#WoT Shitposting hour
asha-mage · 7 months
Randland World Leaders - Do they know the price of a banana apple?
Morgase Trakand - No, but she could get it in the right neighborhood if asked. Understands the economic influences that affect prices and knows roughly where Andor's sit at any given time.
Elayne Trakand - Pre world travels? Not with a gun to her head. She wouldn't give a false guess though, just avoid the question rather then admit ignorance. Post world travels she knows the prices of most common food stuffs for Andor and all of it's immediate neighbors with scary accuracy.
Rand al'Thor - Yes. One of the first things Rand does after taking over Tear is familiarize himself with tax policies and food production and grain trade. He is a farm boy at heart and has Powerful Opinions on cost of living.
Perrin Abyara - Nope. He thinks he does, but in reality he names the price of apples he paid aka, pre adventure. He knows that prices in general have gone up but if you tried to sell him an apple he would get offended when you wouldn't take the same price he paid prior to half a dozen kingdoms going to war, and the endless summer choking out trade. He wouldn't say anything though and just assume you where trying to squeeze a few coins out of him because he's dressed like some 'idiot lord'.
Faile- Yes. She knows exactly the price of apples grown in the Two Rivers and knows that it's out competing the neighboring provinces apples by a good margin. Does this have something to do with her threatening local officials to ensure they don't try to hard to compete with Two Rivers food prices? Maybe, but it's nothing Perrin can prove she did. HE dosen't know the price of apples.
Siuan Sanche - Apples? No. Fish? Yes. Siuan could tell you the price of every fish in the market at Tar Valon and what will be cheaper next month based on yields out of the south. This is not for economic reasons, it's because she still eats fish for 3 meals out of 4.
Berelain - Nope. She has economic advisers who she pays to know that. Her skill and perk points all went into Foreign Policy and Espionage, not Economics.
Alliandre - The price of apples keeps Alliandre up at night staring at her bedroom ceiling, fearing for her life. It turns out having a religious tyrant running rampart around your kingdom burning down farms and causing skyrocketing inflation by assaulting trade routes and exacting inconsistent 'tithes' on merchants will make you VERY familiar with the economic conditions of the common man. Every time the price of apples goes up a silver mark, Alliandre makes her food taster check her meals an extra time.
Tuon - Yes. Always good to know the price of local cyanide containing fruits, just in case.
Elaida - "It's an apple Alviarin? How much can it cost? 10 gold marks?"
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apprentice-grace · 5 years
Opinions of Friends #1
(I'm thinking of starting a documenting series of my interactions with arcana blogs! Since I know a few have become famous with a growing number of followers, newer blogs can get too shy/intimidated to befriend them. I think I can fix that! From my interactions (as a lil gremlin) with different arcana blogs, I will give my personal opinions and analyses on them so others know what to expect (are they memey? Screamy? Doodley? etc.) None of these will be hurtful or discriminating! I don't wanna create discourse! If something I say does, however, please let me know! Or if u have a request, ask me! My messages and inbox are always open!)
Oh very memey. Says they generally like "abstract memes". Uses "oh worm?", ";;;;;;", and caps when necessary. 1% of the time gets English wrong but that's ok, native speakers know it's weird. Their apprentice, Sven, is aggressively gay for Muriel. Lemme just say that again. Aggressively Gay™. Sven is a little shithead that likes picking fights that he very likely can't win. Opposite of "pick on someone your own size". Thick Scottish accent so Sven could easily shitpost in thick internet lingo (wot u want m8????)
May/may not send u a special doodle they haven't posted. Probably a dumb special doodle, but it's still special cuz only u got to see it. But yeah they like talking about Sven and the shit he can get into.
I introduced them to roleplaying! They seem to like it! But it sucks that we get clockblocked all the time cuz I'm 6 hours behind them! But so far the RP between Sven and Grace is going great. Sven almost died, mostly because he's a dumb :D
And that's my 2¢ on satanasss666 go follow them they're cool and wicked good at art :v
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t0m0kii · 6 years
green (bc u think ur ugly but ur not u fool!!), teal, yellow, white bc ur a fucking cryptid, scarlet, maroon, periwinkle, mauve, blush, fuchsia, copper, lavender, coral, razzmatazz, saffron, timberwolf, fallow, chartreuse, and burgundy. i lov u so much i'd die for u and if i ever meet u i will hug you so fuckign much if my ocd hell brain lets me
“GREEN = I think you’re cute.”
hnNBNJDBS ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THAT ((no but rlly thancc you H))
“TEAL = We have a lot in common”
we rlly do !!! that’s why we’re best friends ajsfbf
“YELLOW = I don’t know you at all.”
o definetely not, not a BIT no SIRREE we’re definetely not b E S T F R I E N D S or anythin
“WHITE = You scare me”
“SCARLET = You have influenced my decision/thoughts on something.”
d e a d a s s ? damb idek what i’ve influenced but by god i’ve done SOMETHIN
“MAROON = You taught me something new.”
D E A D A S S ? wot have i…….taught you…….my child………
“PERIWINKLE = You make me laugh”
man i’m barely even funny but you’RE THE FUNNIEST YOU’RE FUNNIER THAN I AM BUT THANCC YOU
“MAUVE = You are really talented”
HGSHGFHGD NO U !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“BLUSH = Seeing you on my dash makes my day a little better.”
LITERALLY right back atcha my dude
“FUCHSIA = Your blog content is gold”
“COPPER = Your blog content is trash (and I love it)”
“LAVENDER = You inspire me”
“CORAL = You’re a meme”
i am a living meme. i breathe shitposts
“RAZZMATAZZ = I would share my favorite food with you”
and i would share mine with you !!!!!!!
“SAFFRON = I love your ideas”
“TIMBERWOLF = I trust you”
i trust you with my life
“FALLOW = I want to run through the Northern wilderness barefoot with you”
“CHARTREUSE = You’re my homie”
you my homie…my homeslice breadslice….my cash money comrade…..my business partner and NOTHING MORE
“BURGUNDY = I get excited when I see posts from you”
half the time you probably have ZERO idea what i’m talking about tho bc it’s always real incoherent hours for me 24/7 LMAO BUT I ALWAYS LOVE SEEING YOUR POSTS TOO
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soulfullofold · 7 years
another ask box meme below the cut!!!! 🌸✨👀
Tagged by: @boldlywhoa hhheyyhyehyeh whasssUP
Rules: tag 10 of your followers that you want to know better!
Nicknames: ueer i just use my first name but my parents call me KB and my animal crossing villagers call me K-Town 
Height: 5′3 short boy
Time right now: 6:57pm .... ok i took a break and now it’s 10:47pm
Last thing i googled: What’s It Gonna be by Shura so i can watch one of my fave music videos of all time again!!!
Favorite music artist: why always this question omg uhh ive been really into PWR BTTM and listening to T&S’s entire discography... also just listening to @boldlywhoa‘s mchanzo playlist end me lmfao!!! (here!)
Song stuck in my head: none This Very Moment but  ^ cycles on repeat or butterfly by sogyumo acacia band
Last movie i watched: oh god uh im a film minor so this is hard for me to remember .... mm...m.. fairly sure either The Nights of Cabiria OR Notorious but i cant remember on which days i watched them .... ok i just watched moonlight!! so fuckign, good ,
Last tv show i watched: Hello, My Twenties! 
What im wearing right now: my gov school floor shirt, black shorts, a dark green myrtle beach sweatshirt, white hightops
When i created this blog: long time ago
The kind of stuff i post: bæd., , uh but like. mostly shitposts or relatable™ mental health shitposts lmfao, ,,, uhh also overwatch or the adventure zone orr gæy shite
Do you have other blogs:           sweats  ,,, ye... uh i have my aesthetic/art insp blog @370642 , a ref blog, an overwatch shit blog @jesse-mcthoughts, but also like 80 billion saved urls and a few other secret blogs lmfao
Do i get asks regularly: wot no i dont ,,, it’s always quiet here
Why did i chose my url: m this is my first url and ive been too lazy to change my brand even tho i picked it when i was like 14 and in that weird metaphysical hipster edgy phase u know.. the TRUE REAL STORY is that i made a fucking list on paper of all the possible urls i would want and i fucking went in order to see what was taken and what wasnt and this was the first in the list that wasnt l m  f a o   i wanna change it so bad but i feel like. im here now.
Gender:  girl  ll i guess lmfao it’s important to me that im a girl but like,,, gender performance is naught
Hogwarts house: ravenclaw!
Pokémon team: omg , ok, hold on while i pull up my top ten pokes chart i spent like 5 hours making a few months ago.,, OK ofc depends on the region but like if we’re a-regional and without legendaries (mew is , so important to me) here we GOOO: sceptile, arcanine, dratini, alteria, lapras, annd eevee bc i too have no idea what i’ll be when i grow up
Favorite colors:  mmmmmm dark green, black, light blue, natural colors i guess
Average hours of sleep: im really trying to get like 9 but it’s mostly 6 or 7
Lucky number: 23 (birthday!), 42 (trash), 3706 (runescape)  ... i guess that’s like it ?
Favorite characters: always a doozey and always fluctuating but i’ll keep it short: the tos triumvirate, hamlet (lmfaooo we project like men), hanzo, mccree, zenyatta,,, taako,,, garyl... the version of myself that’s cool...
Dream job: im not sure...maybe travelling (photo)/(film)/journalist?? zinemaker if i can make enough for rent and food... artist? im not sure
Number of blankets i sleep with: well the temperature in my dorm room fluctuates a lot bc im on the corner in a brick building that gets full sun... so like... it hot in the day but cold in the night so like 1 thin sheet, 1 medium thique fuzzy blanket (cover?), and a lorge moose-print fleece blanket in the not-summer.... aand sometimes i double up my small k/s fleece blanket to cover my shoulders for the Weight not the warmth. so like. now that im done oversharing, .. 2-3
Following: 556 EJSUS  CHISrt, i just follow so many little-updating art portfolio blogs .... fuucc ,,
anyways i tag: @sunprintedbedsheets @rosalindfranklins @intergalacticvagina @rronanlynnch @sovience @sckwiid @pretendingtobeclever @aquaeus @lesbianzenyatta @quentinscoldwater
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dom--minnie · 3 years
Tag game: interview
Tagged by @es-kay-zee thank you baybee!
Why did you choose your url?
I wanted dom-minnie to separate the m's but ot was taken so the double hyphen was born
Do you have any sideblogs? If you do name them and say why you have them.
LOL I'm just gonna expose subbun00 for my hornies if you want those. I also have a VERY embarassing soft blog that I will not drop. Maybe ever
How long have you been on tumblr?
Too long! Um 4 years now I think? This blog... 7 months?
Do you have a queue tag?
Yeah '🌆 queue time' even though I forget to use it half the time lmao
Why did you start your blog?
I had seen smut (half the time in the damn fluff tags 🙄) and it just seemed like another avenue for me to write and explore
Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
The suspenders make me lose my entire mind and the white fits with my theme 😜👉
Why did you choose your header?
Hehe I like being called 'good kitten' but it also works if I'm saying it! Badabing badaboom (I'm sorry)
What's your post with the most notes?
Kinktober Day 7 with Changbin
How many mutuals do you have?
35! (I think)
How many followers do you have?
How many people do you follow?
Have you ever made a shitpost?
How often do you use tumblr each day?
Too much. Probably hour and a half or more total? Yikes 😬
Have you ever had a fight/argument with another blog? Who won?
Lmao no. I really don't see the point in 99% of cases even if I disagree with someone
How do you feel about 'you need to compare' posts?
Wot 👁👄👁 someone explain?
Do you like tag games?
I love em! It's nice to know that people remember my existence here. Even though it takes me 6+ years to actually do them 😔
Do you like ask games?
Love em pt2. I just get an ask if I'm lucky so I hardly bother ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
Oh uh so many, at least popular in this skz smut readers and writers community. @/popisdead @/hanflix @/seungisms @/seungmoomin (one of my first followers 😭) yeah, lots of popular writer moots
Do you have a crush on a mutual?
😳 we are actively yeeting it into non-existence however. I can talk about past crushes if you're nosy though~
Tagging: @gothicstay @hyunyin @jisungsplatforms and anyone else who is interested in these questions!
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asha-mage · 19 days
I'm at that level of inability to sleep where I've just sailed past the question of 'would Laios dunmeshi try to eat Myrddraal and Trollocs' and landed right on 'how would Senshi dunmeshi attempt to cook Myrddraal and Trollocs'.
So far all I've managed to come up with is pickled Myrddraal and Roast Trolloc but that feels like it lacks the creativity senshi would bring to the table.
Maybe a stew? A kabob? A stir fry?
.....meat pie?
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asha-mage · 10 months
Ishamael should have done what I do when I am overcome by existential despair: buy some Taco Bell then pet cats until the world feels bearable again.
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asha-mage · 8 months
Born to marinate endlessly in Wheel Of Time thoughts, cursed by capitalism to need to work.
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asha-mage · 6 months
I can't decide if Mat would like Frederick the Great, would hate Frederick the Great, or WAS Frederick the Great in a past life.
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asha-mage · 6 months
me, staring into the deep dark truth of the mirror: did.....did WoT give me my affinity for handsome werewolf men?
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asha-mage · 7 months
Man I've said this before, but if they made a WoT Gacha I would be so ruined so quickly.
Like can you IMAGINE the Halloween specials they would be running right now? Cute Sheet Ghost Rand? Witch Nynaeve? Perrin with FUZZY WEREWOLF EARS POKING OUT OF HIS CURLS?
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asha-mage · 8 months
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asha-mage · 8 months
Me at the state fair: I am SO Nynaeve and Elayne core right now.
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asha-mage · 2 years
We joke about how Rand is surrounded by Evil Men who want him carnally, but can we talk about how Perrin is just a MAGNET for men with simmering homoerotic attachment to him? Aram, Gaul, Slayer, Bornhold, Byar- a SHOCKING number of men either want to devote their lives to serving Perrin or tearing him down completely.
Hell, even his battlefield banter with Galad reads a little bit like flirting.
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asha-mage · 10 months
Ishmael would have hated The Good Place send tumble.
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asha-mage · 2 years
I feel like their should be a specific club in Randland for 'unwillingly installed world leaders'. Rand, Perrin, Egwene, Mat, Galad, Darlin, Lan- just to name a few.
Or maybe just a support group.
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