Drabble Wrap-Up
Way back in August of 2022, we kind of stumbled into the idea of a monthly drabble challenge. It was more successful--and more fun!--than we could've hoped. But, as they say, all good things must end, and we retired the challenge with 2023.
But before we bid a final farewell, we wanted to share with you a brief wrap-up on the days of Developing Drabbles.
From 17 monthly prompts, 14 different authors joined in with 213 works; those works had over 40,000 views and received more than 6,000 kudos. That's a lot of writing and reading, and we thank each and every one of you who joined us in this challenge!
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penna-nomen · 9 months
For this month's prompt of "term" for White Collar Developing Drabbles organized by @operationmorewhitecollar
Usually I get distracted by other things, but this time inspiration struck after I read the bonus drabble @enolaholmes18 posted this week
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November Drabble
Welcome to November, friends, and to our penultimate drabble prompt. Can't wait to see you unlock your creativity (see what we did there?) in exactly 100 OR 200 words!
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That's right, it's been a full year since we started our #DevelopingDrabbles monthly drabble prompts! 🥳
We gave some thought to bringing the challenge to a close with the 12th prompt, but since we sort of haphazardly began in the middle of the year, we thought we'd carry on for a few more months and finish up at the end of the calendar year, especially since we're loving the entries we've been getting! That means there'll still be monthly prompts through December, and we're looking forward to seeing what else you guys have in store for us.
So, you know the drill, write us exactly 100 words (drabble) OR exactly 200 words (double-drabble) for the monthly theme, and then post it to the AO3 collection, and share it to your heart's content!
This month's theme: Learn.
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October Drabble
Here we are in a new month, new quarter, new season, so we definitely need a new drabble prompt! (Or, a double drabble prompt, if you're feeling particularly wordy!)
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This time, we're waiting to see what you can do with the word 'fair.' You're always so creative, we're sure to see lots of fun entries!
And, as mentioned a couple of months ago, we'll be wrapping up this particular adventure at the end of the year, so this marks the beginning of our final quarter of drabble prompts. So if you've been waiting to join in the fun, you're running out of time!
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June Drabble Prompt
Welcome to a brand new month, y'all!
If we haven't said it lately (which we surely haven't, because we've not been around), we LOVE seeing the new drabbles roll in every month. Can't wait to see where this one leads us!
So, for the month of June, we're looking for 100 words (or 200, if you'd prefer to write a double drabble), using the word 'Proud.'
Let the drabble times roll!
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September Drabble
Well, at least around these parts, fall is not really in the air just yet, but it is just around the corner. And, as always, a new month brings a new drabble prompt. For September, we're looking for drabbles or double drabbles (exactly 100 or 200 words) incorporating the theme of 'Term.'
School terms, terms of art, terms and conditions . . . whatever speaks to you. We're looking forward to the creations!
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July Prompt
It's that time again! Hit us with your best hundred word fic. Or, if you're feeling particularly chatty, give us a 200 word double-drabble! This month's word is "Free." Let's see what you've got!
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Hey, all, welcome to a brand new month! And, of course, that means a brand new drabble prompt, too.
By now you know the drill: write exactly 100 words for a drabble, exactly 200 for a double-drabble, then add them to our AO3 collection and/or share around on your socials (tagging us, of course) so everyone can enjoy them. This month our prompt is 'Rain.' Let's see what you've got!
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May Drabble Prompt
Welcome to a brand new month, everybody! And that means a brand new opportunity for writers and readers to dabble in drabbles!
This month's theme is 'Grow,' so write us precisely 100 OR 200 words and let's see what's on your mind.
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New month, new drabble prompt. Let's see what kind of LUCK you all can come up with for the White Collar gang!
Drabbles (100 words) and double-drabbles (200 words) and any kind of artwork cheerfully accepted!
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Yep, we've got Mozzie Mania coming up later this month (the 20th, to be exact), but we still need to get our drabble on! (Of course, you're free to combine the events if you'd like to write a drabble about Mozzie!)
Anyway, without further ado, the drabble prompt for February is 'devotion.' Let's see what you've got!
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October Drabble Prompt
Welcome to October and a brand new drabble prompt!
We've been getting so many drabbles with this challenge and we love it. Thank you to all the contributors and please keep them coming!
So, for the month of October, our prompt will be "Unexpected."
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Will it be a case taking a strange turn, surprising declarations, or maybe Halloween shenanigans? Whatever it is, tell us all about it in exactly 100 words (or exactly 200 if you prefer a double drabble). We can't wait to see what sort of unexpected adventures await our White Collar friends!
Also, although this was conceived of as a fiction challenge, we sure do love art, too, and AO3 accepts art, so heck, we say if these prompts speak to you and make you want to draw something, or maybe if you read one of the drabbles and think a nice piece of art would enhance the fic, we'll be glad to see it in the collection!
Oh, and if you're sharing your creations here or on other socials, don't forget to tag us and use the hashtag(s). We're looking forward to all the unexpected things!
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The first drabble prompt of 2023
Welcome to a brand new shiny year! We've been having fun with these drabble prompts, and they've generated dozens of responses, so we're going to keep them going this year. (We're debating if there's a natural ending point, and if there is, if that's after one year of the challenge or maybe at the end of 2023, but we've got lots of time to decide that. Still, feel free to weigh in if you've got an opinion.)
Anyway, at a time of new beginnings, "opportunity" seems to be at the forefront of a lot of minds, so we think it's an appropriate prompt for this month. So, let's see those drabbles and double-drabbles, as well as any art anyone might want to contribute!
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December Prompt
New month, new prompt!
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The silence of fallen snow? A peaceful moment with a newborn? An aggravated instruction? The possibilities for "hush" are almost endless, and you've got 100 words to tell us about any of them. (Or 200, if you're feeling particularly chatty!)
And don't forget, even though this started life as a fic challenge, we're always open to any art based on the prompt, too, and we'd love it if you give us a picture!
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Where are the instructions for developing drabbles?
Hey there! There aren't a lot rules--just write exactly 100 words, or exactly 200 words for the monthly prompt--but you can find the introduction to our drabble challenge here. And the AO3 collection (including the full list of prompts) can be found here.
And we absolutely don't have a rule about posting deadlines, so anyone who's finding our challenge now, feel free to jump on in!
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