turned back, glancing at your limp frame. His heart raced at the sight. He took small, calculated steps before gently lowering himself into the seat beside you. At the first brush of your elbow, Heeseung's body grew warm, heart drumming faster within his chest. He itched to press his entire body against yours. For now, however, he slightly edged closer, letting your clothed shoulder graze his arm, his eyes rolling shut at the subtle contact.
For the past month, he was a silent observer, watching you walk from your university to the bus, bus to your house in a disciplined schedule. It became part of his very routine. He would wait around your campus at 3:00 sharp to follow you onto the bus and spend the next blissful forty-five minutes watching you sleep away. Heeseung would climb off at your stop, ensuring you crossed the road safely. Only when your back disappeared into the villa and yellow lights at the right-end corner flickered to life would Heeseung return to get a bus back.
He was watching over you to keep you safe. The world lurked with dangers, and you were so innocent, so beautiful, so mesmerizing, so agonizingly weak like a frail flower in a garden full of cacti. He had no option but to take on the role of a silent guardian, protecting you from the world. He told himself he valued your safety. But deep down, he knew it was more than that. He needed to be near you, to feel your presence, to submerge within your life and become a part woven for your pleasure.
Usually, he stayed a safe distance away to admire your presence. A week ago, he stared at the empty seat with longing. Like an addiction, his tolerance had grown. Seeing you from afar wasn't enough. He wanted to feel your presence. His body automatically followed his yearning, getting up and climbing into the seat beside yours.
And since then, he couldn't get enough.
All of a sudden, Heeseung's focus wavered as the bus came to an abrupt halt. He impulsively brought his arm around your frame, viciously eyeing the driver for his rash turn. As he felt something drop against his shoulder, Heeseung froze. He gulped carefully, turning to inspect you.
His insides twisted in joy. The sight of your sleeping frame leaning against him with your head on his shoulder was enough to make him forget his annoyance at the bus driver. Heeseung shifted closer to let your head rest in the crevice of his neck.
His breath hitched at the contact; your face pressed firmly into his bare neck. Flesh on flesh. His hand clenched into a strained fist, nails digging into his palm, leaving indents as your warm breath nuzzled down his collarbone and spread to his chest. He looked down at your unresponsive frame and realised he had never seen you so up close.
With the closer angle, he noticed washed-out freckles like sand dust trailing down your nose. Your eyelashes were curled black, resting low on your cheeks angelically. Your mouth was cutely pressed into a light pout against his top, your nose squished into his collarbones, making his hairs rise.
Heeseung urged himself to calm down. If you heard the frantic pacing of his heart, you'd wake up before he had the chance to revel in your skin's warmth. He breathed in the scent of fresh vanilla, something inside his abdomen stirring as he realised how you might leave him smelling like yourself, like a protective feline, marking their territory. Heeseung smiled, his body automatically turning towards you, eyes shining in anticipation.
Your body craved him just as badly as he craved you.
Thirty-five minutes passed by in the blink of an eye. He didn't even register the familiar streets treading along the window, his sight and mind filled with images of your pretty face when suddenly your phone beeped, jerking you awake. Heeseung swore under his breath, body recoiling in complaint as you pulled away, grabbing the phone in your jeans pocket and shutting off the alarm. He forced himself to look the other way, his breathing unsteady as he restrained the urge to yank you back.
Roused awake, you quickly stood alert, pressing the button, your knees accidentally bumping into the stranger's legs as you proceeded to step out of the aisle. You turned back to look at the masked man. 
He watched, breath-held, heart thudding.
His wide eyes met yours, and you gave him a suppressed smile before walking off.
Goosebumps. His head felt like jelly, mind straining to grasp at the smile you sent his way—a smile meant for him—not the kind one you give the shopkeeper when he hands you your groceries—not the empathetic one you flash to the older citizens slowly climbing the bus—not the patient one you give to the raucous bikers outside the campus—a soft, sweet, and memorable smile. Only for him.
Heeseung was so dazed that he simply forgot to get off at the stop with you. Instead, he sat rigid, attempting to process the burst of emotions within his chest. He looked down and—thank fuck he did because he might’ve missed it if he was preoccupied in following behind. There, on his grey flannel, an inch lower from his collar, was a wet mark that belonged to you. Not only did you leave him smelling like your vanilla body wash, but you also stained him with your saliva.
His heart thrummed. He pulled his mask down. With his lower region tingling, his hand instinctively grabbed at the collar to pull the wet fabric into his mouth. Head dropping back, his vision blurred, his body tightening at the first taste of your mouth.
He lapped at the spot like a starved man, his legs pressing together to relieve some of the tension in his painfully hard centre. Sweat built up in his clenched fist as he sucked the fabric and rolled his tongue against it, wishing he could feel it directly from your mouth rather than the brittle cotton of his shirt. His desires had climbed up a new ladder; nothing was enough anymore. He needed to lap at the delicate roundness of your lips, suck off your taste from inside, and drown his tongue in its heat.
He needed you, physically, emotionally—unabashed and unhidden.
It was time.
Extracurriculars were starting to take a toll on your mental health. You were already part of the university’s student advisory council and head of the reading club. With exams looming and Miss Sol’s exhaustive dance training sessions, you were certain you would either fail all your exams or get home on a stretcher. For the past week, you had been getting home around sunset, but today, you finished training earlier. Giddily, you jumped onto the bus, excited to get home and munch on ramen before your older brother got his hands on it.
You sat in your usual backseat and immediately fell asleep.
When your alarm blared, you quickly silenced your phone and got up, pressing the button to alert the bus driver. You glanced to your side, expecting to see the masked man who had unknowingly become your bus ride companion, but his seat was vacant. Confused, you glanced around, but only saw aged faces and school students. 
Strange. You assumed he was a college student like yourself, never skipping a day.
You shrugged, climbed off the bus and made your way across the main road toward your house. As you strutted inside the villa, a blinding object flashed past your vision, clashing against your torso and shoving you to the floor. You looked up furiously.
The culprit, your smug brother with his blonde hair falling against his eyes, kneeled down to grab the basketball. “Weren’t you supposed to get home late?” His accusatory tone made you want to scratch the smirk off his mouth.
“Oh, sorry for colliding into your ball.” You smiled sarcastically, standing up. His sardonic smile widened.
“Don’t do it again, little sis,” he grinned, and your patience flew out the window. You jumped up to grab his hair, but as if anticipating your attack, he dodged, sprinting down the hallway with the ball cocooned in his embrace.
“Sim Jaeyun!” You screeched, chasing him through the lounge and out the backdoor toward the inbuilt basketball court. 
You never hated your short height, but in moments like these, you wished you had inherited your father’s long legs. As you watched him speed up beside the basketball court, you frustratedly changed your route, dashing into the square-shaped arena, running diagonally, hoping the Pythagorean theorem would help you reach Jake faster.
With your gaze trained on your target, you saw Jake dribble the ball ahead as you blindly ran down the court, so blind that you didn’t notice a taller figure standing in your way. You collided into a frame, slamming against a hard chest, sending you both tumbling to the ground. You gasped, eyes bulging out as a pair of brown eyes stared at you, wide with panic.
You muttered a rushed apology, attempting to get up when you noticed his arms were locked around your waist protectively.
“Get off Heeseung, you midget!” Jake yelled, nearing your limp frame. You gave him a scorned glare, sitting up as the man’s arms slowly fell away. You stood up together as Jake dribbled his basketball, an amused grin on his features.
Sourly glaring, you didn’t hesitate to whip Jake with your bag. He groaned, almost flinging the basketball at you when the black-haired man pushed ahead immediately, blocking your brother’s aggression.
“She’s a menace. Let me deal with it,” Jake bitterly told the stranger.
“Shut up, Jake! You’re the menace in this household,” you huffed, glaring at him.
Then, your gaze settled back on the brown-eyed man, and your cheeks flushed red as you surveyed the stranger’s features. Ethereal. Big eyes as naïve as a deer’s, a peculiarly sharp nose, plump, wet lips, and dark ebony hair—the man was majestic. Dressed in a grey tank top and trousers, sweat clung to his tan skin, dripping down his well-built biceps like honey. He seemed to have walked straight out of a sports tournament.
“Who’s this?” You blurted out, eyeing the handsome man with flushed cheeks.
“Heeseung, a friend. Heeseung, this is Y/N, unfortunately, related to me.” You smacked your bag into his stomach, pushing him back as he doubled over and clutched his torso, glaring at you through his gold bangs. 
“That’s no way to treat your younger sister, Jake,” Heeseung's stern voice oozed masculine charm—almost giving you whiplash. His reprimanding made your brother’s temper dissolve, and he unclenched his jaw, nodding obediently. You stared, baffled at the sudden shift in his demeanour.
You had never seen your older brother submissively agree with anyone—not even your parents. Having a one-year age gap, the older child's privilege, and spoiled treatment from your parents really did a number on him. His friend group consisted of boys who worked like dogs to gain his acceptance, and your brother bathed in the glory. He wasn’t overtly arrogant, but good grades and amazing basketball performances would make anyone feel like they owned the world. Not to mention, his faked kind personality had everyone running laps. You can’t even count how many hearts he’d broken from middle school to university. 
Watching him listen to Heeseung, you could tell he was someone important to your brother.
You glanced back at the towering man. He even carried himself with an air of indifference, intimidating yet undeniably attractive, commanding everyone’s interest. Under the sunlight, his pupils glowed like lit candles, growing small into a crescent shape as a warm smile grazed his lips, his gaze softening. Tousled strands fell into his dreamy eyes as he nodded. Baffled, you wondered how one second, he seemed like an intimidating adult, reprimanding the kids, and the other moment, he appeared boyish and charming, his eyes brimming with youthful energy. 
“Y/N.” Your name rolled off his tongue like butter, making your insides curl.
The night you met him, you stalked your brother’s account to find that intriguing man. You scoured through hundreds of Jake’s irrelevant followers, desperately searching for an account starting with the letter H. To your disappointment, no such account existed.
You wondered if Heeseung was old school and went down a rabbit hole, searching through the depths of Facebook. Lee Heeseung—his name in itself was traditional and old, so you didn’t even come across any likely accounts. You gave up and tried asking Jake; however, your brother rarely answered any of your questions. You had no choice but to wait for another encounter. 
Like a surprising miracle, the next encounter came earlier than expected. A week later, you were buried in exam questions, struggling to absorb the entire pharmacology textbook, when the doorbell rang. You tried to ignore it, but after several insistent rings, you begrudgingly stomped to the door. You weren’t expecting anyone; your parents were at a dinner party, and Jake was at a cram class. You mentally prepared yourself to scream at the neighbour’s kids who frequently stood outside your door to mess around. 
You flung the door open, ready to unleash your frustrations, when your jaw dropped. The familiar round eyes met yours, kickstarting a joyous flutter of butterflies in your stomach. Heeseung stood as handsome as the first day, wearing a black hoodie and jeans. He carried a bunch of hefty books, his gaze searching behind you.
“Y/N,” he called your name, and your ears reddened. He enunciated each syllable as if he knew you for ages, called you it for ages.
“Jaeyun left some astrophysics books at my place.” He peered at the stack in his hold.
You smiled apologetically because, of course, your forgetful brother did. 
“He’s out right now,” you told him. “But that’s alright, I’ll take these.” His smile softened as he held out the books. You stepped closer, circling your arm around the stack, but your weak arms failed to carry the weight, embarrassingly almost dropping them to the floor. 
Heeseung quickly tightened his hold on the books, pulling back with a teasing smile. “I’ll take them in,” he stated. Before you could reject his kindness, he stepped inside, pausing in the hallway.
You led him to the lounge, where he kept the books on the wooden table. You offered him a smile as your heart beat frantically. Watching him stand close in your vicinity when you were home alone felt like all your prayers had been answered.
He turned to look at you, pulling back the strands that had fallen against his vision. A smile stretched his lips. “You were studying?” He asked, his voice low yet echoing in the empty hall. Your lips parted, eyes wide in shock.
“How’d you know?” You questioned incredulously.
His smile morphed into a grin. Wordlessly, he reached out and gently pulled the pencil from your hair. The hair bun unravelled, brown strands running down your neck, grazing his fingertips as something flickered in his gaze. He watched the soft layers frame your face. You giggled, face warming up. You tried to grab the pencil, but Heeseung pulled it away, smirking at your embarrassment.
“Let me guess, pharmacology is kicking your ass?” He scoffed, and you gasped in retaliation.
“Now, how do you know my degree?” You stared in confusion.
He chuckled. “Your brother says it’s your worst decision.”
Fucking Sim Jaeyun. Always ruining your reputation everywhere with his big ass mouth.
You sighed, rolling your eyes in frustration. You somewhat disliked your crush knowing about your crisis with that god-awful degree.
“I’m doing fine,” you bitterly claimed. “I ace Biochem and almost every other module. Anatomy is just from the depths of hell,” you spewed some irrelevant achievements, immediately cringing at how self-indulgent you sounded.
God, you were pathetic. You wondered if Heeseung saw through your façade.
Heeseung shifted his weight onto his right leg. “I can help,” he offered, a flamboyant grin flashing across his features as he nodded at your shocked expression. “I ace Anatomy all the time,” he mocked your tone, lips twisting in a teasing smile.
You huffed. Guys usually scored seventy per cent and flaunted it like they won a Nobel prize. “What’s your highest test score?” Your overconfident-self asked, folding your arms over your chest with an egoistic smile.
He watched silently for a moment before returning that sharp smile.
Pfft. You rolled your eyes, grabbing at your hair in frustration. Was Heeseung as annoying as Jake? “Real funny,” you scoffed, wishing you could erase the smugness off his handsome face.
“3.9 GPA in premed.”
Your overconfidence deflated like a balloon. Heeseung smirked and stepped closer, arms folded over his lean chest, mocking your demeanour.
You nervously gulped, stepping back from his overwhelming presence. This tall, gorgeous man had casually revealed his Einstein-level intelligence, and now, you felt utterly stupid, crying over some basic anatomy. Even Jake struggled to maintain a decent 3.5.
Your eyes widened as you registered the situation again. Heeseung was offering his help. Even if he thought you were stupid, you could change that, prove him wrong and possibly gather more information about him through a tutoring session, for example, unearth his socials. You could probably get closer and know more.
With your decision made, you nodded at him.
Heeseung felt like he’d plummet to the floor in relief. He watched the curiosity in your doe eyes gleam as you determinedly stepped towards the hallway, walking up the stairs. He took the first step, his knees trembling as he watched you peppily jump to the right-end door. You were showing him the way to your bedroom.
Your bedroom.
Heeseung’s body fired up like an overheated kettle, his muscles tensing against the railing. You pushed the door open and stepped inside, turning to wait for him. How naïve. How fucking naïve. You had opened up your home, welcomed him inside, and now you were leading him into your personal space, the small corner in this massive house that belonged solely to you, the corner he was used to seeing from outside the house. 
Were you that stupid?
He had seen your parents leave in glamorous attire with a bouquet of flowers, indicating they'd be gone for a substantial time. Jake wasn’t home, attending cram school from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. That left you… vulnerable and alone.
Despite his resolve to wait a good two weeks before visiting again, Heeseung’s patience had worn thin. That initial meeting, feeling your soft curves press into his chest as you toppled over him, had ignited a craving in him. Your scent mingled with his, your body fitting perfectly against him—it had all transcended his tolerance. He had felt his internal organs shift with momentary bliss, his body reacting as if you were made to be felt by him.
Now he was here, in your house, in your presence.
He knew the moment he stepped into your room, he couldn’t leave until he made you his, in some way, in any way. Anticipation bubbled in his veins as he rushed up the stairs.
He froze, his body whipping around to face the intruder. His gaze turned to steel, jaw tightening at the sight of a confused Jake standing in the doorway.
Sim—Fucking—Jaeyun, the brother who wasn’t supposed to be home for at least another hour.
“Jake?” you inquired, stepping back out and shutting your door. Heeseung’s fists clenched as he stared at the closed door, frustration churning in his stomach. So close. He had been just a step away from entering your room.
Beneath that door lay the key to your heart. Access to your room meant understanding your interests, habits, likes, and dislikes, transforming himself into the man you dreamed of. Jake was a limited source. How much does a brother really talk about his sister?
“What’re you doing here?” Jake questioned as Heeseung and you descended the stairs.
“He was here to drop off the books you read as a useless hobby, so I asked for help with Anatomy,” you explained, smiling at Heeseung, who now seemed oddly stern.
Jake snickered, pulling off his baseball cap to let blonde locks fall into his eyes. “You’re pestering my friend for anatomy?” He chuckled as you rolled your eyes.
“No, I offered,” Heeseung replied, his tone sharp and cutting through. You turned your head in confusion at his sudden change in demeanour. “Don’t you stay for an extra lesson?” Heeseung raised his brow, seemingly well-versed in Jake’s schedule.
“Yeah, but they let us out early since we’ve covered the semester,” Jake responded, indifferent to Heeseung’s tone, as he tossed his bag onto the floor.
“Up for a round of LOL?” Jake rubbed his palms together in excitement.
Heeseung’s cold gaze changed with a hint of amusement as he nodded. He turned to you, his smile languid. “Sorry Y/N, League of Legends will always be my first choice,” he declared.
“It’s cool, I’ll survive,” you scoffed, jogging back up the stairs and closing your door to resume studying.
Dropping into the armchair, your thoughts drifted to the sudden shift in atmosphere at Jake’s arrival. Jake and Heeseung’s friendship seemed...strange. Your brother followed Heeseung’s lead without question, even overlooking his friend's occasional indifference. Jake, a softie, who would give you the silent treatment for calling him a nerd, yapping about ‘she called me a bad word’ to your mother, seemed unfazed by Heeseung’s intimidating nature.
Shaking your head, you forced your attention back to your studies, determined to focus despite the lingering curiosity.
Another round. 
Another one.
One more.
Heeseung was losing patience, hectically pressing buttons on the Nintendo Switch, his fingers straining to match his brain’s pace. With a hazy vision, Heeseung turned to inspect Jake. Finally, the blonde had lost his will to play, dropping to the couch as snores wracked his frame. It had taken five gruelling hours of continuous rounds, but it would all be worth it.
The opportunity had presented itself, Heeseung internally reasoned. He didn’t sneak into your house or anything— he had greeted your parents when they returned and even ate some snacks your mother had lovingly offered. He was not an intruder. He was a guest, and now the guest was wandering in search of a bathroom. He knew Jake’s bathroom was down the hall, but he purposely overlooked that route, opting instead to tread up the staircase. With every step, rugged creaks whispered in the darkness, but Jake’s tumultuous snores helped mask his motives. 
Soon, he was standing before your door. And this time, he was unstoppable because no one would bother you at 3 AM.
Breath held, lips pressed in silent tension, he pulled at the handle and slipped inside. A thicker blanket of darkness clouded his vision. Freezing against the door, Heeseung blinked rapidly, determined to accommodate his vision. Streaks of streetlight treaded inside from the edge of the curtain, letting him finally see his surroundings, and he turned to inspect the room.
A study desk toppled with bulks of books and papers with sharpies and pens laid at the edge. Heeseung quietly stepped towards it, his finger grazing the neat text, written with keen attention. His chest tingled when he imagined you pepped up on the swivelling chair, jotting down intricate notes with such pretty handwriting. By the look of it, he could tell you were at the top of your studies, a beauty with brains.
Heeseung noticed your phone charging on the edge of the table and quickly grabbed a hold of it. He didn’t know enough to unlock your phone, but he could easily download his new software without a fuss. Heeseung pulled out his phone, automatically airdropping the relevant file to yours. The new software wasn’t an ordinary tracking device, but it even synced your live activity. Now onwards, all your texts and calls would go through him. The only drawback? He needed time for the syncing to finalise.
He put your phone down, but his gaze caught the back cover, and he immediately inspected it. You kept a Polaroid inside the cover, a beautiful smile lighting up your features as you stood next to your best friend at what seemed like Disneyland. Heeseung wanted to cherish your smile, but noticing the arm your friend easily draped across your waist, fury seethed beyond his pupils.
Why were people so effortlessly a part of your life? Why did it come so easily to everyone but him? To him, you were so distant like a dream. He had to bide his time, pretend to be patient, and even befriend a narcissist like Jake, just to make you aware of his existence.
Why couldn’t he just have you?
Heeseung turned away, his mood soured, his gaze searching for something to get his mind off the bitterness. The room was… perplexingly simple. Most of your personality was huddled on that desk; the walls were empty with just a cuckoo clock in the centre and a bean bag resting against the wardrobe. Dispiritedly, he allowed himself to gaze at the bed.
A master bed served with your petite frame wrapped like a sushi roll on a platter.
Heeseung’s body grew warm at the sight. You were in dreamland, the sound of slow breathing now clearer to his ears as he crept closer. He stood at the edge of the bed, his gaze running over your frame. To his displeasure, your face was hidden from his prying eyes, strands disorderly shadowing your features, evoking his irritation.
He couldn’t help it. He found himself getting nearer, your scent getting stronger, soft vanilla teasing his nostrils. Placing his knee on the white sheets, he leaned forward and brushed the strands off your face.
Long lashes rested against your tinted cheeks, round parted lips with a hint of drool running past the corner. Heeseung didn’t even notice when he had dropped himself on the sheets’, his torso completely resting beside your sleeping frame. 
Heaven. The sheets were warm and immersed in your scent, giving him the illusion of your embrace. 
His palms itched to touch. His tongue felt heavy with appetite. He had memorised every inch of your beauty to see you behind his eyelids, but his hands still didn’t know your touch.
Heeseung impulsively reached out, his index finger grazing your bottom lip. Instantly, heat spread from his chest down to his centre. His fingers trembled as he traced the rose petals. Your slow breaths coupled with the softness of your lips made his hunger flare up. He trailed the finger down your chin, collecting your drool, and he transferred it to his mouth, impatiently sucking in your taste. 
He couldn’t help the urge to lower himself, stick his tongue out and slide it against your bottom lip.
His toes curled, his eyes falling shut.
Suddenly, he felt like a teenager sharing his first kiss. Your saliva was like sugar melting on his tongue, a taste so delectable that his insides curled in starvation. Heeseung wasn’t a fan of desserts, but your flavour humbled him, making him realise what he’d been missing all his life. He preferred the taste of wine and burnt spices, believing his palate was too mature for anything so juvenile. Yet, god—your lips were like the first shot of his high. Suddenly, sweet things became irresistible.
His lower region tingled as his flicks became harsher, his mouth wide open in mindless hunger, his drool messily spilling on your lips. His mind buzzed, body twisting into the sheet in urgency; your taste had rendered him so weak that he was willing to disrupt his entire plan just from the heat of your mouth.
He felt his arousal strain through his trousers as he tried sliding his tongue in the small gleaming gap in your lips when suddenly he felt you stir. He jerked away, breath heaving, lips drenched with spit. Narrow-eyed, he surveyed your features.
Please not yet. Please, baby.
Instead of ruining his plans, you simply tugged the blanket low. He saw your tongue peek out and run over your bottom lip and gulp down his saliva. It was unintentional and child-like, maybe, one of your sleeping habits. But Heeseung’s blood burned at the sight, his mouth drying up, pupils darkening.
His gaze chased lower, and he spotted a silver of skin, peaking through the cover. The blanket was tangled low on your waist, exposing your brunched-up shirt to his hungry eyes. He didn’t even bother fighting his lascivious thoughts, abruptly tugging up your shirt to reveal your stomach. Heeseung crawled down, his lips immediately pressing into the golden skin, trailing restrained kisses up your waistline. His restrain wavered when he was presented with the sight of your tiny belly button. His mouth salivated as he observed the little hole. Instantly his tongue lashed out, dipping into the curve. His body hummed, his vision blurring as his hips involuntarily thrust into the sheets. He wanted to fill—every hole—every crevice that let him invade. If there was a part he couldn’t physically access, he wanted to stab holes and punch his essence in every corner to mark you as his.
Saliva pooled down his jawline, drenching your abdomen as he protruded his needy tongue into your warm button. He flicks become hungrier, needier, his hands scrambling to grope something—anything. With cheeks pressed flat against your damp stomach, he bit down on his lip to silence the groan itching up his throat as he squeezed your waist.
Fuck. You were made to be touched. You were made to be his clay. You were made to mould into his favourite plaything. You were made for him to love.
Heeseung’s gaze darted to your face, his muscles tensing at the sharp inhale.
Fuck—shit—fuck—your eyes were half open.
Survival instincts kicked in, and Heeseung rolled off the bed at lightning speed, slithering beneath it, pressing his lips together to steady his breathing. The bed creaked as you shifted and sat up. He could almost picture it: your heavy-lidded eyes widening in alarm, the image of a flushed Heeseung gazing up at you—poof—gone, like a mystical encounter. You’d wonder if seeing him there was a figment of your imagination. You’d gulp and rub your template, accepting your insanity.
Heeseung envisioned it all—and he was right.
You were going crazy, thinking about Heeseung, your brother’s best friend, doing sickening, revolting, absolutely heavenly things to you. You didn’t recall dreaming of him, but you might be a stage two schizophrenic because you were now hallucinating his presence. Your body was overly indulged in the hallucination, feverish and covered in goosebumps. You kicked off the blanket, noticing your shirt pooled up, your stomach warm, limbs shaking.
Heeseung waited, his heartbeat steadying as you showed no sign of suspicion. Just like he had imagined. Your insecure mind probably convinced you otherwise. Sometimes, even seeing doesn’t translate to believing—especially for someone as pure-hearted as you. You’d rather doubt your own soul than accuse anyone else of foul play. He’d have to teach you to believe in yourself more than this world—he’d force you to grow a thorn in that beautiful heart, so no one could taint it. Except him.
He lay there, flushed—dazed. He laid there for hours until your laborious breaths morphed into sweet lullabies.
As he slid out the bed, he turned towards you, his heart throbbing with adoration.
You were back to being a little sushi roll, covered with a blanket, your hair sticking to your face as you slept like a log. The mere thought of someone else seeing you innocently asleep made his blood boil. He'd gladly crack open their skulls, extract their hippocampi, and flush them down the toilet to erase any trace of you from their minds.
Heeseung stepped closer and gently kissed your head. He inhaled deeply, savouring your scent from your flushed frame. Reluctantly, he stepped back, grabbed his phone and ensured the sync was complete before heading out the door.
He had to speed things up; the wait was becoming unbearable.
Straight away, Heeseung took a cab home. There was a solid hour before his morning lecture, so he immediately threw himself into his bed and analysed the synced files on his phone.
Details from your phone helped him understand you, but he didn’t know everything just yet. He scrolled through your notes. You liked watching dramatic sitcoms about housewives and divorces. Your YouTube was just a diverse cookbook: most watched clips were recipes ranging from brownies to egg soufflé to Arabic hummus. He chuckled as he noticed some dance tutorials. He would love to see you dance one day.
Your social media presence was barely a drop in his research. You had zero posts, and mostly followed celebrities and high school girlfriends. Looking into your teenage years, to Heeseung’s relief, you had been to an all-girls school. He scoured your followers for any guys, but except for some male actors, you didn’t seem to have anyone worth noting.
The syncing only allowed access to a specific set of photos you had downloaded from your PC onto the mobile. There was a total of six pictures— three of those were of the fucking sunset. The rage he felt as he patiently waited for the pictures to download only to be met with an ugly ball of yellow light was unfathomable.
As he scrolled, he found a picture of a younger girl in a white sundress sitting beside a boy who proudly held up a fishing net, occupied with three mackerels, a memory of Jake and your childhood. His heart felt warm as he zoomed into your features. Unknowingly, he was tracing the line of your smile, the shape of your eyes on the screen, a dumb smile playing on his own lips.
He snapped out of it and scrolled ahead. The following picture was a group photo from— high school. You were the centre of attention, your hair up in a ponytail, a vivid smile glossing your features as girls huddled around you. He felt the magnetic pull exuding your frame even from lifeless photos— making him wish he had opted for your area, so he could have found you earlier. He believed whatever time frame he found you, he would have pounced to get you to himself.
Heeseung forcibly clicked off and opened the last photo in the synced album. His smile wiped off, his body sitting alert, his gaze narrowed and fixated on the screen. Your university’s back entrance had a swing where he noticed couples hanging and making out.
In the snapped photo, you were perched on top of the wooden swing, eating an ice lolly with a man behind you, his hands on your shoulders, a shit-eating grin on his face whilst pointing at the camera.
Heeseung’s grip on his phone tightened. From the outskirts, he hadn’t seen that face anywhere near you, but then again, how much could one know as an outsider. 
Jake’s mocking insults about your love life were proof of your singularity.
He hated knowing such little about your world. He hated someone so undeserving and irrelevant could touch you so easily when he had to watch you from the shadows, dwell on small encounters.
He had to find this guy and ensure your protection before he could even think of disclosing his love for you. Whatever this man was, Heeseung had to know more.
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chlorinecake · 9 months
If it's possible, could you make a yandere enhypen story, where the reader usually goes out late at night to a convenience store for some late night snacks, but some pervert tries her, but one of the members had been following her and help her, I'm sorry if it doesnt make any sense but yeah...😀 (recently my delusions have been getting to me)
“convenient chances” 🎱 
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pairing: stalker!yandere!enhypen x afab!reader
cw: harassment, violence, mentions of smoking, paranoia/anxiety, language, kidnapping, bad-ish ending lol
wc: 3.1k — read part ll and lll here
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LIKE A DUNGEON with fear cementing every corner, you struggle to savor the silence in your waking life.
Doubting all and believing none, your close friend Sunoo convinced you that your nervous aches and night sweats were a mere result of paranoia. He always judged the way you’d peek over your shoulder in public as if waiting to be attacked.
Clicking sounds from your window startled your rest during the night, with nightmares of seven tall hooded strangers blinding your judgement.
You're sure everyone's experienced the phenomenon of “gaze perception” at least once in their lives, in which a person might sense or assume that a pair of predatory eyes are stalking them from afar.
You didn’t like to use the word trauma to define your past experiences, but this wasn’t your first time feeling like a cloud of trouble waited to pour down on you. At this point, all you could do was hope that your intuition wasn’t right this time.
It was only a few months ago when you broke up with your abusive ex-boyfriend, Jay. The memories still linger as if they occurred yesterday, freshly cryptic in your mind. From your point of view, he started off as a charming casual acquaintance, which soon developed into a crush and then a toxic relationship. He outlined a list of rules for you to follow when he was away, ordering you around like a child. Anytime you even came close to breaking one of his orders, he’d beat the shit out of you, saying that his rage was out of love.
From Jay’s point of view, you weren’t just an obsession, but a belonging—his favorite humanoid toy to play with. He threatened that if you ever left him, he’d come back for you one day, saying that he’d never stop watching you.
And so, you moved. Not far, but a good distance away. You didn’t feel protected anymore in your usual environment. Though, there was one place in which you felt completely safe—free from watchful eyes and hostile hands. It was the tatty old convenience store a few blocks from where you live. The place hadn’t developed much since what appeared to be a decade or two ago, but they always supplied the most tasty, high quality snacks you could get your hands on.
As silly as it may sound, the fallout shop was your haven, and you grew particularly fond of shopping there late at night when it was less crowded.
You walked passed the familiar electronic doors, the fluorescent ceiling lights sparkling off of the bleach-mopped tiles. The usually uplifting radio station was replaced with the chilling whoosh of air circulating through the vents.
“Hello! Welcome to Goldman’s 24-hour convenience,” a friendly accented voice chimed. “Hello,” you returned with a nod, a bit confused by the new face. The usual cashier was an elder women by the name of Mandy. Her laughter alone could make some of your darkest nights glimmer again.
The young man wore a name tag on his dark blue collared shirt: Jake. You couldn’t help but wonder why Mandy wasn’t working her usual night shift, but you didn’t care enough to interrogate the seemingly content boy.
Picking up a hand basket, you explored the aisle's shelves in search for something savory or sweet to snack on. Your gaze swiveled ahead of you before landing on the sight of two hooded strangers blocking your path. This time, a bit of their faces showed, revealing the devious smirks that spoke so many silent words through their sealed lips:
You can run, but you can’t hide from us, ____. For as long as we live, you’re not allowed to feel safe anywhere.
Goosebumps sprouted on the surface of your skin, nerves dancing around in your fingers until they became wobbling rods. It’s almost like you forgot to breathe due to the overwhelming terror, feeling frozen from within as the plastic basket slipped from your grasp, a loud clatter echoing throughout the store.
You remembered all of the horrible things Jay said he would do to you once he found you again. The bruises you concealed with makeup that Jay referred to as his "strawberry kisses” would have nothing on what you felt was coming your way.
“Are you okay, miss?” A kind male voice asked, snatching you from your trance and back to reality. You turned to meet the man behind you, revealing his concerned yet warm features. He picked up the basket you dropped, still processing that your mind successfully tricked you into seeing something that wasn’t actually there.
“Yes, I’m alright, t-thank you,” you smiled but it didn’t reach your eyes, looking more awkward than reassuring.
He pressed three finger's against your forehead, “I don’t think you’re being honest with me,” he frowned, your hot and damp forehead telling him that something was wrong. “I’m sorry, I haven’t even introduced myself yet,” he stuck out one hand for you to shake and the other to pass you back your basket. “My name is Heeseung,” he smiled, “I’m new in town with an affinity for convenience stores.”
“____, with an affinity to drop flimsy baskets in public,” you replied, suddenly feeling at ease from the humor. You started trailing to the ramen section and Heeseung was walking behind you. If it wasn’t for his kindness earlier, you’d probably be freaking out about how close he was. You reached for a spicy udon noodle pack that came with dehydrated tofu and seaweed sheets. Meanwhile, Heeseung grabbed a can of Spam and chicken flavored ramen.
“Speaking of your liking for convenience stores, I come here almost every night and I’ve never seen you before.“
“Well, yeah, I’m usually here earlier in the day. I just happened to need some gas and got hungry while waiting, so I decided to stop by for my favorites,” he peered into your basket, "You might wanna get some milk with those, too. It's ungodly how spicy they are!"
"I know, right? They're just so delicious, I can't resist them..."
"Still, Sapporo Ichiban instant noodles are the best! They always cook perfectly. Never too soft or too firm. It's my comfort food, honestly. I wanna hug the person who created them," he replied passionately.
"Eh, you're just gonna ruin 'em anyways."
He gave you a double look, "Are you passively judging my cooking skills or fat shaming me?"
"Neither. I'm shaming that pink block of salt you're gonna punish your organs with."
He scoffed, "This anti-Spam movement is outrageous! I'm starting an online protest where you'll be the number one convert."
"As if I'd ever try that...stuff," you rejected.
"Welp. More for me, I guess," he mumbled, digging into his jacket pocket.
“Dammit, I forgot my wallet in my car,” he said, placing his basket high up on the shelf. “If you see anyone try to take my stuff, kick ‘em in the shin for me,” he said before running out of the shop.
Analyzing your surroundings, you noticed that a few groups of shoppers and some solo snackers began raiding the bread aisle. You distracted yourself by heading to the refrigerator section, considering Heeseung’s recommendation of getting a smooth beverage to accompany your spicy noodles, tossing in a pack of strawberry flavored Pocky's on your way.
That’s when you felt an arm wrap around your waist, pulling you in before giving your head a sniff, his nose was wet and cold like a dog as he inhaled your scent. “What the hell are you doing?” You barked, pushing the creepy stranger away.
He was a middle aged man with a receding hairline and a few scars decorating his thin chapped lips. You wondered how many of those scares came from women he tried that “arm around the waist” shit on.
“Sorry, doll. I’m a hugger and figured you might've needed one,” he grinned, revealing the gnarly set of teeth that lined his grey gums. You couldn't tell if it was his foul breath or filthy clothes that smelled more like smoke. Either way, you were thoroughly disgusted by him.
“Well, you should learn to ask before throwing yourself on people,” you retorted, reaching for a container of banana milk.
“You like swallowing bananas, cutie? I bet I could force four of 'em down that pretty mouth of yours,” he slithered while adjusting himself in his pants.
What the hell is wrong with this guy, you thought to yourself.
You tried to ignore his lunacy, only for him to grip your ass like a stress ball, landing a harsh slap across the curve of your jeans. You yelped at the sting, your own words being caught in your throat from the shocking act. You couldn’t believe that this freak actually just did that to you.
He met your eyes with a wink, smelling his hand as if you just provided him with an expensive perfume sample, "You got a lover at home, sweetheart?"
Tears dared to pour from your rage-ridden eyes as you balled your fists so tight, your bones might break. That's when a protective figure filled your blurry peripheral vision, stepping in front of you to block the man off as he tried grabbing you again, pushing him with such a force that he lost his balance.
“The hell do you think you’re doing, y'scrawny mother fucker,” he growled, pulling up is pants.
“You can’t do that kind of sick shit to people, pervert! Now get the hell outta here or I'll call the police,” the younger boy fought back.
“I was just trying to have some fun, kiddo. Ain’t nothin' wrong with that. I bet honey doll misses me already,” the older man went on, licking at his lower lip.
“I’ll knock every last rotting tooth from your mouth if you don’t leave in the next five seconds-"
“Hey, what’s going on over here?” Jake asked in the middle of the commotion, the older man already fleeing the scene. Jake looked at the younger boy first before eventually meeting your eyes. You wish you could hide how shaken up you felt. The container of milk was bleeding out its strong banana scent on the once spotless floor, tears finally streaming down your cheeks.
“Oh my God, Jungwon, what happened,” Heeseung came running over, asking the boy who defended you. “It was nothing,” you interrupted before Jungwon could answer, the three boys standing dumbfounded around you in a puddle of banana milk. “Do you need a ride-" “Don’t worry about me,” your voice cracked in embarrassment.
Is there any way to explain how the world made you ashamed of your own tears?
You left your basket behind, apologizing to Jake who had to clean up the sticky mess. You didn’t wanna leave just yet, afraid that the older guy might be waiting for you outside, so you went to the ladies restroom instead to call your friend Sunoo.
You cleared the lump in your throat before answering, “Sunoo,” you began shakily, “I need you to come and pick me up from Goldman's.”
“You sound terrible, is everything okay? You’re worrying me, what happened?”
“I’m sorry, Sun. Everything’s okay, I just really need you right now.”
“____,” he sighed. You suddenly felt guilty for even calling him.
“Sunoo, if you can’t make it, I won’t be mad at you,” you said in between the silence, trying to encourage him to make a choice.
“I-I can’t, well, I can, but, not soon, at least. I’m only an hour away, if you’re willing to wait that long.” The pity in his voice made you wanna cry all over again. Looking at the time on your phone, it was six minutes til midnight, and you refused to haul your best friend out on the road this late. “No, that’s alright, Sunoo. I’ll just call an Uber.”
His side of the phone fell quiet for a moment. “____, I know how much you hate Uber's. Don't do that to yourself because of me."
"I'll be okay, Sun, just get yourself some rest."
He paused before asking, "Are you sure?”
“Yeah. I’ll talk to you later, okay?”
“Of course! Call me when you get home!”
You finished up in the bathroom, mentally preparing yourself to face the strangers beyond the not-so-comforting walls of the restroom. To your surprise, Heeseung and Jungwon were still in the store. Huddled around Jake at the checkout counter, the three of them took loud sips from steaming cups of ramen. “Hey, ____,” Heeseung began, resting his snack on the counter. “We could help you file a report against that guy, if you want.”
Jungwon met your eyes with his own sincere ones, “He should pay for the way he treated you.” Jake put your basket from earlier on the counter, dry items taking the place of the previously wet ones.
“Do you still want these," he asked shyly. After everything that happened, you felt empty in more than one way. Some warm broth and noodles is exactly what your body needed at the moment. You nodded, handing Jake a $20 bill. Beeping sounds immediately met your ears as he scanned your items with a strange haste. You looked back to Heeseung and Jungwon.
“Getting the police involved will only make it harder for me to forget this ever even happened. Thank you for your concern, though,” you smile at the humble pair before they took the final gulps from their ramen cups before discarding them.
“Here’s your change,” Jake chirped, handing you the plastic bag of goodies. “Thank you,” you bowed, heading to the exit.
“Y'sure you don't need a ride?” Jungwon asked. You flashed him your phone screen. “Uber,” was all you said before walking into the black of the night, the sliding doors closing behind you.
According to your smartphone, you should expect your chauffeur, Sunghoon, to arrive shortly in a black truck with tinted windows. The vehicle came speeding through the parking lot, a chill wind hitting your features. The truck was so dark, that it almost blended into the night. He rolled down the window, looking you up and down.
"Uh, ____," you said, his blunt question catching you off guard.
"Get in," he replied, directing a thumb to the back seat, unlocking the door as you slid in, bumping into another passenger. Immediately caught by his dark eyes, the boy waved slightly, muttering a deep “Welcome aboard,” before fixing his gaze out the window again. The truck sat idly as Sunghoon delayed taking off, exchanging a few hushed words to the guy sitting in the front passenger's seat.
The backseat doors opened from both ends, Heeseung, Jungwon, and Jake joining you in the black vehicle. "Scoot over, Niki," Jungwon complained, trying to get comfortable in the crammed space. That's when you saw one last person join you all in the truck, his face capturing the moonlight like a thief.
"Sunoo?! W-what are you doing here? I thought you were an hour away!" All he did was frown in response. He always made that face whenever he was hiding something from you. "Sunoo," you pressed, nudging his shoulder.
"Oh please, would you just shut the hell up already," the hostile driver growled at you.
You screwed your eyes brows in confusion, "What's going on here," you inquired, now feeling anxiety start to creep up on you.
"The very thing I warned you about before you abandoned me," the front passenger bit back.
That voice. You knew exactly who it belonged to.
It was Jay, your looney ex-lover, sitting right in front of you. An angry yet pitiful scowl contaminated his handsome features.
You pushed through Heeseung, reaching for the door handle, only for Niki, the quietest yet scariest one, to snatch your wrist, pulling you into his tantalizing grip. "Let me go," you yelped, only for Jungwon to harshly cover your mouth.
Sunghoon pulled off at a dangerous speed, causing your bodies to shake in the truck. Heeseung crossed his legs cooly as if he wasn't just casually talking with you in the store, “So when do we get to have fun with her, again? It’s not like she did any good entertaining me through conversation.”
Jake rolled his eyes at Heeseung, “I could’ve used your enthusiasm when I had to stuff that fat old chick in the freezer. Alone. On top of that, I had to mop the floor quintillion times before the blood stains got out.”
“At least you’d make a good house husband,” Sunghoon joked.
You felt your heart sink to the pit of your stomach at Jake’s confession: He killed Mandy.
"I'm sorry, ____," Sunoo whispered, fighting back tears as he hid his face from you.
Everything was starting to make sense now.
The visions of seven hooded boys.
The clicking sounds you'd hear from outside your window at night.
The way you could never shake the feeling that you were being watched.
Jay’s past words echoed in the back of your mind:
"If you ever decide to leave me, don't ever think that you'll get very far before I catch up. I'll always be watching you."
You bit Jungwon's hand, causing him to retreat his palm from your flushed face. "Sunoo, you betrayed me! You told me that I was paranoid when you knew exactly what was going on behind my back! I felt safe with you...I trusted you! And you fucking lied to me!"
"God, I've had just about enough of her nagging," Niki said, landing a fisted blow across your face. As you faded out of consciousness, Jay tried to soothe your daze.
“Even though I betrayed you and beat you, it was only my funny way of expressing how much I love you. Can’t you see that I did all of that out of love?”
You could still hear Sunoo pleading for your forgiveness in the background as you held onto the last strand of your consciousness.
"I've been watching you for a long time, love. You always try to escape me and I never understood why you just wouldn't listen to me. All I've ever done is love you and try to protect you. This time, I’ll make sure you’ve learned your lesson.”
And that was the last thing you heard before retreating to the vacancy of your mind, floating around in the silence of your oblivion. Left in the hands of seven reckless boys who’d successfully lured you into their cat trap, you didn’t know what to expect once you’d open your eyes, but you knew it wouldn’t be anything good.
In that time, you came to the unsettling conclusion that broken toys were Jay’s favorite, and if you weren’t already broken upon being found, you would be by time he’s done playing with you.
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☆ ᴀ/ɴ: in no way, shape, or form does this fanfic intend to romanticize unhealthy relationships or abusive behaviors. i simply write for entertainment and creative purposes. thus, reader discretion is always advised.
☆ ᴘ.ꜱ: special thanks to the fabulous anon who requested this piece! i played around with the plot a bit, but I hope you all enjoyed reading it! if you guys would like a version of this story with a happier ending, let me know in the comments!
☆ taglist (based off of users that personally requested to be on my taglist, my faves, and people that I've noticed interacting with my yandere content) ~
@fanficfactoryfoxxx @ashgonedash @yourmomscuntis2tighy @yngwife @03sunoos @kaykay11sworld @maryismad @gigiramirezsblog @hoonsyo @en-thralled @haechansheart @night-en-shining-armor @cutiejseong
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rokomoi · 3 months
•.*“lovers from the past”*.•
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pairing: heeseung x reader x sunghoon.
synopsis: after graduating college and finally being independent after that incident and getting a job at the FBI, life was going great but he came back to haunt you, taunt your skills as a detective.
word count:12k(yikes💀)
disclaimer: THIS IS ALL FICTION!. english isn’t my first language, apologies in advance for any grammatical mistakes and errors. this is not proofread, i pulled words out of my ass and put them together. reader will be using female pronouns and will be described as one but skin colour will not be mentioned.
trigger warnings: murder, blood, guns, drugs, a lot of death, violence, manipulation, heeseung himself should be enough as a warning, sunghoon cuz he can’t take his job seriously and a whole a lot of other nasty stuff that i forgot to include (PLEASE proceed with caution).
1993, end of February in Seoul, South Korea.
“I swear to god, Heseeung. Stop shoving your camera in my face!” Sunghoon whined loudly. Waving his hand around to try and block the camera that was currently being held by Heeseung as he ignored his pleas and continued to shove it closer to his face. Heesubg laughed in his face as Sunghoon whined and tugged on my sleeves to protest against Heeseung. “Your little girlfriend won't do anything, man up Sunghoon” Heeseung teased at him, raising his eyebrows cockingly at a now very grumpy Sunghoon, my eyes went back and forth between the two of them, feeling the tension between them rise as I slotted myself between their two bodies. “That's enough you two, acting like two toddlers. You can record sometime later for the memories.” I pointed a finger at Heeseung, and he could only nod with a smile on his face as he turned his camera off and put it away in his bag. “This feels surreal, finally graduating from that shithole.” Sunghoon yawned as he slung his arm over my shoulder, pulling me closer to his body as he planted a kiss on my head, making me giggle out in response as I glared at Heeseung who fake gagged as he side-eyed us, “Get a room you two lovebirds…disgusting.” He grumbled out, making Sunghoon stick out his tongue at him and Heeseung could only return it with a middle finger as we walked beside the pavement on the busy roads and streets of Seoul as petals of cherry blossoms fell down and made the amber sunset seem more majestic. Before soon meeting up with the others at a nearby park to hang out one last time as seniors before everyone parts their own ways. Whilst there, while the sky had already darkened and the stars started to shine, Heeseung had been kind enough to offer to get some snacks and drinks from the corner store nearby as we all cheered at his sweet gesture and he strolled off into the dimly lit park. A few moments later, Heeseung returned back with a bunch of bags filled with snacks in his hand but there was something off about him, he kept grumbling about how some random old man at the store kept treating him wrongly and yelling at him for even breathing near him, he was fuming as he grumbling about him, Sunghoon not doing any better as he chimed in and agreed with the said old man and taking his side at how he would do the same if he was his age toward Heeseung. I eyed Heeseung from the corner of my eyes, watching how his jaw clenched and how his eyes narrowed at Sunghoon and how his knuckles turned white from how hard he was gripping the Coke can in his hand, he fake laughed at Sunghoon’s joke which honestly made me feel uncomfortable under his sudden change of aura as his eyes twitched in anger and lowered his gaze down. He mumbled a sentence under his breath that made my eyes almost pop out of their sockets as I turned to look at him with a shocked expression, my breathing started to get faster the more his words echoed in the back of my head.
“I'll kill him or anyone who has done me wrong when I grow up…”
2001, November 15 on a very freezing night.
Heeseung had a very bright future ahead of him, one that everyone dreamed of during their childhoods, teens and even some elders. He had a high-paying job, the looks to woo a girl in just a matter of seconds, the intelligence that everyone wanted and envied, and most importantly the mannerisms of a very polite gentleman that made every elder wished he was their sons, and every girl wished they would marry such a gentleman like him. But..it was all wrong. And you could ask me about him. I still remember that one night, which still to this day makes a cold shiver run through my spine and my chest tighten so tightly that it immediately triggers a breakdown for me.
An audible sigh left my dry lips, finishing the last bit of the e-mail I was typing away in front of me, quickly hitting send as I finished the last word. Making me sigh yet again, pulling my protection glasses off of my face as I brought my hands up to rub at my dry as a desert eyes. I leaned my aching back against into the softness of the office chair, resting my head on the neck pillow that Jay got me on the first day of my job because “you would need it after staring all day at that computer, and dealing with Sunghoon.”. and of course, still as a trainee in a major job like the FBI was puzzled so much as I took the gift from his hands, I did not understand what he meant that day but I understood what he meant after being here for about two years by now. I snickered to myself quietly as the memory of that day played in my head, a fond grin formed on my lips but it quickly dropped as I fluttered my eyes open and glanced around my messy desk, a bunch of mugs half of them still filled with now cold coffee and some empty, paperwork, folders and pens all scattered around and most importantly the small picture frame of my parents and me in the corner. My breath started to get shaky now the more I stared at them, how much happier we looked during that day and it definitely affected me. I bit down on my lower lips, flinching a bit as a hand came and pushed the photo frame down, my eyebrows were knitted together as I raised my head up to stare at a very tired and heavy eye-bagged Nicholas, a mug of his millionth coffee of the day in his hand with his lab goat and one glove still on his other hand.
“don’t want you staring at them and crying like a crybaby, m’kay?.” He simply uttered out. taking a small sip of his coffee before he wished me a good day and went away to stride back to the forensics team lab before Jake, Lee know and Euijoo somehow manage to fuck up evidence and destroy all the progress in the case. I huffed and puffed, staring one last time at the now-laid flat picture frame. shaking my head as I raised myself up, taking my ID from my messy table and holding it in my hands as I went about my way towards the room where everyone could possibly gather around if they found something new with the cases. Before I could even slide the glass door open, I could already hear the loud bantering that was happening inside, I could only recognize one voice among all the others, and it was Sunghoon’s.
“are y’all playing or doing your fucking jobs?!” I grumbled loudly as I slid the door open harshly. making everyone in the room go mute except for Sunghoon who kept on clinging to a very disgusted and disturbed ni-ki. all heads turned my direction, some hanging their heads low as they mumbled out apologies, I sighed out as my heels clicked against the marble flooring, striding my way towards Sunghoon and grabbing him by the back of his jacket and pulling him off of poor Ni-ki. ni-ki beamed a smile at me as he bowed his head, thanking me as I returned that smile to him, my nose scrunched up in grimace as I took in a whiff of the prominent alcohol smell on Sunghoon’s clothing. I turned my head towards the direction of the boys in the room, all sitting around the big round table, parting my mouth to speak up but Yudai already spoke before me.
“don’t worry, we already gave him a sleeping pill.” He exclaimed. shrugging his shoulders at me then going back to drinking his coffee like nothing was happening in front of him, I turned my head towards Sunghoon again, who was now all heavy eye-lided and who could easily pass off as a zombie. I tsked at him, letting go of his clothes as he crashed down onto the leather couch in front of him, letting his drunken state dive deep into slumber. I took my usual seat between Jay and Jungwon, making myself comfortable before speaking up.
“any new clues? cases? crimes? just anything..” I trailed off. feeling the fatigue get to me the more I sat and glanced around the table, Jay hummed beside me as his hands flipped through the pages of the folders in front of him. “well, we’ve got a new guy on our hands. a guy who sticks antlers into his victim's heads after killing them.” Jay trailed off, I turned my head to the side to stare at him, puzzlement reading off of my facial expression as I stared at his side profile, trying to figure out if he was just joking or not. “wouldn’t that make him a hunter then? a deer hunter?” Sunoo asked from the other side of the table, raising his pretty face up from the computer he was writing on as he looked around the room, his face going blank as everyone stared at him dumbfounded. “why?..I’m just stating the facts!” He grumbled out. giving us his signature eye roll before he packed up his things and went out of the room, ni-ki followed him close by as he trailed behind him like a dog as they probably went back to the cafeteria to eat or just went back to their offices to work on getting more evidence and hacking into electronics.
Jay slammed his hands on the table, starting to pick up his folders and everything that belonged to him, he turned his head towards me. “I’m gonna go check out the crime scene, wanna join me?” He asked. I nodded my head slowly at him before getting up, wishing everyone a good day before exiting out of the room with him. we could only walk away from the room about a meter or two before Jay turned around because he started to hear groaning from behind him. He let out a very loud frustrated sound as he rubbed at his temples, I stared at him with frowned eyebrows, cranking my head back to see what made him so distressed, honestly it made me stressed as well. “you fuckers..stop leaving me alone and going on duties without me.” A very drunken Sunghoon slurred out in his drowsy voice, as he slumped his tall frame towards us whilst whining about how nauseous he felt. “this is gonna be my worst nightmare.” Jay murmured out. as Sunghoon latched his bigger body onto me, making me whine about how hard his fingernails were digging into my skin as Jay just watched us with an already burnout look on his face.
during the crime scene, somewhere deep in the suicide forest of Tokyo.
Jay dipped under the yellow warning tapes scattered around the crime scene. quickly bowing to his superiors as he went to put on his gloves to look and poke around the scene. Sunghoon hummed behind me as he looked around the scene in front of him with heavy eyes, I sighed as I turned my head back to look at him, almost feeling pity for him as I watched him even struggle with the simplest task of putting on gloves, I finished putting my ones on as I walked over to towards him, taking the situation into my own hands as I helped him with it. “mhm..thank you, pretty girl”. He uttered out pretty drunkenly. giggling to himself as he skipped his way over next to Jay before quickly following him behind. I placed a hand over my nose as it was immediately struck with the strong metallic smell of blood. My eyes widened a bit in shock as I glanced at the victim in front of me, their torso all sliced open and their ribs sticking out of it as they were shoved down onto some bigger antlers, the antlers piercing through their skin and body as it made me feel even more sick than I already was. Just like as Jay said, antlers were stuck into their heads, making them appear as ‘deers’.
“..this is an artistic way to mutate a person,” Sunghoon murmured next to me. Turning my head to glance up at him as he was carefully observing the scene in front of him with his thick eyebrows knitted and his lips formed into a thin line. I dropped my head down to do the same thing he was doing, crossing my arms over my chest as I eyed the state of the victim. I was too focused and way too deep into my thoughts to even hear the small banter going on beside me between Sunghoon and Nicholas. “What the hell were you thinking when you touched the corpse?!” Nicholas yelled at him, pointing a finger and all at a very confused Sunghoon. “I was just trying to test something out!” Sunghoon grumbled back at him. This only added more fuel to Nicholas as he lowered his pointing finger, making a very stressed Euijoo calm down from trying to break them up from creating another crime scene here. Nicholas exhaled heavily, narrowing his already sharp and tired even more at Sunghoon as he simply just shrugged at him. “Boy, I'm gonna replace you with the victim, now come here!.” Nicholas barked back as he launched at Sunghoon, but Sunghoon was quicker as he ran away from him Nicholas followed behind him as he spitted out curses at him in Taiwanese. My breath hitched in my throat, feeling my throat closing up as my shoulders shook slightly. “JAY!..the victim's heart and lungs are missing!” I yelled out to Jay who was all the way on the other side of the crime scene, feeling the nausea growing in me.
Inside Heeseung’s house, 2001, November 16th on a cold morning.
I hummed a song to myself as I finished up the last bit of touches to my eggs, taking the pan off the stove and platting it next to the special sausages I made yesterday and the two slices of homemade bagels. Smiling to myself in satisfaction as I laid the pan down in the sink to soak with the other kitchen tools. I poured myself a nice warm cup of coffee, perfect for this time of the year as I sat on the kitchen island, digging into my plate as my eyes scanned through the newspaper in front of me. A chuckle erupted out of the back of my throat as my eyes caught a familiar headline.
“The Deer Hunter serial killer strikes again!”
That frankly made me giggle in response the more I read about this section of the newspaper, I raised an eyebrow as I sipped on my coffee. “How is she supposedly the best FBI detective in the world but can't solve these cases?” I murmured to myself. I stifled back my laughter, shaking my head as I threw the newspaper over my shoulder. Going back to devouring my breakfast as I glanced down at the knife in front of me, picking it up as I gazed at my small reflection displayed on the knife. I smirked cunningly at my reflection, raising my eyebrows at myself before shooting my head backwards as I heard something crash upstairs, making me eye the stairways suspiciously as I gripped my hold stronger on the knife. Then the reality hit me, making me drop everything in my hands, my mug crashing onto the expensive and clean floor as the coffee spilled everywhere, the knife crashing and clanging down beside the spill as I frantically searched through the kitchen cabinets, feeling my breathing patterns getting shakier along with my hands getting shaky as I started yelling out in frustration as I broke everything whilst searching for my pills, finally finding the bottle of pills, spilling out some onto my palm and the rest going on the floor as I shoved the ones in my palm into my mouth dry, using my saliva to swallow which made me choke on them for a bit before they finally went down, making the voices in my head and shadows in my pherial vision going away. I gasped out for air, running my hand through my damp hair as I leaned my back against the cabinets, trailing my now lazy and heavy eyes around the now-messy kitchen, I let the effect of the pills take over me as I fluttered my eyes closed.
I really didn't want to deal with them today…
I audibly huffed out in frustration as my fingers gripped the steering wheel of my car, tapping my nails anxiously as I chewed down on my lips, my leg starting to bounce up and down from the anxiety that was building up in my chest, tightening it as I felt the air in my car get too stuffy. I let my head hang low and rest my forehead against the steering wheel, staring down at my lap as I felt my eyes starting to moisten again, all the nausea coming back to me from the crime scene of yesterday to the many ones I've been seeing every single day because of this goddamn killer, so, of course, that night also. How could I ever forget that night when he…A knock on my car window made me jolt out of my headspace, raising my head to stare at whoever was at my car window, I blinked away the tears to clear my vision up, only to be met with everyone’s worst nightmare in the office, THE Park Sunghoon.
I sighed as I grabbed my bag and belongings, turning the car engine off and taking the keys out as I opened the door and let myself out of that stuffy car. Gently closed the door behind me as I eyed him up and down, he just looked down at me and blinked a couple of times before he opened his mouth to speak. “Don't..” I threatened him. Watching his lips going into a pout before he huffed at me, I rolled my eyes at him as I locked the car and started to stroll my way toward the office doors, Sunghoon just closely falling behind me as we both entered the office, greeting everyone good morning whilst all he could get was side-eyes from the employees. A grin curled on my lips as I saw Jay walking behind our head agent of the office, Mr.Park Baekhyun, also known as Park Sunghoon’s well-respected father whom everyone fears. I turned to Sunghoon who immediately lowered his head at the sight of his father, I arched an eyebrow at him, all that nosy mouth, attitude and tough personality and he immediately feared his father over the worst-known criminals he had dealt with. I snickered to myself as I turned my attention back to the two men, bowing in out of respect toward Mr.Park. “I need everyone in your whole team in my office, right now.” Mr.Park uttered in a demanding tone, making me raise my head to look at him and then toward Jay who just pointed with his head toward our main office where everyone in the team was there currently. Sunghoon zoomed past me and jogged to the main office, while I was left to go along with Jay into the office of Mr.Park, not long after everyone piled up in the room with us as we sat around the big table he had in his office, everyone eyeing one another nervously, I glanced over at Sunghoon who seemed pretty nervous as he stared at his lap and was currently picked at his long well-kept nails, my facial expression changed to one of concern, leaning in closer to him.
“Are you feeling okay?” I whispered. Trying to hide the disgusted expression on my face as the smell of alcohol was still lingering on him, did he seriously drink this early in the morning? All I could get out of him as a response was a soft hum, he didn't even want to raise his head to spare a glance at me as he kept his eyes focused on his lap and hands.
I sighed as I crossed my arms over my chest, slumping back against the office chair as I decided to let him off of the hook this time.
“I'm pretty sure why you're all wondering I've gathered you here..” Mr.Park started off. Making everyone’s turn toward his direction as he also glanced around to see and read our facial expressions. “A very big thing happened last night, a masquerade was hosted near the Roppongi area and a total of five hundred people were there..and everybody has somehow all tragically died.” He ended. Earned some gasps from us whilst the forensics team just looked at each other with pure horror in their eyes, imagine having to deal with five hundred bodies and trying to get every single detail of evidence off of their lifeless bodies. Mr.Park cleared his throat, making our attention snap back to him as he started to speak yet again. “I want you all to go down there and search every nook and cranny for a small piece of evidence that could make us possibly catch this killer, good luck to you all..and Sunghoon.”
He turned into a harsher tone as Sunghoon finally found the courage to raise his head and move his eyes shakily in the direction of his father. “…do your job for once, god fucking damn it.” He grumbled at him through gritted teeth. I started to be scared of him even though he wasn't even related to me. Sunghoon could only nod his head slowly as he shot up from his chair and was the first one to dash out of the office and leave, slowly everyone started to leave one by one, all whilst murmuring to one another while I stayed behind because Mr.Park wanted to have a private conversation with me. Leaving me standing still in the middle of his big office that glowed under the sun beaming into the humongous windows, I gulped down nervously, eyeing him nervously as he Sat comfortably in his office chair and scanned through the folders on his desk with his reading glasses resting comfortably on his nose that was identical to Sunghoon’s one.
“So…my daughter, how is he doing?.”
“Oh my god Sunghoon, stop it!” Nicholas's voice echoed throughout the ballroom as Sunghoon went around and skipped over the dead bodies like it was a carousel, as he proclaimed allegedly. “So what are we working with today?” Jay questions Jungwon as he sneaks up behind him, looking over his shoulder down at the iPad he held in his hands, all with everyone’s information on it that had been a poor victim in this case. “Well…a lot,” Jungwon stated with a sarcastic tone in his voice as he passed the iPad over to Jay’s hand as he went away to stop Sunghoon from disturbing the peace. “Jay, why are the masks melted into their faces?” I murmured as I looked up from my crouching position, Jay offered me a confused look as he scooted me over and investigated the body in front of both of us. “That's weird…some of them also X-marked on their chests…with their blood.” I hummed in confusion as I tried to make sense of what he was saying. A deep sigh left me as I glanced around the beautiful structure of the golden ballroom, making me go into awe I was fascinated as I forgot that such a gruesome scene happened in here. I squinted my eyes as I caught a blurry glimpse of something far away in the distance, precisely where the stage was. I slowly steadied myself up and walked very slowly to not trip over the many bodies all splayed out in their own pool of blood and their once formal and expensive gowns and suits now all ruined with the said blood. However, I instantly regretted my courage and toughness to come here as a dead person was sitting down on a chair, their whole throat sliced up from the top to the bottom, revealing their larynx, voice box and everything else, while a violin was shoved down their mouth, and it seemed like the killer room his time with him because he has carefully sliced his throat one by one to imitate the string of a violin. but what made it worse was the words written in blood behind him, instantly triggering a panic attack within me as I collapsed down onto the floor, I gasped for air as my hands flew up to my chest to clutch against the fabric of my shirt, trying to tear it open as my shoulders started to shake as sobs left my mouth and echoed through the ballroom. Sunghoon in his even drunken state immediately picked up on the noise and the source where it was coming from, ignoring the nagging of Yudai and Nicholas as he stomped his way over to me, immediately pulling
me into his warm arms and he was to say the least mortified at the same sight in front of him.
“you’re not safe, you’ll be joining your parents soon y/n..”
was written in blood, which horrified everyone in the room including me and Sunghoon.
Tokyo, Saiko corporations.
I squinted my eyes harshly as I felt them getting drier the more I stared at the bright screen of the computer in a dimly lit office. An audible yawn left my lips, taking my glasses off as I pinched the bridge of my nose, inhaling a deep breath in as I turned the computer off and decided I was finished for the night. I took the eye drops that were put neatly on top of the piles of books stacked on each other, raising my head to stare at the ceiling as I dropped two drops on each eye, making my vision blurry and my eyes sting from the drops. I cleared my throat as I closed the eye drops, putting them back in their place as I stretched my arms behind my head, feeling the exhaustion and achiness all over my limps. My ears perked up at the sound of heavily soiled shoes striding around the office, making me stop my movements as I cranked my head around to be met with the face that I hated oh so much.
“Good night, Mr.Yamada,” I said in my fake high-pitched voice, getting up from my seat and bowing my head down a little at the CEO of the corporation where I was working at currently, a very scummy CEO if I had to be specific on describing him. My eyebrows frowned as I raised my head back to glare at him after hearing him scoff very loudly. “Hm…I would change the way I worked in here if I were you, 'cause you see here Heeseung. We're a very formal cooperation that is highly respected and-” I stuck my pocket knife I kept in my pockets at all times, in the side of his neck, watching his eyes shoot wide open as he gasped out, his hand reaching up towards the knife but I grabbed a hold of his filthy and snobby hands. “You should tell this to someone who actually fucking cares, sir.” I hissed at him, pulling my knife out as I watched his hands fly up to grab at his neck as he choked and gasped at the blood coming out of his mouth, I tsked as I glanced down at my bloody hands, letting out a small sound of frustration.
Great, now I'd have to scrub them dry until they were flaky like they weren't dry enough from yesterday’s night..
Saiko Cooperation, Tokyo, 2001, November 18.
I stood in front of the tallest company building in Japan currently. Tapping my boots against the bricked pavement as I twirled the cigarette between my fingers, inhaling the nicotine in as the smoke puffed out and blended in with the gloomy grey sky of today’s morning. I hummed in acknowledgment of Nicholas’s arrival as his Euijoo, Jake, Lee know and some other trainees trailed behind him, he gave him his signature eye roll as he stood next to me and let his own team pass by him. His eyes twitched, and a frown formed on his face as he leant his face in closer to smell my clothes. He let out an audible gasp as he slapped a hand over his mouth, “You're not drunk today?!” He questioned in that annoying voice of his. Making me wave my hands around to dismiss his question but he kept bugging me like the annoying little shit he was ever since my father forced me into this field. “Unfortunately…” I replied back to him. Grunting out in frustration as I placed the cigarette back between my lips, smoking it until I reached to the butt of it, throwing it somewhere along the pavement as I shoved my hand into my coat, narrowing my eyes at Nicholas as he reached an arm out to pat my shoulder. “I'm hoping you keep it up this sobriety, haven't seen you sober since high school…” My stomach turned at the mention of high school, a time period in my life that even satan himself would not want to go through it, I simply nodded my head at him, patting his hand that was on my shoulder as I went about on my way back inside the building. Hoping I'd reach my destination in time, which was on the twentieth floor where everyone else was, especially y/n and that scumbag. He was the only reason I was sober for once today in over a decade.
The shutter clicks of cameras rang throughout the large office, which consisted of a large amount of metallic smell of dried-up blood, the smell of a dead and decomposing body, and the sounds of flies buzzing around the office. I pulled my turtleneck up my nose, blocking any type of smell from entering my nostrils, I felt a shadow cast over my frame and turned around to be met with the sight of Sunghoon who gagged at the scene.
He lowered himself to be close to my face, moving his mouth close to my ear as it brushed against it and his smelly cigarette breath hitting me in the face and ear.
“Are you feeling alright?…” He murmured in a deep voice. I hummed in response, nodding my head slowly at him as I cranked my head more to face him. “Yeah…still haven't seen him around, yet…” I mumbled back. Seeing him sigh out of relief as his gaze wandered around the office, I watched how a light bulb lit next to his head as he left me all alone and jogged somewhere else in the building. “The hell did he go to?…” Jake asked as he finished putting all the evidence he collected into a zip-lock bag. “Just do your job, man,” Ni-ki grumbled back at him, making Jake pouty in return as he crossed his arms like a little child not getting his way as he stormed off to help with the other forensics team. The silence was broken as I flinched at the loud voice of Nicholas echoing somewhere from the other side of the building. “JAKE, MY GOD STOP BEING SO FUCKING CLUELESS.”
I huffed out as I tried to catch my breath after jogging up about five or more flights of stairs. Gulping down the saliva built up in my mouth that was getting drier the more I walked toward the room where I was supposed to interview and question staff and employees who were on night shift duty or who just stayed overnight to finish up paperwork. I cursed at my father for forcing me into this task, I may be known and considered as the supposed ‘nepo baby’ of the office but hell…this isn't the nepotism I wanted in a million years. I stood in front of a brown door that looked a bit run down and rusty, I inhaled shakily as I reached out to twist the knob open and peeking my head inside the room. Immediately, my blood started to boil as I caught a glimpse of a very familiar side profile of the Lee Heeseung. I built my courage up, brushing off my grudge feelings aside for now as I promised that I'd take my job today as seriously as I could. I cleared my throat, grabbing his attention as I closed the door behind me.
“Nice seeing you after a while…Sunghoon.” He uttered in that mocking voice which never in a billion years I thought I'd be hearing again, let alone sitting alone in a room with him, face to face with and asking questions about last night's murder, and knowing about his past and his tendency to lie, I believe I’d have to seek into getting my hands dirty if that's the case.
“Yeah, yeah, not nice to seeing you too…Heeseung.” I felt like chopping my tongue off after rolling his name off of it. I made myself get comfortable as I knew I was in for a ride for interrogating with him. His snicker echoed, making me shoot daggers at him as his tilted Hus head with that cunning facial expression on that face which everyone considered one crafted by craftsmen himself but I beg to differ, I wanted to slice it up, skin his face alive as I enjoyed the rush of killing again. His voice broke me out of my thoughts, “Why that long face, Sunghoon? Are you too afraid of me?” His signature sentence. That rolled off his tongue smoother than butter, I clenched my jaw as I observed his face slowly turn more psychotic and more cunning. “Are you afraid about me going batshit crazy on you? Slicing your throat open? Worried about your little ex-lover going through the same night over and over because of me? Hm? Or are you afraid that you'd end up like me? C’mon now…do not forget about that night, Sunghoon. You said that you enjoyed the look on their face when you-” The more he taunted at me, the more blood boiled even more before he could finish and continue on with his taunting, all I could was red as I quickly stood up and took out my gun from the back of my jeans and shooting where ever it could shoot.
Just as long as I could get rid of him.
The last few days truly felt like someone had speeded up my time. I got more stressed about hearing the gunshots from that day at the office and having to see Heeseung cunningly smirk at me as he made his out of the interrogation room with him having a fake pained expression on his face as he was holding a band over his stomach that was wounded by a bullet. Shivers truly ran down my spine as he walked past me, giving me a psychotic look secretly until he was put away into the ambulance and took off, just like that night.
Sunghoon wasn't any better as he kept thrashing around as the guys tried their best to hold him down Jake immediately prepared a sleeping pill for him and shoved it down his throat, making him gag in the process as slowly started to get drowsy and mumble out threats in gibberish as he slept on the couch back at our own office building. He was immediately taken off any tasks and duties until further notice. Making the office feel gloomy without him being him to light the mood up, hell…even Nicholas admitted to missing him last night as he cried in the lap of a very confused Euijoo Ashe confessed every single one of his thoughts in his drunken state.
The snow crunched under my feet as I strolled down the slipper pavements of our neighbourhood, making my way down to check up on Sunghoon after finally having a day off for the first time in a while. I climbed up those three little steps leading into the comfy and welcoming doorway of their nicely decorated house. Leaning my right side on the wall I reached my hand out to ring their doorbell, a minute later I was met with a messy-looking Sunghoon.
“Hi…” I murmured out in a soft tone. Watching him run at his red eyes as he stood still in the doorway, looking at me blankly like he always does before he moved his body to the side, making way for me to enter into the warmth of their home. Taking my boots off as he closed the door behind me, going back to staring at me with those red eyes that looked like they hadn't gotten a single ounce of sleep in forever. “What brought you here?” He whispered in a cracky and hoarse voice. I arched an eyebrow at him, tilting my head at him in confusion. “What I can't check up on you?” I scoffed at him. “No.” He simply muttered out harshly, making my eyes go wide a bit as I parted my mouth to protest back at him but instead, all I could hear was the small sobs coming out and past his quivering lips. “I don't feel like myself anymore…That night just keeps playing over and over in my head, it's making my insomnia worse.” He hiccuped harshly, making me teary-eyed with him as I watched him crash down on the floor and start wailing there, dropping to his side and engulfing him in my embrace, as he hugged me back as I rocked his shaken body back and forth as he let out all his emotions in his breakdown.
Just like how we used to do back in the day.
Flashback to 1993, April 1st.
My ears were ringing like crazy as the voices and conversations of the people in the hospital were all getting distant I frantically jogged past everyone, pushing some people out of my way as I tried to get there, to find his room on the third floor in the hospital. My body started to feel more wobbly and shaken the more I neared the room that he was in currently, I swung the door wide open to his room, standing in the doorway as my mouth hung open slightly as I eyed the sight of poor Sunghoon who was shaken and sat up in his bed as he wept quietly. I took wide steps toward his bed, sat down on it as I pulled him into my embrace, a hand of mine going to stroke at his hair as he clutched his hands onto the back of my sweater, his sobs getting muffled as he buried his face deeper into my chest, “I didn't mean it…” He hiccuped. Letting out another gut-wrenching sob as he shook his head from side to side in denial. “I didn't mean it…I didn't mean to kill my mom…I-” I shushed him before he could continue on, pulling him closer to me as I continued to cradle his shaken body and weak in my embrace, a singular tear falling down my cheek as I tried to set aside of hatred towards him for now.
2001, December on Christmas day, Tokyo.
I tapped my feet anxiously on the marble flooring in the office of my therapist, my leg starting to bounce as I eyed around the office as I got more and more impatient and anxious the longer they took to get here and start the session already. A sigh out of relief went past my lips, as I grinned softly at them as they took their usual seat in front of me, their notes in front of them as their eyes went back and forth between me and the notes.
“December…Christmas day…I’d hope so you're not thinking about your parents, since it is their death anniversary today, right? I felt the air in the room get more harder and suffocating to breathe in, I chewed on my nails nervously, feeling my heart pounding against my chest as I felt the warm tears already forming in the corner of my eyes. “Let's go over that night until you're brave enough to talk about it comfortably, yeah?” they mumbled in a soft voice, I slumped my head back against the leather office chair, staring dazedly at the ceiling as my memories flooded in of that night which still haunts me to thisday.
1995, December on Christmas day, Seoul.
My and family were at the door, biding our goodbyes with the Lee and Park families as they went home after a very very awkward dinner. My eyes kept wandering back and forth between Sunghoon who looked very uncomfortable as he kept eyeing Heeseung who was sitting beside me, I believe Heeseunf also saw this and let his hand travel under the dinner table, resting his hand comfortably on my thigh and giving it a reassuring squeeze to the soft flesh, he leaned his head close to my ears as his hot breath hit my ear and made goosebumps rise on my arms. “Don't worry too much about him, Sweetheart…” He whispered gently in my ear, I hummed in response to him as my eyes went back to glance at Sunghoon who didn't break his eyes away from us as he played and picked around the food on his plate. I shook my head away at those thoughts, as my parents walked past me bid me good night and went up to their bedroom, maybe Sunghoon still hadn't gotten over the death of his mom or I immediately broke the relationship off with him after he was back on his feet and was discharged out of the hospital? I huffed and puffed as I felt my head spinning from all the overthinking I'd been doing after dinner. I strolled up the flights of stairs, going into my bedroom as I changed into more comfortable clothes to sleep in, I crashed onto my king-sized bed, letting the fatigue get over me as I dived into deep slumber.
I gasped loudly as I jolted awake as I heard the distant sounds of vases breaking down the hallway, making me stir up in bed as I hugged the blanket closer to my body, and then it quieted down. The only thing I could hear was my breathing patterns as they went faster and calmed down every time a little noise was made. My breath hitched in my throat as I heard the sounds of heavy footsteps nearing closer and closer to my bedroom, making me pull the cover my body as I hid under it, slapping a hand over my mouth as I tried to calm myself down and hopefully get away from whoever was inside the house currently. My eyes shot wide open as I heard the knob of my door twist open, the door slightly creaking open as the heavy footsteps made their way quietly into the room, but stopped in the middle. I signed against my palm, shutting my eyes as I pretended that I was still sleeping under the blankets. However, the blankets were forcefully pulled off me, not even letting me react or scream out to get someone’s attention for help as the said stranger launched his body over me, repositioning me to lay flat on my back as I was met with the face that I never imaging to be seeing, Lee Heeseung.
“You really thought I would not find out about you being pregnant…with my baby growing inside of you?” He said cunningly. Cocking his head to the side as he smiled at me with a psychotic look on his face that I was leaving kisses all over a few hours earlier at dinner. “You really think I'd let you get that abortion? Think again sweetheart, you're having my legacy. I wanna carry on this little family tradition that was passed on to me.” He giggled menacingly, leaning his head down to rest his forehead against mine, I gulped nervously, feeling my shoulders starting to shake as he whispered something to me that'll haunt me forever.
“I killed your parents, I skinned them alive, cooked their flesh and ate them and I enjoyed every single moment of it, my love.”
And he still had the audacity to act innocent as he called the cops prior after killing my parents, ate on them and got rid of all the evidence. And yet, he acted like a hero in front of the authorities, I eyed him as I sniffled my runny nose, my body couldn't produce tears any longer as a medical staff drapped a blanket over my body. My eyes wandered toward the body bags being loaded into some other car, feeling my heart being stabbed repeatedly at the sight of my once-alive parents. I turned my head around to glance around the neighbourhood, seeing police cars, reporters and some of my neighbours now all looking at me with pity in their eyes, I caught a glimpse of the familiar tall frame and body of Sunghoon as he trailed behind his father as he looked and talked around with authorities for evidence and what not. I frowned as I thought about how strange he was acting tonight, usually when something major happened to me or my family his first priority was to come and comfort me but here he was, doing everything in his will to avoid me as he kept fidgeting around and sparring a few glances towards Heeseung, as he smirked at me mockingly and went away to his car to go home after being done with his job of traumatizing me for life.
2001, December on New Year's Eve, Tokyo.
“Man can't even rest on this day…” Yudai grumbled as he crashed down on the lap of Taki who was busy playing on his phone, giving Yudai a glare before averting his attention back to his game. “At least Sunghoon isn't here.” Nicholas chimed in as he entered the meeting room with coffee in his hand and the rest of his team trailing behind him, Jake immediately made himself comfy next to Ni-ki who groaned out of annoyance at seeing Jake’s presence. “You were crying over him about two weeks ago, Nicho…” Jungwon stated as he kept his eyes focused on the laptop in front of him, typing his fingers away, Nicholas started to fume and protest back as his face was clearly giving signs that he indeed was lying and was missing Sunghoon’s presence dearly. Speaking of the devil, the door slid open harshly, making everyone inside flinch and some even put their hands on their guns just incase there was a threat in the building, that threat turned out to be just Sunghoon with black eye bags as he gazed at around the room with a displeased expression on his face. Nicholas may have shed some tears as he immediately launched his body onto Sunghoon and hugged the life out of him, making Sunghoon whine about how disgusting he was acting towards him whilst Nicholas kept wailing and speaking gibberish sentences that no one could make sense of. “Alright, that's enough you two…” Fuma uttered as he pulled Nicholas off Sunghoon, Jungwon came up behind him to pat Sunghoon’s shoulder, “Glad to see you back buddy.” He smiled gently at him, Sunghoon doing the same as Sunoo quietly made his way in without letting the others be aware, coming up behind Sunghoon as he smelled him, a frown on his eyebrows, “You're sober?!” Sunoo gasped out, slapping a hand over his mouth in shock as Sunghoon turned around to glare at him. “Your stupidity makes me want to drink again,” Sunghoom said mockingly as he got a scoff from Sunoo as he stormed off to sandwich himself between Jake and Ni-ki. “I drink to forget but I always remember…” Sunghoon exclaimed out loud enough for everyone to hear, earning a few snickers from the guys, he parted his mouth to speak but instead turned his head around to glare at somebody who was running around the office even though it was a policy not to run around whilst working hours. “No running you piece of shit!” He yelled at the boy as he peeked his head out of the door, the said boy only turned his head around to spit out words in a foreign language that Sunghoon couldn't understand. “Verpiss dich, alter mann!” The boy grumbled back at Sunghoon, he glared at him but his expression quickly turned to one of puzzlement as he watched the now-once emotional Nicholas zoom past him and out of the meeting room towards the foreign boy. “MY BABY IS FINALLY BACK!” He wailed as he engulfed the boy in a tight embrace.
I hummed to myself as I twirled around the living room, dusting some vases off as classical music played softly throughout the room. I laughed as I glanced out the window, watching his the snow fell and piled up in my back garden. I slumped my body down on the couch, closing my eyes as the scene when I killed her parents played over and over behind my eyelids, making me smirk in satisfaction and victory.
“Why did you do that to us?” A voice oh so familiar spoke out, making me flinch as I fluttered my eyes open to see where that source of voice was coming from. It was the end of the hallway of the living room that was always dark and murky, my eyes could only make out the structure of a female figure standing still at the end. “You did me wrong. Lied to me, said that your daughter couldn't ever get pregnant, lied to me about the breakup of her and Sunghoon!” I yelled out at the woman. Making my chest heave up and down as I stayed put in my place, feeling my hands starting to shake as sweat beads started to form on my forehead. “What if I just…did what you did to us, to you?” The woman said cunningly before she started to merge out of the shadows, making me panic even more as I protested against her, screamed at her and her menacing skinless face as I backed myself up the couch, feeling another person holding me down as she got on top of me, and used her claws to slice me open while I let out the most gut-wrenching pained scream, “stop it..please just stop!” I protested in a weak voice, warm tears spilling down my cheeks as I couldn't feel the weight of a person on my body anymore, nor hands holding my wrist down as I reopened my teary eyes, looking around confused about what happened as my hands flew up to touch my chest over my shirt, huffing out of relief as I realized I just went through an episode, I sighed as I took the pill bottle out my pockets, taking a bunch of pills and shoved them down my throat as I swallowed them dry. I lay flat on the couch, staring at the ceiling as a few tears fell down my cheeks, feeling the pills pumping through my system as the effects started to take in and make me drowsy. The ringing to my door shook me out of my drowsy state, turning my head to the side to stare at the clock, who the hell would be at my doorstep at nine pm? I sighed as I dragged my feet across the floor toward the door, opening it ajar as whoever was behind it had pushed their way inside and threw a punch at my face, making me grunt out as I felt being held by the neck and slammed into the now shut door, I opened my eyes to glare at the intruder, and I wasn't certainly expecting Sunghoon out of all people.
“You really thought you’d be safe while I’m still alive, Lee Heeseung?!” He threatened through gritted teeth, as he tighten his hands around my neck, making it slightly harder to breath as I chuckled menacingly at him. “I’d doubt it…cause when I’m finally caught…so are you, murder” I taunted him, feeling adrenaline building up in my system as he tightened his hands around my neck, choking me as I slapped my own hands over his, gasping out for air. “you helped me murder her parents, do not forget that little thing, Sunghoon.”
2002, January 1st, Tokyo, inside of your apartment.
I stirred awake against the silk sheets of my bedding, fluttering my eyes open and closed as I tried to adjust my vision to the sunlight beaming through the curtains. A yawn went past my mouth as I stretched my body upwards, slowly starting to sit up on the bed as I scratched my already tired eyes, fluttering one eye open and I was met with the most horrific scene ever, making me scream out in fear.
Cameras shuttered and clicked as footsteps went in and out of my room and more investigation and forensics teams piled in. I felt myself getting more nauseous as I sprung out of my bed in a hurry, rushing past the people down the hallways to enter a random bathroom in my apartment, letting everything out in the sink as I heard someone sighing behind me as their hands worked to grab my hair out of my face, patting my back gently as I gagged and threw up even more. I continued until I felt my stomach starting to hurt from how empty it was after all the throwing up, I washed the remains of the vomit and my mouth, splashing some cold on my hot face. Raining my head to stare at Ni-ki who looked at me through the mirror with such hurt and pitiful eyes. “Here…let me guide you.” He murmured softly, letting go of my hair as he gently placed his big hands on my shoulders, guiding me out of the bathroom and outside the apartment building, he handed me over to Jay as he eyed me up and down worriedly. “Are you okay?” Although it was the stupidest thing he could ask after being woken up in your bedroom and seeing disinformed and sliced-off faces all stuck on your bedroom walls, while consequently, all the faces resembled and/or looked familiar to your deceased parents. Jay sighed out in frustration as he guided me towards the police car, opening the door for me as I got in without a word, staring at my lap blankly as I tried to figure out what even happened back there.
I scoffed to myself as I popped another biscuit into my mouth, lowering my binoculars down as I watched Jay get inside the car and took off, leaving the crime scene behind for the rest of the guys. I tsked to myself, getting up from the hard and uncomfortable floor of the building opposite of the apartment building. I dusted my hands and clothes off from any small rocks stuck onto them, “wasn't that too much?” Sunghoon mumbled quietly, as his hair danced around with the wind as he stared down at small cars and investigation crews coming in and out. “There isn't such thing as ‘too much’ in killing, Sunghoon,” I uttered out blankly, raising my binoculars to my eyes as I carefully scanned everything that was happening in her bedroom. “You crossed the line.” He grumbled behind me, making me scoff before turning around to glare at him. “Be glad it wasn't your face sliced off and stuck onto her bedroom walls, Jesus…” I huffed, taking my pill bottle out to shove a bunch down my throat like always. “You still haven't recovered?” He questioned as I turned to face him yet again, making me shove the bottle back in my coat pockets as I sighed out sadly.
“How the hell am I supposed to heal from Parkinson’s, Sunghoon?”
The two weeks went by like a blur honestly for me, I woke up, ate some food, got ready and went to the office and worked my ass off until my body couldn't take it, go back home and sleep. This cycle repeated for me over and over again, but every day had a single little moment or event to it. Each day being a different one, one day maybe I'll be getting a letter from him taunting me and receipting the night how my parents died, maybe a little voicemail with nothing but heavy breathing on the other line, or maybe him ‘accidentally’ appearing in front of him whilst walking back home, or maybe a beheaded head put neatly onto something in front of my door. Every day was different for him and I hated every single thing he was doing to me.
The sirens of police cars and ambulances were heard through the busy streets of Tokyo as I typed away at my computer, I decided to stay overnight to complete some paperwork, a thing that I've been doing for the past two days as I had such displeasure on going back home. I buffed out in tiredness as I felt my eyes getting dry from staring at the bright screen of the computer all day long, I felt the presence of someone behind me, wheeling my chair around to be met with the sight of Sunghoon who held two mugs in his hand, offering one to me but I suspiciously eyed the mug in my face. “It's not alcohol.” He whispered softly, putting the mug between my hands as he pulled a chair from beside one of the many desks and himself comfortable on it, wheeling himself closer to me as he sipped on his mug. This was not suspicious enough as I took a small sip of the drink, raising my eyebrows as I was surprised I wasn't met with the taste of tea secretly mixed with alcohol but it was simply just ginger tea. I hummed in satisfaction at him, and a small smile formed on his lips as he parted his lips, “How have you been feeling?” He asked simply. It was just a simple question with only two answers, but for me it was a lot more than that. I faked a smile on my face, nodding my head at him as I took another sip of my drink, leaning back against my chair as he eyed me up and down, his head slightly turned to the side. My eyes narrowed at him as I watched a mysterious glint form in his eyes, confused as he leaned and placed his mug down on my desk, leaning his face closer to mine as his warm and minty breath hit my face, making me gulp down nervously and before I knew his lips met mine in a sweet and tender kiss.
I scoffed as I zoomed my binoculars closer to the I scene in front of me, tsking at them as I lowered my binoculars. The winter breeze hit me in the face, making my coat behind me swish and dance around as the wind hit it. small petals of snow started to fall from the gloomy blue sky.
“Even after a whole decade, you're still in love with her, pathetic.” I shook my head in disbelief, huffing out as my breath came out as fog, raising my eyebrows in puzzlement as I watched the ex-lovers, mostly Sunghoon retreat and start regretting his actions as he hurriedly walked away from her, leaving her with that confused and hurt expression on that flushed face of hers. It made me chuckle at how stupid they were acting toward one another, I walked over carefully to the edge of the high building, sitting myself down as I raised my binoculars to my eyes, watching her movements as I waited for the perfect time to strike, “I wished I brought my sniper with me, so I could put a bullet through their heads while they were kissing.” I whispered under my breath. Scoffing to myself as I dangled my feet over the edge, although the next moment had my breath hitched in my throat and my eyes wide open, I watched through my binoculars how she grabbed the knife that she always kept at her desk in case she was staying the night at the office in to work, and how she pointed the blade toward her heart, the blade piercing her chest as her white button up getting soaked with her red blood. I lowered my binoculars, my mouth hanging open as I frowned to myself, my shoulder starting to shake as I let out a loud and psychotic laugh, clutching my stomach as I continued to laugh harder and collapsed on my back on the hard brick floor of the building, snow dropping on my face and hair.
My plan to drive her insane to her death had finally worked, now there was only one thing left to do…to set the building on fire and get rid of her body and the evidence associated with me.
My eyes wandered between the wet roads of Tokyo and the clock inside the dashboard of my car, every second. My gut feeling was telling me that something was very and very wrong, but I honestly couldn't place my finger on what was wrong. Was me kissing her wrong? Was me lying to everybody that I've cut ties with Heeseung like everyone else but I wasn't? I huffed out as I parked my car at the traffic lights, resting my forehead against the steering wheel as I tapped my fingernails against the wheel, chewing down on my lip as my leg started to bounce up and down, my heartbeats speeding up as my ears picked up on every single tiny sound. I cranked my head up as I saw a bunch of fire trucks and police cars zoom past the cars waiting for the traffic light, and they went toward the way back to the office. Maybe a fire started near our office? Or something like that? I groaned out as I slumped back, rubbing my temples as I felt the drugs Heeseung gave me a few days prior rushing and pumping on my blood. I bit the inside of my cheek, deciding to listen to my gut feeling for once as I backed my car up and speeded in between cars as I followed closely behind the fire trucks and police cars. And the sight of our office building being lit up in fire had me regret my decision to leave her alone inside. I stepped out of the car, jogging up toward the entrance of the office but instead, I was held back by Jay and my father who were already there and were informed about the fire. “Let go of me!” I yelled out, feeling my eyes moisten with warm tears as I kicked around as I was forcefully kept in place by the two men who were yelling in my ears to calm down, I let out a scream of frustration and guilt as I collapsed on the floor, letting the tears flow down my cheeks as my clothes and hands got wet and dirty from snowy pavements. I raised my head to look at the building, some parts of it falling off as it burned away, and due to me still being sensitive to every little sound from the drugs, I immediately picked up on the laughter of a familiar voice. I turned my head slowly toward the source of the laughter, seeing Heeseunf standing at the end of the street, that cunning smirk still on his lips as he dangled a lighter in his hand, my breathing started to get faster as I got up quickly, sprinting toward him as I ignored the pleas and protests of the other guys for me to stop, I launched myself onto him, knocking him down on the floor as I kept viciously punching at his face.
The built-up anger got to me and I’ve had enough of it.
Heeseung was finally arrested after that night, and I made sure to make his sentence even worse and guaranteed for him as I submitted all the copies of the VHS he had given me every time he started killing from 1995 till now. My father for the first time after my mother's murder finally smiled at me and patted my back for doing a great job. And now we've got him under our hands, we went ahead and searched his house and got ourselves more evidence of cases that were unsolved, and Nicholas took advantage of the situation he was in, taking him in his lab and stripped him naked and got every single thing that could be tested for evidence and he got the results he was exactly searching for, all positive and matching the victim's bodies. If that was humiliating for him, cause the disease was too severe for him when he killed my mother and accidentally left some evidence behind on the weapon and later on framed me for it and let me develop insomnia and be sleep deprived for the rest of my life, spend a year in jail falsely accused as my own father distanced himself away from me and hated my guys for killing my mother. He was immediately found guilty only after the first trial and sentenced to life in person with a death sentence and no parlour. I even admitted that I had helped him with him killing her parents but the jury just ruled it out as manipulation and abuse of power, letting me off the hook as I went back to my job as a lawyer at the office, sober from all the drugs and alcohol. My father got tired and retired, inviting us to one last dinner with him to honour his hard work as we laughed and cried and drank our minds off, he surprisingly announced me as the new head agent of the office, although I was drunk but I was still aware enough to hear Jay banging his head against the table, Nicholas starting to sob out in the lap Yudai. Not even an hour as my new position and rank, and somehow Nicholas managed in his drunk state to print out a vacation leave and made my drunk self convinced and signed it as he took off immediately to go back to Taiwan for two years. And Fuma was having the time of his life to use Heeseung as a punching bag for the new trainees to train their moves on. And you might be worrying about the rest, while Jungwon was still kept as my secretary but I let him take vacation leave, and Jay was still tired of me as he solved cases left and right, Jake was still pretty clueless but got his job done at the lab nonetheless, and Ni-ki…after hearing about the death/suicide of her, he immediately quit his job and moved to California, leaving all of us behind to start fresh there and I respected his wishes to do so since he was babied by her and he basically grew up with her whilst working her and he got the most affected after the news of her death. Sunoo followed him close behind and quit also, going back to his hometown to live a normal and quiet life there, instead Maki, Nicholas's legally adopted son took Ni-ki and Sunoo’s place as the IT specialist of the team. Although, he still couldn’t understand us due to the language barriers between us but he has somehow managed to make it work…and somehow managed to steal every single one of the new girl trainees heart in a second, making Nicholas all smug about it as he bragged about it to me. and Yudai suffered a fractured disk in his spine after demonstrating a move in a wrong way, forcing him to quit the job and relax at home while Fuma took his place in return. and Me…well…here I am, telling you what everyone has been up to as i sat down next to your grave, smiling wickedly to myself as I wiped my tears away, clearing my throat as i got and dusted my clothes off and bidding you goodbye in a small voice and a promise to visit you again.
“I’m home!” I yelled in a joyful voice, kicking the door closed behind me as I was met with an eerie silence in my home. I hummed to myself in confusion as I strided towards the kitchen to place down the grocery bags to unload later, my only priority was to search for Haseon. Now…Haseon may not be my son, but he was the son of you and well…Heeseung. The one that I immediately took him in my arms and flew with him to Sweden so he could grow under the care of my grandparents and not under Heeseung. I cocked my head to the side, feeling my heartbeats speeding up as I jogged and searched in every room in the house and he was nowhere to be found. Could he possibly in the garden with his pet bunny? That seemed like a reasonable option as I jogged back to the living room and sighing out of relief as I saw the back of his already growing frame. “Haseon! what’re you-“ I gasped out as I slid the door to the garden open, feeling like my throat was tightening up as I stared at him, was I dreaming or was this another child that broke inside the house? I felt my head getting dizzy, my worst nightmare was finally happening, the thing that I always prayed to every god to not let it happen to him since I certainly did not want disown him at such an early age. Haseon slowly turned around, an innocent smile on his face that showed his bloody teeth, as his jaw, mouth, teeth and shirt were all covered in blood. My eyes shakily trailed down to his hands, making me choke on my saliva as I glanced at his pet bunny, all bloody and his red flesh showing, Haseon squeezed the poor bunny, making blood gush out of his lifeless body as he brought the bunny up to his mouth, biting his teeth down on the exposed flesh and taking a big chomp out of it’s body, like a lion eating at it’s prey.
Haseon’s face and body was replaced by Heeseung’s one, making my stomach churn and the vomit slowly making it’s way up my throat. His actions made me think about the same thing Heeseung had done whilst we were both still in high school, and I accidentally caught him doing such a thing to his poor hamster while he menacingly smiled toward me and ate the poor thing raw. The same thing was happening in front of me, but with Haseon…the child I grew on the palm of my hands and sent to multiple doctors around the world to test if he had the psychotic genes like his father.
But they were all negative and wrong, he was just like his father.
A future psycho in the making.
notes: i was sleep deprived for the past three days trying to finish this, so don’t come for me if the timelines, story or anything don’t line up. just your brains to connect the dot’s together and tadaaa.
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fruityhoon · 1 year
eat with me
soft yandere!hee x gn!reader
warnings/note: mentions of food, eating, hee’s a sweet boi here, fluff, slightly paranoid hee, NOT proofread (i wrote all of this half asleep so bare w me)
it was way past midnight and you couldn’t sleep, all you had was some leftover sandwich from the fridge for dinner so what better way was there than to eat?
only one problem..
you had to sneak past heeseung in order to be able to do that.
sure he was sweet and would do anything for you, but heeseung wasn’t the type to let his guard down and let you out of his sight especially past midnight, he’d always make sure you fell asleep first before he could catch some sleep. and if you were hungry, he’d make something light for you so your stomach wouldn’t be rumbling all night.
but tonight was a little different, he came back home exhausted, immediately taking a shower and laid next to you resulting in him falling asleep before you which was something he never did
and right now you took the opportunity and slowly climbed out of bed while making sure heeseung doesn’t feel your absence next to him
you went downstairs and headed into the kitchen, taking a look inside the fridge you noticed there wasn’t really anything for you to eat which lead you looking through the cabinets and voila!
instant noodles.
heeseung never really lets you get your hands on them as he quote on quote said, “it’s unhealthy and you should be eating proper meals instead”
‘why does he have a lot of them in the cabinet here then?’ you thought to yourself
taking 2 packs of the noodles, you dont know how but you managed to not make much noise and made yourself a nice bowl of shin ramyeon
he lazily opened his eyes, trying to find your warmth to then which he realised you werent there next to him.
immediately sitting up, heeseung grabbed his phone on the nightstand and opened an app to see if there were any notifications of the doors or windows being opened or even unlocked but there werent any
‘fuck fuck fuck where are they?’
the man got out of bed despite his hair being all over the place, wondering where you were while trying to keep himself calm
he was being paranoid, thinking you snuck out and ran away, cursing at himself for letting his guard down this one time until he heard faint noises coming from the kitchen
he walked over slowly and a sigh of relief came from him as he saw you in the kitchen about to eat your noodles
you were about to engulf your food when a pair of arms hugged you from the back, you flinched and let out a small yelp, almost knocking over your food
pulling away and turning around, you were met with a pair of bambi eyes looking straight at you before he hugged you again , resting his face in the crook of your neck
“dont do that to me again, you scared me” he lowly whispered in your ear as he hugged you even tighter, you could hear the fear in his voice
feeling bad you slowly pulled away and caressed his head and looked at your food
“im sorry.. i was really hungry but you looked really tired and exhausted before you slept so i didnt wanna wake you up” you looked down at your foot, feeling guilty that you made him feel scared
“i dont care how tired i look if you need anything just tell me okay? i’ll always be there no matter how exhausted i am and i need you to know that” you nodded as he cupped both of your cheeks before leaving a small peck on your forehead
“c’mere” you pulled him to the seat next you as you quickly got up to grab something, leaving the man confused
you came back to your seat as you handed him a pair of utensils and placed a glass of water on the table
“eat with me” you nudged the bowl slightly to his side, the man raising an eyebrow as a response
“you didnt eat anything today hee, its not like i can finish this anways, share with me okay?” you said as you gave him a soft smile
“baby its o-“
“if you dont share with me i’ll be really upset” you cut him off as you emphasised on the ‘really’, knowing he’d give in to you since you knew the last thing he wants is for you to be upset with him
and you were right. he spent too long waiting for you, now that he finally had you with him he wanted to treat you well and give you all he had. he was always listening to you, complying to your needs while always being cautious of course
but you didnt mind, although he was really overprotective he still made you feel loved and you felt safe with him and thats all that matters to you
“okay okay we’ll share” he let out a small giggle as he ruffled your hair and the both of you shared the bowl of ramen which was probably already soggy at this point
“your not mad.. right?” you spoke out as the both of you finished the food
“baby of course not, what makes you think that?” he looked at you as he frowned
“i don’t know i just thought you’d be mad” you got up and took the dishes to go wash them but he stopped you
“im not mad y/n, i just got a little scared that’s all” he took the dishes from your hands and walked over to the sink
you hugged him from behind as you mumbled out a quiet ‘sorry’ , resting ur cheeks on his back
“it’s okay, you wanna cuddle on the couch?” he dried his hands and turned to look at you to which you nodded
the both of you sat on the couch cuddling, your head on his chest and him leaning on your head, one of his hand gently caressing your back
cuddling sessions on the couch were always nice and it wasn’t until a few weeks ago the both of you started doing it
“please don’t leave me y/n, i don’t know what i’d do without you” he softly whispered out of nowhere, but you know it was just him overthinking
“i’ll be here, always” you responded as he smiled and started humming lullabies, something he’d do to make you sleepy
you fiddled with his other hand, slowly falling asleep to the melody you were hearing
and soon enough you fell asleep, heeseung noticed and kissed your forehead, dozing off not long after.
author’s note: im not really the type to write fluff but i just wrote down whatever came to mind honestly, let me know what yall think :D
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rowretro · 4 months
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you ask for cuddles after they had punished you
✧warnings: toxic/yandere themes, somewhat violence
✧synopsis: Yandere Enhypen as your boyfriend. They had punished you for a mistake you had done, perhaps running away or interacting with another boy, and yet there you were asking them for cuddles...
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He just snickerred. It wasn't that long ago when he caught you hiding behind a tree, burying your face in your knees, hoping he didn't find you. It wasn't that long ago when he locked you in the basement, chaining you to the wall, depriving you of comfortable sleep, good food and even water. Yet here you were in front of him asking you for cuddles.
He fucking loved it goddamit. You needed him, you wanted him, and even after all that running away and Ethan Lee's torture, you were still in love with him. "Hee hee pleaseeee" you whined with a pout, fear still evident in your eyes. "Then promise me you'd never pull such a stunt ever again kitten..." Heeseung said as you promised him. The male smirked, satisfied, and carried you to his room as he really did miss having you in his arms when he'd peacefully drift off to his dreamland.
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Jay scoffed at you. The audacity to run off like that when he wasn't home. He trusted her for one day. only to find the lock broken and his girl gone. So he punished you. and here you were, 2 days after, the wounds barely healing, asking for cuddles "You think you deserve any?!!! I spoil you with everything and yet you broke my fucking trust. Go sleep and do not touch me." Jay warned, putting a pillow between them.
For at least a week or even a month, Jay would put up this cold facade, seeing you cry and beg, and have meltdowns. He needed you to crave for him, just as equally as he craves you. At least a month passes, and he hugs you tightly, placing soft kisses down your neck, and finally letting you cuddle him "See princess? you need me... so don't ever run off like that okay?"
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How could you run away y/n? all he ever did despite kidnapping you and killing your boyfriend, was love you dearly and buy you everything you've ever wanted, yet you betrayed him, you hurt him, you fucking ran away. So it was no surprise you were stuck in the basement, with healing cuts and a growling stomach. As soon as Jake let you out, he made you a nice meal to make up for all those days, he helped you shower, and treated your wounds.
Yet he was so cold toward you. "Jakey... c-can we cuddle?" you suddenly asked as you softly tug on his hoodie. The male turned around to look at you. oh the desperation in your eyes, you wanted to be in his arms. It was like everything he suffered for was worth this very moment. "Of course darling, anything for my love" he said with a smile as you hugged him tightly and fuck. he fucking loved it.
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Sunghoon was one to get easily jealous, plus him being a yandere, it's surprising he even lets you go out. The man just wanted to take you out on a nice date. You, him and the beautiful scenery. Yet there he saw you smiling and talking with Sunoo, his best friend who happened to be your cousin. He was fucking mad. As soon as you got home you regretted even looking in Sunoo's direction.
You were still bleeding from Sunghoon's punishment, and yet he saw you on the floor, cleaning up the smashed shards of glass that pierced your skin. He picked you up and slipped off your clothes, treating those cuts and slipping on one of his shirts on you. The man silently cleaned up all the smashed fragments, and mopped the floor, not wanting you to get hurt. "Hoon... can we cuddle?" you asked as the man looked at you "Fine..." he trailed off, finishing up the cleaning as he joined the bed with you
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Sunoo wasn't the type to get jealous that easily. Yet when he saw you smile at Haruto, and laughing at his jokes, he was beyond jealous. He was fucking pissed. The whole car ride home was filled with arguments and as soon as you got home, you knew what was going to happen. He yanked your jacket off of you and threw you in the basement, locking the door while you screamed and cried for him to let you out. He fucking hated your attitude.
When he did let you out, all he could do was smirk. You weren't arguing or glaring at him, you weren't biting at him every ten seconds. You was silent. Sunoo dried your hair and brushed it "So pretty... love you most when you aren't being a bitch to me you know love?" Sunoo asked as the girl turned to him. "C-Can we cuddle?" you asked as Sunoo smiled "Of course we can pretty girl, right after I do your hair" He said with a smile, kissing your nose.
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Jungwon can easily hide how he's feeling when he's around others, which is probably why you failed to notice how jealous he was when you were smiling and laughing with one of his colleagues. But you knew what you were in for when you saw the glare Jungwon sent you. You immediately pulled away from the male and went to Jungwon's side. Since that day, you were chained to your bed, wounds barely healing and you so badly wanted Jungwon.
The male walked in and out every now and then ignoring your cries. "J-Jungwon please can we cuddle?" You finally asked. It was way beyond your punishment time, and he missed you like fucking crazy. so he unchained you, and kissed your forehead "Go shower first, then we can cuddle." he said as the girl nodded.
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Everyone knew how much Riki hated Jisung. So to see you, his own girlfriend, help him had him insanely raging. Fuck what pissed him off more than that and your smiles, was the way the male checked you out. Riki dragged you home, slapping you as soon as he locked the door. Fuck he was so mad, locking you in the basement after piercing his initials into your thighs. He didn't let you stay in there for over a day. He didn't want you to die, he needed you alive, he needed you full stop.
So he let you out, helping you shower and get dressed into his clothes, after treating your wounds. This side of Riki, you loved like crazy. "I should just tattoo my name on you... maybe on your lower back, it's be pretty there, or on your wrist, gotta make it tiny tho-" "Riki can we just cuddle?" You ask as he stared at you. After a while he just kissed you, trailing more kisses down your neck "Stupid y/n... you can't let that mother fucker push you around like that baby" Riki said as he snuggled you, your head buried in his chest.
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heeseung-min · 16 days
You were staring frustratedly at the paper on your hand. The mark written on the top changed your mood drastically. You looked up and saw your classmates reaction towards their mark. Some looked happy, some are not and few of them were indifferent.
"I hope you guys can keep up to do better next time. Class dismissed."
Everyone started to put their things inside their bags and one by one slowly walked out of the class however when you already near the exit, you heard your teacher called your name. With disappointed huffed you turned to him with confuse expression.
"We need to talk about your performance in the class."
Slowly the class only have you and your professor. You waited him to say something but became irritated when he just doing his work without saying anything to you for few minutes.
"If you don't have anything to say, I will go out."
"Solve this question."
He said as he wrote the question on the whiteboard. You confusedly stared at him but he tilted his head towards the board waiting for you to move. When you picked up the marker and started to write the answer you can feel him standing behind you. You flinched when you felt one of his hand slided around your waist.
"Sir - "
"Why do you avoid me?" He asked with a gentle voice while putting his head on your shoulder and started to left kisses on your cheek and neck.
"Sir please- ", the hand that was holding the marker trembling when he touch became bold. When you felt he slowly pushed you to face him to kiss his lips, you pulled yourself out of his hold. You stood in front of him and glared at him.
"We should not do this. It's inappropriate."
"Really? You didn't say those that night."
"Sunghoon, please."
"Ahh, I miss hearing that. Especially when you were under -"
"STOP IT! That was a mistake. That night was a mistake. I'm sorry for causing that trouble."
Immediately, you left Sunghoon alone in the room. He stared at his hand that successfully took your handkerchief when he was hugging you and smelled on it before let out a moan.
"Fuck, you make me crazy Y/n."
It's been few days since the incident between you and your professor, Sunghoon. You didn't attend his class and asked some notes from your classmates claiming that you are sick to go to the class. Sunghoon became irritated when he didn't get to see you for few days. He was walking around the hallway replying to the greetings by the students but suddenly stopped when he saw you at the university's garden. He smiled at the sight of you but frowned upon a man sitting next to you laughing together.
"Really now? You choose him over me?"
He said that to himself as he started to walk away from there. No, Sunghoon will not let you go just like that. He will make sure you will come back to him no matter what.
It's 8.30 a.m. and you were walking on the hallway to get to your class however you noticed the students were gosipping about something. Seems like all of them were talking about the same thing. You felt weird and decided to take your phone out and read the group chat in case you missed some info.
When you clicked on the chat, everyone has shock response to a video that sent by anonymous in the group. You clicked on the video to play it. The whole video was captured in a dark place but you can see two silhouette in it. The position looks intimate and immediately you were shocked when you heard a loud moan on the video. You started to feel nervous and quickly ran to find someone.
Sunghoon was sipping on his warm coffee when you entered his room without knock on it. From your expression he knew what are you going to say but he just wants to pretend dumb for a second.
"May I know why are you here, Miss Y/n?"
"You....the video. I told you to delete it right? You said you deleted it already!!!"
Sunghoon scoffed and stood up from his seat and went to stand in front of you.
"You should not believe what people say easily baby."
Your face already wet by tears at this point. The thought of everyone finding out you fucked your lecturer is terrifying. You don't want to ruin your life.
"Why are you doing this to me?"
"You were the one in the fault baby. Should not go to another man when I'm literally right here. Plus, you should be lucky I didn't include the whole video. It just few seconds of your beautiful moan. If I put the whole video then imagine how surprise people are towards you."
The next thing happened shocked both of yourself and Sunghoon. You never imagine yourself kneeling and begging to him. This sight of you made Sunghoon a little bit hard.
"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. Please don't do that."
Ah, there it is. Sunghoon knew he can make you surrender and go back to him. You just need a little bit force.
"Oh, baby. I'm not that cruel. Just quit your study and live with me and we are good."
Oh, Y/n. You will never escape from Sunghoon.
Hiii it's been a long time i posted right😭😭😭god i hope you guys still like my story
Taglist: @stacey-stonem @duolingofanaccount @rowretro @obsessed1with1straykids @eeunoia @soireegurl @huggyuvita
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kittysarchive · 23 days
warnings- yandere
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Heeseung possessive yandere
In his mind, he owns you. And apart from that, he owns your life as well. You got fired from your job...because of him, your friends left you...because of him, you got evicted...because of him. He doesn't want to ruin your life, no, he wants you in his life.
Heeseung may even limit your own life such as slowly not allowing you to go outside, not allowing you to go to college, not allowing you to visit family. Heeseung loves you! But he wants you all to himself.
Jay obsessive yandere
Jay isn't as controlling as Heeseung however he is obsessed with you and spends every moment with you. He just can't get enough with you! And Jay will do what he can, so you only stay with him.
Jay will not only force you to move in with you, but if you Arnt even in a relationship, he will find a way for you to live with him or at least never stray too far away from him.
Jake protective yandere
To Jake, he is your protector. He believes you are fragile and could be hurt, he must protect you.
Going beyond lengths, his love and need to protect could ruin parts of your life such as forcing you out of your job, moving away or even making you believe you really are sick and need his love and protection. Either way you will end up in Jake's grasp.
Sunghoon manipulative yandere
With his charming smile, he will quickly get you under his wing.
Sunghoon knows you more than you do. He will get under your skin, force secrets out of you, tell you lies or just plainly manipulative you. Sunghoon won't even think for a second about gaslighting you. Of course he loves you, but he has to break you down and lie a bit first.
Sunoo innocent yandere
So cute and harmless, you don't even realize what Sunoo is doing behind the scenes.
Never laying a hand on you, he seems like the perfect match! You have the same interests and get along so well! You don't even realize Sunoo is slowly isolating you from the rest of your world.
Jungwon calculative yandere
Jungwon knows what he's doing and never fails to plan thoroughly in doing so.
Everything Jungwon does, all of his actions are planned out. To win you and your affection, he did a deep dive of research on you. All of his research and plans played out that it's almost as if you are soulmates.
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tinyenha · 9 months
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𝕸𝖞 𝕻𝖊𝖗𝖋𝖊𝖈𝖙 𝕸𝖆𝖓𝖓𝖊𝖖𝖚𝖎𝖓… (ℌ𝔢𝔢𝔰𝔢𝔲𝔫𝔤 & 𝔖𝔲𝔫𝔤𝔥𝔬𝔬𝔫 𝔖𝔢𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰) [18+]
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Genre: Dark, Horror, Yandere
Pairing: yandere!royalty!Heeseung x fem!reader (she/her pronouns) x yandere!royalty!Sunghoon
Featuring: Jaeyun (Jake) & Jongseong (Jay)
Trigger warning: 18+ content, mention about killing/blood/torture/manipulate/betray/violence, sad, angst, petname, oral (female received), praise/dirty talk, overstimulate, obsession, possessive, unprotected smut, cursing
The story is inspired by the games called "Mad Father" and "Dark Deception", the storyline in this series has a similar vibe but with additional parts that make the series even more darker and twisted.
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Met Y/N, one of the precious girls that lives at Lockwood Village along with her father, the only family member she has left. Y/N's mother died when she was still young because of sickness. Y/N always trusts her father more than anything because she loves her father so much. Her father rarely spends time with her but she didn't mind. She understands that her father works to give the best for her daughter.
Her father works as a mannequin maker, and many people especially royalty request him to make a bunch of them to use as a display for their dresses. Her father's work also involves dark magic and she doesn't even know that her father is capable of doing it. One day, the mysterious royal member takes an interest in her father's work and decides to work with her father to fulfill their dark desire. What happens when she discovers the mysterious royal member's intention? Will she be able to protect her father from danger?
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Trailer: Who are they?
Part I: Promise
Part II: Dark Desire (In progess...)
Part III: Heart Broken
Part IV: Forgive Me
Part V: Save Me
Part VI: Find You
Part VII: Goodnight
Taglist: OPEN!
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